DestinyChapter 6 free porn video

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Some days I surprise myself. I lined up the food service. We could eat a decent meal and not cause Tyler or Paul to go bankrupt. Eating at home, I could serve us wine. The TV was paid for, I had the network code, so if we wanted a racy movie, I could rent it. So for the price of the gas to drive over here, Tyler and Paul would have an evening to remember. I think Tyler likes to look at Charlene's naked body as much as I do. If Paul joined the group play, we'd all have a wonderful date. I know, you're thinking that I'm taken with myself. I suppose I am, but it seems to be working. So there.

Charlene and I were putting the salad and rolls together, awaiting Paul, who would bring the main events. Damn, she could look good when she tried. Even when she went only half way. Dad came down, dressed in his blazer and khakis, looking good enough to eat. Charlene kissed him and finally released. "I hope you have a good time. She seems nice."

I just winked at him and ran my tongue around my lips. "Enjoy your dinner. Be nice to her. She's my friend."

He looked a little confused, but he kissed me on the cheek and I didn't try to get a good one. He said, "You all behave yourselves." Then he laughed.

Tyler arrived first. He kissed me like he missed me. "Hi, love. I'm glad to see you."

Then, he went to kiss Charlene. He was getting into the program. "I've missed you, too."

She smiled and said, "I love it when you greet me like you're happy to see me."

"I'm always happy to see you, Charlene. All of you. Pretty is as pretty does. You do damn well."

I told Tyler about the arrangements and the names of the players while we were on the phone, so he wasn't surprised when Paul rang the bell. He came in bearing dinner and looking good in a golf shirt and jeans. He looked at both of us and said, "You two are unreal. What a thrill to look at you."

Little compliments never hurt anyone, so I kissed him nicely and said, "Thank you. We like to be told."

I said to Tyler, "You guys go tell lies to each other while Martha -I mean Charlene -and I finish getting things ready."

She cut back, "I notice that you're not such a bitch when I feed you a nice breakfast."

I kissed her and said, "I love you and I love your breakfast. I can't help it if my tongue is faster than my brain. Sometimes, calling you Martha is a compliment. Other times, maybe I'm a little jealous."

At dinner, Paul held up his end of the conversation nicely. He attended a charter school specializing in science and math that didn't have any real extracurricular activities or many girls. He helped me clean up while Tyler and Charlene readied our refreshments for the pool and spa. She placed water at strategic locations and a couple of bottles of wine and water in ice buckets. Plastic glasses, no less.

I said to Paul, "Go find us a movie. The remote's on the coffee table." Yes, this was a test.

He quickly pulled his laptop from his backpack and went immediately to the Internet Movie Database. By checking schedules and looking up the titles on the IMDb, he found three. Clever, that boy. When Charlene and Tyler came back in, I asked, "Okay, Paul, what's on?"

He said, "Here are three free ones. Of course, if you want to rent, there's a million."

Tyler started flipping through channels and indexes. He said, "I'm not much for triple X, but we ought to find something. I like plot."

We negotiated a sexy spy story. Sort of a credible 007 with lots of hot scenes. Tyler sat at my end and Charlene sat with Paul, leaving enough room for me to hold Charlene's hand. Tyler started the movie with everyone happy to be where they were. During one of the torrid love/sex scenes, Charlene let go of my hand and I saw her head on Paul's shoulder, snuggling. Tyler held me in and began running the back of his hand over my nipples. That heated up the audience. About an hour into the movie, I saw Charlene put her face up and he kissed her. Tyler copied. When I felt him, he was hard; very hard.

I whispered, "You like that actress with the nice ass and big boobs?"

"Yeah. Wish she would join our club."

Charlene said, "I'd like a pause for potty."

Paul said, "That would be super."

I went with Charlene and Tyler took Paul outside to the cabana. She said, "Well, he's pretty, nice, and he kisses well. I'm ready to go to the next level."

"Don't spread your legs and pant yet, we still have the tub initiation."

When the movie finished, I knew that Charlene was as hot and wet as I was. Being the perfect hostess, I said, "Anyone ready for the spa?"

They all stood. I took Charlene to my room to change and Tyler took Paul to the cabana. Paul came out in his Speedo, Tyler in his short suit, and Charlene and I wore our nice bikinis. Nice in the sense of legal. She passed out the water and I filled the wine glasses. Poor Paul couldn't decide whom to look at. He shouldn't have to.

When we were seated and enjoying the bubbles, Charlene asked, "Ready for a parlor game?"

Paul said, "I read about this one. Everyone tells a story about making out with someone. When they finish, we have to guess if they stopped or went all the way. The person who guesses the most right wins. The storyteller tries to make us guess wrong."

Tyler said, "I could lie."

"Yeah, you could, but you won't. Almost no one lies." He brought out some toothpicks and broke one. "Short straw goes first, then they get to point to the next person. Keep your votes to yourself until we have finished."

