DestinyChapter 10 free porn video

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After starting the picnic with the company video, Amanda paired us with our trainees for a few minutes to go over the daily checklist. Tyler picked the girl named Sherree, the one with the best figure, and took her to the outside table. Why not? I took the male named Dylan to sit on adjoining chaise lounges. Bill and Charlene picked the other two and went inside to find a place to work.

Dylan stood about six feet, looked strong, smiled a lot, and was in my class. In our interviews, I noticed that he talked easily with no apparent difficulty expressing himself. We exchanged some trivial pleasantries about school before I showed the checklist and gave him a copy.

I smiled at him and said, "Go over it and ask any questions."

We hadn't put on our swimsuits, so I was wearing modest shorts and a top with straps. Nothing revealing at all. He looked up from the paper several times until it became obvious that he was looking at me like guys look at girls. I winked at him and pointed to the page. After a couple of minutes, he began asking intelligent questions allowing us to move the center of attention away from my body to the checklist. I explained how I would demonstrate to how him how to make the sales presentation and then when he started taking over, I would give him a rating on how well he did.

He smiled and said, "Just like in school?"

"Not quite. It is possible to do it wrong and still make a sale. You will pick that up after you've made a few calls."

He seemed satisfied with our session and had a better understanding of the checklist. Then, I gave him the presentation materials and asked him to read the script, think about it, and then give me a sales pitch. It made him uncomfortable to try it out, but I encouraged him to do it. The first time through came across rough and he left out a couple of points. I praised him for everything he did right and asked him to review the checklist and script and then do it again.

His first question was, "What did I do wrong?"

My mentor and my Dad both warned me that in tutoring, try to praise the good work before saying anything at all about the errors. As they became more competent, I could then mention the errors.

"Here's what you did right." I listed five of the most important points and told him he did well on those. "Think about the whole script and then take it one step at a time. It's okay to look at the book and point to the various plans as you explain them."

The second time through, he improved considerably, which allowed me to mention two new good points along with the others that he seemed to do well. Amanda came around and said that we had worked them hard enough for today and that it was time to have our party.

Dylan stood up and looked around at our large house. Then, he said, "Destiny, your parents must be very well off. Why are you selling food plans?"

I laughed. "Yes, they are. My folks wanted me to learn how to work in the world to give me a better understanding of life. Every job I had taught me more about life." Then, I remembered Henry Ford, "I also do it because I think I can and I just have to find out." I'm not sure he quite understood and I didn't always, but he smiled.

He held out his hand to help me up as he looked me over. Then, he said, "I'm sorry. I can't help looking at you."

"You'll have to practice that, too, while we're in public. Here at home, you can look all you like."

"Can you date Tyler and still work here?"

"When we have our group meeting at the table, ask Amanda. She has good thoughts." I had to say it. "Of course, when you put on your bathing suit, I can look at you, too." Then I ogled him up and down.

We had a good time with the newbies and the old folks felt so cool being in charge. When we finished our meal, I thought they would all succeed in the program.

Amanda said, "Go get your suits. We trade off being in the hot tub and the pool, since we can't all get into the tub at once." There was a short frenzy as we cleaned up the table and scattered to dress or undress as the case may be.

Charlene and I went to my room to have our private chat and evaluation. She thought her guy would make it fine with more practice. I told her about Dylan. She laughed and said, "I hate it when they ogle me. I hate it more when they ignore me. There were times when I thought of doing bodily harm to Daniel for being distant." Then she said, "Based on what you know now, will they make it?"

"Not so long ago, we struggled with Deborah, who knows much more about selling and training than we do. We learned what we needed to know to get by and we'll get better. Otherwise, I don't think Deborah would have gone with Dad."

"Don't even mention what that bitch out there in the Pacific is doing with my lover."

"To answer your question, I have to think they'll do well. We have to pay attention and make sure we give them what they need to know." I kissed her. "That's from Daniel. Now, put on your conservative suit and let's go make them feel welcome."

The picnic and party came off successfully with the new folks fitting in and having a nice time. We traded off sitting in the pool and swimming. I watched Tyler ogle Sherree and could only imagine what thoughts were going through his loins. This group would be dangerous left to their own to sort it out. We'd better keep everyone clothed most of the time before our lives became any more complicated. We were here to sell food plans before thinking about any other personal selling we might want to do. Before Tyler, Paul, and Bill, I would gladly have dated Dylan but he didn't ask.

The week went quickly because we were constantly busy with school, doing our evening sales calls, finishing homework, and trying to keep up with personal and household maintenance. I barely found time with Charlene to shave our legs and bikini lines. We rarely had time to bathe together since Tyler took over washing my hair as he teased me in the shower. Going to the mall didn't fit into our daily plans except occasionally on Sunday.

