Ass Station By Dmnoid @ Literotica free porn video

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"Good thing we left early. We need gas," Angela told her husband, Kurt. He grunted, not happy with the announcement, but taking it in stride. He was nervous. His k** brother was going to propose to his girlfriend tonight, and he'd invited the whole gang out to witness it. So, they were on their way to a posh drinking spot - formal ware required. So, Angela was in a beautiful blue silk evening gown, and Kurt was in a fancy black tie affair he'd had to rent.

She pulled into the gas station. It was really more of a truck stop then a gas station. At any rate, the store was closed at this time of night, and there wasn't an attendant, but all the lights were on, the pumps were running, and the restrooms were unlocked. It was a filthy place generally, and seemed a dangerous sort of place to go at night, especially for a woman by herself. But it was the only gas station for miles and miles along their prospective route, so it would have to do.

Angela got out, and handed the keys over to Kurt. "I need to use the ladies room," she told him.

"Uh... not really a good place for that," Kurt responded, worried, "Can you wait?"

"Nope. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Um... Do you want me to go into the stall with you? Or I can wait outside if you prefer, after checking that there isn't some degenerate hanging out inside."

"Aww.... You're so sweet. I think I'll be fine though. I'll scream if I need you, ok? Why don't you pump, while I'm in the ladies room? That way, when I get out, we can scoot on down the road."

Kurt looked uncertain that it was a good idea, but he relented. What she said did make sense, and he wasn't going to be all that far away. Just forty feet or so. He got out, and started fishing for his wallet. Angela swept up to him, and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth on her way to the restroom. It's gonna work, she thought, suppressing a wicked smile on her way to the restroom, thinking of the plan she'd set in motion earlier in the day.

When she got to the restroom, she opened the door. The room was dark and smelled dirty. Piss and dirty pussy, and worse assailed her nose. She fumbled briefly for the light switch, and in a moment, the harsh hum and glare of the bare, overhead fluorescent lights came one. The room was unoccupied. The room was as dirty as it smelled, with black marked tile floors, dried piss stains, and a sink that looked like something used by a mechanic. Angela quickly walked in, and let the heavy spring shut the door behind her. She locked the door, and went to work. First, she checked to make sure that the attendant had left everything the way she'd specified, when she bribed him earlier in the day. There was no toilet paper, no paper towels, and no seat covers. Good. Then she walked a few steps to the sink, and turned both handles on, for both the hot and cold water. Then dropped down to her knees in front of the sink, and found the shut off valves next to the wall. It didn't take her long to have the water shut off at the wall. She was ready to start.

She pulled up her dress, and pulled down her panties, and sat on the dubiously clean surface of the toilet seat. She suppressed an inner shudder. Women usually "hovered" over public toilet seats, especially ones in restroom like this, and Angela was no exception. But today, with what she had in mind, it wouldn't make any difference. She had to get used to the idea.

She really did need to use the restroom, and so she did so. First she urinated, and then she moved her bowels. She came close to emptying herself, but left just a little bit ready to go in both the front and back. It had been at least five minutes since she'd come into the restroom. Kurt had to have been finished by now. It was time to do this... or to chicken out.

Angela got up, and then flushed the toilet. She sort of waddled over to the sink, with her panties still pulled taunt between her knees. She looked deeply into her own eyes in the mirror. Her perfectly permed blond hair, done in loops and swirls, almost like prom night again. Her perfect make-up, and bright blue eyes. The dress really made her eyes pop, making them stand out and look bluer then normal. She looked as good as she ever did, and she normally looked pretty nice. She worked hard to maintain her cheerleader physique, exercising nearly everyday, and always watching what she ate.

Kurt, with his dark, curly hair, ever present five o clock shadow, and demeanor that seemed a little dangerous was a perfect compliment to her. Better yet, beyond the shallow appearances, he was a good husband, and they loved each other deeply. But Angela had had some problems with jealousy. Specifically, she was jealous of the porn that he looked at sometimes. It made her feel like she was lacking somehow, that he looked at other women on the internet. Sure, she realized that it was stupid and irrational to be jealous of pictures and movies, but she was. At least he didn't have a closet full of porn or anything like that. Still, sometimes she'd secretly check his internet history to see what websites he'd been visiting, and what movies he'd been watching. Most of the time, she didn't bring up much. He seemed to clear his history on a regular basis. She'd even do searches on his computer to see if he'd downloaded anything, but that always came up blank as well.

It all changed a couple of months ago. He had been up late on the computer, and when he finished, he just sort of stumbled to bed, barely able to walk straight. He'd woken Angela up coming to bed, and she couldn't believe that he was up so late. The next morning he was almost late to work, but just managed to get out the door in time. Angela only had to work half a day herself, and when she came home, a little after noon, she found that the computer was still on from the night before. Kurt had forgotten to clear his history, and he'd forgotten to close out his hidden folder of porn. Angela couldn't resist looking, and what she found, shocked her to her core. The normal porn she'd found ran a rang from very tame, to hardcore ass to mouth porn. That wasn't terribly surprising. He loved Angela's firm, hear shaped ass, and anal sex was something that they both enjoyed pretty regularly. But in a smaller sub-folder, she found his collection of s**t porn. He liked shit.

It was disgusting and horrifying to discover. She wanted to confront him about it, but what would she say? What could he possibly tell her that would make it right in her mind, that he was into something so disgusting. She simply closed his folder, and erased his internet history, and she never brought it up. But it got her mind to working, and she found herself actually disgusted at first to have anything to do with him. Was that something that he'd done with other women, had them shit in his mouth, like so many of his videos were about? Would he actually cheat to get something like that, that he couldn't get at home?

At first, she found herself pulling away from him. It was a horrible thing, this barrier of secrets between them. But deep inside, she still loved him, and his disgusting kinks didn't really change who he fundamentally was. There was a cold spell in their relationship, but Angela worked to overcome her revulsion, and rebuild their bond. She was still jealous of course, she always was when he looked at porn, but there wasn't much she could do about it. Well, not unless she confronted him, and laid his secrets bare. And if so, if she did, would he ask her to do those things that he liked in his porn? Could she?

