After The Energists: Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 44: Jamie’s Cryin’ free porn video

Outside on Lynette’s Driveway
8:07am, Saturday, March 10, 1979
“Good morning, Ms. Lynette. May I take your gym bag for you?” Jason, the Labatt’s chauffeur asked as he watched the sixteen-year-old blonde bounce down the drive towards the black limousine. “For a Saturday morning, ‘You look mahvelous!’” he added in his best Billy Crystal voice as Lynette, in a tight white t-shirt, scurried past him around the front of the long black car.
“Why, thank yoo, kind seh,” I heard Lynette reply in her faux southern accent. “Ah, do ah-pre-ciate yoah takin’ mah bag, and gettin’ thah doah foe me.”
“Oh, it’s my pleasure, Ma’am,” Jason honestly said as Lynette dipped down through the open door, which caused her tight, blue jeaned butt to jut back towards his appreciative eyes.
“Hey, Girlfriend,” Samantha softly said with a finger to her lips, as Lynette climbed into the back of the crowded stretched out vehicle.
I tapped the rear seat, and then held up my hand to help my girlfriend sit down next to me as Cathy had her sleeping head on my right thigh. Lynette just shook her head in amazement as she scanned the sight inside the Labatt limousine, before plopping her butt next to me. Paul was asleep with his head on Sam’s lap on the far side seat and Andy Lunby was fading in and out of slumber as he slumped against the wall with his still bandaged knee resting on the rear facing seat.
“You look good enough to eat,” I whispered into Lynette’s ear after I gave her a soft welcoming kiss on her pink, wet lip-glossed lips.
Based on her appearance, I guessed that Lynette must have gotten up pretty early to make herself up like this. Her long, normally wavy blonde hair was teased slightly, giving her a toned down Farrah Fawcett look. She had a thin hint of black eyeliner and a smidgen of black eye shadow with sparkly golden flakes to bring out the hazelness of her shining orbs. Lynette’s eyelashes were also enhanced with some type of sparkly gold mascara.
“Maybe later,” my knockout girlfriend sultrily whispered back into my ear before she gave it a barely there swipe with her long tongue. After she snuggled up under my left arm, Lynette pointed to our slumbering band mates, and softly said to Sammy, “So, this is how your trip to Sarnia started, is it?”
“Basically, yeah,” Sam softly replied as she played with Paul’s hair. “Last time, though, these two ate some fruits, cheeses and muffins before curling up on our laps.”
“Have you eaten anything, Cuda?” Lynette asked.
“Not yet,” I replied and gave Lynette a squeeze as she smiled up at me.
“Want me to fix you, both of you, a plate? That way, you won’t have to disturb your stud-muffin and sleeping beauty,” Lynette offered.
“That would be great, Lynette,” Sam replied. “If there’s a blueberry muffin under that white towel, I’d like one, please.”
“Anything else?” Lynette asked Sam as she slipped out from under my arm and knee-walked to the food basket and micro-fridge area.
“I’ll take some strawberries, grapes and cheddar cheese chunks ... and a coke from the micro-fridge, please and thanks.”
After Lynette got a plate arranged for Sam, she looked over at me and said, “And what would my good man like?”
“The same, Beautiful, but a couple of those chocolate chip muffins, please and thanks.”
In thirty seconds or so, Lynette handed me a plate with a half dozen large strawberries and a large cluster of red grapes, a mini-mountain of cheddar chunks and two chocolate chip muffins. She then popped a Coke for me and placed it between my Chuck Taylors on the floor, so it wouldn’t spill.
I nibbled on one of the plump strawberries as I watched Lynette masterfully create a plate of breakfast items for herself. She chose to be slightly different from Sammy and I as she selected an English muffin and carefully spread some grape jelly on it. She also included a few orange wedges on her plate and grabbed a can of Diet Coke before returning to her seat beside me.
“What?” she softly asked as she saw me shaking my head at her as she repositioned herself up next to me.
“And I thought I was the only one who cared about how things were positioned on my plate. You, Lynette, are in a whole ‘nother area code from me on that one,” I chuckled. I then pointed to her plate and said, “You’ve got your orange slices perfectly aligned with the edge of your plate. There’s ... exactly the same number of strawberries as orange slices, with each one touching the tip of the orange. Then, your grape jelly ... it’s as perfectly spread out on your English muffin as is humanly possible.”