We all looked forward to the weekend and our ritual fuck-fest. By now, everyone was easy with it, Amanda always joined, although I wondered if she'd ever thought of getting someone her age to be serious. I'd mention that during one of our talks.

In the tub Friday night, we debriefed the week's activities and felt good that our performance was gradually improving, augmented by the sales being made by the new group. I asked, "Do you think it would ever be safe to bring the new guys into our weekend activities?"

Charlene piped in, "Oh, who do you have the hots for, Destiny?"

I stood up and took Tyler's hand to pull him up. He was, as always fully erect with water dripping off his cock and scrotum. As I caressed him, I said, "Just Tyler." Then, I kissed him rolling my wet breasts across his chest and thrusting my hips at him. When I turned him around to grab his cock and tease him, I saw a woman standing there close, quietly watching.

She wore tight jeans, a snug fitting blouse, heels, and her hair fluffed out and down to her shoulders. As she approached the tub, even in the dim light, I could see that she looked even better than I remembered. She smiled brightly and said, "Hello, Destiny. Hi, Charlene, and I think you must be Tyler."

I was horribly embarrassed, Tyler deflated instantly, and the joyful noise stopped.

I screamed, "Mom! Mom!" Breathe deeply. Pause. Introduce. After a few breaths, "Mom, this is Amanda, Paul, and Bill. Guys, this is my mother, Deirdre, or De De if you prefer."

They were all petrified, having no idea what to expect. Each managed to mumble a stuttered hello. Amanda stood wiped her hand, and offered it. Mom came closer and took the hand. She said, "I see that you're having a party on this beautiful Friday night." Then, she laughed. "I seem to have worn the wrong outfit. Maybe I should go change." That broke the ice when people giggled.

By then, I had struggled out of the tub, dried myself, and moved quickly to hug her. She looked like her old self and she felt wonderful as I hugged her. She put her arms around me as we stood there rocking and hugging. I was crying and so was she. "I missed you, Mom."

"Me, too, baby. Me, too." Then she looked at the others and said, "Please don't let me interrupt. I have a key and no one answered the bell, so I came in." She hugged me closer and asked, "Can we go inside?"

Still standing there naked, I grabbed my robe, took her by the hand, and led her inside. I looked her over and said, "God, Mom, you look outstanding. Better than your old self."

She laughed and pointed, "You look pretty good yourself, Baby."

I guess she hadn't seen me nude for several months. "Thank you. Have you had anything to eat?"

"I'm starved. They don't serve on the plane and when I landed, I rented a car to drive right over here. I knew Daniel was in the South Pacific, so I thought I'd pack some of my things."

I laid out some of the delicious dinner that we had, heated it in the microwave, and served her a salad.

"Would you like a glass of wine?"

"Yes, thank you. I waited until getting here to have some." She grinned. "That's kind of new isn't it?"

I smiled, poured the wine, and said, "If it's just wine, that's a real change."

She asked, "Who cooked this good food?"

I explained about the meal service, the grocery service, and Amanda's role.

She asked, "Is there a spare bed? Who all is staying here?"

I explained the whole situation and told her that she could sleep in her own bed if she wanted to.

I saw tears in her eyes when she said, "Yes, that would be nice. I'm not fond of institutional accommodations and having a female roommate." She took my hand. "Go out and tell them to continue their party, I'm not going to be a hindrance. I'm sure they're uncomfortable and surprised."

"Certainly surprised."

I went out and poured everyone a fresh glass of wine and said, "Mom wants you to continue the party. Please do. Both of us would be hurt if you did anything else." I took a big sip of wine and said, "She's going to be staying in Dad's room while she packs. I don't know how long it will be."

By the time I was at the back door, I heard them start talking again. Tyler even laughed. I sat while Mom finished her dinner. I looked her over and said, "Your choice of a spa seemed to agree with you. Do you feel okay?"

"Very okay. Wait until you see me on the machines out there tomorrow. You will be shocked. With the diet, the running, the exercise, the meditation, and all the therapy, I feel renovated."

Tyler came in wearing his trunks, went to the wine fridge, selected a bottle and came to the table. He looked her over as he can do, and said, "Deirdre, you are even better looking than Destiny described. I saw some of your older pictures, but they don't do you justice." He seemed perfectly at ease, standing next to her in his suit. No erection, though.

"Thank you. Destiny told me you were a smooth talker and now I see why."

"It's easy to be smooth when you're telling the truth. Sometimes, I have to fudge."

The way he said it, in his amateur dramatic style looking off into the distance, made both of us laugh. I hadn't heard mom laugh any time I could remember.

She smiled warmly, looked in his eyes and then directly at his crotch, and said, "I saw evidence in the hot tub why Destiny might find you..." She paused, " ... interesting."

