- 2 years ago
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Dominique was like some little gothic lolita who burst into my life and electrified every molecule of air around me. She was perfect. She was intelligent, beautiful, and cool as hell. In short, Dominique changed my life forever.
Dominique was the new girl. No one knew where she came from, or when she started, or even where she lived. She came into class and was introduced and I sat up in my desk, every cell in my body alert and focused on her. It was as if time had stopped. I had never seen anything so beautiful, and I was captivated by her eyes, her lips, her piercings, but her body…oh God, her body was so beautiful. My heart thumped in my chest and I fantasied for a moment that I would have a hope in hell of being with her, but everyone notices a new girl at school. The popular, muscular, and more likely to get a new girl to notice them guys immediately focused on her. I knew, in that moment, that I had no chance. I dropped my head back on my desk so hard there was a loud thud, and I half listened as she was introduced. It didn’t matter what the guys around me were saying about her, and it didn’t matter how amazing and exotic she looked, she would never notice a guy like me. I was invisible and I didn’t even care what was going on, I just sulked at my desk and wished I could sink further into a hole.
I began tracing a line carved into my desk with my pencil. My thoughts focused more and more on the pencil and less on the chatter about the new girl. I didn’t want to hear it, so I started thinking about the pencil more and more. Concentrating my thoughts onto the pencil and holding it erect, thinking that if I could focus on it hard enough, I might be able to levitate it. It was something I did from time to time, and I was convinced it would work.
“Is anyone sitting here?”
I had been concentrating so hard on levitating my pencil, I hadn’t even heard anyone coming up. Dear God, the voice was beautiful, and I knew it was the new girl before I even looked up. I sat with my head resting on my arm and held my pencil in my hand. Before she had walked up to my desk, I had been about to let the pencil go and see if it would stay standing on its own…now, with her attention focused on me, it just seemed idiotic. I didn’t want to lift my head, I didn’t want to look at her…in fact, I wished I could disappear, but this was the kind of thing that always happened to me. Why did this always happen to me?
“Hey new girl! What do you want to sit there for? No one sits next to that guy. We can make room. Come sit with us,” said the jock guys sitting a few rows away from me.
I realized I was about to lose my chance to have the new girl sit next to me. I couldn’t! I forced my head up, as if coming out of a dream and caught sight of her. She was bizarrely beautiful! She was small, like a younger girl, both in height and in frame. She wore a school uniform but it had obviously been modified to the point of being barely legal, and I wondered how they let her get away with it. She had decorated the skirt with little colored pins, obviously made for this sort of thing, and many of the little pins had skulls on them. Not the sort of skulls a death metal kid might wear, but cute little skulls like you would find in an anime movie. She had a thick studded belt she wore over the skirt and it wrapped around her twice hanging down around her slender hips. The belt had the effect of bringing more attention to just how small and yet shapely her hips actually were. Her skirt and belt were sized just loose enough to hang low on her hips, leaving her little green laced panties exposed. It was obviously a violation of school rules, yet here she was wearing it, and her hips…oh god, they were invitingly smooth and her skin was pale and looked soft.
Her top was a white button up just like everyone else’s, but it seemed to be so small as to barely cover her. The top and bottom buttons were undone and left her chest and belly exposed. Her navel was pierced, which drew my attention to her belly and bare skin even more. The thin white fabric of her shirt did little to hide the decorative green bra underneath. Her breasts pressed full into the small green bra, leaving everything to my imagination, and my imagination needed no encouragement. She looked directly at me and her eyes were large, cat-like and sensual, lined with dark eyeliner which only made her gaze more powerful. She licked her lips before she spoke and I noticed she was wearing lip gloss on pale, full lips. My heart beat so fast in my chest I thought I would pass out.
“Can I sit here?” She asked, pointing to the desk next to mine. Her wrists were covered in braclets, bands, and various colored and black beads. The mix of things around her wrists jangled and swayed as she pointed.
“Uh...umm, yeah.” I said.
“Hey, do you mind if we push our desks together? I don't have my books yet. That way I can just look on yours.”
“ book...uh...yeah, sure.”
