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The webcam was easy enough to conceal. Molly placed it precariously between the only two books on the cluttered bookshelf before stepping backwards and surveying the scene. She decided quickly that it would be next to impossible for anyone to spot the small device amongst the debris, unless they were actively looking for it, which of course they wouldn't be.

Early morning sunshine filtered in through the gaps in the heavy curtains and her heart pounded furiously as she covertly tip-toed from her sister’s messy bedroom. Molly slowly pulled the door closed, picked up her bag and headed downstairs.

o O o

She was the first one home of course, and the house was empty as expected. Her parents didn’t usually get home from work until gone seven, so she would have plenty of time to herself. As the summer sun slowly began to dip behind the houses outside of her bedroom window, she worked silently at her desk completing her geography homework. The house was still apart from the faint ticking of the grandfather clock in the downstairs lobby.

It was 4:30 when she heard the front door close downstairs and the faint but obscured sound of voices. The muffled conversation was followed by heavy footfalls on the wooden staircase outside Molly’s bedroom door. There was a girlish giggle, the unmistakeable yet annoying sound of her sister, Annabel. Molly pushed her reading glasses back up the bridge of her nose, shook her head disapprovingly and then continued with her homework. The walls were thin and the muffled conversation continued as the disembodied voices rattled on into the distance. Molly heard the distinctive sound of her sister’s bedroom door closing.

Annabel had a new tutor, Daniel, the neighbour’s son. At twenty, he was two years older than the twins. Mum and Dad had decided that it was the only way that Annabel was ever going to pass her final mathematics exam. As with all things, Molly had seen this as a massive injustice, one of many in fact. Molly always worked hard, she had always done as she was told and yet again, it was Annabel who got the tutor and the special treatment.


Daniel had been “helping Annabel with her studies” for three weeks now, for all the good it would do her. It was certainly true that there was a tinge of jealousy on Molly’s part, but you couldn’t really blame her; Daniel was gorgeous. But, to be fair, this wasn’t about ‘a boy’, this was about the sheer inequality of treatment in their household. Annabel had always been the favourite despite her wayward disposition, and this unjust treatment had gnawed away at Molly for many years.

It was all just so unfair!

Molly put down her pen and stood up for a moment, craning her neck to listen. It had suddenly gone very quiet in Annabel’s room. The distinctive giggling and high-pitched chatter seemed to have ceased. Molly placed her hands on her hips angrily and tutted audibly to no-one in particular.

If she could catch her sister “studying” maybe Mum and Dad would stop Daniel from coming over and that would serve Annabel right. Maybe then they would see what an absolute screw-up their precious Annabel was and life would be … fairer.

Angrily, Molly turned on her computer monitor and slumped back down at her desk, her books suddenly forgotten.

The picture quickly came into focus. There they were, in crystal clear high definition.

Both of them were lying on their fronts, side by side on Annabel’s bed and to be fair, Molly did note that a mathematics text book and a laptop were out on her sister’s bedside table. However, neither of them seemed to be looking at it. Molly frowned at the screen. Annabel was giggling again; it seemed to cut through the thin plaster walls like they were made from paper. She threw her head back and giggled flirtatiously at something Daniel had said. Her blue gingham school dress sat high on her white thighs, her ankles crossed and bobbing rhythmically above her bottom. Annabel’s feet were bare and Molly could even make out the red nail varnish that adorned her dainty toes.

As twins, the two girls were almost physically identical. Annabel had the same athletic figure, a pert bottom, small but beautiful breasts and a narrow waist. She was about 5’5 tall with long, straight ginger hair which fell beautifully around her shoulders. Her skin was pale and peppered with freckles around the nose and cheeks. Annabel’s lips were full, and she seemed to be pouting dramatically at every given opportunity. Her eyes were a brilliant green accentuated perfectly by the thick black eyeliner she was wearing, something Molly would never dare wear to school for fear of being chastised by the teachers and subsequently she would most definitely be put on report.


