DestinyChapter 2 free porn video

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In a few more minutes, I stopped crying and had to get serious. I took out my nifty makeup case that Charlene gave me. The local merchants gave her a bunch when she won the title and she gave me four. I gasped when I found out how much regular people had to pay for them.

I fixed my face and stayed in the restroom until after the class bell rang. I went quickly to the nurse to get a tardy slip, telling her about my period being a surprise. The last time I used that excuse, it was a physical crisis. This time, the crisis was pure emotion. I was about ten minutes late to class, but I could make that up. I sat up straight and participated just like always. By the end of the day, I was almost rational. I said almost and that's bragging.

Charlene insisted on coming home to be with me and I welcomed her. First, she brushed my hair, which was always comforting. She always knew. Then, she was hugging me when my phone rang. I couldn't face talking to him, so I asked Charlene to take it while I went to the bathroom.

When I came out, she said, "He saw you in the cafeteria and tried to talk to you in the hall. You wouldn't talk to him. He wants you to listen to him for two minutes and then if you still hate him, he won't bother you anymore."

My Dad said that if you stub one of your toes, it doesn't hurt twice as much if you stub two at the same time. I had two toes hurting badly. "How could I hate him? I'm the sucker. I was crazy jealous to see him sitting with her today having a nice conversation. Give me the damn phone. I want to get this over and get on with my life."

He answered, "Thank you for calling me, Destiny."

"You said two minutes. I'm watching the timer." Charlene gave me the thumbs down.

'Last week, I invited JoNell to go to the play. She was going out of town anyway and couldn't go, but she said she didn't want to go to anything like that and suggested a Disney movie. I wanted to see the play. More than that, I wanted to go with someone who might appreciate it. That's when I thought of you."

"You have 55 seconds." Charlene gave me the thumbs down again.

"We went to the play and you kissed me. That was the nicest weekend I ever spent. Plays, tennis, and petting your dog. After you accepted my invitation with apparent interest, I decided that I would try to get you to go out with me more. I also decided to break off with JoNell. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that in the cafeteria, so I'm going to her house to tell her tonight in person."

"You have one minute."

Charlene smiled.

"Thank you. I want to take you out again and do those things together that we talked about. I'm afraid I'm infatuated with you and feel all silly inside hoping that you liked me, too."

"You said you wanted two minutes. Better start talking." Charlene figured out what I said and went into her cheer routine.

"I want to take you to dance, to swim, to get my rematch in tennis, and to go to movies and things. I like you and I want you to be with me. Just me. I want you to eat with me tomorrow just like last week so that we can talk."

"You said that you were infatuated. Is that true, or is it just a weekend thing?"

"I don't know whether it is a life thing, but I know it's more than a weekend."

"What happens now?"

"Will you eat lunch with me tomorrow?"

"You want me to eat lunch with you after yesterday? After all that sweet talk, you didn't even give me a shower."

He chuckled softly. "May I have a rain check?"

"A rain check? Hmmm. Just this once. I'm glad you called. I hoped that it was more than a weekend because I'm kind of in deep, too."

"I feel like I have avoided a huge disaster. I'd really like to hug and kiss you right now."

"Well, if you go through with your plan for tonight and you're still serious about kissing tomorrow, we'll see what we can work out. You can tell me at lunch if you sit with me."

I was so happy I could scream out loud, but Charlene is sitting here without earplugs.

She smiled widely and said, "That sounded like it worked very well. What are you going to do?"

"He said all the right things, including that he was going to JoNell's house tonight and break it off with her. He asked me to sit with him tomorrow and I want to eat together because I like talking to him."

"What if she shows up?"

"That occurred to me as possible. I don't know how much she thinks she can get him to do what she wants. He invited me to the play because she wanted to go to a dumb movie instead."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I don't have a plan, yet. What should I do?"

"Well, Destiny, I think you should sit with him. If she shows up, let him deal with it. If she attacks you, be polite and try to ignore her. Do not let her lead you into a fight right there in public."

"I need some appropriate words."

"I have just the thing. 'Would you like to sit with us, JoNell?'"

"Charlene, my love, you're a genius. Even I can learn to read that line."

As usual, the morning dragged. Although I believed Tyler about his intentions last night, women do have ways of changing men's minds. When I walked into the cafeteria, Tyler came over to me and stood beside me just like Friday. He squeezed my hand.

I said, "Hi, Tyler. What are you having?"

"Morning, Destiny. Suggest something."

"Looks like they made stew. I'm trying that."

He took his tray and followed me to an empty table. I wanted him to look at my best assets. I was dying to ask him about JoNell, but I had no intention of bringing her up. She must have been only four or five people behind us in line because I saw her heading our way just as we sat down. Charlene is a genius.

She had on a short skirt with belly showing and her boobs sticking out. Today, she looked cheap to me when she came up to the table and said, "Tyler, get your tray. We can sit over there." She indicated an empty table with her head.

I smiled at her and said, "Please join us, JoNell. We have room."

Tyler seemed very uncomfortable, but he said, "Yes, JoNell, please sit."

All of a sudden, she seemed uncertain, but she said harshly, "No, thank you. I will talk to you later, Tyler." She almost spilled her tray as she spun and walked to a table with other girls.

As she walked across the room, I said, "I hope I didn't get you in trouble." Destiny, you are a liar.

He smiled and took my hand. "No, I'm not in any trouble. She had a problem believing me last night and told me we could talk today at lunch." He looked straight into my soul, "Destiny, I told you yesterday that I want to be with you. I still do. I won't be going out with her anymore."

"If you mean that, I'm happy to give it a try. I still remember the good time we had last weekend."

"When will I be able to see you?"

"Why don't you study with me tonight? We can study, talk, and I'll see if you still know how to kiss." Just saying it made my heart flutter.

"Will it be okay if I come at seven?"

"Sure. I'll be happy to see you."

