Honey B free porn video

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Adam Spicer was sitting on his deck with his morning coffee, watching the sun rise, when a flash like the reflection off of a mirror caught his eye. There shouldn’t be anything down there, especially at this time of morning. He unfolded his 6 foot frame out of the rocker recliner and whistled for Teddy, his big Heinz 99 hound. Together they headed down toward where he had seen the flash, near the creek running through his property.

Teddy, as mentioned, is a big mixed breed hound about the size of a German Shepherd but nowhere close to being as good looking as one. His shaggy brown and black coat made him look a lot bigger, and a lot more ferocious than he really is. He went running ahead down the trail without really knowing where they were headed. They were going for a walk, that’s all he had to know.

He was off somewhere running around in the bush when Adam saw her, a pretty young girl with a huge camera on a tripod. What he had seen was the flash going off or the sun reflecting off a lens. He watched her for awhile before heading down the bank towards where she had set up her camera. Teddy was off chasing something or other, what a guard dog.

‘Uh, miss, you know you’re on private property?’ Adam asked. She jumped and almost fell into the creek at the sound of his voice. He managed to catch her before that happened. She wasn’t as young as he first thought, but was very pretty except for the big bruise on her cheekbone. Who or whatever had hit her, had hit her hard.

‘Jeezus Keerist mister. You almost gave me a heart attack,’ she said when she got over his catching her from falling into the creek and settled on her feet.

‘Like I said, you know this is private property?’

‘Um, yes. But this is so gorgeous I just had to get a photo. The sun coming up gives just the right angle…Well, I couldn’t help myself,’ she tried to explain. He waited for her to continue, which she did eventually, ‘I’m a photographer, professional. I take landscapes and others and sell them. Oh, I do all the others like family, wedding, and that, but landscape is my favourite.’

‘Okay, but you didn’t really answer my question. Do you know that you’re on private land?’

‘Um, yes. I saw the sign when I climbed over the fence and walked down from the road. You can see my car parked way up there,’ she waved in the general direction of the road into my property where he could just see a white mid-sized car parked on the side of the road.

‘So, from that I’m to take it that you can read, right?’ She nodded. ‘And just what does the phrase ‘Private, No Trespassing’ mean to you?’ Adam kept his voice even, not really angry, just a little upset at these people who think that signs don’t apply to them.

‘Look, I’m sorry. I know I should have got permission from somebody, but I just had to catch the sun at the right moment. It took me longer to find this spot and get set up than I expected. I’ll just pack up my gear and leave, okay?’

‘If you want. Did you get it?’ he asked.

‘Get what?’

‘The shot, the photo you wanted.’

‘Oh, I think so. I haven’t had a chance to go through them. I’ll get going now.’

Just then Teddy decided to make his appearance. When you see something that size running out of the bush right at you it does have an adverse affect on you. She did the logical thing and screamed. Teddy flew past them and ran into the creek to splash around, then came back out to shake the water off his thick fur coat all over the only two humans he could find.

‘Teddy, damn you. I’ve told you a hundred times don’t do that. Don’t you ever listen you mangy mutt?’ Adam laughed at him. He was actually a big goofball, though very protective of his property and the people in his pack, if he perceived a threat. Obviously he didn’t see the woman as much of a threat. He lay down at Adam’s feet and grinned up at him as if to say, ‘Didn’t I do good, huh, Adam?’

Adam owns this particular part of the land they were standing on, and 25 more acres of it. It’s not a farm or anything, the land all around the house is the way it’s been for years. He only landscaped a minimal amount around the large, ranch style home, more for hosting the odd barbeque or a party. He is a computer consultant designing networks for businesses, as well as other work in information technology. He has an office over in Melville, the nearest thing you could call a large town, but is able to work from home quite a bit of the time. He’s not married, and not looking. Several relationships had turned out badly and he really doesn’t want to get burned again.