Tyler met his match. He actually blushed and didn't say a word.

She went on, "Then, you saw me and suddenly lost all ... interest." She looked directly at his hidden cock. "So, I think my estimate of your blarney was on the mark."

So many months had passed since I heard her quick wit and warm teasing. She had Tyler on a stick. Her retort made us all laugh and I couldn't see how Tyler could possibly wiggle out. He was refilling our wine glasses when he saw her rotate her head and shoulders as we all do when they're feeling tight or sore. He put the wine bottle down, walked behind her, and began to massage her neck and shoulders. I knew how good that felt from prior experience. He kept it up for several minutes as she let out little sounds of approval.

She took his hand after a while and said, "You're as good with that as you are with the blarney. Thank you, I feel better. Sit with us a minute."

He sat next to me and said, "I like to do massages, particularly when it is obvious that someone needs a few strokes. I'm here any time."

She smiled and said, "Was it that obvious that I needed strokes?"

Mom was clearly flirting with Tyler and he with her, bringing the tension at the table to a new high. I hadn't seen this side of mom ever; just blatantly teasing my boyfriend.

Tyler responded, "You looked uncomfortable in your neck and shoulders. I, uh, couldn't see the rest of you."

"Ohhh, Destiny, this one is dangerous. Better be careful what you show him."

Tyler said, "Well, you've seen all of me. When will I get a turn?"

She cut her eyes at him. "I'll be in the workout room in the morning with Destiny. Join us?"

"I wouldn't miss that for anything. I always dreamed about a twofer."

Their encounter didn't take more than a minute, but I knew she enjoyed it and Tyler was almost panting. He seemed smitten with only that short exchange.

She replied, "I don't think I can make your dreams come true, but I do appreciate the offer. You made me feel good inside just hearing it."

"I can only dream about making you feel a lot better inside."

I was amused that Tyler had recovered and made Mom feel kind of happy with his obvious proposition. She replied, "We'll work out together and then see if anything works out." She patted his hand. "Now, tell me what's going on here with all these people."

Tyler started telling the story and handed it off to me. After I filled her in on the program and how we went about doing our work, she seemed impressed. After a half hour, we finished the short version. She wanted to know more about Amanda's role and seemed satisfied.

She said, with amusement, "So, the six of you are living together and running a business between your bouts of pleasure. It's the most outrageous arrangement I ever heard." She laughed. This was the third time tonight. "You're damn creative to have thought of it. How nice to mix work and play." She looked at me, frowned, and shook her head.

Tyler said, "Would you like me to bring in your bags?"

"No tips."

"Not even a hug."

"You get a hug."

He brought her bags in. I was surprised to see that she brought home more than she took and pointed at them. She said, "I did have time to do some shopping. They let me out on good behavior and I located the mall."

We all three went up to their bedroom where Tyler deposited the bags. After he put one of them on a luggage rack for her, he held out his arms. She went to his arms where he gave her one of his best. I mean, they're all good, but he gave her special attention. He held her until she pushed away before he kissed her.

She kissed his cheek and said, "Thanks for the hug, the lift, and the offer. You made me feel much better."

She said, "I should go down and bid them good night. God knows, I don't want to break up their nice time. It's been a while for me."

I asked, "Mom, you want to soak a while with me to relax your weary body? We can have it to ourselves."

She agreed and both of us went to the empty tub. I had asked Tyler to retire without me since I wanted to spend more time with her. She found a bikini in her bag and put it on while I admired her body and told her so.

She said, "Nature gave me a great body. I felt guilty as hell when I destroyed it."

We spent time in the tub talking about her recent experience and then went to the shower to wash hair and oil each other.

While I was rubbing and oiling her, I said, "I had a long talk with Dad before he left and asked him to think of me more as a friend than as a daughter to worry about all the time. I think I've earned my keep. I hope we can be friends as well. You said something like that before you left."

She said, "I like your idea. I'm not ready to be a controlling mother. Never was. I depended too much on Mavis when my head was screwed up. So, what do we do as friends?"

"We say what's on our minds and talk. We go places together. You get to know my friends better." I rubbed her shoulders with both hands. "I ask you questions like, when have you been laid."

She laughed. "Well, now. This is a new direction. I'll bet that you've had lots of luck since I have. It's been so long that I don't remember. I think the last time was with Daniel sometime before I went to the convent. I've had only plastic since then."

"We have an ongoing swing party here. We have mini-orgies together all the time which everyone seems to thrive on. You're welcome to become a member."

"You think I could ... oh, I don't know. I should probably find someone my own age. I appreciate your offer."

"Did you like Tyler?"

"I loved it when he flirted with me and put me on the spot. It's been a while since anyone pushed my buttons like that. You sure that you didn't mind? He came on to me strong."

