Elizabeth Grey - Parts 7 And 8: So Far Away And Singing Dogs Or Something? free porn video

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Elizabeth Grey - Part 07: So Far Away By Carmenica Diaz The black dress still fitted me well when I slipped it on. I had a small anxiety attack, suddenly worrying it wouldn't, that it had all been a dream but it did. For the second time that day, I stood in front of a mirror and stared at myself, astounded. I followed the make up instructions and it was amazing how dramatically different I looked. Of course, I thought, the fact I don't have glasses anymore must make a big difference. Also the hair, of course, I couldn't believe what he had done to it. It felt full and silky to the touch, the auburn highlights made the dark hair come alive and it framed my face perfectly. Angela looked fabulous in a blue cocktail dress, but she was stunned when she saw me in that black dress again. It was a deceptively simple dress, cut on classical lines that accentuated my curves and with a low neckline. I wore sheer black tights and black heels. 'Wow. I have a necklace and bracelet you should wear.' Angela dashed back to her room and returned with a gold necklace and matching bracelet. 'Liz, I just can't get over how much you've changed!' 'You look great too, Angie.' 'Thanks, I feel rather good about myself but I think I'll be playing second fiddle tonight,' she said with a laugh as the buzzer told us the taxi had arrived. 'Nervous?' Angela asked me in the cab. 'Yes,' I admitted. 'I'm actually terrified, Angie.' 'Terrified? You've been playing for years,' Angela smiled, 'now singing as well and it can't be that difficult, you sound great...' 'No,' I interrupted, 'I'm terrified that they will know... that they'll see what I am...' 'What you are? Liz, you're a woman and that's all anyone will ever see.' She squeezed my hand and peered out the window. 'I think we're here. Come on.' Bellini's was well known as the place the stars went to eat and was, so I've been told, outrageously expensive. It was in Royal Hospital Road in Chelsea and reservations, apparently, were made months in advance. 'Have you ever been here, Angie?' I whispered as we walked into the foyer. I could glimpse tables with white tablecloths through the gap in the brocaded curtain that shielded the doorway. 'You must be joking,' Angela whispered back, 'I could never afford this.' 'Yes?' A man with a permanently upturned nose that bordered on a sneer looked us up and down. 'Can I assist you?' I cleared my throat. 'Yes, I think so. We were invited by Jeremy Bingham...' 'The Bingham party?' He looked at a list. 'And you are?' 'Elizabeth Grey and this is Angela Marsh.' He nodded and I sighed with a relief. For an awful moment, I thought our names wouldn't be on the list. 'This way, please,' he said ushering us to a panelled door, opened it and allowed us to go through. The room had heavy drapes around the walls and a long table in a crisp white tablecloth dominated the centre of the room. Four candelabras were spread down the centre of the table that was set for at least thirty people with sparkling cutlery. I saw small place cards next to the crystal wineglasses at each setting. People, mostly men in dinner suits and a few women in cocktail dresses were drinking champagne at the far end of the room between the table and the piano. I stared at that baby grand with a microphone on a stand adjusted so I could play and sing at the same time and it suddenly hit me. 'Oh my,' I whispered to Angela, a thousand butterflies instantly deciding to fly around my stomach. 'Rather scrumptious, isn't it?' Angela said softly just as Jeremy saw us. 'Liz!' he cried, rushed over and hugged me. 'You look bloody gorgeous, dear,' he said, holding me at arms length and beaming. Angela waited and I could see she was nervous, probably wondering how Jeremy was going to greet her. She didn't need to worry. 'Angie!' Jeremy hugged her and told her she was stunning. 'Thanks to you,' she said with a relieved smile. 'Come girls, let me introduce you.' I smiled to everyone as Jeremy whirled us around the group, a glass of champagne thrust into our hands and trying vainly to remember their names. I was surprised to find some well-known television personalities, an actor or two and even young politicians. Jeremy, I realised, had connections. 'Liz and Angie, this is Arno Lalian,' Jeremy said introducing us to a slim man with slick back shining dark hair. 'Angie fell in love with your kitchen, Arno,' Jeremy said with a wicked smile. 'I am glad,' he said with a small bow and a smile. 'It was wonderful,' Angela said, flustered. 'Come on, you can talk kitchens later, dears.' Jeremy bustled us on and introduced us to a tall man with greying hair and piercing blue eyes. He smiled at us and I wondered why some men just look like they were born to wear dinner suits while others look like something the cat dragged in. 'This is Colin Locke,' Jeremy said and I could see that no cat had ever dragged Mr Locke anywhere. 'It's a pleasure,' he said in a deep voice and his smile danced over me. I didn't know what to say, thankfully, Jeremy kept talking. 'Time to sit down everybody,' he announced to the group. 'You'll find your places easily enough. 'Can I escort you to the dining table, Miss Grey?' Colin asked, offering his arm. 'Thank you, I said softly, taking his arm and he seemed to know exactly where to go, taking me directly to where the place card said Miss Elizabeth Grey in copperplate writing. I glanced over and saw Angela had been escorted by Arno and was holding her chair while she sat. Colin did the same for me and I was surprised when I saw he was seated on my left. 'I'm afraid Jeremy told me where I was sitting and I was looking forward to discovering who the dining companion on my right would be. I can assure you, I am not disappointed.' I knew I was blushing madly and just smiled, knowing I would sound like a total idiot if I tried to say something. Angela was seated across the table and a little to my left and she smiled encouragingly at me. An older man introduced himself as Geoffrey Taylor as he sat and he nodded to Colin. The first course arrived, delivered by discreet waiters in white coats and black trousers. They even had spotless white gloves on and their faces were expressionless as they served each of us. It was delicious but I couldn't eat that much as I was so nervous. Jeremy suddenly appeared at my side. 