After The Energists: Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 40: Come Together free porn video

Jennifer’s Ford Ranger
8:42 pm, Tuesday, March 6, 1979
“I wonder how Paul’s tutoring session went,” I offered up to break the silence in the cab of Jennifer’s pickup truck as we drove east on Medway Road. Unlike my other rides home with Jennifer, when I’m squished up against her, I was now sitting against the passenger door. Cathy was between Jennifer and me in the still slightly cramped cab of her small pickup truck.
“So that’s why he wasn’t at the game. I was hesitant about asking you, Cathy, or Sammy where Paul was tonight,” Jennifer chimed in with her first comments since the three of us piled into her Ford Ranger.
“Yeah, my dad arranged for one of his interns at work, who is a Math-Chemistry double major at Western, to help him with those subjects every second Tuesday,” Cathy added. “I thought you knew, or I would have told you earlier. Sorry ‘bout that, Jennifer.”
“No probs,” Jennifer said as she began to put on the brakes as we came up to the intersection of Medway Road and Highbury. After two cars flew southbound towards London, Jennifer made her left hand turn and headed north on Highbury.
Before we got back up to highway speed, Jennifer reached for the volume knob and turned off the radio. She looked at Cathy and asked, “So Cath, I heard all about what you two did to Lynette on Saturday, but, uh, you were VERY skimpy with the details on what went on between you and Cuda.”
“What, what, WHAT?” I asked as I bolted forward and looked quickly between the Jennifer, who had a humongous grin on her face, and Cathy, whose facial expression changed from utter amazement to ‘Oh, how could you ask that right now?‘ in a heartbeat.
“Oh God, Jennifer, you can’t be serious about wanting me to tell you that...” and then she lowered her voice to a whisper and added, “ ... with Mike, right here.”
“When? ... What all did you girls share, after telling us (the guys) to get lost before our game?” I stammered in disbelief at what these two eleventh graders were getting into.
“Relax, Cuda,” Jennifer replied with a smile. “You came out of our girl-talk session smelling like a rose. Matter of fact, we shared stories on everybody’s Saturday night experiences. Plus, we added a few guys to our ‘do not date‘ list, based on a few prior events. Right, Cath?”
“Uh ... right, right. I don’t think any of us will go near Jeff Thurkill or touch Dave McNolton with a ten foot pole.” Cathy then paused as she quickly turned her head nearly one-hundred and eighty degrees, looking between Jennifer and me.
“So,” I said after a five or six second period of silence. “You girls shared stories about what happened at Lynette’s house on Saturday, did you? That’s just... wonderful,” I added with a touch of sarcasm.
“We even got a run-down on Heidi and Andrew’s date and a few tit-bits on Joanne and her boyfriend’s late night activities,” Jennifer fired off as she drove north on Highbury. “The only things missing are juicy details of you deflowering Cathy ... with your thick, fuck-stick!”
“Jennifer!” Cathy cried out.
“Hell, Cath,” I calmly said, “if you or Lynette shared what we did to her, then, uh, what we did was relatively ... tame, by comparison.”
“It might seem ‘tame’, Cuda,” Jennifer replied, “but taking a girl’s virginity is a special thing, right Cathy?”
“Oh my! It was special, alright,” Cathy excitedly offered. “It was even better our second time, when I was riding him ... controlling things as we...”
“You guys did it another time? After you took Volcano in the ass?” Jennifer shouted and then almost steered the truck off the road before she corrected her truck’s pathway.
“Oh, yeah,” Cathy dreamily replied as she ran her hand over my left thigh. “Do you mind me telling her about this, now, Cuda?”
“As long as you’re telling the truth, I can’t really complain. You were a BIG part of it, so it’s your experience to share,” I replied as I shook my head in amazement at the things my teenage girl friends were willing to share.
“You’re sure about this?” Cathy reiterated as she saw my head action.
