Diavolo Ch 05 free porn video

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Abigail acquired a used car and then stopped at a shop and purchased a cell phone. The attendant had showed her an entire wall of technological wonders, way too complicated for her impatient simplistic mind to grapple with. She’d walked out with a small white phone and a basic understanding of how to deal with its functionality.

Back outside, a shiver of apprehension had her gazing repetitiously over her shoulder. The eerie feeling of being watched followed her all the way to where she’d parked her cheery red, 1999 Volkswagen Beetle.

Slipping quickly into her new car, she closed the door and engaged the locks, breathing out a sigh of relief.

Hands gripping the wheel tightly, she glanced through all the mirrors before looking skyward, remembering Gabriel’s mention of paparazzi in helicopters. It’s how they’d managed to get her picture that first night with him.

The sky overhead was a brilliant blue with only one or two insignificant clouds making it picture perfect. No helicopters.

Switching on the radio, she eased into traffic. A soft sigh escaped her as her thoughts returned to Gabriel. What unpleasant scenario awaited her today? She hadn’t gone the day before needing a little time away from the circus of attention he drew, though staying away hadn’t been easy. He invaded her every waking thought.

Abigail was accustomed to a quiet, simple life. As beautiful and enigmatic as Gabriel was, his lifestyle was far from alluring for her. She would never be able to actually be with a man like him, an adored rock god. It was too much for her.

The sound of a haunting melody and equally mesmerizing voice had her turning up the volume of the radio. The man sang of love, its heartache, and complications, the loneliness of it when it wasn’t returned fully. His voice was so heartrending, so powerful and full of anguish, Abigail’s eyes misted over, her nose growing itchy.

By the end of the power ballad, she was actually sniffling, loving the song and the hair-raising whine of electric guitars that made it more enthralling. It had moved her and she gasped when the DJ jovially announced that it was Diavolo’s latest hit.

He went on to mention Gabriel’s accident and how he and millions of fans hoped for a speedy recovery.

It took her about twenty minutes to finally make her way to the familiar imposing medical center. Having prepared before hand, Abigail tucked her blond braid under a floppy hat and switched her glasses for a dark pair of sunglasses. She made her way to the emergency room entrance and the familiar guard that always helped her and the band members make it to Gabriel’s room.

All seemed quiet, almost back to normal except that she noted the increased amount of security just about everywhere. On Gabriel’s floor, the nurses at the station eyed her with a frown as she walked past. There was shouting at the end of the hall and Abigail wondered briefly who the problematic patient was. Some people just couldn’t handle being sick and cloistered in a hospital. She used to make frequent trips with the nuns at the convent to hospitals and even jails to visit the unfortunate.

As she neared Gabriel’s door, she realized in dismay that the shouting emanated from there.

The guards were still at the door and stepped aside to allow her to enter.

The scene that greeted her made her mouth gape.

Gabriel stood, fingers wrapped around a metal walker leaning with an angry scowl toward Rafael.

“You’re fucking crazy, man. You just had surgery yesterday. You can’t leave. Be reasonable,” Rafael shouted, hands gripping Gabriel’s bulging biceps.

“Get the fuck outta my—“

Gabriel’s yell stopped the second his burning green eyes fell on her.

“Abigail.” Her name whooshed from between his lovely lips, sending a shiver through her.

Rafael turned, his hands still tensed on Gabe’s arms.

“Bout time you finally showed up,” he snapped, making Gabriel scowl at him anew.

“Don’t fucking talk to her that way,”

Rafael turned back to him. Abigail couldn’t see his face anymore but his tone was scathing. “Like hell. You’ve been a prick since waking up from surgery yesterday morning because she wasn’t here. I’m about to strangle you with the damn morphine line.”

Abigail’s heart tightened. He’d been through surgery while she’d been cruising around town absorbing the scenery? Guilt had her tripping forward, her eyes traveling over him.

The silly hospital gown hung down around his elbows probably from the tussle between him and the guitarist. It put on display all of his upper body. His long hair was a mess around his shoulders and his jaw stubble was now more of a beard. Her whole body clenched at the sight of him.

Rafael stepped away when she approached. She looked intently for any signs of bandages to show where he’d been cut. Her eyes watered at the thought of his beautiful skin being marred by a scalpel. The bandage he’d had around his head was gone and he had a few stitches just near the corner of one brow.

Abigail reached for the grayish blue hospital gown with the dark blue polka dots, intending to set it to rights when his head dipped down and his mouth sealed over hers.


She was a vision, fucking more beautiful than he remembered. Forgetting about the fact he’d acquired a metal spike driven into his right femur less than twenty-four hours prior, he released the walker, desperate to wrap his fingers around Abby’s slender waist and haul her against him. His mouth touched hers, his tongue finding the heaven within, before pain roared with unforgiving intensity through him. He began to go down seconds before Rafael’s arms went around him from behind with a grunt and a curse.

More pain blazed through him, his broken ribs protesting the male arms that held him in a vise grip. He ignored it all.

Rafe holding him up, Gabriel fused his mouth to Abigail’s again, one hand gripping the cursed walker, the other wrapped securely around her.

“This is fucked up,” Rafe protested tightly. His hold was slipping. “Fuck, Gabe,” he gritted out in an almost squeaky voice. “You’re too fucking heavy. Grab that walker properly, god-damn-it. My balls are about to hit the fucking floor.”

Reluctantly, whole body throbbing like hell, Gabriel let Abigail go and gripped the metal walker again. About to call Rafe a wimp, the world turned on its axis as everything wavered before his eyes, the edges of his vision going black. He was going to pass out.

He heard Abigail cry out in alarm before they quickly maneuvered back to the bed.

His back hit the mattress. Someone yanked his legs up onto the bed, flashing his ass and balls in the process of straightening him upon the hospital bed. Gabriel could care less. He reached out blindly for Abby and encountered a bulky male form.

“Easy,” Michael muttered.

“Abby,” Gabriel called out, blinking against the dizziness.

“Calm down,” Michael ordered. “She’s right here. “What the hell were you doing up? And with your arm out of the sling? You probably fucked up your collarbone again.”

Yes. Gabriel felt like shit. His body was one big ball of misery, but he’d wanted to find Abigail. He’d been desperate enough to chance walking out into the mob at the entrance of the hospital. Anyone down there would have been more than happy to drive him wherever he asked. Fans were cool like that.

Abigail smoothed his hair from his face, her eyes earnest.

“Where have you been?” he snapped.

She flinched and moved back, her pretty face flushed.

Next to her Michael and Rafael glared at him. Fuck them both.

Abby folded her sunglasses and tucked them in her bag before she retrieved her glasses and pushed them up her nose.

It was like a kick to his gut, those big blue eyes behind those adorable glasses, her suckable, pouty, heart-shaped lips, and that amazing rack nicely displayed by her pretty dress. A floppy straw hat was perched on her head and made her look like something out of country couture catalog.

“I had things that needed attending to,” she replied in her sweet breathy voice.

He didn’t miss the way she squared her shoulders before looking him straight in the eyes to answer. Still she gripped her bag with white fingered intensity, her body stiff as if waiting for him to do or say something unpleasant.

His right shoulder was throbbing in agony and his hip and leg were no less painful. He extended his left hand to her and was relieved when she came forward.

“More important than me?” he murmured taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

She bit her lip in response, looking extremely guilty and repentant.

“I could’ve died under the knife while you were out shopping probably.”

Abigail flinched visibly, making his eyes narrow on her.

“Don’t be so fucking melodramatic,” Michael chastised walking around to the other side of the bed to retrieve his arm sling. “Up,” he snapped poking Gabriel in his ribs, which sent a new wave of seething agony through him.

Gabriel was barely able to bite back the cry of pain. He would have given the lead guitarist hell for having poked him in his broken ribs, but Abigail was doing a pretty good job of handing him his ass as it was.

“Move away from him,” she snapped snatching the sling from Michael’s hands. “You need to be gentle. Can you not see he’s in pain? How can you prod and shove him around like a sack of potatoes like that? Have you no common sense? My goodness gracious. Now either treat him more delicately or move out of my way so I can help him into this.”

Gabriel smirked at Michael who looked properly chastised, but fixed his expression to a pained one before Abigail turned back to him.

Rafael just shoved his hands into his pockets, his dark eyes twinkling in amusement.

Carefully, with the help of Michael, the sling was anchored around his shoulder and his arm propped again.

Gabriel settled back into the pillows as Abigail tucked the white bed sheets around his legs and hips. He winced when she inadvertently bumped against the immense bandage at his right hip. Her eyes swung up to his, wide and questioning.