'I'll make a little speech after the main course and then you'll play?' he whispered. 'You haven't changed your mind have you?' 'Of course not, I'm just as nervous as hell.' 'You'll be wonderful.' 'I just hope I won't let you down.' 'Liz,' Jeremy said warmly, 'you could never do that.' Geoffrey obviously heard and, as Jeremy rushed back to his seat at the head of the table. 'You are playing for us tonight, Miss Grey?' Colin turned to listen. 'Yes,' I said, 'just a few songs. I'm afraid I'm rather nervous,' I said with a small laugh. 'I'm sure it will be wonderful,' Colin said and then looked across me at Geoffrey. 'How's the newspaper business, Geoffrey? I read your column every morning.' 'Thank you Colin,' Geoffrey replied as the plates for the first course were being whisked away. 'And you're still in the city, wheeling and dealing?' 'I'm afraid so,' Colin said with a self-deprecating grin. I sat between them, hands in my lap, listening as the main course arrived, trying to make the butterflies fly away. 'Didn't I hear you were getting married?' Geoffrey asked as he picked up his wineglass. I pricked up my ears at that and also reached for my glass. 'I'm afraid that rather fell through,' Colin said. 'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, old man,' Geoffrey said and Colin smiled wryly at me. 'I'm terribly sorry,' I said softly, looking at him through my lashes. 'Don't be, it's much better this way, I think.' I tasted the main course and like the entr?e, it was delicious but the butterflies had filled my stomach so I was only able to nibble. Jeremy was in conversation with a man seated on his right and Angela was listening intently to Arno. Finally, Jeremy rose, tapped his wineglass with his spoon and my heart began pounding. 'It's always nice to have thirty five of my closest friends to dinner,' he said and there was laughter around the table. 'It's also very nice that you've all come to help me celebrate my fortieth birthday. It's his birthday! I looked at Angela who made big eyes at me. I was immediately embarrassed that we had arrived with no idea and without a gift. Someone called out that he didn't look a day over fifty and he grinned. 'Fifty what, dear?' There was more laughter. 'I have a special treat for us tonight,' Jeremy smiled at me and my heart suddenly filled my mouth. 'My dear friend Elizabeth Grey has agreed to sing and play for us. This will be her first public performance as a vocalist and mark my words it won't be her last. I know that in years to come when you see her perform, you'll be able to brag that you saw her first public performance at dear old Jeremy Bingham's birthday party.' More laughter and smiles around the table and Jeremy nodded wisely. 'You may laugh now, but wait until you hear her,' he said and the table grew silent. 'My friends, Elizabeth Grey!' Trying to smile, I stood up and walked to the piano, sliding onto the bench and slyly slipping my shoes off as I switched the microphone on. As soon as my fingers touched the keys, the nervousness disappeared and I smiled at the dining table where everyone was watching me intently. Deciding against saying anything, I immediately began playing 'I've Got You Under My Skin', extending the introduction to give a sense of the chorus and then leaned into the microphone, I began to sing. I've got you under my skin I've got you deep in the heart of me So deep in my heart, that you're really a part of me "I've got you under my skin..." Ignoring the audience, I sank into the song, even closing my eyes once or twice as I sang the bridge and I ended the song with a small flourish as I sang the last words - I've got you under my skin. The applause thundered in that small room and I saw Angela beaming widely as she applauded and Jeremy was grinning, nodding at me. 'Thank you so much,' I said and the clapping died. 'This is a Billie Holiday song I love.' Smiling and taking a large breath, I began cold with the piano a split-second behind and concentrated on getting the correct phrasing. "Autumn in New York Why does it seem so inviting Autumn in New York It spells the thrill of first-nighting..." This time when I finished, I was surprised to see some leaping to their feet as they applauded; some even called Bravo! Bravo! Jeremy was also on his feet, clapping, and I nodded at him and played a few notes so the applause died. I vamped a bluesy tone, deep bass roll with the bottom hand and a higher alternate run with the top and sang as sultrily as I good, really vamping it, "Happy Birthday, dear Jeremy Happy Birthday to you..." Delighted laughter rippled around the table and Jeremy was laughing madly. I played a few different styles and then began it again, this time saying to the audience, 'All together now,' and everyone sang happy birthday to Jeremy. More applause and I smiled at Jeremy. 'And do you have a request, birthday boy?' Jeremy wriggled his eyebrows and, amongst the laughter, I heard someone call out, 'pity you bat for the other team, old man,' and that brought more laughter. 'Yes, I have a request, Liz,' Jeremy said after the laughter had died. 'That song you sang the other night, I'd love to hear it again.' 'Of course,' I murmured into the microphone and my fingers rippled across the keys, playing the introduction and then I sang. "So far away Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore? It would be so fine to see your face at my door..." Instead of ending the song and I ran into the opening bars of another Carole King song and sang. "Tonight you're mine completely You give your love so sweetly Tonight the light of love is in your eyes But will you still love me tomorrow?..." Everyone was standing this time, clapping wildly and Jeremy almost ran over, pulling me up and hugging me after kissing my cheek. 'Simply marvellous, Liz,' he said softly, taking one hand and turning to face the cheering group at the table. 