Destiny Ch. 01 free porn video

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She had no idea the trip to Australia last year was the way to meet him. She went to Sydney for her doctor internship for one year. Thanks to her teaching diploma, she would be able to find a part-time tutoring job to earn extra money. After arrived Sydney about a month, she started working at the hospital for six days a week and took a part-time job as chemistry tutor in a prominent boys high school. After she finished her hospital work on Fridays, she had to go to the school for the two hours after school tutoring. Although she had been a part-time private tutor in Briton for a few years when she was doing her medicine degree, but never in a school for a group of students. Here is her the first day:

Kaitlyn walked in the classroom, the fifteen boys looked at her in surprise because the new tutor was so young. Of course, she was just 23 years old and finished the medicine degree in Oxford. Teaching a year 12 science class was always a challenge, but the brilliant young doctor loved to take the challenge.

‘Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Kaitlyn Heffernan, your new tutor for the next few months before your HSC exams. Now please pass these papers and don’t open it.’

After the boys got the papers, one of the boys asked: ‘What’s this? Is it a test? ‘

‘Yes. You got 40 minutes go show your quality, starts now. ‘

The boys were still talking and complaining.

’39 minutes left.’

They stopped and realised that is nonnegotiable, they all tried to concentrate. Obviously they found it hard and too much to do in 39 minutes.

‘Time’s up, pens’ down.’

They were all complaining the difficulties and time limit. Then Kaitlyn started to teach and show them how to manage and revise each topic. Actually she was showing them the tips questions of that year’s HSC. The way she teach impressed everyone in the room and they had to concentrate in order to answer the questions from Kaitlyn. Jeff was always the funny boy. He asked Kaitlyn how she was so sure that some of the questions must be in the exam.

And she replied: ‘ I don’t know, I just guess. You can choose not to believe.’

‘Can we ask you some questions, Miss Heffernan’


‘Can we call you Kaitlyn?’


‘How old are you?’

‘That’s too personal.’

‘But you said we can ask.’

‘Yes, I did. But I did not promise to answer.’

‘We would like to know what qualification you owned to teach us.’

‘I have a teaching diploma.’

‘Just a diploma?’


‘But we are top students in one of the best high school, we are going to study in top universities and be professionals.’

‘So? …Listen, I am not here to teach you what you will learn in the university, my job is to help you all in HSC chemistry, and I believe I am excellent at my job and that’s why I am hired to be here. But your results will not depend on me or my performance but your own preparation and ability, you are all university students next year, you are not primary school students, it’s your choice to decide whether you need my help.’

Those boys started to look down but some of them are actually surprise on this diploma young girl’s excellent teaching skills. Then the class continued. Only 10 minutes left for that two hours tutoring, Ms Hall, who was the boys’ chemistry teacher, came in the classroom suddenly. She just finished her meeting and come to introduce Kaitlyn to the boys officially:

‘Hello, boys, everything ok? I am sure Miss Heffernan, Kaitlyn taught you more and better than I did. From now on, she will be here to help you every Friday, until the examination period. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate, just ask her, she has excellent teaching skills and unbelievable knowledge in chemistry, biology, physics and maths, and she is a very experienced tutor at teaching students for exams, we are so lucky to have Kaitlyn before the exam to replace Mr Austin.’

Then Ms Hall turned to Kaitlyn: ‘Kaitlyn, all these boys want to study medicine in the future, can you give them some information about that.’


‘Boys, you want some information of being a doctor, here is your chance, Kaitlyn just finished her medicine degree at Oxford University in Britain and she is doing her doctor internship in Royal Prince of Wales Hospital. Feel free to ask Kaitlyn questions, I am sure she can help you. OK, I have another meeting, see you boys tomorrow.’

After Ms Hall was gone, the boys start asking questions again,

‘Kaitlyn, why didn’t you tell us that you are a doctor?’

‘Not yet, I am just doing my internship. And that has nothing to do with teaching.’

‘At least…’

‘At least what? A tutor only got a teaching diploma doesn’t deserve your respect? Don’t judge people so easily. You are all too good in this school, but you still haven’t seen enough people outside to judge them.’

‘That means we are not good enough?’

