A Clean Start By Robcub32 From Literotica free porn video

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I needed a clean start, I decided.

I was still young, only 25 years old. I was working a dead end programming job and my boyfriend of two years had just dumped me. A clean start was exactly what I needed.

It was early January. Chris and I had just got back from seeing my Mom at Christmas and then spending the week up until New Year's on vacation in Orlando. Neither Chris nor I had been to Disney, so that's what we decided to do. I had a blast at Disney and Universal and I thought Chris did, too. I was blissfully happy in my own little world, completely unaware that Chris did not feel the same.

"Pete, we need to talk," he had said.

"It's not you, it's me," he said as he proceeded to tell me that he was bored. He needed excitement. He insisted that there wasn't anyone else, but I knew him well enough to know that he wasn't being totally truthful.

I was devastated. I sobbed. I begged. None of it made a difference. Chris packed up and left. After he left, I had a very tough week.

I had met Chris online and moved to Ann Arbor to be with him. I was extremely shy and quiet, but we hit it off right away. I didn't have any other friends here. Why should I try to meet new people? Chris was the only friend I'd ever need. And now he was gone.

I was very inexperienced as far as dating and sex. I had only been with one person before Chris. It was the summer after my first year in college; I went to a party with my older brother Paul. One of his high school football buddies took me under his wing after Paul ditched me to go off with a girl. After drinking my first ever beer, I was feeling pretty happy. I walked out back with Jack and we headed out into the woods. I followed him like a puppy. When we were out of sight of the house, he stopped and leaned back against a tree.

"Are you a fag?" Jack asked. "Paul thinks you are."

"Uh, n-n-no. I like girls," I lied.

Jack groped his crotch. "So, you don't want this then?"

I couldn't help it. I knew I should run or tell him 'no', but I didn't. I just stared as Jack kneaded the growing bulge in his crotch.

"Yeah," he smirked. "I thought so."

Jack put his meaty hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto my knees. He pulled down his basketball shorts and boxers enough so that his semi-erect dick flopped out in front of my face. The back of his hand pulled me towards it.

"Suck it," he commanded. And I did. It was my first time with another person. I took Jack's fat 6" dick and made him come with my mouth and hand and I swallowed just like he told me to.

I didn't have the courage to do it again until Chris. Chris was my first real date and then my first relationship. I was so attracted to Chris and fell in love with him right away. He was everything I liked in a guy... and everything that I wasn't.

Chris was 3 years older than me. He was over 6' tall, muscular, tan, with black hair and big brown eyes, a smattering of hair on his chest that trailed down to his pubes. Chris had a very manly, masculine face.

I was only 5'6", skinny, with smooth pale skin, red hair and green eyes. I was completely hairless except for the tufts of red hair under my arms and just above my penis. I still had a boyish face. I started wearing contact lenses in college so that I didn't have to deal with glasses. Most people described me as cute, which wasn't something I was crazy about. I wanted to be handsome, not cute.

So I was now alone. My job sucked. When my best friend Trevor called for our weekly phone call, I told him everything that happened. He said since I didn't have any ties in Ann Arbor, why not move? Trevor and Annie were my best friends in college. After graduating, they moved to Atlanta where Trevor got a job. He and Annie got married soon after. They both loved it there. The weather was great, there was lots of stuff to do, lots of jobs, lots of guys. It didn't take much to sell me.

A clean start. I put in my notice and hired a couple of guys to help me load a uhaul truck and within a month, I was moving to Atlanta. Trevor and Annie had a house outside of Atlanta, in Snellville. I put most of my things into a storage facility and moved into a spare room in Trevor and Annie's house.

When I got there, they told me they just found out Annie was pregnant. They told me that I could stay as long as I needed to. The spare room was going to be the nursery, but they'd work something out for me. I knew I had to find a place right away. They were going to be busy with the baby and they didn't need to worry about me.


I started to look for an apartment and a job right away. I went on several interviews and was called back for second with a company in Duluth. I was offered the job. The salary was $15,000 more than I made at my last job and the benefits were so much better. I couldn't believe my luck. I had two weeks before I started. I took that time to find an apartment. I found something nice and in my budget in Duluth, not terribly far from work.

My one bedroom apartment was on the terrace level, which was ground level from the back of the building, but one flight down from the front. There was only one other apartment on my level, across the hall from me.

I met my neighbor a couple of days after I moved in. I walked out of my apartment to do some grocery shopping. I opened the door and saw him standing at his door unlocking it. He wearing dark blue hospital scrubs. His dark blue pants were snug and he had a nice muscular bubble butt. His broad back and big arms stretched the fabric of his short sleeved shirt. He had a bald head. He turned around when he heard my door shut.

He froze for a second, staring into my eyes before breaking out in a wide smile.

"Hey, neighbor," he said. He had a deep voice with a southern Georgia accent.


He looked me up and down. "Toby Marks," he said, holding out his hand. I shook it.

"Pete McAlister."

Toby was breathtakingly handsome. He had bright blue eyes and a dark blond moustache and goatee. His head was completely shaved, smooth and shiny. What I could see of his left arm was covered in a tribal tattoo design from his wrist all the way up. I could see the top spires of the tattoo peeking up from his shirt collar onto his neck. He looked to be in his mid to late 20's, around my age. He was tall, at least 6'3" and 240 pounds of muscle. He was unbelievably sexy in his scrubs.

"Good to meet you, Petey," he said. "If there's anything you need, you know where to find me." He clapped my shoulder and walked into his apartment.

I let out a deep breath and continued on my way. There was a huge red Ford pickup truck parked next to my Jeep. It must be Toby's. A big manly truck for a big manly guy. Nice.


I started my new job that next Monday. My boss was Andrea Ballard, the director of app development. She set me up with a cubicle and got me the documentation to log into my computer, email, voice mail. She then got me started in an online training course they developed for the web app that I would be working on. I had a meeting at 10:00 to go over business requirements for the upcoming release of the app.

Andrea and I went to the conference room just before 10:00. A big, stocky guy was already sitting in the conference room with a laptop and several stacks of paper. He was definitely what you'd call a bear. He had black hair that was dusted with premature gray. He had a thick but closely shaved beard that was also dusted with gray hairs. When we walked into the room, I could see how handsome he was when he looked up and smiled. He had dark eyes, almost black in color. I noticed he had a gold wedding band on his left ring finger.

His name was Mike Sheppard and he was the director of the business analysts group. I would be working directly with him on this project since all of the business analysts were busy on other projects. Mike took charge immediately and went over the business requirements and changes needed for the upcoming release for next two hours.

Andrea had excused herself after receiving a phone call halfway through the meeting. Mike and I carried on without her. I asked questions when appropriate and took notes. It was hard to concentrate because Mike made me really nervous. When we talked, he stared directly into my eyes and it was very unnerving. He made a point to call me 'Peter' even after I mentioned that he could call me 'Pete'.

When the meeting was over at noon, Mike called Andrea to meet us, but she was needed to oversee a problem with one of the other systems, so Mike took me to lunch to celebrate my first day. We went to a Thai restaurant and we both had pad Thai. I relaxed a little bit around him as we chatted during lunch. He was 32 years old, had a wife and two young k**s, a boy and girl.

On the way back from the restaurant, we climbed into his Cadillac Escalade SUV. He put his right hand on the head rest of my seat as he drove. Twice during the drive, I could have sworn he touched my hair with his fingers.

Once I got back to the office, I opened up the project in Visual Studio and started learning the system and figuring out how it all fit together and what I'd need to do to make the updates we had discussed.

Over the next week, I made good progress and Andrea and Mike both told me more than once that I was doing a great job. When Mike asked me if I'd work on Saturday to help get caught up a little bit, I didn't hesitate. I wanted to impress them. Mike told me to be there at 9:00 on Saturday and to dress casually.


I showed up just before 9:00 dressed in jeans and a Polo shirt. I swiped my ID badge to enter the building. I noticed that Mike's office door was closed, so I walked right to my cubicle and got to work. It was very quiet since I was the only one there and it made it really easy to concentrate on what I was doing.


I jumped at his voice. Mike walked into my cube and leaned against the desk. He was wearing a UGA sweatshirt, snug blue jeans and an old pair of work boots.

"Oh, hi, Mike."

Mike leaned over my chair and looked at my screen. He was so close, I could feel the warmth of his body. And God, he smelled good. He patted my back and let his hand linger as he told me he'd let me get back to work. When he left, I reached down to my crotch and adjusted my stiff dick.

Mike returned a few hours later at lunch time. He walked into my cubicle and stood behind me and began massaging my shoulders. I instantly tensed up at his touch, but then it felt so good, I leaned back and closed my eyes.

"Peter, I'm ordering lunch," he said quietly. "Are subs okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," I quietly replied, practically moaning from his touch.

He continued massaging me a few minutes longer, then bent down and said quietly, "What do you want?"

"Oh... Turkey on wheat, please."

Mike gave my shoulders one last squeeze and then patted my shoulders and left. We ate lunch together in the conference room. He asked me a lot of questions about my personal life and my family.