"Actually, it thrilled me a little to be a witness and see him in action. I know instantly when he wants a woman. I've seen him with the others and that works me up something fierce. I'd love to watch you in action."

She cleared her throat. "When he hugged me, I felt more desirable than I have in months. Destiny. You shock me. Are you sure that you could do that?"

"I can if you can."

"Is this something that you do regularly?"

"Sometimes we have threesomes; mostly when someone is having a period. Sometimes we have wild activities by the pool." I then told her about the semen squirting contest.

She said, "Sounds ideal for a bunch of oversexed teens. Everyone clean?"

"We all went to the clinic and have remained faithful to the group since then. Otherwise, we have to use condoms, which is definitely second best."

"This is a little fast for me since I haven't been in the loop for far too long. Let me ponder it after we work out tomorrow. If he's attentive and pushes me a little, maybe I can get enlightened. I'm already outside my comfort zone."

We finished our shower routine, wrapped towels around our heads, and went to her room. I said, "Do you mind if I sleep in here? I haven't seen you in forever."

She hugged me and cried. "Oh, yes. I would welcome that. I'll probably sleep in, but we can talk for a while."

I ran down to kiss Tyler and tell him the sweet feelings I had for him. He wanted to be sure that he hadn't made Mom uncomfortable and I assured him that she was tempted but cautious.

Mom and I talked about her incarceration regimen and then about her plans, which weren't specific. She told me she was living nicely off residuals and investment income from other money she had earned. She asked me if Daniel was a member of the group. I told her that she could know all when she became a member, which she found amusing. I could tell that she was fading, so I turned out the light and kissed her right on the mouth. It took her a second to kiss me back and then we held it for a while.

She said, "That felt nice. I love kissing far too much to go without."

I rolled into her spoon feeling her slippery pajamas against mine. I tried to remember the last time I wore clothes to bed just as I slipped into a comfortable sleep.

Charlene hummed a tune as she worked on the Saturday special breakfast. She kissed me good morning and asked, "Does De De have any favorite breakfast?"

"I think one of your special omelets might just hit the right spot."

"How was she about discovering our nude party last night?"

"Shocked, amused, envious, and considerate in that order. We sat in the tub after you all went upstairs to talk it all through. I invited her to join us just before we went to sleep. I think she might."

She came back quickly, "Do you think she will try to get Daniel back?"

I hugged her and looked into her eyes. "No, love, you're safe on that count. She might enjoy the pleasure of his company, but nothing permanent."

"How will we manage this group when everyone is here?"

"Just like you did last time, fearless leader. You have a group meeting and get it all out on the table, or, I think you said, the bed."

Mom came down in her new workout suit looking stunning and sexy. No doubt about it that she had her shape back showing enough curves and pillows to make any man horny.

I kissed her and asked, "How did you sleep?"

"Not my best night ever, but very well. I'll get used to the change. I sleep a lot better since I have been working out so much." She went over to Charlene and asked if she could be of help.

Charlene said, "Later, perhaps. I'm making you a welcome home omelet with trimmings while Destiny cuts and serves the fruit. The toast will be ready shortly."

Mom was certainly never served a breakfast that was made by someone outside the family in her own kitchen. I could see her watch Charlene carefully with a strange look on her face.

I put my arm around her and whispered, "Special breakfasts are one of Charlene's trademarks. If she doesn't do it, she feels funny all day. Enjoy. Your turn will come."

She laughed. "Who decides whose turn it is?"


We watched as Charlene put omelets for the others carefully in aluminum wrap and put them in the warming oven. They would be nice and hot when people came to eat.

After eating a few bites, Mom said, "Well, Charlene, thank you. This is outstanding."

Then the three of us sat around and talked about school, life in general, college, and girl stuff for an hour. Others began to drift in and make their plates. Mom went immediately to make a fresh pot of coffee, finding filters and the right kind of coffee in their proper places. That's one thing Charlene and I hadn't changed because the grocery service put everything where we had it before. Tyler came in on cue, just as Mom was leaning over putting water in the coffeemaker.

"My God, De De, you look good enough to — uhh — I mean, amazing this morning." He kissed the back of her neck.

She turned around smiling and asked, "Are you going to work out before or after you eat?"

"If you and Destiny are ready, I'll go now." He came to kiss me. Then, he kissed Charlene. She held his head as she gave him a big one. "I'm sure Charlene will keep it warm for me."

In the workout room, Mom and I stretched on the floor pads. Okay, I suppose we added a movement or two just to keep him interested. Watching two nicely shaped women writhe and stretch on the floor mats visibly turned him on. Mom just winked and smiled.