She grabbed the desk and scooted it over to mine, pushing our desks so close there was no space at all between them. She leaned over some to drop her stuff into the desk. and when she did the stiff cup of her bra opened away from her chest and I could see down inside. Her breasts were smaller than the bra, and with the cup opening away, I could clearly see the top part of her sweet, pale, brownish-pink areola. My dick had already been swelling and pushing into my pants, but now it sprang to life. I tried to lean forward in an attempt to hide the swell of my erection, hoping she didn't see. When she sat in the seat right next to me, her skirt moved even further up her creamy smooth thighs. I followed her thighs up to see that her skirt was so short it exposed a hint of little black and white panties trimmed in the same green I had seen peeking out the top of her skirt. I quickly turned to face the front of the room, but I saw nothing. The image of her panties was burned into my mind, even if it was only the barest of glimpses. Turned away from her, I could smell her perfume. God, whatever she was wearing was amazing and made my cock grow stiffer. I was so hard it pressed uncomfortably into my pants, the head of my cock pushing directly up and I realized I desperately needed to adjust. The thought of her seeing my dick pushing up like a tent pole into my pants made me both harder and more terrified.
“Hi, I'm Dominique.” she said sweetly and held out her delicate little hand. She twisted her hand down slightly, like a princess handshake, and a couple of little bands around her wrist slipped forward and off. The bands both fell right between my legs! I didn't move! I nearly died! Her little wrist bands were touching my erection! To my horror, Dominique reached down to get them! I looked straight ahead, too afraid to move. I was safe at first, she didn't touch my dick and the bands fell between my thighs. I felt her hand on my leg and my whole body flamed red and excited, but when she brought her hand up, her finger grazed the whole underside length of my cock. For just a moment, there was complete and total finger to dick contact! This was the first time a girl had ever touched my cock! It was then that I realized, in my excitement, I had been leaking pre-cum and I was horrified it may have actually soaked my pants enough for her to feel it. My face burned with shame and embarrassment as she brought up her bracelets and placed them back on her wrist. I had been prepared for her to scream, to jump out of her seat, to tell everyone in the room that I was a pervert with a hard-on, but she simply smiled at me with her soft lips. The bottom lip had a little crease in it which gave her lips even more a feel of something sexual and it was pierced. Oh god, how fucking sexually exciting her lips looked.
“Sorry about that. These things are too big. That's why I usually don't wear them. They are always falling off,” she said and smiled that beautiful little smile.
“No worries,” I said meekly. I guess she hadn't noticed. I slowly exhaled.
The entire class I sat next to her, hard and uncomfortable. When class was over, she left without even talking to me other than to say thanks. I couldn't get out of there fast enough, and I wanted to get back to the art house. I didn't have a lot of friends, and you could even argue that I had no friends, but what friends I had were all part of a club who met at the art house. It was a small house out away from campus with running water and electricity. No one knew who owned the house, or if anyone owned it. There were a lot of houses around where I went to school that were just empty, and this one was pretty run down and beat up. But we'd done a few things to it, and made it our own. Mostly it was a great place to play games, look at porn, jerk off, and hang out. I was dying to go masturbate. My cock was literally hurting with the anticipation of it.
I dropped my bag beside the door and rushed inside, disappointed to see the other guys were already inside. I didn't really care, I could just grab a mag and go in the bathroom and jerk off. We all did it and the great thing about the art house was, we had a rule that no one could give anyone else shit about jerking off in the bathroom. I waved hi to the guys and made for the shelves of porn mags. Gayland and Steve were arguing about how you pronounced Paladin, and Robin was playing with his doll he always carried with him. They didn't question me or try give me any crap, even though my dick was noticeably hard as I walked by. I grabbed one of my favorite porn mags and was all ready to hit the bathroom when I remembered my books outside. I didn't want to leave my bag on the porch so turned and practically ran to the door. I shoved the door hard, ready to grab my bag and throw it inside, but the door met with resistance and before I knew it, legs were flying and I heard a cry. I was horrified to realize I had slammed the door into someone, but even more horrified when I saw who it was.
“Oh! Dominique! Wha...why...umm...God, are you okay? I'm sorry! Man...oh no.”