After lunch, I did a deployment to the test server for Mike to start testing the changes I'd completed so far. A couple hours later, Mike came back to my desk and said to call it a day. As we walked out, he put his arm around me and told me how great I was doing. As he removed his hand, he 'accidentally' brushed it against my butt and said "See you Monday, Peter."

Mike was so obviously hitting on me. I may be inexperienced, but I wasn't that naive. He was married. Why was he hitting on me? It made me uncomfortable, but if I was honest with myself, I didn't do anything to let him know his advances were unwelcome. I was so lonely... and maybe just a little bit horny.


Sunday night, I ran into Toby outside our apartments as I was heading out to grab something for dinner. He looked like he was coming back from the gym. When Chris and I dated, I started going to the gym with him. I only did the treadmill for 45 minutes while he did strength, but it kept me in shape.

"Just get done working out?" I asked him the obvious question.

"Yeah. I go to a small gym about 5 miles up the road. You work out any?"

"Before I moved down here, I used to use the treadmill three days a week while my-- a friend of mine worked out."

"It's a good deal there. Be careful if you join. There's a couple guys who think it's a pickup joint. It's usually pretty empty this time of the night, right before they close."

"Okay, thanks."

"Catch ya later, Petey."

He called me 'Petey' again. I just hate that. I opened my mouth to say something, but shrugged it off.

I joined the gym the next evening after work. I was in the locker room changing into my shorts when I saw Toby come out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was amazing. His chest muscles were big and his stomach was flat and hard. He had dark blond hair covering his upper chest, making a trail down to his stomach. The hair flared out around his belly and then disappeared in a trail beneath the towel. He had a large ornate cross tattoo on his right arm. It was very artistic and beautiful and strongly contrasted against the tribal tattoo that covered his left arm from his wrist onto his shoulder and neck.

"Hey, Petey," he said with a grin.

"Hi, Toby," I blushed and then looked away. Toby opened a locker a few down from me and pulled his towel off. I hurried and pulled my t-shirt on and when he wasn't looking, I quickly glanced at his body. It was perfect. His penis was uncut and hung about 5 inches soft and fat over a large set of balls. I felt myself starting to harden and I hurried out of the locker room and got on one of the treadmills.

"Hey, you ran off." Toby walked up and stood on the empty treadmill next to me. "You only do the treadmill?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"If you want to add strength training, I can help you with that. Do maybe 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength and it'll help give you some definition up top. You've got a nice, trim body. I don't want to bulk you up like me or anything, but a little muscle wouldn't hurt you, though."

"Um... well... maybe..."

"Think about it. I'll see ya 'round, Petey."

Toby smacked my butt as he walked past and I nearly tripped over my feet. I blushed and I had to close my eyes and concentrate on not getting a hard on.


On Wednesday, Mike asked me to work on Saturday again, and I agreed.

Mike arrived around 9:30 and pulled up a chair in my cube. I turned around in my chair and we talked for a little while. We were in close proximity to each other and Mike bumped me a couple of times with his leg.

Mike ordered Chinese food for lunch and I went simple and just got chicken fried rice. After lunch, I went back to my desk. I hadn't been working long before Mike called me and asked me to come to his office. As I walked in, he shut the door behind me.

Mike put his arm around my shoulders. "Peter, you're doing a really great job and I really appreciate it. It's nice to get someone in there that can get up and running so quickly. I'm pleasantly surprised to find how fast you work, and with such great quality."

"Thanks, Mike. That really means a lot to me."

I was so nervous my heart was beating a mile a minute. Mike's arm around me and his close proximity to me had me hard in my jeans. I moved my hands in front of my crotch to try to hide it.

"You're trembling, Peter," he said quietly. "You don't have any reason to be afraid of me."

I looked up at him and he bent down and lightly pressed his lips against mine. He moved around in front of me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me again, this time harder and more sensual, open mouthed. I trembled as I lifted my arms and lightly gripped his arms. When I felt his tongue lightly run across my bottom lip and then enter my mouth, I whimpered a little bit. Mike was a terrific kisser, even better than Chris. When he broke the kiss, I was panting.

"Why don't we call it a day?" he husked. "Go grab a beer?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"Or why don't I grab a six pack and then we can head back to your place? We could talk where it's quiet... get to know each other better."

I nodded again and gave Mike directions to my apartment and he said he'd meet me there. As I drove home, I realized I was making a huge mistake. I knew very well what he wanted to do at my house, and it was more than talking. He was married and it was wrong, but I found myself unable to say no.

When I got home, I picked up a little bit and turned on the TV and sat down on the couch. Mike knocked on the door about 15 minutes later and I took a deep breath and let him in. He walked in with a grocery bag and pulled out a six pack of beer. He twisted the tops off two of the bottles and handed them to me. He put the rest of the six pack in the fridge. Mike took a healthy swig of his beer as I sipped mine and I gave him a tour of the small apartment.

We returned to the living room and sat on the couch. He picked up the remote and turned it to a football game on ESPN. He finished his beer pretty quick and asked if I'd get him another. When I brought back the beer, he unscrewed the top and guzzled about a quarter of it, then pulled me down so that I was sitting right next to him. He set the beer on the coffee table and put his arm around me and pulled me to him.

When his hand moved to the back of my neck and he kissed me, I didn't resist. When he started kissing my neck, I knew that I was his. The feeling of his beard and moustache as he kissed and sucked on my neck was unlike anything I ever felt before. My ex Chris was always clean shaven, but he never shaved every day, so he always had stubble. I always enjoyed the feeling of his beard stubble on my face and neck, but this was different. It was like the nerve endings in my skin were wired directly to my dick and the hair on his face triggered all of those nerve endings simultaneously. I was leaking into my underwear and I'm sure there was already a wet spot on the front of my jeans.

Mike pushed me back onto the couch and moved on top of me, straddling my legs and we kissed and made out. He was slowly grinding his hard crotch into me. I was so turned on, it felt like I was close to coming in my pants. Mike stood up and pulled me to my feet. He grabbed the grocery bag off the coffee table and led me by the hand into my bedroom.

He tossed the bag onto the bed, then took my shirt off. He ran his hand down my pale skin. He lightly tweaked my little pink nipples and my knees buckled. He bent down and kissed me hard as he unbuckled my belt and pushed down my jeans and briefs. My erect penis snapped up against my belly. It was 6" long and hard as it could be. It was a little thinner than average and circumcised. The head was moist and red. Mike rubbed the tuft of red hair at the base of my dick, then wrapped his meaty fist around it and stroked it a few times as my body shuddered under his touch.

"Peter, you're as beautiful as I knew you'd be."

"Thank you," I said shyly.

I pulled Mike's shirt off. His beefy chest and stomach were covered in black hair, thickest on his pecs and in between. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. I pushed them down to his ankles. I ran my hand over the bulge in his boxer briefs. I pushed them down to his ankles. Mike was so sexy. He was big and stocky, but not fat. His dick was circumcised and hard as steel, angled 45 degrees away from his stomach. It was slightly longer than mine at 6 and a quarter inches, but twice as thick. He was a little bit bigger than Chris, so I thought I should be able to handle him okay.

He stepped out of them and pulled me down to the bed. He climbed on top of me and straddled my leg. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard. I reached around his back and gripped his shoulders tightly. Mike sucked hard on the base of my neck and I moaned his name. He tightened his grip around me and rolled over so that I was on top of him. He grabbed my head and kissed me hard. He ran his hands down to my butt and gently squeezed and kneaded the cheeks. I whimpered when he ran one of his fingers into my crack and brushed against my tight pink hole. He ran his hands up to my shoulders and applied pressure, pushing me down his body.

"I need your mouth, Peter," he whispered.

I lowered myself down between his legs and I knelt there as I grabbed hold of the base of his hard dick. I looked up at Mike's face as I gently pulled it towards my mouth. He was watching me, his eyes filled with lust. I reached my tongue out and licked the head, tasting the pre-come that had gathered. Mike moaned loudly and his right hand moved to the back of my head.

"Suck it," he whispered as his hand pushed my head down. The head slipped into my mouth and I clamped my lips around it. I swirled my tongue around as I slowly took more of his shaft into my mouth. I gently sucked as I slowly bobbed my head up and down his shaft. I used my right hand and twisted it around as I slid it up and down the shaft in rhythm with my mouth.

Mike groaned loudly. "Oh, fuck, yeah, suck my cock... faster... yeah, just like that..."

I moaned around his dick and began bobbing faster and sucking harder. I used my left hand to gently stroke his balls. I knew he was getting close by his breathing and the way his hips were pushing up trying to pump deeper into my mouth. Mike's other hand moved to my head and he gripped my head tightly and held it still. He shouted "Fuck!" and I felt his dick pulse and the first jet of come blasted onto the roof of my mouth. My mouth quickly filled with warm semen and I instinctively swallowed. He must have pulsed at least six or seven times in my mouth. I swallowed again before I let him slip from my mouth.

I moved and laid on my side on the right side of his body. He wrapped his right arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. I gently stroked the hair on his chest.

"Jesus, Peter, no one has ever sucked my cock so good. You were amazing."

"Thanks," I said quietly.

