The Girl Down The Road free porn video

The following is based on a true story. Names have been changed, but this story is completely factual. I am from South Africa and I am white and of european descent. It seems as though not many people know that Thanx to Julie for her editing help
I was sitting on the top step of my pool, the water up to my waist. The water was cold, but I had decided to start swimming and get into shape. I’m not a huge exercise freak and during the year I don’t exercise, but college had finished for the year and I was now on holiday, home alone during the week with nothing better to do. My parents are divorced and my mom got the house, which was almost too big for just my mom my brother and I. I have other siblings, but they have since moved out, I am the youngest at twenty. Girls seem to like me, but not for the reasons I would like them to. They say I’m sweet and kind and I always listen. I normally wouldn’t mind being described like this, I just don’t want them to think I’m gay.
I admit I’m not huge and muscular and I often worried that perhaps that’s what girls wanted: a big, strong guy to protect them. I am not incredibly handsome but I don’t believe that I’m ugly either. I have brown hair and dark brown eyes and the girls I’m friends with say they look like puppy dog eyes. (I’m still not quite sure what that means.) The truth is, I don’t have much confidence and that is why, at 20 years of age, I was still a member of the ‘Never-touched-a-boobie” Tribe. I couldn’t seem to get further than ‘friends’ with girls and for the most part, I didn’t mind too much as I was good friends with the prettiest girls in town. What did bother me, however, was that the most I’d get for my efforts was a hug or a kiss on the cheek.
Thinking about all this was getting me down and the cold water wasn’t helping either. I lay back and closed my eyes and could hear nothing but the big palm leaves rustling in the wind and the distinct sound of feet walking on grass. Someone was walking up the bank towards the pool. Thinking I was about to get mugged, I sat up and spun around in one swift motion. I saw who was coming and the fear for my life changed into a fear I was a whole lot more familiar with: There was a girl approaching, and as far as I could tell from that distance she was cute–maybe even hot! I was scared stiff because I’m not the outgoing type and usually meet people through friends or family. I had never approached a girl I didn’t know and definitely had never been approached by one!
She was wearing a baby blue summer dress that stopped just short of her knees and was held up by two thin straps over her shoulders. She was clearly nervous too as she was holding her hands in front of her tummy, fidgeting with her fingers and bracelet. I looked up at her face, which was very, very cute but at the same time sexy in a strange way. She had chocolate brown hair that reached down to where her breasts rose out of her chest and if she had been naked, it would have almost covered her nipples. She smiled a nervous smile and I smiled one back before she looked back down at the ground, careful not to trip on the steep bank. Her breasts jiggled and shuddered ever so slightly with each step she took. They weren’t huge, which I liked. Covered by her dress, they looked a little more than a hand-full and gloriously shaped. Without even thinking, I told myself that I’d probably never see them in all their splendor. Besides, she had probably just broken down and needed to use the phone.
I watched her get closer until she stepped onto the paving around the pool. Two more steps and I would have been able to look up her dress and see her panties. All this was very exciting to me but it’s what happened next that really got me going: She spoke (you’re probably all thinking ‘Wow that’s amazing! She can speak!’ ), but she had a delightful accent. I’ve never been overseas, so a foreign girl was a very intriguing idea to me!
‘Hi , I am (some unpronounceable name),” she said. “I just moved in down the road and I don’t know anyone. I saw you at the top of your driveway the other day when I drove past and I wanted to say hello!’ She smiled as she finished talking and waited for my reply.
I was amazed because even though she hadn’t said anything particularly sexy, it definitely sounded hot! Her english was incredibly good for someone who had just moved here.
‘Hi, I’m Lance. What did you say your name was?’ I smiled, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. She smiled back while laughing a little.
‘My name is hard to say if you are not from my country, but in english it is the same as Allison.’
‘May I call you Allison then?’ I asked, smiling like an idiot. She flashed me another cute smile and replied, ‘Yes, ok.’
We both relaxed a bit and I felt like I had the upper hand because she was trying to speak my language. I stood up on the second step and stuck out my hand to shake hers. She seemed confused.
‘I am not ready for swimming’ she said politely. I smiled at her and she gave me a puzzled smile back because she had thought that by offering her my hand, I was inviting her into the pool. Obviously a handshake wasn’t the standard greeting in her country, so I explained.
I had already resigned myself to the fact that she was going to become just another female friend, but then she did something that no other girl had ever done, or at least something I’d never caught a girl doing: While shaking her hand, I saw her sneak a peek at my crotch which was now out of the water. The material was still wet and clung to my skin, which made my semi-hard manhood quite noticeable. Just the thought of her being at all interested enough to look down there, even for a glance, made my heart jump. Maybe it was just noticeable and she couldn’t help looking, but it couldn’t have been that noticeable. My cock is about seven inches hard, but still, she couldn’t be attracted to me this quickly.
I offered her a seat on the edge of the pool and we sat together, our legs dangling in the water. It was ten in the morning when we sat down and we stayed there all day. We talked about everything. I asked her where she was from and she told me about how her father had just retired and the whole family had moved back here to her mom’s home country. I asked her if she was going to go to school here and she told me that she’d just finished school before her family left. I asked her how old she was as politely as I could and she giggled at my manners and told me I was sweet. Definitely no more than a friend, I thought. She was 18 and had an identical twin sister and a 21-year-old brother. We traded stories and joked together, she told me how her sister couldn’t deal with being a twin and was constantly rebelling. At times, it took me a while to figure out what she was saying as she sometimes used the wrong words. She often asked me to explain what certain words meant after I’d said something, but otherwise her english was near perfect (It had been one of her subjects at school).