Over the next few months, never breathing a word to him about it, or letting him see her dark explorations, she started to experiment with the kinds of things that she'd seen in his porn. She started to seek out the sort of porn that he liked, to know what she was up against. She started slow, simply by letting a finger trail along her shit while she expelled it, or by looking at it before cleaning up. Weeks later, she was shitting into her hands, or onto paper towels, or a plate instead of in the toilet itself. She eventually even started to experiment with smearing herself with her excrement. It was disgusting, but there was a place deep inside of her that reveled in the depravity, that was aroused by it. She was doing this all for him, preparing herself to become what he yearned for, but couldn't bring himself to ask for. The idea made her heart pound, the disgusting levels to which she was willing to go for her beloved husband.

She braced herself, and over the course of several weeks, had actually gotten herself to the point where the taste and smell of her own waste in her mouth didn't make her want to throw up. She couldn't swallow much and keep it down, but just having it in her mouth wasn't much of a challenge. She was ready for him. Ready for whatever he would want to do to her. The only problem was, that she couldn't bring herself to actually talk to him about it. It was too gross, too perverse, too taboo. What if he liked fantasizing about it sometimes, liked looking at it, but actually couldn't or wouldn't go through with something like that in real life? What if he judged her poorly for it? What she needed, was a way to breach the subject without it seeming like one of them was a pervert. She'd tried simply being less fastidious with her hygiene, of leaving her ass just a little dirty on nights when she thought that they might make love. He never said a word about it, and so the subject of her dirtiness never came up at all, but she noticed that he did take extra care and extra enjoyment with licking her ass on those occasions. On the other hand, he seemed to take extra care not to go ass to mouth when she was dirty, perhaps afraid that she'd revolt at the taste, or be disgusted that he was turned on by what she should find disgusting.

So, she had come up with this plan, a way to force things along. She was looking at herself in the mirror, and she shook a little. The next few minutes would be terrifying. They could break the marriage if things didn't work out right. But, in all likelihood, they'd give them both what they wanted. It would give Kurt the disgusting s**t sex he was looking for. And it would give Angela the pleasure and knowledge that she could give him the ultimate sacrifice.

She reached down, and pulled her panties off entirely. She laid them down on the dirty, but dry, sink. Then she pulled off her evening dress. It left her wearing nothing but her sexy stockings, and high heals. The dress, she carefully hung up on the coat hook on the restroom's door. Make or break, it was time to start.

Angela walked to the door, and unlocked it. Tentatively, she opened the door a crack, and peeked out. She saw Kurt near the car, looking impatiently at his watch. In a genuinely nervous voice, she called out, "Kurt! Honey!"

His head snapped up instantly, and he looked at her with a puzzled look. "I need you. Come here!" She waved him over. His look quickly transformed from puzzlement to concern, and he trotted quickly over.

He got to the still cracked door, and asked, "What's wrong?"

She couldn't quite meet his eyes, both from the deception, but also from the shear embarrassment of the situation. She instantly wished that she had never come up with this crazy plan, and wished there was a way to call this all off. But what alternative was there?

"Um... there's no toilet paper. I can't wipe. Do you have anything?" She knew that he didn't normally keep anything like that in his pockets anyway. There just wasn't room for a man to carry anything that they might need in a few pockets, and with the big event tonight, he'd slimmed down to the bare minimum.

He shook his head. "Uh... do you really have to wipe? I mean, if you only peed, it's not a big deal, right?"

She grimaced, and felt her cheeks burn. "I... yeeah. I didn't just pee."

"Maybe there's something in the car? Your purse?"

She pursed her lips, and shook her head. "No. I cleaned it all out today. Just a tiny clutch, and not even a napkin in there."

"Well, um.... maybe I can figure something out. Can I come in?"

She opened the door, standing brazenly under the bright fluorescent, as he walked in, her perky breasts, and shapely legs briefly visible to anyone that might be out in the dark watching, her only clothes the black hose and heals she was wearing. Then she let the door shut, and slid the heavy slide bolt home. "There's nothing in here," she said, "Not even any trash."

"Well... okay, why don't you sit down on the toilet, backwards?"

Her eyebrows arched, and she sucked her lips into her mouth nervously, but did as he said. As she sat down, she could feel the dirtiness where she hadn't been able to wipe when she defecated earlier. Her cheeks burned in shame now, and she couldn't believe that she was actually doing this. It was both humiliating, and disgusting. It was dishonest too.

Kurt tried the sink, but found no water came out. He sighed loudly, and leaned back against the wall, looking at his wife in profile. Her perfect hair and make up, her sexy hose, and high heels. The harsh light actually made her skin look milky white. She looked up at him with burning cheeks, and said, "I don't know what to do. We can't miss your brother's proposal. We don't really have time to go all the way back home so I can change, and then head out again..."

"Now, don't cry... I don't want you to mess up your make up. You're beautiful, and I don't want to mess that up. Actually, you're sexy as all hell, straddling that toilet backwards like that, just in your thigh highs and heals. If the situation was different, I'd press you up against the wall, and take you hard, if you'd let me. But right now, we just need to get you cleaned up, so we can hit the road. I've... I've, um, got an idea. It's really gross, but I think it's the only thing we can do right now."

She got a hopeful look on her face, and just looked up at him.

"I can... um," his voice faltered for a moment, and he closed his eyes, and pushed his breath out quickly, took a sharp breath, and forced the words out before they could catch in his throat, "I can lick you clean."

It was what she was hoping he'd say. She sighed, folded her arms on the top of the toilet's tank, and laid her head down. "Okay. But you might want to take your pants off first. You don't want to get your pants dirty."