We laid together quietly for a while. My dick was still hard and throbbing. I wanted Mike to touch it or suck it so bad, but for some reason I was afraid to ask him. I nuzzled my nose and lips into his neck and I pressed my dick into his side hoping he'd get the hint. He rolled me over onto my back and climbed on top of me, pushing my legs apart with his beefy thighs. He kissed me passionately and moved down my neck to my nipples, which he sucked and licked each in turn. I moaned and pushed my hips up wanting him to go down further. He kissed between my pecs, then my belly button. He pushed back so that he was kneeling back on his haunches between my legs. He dumped a tube of KY lube and a box of condoms out of the grocery bag and tossed it onto the floor.

I wasn't sure if I was ready to go all the way yet. I had only done it with my boyfriend and that was after we had dated for four months.

"Mike... I don't know if--"

"Shh," he said and he covered my mouth with his and kissed me. His tongue aggressively pursued my own and I played back. I felt the cold lube being smeared around my hole, I moaned into his mouth and tried to push him away. When his finger entered me, it gently thrust and twisted and quickly found my prostate. I whimpered and relaxed into the bed and let Mike finger me. He was sucking my nipples when a second finger pushed into me.

By the time Mike was unrolling the condom onto his hard cock, all my will power had left me. I let him push my knees forward and put my ankles on his shoulders. He groaned loudly as he entered me and it hurt so bad. I wasn't ready yet. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and bit my lower lip. "Mike... wait..."

"Give it a second... you'll get used to it... I'll make it feel really good..."

Mike stayed still for a moment, then grabbed my ankles and bent forward. My legs slid down and the back of my knees locked around his elbows, his hands planted on either side of me. He began slowly thrusting. I whimpered when he slid past my prostate. He took that as encouragement and began pushing in and out harder and faster.

He was grunting and moaning loudly and the bed was groaning and thumping rhythmically under us.

"Unh... fuck... Peter, you're so fucking tight."

Mike was fucking me hard and fast and I finally couldn't stand it anymore. I reached down and grabbed my dick and began jerking it in rhythm with Mike's thrusts. I got to the edge quickly. "I'm gonna come, Mike!" I panted.

The first shot hit Mike's chest and dripped down onto me. The remaining shots coated my chest and stomach. My contracting and throbbing hole were too much for Mike and he shouted out as he filled the condom with his seed. Mike pulled back and let my legs fall to the bed. He pulled the condom off and tied the end. He grabbed a tissue from my nightstand and wadded the condom up inside it.

He collapsed on the bed next to me and tried to catch his breath.

"I need to get going, Peter. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?"

I got up and wiped myself off with my t-shirt, slipped my briefs on and got a clean towel and washcloth for Mike and told him to help himself to the shower gel and shampoo.

I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water and sat the table and drank it. Mike came out a few minutes later fully dressed. He looked at his Blackberry.

"I gotta go, Peter."

I got up and walked Mike to the door. Mike leaned down and kissed me.

"I had a good time," he said. "I'll see you Monday morning."

"Okay. Bye, Mike."

I shut the door and bolted the lock. I heard Toby's southern accent outside the door.

"Hey, bub," he said.

"How's it going?" Mike replied.

I looked out the peephole and saw Toby disappear into his apartment.


I was worried that Monday would be uncomfortable when I got to work. The development and business analyst teams had a meeting with the VP of IT Monday morning to give an update on our projects. Mike sat down next to me and flashed me a smile. I looked around the room. I was sure that everyone was looking at me and knew that I had had sex with Mike.

When it was my project's turn, Mike gave the update. He said that the project was a month behind before I started and we were now only two weeks behind after my two weeks on the job. He predicted we'd be on track in two weeks. He also mentioned what a great job I was doing and how glad he was to have me. I blushed as everyone clapped and the double entendre did not escape me.

After work, I went to the gym and was changing into my shorts when Toby walked in. He grabbed a locker near me and I greeted him and when he started undressing, I hurried out and waited outside the locker room. I didn't want him to catch me checking him out. He seemed like he was straight and I didn't want to make him mad, or worse, bash my face in.

When he came out of the locker room he smiled when he saw me. He was wearing a tank top and running shorts.

"Ready, Petey?"

"Yeah," I nodded and I followed him to the weights. He said we were going to do a 'top down' circuit, 12 reps with 12 pound weights. He did the exercises with me, showing me what to do, but doing it with a lot heavier weights and more reps. We did back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, then what he called 'core': back lifts, crunches then squats. We then did it all again two more times. After that, he told me to do the treadmill for 20 minutes. I thought I was going to die by the time I got to the treadmill.

Right before the 20 minutes was up, Toby got on the treadmill next to me. "Push as fast as you can for a minute, then slow it down every minute for 5."

I grunted and pushed myself hard by the time the five minutes were up, my breathing was evening out. I hit stop and got off the treadmill and Toby clapped me on the back. I was hot and sweaty and my arms and shoulders were killing me.

"Good workout, Petey."

"Yeah, if you say so," I groaned, but with a smile.

A loud voice interrupted us. "Tank! Where the hell have you been?"

I looked up to see a guy walk up to Toby and shake his hand. His head was shaved extremely short, except for a short mohawk. He had a soul patch and a couple days of beard growth. He looked to be about 6'1" and maybe 170 pounds. He was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and basketball shorts. His arms and chest looked nicely defined. He had three Asian characters tattooed in a line down his right bicep. He had that douchebag jock look to him.

"Dude, I've been busy," Toby said. "I've been working extra shifts at the hospital."

"Who's this?" he asked nodding towards me.

"This is my new neighbor, Pete," Toby said. "Pete, this is Max."

I thought it funny that he introduced me as 'Pete' when he always called me 'Petey'.

"Hi, Max," I said.

Max shook my hand. "Nice ta meet ya, Pete. So, Tank, we gonna go out this weekend or what?"

"Tank?" I asked.

"That's me," Toby said. "A nickname."

"Oh. It fits."

"What, you call him 'Toby'?" Max asked. "Nobody calls him Toby, not even Kristy."

I shrugged.

"I'm off Saturday night," Toby told Max. "I'll call you."

I followed Toby to the locker room and I asked him about his nickname. He said everyone called him Tank except for his Mom. I asked if I should call him Tank instead of Toby and he shrugged and said, "If you want. I don't mind if you call me Toby."

I quickly undressed and showered. I made sure not to look at Toby even though I was dying to peek. After getting dressed, I thanked Toby, said bye and then headed home.


Tuesday afternoon I was sitting in my cubicle and feeling a little tired. I got up and decided to go downstairs to the break room, passing Mike's office as I went. He was on the phone and I caught his eye and he winked at me. I smiled and went to the soda machine. I put in a dollar and as I pressed the Coke button, Mike casually walked up next to me. I bent down and got my change and soda and Mike grunted. He was looking down at my ass and I blushed and stood up quickly.

Mike put his dollar in the machine and whispered, "I can't stop thinking about you. Can I come over after work for a little bit?"

"Yes," I whispered back and then headed back upstairs.

Mike arrived at my apartment about fifteen minutes after I got home.

"I can't stay long, Peter, but I just had to have your ass again."

Mike pulled me to him and kissed me hard. I sucked on his tongue before he moved his mouth to my ears and my neck. He pulled me by the hand to my bedroom and we quickly got undressed.

"Where's the condoms?"

I pointed to the nightstand and he opened the drawer and pulled out the lube and condoms he brought last time. I got onto the bed and he crawled on top of me.

"Turn over," he whispered in my ear. "I want to take you from behind."

"Um... I like it better on my back," I whispered back.

"Come on, Peter, just this one time. I want to see your ass."

I rolled over onto my stomach and Mike grabbed my hips and pulled me up onto my knees. He lubed me up and unwrapped a condom and rolled it down his shaft. He lined the head up with my hole and pushed the head into me with a pop.

"Oh! Mike! Stop...," I grunted. "Wait, it hurts..."

Mike held still as he ran his hands up and down my back and sides. "Give it a minute... Fuck, you're so tight and warm inside."

I winced and bit my lip as Mike pushed further into me. He slowly pulled back and then pushed in deeper.

"Oh, god," I moaned in pain.

Mike grabbed my hips and began slowly thrusting in and out of me. He gradually built up speed until he was pounding me hard and fast. His body slapped against my ass and the smacking echoed throughout the rooms with his grunts and groans and my whimpers. By the time I was starting to feel really good, Mike roared and thrust into me and came inside the condom. He pulled out and tied the condom off and wadded it into a tissue, then collapsed on the bed. I fell forward and rolled over onto my side next to him.

My dick was hard and needed attention. I nuzzled Mike's neck and took his hand and brought it to my dick. He rolled over, pushing me onto my back. He stroked me a couple times, then let go. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He took my right hand and put it onto my dick.

"I want to watch you," he whispered.

I stared into his eyes as I stroked myself. When my breathing quickened and my body tensed, he looked down at my cock. I gripped his shoulders with my left hand and buried my face into his neck as I quickly jacked with my right hand. I moaned and shot my load all over my chest and stomach. He bent down and kissed me.

"That was hot, Peter."

"Yeah," I sighed.

"I want you all to myself, Peter."