Dominique lay on her back, spread out on our porch. Her legs were open wide and her skirt was up around her waist, leaving me staring directly at her panty covered pussy. I mean you could see everything, and I mean everything. I could see the puffy flesh and in the middle of that mound of beauty I could see a tender little slit with a slight roundness at the top. She was so smooth and beautiful. Oh Gods! Oh man. I realized I was throbbing hard again. Just the sight of her sleek little thighs and her delicate little panty covered pussy had me ready to explode inside my pants.
“Hi, Matthew.” Dominique said.
“What are you...I mean, why are you here? I mean, not that I mind but, uhh, no one...”
“I was walking home and I saw you heading down this way. I was wondering what there was to do around here and walked into this really cool old house. This place is so badass! I love it! Is this your house?” She asked.
“ This is our club. The art club, except most of the time we don't really do much art.” I said shyly.
“Cool. I want to see it. Will you show me around?” Dominique asked.
How could I refuse her? I helped her up, reaching down and giving her my hand. Getting up, I could see down her top and I tried to look away before she noticed I was staring at her breasts. After she got up, she turned around and her skirt hadn't fully fallen back into place, I could see her ass. It was so round and beautiful. I was dripping wet inside my shorts. Pre-cum soaked everything. She reached behind her, pulled her panties out of her crack and lifted them slightly. Fuck! It was wonderful!
When we walked through the door, the guys all stopped dead. None of us were very used to talking to actual girls and having one in our house was unreal and you could see it on each of their faces. It was so unreal, Dominique may as well have been an AI android. In fact, I think the guys probably thought I had made an android and brought her in, the way their jaws hung open.
“So what do you guys do in here?” Dominique asked, breaking the silence.
“Uhh...well,” I started.
“Well, well, Matt, you should have told us you were bringing over a friend." Steve stood up and put on an over worked bravado. "Here, let me give you the grand tour! Please, pray tell, what is your name?” Steve said. He was always like this around girls, it was the reason most girls didn't like him, well that and the fact that he was overweight.
“She doesn't want a tour from you, Steve, she is obviously a plant!” Gayland said. He was the paranoid of our group. Always with a conspiracy. “Who are you! Who sent you!”
“She isn't a 'plant', you dickwad! Why are you being such an dumbass? We finally get a girl in here and you accuse her of being a spy? Jesus. Pay no attention to him. He thinks his own mother is an alien.”
“She is,, Gayland said. Then he turned and pointed back at Dominique. “But look at her! She is gorgeous! Why would anyone that hot want to be in our place? Dude, I'm telling you that she is a fucking spy sent by the jocks to take over our old house.”
The two of them started yelling and then the next thing you know they were fighting. They did this a lot. I stood mortified and totally convinced that Dominique would realize how nerdy we were and want to leave. Steve pushed Gayland into the doorway and Gayland pulled him down and the two fell out the door. They might be out there fighting for hours.
“Hey Robin, could you try to calm them down?” I asked.
“Sure,” Robin said and went slowly walking to the door stroking the hair of his beloved little doll. A small guy, barely even tall enough to be mistaken for his age, Robin made it even worse by having an unnatural fixation on his strange little doll. He talked to her as he walked out the door.
Suddenly I was alone! I hadn't really planned it. I do things like this all the time. Events come together and my karma is to be standing there as shocked as everyone else that things turned out this way. I didn't move. Dominique walked around the room and stopped at the bookshelf! “Oh no!” I thought. Steve proudly displayed his porno-mag collection right where she was standing. She reached out and pulled one off the shelf.
This was it. She would know we were perverts now. She was going to leave. Damn Steve and his porn!
“Cool. So you masturbate to this?” she asked.
“ I mean, those are Steve's. I wouldn't ever...”
“You really like to play things safe, huh?” she asked.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Oh, nothing. I just thought that if this was your porn, I would really love to see you masturbate. I mean, after all, you were hard all through class this morning.”
She knew! I felt my entire body go to jello. I can't believe she knew.
“But this isn't your porn and you weren't staring at my tits all morning. Nope, not you. Safe little Matthew who never does anything. I guess I'll just go ask Steve then...since it's HIS porn, after all.”
“NO!” I screamed. “I'll do it!”
I couldn't believe the words had come out of my mouth. I couldn't believe she was asking me this.
“Are you serious?” I asked.