“Be my guest, Cath,” I replied as I mirrored her hand’s action on her right thigh. I chuckled to Jennifer, “Please keep the truck on the black-stuff. I’d hate for any of us to get killed or hurt because of a sexual story.”
“Do you want to hear about the first or the second time we did it, Jen?” Cathy asked as she turned to our chauffeur.
“You can’t tell me about both?”
“We only have like, five, six minutes ‘till you get to Bryanston,” Cathy replied.
“Are either of your mommas going to come get you out of my truck, if we’re parked in front of your homes?” Jennifer chortled as she slapped Cathy on the jeans covered leg.
“Okay, okay,” Cathy responded and then let out a loud sigh as she prepared herself for this story telling. “For, uh, my first time ... if you remember, I was straddling Lynette’s head as we, uh, were ‘69ing’ each other. Well, after Lynette licked and sucked me to my first orgasm of the night, Cuda moved behind my upturned ass ... and ran his large cockhead up and down my slit.” Cathy then turned back to me and said, “Tell Jenn what you asked me, Cuda.”
“Hey, I’m just along for the ride ... the TRUCK ride, right now. This is all you, Lover-girl,” I replied as I waved my hands back and forth in front of my face.
“Gee, thanks for the help,” Cathy sarcastically added, and then she leaned over and gave me a small kiss on my left cheek.
“Go on,” Jennifer said as Cathy hesitated with her description after she sat back against the truck backrest.
“Okay, prior to pushing his cock into me, Mike softly asked, ‘Are you ready for this?‘ Then I felt his thick cock head at my opening, so I pulled my head up from Lynette’s pussy and stared back at him for a couple of seconds, before I groaned out, ‘Oh, Sweet Jesus, YES!’ and pushed back onto his cock.”
“I’m SOOO jealous, right now,” Jennifer exclaimed and then quickly slapped her right hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry ... I didn’t mean to say...”
“It’s alright, Jenn,” Cathy and I said together. Cathy then confused Jennifer and me, by adding, “Wait ‘till the end of my story, and you just might hear something that will put an end to your jealousy.”
“What ... what are you talking about?” I queried my raven haired beauty.
“If you behave yourself in here with Jenn and me, I may tell you what else I learned at Lynette’s house on Saturday,” Cathy replied with a huge grin on her face.
“You’re gonna tell me, though, aren’t you?” Jennifer said.
“Ah, most likely,” Cathy answered and patted Jennifer on her right leg. “Now, back to, uh...”
“Your first time,” Jenn interjected as Cathy hesitated once as she thought of how to put this memorable event into words. “How was it? What did it feel like?”
“I was, uh, surprised that it didn’t really hurt. It, uh, felt wonderful ... but, uh, it also felt like he was pushing the blunt end of a Coke bottle up inside me. Damn nation, Cuda, your cock-head has gotten fuckin’ huge since we were together last summer.”
“I told you about it, didn’t I?” I added after Cathy turned and stared at me. “Plus, you sucked on it, earlier.”
“Still ... Damn!” Cathy exclaimed as she put her right hand on my thigh, near my crotch. “I was stuffed beyond belief, Jenn, when he finally worked his entire cock into me. Oh yeah! ... Lynette told me earlier that, uh, his cock head had some ... a big rim ... grabby ridges where it expands from his shaft ... and when he was fucking her, those ridges nearly drove her insane with pleasure. Oh Lord! Jenn, she was so, so right. Your cock, Cuda, when it rammed and tugged on my pussy walls ... I thought I was in heaven!”
“Damn, Girl!” Jennifer exclaimed as she quickly glanced back and forth between the road, Cathy and me. “So, Lynette WAS telling the truth about his cock head being bigger than a billiard ball?”
“A good bit bigger ... at least that’s what it looked and felt like to me,” Cathy replied. She then turned towards me as she rubbed right hand over the growing bulge in my jeans, and said, “Good thing he was fairly patient and gentle with his beast as fucked me that first time.”