I drew the short one. I spent ten minutes telling them about the night Tyler and I had our first date. I told it well enough that I think he got hard again. I captured their eyes by talking about how incredibly hot and wet he made me and about unzipping his pants to get him ready. I breathed heavily and used my hands. Hey, I'm in drama. Close to the end, I realized that I made a tactical error. Of course Tyler knew the answer. I'd just have to wait it out. When I finished, I nominated Paul.

His story involved a school camping trip and how he worked on this girl for a few days. He told it well and by the end, I think Charlene and I both wanted to be the girl. He nominated Charlene. Since I knew most of her stories, I couldn't wait to guess. She patched together more than one story and I couldn't sort it out completely. She was quite good and I know both guys wanted to be there working on her.

Tyler's in drama, too. He went on about how hot he was and how she moaned and gasped. Talk about a ham. I was a professional actor, but he was disgusting in his description of how swollen and wet she was when he licked her to glory. He went on. Okay, I wanted to be there and so did Charlene. She had, of course, been there and I think part of the story was about her puffy pussy.

Paul got three right, I scored two, and poor Tyler guessed only one. We had a good laugh.

I asked, "Well, you won. What do you win?"

Paul put his head back and chuckled. "It's just a game of honor. I don't win a prize, just knowing that I won."

Charlene popped in quickly. "Oh. I'm disappointed. I thought it was like truth or dare where the winner receives a prize. Like gets a dare or something."

He was winning me over with his wit as he drew out his response. "Well, okay. Let's see. For my prize, I'd like to see Charlene and Destiny take off their tops and kiss each other for real."

He went directly for the twofer. Charlene smiled at me and asked, "Are you okay with this?"

"Well, I'm willing to try." I had Tyler by the balls and he knew better than to rat me out.

I stood and looked demure. Charlene upstaged me, acting like she was struggling. I untied my straps and removed the top, looking directly into Paul's gaping mouth. Charlene followed my lead and showed her royal Ds to him one at a time. We looked at each other and awkwardly hugged, acting like we didn't know what to do next.

Paul laughed. "I have never seen such a sham in my life. Get with it."

So, we did. I loved her and loved to kiss her. If she had a hot cock, I'd probably never kiss anyone else. Boys are okay, but they don't have those large beautiful boobs to feel. She kissed me back and we stroked each other's butt. I cupped one of her breasts and she let out a little sigh of pleasure. After I reluctantly broke from her and sat down, I said, "Was that what you wanted."

He let out a deep breath and said, "More than I hoped for. Better than in the videos."

I asked, "What does number two win?"

"Everyone wins. We just go in order of the most points. You get a request."

"I want to see you and Tyler take off your suits and stand up." I know what a twofer is.

Paul either was or pretended to be shy. Either way, it was fun. When he unveiled the prize, I was impressed with the tower sticking straight up. Seeing one of those things at full staff always revved me up. Charlene looked impressed as well. I don't think she blinked for a whole minute.

He said, "Charlene, you're next."

She reverted to her old standard. "Paul, I want to see you lick and suck on Destiny's boobs." I suppose she had a script in there somewhere, but I'd been to this play. He had good hands and worked his mouth and tongue around until I knew he'd done it before. I had this brief flash of his licking Deborah, something I'd enjoyed myself.

Paul said, "Okay, Tyler. What depraved thoughts are you having."

"I want Destiny to give you a shower and make you spurt so the rest of us can see it." He was still reading the old script. Shakespeare's old too, but still damn good.

I said, "Come on Paul, let's give them something to watch." I put my hand around his wood and led him out of the tub. In the shower, I said, "I have to get you in the mood." I rubbed the shower oil on him, my body against him, and kissed him with copious tongue. It was quite a pole sticking in my belly. I said, "Now, turn around to the audience and show them what you can do." I put a liberal amount of hair conditioner in my hand and slowly massaged the head of it. I learned last year from Tommy that he loved both the wet hair conditioner treatment as well as the slippery stuff in the personal lube bottle.

I stood behind Paul with my hard nipples stroking his back and kept going. Very soon, I felt his butt bumping into my belly and I knew it was coming. I moved us away from the shower and gave him a straight shot at the wall. I winked at Tyler and nodded. He had one hand on Charlene's breast and the other on her pussy.

Paul moaned, "Ohhhh, God," and pulsed out a large stream going six feet to the wall. The next two hit the floor just in front of us.

Charlene gasped and I think she had her first orgasm right then. I continued to stroke Paul softly until he moved my hand from his sensitive cock.

He turned around, kissed me again, and whispered, "Destiny, that was magnificent. My best ever. I can't wait to tell this story."

"I'm sure you'll be discreet about names."

"I never mention names, even when the clues are right there."

We went back to deck chairs and had a glass of wine. I said, "I like your little game, Paul. Really breaks the ice."

He laughed. "Even you should know that it's hard to freeze a hot tub."

I poked him in the ribs. "You'll be doing penance before this night is over."

"Oh? What will be my punishment?"

"Wait and see. Don't be afraid, be alert." I saw that Tyler had Charlene on her back with his head moving toward home plate. I nudged Paul and indicated with my head.

I'm embarrassed - well maybe that's trying for modesty - to say that I loved watching Charlene and Tyler get with it. I could see it, smell it, and hear everything. My breath caught as he slid safely home. Then, her breath caught as sounds of joy began.