'I told you,' Jeremy sang out and the applause doubled. Blushing I stepped back into my shoes and some laughed at that and Jeremy escorted me to the table. People congratulated me as I sat and Angela was winking at me. 'I must admit,' Colin said after everyone had turned to his or her wine, 'your voice rather surprised me.' 'It did?' Did he know, I worried, did he tell by my voice. 'I expected a sweet voice, girlish but yours is exotic, husky and rather sensual. Similar to Billie Holiday or Nina Simone; I'm not quite sure who, but it was marvellous.' 'It's just me,' I said shyly. 'That's it exactly,' Colin smiled. 'Instead of seeking comparisons, I should just accept it as you, a wonderful you,' he added in that deep voice, his piercing eyes playing warmly over me. 'And a wonderful choice of material, Miss Grey,' Geoffrey said. 'I haven't heard that Billie Holiday song for years and it was marvellous.' Geoffrey stood, tapped his glass and said, 'as Jeremy's oldest friend, I'd like to propose a toast as we celebrate his first forty years on this planet. Happy birthday, Jeremy and may you have many more.' We all stood and raised our glasses, repeating the toast and then sat down and Jeremy thanked Geoffrey. Arno stood and said, 'I would like to thank Jeremy for this very elegant dinner.' Diners murmured agreement and there was small applause as Arno continued, 'I would also like to thank Jeremy for introducing us to the extremely talented Elizabeth Grey.' 'Hear, hear,' some one called, more applause and Angela smiled at me. 'I don't think we will ever forget this marvellous performance,' Arno said, 'that we have been fortunate to witness tonight. My friends, a toast, to the talented Miss Elizabeth Grey.' Blushing, I accepted their toast and dinner settled back down as we enjoyed dessert, cheese and coffee with port. I had begun to calm down and was chatting with Colin when Angela signalled towards the bathroom. 'Excuse me for a moment,' I said, gathering my bag. Both Colin and Geoffrey stood as I left the table and followed Angela into the ladies. She hugged me fiercely, 'Liz, you were bloody fabulous! You are so talented! I was so proud.' 'Thanks Angie, I'm rather glad it's over.' 'Over, what do you mean over? You're not going to stop singing are you?' I shrugged. 'Heather does all the singing, Angie, so I'll be able to relax and just play the piano on the tour. I'm rather looking forward to it.' 'But when we get back, why not sing then?' Laughing, I checked my face in the mirror. 'I'll worry about that then.' 'I won't let you stop, you know,' Angela said firmly. 'I said we'll see, I don't know what the future holds, Angie. Are you enjoying yourself? You seem to be in deep conversation with Arno?' 'No,' she said calmly, 'he's in deep conversation with himself. If I hear any more about how hard it is to design kitchens, I'll scream!' Laughing, I hugged her. 'Thanks for coming, Angie.' 'I am enjoying myself, Liz and I'm so glad I was able to be here to hear you, to see just how wonderfully talented you are.' On the way back to the table, a woman in blue dress stopped me. 'Miss Grey, could I have a word?' She was older and rather plain with short hair and I wondered if, somehow, she had guessed about me, was going to reveal me. 'Yes, of course,' I said, trying to appear calm. 'I thoroughly enjoyed your performance. Are you performing anywhere else?' 'I've just joined Heather James All-Stars for a tour so I'll be on that for a while.' 'Singing?' 'No,' I smiled, 'I'll be back to my real job of playing the piano.' 'I rather think, Miss Grey,' she said seriously, 'that your real job is singing as well as playing. Here's my card, please call me if you decide to pursue a solo career. I think you're very talented.' She smiled and I read the card as she left - Fiona Woolf, Theatrical Agent. Angela and I said goodbye to Jeremy as we could see he was settling in for a long night. Once again, as we said goodbye to the others, they thanked me for the performance and were extremely nice. In the back of the taxi, I breathed a sigh of relief. Angela was singing will you still love me tomorrow softly as she looked out the window. Her voice was sweet and melodic with a higher range than mine. 'You should think about a singing career,' I said, head resting back on the seat. 'Me?' Angela was surprised. 'Don't talk rubbish, Liz.' I laughed and closed my eyes. Life is so new and wonderful, I thought, I feel so alive. 'I wonder how Edward is coping?' Angela said in a small voice and my eyes snapped open. 'I'm sure he'll be fine, Angie, I really do. I have a feeling everything will work out.' Angela nodded and I squeezed her hand as she watched the city lights go by. 'I hope you're right, Liz,' Angela said softly. I hope I am, I thought, but a sinister foreboding seeped through me and I shivered. 'I love him so much, it hurts,' Angela said plaintively and I reached out to hug her but she shrank against the door. 'I'd do anything to free him,' she said in a low fierce voice, 'I would.' I know that, I thought, it's obvious to me and, worried, I watched her, wondering if she had drank too much wine or something. 'This has to work,' she said at last. 'It will,' I assured her, 'I know it will.' Part 08: Singing dogs or something? Sunday was a really lazy day. Both of us didn't emerge from our respective beds until late morning and it was after eleven before we stepped outside in search of brunch. 'Rehearsals begin tomorrow, Liz,' Angela said as we walked into her favourite caf? in Kensington. 'I think you'll get a rough time from the rest of the band. Apparently, the previous piano player was well liked.' 'I'll just play and keep to myself, I'm rather good at that,' I said with a smile. I'll be invisible, I thought, be carpet again. We sat down and took the menus. Suddenly, Angela leaned over, tapped my hand and smiled as she said, 'you've got somebody's attention. Don't look!' 'What...' 'There's a table of lads behind you and they stared at you as you walked in.' 'Stared at you more likely, stared at the blonde bombshell...' 'I'm hardly a bombshell, Liz,' Angela said with a firm smile, 'and I don't think you fully understand your impact on the poor male of the species.' 