“Jeezes, Cath,” Jennifer softly said as she dropped her right hand down from the steering wheel into her crotch. “You don’t know how badly I want to just stick my hand down my jeans and ... you know.”
“I’m feeling the same way, Jenn ... and Cuda here obviously is enjoying this story, aren’t you ... big-boy?”
“I don’t recall giving you permission to rub on me like that, did I?” I replied to Cathy’s question.
“But you haven’t stopped my hand from rubbing your dick, either,” she softly whispered and leaned back over to plant another soft kiss on my cheek.
I covered Cathy’s hand with my own at that point and said, “You better stop or there may well be an unwanted event ... within my jeans.”
“Ha! After you ‘came’ five times on Saturday night, I doubt you’d be ready to blast off again, so soon,” Cathy chuckled as she squeezed my crotch.
I noticed that Jennifer had slowed down as Cathy and I bantered back and forth. When we passed Bryanston’s corner variety store, Jennifer said, “Should I pull in front of your houses or eh ... Mike, you BLEW your loads or came FIVE times ... Saturday? Oh ... My ... God!”
Cathy gave my crotch another squeeze and said, “Yeah, ole Cuda gave up five shots of his best stuff to me and Cano. Oh, why don’t you drive on up to Prince Andrew? I wouldn’t mind parking up there ... so we’d, uh, be able to talk in private.”
“And just when did you learn to talk with your hands, Cathy?” I replied as she kept up her gentle rubbing over my jeans’ covered hard-on.
“You’ve ALWAYS liked how my hands did some talking, Cuda ... especially after they were reintroduced to your big guy on Saturday night.”
“Girl, you don’t know how badly I want to put my hands where yours are right now,” Jennifer said as she drove past our houses and accelerated north out of Bryanston. When I glanced over at the speedometer, I noticed that her foot was definitely heavier than normal, as she was pushing seventy-five miles per hour.
“If you get pulled over, Jenn, that would put a real damper on things,” I said as I squeezed Cathy’s hand as she massaged my sensitive crotch. “And you ... you’re trying to cause an accident of a different sort, aren’t you?”
“Ooo-kay,” Cathy huffed as she pulled her hand from my hard-on. “I guess I’ll be nice and leave that big guy alone ... for now.”
“For a good while, I would think!” I replied as Jennifer turned left onto Concession Road ‘12’.
When Jennifer turned into the elementary school parking lot, she asked, “Should I pull around back?”
“That would be good,” Cathy replied as she padded my left thigh with her hand. I also noticed that she had put her right hand on Jennifer’s right leg and was slowly rubbing closer and closer to our driver’s crotch.
“Oh, I’ll pull into the loading area,” Jennifer said after she slowly drove her Ranger around back with her headlights turned off.
“This is where you gave Lynette her ‘Volcano’ nickname, right, Cuda?” Cathy asked she moved her left hand from Jennifer’s thigh and tapped her jeans clad pussy as she spread her legs.
“She told you that, too, huh?” I asked but wasn’t really surprised by her revelation.
“There’s not much she hasn’t shared with me,” Cathy replied with a smile.
“Or me,” Jennifer quickly added as she put her pickup in park and turned off the engine.
I just shook my head in amazement at hearing how much these teenage girls shared with each other. I thought, ‘If I had of said anything about what I’ve done with Lynette, and it had gotten out ... last week’s faux war would have seemed like two kids squabbling over the last cookie in the jar compared to what would transpire from my generated stories or rumors.‘
“So, Cath,” Jennifer said as she pulled her right leg up onto the bench seat and turned slightly to face the raven haired girl in the center seat position. “Just what did you and Mr. Five-Timer do to enjoy yourself, after your tag-teaming of Lynette?”
“Oh, Lord,” Cathy sighed out as she turned to me with a ‘help me out of this, please!‘ look on her face.
“I definitely didn’t start this conversation, Cath, so don’t come beggin’ me for an out on this,” I simply said as I reached up and squeezed her cheeks between my hands. “You can say as much or as little as you want. I’m not adding anything, here.”