"Um... right." As she listened to Kurt take his pants slowly off, her skin pebbled in goosebumps, and not from the cold. Her nipples stiffened, and she could already feel herself becoming aroused. He was going to do the nastiest thing any man had ever done to her, far worse than going down on her when she was on her period. She'd tasted her own waste before, and knew it wasn't exactly pleasant. That he loved her enough to do this... it made her want to do anything for him. Or maybe he was just doing this because it was a long seated, unattainable fantasy of his. It probably didn't matter, but she told herself that it was love that had him on his knees behind her, and his hot, moist breath on her naked cheeks.

His soft, warm hands found her cheeks, and spread them further. She arched her back to try to give him better access. Then she felt his lips on her, kissing gently, yearning, first on one cheek, and then on the other. He kissed her like that often before licking her back there, or kissed her thighs in a similar fashion before going down on her. Then she felt his tongue licking, gently working at the edge of her filth. He pulled back a moment, and he wondered if he was fighting to keep from gagging, or if he was going to spit her waste from his mouth. But then his moist, gentle mouth returned to her, and he hardly pulled away at all again. Instead, he worked diligently, carefully, lapping at her unclean hole. His greedy tongue even squirmed and wiggled, trying to gain entry into her back door. She didn't suppress the sighs, shudders, or small moans that came to her. It was like being eaten out for the first time again, that nervousness, wondering how awful it might be for him, but he never stopped until the job was done.

He finally finished, and pulled away, saying nothing. She lifted her head up again, and then lifted a leg up and around the tank, so both legs were on the same side of the toilet. She spun slowly around on the toilet until she was seated in the normal fashion. He was standing, facing away from her, getting read to pull his rented tuxedo slacks off of the wall.

"Thank you," she murmured quietly. He said nothing, and started to pull the pants down. She intuited that something was wrong. She stood, and took a few steps toward him. She hugged him from the back and kissed his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." he said.

"Don't be all quiet and start shutting down on me," she said, "Something's bothering you."

"I... um... sorry, couldn't help it. Please, don't think I'm a freak." The last almost came out as him pleading. He turned slightly, and looking down, she could see his erection straining at his boxer briefs.

She turned him fully around, and pressed him against the wall. She looked him straight in the eyes, unflinching. "No other man would have done that for me. Just you. I love you, so, so much. I just want you to know that. And to know that I don't think you're a freak."

She leaned up, pressing against him, and kissed him deeply on the mouth. His mouth tasted far more strongly of ass than any other kiss she'd ever had from him, but it wasn't overpowering. It was almost erotic.

She reached down and freed his erection, pulling his underwear down a bit, to where the elastic band was caught beneath his large, firm balls. She ran her small hand up and down over his shaft, occasionally giving him a firm squeeze as they continued to kiss with open mouths, with tongues flirting with one another. She found his tongue her mouth, and she sucked it seductively, a stand in for his cock, and she didn't care that it was still slightly dirty and likely stained brown. She teased the head of his cock, and rubbed his pre-cum all over the spongy head of it.

Then she finally pulled away, breathless, and deeply aroused. Angela took a few backward steps, and sat down on the toilet, facing him. She didn't need to speak. He knew what she wanted.

He stepped up to her, and she leaned forward, to take his member deep into her mouth. She sucked on thick girth for several minutes, letting it get sopping wet, letting her spit run down his length in a messy blowjob, feeling the spongy head and veiny shaft run in and out of her mouth and lips enough times to where she was starting to loose fine sensation of what at any moment was passing in or out of her. When she finally pulled away, she gave him a smouldering look.

"I want you in my ass," she said. He gasped, and his eyes widened. She stood, and he backed out of her way. She turned around and sat back down on the toilet, with her back toward him. "I loved how it felt when you were licking me. That's where I need you Kurt. I need you inside me."

She heard him spit, and then he squatted down behind her. She felt that spongy cockhead against her tightest entrance, pushing gently to enter. She moaned gently as the shaft started to push in, past her resistance. She shivered in the pleasure and slight pain of feeling him push into her.

He only managed to get it about half way into her before the resistance became too much to continue forward. He pulled it mostly out, and then pushed it back in again. He slow fucked her as her body got used to his familiar girth, and loosened up to let him take her in her most forbidden hole. With the awkward angle, he had hold of the handicap rail with one hand, and to the sink with the other. She clung to the tank as he fucked her.

Her pussy was wet, and her clit throbbed as he fucked her, but she didn't touch herself. She could never remember being so excited as this, as this filthy, nasty fucking that they did with such caring, and she was starting to wonder if she might be able to come without any direct stimulation. Either way, she was happy to be used like this. She'd used him, lied to him, tricked him into licking her shitty ass clean, and so anything that he did to her now was fair game.

Kurt grunted and pulled out. He stood up straight with a grunt, and she looked back. "Ow..." he said with a slight smile, as if indicating that the awkward angle had been murder on his legs. She understood him without anything else needed to be said.

He wanted her to stand up, so he could fuck her at a better angle. She was wearing his favorite pumps, the ones that put her asshole at what he called the perfect altitude. But she had other ideas. Instead, she repeated her maneuver from earlier, pulling a leg up and around, so she could spin back to face him without having to stand up.

He was staring down at her naked body, eating her up with his gaze. She stared up into his eyes, spreading her legs lewdly. Then she leaned forward, and reached for his underwear's waistband.

He started to say something, but she didn't wait for him. Instead, she lowered her mouth onto his throbbing cock. It tasted vile. It was slight, but his whole member was smeared with a brown patina of her waste, watery from her spit and his pre-cum. She was almost overwhelmed at first, and pulled away for a moment, until she was sure that she wasn't going to vomit on him. It passed, and she leaned forward again, licking his shaft, and taking it into her mouth. Little chunks of brown matter were stuck to it, the source of the ill flavor. She didn't care. She gave him the best oral she knew how to, enthusiastically giving him head. He had always loved going from ass to mouth, and she wouldn't deny him if she could help it. Not tonight. She had to make up for lying to him.

She sucked on him until he pulled away. "You know I can't come this way," he said.

She smiled and stood. "A shame. I'd love to drink your come tonight. How do you want me?"

She pressed up against a wall graffitied with black marker, her ass sticking out toward him.