I noticed that she was up twenty or thirty pounds on each of her upper body settings and at least fifty pounds on her leg presses. Her outfit comprised skin tight briefs and a new style workout top that formed her breasts rather than flattening them. It would be great for working out but not good at all for jogging. Watching large breasts bounce out of control isn't my idea of beauty or sexy. If she balanced correctly at the right speed, she could do the elliptical without too much boob bounce. Tyler watched her butt move constantly. I think he lost count of his reps three times at least.

Same as Destiny
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“What’s life like as a Single Pringle?” asked my friend Laura over a cup of coffee.It was a miserable day in January. Outside the cafe’s window, the snow was whirling and people walked doubled over against the wind. My cheeks were still burning from the cold and I was pretty sure Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer could have called me his sister.“I’m rattling around alone at the bottom of the can. My edges are slowly crumbling apart and soon there will be nothing left of me.”Laura laughed. “You have...

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Vixen Natalia Starr Jill Kassidy We Are Hot For TA

Natalia has had her fun with her TA, and is still reeling from the experience. When she shares the details with her friend Jill, she isn’t surprised. Jill would never consider doing anything like this, but she finds him so cute, and her grades aren’t what they should be either. When both the girls arrive and put the idea to him, he knows that his advice should be that the girls simply work harder. But this arrangement works out pretty well for him too, and with two beautiful girls...

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PovLife Skylar Snow Secretive Sex Stretches

Ike made his way over to his boys house to see if he was down to chill. His hot and curvy girlfriend Skylar Snow answered the door. Turns out Chris was out with his nerd friends playing that new card game that’s sweeping the nation. Skylar still invited Ike in though because she needed some help with her stretches. After getting up close and personal with that phat ass of hers, Ike started to get hard, and Skylar felt like she needed to repay him for helping her. She whipped out his long...

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My Wife At The Stage In Okinawa 1996 Part 2

Part 2A slow song started and the room hushed up except for the music. Was she going to come out or not? To me this was the do-or-die moment. Would she come out and strip in front of everyone? I remembered back to the time when I had secretly lifted up the front of her summer dress on the dance floor in Florida exposing Ava's pussy to the onlookers and how mad she got at me. I found it hard to believe that she was possibly going to actually completely take off the same dress in front of...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 4 Repeat After Me

“I can’t believe it, it’s unprecedented,” Doctor Evans said as she sat cross-legged on the deck across from one of the aliens. “Their mimicry was one thing, that’s not unheard of, but the rate at which they’re learning and applying the language is incredible. It’s like they have photographic memories, they don’t even need to practice. You give them information and they just ... retain it.” She set her tablet down, running her fingers through her dark hair and giving Jaeger a wide-eyed...

4 years ago
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The bst in the Shadows Part 1

It was already 10AM when Deb came at last to her desk. She was an hour late. She sat in a hurry and quickly turned on her computer, and then marked a pause to look at her coworker, Angie, who was a little stunned. Deb was never late. "Please don't tell the boss !" she said. But what stunned Angie the most was the radiant smile on Deb's face. She didn't seem a bit worried, even less sorry. It was like being late at work was a newly found source of happiness. Angie tried to smile back, murmuring...

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Class Teacher Saranya

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil maanavan karupu naatu katai teacherai eppadi oothan enbathai paarkalam. En peyar Kavin, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, ippozhuthu naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, enaku oru class teacher irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya parka karupaaga miga sexiyaaga naatu katai pondru irupaal. Karupaaga irunthaalum mulai perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, aval mulai azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam endru thondrum. Avalavu perithaaga vaithu irunthaal mulaiyai, soothum thukalaaga...

3 years ago
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His Favorite Artist

His Favorite Artist By Lyrissa The rain dashed against Kira's face where he stood in the crowd, but he barely noticed. All around him were other fans, mostly young people, who stood protected by raincoats and umbrellas while watching their idol perform. Kira had neither umbrella nor coat, in fact he hadn't even pulled the hood of his shirt up. He didn't want to miss a second of his idol, not a single movement or sound. Up on the stage, protected by the rafters, Meer performed her...

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WebYoung Cassidy Klein Melissa Moore Lana Rhoades Just Like My Sister

Teen Cassidy Klein is in the middle of fucking her girlfriend Melissa Moore when her stepsister Lana Rhoades comes home and sees what they’re doing through the window. While Melissa’s in the bathroom, Lana tells Cassidy that she took pictures of their lewdness in action, and she plans to show their parents, unless she leaves and lets Lana fuck Melissa. Of course, Cassidy says no but Lana doesn’t relent. The sisters quickly come up with a plan. Cassidy makes Melissa cover her...

4 years ago
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Hello. Oh my god, I don’t know where to start; after all this is kind of embarrassing but at the same time I feel that I have to tell someone and it was suggested that I tell my story here since there are others like me who would understand and frankly it excites me to share my story with you.Let’s us get the basics out of the way first. My name is Debbie and I am 34 years old. My husband died in a car accident two years ago with a drunk driver leaving me alone with our (at the time) thirteen...