Charlene pumped me for every detail, right down to the facial expression JoNell had when she was invited to sit. I repeated as much detail as I remembered. She said, "To be invited to sit with your steady by another girl who is obviously sitting with him had to devastate her. I'm sure she had a lot of explaining to do when her friends asked why she wasn't sitting with Tyler."

"She did not look happy at all. However, I figure that it isn't my problem. If he continues to do what he said he will do, I'll be a happy camper."

"Are you going to ambush him tonight?"

"My folks often go to a political meeting on Tuesday night. If they do and I'm not still dripping, I'll have trouble controlling my urges if we start kissing each other."

"He owes you a good licking. Be sure you're ready when he gets the chance. He sounds like he's looking forward to it."

"Not as much as I am. If he gets his tongue in there, I'll fuck him for sure."

Tyler is improving since he was only fifteen seconds late. I'm going to have to set his watch on Navy time. Better still, I didn't have to compete with Au for his attention. Of course I'd brushed my hair and made myself up to look good. I had on nice shorts to show my butt, a revealing bra and tee shirt to show my chest. I decided to go barefoot to have that earthy look. I even worked up enough courage to try talking. "Hi, Tyler. Come in."

"Destiny, you look good enough to eat." He dropped his backpack, pulled me to him with my arms and I suddenly found myself with my head on his shoulder and his arms around me. Then, he said it. "Destiny..."

I had my mouth open when his reached mine. Oh, he was good all right. He danced me over to the couch without breaking our kiss and brought me down on his lap facing him. When he let me up for air, he asked, "Are you alone?"

"Yes, I am, but if I hadn't been, this is the wrong time to ask."

"I'm sorry. I needed to kiss you to refresh my memory. To see if you were as delicious as I remembered. You are."

"I'm happy that you did. You felt good to me and I remembered from the other day."

I straddled him and held up his face to kiss him again. He was ready for action as I felt this hard bone pressing into my crotch. Now, I had some decisions to make. I could play nice girl and hold out for fingers and a blowjob, or I could do what I really wanted to do and take him to bed. Although I enjoyed his kisses mightily, I had to make up my mind. I still had that cotton thing in me and I'm sure I was dry as a desert inside. He'll like it better if he has to wait a while. Are you just a cheap tease?

I held his face and looked intensely at him. "And just what would you have done if my parents had been sitting in there?" I pointed to the den.

"I hadn't planned that far ahead. When I saw you, I acted impulsively. Just seeing you started all these rumbles inside."

"I loved it, but next time, plan ahead. If it's safe, I'll grab you." I kissed him hard and felt the bulge against my crotch, which was getting wetter by the second.

He asked, "Did you really mean study?"

"Have to. Let's give it an hour or so and see if we get anything done. I want to be able to have you in the room and work, or I'll have to spend too much time alone."

"I'll promise to try. I'll study if I have to, but I'll have to look at you often."

"I'm glad you like to look. I like to feel you look."

I crossed my fingers that we could work together because we both had to work. I know it would be better to fuck first and then study, but the only thing I could offer him tonight was a mouthwash. I know he likes my technique, but we'd both rather have his hot inspection tool in place. We could work in the dinette for a while, spreading our stuff out on the table.

I prided myself on being able to study in the midst of chaos. Tyler's presence wasn't exactly chaos, but my attention did lag from time to time. I wondered what his tongue would feel like on my pussy and then I scolded myself for fantasizing.

He said softly, "Uhm, Destiny, could you have a look at this problem?"

I knew I was better in math, but I hadn't had the class he was taking. I looked at the worksheet and discovered very quickly that he'd copied it wrong from his notes. This was proofreading, not math. He expressed his gratitude with a nice kiss. I whispered to him, "Have to save up all your rewards until we finish."

"How did you see that error so quickly?" He seemed genuinely surprised.

"Because I do the same all the time. I finally learned to double-check my copying first. It's quick and easy and catches about ten percent of my errors."

We had some other exchanges about a paper I was writing. He read my draft and made marks all over it. He handed it back and said, "Next time, email it to me and I'll do it on the computer faster."

I allowed myself a quick fantasy break and pondered what we'd be doing right now if I weren't dripping. I would have that tool inside and be in heaven. Just then, I heard the garage door open and realized that my folks were home. They never came home this early. I'm glad it was only my fantasy that they wrecked because I don't think they'd like to find him humping me in my bed.

They came through the kitchen quickly and greeted us both politely as they moved to the den. Dad said, "The meeting's over early so that we can both watch what's on TV. The candidate is making a speech that we need to hear."

Tyler smiled at me. I walked around to his side of the table and whispered, "See what I mean? We could have been doing something more fun and I'd be in trouble."

"I want you intensely, but I don't want you in trouble. If you got grounded, I'd be floating on an empty sea."

"That's a little dramatic, but I'll take it as a compliment."

"Of course it's dramatic. I'm in the drama club."

I twisted both of his ears from behind.

"Ouch. That hurts."

"Don't bullshit me. Just be nice."

He turned around and stood up. He put both arms around me and held up my chin. "I don't bullshit. I like you and I like to be with you. Get used to it." Then, he kissed me nicely.

I threw both of my arms around him and held on. "I like to be with you, too." I kissed him. I suppose my folks could have seen if they weren't focused on the TV.

I guess Dad saw the whole episode, but he didn't say anything. "Pack up your stuff. Let's go to my room and listen to some music." Dad gave me the thumbs up as we walked through the den back to my room upstairs at the end of the house.

I ushered Tyler in and closed the door. He looked around and made sounds of approval. He said, "Wow. You have an impressive room."

"Dad said that the prior owners built this room for a mother in law. Since I'm the eldest daughter in a one-child family, they gave it to me."

He thought about my statement for a moment and then laughed. "Don't accuse me of bullshit. You're an only child." I could almost see his brain synapses heating up. "You don't act like a spoiled brat."

"I can when it's necessary. My best friend in the seventh grade was spoiled rotten. She even got on my nerves, so I decided to swim against the current and try to be a considerate and decent person."