Anyway, Teddy shook all his excess water onto them and, as he started laughing, the woman tried to act outraged and then began laughing as well. ‘You sure have him trained,’ she laughed, wiping the water off her face. Then her voice changed to one of alarm, ‘Ohmigod, the camera!’ she quickly went over to where she had it set up and checked it. ‘No harm done. A few drops on the case, that’s all.’ She was still giggling. ‘Look, I take it you own this land. I’m Honey, Honey Baker.’

‘Really, Honey,’ he asked. She nodded. ‘I hate to think what you went through in school. I’m Adam. Adam Spicer. So, now that you’re all wet from my attack dog, what do you think about a nice hot coffee? The house is just up here,’ He waved in the general direction of his home.

She paused for a minute, and then said, ‘Okay, but you’ll have to help carry my gear. It took me nearly an hour to get it all down here from the car.’ She quickly took the large camera lens off the camera and stowed it in a box, followed shortly by the camera body. She folded the heavy tripod and handed it to him, then grabbed the box with the camera and lens, and said, ‘Okay Adam, lead on. I hope it’s not too far.’

‘Nope, maybe a couple a hundred meters. You can’t see it from the road ’cause of the trees.’ Adam led off, heading up the bank and onto the path, without looking back. Either she could make it or not, not his problem. He got back to the house in a few minutes. She wasn’t far behind. Teddy was off on his adventures again. He’d show up for breakfast in awhile.

‘How do you take your coffee?’ he asked, placing the tripod on the stoop beside the door.

‘Black is good, thank you,’ she placed the case down beside the tripod and looked at the view from the front of the house. ‘Adam, this is simply gorgeous. I’d love to wake up to this every day. Whoever placed this house here really had an eye for the view.’

He handed her a mug of coffee, ‘Thank you. I took quite awhile to decide on the placement. I wanted to see this every day, as you say.’

‘You? You did this? You built this home?’ there was a bit of wonder in her voice as if building houses was something very un-natural.

‘Um, yes. It took a couple of years, and I’m still not done what I want, but to all intents and purposes it’s finished. Now, how did you find this spot you wanted for your pictures? It’s not like you can see that view from the road.’

‘No, you’re right. I actually started to set up beside the road, then saw that spot near the creek through my binoculars. It looked like it might be perfect but I couldn’t wait because the sun was starting to come up. And, truth be told, I didn’t know anyone lived out here. I’ve never seen cars or trucks coming or going in all the times I’ve driven by. How long have you been here?’

‘Going on 5 years. My parents owned the land but never developed it. They used to come up here and camp down near the creek, not too far from where you were. I inherited the land when they passed and decided I’d rather live out here than in town. Long story short, I moved an old trailer out here to live in while I was building. I moved into the house about 3 years ago. My friends and I held a ‘burn the trailer’ party when I moved in. It was old and not worth anything, and had served its purpose.’ He stopped talking and enjoyed the sounds of the surrounding woods as he gazed tow
ard the distant horizon.

She sat quietly as if she didn’t want to disturb the peace and quiet. He looked over and saw that the bruise on her face was actually larger than first thought. He also noticed that she wore a wedding ring. If she was aware of his glance, she gave no sign.

‘You know,’ she said, breaking the silence, ‘I’d love to have a place like this. It’s so peaceful and quiet.’ She paused long enough to finish her coffee then glanced at her watch. ‘Oh God, I’ve got to get going. He’ll kill me if his breakfast is late.’

‘By he, you mean Mr. Honey Baker?’ he asked, sure of what the answer would be.

‘Yeah, the biggest mistake of my life, but I guess I’m stuck with him,’ she answered with almost total panic in her voice.

He gestured at the large bruise, ‘His handiwork?’

‘Yeah, he didn’t like something or other the other night. Usually it doesn’t show. Look, Adam, could you take me up to my car? I can’t be late.’ She was almost crying. He picked up the tripod and camera box and led her over to his truck, he had her at her car up on the road in just a couple of minutes.