Daniel, of course, was perfect. He lay next to Annabel on the edge of the bed closest to the webcam, propped up on his elbows and smiling at Molly’s sister as she giggled for the gazillionth time. He was at least six foot tall, broad shoulders, not muscular but strikingly good looking. His hair was short and dark. Molly could even make out the contours of his skin and the faint shadow of his stubble on the screen. Daniel’s eyes were narrow and blue.

Molly’s heart fluttered slightly looking at them like this. She felt like a spy, like some covert interloper. And, not for the first time, that nagging guilt returned.

What if they see the camera?

It was all too much. Molly quickly turned off the monitor and sat quietly for a moment chewing her fingernails and starring at her own face reflected guiltily in the dark screen. This had all been a terrible mistake and it would surely only end up with her getting in trouble. Molly stood and placed her ear to the wall … it was very quiet. She swallowed and closed her eyes focusing on the silence … nothing.

o O o

Unlike her sister, Molly had never had a long-term boyfriend before, but recently her interest in sex and in boys in particular had increased dramatically. She'd looked at a few crude videos of naked men and women having sex online, but her guilt had usually gotten the better of her. Molly would quickly wipe her internet history after each of these episodes, and sit cursing her own weakness, scared to death that she’d be discovered by her parents.

What if someone found out?

She'd even read a few naughty stories on an erotic website once or twice. The stories themselves allowed her imagination to do the work (which was more preferential to Molly) but the experience usually left her with damp knickers and in desperate need of a long, cold shower.

What if God was watching?

This was her other fear. Molly had confessed her wickedness in church on at least three occasions over the last year. The priest's advice to her was simply to take up a hobby of some sort ... jogging perhaps? Molly, quite sensibly, couldn't for the life of her figure out how jogging would fend off her lustful thoughts. She was busy with school work anyway; a new hobby simply couldn't be crammed into her already hectic schedule.

She never masturbated. Molly’s mother had told both girls at great length that such urges and behaviours were wicked and would never be tolerated in the house. And, being a good girl, Molly had stemmed her urges successfully no matter how bad the aching between her legs had become. She wasn’t an idiot of course, and she was totally aware that Annabel had not listened quite so intently to their mother’s words.

Often, late at night, the faint sound of her sister’s lustful actions would carry through the thin wall. Molly would lie there and listen to Annabel’s soft moans and the envy in her belly would grow ever more present.

o O o

What were they doing in there?

Despite the pangs of guilt, the monitor was back on. Slowly the pristine picture came back into focus.

Annabel had rolled onto her side and had stopped giggling, her face suddenly serious, her mouth open slightly. Daniel placed his hand on the girl’s hip, before leaning forward slowly and kissing her lips. The kiss started slow and tender but after only a few seconds Annabel’s tongue was cartwheeling lustfully inside Daniel’s mouth.

He responded in kind.

Molly swallowed loudly, her eyes fixed on Annabel’s passionate embrace. She rubbed her hands together in her lap; they were sweaty and hot, and her breathing had become more rapid.

Daniel had rolled on top of Annabel and she parted her legs willingly, her thin dress riding up even higher on her milky white hips. The kiss continued; Annabel’s hands clasped around Daniel’s neck as he rested on his elbows. It was then that Annabel dropped her hands to his waist and began tugging his tee-shirt off over his head. They both seemed to be laughing in-between their kisses but it wasn’t long before Daniel’s top was thrown casually onto the floor.

Molly’s finger was back on the ‘off’ switch. But, she was frozen. She had expected to catch her sister messing about, but this? There was a dull tingling between Molly’s legs and her finger quickly fell away from the switch.

Daniel unbuttoned Annabel’s dress as they continued to kiss, the white buttons opening rapidly from her neckline to her navel. He kissed her throat and she threw her head back, her eyes closed, his fingers pulling the dress open violently. Molly was slightly surprised to see that her sister’s bra was plain and white (school regulation), her pale breasts sprinkled with freckles in much the same way as her own. Annabel’s mouth formed the shape of an O as Daniel began to kiss down her body, pausing at her chest and kissing the exposed flesh cradled in her delicate bra.