"If you treated me any better, I couldn't handle it."

I reached for his zipper and removed his hard tool. I looked him in the eye as I took it toward my mouth. "Things will get better when I am over this curse. I can't hold out much longer." I think tonight was my personal best. He didn't last a whole minute. I squeezed the last drop out of the end and replaced it behind the zipper.

He mumbled appreciation and put me down on the bed. While he kissed me, he put his finger inside my panties and touched the "on" button. I figured he wouldn't get in a mess if he stayed in my clit area. He took only a few strokes to drive me into ecstasy. We both set records tonight.

I had my arms around him feeling cozy. I said, "We worked a good hour tonight together. Maybe we could try for a new record."

"I just have to learn to study with you. I want to try again. Will you be with my favorite dog anytime soon?"

"They haven't called me to stay with Au. I'll be over my mess tomorrow, but if we're going to be intimate, I want to be in a nice bed, not outside or in a car. Outside is great later."

"I can wait. I told you what I wanted to do to your naked body all over. Feeling your skin against me will drive me wild."

"What about your place?"

"My folks are homebodies and rarely go away. Come over and study with me and we won't have temptation there. They like to impose their religious views on me all the time."

"I don't need to be converted, but just seeing you is temptation."


"Don't start me up again. I have enough trouble when we're just studying."

I sent Tyler on his way with a scorching kiss on our front porch. We're having lunch tomorrow and I'm wondering what little JoNell will have up her sleeve.

Dad came into the kitchen as I was cleaning up our glasses and my books. He asked, "Ever hear anything from Tommy?"

"You hard up for a golf buddy?"

"I just wondered. You seem to get along well with Tyler." He chuckled as he smiled at me.

I blushed because I knew he had seen us. I breathed deeply and explained the exchange with Charlene. He chuckled again, and then asked with his deep blue eyes right in mine, "Do you — uhh — miss him?"

Why hide it. He has to know or will find out. "Yeah, I miss him a lot. We got along well and both of you liked him."

He sighed, "I know. It's hard to go without when you're used to having it all the time."

My heart was beating faster. We'd talked a lot before, but never this close to the sex issue. I couldn't imagine my handsome father having to go without, but Mom wasn't what she used to be. What a shame she let herself go. I had to say something. "Tommy's been gone far too long and Charlene told me that I had to find a new thrill. I'm trying."

"Think Tyler's the one?"

"He's getting over a long-term girl friend. I have him on probation if I'm strong enough to make that stick. I want him to be the one." I felt almost comfortable talking to him about what I wanted.

He put his hand on my shoulder and stared into my soul. "Make him toe the mark. You're too good to go for average." He gently pulled me into a hug. Without thinking, I put my arms around him and we stood there in a close embrace. I don't know if it was because Tyler had stirred the pot or that Dad had some magic aroma, but I felt my belly wanting to move against him.

He backed away, still gazing at me "Yeah, you're too much for second best."

As I lay in bed reflecting on the evening, I felt this utter joy. Tyler was going to work out and he was well above average. He could drive me crazy by just saying my name. I hope he's as good as his reputation, but if not, I know how to teach him. Thank you, Mavis.

While I was in the clutch with Dad, I felt a transformation. We talked intimately. He made me feel good about myself. I no longer thought of him as just my father, but as a man with whom I was sharing a house. That idea required much more thought than I was capable of at the moment. I needed to sleep.

Charlene rode to school with me and I told her about the events of the prior evening. I didn't say how much Dad excited me, but I think she must have read between the lines. She coached me. "Destiny, JoNell will have her claws out today. Be prepared. She has a foul mouth. Remember to be cool and polite to her."

Tyler didn't leave my side as we stood in line and took our trays to the table. Just as we sat, JoNell came over and said, "Tyler, get your ass away from her. We're sitting over there."

She was still standing. I said, "Would you like to sit, JoNell?"

"Shut up, you cheating bitch. Tyler, did you hear me?"

Tyler said, "Jo, go sit with your friends. I said all I had to say Monday night."

I said politely, "JoNell, please sit down. You're disturbing our lunch."

She said vehemently, "I'll get you, Tyler. You can't do this to me." Then, she stormed away.

I teased him. "Better watch your back."

"She showed even less class than I expected. You were nice to her."

"Actually, I wasn't nice, I was polite beyond belief. Charlene made me swear that I wouldn't let her get to me."

"Charlene's good people."

"What play did that come from?"

He laughed. "You're right. I copied the line, but I forgot the source."

I poked him. "Plagiarizer. Copy cat." That made him laugh again. I glanced at JoNell's table and they were all looking daggers at us.

He asked, "Come over and study tonight?"

"You guaranteed me some study time. I'll accept. I haven't seen your folks since our last play."

"I'll come and get you and we can fool around on the way back to your house."

I knew he wouldn't be allowed to take me to his room. Seemed restrictive these days, but everyone has different rules. Am I getting mellow? We studied two hours without going crazy and tempting each other. The way home was more interesting. He stopped in a secluded spot on the way to my house. He said, "Could we get in the back seat?"

I've only waited a year to get him back there, but I'm not fucking him in this car for our first time. He kissed me and stroked my breast. He could heat me up in no time. He said, "Watching you all evening makes me edgy. I wanted to kiss you every time I turned a page."

"I know. It seems so natural to kiss you when I want to." That was probably the last complete sentence I would utter for a while. I had a plan when I dressed and wore a skirt. Didn't take him long to find the right place. Then, he put both hands under my skirt and went for my panties. I helped by lifting up my hips.

Within seconds I felt his head going right where I wanted it. I was puffy from just kissing before he made contact. After a few licks, he sucked a large part of my vulva in his mouth and ran his tongue all around it. He repeated himself on the other side while I made unladylike sounds and grunts. He took my labia in and I could feel his tongue for just a few seconds before I came loudly. He moved to my clit with feather-like touches, starting the aftershocks at regular intervals. After about six, I pushed his head away and brought him to me.

