Astarte Ch. 01 free porn video

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Gideon Davies, there is no other way to put it, when it came to women, was a loser. Almost painfully shy, he was almost incapable of carrying on a conversation comprised of small talk beyond what was playing at the Cineplex or the weather forecast for tomorrow. On the other hand, ask him to describe the social structure in Egypt three thousand years ago, and he could almost wax poetic.

Gideon, Deon to his few close friends, was a junior at the University, which he attended on a combination of scholarships and grants. His part time job, which he had held since he was a freshman, was as a junior assistant to the curator at the history museum maintained by the Middle Eastern Studies Department, where he was a student.

He was on his way to work, admiring the rising full moon this August evening, the last full moon before the autumnal equinox. As it cleared the horizon, it was magnificent, filling the summer sky. As he turned into the drive at the museum, he thought it looked like the moon was shining directly into the Egyptian Room, but as he drove around the building to the rear parking area, the orb cleared the tree line and appeared to shrink and dim.

As he entered the museum, he shouted his usual hello to the security guard, ‘Hey, Jim! Beautiful night out there. How’d the Sox do today?’

‘Evenin’, Gidjiin. Have to tell you later, they’re tied at 2 in the bottom of the eleventh. Dr Thomas said you should meet him in the Egyptian storeroom.’

‘What’s going on? Any idea?’

‘Some new piece came in today, some minor goddess, but he was quite excited. Acted like he was about to pee hisself.’

Deon laughed. Dr. Thomas often seemed like he was about to ‘pee hisself,’ Deon thought, but tonight he probably had cause. The good doctor had been negotiating with the Metropolitan Museum of Art to trade for a 3500 year old statue of the Egyptian goddess Astarte. He had received word last week that they had accepted his last offer of some money and some pieces to fill holes in their collection of Etruscan erotic pottery, pieces Dr. Thomas had been trying to quietly dispose of since he had become the chief curator. Acquisition of the Astarte statue was a similarly longstanding ambition.

Deon hastened down the corridor to the storeroom where Dr. Thomas and the latest addition to the museum’s Egyptian collection awaited him. ‘Evening, Dr. T. I hear Astarte has arrived. How does she look?’

‘Evening, Gideon. She looks fine. A bit feminine for a goddess of war. She looks more appropriate for a fertility symbol. She’s in good shape, just needs some gentle washing and buffing. See what you can do, will you? Transfer paperwork and provenance documentation is on the desk. Check it out and prepare it for verification, then leave it in my mailbox. If anything looks amiss, make a note of it for me.’ He was silent for a long moment, gazing at the statue.

‘Damn, I would love to have known the artist and his model. She was certainly beautiful. Thirty-five hundred years later and she still exudes sensuality, and restrained passion. Don’t mind telling you, kid, looking at her makes me want to go home and jump the wife. Think I will, in fact. See you tomorrow.’ The chief curator turned and walked out of the room, giving Deon a wave. He turned in the doorway.

‘The Met sent along cleaning instructions and a piece of lamb’s fleece they said should be used to clean her. They said it had been recovered from the tomb where they found her, tied around her neck with a piece of sinew. Just dampen the fleece with a little water and wipe her down.’

‘Got it. I’ll start on the paperwork first, to see if there are any other tips to taking care of the statue. Go on and enjoy your evening,’ Deon laughed. His supervisor just grinned and walked away.

Deon picked up the folder containing the paper work and groaned. It would take most of the night to check it out. He was taking an abbreviated summer session Advanced Art History course. The first of five weekly exams was scheduled tomorrow, and he had planned on studying some tonight.

Four hours later, almost midnight, Deon straightened up from his desk, stretching his back. The paperwork all appeared to be in order. From the time the statue had been discovered in Akhenaten’s tomb, it had never been out of the care of professional artifact handlers. Her travels since then were better documented than the President’s. Hell, the Royal Museum and the Louvre, along with the Met, had even documented when they had moved it simply to change her place in on-going displays.

He looked at the new acquisition. He had to agree with Dr. T. She was remarkably beautiful, the kind of woman who usually left him tongue-tied just by saying hello to him. ‘No problem of that here,’ he thought to himself, with a wry grin.