“They opened me up yesterday to hammer a metal rod into my bone so I’d be able to walk again,” he said with a frown. He almost felt guilty at the panicked look she gave him.

“Oh,” she said blinking rapidly. Her lips pouted and it was all he could do not to rear up and kiss the pout away. “Does it hurt very much?”

Like a motherfucker, but he’d resisted overusing the morphine, not wanting to get addicted to it. His gaze swung to Rafael who was grinning like an idiot. The band didn’t need another addict.


They hadn’t managed to right his hospital gown. Now that the sling was back in place, it would be more difficult to cover that mesmerizing nipple he had exposed. He didn’t seem to notice it, his glassy eyes constantly roving over her.

Abigail fidgeted with her glasses. Gabriel held his arm out. When she just looked at him in puzzlement, he patted the area next to him with a seductive grin.

Her heart did a funny little flip in her chest as she gulped.

“Humor me,” he said in his sexy, growly voice, the same voice that had crooned that hair-raising, tear-jerking song minutes ago over her car radio.

She tried to sit gingerly on the bed, next to him, not sure she should. Wasn’t there a rule about how people were not allowed to sit on a patient’s bed?

Gabriel’s left arm going around her waist to haul her into his side had her thoughts screeching to a halt. He was so much bigger than her, she fit perfectly into his side.

“So,” he began, his lips brushing against her temple, “tell me what was so important that you abandoned me yesterday.”

“I needed to buy myself a car,” she began.

“I swear, Gabe,” Michael was saying, interrupting her, “I got there early, but she was already pulling out of the driveway with Edvaard.

Abigail frowned and turned to catch Gabriel glaring at Michael.

“Don’t be angry at Michael,” Abigail blurted in alarm, garnering Gabriel’s attention once again. “If I’m to remain in California I need my own transportation.”

“The guys would be more than happy to give you a ride wherever, Abigail.”

She leaned away from him a bit, leveling him with a stern frown. “I don’t need to sit and wait for people to drive me around to do my errands. I’m perfectly capable of caring for myself.”

“Geez, Abigail, but you didn’t have to spend money buying a car. I’ve got five sitting at home right now collecting dust. I could’ve loaned you one of them for now.”

“Absolutely not,” she said tipping her nose up a bit.


When she tried to rise from her perch next to him, he tightened his hold around her waist and grunted in pain. She gasped when his eyes slammed shut in agony before opening them a few seconds later to glare at her.

Heart thudding, she did her best to wipe the worried expression she knew she wore to one of determination.

“I can manage on my own, thank you. I think it’s high time I take my life into my own hands.”

Gabriel’s scowl lessened. His eyes darted to Michael’s who nodded at him.

Abigail frowned at both of them, wondering what secret message they were communicating to each other.

“What else did you buy, Abs?” Michael questioned now, big arms crossed over his chest.

Abigail arched a brow at his smug grin. “I... uh... bought a cell phone.”

Gabriel’s face lit up. “’Bout time. Let’s see it.”

Abigail fished around in her purse until she found her little phone. The lavender case she bought to protect it looked too feminine in Gabriel’s big hand when he took it from her with a frown.

He shook his head, nose wrinkling to her dismay. “Aw, baby, what is this?”

Her cheeks heated. “I-it’s my new phone.”

Rafael was sniggering at the foot of the bed. Michael reached over and snatched the phone from Gabriel, his thick brows virtually touching over his blunt nose.

“You should’ve gotten yourself a Note like mine, or at least an iPhone Six,” Gabriel was saying as Abigail watched Michael swerving his finger all over the screen of her phone.

Abigail turned to look into Gabriel’s face, feeling annoyed. “I am not going to spend a thousand dollars on a phone. That’s ridiculous.”

Gabriel’s brows furrowed. “How much did you pay for that?”

“Twenty-five,” she answered haughtily.

At the foot of the bed, Rafael doubled over laughing. Abigail glared at the top of his poodle curled dark head.

“Say cheese,” Michael called out.

Abigail blinked up at him in surprise as he aimed the phone at her and Gabriel.

Next thing she knew, Gabriel was swiping his hot wet tongue up the side of her cheek as Michael chuckled and snapped pictures.

Aghast, she turned, mouth gaping to Gabriel. Big mistake. He took advantage and pressed his mouth against hers, his tongue shoving in deep.

She was about to struggle to get away but remembered his injuries and just froze instead.

“Hey, I want in on the pics too,” Rafael called out.

Gabriel reared back with a snarl. “Fuck off.”

Abigail blinked at the other guitarist who was laughing hard at Gabriel’s other side. He stuck his tongue out throwing up the horns sign before following it up with his middle finger at Michael who was still happily snapping away pictures.

Abigail took the opportunity of Gabriel’s lapse of attention to spring away from him and make a grab for her phone.

Michael grabbed her around the waist instead and pulled her against him. Abigail blinked up at the screen of her phone as Michael held it over their faces with a big grin and snapped a picture.

“Here,” he said giving her back her phone, “now one of the three of us.”

“What are you all doing?” Angelo said waltzing in.

“Hurry,” Rafael called out. “Abs is about to get a picture of all of us.”

“Ooh, wait,” Angelo cried scampering over to the bed. He positioned himself behind Rafe as Michael occupied Abigail’s spot. They all leaned in closer to Gabriel who grinned seductively at her, naughty little nipple still on display.

Abigail snapped two pictures before Angelo noticed Gabe’s hospital gown and protested. “Hey, why does he get to be the sexy one? I’m supposed to be the sexy one. Here take a pic of this,” he grinned yanking up his t-shirt to show off his fuzzy chest. Just as Abigail smirked and was about to snap the picture, Rafael turned his head and bit Angelo’s left nipple, making the drummer howl in indignation.

Abigail stared at the screen of her phone, biting back a grin at the picture of the guitarist’s teeth nipping Angelo’s teet while Gabriel looked on in disgusted amusement, and Michael laughed.

A few moments later, a stern-faced nurse came in and scolded them on the noise level, as well as the number of people in the room.

The boys left, leaving Abigail alone with Gabriel.

He beckoned for her to sit by him again. She walked up to the bed and pulled up the guardrail instead. His eyes narrowed at her as his lips drew tight.

She avoided his intense gaze, fiddling with the straps of her sling purse instead. Now that the others were gone, she suddenly felt shy.

“Abigail,” his deep growly voice called softly.

“I just came by to see how you were doing.”

“It took you all day yesterday to buy a car and a crappy phone?”

His hurt one had her looking up. “I can’t be here every day.” The reminder of the horrific horde of fans and reporters just waiting below had her shivering with fear.

He scowled. “And why not? Daniel keeping you occupied or something?”

She didn’t miss the nasty way he hissed those words or the gleam of jealousy in his eyes. Abigail felt floored that he would even feel jealous. How was it possible?

“Daniel has nothing to do with any of this,” she said defensively.

Gabriel scoffed, leaning farther back into the pillows. “Then what? You just hanging around the mansion hoping to catch his eye again?”

She had to clutch the strap of her purse to keep from slapping him.

“You know, I’m going to ignore those stupid remarks because the doctor said you had a concussion and I also know you’re on strong meds so your brain might be a little confused,” she spat.

Gabriel just sulked. Her irritation spiked because, surely, no one had the right to look so cute and sexy at the same time. Darn him.

“Look,” he murmured fiddling with a fold in the sheet draped over his lap, “I’m sorry. It’s just that… yesterday…” He took a deep breath, finally looking up at her, eyes guarded. “I woke up after the surgery thinking you’d be here, but you never showed up. Guess I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. I shouldn’t have snapped at you that way. I’m sorry.”

Abigail let out a pent up breath. His apology had her heart melting like a scoop of ice cream on a hot summer sidewalk. Oh-no, Abigail—she admonished herself. Do not fall for him!

“You need a shave,” she said trying to change the subject.

His lip kicked up at the edge. “I can’t shave one-handed, not unless I want to peel part of my cheeks and throat off.” He gave her a slow blink. “Want to do it for me?”

Abigail’s cheeks turned hot. “Shouldn’t that be the nurses’ job?”

His smile fell, replaced by a frown and eyes turning away from her. “It’s bad enough the take liberties when bathing me. The least I can do is keep them out of my face. I’d rather grow a long beard than have them trying to kiss me too.”

Abigail felt indignation roll through her. “Liberties? My-god, Gabriel. Are some of the nurses molesting you?”

Gabriel looked at her coolly. His sculpted shoulders rose in a shrug. “I’m a rock star. That type of attention comes with the territory.”

