Bandmates indian porn

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Stephanie part 4

I take a deep sigh as I step out of the small clinic, my face tingling from the lasers that had swept their way over it mere minutes earlier. Despite my face being make-up free- and covered with a very patchy 5 o'clock shadow- no one gives me a second look as I head down to the tube train that ferries me to my next destination. Well, that's not strictly true, people ARE giving me a second look, but not because of the hair on my face, but because of the pink tights covering my...

2 years ago
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Stephanie part 2

"Come on, Steve!" My mum yells, waking me from a fitful sleep. "You don't want to be late on your first day at your new job, do you?" "I'm awake!" I yell downstairs, sighing as I hear the front door slam shut, signifying that I'm alone in the house. I drag myself out of bed and pad to the bathroom, showering and shaving fully, removing any and all facial hair before shaving my arms, legs and chest clean of any stray body hair. I return to my bedroom and apply a full layer of make- up...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 47 Welcome to the

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 5:56pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 “And here comes the stars of tonight’s concert,” Dr. Betty Stevenson excitedly said as she saw the five of us along with Mr. Labatt, Devin and CBS Records’ Mr. Murphie walked into the small performance hall where we won the NIS band challenge in November. Mr. Murphie was waiting for us outside this meeting hall. As we engaged in a little general ‘chit-chat’ with these adults, we saw Shania’s band, the members of...

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B Witched

B*WitchedThis is not an accurate portrayal of the Irish pop group B*Witched. As best we know, they are NOT lesbians, so don't get it into your head that they are. Enjoy!"Boy, that was tough" said Edele Lynch of the girl group B*Witched as she and her bandmates came off the stage following their Dublin gig."Look at me! I'm absolutely dripping with sweat!" exclaimed her twin s!ster Keavy."Well, strip off and get in the jacuzzi then" commented Sinead off-handedly."D'ya mind if I join you?" said...

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Idolization finale

Carmine's voice continued. "Oh, and if you want to call the police, be my guest," the voice from the speaker dared smugly. "The chief says he might have left his office light on, so if you could ask them to check it for him, that'd be great." Rose's heart sank and Hazel's eyes widened. She had her hooks in the police as well? After finding out Carmine had been steadily replacing members of their pop idol group, Angel's Embrace, with substitutes wearing skinsuits, Rose was not sure...

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Stephanie part 6

"Hi mum," I whisper hoarsely. "Hi dad. I- I'm Stephanie..." My legs shake harder and I almost collapse to the floor as, with a stoic expression on his face, dad slowly rises from his seat and walks toward me... "...It's nice to meet you, Stephanie," dad says, embracing me in a fatherly hug. "Umm," I say, shocked by the sudden turn of events. "Hello, daughter," mum says, standing up and joining in the hug. "Mum?" I ask in a small voice, confused by the unexpected outcome of...

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Stephanie part 19

"Another question?" Becca asks, grinning as several members of the assembled crowd eagerly raise their hands. "Okay, you at the back!" "What are your favourite tracks on the new album?" The journalist asks, making the four of us grin. "Ooh, good question!" Adeola chuckles, even though it's a question we've already been asked several times over the last ten days. "Mine's probably 'Overcast', we've never really done a 'dark' song before, it was fun to mix it up a little....

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Stephanie part 14

As the bars of the final song of the night play, my bandmates and I take a step back from the edge of the stage and dip into a long curtsey. The entire crowd- all twenty thousand plus of them- all leap to their feet, screaming their approval of our concert just as they?ve done for every concert we?ve played over the last two and a half years. And just like all those previous concerts, I feel my skin tingling with goosebumps at the reaction of the people who?ve come to see us today....

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The Angels Take America part 3

"Well," Jamie said as the end credits rolled on the cartoon. "That was - that was different." "Yeah," Charlotte concurred. "I mean, I'm used to seeing myself on TV, but - yeah. Not too sure about that." "But I'm sure the kids will love it," Hannah said. "And there's no arguing with the message, right?" "Definitely," Jamie said. "If we help only one person with this cartoon, it'll be worth it." Much like the main Angels show, Jamie thought to herself as she and her friends filed...

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Stephanie part 17

"Cheese!" I yell, pulling my widest grin as I and my other bandmates pose for a selfie with the excited young woman. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" The girl- who I am told is barely eighteen years old- squeaks, before heading into the crowd to find other famous faces to photograph. "You know, I like the idea, yeah?" Adeola says. "Giving, like, fans the chance to come to these parties..." "Especially as, if memory serves, that's how someone became part of this 'family' in the...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 48 Humble and Kind

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 7:41pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 After seeing that Lynette was set at her keyboards and that the three of us on the main stage had our guitars set, Eda laughed from her drum throne, “C’mon, c’mon ... we’ve got a show to get to. Oh, by the way, C’mon, C’mon just happens to be the name of this next song.” I immediately started in with the opening easy guitar riff and Eda soon added her drum sound to the first song with all of us naked on stage. The four...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 21

Not for the first time this week, I'm woken up by the sound of loud music emanating from the living room. As I have for the last few days, I yawn, stretch and swing my tired body out of bed, pulling on my fluffy dark red dressing gown before padding through to the living room to find my girlfriend gently swaying to Three Times a Lady. I let out a gentle sigh as I encircle her tiny waist from behind and gently sway along with her, which elicits a contented sigh from the petite blonde...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 18

I let out a happy sigh as I wake up in my warm, cozy bed to discover that during the night, Kayla's arms have wrapped themselves around my body- and mine have wrapped themselves around hers. Both of us had an exhausting day yesterday. In the morning, we (and the other members of the band) were at our producer's house, celebrating his 28th birthday. In the afternoon, we were at the o2 arena, rehearsing for our anniversary concert. In the evening, we were performing our anniversary...

