24 Hours 2 free porn video

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"But first I need to fetch my newspaper."

As he walks to the front door, she follows him on all fours. He instructs her to get in front of him so he can watch her ass as she crawls. When he reaches the door, he leans down, strokes her face and hair, and tells her to wait for his return. She grinds her cheek into the palm of his hand and lies down at his feet.

He opens the door and heads to the main entrance of the building. He retrieves his newspaper from just outside the main entrance. It is raining very hard out. On his way back to his loft, he runs into a neighbor.

"Hey Bob." He says as the neighbor approaches.

"Hey. How's it goin'" Bob replies.

"Ok, this rain is a drag. I wanted to take my bike out. I guess we're stuck inside for the day." He replies.

"Would the two of you like to come by this evening for dinner? Judith would love to have you two over." Bob asks.

"Thanks. But, she woke up feeling under the weather and she staying in all day. I have her lying down as we speak and I promised her some tea. I need to get back." He replies.

"Well she is bound to get better." Bob states.

"That I'm sure of. Have a good day Bob" He replies.

He heads back to his loft. He opens the door; she looks up at him and smiles. He crouches down.

"I ran into Bob, he asked if we would like to come over for dinner this evening. I declined. I told him you were not feeling well. I didn't think you would want to sit around naked and not able to talk. So, I told him to stop by later and you would blow him."

She shakes her head no. Her lips are tight and he can see she is trying not to laugh.

"What is so funny? You can't picture lawyer Bob with his khakis around his ankles while you're blowing him."

She shakes even more with his commentary.

"With me banging Judith from behind with a plug in her ass"

She takes a breath and starts to laugh.

"Stop laughing!"

She continues to laugh.

"Get the fuck up and on you knees!"

She quickly stops laughing.

"Kneel facing me with your back against the corner."

She quickly complies.

With her confined in the corner, he firmly grabs her by the throat. Tilting her head back and looks into her eyes.

Sternly he says, "When I tell you to quit doing something, I expect you to stop."

He pulls his cock out, and shoves it into her mouth. She naturally reaches up to take a hold of it.

"Hands by your side. I just want to use your mouth. The next time I say stop you will."

She nods yes.


He pulls his cock from her mouth, placing it back in to his pants, and walks to the kitchen.

"Now come along. I'm hungry."

She crawls behind on all fours. He tells her she may stand in the kitchen while preparing his breakfast and he walks into the living room, sits down on the couch and switches on the television.

"I want two poached eggs, a large bowl of granola, double cappuccino, a tall glass of water, and cut up that large papaya. Make the cappuccino first. You can make some tea for yourself and you may enjoy your tea while preparing breakfast."

She begins to make his cappuccino, and then starts the water for the eggs and her tea. As she starts steaming the milk, he gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen. As he enters, she turns and hands him his cappuccino. He thanks her and she smiles. She prepares her tea and lowers the water to simmer. She sips her tea before she begins slicing up the papaya.

"There are 20 hours of motorcycle and car shows recorded. We are going to have so much fun sitting around watching the television."

She rolls her eyes with his words. He reaches down, grabs the welt on her ass, and pinches it. She yelps and jumps with his pinch.

"You will sit and watch television with me and enjoy it. And if I have to I will put my cock in your mouth."

She smiles.

He returns to the couch as she finishes preparing breakfast and he begins to watch one of the recorded car shows. He tells her to bring the food over on a tray and that she can walk to the couch. She walks over and places the tray on the coffee table. He tells her to kneel facing away from her, he secures her wrists behind her back with leather restraints and repositions her on her knee facing him.

With her kneeling before him, he takes a piece of papaya and consumes it.

"Mmm, Perfect! Are you hungry?"

She nods yes.

"I think we will start with some papaya."

He takes a spear of papaya, leans into her, and slides the spear between her legs. She jumps as the spear slides along her clit.


She nods yes.

He takes the spear and offers it to her. She opens her mouth and he pulls the papaya back. He tells her to beg for it as he holds it above her. She lunges for it and he mashes it into her mouth. Juice drips from her mouth as she swallows the papaya. He offers her another piece of papaya and she lunges at it catching his finger with her teeth.


She looks up at him with sorry in her eyes. He leans into her, just inches from her face, and eye to eye. He reaches down, pinches her nipple firmly, and holds it. She squirms and squeaks trying not to make a sound.

"Now lets try this again."