‘Ahhh, Astarte,’ he said aloud. ‘If you were alive, I’d be shaking in my boots just being in the same room, never mind alone with you. You are so beautiful I’ll probably be dreaming of you for a month of Sundays. I wish I could find a real girl like you to be with.’ He found the fleece on the table near her and went to the sink near the doorway to dampen it. When he turned to return, he stopped and caught his breath.

The statue was positioned directly below a skylight, and directly above it, the moon was shining brightly, illuminating the goddess like an arc light. Almost unconsciously, Deon’s hand went out to turn off the store room lights. The effect was magical. Without knowing he was moving, Deon walked to the stone effigy and began to clean it.

As he washed the piece of stone, his free arm crept around her, as if in embrace. Initially, it had felt cold, like any other piece of statuary, but as he held it and caressed it with the damp fleece, the female figure began to take on warmth. When he moved the cleaning cloth across the statue’s bosom, he could have sworn the nipples took on definition and its hips had pushed into his. Impulsively, he leaned down and pressed his lips to the statue’s.

Almost immediately he pulled back, thinking, ‘Christ, what am I doing? Trying to make out with a 3500 year old statue! What the fuck kind of loser am I?’ He turned and walked back to his desk.

‘If you are a loser, then your winners and heroes must be legendary,’ said a small feminine voice.

Deon spun around. Before him stood a living exemplar of the statue, dressed in the white mid-thigh length skirt Egyptian women seemed to prefer, according to the many drawings and temple depictions he had seen. Like many of those women, the one before him was bare breasted. She was small, about five feet two, her skin was the color of a coffee latte, with dark, nearly chocolate brown, eyes and blue black hair. Her breasts were conical, crested by puffy, dark nipples, her hips were generously voluptuous.

He opened his mouth to speak, and squeaked instead. A tired, knowing smile appeared on the woman’s face, a smile that said she was familiar with the effect she had on men. She walked to the young man and gently caressed his cheek. ‘You have nothing to fear, Gideon. In freeing me from my prison, you have indebted me to you.’ She looked around the room and spied a daybed against the wall. ‘Come,’ she said, taking his hand and leading him to the daybed.

She pushed him to sit down. In doing so, he became aware that his clothes were gone, as well as her skirt. She pulled his head to her left breast, pushing it into his mouth. Although he was still a virgin, he had seen and read enough about this situation that he knew what he was supposed to do, and he began to kiss and suck on the lovely mammaries presented to him. Rewarded with a soft moan, he let his hands begin to explore the body now straddling his knees.

This resulted in more moans, and in a few minutes, he was aware of a change in the atmosphere. The room was getting noticeably warmer, and there was a scent in the air-one with which he was familiar only by reputation. It was
a musky, sweet, spicy smell, an odor which spoke directly to his maleness. He felt his manhood raise up. The woman pressed him back on the daybed, and in an instant he felt his member engulfed in the most pleasurable warmth and moistness man can know. She began to move on his staff.

From somewhere, a long ways away, Jim was calling him, ‘Gidjiin, wake up, son! C’mon, Gidjiin! You gots to wake up! The bosses will be plumb angry if they catch you asleep here in the storeroom. C’mon, Gidjin!’ He felt Jim shake him by the shoulder.

In his head, much quieter than Jim, came a small feminine voice. ‘Come, Gideon, it is time to awaken. Don’t mention me to Jim, he can’t see me. Only you can see or hear me. Wake up now, and let us go get you some breakfast, and we will talk.’

Deon was wide awake in a second. ‘Uhh, oh, thanks, Jim. You’re right, they’d crap a brick. I must have fallen asleep after I cleaned up the statue. Damn, and I have a test in Art History this afternoon I was going to study for last night. Crap! She already has me in her sights from last year.’

‘C’mon, boy, you got to git, or you’ll be in more sights than hers!’

Deon stood up, noticing that his clothes were back on. He shook his head, clearing it. ‘Okay, Jim. I’m outta here. See you tonight.’ He picked up his backpack and the paperwork, which he dropped off on his way out of the building. On his way out of the parking lot, he nearly turned toward his dormitory and its cafeteria.

