After The Energists: Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 56: Feels So Good free porn video

Labatt Guest House
2:10pm, Friday, March 23, 1979
“That was an amazing group of songs, you guys!” Elizabeth said after we wrapped up our practice run through of our opening ten song play list.
“Was everything to your liking, Cathy?” our Cathy said to Bruce Smythe’s girlfriend, who asked that we not play anything too sad on this double funeral day.
“Oh, yeah, that was perfect. I especially loved your acoustic combo of Two Steps Behind and Love Will Keep Us Alive,” Cathy Cromartie replied as she sat on the carpet in front of Bruce.
“We’re gonna take a break and then, we may play, practice our closing set. We’ve reworked it slightly and could use a little practice,” I said as I lifted my double-necked guitar from around my neck.
“Mike, Mike! Got a second to look at something with us?” Kalena asked as she and Jason came over to me as I set my original Don Felder Gibson guitar on a guitar stand.
“Hey Jason, good to see you out and about with this beautiful lady, here,” I said as my portly classmate grinned like Sylvester the Cat after he snagged Tweety-Bird from its cage. “What’s up, Thumbs?” I added with a smile towards Kalena, who had her right hand and thumb bandaged up.
“I know you guys are able to create good music around good lyrics,” Kalena stated as she pulled out a crumple up sheet of paper from her gray slacks’ back pocket. After handing it to me, she added, “I, I’d like for you to look at these lyrics, which Jason wrote the other day. He’s calling it, Feels So Good, although I tend to favor, I’ll Send the Message, as the title.”
(Note: Feels So Good was written and performed by Van Halen in 1988, and is from their second album, OU812. Sammy Hagar was the lead singer of Van Halen at this time. Feels So Good reached number six on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart.)
“Let’s take a look-see,” I said as I unfolded and smoothed out the lined, eight-and-a-half by eleven piece of note paper. After I read and semi-sang the verse in my mind, I stopped and said, “That’s a pretty smooth opening, Jason. Did something happen to inspire you to such poetic thoughts?”
I knew full well that Jason and Kalena went bowling after they went to dinner with Kalena’s mom, Dr. Kharlamov, after the gymnastics championship. I enjoyed teasing him over his being Toxic’s new boyfriend.
“Well, uh ... all I ... just look at her for crying out loud, Mike. That’s...” Jason stammered after I put him on the spot in front of his new girl.
“Enough to make any guy want to put down some kick-ass lyrics on a piece of paper, Jason,” I said as Kalena moved up close to her big guy, and wormed her left arm between his body and right arm.
“What you got there, Cuda?” Lynette asked as she carried a couple cans of Coke over to our location.
“A pretty sweet looking set of lyrics, which my man, Jason wrote the other day. Thanks for the Coke, too,” I said as I took the can from Lynette, and held the paper out so she could read the lyrics.
“May I?” Lynette asked of Jason as she nodded over to the kitchen counter, “Let’s move over there, where we can take a closer look at this?”
Jason simply waved his left arm towards the kitchen and followed Lynette and me, with Kalena holding his right hand in her left.
“This is really good, isn’t it, Cuda?” Lynette said as she took a pencil from a bowl on the counter and jotted down, “Organ intro with limited drums, bass and guitar – nothing powerful ‘til the double stars“, and then quickly ‘double-starred’ the line, “Ow, feels so good!“ in the middle of the main chorus.
“Yes, it is,” I softly said and then began to hum out the opening introduction phraseology, which Lynette quickly picked up on.
“What are you guys up to?” Sammy asked as she and Paul walked up alongside Jason and Kalena.
“Cuda and Cano are going to town on some lyrics, which Jason wrote,” Kalena proudly stated, and then leaned her head on Jason’s upper arm.
“Hey, Cath, Jenn!” Paul called out and waved his hand for them to come over to our spot at the kitchen counter.