Paul whispered, "That's hot. I thought she was my date."

"Well, she needed some action and you were too busy teasing me. I hope he doesn't have to take care of both of us."

He sat behind me with his legs around. He found a breast and a pussy in short order and stroked both. I leaned back to kiss him, held his hand on my breast, and whispered, "It gets better."

Tyler did his usual wonderful performance while Charlene played her part perfectly. She seemed even more vocal than usual. I continued to lean against this rolling pin in my back and feel Paul's hands working me up. We saw Charlene pull his head toward her and lick her own juice from his face.

Tyler said, "Roll over."

Charlene was on her belly in an instant waiting for him. He pulled her legs slightly apart and when he thrust himself all the way in, she sounded like she would die of pleasure. He snaked an arm under her to reach her pussy and held himself still while he was obviously stroking her clit. She couldn't do much in her position, but she kept trying to push her butt up to get more.

Paul breathed heavily in my ear. "This is better than the movie."

I whispered back. "Sure as hell is. I hope you're ready for your scene. Coming up next."

"I don't know for sure, but I'm going to try."

By now, Charlene pressed back against him even harder as she mumbled and moaned, "Hard, hard, harder." I heard Tyler's now familiar and welcome grunts coming as he granted her wish by speeding and deepening his plunges. Then, they were over.

Paul said, "I'm so hot, I think I'll pass out."

I kissed him and gently pushed him down on the lounge. "No passing out yet, my sweet until you feed my greatest hunger right now."

He started by licking me and right away, I knew we'd have to have practice on that maneuver. I pulled on his head and said, "Maybe later for the show. I want what she got right now."

He pushed in all at once and I felt immediate pleasure for my intense hunger; he filled my cup completely. No need to practice on this one, we'll go right to the game. I scored first. Then, I made another TD with him moving rapidly. We crossed the goal at the same time, but I beat him three to one. Maybe I scored four. I knew for sure that he would get a rematch. He brought much more than food to the party.

Charlene and Tyler gave us applause and we took a small bow. I took Tyler's hand and asked, "Will you give me a shower?"

"Gladly. You seem all sweaty."

Charlene brought Paul into the soapfest as we rinsed, stroked, soaped and oiled each other. I wasn't sure, except for Charlene's, whose hands were doing what, but I didn't care.

After we dried, Tyler called me aside. He said, "I'm embarrassed that I can't stay all night. I'm working on tomorrow if you'd like to have me."

"I want you every night you can get away. You don't even have to ask, just let me know. I'll even get you a key and the security code if you can slip out late. Just nudge me when you get in my bed."

"I'm always thrilled to be with you and I'm sorry my parents are treating me like a sophomore virgin Catholic, but that's how things are. If I ever got caught slipping out, I'd be in military school."

"Since you have to go, I want you to take me to my bed and make love to me alone. These group gropes are fantastic, but I need to be alone with you."

In my room, we summarized our feelings about the evening and how cool Paul turned out to be. Just nerdy enough to be interesting. Tyler did what I asked. He made love to me just like I wanted. When we finished and he was dressing, he said, "Destiny, I'm crazy about you. I think about you all the time. What spell didst thou cast on me?"

"'Tis not a mere spell, my love, but thou hast found the way to my heart, sneaking right in through my wet pussy. My mind dwelleth on thee constantly and no other."

"After I got rid of her, you brought me back to life." He hugged and kissed me, making sure I felt it all over.

"I must bid farewell to our guests. Paul needs to know how much I enjoyed the show."

Paul and Charlene were cuddled up on the lounge kissing and talking. Tyler kissed Charlene and told them both good night. I walked him to the door.

After he kissed me, I said, "Dad talked about having a cookout tomorrow night. I think he's waiting to see if his date went well before committing. Even if he doesn't, we can make our own gravy." I squeezed his cock. "Can you come at four?"

"Four, six, eight, and maybe midnight. Who knows? See you then."

I went back to the lounge only to find Charlene rolling a joint. I was glad she waited because there was no need for Tyler to drive after smoking. He'd get his tomorrow. I pondered how that sounded and decided it said exactly what I wanted.

I shared the lounge, sitting next to Paul. I asked, "Are you having fun, yet?"

"Come on, Destiny. We have to stop bullshitting each other. You know that I'm having a ball." He laughed.

Charlene had her hit and passed it on. He inhaled and handed it to me. I said, "Kiss me." He did and I inhaled his smoke. So for the next few minutes we smoked, kissed, and sucked air.

Charlene said, "Let's go easy and get by on one tonight. Tomorrow, we'll see what the old folks will do."

Paul said, "I hope Daniel and Sis get along. She needs someone good in her life.'

I said, as I grabbed his cock, "Aren't you good to your big beautiful sister?"

I embarrassed him, but he recovered. "I'm always good to my sister and she's damn good to me."

Hmmm. Ball's in your court Destiny. "You don't mention your parents."

"Easy. Dad left and Mom died last year. We're alone." He looked quite sad.