‘Adam, thank you. Really. I know I shouldn’t have trespassed…’

‘Honey, don’t worry about it. Look, if you want to take photos up here just call and ask.’ He gave her a business card and wrote his home phone number on the back. ‘I often work from home, but if there’s no answer try my office.’

‘Thank you, Adam. For everything. I have to get going.’ She drove off in a cloud of dust toward town.

There are few things Adam really, really hates in this world, liars, cheats, and wife beaters top the list. Just hearing about being used as a human punching bag made him want to help her. The fact that she was easy on the eyes didn’t hurt. She wasn’t very tall, maybe 5’3′ and 115 lbs soaking wet. Without the bruise, she had very pleasant features, not super model or anything, but quite pretty. He really couldn’t see much of her figure since she was all bundled up in a jacket and jeans, but suspected that he would find that it fit the whole package.

He returned to the house and fired up his computer, grabbing a coffee while it booted. He logged on and saw that there were a few things take care of for clients. That only took about an hour, and then he decided to find out what he could about Honey Baker.

It turns out that, while not world renowned, she was quite well known locally for her work, especially landscapes, as she had said. She had had several shows in the Vancouver area and had lived there until recently. She and her husband had moved to Melville, allegedly for him to pursue career opportunities. ‘Yeah, I’m the Queen of England too,’ he thought. Usually that means he was caught with the bosses wife or something. Maybe it had something to do with his abuse of his wife. He continued looking into Mr. John Baker, and the more he found, the less he liked.

Chapter 2

Honey Baker raced into town from where Adam had dropped her off at her car. She knew that the smallest thing would set John off and she’d get beaten again. She trembled as she pulled into the driveway of the neat, two story house and raced inside. Phew, he wasn’t up. She rushed to start the coffee and began preparing his breakfast. As she worked, she thought about the man she had just met. I bet he doesn’t get off on beating women. Seems like a nice guy. Why isn’t he married?

Various thoughts ran through her head as she finished getting breakfast ready for her husband. She knew he was up from the sound of the toilet then shower.

John Baker was a creature of habit. He expected, no, demanded, that his meals be prepared exactly on time, that the house be cleaned and maintained in a certain way, and that the yard be the best in the neighbourhood. Honey was glad that at least he contracted the yard work, she didn’t think she’d be able to handle that as well as the housework. Baker sat at the dining table at exactly 7:45, as he did every morning. Honey served his coffee, then juice, then breakfast. Always in that order, without variation. He finished his breakfast and grunted something that was supposed to mean good bye or breakfast was good, or something. She long ago gave up trying to figure it out. As long as he was gone and left her in peace.

She cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen then went upstairs to change and start her day. The bruise on her face would fade in a day or so, but she was worried about the pain in her side where he had punched her in the ribs. She was afraid that something might be broken, but was afraid to go to the family doctor, who just happened to be a friend of John Baker. Funny, she couldn’t remember it hurting like this when she was out getting photos this morning. Maybe carrying all that equipment down from the car aggravated whatever injury she suffered. She managed to get dressed and drove into town to pick up some groceries and run a few errands.

She noticed the sign for A. Spicer Computer Consultants on an office window above the supermarket. I wonder if that’s the Adam I ran into this morning? Must be, there can’t be two computer consultants with that name in this town. She parked her car and looked at the card he had given her. Yes, that was his office.

She finished running her errands and returned home to the same routine that Baker had literally beaten into her. She didn’t know why she stayed with him, but didn’t know what to do if she left. She wasn’t aware of it, but it was the typical battered housewife syndrome, and there was help available. She just didn’t know how to find it. Her biggest problem, at least in Melville, was that she didn’t really know anyone. By nature, she was quite quiet and shy, therefore didn’t easily socialize. Her husband never took her to any corporate functions, always saying that she was ill, or indisposed, or some other weak excuse. Usually it meant that for some perceived misconduct he had beaten her again and the bruises couldn’t be covered by clothing or makeup.