4 years ago
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The Angels Take America part 1

"Ahh, I am SO excited about this!" Krystie squeaked as the plane started to taxi down the runway at London's vast Heathrow airport. "Never been to America before?" Viks asked. "Nope!" Krystie giggled. "Never even been outside Europe before, and even then it was only for the other launches, heh." "Didn't get much of a chance to honeymoon thanks to 'other considerations'," Mikey, Krystie's husband, chuckled as he tried to calm the squirming fifteen-month-old child in his lap. "And...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 42 Burn It To The Ground

Althouse College Gymnasium, London 9:11pm, Friday, December 28, 1979 When I pulled into the parking space reserved for us behind Althouse College, a security guard came running up to my deep purple Barracuda. As Wayne and I got out, this rotund man yelled, “Hey! That spot is reserved for members of the band playing, tonight. You’ll have to find some other place to park.” “If this spot is reserved for the band,” Wayne calmly replied as he walked to the front of my car, “then we’re in the...

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Stephanie part 11

"Is there any point in having a birthday party if the actual birthday girl herself isn't going to be here?" Becca moans as she paces back and forth, nearly deafening everyone with the rustling of her petticoats underneath her knee-length pink dress. "Oh, just give her time," Adeola says. "She'll get here eventually. It's not her fault her family lives an hour and a half away and she's their only child." "And besides," I say quietly as I fidget in my pink stockings and extra-high...

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Sweet Dreams Mr Wilcox Never Could Be Any Other Way

SWEET DREAMS, MR. WILCOX (NEVER COULD BE ANY OTHER WAY) by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY Synopsis: A pop music producer, who once was one of the hottest names in the industry,...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 46 Trust in Me The Python s Song

Labatt’s Guest House, London, Ontario 8:14am, Friday, January 4, 1980 “Ha! I can’t believe that me and Lynette beat you at mini-golf last night, Cuda,” Shannon laughed as we huddled around the kitchen island in the guest house at the Labatt’s property. We had about twenty-five friends, who went to Red Lobster for dinner and then over to Fleetway-40 to bowl and play a round of indoor mini-golf. “Well, it was kinda hard to hit good putts when you were either jigglin’ your boobs in my line of...

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Stephanie part 5

"Come on, stop fading away," dad chastises me as I rest my head on the back of the sofa. "We haven't seen you in weeks, don't want to watch you sleep all through your visit!" "Sorry," I mumble, blinking to try to keep my eyes open. "Honestly, Steve," mum says, handing me a much-appreciated cup of tea. "Why don't you just take a week off and come back here, put your feet up, play on your Xbox and recharge your batteries? You don't know how many people I see everyday who works...

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After the Energists Mike s and Tempe s NIS WeekChapter 15 Dance The Night Away

NIS Day 5 – Halloween Dance - Medway High School 7:29pm, Friday, November 2, 1979 Lynette and Brick timed their short opening to Danger Zone perfectly. Eda, Sammy and I easily joined in with our instruments as Brad quickly had the stage curtains opened to kick off Medway’s Friday night Halloween Dance. I loved the looks of surprise on the few faces I could see near the front of the stage when they heard the hard driving opening of this song for the first time at one of our performances. I...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 36 Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Labatt’s Limousine, Returning to London 11:47pm, Friday, December 21, 1979 “I can’t believe you guys were able to simply jam out that Christmas song,” Stephanie exclaimed as we enjoyed some snacks and cokes in the back of the limousine after our concert in St. Thomas. “Oh! Gawd! I was worried about playing it when you joked that you wanted to experiment with a Santa Claus is Coming to Town to the audience,” Wayne laughed with Eda tucked under his arm. “I was amazed at how well that came...

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Fucking Mia Matsumiya

One such guy, Stan, sits toward the back of the crowd tonight at the dingy little dive bar where Mia and her band are performing. He's never been an avant-garde fan, can't stand her band's music...but the first time he ever laid eyes on Mia was at another performance months ago when he was at another bar and her band came onstage. He hated the music almost from the second the band started playing...but seeing this tiny little 4'9" beauty in her little grey top, grey skirt and shapely...

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It s Josie Part 1 You re a Pussycat Doll

It's Josie: Part 1 - You're a Pussycat, Doll By: Rugal Jason McCoy is a college student in a go nowhere band that he's planning to leave... until his friends give him a guitar. A guitar that's claimed to be magical. A guitar that changes his life. My life was a mess. Well, not really but you know how it is; that sense of ennui that overwhelms you when you're in your twenties. You're out of high school, on your own... free to live the life you've always wanted. Except not...

2 years ago
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Stephanie part 9

"Thank you all!" Becca yells into her microphone to the screaming crowd as we all wave happily. "Thank you all so, so much!" "Thank you Glasgow!" I scream into my microphone, taking several deep breaths (despite my tight clothing) to rest my tired voice. "We love you all!" Lauren yells into the microphone, her long, ginger hair pinned to her face with sweat thanks to our two hour long concert- our tenth in twelve days, and thankfully, our last for the time being. The second we...

