Anniversary DelightsChapter 1: Plans free porn video

The plan that was put before the Emir was simplicity itself. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of his accession the Emir, may he live for ever, should be pleased to accept a new concubine into the Golden Palace harem and create for her a title, Special Concubine to the Emir. Naturally the competition would be open only to Kobekistani families, to enter whomsoever they chose.
It was the Emir who added some conditions, any Kobekistani female could be entered, provided she was a virgin. In order to limit the number of entrants to manageable proportions, only ten candidates would be tested, to be chosen by lot from all the entries. Privately the Emir indicated to the Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, that it should be only those wealthy Kobekistani families in good standing who were selected (in this "purely random" lottery) to enter.
The judging would be performed by the Emir himself and there would be a series of semi-public tests of all the women, conducted during an invited Audience Session, for which marks out of ten would be awarded. He would consider each candidate in turn and would award marks for her looks and deportment, for her ability to accept punishment, and for a demonstration of her skill at pleasuring a man without being penetrated.
The six lowest scoring entrants at this point would be accepted in to the Golden Palace harem as hostesses to entertain distinguished guests of the Emir. The top four entrants would participate in the semi-finals during which marks would be added for the woman's grace and elegance and the Emir's pleasure during her public defloration. Finally, the two top candidates would each spend a night with the Emir and the winner would be announced. The two losing semi-finalists and the loser of the final would become concubines in the Golden Palace harem and would be used by the Emir from time to time.
The winner would be declared Special Concubine to the Emir and would have special privileges in the Golden Palace harem. The Emir had privately agreed with the Chief Eunuch that the only special privilege the Special Concubine would be a distinctive golden version of the Emir's harem costume which consisted of a short silk dressing gown which buttoned only at the collar. Nothing else was worn, except slippers if the concubine so desired. He also confided in the Chief Eunuch that the acquisition of these nine women would allow them to dispose of some of the less used women in the harem, especially any who had been in the harem of his grandfather.
The Chief Eunuch asked, "Shall I strangle them now, or wait until after the competition?"
"Oh, no. Don't strangle them, sell them," replied the Emir, "This gives other men the chance to have in their harems women who may have slept with the Emir, or even two Emirs."
The announcement of this competition caused great excitement among the heads of the various families in Kobekistan who had suitable women for use as entrants. There was not time to prepare a woman specially, so it was rather pot-luck as to whether a particular patriarch had a suitable virgin in his harem. Many women were married off before that age, others had been deflowered by their Master, or by one of the Master's sons. It was utterly unthinkable to offer the Emir a woman whose virginity had been repaired after one or more deflorations; the disgrace if such a ruse were discovered would be too great.
Some of the leaders of the more important families had some questions on the details of the competition and the Emir encouraged them to ask anything they wished. The question arose of the looks and deportment section in that the men wanted to know what the women would be required to do and how they were to be dressed. The Emir replied that, of course, they would be brought to the Golden Palace for the competition completely covered by an abaya; that went without saying. During the competition each contestant would be required to walk round the outer edge of the Throne Room unaccompanied, in her abaya. Then she would be required to remove the all-obscuring garment and to parade again, dressed in anything the contestant chose, or nothing if that were their choice. Then she would again don the abaya and the next contestant would do the same routine. Finally all the girls would strip naked so that they could be closely examined by the Emir for physical defects. That would conclude the first day.

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