“So I’m a little OCD, at times,” Lynette replied and then tossed one of her equal number of grapes into her mouth. “Got a problem with that, Mister?” she asked before she bit the grape, maneuvered half of it between her lips and held it there for me to see.
I quickly moved my head down to her level and gently pinched the half grape with my teeth. After I inhaled that tasty morsel, I smiled at her and said, “No problem, here. No problem at all.”
I then pressed my lips tightly to hers and tasted the spearmint mouthwash in her passion-filled mouth.
“Would you two like some privacy?” Sammy quietly joked as she munched on her blueberry muffin.
“Nah, we can get it on, right here,” Lynette deadpanned after moving a couple of inches from my lips. She then put her Diet Coke in the door holder and grabbed the bottom hem of her white t-shirt. After Lynette gave me a subtle wink, she yanked her shirt up so Sammy and I could see the bottoms of her full, bra-less boobs.
“You go, girl,” Sammy chuckled as Lynette shimmied her slender torso.
“Can I finish eating, first?” I jokingly said, and then munched on another large strawberry, stem and all, which caused both young girls to loudly giggle or laugh.
“W-what’s so funny?” Cathy mumbled as she slightly stirred from her position with her head on my lap.
“Cuda is eating like a madman, and Cano is flashing her boobs. I think they’re planning on making-out, here in the limo,” Sammy softly replied as she gently rubbed her hand on Paul’s blissfully ignorant cheek.
“He’s what? ... They’re going to do what?” Cathy squealed and twisted her head and body around to look up at both Lynette and me.
“Morning, Girlfriend,” Lynette softly said and then flashed a completely exposed right breast at Cathy. Lynette quickly dropped her t-shirt down when Andy stirred in his seat, and then lightly ran her hand over Cathy’s wrinkly, sleepy face.
“You can’t be serious about making...” Cathy started to say as she pushed herself up into a kneeling position beside me on the rear seat of the limo.
“Girls just wanna have fun, Cath,” Lynette interrupted Cathy’s excited statement. Lynette then picked up and placed one of the peeled orange sections at Cathy’s mouth and said, “Bite.”
“Umm, dat’s good and sweet,” Cathy mumbled as she attacked the juicy orange wedge in Lynette’s right hand.
The three of us giggled at Cathy’s sleepy actions and words as she sucked and nibbled on the orange wedge from Lynette’s hand, and finally positioned it between her lips. Cathy earned a loud round of laughter when she smiled and mumbled, “Or-inge you gonna invite me to your make out session?” with orange peel showing between her slightly opened lips.
“There’s NOT going to be anyone making out in my dad’s limo...” Sammy drily deadpanned. However, she couldn’t maintain her serious look or tone and snorted, “ ... unless I’m somehow involved in that activity.”
“I like the sound of that,” Lynette spritely said. She then got her own serious look on her face as she asked me point-blank, “Think you can handle all three of us, girls, Cuda?”
“Ha, the three of you wouldn’t even cause me to work up a sweat!” I answered and confidently leaned back against the back rest with my hands clasped behind my head.
“Easy there, big boy,” Cathy softly added as she patted my crotch and then lowered her head back down onto my lap. “There’s no need to blow smoke out your butt, or your nose.”
“Sounding pretty cocky there, Cuda,” Sammy softly said as she angled her redhead away from me and gave me a sly wink.
“Oh, he is ... and has a ... cocky one,” Lynette chuckled, which set both Cathy and Sammy to giggling. Thinking she was on a roll, Lynette then picked up on Cathy’s prior comment and added, “At least it’s just smoke that you’re blowing from your nose and not...”
I immediately picked up on Volcano’s line thought; Andrea’s unusual runny nose from last night, and uttered, “Lynette, stop. We promised, remember.”
“Oh, yeah...” Lynette said and then added for Cathy and Sammy’s benefit, “ ... forget I said anything about something blown from a person’s nose, okay?”
“What blew? From whose nose?” Sammy simultaneously asked as Lynette asked her and Cathy to un-remember her previous statement.
“Nothing, nothing,” Lynette meekly replied and quickly dropped her head down to look at her plate of breakfast goodies.
“Ah, come on, now,” Cathy whined from her position on my lap as both Lynette and I took another bite of our muffins.
“Can’t say,” I forced out with a mouthful of chocolate chip muffin in my mouth. I also gave Lynette a semi-menacing glare for starting something we promised Andrea we’d keep to ourselves.