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The War of the Angels part 2

"Oh shit," Krystie gasped as she gently lowered Mary onto the floor. "Someone get me some hot water! Joshua, do you have any towels?" "There are some in the dressing rooms, I'll get them now," Joshua said, hurrying out of the studio. "I am NOT giving birth on this damned floor," Mary said between gasped breaths. "And I am most definitely NOT giving birth without painkillers!" "Jamie, call 999," Krystie ordered. "Charlotte, call Dan, get him here now." "Will do," Charlotte said,...

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The War of the Angels part 3

"Stephanie..." Beverly whispered. "Even if I wrote you a prescription, it'd still only be dated from today. I can't backdate them for the time you were supposed to have been taking hormones." "It's still better than nothing," Stephanie insisted. "Please, if I have to get down on my knees and beg, I will." "Stephanie," Beverly sighed. "We've been over this time and time again, you know that oestrogen isn't a magical cure to all your problems-" "Not all of them, but this one, it is-"...

2 years ago
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Stephanie part 20

"Mmph," I moan as I wake up in my bed, my soft sheets huddled around my body- and only my body. I let out a sigh as I swing my soft, hairless legs out of bed and pad through to the bathroom for a long, hot shower, before drying myself and heading to the kitchen to make myself a much- needed cup of hot coffee- and take my much-needed oestrogen tablets. I try to force a smile on my face as I switch on the television, but it quickly disappears when I'm greeted by a trailer for this year's...

3 years ago
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The Deerfields

The Deerfields I remember when Abby came back to tell us the news. "They said they'd sign us, but only if we are an all-girl band," she had said, her voice low with despair. "I told them we wouldn't do it without you, Brian. I mean its sexist as hell! Who are we supposed to be the Spice Girls?" The news seemed to hit me in the chest like a runaway anvil in a bad Saturday morning cartoon. I felt like my dreams were gone. How could we have come this far only to have the last...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 16 Fight Song

Labatt’s Guest House, London, Ontario 7:46pm, Tuesday, November 20, 1979 “ ... You know, Love Stinks!” Zupena sang in a fairly deep voice. “Zupi! ... Ya-you always know exactly what to say to make me feel better,” Lynette finally chuckled with tears still running down her cheeks. Zupena smiled at Lynette and leaned over to give her a kiss on the crown of her head. I winked at my tall beauty, who then surprised all of us, again, by softly singing: “You love her, but she loves him. And he...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 49 Girl Crush

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 10:53pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 ... With our mics ‘not-hot’ according to Devin’s earlier message, Eda said, “As we were playing that song, I was thinking it sure would be nice if Cathy and Paul joined us on Danger Zone. They helped us write it, so...” “That’s an awesome idea E. Devin, can we do that?” Sammy said and immediately sought out permission from our concert producer. “Ha! Didn’t you young’uns just kinda brow-beat me into letting you do...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 7

I have a wide grin on my face as I hold up the small, brightly-coloured CD case, turning my face so that each of the cameras can get a clear view of me- and, of course, the CD, which is the real star of the show. I'm wearing a very slinky, silvery red- grey dress that has a halter neck and a short, tight skirt. My waist is taken in a couple of inches by an elasticated waist cincher and my chest is 'enhanced' by a strapless padded bra. My hairless legs are encased in thin, translucent...

4 years ago
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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

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The War of the Angels part 1

Jamie-Lee Burke yawned as the alarm on her phone woke her from a dreamless slumber. It had been a long week, but it was now Friday- a chance to relax and let her hair down, which she had every intention of doing that night, surrounded by all her friends. "Morning, sexy," Jamie whispered in the ear of her still-sleeping fianc?, who mumbled incoherently as he slowly opened his eyes. "Does it have to be morning?" Stuart moaned, eliciting a small giggle from Jamie. "'Fraid so," Jamie s...

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And Other Duties As Required Ch 1 4

Author's Forward: Hello everybody! As promised, this one is heavy on the TG aspects and a good deal more pornographic than my last tale! It's also quite a bit longer. This posting represents the first of three parts. If you don't want to wait 6-8 weeks to find out what happens next, part two is already available at ! If you want to vote for what I write next, the current poll (which will continue until part 2 of Other Duties gets posted here) can be found...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 39 Don t Be Stupid

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:36am, Wednesday, December 26, 1979 “I sure hope your brains and bodies are working better tomorrow, gentlemen, or you’ll be the laughing stock of the Purple and White,” Coach Williamson rightly stated after he called us together. I couldn’t help but think that this was the worst basketball practice I’ve ever been a part of. Even though we still had twenty minutes left in our practice, it felt like we were wading through a muck field for several hours. To...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 29 Maneater

Outside the Nevins’ and McGregory’ houses 11:56pm, Friday, February 23, 1979 When Cathy had my attention, she called out, “You better watch out, Cuda, ‘cause she’ll chew you up. She’s a Man-eater!” (Note: Maneater is a 1982, Hall and Oates song, where they created this compound word. In the text, I will be using the more traditional ‘man-eater’ form as that song title isn’t ‘officially’ used.) I laughed out loud in the chilly February night air and then replied, “You’re probably right,...