He takes another piece of papaya.

"Open your mouth."

He slides the spear half way into her mouth and then he mashes it into her face. She swallows what portion she can and wears the rest.

"Look at my messy little girl."

He picks up a piece for himself and eats it.

"Mmm, fresh, sweet, and juicy. Just the way I like 'em."

She smiles at him.

"Want an egg?"

She nods yes.

He takes one of the poached eggs and eats it.

"Done perfectly. Poached eggs are so much better then fried."

He picks up the other egg by the edge with his fingers. It is poached just enough to hold together. He tells her to open her mouth and she complies. As he lowers the egg, he can see the white straining to contain the yoke. He lowers the egg partially into her mouth and then he tells her to take a bite. She complies and the yoke sills out across her lips and down her chin and neck. She swallows and he tells her to open her mouth and he feeds her the rest of the egg.

With her a mess, he sits back and enjoys his cappuccino as she kneels dutifully at his knees.

"You know you're a very lucky girl. Because, you have a very happy dominant."

She smiles.

He picks up the bowl of granola and starts to eat it.

"Do you want any?"

She nods no.

He continues eating and watching his show.

"That is enough for me. Are you sure you don't wants some."

She nods no.

He puts the bowl back on the tray, picks up the glass of water, and takes a drink.

"Do you wants some water?"

She nods yes.

He offers her the glass, she places her lips on the rim, and he slowly raises the glass to help her drink. A bit of water slips from her mouth as she drinks.

"Do you want anymore to eat?"

She nods no.

"Ok. Lets clean up."

He places the dishes back on the tray and picks it up as he stands. With her wrist still restrained behind her back, he reaches down, takes her by the forearm, and helps her to her feet. They walk to the kitchen, where he places the tray on the counter.

"You're a mess, lets clean you up."

He retrieves a washcloth from the bathroom. He turns the water on in the sink testing that it is not to hot and wets the rag. With some force, he washes her face, neck, and breast. She grimaces a bit. Nevertheless, he continues. As he finishes, he gives her a kiss.

"Now my girl is all clean. Turn around please."

She complies and he removes the restraints from her wrist.

"You need to clean up the kitchen. Empty the dishwasher and do the dishes. However, I want you to do it as quietly as possible. Every time you clank something; pots, silverware, dishes, whatever, I will smack you on the ass with a wooden spoon. And one other thing, you have fifteen minutes to get it done."

She looks at him with concern.

"Starting now. Remember. Quietly."

She opens the dishwasher and starts removing the dishes and placing them in the cupboard. She is very careful and methodical about it. Nevertheless, as she places a plate on top of another plate in the cupboard, it makes a clanking sound.

"Hands on the counter and present your ass to me."

She complies and he smacks her ass with the wooden spoon. She squeaks with its impact.

She continues emptying the dishwasher. Now he begins to tease her. He stands close to her as she works, sliding his hand on her ass and between her legs.

"Why is your pussy wet?" As if he doesn't know.

She gives him a look and a smile.

She clinks a glass against another as she puts away in the cupboard.

"Assume the position."

She assumes the position and presents her ass to him. He rubs her ass and slides his fingers between her legs, he feels her pussy, which is soaked, and he slides two fingers into her. She arches her back opening herself to him. With his fingers inside her, he strikes her ass with the spoon. With the strike, he feels her pussy tighten around his fingers. He with draws his fingers and she continues with her task.

Quickly and quietly she finishes emptying the rest of the dishes from the dishwasher, all that is left to put away is the silverware. She looks at it troubling.

"Yes. Silverware. Now that may be somewhat of a problem. How are you going to put it away with out making a sound? I'm not going to smack you while you're putting the silverware away. I will simply count the number of times you make a noise. In addition, I want you to keep track. The difference between your count and my count will be added to the highest of either of our counts. So it is in your best interest to keep an accurate count."

She reaches down and begins to pick up the silverware basket. It clanks.


She gently carries the basket and lays it down on the counter adjacent to the silverware drawer. It clanks.


She shakes her head as she opens the drawer. She removes the silverware from the basket as if a thief. However, she still clanks some of the silverware as she puts it away.

"I hope you're keeping count. By the way, you have nine minutes left. For every minute over the allotted time, you will be spending 10 minutes in the bath room bound on the cold floor in the dark."

She finishes putting away the silverware and she turns to him.

He tells her to use her fingers to show how many times the silverware made a sound. She flashes him thirteen.