Figuring it wouldn’t look too good to appear to be talking to himself in a roomful of his peers, he turned and drove to a diner he sometimes frequented. Inside, the waitress, a slightly plump, pleasant looking, young woman he sometimes saw on campus, greeted him with a small smile. ‘She likes you,’ said the voice in his head. ‘Do you want her? I can give her to you.’

‘Yes, no! I don’t know! Who…what are you? Where did you come from?’ he thought, plopping down in the booth farthest from the front door.

‘In a minute. The waitress is coming. Give her your order, then I’ll answer your questions.’

The waitress was at his side. ‘Hey, Deon, you’re in early this morning. What can I get for you?’

‘Morning, Donna. Yeah, I fell asleep at my desk at work last night. The guard found me on his rounds this morning and booted me out. Guess it’s good it wasn’t my boss. Mmhmm, better make it a couple of eggs, sunny side, some home fries and sausage patties, juice and coffee, double cream.’


‘Oh, yeah. Sorry, I shoulda…’

‘Don’t sweat it. Ready for the Art History exam? Taking that course in the summer is a real, excuse my french, bitch. I took the intro during the regular term a couple of semesters ago, and that was bad. McGee can be a real pain and her tests…yuk.’

‘I totally agree. How come you’re taking the advanced course, you an art major?’

‘Oh, no. no talent. I’m a Psych major, going for a concentration in Perception, with a minor in Art. I have all the intro courses in techniques and media. I need a sequence of three courses for the minor. The two history courses and an independent study of an artist of my choice will complete the minor.

‘I better get your order in. It won’t be long. You want your OJ and coffee now?’

‘Uh, yeah. Thanks.’

As the young waitress walked away, the voice in his head started again. ‘I told you she liked you. Are you sure I can’t give her to you? She would be in addition to the gifts you’ve already received.’

‘Who are you? Where did you come from? Why can I hear you, but no one else?’

‘So many questions, and you already know most of the answers, you just don’t believe them. I am Astarte, the goddess whose statue you were trying to make love to last night.’

‘I wasn’t…’

‘You didn’t kiss me and fondle my breasts? Somebody did, and you were the only person in the room.’


‘You needn’t apologize. If I were at all offended, that large dark man would have found a corpse when he came in this morning. As it was, your tender actions and feelings freed me from 35 centuries of unwarranted captivity. That cow, Nefertiti, she of the long nose, was able to convince her god, Ra, to seal me up in that statue. Just because her brother thought I was prettier than she.

‘I’ve been waiting for 3500 years for someone like you to come along at the right time…’

‘Right time? Someone like me?’

‘Yes, someone who desired me, on the anniversary of the centennial of my creation, the last full moon before the autumnal equinox. For 34 of those occasions I was sealed in an airtight tomb. But this time, you were there and freed me. For that, I am forever indebted to you, and will give you the gift of Astarte. No woman will be able to refuse you. All you have to do is ask, and they will give you what you ask for.

‘Even if she is with another man, he, also, will yield to you, and give you what you ask of him. You cannot ask them to harm themselves or each other. The men can be told to leave, watch, join, silence themselves and climax. Except for the limits on physically harming themselves, there is no limit on what you can ask of a woman, as long as she is physically capable of carrying out the act.

‘Even though I am the goddess of love, I cannot make them love you. The woman, if she is strongly attached to another, may be aware that she is being willed to submit, and may try to resist you. If you persist, she will yield. You will find some for whom the idea of coupling with any man, or woman, is abhorrent. Even they will yield, and, if you instruct them properly, they will enjoy their experience with you.’

‘If I instruct them properly?’

‘Yes. You may not force yourself on them. You must ask them for what you want. If, in the case of the women we were just discussing, you want them to enjoy the coupling, you will have to find a way to ask them to enjoy it, to climax and experience the rapture.’

‘How do I ask them? Just walk up and say, ‘will you have sex with me?”

Astarte laughed. ‘Oh, Elal! Men haven’t changed at all since Neffi shut me in that stone. I think that is comforting, but also disheartening.