At around five in the afternoon, it started getting dark and she said that she had better go home since her parents would worry with her being in a new country and all. I stood up first and offered her my hand. This time she took it and I helped her up as she smiled again at my manners. Apparently where she was from, the guys treated the girls just like they would treat other guys. I noticed for the first time that she was almost as tall as me. I’m exactly six feet and standing face to face with her I could have kissed her right on the nose just by leaning forward. I offered to walk her home and she giggled again, unused to such treatment.
We got to her driveway in no time and we chatted a little while longer.
I was trying to stretch this day forever but I don’t know if she felt the same. We made plans for her to come over the next day and were saying good bye when quite unexpectedly, she put her hands on my hips and slid her arms aroun
d me for a hug. I followed her lead, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and squeezing her just tight enough for her to feel. I felt her supple breasts squash against my chest, the little bumps of her nipples just detectable through my shirt. Her hair was so soft and smelt like some kind fruit. The skin on her shoulders and back was warm against my arms, smooth like a peach or a rose petal. It felt amazing, not a scar nor a blemish to been seen or felt anywhere. This reminded me of just how imperfect I was with my many scars. Her skin felt like she had been born yesterday. No other hug had ever felt this good, probably because SHE wanted to hug ME.
I thought about that accent of hers all the way home and couldn’t wait to tell my friends about the gorgeous foreign girl who lived down my road.
We spent almost every day together over those next three months and became very close, closer than the other (girl)friends I had. Allison was also very affectionate and would sometimes give me a hug or snuggle up with me on the couch while watching TV and she loved how I held her hand every time we crossed a road. We did, however, disagree occasionally and she sometimes got upset with me as I did with her, but it never lasted longer than a few hours before we made up.
I took her shopping, and she asked me to wait outside the changing rooms and tell her what I thought of the different things she tried on. I know the guys reading this will think that’s the most boring thing you can do with a girl, but with Allison, nothing was boring she was always kidding around and teasing me, and I could tease her right back without her getting upset like other girls would.
When ever she came over, we’d end up in a tickle fight and being that close to her and seeing her boobs wobble as she struggled to get away, with a huge grin on her face, I’d always end up with an embarrassing hard-on. A couple times I thought she might have felt it brush against her leg or arm but she obviously either didn’t or just didn’t mention it.
She’d always wanted to go to the beach as her country didn’t have a one. I had already helped her choose a bikini and she wore it like it was tailor-made for her. Walking down to the sand, I knew every guy within 100 feet was looking at her and I was flattered to be carrying her bag as I’m sure I must have looked like her boyfriend. Her bikini was white with a tropical island print of a palm tree and coconuts on each side of her top and a beach and sunset on her bottoms. I teased her, saying I wanted to play with her ‘coconuts’ and she just gave me a coy smile. When she took off her towel, I watched her skip down to the water. She reminded me so much of a little girl, especially today as she was so excited about the beach, but her body told me she was definitely a young woman.
Her previously-obscured ass was gorgeous. It was firm and round and her muscles moved just the way God had intended. She had a slender figure, her hips even with her shoulders and everything was in perfect proportion, her breasts almost indescribable. A guy would understand when I say that they were perfect, firm and perky and bigger than I had guessed but still they curved out of her body at 90 degrees as if gravity had no effect on them at all, and then blended back in towards her neck and collar bones. Her legs where like the ones girls have in those razor ads, long and slender. I loved her tummy too. She didn’t have a six pack and it wasn’t rock hard, but it was flat and cute.
She’d often joke about being fat and push it out so it looked like she had a little belly, but she couldn’t hold it long before she’d burst out laughing. She was too scared to go into the water deeper than her knees by herself, so I went in with her until she was comfortable going in up to her waist. She was so happy, smiling and laughing the whole time, and it made me feel great too. I usually hated the beach because I was uncomfortable taking my shirt off in public and I felt like everyone was watching me, and now they were because I was with the hottest girl on the beach and I wasn’t self-conscious any more.
Every time a wave came, Allison would jump up and hug me and we’d float over it together. She was having a great time, giggling and laughing and I hadn’t seen her without a smile on her face the whole day. Every time we jumped over a wave, her nipples would rub up and down my chest through the thin material of her bikini and it was making them hard and seeing them pointing at me like that was giving me hard time too, so I moved back to the shallower waters to calm down and she followed. I still held her hand so that the smaller waves wouldn’t knock her legs from under her like they had a couple times before. I had expected her to be embarrassed but when she stood up again and looked at me she was completely comfortable and laughing at herself.
After a while we became pretty tired and I chased her back up the beach to our bags and gently tackled her down onto our towels. I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having–and with a beautiful girl. I’d never been so comfortable with anyone before and she was quickly becoming my best friend. We were lying flat on our backs, catching our breath when a guy walked up and without even looking at me, he started talking to Allison and asked her if she’d like to be a model. She politely said she wasn’t interested, but the guy kept trying and Allison kept telling him no, trying to be polite. He wouldn’t listen and wouldn’t go away so we packed up our stuff and walked back to our car.
‘Are you ok?’ I asked. I could see she was a little upset. ‘I hope he didn’t spoil your day.’
‘I’m fine, nothing could have spoiled today. I’ve never had this much fun in my life and anyway, I’m ready to go home. I feel like I’ve got the whole beach in my bum!’ she laughed.
‘I’d be glad to help you get it out…’ I joked with a naughty smile.
‘I’m sure you would!’ she teased, nudging me in the ribs. I flapped the towel that was around her shoulders over her head and tickled her until she ran for the car. Allison fell asleep in the car and when we got to her house, no one was home, so I got the keys from her bag and carried her to her room. I laid her down on her bed and covered her still salty skin with a blanket before I left.
To be continued…
This is only the introduction–it gets much better. This is my first attempt at writing and I would appreciate your ratings and feedback, but please understand I have never written before, so go easy on me.

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