Molly sat quietly in front of the monitor. She dared not blink. The dull ache between her legs was beginning to build and she was half-aware that her privates were beginning to become increasingly moist. Molly’s knees knocked together nervously under the desk and she sucked on her lower lip dreamily as she watched Daniel kiss her sister’s milky white belly for the third time.

Annabel pushed on the boy’s head and within moments he was between her thighs. The girl lifted her bottom and pulled up the gingham dress around her middle, exposing her tight blue knickers. Annabel straightened her right leg, keeping her left bent at the knee as Daniel planted small kisses over the thin cotton gusset of her underwear.

Molly looked down. Her own gingham dress was longer than her sisters, almost to her knees. Her hands were still clasped obediently in her lap. But … but the dull throbbing was getting harder and harder to ignore. As if hypnotised, Molly’s unblinking green eyes drifted back to the erotic scene unfolding on her monitor.

Daniel tugged at Annabel’s knickers and she lifted her bottom, allowing him to pull them off over her feet, which she extended into the air. He parted her legs again before wiping her panties against her privates and holding them against his mouth and nose. For a moment he knelt motionless between the girl’s legs breathing in her scent and then finally, Daniel snapped from his trance and threw the wet panties into the centre of the room.

The chair was becoming wet under her bottom. Without thinking, Molly lifted her bum from the seat and pulled her dress up around her tummy. She looked down once again at her own body and surveyed the pink cotton triangle between her legs. Holding her dress in place around her tummy with her right hand, Molly let her left hand fall between her legs. Gently, she cupped herself through the fabric of her panties.

Annabel’s privates were well groomed; a thin line of soft ginger hair was clearly visible between her legs. Daniel held her hips as his mouth closed over the girl’s engorged lips, sucking on them before running his tongue up to her clit and lapping at it hungrily. Annabel cooed loudly, the sound audible through the wall as Daniel’s tongue lapped with greater speed and ferocity at her sex. Annabel held Daniel close to her body as her small hips began to buck against his fevered kisses; the boy’s finger now pressed at her opening as she urged him on.

Molly panted shallowly as her middle finger ran in little circles around the hardening nub between her legs, the cotton material of her knickers wet against her eager fingers. Her knees were now wide apart and she sat awkwardly on the edge of her chair. All thoughts of guilt and wickedness had all but disappeared.

Annabel arched her back, pushing her privates against Daniel’s mouth and fingers. She cried out loudly, a sound that reverberated around the entire house. Her body tightened, her fingers pulling the boy close to her as her ecstasy reached its natural conclusion. Annabel collapsed onto her bed panting. Daniel knelt between Annabel’s legs; he pulled his wet fingers from her privates, and wiped his mouth nonchalantly with the back of his hand.

Her knickers were around her knees, wet with her own juices. Molly’s fingertip rested in the narrow, slick canal of her privates, waiting to see what they would do next. Idly, Molly traced her finger up her slit to her sensitive clitoris. She shivered, before letting her finger wander back down and dab at the warm entrance to her body.

The sole of Annabel’s foot pushed Daniel from between her legs and she rolled elegantly onto her belly. Daniel clapped his hands together and moved behind her on his knees. He lifted the gingham dress back around her middle exposing her round bottom and quickly undid his jeans. Annabel knelt on all fours, her long ginger hair falling over her face.

Daniel’s penis was long and hard. His pubic hair was dark around the base, and the purple head seemed to twitch angrily as he moved towards the girl. He tugged his jeans and shorts off, almost falling several times. Annabel just remained still, her bottom tilted towards the ceiling, her wet mound hanging expectantly between her legs.

Molly’s fingers slipped tightly inside her body and she shuddered.

Annabel reached between her legs and held Daniel’s penis just below the head. Slowly, she guided him to her warm opening. His eyes closed as he squeezed her bottom between his rough fingers and eased himself into her pussy.