She smiled and jumped up on our old table and crossed her legs. She clapped excitedly and waited for me to come over and do it.
“I can't wait to see how you do it. I heard that if you wrap something around your balls it will make you last longer. Do you want to try it?” she asked.
“Whatever you like,” I said.
“Cool, put this around your balls,” she said and took off one of the bands from her wrist. “Let me see your dick. Come on. I want to see you jerk it.”
I took the band from her wrist. She leaned over on the table and extended her legs out and leaned on one arm. With one leg up like it was, I could just barely see her little panties. I unzipped and realized that I was about to expose myself to a girl for the first time ever! I dropped my pants. My underwear was soaked. Embarrassed, I quickly pulled them off. Dominique clapped her hands when my erection came into view.
“Very hard! You point straight up! I've never seen one that was so hard before...oooh, and a little curved. Nice. Do you think you'll even last long enough to get the band around it?”
“I don't know,” I said. I took the black little band and slipped it over my cock. As it touched, I realized that something from her was now touching my dick! This was almost like an indirect hand job! Her eyes never left what I was doing and watched intently as I pulled the band over my balls. The little black band made my cock and balls really stand out.
“Wow, you got it on. I'm impressed. I really thought you would...”
Just hearing her voice and having her sit there with her panties showing made me cum. A huge jet of cum shot out and into the air and landed across her leg! Before I could even move or do anything, another massive stream of creamy cum shot out and left a trail of semen across her.
“I'm sorry! Oh God! I'm so sorry...” I said, but I was still cumming. I tried to lean down and this only directed it toward her face. I shot cum out and just a tiny bit landed in her hair!
“AHHH!” I screamed and dropped to the floor. My cock hurt. The band was making me cum more than I had ever shot before! I couldn't stop it. Cum shot all over the floor and more was on the way. I was horrified and embarrassed but then I heard her laughing.
“God, you are so funny! I really like you, Matthew,” and she kept laughing, rolling on the table.
She really liked me? My mind instantly went to sex, “So...uhh...would you, I mean, do you think that you would like to...”
“No. I'll never have sex with you. Would you still want to be friends with me if you knew you could never have sex with me?” she asked.
“OF COURSE!” I said.
“Wonderful!” she said and she jumped off the table and wrapped her arms around me. I felt her little body touching mine and I came again. This time it shot out harmlessly across the room.
“Wow! Do you usually shoot that far?” she asked.
“No, I think it was that band you gave me.”
“Good, then you keep it... but on one condition,” she said.
“Anything, you just tell me.”
“You can't masturbate unless I give you permission,” she said.
What!? I nearly dropped to the floor. I usually masturbate several times a day! How was I going to get through even tonight without masturbating.
“You have to swear! You'll never masturbate unless I tell you it is okay,” she said.
“I swear!” I said. I meant it too! I would do anything for her.
“Oh, I like you, Matthew. We are going to be such good friends,” she said.
Friends. Of course. But with a friend like her, maybe I didn't need a girlfriend? I was about to take the cock ring off but she told me to keep it on and wear it the rest of the day. Oh god, this was going to be torture.
Then she kissed my cheek and whispered, “I like knowing you have it on.”
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Part 2And that of course was what happened, the rooster bawled at the sun as soon as it rose, and Micky without waking the two women, Leapt out of bed sharpish in case they needed his services, knowing he had a lot to do that day, and once they started he would be drained energy wise. He brewed tea, let the dog out, knowing that after peeing the a****l would be spending time stalking the rooster, this time with a spring in his step that Micky Noted as he watched the chase as he did each...
My earliest recollections of things sexual are of what I think must have occurred some time between my age of five, and eight years. I tell of them just as I recollect them, without attempt to fill in what seems probable. She was I suppose my nursemaid. I recollect that she sometimes held my little prick when I piddled, was it needful to do so? I don't know. She attempted to pull my propuce back, when, and how often I know not. But I am clear at seeing the prick tip show, of feeling pain,...
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IncestThe next weekend, we had two games. It seemed like we'd hardly been playing yet, but there would be no games the next weekend because of Thanksgiving. So we played Friday night and Saturday afternoon this weekend. Coach Hancock had come into the gym on Monday morning while Whitney and I were working out before school. It had gotten too cold and snowy to practice outside at home. We had a mat down and had moved from forms to sparring. Coach blew his ever-present whistle and we backed off,...