“This is damn good! Jason!” I stated as I finally finished my mental rendition of all his lyrics. “You’re, uh, not gonna mind if we add a few things like some echoed lyrics, and maybe a spontaneous line or two?”
“God! No!” Jason excitedly said when he heard the enthusiasm in my voice and saw the detailed notes Lynette had jotted down on the page. “You guys can do whatever you believe is best. Change a word, a line ... anything really. It’s all good with me.”
“There won’t be a whole lotta changes, Jason,” Lynette said as she showed the others the page of lyrics with her handwritten notes on how she thought the music might proceed.
“When you start with your keyboards, Cano,” Jennifer said, “I’ll get a feel for the intro and then play off your sound.”
“Sammy, you can provide a cool rhythm on your Strat, to go along with Paul and Cathy’s relatively soft back beat,” I added after Jennifer’s statement. “I like Cano’s suggestion on limiting the hard-driving guitar ‘til near the end, ‘cause...”
“‘Cause this is a fairly sweet rock-ballad, which builds and builds up to some ... oh-la-la, fun times!” Sammy interjected while playfully punching both Paul and Jason in their arms.
“Can I try to lay down that opening melody that you hummed earlier, Cuda?” Lynette said as she moved from the counter over to her keyboard system. As she did that, the rest of us quickly picked up or moved behind our instruments with Jennifer snatching her tenor sax from its case.
“If your melody works, Lynette, I want to give these lyrics a shot with just your keyboards. Is that okay, guys?” I said as I lifted the guitar strap to my Silverburst Gibson guitar over my head, and then turned it so its main body was slung over my back.
As everyone in the guest house took their seats and quieted down, I took the page with Jason’s lyrics on it and nodded to Lynette that I was good to go. I closed my eyes and waited for my girlfriend to create one of her musical masterpieces on her Yamaha keyboard system.
Listening to the sounds created by her skilled fingers for about twenty seconds, I cried out, “Ohhhh, here we go! Ye, Yeah!“ and began to move about as I really felt connected with Jason’s song. When Lynette’s melody changed and became more pronounced, I realized that was her cue to get set to sing Jason’s lyrics.
I took another quick glance at the lyrics and then sung out the first verse and the unique bridge, without the echo or added vocals from my bandmates, in parenthesis:
“Yesterday, I saw my love light shine.
Straight ahead ... in front of me.
You never really know,
When love will come or go.
But yesterday I was alone.
Suddenly, I walked you home.
I never really knew,
What love could make me do.
I’ll send the message in a bottle. (I’ll send the message)
N’ trust in the mercy of the sea. (Oooh ooh ooh)
Stormy weather, (Oooh ooh ooh) Oh yeah! (Oooh ooh ooh)
Waitin’ for love to set me free.
Every day, I watch the tide roll in.
Stay until, it rolls away.
Though, nothin’s on the shore,
I’m runnin’ back for more.
I’ll send the message in a bottle. (I’ll send the message)
N’ pray for the mercy of the sea. (Oooh ooh ooh)
Stormy weather, (Oooh ooh ooh) Oh yeah! (Oooh ooh ooh)
Waitin’ for love to rescue me.“
As I finished with that second bridge, I looked at Lynette who stopped playing her keyboards and said, “This is really going to be good, guys.” She then focused on the lyricist and exclaimed, “Jason, those are some killer lines!”
“Tha- thanks, Cano,” Jason stammered as Elizabeth and Bradley both turned to the blushing, gentle giant sitting on the sofa, and gave him a couple of high-fives.
Everyone in the guest house didn’t seem to mind that we made numerous stops and starts, and a few major overhauls to the song as we hammered out the sound we wanted. The guys especially liked how I swung my Silverburst guitar around to my front after singing out, “Ow, feels so good!“ in the chorus, prior to ripping out a thirty second guitar riff at the spot Lynette noted on the lyrics’ page.