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Mia Matsumiya Her Rapist s Baby

PART 1: THE REUNION It's been 8 months since Stan fulfilled his fantasies of raping Mia Matsumiya, the beautiful young Japanese violinist, in the dingy restroom of a bar. To his surprise, she hadn't called the cops--or at least, he had been lucky enough that they never found him, if she did. It took him four months to work up the nerve to show up to another one of her band's gigs, where he took a seat in the rear so he could watch her play, wondering how she'd do on stage; if she...

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Memoirs Of A Common House Fly

Do you ever wonder what it's like to be a fly on the wall? A lot of people ask that. If you are not one of them, then read no further. If you have, however, then have I got a story for you. You see, I already know what it's like. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Richie ( stage name Wingo, more on that later) but my name really doesn't matter. Who I am does. I'm what's known as a common house fly. I'm sure you've seen my many brothers and sisters flying around your neighborhoods. As far...

5 years ago
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Life on the road

Let's meet our friends All three members support equality for women and are very leftist in terms of political stance Sophie: founding member of the band alongside childhood friend Lise. Born in the countryside. Very talented vocalist and occasionally percussionist. Sophie is a short haired brunette. Very sophisticated, yet very independent. When not playing in the band, she's holed up in studies at the music academy. On the side, she works as a barrista. Have a pear shaped body (smaller bust,...

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The Minister s Daughters

Introduction The Reverend Adam Surelight drove down the Iowa highway about half-way through with his journey to Kansas City. It was the Friday before Labor Day and he was on his way to pick up his sister, Amy, whose husband had just run off with another woman. Amy had called and had ask if she could spend some time with Adam and his three daughters in his small Iowa town and Adam immediately volunteered to drive down to Kansas City for her. His plan is to drive down to Kansas City, spend the...

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Selena gomez Megan fox

If any one has any sexy lesbian Selena Gomez stories feel free to post them Selena wasn’t worried about the Teen Choice Awards. Years ago, before her career had taken off, before Wizards of Waverly Place, maybe walking the red carpet might have made her nervous. But she’d been different then–less confident, less sure of herself. Now, she stepped out of her limo, flashed the reporters and the crowd her famous smile, and strutted toward the theater. This was going to be the perfect night. A...

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Bad Girl needs a friend or fifty Hayley

Hayley arched her back, hands behind her, staring up at the ceiling. She held the pose for a few moments before bringing her hands to her hips, sitting up on her knees."Good," the voice said from above her. A hand pushed slightly on her back, "now let's work that back side."He guided Hayley down, her hands on the ground with her ass up in the air, "That's it."Hayley glanced up at the yoga instructor. She sighed when he moved away from her and to the person in front of her. She had taken up...

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Rock Star Swap

Star Swap by Mellissa Lynn *** I would like to add a note here to let everyone know that I released an earlier version of this story several years ago. I re- read that version recently and decided that I didn't like the ending, so I changed it. Thanks for reading, and any and all feedback is welcome. +++ I awakened to the morning sunlight streaming into the room, almost blinding me with its brilliance. I instinctively reached up to close the blinds and felt movement...

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Stephanie part 3

"I should get going," I sigh as I watch the clock tick over to 9pm. "Flatmates get kinda paranoid about leaving the front door unlocked this late..." "Well, that makes me feel all the better about you travelling on the tube this late," mum sighs as I grab my backpack and head to the front door. "Are you SURE you don't want to stay over tonight, Steve?" I sigh again as I catch a glance of my make-up free, unshaven face in the hallway mirror. "Nah... Need to be up early tomorrow," I...

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Stephanie part 12

"Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?" Becca, Adeola, Kayla and I sing into our microphones, trying our hardest not to grin as we're almost drowned out by several thousand screaming fans. "Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth... They say in heaven, love comes first, we'll make heaven a place on Earth, ooh, heaven is a place on Earth!" For the next three minutes, I let the wave of euphoria generated by the screaming fans wash over me as we finish our concert- and our entire tour- with...

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Stephanie part 22

"No peeking!" Kayla admonishes me as I enter her bedroom. "What, I'm not allowed to see my girlfriend naked?" I tease, smiling as Kayla giggles and tosses a ball of scrunched-up wrapping paper at me. "I'M not naked," Kayla retorts. "D'aww," I pout, earning another giggle. "Your presents, on the other hand, are!" Kayla yells as she jumps off her bed and closes the door- though not before giving me a gentle kiss. I giggle as I leave my girlfriend be and return to the living...

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I Belong To The Band

I hope and pray that writing this down will help, getting it on paper will keep me from going out tonight and finding those three bitches. I haven't been able to think about anything else all week, haven't done any school work, can't pay attention in class. I do try to forget, (don't think of pink elephants) I just can’t, I get a hard on and run back to my room and jerk off. Maybe if I can see it all down on the page, really see how sick it is, how totally fucked up, maybe I can stop being...

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A Friend in Need Part 2 of 2

A FRIEND IN NEED (Part Two of Two): A short story by Tamsyn In his efforts to help both of them, Ryan pushes ahead with his plan to persuade Dylan to become Holly again. It leads to a most interesting evening that surprises both of them. It was Saturday evening, with neither of the flatmates feeling particularly inspired to go out. Dylan's occasional nights at some girl's place seemed to have come to an end, while Ryan had been spending much of the day in front of his laptop,...