* * * *

Adam finished his research into Honey and John Baker just around lunch. He really didn’t like what he had found out about John Baker. Other than being a wife-beater, it looked very much like he might be a liar, cheat and thief. As far as Adam was concerned, that was enough justification to look deeper into his affairs, business and otherwise. Years of work in the computer industry would allow him to do just that.

He fixed some lunch and fed Teddy, who promptly went to sleep on the deck in the sunshine. If what he initially suspected of Baker was true, then he had just moved the headquarters for his Ponzi Scheme from Vancouver to Melville. He sat quietly, mapping out in his head how he would uncover the scheme. He had to be careful, his research had shown that Baker had friends, and victims, in high places. He couldn’t just barge through the front door and start hurling accusations.

He also thought about Honey Baker. While he had learned a great deal about her professional life, he could find no real details about her personal life, other than she was married to John Baker. He had no reason to think, nor did he believe, that she knew of her husband’s business practises. The look in her eyes as she had sped off this morning was absolute fear, if not terror. Baker wouldn’t be the type to involve his wife, or even all the women he flaunted during his numerous affairs, in his business dealings.

Adam checked again, and saw that there was contact information for Honey Baker on her website, HBImaging. He thought about contacting her and telling her she could not only leave Baker, but should, and soon. He added her email to his contacts, but didn’t message her right away.

About this time, Honey Baker was cleaning up after having prepared lunch for her husband. He seemed somewhat distracted, though she would never ask, and really didn’t care, why. She returned to her computer and set about editing the photos she had taken that morning. She was certain that her husba
nd hadn’t known she had even left the house, let alone out driving the back roads in the early morning. More probably, he didn’t really care as long as his routine wasn’t interrupted. They hadn’t shared a bed for years, and hadn’t had sex in nearly as long. She long ago understood that she and John had never made love, it just wasn’t in his nature to love anyone or anything other than himself. Thank God they didn’t have any kids.

She wasn’t feeling too well, but remembered that she had to pick up some dry cleaning for John. He would be home after work to change, then would be going to some function or other. She didn’t care as long as he didn’t try to drag her along, but she knew that wouldn’t happen, at least tonight. The bruise on her cheek was too noticeable. She drove into town again and parked almost in the same spot she’d occupied in the morning. The cleaners were in the same complex as the supermarket and several other businesses.

She was just approaching the entry to the cleaners when she passed out. Adam had just arrived in the parking lot and was parking in his reserved spot as he saw the woman collapse to the ground. He had no idea who it was as he ran over to her while punching 911 into his cell. He and another passerby arrived almost at the same time. Adam quickly pulled off his jacket and bunched it into a pillow before placing it under her head. The other man took off his overcoat and placed it over her. It was then that Adam realized who the woman was.

The ambulance arrived quickly, and soon Honey was on the way to the hospital. Adam figured he’d have an hour or two before he could see her, so continued into his office and did what he needed to do. His thoughts were never far from the young woman.

He looked up John Baker’s business phone and left a message with his secretary that his wife had collapsed and had been taken to hospital. The secretary sounded uninterested, but promised to pass the message on as soon as Baker was free. Adam drove to the hospital and found out from a nurse that Honey had been admitted with severe bruising and a couple of broke ribs. She would undergo further tests to see if the ribs had caused further problems. They originally weren’t going to give him any information until he advised them that it was he who had called the ambulance, and that if she, the nurse, wouldn’t tell him, he would get the information from his friend who happened to be the administrator.

He was soon standing in the doorway of a private room, looking to see if she was awake. She was.

‘How are you feeling?’ he asked quietly.

‘Sore all over. What happened? Why are you here?’ she sounded weak, confused.

‘I saw you collapse on the sidewalk and called for an ambulance. That’s all I know. They brought you here. The nurse says you have some severe bruising and a couple of broke ribs. Your husband?’

She nodded without saying anything, tears welling and rolling down her face. ‘God, he’ll kill me. He wants his suit for tonight.’