'Can you leave it out? It's beyond the joke, Angie, I...' 'All right, all right, just wait,' she hands up, giving up. 'I'm telling you that there'll be a bloke at this table within the next twenty minutes, and he will try to talk to you.' 'Angie...' 'Mark my words. Now, I think I'll have the fresh fruit and a coffee, I'm really dying for a coffee.' Uneasily, I ordered and tried to ignore Angela's smug smile. 'Do you like working with Heather?' I asked, trying to get the conversation back to a normal tone. 'She's very disorganised,' Angela said, sipping the coffee as soon as it arrived at our table, 'but I don't think she's very well.' 'She's ill?' I asked, immediately concerned. 'Not at the moment but I heard Max talking and he was concerned about her health.' 'Why, what's wrong?' Angela shrugged, glancing behind me. 'I don't know.' She broke into a broad smile. 'I was right,' she whispered, 'now you'll see.' I looked at her puzzled and suddenly a young man was standing at the table smiling. He nodded and smiled at Angela and then turned to me and smiled broadly. 'Hello,' he said, 'I just had to come over. I'm Kiefer Brennan.' 'Oh?' I said coolly and Angela giggled into her hand. He seemed a little deflated but tried to recover. 'Can I ask your name?' 'Why?' I smiled at the waitress who arrived to place my fruit on the table before me. The waitress glanced at me and then stared at the young man at the table before moving away. I glanced up at the young man. He was handsome and rather cute in a boyish way, his hair was cut in the latest fashion and he was very well dressed. He was also wearing Italian aftershave that was quite sensual but masculine. He stared at me, an incredulous look on his face. 'You don't know who I am, do you?' 'Didn't you just introduce yourself?' I said, puzzled and, honestly, becoming just a little irritated. 'You don't, do you?' 'I have no idea what you're talking about. Thank you for dropping by,' I said icily, glaring at Angela who was convulsing in her chair with silent laughter. Why isn't she helping me get rid of this obnoxious man? The young man smiled, nodding. 'I get it, you don't like football, do you?' 'Football? I don't understand what football has to do with the brunch I am attempting to enjoy!' 'Do you like football?' he persisted. 'I hate it,' I said calmly. 'It's been very pleasant but...' He burst into laughter. 'The only good looking bird in the restaurant, no offence, love,' he quickly said to Angela and she laughed. 'None taken, I assure you.' 'The only good looking one and she doesn't know who I am...' 'I would love to enjoy my brunch,' I said coldly. 'This has been interesting but...' 'You know who I am, don't you?' he said to Angela who nodded, her hand over her mouth. 'Well, tell her, will you?' He smiled at me. 'Can you at least tell me your name before I go?' 'Elizabeth Grey,' I sighed. 'Thank you...' 'Yeah, I know, thanks for dropping by. See you around, Elizabeth Grey.' He walked back to his table and Angela burst into laughter. 'All right, all right,' I snapped, stabbing angrily at the fruit, 'you were right...' 'Liz,' she said urgently, 'do you know who that was?' 'I have no idea. I am just totally embarrassed by the entire...' 'Kiefer Brennan,' she said seriously, 'is the star of Manchester United and is worth millions of pounds.' 'Oh my,' I murmured, head down over my fruit, 'he's a football star?' 'Afraid so, darling, you just gave the cold shoulder to the bloke most women in this restaurant would throw their knickers at. Did you see the look the waitress gave him?' 'Oh my,' I said again and Angela giggled. 'Can I point out that he didn't come over to talk to the so called blonde bombshell?' 'Oh no,' I despaired, 'did I make a fool of him? I hope not. Was I nasty? I didn't mean...' 'He's laughing with the lads he's with, he's obviously telling them that you had no idea and they think it's hilarious because he's on the front and back page of every newspaper in the country.' 'I think I'll have another coffee,' I moaned. 'Sure you wouldn't like a little whisky in your coffee, Liz?' Angela asked sweetly. 'For medicinal purposes, to calm you down, perhaps?' 'Angie, shut up!' 'Anything you say, Liz,' Angela said innocently, 'anything you say'. Monday morning came soon enough and Angela and I travelled to the Red Note for rehearsals. I was nervous but vowed I wouldn't show it. Heather's jaw dropped when we walked in. Although we were in casual clothes, I couldn't believe what the mirror continued to show me and, apparently, neither could Heather. 'Liz? Is that you?' Yes, I wanted to shout out to my family and the world, this is me! Instead, I just said, 'Good morning, Heather, we're not late are we?' 'Late?' Heather stared at me. 'Well, a little, but forget that, what have you done, you look fabulous?' 'I had my hair done and decided to wear contacts,' I said airily. Max's jaw dropped and he fumbled for his cigar. 'Wow,' was all he could say. Tarted up enough for you, Max? I wanted to snap but all I did was smile sweetly at him. 'Angela, can you get onto the visas and the other stuff we spoke about?' 'Of course, I'll get onto it now. Good luck,' Angela said, squeezing my arm before she left. 'The rest of the band are over there, I'll introduce you. Girls,' Heather called out and the group of women turned. Here we go, I thought as they all looked me up and down, time to see how I fit in. I tried to smile and worried that one of them would see straight through me and suddenly shout out, that's a man, a man with boobies but a man nevertheless! 'This is Elizabeth Grey, our pianist. That's Cleo,' Heather said pointing at the only black woman in the band, 'drums and vibes.' Cleo nodded but didn't say anything. 'This is Barbara who plays bass and Mandy is our guitarist. She plays lead or rhythm depending on the number.' Mandy, a tall woman with dark shortish hair shrugged and Barbara almost scowled at me. 'Melissa you met at the auditions.' The blonde woman who played the clarinet smiled at me. At least I have one friend. 'And this is Jenny, saxophone, she plays all saxes, by the way and Martina is our trumpet player.' I smiled and said, 'I hope I can remember the names.' 