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Johanna 6

I returned from my semester abroad, determined to succeed at school. I followed Rudolf’s advice and switched my major to engineering physics. All the physics foundational courses I had done at Göttingen prepared me really well. I took a full load in both Summer I and Summer II, and then took an overload the following year. I was on track to graduate less than a year after I got back from Germany, in Spring 2013. All my professors, including Rudolf, encouraged me to consider graduate school in...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 21 Heading South

October 30, 1981 (continued) I did a major double-take upon hearing that name; my mind was in a swirl. Inez Trujillo. Did she really say that? Yes, she did. Maybe she was a different Inez Trujillo? What was the chance of that? How many Inez Trujillos were there in this part of the world? Not many, I'd wager. And then something else dawned on me. Where had I heard that voice, the one with the slight trace of an accent? Why, it had belonged to the Inez in the other life, the broken down,...

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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeChapter 2 Keep Your Hands to Yourself

The Aeolian Hall, London, Ontario 8:07pm, Friday, October 5, 1979 “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! London!” I cried out at the thunderous standing ovation from a packed out crowd of four-hundred and twenty-two at The Aeolian Hall after we finished our opening song, Crazy Train. We were told before we went on stage that the Hall’s management decided to remove the chairs, and their normal assigned seating arrangement from the main floor on Thursday in order to allow another forty people into...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 39 Passing of the Torch

July 2, 1983 "Tell me ... how did you manage to come across eight front-row tickets to a World Series game?" Inez asked me, her voice full of curiosity. "My dad somehow got his hands on them, but he never told me the full story," I replied with a laugh. "I'll have to bug him about it sometime. He said his boss had connections. I think he probably knows someone in the Phillies' front office." It was early in the afternoon. We had a gig at the beach that evening, and planned to begin...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 41 Enlightenment

August 7, 1983 This morning, I slept in fairly late; a typical Sunday morning, but different from most in the sense that we didn't have a show later. At about eleven-thirty, I was puttering around the apartment, while Dennis was lounging out in front of the TV, watching something on ESPN. The phone rang, and I answered it. "Hey dude," Dave told me in an excited voice, "get your ass down to the store, and pick up today's Star-Ledger." "Why?" I asked him, intensely...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 43 Something To Talk About

August 21, 1983 Beams of morning sunlight shone in a dazzling fashion around the periphery of the window shades. I awoke with a start, momentarily confused at my surroundings. Then, I remembered where I was, and what had transpired last night. I became aware of who was lying next to me in the bed, and my heart leaped with joy. I turned to look at her. Inez was facing me, her face a mere inches from mine, still fast asleep. I savored the close-up view of that peaceful, angelic face for a few...

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The CurseChapter 8

Michelle opened with a single 'G' note played through 24 bars at 4/4 time. For the last eight, Karen accompanied on the shakers and Mick came in right at the last as Karen cracked a double rim shot on her big floor toms. The intro to their first number had been revised, improvised and distorted out of recognition. It was all a suitable fanfare for the entry of the star, Anna Kuznetsova, in an outfit that looked sprayed on. The spot hit her as she clacked onto the stage with authority. She...

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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 22

Kimie began to cum first. She went stiff as a board, then a trembling came over her little body and she groaned loudly. That set Sienna off and for a few delightful seconds the two teens were shuddering in euphoric release together, their pussies obviously spasming furiously against the girlie fingers or tongue inside them. “Wow, that was awesome,” Kimie lay puffing slightly while Faye stroked her with her sensitive fingertips. “So was mine,” grinned Sienna. “This bi thing is for real....

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After the Energists Mike s and Tempe s NIS WeekChapter 10 Finish What You Started

NIS Day 4 –Morning - Medway High School 8:21am, Thursday, November 1, 1979 After our Tuesday and Halloween morning disrobing experiences, all eight of us NIS students had already stripped out of our clothes in a restroom. We all wore some type of bath or evening robe over our naked bodies to this morning’s disrobing session. When a few students semi-complained about us just slinking out of these robes, Mr. Williamson said, “I know this isn’t an official NIS rule, but I think I want you...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 56 Feels So Good

Labatt Guest House 2:10pm, Friday, March 23, 1979 “That was an amazing group of songs, you guys!” Elizabeth said after we wrapped up our practice run through of our opening ten song play list. “Was everything to your liking, Cathy?” our Cathy said to Bruce Smythe’s girlfriend, who asked that we not play anything too sad on this double funeral day. “Oh, yeah, that was perfect. I especially loved your acoustic combo of Two Steps Behind and Love Will Keep Us Alive,” Cathy Cromartie replied...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 34 Get Over It

Zupena’s House, Ilderton, Ontario 11:12am, Tuesday, December 18, 1979 “Ohhhh! Gawddd! Zupenaaaaa!” I cried out as my blonde Amazonian beauty took my large cockhead into her throat with swallowing actions that pressured it in indescribable ways. Zupena had me sitting on the edge of the extra-large bathtub as she knelt on the bath mat between my spread legs. Both of us had finished our Tuesday morning exams at Medway, and were definitely enjoying this activity more so than our written...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 35 Addicted To Love

Althouse College - UWO, London, Ontario 7:43pm, Thursday, December 20, 1979 “Because everything we’ve recorded has been from a live concert, I’d rather record Hell’s Bells with a similar slant ... instead of integrating multiple tracks to form the record. Does that make sense to you?” I asked Wilson Sikma and Kimmy Mellanson, the two CBS Records recording engineers in the control room of Althouse College’s recording studio. “Yes, we’ve practiced it a bunch and we like how we’ve got it...