I whispered between licks of his ear. "That was worth waiting for. I couldn't take any more right then." I took his very stiff cock out and moved him around to get my mouth on it. "Personal best" was running through my mind as I took him in my mouth. I refused to cheat by stroking him with my hand. Records only counted hands-free. I timed out the seconds with my tongue one-one-thousand, two-one thousand and so on until I reached twenty-five, at which time he blew my head off.

He was gasping as the last dribbles came out from my delicate milking. He patted my head and said, "It's better every time. Some day, I want to make love to you the right way."

"I want you to." I couldn't help but tease him and giggle. "You come highly recommended. I hope you live up to your billing."

He pinched my bare butt hard. "That was not nice. You may not spread vicious rumors."

"Just my legs?"

He swatted my bare butt hard. That one would turn red. I giggled. "Gotcha'."

He pulled me to him and said, "I like being with you, Destiny. Every minute is special."

I moved around and found my panties and pulled them up. "I have to get home. I'd love to stay and play with you, but being in on time is one of my father's rules. I don't like to displease him." I moved back into the front seat and freshened up my breath and combed my hair. I saw him watching me.

"Even watching you brush your hair pleases me."

I was still bubbling inside from the compliments and the big orgasms. "Thank you. I sneak looks at you all the time."

"I've seen your lovely breasts when you turned around and your pussy in the dark. I want to see the whole girl."

"I'm working on it. That afternoon after we played tennis, I knew it was when and not if."

He walked me to the door and kissed me good night. I didn't want him to go, but I had to live with it. When I went inside, Dad was in the den watching some political show on the TV. I sat close to him and asked, "How are you doing this evening?"

"Pretty much the same. I have a three-day trip tomorrow. I'm ready for it." He sounded depressed.

I had learned a few things from Mavis and Charlene. I pulled his head over to face me. "Talk to me. You're covering up."

He was a little surprised, but I think he saw me differently, too. "You know that your mother and I have been on the outs for a while. I get weary. I'd like to have the wife I had before."

I hugged him. "You must be alone too much." I had to go for it. "I judge that your life in bed hasn't been good lately."

He looked mildly surprised, but replied, "Not for a long time. We went from great to dreadful in such a short time."

"I think she works too much and drinks too much. When did it go bad?"

"About a year or so ago. I don't know what I did and she doesn't talk about it."

I didn't know how to bring it up or what to say exactly, but I had a pretty good idea what happened. I blundered on. "It was just after she came home from that trip to San Francisco."

"How did you know? What happened?"

"I don't know if you still have feelings for her or not, but I have to tell you."

"What do you know?" He was now sounding almost defensive.

"I shouldn't have done what I did. I was using her computer to get into some sites that had stories I wanted to read. Sex stories." His eyes widened. "An icon was flashing indicating an urgent message and I wanted to turn it off. In doing so, I opened an email from Mario Rodriguez. It said that she was not to call him at the office, only on his cell phone."

"She was not to call her boss at the office?" He sounded doubtful.

"I shouldn't have looked, but I wanted to read more, so I opened other emails. They both opened private email accounts through one of the free Internet services."

"I think I received some emails from her with a strange account. I wondered why she wasn't using the cable service."

"I can probably still find them and let you read them, but I'd rather give you the short version. They had a torrid affair in San Francisco and described their budding romance."

He stiffened his back and just looked sadly at me. "Romance? Not just a fling?"

"She said that I was old enough to get along by myself and that they should go together and start a new company. She suggested San Francisco, New Orleans, and San Diego."

He put his head in his hands. "I thought something was wrong because that's when things started getting bad in our bed."

I had both arms around him and spoke softly. "Mario effectively said that he was okay with the affair, but he had no intention of leaving his family and moving away with her."

"Score one for Mario."

"One day, I was at home and she came home early. She said she needed to have quiet time to write some new copy for her best account. I told her that I was going over to Charlene's. I forgot to take my cell phone and came back for it. I heard her screaming into the phone telling him that he just couldn't dump her like that." I held him tighter. "She was crying and almost hysterical. When I came home from Charlene's, she was drunk. I put her to bed."

"Did she mention anything?"

"She said she had a big fight over one of her accounts and the pressure got to her. She unintentionally drank too many martinis before eating."

"Strange. I think I tried to call her that night and got her voice mail. She didn't call back."

"I checked her computer several times after that and that's when I read the message about not calling him except on his cell phone. I think they continued to see each other for several months. Then they suddenly stopped. I think he was tired of her drinking and when she lost her sex appeal by being so overweight, he dropped her. Then, she really went south."

He pondered that information for seemingly minutes. Then, he said, "It all makes sense. What sex we had was without the loving we had before. It was just fucking..." He looked embarrassed and actually blushed. It was the first time he ever used that word around me. "I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have said it that way."

I took his face in my hands and looked him in the eye. "You can say fuck or any other four-letter word that says what it means. I will do the same. We're in this together."

He put his arms around me and said, "You're very special to me, Destiny. I hate the truth but I'm glad you told me. I'm afraid that her behavior in the last year has ground down my affection for her to nil."

We were quiet for a while. He turned his eyes to me and asked, "Did you also have a look on my computer?"

Now I blushed. "Yes, I did, but you were much better with passwords than she was. I got into hers in about fifteen minutes. I couldn't get all the way into yours. Well, I couldn't get into your business account. I didn't want to. I read enough of your gmail to know who Madeline is."

"I knew you'd been on my computer reading stories. I have this little app that writes all the websites to a file outside the browser and hides it. I read a few of your stories and found out that you researched a lot about beginning to have sex. I assumed it was Tommy."

I didn't blush or deny it. "You are a devious man, Daniel Dalton. Did you feel guilty spying on me?"

He actually chuckled. "Heavens no. I was doing my duty as a diligent parent." He laughed again. "I didn't even look for your vibrator."

