Fantasie du Jour Sex Shop Delights
- 2 years ago
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The glass andsteel cabinet you had built to display me in your office looks like a largefish tank. Each morning at exactly 8.50am sharp, you open the glass panel atthe front and help me climb inside. I kneel on all fours, completely nude andastride the metal tubing that is set between the leather-padded mats on thefloor of the cabinet. My forearms resting on the mats forces my buttprovocatively in the air; a padded T-bar riser supports my hips and holds me inthat position. For added measure, there are leather cuffs for my wrists andankles that are used to lock them to the metal tubing.
It always takes amoment to adjust to the silence inside the cabinet after you close the frontpanel. The soundproof enclosure muffles the sounds of business and life goingon in the outside world. All I can hear are the sounds of my breathing (lightand shallow), and the steady, highly audible sound of a clock ticking.Accompanying each rhythmic tick is the sensation of something dripping into thecrack of my butt. It?s just the tiniest, lightest touch, but each dropaccumulates until a greasy sensation begins to form between my cheeks.
The cabinet ismounted on a bench behind your desk and from my position, I can quietly watchyou go about your daily business. Occasionally, you swivel around in your chairif you?re speaking on the phone, and you?ll smile at me. I can see your lipsmoving but am never sure whether you?re talking to somebody about me or not.All the while, there is the incessant ticking of the clock, and the drips thateventually overflow my ass crevice to seep down along the slit of my pussy, andeventually down the insides of my thighs.
I can usuallytell when the time is nearing 9am. Your first appointments for the day willusually arrive a few minutes before. Even though they appear to be engaged inconversation with you, their eyes frequently gaze up at me; their faces beamingwith broad grins. Then, the whirring begins.
The sound is veryloud and masks the ticking sound that has held my attention for the previousten minutes. It?s a sound I have grown to both love and hate ? the sound of alarge mechanical dildo stirring to life behind me. When the whirring sound goessilent, there will be exactly five ticks of the clock before it starts up againand the dildo begins forcing itself into my immobilized ass. I brace myself forthe first touch of its tip and the slow, inevitable push that follows as itbreeches the resistance of my anal sphincter muscles.
Even though nochimes are playing, I sense the dildo?s rhythm grinding in and out of my ass tosilent chimes playing in my thoughts. Being an hourly chime, the dildo playsthe longest tune ? several minutes in all until at last, it is joined by avibrator pressed deeply into my pussy so its tickler can assault my clit fornine (or whatever the hour is) intense strikes. It never fails to make meorgasm. My whole body is left tingling for minutes after the dildo and vibratorare mechanically withdrawn.
The slow drippingsensations of oily lubricant resume, as does the ticking of the clock. Mysenses remain in a heightened state from now on. On each of the followingquarter hours, the dildo will again emerge and fuck my ass ? not slowly anddeliberately as happens on the hourly chime, but rapidly and with a force thatwould knock me over if it wasn?t for the T-bar support under my hips. It onlylast a minute (slightly longer at the half hour mark) but by the end of it, Iam exhausted and gasping to draw breath. Sometimes, it hurts so much I scream,but you rarely notice unless the sight of my ass being roughly ravished overlyexcites one of your clients to draw your attention. I usually try not to cry,but occasionally the anguish is too much to hold back.
You usually timeyour morning tea break to coincide with the eleven o?clock chimes. Severalminutes beforehand, you rise from your desk and remove your trousers andunderwear. There is a step at the end of the cabinet and a window that opens,through which you offer me your cock. I suck you sensuously and try not toflinch when I hear the whirring begin. A moment later, the fucking of my pussyand ass begins. You often rock your hips in time with the grinding sound of themotors thrusting the cocks into my holes, but will hold back your ejaculationinto my mouth to coincide with the eleven intense vibrations that you know makeme orgasm.
An hour later,you may again climb the step and feed me your cum, although many is the timeyou will instead invite your favored clients to fuck my mouth. After the chimeshave finished pounding my pussy and ass, and I have swallowed mouthfuls ofjism, you release me from the cabinet. It?s always deeply humiliating for me towalk nude from your office, down to the company cafeteria ? my ass and innerthighs glistening with oily residue from the lubricant; my whole body stillnumb from the orgasms I have had to endure all morning.