“You best tell me ALL of it, Cathy,” Jennifer added as she reached out and tugged on Cathy’s left shoulder to get her squared up between us.
“You can’t tell anyone this ... I doubt Lynette evens knows what happened next ... because she was still ‘out of it’ from her bigtime eruption, so ... promise you won’t say anything to anyone,” Cathy asked of her eleventh grade classmate.
“I won’t,” Jennifer replied as she patted Cathy on her left leg, “but ... what could be more embarrassing than what you and Lynette shared with us earlier?”
A small grin spread across my dimly lite face as I recalled the next event from our ménage à trois session.
I let out a small laugh when Cathy replied, “This might top it,” which earned me a good open-handed smack on my left thigh from Cathy, who added, “This isn’t funny!”
“The way you’re getting around to your loving actions, is,” I chortled and grabbed her hand to prevent her from giving me another whack with it.
“What did you do, Cathy?” Jenn queried after I mentioned her action as being ‘loving’ in nature.
“Well, uh ... I first moved alongside Lynette’s recovering body and bend over to uh, to clean up some of her pussy juices from around her belly button. Oh, Jenn ... Lynette’s juices had a sweet and tangy flavor, and I couldn’t get enough of it!” Cathy brought her right hand up and covered her mouth after she admitted to really liking the taste of Lynette’s feminine juices.
“That’s nothing to be embarrassed over, Cath,” Jennifer said as she rubbed her hand over Cathy’s left forearm. “I, uh, haven’t told you this ... but, uh ... you remember Colleen ... the redhead from our dinner at the Armouries? Well, we never went swimming that night. Instead, we spent theevening in her room ... naked ... and her little pussy was as sweet as a peach. I couldn’t get enough of it, either!”
“Really? You and Colleen?” Cathy exclaimed as she slowly lowered her hand from her mouth and lazily dropped it back between her spread legs.
“Oh, yeah ... And please don’t go sharing that story with anyone,” Jennifer asked, to which Cathy quickly indicated she’d hold onto that nugget of information.
“Okay, now,” Cathy said as she gathered her wits together once more. “So, after I licked all around Lynette’s soaked tummy and crotch, I looked up and saw Mike’s nearly hard, cum-covered cock about three inches from my face. As I stared at his gooey dick, it twitched ... you know, bobbed in front of my face, and I, uh, just felt compelled to lick it ... to clean him up like I did with Lynette.”
“But didn’t he, eh ... wasn’t it just in Lynette’s bum?” Jennifer stammered as her right hand tightly gripped Cathy’s left arm in a show of disbelief.
“That, uh ... oh, God! That, uh, is what’s so embarrassing about ... Damn! Shit!” Cathy struggled to say as she tossed her head back and unexpectedly banged it against the truck cab’s rear window.
“And that...” I softly interjected as I quickly reached up to the back of Cathy’s banged head and lightly caressed it with my left fingers. “ ... Is why, what Cathy did to my messy cock was such a loving gesture? Cathy, your unexpected ... your reflexive action of cleaning my cock was beyond beautiful ... it was...”
“ ... youthful affection,” Jennifer added as she reached over and gave Cathy a big hug.
When Jenn eased off her hug and both girls settled back into the seated positions, our driver innocently asked, “What did, uh, did it taste like?”
“Surprisingly, not too bad,” Cathy fired off, “his stuff, the cum smeared on his cock was real sticky and it wasn’t hot like it normally is ... but, uh, I didn’t really notice any ... bum-like smell or taste ... as I licked, then sucked him clean and hard.”
“Is that normal, Cuda?” Jennifer softly asked as she alternated her gaze between me and Cathy.
“Not sure,” I replied, “I, uh, don’t recall seeing any ... bum-stuff on my dick after having anal sex with ladies in my prior life. But, uh, smelling or tasting like Cathy mentioned ... that’s outside my realm of experiences.” I chuckled out that last part because the thought of doing that was beyond ridiculous in my mind.