"What?" I was a little bit surprised and confused as to what he was asking. I lifted my head up and looked him in the eye.

"I don't want you seeing anyone else as long as we're together."

That wasn't exactly fair. I mean, we weren't exactly 'together' and he went home to his wife every night, but I nodded and said, "Okay, Mike."


Mike kissed me, then pulled me out of bed and we went into the bathroom and took a quick shower together. As were were drying each other off, he told me we were gonna work on Saturday again and if weren't too far behind, we could spend the afternoon together. He hurriedly dressed and then with a quick peck on the lips and a smack on my ass, he was gone.


Mike couldn't wait for Saturday. Thursday evening, I had only been home about 20 minutes when he called and said he was on his way home and asked if could stop by for a few minutes. He walked in and kissed me.

"I only have a few minutes," he said. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. He pulled his hard cock out of his slacks and pulled my head towards it. I gripped the base with my right hand and took him into my mouth. I quickly pumped my sucking mouth up and down while stroking and twisting him with my hand.

He groaned loudly. "Oh... Fuck. Just like that, Peter. Keep it up like that and you're gonna get my load."

I kept going at a steady pace and it didn't take him long. After a few minutes he grabbed my head and pumped his come into my mouth. When he started to go soft, I let him go and pulled myself up to my feet.

"Thanks," he said as he stuffed his softening dick back into his pants. "I'll see you at work tomorrow."

He quickly kissed me and left. I was a little taken aback by his abrupt arrival and departure. I looked at the clock and not even 15 minutes had passed from the time he got here.


Friday night, I met Toby again at the gym after work. This was our third workout this week. I didn't feel so bad after Wednesday's workout, so I hoped tonight would be the same. We went through our same circuit, but he told me that next week he was going to change it up a little bit. As we were doing our cardio on the treadmill, he asked me about Mike.

"I've seen this guy coming out of your place a couple times now. Is he your boyfriend or something?"

I wasn't sure what to say. "Um... Kind of. He doesn't want me to see other people, but... um..."

"He's married."

I nodded and when I saw the look of disappointment on Toby's face, I had to look away because my eyes were filling with tears. I felt so ashamed.

"You deserve better than that, Petey. That's all I'm gonna say on that."

After quietly taking my shower and getting dressed, I thanked Toby again for the workout and headed home.


Mike and I left work Saturday afternoon around 2:00 and went back to my place. We spent time on the couch sitting together and talking about people and work and I told him all about Chris and how I came to move down to Georgia. It felt really nice to be able to talk to someone.

We went to my bedroom and we made love, me on my back with my legs around his butt, he on top with his body pressed against mine. We kissed the entire time as he slowly and steadily thrust in and out of me. When he started to get close, he raised up onto his hands and pumped me hard and fast. I gripped my dick and jerked it in time with his thrusting.

"Oh, god, Mike," I cried as I came all over myself. He grunted and swore and shoved into me. I could feel him pulsing inside me, filling the condom.

We laid together and Mike spooned up against my back and we fell asleep for a couple of hours. I woke up when Mike rolled over onto his back and yawned and stretched. His dick was hard. He saw me looking at it and he pushed my head down. "Suck it," he whispered.

I worked him for good ten minutes with my mouth and hands until he couldn't hold back any longer and shot into my mouth. I swallowed every drop then flopped down onto my back. My stomach growled. It was almost 6:00 and I was feeling hungry.

"Do you want to get something for dinner?" I asked. "Or maybe we could order something in?"

Mike sat up and then pushed himself up out of the bed.

"I can't. I need to get home. I'm already running late."

I sighed quietly. "Okay."

Mike walked out to go take a shower. I rolled over onto the side of the bed where he was laying. It was warm and smelled like him. I pulled the blankets up over me and tried not to start crying. I was starting to have feelings for Mike and it hurt when he left like this.

After he showered, he walked back in and got dressed and kissed me and left. I got up and took a shower and went to the kitchen. I dumped a can of soup into a bowl and microwaved it. I sat on the sofa and ate while watching a bad TV movie of the week on the Sci Fi channel.

A loud knock on the door scared the crap out of me. I got up and looked in the peephole to see Toby, then opened the door. Toby, Max and a blond woman were standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Pete," Toby said with a smile. "We're going to the movies, then out for a beer. Wanna come?"

I didn't have anything better to do. "Sure. Let me get changed."

I invited them in while I rushed to the bedroom and pulled off my sweat pants and pulled on a pair of jeans and a Polo shirt.

"Have you met Kristy?" Toby asked, referring to the blond who was holding onto his arm. Max had mentioned her before. I guess she was Toby's girlfriend... and Toby was straight.

"No, nice to you meet you. I'm Pete."

"Nice to finally meet you, Pete. Tank's told me all about you," she said with a smile.

Toby and Kristy got in the front driver and passenger of Toby's huge pickup truck. Max scowled and climbed in the back seat with me.

"Push the seat up," he grumbled to Kristy.

I was sitting behind Toby and there was actually a lot more room than I thought there'd be, but then I wasn't as tall as Max. We went to the theater and caught the latest action show. I ended up sitting between Kristy and Max. Toby and Kristy shared a large popcorn and Max and I shared one too. At one point in the second half of the movie, Max put his arm on the back of my chair and leaned in and whispered in my ear. He was so close his lips tickled at my ear as he made a stupid comment about the movie. We both started laughing and he moved back upright, but kept his arm on the back of my chair. A few minutes later, I felt his hand slowly rubbing circles on my shoulder.

"Ow!" Max exclaimed and pulled his hand away. I looked at him and he was leaning back scowling behind me. I turned my head and Toby was scowling back at him. I wasn't sure exactly what happened, but it looked like Toby knocked Max's hand away from me.

After the movie we went to a sports bar and shared a pitcher of beer. I didn't drink very much since I could get drunk off one glass. After finishing the pitcher off, we headed back home. Max tried to put his arm around me and kiss my neck, but I squirmed away.

"Knock it off, Max," Toby growled from the driver's seat.

"Mind your own business, Tank."

"Pete's got a boyfriend. Leave him alone."

Max scoffed and mouthed 'cock block' to me and slumped back into his seat. I giggled in spite of myself. When we got back to the apartment, Max said goodbye and sped out of the parking lot in his sports car. I thanked Toby and Kristy for inviting me and watched as they disappeared into Toby's apartment.


Things had been going pretty much the same for the past few weeks. I worked out with Toby three days a week. Mike would stop by on the way home once or twice during the week and usually for a few hours on Saturday afternoons. I went out with Toby, Kristy and Max most Friday or Saturday nights, depending on their schedules.

I was embarrassed when I realized after that second weekend that Kristy was Toby's sister, not his girlfriend. It was strange going out with them. They were all so outgoing and fun. I was shy and quiet, but when I was with them I had a good time and I laughed a lot. Max was really funny and always made me laugh. I liked Max, but I was starting to develop a crush on Toby.

Even though no one said anything, I realized that Toby was indeed gay. He was very protective of me when we were out, but it was like he had a split personality. He would be attentive and friendly one second and then the next he'd back off and ignore me. I thought maybe he liked me, but was being respectful of my 'relationship' with Mike.

Saturday late in afternoon, Mike and I were sitting on the couch watching TV and having a snack.

"Pete! Hey, Pete!" I heard from outside.

I walked out to the patio door and looked outside. Max was standing in front of his Mustang smoking a cigarette. I opened the patio door and stepped out.

"Max, be quiet," I hissed.

"Have you heard from Tank?" he asked.

"No. He's probably still at work if he's not at home."


Mike stepped out onto the patio and cleared his throat. He glared at Max. Max took a final drag of his smoke, then stomped it out and exhaled. He walked up to the patio and held out his hand to Mike.

"You must be the boyfriend," he said. "I'm Max."


I saw Max eye Mike up and down and then cut his eyes at me. Toby's rumbling pickup truck pulled in next to my Jeep.

"There's To-- I mean Tank now," I said.

Toby hopped out of his truck wearing his hospital scrubs. They were stained with God knows what from who knows where. Toby walked up to my patio and stood next to Max.

"Hey y'all," he said. "The ER was a nightmare today. I need a shower bad."

"You smell like shit," Max said.

"Hey, I don't think we've formally met," Toby said to Mike. "I'm Tank."


Mike shook Toby's hand and then said "Excuse us."

He slid open the patio door and then motioned for me to go inside. I glanced back at them and they were looking at each other as they walked to the terrace to go into Toby's apartment.

"You're not going out with them," Mike stated.


"I don't like them. I don't like the way they look at you."

"But, they're my friends."

"Don't be naive. They're not your friends. They just want to fuck you."

"That's not true, Mike. They're they only friends I have. Trevor and Annie are too busy with the baby coming, so I don't get to see them hardly ever."

"I don't like it. You're not going."

"That's not fair. You expect me to sit around the apartment alone?"

"I expect you to not slut around behind my back."

"Fine," I pouted. "I'll stay home."

"Good. I gotta get going. I'll try to call you later tonight."

"Why? To check up on me?" I said sarcastically.

"Don't do that. It's not cute."

I sighed.

