Elisabeth Grey - Pt 12-13 free porn video

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Elizabeth Grey - Part 12: I'll be there for the unveiling. By Carmenica Diaz Toby had a car waiting and bundled me into it. 'There's a plane waiting to take you to England. I've pulled some strings and told a few white lies, I'm afraid.' 'Thank you,' I croaked and was surprised when he slid in next to me and gave the driver instructions. 'I'll accompany you to the airport, I can't have you going on your own,' he smiled. It was that small act of kindness that broke the dam and I leaned against his shoulder sobbing and he put one arm around me as we drove into the night. I sat up after a while and tried to smile. 'Sorry about that,' I said, searching in my bag for a tissue. 'Here,' he said offering a crisp white man's handkerchief. 'Are you ok, Elizabeth?' There was real concern in his eyes and I tried to stop my hands from shaking. Wiping my eyes, I smiled slightly. 'Please, I think you can call me Liz, especially since I've cried all over your jacket.' 'I don't mind, I planned to have it cleaned,' he said with a wry smile. He took a business card and slipped it into my handbag. 'Call me anytime, Liz, if you need anything, please call.' 'Toby,' I protested softly, 'you don't have to...' 'I know, you probably have swags of friends, but if anyone ever lets you down on anything, call me. Please?' I smiled through more tears. 'You are one of the sweetest men I have ever met. Yes, I will call you.' At the airport, he smiled sadly and said, 'this is it Liz. There's a Royal Air Force plane waiting for you over there.' We got out of the car and a RAF serviceman took my bag and began walking across the windy tarmac. 'Toby... thank you so much.' He smiled and said simply, 'I hope I see you again, Liz Grey.' I kissed Toby's cheek and ran after the servicemen to the waiting plane. There was a lone airman on the plane with me and he took one look at me, decided I was some officer's girlfriend and sat as far away from me as he could. It took a while but my hands finally stoped trembling and I shut my eyes, head back against the wall and tried to sleep as the plane rumbled and shook. I was hot one moment, raging heat flowing through me the next minute and then cold again as the plane rattled through the night. What do you do now, an insistent inner voice demanded, where do you go? Who can you talk to? Should I go to York and see Mum and tell her? No, I knew I couldn't do that and I felt so tired, weak almost and I put it down to the emotional trauma and the quandary I had been in over the past week. I just didn't have any strength. I couldn't bring myself to go to Angela's townhouse, it would just remind me of the betrayal, the way she used me to get what she wanted. You were just a pawn, I bitterly told myself, in her flighty game. The stupid thing was that I wasn't really required as Liz; I could have done exactly the same thing as Allan. Did I have any real regrets of my time as Liz? The answer was a resounding no! 'It was,' I murmured, 'the best time of my life, I was me for the first time!' The serviceman looked up when he heard me mumble and I tried to make my dry lips smile but he looked away. I arrived in London very late in the day after being driven down from the RAF base. My body was clammy and I was constantly wiping perspiration from my temples as we drove. They had been very nice and I wondered what Toby had told them. I received a clue from the driver when he placed the suitcase outside the front door. 'There you go Miss, I hope your Mum's all right.' 'Thank you so much,' I said and I held a smile until the car vanished around a corner. Nervously, I rang the bell with shaking hands and tried to smile when the door was jerked open. 'Hello, Jeremy,' I said weakly. 'I know I'm a frightful nuisance...' 'Liz,' he cried and helped me inside to a chair while he dragged the bag in. 'What's happened?' 'It's all a frightful mess,' I murmured as he felt my forehead. 'Drink this, Liz,' he said as he forced a glass of water to my lips and I managed to take a few sips. 'Just wait there, dear, I have to make a telephone call.' I drowsily waited and when he returned, he carefully took me to a bedroom upstairs and helped me lie on the bed. Sometime later, the doorbell rang and he galloped down to answer it, leaving me on the bed. 'I don't do this for everyone, Jeremy,' I heard a female voice on the stairs. 'I know, dear, but she's rather a special friend.' 'Hello, there,' the voice said, much closer and I opened my eyes to see a woman looking down at me. Although she was smiling, I saw concern in her dark eyes. 'It's Liz, isn't it? I'm Doctor Hanover and I'm going to examine you.' Although I tried to nod, I didn't think my head actually moved. My clothes were removed and she examined me thoroughly while I was drowsily watching her as if it was in a dream. Suddenly, she got up, peeled her gloves off and called Jeremy. 'Ring this number, Jeremy, tell them you're calling for me and tell them to send a private ambulance.' 'What's wrong, Janet, please tell me!' I heard the urgency and concern in Jeremy's voice as if he was far away, in a tunnel. 'She's very ill, an infection from the surgery, it's rather a shoddy job. We may have to do more surgery, I'm afraid. Jeremy, she looks like...' If I'm going to die now, I thought drowsily, at least I die as me! I slipped into blackness and felt comfortable and relaxed, at home. I woke to a light and airy room and tightness around my chest. Turning, I saw Jeremy asleep in a chair alongside the bed and I smiled, and then tried to move, gasping at the pain in my chest. There was an intravenous feed in my arm; I was in a plain hospital smock and a plastic band around my wrist. My movements woke Jeremy and he was smiling down at me in an instant. 'Liz, dear...' He surprised me by leaning down and gently kissing my forehead. 'I don't mind telling you dear, that you frightened the life out of me. I think I've aged ten years! Weakly, I smiled. He looked as well groomed as always and I wondered how long he had been in that chair. I ran my tongue over my dry lips and managed to whisper, 'how long have...' 'You've been snoozing dear for eighteen hours! Talk about a lie in!' He grinned again and I saw how worried he was, the concern absolutely filled his eyes. 'Where am I?' 'In a private hospital in Northampton, I know the Chief Executive and, speak of the devil, here she is.' A woman I vaguely remembered, dressed in a white coat, stethoscope around her neck smiled at me and said to Jeremy, 'Jeremy, be a love and leave us alone for a minute. You probably need a coffee anyway.' Jeremy smiled at me and walked out, closing the door behind him. 'I'm Janet Hanover, please call me Janet, do you prefer Elizabeth or Liz?' 'I don't care,' I said softly, turning away. 'What happened?' Janet sat in the chair that Jeremy had vacated and smiled grimly. 'One of the risks of any surgical procedure is infection and you've been carrying an infection since the procedure was completed.' She studied me carefully. 'I'll be honest, Liz, my first reaction was to send you to a public hospital, but Jeremy convinced me otherwise. He also explained a little of what had happened. Do you know who the doctor was, who performed this surgery?' 'No,' I said softly, 'he didn't even give me his name. Why?' 'I'd like to report him to the authorities or, better still, remove his testicles with a rusty scalpel.' I almost laughed but the tightness and the pain stopped me and I managed a small smile. 