Fantasie du jour Office Display
- 2 years ago
- 35
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Whilst in Stian's office...
It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out in any class of dealing and commerce at all.
The door squeals close and the padlock snaps and clinks instantaneously. My goodness! What could that be? Stian—or someone else locking us up inside here?
"Stian," I yell out, worried and appalled at the same time.
He answers straight away from somewhere about in this immense gloominess where I cannot see. It seems that he is behind me ... if I am not misguided and in the wrong. Nonetheless, I make out and faultlessly comprehend what he is saying out to me with my ears. "Yes, Mrs. Ragnhild Ascwin Elberd. What it is that you want to declare to your husband?"
"Stian, where are you?" My breath glitches and hitches out piercingly. I am astound and alarmed at the same time. When are the lights ever going to come back? Since the long-ago five minutes or so, every room inside the gigantic and mammoth hospital—a skyscraper made of untainted ravishing glass with fifteen floors and over six hundred massive rooms in it—had been dispossessed of electricity and left us in the dim and unfamiliar as an outcome. I am outlandishly starting to become frightened and horrified. Damn me for it!
From behind me, Stian reaches me, knocking himself against me intentionally and seizing me close and tight toward himself. How is he able to glimpse and spot me in this infinite gathering and mound of darkness while I myself cannot see anything at all? Is it a paranormal or mystical endowment of his or what? I cannot tell...
At a snail's pace and quietly, his hand attains for my gear—I am wearing a tawny-colored trousers suit—and he yanks my trousers down warily so as to bring my within scarlet panties before his reach and have himself without difficulty locate his probing fingers straight into my vagina and shocked pussy as an effect. Arghhhh! This is so abrupt and so unanticipated. I was not expecting it at all. And it is all so sweet and pleasurable. But do we have to be doing this here in his office in the first place?
Arghhhh ... His fingers mine and quarry deeper into my vagina, rousing and whipping it up to the pleasure and enjoyment, pitching about helplessly in the substance mass progressively and leisurely and conscientiously nice. I like the way that his fingers rub and scuff deep into my sex. It is like he knows the exact points and spots to tap as well as how to fondle and caress them. Of course, the way his fingers feel and stroke my inside is this astonishingly very poles-apart and unusual indeed. I wonder for how long he has been doing this. A year? Maybe two or three? Or for as long as he gained knowledge of how to lay a dick into a woman's cunt and beat and whip it about aggressively and frantically inside there?
Arghhhh ... Stian reaches down to snog and smacker my neck from behind me. With one hand, he cuddles and has fun with the edges of my enormous breast nipples; which I love and find irresistible so very much. Ashhhh! There is just a certain itching and prickling sensation to his fingers fiddling on my breasts that I cannot assist and help in any way probable. We are in a great lot deal of darkness ... and yet we are having and enjoying sex so very much. This tastes like heaven indeed. I luv it!
Faster; quicker; and more rapidly; Stian burrows and nudges deeper and more quicker into me with his fingers from the other hand, generating and crafting and building such a grand and high-speed locomotion that produces and spawns inside me immense and bonfire-like happiness and contentment. Ashooo-h! Deeper and more deeper his fingers travel about and survey into the depths of my vagina, arousing me and preparing me up for an even greater and hotter fucking. My God! I want to be fucked and spanked up real hard and real high-quality right now. My vagina is geared up and all set to receive and amuse and put up with his humongous and GR8 penis. It is all soaked and drenched already.
"Arghhhh!" I whine out, at last unable to hold the great delight I am experiencing to myself. Stian takes heed of it, and I can visualize him grinning and smirking wickedly behind me in this insurmountable cloud of darkness ingesting us. Yes. He likes it so very much when I undergo and stumble upon good quality orgasms. That consistently makes him seem like an actual and authentic man who is able and knows very well how to thrill and make happy a woman. What style of underwear is he dressed in today? I have a deranged mania and fixation of men's sexy undies, I must come clean to you. I like the way that their delectable and lip-smacking thighs are stripped nude and uncovered as well as the luscious and appetizing approach that their butts and bottoms are attired and arrayed shapely and satisfactorily. That picture drives me sexually and lustfully nuts, I must acknowledge. I can never resist or turn away from it. Is it normal and up-to-standard of me? I do not care. Who is one hundred per cent normal and faultless in this world of ours? No one at all; come hell or high water.