“Thinking about licking a cock ... after it was in my ass or someone else’s ass ... just doesn’t seem right,” Jennifer said as she scrunched up her face. But after a couple of seconds, she added, “However, in the heat of the moment like on Saturday, Cath, ... well, I can easily see myself doing exactly what you did, if a guy’s beautiful cock bobbed in front of my face.”
“Especially if it was this BIG one, right here,” Cathy added as she put her right hand back over the lump in my blue jeans.
“Hey, now!” I huffed at her surprising woman-handling of my still hard cock.
“You know you love it, Cuda,” Cathy giggled as she rubbed her hand all around my tented bulge.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when Jennifer lustfully asked, “Can I see it, Mike?” as Cathy lightly squeezed along the shaft of my covered hard-on.
“What? Now!” I choked out as I leaned forward to get a good look at my requester.
“I’ll get him free of your jeans, Cuda,” Cathy softly said as she shifted around to get both of her hands working near my crotch.
“Wow, wow, wow,” I said as I grabbed at both of Cathy’s manipulating hands. “What, uh ... happened on Saturday doesn’t give you or us the freedom to be all sex-crazy ... I, we can’t do this ... to Lynette.”
“Uuuh, yes, you can,” Cathy surprisingly said as she struggled to free her hands from my grasp.
“What?” I uttered in amazement as I let go of her wrists.
“That is what I was going to tell you, and you, Jenn. During a private conversation with Lynette as we cleaned up in her bathroom ... afterwards,” Cathy replied in rapid fashion as if her life depended on getting it out in one brief moment. After she caught her breathe, Cathy continued, “Your girlfriend, my first girl-lover ... told me that, uh, even though she loved BEING with you, as your girlfriend, she ... she said she’d be okay with things, with us ... if you and me ... got together every now and then.”
“She didn’t say that to you?” Jennifer asked, beating me to the punch as I worked to understand everything Cathy just said to me.
Cathy affirmatively nodded her head before she quickly looked between both of us and said, “Lynette told me that we could, and I’m quoting her here, ‘Do it ... whenever our itch needed scratching‘.”
“She said that?” I unbelievingly asked.
“I swear to God,” Cathy replied as she looked me squarely in the face.
After I was positive she was telling us the truth, Cathy sat back against the bench seat, so she could talk to both Jennifer and me. My former girlfriend then dropped another bomb on us when she said, “After we talked about all the issues that this might create, Lynette said that as long as you,” and she slapped her hand on my left thigh, “focused your attention on her when you’re together at school or practice or anywhere, really ... she said she’d be good with, uh ... if we...” Cathy circled her hand from me to Jennifer to identify her ‘we’ term. “ ... Did some things together like me, you and Lynette did Saturday.”
“H-how did I get brought into that discussion?” Jennifer asked after the three of us sat in silence for a few moments.
“I, uh ... after we finished up that first discussion,” Cathy addressed Jennifer’s query. “Lynette asked if I thought you or any other girl was interested in Cuda. I couldn’t lie to her, so I told her that I thought you wouldn’t mind getting together sometime, because of ... well, I just kinda knew you wanted ... if the opportunity was there.”
“Did you tell her or Lynette about what I, what we did last week?” Jennifer leaned forward and pointedly asked me.
“No, Ma’am,” I quickly replied to hopefully ease her enflamed mind.
Cathy quickly added, “I, Lynette and I saw ... we recognized some signs that told us you were interested in Cuda, Jenn. Heck, I was doing some of those same things. That is how Lynette first came around to telling me she was good with ... sharing Mike’s talents with me.”
“And with me?” Jennifer stammered as the tension in her face eased off, and a huge grin replaced her prior frown.