"Are you sure?"

She looks concerned. However, she nods yes.

"I hope you're right. Because, I didn't count."

She looks at him with dismay.

"So, it is thirteen smacks for you. Put your hands on the counter and present yourself."

She complies and he begins, counting off each smack of her ass. With each smack, she jumps.

"Thirteen. Now finish up doing the dishes and wipe up the counters. You have five minutes. When you're done join me on the couch."

As she finishes up in the kitchen, he returns to the couch and informs her that he is still counting. Try as she might, she is not able to finish with out making six more clanks. However, she does finish on time.

"You made it with time to spare."

She begins walking to him, as soon as she is out of the kitchen he tells her to get on all fours, she quickly complies and crawls to him. She kneels before him when she gets to the couch.

"Now, I want you across my lap."

She climbs on to his lap. He strokes her ass with his hand."

"I counted six more clanks and I'm going to add two for not being on all fours when you exited the kitchen."

He tells her to rise up a bit. He slides his hand between her and his lap. He places his hand against her pussy, slides two fingers into her and gives her a smack on the ass. With the smack, he feels her pussy tense up. He grinds his palm into her clit and continues with the other seven smacks, all the while his fingers probing her.

"Do you want to come?"

She nods yes.

"Well, you have to wait."

He positions her face down on the couch and hog-ties her wrist and ankles behind her back. He sits back down on the couch and places her head in his lap. He strokes her hair as they lay there watching the television. Another episode of "American Hot Rod."

"Sweetheart. I'm going to spank you and rub your pussy during every commercial."

She eagerly shakes her head with approval.

A commercial comes on, he begins spanking her ass and he reaches between her legs and rubs her pussy. She moans with his touch. He can tell that she is close to coming. As the commercial ends, he can hear her sigh as he quits playing with her.

"Never thought I would see you disappointed that a commercial was over. Should I use the TIVO to fast-forward through the commercials?"

She shakes her head no!

As they continue to watch television, he knows that she is waiting for the commercials. As the commercial comes on, he simply waits to see her reaction. A few moments pass and she begins to grind her cheek into his crotch.

"I know it's a commercial."

She continues to grind. He takes his hand and gives her a hard smack on the ass, then another. He turns off the television and unties her ankles leaving just her wrist bound. He gets up and grabs her by the forearm.

"Get up." Tersely

She complies and looks at him confused. He holds her firmly by the arm.

"We are going downstairs."

He pushes her towards the staircase, manhandling her, and almost lifting her off the ground as he escorts her down the stairs. When they get downstairs, he unties her wrist.

"I'm not sure how long we will be down here. I want you to get the pair of shoes Laura wants. Just encase she shows up while we are down here. You can walk to get the shoes."

As she begins to walk off, he smacks her on the ass. She goes to her closet and he can hear her rummaging through her shoes.

"Sounds as if you have to many pairs of shoes?"

She pops her head out of the closet, looks at him, and shakes her head no. She fines the shoes and carries them back to him. He takes them from her, places them at the bottom of the stairs, and tells her to get on all fours and wait there.

She complies.

He walks over to his bondage bench and sits on it.

"Ok. Sweetheart, I want you to crawl to me on your elbows and knees. As slow as possible."

She gets on her elbows and knees and begins her crawl. He tells her slower. She complies. She grimaces as she crawls across the cold hard concrete floor. She finally reaches him.

"You're a very good girl."

He helps her to her feet.

He has built the bench with her comfort in mind. It is padded and supportive. There is a dildo secured to the bench. He positions her on her belly with the dildo in her pussy. He places leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles and fastens the cuffs to the bench with rope. He secures her torso to the bench using two belts: one low on her waist and the other right below her underarms. She is not going anywhere.

"Bob did say you were bound to get better. If he only knew how true his words were."

He kneels at her head, looks her in the eyes, and asks if she is ok.

She nods yes and he gives her a kiss.

He places a blindfold over her eyes. With her secured and blindfolded, he begins to tease her. He takes his fingers and lightly drags them down her back across her ass. As he crosses her ass, he takes his fingers and taps the dildo hard. She rolls her head and tries to arch her back as teases her.

He retrieves a flogger from the closet and begins to use it on her. At first, he lets the strokes fall softly across her shoulders and down her ass. He repeats these soft sensual strokes several times.

Then he slowly increases the intensity. He begins counting has he strikes her. Each stroke is harder then the previous.