‘That means you are all still high school students. When you get in to the competition outside, you will grow up.’

‘I am sorry for my impolite and language, Kaitlyn. We know you are good’

‘Don’t be sorry, I know I am good, which can’t be denied by what you said.’

That was the first day. But Kaitlyn didn’t really notice him, Chase Miller. All she knew was Chase Miller was one of the three smartest boys in that class. And predictably the second and third classes were unbelievable good for those boys. Chase knew he really liked this young teacher.


One Saturday, the boys were all waiting outside the train station and planning to go swimming together. Suddenly, they spotted Kaitlyn got off a car opposite the street, the big surprise was they saw the lady not tied her long hair, no glasses, no trousers, long dress, with a young gentleman got into the restaurant.

Jeff always speak out the point: ‘You know what? I always thought Kaitlyn is just a college student with similar age like us, but now, it seems she is a lady, our teacher, and far away from us high school students.’ Justin didn’t say anything just like the rest of them, but he really wanted to know who the man was. Her boyfriend? Or just a friend? When they asked Kaitlyn about the man the other day, the answer was ‘too personal’.

Two weeks later after the class, Justin was the last person to leave, and he went to Kaitlyn,

‘Kaitlyn, I… I want to be a doctor…’

‘You want to ask the information about being a doctor?’

‘Actually, no, I want to be a doctor, I am sure about my goal and I know I am capable to do that. And I understand what I need to study at university once I get in to medicine.’

‘So, what do you really want to ask?’

‘I want to know if you can be my private tutor for all subjects?’

‘Chase, I can’t be your private tutor, I’m hired by this school’

‘I know, I know I have the ability to study medicine, but I am not sure I can get in, my first choice is University of Sydney.’

‘Don’t worry, I am sure you can get in.’

‘But I applied Oxford University medicine as well. I have to make sure I can get in, I really want it. I think I am going to have the interview after the exam. I need some help. ‘


‘Kaitlyn, please. Nobody knows I applied Oxford, I need your help.’

‘OK, Chase, I think I need to talk to Ms Hall first, see whether it is ok, would you mind if I talk to Ms Hall?’

‘No. Please.’

‘I will let you know next class, now go home, don’t stress yourself too much.’

‘Thank you so much, Kaitlyn.’

Kaitlyn knows that Ms Hall is still at school, so she goes to her immediately,

‘He did ask you?’


‘Normally, it is not appropriate to do that. But actually, you can, if he really needs help. That’s why you are here, right?’ < br>
‘I know, but how do you think about Chase?’

‘Oh, you don’t need to worry about that boy, he is the best student with great personality and he is reliable. He is the only one student that our school would recommend to Oxford this year.’

‘I just don’t want anything bad happen.’

‘Maybe you should contact his parents first.’


Then it was the meeting between Kaitlyn and Chase’s parents.

‘Hello, Mr and Mrs Miller.’

‘Hello, Miss Heffernan. Nice to meet you. Chase told us a lot about you. We really appreciate that you can help him with the exam and interview.’

‘Call me Kaitlyn please. I am glad that you understand that, I just want to make sure you both know that this is the my first time being a private tutor here. I’m not sure how much I can help, all the results still depend on himself’

‘Don’t worry, Kaitlyn, we know our son, he will try his best.’

‘I know he is an outstanding student, but I only know him for few weeks, I need your advice.’

‘We trust on him to make his own decisions. He always knows what he is doing.’

‘That’s good.’

‘Miss Hall told us you two have the similarity to study at Oxford, he is quiet sometime, he doesn’t want to show others his thought. And you seems quiet and polite too.’

‘Maybe…’ In Kaitlyn’s mind was surprising how mature this boy was.