“All that is well and good,” I said after I was able to wrap my mind around everything Cathy just shared with Jennifer and me. “But, uh, don’t I have a say in whether I’m good with sharing my talents, as you just said. What happened on Saturday was a first for me. I’ve never cheated on a girl or lady, before and, uh, I was only good with it because Lynette was there to give first hand approval on everything.” I paused to catch my breath and to let things settle some in the truck cab before I finished up with, “And uh, doing something with you or you ... or both of you ... without Lynette ... my girlfriend ... is light-years beyond anything I’ve done or seriously would consider doing.”
“You don’t want to get, or be with me or with us?” Cathy sullenly asked.
“Or with just me? What about with me and Colleen ... like I told you about earlier?” Jennifer chimed in after Cathy’s query.
“That isn’t what I said,” I replied with hopes of buying a moment to explain my thinking to Cathy and Jennifer. I took another deep breath and let it out slowly before I calmly said, “Every guy at Medway ... hell, any guy who ever sees or watches either of you up on the stage would jump your bones in a heartbeat. Most guys would sell their left testicle to have both of you at the same time, me included! ... What I was trying to say to you earlier ... is that doing something with you...” I touched Cathy’s right leg, “or both of you ... or with you and Colleen, Jenn ... while I’m still involved with Lynette, well, that would be just foreign to me, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to do that ... at least right now.”
“Dang, Mike,” Jennifer softly said after a few moments of silence. “I guess ... because I wasn’t seriously involved with someone, I didn’t think about how you’d feel or even how I might feel, if I was in your shoes.”
“Gosh, Cuda, I’m sorry ‘bout my earlier response,” Cathy said after Jennifer’s statement. “I, uh, didn’t think of your feelings or thoughts. Now, that you’ve given me pause, I probably couldn’t have handled it if either one of us was ‘shared’ ... when we were secretly dating last summer. I-I just let my emotions get the better of me, after Lynette and I hashed out the issues of getting with you from time to time.” Cathy’s soft, sullen manner quickly changed as she smiled and added, “Your major league equipment will do that to a girl, you know.”
“No apology was needed, Cathy,” I replied as I ran my hand over her left cheek. “You ... and Lynette obviously, just caught me off guard with that ‘sexual get out of jail free-card‘ like pronouncement. Right now, I, uh ... I think I ... that we should hold off on doing any shared activities until we’ve all had a chance to really think on it ... I’m sorry about disappointing you, girls, but...”
“No, you’re absolutely right, Mike,” Jennifer said, which was immediately followed by Cathy’s, “Don’t be sorry, Mike.”
“I kinda feel bad, now, for putting the brakes on things here, b...”
“Mike,” Jennifer abruptly interrupted my statement. “If we ... us girls expect a guy to stop doing something to us when we tell him to, then we shouldn’t get ... we really don’t have a right to be upset when we receive that same type message. Like us, if you eventually want to go further with some SHARED activities, you’ll let us know...”
“ ... When the time is right for you,” Cathy jumped in on Jennifer’s explanation.
“So you’re not upset with me ... for not doing anything with you, right now?”
“Upset, no,” Cathy replied with a smile.
“A touch disappointed ... maybe,” Jennifer said and then smiled as she added, “I so, so would love to see and feel what Cathy and Lynette got, but...”
“Maybe later,” I interjected with a smile as I reached across Cathy and pinched Jennifer’s cute button nose.
“Are you being serious?” Jennifer asked after I released her nose. “You haven’t already made up your mind on this?”
“Tonight, my mind is made up,” I calmly stated. After I gazed into both Cathy and Jenn’s eyes, I smiled and added, “However, after I, we get a chance to sleep on it ... and work through all the ramifications; my ‘Tonight’ response may change to a ‘Let’s Get It On‘ later response.”
“I can deal with that,” Cathy replied with a smile.
“Me, too,” Jennifer excitedly echoed.
Because I kinda thought our conversation and our evening was basically finished, I was somewhat taken aback when Jennifer excitedly said, “If I can’t see or touch Mike’s equipment now, I still want to hear how he fired off two more loads into you and Lynette on Saturday night.”