2 years ago
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Lust In the Locker Room

Hideki and Ashley were nearly inseparable since they met nearly a month ago. Fearing her parents’ reactions, they met on the sly, thinking of creative excuses to hide their romantic and sexual life from them. Ashley went to all the home games and became Hideki’s biggest fan and cheerleader. At the same time, there was no denying how her life had changed since they met. Her sexual desires were no longer repressed and she found herself resisting the urge to masturbate at inappropriate moments....

1 year ago
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Serving My Sister IV My New Playtoy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since Eileen finger-fucked me, she had been doing so again and again, every day. Not just once, either. This would occure two to three times before the night was over. Everytime, I would fill my panties with my hot cum. Furthermore, I was not to remove my cum-filled panties until I went to bed that night. Then suddenly, there was a day when that came to a quick stop. An entire day went by, and nothing had happened. Oh, sure, I still had to wear my...

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The Queening

If someone had asked me four years ago, when I was a very active Chess Candidate Master, what Queening meant, I would have automatically said that it was when a pawn (lowest ranking chess piece) reached the eight rank of the board and is promoted to another chess piece, usually a Queen (highest ranking chess piece). It is a rare achievement in chess tournaments.Ask me that question now and I would have a completely different answer to give – depending on who you were and your age, I would say...

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My hot tuition teacher

Hi guys, I am Rahul, 18 from New Delhi. I am a fun loving guy physically fit good in all sports as well as studies. I just now gave my board exam a few months back. This story is about my sexy female tuition teacher, Nirmala ma’am, who used to give me physics tuition. I have been her student since class 8th, and had been her best student. She used to teach in her house, which usually was empty as her husband was a doctor earning big bucks in London. It was group tuition ever since I joined her...

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Unexpected love triangle 9

Jacob I was on my computer writing a paper for my English class when I hear my phone ring letting me know that I had a text. I finish writing my sentence and grab my phone. *Incoming text message from Beautiful Jenny* Hey, Jacob…? I smile. I cornered her one day at school and finally confronted her about why she never texted me. She confessed that she lost my number so I grabbed her phone and called my phone. Since then, we have been texting each other non-stop, but I was always the...

3 years ago
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FineprintChapter 7 Hot Spring

“Is there anything else you’d like to see?” the Regent asked, lifting a steaming beverage from a tray that one of her guards was holding as she lounged in the courtyard. It was morning but, Dennis wouldn’t have known that without a clock on hand. Besides for the almost imperceptible, yellow glow of the secondary star, the electric lamps that circled the building were the only illumination. “Not that I can think of. I’ve already had Xhe take me to the places that came to mind. The city, a...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 72

“Here for the party?” Elizabeth asked. Albert ogled her chest. “Yes,” he said. For sure, here was the busty 18 year old exchange student ... if her chest didn’t give her away ... her accent did. Not Cockney but not Cambridge either. London ... pure London. He admired that bust ... but he knew where there was a better one. Even if she was a princess. “We’re going out to the party,” Junior said. And out the door they went. Still light, they went around and checked ID’s. There wasn’t anyone...

4 years ago
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Houseguests Part 1

It seemed everyone I knew had lost power due to the big storm a couple years ago. My cell service was constantly fading in and out, but I was able to receive a very helpful call from Aunt Diane’s husband, Mike. He had heard about my situation and offered me his town house up in Northern Jersey. He told me how he was out of town and Aunt Diane was near my condo staying with a friend who had a generator. He told me about the hidden key and gave me the code to the alarm. He said he was due back...

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Encounter in the Lab Part Three Retransmitted

Introduction: (Because of a technical error in an earlier posting, this chapter is re-transmitted)This story continues the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol Thompson is a beautiful, mature Senior Libratory Technologist in a major North Carolina hospital. Unfortunately, she suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder that has completely changed her life, forcing her to find men devoted to satisfying her relentless hypersexual drive. Although this chapter is a stand-alone, the reader is encouraged to...

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The Unexpected View Continues

As I was closing in on the last hundred miles of my ten-day five thousand mile cycle, I was becoming excited about looking at the videos from my two “spy cameras” when I finally got home.  What started out as a probe to find out who was messing with my computer and television turned out to be one hell of an unexpected view that has left me wanting to see more.  Yet, all the while, I still wondered if Karen knew she was performing or was using the big-screen television and computer to fuel her...

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I Love My Mother 8211 Part 2

Hi readers..! I have received a few emails about my previous post, but would like to receive a few more feedbacks, especially from aunties who can provide me feedback from a mothers’ prospective.My email id is As I introduced myself in the previous story that I am a normal boy (without any superhuman organs) and have a mother who is not like an actress but is fat and plumy but with a sweet face. I eventually became drawn to her sexually but could never dare to convey it to her, so I took my...