After we played the song twice without any stoppages, I looked at my wrist-watch and saw that it was coming up on 4:00pm. Looking at my bandmates, I could tell that all six of us were mentally and physically worn out from our nearly three-and-a-half hour rehearsal and creative session.
“That was awesome, guys,” Kalena said as she and Jason came up to us, as we started to put our instruments away or shut them down for the day.
“Your vocals sounded way better than mine when I tried singing it to Kalena the other day,” Jason said as he wrapped his powerful arm over the petite blonde’s shoulders.
“You have a beautiful singing voice, Jason,” Sammy said as she looked up from her Fender guitar case.
“Maybe so, but Cuda’s voice...” Jason offered with a smile
“Mike’s also had a good bit more practice singing like this,” Cathy interjected as she walked around her drum kit.
“A good singing voice is nothing without good lyrics to sing, Jason,” I said as I dug the wrinkly piece of paper with those lyrics on it from my front pocket and returned it to its creator.
“You guys can keep that,” Jason said as he looked at the combination of his hand writing and Lynette’s harried notes and arrows along the paper’s margins.
“No, no, Jason. I’ve got the lyrics up here,” I said as I pointed to my head.
“And we’ve got the music up here, and it’s also stored in my keyboard’s memory. I recorded our final run through on it,” Lynette added as she too pointed to first her head and then to her keyboard system.
“You two will have to come and keep us company at the Glencoe dance, while they’re up on stage playing,” Elizabeth said to Jason and Kalena.
“We’re planning on going to that Glencoe dance, too,” Andi Whiting said as she pointed to her boyfriend, Jon, Jennifer’s boyfriend, Andy, as well as Heidi, Andrew, Joanne and her boyfriend, Paul Wraithe.
“I’m glad to hear that you guys are planning on going,” Cathy said as she took ahold of Pete McKenna’s hand. “That’ll give Pete, here, a few familiar faces to hang with, too.”
“So, Pete,” Sammy said with a smile, “What do you think of your little drummer girlfriend now, after watching her pound on those skins for a couple of hours?”
“I’m glad she was beating on those drums, instead of me,” the Clarke Road High student joked as he gave Cathy a tight hug. “Honestly, I kinda thought Cathy was shooting me a line when she was bragging on your ability levels when I met her at the Music Center store in Argyle Mall, last week. But, uh, you guys are definitely the real deal, and she played better here than she did in the store.”
“I wasn’t used to that smaller TAMA drum’s setup,” Cathy cried with a smile after listening to her new boyfriend’s statement. She then instantly stated in a faux upset tone to Pete, “And you thought I was shooting you a line of crap, huh? Some boyfriend you are!”
“Aw-oh! Trouble in paradise, already!” Paul joked as gave his twin sister a playful verbal dig, as well as a physical poke in her side.
“Do that again, Paulie, and you’ll never use those fingers to play bass, again!” Cathy snorted at her fast retreating brother.
“Alright, children,” I playfully said as I tried to put a quick end to this sibling fracas. “And Pete, we’re glad you liked that little performance...”
“As well as liking Cathy enough to put up with all of us Medway Cowboys and Cowgirls, today,” Heidi added with a huge smile on her pretty blonde hair framed face.
“It was wonderful to meet all of you, except for ... what preceded this great Friday afternoon session. Hopefully, next time...” Pete purposefully left his intended statement blank as we all knew the event he was referring to.
“We hear you on that, Pete,” Paul replied with a more somber tone in his voice.
“So ... Who’s planning on watching Sammy at her Wushu exhibition, tonight?” I asked doing my best to ward off a trip down this week’s memory lane.
“I was planning on coming,” Jennifer quickly replied with a frown on her face, “But I, we, me and Kalena, have a meeting with Ms. Kitely, our gymnastics’ coach, tonight at seven.”
“That’s too bad, Jenn, Kalena,” Sammy said in response to Jennifer’s answer.
“We’ll be there,” Paul said as he pointed to his sister, Lynette and me, “You’re driving, right, Cuda?”