"Listen, Peter. I know you're frustrated. You want more time with me, I know that. I'm working on it, okay? Soon, you'll have me for a whole night, okay?"

I nodded and wiped my eyes and sniffled. "Okay."

"Okay. Now give me a kiss before I go."

Mike gave me a hug and a deep kiss and then left.

When Toby, Max and Kristy stopped by later, I told them I wasn't feeling well and that I was staying home.

"That's bullshit," Max said. "Did he tell you not to go out with us?"

I shook my head and said, "No. I just don't feel well."

"Just leave it, Max," Toby said. "If Petey doesn't want to go with us, he doesn't have to."

I shut the door and bolted it. The look on Toby's face hurt. I wasn't sure if it was anger or disappointment or maybe both. I leaned up against the door and cried.


I continued to work out with Toby for the next few weeks, and he was friendly but guarded. After asking me to go out with them and me making excuses not to go, they stopped asking.

Mike kept coming by for quickies during the week and longer Saturdays. Over the weeks, Mike had become much more intimate with me. He was gentle and loving and called me 'baby.'

One Saturday, he was finally able to get away all day. We had lunch together, spent all afternoon in bed, making love twice. We dressed up in suits and went out to a very nice dinner and then returned to my apartment.

Mike was sitting on the couch looking particularly sexy in his suit. I straddled him and sat down on his lap. His hands massaged my ass as we kissed and made out. He was pushing up into me and I was grinding my ass on the hard bulge in his suit pants.

He broke the kiss and whispered huskily, "Take your clothes off, baby."

As I slowly undressed in front of Mike, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard cock and began stroking it until I was complete naked. I knelt in front of the couch. I kissed and licked him all over over the shaft before I finally took the head into my mouth. I looked up at him and met his eyes as he watched me suck him. He was still wearing his suit jacket, shirt and tie and he looked really hot. He pulled me up off my knees and pulled me onto his lap. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a lubricated condom. He unwrapped it and rolled it onto his cock. He spit into his fingers and smeared it into my asshole. I whimpered and moaned. He spit again and smeared it on his latex-covered dick head. He moved me into position and grabbed my waist and pushed me down onto him.

I cried out and leaned into him and buried my head in his chest waiting for the pain to subside. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight, then started thrusting up into me nice and slow. I held onto his shoulders and he kissed me. He grabbed the sides of my waist and began bouncing me up and down on his shaft faster and faster.

We were kissing hard, our tongues wrestling and playing with each other. He was holding my hips tight as he furiously thrust up into me. I bounced hard up and down trying to bring him pleasure.

"Oh, fuck! Yeah, baby, that's it! You got it, baby! I'm coming!"

He gripped me tightly and held me as he pushed his hips up and held still. I could feel his dick jerking wildly inside me as he shot his load over and over. I relaxed onto his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt him soften and slip out of me and I climbed off his lap and sat next to him.

I looked down at his crotch. The condom hung off his semi-erect penis. Mike pulled it off and tied the end and handed it to me. I pulled on my t-shirt and underwear, walked to the bathroom and tossed the condom into the trash. I washed my hands and wet a washcloth with warm water. I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Mike and carefully cleaned his dick with the washcloth. He winked at me and stuffed it back into his pants and I cuddled up next to him on the couch.

"I wish you could stay the night, Mike."

"You know I can't."

"I know, but don't you sometimes wish you could? Just one night... one night to not have to pretend."


"Yeah, to stay the night with me and be yourself for once and not have to worry or pretend to be something you're not."

Mike pushed me off him. His face turned red. "I'm not pretending nothing. I love my wife and k**s. I'm not leaving them to be with some faggot if that's what you're thinking."

My mouth fell open. I couldn't believe he was talking to me like this. "Mike, I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"

Mike stood up and went to the bedroom and grabbed his bag.

I put my hand on his arm as he walked towards the front door. "Mike--"

He shrugged my hand off him and turned and pointed his finger in my face. His face was beet red and he was pissed. "I'm straight, you got that? You're the faggot. I fuck your ass and you suck my cock. That's all this is ever gonna be."

My eyes filled with tears. "I--"

"You knew that going in. You knew what you were doing. You walk into the office batting your eyes at me, shaking your ass. You faggots love straight dick and you'll take it any way you can, won't you?"

"Stop calling me that," I said as the tears fell down my face.

"Why? That's what you are."

"Yeah, that's right, that's what I am. Is that what you want to hear? You know what's the difference between you and me? At least I'll admit I'm a faggot instead of playing make believe with a wife and k**s."

Mike backhanded me hard across the face and I stumbled backwards. I covered my right cheek and gasped.

"Get out," I cried.

Mike's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, Jesus. Peter, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby."

He reached out to hug me.

"Get out!" I sobbed.

I walked to the door and opened it. Mike picked up his bag and left. I laid down on the couch and cried.

When I heard a knock on the door a few minutes later, I wasn't sure if I heard it or not. I sniffled and listened for a second. The knock was louder this time.

"Petey? Are you okay?" said Toby's voice from the other side.

I wiped my eyes and opened the door a crack.

"Hi, Tank. I don't really feel good tonight, so I don't think I can go out with you guys."

Toby pushed his way into my apartment and shut the door behind him.

"I wasn't trying to listen, but I heard shouting when I came home. I heard your boyfriend leave and I thought I heard you crying."

Toby turned my face and looked at my cheek. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked in a calm and quiet voice.

I shook my head.

"I'll be right back," he said.

He got up and went into the kitchen. I sat down on the couch as I heard him go through a couple of drawers and then open the freezer. He returned with a towel filled with ice cubes. He gently held it to my face. He was being so sweet and tender. I started to cry and then started sobbing. He put his arms around me and held me.

"It was awful, Toby," I said. "We were cuddling on the couch one second and the next he was yelling at me that he wasn't leaving his wife for a faggot."

Toby tensed up momentarily and then softened and kept one arm around me and the other holding the ice on my face.

"He said such awful things and I got upset and then I said," I sniffled before continuing. "I said at least I can admit what I am instead of pretending with a wife."

"Ouch," Toby said quietly. "I guess that's when he did this?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "He said he was sorry."

"I'm sure."

"I don't think I can see him again after that, no matter how sorry he is."

"I'm not here to judge you, Pete. But, this guy has issues he needs to work out for himself. You can't help him with that. You'll end up getting hurt if you try."

"You're surprisingly calm, Toby. It's kind of freaking me out."

"Well, it's instinct, I guess, because of my job. But don't worry, on the inside I'm trying to think of ways I can kill the fucking son of a bitch without getting caught."

I started to laugh, but the pain in my cheek stopped me. "Ow."

Toby chuckled. "You're gonna be okay, Petey."

I heard a knocking in the distance.

"That's probably Max," Toby said. "Why don't we go over to my place and hang out? I got enough beer and whatever else we need."

I nodded and we stood up. I headed to the door, but Toby looked me up and down and said, "You might want to put some clothes on."

"Oh!" I blushed in embarrassment as I realized I was only wearing a t-shirt and briefs. I went into my bedroom and pulled on a shirt and some sweat pants. I went out to the living room and the door was open and Toby was talking to Max in the hallway. I pulled my door shut and locked it and followed them in to Toby's apartment.

I had never been in Toby's apartment before. It was the same as mine, but the mirror image. It was decorated really nicely for a single guy.

I sat down on the couch with Max. Toby returned with an ice pack and bottles of beer for the three of us and sat down on the other side of me. I held the ice pack as I sipped my beer. I glanced at Max a couple of times. He looked really pissed off.

"Are you okay, Max?" I asked quietly.

"I'm fine," he grumbled.

"You're not upset with me are you?" I asked as I blinked back tears.

Max's face softened. "Of course not, Pete. It's your boyfriend. I'm gonna kill that motherfucker!"

"Knock it off, Max," Toby said. "You're not helping."

"Maybe you don't care that Pete has a black eye, but I sure as fuck do. I mean, what kind of asshole hits a little guy like Pete?"

My cell phone beeped and I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen to see:

MIKE SHEPPARD: im sorry peter

Max leaned over looked at the screen. "Fuck that shit! 'Sorry' my ass! Tell him to fuck off. Give me your phone."

Max grabbed the phone out of my hand.

"Max!" Toby yelled. "Just ignore him, Petey."

"Who? Mike or Max?" I said and laughed. Toby and Max joined in.

The three of us sat on the couch and watched football, drank beer and ate popcorn. I had a really good time and I felt so much better. At some point, I fell asleep against Toby's shoulder. When I woke up, I sat up and he looked completely uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Toby," I said.

"It's okay, Petey."

Max sighed and shook his head. I yawned. "I guess I should go. I'm tired." I said goodbye and thanked them for being so nice and I went back to my apartment and went to bed.


That next afternoon, Mike called me. I debated on whether or not to answer it and I decided I should since I had to work with him the next day. He apologized again and said he'd make it up to me. I told him that I accepted his apology, but that I couldn't see him anymore. I told him that I deserved better than being someone's second choice. He said he wanted things to go back to the way they were and he'd give me some time to think about it.

That week at work was pretty uncomfortable. In the Monday morning staff meeting, someone actually asked me what happened to my face. I simply said that "I was careless and stupid and this is what I got in return". I avoided Mike when I could, but still did my work.