'I don't think anyone cares,' Barbara muttered but I chose to ignore it. Max handed bundles of sheet music to each of us, almost leering at me when he gave me mine and as I walked to the piano I heard Barbara say, 'obviously one of Max's birds, all looks, no talent, probably no brains either.' 'Why don't you put a sock in it?' Mandy said in reply. 'Sod off!' Barbara said fiddling with her bass. 'You first,' Mandy said calmly and played a little jig on her guitar. Well, I thought, not really the happy family Heather said it was. We ran though most of the numbers and I found it rather easy, the arrangements were very simple. At one point, I was going to suggest a change and then decided to keep my mouth shut. I played solidly and I could sense that the others were realising that I did have the skills, that I wasn't one of Max's birds. Max kept standing near me, smoking that cigar and just when we were going to break for coffee, I had enough and snapped. 'Max, that thing you smoke smells worse than burning rubbish! Please take it away from me, far away!' He was shocked and his eyes narrowed. 'Listen sweetie...' 'I am most definitely not your sweetie, Max!' 'I'll stand where I want...' 'Max!' Heather's loud voice cut through the Red Note. 'Put it out or go outside and smoke.' 'Thank you Heather,' I said sweetly, running my fingers over the keys and I heard a few of the band laugh softly. I stood by myself, sipping a cup of tea when Cleo came up. 'You're pretty good,' she said grudgingly. 'Thanks, same for you.' 'The charts are easy,' Cleo said and I nodded. 'Heather doesn't like complicated arrangements,' she said, looking over at Heather who was in deep and seemingly heated conversation with Barbara. 'Have you been in the band long?' Cleo laughed. 'I've survived one tour and after this gig, I'm out of here. There's always trouble in this band, fighting and going on. Heather pretends it's all sweetness and light but there's real problems here. That was one of the reasons Heather got rid of Elise.' I looked blankly at her and she explained. 'Elise was the piano player before you.' Cleo leaned closer, looking over at Barbara. 'Elise was Barbara's girlfriend if you know what I mean.' I blinked. 'I see. That explains why Barbara doesn't like me.' Cleo laughed. 'She doesn't like anybody. Don't worry about it.' 'Let's continue, girls,' Heather called out and Cleo grimaced at me as we trooped back to our instruments. Angela returned in the afternoon and sat with Heather discussing arrangements for the tour and most of the band wandered off into small groups. Melissa and I were left alone so we sat on the edge of the stage, swinging our legs and talking, just chatting really. After a while Mandy sat with us and we just continued talking. Mandy had a dry sense of humour while Melissa was a bubbling woman who, I suspect ran through life entirely fuelled by her emotions. The day dragged on and the next day was exactly the same. The band was tighter and I was beginning to understand how the others played so we had a unified sound. 'Is this a private party?' Cleo asked, wandering up with a cup of tea. Immediately Mandy and Cleo began making jokes and I could see they were friends but were inclusive of Melissa and me. At the end of the third day, Heather called us together. 'We have to do well tomorrow night, girls, as the tour can still be cancelled if the Foreign Office doesn't think we're up to scratch. Make sure you all look your best. Does everyone know their colours?' I heard a few groans and mutters but everyone nodded. 'Be here early, we need to make a good impression on the Foreign Office type.' 'What kind of type?' Mandy asked cheekily, 'male or female.' 'His name is Toby Whitley and he will be accompanying us on the tour.' 'A bloke with us on the tour?' Cleo said. 'That'll be interesting,' she murmured, wriggling her eyebrows at Mandy. 'I'm a bloke,' Max protested. 'You don't count,' Mandy said and everyone laughed, even Heather smiled slightly. I sat on the sofa, kicked my shoes off and tucked my legs under me. 'If she calls us girls one more time, I swear I will throw the bloody piano at her.' 'She is a bit of the headmistress type, isn't she?' Angela said, sitting down. 'At least we don't have to wear school uniforms,' I mumbled. 'Max probably suggested it,' Angela said with a laugh. 'He probably did.' 'Liz,' Angela said after a moment, 'you seemed a little bored at the rehearsals...' 'Did I? I must watch that. It is a little easy, Angie, that's all. The arrangements are very simple so it's not that challenging. 'Have you heard anything from Sean?' I asked, changing the subject and Angela shook her head. 'Don't worry, I'm sure Edward is alright.' 'Mum?' 'Who's this?' 'This is L...Allan...' 'Allan? Your voice sounds different, have you still got that cold?' 'It's hanging on. Mum, I've heard that the government is finally working on locating Edward...' 'Really? At last! What do we pay taxes for if...' 'Mum, I don't want you to worry but I've been asked to go over there for a few weeks to help...' 'You? But what can you do?' 'I can give detailed descriptions and background stuff,' I said airily, 'things like that. They're paying, Mum.' 'It's not dangerous, is it?' Mum asked warily. You mean, like getting a pair of illegal boobies from an anonymous doctor? 'No, Mum, it's not.' I tried a small laugh. 'I wouldn't go if it was, would I?' 'No,' she said slowly, 'probably not.' 'I'll let you know what happens when I can, Mum.' 'When are you coming up to see me again?' 'I'll try when I get back. Bye, Mum.' 'Allan?' 'Yes Mum?' 'That cold has certainly changed your voice, it's more melodic somehow, it's very nice.' Cripes, and I was trying hard to be Allan! 'Colds are funny things, Mum.' 'Yes,' she said calmly, 'yes, they are. You be careful, Allan.' 'I will, Mum. Bye.' Of the three red gowns that Jeremy had supplied, I decided on the halter neck I first worn. It still made me look curvy and was very flattering. Angela wore the cocktail dress she had worn to Bellini's and we bundled into a cab to get to the Red Note on time. 'You mustn't be late,' Angela said with a grin, 'you'll get kept in after school!' 