“Can’t say or won’t say?” Sammy said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
I simply shook my head negatively at Sammy and then peered down at Cathy, who had a silly grin on her face as she faked like she was going back to sleep.
“Maybe later ... if it becomes okay to let others know about what happened,” Lynette softly said. She then nodded her head over towards a softly snoring Andy Lunby, and whispered, “Couldn’t really tell you, even if we were able with Andy in the limo.”
“You did something with Jennifer?” Sammy mouthed as she put her Coke in the drink holder at the edge of her seat.
“No, not with Jenn,” Lynette whispered.
I then pushed my left leg against Lynette’s right leg, which caused her to look at me. I shook my head and softly said, “Enough, for now.” I then calmly asked, “Let it be or someone or ones might get their feelings hurt. Okay?”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Lynette replied.
The three of us then munched on our breakfast treats in relative silence as Cathy fidgeted her tightly balled up body around on the seat and slowly returned to her restful slumber with her head nuzzled in my lap.
“Did you bring our guitars on this trip?” I asked Sammy as she put her plate in the small trash bin between her side seat and our rear seat.
“Of course,” she said with a smile on her auburn haired, framed face. “I even brought Jennifer’s guitar, in case she’s able to ride back with us.”
“Sweet,” Lynette said after she swallowed the last of her Diet Coke.
“Ahh, how much space is left in the trunk, if you know?” I asked.
“Well, our three guitars aren’t taking up a lot of room. This baby has a ton of trunk space,” Sammy replied as she patted the seat back over Paul’s sleep body. She then furled her eyebrows and asked, “Why? What’s up with the trunk space?”
“Just thinking,” I dismissively said. I then pointed to the five gym bags sitting along the seat Andy was sleeping on and said, “If we put all these gym bags, plus Jennifer’s, back there, we’d have a lot more room on the way back.” I was glad to see that Sammy simply nodded at that, and didn’t follow up with any more questions on why I was interested in the trunk space of the limo.
After Lynette and I tossed our plastic plates and Coke cans in the trash, Lynette began to lightly massage Cathy’s exposed left temple and forehead, and scratch her scalp as the raven haired beauty slept on my lap. I, in turn, gently rubbed on both Lynette’s and Cathy’s left shoulders and arms, which earned a soft purring response from my beautiful, Little Volcano.
After another ten minutes of relative silence, Samantha, who was stroking Paul’s arm, nodded her head towards Lynette. My redheaded friend then acted like she was asleep for a second, which let me know that both girls on my seat were out like a light. Sam then mouthed, ‘Want the radio turned on?‘
“I’m good either way,” I softly replied.
“Peace and quiet it is, then,” Sammy whispered.
About two minutes later, the petite redhead then laid her own head back against the high seat-back and closed her eyes for the final fifteen minute ride to Wheels Resort in Chatham.
During that peaceful respite, I recalled the exact things I needed to ask Jason about doing for me. If our chauffeur was agreeable, I was going to get him to go to a music store I had found on my computer. He’d pay for the four new instruments I had placed on hold, there, earlier in the week.
During a spare period on Wednesday, with Mr. Ballas out sick, I had researched a few musical instruments I thought we might need for the band.
I’d always loved the unique sounds of ukuleles and mandolins, and remembered several of the songs by The Hooters, which I thought would be awesome for our band to play. I used my Energist computer at my favorite study desk in the library to learn about the distinctive sounds generated by different types of ukuleles and mandolins. I also discovered that Chatham had a great music store, Frank’s Music Centre, which had a good many top of the line instruments in stock I wanted to get for the band.
When I called Frank’s later that night using my computer, Ms. Gaston, the store’s assistant manager told me they had the ukulele models and the electric mandolin, which I had queried her about. The soprano ukulele was a Kala KA-BFS Butterfly model with genuine Indian rosewood fingerboards. The body was Bicote wood, which had a beautiful, wild striping pattern. An inlaid butterfly on the headstock added a crowning touch to this small four-string instrument. I could easily see Samantha or Jennifer with this unique looking ukulele in their hands.
I instantly fell in love with the Fender MandoStrat-Eight, 8-string mandolin when I saw it on my computer screen. The electric mandolin looked sharp with its tri-color sunburst gloss finish. The crowning touch was the distinctive ‘C’ shaped headstock design.