You have a chefwho always knows how you like to have me served up for lunch. He?s ready with astainless steel trolley, and I am bound on my back with my ankles tied backover my head near my wrists. I watch helplessly as he places various bowls andplates around me ? a selection of fruits usually, accompanied by hot strawberrysauce and whipped cream. The chef will always decorate my anus with a dollop ofcream and either a cherry or strawberry to top it off. As a final touch, hewill stuff my mouth with a whole plum before an kitchen assistant wheels meback to your office.
It alwaysembarrasses me when you play with your food. The sensations of your tonguechasing the cheery around in the cream in my ass hole tickle and, any guestssharing lunch with you must surely think I actually enjoy being humiliated likethat. The rest of the meal is spent refilling my anal crater with cream or hotstrawberry sauce and then dipping cut fruit that you eat.
Lunchtimes,though it embarrasses me to admit, usually result in my favorite orgasms of theday. Once you?ve eaten your fill of fruit you?ll lick my entire ass and pussyclean, with extra attention paid to my defenseless clit. Strictly speaking, I?mnot allowed to orgasm during lunch, and you punish me with hard spanks to myass, or will whip my pussy and ass with a stingy flogger, if I do let myselfget carried away with my own pleasure.
On an ordinaryday, lunch may last an hour, after which you will return me to the glassdisplay cabinet before the 1pm chime strikes. However, if you run past thistime it usually means you?ve especially enjoyed your lunch. On these days youuntie me and have me return the trolley to the kitchen, along with theinstruction I am to give the Chef and his assistants whatever ?tip? theydesire.
When I firststarted with you, there was only Chef and one assistant. These days, there canbe anything up to four assistants eager to receive your tip. Chef is a lot likeyou in that he enjoys fucking my ass. Depending on how much time you have givenme (usually not much), I will stand bent over with my hands on my knees whilehe fucks my ass. I then remain that way while his assistants take turns.However, most times I have to pay the tip there isn?t this much time. In thesecases, Chef will have the senior assistant lie naked on a coffee table in theirstaff room while I must sit on his cock. Chef then mounts my ass, and the otherassistants in order of seniority will position themselves, for me to suck oneand masturbate the other two.
You often delightin asking me how many tips I had to pay and whether or not I made the paymentin one large sum (taking all five men at once). Sometimes, you?ll even waitbeyond the 2pm chime just so you can hear me confess all the details of how theChef and kitchen staff used me. It?s bad enough when you are alone for this,but having to tell all these details when you have clients in the room is extrahumiliating. You make me blush even more when you make me bend over in front ofthem and hold my butt cheeks spread to show where the cocks fucked me anddeposited their cum. They?ll usually want to finger my holes as well, which youhappily encourage them to do. If the clients are particularly important to you(and occasionally when they aren?t) you?ll even let them fuck me again, or haveme sit on their cocks and fuck them while you watch.
The last coupleof hours of the working day are spent back in the glass display cabinet ? myass ravished solidly ever quarter hour and my pussy on the hour, every hour.After the five o?clock chimes have rung in my exhausted body, you let me outand allow me a minute or two to recover my breath. You undress while I do thisand then sit in your chair to wait for me. It is my job to masturbate lubricantonto your cock ? a task I secretly relish. I can usually tell the mood you?rein by what you have me do next.
If you?re in ahappy, relaxed mood, you?ll invite me to sit on your cock ? usually facing you,straddling your thighs so you can look into my eyes while you sensuously fuckmy pussy. However, on other days when you?re voracious sexual appetite stillhasn?t been filled, you?ll tell me to stand between you and your desk with myback to you.
You tie my anklesand then spread them widely to tether them to the legs of your desk. Then,you?ll move around the desk and spread me out so I'm bending over it ? mywrists tied to the front legs of your desk. On days when you?re especiallyaroused you?ll even gag me. You then move behind again and feed your hard cockinto my ass. There is no preliminary loosening up or gentleness. You simplythrust into me and fuck me hard, and mercilessly. It?s a fucking that can lastup to half an hour or more while your balls regenerate cum to replace all thejism you?ve lost through the day. The longer this takes, the more energetic youbecome and you slap my butt cheeks repeatedly, until I can feel them glowingand burning with the imprints of your hands.
By the time youultimately finish, my ass hole burns with such intensity it feels like there?sliterally a fire burning there. But you?re not an entirely cruel boss. On daysthat end with a severe ass fucking like this, you never let me go until afteryou have gently soothed and massaged my tortured anus with a special medicatedcr?me you keep for the purpose in your desk draw. It has a slightly numbingeffect and feels silky and cool. I revel in the sensations of it being appliedand will sometimes even orgasm with no other stimulation than your finger in myass?