'I'm not late,' I protested. 'Liz,' Angela said with a laugh, 'one thing I have noticed about you is that you're always late!' We slipped in the back way and met the band backstage. Max nearly had a heart attack when he saw me and I thought he was about to drool or something. The band also stared at me and Heather said dryly, 'you do come up well, Liz. I think you'll have to slump down a little behind the piano so you don't divert attention from me.' She said it with a small smile, but I think we all knew she wasn't joking. Cleo walked over, her colour was cream and she looked fabulous in a slim fitting trouser suit with a low neck, her skin like honey against the cream. She had told Heather very emphatically that she wasn't wearing dresses again. 'But Cleo, it's what we do...' 'Heather! I'm the drummer and I don't think it's a good look if I'm flashing my knickers at the audience while I play!' 'You do have a point,' Heather had agreed. 'That's a lovely outfit, Cleo,' I said and she smiled. 'I call it coffee and cream. Liz, you will have the blokes knocking down the door to get to you after the show, you look great.' Flushing, I smiled slightly. 'Thanks, Cleo.' 'She wasn't joking about slumping behind the piano, you know,' Cleo whispered. 'Do you know how to slump?' she asked cheekily. 'I think I can manage it,' I grinned back. Mandy, cheerful and beautiful in a blue dress, joined us just as I said it. 'Manage what?' 'I think I can slump,' I said and Mandy laughed. 'We'll remind you, don't worry, it will keep the boredom away.' 'Girls,' Heather called, clapping her hands and we turned to see a young man in a dark suit standing next to her. He was quite attractive and was dressed classically, rather than the latest fashion. 'There's something about a bloke in a pinstripe suit, white shirt and a tie,' Melissa murmured. 'Yes,' I said softly, 'there is.' 'Sorry, girls,' Cleo murmured, 'I saw him first. I hear it gets cold in Prague, I know just the thing to keep my bed warm.' 'Saucy cow,' I whispered as we walked closer. 'Girls,' Heather repeated, 'this is Toby Whitley from the Foreign Office. He's come tonight to give the seal of approval to our tour...' 'Well, actually, I'm here to get to know the performance and the band.' 'He can get to know me later,' Cleo whispered and I tried to stop laughing. 'Let me introduce them, Toby.' She began with Barbara, Jenny and then me. 'Elizabeth Grey, piano...' 'Miss Grey,' Toby said, nodding. 'Slump girl, slump,' Mandy whispered and I pressed down on her foot with mine while smiling sweetly. 'Pleasure to meet you, Mr Whitley,' I said. 'Oh please call me Toby, I mean,' he said, suddenly flustered, 'everyone call me Toby.' The performance was unified and adequate. There were moments when I saw Heather go a little pale under the lights and used the piano to steady her self while singing. She's not well, I thought, she's obviously ill. The Red Note was not filled to the rafters and our performance was obviously not a sell out. The audience was polite, applauded when it was required and smiled. The songs we played were classics in jazz but the arrangements were stodgy and Heather's voice was far too sweet. The audience warmly applauded at the conclusion and we escaped off stage. 'Excellent,' Toby said as we assembled and Cleo and I exchanged wry looks. 'I'm sure this cultural exchange program will be a terrific success.' Heather was drinking a glass of water and listening. When Toby finished, she put the glass down to clap hands again. 'We take off on Sunday, girls, Angela will have your tickets and itineraries. Please make sure you're at the airport at the time specified.' 'If we're giving them the Heather James All-Stars,' Mandy said in aside, 'what are they giving us? Singing dogs or something?' Melissa convulsed into laughter and then stifled it as she saw Toby making his way towards us. 'Here he comes.' 'It must be Liz's red dress,' Cleo said gloomily, 'attracts men or something.' 'Will you two stop it!' I hissed while trying to appear calm. 'Elizabeth,' he said smiling, 'Cleo, Melissa and Mandy? Am I right?' 'Bang on the money, Toby,' Mel said moving close to him. 'You'll be on the tour with us, to protect us?' she murmured, fluttering her eyes a little. 'I hardly think there will be a need to protect you...' 'You never know, Toby,' Cleo said. 'Awful things can happen to a defenceless girl over there, that's what I hear anyway.' I rolled my eyes. The only one needing protection, I thought, could be poor Toby. 'I'm afraid I must go,' I said, glancing at the girls, I'll see you at the airport on Sunday.' 'Goodnight Elizabeth,' Toby said. 'Yes, goodnight Toby.' 'What did you think of Toby Whitley, Liz?' Angela asked in the taxi. 'He seems nice,' I answered, 'perhaps a little young.' 'I suppose we're not that important in the scheme of things. We get the ones that are wet behind the ears.' 'Have you heard anything about... Edward?' Angela shook her head and I saw the sadness in her eyes. She is really head over heels in love with him, I realised, and he's everything to her. Would I ever be that lucky to find love like that? I turned to look at the lights sliding past and wondered how it was all going to turn out. At that point, I think I realised that I had been looking at everything through rose coloured glasses, that I had almost greedily accepted my new life because it felt so right, so perfect and was the realisation of a secret dream. However, I had ignored the impact on other people, particularly my mother. It was like someone had thrown a bucket of ice-cold water over me! If I was going to remain as Elizabeth, I suddenly knew it wouldn't be easy, that I would hurt people and may even permanently damage relationships I have that I care about. Also, I could joke about it but I had stupidly put my health at risk with the unknown hormones and the illegal surgery. Maybe, I thought, I should return to being Allan, I should forget about Miss Elizabeth Grey once this tour is over. It would be better for my mother, my brother, everyone really if I became Allan again. But a little voice in side me timidly asked, what about me, do I let my secret dream die?