‘There are many ways to convey your wishes, Gideon. You can tell her what you want her to do, what you would like, what would give you pleasure, what you don’t like, or want her to stop doing. Your modern conversations offer so much variety in the way people can express their wishes. Even your direct approach will work, in situations where it can be used.

‘Your coffee is coming. Pay attention to the young woman. Soon she will be in your bed. A few weeks maybe, you will be her hero.’

Gideon laid his pen down and closed his exam booklet. He looked around. Over two thirds of the class was still writing, and there was only a quarter hour left in the allotted time. It had been a killer exam. Fair, but still a killer. The students had to choose one of four sets of three pieces of art, to identify the piece, the artist, the time period, and to discuss the newest piece in relationship to what was happening societally at the time of their creation, comparing it to the others.

He picked up his backpack and made his way to the front of the room to turn in his exam. ‘Mr. Davies, I see you came back. I think we should talk about what I expect from you in this class. Be in my office at 4:30.’

‘I have…’

‘4:30, Mr. Davies. No excuses except death or maiming accident.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’

At 4:25 Gideon stood, waiting, in the hall outside of Professor Roberta McGee’s office. From around the corner, down the hall, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, the hard rapping sound of high heels on tiles over concrete. He turned to look and saw Bertie turn the corner. He caught just the glimmer of a smile when she saw him waiting.

He watched her come down the hall. On the tall side of average, she displayed the results of her daily mile run with pride
. In her mid fifties, she was still as trim and fit as she had been as a cheerleader her senior year in college. There was a slight thickening around the waist, due to her age, and her breasts needed a trifle more support from her brassieres now than they had then, but only a purist would object if they saw them exposed.

‘Ah, Mr. Davies! May I call you Gideon?’ He nodded, puzzled. ‘Thank you. I am sorry for making you meet me at this hour on a Friday, but I felt it was important that we understand each other. With such abbreviated class time, I think it best disruptions be kept to an absolute minimum. I’m sure you understand.

‘Given our history, may I ask why you registered for my course?’

‘Uh, I didn’t. I actually registered for Professor Jeffries section, but he prefers majors. When three of them registered late, he bumped me and I was assigned to your section since I needed the course to complete the sequence for my mid-east studies major.’

‘I see. As I said, I would like to avoid disruptions in class, or keep them to a minimal level. During discussion, unless you are arguing provable facts, I would appreciate it, in fact, I am going to require you to refrain from joining discussions. To that end, I will give you a B for that part of your grade based on participation.’

Deon was stunned. He didn’t know what he expected, but being muzzled wasn’t anywhere close. Not even with the bribe. He sat there, silent, unmoving.

‘Gideon? May I take your silence as agreement. I want an answer.’

From somewhere, Gideon heard himself saying, ‘And I want you to come around here and fuck me after you suck my cock to erection!’

The shocked look on his professor’s face told him the voice had not been his imagination. He was just as shocked when, instead of screaming at him to get his perverted ass out of her office, she stood up and walked around the desk, a glazed look on her face, and dropped to her knees in front of him. She reached for his belt buckle. ‘I’m not very good at this. I’ve only done it once, when I was a teenager.’

She looked up at him, holding his eyes with hers. ‘You’re making me do this, somehow, aren’t you? There’s no way I would willingly do this for any student, and especially you. But I can’t help myself. Omigod, your cock. I want to swallow it. I can’t help myself!’

She closed her mouth over Gideon’s flaccidity and began to caress his hardening staff with her tongue. As she felt it grow and harden in her mouth, she moaned. She found she enjoyed the feel of the soft rigidity between her lips, the soft velvety feeling of his glans against her cheeks and tongue, the heat in her mouth. She was surprised to feel herself moisten between her legs. The moans got louder, more frequent.

Gideon reached down and caressed her breast. He pulled her to a standing position. ‘I want to see you naked,’ he told her, recalling Astarte’s instructions. Bertie smiled as she reached behind her for the zipper to her dress.