My God, that did embarrass me. I know I turned brilliant red and breathed heavily. I had no place to go but to hug him. He spoke to me softly. "I should have bought it for you instead of Mavis. Anyway, you know that I see Madeline when I'm in Nashville and we have a nice time. I'm not going to run off with her."

Same as Destiny
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His Halloween TrickChapter 6

The hall was dark but I could see stairs leading to the upper floors. Kim stepped away from me, and for a second I wondered why the light switch was not next to the door. Then I felt something like a heavy cloth dropping over me. I knew that I was in a reasonable shape. I was just a bit over six foot tall, but even if I trained I was never overly muscular. I had a body of a runner. Quite probably I could have made my way out from under the cloth, but suddenly there seemed to be several pairs...

3 years ago
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NEVER Lie to Kat

Attention, pets! Do not miss this blog swap with the luscious and wildly talented Nikki Haze. I love this girl and her way with erotic words, and I follow her blog and wicked writings. Follow Nikki on Twitter, and don’t miss my original short story on her blog. Be sure to check out Nikki’s collection of erotica; the links are at the end of the story.Never Lie to Kat – by Nikki HazeAkira knelt on the cement floor of the sweltering basement, her arms tied behind her back by thick rope that...

1 year ago
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I wake up in the morning, as I gain my bearings I realize that you're not beside me anymore. I shake my head as I sit on the edge of the bed, my feet on the floor, still naked from last nights activities. I stand up and stretch my morning hard on, pointing straight out. I leave my room, and hear you moving around in the kitchen. I walk in, seeing you looking through the cupboards for food, and gaze at your bra and panty covered body. I shake my head, 'What a waste.' wondering why you bother to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A drink for the lady

It’s a wild night music pumping and the bass is loud people are coming in by the masses Here is a big luncheon bar and music dance floor. On the left, as you walk in where the main door is a huge dance floor and stage with a disco ball overhead that comes down and lights up the entire place when is lively they gave the disco ball a more modern punk appeal to it. As you make your way to the right of the dance hall area or so you lead to the luncheon where there is just about all kinds of foods...

2 years ago
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The Interview

Jasmine sat across the desk from Ryan as he began interviewing her for the assistant position. She couldn't help but to grin at the naughty thoughts racing through her mind as he began asking her what skills she could apply to the job. "Depends on what you're willing to let me do." Ryan grinned in return as he sat behind the broad, clean mahogany desk in his armless black leather executive's chair. He wore a simple maroon polo shirt over his black-belted slacks and nodded at her comments....

Straight Sex
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VIII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VIII“Bi Follies”, with Vic (OC), Darko (OC) and Angie (from ‘Angie’ series, Chris)Non-OC Character:Angie: “So, when is your friend coming over?” asked an anxious Darko to his friend Victor.“Relax, dude. She will be here soon”, replied Victor.They were anxious for Angie, an old flame of Victor’s. The girl was supposed to meet the Brazilian for a ‘playdate’ at his mansion and he found an opportunity to call his good friend Darko and make it a traditional...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend Part 2

Hey, guys, here I am writing the part 2 of ‘ my best friend’ .I am happy to hear everyone’s feedback on the part one of the stories…..U can give me more feedback, opinions, sent some dick pics at this is going to be-be a long story because unlike what happened on Saturday, on Sunday I and Nikhil had a full day and night. If u didn’t read part 1 then u will not be able to understand how it all started.I have also described our body features in part 1. Now coming to the story, after giving...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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My first time with my girlfriends mum and sister

I was in the bedroom like I am every day and around 10am Julie takes her 18 year old daughter to school, so I usually have a good old wank in Julies bedroom. Well the next day at 10am I went to do what I usually do in Julies bedroom but what I didn’t know was that Hannah stayed home because she had no school that day so Julie went shopping, so there I am in Julies bedroom naked with a huge 8inch hardone wanking over Julies clothes when the bedroom door opened and Hannah was there she was...

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Astor Heights Boys Academy

Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter you will meet the school nurse and some of her lovers. PRELUDE Andy was nervous as hell when he arrived at Nurse Millie’s office. He had just turned 18 years...

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DevilsFilms Kenzie Reeves Office ASSistants

Kenzie Reeves is a personal assistant for a sports agent, Isiah Maxwell. It’s a tough job, but it’s worth it, because she thinks Isiah is hot. She hasn’t fucked him yet, and she sure wishes that she could. But wait, here’s her chance! Isiah has just come out of a successful business meeting, so she congratulates him and offers to help him relax after all that hard work… by making HIM hard. She happily sucks on his dick with her pretty mouth, and then lets him slap...

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A Teen on the Beach

Ellie was your quintessential teenage girl, sixteen, with hazel eyes, slightly-wavy golden-brown hair and light dusting of faint freckles across her nose. She was generally soft-spoken but had a kind smile and infectiously girlish laugh that would slowly emerge. During the summer between her sophomore and junior years of high school, she visited the local beaches near her house almost every day, enjoying the couple of months she had away from the stresses of school. She was excited to sport new...

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Dimple mere mama ki ladaki mastani

Hi readers this is another for you. Please remember that cocks and cunts are made for each other and when you are lucky you get the right thing for you. This time I will tell you about my fucking experience with my cousin dimple. Dimple was 18 at that time and I was 22.i felt attracted towards her when I used to meet her and she also used to behave very boldly with me when we used to meet. My mama used to live in a metro. We used to visit him in our vacations. That year when we went there and I...

3 years ago
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Playing By The Rules

Every game needs rules and Jake and Beth’s year-long competition was no different. The rules of their game served a number of purposes; some were to ensure that an unfair advantage could not be gained by either player whereas others were simply to add a little extra fun and excitement to this long-haul contest. A few of the rules were in place to protect the players, the game coming, as it did, with its share of risks, both physical and mental. The most important rule, which they each took...