Both of us hugged him and I said, "I stuck my foot in it. Didn't mean to pry."

"You have to know. Sis and I live an unusual life. I go to the charter school because she insisted. Sometimes she acts like a tough mother. Dad owned a part of this food business before he left and that got us started."

He had his arms around both of us pulling us close. I hope I'm forgiven. "Dad left after sis graduated from the university. She thinks she can start her own business in a year or so when she learns all she can."

Fortunately, the good old cannabis kicked in and we felt a lot better. He giggled. Then, he looked at Charlene and said, "I think I need a mediator."

She giggled. "Yes. Destiny was out of line. What would make you feel better?" She certainly wasn't so stoned that she couldn't remember. "Last time, you kissed her and that didn't teach her a lesson. This time, I think a spanking is in order." She looked at me. "Destiny, lie across Paul's lap and be sure that your bush is against him. Paul, give her what she deserves."

I looked him in the eye and in my best little bad girl imitation, I said, "I'm so sorry Paul. I won't do it again."

He threw me across his lap and I could feel my wet pubes against his boner. He used the old clichéd parent line, "This hurts me more than it does you." He then began. He wasn't as good as Dad, but he could learn.

I faked, "Ow! Ow! Please. I'll be good. I won't do it again." I was getting there after about the fifth whack.

Charlene watched with her eyes popping out. She said, "That's enough. I think she's learned her lesson."

I whimpered, "If you stop now, you'll never breed." Tears ran all over my face. He kept on until I came. Then, I rolled over quickly, spread my legs, and said, "Now, my pussy. Quick."

Poor guy was reluctant to hit me there. I said, "Now." He slapped it and I went crazy while my spasms continued. Both of them had their arms around me kissing me all over. I regained sanity and breathed normally while I stroked Charlene's hair and reached for Paul's cock. I said softly, "When you spank a woman, you have to fuck her quickly so that she'll know that you have forgiven her." I was on my knees with my red butt in the air when he stabbed it in without mercy. That caused more spasms that didn't stop until he withdrew.

Later, I said, "I hadn't intended to make that fetish public quite so soon, but when she offered, I couldn't refuse." She poured us all some wine and said, "Guys, it's getting quite late. Maybe we should retire." I had to string him a little bit since he didn't know where he was to sleep.

We carried the drinks and bottles in and cleaned up enough for her to make the coffee. I took his hand and said, "Come to bed." Charlene took the other hand and we went to my room. Since we hadn't worn clothes for several hours, we had only to brush teeth and do our faces. I said, "I hope you can sleep between us. We both need to cuddle."

"I'm delighted to share your bed and I hope I can sleep."

"First, you have to put this lotion on my abused butt. I would have thought better of you."

While he was soothing my butt, Charlene put her arms around him and said, "We gave her a chance to act right. She didn't. You'll just have to keep her in line."

He took a deep breath. "I'll try. She is a difficult child." He kissed her and said, "You guys just gave me the greatest night of my life. Now, I get to be with you all night. Unreal."

She said, "You're supposed to soothe her butt, not work her up again." She came around and we had one of our superb kisses. "Night, love."

He cuddled Charlene and I pushed up against him. It occurred to me that I'd never get held if I had a sore butt. Somehow, I'd have to work that out. I wonder if Dad's coming home. He swiveled his head around to kiss me. Maybe I wouldn't like sleeping with just anyone, but I have four people who make me happy when they're here.

Paul still slept soundly with his nice cock still sticking up when I went down to breakfast. After I kissed Charlene she looked worried. "I guess he stayed with her. I didn't hear him come in."

I hugged her. "Don't fret. I woke up when he came home. It was late. He might have bedded her, but he didn't stay over."

"I'm jealous. I want him to sleep with me. Paul's nice and I like him, but I crave Daniel." She dripped tears as she continued the nice breakfast. It was an egg dish that she would bake. She brings sunshine to the day.

Dad came down wearing his running gear. He greeted Charlene with a lover's kiss and then came over to me. I pointed to my mouth and he kissed me, too. I smiled and said, "Thanks. I miss you."

He held Charlene and said, "I need to run for thirty minutes. Will that make me on time for breakfast?"

She kissed him again. "You can run, but you can't shower until after. I'll be waiting to give you your bath."

He actually blushed and then quickly looked around the room and said, "We have two missing in action."

Charlene giggled. "One's upstairs recuperating and the other jumped ship."

By the time he returned from running, the breakfast came out. I awakened Paul with my mouth on his cock and told him to hurry downstairs. Charlene had outdone herself. Paul, who worked in food, was much impressed by the egg casserole. He must have been. He ate it heartily with the fruit, toast, eggs, sausage, and enjoyed the coffee.

Dad said, "Hmmm. You're hungry this morning. Did you work hard last night?"

He blushed. "You have no idea how demanding some people can be."

"I might just have a clue. Good for you."

I asked if we were having a cookout and Paul said not to bother, he would cover dinner. He just had to call the chef. He and Dad danced around for a while, but Dad said that he wanted to cook outside and that Paul could have a turn later. Charlene and Paul left after a while to return later.

When I had Dad alone, I asked, "How did it go?"