‘Well, you aren’t going anywhere. Can I get it for you? Just tell me where to deliver it.’

She profusely thanked him and gave him an address in the business district. Adam didn’t let on that he already knew that, as well as their home address.

‘No worries. I’ll get the suit and drop it off. I already phoned his office to let him know you’re in the hospital.’

‘Oh my God, oh my God. He’ll kill me for sure. He said if I ever went to a hospital…’

‘Look, don’t worry about it for now. You didn’t go to the hospital, you were brought here after you collapsed on the sidewalk. There are at least 2 of us who saw what happened. I’ll straighten it out for you.’

‘God, he’ll come in and drag me out of here,’ she was almost hysterical. Adam pushed the call button for the attending nurse.

‘Look, she’s scared that her husband will come and drag her out of here. Is there anything you can do?’

‘I don’t know. Are you…?’

‘No, we’re not related. I’m the one who found her on the sidewalk when she passed out.’

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I awoke naked beside my teen nephew

It's 03:00am, I am awoken by the chimes of the clock, I'm nude and lying on the top cover of the bed, it's humid, so I have a film of sweat over my whole body, even the air-con is blowing warm air, adding to the suffocating, stifling heat.The figure beside me stirs and turns onto his back, and as if by instinct, my hand reaches out and touches him in the dark.He is hard and long and my fingernail scratches a tracing line from his testicles to his 'Glans Penis', where I feel it's opening, my...

3 years ago
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Chapter One My wifes not so secret crush

Chapter One- SeanMy wife has always been a beautiful woman. When we met the first thing I noticed about her was the signature red lipstick she always wears. She is a slender woman of 5'5" with a mane of raven hair. Despite ten years of marriage, she is a young, healthy thirty-five year old. Her sweet DD tits and cute arse are regularly showcased in pretty lingerie and flattering clothes. Marie-my wife- is a high school teacher who enjoys an active social life and a loving marriage. Lately my...

4 years ago
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Snap Shot pt 1

Introduction: Woman having an affair It was wrong, she knew it was even while she planned it. Married for over seven years Ritty had never been completely satisfied. It didnt help that Jake stayed out of town most of those years. His job made him travel constantly, leaving her home all alone night after night, week after week. She thought back to when she had started her new job. When she became good friends with her boss it helped take her mind off the long nights by herself. What had started...

4 years ago
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Family of Tomorrow Part 2

The smell of pancakes wafted into every room of the house that morning in S. Backdoor Rd No. 19. Jeanne, or "Jane" breathed a sigh of relief after she had slid them onto the different plates on the table. Markus, or rather, "Mac" hadn't come downstairs yet, "Andrew" had stayed behind in their bed and the new girl, Alice, was up and writing out some paperwork. Jane had some time to herself. For the moment, she sat down and leaned back, her mind going back to the events of the previous...

3 years ago
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The Surgeons Lodger Part 10

Sam saw Michelle sitting at the kitchen table her head down looking upset. Fiona was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was dressed as she always did throughout their marriage, dowdy. She was wearing jeans a baggy sweater and minimal makeup. "What do want Fiona?" "Is that any way to greet you wife Sammy?" "You're not my wife for much longer, what have you come for?" "I came to get you to sign the divorce papers, no fault as we agreed when you let me have the flat. I'm not sure...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Wife And Her Secret Boyfriend

Hi All, this is Ragava here. This is my first story I am submitting. I have been reading this site quite a while and this is a good place to share and read stories. I am 24 years, 5.4″ height fair complexion and working professional. This is a real story which happened when I was 18 in Bangalore. I was new to Bangalore and was staying in a rented house in JP Nagar. This is my teenage time and was more interested in Sex. My Owner was staying in the ground floor and was staying in the First...

2 years ago
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Vanilla Fantasy

I grab a fistful of your silky gold locks, exposing your neck. I bite into it with passion, like a vampire sucks blood. I inhale your skin and suck your bottom lip into mine. I nibble your ear and flick my tongue. I bite into your shoulder, while running my hands to and fro over your body. I am excited at your scent and the color of our skin; brown and crème gets me hard. Your body is so soft and inviting. I place my hands in yours and devour your breasts, pressing them with my tongue. I lick...