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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 8

My Mama done tol’ me when I was in pigtails My Mama done tol’ me a man’s gonna sweet talk and give you the big eyes But when the sweet-talking’s done a man is a two-face, a worrisome thing Who’ll leave you to sing the blues in the night Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer Cindy stood a bit to the side of the slightly raised platform that served as a temporary stage in the large tent outside the garage at Three Corners Farm. She sipped from a bottle of water, as the band took a break. She...

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Stephanie part 8

"You don't lie to me," I sing in my low, sultry voice. "You don't lie to me," Lauren repeats in her own rich singing voice. "You don't lie to me," Kayla sings with a devilish look in her eyes. "You don't lie to me..." Adeola sings as we all so a single turn before we all throw our arms in the air. "No more lies!" The five of us sing in unison, earning a thunderous rounds of applause from our producer Stuart and our choreographer Krystie. "BRILLIANT," Krystie giggles....

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The Devil s Harem Sex Dru

The crowd roared as the band took the stage. As the bass began to thump out a rhythm, the drummer soon joined in. The decibel level shot through the roof, and that was just the noise of the fans in the audience. The band knew these weren’t their fans. No, these fans were there to see Linkin Park. This band was just there as the opening act in their first ever major gig. Nonetheless, they were sky high on adrenaline as well as the heroin they’d earlier shot into their veins. Ten songs later and...

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The Hottie

The Hottie! Like what you see? Look closer! All of these Swans are just Average Joes! From the creators of such shows as Is That Thing Loaded? and Turn Your Head and Cough, comes the next generation of reality TV. Sexier than Who Wants to Marry a Refrigerator?, crazier than Queer Eye for the Blind Guy, more shocking than Amish Boot Camp...this fall, get ready for The Hottie! How far would a man go to make his dreams come true? Would he give up what makes him a man? To win the...

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The War of the Angels part 5

"How- what- why-" Stephanie stammered as the flame-haired Scottish girl looked at her expectantly. "I think you might need to sit down," Lauren giggled. "As I said, I've got a car waiting..." "Umm, okay," Stephanie said, following Lauren to her car in a state of near-shock. "Why- why did you-" "Why did I take the option that was best for my career?" Lauren asked. "Kinda answered your own question there, didn't you? Steph... We've gone as far as we can with out of Heaven. And sure,...

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Raping Other Men s Wives 1 Katy

I play in a Pink Floyd tribute band, and a friend of mine, Derek, begged me to have us play at their 4th of July block party. Our regular gig for the 4th cancelled at the last minute; some fuck up with the permit...that's Chicago...probably skipped greasing the wrong palm. We still got paid because the cancellation fell after the deadline. But fuck, this was my favorite gig each year. Playing Floyd on the beach of Lake Michigan with the fireworks going off behind us, pure gasm. Not to...

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The Club Ch 05

Chapter Five Hiromi’s Shopping Excursion After their gig at the Club, Hiromi felt more alive than ever. She and Grace had rocked out, with some of their bandmates. Men and women alike were hitting on them, Hiromi was tempted by a few of the men, but no one ‘clicked’ with her at that moment. She’d set her cap on getting one man in particular in between her legs again — he’d been there before and had her seeing stars, but at this particular moment, he was unavailable. Grace had found herself a...

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I never thought Chapter One The Video

I rounded the corner and entered the detention room with my hands up in the air. "Your detention queen has arrived! You may now applaud at my greatness." I said, walking over to my seat at the back. There sat Stefan and Rico on my right, and Angelo on my left. Rico and Angelo gave me amused smiles but Stefan only slightly twitched his lips. I sat and put my feet up on the desks. "Alright, why so happy all of a sudden?" Angelo asked me, poking my cheek. "I got some emotion out of...

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That Time Cousin Milly Helped Me Seduce Sean

Before I met Sean, I'd never considered sex with another male. The social mores of my childhood had infected me with a virulent strain of denial that reason failed to cure. The lashing taunts of my schooldays still cut to the quick: "You fucking-puffter", the ultimate shaming.I had just turned twenty and needed perspective. After two years with Milly, I had become someone I hardly recognised. I enrolled on a psychology course in the search for even the hint of an answer. I was hoping for...

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I Know What You Did Last Night

I am part of the up and coming band Heroes For Hope, located in a crap heep of a town. We had landed a recording deal a few months into our stint as a back-up band for Maxon Hights. Upon getting the CD deal they shipped us out on a tour with the hope of us selling CDs and making the company money. Today we had a stop in a rural town that really had nothing but farm land around. Joe grew up in the area so he took the chance to see some old friends while we were here. Mike was planning on...

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Mia Matsumiya Her Rapist s Baby Pt 2 Wedding Bell Blues

Against her better judgement, Mia allowed Stan to come back to her apartment, since he already knew where she lived, and had been secretly stashing monthly child support payments in her mailbox, out of some twisted desire to prove himself as a good father. Once there, he forced himself upon Mia once more in spite of her protests, spooning with her on the bed and gently fucking her in the ass. However to her own surprise, Mia found herself more receptive to him this time, and not only...

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I m Not Who I Used to Be

This story is different from anything I’ve ever written thus far, because it’s being told from two different points of view, one male, and the other female. Anyway, I hope you like it, and for those who don’t, well, that’s life, isn’t it? MoogPlayer ~~~~~~ ME Hi, my name is Michael Thomas Taylor, but my friends all call me Mike. I stand six feet, two inches tall, and weigh two hundred and twenty pounds. I have long, shoulder length, dark brown hair, and because of my Native American...