‘This is ridiculous. You are making me participate in my own rape, and I’m enjoying it. I can feel myself being forced to act against my better judgment, and liking it. How are you doing that? It isn’t hypnotism, nor drugs…’

Gideon stopped her by pressing his lips to hers. He sat down and drew her onto his lap, his cock entering her smoothly, effortlessly. ‘Oh, god,’ she moaned, and began to post on his staff. ‘Ohmigodohmigodohmigod,’ she repeated as she began to move faster, Deon helping her, thrusting his hips toward her on her downstrokes. Within a few minutes her vocalizations turned to ‘yes yes yes yes yes,’ and finally ‘yesssssssss!’ as the climax washed over her.

She sat there, her forehead leaning on Deon’s as she caught her breath and recovered from the first orgasm she had experienced in over a year. As she recovered, she was aware of the staff still rigid in her vagi. She pulled back so she could see Deon’s eyes. ‘You didn’t…’ He shook his head. Bertie smiled. ‘Well, we can’t have that, can we? Is there another position which might be better for you? Maybe from the back?’ She dismounted from his lap and turned to brace herself on her elbows on the desk.

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Hannahs Hero Ch 07

Welcome to Part 7 of the tale of Hannah’s Hero. Sorry it’s taken so long to get this part out, but with all my other responsibilities it can be tough to get it out of my head and on to the computer! Thank you so much to all of you for the votes, comments, and messages. Even when they aren’t positive, the fact that you took the time to make them means a lot. Hope you all enjoy! * My husband Chris got a real workout for much of the first trimester of my pregnancy. I’ve heard that some women...

4 years ago
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Daddy Dearest

Daddy Dearest?Although this never happened; it’s been suggested that I attempt to write something about it. As many will realize, from reading other things I’ve posted; had it happened for real, I would have been on cloud nine most of the time. My father hated that I was a sissy and did punish me regularly for that. When he heard a rumor of something I’d done, there would be a trip to the barn. That’s where my young backside would meet the strap or the ‘family’ paddle until I couldn’t sit. He...

1 year ago
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The Christian thing To Do

This is mostly a true story. The names and places have been changes to protect the innocent. There was no illegal activity involved in this story. The Christian Thing To Do : Chapter 1 I was too young and stupid to be a married man. I had my heart broken in my first year of college and got married to the very next girl I dated. It didn’t take long to find out what a mistake that was. I flunked out of high school, my parents wouldn’t let me move back home, and I was living with someone I really...

2 years ago
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Chloe -- the G Man - 2004 She was in a padded cell unlike anything she had known. It was on the smallside, but not cramped. The walls were padded in a soft white. The lightingwas warm and illuminating, coming from a mirrored ceiling. On one wall wasa ?couch? formed into it seamlessly. The wall curved out and then back to thefloor to provide the seat. The floor was covered in an off white spongy rubberlike material. Firm enough to be stable to walk on but with enough spring toprevent injury....

3 years ago
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A Girls Life Chapter 3

The next morning I woke up to the alarm that I'd set early to avoid anyone seeing what I'd worn to bed. As I sat on the edge of my bed shaking the dreams of the night before from my head, but I couldn't remember my dreams, now that I was awake I looked down at the camisole and panties i was wearing and knew what I'd been dreaming about, I wondered what it would feel like for this to be normal, to be a girl, to be able to wake up and live my life as Ashley and have everyone accept me as...

2 years ago
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He shouldve seen this coming

So I was a slut in high school, and a complete fucking whore in college, and if I wasn't getting fucked, I was being a total cock-tease. So when my husband was shocked to find me getting tag-teamed by a couple of black dudes, I thought he totally overreacted...but I'm getting ahead of myself...let's start from the beginning... I always was successful at everything I tried. Fuck it. I don't mind being conceited. I got great grades, hung out with the elitist social circles, and always had...

Wife Lovers
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Ladybug corruption

The world changed overnight with the first cases of the Sexually Infected Subjects Spreading Infections Exponentially Syndrome, or SISSIES, became known. At first it sounded like some urban legend, men turning into hot, horny, hung shemales and spreading the infection to any man that came in them...or any man they came in. It was only after you saw video evidence, an amateur porno of a man sure it was all a hoax. A six foot foot six slab of muscle with a eight inch cock and a cocky smile...