Abigail shook her head, refusing to accept that. “You’re hurt and in their care. They need to respect and care for you, not treat you like some prime cut of man flesh they can ogle and touch at will.”

Gabriel smirked, one inky brow rising into a peaked arch. “Prime cut of man flesh?”

She choked on her own breath, avoiding his piercing gaze.

“Is that how you see me, baby?” he purred.

She needed to leave. He was too potent for her. Way out of her league. She didn’t understand his fascination with her, but was sure it was most like due to the hit on his head. Before the accident he’d been bent on using her for revenge. Either way, she was heading to heartbreak with him as soon as all this blew over and he went back to his normal life of being a rock god. Diamond had assured them all that she was just the flavor of the week, obviously much like Mikayla had been.

“Abigail,” he snapped.

She flinched and looked at him.

He stared at her, eyes wary. “You okay?”

“Yes. I’ve gotta go.” He was shaking his head, eyes wide, hand going out to try to grab her. She stayed out of his reach. “If you wouldn’t mind giving me Anna Maria’s number. I’d promised her I keep her abreast of how you were doing.”

His hand stretched farther toward her, eyes pleading. “Why are you leaving? Where are you going?”

She stood taller, taking a deep breath and pasting a smile on her face. “I’m going apartment hunting.”

“You’re leaving the Montenegro estate?” His hand gripped the metal railing she’d pulled up between them.

“Yes. I think it’s better if I live on my own.”

His brows furrowed. “Uh… that’s great. Where are you looking to settle down?”

She blinked at him. “I haven’t decided yet.”

“I might know of a place that’s available to rent.”

Abigail snorted. “I most likely wouldn’t be able to afford whatever you have in mind.”

“What price range were you looking for?” he asked, determined.

“Less the fifteen, I guess.”

His brows shot up. “Fifteen grand?”

Abigail rolled her eyes. “Of course not. Fifteen hundred, and even that’s a bit steep. I still haven’t gotten a job so I’m not sure how much I can afford yet. I’m just shooting for something inexpensive for now.”

Gabriel tipped his head to the side in consideration. “Well, this place I know, the owner is looking an in-house housekeeper. You’d be paid to live there and keep up the place.”

Abigail blinked at him. It sounded too good to be true. “And who is the owner of this place?”

Gabriel’s eyes grew cool. He shrugged, “Someone I know. I can tell Mike to take you by the place and show you. He has the key.”

Abigail frowned. “Well, I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable living in someone else’s home. I wanted a place for myself.”

“Trust me. This dude won’t be back in a while. By then You might be able to secure yourself a job and find something you really like instead of going through your savings as I’m suspecting you’re planning to do. Right?”

Abigail bit her lower lip and nodded after a while.

“I guess I can think about it.”

“Good. Now lower the damn rail and sit with me. I missed you.”

She gripped the straps of her purse again and swallowed. “Gabriel, we need to stop this farce already.”

He frowned. “Farce?”

She bobbed her head up and down. “Yes. I’m not your girlfriend. If you wanted to get back at Mikayla for lying and tricking you, I assure you she has learned her lesson. Daniel and she are already putting the finishing touches on their nuptials as we speak. There’s no need to pretend you like me anymore.”

Gabriel’s eyes were the darkest shade of emerald as they held hers. He licked his lips slowly. “But, Abby… I do like you, a lot.”

Abigail’s jaw dropped. “No,” she whispered.

“Yes,” he reiterated, face more serious than a heart attack.

She shook her head, her hat tipping off her head to fall at her feet. Her long braid fell over her shoulder drawing Gabriel’s smoldering gaze.

She laughed nervously. “You can’t possibly be serious?”

He frowned now, eyes going back up to stare intently into hers. “I’m serious, Abigail. I really like you. You’re sweet, untainted by all the hype that surrounds me and you’re… you’re real. I love that.”

“I’m different,” she said without an ounce of emotion.

His eyes became wary again. “Yes. Different.”

She walked over to the railing and reached up to undo the ties to her sundress. His eyes widened, pupils widening enough to almost swallow the glittering green irises. “So that’s why you want me? Want to peel off my clothes and have your way with me?” her fingers slipped into the bodice of her dress to pull it down slowly, exposing an inch of the top swell of her breasts.

Gabriel’s eyes were glued to the movement, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the harried gulp he took.

“Oh-yes, baby,” he sighed.

Abigail blinked back the wetness of her eyes. He only wanted her for sex.

Lowering her hand to the railing, she leaned down to look into his confused eyes. “Well that’s too bad, Mr. Raven, because there has to be more than that for a man to have access to my body.”

He flinched, and frowned. “Okay. What else do you need to let me f—“

Abigail reared back, her face flaming. Luckily he stopped himself in time before he said what would have probably had her turning around and leaving that room for the last time.

He pressed his lips together. “Abigail, clearly I have no experience in dealing with a good girl like you, but I want to try. Do you think you can find it in your heart in having a little patience with me? I’d really like—no, love to get to know you and see where this leads.”

She shook her head. “I can’t—“

“Why?” His hand covered one of hers on the railing. “Is it because of how I look?” he gestured to his tattoos.

Abigail shook her head, appalled he’d think she thought less of him because of his hair and ink. “No. It’s just the whole…” her free hand flailed. “I’d have no privacy anymore with reporters and fans hounding—“

“It isn’t always that way, Abby. They get tired and move on to something else. That’s how this has always been.”

She shook her head. There was no way she could deal with having her image and name everywhere. And what about when Gabriel finally tired of her. Because he eventually would. He was exciting and she was nothing but a boring simple girl.

“Abby, please,”

She snatched her hand away. “Look, I need to think about this. Stop pressuring me.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to lose you.”

She looked at him, saw the sincerity in his eyes.

“Gabriel,” she sighed. The sudden urge to kiss him had her drawer closer. Just one little kiss and she’d leave.

He gripped her hand as she leaned against the railing.

Behind her the door opened and footsteps sounded behind her, along with the sound of a man clearing his throat.

Abigail straightened, her cheeks already warm with embarrassment at almost being caught kissing Gabriel.

Turning, however, the color drained from her countenance as she faced none other than Daniel and Mikayla.

Daniel’s expression was stony, but Mikayla’s was downright poisonous.

“I’m sorry if we interrupted anything,” Daniel said primly.

“No,” Abigail laughed, her voice too shrill even to her own ears. “I was just leaving. Goodbye, Gabriel,” she said patting his hand before dashing out of the room.”

She was sure she heard Gabriel shout out her name, but by then she was halfway out the door and sprinting toward the elevators before the doors closed.

Her hands shook as she waited for the elevator doors to finally close. She almost half expected him to come hobbling out of his room after her. Silly, of course, because the man had a busted leg and couldn’t walk well yet.

The doors finally closed and she closed her eyes in relief. People got on and off in the elevator until they reached the ground floor where she knew she had to traverse the emergency room waiting area to get to her car safely again.

Michael’s face was the first thin she saw when the doors opened. He stood leaning against the wall opposite the elevator, cell phone against his ear, eyes focused on her intently.

“Got it. She’s here. Gotta go now.”

She exited the elevator just as he stepped up to her with a smile. She had to crane her neck to look at his face.

“I came with Rafe, but he took off somewhere and I need to get home to Erica before she has me sleeping in the dog house again.”

“Oh,” Abigail nodded. “I’ll give you a ride. Is it far?”

“Just a few minutes away. Gabe told me to show you the house next to mine that’s empty right now.”

Abigail blinked. Next to Michael’s?

“Let’s go before I attract any attention,” Michael said pulling a ball cap over his ponytail. Next he slipped his sunglasses over his eyes.

Abigail patted her head, remembering she’d left her hat on the floor in Gabriel’s room. No matter. She was definitely not going up there now.

Replacing her regular glasses with her prescription sunglasses, she took Michael’s proffered arm and headed out into the warm morning sunshine.

Michael didn’t say a word about her car, thankfully. They made their way west toward the Pacific Coast Highway. Michael fiddled around with the stations, complaining about the lack of Bluetooth capability. Minutes later when they arrived at Route One, he told her to go straight onto Bayside Drive. The homes in this area were beautiful, and the smell of salty ocean air permeated the vents in the Beetle. Fancy cars and SUVs adorned the driveways along with jet skis.

Michael pointed out two houses farther along the wide street. There was one wide drive leading to an ample parking area shared by the two homes. The house on the right was made of stones, two stories high with white-framed picture windows and a redwood floored front yard leading to the dark bluish grey front door. The house on the left was made of grey wood, also with two floors and a big red door in its entry.

They got out of the car and headed toward the white house.