Same as Elizabeth Grey - Parts 7 and 8: So Far Away and Singing Dogs or Something? Videos

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Elizabeth Grey Part 2 Whats Wrong With Your Voice

Elizabeth Grey - Part 02: What's wrong with your voice? by Carmenica Diaz Dinner was a very dull affair and I wasn't certain what I could say in front of Jeremy so I kept silent. Thankfully, Jeremy didn't and he spoke non-stop about movies (he absolutely loved Amadeus) and that new singer Boy George and, seemingly, anything that popped into his head. All the time he spoke, he stole glances at me, deep looks that seemed to cut through him and then he would...

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Elizabeths Story

Ch. 1The rain drumming steadily on cobbles outside was a pleasant distraction from the throbbing pain.  Elizabeth had lost track of exactly where she was sore.  The pain had long ago turned into a persistent ache that left her stomach churning with nausea, only broken by the periods when one of them would come back to use her.  But the rain was nice. It was different. It reminded her of home and of happier times.Pushing the memories back down, Elizabeth tore her  pale green eyes away from the...

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Elizabeth goes Swinging

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Elizabeth Finally Blacked 1

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Elizabeth 06 The Honeymoon

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Elizabeth and Jason

Friday, Mid-April Elizabeth came home after a long, long Friday at the office. She dropped her purse and her briefcase on the floor as she came into her apartment. She sat at the kitchen table and put her head in her hands. She was depressed, she was lonely, she was frustrated, and she was angry. Her boyfriend of seven months had dumped her at lunch…on the phone. Maybe she’d become a hermit. There were female hermits, weren’t there? The phone rang. It was Kimberly, her neighbor and co-worker....

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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat.Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...

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Elizabeths Fall From Grace

....and here IS the story as recounted to me by the delightful old lady, Bettina.The early morning spring sunshine lights up a pretty country scene. Whitewashed cottages line a neat and tidy village street. ElizabethSchmidt is in the local shop to buy provisions, but times are verydifficult, and even though she trims her shopping list to the bare minimum,she finds that she doesn't have enough money. Prices seem to be rising bythe day and her account at the shop is already too much for her to...

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Elizabeth and the Chair

The chair arrived at ten o'clock this morning.  I called Peter and asked him to to come over and help me assemble it, but he said he couldn't come by until after two. That was fine, I just wanted it put together before bedtime tonight.I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. It was cold so I put it in the microwave for ninety seconds while I scouted around for something to munch with it. When the microwave dinged, I walked to the basement door and turned on the light....