“As far as I know, I am,” I replied.
“When and where is your exhibition, Sammy?” Bradley asked as he and Elizabeth stood together.
“The exhibition is at my Dojo ... at the corner of Oxford and Wonderland Road, next to Kelsey’s Roadhouse,” Sammy said with a huge grin on her face. She then added, “It starts at seven, and um, I’ll be doing two katas and one Sanshou or fighting combat match. The two katas are called Taolu, which involves movements and patterns. My first kata is with a Shuangdao, or double-sided broadsword, and my second is a four minute Changquam or ‘Long-Fist’ kata to earn my Level 3 Black-belt.”
“Holy cow!” Bradley exclaimed as we all listened to Sammy’s explanation of her Wushu exhibition. “I knew you were a martial artist, Sammy, but I didn’t know you’re a Black-belt, killing machine-type ninja.”
“You should have seen her that day in the stands at Lucas, during the guys’ basketball game,” Lynette excitedly said as she used her hands to poorly mimic how Sammy incapacitated the two trouble-making girls there.
“Well, as my Sensei is always telling us, ‘The best option is to simply neutralize an attack before it requires a stronger defensive response,’” Sammy said she employed a few lightning fast, fingertip and hand movements on Lynette’s left arm and wrist to get her in a defenseless, kneeling position in a fraction of a second.
“Hot dang!” Pete uttered in amazement at the ease and quickness of Sammy’s gentle takedown of my surprised girlfriend.
“Hey! Hey! Girlfriend!” Lynette cried out before Sammy simply released her fingertip control of Lynette’s body. “A little forewarning would have been good!”
“But then the demonstration of my Sensei’s ‘Simplicity‘ statement would not have had the intended effect,” Sammy replied as she assisted me in helping Lynette get back to her feet.
“Note to self,” Bruce Smythe chuckled as he shook his head in disbelief, “Don’t ever get on Samantha Labatt’s bad side!”
“You’re going to have a Sanshow combat fight, too?” Elizabeth asked of Sammy.
“It’s Sanshou, like ‘shoe’, Liz. And yes, I’ll be fighting another Black-belt in a three minute match,” Sammy exclaimed with a smile on her pretty face.
“What’s goes on in that match, Sammy?” Bradley asked.
“Sanshou is combination of boxing, kicks, throws and takedowns, Brad,” Sammy simply stated.
“So you can hurt someone or get hurt doing it?” Kalena asked
“Oh, yeah! You can, but in a fair competition against a quality opponent ... the chances of that are fairly small,” Sammy replied as she held her fingers up about an inch apart. “You can win the match by earning points for landing blows to your opponent’s body or head, or by making a good throw.”
“Is that how you got that major ‘shiner’ around your eye when we first saw you at school in the fall?” I asked.
“Yuppers! I zigged when I should have zagged in a practice session the day before school started,” Sammy laughed as she touched around her left eye socket with her right fingertips. “I definitely learned what NOT to do when fighting my Sensei ... that day!”
“Please don’t get hurt, tonight, Sammy,” Lynette calmly said as ruffled her girlfriend’s flowing mane of auburn hair.
“Yeah, Flames, no bumps, bruises or broken bones, okay?” Paul added as he pulled his girlfriend in for a hug.
“I’ll do my best. Those things aren’t on the docket, but there’s never a guarantee,” Sammy confidently replied.
“Well, y’all, this HERE has been wonderful, and all-y’all have a super and safe spring break ... if I don’t see y’all anytime during the week.”
“Later, guys and gals. We may see you at Sammy’s exhibition later on tonight,” Bradley said as he and Elizabeth turned towards the front door of the guest house.
“Same, everybody, and I’ll see you at the club, Jenn,” Kalena offered as she held Jason’s hand.
“See you, Kalena ... and Jason,” Jennifer replied.