"Shit," Stian puts this into words in my ears, murmuring softly to be precise. I am keen on it whenever he nibbles and gnaws into ear. I all the time adore it; and this, merged and combined with the fingering and sweeping up of his fingers inside my pussy—it is just plain twofold and two-times bliss and delight indeed. Uhhhh! I enter my first round of orgasm while he carries on, "You are soggy so soon ... that is good quality, Ragnhild. I am going to fuck you in no time from now."
"Fuck me already, Stian," I make known reverse to him. "Fuck me hard and tough indeed. I can't wait for my cunt to receive that ever giant dick of yours. Put it inside of me. I beg you."
"You are begging me to rumpo you up, aren't you?"
"Do it now. I cannot wait." That precise moment, he shoves me from where I am standing, spinning me around as he does this until I batter my back on a well-built wall, walloping and whacking my head against it what's more and I notice Stian make it to me afterwards, and as I am respiring and breathing out serenely but fretfully, he grabs my stretched light brown hair towards himself and then hurriedly and charily compresses himself against me. I can feel his huge schlong and joystick become erect and unbendable. Yes. I am going to be fucked real good and real hard; and I won't ever feel sorry for it later on.
"Unfasten my zip, Ragnhild, will you?" As Stian states the words out, the light breeze coming out of his mouth gusts and flurries into my face. Yes. He is taller than me. A little bit high and soaring than I am; and I am not bothered by it at all. I do as he instructs me, undoing the zip of his pants, speedily and warily. That appears to electrify and excite him so very much. How do I know it? He rumbles and grumbles out gleefully and contentedly as I take appropriate and wary hold of his mammoth phallus or Willie that is secreted and covered in his linen-made underwear. Yes. His dick is so large and totally straightened perpendicularly even now. And I want to taste it inside my punani—or enthusiastic cherry pussy. I want that enormous dick of his so, so bad. Honestly speaking. I want it badly—even right this instant.
"Play with my dick, will you, Ragnhild?"
He desires me to play with his dick? Heck! How am I supposed to do that? I pet and stroke it tenderly and flippantly all the same, feeling my body tense and warm up in sexual tension and strain as I delay and dither all the more to grip and fix it straight into my pussy.
He then rebukes me, "I don't mean that, Ragnhild. I mean to say you butter up and suck my dick. That is what I want you to do. You understand that?"
"I grasp it well, Stian."
"Good; go ahead and do it then."
I tilt and skim down with my back against the slicky and slimy like wall. I must suck Stian's chopper; I must lick his dick; I must do it. I open wide my mouth ... and then place his whang and big schlong inside there. Yes. He grunts and whimpers out in utmost delight and bliss the moment I do that. Damn him for making me clean his filth and muck!
"Yes ... Ragnhild. Do it just like that. Yes ... keep it on, baby."
I am on the alert and attentive not to crunch his willy with my teeth. My teeth are this pointed and spiky and razor-sharp and I can simply gnaw and injure him at any over-sighting and mistaking. I am not used to doing this. Neither am I a specialist at it. But I have to do it anyway; just like he wishes me to. As I gulp and swallow more of his extensive and full-size dick into my mouth, I feel and handle nicely his haunches behind and shake and swing along with them. He lets go and frees off sperm into me in no time. I have a compulsion and responsibility to ingest and sip it well and fine, I am conscious. Damn it! I detest having semen gathered and collected in my mouth; and instead I love it filling up and packing plentifully and richly in my vagina.
"Good girl, Ragnhild. Go on with on with it, baby. A hard and pleasurable fuck is awaiting you, sweetie."
He lets loose and pours into my mouth his valued seed and semen, filling and loading it until it is flooded and overflowing to the very heart. From the curves and angles of my mouth spermatozoa trickles and seeps out, whitish in color (I envisage) and delectable to dribble and pour and collect inside a gaping and set ajar vagina. Oh. This is so crazy and foolish indeed. But I am doing it at any rate.
I carry on with the sucking for six added-on minutes before Stian requests me to bring it to an end and then he steadily and progressively takes out his penis from my mouth to tell me to stand up and erect. I know what will follow next. He is going to fuck and bang the hell out of my pussy with his huge cock. Surely! And I cannot wait for it to come about already. My goodness! I am a cock whore to my hubby, ain't I? That is what it seems, you phallus bitch, Ragnhild.
"You know one thing, Ragnhild?" Stian asks me.
"Yes, Stian."
"I love you; with all my heart and soul."
"I love you too, Stian. Now fuck my pussy already, will you?"