'Liz, we did some blood tests and you've been pumped full of hormones and, I suspect, some antibiotics which kept the infection at bay, just bubbling below the surface so to speak until you stopped taking the hormones.' 'Is that why I've been so tired?' 'One of the reasons; how do you feel now?' 'Tired.' I grimaced. 'And sore.' I looked down. 'You removed them?' 'Yes. I suspected leakage in the right breast and grade four capsular contracture in the left. I had no choice, they had to go.' I turned my head away and stared at the wall. 'How do you feel about that, Liz?' Janet asked gently. 'Sad,' I murmured, 'very sad.' Tears ran down my cheeks but I had no energy to brush them away. 'I see,' she said slowly. 'Liz, there are recommended procedures for transition to full sexual reassignment. It takes at least a year, probably two but is safer. The breast implants were far too early for you, although, you do have above average breast tissue. Has that always been the case?' I nodded once again. 'Good, I was worried it was the result of some extreme secret hormone elixir of something.' She laughed softly. 'I've been reading far too much science fiction.' 'How long do I have to stay here?' 'I suggest at least a week. You need the rest and it will allow us to proceed with further tests. Liz, I can recommend a specialist to take you through the transition, she's right here at this hospital.' 'I'm not sure,' I said softly. 'Good. It's best not to commit yourself until you fully understand. Why not talk to her? She's very good.' I turned away again. 'Think about it.' Janet stood up and smiled at me. 'Liz, Jeremy has been here since you were checked in. Send him home to get some decent sleep, please?' 'Of course.' 'Liz,' she said after a minute, 'do you know... I mean, has Jeremy told you whom you look like?' I shook my head and she smiled softly. 'I see. Get some more rest and I'll be back later.' Janet left and Jeremy must have been hovering outside as he immediately walked in. 'Hello, dear, don't worry about Janet, she's really a softy underneath.' I smiled. 'Like you.' 'Me? I'm soft all the way, my dear.' 'Jeremy... thank you, I don't know what I would have done...' 'Hush, what are friends for.' His expression grew serious. 'Did Janet tell you what she had to do?' 'Yes,' I whispered. Jeremy sighed. 'This whole thing has become a bit of a mess, hasn't it?' 'It has,' I murmured, eyes pricking. 'I'm definitely voting Labour at the next election!' He looked so fierce I found myself smiling again. 'Liz, Angela called me and wanted to know if I knew where you were.' I must have looked horrified as he said quickly, 'I didn't tell her, Liz; I don't trust her, that's all. She gave me her telephone number and asked me to call her if I knew where you were. Do you want me to, dear?' 'No,' I whispered sadly, 'I don't trust her anymore.' He took my hand. 'Poor Liz.' He said sadly and then asked as it occurred to him, 'do you still want me to call you Liz?' he asked softly. 'Not that I knew the other name,' he smiled for a moment and then it slipped away. 'Is it still Liz?' Is it? I didn't have to think, I knew the answer now that Edward knew. 'Yes,' I answered softly. And then I told him everything and he listened silently but still held my hand while I cried. 'Poor Liz,' he said again as I sniffled. I looked at him as I wiped, the concern in his eyes and, dare I say it, affection. 'Jeremy,' I said quietly, 'Why?' 'Why what, dear?' 'Why have you done all this for me?' He opened his mouth to, I sensed, deny, so I asked softly, 'who is Emma?" His mouth closed with a snap. 'Emma?' he said weakly. 'Do I look like her?' I asked softly with a smile and he sighed. 'It's a long story,' he said softly. I gestured at the drip in my arm. 'I'm not dashing off anywhere at the moment.' 'I suppose so,' he smiled and then his eyes grew distant. 'Emma was like my sister although she was born as George. I grew up with George, he lived next door to me and everyone called us brothers,' he said in a monotone. I listened as he told me the story of George, a story I identified with immediately, a woman trapped in the body of a man. 'He used to pass beautifully,' Jeremy said, eyes vacant as he remembered, 'he was beautiful, just like you Liz. That first time I saw you, I saw George, or as he preferred to be known, Emma.' He told me the story of Emma in painstaking detail and I soon had tears trickling down my face at the tragedy. He had supported her and Emma had supported Jeremy, they were like brother and sister but when she died, she died alone and Jeremy never forgave himself. I squeezed his hand and wished I could hug him. 'She would have died happy, Jeremy,' I said softly. 'She was changing, being who she was meant to be.' 'Are you sure?' he asked, sobbing. 'Yes,' I said, wincing, as he burrowed his head against my side, 'I am perfectly sure,' I whispered, stroking his thinning hair. After persuading Jeremy to go home for some sleep, I managed to fall asleep again and woke to find I had slept for another eight hours. After a nurse removed the catheter, I stumbled to the bathroom to use the toilet and to wash. I was ravenous and ate some food, although I found it difficult to finish the meal. Jeremy arrived and insisted on doing my hair and helping with my face. 'Jeremy, this hospital must be costing a bomb. I can't afford this...' 'I can and I want to, dear, so relax.' 'No, I insist...' 'I insist! Look, dear, I feel responsible for some of this and I also think you're also a great talent. Do you know how many people I dress and photograph, who get where they are simply because of the way they look or whom they know? You have talent and when you put your mind to it, look gorgeous! Dear, I am not taking no for an answer!' 'But...' 'Liz, are we friends?' 'Of course but...' 'Can't a friend help a friend? That's all I'm doing, dear. If it makes you feel better, when you're rich and famous you can pay me back. Until then, hush!' 'But...' 'Liz, I'm doing this for Emma as well,' he said in a flat voice. 'I always have, let me Liz, I need it.' There was a small knock at the door and we turned to see a smiling woman in a business suit. 'Hello, I'm Sylvia Palmer, Janet suggested I drop by.' 'I'll leave you, dear,' Jeremy said in a stage whisper and left, waving as he shut the door. 'Can I call you Liz?' Sylvia asked as she sat down. 'Yes, I don't mind,' I said slowly. 'I've read your file. It's all quite extraordinary, isn't it?' 'I suppose it is.' Sylvia smiled. 'Janet said that you might wish to discuss transition?' I blinked. Here it is, my inner voice said, this is it. You can say no and return to being Allan. You're almost Allan now, anyway. You can go back and tell Edward you did it to help him and that was all. It sounded so simple and easy but it was however, a lie. 'Yes' I said in a small voice, 'yes, I do.' The next day, I picked up the telephone by my bed and called Mum. 'Hello?' 'Mum?' 'Is that you Allan? Your voice...' 'I've been ill, Mum but don't worry, I'm getting better. You know that Teddy is safe?' 'Yes,' Mum said and I could tell she was happy, 'he visited and brought that lovely girlfriend of his. She's a lovely girl. Have you met her?' 'Yes, I've met her,' I said slowly. 'Did Teddy say anything about me?' 'No, dear, not a thing, but when I asked, he seemed to be hiding something. Why don't you tell me, Allan,' Mum said seriously, 'what is really going on?' I'm changing gender, I wanted say, it will take a few years but you'll gain a daughter. 'Mum,' I said, my voice breaking, 'I can't.' 'You've never kept anything from me, Allan, never,' Mum gently reminded me. 