1 year ago
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First Threesome Ch 1

threesome – cuckold – bisexual – cheating – blow job – cum – cunnilingus"You want WHAT?!?!"Lynn was more shocked than angry, I thought, but I wasn't sure. I needed to tread lightly."Well, I just thought ..." Then I sort of sputtered."You just thought it would be fun to have a three-way with your wife and some hussy. That's what you 'just thought'!""No ..." But I didn't know now to go on from there because that's exactly what I thought. "I mean, I thought that maybe we should do something to...

4 years ago
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Wife with older staff member and me with her daugh

I was making the bed after my wife had left early to her florist business that she owns. I noticedstains on the sheets which was not there the morning before and we had not sex since then.Was she having it off with another. I needed to know even though my wife and I have a good sexual relationship.I retrieved a mini digital wireless camera I bought to protect our house when we are away on holidays. I then powered up the recorder to tape any movement in the bedroom.Two days latter after she went...

1 year ago
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"Elisabeth"By: EericBlog: abmwmw.blogspot.com***********************************************************************My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old.I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college withthe computer classes. I also...

2 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingMattawa

Notice: I have never been to Mattawa. I don’t know anything about the local religious figures. I am using the local church because I like being detailed to areas. I am doing Mattawa because that is the order of the song. The priest in this story is here because I needed someone to fit the role in advancement of the story. He bears no resemblance to any real people living or dead. I needed this kind of figure to create the power dynamic that would create a scenario that works for the...

2 years ago
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Construction Worker

She wore her hair long but had it pulled back behind her head in a ponytail that day. As the long legged beauty with hips which didn’t quit and an ass for each and everyone to look at, Terra pulled in and got out of her 14 year old pickup truck. They saw her almost immediately and either slowed down what they were doing or just stopped everything altogether so they could watch her “saunter” back behind her truck to get her tools and put them on. It was as if it was all slow motion as the hands...

First Time
1 year ago
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A Wifes PastChapter 3

Suresh turned his back to the wall against and stared into space, his chest heaving, his erection throbbing, his mind in a daze. He had found out. She had told him everything. Now it was up to him. He felt drugged and heavy and useless and, at the same time, strangely aroused. From the bedroom, he could hear their rising cries, the sounds of their bodies slapping together, flesh on flesh, flesh in flesh. He went back to the window. Inside, Michael was fucking her rapidly, furiously, his...

1 year ago
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MylfBoss Nina Elle Pool Guy MILF Pussy Poke

Nina Elle is a boss ass bitch who likes her cock delivered on demand. So when her pussy starts to drip, she looks outside and recruits her hung pool guy to give her a good pussy pounding. They make their way inside and he reams her cunt as she bounces on his shaft. Then, she sticks his big pole in her mouth for a sumptuous MILF style blowjob. Just watch her bob her head up and down on that pool stick! He fucks her fat titties and then finally shoots a creamy load of jizz all over, completing...

3 years ago
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Fucking Kens Wife

I met Ken online recently and he told me aboout how he liked to take naked pics of his hot wife Dorothy, and occasionally share them with friends. He explained that it was their fantasy to have a threesome but meanwhile, pic sharing turned her on knowing that men were wanking off to pictures of her. I asked Ken if he would share pics with me and within a few minutes he had sent a few. Dorothy was 43 years old but was in great shape, with perfect skin and a sexy body. In the pics, her face was...