3 years ago
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Pumped While Wearing His Pumps

What a place to be stuck! Under a sign that says Coors Road and practically dying of thirst. I was now two-thirds of the way across the United States but perhaps the most difficult portion of my cross-country hitchhiking adventure lay ahead. It is all deserts from there on the outskirts of Albuquerque to the Pacific coast, my ultimate destination. I had left from Maine four days earlier and was starting to tire of the road. My most recent ride had been with a guy who picked me up in Denver. A...

2 years ago
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Cab fare

You drive a cab long enough in Baltimore, you see everything. I’m not kidding. Baltimore is just full of characters, and it seems like I’ve had ’em all in my hack at one time or another in the years I’ve been doing this to keep a fucking roof over my head and pay my non-fucking ex-wife’s alimony bills. Like I said, I’ve seen all kinds of fares, but the topper had to be this rich society bitch last Christmas. I pick her up at BWI loaded her bags into the trunk and take off. She’s wearing a dead...

3 years ago
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1st time with best friends

I never thought I would be the one to have gay sex. I always used the word faggot and looked down on gays. Until 1 camping trip I went on a camping one winter with my two best friends we were all ex military and we're still in tip top shape. We were all getting ready to go to sleep there was only 1 bed so we all were going to share. My friend Tom was in nothing but loose fitting boxers and I could see the outline of a monster sized cock it was at least 8 inches and very thick by the way it was...

2 years ago
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Size matters a short tail

As a healthy woman I have had no qualms whatsoever about sex, race, age, size, and looks, have never entered the equation, just the penis into my vagina, because it's what I wanted at that moment in time.What most men want to know is what is the biggest cock you have ever rode. Well that is a double-edged question, because 'Big' for a woman is either length or breadth.For me personally, breadth wins hands down, as the fulfillment feeling makes for a great orgasm, as your vaginal muscles grip...

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Exposed and groped in a Bus

I had to travel in the bus every day while going to College and returning home.When returning home, in the evening, the bus would be always crowded and I had to travel always surrounded by a strong crowd. During bus travel many bodies were getting pressed against me and most of the time my body was getting fondled by many unknown hands of the strangers. Mostly it was my boobs which were receiving the maximum attention. The strangers' hands used to touch and grope my boobs. Most of the time it...

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PornHub Pics

There’s just something about a nice, sexy photo album that other kinds of porn can’t quite capture. Yeah, videos are fucking awesome, but most of those are professionally produced shoots by popular pornstars that you have seen a million times over. You can only bust a nut to Sasha Gray getting DP’ed so many times before you need a taste of something else. You’ll get your amateur content every now and then, but there just isn’t the same girl-next-door kind of vibe that you get from amateur porn...

Porn Pictures Sites
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My Only Sex Experience With A Married Girl

Hey readers, this is my first story here and the incident I am telling you about happened with me before the lockdown of 2020. First, a little bit about me. I am a 30 years old good-looking guy from Indore. I have fucked 9 girls till date including this married girl. Let’s call her Vandana (by the way, it is not her real name). So it all started in Oct 2019 when I received a DM on Instagram from Vandana. She had seen one of my comments on a reel that was related to wildlife and human...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black part 1

LAJORIA Day 1 10:50p.m. (school) Tuesday Rrrriiiinnnnnggggg!!!! The school bell rung for first lunch and I grabbed my books and left my Calculus class and headed downstairs to my locker and for my lunch. “LaJoria!” a familiar voice yelled up from behind. I turned around to find Tyrell Isaiah Jordan b.k.a. Black a.k.a. Rell, the school’s finest line backer. I turned around. “Sup Black?” “I haven’t talked to you in a long time.” “Yeah I know, and we’ve been going to this school together for I...

First Time
2 years ago
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Fun With the Roommate

You just moved away from home into your own apartment. Your roommate is a sexy girl named Shelby. She has hinted that she is attracted to you but nothing has happened between the two of you yet. You've been sharing an apartment for a few weeks now and her appeal is finally becoming too much for you to handle.

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Essence of Aphrodite

So one day you are shopping on the deep web when you come across a love potion that is not well defined by the seller so you purchase it. But at the same time you do a little digging and find out that the mysterious potion is called Aphrodite's Essence. Which people on a forum are discussing its unknown origins as well as different effects they have noticed. Though in you observations you see that there are not many in this forum maybe 10-15 people. You take note as you wait for the package to...