'Why now? I know something's going on, Allan. I'm your mother, I just know!' 'I can't!' I felt like crying and there was silence. 'Allan,' Mum said, breaking the silence, 'can you write to me? Will you promise you will write to me before you do something? I don't know what you're up to but I know something's happening. Promise? ' 'I promise, Mum,' I said softly and hung up. By the end of the week and after many sessions with Sylvia and other doctors, I felt energetic and, strangely, at peace. I had made the decision and was ready to proceed. The cost and the lack of family support worried me, but I had to do this, I reasoned, for myself and if it has to be alone, so be it. So, dressed with a new bra and breast forms, I had my last session with Sylvia at the hospital. 'Liz, I have to ask but are you and Jeremy in a sexual relationship?' She must have seen the look on my face for she hurriedly added; 'I just want to make sure you're doing this for your reasons and not for Jeremy.' I assured her I was and doubly assured her that Jeremy and I were good friends and that was all. 'Has he told you of Emma?' Sylvia asked gently. 'Yes, he told me. It was so sad.' 'I'm glad you know,' Sylvia said, 'I think you've been helping him come to terms with it all. She smiled and then added, 'it's important not to rush transition, to confirm every step as we go. I know that may try your patience but it's the best way. Now let's work out our schedule for our sessions. I understand you have a schedule arranged with Janet?' 'Yes, she visits London once a fortnight.' 'So do I so we'll continue our sessions as well and I will need to involve other people as we progress.' Jeremy wouldn't take no for an answer again and insisted I move into his spare bedroom. I had nowhere else to go so agreed and we drove to Notting Hill in a hired car. The driver helped carry my suitcase in and after he left, Jeremy closed the door as I gaped at the new piano that sat in the corner. 'Do you like it?' 'It looks fantastic but you shouldn't...' 'Oh pulease! Don't keep saying that, dear. It's a rental, will be used as a prop in shoots and is a cost of business. Of course, if you wish to play it every now and again, fine!' He winked and I kissed his cheek after hugging him. We settled into a routine over the next few months where I became his quasi assistant, helping with shoots and selecting clothes for his clients. Sometimes in the evening, I would sit down and play the piano and, if Jeremy were home, he would sit down and listen with his eyes closed. When I had finished, he would just smile and say, 'wonderful, dear,' and walk off. We never mentioned Emma again but I felt we were as close as a sister and brother could be. One day, just after we had shown a client out, he said nervously, 'Liz, you haven't met Dean have you?' 'Dean?' I furrowed my brow. 'No, I don't think I have. Is he the client tomorrow?' 'No, he's actually... well, my lover and I was wondering if you would mind if he stayed here some evenings. I've been staying at his place and he's rather curious about mine.' I smiled at him. 'Jeremy, why would I mind? Is he nice?' 'He's rather handsome, actually,' Jeremy said with a small blush and I laughed again. 'I'll look forward to meeting him.' Jeremy smiled, hugged me and was walking towards the front door when I hesitantly said, 'Jeremy, does Dean... does he know about me... you know. Jeremy walked back and gripped my shoulders. 'Liz, let's get this straight. In my eyes, you're a woman, are a woman. What is there to tell?' He pecked my cheek and walked off while I wondered what I had done to deserve a friend like Jeremy. Angela called him once again and demanded to know where I was. Jeremy didn't know it but I could hear him on the phone in the kitchen and immediately guessed it was her. 'If you don't keep away,' he hissed into the 'phone, 'I will call the police!' There was silence, he was obviously listening to her as he said, 'no, you listen, dear! You almost killed her! Did you know that? She spent time in hospital for you, so I hope your love life is just dandy! Stay away!' I heard the phone slam down and I returned to playing the piano. I was having long sessions every fortnight with Sylvia and one with Janet who was supervising the hormone supplements. The effects were pleasing and Janet made my day when she said I was progressing to a stage where I could consider professionally conducted breast augmentation surgery in the near future. 'It will be of course, reversible,' she added, 'this doesn't mean that the final reassignment decision has been made. You must continue to live as a woman for the remainder of the year to be considered.' 'I understand.' The cosmetic surgeon showed me what they would do with the breast augmentation and suggested that I consider a C or even a D cup, as the bigger size would suit me. I agreed. 'You may wish to consider other cosmetic surgery at the same time,' the surgeon said. 'You are attractive now but a few small changes would make you stunning and could help in your musical career. Immediately, my interest was aroused. 'What changes?' 'I would alter your nose slightly, just turn the tip up and also smooth the face slightly as well as plumping your lips a little more. I would inject fat deposits onto the hips and bottom as well as slightly above and below each knee as well. I think you should consider having the hairline lowered to a more feminie level, it won't take much as you're blessed with thick hair. I can also adjust the eyebrows a little to give them that female curve.' Jeremy said I should do it and I worried about the cost but he said, 'Liz, I have no family and you are my best friend, my very talented best friend. It's a loan and you can pay me back when...' '...I'm rich and famous!' I said and we both laughed. 'Are you sure?' 'Absolutely, dear,' he smiled at me as the doorbell rang. 'That will be Dean, can you let him in while I finish preparing dinner?' Dean kissed my cheek when I opened the door. 'Liz,' he greeted me, 'beautiful as ever,' he said looking around, 'where is his lordship?' 'Kitchen,' I said and watched him bound up the stairs. That night, after dinner I wrote the letter to Mum. Of course, I had written when I could, asking her to keep the letters from Edward and not to tell him where I was. Mum had said she would not tell him but asked why. I had avoided answering but now I was going to tell her the truth. I was scheduled to go into Janet's hospital in three weeks and I had promised I would tell her before I did anything. It was the hardest thing I had to do and I rewrote it several times and signed it - your new daughter Liz - before I stuffed it into an envelope. I asked Jeremy to post it for me before we left and he looked at the address. 'Are you sure, Liz?' he asked quietly, immediately knowing what was in it. 'Yes, I'm sure.' Jeremy carried my small case to the car and the driver opened the door. 'I'll come visit,' he said, 'when Janet lets me.' 'I think at the end of the week.' 'I'll be there for the unveiling,' he said with an exaggerated wink.' 'Cheeky sod!' I kissed his cheek. 'Thanks, Jeremy, I'll never be able to repay you.' 'I'm sure you will, dear. You can sing at all my birthdays.' 'It's a promise,' I said and slid into the back seat. The driver closed the door and we were soon driving away. I kept looking out the back window at Jeremy, watching him wave until he disappeared. Part 13: How did you know? Jeremy saw me everyday, always cheerful and always bringing flowers. It got to the stage where my room was flooded with flowers and the nurses were very jealous. In the middle of the week, Jeremy sat beside me and smiled but even under the oppressive tightness of all the bandages I could see he was worried about something. 