2 years ago
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Sucking Young Black Cock on the Trail

My name is Ed, and I had just turned forty-five years old and my wife Sue was forty-three. Sue had been encouraging me to start exercising to stay in shape. She was going to the gym near our home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, but it was more convenient for me to exercise at work.The insurance company I worked for also encourages its employees to exercise. They installed a work-out area and shower facility in our building. That made it very convenient to go jogging either before work or over the...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 30

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter thirty ‘Don’t screw this up,’ Rod’s lawyer told him while they were walking out of the courthouse after Rod’s arraignment the next day. He had made what he thought was an eloquent plea to get his client released on conditions, even though he believed the judge would set high bail. He was stunned when Judge Gephart bought his arguments and released the accused trooper on conditions, but then Judge Gephart had been getting pretty...

4 years ago
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Briefs Buddy Part 6

He was an expert cocksucker, and enthusiastic too. He began by letting his tongue trace the edge of Steve's big cockhead, concentrating on the area round the retracted foreskin and making little darting movements with his tongue which made Steve squirm with pleasure. Then he moved down the whole length of the dick, keeping his teeth out of the way and making maximum use of his lips, tongue and throat to add to his mate's delight. Steve had ten inches, thick too, but Dave took the whole lot...

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You Dont Have The Balls

You don't have the balls: Writer's note: Looking up "poof" on the Urban Dictionary web page I noticed this word could be used to describe creationist Christians. This inspired me to produce this short story. I am sorry for those who prefer longer stories but I rarely get the time to write or read longer stories after a day in the office. I wanted a man to corrupt. John was a Christian. I decided he was the ideal man to corrupt. He went to Church every Sunday. Every...

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Love And Haight 67Goats story

Change has a way of passing slowly through a small Pennsylvania town, like an old man window shopping on a Sunday afternoon. As in previous years, the summer of 1967 rolled in with little in the way of fanfare. There were however, some visible changes in my life that year. I was still working at my friend's father's shop. I was doing well there after being there a couple of years. I had actually managed to save up enough money to trade in the '61 Impala on a brand new 1967 Pontiac GTO, or...

Straight Sex
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Vicaria Home Movies

1 Johnny Mercer stood in his kitchen, making dinner. It felt oddly rustic to make something by hand, to cut the vegetables with an actual knife. But this occasion felt like it deserved a home-cooked meal. Someone special was coming over. Besides, he still didn’t do it all normally. Entoptic displays overlaid his vision, helping him line up each chop, letting him refer to the recipe with a glance. The streams even kept track of how long things had been in the oven, how long until he needed to...

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My special birthday

This is a true story the names were changed if you like leave a comment. My wife (will call her Laura)and I have always joked about swinging; we never really acted on the notions. I just thought the dirty talk helped our bedroom life because we role-played. I went to work as usual on my birthday, when I get a call from Laura saying she'd be a little late she had to pick up my present. After work I was a little tired; I grabbed a hot shower and took a nap. I was awoken by the garage door...

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The Last Straw

Another flash of lightning outside drew Sarah out of her reverie. She didn’t have to wait long for the inevitable crash of thunder. As she suspected the storm was drawing nearer. It seemed to be growing stronger as well. By the time she got home she would be in the middle of it, and it would very likely be at its peak as well. It was fitting. The rain and the thunder fitted her mood perfectly. When she arrived home she would unleash the fury of her own storm. If he was even there. Stood up on...

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Just One HourChapter 19

The Boss pushed Stacey's husband up the damp stairs closer to the obscene sounds. He could hear his wife grunting and gagging, her pleas going unheeded. Also there was a slopping sound of flesh been plugged and he knew all too well that the Boss was telling him the truth. As he entered the bedroom he nearly threw up. His gorgeous wife was on her hands and knees, white stockings and basque covered in an oily mess. Her head was on the pillow as she bit into it, her hands tied to the bed board....

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Scarface Tamed Part 2

Scarface tamed Part 2 By Faye Croft You should read Part 1 first!! After Amanda and Rebecca had finished supper that Monday night, and Scott had eaten his meagre helping of leftovers, he was consigned to the kitchen to wash up and clear away. His bottom was stinging from the thrashing it had taken, so standing up was preferable to sitting down, and he stood at the sink washing dishes and wondering how he had got himself into this mess. He loved Rebecca with all his heart, but...