"Better than I had any right to expect. She's very bright and has traveled to interesting places. She has a degree in marketing and will start her own firm when she's ready."

"How was she, uhm, affection-wise?"

"Good enough to keep. Well, I mean for the present. We had a great dinner and she's well aware how to order good food."

"How was she in bed?"

He chuckled. "You should know well enough. I understand that you had quite a party."

Damn him. He knew and used it against me. "We had a very good time. I decided to keep her if you don't. She's a lot of fun to be with."

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The symphony was wonderful, as was the late evening dinner they had at a little Italian restaurant Zack knew about. It was past eleven when they finally got back to Zack's car. Val leaned back in her seat and sighed. "I ate too much. I'm just stuffed. I bet I look fat." Zack glanced at her lithe form in the clinging dress. "You're fishing for a compliment." he said. Her smile was only white teeth reflected in the light from the street light. "You caught me mister detective. I...

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Monica the cum slut

The morning light crept through the blinds and cast itself upon Monica Santiago. She shifted her smooth long legs and tossed in bed. As the light moved further up her body Monica opened her honey brown eyes and lifted her head to look at her clock. It read 11’o’clock. She plopped her head back down on her pillow , her dark black hair falling around her. Monica was a wild child and was loving life and she had no intention of getting out of bed just yet. Monica lived alone in her studio...

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ldquoFuck Aunt Laura 2

On hearing Ashley’s voice we both began to scramble. My pants were lying on the floor next to me so I quickly grabbed them and slipped them on covering my half hard cock. Aunt Laura motioned for me to intercept my cousin before she could reach the kitchen. Stepping into my slippers I hurried out of the kitchen and almost collided with my pretty little cousin.“Ashley” I said “Uncle John didn’t say you were coming today. Glad to see you.”“Hi Jim, my father told me you were going to be staying...

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AngelicaChapter 11 God Loves You

The school dance was a week away and Mia was disappointed that she wouldn't be going. She was restricted to the house because she had run away, so she spent most of her time sitting in her room and staring off into space, filled with resentment. It was early Saturday morning and she listened to her grandpa leave for the hardware store, then she lay in bed awake until her grandma made noises in the kitchen. Mia then got out of bed and crept down the stairs. "Good morning," Claudia greeted...

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Good Morning Master

I stretched and yawned, my nipples hardening in the winter morning air. Turning over I saw Master was still asleep, and a smile slid across my face. I pulled the covers down and saw the stiff member laying erect on his stomach. I licked my lips. Turning around and sticking my ass in the air, I wrapped my lips around his beautiful cock and started to suck and bob, I felt him move under me and smiled at the pleasure I would bring him and the joy I would get in return. I loved swallowing his...

1 year ago
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She Was Right Its Cheaper to Keep Her

I was listening to an old blues song with the same title, and this popped into my mind. I was also thinking of most of the stories I’d read lately about revenge, and how necessary some people thought it was. I had also been thinking about a creative way for a father to stay close to his children in the event of a divorce. So here it is. No over the top sex, no vicious acts, just a man trying to think himself out of a bad situation. ... Damn, turns out the Blues Brothers were right. It is...

3 years ago
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Sweet Little Kelly

married Michelle when I was 21 years old she was only 20. We have bought a little three-bedroom bungalow and we both work and have decided not to start a family too soon, we have been married six years now.Michelle and I both work locally, her at the supermarket and me at the power station. We have now been very happily married for five years.I have fitted in well with my in-laws. Michelle's Mother, Irene, is a jolly person, who really enjoys a good laugh and I can always induce stitches of...

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All He Ever Asked of Me

All He Ever Asked of Me. By Tanya H. When we first hatched this plan, Tamara, Casey and I, it had seemed just a joke - something to laugh about while using words like; apoplectic, volcanic, heart-stopping and maybe-it-will-actually-kill-him. Though Tamara and I knew our Father too well for that - if ever he had a heart attack it would be brought on by wading through chest deep floodwater carrying a rescued baby and mother, or from lifting a wrecked car clear of a cyclist. He was that...

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DickDrainers Kendra Heart My Assistant Need Her Ass Straightened Out

Things are busier than ever right now. More deals, more revenue, more opportuniies…more things to do. Issa lot. Which is why I have a assistant. Cuz in theory, a assistant is supposed to know what she doing and make my life easier. My assistant Kendra make life easier on the eyes…she a pretty bitch and she definitely got sum ass on her. But as far as actual assistant type stuff? She not makin my life easier at all. She always fuqn up. 2 weeks ago she forgot to book a hotel and the...

1 year ago
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Teach me how to Ride

"Mina~!" My brother yelled from the large living room, the TV just as loud.  I lived with my Grandma and my older brother, Scourge. He's fifteen and likes to joke around a lot. He has dark messy hair that covers up his sly and handsome green eyes. He's tall for his age and very muscular. Most girls fawn over his sweet smile and biceps. I don't really look at him that way. I just see him as a big protective idiot. I rose from my bed, setting down my thick black book and running into the living...

