Honey BareChapter 13 free porn video

I blinked my eyes repeatedly and stared at Honey.
She was the last person I'd expected to find in Nora's studio. Not because she was young, she'd already told me that she wasn't naive, but because everyone that I contacted either knew Nora, or knew about her.
Vaguely I remembered that Honey had mentioned several times that she'd had an important appointment. It had probably been this one. The one with Nora. With no cars parked outside, Honey must have taken a cab, the way she'd traveled that night when she came to Bonnie's apartment.
While the thoughts were tumbling through my mind I was half-listening to Nora's soothing voice. She was telling Honey that her body was exquisite, her features were exotic and that was the reason she'd asked Honey to sit for her. At first Honey seemed rather reserved; but as Nora continued talking softly to her, I began to catch a strange excitement in Honey's voice.
Nora's hands were now on Honey's hips, the fingers caressing and stroking lightly as she talked. "We're the exact height, my darling. Isn't that marvelous? We could actually be twins!"
I squinted at them through the dimness and decided that it was true. Both were tall and statuesque, long limbed with lush hips, and magnificent breasts. The aroused and taut nipples were at the same level, and they lacked only inches from touching.
They were twins, if you looked only at the exquisite curves and lines of their figures and the waterfalls of hair that spilled down their supple backs. And there it ended. Honey was a golden goddess, Nora was a sultry jungle cat.
I felt the fierce excitement drumming through me as I watched them standing so close together that their nipples were touching and rubbing. And then I remembered Nora's claws. It all made sense now when I recalled the way she'd played with me that morning. Nora preferred girls to men.
Nora's bands were now feathering the outside of Honey's thighs, traveling over the hips and caressing her sides. Her voice was a hypnotic purr and she was lavishly praising Honey's figure.
Honey's hands came up and grasped Nora's forearms, as though she might have intended to move Nora's hands away from her. But suddenly Honey had begun licking her lips, and her hands remained lightly on Nora's arms.
"Go ahead," Nora urged. "Touch me if you like.
Touch me the way I'm touching you."
With Honey's glance locked with Nora's, Honey's hands came down to rest on Nora's hips. At their touch, Nora began to sway her hips. At the same time she was moving her shoulders slightly, the tips of her breasts now brushing actively against Honey's golden cones.
Honey seemed to melt, with her eyes half-closed her head was slowly tipping backwards, lips parted.
"Ooooh," she sighed softly.
"Doesn't it feel good, Honey?"
"Oh, yes," Honey moaned.
As Nora's arms slid around Honey and pulled the golden hips and thighs against her duskiness, Honey slumped even more. It was Nora who was holding her up now, at the same time grinding her groin against the golden nudity.
Honey was breathing fast and her breasts heaved erratically. Slowly Nora began to release her, letting her sit down onto the edge of the couch.
"There," Nora crooned. "That's so much better."
Gracefully she sank to her knees, leaning forward to pry apart Honey's knees. Then she wriggled her torso and slid it within Honey's opened thighs.
"Yes, it is," Honey murmured.
"Much, much better, my darling."
Honey had put her hands on the couch and now she was using her arms to prop herself upright. Her head was all the way back and as Nora leaned forward and nuzzled the hollow of Honey's throat I could see the ripples shake the golden body.
"Oh, Nora," Honey cried softly. "It's so wonderful."
"You'll like this even better," Nora promised.
Her mouth was making little erotic designs on Honey's breasts. As she moved downward, Honey's hips began to squirm and rotate, the golden limbs opening wider with each moment while Nora's mouth nursed and nuzzled. Honey was shaking her shoulders and jutting out her breasts. They were pressured hard against Nora's face, the powerful movements making them maul Nora's nose and cheeks.
Honey had begun murmuring ecstatically, the words very soft and unintelligible. She was on the verge of collapse as Nora moved in even closer. At the same time Nora's head had moved downward, and her mouth was moving restlessly across Honey's quivering stomach.
Suddenly Honey's hands slid out from under her and she fell backwards onto the couch. Her feet were still on the floor, the knees bent over the edge of the couch and she was rocking restlessly. Nora drove in like a tigress.
"No," Honey whispered.
I saw her hands come forward, and her fingers were digging into the mass of Nora's hair.
"Oh, no, please," she cried out a second time. Her hands whipped back to the couch and dug in and she tried to squirm backwards and away from Nora.
It was impossible because Nora's fingers were socked into Honey's golden buttocks, the fingernails clawing at the lovely skin and holding Honey in position.
"Nora," Honey cried out. Now she was pushing herself, up until she was resting on her elbows. "No, Nora, I don't —" Her eyes were clenched tight and her face suddenly became contorted with passion.
"No—o-—o," she said, the sounds dying in her throat as she surrendered and let her back settle down on the couch again.
"You bitch!" I yelled, the anger clotted in my throat.
The moment I yelled, I'd hurtled through the open doorway. I was headed for Nora and I wanted to kill her. But she was quick. As I lunged for her she'd leaped to her feet like a cat and slipped out of my grasp. I was a bit off. balance. Before I could recover and go after her she'd run to the end table that held the lamp.
Her hand ripped open the drawer. Now it held a small automatic and it was pointed at my chest.
"Keep away from me!"
I was about six feet away from her. I had no desire to get closer. Her lips were tight, the teeth showing and her eyes were slitted. With the anger flickering through the slits, and the eye shadow, she was a cornered jungle cat.
"Get back!" she snarled. "Back to the doorway!"
I retreated slowly, knowing that she knew how to use the gun, and that she hoped for an excuse to shoot. Out of the corner of my eye I was able to see Honey. She was huddled up on the couch, lying on her side with her back turned to me. Her hands were covering her face.

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