Abigail hung back, feeling awkward going into a house alone with the big guitarist. He didn’t seem to notice. Just plucked out a pair of keys from his pocket and opened the front door to the house.

The first thing she noticed was the scent. Apples and cinnamon. She followed her nose into the house and stopped just inside the doorway.

Hardwood floors, stone fireplace, lots of sunshine pouring in through the window with a view of a marina beyond the glass wall at the far end of the open floor plan.

Abigail was already in love with the place, hearing the soft sound of wind chimes just outside made her eyes well.

“Let me show you downstairs,” Michael said already heading down.

Abigail followed as if in a trance, her trembling hand caressing the cool mahogany handrail that rested upon black wrought iron. Each step was carpeted in off white and cushioned her steps. The scent of apples and cinnamon followed them downstairs.

“This place is… it’s amazing,” Abigail gushed after seeing the lounge and bedroom downstairs.

Michael grinned and held the keys out to her.

Abigail gaped. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly.”

“Why not? I’ve gotta clean this place and. frankly, I’m getting tired of it. I’ve got my own house to clean and tend to as well as compose music and keep the band going. You’d actually be doing me a favor.”

Abigail looked around, eyes wide. “But what about the owner?”

“The owner trusts me to make the right choice in picking someone to look after this place.”

It all seemed so strange to Abigail. “Who is he, or she?”

Michael shook his head. “He prefers to keep his identity a secret. No one knows he lives here. No one knows I live next door either. We like keeping a low profile.”

Abigail just stared at him wondering who the owner could be.

“What if he needs to come back here?”

“He hasn’t been here in months. Don’t worry about it. Gabe or I will let you know if he decides to return. This would be your room.”

“And where is his room?”

“Upstairs. But that’s locked and off limits.” Michael’s stern look brooked no arguments.

Abigail dug the tip of her espadrille against the shiny floor, locking her hands at the small of her back. “So I’m supposed to just live here and keep things tidy?”

Michael nodded.

“But wouldn’t his room get all dusty?”

The big guitarist grinned. “There’s a lovely woman named Sharmane that comes over every once in a blue to tend to his room. There’s another entrance on the outside to up there. She just lets herself in, cleans his room and leaves.

Abigail frowned, “But if he already has someone to clean his house, why would he want someone else?”

“Sharmane only comes around once a month. He would rather have someone here full time to keep an eye on things. Sharmane is already working at another household. She only comes over sometimes to do him the favor when he’s out of town.”

“And just his room?”

Michael shrugged. “Like I said, she just does it as a favor when he’s gone. I think he’s only slept about five times here since he bought this place, and that was months ago.”

Again, Abigail looked around, coming out to look at the fire pit and lounge area. “What a shame. It’s so soothing and beautiful here.”

“Yeah, well, he wanted it to be his sanctuary, but someone he loves very much got sick and now he chooses to stay with her.”

Abigail turned to regard him wide-eyed. “Oh, how sad. Does he love her?”

Michael’s smile faded as he nodded. “She means the world to him.”

“Well I’m glad he decided to go back to her. Maybe one day he might bring her here.”

Michael’s grin grew sad. “Maybe. So what say you? Shall I go with you to the mansion to get your stuff?”

She nibbled her lower lip again. “Gabriel said there was payment for keeping the place clean. How much are we talking about?”

She imagined it might not be much since she would be here rent free possibly. She had so many questions.

Michael was busy tapping something into his phone.

She frowned at him. “And what about paying the utilities? Will I be responsible for that as well and how do I pay if I am?”

“One sec,” Michael said tapping more onto the phones screen. He stuck the tip of his tongue out as if in deep concentration, before scowling at the phone as it blipped. He nodded and looked back at Abigail. “How much do you want?”

She blinked up at him in surprise. “How much? W-well I don’t know. Shouldn’t there be a contract or something?”

Michael shrugged. “That can be arranged, but he still needs to know how much you want and then, I guess, some sort of bank account number where he can deposit the funds.”

“Oh,” Abigail said, still feeling bewildered. “Um…I’m not sure how much would be appropriate to ask. I’m not sure what the entirety of my responsibilities would entail—“

She trailed off when Michael began to rub his temples as if getting a headache.

“Listen,” he began, “let’s just ask him for five grand a week to start.”

Abigail gasped, “What? Oh, but that sounds like too much.”

Michael was already tapping the message in and sending it.

“Wait,” she pleaded.

The phone dinged right away.

Abigail held her breath as Michael grinned.

“Okay. So that’s all set. If you want a contract you’ll have to wait for one to be drawn up. In the meanwhile…” He dangled the keys before her again, one hand on his hip, waiting.

It was too good to be true, but there were the keys, inches from her face. Abigail grinned, looking around again. She’d loved the kitchen, and the fireplaces were just breathtaking. The sound of the ocean and gulls outside was mesmerizing. It wouldn’t be her home, but it felt so peaceful. It might be a good way to start. Maybe she could find something similar later on. The piano upstairs called to her and that cello. She didn’t know how to play the cello but the sound of one always provoked tears. Yes. She was a sentiment idiot, and this house was beyond anything she ever imagined having all to herself, even if it did belong to someone else—and she’d get paid a ridiculous amount of money to keep it clean and organized.

Clasping her hands together, she grinned at Michael. “Yes. I accept.”

Michael’s grin spread ear to ear as she finally extended her hand for him to drop the keys into. “Great. Now let’s go tell Erica the good news. I’m sure she’ll be happy having you next door.”


There was no one home to see her off. Her mother had gone with Aunt Paulina to some weekend spa in Arizona, Mikayla was probably out shopping, and Daniel most likely was at his offices in Irvine.

She repacked her suitcase with her few belongings and hit the road. Almost at her destination, her phone rang. Frowning, she wondered who would call her when no one knew her number yet. Up ahead was an Albertson’s supermarket. Already having planned on purchasing a few food items to stock the kitchen for herself, she pulled into the parking lot after making a u-turn since the place was in a shopping plaza to her left.

Pulling into a spot near the entrance, she frowned at her phone when it began to chime again. Retrieving it from her purse, she answered tentatively, “hello?”

“What were you doing?” Gabriel’s voice purred over the line.

Abigail almost dropped the small phone in her surprise.


“Yes, Gabriel. Where you expecting someone else?”

Abigail frowned, her ire awakening once again. “How did you get my number?”

There was silence for a moment. “Does it bother you that I call you?” he asked in a quiet voice. “I’m all alone here.”

She smirked when she heard Angelo protest nearby as Gabriel shushed him.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Michael called my phone with yours, so I just saved the number. Baby, are you coming back? I’m lonely.”

Her heart clenched at his sad tone. Oh-lord, how could he affect her this way?

“I need to get some groceries,” she replied. “I’ll just be a while.” Already calculating how long it would take her to get a few things and head to the house on Bayside, she knew she’d have to forgo cooking anything. A sandwich would have to do, and a quick shower and change, then head up to the hospital. “Maybe an hour and a half?”

“Did you like the house?”

Abigail paused at the hopeful sound in his tone.

“Yes. It’s absolutely beautiful. Michael wouldn’t say who the owner is. That’s kind of scary. You guys aren’t setting me up in some gangster’s hideaway, are you?”

His rich throaty laughter gave her the good kind of chills. She gripped her phone and closed her eyes, just letting that deep masculine laughter seep into her very marrow.

“No, he’s not a gangster, just a bit of a recluse who likes his privacy.”

“I totally get that,” she replied wistfully.

“You sound tired.”

“Only a little.”

Again, he was quiet. “Baby, you don’t have to come over tonight if you’re tired.”

Her heart plummeted. “I don’t mind,” she blurted before she could stop herself.

He chuckled again, making goose bumps pimple her entire body and her heart trip along the bones of her ribcage. “Fine. Can’t wait to see you, Abby.” She was panting now at the seductive tone of his deep gravely voice. “Can’t wait to kiss you.”

All she could manage was a whimper. It didn’t matter because he cut off the communication.

Behind her, a car tooted their horn, making Abigail jump. She exited her car with an apologetic grin and told the elderly lady she wasn’t vacating the parking spot. Poor woman must’ve thought she was leaving on the account she hadn’t switched off her car and kept her foot on the brake.

The old woman gave her the finger, to Abigail’s shock and drove away screeching her tires.

Abigail pouted. How rude!


Gabriel was anxious to leave the hospital now. Abigail was staying at his house on Bayside Drive. He’d bought it on a whim just before they’d started their tour, but never went back after his grandmother’s heart attack earlier that year. Gram’s had been doing great so far and now that he had Abby home, he needed to get back on his feet fast.