OHGirl: I had gone through the invitro fertilization process about a week after Velvet had returned and now I was waiting for the results. My menses had not occurred and the physician was sitting at his desk with the results from my test. He smiled and told me that I was pregnant. I was so happy and at the same time I knew that it was true, since my subtle hormone changes had once again brought about my extreme sexual urges. I had been fucking Mikey quite a bit now, since Velvet had returned to...
Hi guys, I’m back with another and a viagra tablet. Hope you like it and give your valuable feedback to my email. Let’s get into the story. Before going into the story, let me introduce myself and my mom. I’m Abhi. 21 years old. I just completed my graduation. I live with my mom and dad. My mom is Roslin. She is 42 years old. But she looks like 35 years old modern women. She doesn’t have any aging factors. She looks very beautiful and gorgeous. She is a modern woman. She works as a fashion...
IncestI sat there wondering what he might suggest. I had just told my father-in-law who also had just become my lover, that I would like to try new things with him. He smiled at me and said, "OK Kathy, take off the bra and your panties. Don't even think about putting them back on until we get back to the family." I grinned widely I know... I loved the idea. I slowly removed my button up blouse and then the skirt which was knee length and also buttoned up the front. The bra went and I just sat...
My best friend, Nick Gülcan, and I were always together laughing and joking. We’d always talk on Msn Messenger and we’d flirt like hell with each other. He’d want to see me naked on the webcam but I only showed him tits which left him hard. He told me one day that he was so hard that he could not get up from his office chair at work. Nick and I decided to meet up for no strings attached wild sex and it wouldn’t ruin our friendship as it was just sex. Nick and I met up one Sunday afternoon...
first let me introduce my darling, sexy, sweet mom my jaan, her name is Rati & sheis very similar to her name & even much better than her name,Rati d goddess of love & a complete fire ball & y m saying this because my mom wasmiss ‘dehradun’ when she was 18 yrs old so, you all can imagine how beautiful she is,every 2nd men wanted to fuck my sexy darling mom as this was told to me by my momlater,but due to family ethics my mom was a simple typical Indian women & was...
As soon as I finished taking a shower, I went to sleep. I woke up in the afternoon. After some time, Sameer came into my room and brought me lunch. We exchanged a smile, and he brought the food close to me. As he put the plate down, he kissed me on my lips. I put my hand behind his head and started playing with his hair. Then I slipped my tongue inside my brother’s mouth, and his tongue started fighting with mine. But after a few seconds, my brother broke our kiss. Sameer: You should always...
It was Friday and me and my best friend had been shopping all day. It was her 18th and we were having a girly day and girly night in with our friends. We had bought new outfits and jewellery. We had also bought some sexy outfits to wear for our boyfriends. When we got back to her house we ran upstairs to her room. ‘Let’s try these sexy outfits on for each other before everyone gets here for the sleepover,’ I told her. ‘Good idea, here’s my camera take some pictures,’ she answered. We both got...
Marsha wiped her pussy on her torn panties, then threw them in a trash can on the stage. I gave her my shirt, and took a fresh one off the rack at the back of the stage. We sat on the piano bench as she drew up the contract details. Once she had it where both of us agreed, she bent over to get her briefcase. She wiggled her ass and called my name. “Jerry?” I threw her loose riding skirt up over her ass and shoved my cock into her pussy again. “OH GOD! I love your cock. I’ll be glad when...
Kelly left the lab at four on Friday. She had parked her car over in the student lot and Don knew she had to change and stash her regular clothes there before she went to meet Randall. She had shown him the outfit she planned to wear that morning before they had left for the school. It consisted of a plaid skirt, cut several inches above her knees, and a light yellow blouse with ruffled collar. She wore flats on her feet and her only underwear was a black thong. "Not really comfortable,"...
You stretch and yawn and fall out of bed. You know it's your birthday, but to be honest, you don't really celebrate it. You go out with friends, you get wasted and usually wake up in a very awkward situation. But as for real celebrations, your parents are the only ones who ever celebrate it. That means you'd better go and see them, you suppose. And sure enough, you get to their house and they're waiting for you, beaming with pride at their little boy finally becoming a man, etc. etc. However,...