As I was talking with Ms. Gaston about this Fender mandolin’s chiming ring tone sound in comparison to the ukulele’s richer sound, she mentioned that she had just come across a very unique, 1963 Vintage Gibson Bu-Mah Baritone Ukulele. During our discussion about the differences between this classic instrument and the Lankikai Koa Baritone Ukulele model, which I had originally planned on buying, a message and a picture of this vintage Gibson appeared on my computer screen. It simply read, ‘Buy this Gibson ukulele, Mike!’
I chuckled out loud after reading that message and told Ms. Gaston I would definitely purchase the Vintage Gibson, as well as the Kala Butterfly soprano ukulele and the Fender MandoStrat-8. I thanked her after she said, ‘I was a man, who knew his instruments,’ as we continued our discussion. She was more than a little surprised when she learned that I was just a sixteen-year-old kid, who had started a rock band with some high school friends earlier this month.
After talking some more about our band’s style of music, I asked her if she had any performance quality keytars, keyboards that looked and were held like a guitar. Ms. Gaston chuckled at my term for what she referred to as shoulder synthesizers, and said that two other people had inquired about these new instruments, last weekend. Ms. Gaston told me that she had two top of the line Keytars in stock.
(Note: The keytar models described below were from 1986 or ‘87, but I’m going to fast-forward them to 1979 for my story.)
Ms. Gaston said the first keytar was a Casio AZ-1, which was a MIDI keyboard with forty-one full sized keys and multiple switches, wheels and sliders to modify the sound. Ms. G told me the main distinguishing feature on the AZ-1 was the dual touch keyboard system, which allowed the player to select either the ‘velocity-sensitive’ pressure sound like a grand piano or the polyphonic ‘aftertouch’ pressures, which allow for various vibrations and reverberations to be generated after each individual key strike.
The second keytar model Ms. Gaston described was the Yamaha SHS-10, which she had in either fire-engine red or gray. This keytar model only had thirty-two mini-keys and it did not come with a dual touch keyboard system like the Casio model. However, Ms. Gaston explained that this keytar had a multi-function pitch-wheel, vibrato and ‘sustain’ controllers on its guitar-like neck. The SHS-10 also had twenty-five, quick-select FM synthesizer voices, such as the cello, harmonica, trombone, trumpet and steel drums, and would easily transmit its MIDI signals to Lynette’s new Yamaha keyboard system.
Because of those last two features, paired with the comfort level Lynette had shown on her new Yamaha system, I told Ms. Gaston that I would also be purchasing the SHS-10 keytar in the fire-engine red color. Once more she complimented me on my musical acumen, and asked me to hold the line for a moment as she totaled up my four major purchases.
I chuckled to myself when I realized that Ms. Gaston’s ‘hold’ didn’t mean being put on either a blank line or with some canned elevator music like I was used to from my prior lifetime. I faintly heard her tell one of her salesmen to pull those four instruments off the showroom floor, and mark them as sold in the rear storage room.
Ms. Gaston came back on the line after I heard her punching in some numbers on an ‘old school’ adding machine, and gave me a total price of $2,396. She asked if that was within my band’s budget. I gently laughed into the computer microphone and told her that I could handle the cost, even though it seemed a little high.
Immediately, a new message appeared on my computer screen, which read, ‘These should cost no more than $2,197.‘
I then asked Ms. Gaston if she could work with me some on the cost as I was indeed a high school student, and would appreciate any student discounts she could arrange for me, and my bandmates. She hummed and hawed for a few moments as I heard the adding machine at work before she said she could cut $150 from the price, and throw in a set of D’Addario Nyltech ukulele or mandolin strings for each of my new instruments.
Ms. Gaston excitedly said, “That’s a thirty-seven dollar value deal, I’m tossing in for you.”
After a little more of my easy going haggling, the final cost, including Ontario sales tax for these four instruments and the free strings came to $2,321.22. When I told Ms. Gaston that I would come by her store and pay cash for these instruments on Saturday, she said that twenty-three-hundred ‘cash‘ would suffice to cover the total.
I thanked her for all the discounts she gave me, and double-checked with her to make sure that each of these instruments included a sturdy carrying case. Ms. Gaston assured me all four came with their provided protective case.
The sudden bounce of the limo going over a wicked speed bump acted as an alarm clock for all five of my slumbering friends. Additionally, that jarring motion snapped me out of my instrument-oriented trance, and allowed me to appear more alert than all my just roused friends.
“Ummm, are we there, yet?” Lynette groaned out as she stretched out her long legs and arms beside me.