The glass andsteel cabinet you had built to display me in your office looks like a largefish tank. Each morning at exactly 8.50am sharp, you open the glass panel atthe front and help me climb inside. I kneel on all fours, completely nude andastride the metal tubing that is set between the leather-padded mats on thefloor of the cabinet. My forearms resting on the mats forces my buttprovocatively in the air; a padded T-bar riser supports my hips and holds me inthat position. For added measure, there are leather cuffs for my wrists andankles that are used to lock them to the metal tubing.
It always takes amoment to adjust to the silence inside the cabinet after you close the frontpanel. The soundproof enclosure muffles the sounds of business and life goingon in the outside world. All I can hear are the sounds of my breathing (lightand shallow), and the steady, highly audible sound of a clock ticking.Accompanying each rhythmic tick is the sensation of something dripping into thecrack of my butt. It?s just the tiniest, lightest touch, but each dropaccumulates until a greasy sensation begins to form between my cheeks.
The cabinet ismounted on a bench behind your desk and from my position, I can quietly watchyou go about your daily business. Occasionally, you swivel around in your chairif you?re speaking on the phone, and you?ll smile at me. I can see your lipsmoving but am never sure whether you?re talking to somebody about me or not.All the while, there is the incessant ticking of the clock, and the drips thateventually overflow my ass crevice to seep down along the slit of my pussy, andeventually down the insides of my thighs.
I can usuallytell when the time is nearing 9am. Your first appointments for the day willusually arrive a few minutes before. Even though they appear to be engaged inconversation with you, their eyes frequently gaze up at me; their faces beamingwith broad grins. Then, the whirring begins.
The sound is veryloud and masks the ticking sound that has held my attention for the previousten minutes. It?s a sound I have grown to both love and hate ? the sound of alarge mechanical dildo stirring to life behind me. When the whirring sound goessilent, there will be exactly five ticks of the clock before it starts up againand the dildo begins forcing itself into my immobilized ass. I brace myself forthe first touch of its tip and the slow, inevitable push that follows as itbreeches the resistance of my anal sphincter muscles.
Even though nochimes are playing, I sense the dildo?s rhythm grinding in and out of my ass tosilent chimes playing in my thoughts. Being an hourly chime, the dildo playsthe longest tune ? several minutes in all until at last, it is joined by avibrator pressed deeply into my pussy so its tickler can assault my clit fornine (or whatever the hour is) intense strikes. It never fails to make meorgasm. My whole body is left tingling for minutes after the dildo and vibratorare mechanically withdrawn.
The slow drippingsensations of oily lubricant resume, as does the ticking of the clock. Mysenses remain in a heightened state from now on. On each of the followingquarter hours, the dildo will again emerge and fuck my ass ? not slowly anddeliberately as happens on the hourly chime, but rapidly and with a force thatwould knock me over if it wasn?t for the T-bar support under my hips. It onlylast a minute (slightly longer at the half hour mark) but by the end of it, Iam exhausted and gasping to draw breath. Sometimes, it hurts so much I scream,but you rarely notice unless the sight of my ass being roughly ravished overlyexcites one of your clients to draw your attention. I usually try not to cry,but occasionally the anguish is too much to hold back.
You usually timeyour morning tea break to coincide with the eleven o?clock chimes. Severalminutes beforehand, you rise from your desk and remove your trousers andunderwear. There is a step at the end of the cabinet and a window that opens,through which you offer me your cock. I suck you sensuously and try not toflinch when I hear the whirring begin. A moment later, the fucking of my pussyand ass begins. You often rock your hips in time with the grinding sound of themotors thrusting the cocks into my holes, but will hold back your ejaculationinto my mouth to coincide with the eleven intense vibrations that you know makeme orgasm.
An hour later,you may again climb the step and feed me your cum, although many is the timeyou will instead invite your favored clients to fuck my mouth. After the chimeshave finished pounding my pussy and ass, and I have swallowed mouthfuls ofjism, you release me from the cabinet. It?s always deeply humiliating for me towalk nude from your office, down to the company cafeteria ? my ass and innerthighs glistening with oily residue from the lubricant; my whole body stillnumb from the orgasms I have had to endure all morning.