A loud cry drifted through the thin wall as Molly squeezed her finger into herself up to the knuckle. She eased it out again slowly. She repeated this operation again, tightening the muscles between her legs around her knuckle, her eyes never leaving the couple on the monitor.

The head of Daniel’s penis slowly disappeared inside Annabel. She pushed herself back on to him, throwing her head back, her mouth open, her eyes closed. He eased out for a moment before easing in gently once again. It was then that the pace started to increase. Before long Daniel’s thrusts had become more rapid and he was panting in unison with Annabel. He spanked her right buttock sharply, causing her to yelp and push back on him even harder. Daniel’s balls swung heavily between his legs and within moments the veins on his neck began to bulge dramatically.

Molly yelped in unison with the couple on the screen, her wet finger slapping angrily into her sodden pussy. Her right hand had found its way in-between the buttons of her dress and she squeezed her breasts roughly through her bra, her nipple hard against the palm of her hand.

Daniel’s body became taut, and the girl froze under his weight. His eyes closed and his mouth opened. He emptied himself inside the girl. After a moment, he collapsed onto Annabel and she crumpled under his weight breathing heavily. They both laughed as the boy lay on top of her, his penis softening inside her, his hot goo leaking from her body.

o O o

Molly sat quietly for a moment, her knickers around her knees, her right hand still resting between her slick thighs. Molly’s chair was wet underneath her bottom, but she didn’t move. She couldn’t stop watching them.

Daniel was now standing in the centre of the room getting dressed, his semi-hard penis moist with Annabel’s juices. He scratched his belly and pulled on his shorts and jeans. They were talking but Molly couldn’t quite make out what was being said.

Annabel was sitting cross-legged on her bed in front of her laptop and mathematics book, her gingham dress pulled back into position covering her modesty. Molly noticed her sister’s knickers by the side of the bed; Daniel quickly swept them into his hand and sniffed them before placing them into the pocket of his jeans. Annabel smiled at him and he smiled back.

Molly frowned.


It was then that Annabel suddenly looked directly at the webcam; she smiled. Molly gasped and placed her hand over her mouth, her eyes widening. Annabel lifted her laptop awkwardly and pointed the screen towards the hidden camera on the bookshelf. Daniel waved in Molly’s direction before slipping his tee-shirt on over his head.

There, on Annabel's laptop screen was Molly, sitting at her desk in front of her geography books and computer; her eyes wide, her mouth open with her wet knickers around her knees.

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Lustful Chat

Hey folks I am new to ISS and have been very impressed with the stories in the site. Keep up the good work. After so much thought I have decided to post my experiences on this web site. To begin with I am posting a chat with one of my chat mates. This is a sensuous chat I had with a Kolkota lady.. Your feedbacks are most welcome to my mail id lustychaponcam (04-12-2009 10:43:18): Hi Synthia (04-12-2009 10:43:27): ?{ lustychaponcam (04-12-2009 10:43:46): what’s that Synthia (04-12-2009...

2 years ago
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Club Voodoo Part 1

"Club Voodoo" by Suzette My wife has a perfect ass. I love Joan's ass. Its round, large, and firm. I guess one might call it a "bubble" or "shelf" ass. It's a black girl's ass on a white woman. It was the first thing I noticed when I met her in college. I was at my fraternity house during a party when I look over and there is this goddess dancing with a bunch of her sorority sisters. Beautiful, full lips, long, wavy blond hair and light blue eyes. She had large, perky, C-cup...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 113

Misti and Sam prepared the twins as the rest of the household prepared themselves for Mike's Retirement Ceremony. Mike had come in and set to giving his shoes and cap bill another coating of spit-shine. He wanted to give his absolute best for the Secretary of the Air Force, and his entourage. Especially because of the great honor of the award. It, to him, would be the same as getting an Oscar at the Academy Awards. For this reason, if for no other, it was paramount for him to look his best in...