"Perfect," he said.

"Take any hole you want..."

"It's... dirty. Would you really want it in your cunt."

"Anything you want... anything," she whispered.

He took her by her hips, and his turgid member stood out in front of him. She could feel his cock nestling against her back there. It was unclear which hole he was going to use. He was teasing her with the uncertainty. Just an inch in either direction, and he could have either hole.

He pushed his spit slickened shaft slowly into her ass, and heard she exhaled lustfully. This time, he was able to push it all the way in, so that his balls were resting against her sex. He moaned, and pulled about half way out, and then started to fuck her again. She could feel the slight pain, the burn of taking him deep into her ass. She thought she felt something else as well. The rest of the bowel movement that she had retained instead of pushing out before. She would swear that she felt it tumbling and shifting around inside of her, like an anal bead that had become untethered. No wonder he was so dirty. Every thrust pushed that thing around inside of her, breaking it up, or getting it rolled between her flesh and his. She could feel his thrusts almost as if he was deep in her pussy. It wasn't quite enough to push her toward orgasm, but it was certainly enough to keep her flesh well interested in what he was going to do to her next.

She felt him pull out. She instantly wanted him back in her. She felt so empty without him in her. Then she could feel that spongy head rubbing on her, as if seeking an entrance. She couldn't see it, but somehow, it felt extra dirty. She imagined it deeply stained brown, with unnatural bumps of shit stuck to it. She moaned and shifted, moving so her pussy was poised above his dirty shaft. With a grunt she pushed back, and taking his whole shaft in a single movement. She clawed the glossy tile wall in pain and yearning, the sudden shock of his thick, long shaft suddenly in her pussy that had not yet been touched.

Before she could quite get used to it being in her, he started pumping into her pussy with wild abandon. She wasn't quite sure when the pain transformed completely to lust, but it did, and she pushed back against him, meeting every thrust with a slap of her skin against his. Then, she was empty again, but only for a moment, and then he was back in her ass.

She could feel that he was close to orgasm. He fucked her with wild abandon, harshly ignoring her cries of lustful pain. She couldn't take it anymore, she need to come. Her hand found its way down to her sex, and as he pounded into her like a b**st, she rubbed her hand back and forth on her sex, her clit nestled into the valley between two fingers. She could feel how dirty she was, like there were little pieces of shit all over her, in her, and that rolling boulder in her ass smearing her husband's cock with shit. The thought passed through her mind that they couldn't go to her brother-in-law's smelling like shit. They were going to have to lick each other clean first. She was going to have to suck all that shit off of his cock before long. She pictured it, imagined it, like before, but worse.

The thought pushed her over the edge. He continued to fuck her ass with abandon, and she rubbed her pussy and clit. From deep inside, she could feel her muscles starting to clench. "Cum inside me," she gasped, as the clenching grew stronger. She could hear him gasping, and there was a sudden fire from her backside as she clenched and held his dick in her grasping ass. As she gasped and struggled to breath, her manicured nails clenched inward, painfully, against her sex except where her middle finger slipped right into her squeezing pussy.

With staccato breaths, and trying not fall to the floor, the orgasm overwhelmed her, and as if it were happening to someone far away, she felt her husband's cock swell and spasm over and over again, shooting hot splatters of bliss deep into her dirty ass.

She eventually came to realize that she was sitting in a huddle in the corner of the tiled room, her forehead resting against the hard wall. She was naked, except for her thigh high nylons, and her pumps. Her husband was standing over her, wearing the top of his tux, his dress shoes and socks, and even his underwear, still tucked beneath his sex as she'd left it. She took his offered hand, and he helped her up. Her legs trembled beneath her, and he helped her over to the toilet, where she could sit.

As she sat, facing the room this time, she could see some wet, brown smears in the corner where she'd been sitting. She was filthy. She looked down at herself, and she could see brown wetness all around her sex. She looked like one of those filthy sluts she'd seen in Kurt's s**t porn. She'd done it. She'd shown she could be just as nasty as they were. It was an exhilarating feeling, and it made her clit tingle, knowing that she'd give even this to him. His dick was filthy too. It wasn't smeared just a little brown. His semi-flaccid member was covered in shit.

"Oh... we can't go to the restaurant like this," she said. Kurt's eyes widened and he looked slightly panicked for a moment. He'd lost all sense of time and what tonight was supposed to mean. The thought made Angela smile slightly, that she'd hooked him so deeply into this perversion.

"We can't call it off. He'd never forgive us. Come here, and I'll suck you clean," she ordered her husband. He stepped over, and she bent forward once more to his shitty member. The taste was far worse this time, but she managed to gag down the shit she sucked off of him. She had no other choice... they'd not be in this mess if not for her, and she wasn't going to let down Kurt or his brother. This was supposed to be a special night, and she wasn't going to ruin it. So she sucked, and she swallowed.

When she finished, it occurred to her that she could have sucked and spit onto the floor, but then she considered that doing such probably would have taken too long.

"How's it look?"

"It'll have to do for now," Kurt said. He leaned over her, and licked her lips clean, then gave her a kiss. Then he kneeled between her legs, and started licked the mess clean from her shitty pussy. After he got her as clean as he could, he had her stand, and he repeated it on her ass. As he did, she said, "Oh... I have to shit again. I can't hold it."

"Okay... shit in my mouth..." Kurt said, and opened his mouth wide, bracing for her. She let loose a massive wet fart, and felt a heavy chunk get painfully propelled from he ass, right into his mouth.

Kurt gagged, and sputtered a bit, but then regained control. He spit a solid hunk of shit out of his mouth and into the sink.

"Eww..." he shuddered, "cum..."

Angela gaped at him for a moment. And then the absurdity hit her. He didn't mind eating her shit. But swallowing his cum was gross? She started laughing hard, and had to turn around to plop back down on the toilet. He joined her in laughing.

After a bit more cleaning up, licking and sucking, they got dressed. They probably both still smelled bad, but they were as good as they could get without going back home. Kurt called his brother, and let him know that they'd had "car problems" and were running late.