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BadMilfs Nina Nirvana Alana Cruise Lewd Mother Daughter Photoshoot

Nina Nirvana wants to send her boyfriend some really hot lewd selfies but doesn‘t feel very inspired taking them. Her stepmom Alana Cruise, asks her what she is up to. She explains to her stepmom that she just doesn‘t feel sexy taking the photos. Alana, says she just needs to get comfortable and that the more she does it, the better she will get at it. She offers to help her stepdaughter out by demonstrating. She strips down to her bra and panties and instructs her stepdaughter to do the same....

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IntrospectionChapter 7

Jessica is lying in the bed with her back toward the cabin’s single bathroom resting. She had felt Casey crawl out of the bed and heard the shower turning on. For a moment this morning she thought about following suit and joining him, but she had ultimately decided to just stay in bed and enjoy the soothing sound of the flowing water. It was so soothing that she nearly fell right back to sleep. After a while the water cut off and silence followed. And as that silence stretched on, she began...

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One Amazing Blowjob

We'd hung out for a while after school and such. He'd been someone I befriended in gym class and even though we didn't know each other well, we started to spend more time together. I had never had actual sex with a guy before, but I felt that I had certainly watched enough porn to be good at it when the time came. Even though I acted like I was straight with Chase, he would flaunt his femininity and never disguised that he was gay, and always seemed to lay it on a big thick when we were...

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 6

Jared has completed his work on the project, been rewarded by each of the girls in turn and given the most spectacular release of his sexual career. But now it's just him and the woman who lured him there - Vanessa. The redhead had thrown on her shirt and it clung about her courtesy of a single button beneath her breasts. She had brushed out her hair into voluminous waves and was holding the moulding tube. “Good job,” she said, peering down it. “I got exactly what I need. It’s gonna make...

Straight Sex
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Peaceable Harvest

Title: Peaceable Harvest Author: Euryleia Rider with Jayden McZimmer Contact: Codes: F/f, D/s, humiliation, spanking Acknowledgement: This story would not have been possible without the assistance of rach. Copyright 2007Synopsis: Mistress must punish a disobedient pet.Peaceable Harvest“Now, no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable harvest of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”...

2 years ago
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Rehabilitation Part 2

Josh Meadows, 18, shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin 28 years in prison Tattoo of Miss Rebecca Stevens, 33 - blonde hair, blue eyes, porcelain skin James Carter, 52 - previous corrections officer Marcus Hooper, 23 - black inmate Berry flavoured tea Tuesday 4th March, 2020; 09:59 "Good morning, Josh," Miss Stevens chirped as I stepped into her office once more. "Morning." I shrugged in reply, my eyes still a bit bleary - but open wide enough to catch the impending look...

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Weekend Plans

"Thank you for meeting me, Bryce." "What do you want, Patrice?" He was always sharp with me. Always mean and nasty. It was because I was ugly, I know. My hair was short and wiry and steel gray since I was 23. I had no figure. I was tall but pear-shaped. My butt was too wide, my chest too flat. My teeth were my only good point — white, straight, perfect thanks to years of braces. But my nose was crooked and my eyes were set too close together and noticeably uneven. Still, I was...

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Human Mattress

Doug got out of his last class at 3:30 Friday afternoon. After dropping his books on his bed in his dorm room, he went down the hall to watch TV in the corner lounge. Bob, Cindy, Diane, Carl, Debbie, Linda, and Ron were sitting around the coffee table passing a joint around. "Hey Doug," Ron called. "Want a hit?" "Sure," said Doug as he plopped down on one of the institutional-decor dorm sofas. "We're having a philosophical debate," said Bob as Ron handed the joint to...

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Saving Gina Ch 03

Early the next morning, I rolled Yoni off me, donned a robe and went into living room to pen a note: His Highness Prince Tulan: With great admiration, I want you to know that your judgment in selecting Yoni for me was inspired. However, she did not keep me from adding to my requests. Now want her. I May I keep her, until we meet in two days? Tackling the project, working for you and living in Albai are wonderful exciting thoughts. I too, hope we can work out the details. Thank you, David...

3 years ago
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What a Fucking Halloween Costume

College life wasn’t as fun as Katie had imagined it, even though she had survived her freshman year and now was a “sophisticated” sophomore. Sure, it was nice to be independent, and going to school in Sunny Florida was a nice departure from her home in Maine – especially since it was now well into Fall. Her sorority life was good – she got along with almost everyone except for chapter president Julia (“How could they elect that fucking bitch president?” she thought after elections at the start...

4 years ago
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I often have a terrible time falling asleep – I can’t seem to ‘turn my brain off’ for the night, forget my stressful day, and go to sleep. I’ve tried a number of recommendations of breathing exercises and visualisation techniques, with varying success. I recently read an idea in a women’s magazine, to envision all of my stress and the things worrying me as a string I’m unwinding from myself. I took that imagery a bit further, and came up with the following, which I like very much. *** I am...

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