You have a chefwho always knows how you like to have me served up for lunch. He?s ready with astainless steel trolley, and I am bound on my back with my ankles tied backover my head near my wrists. I watch helplessly as he places various bowls andplates around me ? a selection of fruits usually, accompanied by hot strawberrysauce and whipped cream. The chef will always decorate my anus with a dollop ofcream and either a cherry or strawberry to top it off. As a final touch, hewill stuff my mouth with a whole plum before an kitchen assistant wheels meback to your office.
It alwaysembarrasses me when you play with your food. The sensations of your tonguechasing the cheery around in the cream in my ass hole tickle and, any guestssharing lunch with you must surely think I actually enjoy being humiliated likethat. The rest of the meal is spent refilling my anal crater with cream or hotstrawberry sauce and then dipping cut fruit that you eat.
Lunchtimes,though it embarrasses me to admit, usually result in my favorite orgasms of theday. Once you?ve eaten your fill of fruit you?ll lick my entire ass and pussyclean, with extra attention paid to my defenseless clit. Strictly speaking, I?mnot allowed to orgasm during lunch, and you punish me with hard spanks to myass, or will whip my pussy and ass with a stingy flogger, if I do let myselfget carried away with my own pleasure.
On an ordinaryday, lunch may last an hour, after which you will return me to the glassdisplay cabinet before the 1pm chime strikes. However, if you run past thistime it usually means you?ve especially enjoyed your lunch. On these days youuntie me and have me return the trolley to the kitchen, along with theinstruction I am to give the Chef and his assistants whatever ?tip? theydesire.
When I firststarted with you, there was only Chef and one assistant. These days, there canbe anything up to four assistants eager to receive your tip. Chef is a lot likeyou in that he enjoys fucking my ass. Depending on how much time you have givenme (usually not much), I will stand bent over with my hands on my knees whilehe fucks my ass. I then remain that way while his assistants take turns.However, most times I have to pay the tip there isn?t this much time. In thesecases, Chef will have the senior assistant lie naked on a coffee table in theirstaff room while I must sit on his cock. Chef then mounts my ass, and the otherassistants in order of seniority will position themselves, for me to suck oneand masturbate the other two.
You often delightin asking me how many tips I had to pay and whether or not I made the paymentin one large sum (taking all five men at once). Sometimes, you?ll even waitbeyond the 2pm chime just so you can hear me confess all the details of how theChef and kitchen staff used me. It?s bad enough when you are alone for this,but having to tell all these details when you have clients in the room is extrahumiliating. You make me blush even more when you make me bend over in front ofthem and hold my butt cheeks spread to show where the cocks fucked me anddeposited their cum. They?ll usually want to finger my holes as well, which youhappily encourage them to do. If the clients are particularly important to you(and occasionally when they aren?t) you?ll even let them fuck me again, or haveme sit on their cocks and fuck them while you watch.
The last coupleof hours of the working day are spent back in the glass display cabinet ? myass ravished solidly ever quarter hour and my pussy on the hour, every hour.After the five o?clock chimes have rung in my exhausted body, you let me outand allow me a minute or two to recover my breath. You undress while I do thisand then sit in your chair to wait for me. It is my job to masturbate lubricantonto your cock ? a task I secretly relish. I can usually tell the mood you?rein by what you have me do next.
If you?re in ahappy, relaxed mood, you?ll invite me to sit on your cock ? usually facing you,straddling your thighs so you can look into my eyes while you sensuously fuckmy pussy. However, on other days when you?re voracious sexual appetite stillhasn?t been filled, you?ll tell me to stand between you and your desk with myback to you.
You tie my anklesand then spread them widely to tether them to the legs of your desk. Then,you?ll move around the desk and spread me out so I'm bending over it ? mywrists tied to the front legs of your desk. On days when you?re especiallyaroused you?ll even gag me. You then move behind again and feed your hard cockinto my ass. There is no preliminary loosening up or gentleness. You simplythrust into me and fuck me hard, and mercilessly. It?s a fucking that can lastup to half an hour or more while your balls regenerate cum to replace all thejism you?ve lost through the day. The longer this takes, the more energetic youbecome and you slap my butt cheeks repeatedly, until I can feel them glowingand burning with the imprints of your hands.
By the time youultimately finish, my ass hole burns with such intensity it feels like there?sliterally a fire burning there. But you?re not an entirely cruel boss. On daysthat end with a severe ass fucking like this, you never let me go until afteryou have gently soothed and massaged my tortured anus with a special medicatedcr?me you keep for the purpose in your desk draw. It has a slightly numbingeffect and feels silky and cool. I revel in the sensations of it being appliedand will sometimes even orgasm with no other stimulation than your finger in myass?