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An Angel s Fix Pt 08

This part is void of sex, but important to the story. Best if you read Angel’s and Guardians first, then the parts leading to this one of An Angel’s Fix. All characters are 18 if physically involved. ***** A full day of classes and now three hours into practice, Ashley was getting fed up. Kim could sense it the second she walked in and took a seat to join the other members of Ashley’s practice audience. She could also read how poorly the rehearsal was going in Joe, Jasmine, and Jill’s...

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The way to fame

It was 12 o clock Jack was sitting behind the bar as he watching the patrons of his bar. He looked away at the clock. The band that would play tonight was late. He walked out of the bar to the dressing room. The guitarist of the band was on a chair by the door along and nearby was the drummer. Jack opened his mouth to ask them where the singer was until she walked out of the door. She scratched her hair to fluff them up again and pulled a lock of her hair, a pink highlight, behind her ear. ...

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I never thought Chapter One The Video

Introduction: I just had this random iea so here it is. There will be sex in the next chapter so stay tuned. Oh yeah, if youre wondering if Im continuing My Cousin, Chris, I am. Just give me some time, okay? The bell indicating school was over rang. I ignored it because Vladimir had me pushed up against my locker. He trailed kisses up and down my neck while I ran my hands through his black hair. Sierra Gutierrez, detention room. Sierra Gutierrez, detention room. Mr. Tibbals voice boomed through...

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Footrub Friday 2

Finally it was 4:30, and time to leave work for the week. Not that the day hadn’t been stimulating so far, but I was eager to see what Karen had planned for me this particular evening. The day had started like every Friday for the past five months: Wake up, shave my legs, then kneel on the floor before Karen and paint her toenails a deep red. Next, I made breakfast for her in the nude, while she pressed her long, sexy body against me, reminding me that I was not allowed to touch her with my...

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Baby Blue

She'll call herself Baby Blue when they're desperate for a name to moan. Stole it from a billboard ad along highway 70. Thinks it was the name for a zoo's newborn seal; bit like that song... Baby Beluga? Blue Jean Baby? Can't say for sure. Doesn't really matter. All that does is the power it seems to hold over men, especially those graying at the temples. They'll whisper it with beer breath, hand on her thigh. Baby Blue. Desperate for the tight gash they no longer get at home.  It’s not really...

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Date with sexy Cheryl Cole

Your at home looking at pictures of Cheryl Cole, the English beauty from Newcastle. She has been in the public eye since she won a competition called Popstars the Rivals. She was going up against other girls for the chance to be in a girlband, there were five chances to get into the band and Cheryl won one of them. Ever since then she and her Girls Aloud bandmates have been lusted for by every man in the UK. While looking at a particular picture of Cheryl, one that you really like, there is a...

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Escaping Reality

Connor McLander pranced five steps to his right, paused a half measure, looked left, right, left, and then dropped to one knee with a fist resting playfully under his chin. Just like he’d rehearsed. In his periphery, he saw his bandmates had dropped precisely in sync, just as the roaring crescendo of the band ceased and the lights swung out to the crowd. The brief silence was overtaken by a deafening roar of 20,000 kids screaming at the top of their lungs. It was the same ending for every...

First Time
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 22

On New Year Eve my dad went out to a party, and so did Rosie (and no, not together). We all got permission from the parental units to have a small party at my house. Just us. Holly and Keith, and Linda and I.Oh, and Mandy too. Yea, we were also on babysitting duty. Not that at being 14 next month she really needed a “babysitter”. But it was one of the conditions for the girls getting to stay over.So we hung out, listened to music, and danced between joking around. And everybody danced with...

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House Party

This is a short Hayley Williams story. M/F, 18+ only. This story was inspired after seeing Hayley's Instagram story about going to a house party. Hope you enjoy ;)Hayley went out for drinks with her two friends Marcus and Josh. It was a small bar just around the corner from where she was currently staying. The past few months had been rough on her personally but her friends were always there to hang and help her through the tough times. She was sipping on her drink when Marcus hopped up to...

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First dates The rock star

This story was a special request for makkavellithedon-------------“I don’t know if this will be up your street but I have tickets to a gig this weekend?”That was where it began. Just few words from a stranger on a dating app and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom, stripping off and dressing up, trying to recapture the rock chick look from my teens. The baggy t-shirts were too frumpy; the steampunk corsetry somewhere between too scary and too hipster....

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Laura s no limit

Enjoy it :) ________________________________________________________________________________________________Fed up of Beth and all her lazy bullshit, Laura had muttered something about going to the shop and hurried out of the house. She didn't know quite where she was going to go until she got there, but she wasn't at all surprised to find herself at the Hyperbowl alley. It's not that she was an avid bowling fan, she didn't even like it that much - it made her fingers hurt - but there was a...

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A Beautiful Friendship

Lance's girlfriend Gina has another surprise for him. Group Sex It had been almost two months since the weekend when I lost my virginity and things had never been better. Gina and I were getting along great. Every chance we got we snuck away to some secluded place and attacked each other. After years of wondering why my friends were so fascinated and daring about sex, my raven-haired beauty was showing me what I had been missing. Every day I got to know her body’s mixture of hard muscle and...