Abigail was special. Unlike most girls he met, he was sure she was the one for him, but he needed to proceed with utmost care so as not to frighten her away. His career might put her off, but he’d work at making it all up to her by trying to provide as normal a home life as possible.

Gabriel blinked in surprise at the direction of his thoughts. Was he actually thinking of taking the big step with Abigail?

A real relationship… marriage?

Nervous sweat broke out on his forehead.

He needed to get to know her first. He didn’t want to make the same mistake Michael had.

Erica seemed sweet if a little quirky on the outside, but the guys from the band knew the truth about Erica.

She suffered from a bipolar disorder and put poor Michael through hell constantly. She hated when the toured or played anywhere, and her jealousy knew no bounds. Her constant use of drugs to keep her balanced more often than not kept her strung out and useless, and her irresponsibility at keeping up with her birth control had caused her more than once to disappear on Mike to take care of the occasional problems that arose from their sporadic intimacy. Most days Mike took care of his own needs or succumbed to the wiles of a groupie to later drown his guilt in booze at Gabriel’s house. Gabe was sick of it, but Michael refused to part with the girl, saying she needed him and he couldn’t abandon her.

So, no one said anything anymore to either of them, as long as Mike and Erica’s problems didn’t affect anything to do with the band.

Most times it didn’t.

Gabriel doubted Abigail would be the same way.

There was still the problem that someone had definitely tried to kill him. He barely remembered what happened that night. The memory of the dinner and the argument later in Paulina’s home office were hazy at best. He’d finally remembered kissing Abigail before riding off and then…nothing. He couldn’t remember a fucking thing. The cops had interviewed him about the accident, and even Diamond had drilled him incessantly about it, but he didn’t remember.

The doctor had told him that he eventually might remember, but that it would not be unusual for that memory to never resurface.

He didn’t want to put Abigail in danger if some crazed fan was after him. Of course, it could very well have been anyone in the Montenegro household. Paulina certainly had the money to put out a contract on him. Mikayla was pissed off enough to have tried to run him off the road. The hateful looks she’d given him earlier attested to that. Maybe it had been Abigail’s own mother. The woman gave him venomous looks all night during the dinner at the house.

As for his brother? Daniel’s acceptance of him felt strange somehow. He treated Gabriel like some poor cast off mongrel that needed rescuing. The man had talked incessantly about how wonderful signing a contract with North Star would be.

Michael and Gabriel had already decided to stay with Universal Records. Why change a good thing when you had it?

Abigail strolling in had him snapping to attention, worrying thoughts shoved to the back of his mind.

She wore a dark blue maxi dress with a little white crocheted vest over it. Her feet peeped out from beneath the long hem of the dress in little silver strappy sandals.

He smiled when he saw the familiar knot at the back of her neck, thinking how much fun it was going to be to unravel her gorgeous hair out of its tight restrictive bun by the end of the night.

“Baby,” he growled, “come here.”

Abigail walked up to the side of the bed, her big blue eyes blinking rapidly, something she did when she was nervous.

Gabriel grinned, liking that he affected her enough to put her on edge. He sat upright in his bed and leaned over as his hand cupped the back of her skull, drawing her forward.

Her eyes widened and he heard her sharp intake of breath. The pulse of her throat fluttered wildly and a beautiful rose flush bled up from her breasts to her hairline.

Gabriel angled his mouth over hers. Sweeping his lips over the dulcet softness of Abigail’s plump lips.

Her lashes fluttered closed and she sighed, mouth opening slightly in invitation. He closed his eyes too, and nipped at her lower lips. Blood flooded his groin when he felt her tongue touch his top lip shyly. He sucked in her upper lip and bit it gently before sweeping his tongue into her mouth to stroke her palate and tongue lazily.

After kissing her senseless for a little more than a full minute, he released her.

Her cheeks were reddened from his beard and lips swollen from his kiss. A more beautiful sight he’d never seen.

Her bun was halfway undone. This time she’d stuck too many pins in it.

No matter. He pulled her back in to taste the alluring expanse of her throat.

She tasted divine. He ran his tongue after nipping her shoulder up the side of her graceful neck to bite her earlobe.

She shivered against him, her hands braced against his chest.

When he felt her wince and try to break free, he released her reluctantly.

She was panting, her pupils wide, eyelids at half mast. He’d be willing to bet she was wet as fuck between her creamy thighs.

His cock jerked, tenting the sheet. She noticed and gasped with a squeak.

He shrugged and gave her an apologetic pout. “Haven’t had sex in a long while, baby. Can’t control that reaction, but you know it’s not like I can actually perform right now.” He gestured to his leg and then grinned at her, “unless, of course, if you mount me.”

Abigail scowled at him and he chuckled.

“Don’t get mad, baby. I’m sorry I’m being such sleaze bag, but I’m going a little stir crazy locked up in here, bored out of my mind.”

“Well I don’t enjoy being your entertainment, Mr. Raven.”

He caressed her cheek, smile fading. “Baby, you’re so much more than entertainment, I swear.” He patted the bed. “Come here. Sit here. Let’s talk.”

She looked unsure, but he tugged gently on her hand until she complied.

“When you were still seeing Daniel, what plans did you have for yourself? Were you just going to marry him and be a stay at home wife, have kids, or did you ever want a career?”

She blinked at him, clearly surprised with his question, but licked her lips and answered him. “I always wanted to work with children. At the convent we would visit orphanages. The nuns would make clothes and bring them books and toys. I loved that so much.

Gabriel felt awed. He smiled at her. “Mike and I sometimes visit this youth center not far from here. We give a few music workshops for the kids there. Last year we donated a bunch of instruments for them. You can’t believe how fast that gets them off the streets when they have something they get passionate about.”

Abigail’s mouth was ajar, eyes wide.

“Oh, Gabriel, that is such a wonderful thing you’re doing.”

He felt his face get hot and shrugged. “It’s just that I never had a male figure around when I was growing up and since I’m not the jock type, I wanted to give other kids like I was something they could get into besides sports.”

“Music is so important for children. It actually stimulates the mind in a way that improves all other subjects of learning.”

Gabriel grinned. “So it makes a person smarter?”

“I’ve heard it said, yes.”

Gabriel chuckled. “Well, I don’t think it worked very well for Ang. He’s about as smart as a brick.”

Abigail shook her head, but laughed too.

“And he’s so damn conceited too.”

Well, he is very handsome.”

Gabriel frowned. “Do you like Ang?”

Her laughing stopped abruptly as her eyes grew owlish. He had to bite the insides of his cheeks to keep from cracking up at her dismayed look.

“Oh, Gabe. I didn’t mean—“

“Easy, babe. I’m just teasing you.” He cleared his throat. “But I guess you can say I’m a bit on the jealous side.” He gripped her hand and stared deep into her eye. “What’s mine is mine. I don’t share, and I can be a bit of a cave man about it too.” He shrugged. “Guess it’s my Spanish heritage.”

“Oh,” Abigail gulped.

“Would you be willing to have a caveman for a boyfriend?”

Her brows shot up, her mouth doing that sweet fish out of water gaping. God he just wanted to drag her beneath him and brand her completely, inside and out.

“I’d never hurt you, Abby. I swear. I don’t believe in raising a hand to a woman. A man that does that should be strung up and whipped into oblivion. I do tend to be a bit overbearing and bossy, but, baby, I know you can handle all of me and more. Come on, Abby. Tell me you want to be mine.”

He kissed her fingers, knuckles and back of her hand, holding her gaze with his.

She was trembling, breath coming in rapid little pants from her sweet mouth.


“Yes, baby.”

Her lashes batted quickly. Her tongue swiped across her upper lip. Gabriel licked the pad of her thumb before nipping it. She actually moaned, soft and shy.

“It’s just that… the people, and the whole being in the spotlight constantly…”

“I told you, it’s not always like that. Unless they can get dirt on us, they leave us alone. I’m not the wild type and neither are you. We’ll be a boring normal couple to them. They follow people like Angelo, Rafe, and sometimes Mike. Ariel and me aren’t interesting enough.”

She looked surprised. “Really?”



Gabriel resumed licking her cute fingers. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Her blush intensified. “I’ve never really had a real boyfriend, just Daniel…”

Ice ran through his veins at the mention of his half brother.

“We never even kissed, Gabriel.”

That had him grinning with immense pleasure. He was also aware of what she trying to tell him.

“Abigail, I’m not going to pressure you into having sex with me. When it happens it’ll be because we both want it.”

Abigail shook her head. “I’m sorry, but my beliefs are that sex is for marriage only.”