In the car, the filthy couple shared a lone water bottle, and when that was finished, sucked on some breath mints. They rode in silence for a long while, but eventually, Kurt said, "I think we should stop at a convenience store on the way. Buy some baby wipes. Clean up better before we get there... yeah, we'll still smell like baby wipes, but better than the alternative."

"Good idea," Angela said.

"We'll still be all nasty and dirty all night though, not being able to properly clean up."

"It can be our dirty little secret." Angela quipped with a grin.

"Oh... bad pun is bad."

"Yeah. Still... sounds kinky."

"We might just have to have sex again when we get home."

"We might," he said.

"And we can do it just as clean or dirty as you like," she said.

There was a pregnant pause, and then he asked, "Did you... set this up on purpose?"

She wanted to answer, but her voice froze in her throat. How to admit without him thinking that she was some sort of freaky pervert? She blushed furiously, and couldn't meet his gaze, looking out the window. She realized that they'd pulled up in front of a convenience store.

"I love you," he whispered, and kissed her on the cheek.

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(Note: This story features characters from "A Clean Start". You don't have to read that story first, but I recommended it.)"Hi, Max!" the familiar voice called out.As I walked out of the locker room, I looked and saw Pete's smiling face standing next to the weight rack. Pete was my best friend Tank's boyfriend or partner or whatever you want to call it."Hey, Pete," I replied back.Pete grinned back. I smiled and shook my head. Pete was just way too happy sometimes. He was a cute little fucker,...

4 years ago
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A Clean Start by robcub32 from Literotica

I needed a clean start, I decided.I was still young, only 25 years old. I was working a dead end programming job and my boyfriend of two years had just dumped me. A clean start was exactly what I needed.It was early January. Chris and I had just got back from seeing my Mom at Christmas and then spending the week up until New Year's on vacation in Orlando. Neither Chris nor I had been to Disney, so that's what we decided to do. I had a blast at Disney and Universal and I thought Chris did, too....

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Moving On by robcub31 from Literotica

"That's nice, Dale," I moaned as he sucked on my neck.My husband's right hand was between my legs. His wet finger pushed into my ass. My cell phone phone rang and it momentarily distracted me. I glanced at the screen. Damien."Shit," I muttered."Don't answer it," Dale growled.I ignored the phone and returned to making out with my husband. A minute later, the phone rang again.I let out an annoyed sigh. "I'd better answer it or he'll just keep calling back.""God damn it," Dale mumbled and rolled...

2 years ago
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Extreme Cuckold by jdubzphx161 on literotica

It was a day like any other. I was sitting in my office, masturbating to porn on my computer when I hear "What are you watching?" I turned around and saw my beautiful wife staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad, upset, or anything in between. She walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the computer monitor at what I was watching. "What's cuckold?" I was so afraid of what my wife would think of me. I knew she could Google it, so I just told her. "It's like when a wife fucks other...

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Bathroom Incursion Literotica

My sister Kara just turned 18 years old. My name is Josh and I'm 10 months older than Kara. We have a very playful relationship. We aren't particularly close, but we do mess around with each other a lot and play the occasional prank and so on.It was early December when our relationship became something a little more. We had both just finished high school and were currently on holidays as I was in the process of looking for a job while she was waiting to hear back from colleges. She had always...

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The WifeSpencerAlanMacLeodLiterotica

NOT MY STORYChapter One -- The Morning After My wife had caught me jerking off and ended up dominating me the night before. After a wild time we had finally gone to bed rather awkwardly and in near complete silence. Now it was the next morning. I had gotten up early and exercised, as was my usual routine. After my breakfast and shower, I dressed and went into the computer room, booted up the machine and began to prepare for my day. I tried not to let the glorious events of the previous night...

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Cassi and I

It was a Thursday night and still being single and a bit lonely, not getting as much sex as I was use to having a girlfriend, I decided to message Cassi to see if she would be keen to meet up for the day. She was indeed keep and as we chatted she said she would meet by my house just after 9 tomorrow morning. She seemed rather excited and we continued messaging each other for a while before saying goodnight. I almost immediately fell asleep after my last message to Cassi. Waking up Friday...

3 years ago
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Station Six 2 Nobody Ever Had So Many Girlfriends

Station Six 2: Nobody Ever Had So Many Girlfriends! By Ron Dow75 {Prolog: With the technology to tap into the unlimited energy of space-time particles comes the danger of blowing up existence. An alliance of alien phylums devised a way to monitor this power and, if necessary, shunt the destruction out of our universe using black holes. Now the danger comes from a few living machines with unlimited power and the capability of doing anything that their engineered black holes...

2 years ago
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Cassy Gives Herself

Before being married, I was living in a house with two artist students. My then girlfriend lived in her own house share. Ours was a very large house with spare rooms we’d use for studio space, open areas for communal get togethers and all in all we were a happy group of three young guys, committing to our creative lives and generally having a good time. We decided after some time that one of the smaller, unused rooms may as well be used for another flatmate to reduce our expenditure. The word...

2 years ago
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Kassandra and Kalliste

"You're Kalliste's friend aren't you?" Caroline asked Kit Cameron. It was Tuesday night at the Northwestern University Women's Co-op and people were busy everywhere. "Do you know any stories?" Kit was taking her turn at the loom and glanced at Kalliste Periakes over her glasses. Kit was like Kalliste, a woman of indeterminate age with dark hair and a slight olive cast to her skin. Her thin face showed a few lines, and at times her dark eyes seemed deep and unfathomable. "We've known...

1 year ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 9 Gamma Station

The first few hours were tense as we accelerated quickly. We received updates on the Duke and Michelle’s family. We were two days out and I had just gotten to sleep when Michelle had Silvia wake me up. I walked out of my cabin blinking and Brit handed me a cup of her coffee. I looked at the coffee and Silvia laughed. I took a sip as I walked toward my seat, “What do you have Kitten?” She gestured to Peaches, “A Major Alterson wants to speak with you?” I looked at Peaches before taking my...