Straight Sex
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Femme NataleChapter 4

Okay, looks like the coast is clear Jimmy took one last look at his moonlit surroundings, before sneaking away from the stone wall towards the house. Or rather, towards the mansion. The three-story building towered over the 15 acre property, which was sprawling with hedges, lawn decorations, and time-tested stone walls. It looked and felt like one of those old, villainous hideouts from the movies. Which made Jimmy the secret agent trying to gain access to this lair. Bond ... Jimmy...

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BugsChapter 2

In less than an hour, they had collected enough firewood to last them for a few days if they only used it for cooking. The problem was, what would they cook in? Julie had the answer to that is a few moments. She looked at the hub caps (wheel covers) and had a moment of inspiration. These were rather large chromed steel discs that were about three inches deep. Jeff popped all four off, and they took them to the stream to be washed. A few minutes later, they returned with four pots of...

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It was Friday morning. Jan’s eyes flickered open. Instinctively, she moved her hand across the bed, feeling disappointed at the empty space beside her. Since meeting Keith two weeks previously, she had seen him whenever possible. As a consequence of her relationship with him, Jan had seen considerably less of Samantha, who did not approve of ‘her lover’ being involved with a man. Stretching, Jan placed her hand upon her smooth, hairless vulva, feeling a pleasant sensa-tion flood...

4 years ago
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The Not So Green Hills of HomeChapter 7

I awoke feeling no pain at all and thought myself to be in the Shadowlands, to await my reweaving and rebirth in a new life. I was not dead however, merely in a dark quiet room underground apparently somewhere inside the Dweorgen underground village or city that was here. Elessa was at my side, also completely healed. Like me, she had fallen to her wounds or the death-curse of breaking the crystal immediately afterwards. Graken had been the only one of us to witness what, if anything, had...

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Hardware HarmonyChapter 2 Something for John

I haven’t told you a lot about my brother John, but he is a very unique individual. We don’t really know why he is different. Our doctor simply said his brain was wired differently than ours. As I’ve explained, he isn’t lacking intelligence ... in fact, quite the opposite. Inside that head of his is an IQ that is far above mine. It’s just that he doesn’t take many opportunities to show it. So far, only his school work reveals just how smart he really is. I’m sure part of it is his amazing...

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The Hundred Year PlanChapter 10

Bonnie groaned and her arms fell limply away from their bodies. Al got up from the bed and hastily pulled on his pants. He made his way down to the security console, and saw Art Slavens waiting patiently. He buzzed the door open and yelled to Bonnie that it was Art. By the time Art had gotten to the inside door, Bonnie was standing beside Al, wearing one of his old bathrobes. After saying hello, Bonnie went into the kitchen and started preparing an old fashioned breakfast of bacon, eggs, and...

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CarlieChapter 8

Carlie’s turn: One of the techniques I learned in Grandma’s kitchen was the art of simmering. It’s a technique to turn a hearty selection of ingredients into a truly memorable dish. We’re on simmer. My smiles are deeper, unrestrained. I said I love him. He says he loves me. It’s like my heart is free now. We share the sofa now, me lounging inside his arm, leaning against him for a while every evening after we shower. There’s a kiss before bed. There’s me watching him go to his bedroom...

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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 11

The same day. Monday night - Home Again. [Catherine] It took me a long time to drive home. I wished I'd flown down and hired a car. I was a rich woman now. David and Edward had gone back on the train, because Edward had exams at school, so family life was a bit chaotic. I was aching for David long before I got out of England. It was dark when I got home, abandoned the car in the drive and braced myself for Edward's enthusiastic greeting. Gosh, how he was growing up. The house felt empty at...

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my first black girl

this started last weekend when i was at a do and chatting to a pal of mine when his wife arrived a slim very attractive black girl with the biggest bubble butt you have ever seen, my pal aksed me do u fancy her or something, i said sorry but i couldnt take my eyes of her butt, she had leggings on which were so tightly stretched you could see her thong,my pal said i dont care if you do because we have a little fantasy/ bet going on, really what is is it i said, come with me and he led me to the...

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I had a reason to worry

My wife of 5 years was going to Vegas without me. Why? Well my little sister was getting married and that's where the bachelorette party was going to be. Why was I worried? Well I know my wife and booze don't mix well, what I mean by that is, she gets bat shit crazy when she drinks and if its tequila well it's a disaster waiting to happen. They were all leaving on a Friday morning and said they would be home Sunday afternoon. As my wife waited to be picked up I reminded her over and over again...

2 years ago
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Attorney Cum Laude

Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to ‘show my stuff.’ But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun’s hottest night-spot, ‘Bare Your Soul’. We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...

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Jack I Spank Each Other

I had watched my Mum spanking Jack when he was stark naked. Jack was the boy next door and in the last story I was punished when Mum found out how I had made him come all over the wall and carpet after his spanking.   My mum worked as a volunteer at the local library each Saturday morning so Jack made his excuses at home and snuck round to my house. We’d both found the spankings a real turn on, and I knew where Mum kept all the implements she’d used on us both.We couldn’t decide who would spank...

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Friday Night Special

Friday Night Special Friday Night Special By Cthulhu Its just another Friday night about 7pm in the evening, I am sitting in the lounge with my wife after dinner thinking is been a few weeks since we played any bondage games.I say to my wife H ?I think it would nice to have a bondage session tonight?, H replies that she?s not really in the mood and she a little tired this evening and is probably going to have an early night.We both used to enjoy bondage in our sex life but H has...

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By the Light of the Moon

Sleep is a funny thing. One night, you sleep like a baby…the next, you’re transformed into a whirlwind of jumbled images and tossing limbs. I think it was the heat that got to me so badly. Heat does funny things to you too. Makes the mind melt into a little puddle of crazy. Tonight, I was particularly miserable. My body couldn’t seem to get comfortable no matter where I lay, and my head was filled with fever dreams of naked, tangled bodies slick with sweat. The good kind, from fucking each...