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A Beautiful Friendship

Lance's girlfriend Glena has another surprise for him.Group Sex The characters in this story were introduced in a story called “A Pleasant Surprise” which is about Lance losing his virginity with Glena. While it is not necessary to have read that story to enjoy this one, I hope that if you like this you will travel back in time and get to know Lance and Glena better.It had been almost two months since the weekend when I lost my virginity and things had never been better. Glena and I were...

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The Best Sexting Experience That Would Spice Up Anybody

Hi, guys, this is nayeem and this is my first story in ISS So please forgive me if I am wrong anywhere. This story is about me and a girl who had a real good sexting. My first sexting experience was good I can remember hesitating for a few moments, then obliging, my heart galloping along. I arranged myself on the thick carpet in my bedroom, took a photo with my webcam, and sent it. Why? Why not? I was clothed, but it was definitely meant to be provocative, flirtatious. I couldn’t fathom any...

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Saving Arvil Lavigne

Saturday. The one day of the week when I had any real free time to spend on myself. Monday through Friday I spent working and on Sunday I usually spent the day helping my elderly aunt and uncle around their house with grocery shopping, yard work, whatever that needed to be done that week.This particular Saturday I found myself sitting in Jim's a local mom and pop diner that had been around for some twenty or thirty years. I had big plate of fries and one of the greasiest hamburgers I've ever...

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"Do you mind if..." Roy Dane bit his lower lip. The skinny teenager was trying vainly to get the attention of the Music Mart manager. In the throng of people jammed at the front counter, the boy was being too meek. He was going to have to suck it up and be a bit more bold. Roy took a deep breath and mustered up his courage. "Could I, like, put this flyer up on your bulletin board?" The redhead was practically shouting. The air stood excruciatingly still for a brief moment. ...

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The Birthday Wish

The Birthday Wish. The rope swings back and forth like the pendulum of a clock. My mouth is dry as I move the chair in front of the noose, and step aboard. In the end it wasn't the despair, or the anxiety, or the sense of disappointment, or betrayal, or failure that did me in. It was the boredom. The simple knowledge that tomorrow would share the same bland awfulness that yesterday did. As a teenager, my mum would always say that tidying my room wouldn't kill me. Shows how much...

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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 1

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him to...

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Stephanie part 10

"You know, you look familiar," the cashier says to me as she rings up my items. "Did you used to be on TV?" "Umm... You must have me mistaken for someone else," I reply in my soft, androgynous voice. "Huh," the cashier says. "I could've sworn I've seen your face somewhere before." "...Just got one of those faces, I guess!" I giggle as I bag my purchases and head out of the store, sighing as I examine the items in my bad- foundation, mascara, two colours of eye shadow and a tube...

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Stephanie part 15

"Umm..." I mumble, not breaking eye contact with my friend for one moment. "Steph?" Kayla repeats, obviously stunned by my unexpected action. "I, umm," I mumble as panic starts to grip my body. "I'm, umm, I'm going to, uh, head out for a bit, umm... I'm going to my parents' house, yeah, I'm, umm, going to see my parents..." "St- Steph, wait!" Kayla urges, staring in disbelief as I grab my coat and my handbag, slip my feet into a pair of flats and head out the front door, not...

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Mother and Daughter part 6

"Hey," Monique whispered as she poked her head around Ellie's bedroom door. "Me and Kace are here, we was wondering, you know, how you were feeling today?" "I'm fine," Ellie mumbled into her pillow, not even opening her eyes to look at her friend. "Okay," Monique replied, nodding her head as she realised that her presence in the room was not welcome. "We- we'll be outside if you, you know, wanna get up..." The dark-skinned girl sighed as she led Kacey back into the flat's living...

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Comic Con Con 7

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 7 "Natasha? Natasha Selina?" A voice in a heavy Spanish accent woke him up, seeing a man with his hand on his wrist, giving a little shake. "Nice to see you awake again, honey. Nurse Fernandez, she's awake." "Thank you," said the nurse, coming in. "You can go now." "Si," said the orderly. "You're doing great, Natasha," the nurse said as he looked up, seeing her preparing a syringe. "How do you feel,...

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Alexa Chapter 36 London Calling Part 2

Alexa Chapter 36: London Calling, Part 2 My head was pounding for the second day in a row as I awoke from Jenny cuddling into me. I laid there and tried to force myself back to sleep, but it became a lost cause. No matter how much I wished I could drift back into the land of the Sandman, both my alcohol soaked brain and other more pressing matters urged me to get up. After stumbling into the bathroom to take care of the morning rituals and search for some aspirin, I made my way to...

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Terry s Song

Terry's Song Terry Nelson was walking with Jenn, his best friend, home from school. He was excited about having his sister home again from her yearly road tour. He loved his only sister Lisa who was 5 years older than Terry. His mom Amy had raised the two of them by herself while working full time as a nurse. Growing up in a nurturing environment with two strong women had given Terry a deep admiration for the struggles that women face. Lisa had excelled in high school and after...

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Evolution part 2

A brief note: I intended to finish this story a long time ago but things got pretty crazy. I hope the next part will be up with a substantially smaller delay. I hope you enjoy. 6- The next few weeks weren't too bad for Marko. He wore a bra and panties under his clothes every day and met Cal before school every weekday for underwear checks. He visited Max every day. She was only in the hospital for the first 6 days. Even after she was cleared and went home, Marko visited her at...

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