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Cassius and Morrigan Chapter 1

This wasn’t the first time she had been a prisoner in a dungeon, this time was considerably better though. At least this time there weren’t a dozen inmate men close enough to have a turn at her fully exposed fully restrained body. That stay in the sheik’s prison was the most brutal experience of her life. He was a cruel vengeful man. Morrigan had run hard and long before he finally caught her and she managed to take down the majority of the bounty hunters he commissioned to find her. The...

3 years ago
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Kassidy 2

For the next few weeks after our encounter during the afternoon pool break, I hoped that I could get Kassidy at my house again some time, alone. I was dying to try a few more things, if she was willing. Unfortunately, there were competitions and trips and parties and family vacations, something constantly either keeping us apart, or in a place too busy to try anything. The biggest of those things being, her boyfriend. Damned if he didn’t want to actually spend time with her. How selfish of...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 2 Belle Station

Roy had learned that the ship he was on was a Saresii Courier and officially operated under the charter of the Science Council. It was a Henjiitah Class cruiser and 600 meters long. It had the outer appearance of an elongated bulbous plant leaf and reminded him of the thick water filled fleshy leaves of the Glow bush. The ship was not green however but had an iridescent color of pearly pale orange. The ship was called the Gayimeera and since it was not a Union Fleet unit it did not carry the...

3 years ago
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Employed for their pleasure Pt 1 The trip from home to the space station

Introduction: Young Dora is hired to pleasure the crew of a space station and gets some training on the way. Employed for their pleasure. Pt 1 The trip from home to the space station. The supply ship was docked at the main space port and shuttles were taking things up to it and loading supplies to take to various planets and space stations throughout a five light year radius from us. The master of the ship was out purchasing the things that he had orders for. Master is the name now most often...

2 years ago
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Now most of these girls were amazingly beautiful. I had known some of them since we were all maybe seven or eight years old so we were all pretty close and very friendly. But now, the summer before we started high school, I was noticing them more and more. They started getting curves in ALL the right places. Hot sexy asses, beautiful firm breasts, and of course they are all athletes so they all had hot abs and tight tummies. I’d watch them more and more in the gym, wearing their tight...

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Kassidy This takes place during the summer after Julie and I experienced our first time together. Although I was same age as Julie and a lot of our friends, I was only going to be a freshman, whereas they were all going to be sophomores. My parents had me start school a year later so that I would not end up in classes with my older brother who had been held back a grade. Pool time Since I was very young, I was involved in gymnastics. I spent many hours in the gym every week working out. Most...

3 years ago
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Employed for their pleasure Pt 1 The trip from home to the space station

The trip from home to the space station. The supply ship was docked at the main space port and shuttles were taking things up to it and loading supplies to take to various planets and space stations throughout a five light year radius from us. The master of the ship was out purchasing the things that he had orders for. Master is the name now most often used for the ship’s captain. Three or four good trips would pay for his ship and then he would be making huge profits for his crew and...

1 year ago
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Better Alive Than DeadChapter 3 Omicron Station

The journey to the Rumalien-system took almost 4 weeks. The journey would have been longer, had Jack not finally decided to shell out credits to use the Hyperlane Relays, that were significantly faster than regular warp travel. Using these ultra-speed gateways could be risky when flying a stolen spacecraft, especially if they were guarded by Federation vessels. But Amagi’s official designation had been deleted years ago. The ship was now registered as having been sold to a private...

3 years ago
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Massi Ke Badi Bahu Ki Chudai

Massi ki badi bahu   Sorry dosto badi late aya apni real and new story lekar. Wase to aapko pata hai mein Ravi hu aur mein Delhi mein bachpan se reh raha hoo. Jab se muje sex kee knowledge hoi tab se mein bus sex ke bare mein sochta rehta hoo. Khas taur per mujse shaadi shuda ladies jada pasand hai and moti ladies bhi.   Ye story meri aur meer massi ke badi bahu ke bich ke hai. Meri massi ke badi bahu ka naam rajni hai aur unki umar 43 ke as pass hai lekin wo dikhen mein lagtee nai hai. Aur...

4 years ago
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STATION SIX 01 A Really Bad Day

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. STATION SIX 01) A Really Bad Day: How Could Things Get Any Worse!? By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "HELP!! Somebody! Anybody! Help Meee!!!" a skinny young man in a uniform shirt ran at his top speed down a back alley, his arms and legs flailing the air. "Hey, pizza boy! You forgot your...

3 years ago
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Gas Station Whore

I just got done with my job. I was working late and lost track of time. I was traveling from one side of town to the other, to get home. It was just after midnight and it was starting to rain. There was a gas station at the next exit that had cheap gas and great tacos. It was kind off the beaten path and was more or less a dive. I got lost one night and stumbled upon the place. I put my turn signal on my black SUV and slowed down. It was a good five minute drive off the interstate. The rain...

1 year ago
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Gas Station Whore

I just got done with my job. I was working late and lost track of time. I was traveling from one side of town to the other, to get home. It was just after midnight and it was starting to rain. There was a gas station at the next exit that had cheap gas and great tacos. It was kind off the beaten path and was more or less a dive. I got lost one night and stumbled upon the place. I put my turn signal on my black SUV and slowed down.It was a good five minute drive off the interstate. The...

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Massi Ki Chut Badi Mazboot With Sexy Legs

Hi guys, this Rahul from Mumbai I am 24 years old presently working with a MNC, I am normal guy with chocolate boy looks..Any aunties,girls or women interested to have private sex can feel to mail me on mail id I am going to narrate a incident happened to me last year. Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in our family my mom my dad and me it was around December my mom and dad had to go to hometown urgently because my dads brother who lived in hometown...

4 years ago
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Train station affair

The Train Station After innumerable texts back and forth, arrangements were made for the want to be lovers to finally meet and give into their lustful and sensual desires. When her mother asked where she was going the answer, as planned was to a friends’ for a school project, which of course wasn’t true. He told her to meet him at the train station. She arrived in the afternoon as planned with a backpack over her shoulder. Within it not a single book. Being careful to get to the station...