Gabriel’s heart stuttered in his chest. “Okay. We’ll just take this one step at a time.” He wasn’t giving up.

She nodded, eyes wide as she regarded him.

Would she hate him if he seduced her into it? If things worked out, he would marry her without hesitation, but he didn’t want the frustration of wanting to bed her to boggle his mind into marrying her prematurely.

“Exactly how far will you let me go without actual penetration?”

Her face went red now and her lips hardened into a firm line. She didn’t like talking about sex.

“Look, Sweetheart, we’re two adults here. If we’re going to be a couple we need to be open and honest with each other. I have to admit I’m not a virgin. Haven’t been one since I was fifteen—“

She gasped, “so young? But you were just barely a boy.”

Gabriel grinned at her scandalized expression. “I was corrupted by an older woman.”

She surprised him by cupping his cheeks and kissing his forehead. “That’s absolutely horrible, Gabriel. How could such a thing be amusing for you? Who was it? Maybe it’s not too late to report her.”

Gabriel gripped her wrists and shook his head. “Whoa, slow down. There will be no reports, okay? I was just as responsible for what happened way back then. We’re getting off topic here, Abs. What I was trying to tell you is that we need to communicate openly as a couple. I don’t want any barriers between us.”

She tried to look away, but he gripped her chin with his fingers tips.

“Don’t be shy with me, Abby. I want to gain your trust, but can’t do it if you block me out.”

She shivered and her eyes welled.

Alarm shot through him. “Has anyone ever hurt you, baby?” The thought of some scumbag having forced her, taken her against her will sent him into a killing rage.

“I’m just scared, is all,” she whispered.

The fire raging through his blood cooled somewhat. “Are you scared of me?”

She bit her lower lip. “Maybe just a little. I don’t want to get hurt if all this blows over for you—“

“Abigail, I swear, I’m in this one hundred percent. I’m not out to just mess around with you and then drop you when I’ve had my fill. I really want us to get to know each other and see where it goes.”

“But you want sex without commitment,” her eyes were accusing.

“Abigail, like I said, I’m not a virgin. I’ve had a few women in the past fifteen years, but I can wait for you…when you’re ready. I just need to know how far you’ll let me go and how far I can push those boundaries.”

Her eyes widened. “Push boundaries?”

Gabriel smiled at her. “Baby, right now, I’m going to tell you I’m no saint. I won’t ever force you into anything, but I won’t say I won’t try to shmooze you into it. I’m being honest here, Abby. Please don’t hate me for it. I want to be honest.”

She nodded. “O-okay. I’m going to be honest too. I’m only human also, but I’d feel terribly guilty if I committed carnal sin with you. So think about that.”


“To me carnal sin would be in indulging in the pleasures of the flesh without any real sentiments behind them.”

Abigail nodded warily.

“So since We already have some feelings for each other—“

“We don’t know each other well enough for it to be anything more than lust,” she blurted, her face flaming.

He looked into her eyes. “Abby, there’s more than lust in what I feel for you. Intense like is more like it.”

Her cheeks grew redder and her free hand went up to cup it as she swallowed. “I need for more than intense like to let you…”

Fuck. She couldn’t get that word out through her sweet lips, or anything remotely similar. It was going to be fun teaching her to say fuck. Under the sheet, his cock throbbed.

“Let’s see where this takes us, Abs. We’ll take it slow. No pressure.”

“A tube top and shorts.”

Gabriel frowned. “What?”

“A tube top and shorts. Whatever a tube top and shorts covers should be off limits to your hands,” she blurted.

Gabriel grinned. “My hands? Okay.”


She got the feeling she’d just signed away her soul. Gabriel’s grin was so wicked, reminding her of a dark fallen angel, oxygen tube attached to his nose and all.

“As for you—“ she began.

His eyes smoldered as he pulled at the hospital gown and yanked the sheet from himself. “Baby, I’m all yours. Everything you see is at your disposal.”

His body was ripped and toned to perfection, arms bulging, chest sculpted, and abs rippling with healthy muscle. Not even the wires and tubes taped here and there could detract from his masculine beauty. Abigail’s eyes were inexorably drawn to his stiff penis poking up beneath the hem of the hospital gown. She made to jolt up from the bed, but he grabbed her wrist.

“There’s nothing sinful about seeing the body of your man,” he purred in his million dollar voice.

Heat suffused her entire body at his words. Your man. Good-God. Her man was beyond gorgeous, and randy as Billy goat in rut.

“Gabriel, that’s not decent,” she exclaimed, her voice high and breathless.

“What’s not decent about it? You bathe and care for yourself every day, which means you see it every day. That’s not indecent, is it?”

“It’s my body,” she said trying to avert her gaze from his groin, but he was so huge, balls hung heavy beneath that tall, thick, veined, spike of flesh, there was no way of not seeing it. It was like another person in the room…good-lord, and it was waving at her!

“Well, my body is now your body, so you’ve every right to see it. I want you to see it and grow accustomed to it. Someday when you’re ready, you’ll let me see yours.”

“Oh,” she breathed, scandalized by the idea and the incessant throbbing down below. She clenched her thighs to ease the ache.

He chuckled.

A light knock at the door had her gripping the sheet and yanking it up almost to his chin just as a nurse walked in.

“Visiting time is almost over.”

Abigail nodded, still feeling her face hot and heart slamming around inside her chest like a frightened bird.

The woman arched a suspicious brow at them before turning on her heel again.

Gabriel was still sniggering, the brat. She turned back to him after the nurse left, and gave him a scowl.

“No more flashing.”

“I love how you covered me quick, baby. Nothing more exciting than having my female possessive of my body. Now kiss me.”

She sputtered. Her? Possessive?

He drew her down to him. Her thoughts scattered like dried leaves on a windy day as he shoved his tongue into her mouth and staked his claim.

She sieved her fingers into his silky hair, feeling the rough texture of his beard against her face. Perhaps tomorrow she’d shave her man like he’d asked earlier.

My man. She liked the sound of that.

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Brian read the sexy incest story over and over again. His cock throbbed in his hand, still after having come all over his stomach. He gasped for air and grabbed a tissue to clean himself off. He'd read the stories of a certain author named "Gigi Ramone" who wrote so many hot incest stories. Most were of brothers and sisters, something that really turned Brian on. Even though Brian did have a younger sister who was 21, reading these stories was all fantasy nothing else. He decided to write...

3 years ago
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The Arousing Adventures of Mikhail the White Mage

Mikhail woke up in his small, cold bedroom. He splashed some icy water on his face to wake himself up and quickly put on his white robes with red linen. Today was the day he was finally going to graduated from White Mage Academy after five long years. He wolfed down some bread and waved his mother goodbye as he walked to the Temple of Eir while whistling. His thoughts were in the clouds so much so that he literally bumped into Gudbrand the handsome blonde knight-in-training, his best...

1 year ago
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Cousins night in with me

100% fiction! My Cousin Becky and me have always been good friends, when people see me they always wonder where she is. So, we are always together. Before I go any further I want to introduce myself, I'm Ryan I'm two years older than Becky she's 20. We both live in central Leeds in England. She's very slim and has long black hair down to her bum. She is basically my dream woman, she's funny beautiful and has a since of humor that has me on the floor with laughter. I don't think anyone would...

4 years ago
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No way was he Gay PT5 Gay

I began to pull my pants up, but he said, "No, take them off, but keep the pantyhose on.""Yes, sir," I said, knowing I couldn't disobey him.I also took off my shirt, shoes and socks and followed him into the house."Oh yes, do fuck my ass with that massive cock," a feminine voice begged.A voice I recognized.It was Mrs. Martens.Our mid-fifties principal.A real ball-breaker bitch.Jamal said, "She's the biggest BBC slut I've ever met. Someone fucks her in her office at least once a day.""No way," I...

3 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 8

Without saying a word, Stephen, Maggie, Peter, and Ruth all stood up and with car keys in hand my mother said, “Put your suitcases back in the car, please? A three-car caravan, with the Tremaynes leading the way. St Louis, Missouri has a metro area in excess of three million people. Part of that growth was the easy access to the HMS. Exactly what Michael Thomas had in mind, I am quite sure. We eventually stopped at a very nice and recently painted apartment complex with the name Kensington...

3 years ago
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The Charity Gala Part Two

“I can feel your cum dripping out of me,” Anne whispered as the auctioneer stepped to the podium. We had just taken our seats among the rows of chairs lined up at the back of the museum. The charity auction sponsored by the company at which Anne worked was about to start. Less than 10 minutes earlier, in a staircase that was ostensibly off limits to guests, I bent Anne over and fucked her from behind harder than I had in years. She hadn’t worn any panties that night and it made her feel...