“You’re joking, right?” I said to our chauffeur as I looked at my watch and saw it was almost nine-thirty.
“Are you going to get grounded if you’re not home by nine-thirty?” Jennifer said as she saw me looking at my watch.
“No, but...”
“So, I want to hear how your evening ended, then,” Jennifer exclaimed as she ran her hands over Cathy’s left leg.
“Really, Jenn?” Cathy somewhat tiredly asked.
“Oh, alright...” Jennifer disappointedly said. She then softly mumbled, “Damn, you got to have multiple rounds of fun with his big, exploding dick, while Andy only fired off twice with me.”
“I bet you could have coaxed him into a third or fourth round, if you had put your mind...” I replied.
Cathy immediately interjected, “Your MOUTH, to it.”
“I tried that, Girlfriend, but uh, he said two was his limit for the night, and uh, he sorta PUSHED me away when I couldn’t get another rise from his dick.”
“He didn’t do that?” Cathy incredulously asked.
“Hey now,” I chimed in, in defense of my now injured teammate and friend. “Guys aren’t made like you gals ... we normally can’t go on and on like the Energizer Bunny, while you ladies, at least you, Cathy ... most definitely can. Two, sometimes three is my usual limit for rounds of fun.”
“But Cathy said you came FIVE times!” Jennifer exclaimed.
“That was a very unusual occurrence,” I stated with a grin. “I was amazed that Lynette and Cathy were able to coax a fifth ‘rise’ and blast-off from my pretty tired...”
“ ... Equipment!” Cathy chuckled as she smacked my leg. “His fifth blast damn near choked Lynette to death.”
“Ha, yeah,” I laughed at that recollection. “That, uh, surprised me, too, because I only thought there’d have been but a trickle left in reserve for that blow job.”
“You guys are killing me!” Jennifer exclaimed as she scooted back behind the steering wheel and started her pickup truck. She then looked me dead in the eye as she put her right hand over her left boob and gave it a squeeze. After I let out a small snort of air, Jenn said, “I think I best drop you guys off right quick, so, uh, I can get home to take care of my own strong ‘itch’ ... in the shower.
“I’ll have my ITCH scratched out before you make it home, Girl,” Cathy fired off as she did Jennifer one better by grabbing and giggling both of her large titties for our benefit.
“What about you, Cuda?” Jennifer snapped off as she put her truck into drive and pulled slowly out of Prince Andrew’s loading area.
“I took my shower at school, so I’m hitting the sack as soon as I get home.”
“I bet you’ll hit something else before you get to sleep, though,” Cathy chuckled as she made a few short jerk-off motions with her left hand.
“I don’t know, Cathy. With as much fluids as you and Lynette drained from me on Saturday, there may not be anything left in the tank,” I countered her sexual repartee. “When that occurs, it’s just ‘dick-abuse’, and there’s nothing I like less than abusing my dick.”
“Okay, okay! You win, Cuda,” Jennifer called as she pulled out on Concession Road 12 for the short drive to Highbury Avenue, and then back to Bryanston.
As she pulled in front of houses, Jennifer turned to us and said, “I had a good time, tonight, with you guys. I was really down in the dumps after Andy’s injury, but, uh ... our little discussion definitely lifted my spirits.”
“Even after I sorta left you hot and bothered?” I asked as I opened the passenger door.
“Like I said earlier, Cuda ... I may be a tad hot and bothered, and ah, disappointed at tonight’s ending, but that isn’t on you,” Jennifer replied. With the interior light shining on her right cheek, I could tell Jennifer was one-hundred percent honest with her words.
“You, Mike,” Cathy added as she gently rubbed my ‘bruised’ left thigh. “You actually were the sanest person back behind our old elementary school. I’m kinda glad now, that we’re taking time to think through all the outcomes. I’d have hated it if we jumped into something, only to have it blow up on us because we acted on our hormones, instead of with our gray matter.”

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