2 years ago
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A Different Holiday

Special Holiday We arrived at the camp site in the early evening and it seemed quite busy but the weather was wonderful and the sun was shinning bright. This was going to be a special holiday for us as we had not had one for awhile owing to the pressures at work, so we looked forward to enjoying every minute of it for the full week ahead. We soon settled in and got everything into the caravan from the car and was already looking forward to a meal in either the camp restaurant...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A beautiful first fuck

The other day, I went over to my girlfriend Lindsay's house. I wanted to lose my virginity that weekend and as soon as I told her, she raced me up the stairs into her bedroom, I was ready for the night.She gave me a nervous glance. "I guess I never thought of what to do once we get here." We both laughed nervously. I decided to make the first move by putting my arm around her waist and pulling her close to me. Our lust for each other took over at that point and we started to make out. As we...

First Time
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Sexy step sr and the stranger True Part two

Thanks for the nice comments on the first part of this true story. After Brandy was fucked my a stranger in the jacuzzi we went back to mom and dads condo. I could tell Brady was pretty confused about what just happened. Mom could tell something was up and all Brandy said was a strange older guy was flirting with her. Nothing else was said. Brandy took a shower then we had dinner watched a movie and then mom and dad went to bed. Brandy was very quite so I asked her if she wanted to have some...

2 years ago
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Aunty Jane

She wasn't really my aunt, she was our next door neighbor many years ago. Jane was from Croatia, she met her husband, Chester, when he was a GI at camp in Italy helping to resettle displaced persons after WWII. They lived in the brick bungalow next door to us. Chester was a great neighbor, always helping everyone out, that's how he died, shoveling snow for old Mrs. Rasmussen. He was only forty, leaving his Croatian war bride a widow to fend for herself. I had just turned 17 and felt sorry for...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 12

After more than six weeks trying to find a similar job to the one I'd left I realised that it was pointless. My city was a small one and there were only limited positions and even fewer vacancies. I managed to make two interviews but as soon as I was asked my reasons for leaving my previous position I knew that was it. I told the truth of what I'd done but never the reason why for that was no longer a legitimate excuse to me. I needed to work, both for the financial side of it but also to...

2 years ago
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By July, 1968 I decided as I,d known my English girlfriend almost a year she was the love of my life. Though we,d only actually spent a month in each other,s company having fallen in love with each other on first sight helped though I wasn,t as confident that Sarah loved me as much as I loved her I gambled, borrowed the money for her engagement ring and thought about my love. Sarah was the first female I,d ever met who liked me for myself and fate had stepped in when we first met to draw us...

1 year ago
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The Sleepover

"Yes, everything is organized" Bella told her parents for what felt like the hundredth time, "You've told me: No boys, no booze..." she repeated to her parents. "Sounds like no fun to me" She whispered to herself once her parents were out the door. Bella hurried to the kitchen to finish putting all the nibbles into bowls, she was so excited. It's not everyday that you turn 18! Then there was a knock at the door, "It's open!" Bella called out to her friend Mia. "You know you should really lock...

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 42

Today, my cast comes off. Yippie!! Yup. Lucy Lou, Candy and Grace are taking me to Ludington to the Doctors and he is going to ... CUT OFF MY CAST? ... cut? Umh? You sure you want to do this? Can’t race the boat if you don’t. If you don’t, then Grace will be Captain for the big End of Season Across and Back race. She’s very good. She’s a girl. OK ... let’s do this. Piper loaded up too. Piper is my cat. I don’t think of her as a LYNX ... she’s my cat. I fetch sand for her litter box...

2 years ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 4

A Life Long Journey, Part 4 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. Age thirteen also saw the two of us changing in a lot of ways. Amy was growing into a woman. She was starting to...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Athena Fleurs Mystery Item Missing

Sweet Athena is very nervous. She’s been caught by officer Mike after an unknown item went missing. As he leaves her alone in his office for a couple of minutes, Athena quickly hides something and calls her mom to tell her she is scared. Mike comes into the office and starts a thorough search that involves stripping her down and checking for lost goods in every inch of her body. Unbeknownst to her, Mike realized she hid something in the office: a sex toy! With the young thief all naked and...