Kelsey’s Roadhouse
9:35pm, Friday, March 23, 1979
“Good Lord, Sammy! I thought you were going to cut your leg off a time or two!” Jon Lunby exclaimed as nine Medway students, plus Mr. and Mrs. Labatt sat around a make-shift table at Kelsey’s Roadhouse waiting for our drink orders to arrive.
“Trust me, I’m super, extra careful with that Shuangdao broadsword,” Sammy replied with a smile.
“I’ve had to either close my eyes or turn away a time or two when Samantha first started using that sword,” Katie Labatt stated as she gave her step-daughter a loving smile.
“And I’ve seen her slice through many a fruit without it moving a fraction of an inch with her Shuangdao,” Mr. Labatt proudly added as he laid his left hand over his daughter’s right hand on the table.
“I couldn’t believe how you were able to complete those two throws against that much bigger guy, Sammy!” Elizabeth excitedly stated from across the table.
“It all comes down to leverage, Liz, and using an opponent’s own momentum against them,” Sammy calmly replied. “I got lucky a time or two when Dylan, my opponent, failed to capitalize on one of my slight screw-ups.”
“I’m just so happy you made it out of that Sanshou fight without getting anything broken or seriously banged up,” Paul said as he leaned over and gave Sammy a kiss. We all quickly understood the term, ‘seriously banged up‘, when Sammy winced somewhat at her boyfriend’s gentle peck on her slightly purplish-black colored left cheek.
“Make sure you put that ice-pack back on your cheek a few times, tonight, Sammy,” I said as Paul lightly touched the slightly discolored skin on Sammy’s face.
“Yes, ice and Aleve ... a Wushu fighter’s best friends after a tough combat session,” Sammy chuckled before she turned to Paul and gave him a light kiss on his lips.
“All of you, don’t be shy and order what you want,” Mr. Labatt said as he and his wife scanned the menu.
“Yes, this is on us,” Katie Labatt offered with a smile. “We’re just happy that Samantha has such a great group of new friends ... so get whatever you’d like.”
“Thanks, but we...” Bradley started to say.
“No buts, please,” Mr. Labatt confidently interjected, “We are really happy to do this for you.”
I gently gave Jon Lunby an elbow to his right arm when I sensed he was going to make one more objection to the Labatt’s offer of picking up our dinners. When he looked at me, I simply mouthed, ‘Don’t say it,’ and winked at him.
“Thanks for getting our dinners, Mr. and Mrs. L,” Cathy stated knowing full well there wasn’t anything to say to them but a simple thank you.
I enjoyed a twelve ounce ribeye, with a loaded baked potato and a Caesar salad, while Lynette almost finished her large bowl of shrimp Alfredo with garlic toast. Hating to see good pasta go to waste, I quickly finished off Lynette’s last two shrimps and the few pasta strands in her bowl.
“Dessert and coffee, anyone?” Katie Labatt asked as our table was eerily silent after we devoured our dinners. “They have several great cheesecakes, here, and I just love their Tiramisu.”
“I do like a good cheesecake,” Bradley said as he rubbed his stomach.
“What dessert don’t you like?” Elizabeth sarcastically offered as she put her hand over her boyfriend’s stomach.
“There’s no such thing as bad cheesecake, is there, Bradley?” I said with a smile.
“I haven’t found one ... yet!” my friend exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.
“Wantta split the caramel glazed cheesecake with me, Lava-Lips?” I asked.
“I may have a bite or two...”
“Or nine, ten!” Paul added as he knew from prior dinners with us, that Lynette was a dessert hound, regardless of her long and lean build.
“Yeah, you should each get your own,” Sammy honestly offered.
“We’ll share a coffee, though,” Lynette chuckled as she lightly rapped her fingers on the table at the thought of having a delicious cheesecake to end her dinner.
After we had our coffees and desserts, all of us Medway students thanked Mr. and Mrs. Labatt once more for getting our dinners. Our Wushu crowd stood out in the chilly night air in Kelsey’s and the Dojo’s parking area, and once more congratulated Sammy on earning her third level Black-belt, and for her victory in the Sanshou match.