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Space Station Wayfar Ch 01

Copyright Otto26, 2007 * Spaceships, Francesca knew, should hum. The fusion reactor at the heart of the ship should transfer its warmth to the reaction mass and spew it out. The process should make even the best ship tremble like a living thing when it was under way. This ship, however, seemed to… moan. It was perhaps the least obvious of the differences, but it seemed to be the most significant. Perhaps that was because it was the only difference she could really appreciate. The darkness of...

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Kassidy 20

For the next three weeks I hoped Kassidy and I could get together, without all the spectators. That just wasn’t working out. There were competitions and parties and trips and just constantly something in the way. We did see each other at parties and at the gym but we never had time we could be alone. Every time we spoke the conversations were so sexually loaded it felt like we were having sex in front of everyone. That, combined with the constant image in my head of her kneeling down and...

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Breeding Station

By Homealone_447 Valerie was the rookie of the exploration team. They left her behind to take care of the mothership while the rest of her crew landed on the planet to explore an abandoned space station. The large old structure was not registered in any of the federation charts and it wasn’t sending any identification signal as was mandatory for every civilized construction. The team had been gone for three days and Valerie was bored out of her mind. She just walked around in her underwear...

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The Radio Station

The Radio Station Disclaimer: This is a work of adult erotic fiction. If you are under 18, or are easily offended by fetish erotica, then read no further. Contents: I am a big fan of knowing what is in something before I commit to reading it. So if you would like to know, this story includes the following: First of all, this is a transformation/fuck fest, not a character study. Back story, motivations, setting, etc are all just plot devices to get from one sexual encounter to...

1 year ago
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Gas Station

About a month ago my best friend Julie had talked me into sneaking out to a party. Later I learned it was an adult party with a reputation for being really wild. Even though Julie and I are only 15 years old and sophomores in high school, we have an adventurous streak. Everybody at the party assumed Julie and I were in our 20's and we were dressed to look older. Actually we were dressed to look as sexy and hot as possible. As it turned out I had sex for the first time at the party, with the...

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The Station Shelter

I glanced to my side at her as we walked up the deserted street. The wind gusted catching her blonde hair and her face was momentarily revealed in full. God, she looked hot. And without even trying particularly hard to be either.I found it a unique talent of hers, the way she could turn me on simply by wearing normal everyday outfits. To be fair, these weren't exactly her every day clothes seeing as she'd been dressed up for a Christening service and party but skirt, blouse, jacket and boots?...

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CMB Jasons Victims 2 The Police Station

I was back in the church, the blind vicar was seated in the pew. "Welcome back, there is a need for you now." he said. I frowned, "Why do you need me, couldn't you do anything?" I asked him. The priest smiled, "No my son, I am unable to affect them anymore, all I can do is advise you and teach you, but now the need for action is urgent." He said and then continued. "There is a police station that has been under the influence of your recent adversary, they will require a change of...

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Heinlein Station

Marguerite Staunton had her face buried in her wife's sweet pussy while her sex slave, boy toy toiled mightily at pumping his prick into her heated pussy from behind. A tongue, most probably belonging to Marguerite's junior wife, was lapping at her clitoris. In all the mad orgy that took place at least once a week in Marguerite's bed was distracting her wonderfully from the day to day grind that a far listening post constituted. When she'd been picked up on earth six months previously, all...

4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 43 They explore the Maliri space station and uncover secrets

“I don’t recall seeing Irillith around here before.” John mused, addressing Ceraden, who sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers on the glossy surface with irritation. “No, thank heavens. She’s a ‘guest’, and I only have to put up with her for another week, then it’ll be glorious peace and quiet once again,” Ceraden replied wistfully. Ceraden looked over the desk, and tsked with annoyance at the mess the shattered device had made on the floor. A few second later a pair of cleaning robots...

3 years ago
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Fire Station Fuck

I joined a rural volunteer fire station in NW Arkansas about a year and a half ago. I’m one of the only women on the department. My main goals were to help my community, stay fit, learn something new, and to also do what most of the men on the department did; get away from the spouse and kids for a while. Last month Jake, a new member, joined our small volunteer department. He was a career firefighter in the next town over and had been with his department for three years. He brought a lot of...

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Surviving Space Station Sigma

Space Station Sigma was one of three science outposts on the edge of space. The year is 3012 and mankind has stretched far across the stars - without encountering any other intelligent races. Bacteria and single cell organisms have been found, the promise of intelligent life is still discuses, but until 32 minutes ago mankind was not sure if it alone. The edge of space is the edge of human controlled space. Space Station Sigma, in orbit around the dark red planet #45-Sigma, is run by the Atlas...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 58 Playing The Fire Station Game

I got that warm and Wet Feeling, just like Wednesday morning at Vikki's house. I looked down to see that the covering was off the bed and that this time Vikki's mouth and not her mother's was performing above and beyond as she repeatedly took the whole length of my cock in her mouth and throat. I laughed. "God a man could get used to waking up like this." She took her mouth off my cock, looked back and grinned as she squatted either side of me until her pussy was close enough to my...

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Mosley StationChapter 5

Fortunately, Sheriff Thaddeus was able to convince the council to include us in that night’s meeting, we were allowed 10 minutes. When we came into the council chambers there was the usual political usual back slapping and veiled insults. the meeting was soon called to order “Good evening ladies and Gentlemen.” The chairman started out, “Sheriff Thaddeus has asked the council to consider hiring Captain Ernst Sheridan as a military consultant. I see no need for a military consultant. But to...

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The Train Station

She was wearing a pin stripe business suit, oval glasses and her hair in a bun. Long high heels that made the line of her leg stand out. Her heels clicked against the floor of the train station as she checked her watch. Our eyes locked for a split second. She was a stunning woman; almost 6 feet tall. Out of my league, as they say. I grabbed my newspaper, sighed to myself as I pretended to chat on my cellphone. I was boarding a 2 hour train ride on business to New York City in about an hour. My...