Mind Control
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In the Enemys TerritoryChapter 5

The night was restless for them both. Nova was so certain she had not slept until she realized she was alone and there was sun streaming in through pelts hung over the windows. After a languorous stretch, she had the chance at last to think on her situation. Squirming about in his bed, she felt the collar move. It was not uncomfortable. It was, in fact, almost too comfortable. A shudder passed through her as she recalled the previous day. Finding out her captor was family to the Slave Maker...

3 years ago
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Bobby gets drunk and dresses like a girl

In high school young Ed caused a scandal when he got caught fucking the female girl’s gym teacher. She was madly in love with Ed and his fantastic ability with his hormone charged young cock. Her husband was boring and a self-centered lover. Ed, on the other hand knew how to take time and please her. After she came a number of times on his cock he then ate her cunt and gave her more orgasms. At this point he was only 16 years old. His wealthy parents sent him to a private school in...

4 years ago
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The XXX Commandments

Thou Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me Her face was a mask of fury as she stomped away, leaving him utterly confused. What the fuck? I didn't want to come in the first place! Life sucks. Billy remembered driving to the dance, bored senseless. "Why can't we just fool around?" he asked. "I don't want to go to a high school dance!" She sighed patiently. "Jodi graduates this year and doesn't have a boyfriend, so we're sharing you. Just for tonight," she said, laughing. Yeah, that...

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Sex Du Jour Office Sex

Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out in...

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I was out late looking for a cheap hooker with £15 in my wallet I should at least get a blowjob. After 20 minutes of searching I see a young girl stood on the corner. I pull up along side her she tall long legs short skirt stockings m holdups long dark hair as she bends down I tell her how much for a bj. For u darling £10 for everything I m more than happy with that. Once in the car she tells me to drive down the road and take 2nd left. We end up down a dark alley at the end a quite car park....

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For as long as I can remember my favourite sexual activity has been solo or mutual masturbation. It started at school with the thrill of "fiddling" with a class mate under the desk during lessons and progressed from there. As a gay man in my twenties I was somewhat promiscuous and, although I indulged in the usual sucking and fucking, I much preferred to wrap my fist round a stiff cock and slowly bring my partner to a shattering climax. I got (and still get) a particular kick giving...

4 years ago
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Tiny Cock 2

My wife and I have been married for ten years, and we have two kids. Up until a week ago, everything was perfect…A week ago my wife came home from work, and had me delay supper so we could have sex. Her pussy was full of cum. She told me about her new boss and his eight-inch cock, and how he had screwed her on his desk, and how great it was. She wanted to do it again. I told her she’d have to get permission.She just called, and asked if she could bring her boss home, so that they could fuck...

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It Used to be Good Ch 02

Part III: Some things between us were a no-go. I hated things he liked, Dr. Pepper, Olives, the Doors, Taylor Swift, horror movies, gnomes and Michelle. Michelle was one of his best friends. When we broke up for the second time, (there were three times we broke up and four times we got back together), all the rumours I heard about him after that had her name in them. This was about the time Twilight the book, started to become popular. Apparently Michelle and I had a liking for this book...

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Ayushi From Metro Stranger To Bed Slut

Dear friends, this is Mohan here again with a very current event happened in my life. For people who don’t know me, I am Mohan from Delhi.I am a student who feels like enjoying life at the fullest. I don’t want to loose even a single chance of enjoyment. Horny aunties and college girls living in Delhi can contact me to have a long dick of 7 inches.My dick is waiting for you.Reach me at It was during the last week of November when I was going through the iss stories and found some stuff of...

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Second time of the day

As I walked into the bedroom from the bathroom I stopped in the door way to take in the beauty lying on the bed naked and satisfied from the first round of love making. The sun lighting up every curve on my big beautiful woman. I slide in the bed next to her and pull her to me. Kissing her passionately our tongues inter twine. I rub her face with the back of my hand as I look into her eyes. I then let my hand roam her big soft body. She gently pushes me on to my back and kisses my neck. ...