Seeing Paul and Cathy walking with Lynette and me towards my dad’s Buick, Mr. Labatt asked, “Paul, Cathy would you like to get a ride home with us...”
“Instead of heading over to Komoka with Mike and Lynette,” Katie Labatt completed her husband’s invitation.
“Yeah, guys. Come ride with us,” Sammy offered as she stood by her parents’ relatively new BMW sedan.
“Sure, thanks,” Cathy replied after seeing Lynette’s slight nod in the Labatt’s direction.
“Now I can check out the Labatt’s new ride!” Paul exclaimed as he quickly bounced over to the dark maroon colored sedan.
“It really is sweet ride, Paul,” Mr. Labatt added as he unlocked the doors by turning the key in the lock.
“Later, everyone,” Elizabeth called out as she and Bradley got in his Chevy Silverado.
“Have a GREAT spring break!” Andi Whiting yelled.
“Back at you, Girlfriend, Jon, and everybody!” Lynette exclaimed.
Lynette scooted right over beside me in the front bench seat of my dad’s car and rested her head on my shoulder.
“Do the belly-band up, Lava-Lips,” I asked as I buckled my seatbelt and then started the car.
“Yes, Sir, Cuda, Sir,” Lynette replied as she wiggled her butt around on the seat to find the lap-belt and the buckle. After she returned her head to my shoulder, she sighed and said, “It’s been a long day, and I’m slap-wore out.”
“I hear ya,” I replied as I pulled out onto Wonderland and headed southwest towards Lynette’s home. “It’s been both sad and, uh, a lot of fun, too.”
“Yeah,” she lazily replied. Lynette then lifted her head from my shoulder and asked, “Its okay that we had a good time this afternoon and evening isn’t it? You know, after this morning’s funeral?
“Yeah, Baby. Paul and Rick wouldn’t want us to sit around moppin’, all glum and blue,” I replied as I hit the right turn signal, approaching River Road.
“That’s what I thought ... I just wanted someone else’s opinion,” she said as she put her head back on my shoulder and laid her hands in my lap.
We drove the rest of the way to Lynette’s home outside of Komoka listening to a trio of Eagles’ songs on FM96, as it was a ‘rock-block‘ weekend on their radio station.
“I know we don’t have our acoustic version of Hotel California on our playlist for Glencoe, but we really do need to add it to our playlist ... down the road,” Lynette said as she listened to me sing along with Don Henley’s vocals.
“Most definitely!” I replied as I started to steer the car with my knees and played a mean air-guitar to Don Felder’s double-necked, twelve- and six-string guitar performance.
When the unmistakable drum intro to Life’s Been Good started, I immediately put my right hand on Lynette’s curled up right thigh and proudly said, “I like your keyboard intro to this song better than Joe’s guitar lead-in.”
“I must say, I agree with you, Cuda,” Lynette replied as she snuggled up closer against my right arm. “I can’t decide which intro I like better ... the one to this song or the one we did today, with Jason’s Feels So Good song.”
“I like your intro to Jason’s song best, Lynette, because you had to create that sound from scratch, instead of...”
“Simply rejigging the guitar sound on my keyboards to this Eagles’ song,” Lynette added to my statement.
After I chuckled at her statement, Lynette lifted her head off my shoulder and stared at me in the darkness. “What did I say that tickled you?”
“Not what, Lava-Lips, but how,” I replied as I leaned towards her to give her a soft kiss on the lips.
“How, what, then?” she confusingly asked after I refocused my eyes on the road with a string of cars approaching us as I drove through Bryon.
“Have you noticed that you and I have started to finish each other’s statements ... more and more; almost like we’re a younger version of Sammy’s dad and step-mom.”
“Dang, Cuda, that’s just...”
When Lynette paused for a moment, I quickly said, “Weird, isn’t it?”