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 5

Betty didn't think the day would ever arrive, but somehow she ended up standing in front of Annabella's, working up the nerve to go in. It was 6:20. She wanted to be there first, wanted to be able to study Stacy's face when Stacy finally saw her. Her dad had been no problem. He thought she was going out with Robert for the evening. She'd asked Robert beforehand, and he said it would be okay this once, because it was so important to her, and he'd cover. He also volunteered to pick her up...

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Elizabeth Finally Blacked 2

I awoke with a heavy headache, eyes stinging and stomach in churn. I drank too much scotch last night, that was for certain. Worse, I had forgotten to mitigate the impending damage with any water. I also pumped out several orgasms, which had drained me of my testosterone. My physical ailments paled in comparison to what my real strife was, however. The memory of last night flooded back with unforgiving potency.I glanced to my left, apparently Elizabeth had already awoken and left the room. The...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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“Elizabeth” She stood before me, looking so beautiful, my heart ached. The wedding dress accented her slender frame, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up at me. Smiling, I took her hand... Years Earlier... “Mommy? I want to go swimming. Please?” It was the holiday weekend in July, and I was home after graduating college. With my degree fresh in the frame on the office wall, I was at work at the family business. I know, a lot of folks might think that a business that takes care of...

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 2

The study sessions with Stacy were grueling to say the least. Everything had to be perfect, every word written, every answer, every paragraph read. It seemed Stacy expected Betty to memorize everything given to her. Period. She somehow managed to zero directly in on anything Betty had skimmed or didn't understand. Her attitude was brusque, almost to the point of rudeness, and irritated the younger girl to no end. Betty thought Stacy hated her. She didn't care much for Stacy either. Things...

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Elizabeth Gets Another Night With Simon

It was now two weeks since sixty-four-year-old divorcee Elizabeth Prentice had attended the eighteenth-birthday party of her grandson, Tim. At that party Elizabeth had probably had too much to drink and, much to the disgust of her daughter Tina was snogging and groping with twenty-year-old Simon Whittaker. Tina would have been appalled if she had known that a few days after the party her mother spent the night in bed with the young man.Liz had not seen or heard from Simon since that night...

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Elizabeth To BethChapter 2

"How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart...my love, with not a care in the world. I'm so happy, I won't get a wink of sleep at all tonight.... my mind is just racing...isn't it wonderful. Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it, hmm... yes that's it, she said, "hum dinger" and "smitten, Richard is smitten with you." Stanley is going to have one hum dinger of a shiner, a black eye when he say's the early Mass tomorrow morning. Dear Margaret, you...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth myself and her uncle By Frida

'What is a dare', someone once asked me? I knew the answer according to my own interpretation, as an exhibitionist, a dare was my way of doing something I liked to do, but without compromising my persona of respectability and moral righteousness. That way you have an excuse for being dirty and naughty and not have the attached stigma associated with the dare involved.But having said that, that excuse only works once, do it again then suffer the usual, slag, slut labels. Perhaps it's the...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth my coworker

Elizabeth and I had worked together for about 5 years when this happened.She is married 56 years old, very slim ,very tan but not what I would call pretty or even good looking.When she smiles her big teeth show.She has straight shoulder length blond hair.She wears skin tight jeans almost all the time and that is the best looking thing about her.Nice ass, muscular thighs and calf's.Elizabeth likes to smoke,drink beer and watch sports.I finally realized who her face reminded me of,a picture of an...

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Elisabeth Grey Parts 23 24

Elizabeth Grey By Carmenica Diaz Part 23: Darling of Britain. I spent the rest of the day on the telephone. The press had hounded Mum but I felt relieved when she told me that a security woman arrived, saying she was from Fiona Woolf and would keep the media away. 'She's a little thing, Liz,' Mum said 'but she doesn't take no for an answer. She scared them off quick smart.' When I was on the phone to Mum, Dean came up behind me,...

1 year ago
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My real name is Elizabeth and this is my story. I got married at age seventeen to a twenty-two year old factory worker. It seemed that with his pay I would always have what I wanted. That sure wasn't true. I grew up in Pennsylvania and my honeymoon was at a theme park not far from home. Then I found out that the nice car he was driving was from one of those pay by the week lots with a high interest rate. We had to turn it in to pay rent and bought a fucked up old Dodge. So, here I was, married...

2 years ago
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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Brandi Plans Her Safari

In my last story we arrived at the Hyatt Regency at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, we did our thing and fell asleep. We slept most of the day, we were both Exhausted. We did wake up once, around twelve and ordered a small lunch, then fell right back to sleep. It was about five that evening when the telephone rang and I answered it. It was Ammon’s son, he said, “My name is Abioye (we found out later it meant the son of royalty), I would like to take you out to dinner this evening. My dad has...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 8

It was strange. This was the first time she'd ever woken up in the morning with her bed partner beside her (that time with Dave didn't count. They hadn't gone to sleep until 4 am, and only slept for three hours). After a while, lying there, doing nothing, it came to her. The strangeness wasn't because it was a different bed in a different room, and it wasn't the touch and warmth of that naked body pressing into hers. It was the smell. Stacy had her own unique smell. With the two of them...

4 years ago
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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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