With the twenth strike, he stops and kneels in front of her and removes the blindfold. He looks into her eyes. They are a bit glassy.

"You're not going to say anything are you?"

She nods no.

"You're a good girl."

She smiles.

"Now, I'm going to put my cock in your ass."

Again, she smiles.

He pours some lube at the top of her ass and lets it flow down the crack of her ass. He takes a well-lubed finger, slides it into her, and slowly, gently strokes it in and out. He feels her relax around his finger. With his fingers, he can feel the dildo in her pussy. He then inserts a second finger into her and again slowly, gently strokes it in and out of her. He feels her again relax and accepts his two fingers.

He pulls his cock from his pants and strokes it with some lube. He positions himself behind her and slides his cock around her ass hole. Then he places it against the opening and gently pushes just the head partially in and then he removes it. Again, he pushes it in, but this time the entire head. He withdraws and applies some more lube and places the head of his cock back into her. He grabs her by the hair and pulls it as he pushes the length of his cock into her. She moans as he slides into her.

As his hips touch her ass, the buzzer for the front door rings.

"Fuck! It is Laura. God Damn it."

He withdraws his cock and places it back in his pants and quickly finds a plug and inserts it in her as a surrogate for him.

"I will be right back."

He rushes pass the shoes and up the stairs. He gets to the intercom and presses the button.


"It is Laura. Is she home?"

"No. She went out again. But, she did leave the shoes out for you. I will buzz you up."

He buzzes open the door and he can hear the entry door close behind her. He quickly goes to the bathroom and washes his hands. As he is drying his hands with the towel, he hears a knock on the door.

He opens the door and there stands Laura.

"Hi, How are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm Ok. I have a date with a new guy tonight. So, were are the shoes?" She asks.

"Oh, Shit, They're downstairs. I will get them wait here."

He rushes downstairs, goes to the closet, and retrieves a different pair of shoes. He shows her and she shakes her head no.

He rushes back upstairs and hands the shoes to Laura.

"Ah, These are not the ones I wanted." She says.

She starts heading downstairs.

"I'm sure I can find them." She says.

To be continued...

sorry but I wont be writing any more of this for a while sorry because I feel like writting something different.

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Welcome back! This is the second part of my longer story that I have been working on. Part 01 did not contain any sex, but this one does. First fair warning: it’s not right off the bat. These poor kids have to get in the mood, before they can get nude. I do think the sexy bits in this piece are by far the best I’ve written, but who knows. Second fair warning: if women with tattoos makes you upset you should be careful in reading this piece. Just try to substitute the word ‘stickers’ in for...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

1 year ago
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Dirty Dancing

Working away from home can have it’s advantages, situations arise that would never do so at home. I had been working out east for several months, working a two week rotation where I got to travel home every second weekend. For the last week or two, the hotel where I was staying was advertising an up coming fancy dress dance night. It happened to be on the Saturday night that I would be staying over so I decided to go to it and have some fun. The weekend before, I was at home and packed a few...

2 years ago
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The week after we watched Tyrones crew fuck and use my mom, we were at the mall watching all the married white women and guessing which ones fucked blk guys when we saw mom come out of Victoria Secrets with a couple of large bags, we decided to follow her to see what she was up to. Walking behind her, Jerome said dam she has a hot ass, Travis said yeah, and feels good too, then she went into a woman's shoe store, when she was sitting and a young black salesman was measuring her foot she held...

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Karens Awakening 1

This story is based on a true experience. Names and a few details have been changed to protect the not so innocent from their conservative, narrow minded relatives. Karen stepped out of the bathroom, naked. I admired her tanned, fit body as she walked towards me with a grin on her face. Her large breasts swung gently from side to side. My erection grew as I a noticed the clean shaven mound between her legs. “I shaved,” she said, “Like you asked me to.” Taking her hand, I led her to the bed...

1 year ago
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Tricked with a Treat

Lily pulled another costume off of the rack and held it up to herself. "What do you think about this one?""Geezus!" exclaimed Veronica, her best friend. "I thought you were going for sexy, not out and out skank!"Looking over the frilly french maid outfit that was more white lace than black silk and wouldn't cover more than the bare necessities (if that) Lily shrugged. "At this point I'm looking for whatever will get me noticed by Paul. This would be perfect for being Yvette from the movie...