4 years ago
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Private Investigator

My name is Jack Marshall and I used to be a police officer. No, I wasn’t the best cop in the precinct, nor was I the best shot. But I was always on the straight and narrow, never taking a bribe or ‘mishandling’ evidence. I even earned the esteemed title of bull dog; a loyal guardian to those he protects, sinking his fangs into those who mean to do harm. In a world tainted with corruption, sometimes always playing by the rules is like playing with fire. It was during that time I met the love of...

2 years ago
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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 11

In a robotic manner, I answered the questions of Detective Jason Lands, the only detective we have in our small town. He had worked in Nashville before coming back to Alabama where he had grown up. Pulling one of the chairs in the private waiting room so that he was seated directly across from me, he asked me tell him what happened. Then, he went back over it with me a couple of more times. He then talked to Brad whose hand I hadn't let go of since we'd reached the hospital. He was sitting...

3 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 44

Days pass. Lives move on. Girls go back to cheer practice and men and women make decisions about what they are going to do for the future. I think it was a week later after my conversation with Becky that the big day arrived. I dressed in jeans and a sports jacket with leather shoes on. I looked casual yet professional yet approachable. The hospital and radio station decided that a hotel ballroom would be better than a small conference room at the hospital. Ashlee, Brenda and I arrived at...

2 years ago
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Some Things Bear Repeating

Some Things Bear RepeatingBy Brewt.BlacklistJuly 2010Once"I love you.""Hmm?""I said I love you.""I know. Thanks. I love you, too.""You know, when you say it like that, it sounds, well, bored.""Hmm?""Bored. You sound bored.""I?uhh?""Bored. Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. Oh my god, I'm boring you.""Uhhh?""All this time together, doing absolutely everything we could together, and you would rather watch TV.""Well, um, not everything.""Hmm?""We haven't done...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 31

Big Eagle's Eggs The old Russian scanned the latest report from his spies on the Interdictor, then settled back into his heavy chair and stared blankly at the far office wall for a few moments, his fingers steepled under his chin. He considered his years of experience dealing with enemies, beginning with the savagely brilliant tactical commanders of the German army. He fought them in his youth when Hitler's armies attacked; his homeland erupted in flames and his friends and family were...

2 years ago
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Serial Sex

Hai this is shailendra again. Now I would like to explain u about my affair with gayathri bhabi. If u feel to reply mail me at We all had dinner . 2 new companies to be started . Father was asking gayathri bhabhi about the design and bhabhi said that an outline of the design was ready if he okays it she could finalise it . He said that he will see it later. We finished dinner , it was about 8.30 pm .Mother went to her room ,shalini bhabi went to her room father was reading newpaper gayathti...

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Forge of StonesChapter 6

"We will get back." "Well that's what you keep saying. Is it that difficult to accept the fact that we are now, thanks to your efforts, terminally lost?" Hilderich was picking ineffectually at the withering bark of a large oak-like tree. The tree was slowly turning into ash, returning into the dirt one very small piece at a time. Hilderich was quite fascinated by what he was seeing all around him and that was probably why he had not broken down in hysterical cries since their...

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Caught on Camera

I guess you could call this a cautionary tale. In all honesty, things are changing so fast in the workplace and other public areas that everyone should be on their toes to check for video cameras and listening devices that eavesdrop and record their every little indiscretion. It wasn't that long ago that I was in a cushy job in a major city getting paid a nice salary for doing practically nothing. Things were moving along quite nicely until I started having some domestic difficulties related...

2 years ago
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Aparna Aunty Me

Hi friends I would like to share my sex experience with my tenant aunt Aparna, Aparna was a typical very orthodox Konkani aunty in her mid 30 featuring an attractive buxom structure. An average person will give a second look on her structure; I being an average male had the same assent on her. She had moved to my house nearly 3 years before, during that time I had no intention towards her owing to fear factor, but as days passed with increased interest in sex knowledge I could not control...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 50

Sandra walked in through the backdoor and was expecting to be welcomed by Timmy. However, she couldn't hear the sound she normally heard when he came running towards her. She even didn't hear a bark from him. "Timmy!" shouted Sandra. Her shout wasn't answered by the usual bark from her dog. "That's strange," said Sandra to Melinda. Sandra looked at the stove in the kitchen and was even more surprised when she didn't see any pots or pans on it. Normally, her mother would already...

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The Dark Veil Prologue

Prologue Year 2536 A.C. (After Cataclysm) the Fifth Crusade explore the recently discovered worlds in subsector Azareus, At the Orders of Mayor Thomas Grevion aboard the Spaceship Dreadman in search of heresy to sanctify them in the name of his maximum deity called the Emperor Without Name and the Monarch Marcus Thain I. Thomas Dressed with the battle uniform of honour composed of a mantle, combat boots and a complete dark brown leather suit in where stands pray the acronym EWN in...

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biggest cock in the world

this huge hung man I watched self sucking one night captured me ,and now will let my wild dream out onto this page :"THE BIGGEST COCK IN THE WORLD"I was employed by a men's fitness center to be a greeter and to entertain the clientele of this exclusive club for tall muscular and very well endowed men ,that some or all of them had one kink in common they liked to have some thing there boring plain gurl friends or wives could never provide entertainment from a gurl ,t-gurl one with boobs so big...