They started the tutoring the following week. Kaitlyn went to Chase’s home almost every day after school. Days turned into weeks, they started to know each other more and became good friends. Kaitlyn was the only person that Chase loved to share any of his thoughts, problems and happiness. When Kaitlyn wanted to talk to someone, strangely the first person in her mind was the young Chase. His parents were happy to know they became good friends. One day, their parents asked Kaitlyn to do them a favour, they were going to have a party at home on Saturday, but Chase wanted to study and had tutoring, he couldn’t stay at home with the party disrupting. So they wanted Chase to have tutoring and study at Kaitlyn’s place for one day. That was the first time Justin went to Kaitlyn’s apartment. Actually Kaitlyn’s apartment was quite suitable for study, one bedroom, living room, one bathroom and kitchen, plus a small balcony. Those two were so concentrate on their study, even Kaitlyn was studying her own internship homework. They would discuss the problems when Justin needed help. After that day, they started to study at Kaitlyn’s rather than Chase’s to avoid the disruption from Chase’s little brother.

For three months, Chase almost spent all his weekends with Kaitlyn, even at weekdays, they always exchanged all the stuff through the phone and internet. At the weekends, they started early in the morning, Chase would drive to Kaitlyn’s place in the morning and picked up some breakfast on the way. They ate together, then studied together, watched TV, listened to music and played scrabble together. And what they didn’t know was the feelings developed between them became stronger. There was one night, they were still discussing a difficult question, while Chase seemed a little tired and discouraged.

‘Kaitlyn, are you sure I can do that? There’s always another problem. I …’


‘I can’t do that, I am so tired, maybe I am not good enough. ‘

‘That sounds not like you. You are always so confident. ‘

‘Yes, I am. But how can I keep strong when there’s no end for the problems. What if I finally fail?’

‘Justin, don’t push yourself too much, you don’t need to be that strong all the time. You can’t solve all the problems to go to uni, there must be some problems that you can’t solve and no one knows the result. The fear of result is just encouragement but not high pressure, it’s ok to relax, to take a rest, then just try your best and enjoy your study, and the rest will take care of it.’

‘Thanks, Kait.’

‘Kait, uh?…..All right, go home and get some sleep ok?’

‘Can I stay for a while?’

Then he tried to close his eyes and fell asleep on the couch.


There was another Saturday, they were studying at the table in the Kaitlyn’s in the afternoon. When they stayed close to share a book to concentrate on one question, Chase found himself staring at Kaitlyn’s so close face and could not take his eye off her. ‘God, I never realise how beautiful she is.’ Chase thought to himself. When Kaitlyn turned to him, they stared at each other almost 5 seconds, then Chase closed the gap between them and kissed Kaitlyn on the lips lightly, ‘Chase, I…’ the lips touched again, Kaitlyn took in a breath and Chase slid his tongue through her opened lips into her mouth. The touch of their tongues sent electricity through their bodies. The kiss deepened, both couldn’t resist the moment of passion. They stopped abruptly, panting and both not sure what just happened.

‘Chase, we… we can’t…’ There’s a long silence, both couldn’t find the words to speak. ‘I feel a little bit tired, I think we should stop here today, I drive you home.’ Kaitlyn spoke first after a few minites.

‘Kaitlyn, I … , ok.’

They did not say anything until she drove him home.

‘Kaitlyn, I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?’

‘Um, ok.’

Obviously they both needed time to clear their mind.


Chase had a sweet dream that night, he dreamt about Kaitlyn. All he was thinking about was her, their first kiss and the dream. But Kaitlyn couldn’t sleep all night: ‘this was not happening, how do I feel? What’s that about? Do I have feeling for him? OK, maybe a little. But we can’t be together, I am his teacher, and much older than him, I can’t cross the line…….’ Then Kaitlyn made her own decision. The next day she called Chase’s parents and emailed Chase and told them she was sick and could not teach for the next few days. Actually, she was looking for another good tutor for Chase. She didn’t answer his calls or replied his email until Wednesday night. Chase couldn’t wait anymore, he need to see Kaitlyn, to hear her voice. When he arrived at her door, she’s not home yet. He just waited outside. Kaitlyn went out to have dinner with her colleague Robert, who had been chasing her for months. She had no idea why she would agree a date with him, ‘I need to have dinner anyway.’ She thought to herself. When they were back to Kaitlyn’s place, Chase saw them walked to the front door. A pang of jealousy stabled in his gut when the guy kissed her goodbye on her cheeks then drove off. When Kaitlyn turned to open the door and heard Chase’s voice,

‘Why did you go out with him?’