Thursday in the break room, he said he wanted to come over, but I told him no and that I thought it would be best if we were just co-workers. I could tell he was frustrated and angry and wanted to talk more, but there were people in the break room.

Friday afternoon, Andrea called me into her office and shut the door. She told me that Mike said that I had been ignoring some of his phone calls and requests and that I had made a mistake and had to re-do it, which cost a day. I was stunned. She said she was disappointed that I was slacking off already. I promised her that I'd try harder.

When I got to the gym after work, Toby was already there. I waved to him and went into the locker room to get changed. Max walked in and took the empty locker nearest me.

"Hey, Pete."

"Hi, Max."

I got undressed and quickly pulled on my jockstrap as Max started removing his paramedics uniform.

"Looking good, Pete," Max said quietly.

I blushed and smiled and hurriedly pulled on my shorts and t-shirt. As I walked out of the locker room, I glanced back and stole a peek at Max's naked body. He caught me looking and winked. I blushed and hurried out to start my workout with Toby. Max worked out with us and then continued on weight training with Toby while I did my cardio on the treadmill.

After working out, the three of us walked into the locker room. As we got undressed and walked to the shower, I told them what happened at work today. Both Max and Toby were pissed.

I'm not sure what it was, but I wasn't feeling very shy today. When I turned and caught Toby looking at my ass, I smiled at him and blushed bright red and he actually looked embarrassed and turned away. Later he caught me looking at his huge uncut dick and I blushed again and he chuckled.

After we got dressed, we all drove to Chili's and had dinner together. Max wanted to go out, so he took off and Toby and I returned home.

Toby looked at his watch. "It's still early. You got any beer?"

I invited Toby in, and we sat on the couch and watched TV and sipped our beer. Toby was leaned back on the couch with both of his arms on the back of the couch. I was on his left, sitting cross legged facing him. We were talking and laughing and flirting with each other. I ran my finger over the tattoo on his left arm, tracing the points with my index finger.

"You like my ink?" he asked with a chuckling grin and pulled his t-shirt sleeve up so I could see and touch more of it.

"Yeah, it's really cool. And the cross on your other arm is really beautiful."

Once second we were smiling at each other and suddenly his smile was gone. He looked away for a second and then said he needed to get going. He had to be at work early in the morning. I walked him to the door and I touched his hand and squeezed it. "Goodnight, Toby."

"Night, Petey."

He gave me a half-hearted smile and I closed the door behind him.


Monday morning when I got to work, I got in a little bit early and really got into my work. I wasn't slacking, but I wanted there to be no doubt that I was doing my best and doing good work.

When my desk phone rang and I saw it was M SHEPPARD in the caller ID, I picked up right away. He wanted to see me in his office, so I went in and he shut the door behind me. I backed away from him.

"Peter, please don't be afraid of me," he said quietly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I really do care about you, and I know you know that. I'm sorry for what I said to Andrea. I was pissed at you and when she and I were talking... it just came out wrong."


"We need to work together. I want us to be friends, okay?"

I nodded.

"So, we're good?"

"We're good."

"You'll call him off then?"


"You know, Peter. Your neighbor across the hall."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Mike seemed to be agitated and upset. "Peter, he came to the house. He told me to leave you alone or I'd be sorry. He said if people found out about us, all you had lose was a job, but I'd lose a whole lot more. My wife can't find out, Peter."

My mouth fell open. I was speechless and I was angry. Toby didn't have any right to do that.

"It's okay, Mike. I won't tell anyone and I'll tell Tank to leave you alone."

Mike gave me a friendly hug and I hugged him back.

When I got to the gym, I was still mad at Toby. When he came into the locker room as I was getting dressed, I confronted him about it.

"Why did you go to Mike's house, Tank? Why would you do that?"

"I was trying to help you, Petey."

"I didn't ask for your help. I can take care of myself!"

I slammed my locker shut and walked past him and got on the treadmill and ignored him when he came out. By the time I had been on the treadmill for 30 minutes, I had calmed down some. I could see his reflection in the mirrors. He was really hitting the weights hard. He brow was furrowed and he was scowling. I sighed and got off the treadmill and grabbed a towel. I wiped my head and walked over to him.

"Toby?" I said quietly.

He stopped doing his hammer curls and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I know you were trying to help and I overreacted."

Toby racked his weights and sighed. "I shouldn't have stuck my nose in where it doesn't belong. I just don't like to see my friends get hurt."

I smiled. "Do you want to go grab dinner? My treat?"

Toby grinned. "Sure."

Toby and I returned to the locker room and showered next to each other. I shyly smiled as I checked him out and he just smirked and let me look. I could tell he kept looking at my ass. After getting dressed, we drove to Longhorn and had a couple of steaks for dinner. We had a nice quiet conversation. I found out a lot more about him. He and his older sister Kristy were always very close. He was 27 and she was 29. He met Max in college and they've been best friends since.

As Toby and I talked over dinner, I realized how much I liked him. I had a huge crush on Toby. He was a really nice guy, handsome, big and sexy. I wanted to kiss him and run my hands over his bald head.

I pulled into the apartment parking lot outside our building just before him and waited outside our doors for him. I took a deep breath and decided to make a move. I grabbed his hand.

"Toby... it's still early. Do you want to come in? We can continue our talk... I really like you... and I'd really like to get to know you better."

He looked confused, like he wasn't sure if he was going to accept or not. I dropped his hand when he shook his head.

"Sorry, Pete, but I got an early shift tomorrow, so I'm gonna do a little reading and then hit the hay."

"Sure, Toby. I understand. See ya later."

I quickly unlocked my door and hurried inside so that he didn't see the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I was embarrassed and rejected and I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to face him again without feeling humiliated.


Things got slightly better the rest of the week. Mike and I got along fine at work. He was as friendly as before, but without any sexual undertones. I caught him checking out my butt once in the break room, but he didn't make any advances.

When I worked out with Toby on Wednesday, I was a little bit embarrassed having been rejected by him two days ago. He appeared to be uncomfortable as well and that made it worse. But by the end of the workout, things were mostly back to normal. After our workout, I followed Toby into the shower trying not to look at him, and took the shower furthest from him on the other side of the room. I quickly showered and said 'See ya later, Tank' as I hurried out of the shower and got dressed and left before he was finished.

Max joined us at the gym again on Friday. They helped me with my strength workout and while I did the treadmill, they continued their workout. Afterward, I stopped and got a drink from the water fountain. By the time I got undressed, they were already showering, and I picked the shower furthest from them.

"What're you doin' way over there?" Max shouted to me as he soaped himself up. "You gon

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Bathroom Incursion Literotica

My sister Kara just turned 18 years old. My name is Josh and I'm 10 months older than Kara. We have a very playful relationship. We aren't particularly close, but we do mess around with each other a lot and play the occasional prank and so on.It was early December when our relationship became something a little more. We had both just finished high school and were currently on holidays as I was in the process of looking for a job while she was waiting to hear back from colleges. She had always...

3 years ago
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Ass Station by Dmnoid Literotica

"Good thing we left early. We need gas," Angela told her husband, Kurt. He grunted, not happy with the announcement, but taking it in stride. He was nervous. His k** brother was going to propose to his girlfriend tonight, and he'd invited the whole gang out to witness it. So, they were on their way to a posh drinking spot - formal ware required. So, Angela was in a beautiful blue silk evening gown, and Kurt was in a fancy black tie affair he'd had to rent.She pulled into the gas station. It was...

2 years ago
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The WifeSpencerAlanMacLeodLiterotica

NOT MY STORYChapter One -- The Morning After My wife had caught me jerking off and ended up dominating me the night before. After a wild time we had finally gone to bed rather awkwardly and in near complete silence. Now it was the next morning. I had gotten up early and exercised, as was my usual routine. After my breakfast and shower, I dressed and went into the computer room, booted up the machine and began to prepare for my day. I tried not to let the glorious events of the previous night...

1 year ago
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Drycleaner Delivery The Sequel

As I stood in the kitchen between an irate topless mother and her sexy 18 year old daughter, my mind was racing. I came to the Levine’s house to make a routine dry cleaning delivery. When I found topless Mrs. Levine sun bathing by the pool in the back yard, it never occurred to me that I would end up in her kitchen having my 16 year old cock sucked dry by a woman old enough to be my mother. Nor did I expect to be caught by Mrs. Levine’s daughter, Susan, with my dick in her mother’s mouth and my...

2 years ago
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Drycleaner Delivery

When I turned 16 and got my driver’s license, I began driving a dry cleaning delivery truck on weekends and during the summers.   My little home town of Mayberry had a population of about 5,000 souls and was small enough that everybody knew at least something about everybody else.   There were advantages and disadvantages to that.   I got used to having women answer the door in various stages of undress….some in nightgowns, often wearing braless house dresses and a few times wrapped in a...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

1 year ago
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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

4 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

3 years ago
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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

1 year ago
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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
1 year ago
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How To Fit A Starter Motor

Here’s how to change a starter motor on a car. Have a cigarette. And a coffee. Step outside and look at the car. Adopt a daunted expression. Pop the bonnet of the car. The bonnet is situated where the hood should be if the car was situated several thousand miles west. ,) Glance under the bonnet at the engine. Adopt an EVEN more daunted expression. These expressions only work correctly if the degree of daunt exceeds 80%. Have a cigarette. Coffee optional. Fetch the toolbox and open it....