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I just don't catch on to it. What is this guy—surpassingly and exceedingly and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and low-grade and for-the-valueless-birds girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and wretched and trashy and miserable I can be plainly and definitely taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and fallacious and erroneous about me. Really! He is long-legged and towering high above...
I just don't comprehend it. What is this guy—surpassingly and extraordinarily and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and valueless and rubbish girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and pitiful and rubbishy and wretched, I can be simply and undeniably taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and erroneous and untrue about me. In truth! He is long-legged and towering high above my steep and...
I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...
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Uh! Stian Elberd is going to fuck me in my anus today. As I bang and thump shut the door to our secretive for not-more-than-two exclusively bedroom, I turn and whirl around to see him completely and fully nude and uncovered and undressed. He is dressed in nothing but in his most sexy and seductive and alluring underwear. I love it! And I find it irresistible so, so, so very much. The way and manner that his thighs are exhibited and flashed about and vaunted and made a great show off of, it...
Triple Crap. Tonight, I have my hands solely bound and interlaced and knotted to the burly, virile-like, and sinewy rope and cord and hawser that is hitched and pinioned to the ceiling high up there overheard me. An adherent, gummy, icky, and claggy shred and wodge of cellophane tape is placed and settled and propped over my mouth, tethering and lashing and making fast my lips in a manner that I cannot switch and carry and stir about my frame and flesh-and-bones as I feel and desire like....
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This was the look she had on her face before she was found dead and abandoned in the deserted hotel room. She had long dark drown hair, large ice blue eyes, pale ivory skin, and filled-up and healthy cheekbones. I have the picture they found of her after she was deceased and lifeless somewhere about in my room, and to be honest and upright with you, it not only scares and shakes the hell out of me, but also breaks and smashes and shatters my heart up. In those appalling and spine-chilling...
I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...
I just don't comprehend it. What is this guy—surpassingly and extraordinarily and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and valueless and rubbish girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and pitiful and rubbishy and wretched, I can be simply and undeniably taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and erroneous and untrue about me. In truth! He is long-legged and towering high above my steep and...
I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...
I don't know what else I have to do right this very moment. To be truthful and honest with you, I don't know where exactly this is taking me to. Where precisely? I mean: this man here has just helped me out and I can't believe that I have to repay him for what he has done by sleeping with him and ending his life in the very conclusion. Is this it or what exactly? I am confused right now and I don't even know what to really and literally do. I am being truthful and veracious here; I mean...
Each day I wake up, I expect myself to be entirely dead. I know that this might sound scary and intimidating to you, but it is the real and veritable truth. I don't know where I am going anymore. I don't know what will come and be of me in life. It is either I kill—or I get killed. I was only seventeen years old when I first became a prostitute. An underage, you might think right yeah, and I really was immature and babyish then. Being a streetwalker during night is not something I foresaw...
Each day I wake up, I expect myself to be entirely dead. I know that this might sound scary and intimidating to you, but it is the real and veritable truth. I don't know where I am going anymore. I don't know what will come and be of me in life. It is either I kill—or I get killed. I was only seventeen years old when I first became a prostitute. An underage, you might think right yeah, and I really was immature and babyish then. Being a streetwalker during night is not something I foresaw...
I sniff it; It smells great; It smells wonderful; It smells brilliant; His underwear; It is my obsession; It is my craze and mania; It is my tingling lust and craving; Stian loves black underwear; I like black underwear on him; I slap his bum clad in sexy black; I sniff black in our closet; His underwear; It is sexy; It is ever clean and newly; It is ever black and lusty damn; His underwear; He has me wash it; He has me iron it; He has me pack it nicely; Calvin Klein; Gucci; Dolce and...
Triple Crap. Tonight, I have my hands solely bound and interlaced and knotted to the burly, virile-like, and sinewy rope and cord and hawser that is hitched and pinioned to the ceiling high up there overheard me. An adherent, gummy, icky, and claggy shred and wodge of cellophane tape is placed and settled and propped over my mouth, tethering and lashing and making fast my lips in a manner that I cannot switch and carry and stir about my frame and flesh-and-bones as I feel and desire like....