1 year ago
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The Camp

This is my first time camping on an island with a group of colleagues. It's organised by the company and almost free. So, as I packed my clothes in my bag, I wondered how the camp would be. I had never attend any camp in high school and I'm a kind of urban guy, not suited to the natural environment. I stuffed all my things in one huge bag, including some magazines for my buddies and I to read at night. "What?" Dan asked. "Pitch the tent ourselves?" "Yeah," said the camp chief. "Orders from your...

2 years ago
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Poetry I Long for You

This is the time during the night that I miss you most of all.When you’re here licking my cock and sucking on my balls.I can hear your erotic cries and I can hear you having a fit,I can hear you losing your mind whenever I’m sucking on your clit.I feel your breath upon my skin, your eyes locked into me.Although the room is very dark, I wonder what you see.Your soft caress reaches out, touching me as I touch you,My fingers reach your lava hot snatch as I start to finger you.I hear you moan my...

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This story is a little different from my normal ones. Hope you enjoy it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra by Sarah Miller "And in the late 600's, the first recorded King, Songsten Gompo, supressed the Bonists, and Buddhism became the state religion. OK, read chapters 17 and 18 for next week. We'll continue with the evolution of Tibetan Buddhism. Have a good weekend." Professor Dave Plunkwell gathered his lecture notes as...

2 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 50

As late fall asserted itself with cold brisk air on the mountain, our lifestyle had taken on a peaceful, enjoyable, existence. Karen was off at school in Lexington, but called almost daily. Denise and Karen had become bosom buddies, able to ward off the wolves that preyed on young college girls. Both were savvier than most other girls their age, and both had education goals they wanted to meet. Their next trip home was going to be Thanksgiving and that was coming up in less than two...

3 years ago
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My first time at 18 years old

At this time I am 18 years old and its summertime. Having just graduated from high school it was to be an exciting summer with new plans on the horizon. Throughout my teenage years I was always very much a straight guy and still am to this day. The only difference is that I had a secret longing to be touched by an older man , a fantasy of sorts that I had decided I would soon experience. Back then the main social media was Myspace , it was all the rave and one horny night on the computer I...

2 years ago
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My Daughters TeacherChapter 2

This is chapter 2 and I hope everyone enjoys it. As always comments are always welcome. CHAPTER 2 I woke early the next morning and started breakfast for Beth and I. Beth made her way into the kitchen around 7:15, dressed and ready for school. She sat at the table and asked me how my parent teacher meetings went last night. I told her that I met all her teachers and they all expect her to do very well this year. As she finished breakfast and was making her way out the house she turned to me...

4 years ago
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Monica Part 3

When we got to the room I opened the door and let her walk in first. Stepping past her, I went to the desk and placed my wallet on top of some papers as a reminder not to leave them behind. I then turned around to see her leaning seductively against the door. That familiar grin spread across her lips as one hand reached for the hemline of her skirt. She very slowly raised it, exposing her legs, and as it crept higher she beckoned me with her other hand. “Hungry?” She smiled. Famished better...

Straight Sex
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The Enemy of My Enemy Is My FriendChapter 4

'Pax' in our time is the goal, unless it is good for 'business'. My poisoning was of paramount importance to me. I had my suspicions and now that we were back in the US, decided to pursue one or two of them. I called my number one suspect, Ray Ford, and told him I was alive and well and needed a place to stay for a day or two while I had some 'personal' things to attend to. I would take the silence on the phone to mean only one thing. He knew that I knew that he had been...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Mom Chudai

Hi friends, mera name rashid he or me jammu ka rehne wala hu meri age 34 he meri physique bhi achhi he 5 feet 7 inch ka hu me pichle 5 saal se iss ki stories padh raha hu me iske pehle bhi 3 stories iss pe aap logo ke saath share kar chukka hu ye meri story “dost ki mom chudai” ka second part he jo me aap logo ko batane wala hu agar aapko meri story pasand aaye to aap mujhe par mail karke bata sakte he ki aapko meri story kaisi lagi or aap mujhe facebook par bhi add kar sakte he mujhe aapke...

2 years ago
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Husband Turned Gay

this is a story i've loved for a long time, from Vicki Tern, about a cheating husband, and how the wife has him find that he isn't really a womanizer after all, but a deep seated desire to prefer being a bottom for more manly men....i would wish that my wife would do this for me....and let me be open about my desire to be with men too... I suppose it was wicked of me, what I did to him. But he did so deserve it, and it was such fun setting him up, and I was sofurious that I didn't care about...