3 years ago
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Astarte Ch 01

Gideon Davies, there is no other way to put it, when it came to women, was a loser. Almost painfully shy, he was almost incapable of carrying on a conversation comprised of small talk beyond what was playing at the Cineplex or the weather forecast for tomorrow. On the other hand, ask him to describe the social structure in Egypt three thousand years ago, and he could almost wax poetic. Gideon, Deon to his few close friends, was a junior at the University, which he attended on a combination of...

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Astarte Ch 04

Sorry this has taken so long to get posted. Life, the holidays, and a new lady kept interfering. Deon gets a lesson in making love, has some fun with Mary, his sister’s friend, and teaches Kyle it’s not nice to cheat. Hope you all enjoy it. No. 5 coming soon. Jb7 * Deon had just finished setting the table for dinner when the doorbell rang. He smiled, anticipating the evening. He went to the front door and opened it, to welcome Bertie. She was dressed informally in slacks and a short sleeved...

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He watched the smile slowly, her lips stretching out and open and her tongue gingerly licking the white smear. ‘I told you whipped cream was a good thing.’ cracking a smile of his own, ‘a little more to the left now sweetie, you’re missing a spot. A lot of spots actually’ laughing and leaning into press a kiss to her cheek. They lay against each other, giggling as they kissed, savoring the wet taste of the cream slurped down their tongues. After a while, she broke away and pulled out from...

1 year ago
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Getting Started1

After his wife and her date disappeared from view Tim flopped onto the couch thumbing his phone. Sexting pictures of his stable to random guys and scheduling his girls was a full-time gig. Between messages he flipped on the big screen and navigate to the webcams set up all over the house. He scrolled through them between vibrations from his phone smiling as he watched all the girls being occupied in the suburban residence. His wife was already on her knees at the foot of her bed choking on the...

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A Fresh Start1

She had been forced to walk here, having to stop and ask for directions more than once, in the cold and the rain. Her funds were low, if she forked out for a bus, let alone a cab she might not have been able to afford food. The walk had been a long uncomfortable one, leaving her far too much time for her mind to drown in her despair. Four years ago Alexander had left home to study art at a liberal University, and while Alexander's parents had been skeptical, they had been supportive of...

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How it started4

I was 34 and had just had a hysterectomy after my third daughter had birthing complications. She was a whoops anyway, I already had a 14 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. I had a great life even if I was not feeling sexy after the baby. The baby was almost two months old when my son, Dylan, brought his friend Zach over. Zach was a nice kid, 14 about 5’8 and athletic. His sea blue eyes and light blond hair I thought for sure he was a girl magnet. When he was there he kept...

2 years ago
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A Fresh Start0

Rolling up the sleeves to his elbows and putting on a pair of white Nikes, he couldn’t wait for the first day of classes to begin. Orientation had shown him that this school would be something worth remembering, he just knew it. The girls were extremely attractive, and he had met a couple of dudes that seemed pretty cool too. He walked into the kitchen of his apartment, grabbed an apple and headed downstairs to his pride and joy, his 95 Z28. Most people didn’t understand why he loved...

1 year ago
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Just Getting Started0

BY ROBBY SR. It seems no matter how much, or what other kind of noise is going on at any time on the field - the coach’s whistle will cut right through it. It did this time, too, and as expected, everyone came to a standstill. “All right, guys!” coach shouted. “That’s it for today. Hit the showers!” Coach spun around and walked away toward his office without a backward glance at the guys. Normally, this was a fun time for Willy. Normally, he loved running off the field with his...

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Getting Started0

Here is my story... When I was 9 years old I started collecting beer cans. As an only child, my parents would allow me a lot of leeway to do what I wanted. I would go out into the fields and dumpsters to find cans to add to my collection. I got this idea to start going through the thrash on my block every week in hopes of finding something new. I was hitting the block every week looking for cans when I found this one house that had just been cleaned out. It was a jackpot! ...

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Just Getting Started1

After work one day we were back at his place playing videogames. The rain was really coming down hard and it was getting late. Steve had me cal my parents and let them know I was ok, he spoke to them and reassured them that he had no problem letting me stay at his place until the storm let up. My dad had no problem with it he met Steve and knew he was a good guy. We went back to our video games but the storm just got worse. Eventually the power went out. “Well now what are we going to do...

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How it all started1

It started one night when I was 8 years old. I was sleeping in my bed facing the wall with my knees drawn up. Suddenly I woke with a start. Someone was touching my bare bottom. The sheet has been peeled back and my nightie had been raised to my waist and I felt a hand running up the back of my legs to my bottom. I didn't wear panties to bed because my dad had told me it wasn't good to sleep with them on and I always did what my dad said. I felt a finger between my cheeks touching my...

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It startexd with polaroids

My husband and I met when we were in our late teens, I was a little bit of an exhibitionist, and, as it turned out, he was a bit of a voyeur. I liked to show off but he brought out the best in me, he encouraged me to out braless and to wear see-thru tops with no bra. I really enjoyed the attention that I was getting from guys, I had fairly small tits and putting them on display was and putting me on equal footing with girls that had really big knockers. We started taking some polaroid photos,...

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iStartLife chapter 14

Carly sat on her hotel bed watching some documentary on the TV. She had been trying to call Sam for half an hour. Then she tried calling Freddie. Same thing, it went straight to voicemail. She a left a message for both of them, figuring they had their phones off while they were "together" or something. A little concerned that she couldn't reach her friends, Carly stretched out on the bed and waited for one of them to call her back. She fell asl*ep sometime around 10.She woke up at midnight when...

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iStartLife chapter 13

That night Sam and Freddie watched USC take on Texas Tech.The game did not as easy for USC as the last game did. Texas Tech was a much bigger, tougher team than San Diego State had been and after Carly rolled her ankle early in the second quarter and had to go to the bench. With USC's best player on the bench, Texas Tech made a run and ended up leading at halftime by the score of 49-40.When Sam and Freddie saw Carly on TV at the start of the third quarter, they could tell by the look on her...

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iStartLife chapter 12

The doctor explained to Sam her options and she decided on having a laparoscopic myomectomy since it was the least invasive, most effective, cost efficient option she had. Plus the recovering time was faster than all the other options she had. A few days after the surgery and Sam was back home."Man. Hospital food is no good." Sam said heading for the fridge. "This place looks like new." She observed.Carly and Mel had cleaned Sam's bedroom a couple of days before, getting rid of the sheets and...

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iStartLife chapter 11

The next couple of weeks turned February into March and along with it, Carly's schedule became full as the PAC-10 tournament started and the Lady Trojans were a favourite to win since they had won the regular season title outright. Then after the Pac-10 tournament, the WNCAA tournament was to start. Now the men's version got most of the headlines, but the USC Lady Trojans were getting some airtime of their own thanks to their unexpected breakout freshman star that was voted regular season MVP...

4 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 10

One Month LaterCarly wasn't there when Adam woke up from his c***, but she was there when he got discharged. She needed some closure and she went to get it. They had a conversation as she walked with him out of the hospital. She was direct, honest, and at times probably brutal. To his credit, Adam understood everything and left for Seattle without arguing."That wasn't so bad." Carly told herself as she watched Adam leave.For the last week, Sam Puckett was hiding a secret. A secret that would...

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iStartLife chapter 9

Los AngelesWhen walking into the California Hospital Medical Center, Carly wished that she would have went by the dorm and changed. It seemed like everyone was looking at this brunette in the silver dress. She felt out of place.After inquiring what room Adam was in, Carly made her way to Room 233. There was a police officer there who introduced herself as Officer Cameron."I'm Officer Cameron, you're Carly Shay right?""Yeah." Carly responded."I thought so. I caught iCarly a couple of times as a...

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iCarly iStartLife chapter 8

"I had to come and see you Carly." Adam told her. "After seeing you on TV last night, I just had to come and see you." He walked in, uninvited."Adam. I have a date tonight and he is going to be here any second. You have to leave.""I came all the way down here to tell you something, so please let me tell you and then I will go." Adam pleaded.Carly crossed her arms against her chest. "Hurry up.""Listen Carly, I am so sorry for breaking up with you. I never should have done it. It's just you were...

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iStartLife chapter 7

With the excitement of yesterday's game and the fact that she didn't sleep all the best last night, Carly thought she would take a nap before she started getting ready. Jason wouldn't be by to pick up until 8 so she had plenty of time to get a couple restful hours of sleep in and still have plenty of time to get ready.When she woke up, she felt much better. Until she looked at her clock. 7:13pm. "Damn it." She said as she rushed out of the bed and into the bathroom in just her bra and panties....