3 years ago
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Shadow of a DoubtChapter 6

It was a little after midday. We were driving south along the beachfront down to where the bars and clubs were located. It was only a few minutes down the road and I hardly had time to gather my thoughts. For someone who had never taken her sexuality outside the walls of her home, I'd done more flashing today than I thought I'd ever do! Well... It wasn't really flashing. More 'flaunting', I guess. God, I felt so deliciously wicked. Driving down the road in the white Mustang was having...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 18 Late Night at Marys

Stick was lounging around, beginning to have serious thoughts about an earlier fantasy. The gay flick had ended with the first bottom circling around and sandwiching the black guy so that he shuttled back and forth between the dude he was pokin' and the one that was pokin' him. I was decent, but it was a little close to home, especially after Ted had stuck his finger up Stick's ass and made him shoot... No, Stick felt the need to get back on top of things, and an idea he'd had a bit ago...

2 years ago
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AddictionChapter 11

Maria awoke to the tantalizing smell of bacon and eggs. She slipped on her outfit and walked into the kitchenette where Charlie was pouring juice and coffee. "Good Morning," she smiled, stretching. "Good Morning. Hey, that shiner looks a lot better this morning. Maybe we can knock off a few of those hundred and ten years," he kidded as he served up breakfast at the small circular table. "Charlie, I absolutely feel rejuvenated. Good company, a delicious dinner and a good night's sleep...

3 years ago
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A Gilded Cage

‘He held her, arms captive behind her back, her naked breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples hard as stone, was that from the cool water or his hot body? It didn’t matter, he would take her here…’ “There is Cayo Lobos, just up ahead.” Brian’s voice squawked in my headset. I closed my tablet where I had been writing and looked ahead. I could see the small island with sandy beaches lined with majestic palms, there were several large buildings surrounded with a wide assortment of...

Love Stories
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Kerrys Mom

This is a story which although the names have been changed to protect the guilty actually happened .Back in the eighties i was in the armed forces and home on leave when i met Kerry who had recently returned to the UK from Australia where her parents had been working. She was a stunner with long curly black hair, deep brown eyes and a rather fine figure.Soon enough my leave was up and i had to return to my unit in Germany but it wasn't too bad as we were due embarkation leave as the unit was...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 14

i went to my first lesson and im guessing everyone had been talking about what they have seen because when i walked in the class was completely silent. i went to my set with everyone watching me. harvey walked into class a few seconds later and im guessing he was enjoying all the attention because he had that sexy smile on his face. harvey walked up to me and told the person in the seat next to me to move (of course being football capitain the guy moved straight away) harvey held out his...

3 years ago
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Do I Know You Ch 05

5. I absolutely love touching a woman’s body, from head to toe. The smooth skin, gentle curves, and soft lips all conspire to draw me into a world of aesthetic appreciation I enjoy beyond imagining. Although she essentially commanded me to bring her to orgasm with my touch, she didn’t specify that we needed to get there immediately. I began by tracing the curve of her hip, en route to running my hand down her inner thigh. The way she lifted her hips as my hand came close to her wetness...

4 years ago
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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 10

Friday Morning I awakened with a start. “Mom!!! Dang. I can’t even wipe my butt with my left hand. Dang!!!” Not how I was accustomed to waking up. When my eyes were fully opened, I saw Jan on the far end of the couch, my feet in her lap and a blanket wrapped around her. She smiled. “Don’t say anything. She doesn’t know or doesn’t remember you’re here.” I nodded, although I wasn’t sure why. We had about three minutes of silence. “Mom!!! Can I have pizza for breakfast? Mom??!!” “You...

1 year ago
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Fuck me harder

I’m in mid 20’s and i have beautiful girlfriend. I do, however, have a bit of a wild streak and i simply love women and often can’t control myself from “wandering” every once in a while. Last summer i placed an ad looking for a female for a one time encounter. I travel for business and i get bored when i’m on the road. I didn’t expect much response from the ad since the number of men seeking women far out numbered women seeking men. I received a response a few days later from a lady in her 40’s...