Just then, the ‘window lowering light’ flashed, and Jason began to lower the darkened partition. I indeed saw the entrance to Wheels Resort through the clear opening. The sudden intrusion of the bright morning sun into the rear of the limousine caused both Paul and Andy to cry out and bury their heads into either Sammy’s lap or the seat back.
“Bright light, bright light!” Sammy shrilled in mock horror, which reminded me of the cute little Mogwai creature’s words from the 1984 movie, Gremlins. I chuckled lightly as I thought, ‘I’m glad that Sammy doesn’t multiply when she gets wet, or that she doesn’t turn into a little hell-raiser when fed after midnight.‘
“I’m guessing we’re here. Ohhh, arrraugh!” Cathy groaned as she sat up, and then stretched her lithe body out in the open area of the limo.
“Dang, it seems like we just got in the car,” Paul called as he, too stretched his body while still resting his head on Sammy’s lap.
“I agree, Paul,” Andy sleepily said as he propped his six foot frame upright on the rear facing seat and gently lowered his surgically repaired leg down off the seat. “W-what time is it, anyway?”
“It is exactly nine-twenty-seven,” Jason replied from the driver’s position. “Would you youngsters like a minute or two to make yourselves presentable before I pull under the awning?”
“That would be wonderful, Jason. Thank you,” Sammy said as she lifted Paul’s head up from her lap and reached for her Tongsui Wushu embroidered gym bag alongside the rear-facing seat.
“Can you grab my Nike bag for me, Sammy?” Cathy requested as she parked her fanny on the seat beside me.
“My red Cowboy bag, too, please?” Lynette quickly asked after Sammy gently flung Cathy’s blue bag in her direction.
“Sheesh, I won’t have but a couple of seconds to fix myself up after manhandling all these bags,” Sammy exasperatedly exaggerated on her rough life.
I laughed when both Andy and Paul quickly ran their fingers back and forth through their dark mops and declared themselves presentable as all three girls were frantically hunting for, or brushing out their long trusses.
“What’s so funny?” Lynette smugly asked, before she gave me a gentle elbow in my exposed left rib-cage.
“Just the uh, the differences in how us guys get presentable in comparison to you, beautiful creatures.”
“We can’t help it if we want to look nice, while you guys are happy with being disheveled slobs,” Cathy fired back as she cracked open her small compact and looked at her reflection in the tiny round mirror.
“Who’s a slob?” Andy playfully replied. “All us guys have nice golf or button down shirts on, and uh, you’ve got more holes in your ratty, faded jeans than any of us.”
“Yeah!” I playfully shouted as I sneakily reached down and wormed my right index finger inside one of the ‘designer- holes’ near Cathy’s left mid-thigh, while Cathy was applying a light dusting of powder to her chin and cheeks.
“Stop, stop, stop!” Cathy cried out after she felt my invading digit tickle her inner thigh.
I obviously didn’t plan my sneak attack, too well, because before I could withdraw my invasive finger from her holey jeans, both Cathy and Lynette counter-attacked me with their powder infused compact pads.
“No, no, no,” I wailed as I tried to dodge and weave away from their maniacal hands. However, all that served to accomplish was a more widespread application of each girl’s face powder on my laughing mug.
One semi-good thing, at least in us guys’ opinion that came from that two-girls-against-me tussle was the extra-long tear that occurred across the front of Cathy’s jeans as I tried to extricate my index finger during their counter-attack.
“Good one, Cuda,” Andy called as he pointed to the four by one and a half inch tear, and loose piece of denim material hanging down about six inches from Cathy’s front pocket.
“Mike, how could you?” Cathy said as she dropped her powder pad on the limo floor and tried to cover the angled tear with the denim material.
Before I could apologize, I heard a ripping sound and saw Samantha grinning wildly as she tore a five inch long opening over her left front thigh, just below her small front pocket.
“That’s my girl!” Paul exclaimed as he poked a couple of his left fingers through the new gap in his girlfriend’s tight jeans.
“How’s that, Cathy?” Sam said as she winked at both Cathy and me.
“How’s this?” Lynette called out after she rolled over on her left hip and tore a three by two inch gap in her jeans. The piece of light blue denim hung down just below the crease where her long legs melded with her tight tush.
“Damn, Cuda, look what you started! I’ve got to hang with you guys more often, it seems,” Andy excitedly said.
“You guys didn’t have to do that for me,” Cathy softly said. She then grinned and added, “But I’m damn glad you did!”