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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt6

The college visit with not my niece pt 6Yes, this Ellie is a fictional girl, and yet, she is based upon a very real girl I know from the internet. In fact, I know damn well she is going to be sopping wet reading this story and knowing how many pricks are dripping and firing!So read on and let her know what you think!!!+++++++++++Ellie looked tired, but beautiful as we entered the room filled with white starched table clothes, men and suites and women in fancy gowns. She put them all to shame!...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 506 Rosie ndash DoOver

I was in my office when Crystal brought Rosie in to introduce us. “David,” Crystal said with a smile I knew meant she was teasing. “Found a stray stuck trying to get in the gate. Rosie isn’t yours, for a change, but it seems to be one your mom agreed to let crash here for a few days while her mom is out of town.” Mom came in behind Crystal and Rosie, so I went to hug mom and ask, “Mom? Are you sure? I miss Chrissy too but isn’t this a bit too soon to take in another little girl and mom...

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PenthouseGold Eliza Ibarra Spices It Up With Creampie

The same cock day after day just doesn’t satisfy salacious Latina Eliza Ibarra, so well hung stud Quinton James is invited over to spice up the couples’ life. The hubby watches on as his beautiful brunette wife gives a blowjob; has her perfect natural tits fondled; and trimmed pussy licked, fingered, and fucked by another man. But the hot extra marital affair doesn’t stop right there. Quinton even gives the sultry sex fiend a creampie that you’ll only catch here on...

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Ten Minutes to Midnight

They talk about milestones. Those moments that change everything, the solidified and framed memories that you will carry to your grave. Moments that reshape who you are, what you believe in and what you reckon life is all about. They talk about notes that ring, reverberating echoes through the years, new ones blending in with older ones that will never die, reshaping the chord that is you. They talk of many things, but what they really talk about is this. It has no name, only faint clichés...

2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 14

He awoke on Wednesday the first day of the year to find, not a pair of breasts pressed against his back, nor his erection (which was real) pressed between the cheeks of a female bottom, but the stroking of a hand over his hair and the word tea spoken in his ear from a female body standing nakedly next to the bed. He rolled onto his back and sat up, his bare chest gaining a predatory lustful look from the said female, which in turn enhanced his erection. “Kathy!” he said in surprise. “How...

4 years ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 13

August 7, 1847 We soon found the guide to be correct in his knowledge of the tribe. An Indian brought out a large amount of salmon and vegetables soon after we reached the valley floor. After spirited bargaining between him and the guide, we purchased the entire amount for three knives. Other Indians soon appeared and we had a lot of trading going on between the settlers and the Indians. I had the wagon captain post a guard around the wagon with the measles and the guide warned the Indians...

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Aunt Cathys Special Boy

She just walked in and told me straight.Shocked, all I could do was stare, the weight of my hanging jaw a vague impression.“Dirty b**st,” she said, glaring.Her fists were on her hips. Fire flashed from her eyes.I thought she was magnificent.I knew what she was talking about, but it played dumb.This was trouble. I’d over-stepped the mark by several long strides.I blurted out, “What? What are you talking about?”My face gave me away. I couldn’t control the heat rising in my cheeks and I knew I was...

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Masti With My Naukar And Neighbours

Hi this is Meghaa from Kolkata. I am 20 years old and my figure is 34-26-30 and i am not a virgin i lost it when i was 18 with my boyfriend. I am fond of showing my private parts to public even i have posted my nude pics in sites and given to people from social networking sites. Mein aksar bahar without bra panty jati hoon..Loose boobs ke saath! I have started doing this when i was 15 years old. Today i am going to narrate my story, that is how i seduced my male servant, jeevan kumar...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 12

Lexi walked into the Bear and Bull, Willy saw her and waved a grin on his face, he was a rich man thanks to her, maybe she had another little adventure to go on. Lexi walked over to Willy, “hello Willy, I’m looking for Mac have you seen him?” Willy nodded in the direction of a table in the corner “he’s over there chatting it up with some friends, what ya up too?” Lexi smiled “not a thing Willy, I just wanted to talk to Mac about something.” Lexi looked in the direction of the table and froze...

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Family Fun

Dear ISS readers, my name is Akhil, from a Tamil Brahmin family, and I am a diehard fan of incest sex. I used to read many incest stories and watch many incest movies as well. I used to always dream of fucking my mother, and masturbate knowing that it could never happen in reality. But things that I thought could never happen, turned out happening. This is a true life story that happened to me when I had just turned 18 during summer vacation in Kerala. Now am in an engineering college. Before...

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Brother O8217 Brother

Hello readers. Mein aap ke saath aik cuban gaandu boy ki kahani share karnay laga houn jisko mein ne last weekend choda tha. Yeh gaandu bacha mujhay kahan aur kaisay mila aur mein ne ousko kaisay kaisay estaamal kiya ki bajaaye ouski voh kahani zayada purlutf thi aur mein aapko yeh kahani ousie ki zabani sunaaoun ga keh kis tarah ousko ilm huwa keh ouska real elder brother aik cock sucking faggot tha jisko gaand marwana bhi buht pasand tha. Mera zaati khayal hai keh it would be better if you...

Gay Male
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My Slut Training

It takes a lot of practice to be good at anything.For example, I started very young in mastering playing the piano, and now at twenty-five I’m pretty good. Maybe not concert-hall good, but I play flawlessly executed pieces every time.Likewise, being a good, sweet, and loving girlfriend (which I am for my current man) takes practice. Unlike the piano, though, there really isn’t any place you can take lessons. I’m pretty-much a self-trained slut.I had developed a huge crush on a cute boy in my...

First Time
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UniversityChapter 86

We celebrated our wedding anniversary quietly, Christmas with my parents and the New Year in Canberra with Rachel's. New Year's Eve we were at an excessively snobby party given by the diplomatic community – Eddie's parents thought it de rigeur; Eddie dragged Al and we were co-opted. I promised Rachel I wouldn't be rude to anyone – but it wasn't easy. The sole good thing, I felt, was that we met the Japanese ambassador and his wife. Rachel greeted him in Japanese and they conversed...