'What is it?' I asked. He produced an envelope and my heart began thudding. 'It's from your mother,' he explained. 'I wondered whether to give it to you but...' 'Open it, please,' I whispered. I saw his fingers were trembling when he ripped the envelope and I smiled softly. 'Here,' he said offering me the letter. 'Read it, please.' 'But Liz...' 'Please, Jeremy, I can't bear to read it!' He took a deep breath and I listened as he slowly read my mother's letter. My dearest Liz, Do you think I only love the physical characteristics of my children, that I would only care how they look? I am a wee bit insulted but at the same time, after guessing what Teddy would have said, understand why you've been so coy with me. Please send me a picture of my new daughter, I'm very keen to see, although I have no doubt you will be beautiful, you always were and I cannot see that beauty will ever diminish. I know you are as you said, only halfway, but I will now think of you as my daughter, my darling Liz. I will always love you, Mum PS. I have always wanted a daughter and I have always loved the name Elizabeth. Jeremy slowly lowered the letter and through my own tears, I saw his eyes were also wet. 'Dear, I am absolutely dying you meet your mother, she's one in a million.' 'Yes,' I whispered through my tears, 'she is indeed.' The bandages came off my breasts after a week, but I had to return after that for the other coverings with my legs, face, hips and bottom the last to be unveiled. When the swelling and bruising had vanished, I had to admit the changes to my face were not overly obvious. I knew of course, but I thought most people would think I had a new hairstyle or make up, something, but not cosmetic surgery. My new nose and lips gave my face a fuller look, more feminine than before and the hairline also made a difference as did the slight arch to the eyebrow line. My body was much rounder, not just because of the breast augmentation but also because of the other changes. After Jeremy had cut and styled my hair (all mine now as there was no longer any requirement for extensions) and finished my face, I gaped at the mirror. Jeremy was also staring. 'I didn't think you could be improved but you are stunning, old dear, absolutely drop-dead bloody gorgeous!' 'It's not bad, is it?' I murmured, 'not bad at all.' 'Come through, my dear, we must take a picture?' 'A photo, why?' 'For your mother,' he gently reminded me, 'don't you remember, you promised?' He had the photograph framed and we couriered it straight to her. A few nights later, I had my first glass of wine in months and was sitting quietly, thinking when Jeremy gently asked what I was going to do now. 'I think,' I said after thinking a little more, 'I want to return to music, to play again.' 'Solo or...' 'I'd like to resurrect Femme Fatale, but I don't know if they'll want to when they know.' 'You're going to tell them, my dear?' I nodded. 'I have to; I've made a decision I will not lie to friends. I've been lied to and it's awful, your entire world is changed, destroyed. I could never relax, knowing they might find out as it's bound to come out sooner or later.' 'Perhaps,' Jeremy shrugged, 'but who cares what people think?' he smiled, raising his glass. 'Here's to the return of Elizabeth Grey, music star!' We drank and Jeremy put his glass on the coffee table and asked, 'so, my dear, what's first?' 'First,' I said softly, 'I have to see my Mum, if she'll see me.' He nodded and pointed at the telephone. 'The telephone is right there, why don't you call her? It's about time you did, my dear.' He was right and I silently walked over. 'I'll just go upstairs,' Jeremy said. 'No... please stay... there's no need for you to go.' My fingers trembled as I dialled that familiar number, a click and then, 'hello?' I took a deep breath. 'Mum?' There was a long pause, a sharp intake of breath and then she said, 'Liz, is that you?' My name sounded a little strange as she said it but it also felt wonderful. 'Yes,' I said, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks, 'it's me Mum.' I wasn't surprised to hear her voice full of emotion, just as mine must have been. 'I saw the photograph,' Mum managed to say, 'is that really you?' 'It's really me,' I tried to say with a laugh, 'but I don't think it turned out well.' Mum didn't care. 'You're beautiful,' she said and I heard her crying. 'I love you Mum,' I whispered, wiping tears from my face with the back of my hand. 'I love you too,' Mum murmured. 'When do I get to see you?' 'I thought I come this weekend if...' 'Really? Wonderful.' 'Is that all right? Is Teddy...' 'Teddy is on tour in Ireland. Besides, if I want to see my daughter, I see her!' I smiled at that. 'Thanks Mum, I'll see you Saturday.' Putting the phone down, I turned around to see Jeremy beaming at me. 'Looks like you're spending the weekend at York, old dear.' Jeremy had asked if I had wanted him to drive me but, even though he persisted, I managed to persuade him to allow me to take the train. It was a two hour trip from Kings Cross Station and it gave me time to think and to prepare myself a little. It was strange but I had full confidence in Mum to accept me. Of course, I was extremely nervous, couldn't eat anything and stared out the window, wondering what we would say, how we would react to each other, but in my heart, I knew she loved me. I stood outside the door to our old house, an overnight bag at my feet and looked around the old street. Most of the old neighbours had gone and I wondered how Mum was going to handle the introduction of her new daughter to her friends. Whatever she wanted was fine by me. Taking a deep breath, I put my key in the front door and began to turn it. Before I could unlock the door, it swung open and Mum stood there, leaning on her cane, her eyes wide behind her old glasses. 'Hello Mum,' I said quietly. 'Hello, Liz,' she said equally as quiet and then we fiercely hugged. We were both sniffling when she hobbled in ahead of me and I dropped my bag in that familiar sitting room. My heart trembled when I saw the framed photograph Jeremy had sent her standing proudly on the mantelpiece. 'Cup of tea?' she called from the kitchen. 'Love one,' I said, standing in the doorway, 'let me help?' 'Get the cups and saucers down, love, the kettle's just boiled.' I turned around with the cups and saucers to find her staring at me, a smile on her face. 'You are beautiful, love, truly.' I blushed. 'Thanks, Mum.' She made the tea; loaded the tray and I carried it through to the sitting room. 'Now,' she said firmly as she settled in her favourite chair, leaning her cane against it and putting her bad leg on a cushion, 'tell me everything.' Putting the tray on the coffee table, I smoothed my skirt under me and sat; Mum smiling softly as she watched me. 'I don't know where to begin,' I murmured as I poured the tea. 'The best place, Liz,' she said warmly, 'is the beginning.' So I did and I could tell Mum was angry when I told her about Angela and Edward but she kept her opinion to herself. Always the pragmatist, Mum wasn't about to declare war on a possible daughter-in-law, as there would be grandchildren to consider. 'Is she in love with him, Liz? That surprised me; Mum never really spoke about love or romance with Allan. They had always told each other that they loved the other person but never discussed the concepts of romance and love. Now, she obviously had no problem discussing it with her daughter. That moment made me feel warmer than any of the others, that one small thing that told me Mum accepted me as a woman. 