2 years ago
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It really wasn’t my fault. It had never been my intention to begin what happened. He was my brother, and I loved him, even when he drove me mad ... but sometimes there is only so much someone can take, and I cracked. I lost my mind, briefly ... but when I came back to myself, I couldn’t find it in myself to regret what had happened. It started with a job gone wrong. We were hired to track down a stolen artifact. I don’t even remember what it was, now, but I’d taken Carver, Varric, and Isabela...

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Slutty Bitch And His Dream

“Aaahhh .. Aahhhhh…. Aaahhhhh” Rituraj was moaning very loud. His hands were rough and was moving all over on Rituraj’s smooth buttery body. He pressed Rituraj’s small but cute boobs very hard. He rimmed. He licked. He fucked Rituraj’s ass royally. “Yeahhhhhh …. Aaahhhh Ritu… Aaahhhhh … I am gonna make you go crazy, you slutty bitch…” With each push Rituraj felt that he’s in heaven & finally all the cum was to be feed in his cute, round ass. ******************** “Wake up Raj, wake up” said...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Other Woman Part Five

The Other Woman - Part Five Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband. This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly. I can never find the proper words to say thanks to my editor and friend Chris, who finds the time in a very...

1 year ago
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Teaming up with Sonia

The day I started at my new job I was introduced to a colleague starting at the same time and in the same department. Sonia was a year younger but qualified at the same time. During our time at college, we did not really connect as I was there on a swimming scholarship and between studying and swim meets barely had enough time to spend with my girlfriend of the time. She on the other hand went to college with the sole intention of being number one in her class and getting the perfect job. A...

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Secret Consulting Services

Julia and Matt were colleagues at a consulting firm who shared a great working relationship and an even better relationship away from work.For the better part of six months, the two consultants spent free time sharing a bed together. Julia was a stunning brunette who looked much younger than her actual age of fifty. The natural beauty of the five-foot, six-inch woman was accentuated by a slender hourglass figure, firm size 36C breasts and perfectly shaped ass Matt has had the pleasure handling...

2 years ago
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My Mommy and my best friend 8211 part 2

My Mommy and my best friend – Part 2 *** Moms budding sexual extravaganza *** Hi iss readers… This is Jeeva, back with my story’s next part. First of all I would like to thank you all for the lovely mails that I got from you people. The readers who haven’t read the first part can follow this link.. Do send your precious comments to http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Incest/my_mommy_and_my_best_friend__part_i_136735.html Before we start, lemme present you one more fact about my moms...

3 years ago
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The ArchducklingsChapter 4

In the morning I went to the Christmas Market. It was St. Lucy’s Day and quite crowded. I bought small gifts for Louise’s (my) children and several for my servants/servants’ children. I then walked past the Rathaus and across the Ring to Neustiftgasse and the shop of the Wiener Werkstaette. There were many, many beautiful things, ranging from rings to furniture. I bought a small stainless steel box with a lid for my step-mother and a pair of earrings with pale blue stones for Louise. I felt...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Aunt

Hi all ISS readers ..finally i got courage to submit my real stories which happened to me @ the age of 20 ..now i m 22 …let me describe about me ,i m Shahul and my age is 22 and i m from a decent family and living in Chennai.this stories i m going to post is about my aunt (cousin’s mom) .well everything started wen i m 20 and i m on semester vacation.i went to my cousin house and he is my best friend ,i m very close to him tat i see blue films with him and jerk off in front of him ..then think...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Wife chapter two

“Has he said anything?” Brenda asked.“Not a word, but he has been particularly loving,” Kim giggled.Four days had passed since the two women had hatched their plan for Kim's husband to be seduced by Brenda. Kim was still getting the familiar itch in her pussy as she recalled standing in Brenda's spare bedroom masturbating, as she watched Paul fuck her long-time friend.“Just so I am clear what's happening on Monday, run it past me again," Brenda said, clamping the phone to her head and stroking...

Group Sex
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Wonder Womans Most Fulfilling Adventure

The day began like many others had for our superheroine friend with the usual easy capture of common criminals and petty thieves. But it would end like no other, for on this day our sexy super heroine would begin an adventure like no other, one that would change her life completely. On edge of the steamy jungles of South America a volcano erupted with astounding ferocity, shooting ash and lava as far as the eye could see. The lava's roaring torrent ate away at the landscape as it rushed down...

2 years ago
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Sweet Memories From Past

It’s been a few years since I am reading stories from ISS. Don’t really know what kept me from writing my own experience :)… from what i understand some stories are real and some are fantasies. It all depends on how you write and relate with the readers. I am not sure how good I will turn out to be, but will give it a shot :) This might turn out to be little longer. It would be great if I could get your views on my story (prateeksharmap at yahoo dot com) I am Prateek, 29, from Mumbai working in...

2 years ago
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Living LargeChapter 12

Later that day Sean stopped by to see Jenny. He peeked his head into her office and said, "Hi Jenny." "Hi Sean. Come in." "Jack and I were wondering if Tuesday would be a good night for you to go out with us. There is a great place a few blocks from here and they have live music for dancing on Tuesday nights." Jenny thought for a moment and said, "You know, that sounds nice. I haven't danced in ages." "Then it's a date," Sean said with a smile. "Is six thirty okay?" Jenny...

3 years ago
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State Part 1

Scott lunged into the pool, his slim body sliding through the water like an arrow through air; completely smooth. His body was tan, smooth, and pressed into a tight blue speedo. Scott had been training for a win at state, working hard with his friend Andrew. Together, they had been formidable team-mates since seventh grade when they joined the swim club. Now as sophomores they had one image in mind and that was winning every single race. Scott pulled through 100-m and climbed out of...

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Sasukes Finite Dream

“Wait- No...” The shifting stirred the blonde counterpart. “Hmm?” “Fuck... FUCK!!” The ebon haired man in a cold sweat, frantic and now panting, sat up. “Sasuke...? Are you OK?” Naruto grunted sleepily, as he sat up beside him, wiping the boogies from his eyes. “I'm fine.” “Are you sure? You've been tossing and turning for a while now...” “I SAID I'M FINE DAMNIT, FUCK!” Sasuke tore himself from the slightly entangled sheets, and stormed from the smaller, shared bedroom....

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From Chat To Sex Through Ad Placed On Internet

Hi readers of Indian sex stories.. I am ravish from Bangalore aged 37. I am married but staying separately due to compatibility issues with my wife from past 1 year or so…This incident may be boring & less of thrill but it is an real one. As it was difficult to survive just on masturbation & reading stories(from 2-3 yrs on iss) and watching porn..Placed ads in some sites on the net to try my luck… Coming to the real incident…As I told you about the ad & I was disappointed to receive only...

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Phoebe Her descent into porn

Times had changed since Phoebe had enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame. Getting to the quarter finals of the UK’s biggest talent competition had been an experience but it was a case of so near yet so far. She was already a You tube sensation by the time she had got through the qualifying stages and wooed the judges in her first live audition. Her voice was fresh and angelic with that hint of Celtic mystery. Now at eighteen she wanted to give it another go. She was tired of getting gigs as the warm...

3 years ago
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Do bahuwe 2

Mara name ravi hai main himachal pradesh ki aik city main rata ho,kisi bhabi aunty ja ladki ko sex relason bnana chati ho tu mujhe mail ja call kare my number 09418518136 aab aagay ki kahani is tarah sa hai kis tarah maina dono bahuwon ko choda tha “abhi nahi chodenge. Pahle jawani ka maza lo. Pani nikal jane do. Batao tumhara aadmi kitni der chodta hai?” haath main aasani se aane wali mast choochiyon ko zor-zor se dabate kaha tu wah boli, “ji bahut jaldi bas 1 minute.””are tab tu wah saala...

1 year ago
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Heating up the Kitchen

It was an early morning, the clouds grey and heavy with rain as Chloe climbed out of bed. The smell of coffee drifting from the kitchen helped clear the groggy feeling she was having. Chloe was so thankful that she had preset the coffee pot last night before she went to bed! It had been a late night at the hospital and Ian, who was staying at Chloe’s house, was already asleep when she had gotten home last night. She walked into the kitchen, poured herself a cup of coffee, and contemplated what...

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She would never

We would talk about it all the time, my cousin Caitlin and I, but it's not like we were ever going to actually do it. It was just this thing we did, this secret we had. Just stories we told each other to turn us on. We would talk about what we could do and what he would do. We would talk about how big it was and how big did we think it could get.I loved hearing her talk about it, since, unlike me, she had actually seen it, and when she described it she would get all wide eyed and she would ask...