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A Life Unknown

My name is Wendy Barnes and I have a story to tell. I'm going to tell you how I went from being a married working wife to a guru of what some say is taboo sex. My shrink is telling me it's because I was just beginning my sexual prime of life when the first incident occurred. I was unaware of the changes my body was beginning to go through when I gave in to my urges. After I'd given in the first time, I was unable to stop myself. I took these new feelings as being somehow normal and since my...

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I sat at the dining table quietly reviewing the day’s events. From upstairs there was still the occasional squeal or the sound of a slap and a curt “Shut up, bitch, and stop wriggling.” I picked up the papers in front of me. It was my standard slave contract passing total control to me. There were a few blank spaces left to be filled and room at the bottom for both my and her signature. It was required by our laws that she sign it as a demonstration of her place in society. If she refused to do...

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Colin of House HaddenChapter 8

“Transition in thirty seconds,” reported Rosie and Colin let out a sigh of relief. The journey that could have taken less than four days had just taken seven because the slavers’ ship only had a class one drive. It had been a journey that was totally boring and Colin was glad that he’d been on the Red Rose and away from the bleating and moaning of the new slaves. Contact between the ships had been kept to a minimum to reduce the chances of being intercepted on the way to Tor. Colin was...

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TeenyTaboo Samantha Black Takes stepdads cum in her teen pussy when mom is at work

When Samantha’s stepdad notices his stepdaughter has pierced nipples through her shirt he takes a shot and asks her to show him. She says yes, and soon after that they are naked on the bed. Once his cock is in her mouth, and and he makes her cum with his tounge several times it is clear they are going to be fucking whenever her mom is at work from now on. In the end he cums deep in her perfect tight little 18 year old pussy even though she isn’t on birth control. They will have to...

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NubileFilms Alya Stark Mia Evans Forbidden Pleasures

A hot red body suit clings to Alya Stark’s curves as she checks herself out in the mirror. Meanwhile, Alya’s girlfriend, Mia Evans, settles into a warm bath and watches Alya preen. When Alya is satisfied, she struts over to join Mila by the tub. Lingerie may be sexy when it’s on a girl’s body, but there’s nothing hotter than when it comes off. Mia watches with greedy eyes as Alya strips and then joins her in the water. The girls exchange a deep kiss, but what Alya...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 20

“I think ‘our’ bed should be a double,” whispered Rockie as she nuzzled against JR’s neck. “I would prefer a twin-size, but that would be too greedy of me.” He had just awakened next to her in his bedroom. She had apparently been awake a while longer since she was more fully aware of their surroundings than he was. “You don’t like the king-sized bed at the condo?” he asked groggily. “You have too much room to get away from me in that bed. I like you being confined more like you are in...

2 years ago
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The Princess Incest Diary 3

Dear Princess, Oh, you are so lovely and so sexy. I can't believe that I fucked you last night! I am such a sinful, wicked father. I have committed incest with my own virgin daughter! And I know I will do it again and again! My lust for you is boundless and I can’t stop now! Though I haven't a clue how I'm going to continue this perverted affair after your mother comes home. I woke you up at dawn this morning, with the sun just coming in through the window. When I pulled the sheets back, the...

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*10 days later* Dr. John Redmond took his place in front of the awaiting crowd. Sorting his papers, he gazed into the audience of cameras and microphones, the media ready to catch his every word and move. Never before had he been requested to do this. "Good afternoon, I am Dr. Johnathan Redmond of St. Rita's Medical Centre. I will be speaking to you today about the recent outbreak of the HS1F1 Virus, or Homovirus, as the media are referring it to." The young doctor turned the page, looking back...

2 years ago
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Accommodating LadyChapter 7 Anal Action Before Zeldas Return

Hor and I returned to the lounge hand in hand, which did not go unnoticed by my two Accommodating Ladies, who were sprawled out relaxed on the sofa looking as though they had had a bit of a session themselves. Three of the buttons on Ruth's blouse were undone, revealing a very sexy white lacy bra, and Sue's lipstick had smeared somewhat. Nice to swing both ways, so they say, because it doubles your chance of a date on Saturday night! "That was a rather long tour," said Ruth, looking a...

4 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 14

He tried. Really he did, but the flicker of disbelief was impossible to miss. I invited him in and didn’t settle into the front office, no ... straight through to the big curly burly solid walnut desk I bought when daddy was gone. I moved around to my Fashion Minimalist Modern Reclining Real Leather Executive Massage Swivel Chair that I bought when the I didn’t like the ponderous matching chair that came with the twenty four thousand dollar desk. I put That monstrosity on the penitent side...

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Hot Experience With Working Women

Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net this is Aditya….And I am currently staying in Bangalore for my studies. To mention I am just an average boy with normal stats. Getting to the story, I moved to Bangalore for studies in a reputed institute and has taken a rented apartment. I shifted to the new apartment and my mom helped me with setting the house and then left for the hometown. During her stay, she made a good relationship with the neighbours…. One of whom was a hot bombshell lady...

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Mom Helped To Touch Sister

Hi my Name is Vinay age 26 from Bangalore, I am the diehard fan of incest stories which started reading recently and want to narrate the real incident that happened in my life. While reading incest stories I used to think that they are no real, but now I believe that many of the stories are real and not fiction. Coming to my story we are 3 members me (Vinay) Widow Mom (Suma aged 46) sis (Payal aged 22). We lost our father 5 years back, he was running a business and was a drunkard, once he died...

4 years ago
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Always Read the FIne Print

*Author's Note* This is my first story so please provide feedback (good and bad) If my writing is intolerable tell me so I can spare you all from reading anymore *The Night Watchman* Always Read the Fine Print Madam Evette's Massage Parlor is the oldest parlor in Miami, though despite its name it doesn't participate in the world's oldest profession. Madam Evette prides herself on offering the deepest most soothing massages in the world, so much, so she guarantees you...

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