'Angela definitely loves Teddy; she'd do anything for him. In fact,' I laughed dryly, 'she did.' 'Yes, there is that. Edward probably doesn't even understand love.' She sipped her tea. 'Are you in love with anyone?' 'Romantically?' I shook my head. 'No, I haven't been lucky in that department but I have some dear friends I love.' Mum nodded at that. 'Good.' The weekend slipped by quickly and we were so comfortable with each other I could help commenting on it. 'I know,' Mum said, 'it's wonderful.' Mum had kept Mrs Pratt, her next door neighbour and good friend up to date and insisted we 'pop next door to say hello.' Mrs Pratt had been a second Mum in some ways, we were always in and out of each other's houses and as she had no children, she treated Edward and me as if we were her own. She smiled when I followed Mum in, seized me and hugged me fiercely. 'My, my,' Mrs Pratt said, holding me at arms length and grinning, 'aren't you nice, Liz, really smashing!' At the end of the weekend, I felt as if I had climbed a mountain, stood at the top and bellowed my name for the world to hear it. I felt calm, confident and energetic, so ready for the next step in the life of Liz Grey. Mum and I cried when we hugged goodbye and I felt Mum's fingers touch my tears and smile at me through her own. 'Ring me?' 'Whenever I can, Mum.' Back in London, I rummaged through all the stuff in my handbags until I found the two business cards I wanted. One of the cards, I would use later if all worked out with the person on the other business card. A deep breath and I dialled the number. 'Foreign Office, Department of...' 'Can I please speak with Toby Whitley, please?' 'One moment please.' Nervously I drummed my fingers on the table as I waited until the line clicked and a voice said, 'Toby Whitley, can I help you?' 'I think you might,' I said cheekily. 'I'm sorry,' Toby said coolly, 'is there something I can...' Deciding to put him out of his misery, I said, 'Hello Toby, this is Liz, Liz Grey, do you remember...' 'Liz! Is that really you!' I laughed. 'Yes, it is. I see you haven't forgotten me.' 'How could I forget you? That would be impossible, I'm afraid. Can I see you?' 'I'd like that, say a coffee or something?' 'Sod coffee,' Toby said and I laughed, 'let's have a long lunch. Are you free today?' 'Yes, as a matter of fact I am.' 'Good,' said Toby and we arranged to meet at a restaurant in the Kings Road, just down from Sloane Square as Toby had declared he would take the afternoon off and would not be returning to Whitehall. Late as usual, I could see Toby seated at a table when I walked in and, after giving my coat to the staff, I followed the headwaiter through the restaurant to where Toby sat. Toby gaped and stood as I approached, we kissed cheeks and sat down. 'Liz,' Toby said, 'you look absolutely amazing, you really do! Every bloke in the place watched you walk in.' 'Thanks, Toby, a small exaggeration, but I'll take the compliment,' I smiled, 'I'm feeling very good at the moment.' 'You've got a new hairstyle or something, maybe you've put on weight?' I frowned at that and he immediately tried to recover, 'I meant you looked ill last time and now you are just bursting with health. You are healthy, aren't you?' Laughing, I reached over and squeezed his hand. 'I'm extremely healthy. 'Lord, how long has it been? Eight months, nine? It seems like yesterday that we took that mad dash around Eastern Europe.' 'It does, doesn't it. And how are you?' 'Bored,' he said moodily. 'I've been bored since I came back, I'm afraid, I think I have been infected by show business.' 'That was hardly show business.' 'No, you're probably right, but I just enjoyed the way it came together. Shall we order some wine?' 'I'll have a glass, if you like.' Toby signalled a waiter and ordered a bottle. 'Toby, I want to thank you for what you did in Berlin, getting me home like you did.' 'Not at all, happy to assist the star.' He winked and tasted the wine after the waiter poured a little into his glass. 'Yes, that's excellent, thank you.' The waiter filled my glass, topped up Toby's and discretely left us. 'I should have explained why, but...' 'You don't have to explain to me, Liz. One look at your face when you pounded on my door told me it was urgent. That was all I needed to know.' 'You were marvellous, I'll never forget it,' I said simply. He smiled at me and picked up the menu. 'I suppose we should order something.' We chatted about simple things, how bored Toby was, what I'd been doing (obviously he received an abridged version) and common acquaintances. 'I hear Heather has retired,' he said. 'She recovered but, decided that's enough and she and Max are actually getting married.' 'I never! Married?' 'Apparently so.' Placing my cutlery together on my plate, I picked up the wineglass and sipped. 'Do you keep in touch with the others?' 'Others?' Toby asked innocently, his eyes twinkling. 'Toby Whitley, you know exactly what I'm talking about!' I laughed. 'Do you know where Mandy, Cleo and Melissa are?' 'Do I smell a reunion?' 'Answer the question, Mr Whitley.' 'You answer mine,' he parried with a smile. 'I don't know,' I said honestly, 'I don't know if they would want to...' 'Of course they would! They'd jump at it like a shot!' 'Possibly. There are extenuating circumstances, though...' 'Is this something to do with Angela?' Toby asked, glancing away as he did so. 'Angela?' 'I assumed the reason you left had something to do with her...' 'You think we had it off together and then broke up?' I laughed. 'In your dreams, Mister!' His face broke into a huge smile. 'I never thought that!' 'Liar!' I teased. 'Maybe a little bit,' he admitted. 'Angela is in love with my brother, for your information and my falling out was with him. Let's say we don't really see eye to eye and it probably didn't help that I was ill.' 'Sounds like he needs a punch on the nose.' 'Typical man,' I teased, 'sees violence as a solution.' 'Not so,' he protested, his mop of hair falling over his eye. 'It's no solution, but I would feel better doing it.' He smiled. 'Gosh, it's marvellous seeing you again, Liz, it really is.' 'And you,' I said softly. 'And, to answer your question, I do know where they are and they're all in London. They are doing mostly session work, I haven't seen them for ages what with one thing or another. I often thought I'd give Cleo a tingle, but,' he said looking away, 'just never got around to it.' 'Do you...' 'Here,' he interrupted me with a smile and slid a piece of paper over the crisp tablecloth, 'that's their telephone numbers.' 'How did you know?' I asked, slipping the paper into my bag. 'I didn't, but I hoped you would want them. They were very worried about you, you know,' he said softly, 'when you left Berlin, I mean.' 'Were they? I miss them heaps.' As we were leaving, Toby asked wistfully, 'are you going to vanish again now?' 'No,' I smiled, taking his hand, 'no I'm not. Thank you, Toby.' I kissed his cheek and he held the taxi door open for me. 'If Femme Fatale does decide to get together again and you need a road manager or something, don't forget me, call me.' 'What about the Foreign Office?' I asked, surprised. 'I'd pack it in just like that,' he said clicking his fingers. 'Don't forget, Liz,' he said as he shut the taxi door. I waved to him as the taxi drove off and I smiled. Now, I thought to myself, comes the really difficult bit, explaining Liz Grey to the rest of Femme Fatale.