As I reached out to touch the bare, tanned skin on Lynette’s newly exposed rear end, Jason opened the back door of the limo. Lynette squealed in surprise and quickly dropped her butt back onto the seat.
“I hope you’re ready,” Jason calmly said. When Lynette turned towards him to step out of the limo, he grinned down at her and softly added, “And somewhat decently dressed.”
As he was reaching for his crutches, which were resting against the rear facing seat, Andy let out a loud wolf-whistle when he caught a glimpse of the sun-highlighted skin on Lynette’s rear end.
“Down boy,” Cathy chuckled in Andy’s direction as she put her small makeup kit in her Nike bag.
“Plus, aren’t you here to see your new girlfriend, Jennifer, win a few WOSSA gymnastics events?” Sammy chided my grinning friend. “I’m not sure she’d appreciate you admiring some other girl’s tight tushy.”
“Even though you’re a cutie, Andy,” Lynette added as took Jason’s proffered hand and stepped out of the limo.
“Be careful who you’re calling cutie, Beautiful,” I jokingly added as I moved to the limo exit with my red Medway gym bag in my hand.
Andy was the last person to exit the limo and it was a bit of struggle for him to maneuver his surgically repaired leg around without hurting it. He almost fell backwards as his foot caught the edge of the rear seat, which knocked him off balance while hitting him with an unexpected bolt of pain. We immediately learned that a lightning bolt of pain would drive even a preacher’s kid to cussing as Andy cried, “Shit, SHIT, SHIT!“ as he fell back onto the seat, which Lynette, Cathy and I rode up on.
“You okay, Andy-Allen,” I called out as dropped my gym bag and I darted for the rear door.
“Oh, Lord! ... maybe ... and please forgive me for that outburst, there,” Andy struggled to say as he pulled his butt onto the rear seat.
“We’ve all heard worse, Andy, and I think your little outburst was definitely well earned,” Sammy said as she peered between Jason and me as we waited for Andy to get his wits together before he slid along the back seat to the exit.
“I think it might be best if Andy sits on this back seat for the ride home, so maneuvering his leg won’t be that big a pain,” Jason suggested after he gently lifted Andy’s foot up and lowered it to the ground. “Help him up, Mike, and I’ll grab his crutches.”
“Andy, you didn’t bring a gym bag?” Lynette asked as the three girls crowded around my gimpy friend on the short walk to the main entrance to Wheels Resort.
“I’m not allowed to do anything or get into a pool or hot-tub, so I didn’t bother with one.”
“Ah, okay ... that’s a bummer,” Cathy said as she rubbed Andy’s neck as he hobbled along on his crutches.
As Paul, Andy and the three girls made their way into the Resort entrance, I hung back to talk with Jason.
“What’s up? Mike,” Jason asked as saw me standing halfway between the rear and driver’s doors after he checked out the condition of the back of the limousine.
“Come on, Cuda,” Lynette called simultaneously from inside the sliding glass doors.
“Be right in. I’m going over a timeline of today’s activities with Jason,” I shouted back to Lynette and the others inside the resort.
“So what time do you think you’ll be ready to head back to London, Mike?” Jason asked after picking up on my response to Lynette.
“Well, the competition starts at ten, and Jennifer said it and the awards ceremony should be wrapped up by one-ish,” I replied. I rubbed my chin with my hand and added, “We uh, were planning on playing a little tennis or maybe putt-putt, and then take a dip in one of their fabulous hot-tubs. So, if we’re ready to leave by, say ... three-thirty or four would that be alright?”
“You tell me, Mr. Mike, you’re my boss this trip,” Jason said with a smile.
“Fair enough, Jason,” I said. “We’ll be ready to head out between four and four-thirty, then.”
“I’ll be parked along that curb, and when I see you at the front doors, I’ll pull up under here,” Jason stated as he pointed to a spot about one hundred yards behind us.
“Uh, Jason, if I’m your boss...” I calmly said which caused Jason to cock his head to the left. “ ... Would you be able to pick up and pay for four instruments that I have on hold at Frank’s Music Centre, which is located at 75 King Street West? I’ve got the money to pay for them but, uh...”
“ ... I’ll be more than happy to run there and get your new toys,” Jason said with a smile as he patted me on my shoulder. “It will give me something to do while I’m here in the big city of Chatham.”
“Thanks, Jason. Let me get the money out of my gym bag for you.”
“What or who should I ask for, and how much money did you spend at this store?”

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