Mandy was so mad she could kill some one! Her husband got her all worked up this morning only to satisfy only himself. He left her so wet and horny she could still feel her wetness seeping from her very stimulated pussy. Mandy understood this happened from time to time in marriage, but, he was making a habit of this. She could not remember the last time she came with his dick in her. It was hard for her to recall when she screamed out his name while he was still beating up her pussy and she had...
InterracialMeeting Mistress J By amslave [email protected] After months of online chats, newsgroups and emails, my look for a Domme to take me on had taken a dramatic turn. For now here in my inbox was an instruction from Mistress J, who I had met on-line a couple of times over the last few weeks ? instructing me where and when we were to meet ? 8pm, High Street, Apartment 1298. I was instructed to bring the following items which I was instructed to purchase from the local Victoria's Secret...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Tammy, my step daughter and I had not seen each other for a while and she called me suggesting that we meet for a drink. Naturally, I agreed. She suggested a gay bar near her home and we agreed that 7pm would be good. Tammy is a lesbian who is in a relationship with a beautiful, tall, sexy blond woman. Jodi is what you would call a "butch". She is quite masculine in her manner, yet she is well built and very sexy. When I entered the dimly lit smallish...
She MalesMatt and Bert were two slackers. Their main purpose in life was seeing who could beat the other at video gaming. They both were in their late teens, and both would have had nice bodies if they’d get off their asses and do something active. As it was, Fritos, Doritos and Dr. Pepper had taken their toll.Nice looking guys, they could have had girlfriends who put out, but it would have taken some energy. Pursuing a girl sounded too much like work, so they were both virgins, though they would have...
First TimeThe woman driving the fishing boat pulled up to our houseboat because it was the largest. Sue grabbed the rope the woman threw to her and tied her boat to ours. She turned to the man lying in the bottom of the boat and was gushing tears as she spotted the amount of blood on the boat's bottom. Bill dropped into the boat and looked at the wound. It was a bullet hole in the man's back, and there was no exit wound. Bill called for help and we hauled the man into Bill and June's bedroom. June...
Jim Parker leaned against the end of his mop as he watched Miss Sara Ellsworth walk away from him down the empty halls of Porterville High School. She was one fine piece of ass, and she knew it, always wearing clothes that were just one step away from provocative. Today she had worn three inch black pumps which matched a pleated black skirt which came down just above her knees, revealing the firm suppleness of her ivory skin, and when she turned suddenly, flying up to reveal the...
Susan was sitting on the couch next to Jared examining his eye when Rob and I came in. Bill had already walked over to the bar, pouring us all fresh drinks, including one for Jared. "Well it's not cut, but you might very well end up with a black eye," Susan told her son. She sat back looking at him. "So what happened anyway?" Accepting his drink from Bill, Jared took a large healthy swallow of it before speaking. He looked nervous for a moment, and then simply said it. "I'd invited...
Introduction: This is a continuation of Johns Dream Come True. It is not neccesary to read it but please do if you wish. I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions and comments that can help me improve my writing. Please enjoy the story and please comment or pm me at any time. 16 years later -Lauren It had been sixteen years since that wonderfully fateful day. Sixteen years that John had been thrusting his 7 inch cock into his wifes cunt. Sixteen years of pure bliss and erotic pleasure. And...
Lexington brought up the progress report of the decoding for the second disc on the screen with a few touches on the keyboard. "How does it look?" asked Argent, while looking over Lex's shoulder. "Pretty good. It's run thru most of the binary code permutations... and is narrowing it's choices at the moment." Argent looked puzzled. "Can you explain that in English?" Lex smiled. "What that means is that the computer has run through about a few hundred-thousand variations of the...
Well, first things first, you're a pervert an unabashed, fire breathing perv. And worse than that you're an 18 year old pervert, those tendencies with those raging hormones create a hellish concoction. Whether it be incestuous shoe and pantie sniffing of your mother Maria and older sister Erin, or creeping into your classmates open window and jerking off watching her sleep, you are a creepy little fucker, and it's only gonna get worse. Your scrawny little frame, anemic complexion, 3 inch dick...