Same as Elisabeth Grey - Pt 12-13 Videos

4 years ago
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Elisabeth Grey Parts 23 24

Elizabeth Grey By Carmenica Diaz Part 23: Darling of Britain. I spent the rest of the day on the telephone. The press had hounded Mum but I felt relieved when she told me that a security woman arrived, saying she was from Fiona Woolf and would keep the media away. 'She's a little thing, Liz,' Mum said 'but she doesn't take no for an answer. She scared them off quick smart.' When I was on the phone to Mum, Dean came up behind me,...

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Elisabeth at the Pool Hall

My friend Elizabeth and I had been traveling all day, just enjoying the local scenery and sunshine. We checked into a small hotel in a small western town. It was your typical western town with old brick buildings and more saloons than stores. After a quick nap and shower, we changed into more dressy attire for dinner. We had seen a bar in town that served food and had a pool table. Elizabeth was wearing something a bit out of character for her. She was wearing a sheer white cotton dress that...

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Look, I know I'm not supposed to pick up hitchers. It's not smart for me, and it's not smart for the hiker. But it was a rainy afternoon, and the guy up the road looked really dejected. He was somewhat small anyway, and his shoulders slumped over as he slogged through the mud. All alone in the half-dark like that, he reminded me of my cat when I had rescued him as a stray from a sudden downpour. The kid had a yellow poncho on and wasn't carrying any bag or even a gas can. I supposed he was...

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Dr Grey

Karen was reading the magazine a little too intently as she waited outside his office. She was not alone in the waiting area, sharing it as she was with an older lady who looked like she was about to cry at any moment and a teenage boy who kept up a constant rambling conversation with himself. If it was simply their presence that made her nervous she would not have felt so churned up inside but, truth be told, she was far more concerned that things had gotten to this stage at all. She’d always...