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Oreillys Bastaird

“Gavin! You have to get moving if you are going to get to McIntyre’s by noon.” “I got plenty of time, Mom. Don’t worry about it. I still don’t know what they want with me. Father usually takes care of all the legal matters. I never wanted to get involved with all that paperwork and such.” “I know. I know, but they insisted it was important. And don’t push that horse more than you have to.” “I don’t know why dad can’t at least go with me?” He posed it as a question, not a statement. “He...

1 year ago
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DawnChapter 3 Her Anus

Dawn looked around the room as she knelt naked on the bed. Her room looked as it always did; the wallpaper, the pictures, the posters hiding the solid plaster construction of the old mansion. They don't build houses like that anymore. But you probably don't care about the construction of the house; certainly you don't care as much as you might care about the way Dawn and Alan were constructed and the way they were about to join those parts. Her legs were slightly spread for bAlance and his...

4 years ago
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TRUE HotwifeCuckold story this happened six hou

So - Last year I found out that my wife of 16 years and mother of my c***dren was planning to cheat on me with a work colleague. I had my suspicions when she started taking a huge interest in cycling (his favourite hobby), and spending a lot of time texting, using the 'Viber' app. Back then the security was pretty poor on Viber and I was able to clone her account on my laptop.She took up cycling and would go for long rides with him, to train for upcoming events.I didn't have to wait long after...

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GreeniesChapter 7A

At 1800 hours, New Pittsburgh time, people all over the planet found an Internet screen and tuned it to the proper channel. Some were gathered around a single screen in the living room of a public housing apartment. Some sat in luxury apartments on the edges of the cities. Many were freshly deployed MPG troops on occupation duties. If they were near a screen they watched it, if they weren't near a screen, they watched their PCs instead. When the speech began there was no fanfare beforehand,...

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Ive gota sub

I'm a very normal girl in pretty much every way. Oh, all right, my ass is a bit bigger than I'd like (although many tell me it's just fine), and I do tend to drink a bit more vodka than I should, but on the whole, I'm pretty normal. I'm a junior in college, and despite that fact, I'm still in the dorms because I can't afford better. Single mom, need to focus on my studies too much to work enough to afford it, etc. So student loans that will take me a zillion years to pay off, crappy dining hall...

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HijabHookup Goldie Glock Shy But Curious

Quinton James is housing middle eastern exchange student Goldie Glock during this semester and he’s trying to understand and respect her culture. When he accidentally touches her hand after dinner, he goes into her room to apologize but finds her snooping through his daughter’s clothes, so he tells her she can try anything on if she likes. Goldie trades her traditional outfit for a cute sweater with some revealing booty shorts, and Quinton is surprised to see what she’d been hiding under her...

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The Party Casual Ending

You’re sitting on the couch and I’m seated on your lap as we observe all the entertainment around us. I’m wearing my favourite pair of jeans and a white tank top with a black bra underneath. (Of course, you were the one who gave me the permission to wear it like this). You gently pull my shoulders so that I lay back to rest against your chest and kiss my neck lovingly. Then you coyly begin to snake your hand over my breasts and tummy and sneak it down the front of my pants. I gasp at...

2 years ago
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Love To See Others Seeing My Wife8217s Assets

Hi everyone, my name is Ajay and my wife is Teena. Am like 25 year old and 5’9″ with an average built body. My wife is 24 year old, fair, 5’4″ tall. Her size being 32-26-34. We both work in a MNC in Bangalore. We recently got married a couple of months back. We both like to work hard and party harder. Though we hardly get time to spend with each other she loves having a drink every time we hook up for lunch or dinner in near by restaurants. I usually love seeing others look at her sexy butt...

3 years ago
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Holz vor der Httn

Poll mit Kommentarfunktion, um sich über die Frauen und 'Frauen' der Story auszutauschen: Poll zum Voting, welche Storyline fortgesetzt werden soll: In dieser Geschichte geht es um des Bayern liebstes Mode-Accessoire bzw. um die Trägerinnen! Das Dirndl ist ein bayerisches und österreichisches Trachtenkleid, das gegen Mitte/Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erfunden wurde und heute vielfach als alpenländische Tracht angesehen wird. Dirndl...

4 years ago
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Sidewalk Encounter

Walking back to work from a fast-food lunch, I had to navigate an obstacle course on the newly created sidewalk as various pieces of construction equipment were still parked. Approaching me from the opposite direction was a woman. Thinking she had also navigated this course before during this summer of road-widening construction, I smiled and said, "Still a real challenge to get through!" She smiled, and as she came next to me asked, "Do you know where Columbia Street is? Is it down there?"...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Girls Vs Guys Orgasm Reaction Video 05182022

Porn review superstar Carly Rae is here to collaborate with Nubiles for a girls vs guys reaction video. She is already nice and wet by the time she starts watching the girls getting each other off. Carly’s commentary ranges from the girls themselves to the production value. She is loving how much the girls are clearly enjoying themselves and getting into it in the lesbian part of the compilation. The girls give Carly plenty to love. There are some new ideas for positions, but most of all...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 3 Sexy Fun With Sally

I woke up in the morning feeling a bit dirty and sticky after the previous night’s shenanigans. I glanced over at Matt’s bed: he was still dead to the world, although judging by the bulge under the sheet he was going to wake up with a pretty impressive morning erection. I smiled to myself, tempted to lift the sheet and have a look, but decided against it. It wasn’t time to get up for breakfast yet, so I lay in bed playing quietly with my pussy until I could put it off no longer, then got up and...