I try as much best as I can to be kind and loving and affectionate with Lana. She is kind; she is likeable and very much sociable. As Doug and I sit for a meal or two, on the large dining table, where we await for our food to be served by his obliging and obedient house keeper, I look at him quietly and shyly somehow a little bit. His eyes are intense and serious and frightful in some way, and he has them fixed and glued straight on me. I don't know what the hell is exactly going on in his...
Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out...
You must be over 18 for read this story with rape, if you not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read not more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Any man who commit rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right if they not hurt somebody. Kathy Elliot was nineteen years old and had been working at Jerry's Diner...
FetishDear Readers , this is about a girl, some one whom I knew in college. Her name was Nupur and she was a very good looking sober girl belonging to a middle-class family. She had nice slim body with shapely breasts. She was a student of B.Sc. Botany and most of the time she was found hanging around in the big garden that our University had. Most of the college guys were after her trying to impress her with their bikes, money and even cars but she was always concentrating on her studies. A girl who...
EroticWatermelon Display?Fik Watermelon Display by gameboy (Wolffie) ? 2007 Wolfwerks My hands were held behind me, very high.? My wrists were handcuffed.? A chain was connected to cuffs pulling at an angle and fixed at the ceiling, making me stand on the balls of my feet.? Leaning on the chain, I was increasing the excruciating straining in my shoulders. I could see reflection of my body on the polished marble floor.? A cold neon glare in Mistress Aphrodite?s studio made my refection...
Introduction: Jessaica is asked by the local butcher to sit in his window display to show off her meat untill his late meat shipment can arrive. Mistaken Display Story: #45 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here She...
Story: #45 Copyright ©2009 Written: March 22 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, "Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here" She called, forcing Jessica from a wonderful dream, she slumped out of bed gave nude body a quick look in the full length mirror, looking in the...
Des fois il y a des journées comme ça qui sont faites pour mal se passer… On ne sait pas pourquoi mais cela arrive. Est-ce à cause des astres? Ou bien de ce qu'on appelle le destin? Ou pour les plus superstitieux d'entre nous, est-ce à cause d'un sortilège ou d'une malédiction? Personne ne peut le dire… Ce qui est sûr c'est que quand une journée est partie pour mal tourner, c'est difficile de changer cela! Nous avons justement rendez-vous avec une jeune fille qui va connaître une telle journée....
The party was being held in an elegant hall on large grounds, guaranteeing that the partygoers would have lots of privacy. As Nina and Gretchen pulled up in front of the hall, an attendant took their car keys and handed Gretchen a claim check. They climbed the stairs to the hall’s grand entrance, and were welcomed by the doorman, who ushered them into the foyer. They followed a few other couples into the grand ballroom, which had high, vaulted ceilings, and an overall opulence extending to...
"Close your eyes, concentrate on the rose. Look at each individual petal, how they curl out to form the flower, how they overlap each other. Think of how the stem attaches to the rose, the leaves angle out from the stem and the thorns attach. Now with that picture firmly in place sprinkle a few rose petals in front of you and push with your mind. Push the picture from your mind into the hand that held the petals." "Now open your eyes and look at your rose." said Master Clarisse. As she...
One of the buildings that had been sacked in the downfall of Tradagha was the Grand Vizier's harem. The younger women in it had been herded into a lorry and taken to serve the Officers' Mess as general bed companions. Most of them were completely resigned to this and were quite co-operative with their new Masters. A few had to be persuaded, but by the time the sacking of Tradagha was completed all the women in the Officers' Mess were most co-operative. The headquarters staff decided to...
It was a couple of weeks after I started modeling for the life drawing class and I was downtown on a Saturday doing a little shopping. I stopped to look in the window of an art supply store and was dumbstruck. There was a framed black and white drawing in the window sitting in a display easel and it was me. It was my long, dark hair, it was my quirky eyebrows and full lips, it was my plump titties with bullet-like nipples, it was even my smooth pussy with a hint of my clit hanging out. Anyone...
It was a couple of weeks after I started modeling for the life drawing class and I was downtown on a Saturday doing a little shopping. I stopped to look in the window of an art supply store and was dumbstruck. There was a framed black and white drawing in the window sitting in a display easel and it was me. It was my long, dark hair; it was my quirky eyebrows and full lips; it was my plump titties with bullet-like nipples; it was even my smooth pussy with a hint of my clit hanging out. Anyone...