1 year ago
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SquirtingLesbian Karlee Grey Jillian Janson Back On The Gay And Narrow

Karlee Grey, a lesbian, is on her way to a treatment center because she slipped up and was recently with… a man! Karlee feels terrible for this moment of weakness, but her roommate Jillian Janson assures her that sometimes relapses happen, and the treatment will help her get back on the gay and narrow. A month later, Jillian welcomes Karlee back from treatment. Karlee seems happy and very lustful towards Jillian, saying that the treatment has cured her and she no longer has any straight...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 34

“Joan, we need to pack up to leave the motel. We are through with this base of operations. We are going to have to find another temporary one. So why don’t you look on google and find somewhere within twenty five mile, more or less, of here. We might only be there a day or two, or maybe a week or two. Just depends on how it plays out with the FBI. “I can’t work for the FBI. I work for Durham County Film Coop,” Joan said. “Just do it hon, you aren’t working for the FBI, I am but our job is...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 01 How It All Began

“Oh my god, that feels so fucking good,” she whispered. She looked at me straight in the eye as my dick slid in and out of her tight, wet, cunt. Her gorgeous dark eyes danced in the flickering light of the candles strategically placed around her bedroom.I closed my eyes and tasted her sweet, soft lips once more. Her tongue ever-so-shyly protruded, and I playfully teased it with my own. I could feel her long fingernails digging into my naked ass as she pulled me into her with each...

Wife Lovers
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Beauty Jimmy was an old man. Famous actor, during his life he played many great roles. He was a guest in a popular TV show, together with some other… Ok, females. Subject: what should a man provide so the woman agrees to be with him. You can guess: it was a neverending list. - It’s not like that, the most important is love… – Jimmy tried to say something, obviously tired of stupidities he was listening. - Kva kva, kvakvakva, kvaaaa... – their story was going on. „And I refused Boring Mike...

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Vacation in Nice Chapter 3 Home alone

My mom had been looking for museums and monuments online to visit. It was a real shame we couldn’t go for a swim. I really would have loved to see mommy in her bikini, now that her tan lines had disappeared. At lunch, mom announced: “We are going to visit the Church of the Holy Trinity this afternoon”. “What’s so interesting about this church, mom?” I asked. Stacy kept staring at her phone, indifferent to this conversation. “Oh, you know, I have read the tourist guide on this website,...

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Fucking Neighbor Aunty Archana

Hi All, First of all big thanks to all ISS story writers as I have been fond of reading to this since 5 years. This is my first time writing a real life sex experience which happened three months ago in February 2015 hence please ignore sentence errors if found any dont comment on it. Please comment how you found it. I had lost my virginity to a women of 27 age when I was barely 15 years old a friend of my neighbor. I had sex with my girl friends also but never wanted to go as in serious...

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Having pleasure from a muscular black man

I had met Jamal some months ago at the gym.He was a handsome muscular well hung black; recently divorced.The first time we just had a long chat after the workout; but that same night he sent me some of his pictures. I admired his toned body and most of all, his huge thick and veiny black cock. I was at least ten inches long and it was very hard in every picture…One day, I finally agreed to meet him after both of us got done with our office work. I was home alone and my loving Victor would never...

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Eden RescueChapter 12

The Ark's captain would be Angus MacPherson, a dyed-in-the-wool Scot who was reputed among the most flamboyantly daring of the starship commanders. To balance his bravado SES had selected stolid Warren Cromartie as second in command, "as sound as they come," Mallet told Meiersdottir. Only a skeleton supercargo would travel on the outbound run. Heisinger and Igwanda would be joined only by biologists Watesi and Yuan, chemist Johann Paulssen and astronomer Yisheda Amuri for the voyage....

3 years ago
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Storms Never LastChapter 7

Terry Author's Note: Be sure to read Part 1 first. I have reprised two characters from an earlier story, "View From the Top," and one from an in process story titled, "Sophie," a sequel to "Crystal Chandeliers." Thanks to Raoul Tirant for his editing assistance. I lay there in the dark, in the unfamiliar room. Sleep was both desired and not. To sleep was to still the mind of turmoil, of pain. Yet sleep would call forth unwanted dreams, dreams of happier times, times now gone. I had...

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Mountain Air

My buddy, Ty, and I decided that we would take a week during the summer to ride our horses up into the mountains and camp to get away from it all. School had been really tough and I needed a break. So we backed our gear and headed out the back door. Our homes are near the national forest so we could just ride. We rode along ways, most of the day. We found a nice place to camp. It was very isolated, or so we thought. About a hundred yards from us was another camp, we happened upon each other...

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From College Mate To Fuck Mate

Hello folks… It’s krish here… A very new person on iss… I have been reading stories here from a long time and seeing peoples to share there experiences… So today I wish to share my experience too… About me I ‘m a person belonging to southern india(andhra pradesh)… Born and brought up in delhi… I’m a quiet lean person… Not much actually… Have a good height about 5.10 feet… But have a good sized tool which is capable to satisfy girls… And till now I have enjoyed several beauties… I will be...

4 years ago
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A dirty little fantasy of mine

I had always had this fantasy where I throw a lingerie and sex toy party and have about ten to twelve women over (excluding the sex toy/lingerie hostess in count). Before the party, I take a sheet of paper and randomly place numbers ranging from one to ninet-nine in no real order (ex: 2, 15, 23, 41, etc.). Our apartment, mine and my boyfriend, has two bedrooms. So in the second bedroom I tie my boyfriend's hands above his head to the ceiling. He is blindfolded and gagged, wearing only a thong....

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Breaking the Cheerleader

Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I must have blacked out…” she thought to herself, the throbbing pain in her head the start of what would surely be a bad hangover. But then, if she blacked out, why couldn’t she move her arms? She tried to...

1 year ago
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XNXX.com! Ladies and gentlemen, perverts of all stripes, let’s talk about the big blue elephant in the room. It’s got a funky blue layout straight out of the ‘90s, but is one of 2023’s top porno sites. Hell, with over 3 billion views a month, this big motherfucker is shaping up to be one of the best wank stashes of all time. If you guessed I was talking about XNXX.com, the sister site of XVideos, then treat yourself to a jerk session to one of their millions of videos.No, that’s not a typo....

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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MILF Neighbor And Monday Night Football

This is sort of a long story but the end is worth it. I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Across the street lives a rather good looking blond Kathy, a thirty-five year old mother of two girls. Occasionally, we talked about landscaping and k**s in general and we grew quite friendly. Now this girl was single but she was absolutely gorgeous, she had long blond hair, stood about five feet seven inches tall, with a nice firm body that was accented by a nice pair of tits and an even nicer ass....

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PrivateerChapter 9

We left the restaurant after a nice dinner. Mari had limited herself to the one glass of wine and then water for the rest of the meal. Anna and Katherine had a few glasses of wine each, just enough to get them to the giggly side of tipsy. We wandered around the lower level for a while in our little diamond formation, working off the meal and stretching our legs before heading back to the hotel. It was early enough that I asked if the girls would mind if I went the gym for a bit and they said...

1 year ago
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Private Cherry Kiss Stars in Gonzo Interracial Threesome with DP

In Private Specials, Cherry Picking, Cherry Kiss has saved the best until last, and the best for this hungry nympho is taking on the BBCs of Aaron Rock and Jack Rippher in a wild gonzo interracial threesome! Cherry wastes no time filling her mouth with dark meat in this one as she takes turns devouring both cocks with a couple of gagging deepthroat blowjobs whilst also taking a hard anal pounding. Then enjoy the rest of the action right here on www.private.com where Cherry offers up her pussy...

3 years ago
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My Day

The alarm clock clicks on and a slightly manic voice comes out of the speakers, “Good morning, I am the saviour of Radio 1, the one and only Chris Moyes”, “Bugger, that means it’s Monday morning and I’ve got to get my ass out of bed for work” I tell myself! I role over in bed and hit the snooze button, “Ten more minutes and I’ll get up” I say to myself. Just as I role back over I realise I am afflicted with the sign of a man 1st thing in the morning, the timeless duvet tent! “Hmmmm, I tell...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 154

"So Lois what is it that you need to talk to me about?' I asked it once her door was closed. I knew that leaving the microphone capsule at home would really piss Gwen off, but I didn't care. It would probably be good for her in the long run. "I know that my lease says that no one can stay in the apartment more than 7 days without being on he lease. But my son is coming to spend the summer in Aster. I would like for him to sleep on the fold out sofa in the living room. Do I really need to...

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