"As thou fancy and desireth, madam."
I don't think that there is any more sperm left for my vagina. Is there any? I must have sucked and slurped down Stian's jissom and jism to emptiness and nonexistence. How many liters of reproductive cell is a in-good-physical-shape human male supposed to generate in his scrotums? How many liters ought to be spewed and puked out through his urethra? How many precisely?
Delicately and kindly, Stian puts the head of his John Thomas between my thighs and then tells me to stroke and rub it benevolently. I do as he says. And out his weight and load of spermatozoa is cast and spit out, out to tarnish and smudge and taint the opening and fissure of my vulva. Goodness! It is all so quick and unexpected; and side-splitting too. At least, there is hope that I will be having cargos and loads of semen beautifying and garnishing my womb and vagina. Vaginal sex without spermatic fluid is like eating roasted chicken without salt tipped and scattered on it. Don't you agree with me? Salt is as evenly important as spermatozoon is.
"Shit, baby," Stian expresses out to me, sounding like he is seriously drained and worn-out. He is not. We have not spent much time on this. In fact, we have only begun. He is not dead beat by no means, I conjecture up. With his fingers, he locates and finds my vulva and then opens it all the more widely and broadly before he fits that giant penis of his into me and begins slamming and spanking brutally and vehemently into me. Owh! This is so sudden and so uproarious. I love it indubitably!
I shut my eyes for a fleeting and transitory while. The enjoyment ... the cheerfulness ... the enchantment—it is all mind-blustering and earth-crushing to the last scale indeed. Sex ... is ... great. Stian. He just gratifies and pleases me like nothing else. I lay my hands on his soft bums behind him and become immediately hypnotized and enthralled and enraptured by the way and manner that his bottom juggles and joggles behind there. Ahhhh! This lovemaking of ours in his office is exceedingly sweet and enjoyable indeed. It is the best thing ever.
For a concise while, Stian stops pumping and siphoning his never-ending sperms into me and then he pauses for a shortly time to ask me, "Are you enjoying this, Ragnhild? Be straight with me please."
"Of course, I am liking it so very much, Stian. I wish there were some lights on for you to see and read my face. It is all that you can ever need to tell the entire truth."
"All that I can ever need?"
"Unerringly! I am being frank and genuine with you here."
"I love you so much, Ragnhild."
"I love you so much too, Stian."
He continues pumping and thrusting into me again. My goodness! I cannot take it. It is too much ... too pleasant ... too enjoyable ... too fantastic and too breathtaking. And I don't want to fasten my eyes close anymore. I am enforced to do so in any case every time that I encounter too much ecstasy and bliss and satisfaction that has me nibble and bite my lower lip gladly and excitedly. Arghhhh! I have been given too much of Stian now. Too much of him! When will he stop? I am starting to get worn-out and dead beat myself.
"Ragnhild," Stian calls me, his tone of voice calm and malleable-like.
I don't know what else I have to do right this very moment. To be truthful and honest with you, I don't know where exactly this is taking me to. Where precisely? I mean: this man here has just helped me out and I can't believe that I have to repay him for what he has done by sleeping with him and ending his life in the very conclusion. Is this it or what exactly? I am confused right now and I don't even know what to really and literally do. I am being truthful and veracious here; I mean...
Each day I wake up, I expect myself to be entirely dead. I know that this might sound scary and intimidating to you, but it is the real and veritable truth. I don't know where I am going anymore. I don't know what will come and be of me in life. It is either I kill—or I get killed. I was only seventeen years old when I first became a prostitute. An underage, you might think right yeah, and I really was immature and babyish then. Being a streetwalker during night is not something I foresaw...
"Tonight ... I am going to fuck and rump and screw you up in my underwear," as Stian voices out the syrupy, succulent-like words to me, I am iced up still and winded; him grasping me in my beneath knee lawn-shade-like dress, I myself trembling and shuddering powerlessly and vulnerably in his unyielding grip. The initiative of him having sex with me in his underwear intrigues and enthralls and mesmerizes me completely. So, so, so, so much indeed. I marvel what style and shape of underwear he...
This was the look she had on her face before she was found dead and abandoned in the deserted hotel room. She had long dark drown hair, large ice blue eyes, pale ivory skin, and filled-up and healthy cheekbones. I have the picture they found of her after she was deceased and lifeless somewhere about in my room, and to be honest and upright with you, it not only scares and shakes the hell out of me, but also breaks and smashes and shatters my heart up. In those appalling and spine-chilling...
Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out...
Each day I wake up, I expect myself to be entirely dead. I know that this might sound scary and intimidating to you, but it is the real and veritable truth. I don't know where I am going anymore. I don't know what will come and be of me in life. It is either I kill—or I get killed. I was only seventeen years old when I first became a prostitute. An underage, you might think right yeah, and I really was immature and babyish then. Being a streetwalker during night is not something I foresaw...
Cooper Graham. He is straightened and risen before me, wholly and every inch starkers and buck naked and without a slight stitch on. He has slumped and lobbed his clothes down to the floor, after I have worked out the same that is, and as he eyes and gazes direct at me, I feel the hots and salaciousness steel and gee up in my flesh and veins, enticing me to inspect in-depth his unclothed body, to leer and gawp and letch after his shapely and well-formed and curvaceous self. I am on the...
I just don't catch on to it. What is this guy—surpassingly and exceedingly and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and low-grade and for-the-valueless-birds girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and wretched and trashy and miserable I can be plainly and definitely taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and fallacious and erroneous about me. Really! He is long-legged and towering high above...
I just don't comprehend it. What is this guy—surpassingly and extraordinarily and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and valueless and rubbish girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and pitiful and rubbishy and wretched, I can be simply and undeniably taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and erroneous and untrue about me. In truth! He is long-legged and towering high above my steep and...
I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...
As Stian Elberd slams and seals shut the door to our bedroom, I know what it is that he is specifically going to do to me. Which is spank and smack me carnally and sexually till I am all condemned and certainly and dreadfully ill-stared and ill-omened. Yes. He is vaguely going to do that and so much more. That, I cannot doubt or question about in any way probable. Buy into it or not. I do not give a damn at all No, I do not in any way thinkable. I sigh to myself as I turn over to gaze at...
Uh! Stian Elberd is going to fuck me in my anus today. As I bang and thump shut the door to our secretive for not-more-than-two exclusively bedroom, I turn and whirl around to see him completely and fully nude and uncovered and undressed. He is dressed in nothing but in his most sexy and seductive and alluring underwear. I love it! And I find it irresistible so, so, so very much. The way and manner that his thighs are exhibited and flashed about and vaunted and made a great show off of, it...
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I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...
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I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...
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Hello everyone! This is Nik again back with another true story about my sexcapades with the security lady in my office. It so happens that in my office there is a security lady – she has been working there for a long time. We used to exchange smiles and greetings every day and she was kind of friendly to me. Other than that, there was really nothing between us – until the time, I gave her a lift on my bike. Usually, when I travel to office, I take my bike because it is a bit easy to maneuver...
Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. Story is about my busty colleague Anusha who joined recently. There is a girl at my workplace who I sort of had a crush on. She was not that great. I mean she was fair but doesn’t have an...
Dear Readers, This is in continuation to my earlier story. There is a saying that girls can’t keep a secret for a long especially with a friend. This is precisely what happened in my case. It had been only two sexual encounters with my employee Shez, I received a resignation notice from one of my senior female employee named Shabu. Before I begin further I need to introduce my employee Shabu. Shabu is a very pretty girl, unmarried, aged 30 years, with big boobs and ass, extremely fair in...
Hi. I am Mohan Reddy, 52 years old and with the permission of one of my friends who happens to be a girl, I am putting up her story of how she seduced the manager who was horny for her. She is a 5 ft 9 in tall girl with body measurements 36-34-38. She is lovely, sexy and full of fun. To tell you more about her, she is married but her husband does not satisfy her sexually. Let’s call her Sonia. Sonia is 54 years old and still very horny. She is bisexual in nature and loves getting her pussy...
Hello! this is Nik, I am back again with another real incident that happened between my office security lady and me in Pune. Thank You All! for the feedback on my previous stories. If you have not read them, please click on my username and head over to the other stories that I have published here. Do let me know what you think. I would love to get in touch. So, this is a real story of my sexcapades with the office security lady (Sangeeta – name changes of course). I do apologize for the long...
Introduction: Ragnhild Ascwin is a loving wife who knows how to fuck her husband in his office when the lights go out……………. Whilst in Stians office&hellip, It is dim and gloomy, all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert&hellip,my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central...