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Old grey

Im matt 35 year old business man, i work in the city (ill keep my location private) and travelled there daily on our wonderful public transport system. I would catch the same train there and the same train back everyday, monday to friday, without fail. Now those of you who catch a train will know that its often difficult to find a seat or even enough space to stand so the occasional brush of my cock by some female stranger is a guarantee so ill stomach the horrific public transport this...

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Hairy University Ch 2 Gladys The Grey

I was still in a bit of a daze as I followed Diana out of Becky The Brown's office and through the University halls to visit Gladys The Grey. "So what exactly is it that you all do here?" I asked the elusive Diana."You mean Ms. Becky didn't even tell you?" Diana sighed. "Typical. She was in such a hurry to smother you in soggy snatch sauce that she didn't even get to the job description. It's not my place to tell you about things, but I can say that it's important work. You should join with us,...

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ExMen Banshee and Jean Grey

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. My friend Rafael in Brazil suggested I try doing some stories set in the Marvel Comic Universe instead of just DC. Here is the first effort. Usual requests, please enjoy, and please let me know what you think. Thanks Steve Using the X-Men Comic Title Literally - Ex-Men Banshee and Jean Grey by...

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Defeating Greyness

I switched off the news. I’d seen enough; it was time to go. I might have waited too long. The thing was, I loved the life I was leading and I didn’t want to leave everything behind. I looked around my luxury condo, taking everything in for the last time. This whole world was about to end and I already knew how much I was going to miss it. I had painstakingly selected every piece of furniture. Every decorative item was perfectly placed. Buying the kitchen alone had taken more than a month and...

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Into the Grey

David Jones stood atop Cefn Bryn, one of the higher points on the Gower Peninsula. It was early spring, or late winter, depending on how you wanted to look at it, and the air was unusually clear for the season. The twenty-or-so houses and pastures that made up Nicholaston spread out at the bottom of the hill, about a hundred feet down, and pressed up against the small cliffs overlooking the bay. Out beyond the bay, ghosting over the dark green Atlantic waters, he could make out a bit of...

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No Shades of Grey

With her fingers curled, she could just about touch the ropes binding her wrists, even if she couldn’t see them.  The blindfold they’d used was a length of black velvet; soft, thick and, above all, expertly tied.  Jodie didn’t even know if the lamps in the room were still on, although she assumed they were.  After all, they needed to see, even if she didn’t.How long had it been now?  Fifteen minutes?  Twenty?  Her right arm was going numb, and she desperately needed to urinate; something she...

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Contract Meeting with Mr Grey

I stood waiting outside the cafe listening to music, watching the hustle and bustle of passers by, thinking about the man I had only been chatting to a few days and now I was stood here waiting to sign a contract that would take us a journey of discovery. I watched, looking out for him and playing in my ear was Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire. I was dressed in tight dark blue jeans, a soft pink sweater and brown boats, with a black trench coat over the top. I had thought about how to do my hair and...

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Contract Meeting with Mr Grey

I stood waiting outside the cafe listening to music, watching the hustle and bustle of passers by, thinking about the man I had only been chatting to a few days and now I was stood here waiting to sign a contract that would take us a journey of discovery. I watched, looking out for him and playing in my ear was Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire. I was dressed in tight dark blue jeans, a soft pink sweater and brown boats, with a black trench coat over the top. I had thought about how to do my hair and...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 22 Serena Grey

-- SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- "Elyse Laughton is dead." I blinked twice before arching both eyebrows, hearing her words and yet absolutely certain of the identity of the young woman standing on the porch in front of me. "Dead? Uh ... You're going to have to explain that one." She sighed, "It's a long story." "I'm willing to hear it." "Oh, for God's sake, Ben," Sasha grumped as she pushed past me and stepped out onto the porch. "Let the girl inside!" With a...

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TalentChapter the Twentythird Grey

The weather is being pretty naughty today. There's nothing more than a little grey drizzle and the faintest gleam of a cold sun behind the clouds. All the trees are just hanging their heads in the relentless soaking and all the gutters are flowing with rivers of black muddy water. I kneel on the sofa and stare out the window. I can see the street lamps are still on even though it must be approaching noon. All there is on the radio is more of that awful hissing and yesterday (or was it...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 29 Lady Grey

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Ricky Goes Grey

After my pre Christmas exploits, not much happened sexually for a good 6 months. I’d made the peace with Sharon, however it was just a matter of time before things fell apart. I hadn’t been able to get the holiday from work, so we had agreed that she would spend a week with her parents in their caravan, and then fly home for our anniversary. The sex had returned to a fairly mundane pattern, with any attempt by me to liven things up being met with resistance. At work, Sam was transferred to...

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Ricky Goes Grey

After my pre Christmas exploits, not much happened sexually for a good 6 months. I’d made the peace with Sharon, however it was just a matter of time before things fell apart. I hadn’t been able to get the holiday from work, so we had agreed that she would spend a week with her parents in their caravan, and then fly home for our anniversary. The sex had returned to a fairly mundane pattern, with any attempt by me to liven things up being met with resistance. At work, Sam was transferred to...

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Adjustments Part 2 The Beauty of Grey

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Anal with my 18year old stepdaughter on a greyho

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Waiting for the Greyhound

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Southboud Greyhound

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On an Eastbound Greyhound

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Building It Up

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 2b

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Naked Wet Daughter Part 6 Last

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 43

‘Did you have a good time?’ Brody asked. ‘Yeah, I did. Thanks for taking me.’ Ryan smiled to cover the awkwardness she felt. It had been a nice evening, despite the undercurrent of tension between her and Brody. They’d been able to ignore it while with Bax’s family but there was no hiding from it now. ‘Not a problem. I mean, Bax invited both of us and I don’t mind driving.’ ‘Good.’ They fell silent as Brody drove. Ryan stared out the window. This was crazy, she and Brody shouldn’t be like this...

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Case File 2 The Profiler Chapter 3

Case File 2: The Profiler Part 3 As Megan and I drove to the address we'd pulled up, I had some questions, so I asked Megan, "How did this guy go from minor nuisance to all out super-villain?" "I suspect he has an artifact. Which could make things more dangerous for us but also for him." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Did you ever read the Lord of the Rings? In the book the wizard Gandalf says any of the mortal race who tried to use such an artifact would eventually be possessed...