Quickie SexBy Mike Escondido (as told to and recorded by Tony Reeno) Chapter 1: The Seductive Showoff This is a story that some of you may find engaging, while others will want to ignore. It deals with an erotic bond that developed between my mother and me. Be aware that you know that before proceeding. Moreover, be advised that the story is not about full-blown sex. If anything this is just a reminiscence that is laced with eroticism and exhibitionism more than explosive sex between parent and...
Last night, Agness wanted to go see the local Holiday lights display at the city lake. Brett was more than happy to have me chauffer him and my beautiful wife for the night. We drove to Brett’s place. I went around and opened the wife’s door, gave her my arm to assist her getting out. I escorted her to the rear door, and opened it for my Goddess. After closing her door, I went to the other side waiting for our Bullfriend to join us. Brett soon came out and shook my hand as I opened his...
It is the same as I have been telling you the last few times – I am your master and you my slave. Although you are just one young girl of my large harem (for I have made my career out of raising you slaves as whores for amusement as well as livelihood) you have a special position – you are my favorite, and I keep you for myself exclusively. You share my bed nightly and I only allow you to couple with other men on very special occasions – for visiting kings and the like – and always I...
The room was still cloaked in gloom despite the shard of bright afternoon sunlight that poured in where the edges of the heavy d****s failed to meet. The gloom was soft with sounds of slumber, a muffled sigh, and the silken rasp of chiffon sliding across satin. Slowly, the occupants of the oversized bed drifted from their dreams through the layers of sleep and into the gentle awareness of waking. No shrilling sound of an alarm or piercing ray of light dragged them abruptly from sleep.Carolyn...
Written By: Mr. Mongo 5/6/2012 Constable Ron Jones and his patrol partner Neeja Sidhu sat in the Hidden Truncheon pub. The wooden sign on the front of the pub had a cartoon-masked robber grabbing his behind with his eyes bulging out of his head. Both officers were excited to see if their votes made a difference in the citywide election. Every constable in the pub had their ear open to hear the results of who won elections for the Greater Manchester area. Mildred Alistair had the cops vote,...
Every journey has a starting point, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell if there is a destination.Sometimes you just start rolling and you end up someplace you never imagined.That’s true of any journey. Even an innocent bike ride on a warm summer morning.The starting point. A middle-aged man with a wife and kids, not entirely happy but not entirely unhappy either. Happy with most things except between the sheets. It happens to a lot of marriages, after the kids come along. After the partner...
Love StoriesIntroduction: At a department store downtown for lunch …. Wife Displays herself. Voyeur, fm, cuckold, public It all started one Tuesday when my wife, Mary and I were in a department store cafeteria meeting for a late lunch. My office was nearby and she wanted to shop a bit afterward. It was on the top 6th floor behind the furniture department. A pleasant time and a good lunch. Until I noticed Mary was kind of distracted. She seemed to be watching someone at another table behind me. When I...
I awoke to a over powering feeling of a day of being horny,sexy and naughty. I have always wanted to be naughty but never had the nerve. I got out of bed, showered and dressed. I wore a black leather mini skirt and a leather bra. As I stood and looked at myself in the mirror , I thought "Damn I look good". Now the only problem I had was to find someone to be naughty with me. Today was the day. As I drove around town thinking "where would I pick up a man who would like to get naughty"? I wasn't...
Group SexIt's not easy being twenty-two, fresh out of university with a degree, and not being able to find a job. You feel self-assured with the graduation certificate, why wouldn't you? It's all you have been working towards for four years. I really thought journalism was different, but I, like my friends, had a taste of reality, and along with it, great humility.I changed tactics and applied for any job that may get me in the door, so that one day I may be lucky and get to do some real journalism...
LesbianWritten By: Mr. Mongo 5/8/2012 “All right then, off comes your two’s minges,” laughed Sergeant Williams. P.O. White and P.O. Akimba watched Sergeant Williams’s pull out all the materials needed to trim and shave their pussies. Both women shifted around nervously as they waited to be shaved in front of everyone in the pub. P.O. White’s face burned red and if P.O. Akimba was a little lighter in skin color, you would see her blush too. Four female constables grabbed the arms of the two...
During spring break of my wife’s junior year in college, she went on a field trip with her journalism class. They visited two universities that offered master's degrees in journalism. The class instructor, Mr. Newman, had made arrangements for the group to attend several graduate seminars at each school and meet with the heads of the journalism departments to discuss admissions requirements. He also made motel reservations for the group.Each of the graduate schools was several hundred miles...