She turned and found Chase standing right in front of her. ‘What are you doing here, Chase?’ She stepped in the apartment. He followed.

‘I thought you are sick.’

She didn’t reply, he felt his anger boiling.

‘You’re pretending sick, you didn’t answer any calls or emails from me because of what? That kiss? You even went out with some guy who you don’t like and let him…let him kiss you for what? Avoiding me? ‘

‘Chase…we can’t…’

‘ We haven’t even talked!’ He was almost screaming.

That’s the first time Kaitlyn saw him raised his voice.

‘OK, let’s talk.’ She sat down on the couch and faced to Chase.

Chase tried to calm down a little, still standing there. ‘I can’t get you out of my head, Kait. We studied together, played together, laughed together, shared our life together for the past four months. Not until that kiss and you were avoiding me, it finally dawned to me that I can’t, I can’t live a day without hearing your voice… I love you, Kaitlyn.’

‘That’s not love, Chase. We barely know each other. And you are still a high school student…’

‘I ‘m eighteen, I know how I feel, and I know you feel the same way about me.’

‘Maybe you
have some feelings now, but it won’t last, Chase. You’re young, you can find some sweet girl that match with you in the future…’

‘Is that what it is? I am younger than you? A high school student? That you don’t trust me? I don’t even deserve a chance?’ He was shouting now.

‘We can’t be together. I made my decision.’ She was still so calm.

‘How can you ignore your feeling? How can you be so calm…so cold?’

She was hurt by the last words but hided it well, ‘You don’t know how I feel!’ she paused, then continued, ‘I have contacted another doctor named Kenneth, who was also graduated from Oxford, he can help you with the exams and interview from next week, I’ll call your parents later this week that I can’t be your tutor anymore.’

A drop of tear was running down his cheeks. ‘We were only teacher and student to you? Not even friends? Weren’t we?’

She didn’t reply. His felt his heart was breaking. Then he left quietly.


They both could not function properly next two days. All in Chase’s mind was Kaitlyn, and he was hurt and angry. What they didn’t know that something was destined to happen. Chase was so gloom, his classmates dragged him to the bar to relax on Friday night. Jeff gave him a surprise by inviting the girl Ada who was mooning over Chase for years. She looked so sweet and she hauled Chase to the dance floor to dance with her. Chase was a bit drunk and didn’t bother to refuse, gave in and imaged he was dancing with Kait. That’s when Kaitlyn spotted him while she was in the bar with her friends. She was staring at him dancing. Then Ada kissed his lips, he froze for few seconds and then pulled away. His eyes suddenly met Kait’s over Ada’s shoulder. Kaitlyn turned immediately. She excused herself and left the bar. She didn’t know what she was thinking, the image of Chase dancing and kissing another girl kept flashing in her mind. She didn’t want to think, she didn’t want to show that she care, and she definitely didn’t want to confront Chase just then. She couldn’t. Chase wanted to go after Kait, he didn’t care what Ada was muttering when he pulled away, but he was drunk and dodder.

Finally, it was almost ten o’clock at night when he got to her home and was kicking on the door. Kait opened the door and stunned to find Chase standing there.

‘What are you doing here, Chase?’

‘It was…It was just a stupid kiss. And she kissed me and I didn’t kiss her.’ She could tell he was drunk.

‘You don’t have to explain it to me.’

‘Yes, I do. And I want. ‘

‘You don’t, you are drunk.’ She turned away to go back to the living room. He grasped her arm to stop her.

‘Don’t turn away from me. Don’t do it again. ‘

Tears were running down his cheeks when he was saying this although that he was still drunk and swaying. Kait hauled him to the sofa before he started to fell down. Her heart sunk when she saw him hurting so much. And she knew it. She never thought that Chase would be so serious about her because she was selfish and over protecting herself too much and never thought about his feeling. Now he was hurting and that was all her fault. It startled her that she cared about his feeling so much, and she could not bear to let him hurting. All she wanted was the best for him, no matter what, she knew it from the beginning, but obviously refusing him was the wrong way, which may cost his study and exam. When he was lying on the couch, she went to get a wet washcloth to wipe his face gently. His hand squeezed her hand, he muttered ‘Kait…’

‘I am here.’