3 years ago
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A satisfying Afternoon Part 2

  Terry and Robin helped Wendy up from the floor and back into her bikini.  Not only had it been six months since she'd had sex but, she'd never climaxed in the way she'd just done.  Still a bit unsteady, she followed the others and wobbled out of the room with a wide, silly grin on her face.  Waiting a few minutes, Brandon returned to the backyard and found Brittany soaking her feet by the pool with an impatieent look on her face.  "Where have you been?", she asked.    "You won't believe...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 45

Since everyone was so tired, they all took their showers and turned in for the night. The two Moms had decided to share a bed, Cathy and Billy had gone to their regular room, and Dave slept in the room that Sharon had used. She had been in it for long enough that her scent still lingered. It made it smell so nice. Carol was in her and Dave's bedroom with the baby. Betty, since she had a habit of getting up during the night, and checking on Carol, decided to sleep on the sofa in the living room....

2 years ago
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Fun In The Hay 4

I recommend you read the first 3 parts to this story or it won't make much sense. Thank you. Josh went over to Pawpaw and stood in front of me, in front of Pawpaw, keeping him from moving. "It wasn't her fault, I made her do it. Don't punish her" Josh pleaded to him, holding onto Pawpaw's shoulders, shaking him slightly. Pawpaw smirked at Josh, "Boy, you know was well as I do you didn't make her do anything." He pushed passed Josh and looked down at me curled up on the ground with my knees...

3 years ago
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Just Hanging Out At Home

It’s 7 PM and my heart pounds with anticipation of what I know lies ahead. In preparation, I light candles all over the house and slip into a milk and honey bath with a Bud Light in my reach. A million thoughts run through my mind as I gently wash my body with the soapy loofah. My nipples are hard and very hot resulting from the thought of the pure ecstasy that I know I am about to encounter. I gently rub my swollen clit, imagining that it is your tongue trying to stir the monster within me. At...

4 years ago
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What An Evening

It wasn’t really the thing I would do, or ever expected to do. However, now that I found myself in this situation, I could not imagine anything more exciting. I looked at the time; it was nearly six in the evening. My friends’ train would come any minute, and as I stood outside the station, I could feel myself getting slightly wet. Technically, only one of them was my friend, I had no idea who the other two were, I only knew their names. James, Thomas, and my friend Harry. Finally, the train...

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wifes gangbang

GangBanging the WifeWell, the wife has really come a long way since we got her hormones straightened out as well as her back. I guess she’s trying to make up for lost time. Once she found out that I really meant it when I told her she could fuck other men, she’s had a different one just about every day. It’s nothing for me to walk in from work and she be on her back with some big dicked stud between her legs pounding away. There are days when I either have something going on or am just wore out...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Kami Kari Pool Boy To The Rescue

Kami got sent away to her Aunt Claires house by her parents after getting caught being a little slut. Talk about a punishment, her Aunt lives in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and nothing fun to do AT ALL. She might as well be on another planet. All she can really do is lounge all day and sleep all night, which is not too bad at all, but it could be just a bit more entertaining. Hope came in the form of a beautiful chocolate man named Isiah, who was Aunt Claires Pool Boy. Kami had...

4 years ago
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Pantyless on the flight up to San Francisco

I had a boyfriend who lived in San Francisco, and would frequently fly-up to be with him. While there are a lot of attractive Asian women up there, he always expressed how special I was. I’m sure it had to do with my exhibitionism and my accomplished art of cock teasing. But really, I’m an attractive Asian women in my early 30’s, divorced with no children. I work-out regularly and maintain a sexy figure and like to dress as sexy as I can get away with for the given occasion. For all you...

3 years ago
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Awakening of desire for Step Daughter

Alone in my youngest Daughter’s house. It was a holiday and the rest of the family was out playing at the beach, I remained home because of other obligations and found myself alone with nothing to do while staying at my daughter’s house. I had walked the dogs and cleaned the kitchen after the large breakfast that my son-in-law and I had prepared for the family. I went into my daughter’s bedroom to use her shower since all the towels in the other one had been used by the rest of the gathered...


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