College SexHi, Indian sex stories dot net friends. I am back with another Indian sex story of mine. A small background about me. This is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. This is my 6th story on this site. I am writing for almost a year. This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. This time I am here to describe one of my recent experience with a girl who joined my company recently. Her name is Usha. She is basically from Mangalore. But brought up in Mumbai. She...
Hello Everyone.. This is Sameer. I am reading stories in ISS from the past 2 Years. I want to share my own experience which is happened 1 year back. Myself sameer from Vijayawada, currently staying in Hyderabad.This is my first story kindly ignore of any spelling mistakes are there. I am having my own business here. I am 5.4” tall with good looking, can able to satisfy women. The heroine of the story is our office maid Lakshmi ( Name changed) who is around 30 years of age with good looking and...
Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. This is a story about how a cute Indian girl is fucked by strangers. The girl has a shoplifting disorder. She doesn’t do it intentionally but it has become her habit. So, one day this beautiful girl goes to a mall to buy some clothes. She was wearing a tight top and tight-fitting jeans which was displaying her curves very clearly. Her figure was 36-32-36, which can make any cock hard. Her name was Nisha. So when Nisha was in the mall, she came...
The Pain and Pleasure Journals By Estaban Bacca (All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 by EstabanBacca) Prologue My name is of no importance to these journals. My history is that of almostany young woman of my generation. There is nothing startling or unusual init indicating a predilection for the dark side. My place of birth, my childhood,my time at the university, these are all totally immaterial. This is not amemoir or a biography. If you continue to read, you will have to accept the...
Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...
Ashleigh’s words were running around my head. She had always wanted me? I don’t think I had ever been so confused in my entire life. My body was on fire, my lips felt swollen from our kiss and I could feel my nipples straining against my bra. But I wasn’t a lesbian, or bi for that matter. Was I? I touched my lips and looked up to Ashleigh she looked upset like she was about to cry again. I’d just fixed her up and now I was about to break her down again. I felt terrible. “I’m sorry, Laura.”...
BisexualI don’t know why I joined the Navy … it seemed like a good idea at the time, travelling to different countries and experiencing foreign cultures were part of it. Maybe the fact that my home town was getting a little boring had something to do with it. I’m from a small town, and the amount of available women was pretty low. Everyone seemed to be settling down and getting domestic, but I still wanted to have some fun. Getting laid was no problem, there was Julie, she...
Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...
Tortured French Journalist By Shabbadew2002 Email me: [email protected] CHAPTER 1 BLANCA ?What do you want me to have them do to her?? Wire her up?? ?Yeah. ?Use the picana.? This cunt needs to have it shoved up her pisshole.? Then broken off.? When she?s pissing and crying like a baby, you call me.....? ?Yes, Senhora.? As you wish,? said General Magante. Blanca was furious.? A foreign reporter had dared to investigate her. ?Journalists were the worst.? She knew how to handle the Philippino...
To be fair, most people thought the do-gooders had gone too far as there was now a total ban on spanking at home and spanking and caning at school. All such discipline was now carried out at the local Discipline Centre.What was worse, was that discipline between adults for sexual gratification was also against the law and was seen as a mental state and anyone caught practising it was guilty of a crime and faced a period in detention. Of course, no one got physically disciplined when in...
SpankingThis story is incomplete. I wrote the first part and then thought it could be just a beginning of a longer tale. I would love to collaborate with someone on turning it into a finished product. Being a businessman, I particularly enjoy this theme. Contact me via the hyperboard or via Mindy on fictionmania who can contact me reagrding working with me to finish this story. The Office Girl by Charlene This is the story as I began it about a year ago. Here's the fantasy as it...
The Office Girl By Margaret Jeanette Stanley and Shirley were happily married, having married five years ago. Stanley knew Shirley had a temper but she very seldom showed it to him. Only once in their five years had she really been angry with him. She punished him with a spanking he would never forget. That was when he found out she was stronger physically than he was. Since that spanking they were a loving couple again. One night at supper Shirley said, "Marva Gilliam has...
The Office Swap Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea suggested by Jennifer] Simon Harris opened up the doors to his office one early October morning. He checked the office's answering machine for messages. Finding that none had been left overnight, Simon walked into his office to look over the application he had received for his company's new position one last time. Simon's business was small in size. He only employed three workers. One was a low wage office girl who...