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Summer at the cottage 2

Part 2 Still naked the three of us walked the thirty steps or so down to the lake and waded in. The cool water made us gasp but it was refreshing. We were all sticky and sweaty after our intense session together and it felt good to get cleaned up. Gail and Jenny were grabbing my genitals and had little problem getting me hard again. With that accomplished Jenny turned her attention to Gail, suckling her full C cup breasts, and nibbling on her large dark areolas. I came up behind her and...

Group Sex
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A Pleasurable Night

I was dusting and happened to come across this story my fiancé wrote. It was in a bondage book of mine. Some of what you about to read is true and actually happened. I wasn't aware of all that happened though-at the salon and at the mall. Just read for yourself. A Night Out...Of Pleasure Our day started by going to the salon. We are greeted by one of the stylists. She asks you what we are there for. I speak up: “Manicure and pedicure, shampoo and possible low lights...for her.” She smiles and...

2 years ago
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Hidden Treasure of a Wimp

This happened with me during summer last year. I was working as a domestic servant in the house of Sharmas. Till then my sexual experiences were confined to fantasizing, cross dressing, masturbating and peeping. I considered myself an expert peeping tom and took pride in my capabilities to sniff the right timing to peep on bathing women and copulating couples. I had seen almost all women in my neighbourhood in various state of undress. Few times I had been caught in the act and a couple of...

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Long Strange Trip

It’s been a long, strange trip and not one really in my control. I should introduce myself, I am Stephanie, though I used to be Stephen. I grew up as a boy, though I suppose I was always a little odd. It kind of started in my senior year of high school, shortly after my 18th birthday. I was home alone after school. My parents both worked and my older brother, Carl was off doing God knows what with his friends. Carl is about 6’ tall and 170 pounds and muscular. He is athletic and works out...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Finally fucking Amy This is part three of a series. The rest of the day went as usual. Thankfully Amy went back to bed and stayed there until some time in the afternoon. Rachel and I went out and spent a normal Saturday together, though the entire time I could swear I still smelled Amy on my fingers. I had to get that girl alone, and soon. The whole day out my brain was working overtime on how we could spend some quality time with Rachel out of the house. She kept asking if I...

1 year ago
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Family PlanningChapter 11

I want to be more like my Dad. He was a man of great confidence, and he was fast to make friends. The star quarterback of the football team, and the dream date for many of the cheerleaders. Including his own sister. Dad knew exactly what he wanted out of life, and he wasn’t afraid to take action. I hope to live up to his memory. The longest journey begins with a single step. Aunt Jane drove to the hospital to see Cassie and the new baby, and Mom was home long enough to get ready for work. I...

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BangBus Honey Hayes Honey Does Anal

Honey Hayes just came back from the beach when our bus pulled up. Honey was on vacation recovering form a bad breakup so the guys didn’t have to do much of the usual persuasion. Honey just jumped into the bus all by herself. As she was broke she pretty quickly agreed to a top less interview. Revenge on her ex was her main drive so she was actually happy when Tony Rubino groped her breasts and pussy. Honey was an amazing girl. Smart, sexy, pierced nipples and horny as fuck. In no time she was...

4 years ago
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Lucky Josh part 5

Introduction: Two more friends join the list as the story continues Josh entered the red room and saw why it was named so, all the furniture was red, the carpet and the bed, only the walls were painted white.Mistress Rose sat on the bed and smiled at him when he entered the room.“Hello Josh” she said “I was starting to worry you weren’t going to show up.”“How could I not show up after the great favor you did me?” Josh smiled at her, closing the door.“You like Samantha a lot don’t you?”“Yeah,...

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Cricket With My Sister Sonali

My Sister, Sonali, had turned 19 just last week. As much as I loved her as an elder brother, I had to admit her big bosom always left me surprised. They were definitely sized 36 and always looked huge. She had proper busty melons, and for somebody of her age it was an unbelievably sized pair of hooters to own. Sonali, however, always managed to keep it covered,hidden and look less voluptuous on most occasions. But at home, it was just impossible. Firstly you do not always wear uncomfortable...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 2 Honeymoon Preparations

Both the wedding and the celebration had gone beautifully without any problem whatsoever. Now only one part of the wedding tradition was left and this was the one that had both Stan and Laura a little worried. "Are you sure we shouldn't wait to have our honeymoon at a later time." Laura said nervously. "After the kids are more comfortable with the new house and with each other I mean?" "Actually, I'm not sure," Stan said smiling, "unfortunately all our tickets and reservations are...

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