3 years ago
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Bruises So Blue Ch 01

Her woods were full of gold tinged, red veined leaves. Some trees green, some trees bare. But her woods were the sort people walked through on casual journeys, the grass kept short and trimmed, almost every shrub purposely placed for the sake of decoration. The roads were paved, bridges forded the rivers and creeks, and every waterfall had a picturesque quality to it, giant rocks were placed next to or within the cascading waters so that passers by lured by the soft misty spray or the calming...

1 year ago
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Chattersons Hill

We joined the rest of the Maryland troops on the far right of Washington's line. They fed us in as replacements on a hill top beside some hard men from Delaware, and we waited in a well-dug trench for the Germans and British to attack us. We did not have to wait long for despite the light artillery behind us, they came in disciplined ranks and we shot them down. Then they came again, those huge Germans in the tall hats, and we shot them down once more. They were brave and stupid men. Then...

3 years ago
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Fucking hot sister

This story is one of my regrets that cannot be shared with anyone i know but i have to tell someone. So here it involves my sister of much desirable proportions and a fine ass. This happened last summer. The heat was unbearable. It was around 40 degrees on most days. Lucky our family owned this huge isolated house some 250 kilos from our house around a much greener outskirts of the city. My semester break was going on and was totally free to burn in the scorching heat. So to cool off my...

3 years ago
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Meeting a cliento for having sex

I had met this guy at my office and I had accepted his invite to have a drink.As I went to meet him at the local bar, I was nervous as hell. My loving husband that night had gone fishing with some friends; so he would never know about my date with a perfect stranger.After some drinks, he asked me to go with him at his place. And I accepted again with no hesitation. When I got into his bedroom, I must have looked a bit nervous; because he asked me politely if I was fine.I took off my jacket and...

1 year ago
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Massage Happy Middles are better than Happy Endings

I've traveled to Asia many times before and I've always enjoyed happy endings. Asia is famous for matter where you stop for a massage, "specials" or "extras" are standard (even in 5 star hotels). That is not true in America. One has to search and hunt for this favor. Over the years, I must have tried 20 different massage parlors only to be disappointed. Just this summer, however, I hit the gold mine...albeit it took quite a few trips and large trips to bring out the offer for that...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 38 The Point of Dying

Away... From us... To say these words affected me would be a vast understatement. The massive upwelling that I’d seen a moment earlier in Heather’s eyes, that flood which would destroy everything around ... It suddenly burst out of the sea. Nothing prepared me for its impact. My throat constricted and suffocation beckoned, caressing me gently into blackening edges. “Why?” I tried to ask, but the sound was grotesque, a pitiful gurgle at best. “Shh, shhhh,” she consoled through tears,...

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Dick Pussy

Once there was a woman by the name Lusious and she was sitting at home with nothing to do she is saying to herself I'm board to death with nothing to do so Lusious said I will go for a walk down Stroke Ln and Wet St; As Lusious was walking she didn't see anybody or any action going on so she walked down a little more on Wet St and Lusious came to a stop and she notice a group of people in this abandon ally behind Wet St to her surprise she notice that it was a bunch of people having an orgy...

1 year ago
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Twelve Sonnets

I said hello on Tuesday, in a cafe. On Thursday our first date, a single kiss. Took her to a garden the next day— We made out like teenagers, drunk on bliss. It's Sunday morning now, and what a sight! Clothes strewn about, and underneath the cover Of my own bed, bathed in morning light, My smiling, sleeping, joyful, naked lover. My fingers smell of her soft intimate places. My semen's in her now, warmed in her flesh. My muscles ache from passionate embraces. And still she looks so...

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The PreNup Agreement a Chrissie Conway Story

The Pre-Nup Agreement Several years ago one of Kellys' friends had a brother who was getting married in Reno and a bunch of us girls decided we would all get together for a wild weekend reunion. I unfortunately had several of my regular clients to seeon Thursday and Friday afternoon and wouldn't be able to depart for Reno until early Friday evening. Needless to say bythe time I arrived the ladies were already in a crazy celebratory mood. I'd had several drinks on the flight so I wasn't...