4 years ago
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Casebook of Wilma JenkinsPart 4 The Master Plan

There was a stirring in the air as a time transport inserted itself into the new display area of time systems; a sleek ultra-modern unit had formed in the empty space. A slightly dazed man exited the craft, he checked all around the room. As this display was so new there was only one craft in there, apart from his, the man checked the card just before the machine. 'Type GV589 - Experimental unit. This was one of the first units to achieve temporal transport, this has been put down to the...

3 years ago
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Jane Pt 2

Jane pt 2Jane , Dan and I were together every weekend until the we headed to the swingers party . I took Friday and Monday off as vacation because if this party was as good as they told me it would be then I definitely would need to rest up before returning to work . The drive took us nearly five hours to get there , Jane told me about some of the regulars that attended these parties , their are several ladies that will go crazy for your talented tongue . Of course your big fat cock won't hurt...

3 years ago
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Pegging Bobby

In the bed, the tell-tale noise roused Beth from her slumber. She held her breath, nerves attuned with tingling energy. A prolonged moment passed. Slowly the door eased partially open, accompanied by the brush of wood against the carpet. She strained her ears, senses on edge as she attempted to pierce the hallway gloom. The hint of a shadowy figure wavered just beyond the door. Her heart pounding with adrenaline, Beth continued to feign sleep, not wanting to spook her stalking secret...

3 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 03

Working with Trista Ch. 03byamberbmaid©This is the next day in my experience of working with Trista. If you haven't read the prior chapters, please do so. Don't hesitate to contact me with feedback.****************************************Day 4:I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing; Trista of course was on the other end. She told me to have my stuff packed up, that I'd be switching rooms. She explained that instead of us having two separate rooms we may as well upgrade and get one nicer room...

3 years ago
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Trapped With A NerdPt 1

We have all seen them or at one point in our lives have been one. They are at the library, gym, office, school and super market. Maybe I have noticed them because in many ways I'm like them to a point. Any way, I have particularly noticed the female of this social order. You know the one around the office that doesn't know how to dress, keeps to her self, never gets the office joke, never wears make up and if you don't bump into her time after time you wouldn't know she was there. One day I...

Straight Sex
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Long before Robert L. even reached puberty, the seeds of his impending Sexuality were deeply implanted with strong personality molding roots. This by his single parent mother Bee, whose only real wish in life had been to give birth to and to raise a cute little cuddily sweet girl. So while all of the other boys in his small rural country town grew up playing army, sports or flirting with many of the interested and suddenly budding young girls, a poor and very sheltered Robert was made to spend...

4 years ago
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The Library

The Library By: Wondering SoulPart I In all factual truth the library is the perfect place to stalk someone. The shelves being the perfect hiding place, peeking through to glare at them can be easily masked as looking for a book. It was this exact reason that Mark chose the R. S. Killington Library as his hunting grounds. He was looking for four girls. This may seem strange to go to a library searching for teenage girls, but he had a thing for smart girls. He enjoyed breaking the mental resolve...

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My day as a slut

Again this is a true story from a few years ago. I had met a lady online, from a town about 40 miles away, we chatted, cammed and exchanged phone numbers. We texted and talked and eventually met, not quite in the way we wanted, but that's another story. We had met a couple of times and the opportunity arose to get her alone for a day at her house, so we planned something a bit different. She was quite a dominant woman, very open minded, so I agreed to let her be my Mistress for the day, I...

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E026 Tuesday Evening Reading

Both now sated, so happy to be together again, Emma and Donald just lie in each other’s arms, the after-throbs running through them.  It is not even an hour since Emma arrived.After their breathing calms, and the adrenaline slows in them both now, a deep sigh comes from Emma.  Donald, so holding himself in reins, keeps himself from doing the same.Emma whispers in his ear that she brought the diary with her for him to see.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to get it and meet him in the...

Love Stories
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My New Friend Part 2

It was a great breakfast and Jenny got up to wash up, Mike looked at me and smiled, “Fancy something to kick start the day Bro?” he asked as he got his tin out to roll a smoke, I nodded in excitement at such a generous offer. Jenny was at the sink and Mike saw me looking at her small frame, her nightshirt had rode up slightly and I could see her cotton panties wedged up her arse crack. I imagine it was a sight he had seen many times but it was new to me and he didn’t seem concerned that I was...