Gay[1938] “So, how did it go?” Sam’s Dad, Ronald, asked him when he returned home to their two up, two down house near the centre of town. “They were nice, not stuck up at all,” Sam replied thoughtfully. “Told you, you had nowt to fear,” Ronald chuckled as a rumbling on the stairs told of the arrival of Sam’s younger brother, Gregory. “Just nerves I guess, Dad,” Sam nodded. “Known Mr. Grainger for years, used to be the chief clerk in the payroll office of the works until he got promoted to...
Kat turned off the cd player after the first story on it ended. Tears streamed down her cheeks. The story had reminded her of the day Burl had been shot. She didn’t think she would ever forget that day. It seemed to her that the whole world changed that day. The first she had heard about the shooting had been on the radio while driving home from the diner where she worked as a waitress. The initial story had been about an attempted bank robbery that had been stopped by a mall security guard...
Interesting things started happening from the moment I left Zerzinski’s house, to walk down the trail to my place. The first thing was only notable in retrospect. Another beautiful Japanese woman was walking toward Zerzinski’s place as I was leaving, as usual. She appeared to be a member of the Choto Temple. At least, most of the women who were older than teenagers seemed to be Choto members. And this one looked to be in her late twenties perhaps. Her face was lacking the usual...
Tess's Notes - Part One Please find a moment to read the story "Dressed So". The following is a supporting chapter to the three parts previously released. This is a collection of notes Tess prepared over a period of years. 2013.2 I laugh today thinking of how strongly Michelle had come on to me at the riverside restaurant several months ago. I was with two girlfriends having a pleasant light dinner on an early fall evening. She must have been dining as well, for she came into the...
Zara purred in DeClan's ear, DeClan smiled "purr for me again, little one" Zara purred into his ear "Mal and Tabby are at Montcliff with Mar" DeClan's eyes gleamed "hmmmmmmm we should take advantage of a little time to ourselves" Zara flicked her tongue along the edge of his ear "that's what I thought" DeClan cradled his tiny dragoness against his chest carrying her from his workroom, Zara frowned slightly "why did you just seal the door and window?" DeClan ran a tender finger...
Debbie and I had been dating for almost eighteen months and early into our relationship had discovered a mutual fascination with spanking. We both enjoyed switching from top to bottom especially when combined with role play which kept evolving in terms of complexity. One evening when I arrived home late and slightly drunk I quickly picked up on Deb’s foul mood as she sat watching the news in the family room. “What’s up babe?” I slurred “It’s after midnight, did you think about calling to tell...
SpankingKaren put skin cream on her face, looking in the mirror how the chemise she just bought adorned her body. She admired herself as she engaged in a visual exercise of self indulgence, provocatively posing for the mirror in front of her as she rubbed the lotion on her skin. Looking at the small bottle and thinking for a second, Karen mischievously grinned and squeezed more cream out, lifting the bottom of her dress and rubbing the lotion over her bare pussy. After applying the lotion, Karen walked...
Now I had been quite a popular guy in my old school, I won't lie, I had slept with all the whores and most the cheerleading squad after one girl ratted out that I have a dick like a god, also my good looks and money background helped too.. but now I actually wanted a girl and not the other way around, so after gazing at her thru home room, I walked over and introduced myself and asked if she wanted to do something this coming friday, she turned and looked me straight in the eye and her face...
My wife Kristi wanted to do something kinky for me for christmas so she arranged to meet up with her Bull Greg. She told him she wanted to make a movie for me and told him to pull out all the stops. One night a week or so before christmas I got a text from Greg telling me he had a buddy who owned a swingers club up near chicago and if I wanted to see my wife get fucked in person not a video he could set it up without her knowing I was there. I have seen her a few times being a total slut but...
It had been a while since that fateful rainy night. And I had left very unceremoniously without a trace of gratitude towards her. But what else could I have said to my colleague? The events of that night were unnatural and unexpected for me and I was ill-equipped to handle this situation. While I left, I did glance at her lying naked on the floor just covered in a bed sheet, hair dishevelled, and watching me sneak out like a thief. My colleague looked drop dead gorgeous and I was finding it...