‘Kait, …I am sorry, I …’ He opened his eyes and looked into her brown eyes. He drew her down close and hugged her tight, close his eyes again.

‘I was thinking about you, I didn’t mean to…’

‘I know.’ She cut him off. ‘Now stop talking and rest, ok? We will talk later.’

‘You promise?’

‘ I promise.’ She wanted to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. So she sat down on the couch and let his head sleep on her lap and his arm wrapped around her back. She was twiddling with his hair as they both drifted off. They didn’t know how long they slept, not until Chase’s cell phone rang, they both jumped awake. Chase checked the screen,

‘It’s mum, I better take this.’ She nodded.

‘Hey, mum.’

‘Do you know what time is it now? Where are you??’ It was midnight already.

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The White College Cheerleader And The Two Black Girls

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 14 A New Billet

A closely observed, and obeyed, order at MilSys was all mobile phones had to be switched off when on site, which didn't bother me as so few people knew my number I received no calls. However, when I reached my digs I switched the mobile on to order a pizza, and saw I had a text message from a Mr. Burlington. I remembered he was the father-in-law of Billy Turner, the Grenadier Guardsman who saved my life in Afghanistan, and that Mr. Burlington was the concierge/commissionaire of an of...

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A little horseplay in bed is good for a relationship

It started with a joke. As long as we have been together, my wife and I have teased each other, especially in bed. This time, we had just finished making love, and were still wrapped tightly in each other’s arms, with my wife on top. As my breathing slowly went back to normal, I hugged her even tighter, enjoying the feeling of her breasts crushing against my chest. From her reactions and the satiated look in her eyes, I could tell that she had enjoyed herself at least as much as I...

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Sex Studio Secrets 15 Valentine1

A friend of me celebrates her birthday at Valentine's Day, soon she shall be twenty-threeLesbian longing for big BOOBs and secretly submissive, I decide to fulfil her dirty dreamExactly at that time my friend Camila from Chile will visit Amsterdam with her mom and s*sSexy surprise in my sex studio above my exclusive erotic shop for only lovely looking ladies Super BOOBs at all three very firm all natural! Six big breasts to suck such a sexy ParadiseAll three only know her from some photos I...

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Two Naked Hot MomsChapter 6

"Fuck my pussy, Donald! Unnggghhh! Oh, Christ, what a big, fat fucker! Ahhhh, Jesus! Make me cum on you, Donald! Ram that big cock right up my cunt!" Vivian was on her knees on the living room sofa, naked, leaning over the backrest. Her son stood behind her, naked too. He was clutching her hips as he furiously fucked his prick into her pussy from behind, watching the wet, hair-lined mouth of her cunt grip and suck around his prick. "Fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy!" Vivian chanted. She...

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The Anniversary Gift

I'm still not sure why Shiann said yes when I asked her to marry me. I was smitten, entranced, head-over-heels. She was cool, emotionally distant, self-absorbed. I thought she was hiding her true emotions from me, masking vulnerabilities. She enjoyed the things we did together during our three-month courtship, at least she seemed to enjoy them. After all, my inheritance and my family connections got us into the most exclusive clubs, got us reservations at the restaurants with the longest...

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This is a bit different for me. While there are two sexual encounters, the focus is more on the romance between characters and the story line related to it. So if you’re looking for the characters to jump in to bed together by the third paragraph, you may want to read a different story. Thanks to my friends who continue to encourage my writing. -Jim ______________________________ CONFESSIONS ‘I’m a liar. There’s no better way to put it. I’m a liar and I’ve always been a liar. To flippantly...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 19 Gift

The new young concubine, a gift from the chief of a wandering Bedouin clan, was dragged into the harem at the Golden Palace kicking and struggling. As the all enveloping abaya was removed she butted the nearest eunuch in the face, causing blood to pour from his nose. Immediately she was overpowered, shackled over a whipping bench and the Chief Eunuch spoke to her. After three tries he discovered she understood some English and said to her, "You will have to be whipped for attacking my...