2 years ago
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Donnie get a job at the greyhound bus station 5

Chapter 5As it turned out we had no class just assembly, where teachers and the principal gave us a talking too, then dismissed the school, with the admonition to make sure all textbooks were left with the teachers. So, ended the last 2 weeks of school. I passed with flying colors. There will be much more with my teacher, neighbor upstairs and the older woman down the street. The next part will be dealing with my job hunting and finding. The gloryhole in the bust station is the same gloryhole...

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Mosley StationChapter 12

“Tonight, a special report on FN court TV, the long-awaited trial of Colonel Hezekiah Montgomery, also known as the butcher of Windemere crater. The Admirals Court is being held in the FN chambers on Phobos.” “At issue are the actions of Colonel Montgomery and his pirate gang, Colonel Montgomery, known as Captain Ernest Sheridan, is accused of taking over the famous asteroid belt outpost of Mosley Station. Then when relief efforts organized by Senator Johnson of the Federated Nations Grand...

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Space Station Omega

Pain. You feel a shock. Your heart beats. You cough, your lungs trying to evacuate the fluid within. You cough again and take a shallow breath. You try to open your eyes but the dim light is blinding. You feel damp and slimy. The bottom of the tube you are in opens and you fall about three feet into a chair. You attempt to open your eyes again. The world is blurry. There are six other people in the room. A hologram appears in the center of the room. This is your official debriefing. The seven...

4 years ago
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The new radio Station

The new Radio Station The new Radio Station First Week Alter months of advertising; today the new radio station was starting their activities. ?A total new way of broadcasting? they said.? And Little Castle was the first city they were allowed to broadcast. ?G? Morning Aaron, G? Morning Hilary? Cameron Thompson greeted her subordinates getting a formal ?Good Morning Ms. Thompson? before entering her private office. She didn?t notice the new radio station was working until she sat...

1 year ago
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Gas Station at Two AM

John had driven the route almost bimonthly since the move to LA. And each time, he stopped in some city to gas up….for some reason Gilroy seemed to be that place. And each time it was late … John planned it that way so he could speed a bit faster then he could during the day. Too, at night it was usually cooler. But that one night it was muggy, hot and generally uncomfortable. He found a gas station open a few blocks off the free- way — he did that because he planned...

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Mosley StationChapter 8

Once it became obvious that there wasn’t any resistance to the invasion, Aga Khan decided that a personal inspection of his new prize was in order. Now he obviously avoided the grittier aspects of the station, the bilges and reclamation spaces being absent from the inspection. Areas such as fuel, water and air storage were his first stops. When he realized that the reports were true, that the cupboard was bare so to speak, He flew into a rage. demanding that greater effort and additional...

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Uncle Bobs Gas Station

by Lubrican Chapter 1 Lana Masters approached her brother's service station with some trepidation. This was her first job, in actuality. She'd married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he'd been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight. Lana and her brother had been close when...

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Uncle Bob8217s Gas Station

Lana Masters approached her brother’s service station with some trepidation. This was her first job, in actuality. She’d married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he’d been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight. Lana and her brother had been close when they were...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Gas Station

I stop at this gas station almost every morning. I know all the current employees and owner, as I have for the last five years I have come here. All have their own unique personalities and sexual appetites. I have my favorites, as I am sure they have their own personal favorite customers.It is owned by two brothers who couldn’t be more opposite. Seth, the older, more laid-back Arab brother, is in a very unhappy, boring arranged marriage. He is a gentle, caring lover. He likes sex on clean...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Space Station

You are Daphne Les, the former leader of the space station Control. You are young for the leadership position at 22 and are pretty small as well. You stand at a short 5'3 and weigh about 120 pounds. You carry the weight in your firm ass which you worked hard to get. Your breast are a natural C-cup. When you got space, you experimented with some mods that made you taller and curvier but you went back to your natural look. You have no visual signs of those but your body does do things faster than...

Mind Control
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Sex in the bus station toilets

Bob had told me about the bus station toilets that 'The Sucker' sometimes frequented, and it took only a little effort to prise out further details from him. This place wasn't exactly local, but it wasn't a million miles away either, in fact, only15 minutes by car. "Be careful though" said Bob, "there's an attendant that watches the place. If I see him around, I either don't go in or I walk straight out. There's usually quite a bit of trade to be had though, so it's definitely worth it".I...

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What Katie Did in the Parking Station by Katiett

You couldn’t call what happened between me and Mr Burgess an affair”, because we never really made love, not physically, but what did happen had a very profound effect on my sex life. Exactly how it affected him I would never know.You may have already read about my inclinations towards exhibitionism, and how I would partly satisfy that urge with role-play with my old friend and lover Alex. (Look for “How I started being an exhibitionist”.) Mr Burgess flickered briefly but brightly into my...

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Mom Chudi Station Pe

Hey guys. Ye meri first story hai. Just a fantasy story for you guys and horny girls out there. Uss samay main 20 saal ka tha. College final year mein tha. Summer vacations ka time tha. Mere cousin ki shadi thi. Shadi thi Patna mein aur hum rehte the Delhi mein. Hum se mere matlab tha main Rohan 20 ka, mere dad 56 ke aur meri mom Lata 48 ki. Dad ka business tha furniture ka. Woh bade busy rehte thi. Mom homemaker thi. Mom ko tip-top rehna bada pasand tha. Din mein 3 baar dress badalti...

2 years ago
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Kiss Per Kilometer From Railway Station To Orgasm

HI My name is Megha. I am from Kolkata but I had to come to Delhi for Job. I am 28 years old and work as a manager in a call center in Delhi. Two years back when I got the job in delhi I was super excited. I will finally get to live on my own. My friend had already arranged a PG accommodation for me. I am an extremely horny and beautiful girl. My boobs are the best part of my body and I am very proud of them. But some people say that the best asset of my body is my ass. The day I landed in...

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