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My Aunt Is a SlagChapter 3

Luckily when we came out of the sex shop it was dark so no one could see me clearly, I’d got cum on my face and a bit in my hair. I was as horny as fuck, I loved the way Bill had treated me in the sex shop and I wanted more of his gorgeous cock up me, my fanny was dripping. Bill had his arm around my shoulder as we walked, holding me close to him. “That’s was just the start Anna, did you like it?” Bill asked. “I loved it, but I want your prick back in me” I replied. “You’re going to be...

1 year ago
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Our New Friend

He and I would hang out together and watch televised ball games at his apartment or my house almost every weekend. During that time, Suzy and Jay also got to know each other very well and lasting trust was established between them. As I got to know him, my sexual fantasy, which I will explain later, became an obsession. Suzanne would flirt with Jay and get all touchy-feely with him whenever he was around and vice-versa. Both Jay and I would constantly tease Suzy. Jay had noticed that I did not...

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AdorChapter 5 Rick

Richard Steele-Rick-considered his years at UC Davis among the best of his life. OSU, where his brother was, wasn't a bad school at all, but he thought Davis had the best animal husbandry program in the west. And he wanted the best. He had in mind getting the ranch out of the beef business, focusing on breeding stock for other ranches. Oh, sure, they would always sell the culls for beef, and that would be OK. But he wanted to learn how to breed superior cattle. Cattle that ranchers would pay...

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It’s 2am, all the guest are gone, & I’m drunk off my ass. I spark a blunt to my lips and head to the master bathroom. My body was longing for a steamy shower, and my pussy yearned for a orgasm. Sparking all 30 strawberry champagne scented candles, the bathroom lit up like a full altar in a dark room; the tantric music set the mood. To the left a full display of mirrors simulated a head to toe image of my naked glistening bronzen skin, nipples hard risen to attention. Attaching my nipple...

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The Spirit is WillingChapter 3

I would have preferred to stay up all night, just to see if the alcohol would wear off, but that would not have been proper as Amelia. So all things considered, it would be best to go to sleep and hope that we would wake up, in the morning, and find ourselves back in our own time. I was plenty scared but I didn't want the other guys to know how much. I knew that Rob could handle it, and Eddie could probably handle it, but Marty might wind up as a basket case. He needed somebody else's...

3 years ago
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Mere Piyari Pakeza Shafia Bhabhi

Hi doston yay story hay meri bhabi aur meri. I am 24 years 5″11 smart guy. My bhai is 31 years and works as vice president in bank ..We all live in karachi. My brother married his girlfriend from university her name is shafia . She is 5’6 having figure 36c 30 36 and is fair in fact you can call her goddess a real sex bomb. The day shafia came to our house as bhabhi since that day i have masturbated everynight thinking about her . Well shafia is a real doll she is jolly always likes to have fun...

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my mother in law

My mother in law was always very prim and proper around me when sober but it was a different story when she had a few drinks in her. It was on a Saturday night out during last summer that things changed between me and my mother in law but would it be for the worst or for the better?Stella was my mom in law and I had always gotten along ever since her daughter Sara had started going out with me and 10 years later Sara and I had been enjoying married life even without c***dren as Sara couldn't...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 274

Men's Thoughts For The Day The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe, before you start looking like a mental patient. I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters ... Do they just give you a bra and say, "here fill this out"... ? The speed in which a woman says "nothing" when asked "What's wrong?" is inversely proportional to the severity of the crap storm that's coming... Denny's has a slogan, "If it's your...

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The Ballerinas Next Door Part 1

I was sitting in my home office photoshopping some pictures from my weekend assignment when I heard the sound of a truck backing up. Glancing out the window, I could see it pulling up to the house next door. A week earlier, the ‘for sale’ sign on the front lawn had disappeared and I presumed the new owners were moving in.An hour later, after receiving a delivery at my front door, I decided it was time to play ‘good neighbor.’ Furniture movers were unpacking the truck and there were three...

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Brookdale Chapter 1

BrookdaleThe community of Brookdale is unique in so far as the normal accepted patterns of behaviour do not apply. The town has been built up on the basis similar to that of Stepford (The Stepford Wives novel) but, whereas Stepford was very much an idea that was concealed from the outside world, Brookdale has evolved so that outsiders are also aware of the premise that applies to the community.Brookdale is a town where, except for certain individuals, the majority of the women are openly...

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