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What Wet Dreams Are Made Of

I woke up this morning to the feel of my cock being sucked. I love being woken this way by Tammy."Good morning, what's gotten into you this morning?""Remember the new girl at work, the hot 23 year old I was telling you about?""Yeah, i think so!" "Well, I had the sexiest wet dream involving her and was so horny I just needed to do something." She winked as she went back to giving me glorious head."Tell me about it, I want to hear." So in between some sucking, to keep me hard, she told me about...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR Paul Scott had been married to Mary for nearly ten years and now they were approaching their thirtieth birthdays. Mary would be the first to admit that she was the jealous type, for years fretting that he would have an affair with someone at work and it was for that reason she insisted that he wore a bra and panty set under his suits. When they were first married Mary carried on working in her uncle's business as his assistant come secretary, but soon...

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The Devil Takes A Wife

After three years of marriage, Kelly was not at all surprised when his wife began dropping the hints. It wasn't that he couldn't satisfy her sexually. Their sex life, he thought, was just fine if a little “normal” compared to what he knew was on the Internet porn. The last few months, he knew Cleo was watching the videos and GIFs, too. She'd even shared a few of her go-to favorites with Kelly, which he studiously watched and admitted aroused him, but it still wasn't satisfying enough for either...

2 years ago
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First Encounter Ch 2 Getting To Know You

Our lips part and I begin to place small kisses on you neck. My hand leaves your shaft and comes to rest on your left nipple, which is quite erect and sensitive. My mouth replaces my hand on your breast, and I begin to flick my tongue over your nipples. This causes you to moan and stroke my shaft harder."Careful," I pant. "You don't want me to explode too soon."I continue my kissing down your chest, and when I reach your navel, I reposition myself on my knees on the floor. You spread your legs...

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Mom Dad and Us Part 13

I am not the author. I found this story on my old desk top. Original story name is 'F***ly Games' Mom, Dad, and Us Part 13Glynn swallowed some whiskey and fought down a cough. The stuff burned and tasted crappy, but he figured he needed it, or something to jack up his nerve. No matter what his sister said, he was still kind of edgy about his dad. But more than anything else, he wanted to be part of the upcoming action. He and his old man, fucking mom and Lorena; Father...

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She said itd be okay continued

Barb straightened her posture in the chair when he walked in and waited a moment to speak. I was sitting across from her admittedly a little smitten and felt as though I was caught doing something wrong. We heard a set of car keys land on a table and quiet footsteps in the nearby hallway. "Rick, come in here please. I want to introduce you to our neighbor." As Rick walked around the corner, I made an effort not to show my surprise. From spending a few hours with this woman I believed I...

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The Witchs Revenge

It had been a thousand years since Morticia the Malevolent had been driven out of the small town of Buckley but her hatred for those she had once called neighbours and friends still flared like the fire that burned under her cauldron to make her potions and meals. Well, she was going to make them pay, she'd make them all pay! She would bring her full wrath down on the town and there was nothing the townsfolk could do, for Morticia had been learning a new spell, a spell that, when cast, would...

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My Neighbors Sexy Bikini

For as long as I can remember, I've always had a thing for panties. Not wearing them. Seeing them, smelling them, touching them. And, of course, coming on them. I'm almost always turned on when I see a girl's panties. With the current trend of low-slung jeans and pants, my eyes are always on the lookout for a girl whose panties or thong is in view. I'll go out of my way to enjoy that forbidden view for as long as I can. The sight of those colors or fabrics caressing a woman's ass will almost...

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412 Daves reassuring hand holding pt4

412 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt4 The next two weeks passed slowly, oh they had sex, Gaye and Dave, but it was with the memory of that last weekend as a stimulant, Dan had promised Gaye that he would up the stakes if she so wished, and the prospect of both watching and of having the delightful Mary again had Dave more than a little interested. Meanwhile he finished the painting, one of his best so far. It was on the Monday of the second week as it happened the day that the client for the...