The remainder of our trip to Lynette’s house was made in ‘relative’ silence as we both sang along to the Eagles’ Take It Easy, and then to Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here and Money.
“Want to come in, for a sec?” Lynette asked after I pulled up behind her mom’s car.
“Not tonight, Baby,” I said as I shut the engine off. “All of a sudden, I’ve gotten kinda tired and think it might be best if I hit the highway to home.”
“I know how you ... feel, Cuda,” Lynette yawned as she replied and unbuckled her seat-belt.
Neither of us was too tired, though, to have a pretty hot make-out session in the front seat of my dad’s car. While I kept my hands above her waist as we Frenched, I soon felt Lynette’s fingers teasing my rapidly hardening cock. “You, ah, want me to take care of this growing situation for you, Cuda?” Lynette sultrily asked as she leaned away with pure hotness showing on her face.
“Well, uh, I’m not...”
“It won’t take long ... promise,” Lynette said as she shifted her body around on the front seat and pulled me over from behind the steering wheel. She then knelt beside me and quickly had my fly button and zipper undone. “Lift, please,” she requested as she gave my Levi’s a tug, baring my crotch and thick cock to her brownish eyes.
“You’re not afraid your mom or dad will see us, out here?” I asked as Lynette leaned over and gave my cockhead a soft lick.
“Really? ... You’re worried that my mom or dad will see us, me, giving you a BJ? C’mon, Cuda, really!”
Lava-Lips didn’t hold my misguided concern against me as she quickly opened her mouth as wide as she could and sucked nearly four of my thick cock into her hot oral cavity. I simply shut my eyes and rested my head against the head rest and enjoyed the amazing sensations my girlfriend created in my crotch with her skilled tongue, lips, teeth, fingers and very talented deep-throating ability.
As my balls drew up towards my groin, Lava-Lips pulled off my near orgasmic cock and whispered, “Give me your hot cum, Cuda. I love it when you fill my mouth with your juice.”
I put my hands on the back of her blonde hair and gently urged her to reclaim my cock within her mouth. Never one to miss a clear signal like that, Lynette sucked the large crown into her mouth and bathed my sensitive cockhead with feathery light swipes of her tongue. As soon as she focused her skilled tongue on the highly sensitive underside of my cockhead, I called out her name and involuntarily thrust my hips upward. Lynette easily matched my movements to keep my cockhead just inside her mouth as the stars exploded in my head. My amazing girlfriend moaned out with delight as my cock erupted with her desired hot drink.
When I tilted my head down at her, Lynette had her mouth open and was swirling a good amount of white fluid with her tongue as she stared up at me with a huge grin on her face. She then made an exaggerated lip-smacking motion and noise as she gulped down the last remnants of my highly pleasurable eruption.
“All gone,” she chuckled as she ran her tongue around her lips and her oral cavity one more time. “I just love doing that, almost as much as you love me doing it to you.”
“And you’re very good at it, too,” I replied as I reach under Lynette’s armpits and pulled her up to share a kiss with her.
When we separated from that passionate lip-lock, Lynette stared at me for a moment before she said, “The girls don’t believe it when I told them about our passionate kisses after I’ve had your cum in my mouth. Only Elizabeth said that Bradley was man enough to stick his tongue in her mouth after enjoying her oral talents.”
“Well, I’m not super big on the taste, but I am definitely keen on letting you, any girl, know how much I appreciate you doing that for me,” I replied and gave her a quick kiss on her cute button nose. “A little positive reinforcement...”
“Goes a long way, doesn’t it,” Lynette stated and then chuckled as she recognized she had completed another of my statements, once again.
“I’ll be, I’ll be sure to return the favor the next time we have a moment alone,” I said as I lightly ran my fingers over Lynette’s leggings covered pussy region.
“Ohh, Lordy! I can’t wait, Cuda,” Lynette purred as she tried to trap my fingers against her crotch by slamming her thighs together.

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