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PornstarPlatinum Jackie Hoff StepDaddy Virgin Fuck

I certainly didn’t expect my step-dad to come into the bathroom when I was having a bath. Danny Steele just wanted to know if I was being safe when it came to sex. I told him I hadn’t done it yet & he said that was fine. That’s when he took his cock out & asked me if I wanted to learn about sex. At first I didn’t, but once I got my mouth & tits wrapped around his dick I couldn’t get enough! Is this what sex is like? Danny kept ramming his cock deep into...

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Portrait of Jeanne

Tonight, I am taking you into the Courtauld Institute Gallery in London. A glorious early eighteenth century manor in the heart of London, just a block away from the parliament buildings. The night guard tips his hat to us as we enter the building. You in a sleeveless black velvet gown, black shoes, toting a small evening purse. God you are ravishing. My very own Holly Golightly. I in a classic black tuxedo with the bowtie undone from your handiwork in the beautiful old fashioned London taxi we...

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The IslandChapter 3

Finally, Julia Benson, the late Professor Mockson's girl, said, "A couple of the guys became worked up and came after one of the girls. She pointed and Emma, the youngest girl on the trip, was curled in a ball crying. Nola disconnected from me. She and Andrea went to her. Nola asked, "What happened, Em? Are you hurt?" "N-no. Jeremy and Mark tried to-to hurt me. They were going to force me! I had even liked Jeremy!" She sobbed more. Jeremy had a reputation as a ladies' man, at least...

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New Hobby is Turning Straight Guys GayMaker

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STRAIGHT MAN Oh sure, many men think they are straight and many men will never once in their life ever do anything sexual with another man, yet I strongly believe any man can be seduced. The reality is you just have to open up their minds to the idea by planting the seed and once it's there it will often flourish. I have seduced guys in under an hour, I have also seduced guys that took me three months, but they almost always submit eventually...curiosity is a big...

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Caliburn Agent of CheckmateChapter 2 Secrets Lies

THE PRESENT I smiled as I remembered that week and the months that followed, then extended the wings on my suit as I hit the correct altitude and started my long glide down to where my target was being kept. I followed the coordinates on my Goggles' GPS and projected glide path. My thickweave spidersilk combat suit would provide a lot of protection from the guns I would be facing, and my own weapons and skills would see me through, or so I hoped. I landed just outside the cave and...

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Spider Gwen has a bad night

It was late 18 year old college freshmen Gwen was tired her muscles responding just a bit slower reactions off just a tiny bit and in her head visions of a long hot bath. as she swung through the city her city. Spider-girl's patrol had just ended and in a few moments she would be done for the night it had been a slow evening and she had only interrupted a few minor crimes. The spider suit glistened with a light sheen of sweat as it hugged every single inch of her body leaving nothing to the...

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Let8217s Play Sex With Colours

Hey everyone, Sam again. Hope you people liked my previous story, thanks for all the response, mail etc etc. Appreciate it. U can write me at especially people from Bangalore. So, coming to the story, it’s “Punjabi” this time. One thing bout Punjabi bhabhis is their assets are awesome filled at right places. So the story is about one such Punjabi bhabhi who stays in my apartment, let us call her Rup (sorry names cannot be disclosed) so talking about Rup, she is mother of 2 kids in her early...

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Beths night on the Town

Beth Smith was 55 year old and lived in a small town. She was a sexy African American woman with long thick gray hair. She was very fit for her age. She worked out every day and jogged. Her body was nice and tone. She didn't look like a body builder but more like a fitness trainer. She stood 6.3 in heal and had long thick legs and thick butt. She had a juice pair of red lips and deep brown eyes that seem to look inside you. She had the biggest tits in town. People thought they had to be fake...

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One of my Favorite Gurls

I'd been seeing this one shemale perty often about a year once or twice a month she was everything you would want in a gurl she wore about a size 10 womens shoe always with 4" to 6" stiletos heels which made her taller than most about 6'2" to 6'4" she was a big gurl in all sense of the word she had a 40" c bust, a 30" waist and about a 40" hips, beautiful big sweet ass her cock was also hugh about 8" and about 3 1/2" in diameter it was so sweet I just loved to suck it and have her shove it into...

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A Sons fantasy coming true

My mother is not a super model, most people wouldn't blink twice if they walked past her in the street, but she is everything to me and there was very little she could do wrong in my eyes. She was of average height, blonde hair that sat around her shoulder blades, medium build and average breasts. She dressed the way any 40+ year old mother would dress and treated her two kids with all the kindness of her heart. I have an older sister who is 3 years my senior; and while I had the odd...

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Hot tub fun

My wife Tracy has always been the best lay, but we’d been married almost fifteen years and sex had gotten a little of the same old same old.We talked about spicing things up, but had never implemented any plans until that night. I should point out that we are both in amazing physical condition. She is 5’4”, with flat abs, 34 C tits and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of. She has amazing green eyes and dark brown hair with perfect teeth. My friends have all drooled after her for years. ...

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Sex With Indian Sex Stories Reader Bhabhi

Holla sexy people of Indian sex stories! This is Sam, back with a most recent sexperience. Thanks for all the overwhelming responses and feedbacks.. I’m glad you all are enjoying my writing.. This story is about me and a 37 yrs old lady who happens to be an ISS reader from Goa.. It was just another day when I was going through the mails..One of the mail said that the lady was pretty much impressed with my writing and wanted to know more about me.. In the beginning I thought she was a girl, but...

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Holly Levine was hooked on Charlie,s Norse, cock as she savoured the hot fresh taste of his sperm rolling it round her tongue prior to gulping it down loudly so Charlie could hear as well as see her pay tribute to his prick. As she swalllwed she suddenly felt an intense surge of senses course through her body like a jolt of electricity and realise for a rare occasion she,d had an orgasm with just a cock in her mouth. She sometimes came with her titties being sucked and obviously tofingers, but...

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