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iStartLife chapter 6

[/b][/b]When Carly woke up in her bed the next morning, she had one new voicemail. She listened to it, it was from Spencer."Yo ki*do, Socko and I just sooooo happen to catch the Sports Recap a few hours ago. Guess who was on it? Me. No, it was you! It looks like you had the game of your life. My little s*ster, a basketball star. Who would have thunk it, huh? Hey if that writing thing don't work out, it's good to know that you can probably make it in the WNBA. I'm just thrilled that you don't...

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iStartLife chapter 5

At a little pass 1pm, Carly and Sam met up for lunch."Jason Michaels asked me out!" Carly said upon seeing Sam."Great! Who's that?""A hot guy in my writing class.""He asked you out with you looking at that?" Sam asked.Carly frowned and touched her hair."You should marry him k*ddo." Sam said smiling.They both sat down at the bench and Sam took out her lunch."What's wrong with the way I looked?" Carly asked, already knowing that answer."You look like you were late this morning. That's all." Sam...

2 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 4

Carly sat quickly out of her bed the next morning and looked at her alarm clock which didn't go off like it was supposed to. 7:43am is what it read, leaving her 17 minutes to get ready and get across campus to her Writing 140 class. "Shit." She whispered to herself as she threw the covers off of her and searched for some clean clothes to put on.She got dressed and grabbed her backpack and a hairbrush as she ran out of the bedroom door. Freddie was awake and in the kitchen fixing breakfast."Oh...

4 years ago
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iStartLife Chapter 3

"Sam, I want to talk about you and Freddie.""Now?" Sam asked as she squeezed some mustard on her turkey sandwich."Yeah.""Okay, well, what do you want to know?""For starters, how did you and very ended up with each other. You guys have fought each other since middle school."Sam shrugged. "I guess the dork grew on me," she smiled.Sam walked into living room and Carly followed."You guys are really serious, aren't you?" Carly asked as they sat down on the couch."I believe we are," Sam told her as...

2 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 2

Carly Shay just finished her third class for the day and like every Monday; she waited outside on her favourite bench to have lunch with her best friend Sam Puckett. It was usually the first time they got to see each other on Monday since Carly had an early class and Sam's first class wasn't until 9.She was late as usual, but Sam eventually made her way to Carly's favourite bench. She sat down and look across the table at Carly."What's the matter Sam? Why aren't you pulling out a steak or some...

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iStartLife chapter 1

The alarm clock beeps and 23 year old Sam Puckett lazily stirs in her bed and reaches over. Stumbling to hit the off button she groans and knocks it off the bedside table. She dozed back to sleep as the beeping becomes duller as the clock is lying upside down on the floor. A minute later, her cell phone vibrated, making a buzzing sound as it shook against the table. It then rang a familiar ringtone."Ohhh. Come on Freddork, just a few more minutes," she said to herself with her face still buried...

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follow up to ;http://xhamster.com/user/querico44/posts/37645.htmlMy weekend at the beach was great, partying and enjoying the ocean and most of all the hot babes. I hooked up with a couple honeys who were sharing a place and we had fun, drinking and smoking. We watched some porn and started getting horny and soon we were all naked. One girl reminded me of Barbie a little. With the memory of our encounter still fresh in my mind, I relived it as we spent the night having sex. In the morning we...

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Jumpstart And Then Some

At least 2 or 3 times a week my husband and I like to start the day with what we call the JUMPSTART. A nice slow fucking to start the day. But one morning I got more than what I bargained for. At 5:45 the alrarm went off as usual and I hit the snooze. I knew I was going to need a jumpstart as my pussy had a terrible ache that definitely needed attention. I usually just slide over and massage Big Daddy’s hairy chest and my hand makes it way down to his cock and I jack him off. I love...

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This was an incredibly difficult paper to write the research and verification involved came quite close to defeating me several times. Starting a fire is the hardest when you need it the most. These instructions are for times such as that. A calm or gently breezy, dry day makes the job a lot easier! One, it's damned hard to start a fire with wet wood. How can you tell wet from dry firewood? If it feels cool or cold when held against your lips then it's too wet to START a fire with. It...

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Aliens and CowboysKickstarting the Economy

Mark woke up early as usual, went to his desk, grabbed his coffee and went through his morning reports. Afterwards he decided to browse through some news sites, reading news article upon news article about Chinese submarines floating through the air and that they were being beached upon China’s shoreline. Everyone also agreed it had to be because they had tried to attack Atlantis. Of course, several articles started the fear mongering that Atlantis was going to eventually going to take over...

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Crystal ClearChapter 1 Jims Life Restarts After His Road Trip

My meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...

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Little SisterChapter 4 Kickstarting the Motor

Summer turned quickly to fall. I was piling on hours to graduate at mid-term. To consume the rest of my time, my thesis spawned. There was enough material in my notes to do at least three solid papers. My original concept was a discussion of the impact of shelters and halfway houses on the inner city. A necessary thread running through this was a description of how shelters, and legal aid services interacted with local and state governments. The original topic became my senior thesis, mostly...

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The Greatest Transexual Wank Story Ever Told The Startup that Never Had an IPO

The Greatest [Transsexual Wank] Story Ever Told: The Startup That Never Had An IPO. By Melissa Virus (C) Copywrite 2000 Note: Sorry if the editing in this story sucks. It got to the point where I hated it so much I just couldn't be bothered. But hmmMaybe you'll like it. It's a comedy. ----------------------------------------------- "A two-minute song is just one minute and fifty-nine seconds too God-damn long." from "I Hate Jimmy Page," by rock band Mindless Self...

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CLEANER By Emma PART ONE Once I had eaten the breakfast my cook had made for me, spent an hour or two picking out the clothes I wanted to wear for the day and lounged by the pool for a while, I caught myself looking at my reflection in the wall high mirror in my dressing room. And yawned. Not because I was tired. I was very beautiful you see. Actually I was gorgeous. Many men had told me so. But this (though very...

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Cleanliness Is Godliness

A thousand erect dicks’ salute to my beloved readers. This is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories. I have been reading stories on this website since a long time now. Many nights, I have beat my meat to the raunchy and spicy stories here and squeezed out gallons of cum from my thick organ. Now I wish to entertain my fellow readers with a story of my horny as hell friend Sekhar. I can’t disclose the characters’ actual names since it would be an act isomorphic to fucking their privacy which...

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Cleanliness is next to godliness

A message from the AuthorPlease note these events are all true to the best of my knowledge. Only the Names, places and years have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.It is the year 1923 in Scotland that this story begins. Stella Brown was sat in the Mother Superiors office at St Augustine Catholic school for Girls.And she was in Big trouble!Stella new that she was going to be punished severely, which of course meant that she was going to be caned. She sat thinking back on all the...

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Cleaner Christmas

Cleaner Christmas************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan November 2013 (Edited December 2013)The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It was a damp, cold late November, a Friday evening as our three-card...

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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

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Roleplay Starter Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Parking lot He's leaning against the driver's door of her car when she gets off work. His western boots, well-worn faded jeans and white tank top don't do much to hide his form. She knows what's underneath and it's like Superman's kryptonite for her. He sees her coming and holds his arms out, elbows at his side and smiles. "How's my babygirl?" he says a little too loudly. "Forget it, Ted."...

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Roleplay Starter Mountain Meadow

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Mountain Meadow"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Mountain meadow in the early fall. Not quite above the tree line. Small clusters of evergreens dot the area. They'd been hiking for several hours now and decide to stop and make camp for the night near a clump of pines. They take off their large packs and begin to make camp. They work well as a team and soon there's a cozy fire, plenty of dry fuel and a small tent. Their canteens filled from a nearby...

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Roleplay Starter Scent of a Woman

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 or more Female, 1 Male. "Scent of a Woman" Interior: typical kitchen Nadia and Hank had been neighbors for some time now. At one point after Hank's divorce, they had been lovers briefly. Winnie, Hank's ex-wife, and Hank were still on good terms and occasionally got together. Winnie and Nadia were friends socially. Winne had even thrown several not-so-subtle hints to Nadia until Nadia explained that she wasn't into women the way Winnie was. Hank was in the...

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Slow Starter

I didn't lose my virginity until I was at University. Slow starter, I know. While those around me seemed intent on filling every orifice they had with everything they could find, I kept to myself, so to speak. It's not that I was totally inactive, mind you. Some of the things my mind was capable of imagining couldn't be repeated, even here. My right hand had translated countless fantasies to orgasm, releasing copious quantities of white stickiness to the open air; tissues and sheets were the...

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Clean your Mess Up

My wife and I have been married for almost twelve years. While I love her deeply, our sex life has become somewhat boring. She's a stay-at-home mom to our two c***dren and our sex life has become a routine of "put the k**s to bed, turn out the lights, and be quick about it". That was until recently, when our sex life changed for the better.In the last few weeks, my wife has begun working out on one of those big inflatable exercise balls. As she worked out, I would often lie on our bed trying to...

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Cleaning services

Both my wife and I had full time jobs and my wife felt that we spent too much of our weekends cleaning the house, so she asked if we could get a cleaning service.It was awesome to come home every Friday to a clean house, since we had scheduled the service to come Friday mornings.My wife and I got a lot more time on the weekends to do fun stuff instead of cleaning. It was well spent money.I did not know who was over at our house. The cleaning company was bonded, insured, and had a very good...

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