"Close your eyes, concentrate on the rose. Look at each individual petal, how they curl out to form the flower, how they overlap each other. Think of how the stem attaches to the rose, the leaves angle out from the stem and the thorns attach. Now with that picture firmly in place sprinkle a few rose petals in front of you and push with your mind. Push the picture from your mind into the hand that held the petals." "Now open your eyes and look at your rose." said Master Clarisse. As she...
Hello readers of ISS. This is Ujwal and I am from Bangalore. I work for an MNC and aged in early 30s. I am an average looking person and am placed well in the company. I recently joined this company were I am working now and met this beautiful girl in the training as we were suppose to work for the same process. I saw her and that moment I began to lust for her body. To tell you more about her Priya was lean, having an athletic body. Her Priya didn’t have a beautiful shape as such but any man...
Hello all, I am Sneha. Pallavi is posting my Sex encounter story on my behalf as she has posted many of here. I am 42 years old and working in an IT company. Let me tell you about myself. I was born in a rich family and had a good education. I studied in boarding school and completed engineering in a good college. My communication skills were good and help me establish well in my professional life. I am 5.1 feet, not tall but have a commanding voice. My close friends used to say that I look...
Hmm, SextingForum? Of course, I prefer the actual act, fucking and all that, but sexting can also be fun foreplay. Who knew that there is a forum chat designed just for that, and if you ever liked sexting, now is your chance to explore a wonderful world you might have never known existed. It is called, and while it mostly revolves around Snapchat sexting, it involves other types of that shit as well.I was honestly surprised to see that this forum site was more or less quite...
Porn ForumsIm only 15, I told the local church minister,as he rammed his cock firmly up my gaping arse,keep still boy he said, do as you are told,do you want to go to hell, no sir,then be thaankful Im here to help you free all those Demons inside of you, He held my hips tightly and was shafting me with his 8" cock, .This is the third time he,s raped me, he likes to have me suck his cock while he gives his Thursday evening address, in the pulpit I have sit and wait for him,and as soon as he arrives ,he...
Apple started it, of course. First there was the iMac, then the world went crazy for the iPod and before you knew it loads of companies out there were prefixing their products with the ubiquitous “i”. It seemed only natural that I added to the movement when I christened what happened with Nancy , iSex. Nancy Perry was an admin assistant at the company I worked for. She was in many ways unremarkable, but for some reason her face struck a chord with me and I always looked at her with eyes...
“Don’t forget to call me if you catch an earlier plane home from the conference or if your plane is delayed,” said Florence. “I want to know either way, so I can be ready.” “OK,” said Erwin. “Why are you so obsessive about this vacation?” “Because your company owns you for the next five days,” she said, “but the minute you get off the plane, you are mine exclusively for three full weeks.” “Don’t forget,...
6:45 am, everyday, I set out to run. I have been running about 4 miles, everyday, through my neighborhood, to and around the park and back. For three months now, I have run the same route, the same time, everyday of the week. My name is Kirk, I am 25 years old, in great shape and, in all modesty, a hell of a good looking stud. I am 6 foot 1, wavy brown hair, chiseled facial features and abs tighter than a straight man’s ass in a gay bar. I noticed her about 3 weeks ago. She was running her loop...
Super Sex & My BBW Ex By Geekman I live down the Jersey Shore my Ex live in North Jersey and our daughter lives near her. My ex has been married twice since our divorce ten years ago we talk once in a while mostly about how our daughter is doing since finishing college and getting a place of her own. I am happily remarried to a lovely woman ten years younger than myself who treats my nice in an out of the bedroom. My daughter called a couple of weeks ago and said her Mom found...
For your entire life, you've thought of your family as pretty normal. Kaitlin and Robert Talbot, both in their late forties, both with standard but boring 9-5 office-type jobs. Two kids, Jessica and Andy, 21 and 19, respectively, college dropout and aspiring college dropout. You know, the American dream. Then Robert becomes the key witness in a murder by a big-time member of your city's organized crime network. His testimony is key to putting this criminal behind bars. It also puts a target on...
This is a world of magic and sword. This is a world of knights and mages. This is a world of demons and gods. This is a world of humanoids and monsters. But this, is not his world. Ryu. A modern world guy, to say it nicely. A fat otaku, to say it crudely. Was it Truck-sama that brought him here? He doesn't remember, and it wouldn't matter anyway. Now it's time to pick up a weapon, and fight for his new life. For his own life, and for the adventurer girls who picked him up and welcomed him into...