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The Enchantress

The Enchantress I am the wind swept veils that dance with the flames of femininity. I am the enchantress. My steely blue eyes disguise the passions deep within my soul. The curves of my flowing river body sing with sensuality and bliss. I am a seductress and your mistress; I am a lover and your temptress. Seduce me with your pleasure, soothe me with your heart, let me share your loves in life. I will tempt you with my knowing while I hold you to my skirt and grace you with my...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 32

"That bitch is dead," Lori whispered in a voice every bit as cold, dead, and expressionless as her eyes. She closed her eyes tiredly, then started to glow a bright pink. I stepped forward and took her in my arms. "No, Lori," I whispered in her ear. She ignored me, her eyes stayed closed, and she glowed even brighter. "Loi-llia! No!" I whispered in her ear, more forcefully this time. The glow diminished and her eyes popped open. "What?" "I said no," I repeated. "Why not? She...

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Virgin Mary 8211 A Heavenly Experience

Over the years a new desire had entered my mind. It was that I should deserve nothing less than the best. Being in a Catholic school meant that the purity of Virgin Mary was what I heard of the most. She was supposed to be the best among women and therefore she was the one I wanted. But how was it that I was to get to her. Honestly I was asking for too much or so I thought. All other women seemed mere shadows in front of her. So I decided to pray fervently to her and tried to keep her in mind...

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My Mrs Robinson

I had just turned 16 and wanted a car but my parents decided I needed to earn my own money so I would appreciate it more and take better care of it. I was mowing lawns in our neighborhood that summer and doing anything I could to make money. Texas in the summer is brutal but to a 16 year old boy it was just heat and I could mow in my cutoffs and tan. Our next door neighbor was a divorcée in her 40’s and in 1964 there weren’t many in my hometown. All the women in the neighborhood worried about...

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ManoJob Mia Kay Rory Knox Jerkin8217 For The Nightshift

You’d think managing a strip joint would be a dream job. Think again. In addition to the flaky girls and sometimes-unruly customers, you’ve got the girls who fight for the coveted shifts. You know. The Nightshifts. Especially Friday and Saturday nights. Enter Mia Kay and Rory Knox. Both good strippers. Both day girls. But your club is buzzing with strippers talking about the weekend nightshift that just opened, and Mia and Rory have come to your office plead their case with you. 1...

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SleepwalkerChapter 69 Now What

Rebecca called Bob while she was awaiting her return flight. She was leaving Paul behind for an extra day to co-ordinate and oversee the efforts of the CS team. They still had Easy's car to go over, the neighbor's house, and of course trying to track down the receiver for the remote cameras they had found in the house. Bob called me at the house and said we needed to meet. I gathered us in my office as soon as we were all available. "We've been made," Rebecca said plainly. "What?"...

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Futa Naked In School 08 Naughty Futa Bake Sale 2 Leanns Sells Futa Pies

Chapter Two: Leann's Sells Futa Pies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Leann Winthrop's Week, Saturday “There you go, cutie,” purred Skylar, one of the futa-janitors. Her blonde pigtails spilled down her youthful face. I gasped as she gave my naked ass a squeeze. My futa-dick throbbed as I remembered the day before when Ji-Min and I had satiated the futa-janitors with our bodies. They'd taken my pussy's cherry while I'd sucked their cocks and took them in my cunt and asshole. In the...

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LuciChapter 2

The alarm brought me out of a dream that I do not really remember. I got out of bed and walked over to turn the noise off. It had been too easy to turn the alarm off and then go back to sleep when it was on my night table, so I had moved it across the room. My wife had further to go to shut it off, but I was the first one out of bed these days, so it did not really matter. I headed for the bathroom to take care of my morning absolutions. Visions of Luci from the night before had me hard...

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Pink Panties The Video Tape

blackmailed – maledom – forced feminization – husband – married – domination – spankingIt was our first apartment and we were very proud of it. It was a few small rooms, but it was ours and that made all the difference. I lived with my fiancée, Julie, a few miles outside of town in a small apartment building that had about a dozen units.I worked in a garage fixing everything from mufflers, to fuel systems, and to drive shafts. I'd always been a monkey wrench, taking things apart and fixing...

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WWT Rachel in Chains 8

The tentacle pushed up inside of me, twirling around, bringing me right unto the cusp of climax before bringing me back down, slowing and easing, all so that the pain could start again. The dull throb of denial ached, my clit sore, my cunt battered and pleading for it to stop and then for release, again and again since I’d awakened. It had been days…Already I hated how much I wanted her touch, each time tricked by my body into believing this time would end in climax.I was chained in the cell by...