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The House 6

The House 6. Rubbing Father-in-law's shout from the living room clamored for my presence, I had promised him a drink before going to sleep. With my heart in my mouth and my testicles in my throat pushing him. I look at Malu who hasn't changed her posture or attitude at all, looking for her approval, but she shows no sign of allowing it, I quickly tell her a single drink and go upstairs. She smiles and I take it as a "yes it's ok" and rush off to the father-in-law's to take the blessed...

3 years ago
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The HealerChapter 2

I had been warned many times by Grandad Tivey that ‘basic’ was designed to break you down then build you up into something Ground Force could use. That started from the very second the shuttle touched down with a fully armoured Monitor ordering us off with various threats and imprecations and made us stand at attention, still holding our travel bags, to the side of the landing pad in a bit of a downpour. We were then left to stew as the Monitor ignored us to chat to the pilot. The one attempt...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 5

By lunch hour, Mrs. Clark had suffered about all she wanted to of the fourth grade for one morning. She needed the break. The break that the elementary teachers got wasn't as good as the ones the teachers got over in the high school; there, they got a full hour of break time each day -- well, a fifty-minute hour, and that was close enough, and they got lunch hour, too. The elementary teachers only got the thirty minute lunch hour, and sometimes it wasn't enough to recover and get ready to...

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I come from a decent family in Delhi. We are four in our family – Dad, mom, my younger brother and I. My dad (42) is a higher-level employee in a bank. Mom (38) is a senior staff with one of the research institutes. I (22) have just finished my engineering in Electronics and looking for a job. My brother (20) is doing his B.Sc. In short we are a happy family enjoying all the facilities available in the modern era. Even we are rich enough to have a maid,but we do not have any because we think...

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Surpise 4way with a twist part 3

The two sisters began hanging out at our home more and more.The older TS ‘sister’, Stephani (formerly Stephen) was jus 18 and the younger sister, Britni, one year younger. The dynamic around the house began to change as well. My wife found that she really wanted to take Britni as her young, ‘daughter’ and spend a lot of time with her. Britni was to always refer to my wife as ‘Mommy’, not matter where they were or who was possibly listening. They would spend hours shopping, going out, lunches,...

4 years ago
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Me and the Boxer

Saturday night I called an old girlfriend and we went out to a drive-in movie. Try as I might she let me touch and kiss her tits and she rubbed my cock a little but she knew Mary and said she wouldn't do anything more as long as we were going steady. That night I went home with a raging hard-on. I went for a walk hoping to find a window to peak in and maybe see some female flesh. About a block from home a boxer came up and started licking my hand. I had always loved dogs so I knelt down...

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Diavolo Ch 05

Abigail acquired a used car and then stopped at a shop and purchased a cell phone. The attendant had showed her an entire wall of technological wonders, way too complicated for her impatient simplistic mind to grapple with. She’d walked out with a small white phone and a basic understanding of how to deal with its functionality. Back outside, a shiver of apprehension had her gazing repetitiously over her shoulder. The eerie feeling of being watched followed her all the way to where she’d...

Love Stories
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A Not So Prim Proper Wife Ch 6

A Not So Prim & Proper Wife- Ch. 6Our story thus far:Tessa has been captured in her own home! After the fatal conclusion of the saga with her neighbor, Roberto, with his death of natural causes after attempting to **** her, Tessa had returned home after a trip to the hospital, to find her fire-damaged home dark, and with no electricity. Finding a way into her boarded up home, she was ambushed by some of her students, High School Seniors who were out for revenge, from the beating their...

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Ed BiggersChapter 8

Kelly returned to the Druid College once her responsibilities to the Fusion Foundation were over. Leroy left to move his lab closer to home. Ed was surprised to learn that Leroy had learned to fly and had purchased a private plane. The three-hour drive to his new lab was now just a little over an hour away by plane. Ling, working with Cathy and Mary, was still coming to grips with taking over the financial responsibilities for the house. They were still short-staffed, but it would be a while...

3 years ago
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Peak Performance Orgasmic Remy and Manuel

INTRODUCTION:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn.The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...

Porn Trends