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Earning It

I walked in the guys locker room at 4:30 knowing this was my only chance to win. My name is Cheryl and at 5’11” and 142 pounds, I am the queen of the volleyball court. District player of the year, All-State and recruited by dozens of colleges. But that’s not why people came to see me play. My body is perfect and those tight and tiny uniforms show it off perfectly. That’s why they come to see me. When I crouch to prepare for a serve, dads hold there breath. I wear my shorts one size too small...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Kiarra Kai Kiarra Is Very Impressed With Her Gift

Old pal Jessy needs no more convincing and cannot wait any longer to meet his buddy’s girlfriend Kiarra. All while they were catching up she was in the hallway bringing her hot pussy just about to orgasm and then made her grand entrance to an already hard Jessy. She wasted no time tearing his clothes off and getting her hands and mouth wrapped around his big cock. Beyond wet and eager she bends over showing off her juicy ass ready to take all Jessy’s fat meat deep inside her tight...

4 years ago
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Country Fuck

The weather was glorious, so we decided to use it to our advantage, and indulge in our favourite pass-time of fucking in the open air. Having walked quite a distance, with me trailing slightly behind to watch the lovely firm cheeks of her firm, round arse sway with a hard-on inducing movement, as though her arse was fitted with ball-bearings. Dressed in a very short, filmy summer dress, she gave occasional glimpses of a sexy pair of brief red nylon knickers, above the lace patterned hold-up...

1 year ago
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Clothing Controller

You, John Doe have the power over any girls clothes and a few more things like you can tell them basic instructions. You are 5,6 and have a 9 inch cock. Your mom, Heather, is in her mid thirty's and has d sized breasts. You also have 2 sisters, Emma and Gwen you are both 19 just like you. Emma has C sized Boobs and Gwen only has A cups. You got this power two days ago and tested out on a random person on the street by making them get naked. As you wake up you see you have a morning wood and...

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Venice Revisited

After what seemed to be a lifetime hubby and I finally made our way to Italy. It was a fantastic trip starting in the south and working our way up some six weeks. I must say and doing so is a bit of a surprise, it was Venice that left the biggest impression on us. Rome has it’s history and Florence was so refined but it was the sexual energy we felt in Venice that had us dying to return to. Our first trip was taken with longtime friends, I’d call them our closest still today but what lacks is...

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Girl Meets World Farkle and His Dream Girls

Girl Meets World - Farkle and His Dream GirlsIt was a regular Saturday evening in Greenwich Village and a fun evening for Riley and her best friend Maya. Maya was spending the night at Riley's while her mother and Shawn have the whole apartment to themselves for their date night. Riley and Maya were in Riley's room. Riley was sitting by the bay window eating a piece of pepperoni pizza that her parents ordered from Bingo's Pizza while Maya was laying her pyjamas on Riley's princess-themed bed....

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The Exchange Students Friends Take Revenge

It was now several weeks since eighteen-year-old exchange student Hannah had first spanked Jeff and he had broken rule after rule since then and Hannah never hesitated to spank him each time. He continued to resist being spanked anywhere other than at home and in private because whilst he wanted to be spanked by the teenager he thought it too humiliating to be spanked in front of anyone else. However, he did, after a while, relent and let Georgina watch after the time that both he and Georgina...

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The New Adventures of SpiderGirl

The following story contains characters owned by Marvel Comics. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. The New Adventures of Spider-Girl by Ghostly Writer In the original run of the Marvel Comics series, What If?, a story asked the...

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Images of Kimberly

Images of Kimberly Kimberly Wilder is a fabulous artist whose exquisite line drawings, generally in pencil, effect immediate penile erections or lubricated vaginas. Herself a transvestite, Kimberly's wild shemale art features transvestites young and old, the latter often putting the former through their paces as, using bondage and discipline techniques, including humiliation, spanking, forced feminization, and forced servitude, they train them in the fine art of being beautiful,...

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