Monster Sex
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 202

The next day was a Friday, and Randi, acting as if nothing had happened, dropped by Laura's office about 3 in the afternoon. She was bewitching as ever in her gorgeous new sexy braids, and she knew it, knew Laura well enough to gauge their effect on her. "Plans for this weekend?" she asked, provocatively. Actually, Laura and Deshona, after their torrid 'lunch' wherein they nearly ate one another alive in Laura's apartment, had planned to spend the weekend together, probably doing a...

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Trucker Service

For some reason, I've always found it really hot getting fucked early in the morning, first thing even. So when a Trucker that looked me up wanted to meet, I jumped at the chance!I hadn't met him before, but he said that he's seen my pictures and videos, and kept talking dirty to me in message. He kept saying how he wanted to eat my ass, and fuck it until he fills me up, and it doesn't take much more to get me really worked up and horny, so I asked if he wanted to take me, which he said 'yes'...

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Agent Baker A Homecoming of Sorts Chapters 57

Chapter FiveSteve was in his car headed to the airfield. He hated the traffic, but it was part of the job now that he was back in DC on the regular. When he arrived at the airfield, he drove through the company gate and straight to the hangar. When he boarded the Gulfstream, he saw the file from Federal Protection, a division of The Department of Homeland Security, he needed to read so he got busy.After they were airborne, he read through the file. It included everything he needed except the...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 22 Casts Off

Saturday, May 22, 1971 I heard a soft knock and saw Anna peeking around the partially open bedroom door. "Okay to borrow the bathroom?" she whispered. I nodded. I was uncomfortable with her request, not because Anna woke me up, or because she was intruding on our privacy, but because she beat me to the bathroom! My eyeballs were floating, but with Nicky curled serenely in my arms, I hadn't wanted to move, for fear of disturbing her. Finally, after hearing the shower start, gallantry...

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The Neighbor

There was this girl next door to my house, whom I had not seen in a few years. My last memory of her was when she left for college, and that memory is still very vague. But little did I know that when she came back, she would be the most amazing woman I had ever had. It was a late night, and I was coming home from a friend's house. My parents weren't home (out on vacation), and I forgot to get the house key. Knowing that my neighbors had an extra key to my house, I went over there to get it....

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 17 At War with Hanilei

It was strange for Macro to watch the ships sail, while he himself had to stay behind. Twenty-seven large caravelles carried over four thousand soldiers, including Macro's own archers. He fervently hoped for their safe return. Below him, on the quays, Banas was exercising the recruits who were to form the Prince's Guard. The young man had gladly accepted the position, and he was busy whipping the ragtag bunch of recruits into shape, assisted by experienced sergeants and corporals recruited...

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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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My First Time On A Nude Beach

My first visit to a nude beach occurred during a holiday to a Greek island when I was about 21 or 22. I had gone there for a week long summer holiday and I was really looking forward to the relaxation and a break from university. I had hired a car and was planning to exploring the island and see some sites of interest as well as trying to get a sun tan.On the fourth day, I think it was, I picked up a map/pamphlet and whilst browsing it , noticed that the island had three nude beaches. Never...

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Heyeveryone does it

I first saw him as he entered the pool area. We were all sitting around drinking some beer when we heard the clang of the metal gate slam shut and we all looked over to see who just came in. He was about 5’ 10” tall with a body that was well chiseled but without being overly muscular. He skin was a golden tan and his hair was brown and neatly cropped. He had on surfer swimming trunks that seemed to accentuate a set of six pack abs. All the girls at the pool, whether they were 5 or 55, were all...

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Tesss Notes Part One

Tess's Notes - Part One Please find a moment to read the story "Dressed So". The following is a supporting chapter to the three parts previously released. This is a collection of notes Tess prepared over a period of years. 2013.2 I laugh today thinking of how strongly Michelle had come on to me at the riverside restaurant several months ago. I was with two girlfriends having a pleasant light dinner on an early fall evening. She must have been dining as well, for she came into the...

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