FantasyEs war eine dieser typischen langweiligen Stunden in der Schule. Wie jeden Tag hatte mich das Taxi zu dem alten Gebäude, welches die Rockwell Privatschule beherbergte, gebracht. Draußen drückte die Hitze und allmählich drang diese auch in die Zimmer. Ich saß da und sah gelangweilt aus dem Fenster. Die Blätter an den Bäumen ruhten. Die Zeit schien einfach nicht zu vergehen. Mein Stuhl knackte. Meine Banknachbarin klopfte mit dem Fuß leicht dagegen. Doch das störte mich nicht, denn in meinem Kopf...
TeenVous poussez un soupir de plaisir encore à moitié endormi, et ne tardez pas à comprendre tout en émergeant que le matin est arrivé et que votre femme de chambre, Suzie, se charge de vous réveiller à sa si délicieuse manière. Comme tous les jours, en effet, elle a tiré vos draps pour venir passer ses lèvres et sa langue sur votre clitoris et vos lèvres intimes. Cette petite sait y faire pour les cunis, c'est en grande partie ce qui lui a permis de garder sa place si longtemps. Vous vous nommez...
While checking your email's spam folder, you see an interesting advertisement . . . FREE TRIAL! New sexdoll robot, so real you'll never go back. 100% Satisfaction guarantee!!1! Intrigued, you read more. It seems the sextoy company HUMPCO is ready to do some market testing on a new sex doll, the SexBot6900. It is supposedly very realistic and includes some advance, interactive programming. The first 50 people to respond to the advertisement will get an opportunity to test the product, provide...
"I know I'm fat", she thought, "I should just change my name from Matty to Fatty. I bet that why my interview lasted only minutes." She was leaving from an interview, one of many. Despite having excellent typing skills, and two degrees (Business Administration, and Accounting) she couldn't get any job. Before leaving she walked round the corner to the hall bathroom on the bottom floor of the building. She pushed on the ladies room door but it was locked. "Odd" she thought. Looking around and...
LesbianAnother lousy day at work goes by, and James Henderson is not in a good mood. He hasn't been promoted since he started, since his bitchy, overweight boss Mrs Cranston hates his guts, and even worse, he's thirty years old and hasn't had a good lay in months. He can't even concentrate on his work anymore he's so horny. If only he didn't have that bizarre neurosis that keeps him from jacking off, he might have some relief, but he's got ballache to a severe degree now. Walking into his...
FantasySo, what happened in the end was: I got so sick of space travels. I started feeling that not even sex could fill my life with enough joy to carry on like this. Or maybe it wasn’t the actual space travels but, you know, just having to work? Or, more specifically, having to flog stuff?‘To flog’ means ‘to sell’, by the way – I have spent enough time living in the south of England to have picked up all the slang words that you may see on the pages that follow. I have lived in quite a few places,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiYou slip your CashCard through the slot and the Rent A Room door glides open. Looking in, you see a bed, sink, shower and dresser. On the dresser are three metal cubes, each about three feet on each side. You know that these containers hold the DrokSar, natives of this planet. They welcomed the Human expansionists with much zeal, for the DrokSar are parasites. They feed on the sexual energies and juices of other living creatures. The Drok`Sar willingly allow themselves to be enslaved and...
Tammy looked over the books on magic on the shelves. Her term paper was due next month, and she knew if she got an early start all the books wouldn't be taken. Her green eyes went from one title to the next, than stoped on one she couldn't read. Long red manicured nails traced the books goden spine, than she pulled it down from the shelf. "What kind of language is this?" she asked herself as she opened the book. Inside the pages were as filled with more of the strange writing. For no reason...
FantasyYou like nice sexy lingerie and you have a lot of it?Hmm but you like to wear it right?When do you wear it?Never when you go out?Hmmm Gorgeous!!!!Imaging you wearing this with a black short skirt and a dark blouse...High heels and going out for dinner with me...You would be my sexy date we would go to a quiet but nice restaurantcandle lights on the table....and I would place you with your back to the personal and the other visitors...You drink wine ? Red or white?A white one then, I order...
Drying my hair in the bathroom, I heard my familiar Rammstein ringtone announcing I'd received a Whatsapp message. Wondering whether I should take a look, or wait until I finished getting ready, I continued waving the hair dryer around my head, feeling the super-heated air wafting through my luxurious locks."Not bad," I muttered to myself while critically studying my reflection in the mirror. "No, not bad at all," which was the best I could expect, considering the hectic week I’d just had."...