Stephanie, Part 9 free porn video

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"Thank you all!" Becca yells into her microphone to the screaming crowd as we all wave happily. "Thank you all so, so much!" "Thank you Glasgow!" I scream into my microphone, taking several deep breaths (despite my tight clothing) to rest my tired voice. "We love you all!" Lauren yells into the microphone, her long, ginger hair pinned to her face with sweat thanks to our two hour long concert- our tenth in twelve days, and thankfully, our last for the time being. The second we reach our plush backstage dressing room, I dramatically collapse onto the nearest sofa, and within seconds, all of my bandmates follow suit. "I could sleep for a MONTH," Adeola groans. "Make that a year," Kayla laughs. "You can stop complaining," I tease the tiny blonde girl. "Miss 'This is my dream'!" "You can ALL stop complaining," Becca says, stripping off her costume (which, like the rest of the band's, consists of a tight leotard dress with a laced in waist over dark fishnet tights and extra-high platform stilettos). "We did it, didn't we? Ten cities, most of which were sold out... We are going to be literally SWIMMING in money!" "Says the daughter of a millionaire!" Lauren retorts, making Becca laugh. "Yeah, but this money will be all MINE," Becca says. "Earned through my own hard graft..." "OUR own hard graft," Kayla says. "We each did our own fair share of the work." "...And you'll each get your fair share of the money," Adeola says. "Yes, yes, I know, 'says the adopted daughter of a millionaire'. But my uncle promised an equal split five ways, and if there's one thing he despises, it's dishonesty." "In the meantime," Becca says, "it's still Saturday night..." "Really?" Kayla asks. "When we're all exhausted?" "And in Glasgow, of all places?" Lauren asks. "We're still young," Becca shrugs. "The bus goes when we say it does, not the other way round." "And aren't you desperate to get back to Riley?" I tease, making the other brown-haired girl roll her eyes. "You're one to talk, Steph!" Becca retorts. "Or should I say, 'the future Mrs. Vance'?" I wince and blush as the other four girls all let out a loud, high-pitched 'ooh' at my expense. "...Go out if you want," I laugh, exchanging my costume for a comfortable (but very stylish) long-sleeved black minidress. "I'm knackered, I'm heading back to the bus." "Same here," Kayla says. "Stephanie and Kurt, sitting in a tree," the other three girls sing. "F-U-C-" I close the dressing room door behind me and take a deep breath before following the tiny eighteen year old back to our tour bus, where I crash down on my bunk and let out a long, tired sigh. "Well," Kayla giggles as she climbs into her own bunk. "We did it. Two weeks on the road... I'll be honest, Steph- I honestly didn't think you'd be able to do it. Umm, no offence, of course." "None taken," I sigh. "I honestly didn't think I'd be able to di it either." And I genuinely didn't. In the week leading up to the tour, it was like there wasn't an hour that went past that I didn't want to take my career, wrap all my girl clothes around it and throw it in the nearest bin. The thought of the tour terrified me... But what was most scary wasn't the thought of singing and dancing live in front of thousands of fans, but rather the thought that I'd be cut off from 'Steve' for the first time ever. And yet, once I was on the tour, everything seemed... Fine. As though this was what I was meant to be, as if 'Stephanie' was who I was meant to be. With Steve out of sight, 'he' was also out of mind, and for the past twelve days, it was as though I was never anyone other than Stephanie... But now that the tour is finished and we're on our way home, all I can think about is climbing onto my sofa in a pair of baggy jeans and playing on my Xbox until my thumbs fall off. Well... That's not strictly true, relaxing and gaming isn't ALL I'm thinking about- I'm also thinking about a certain ginger-haired Canadian man who used to be a ginger-haired Canadian woman. Every night, after a concert, I'd text him to let him know how the concert went, and he'd text me back to tell me about his day, and I'd lay awake reading his texts and giggling at his little jokes, like a teenaged girl giggling at her first crush- which, but for a few months of age, is what I technically am. Or rather, what I technically was for the past two weeks, as when I text Kurt tonight, the usual 'tingles' I get throughout my (still 100% chemically male) body are worryingly absent. "Don't need to ask who you're texting, do I?" Kayla teases as she fiddles with her own smartphone. "Indeed you don't," I reply, making my friend giggle. "Stephanie and Kurt, sitting in a tree," Kayla sings, only shutting up when I hurl a make-up removal pad at her. "Might as well take my make-up off now," I sigh, grabbing my make-up bag and sitting down in front of the bus's small dressing table. "Give my face the chance to breathe in some of this Scottish air..." "You know," Kayla says, "I don't think I've ever seen 'Stephanie' without any make-up on. Not awake, anyway" "What are you talking about?" I ask. "You see 'Steve' plenty." "Yes, but I'm not talking about 'Steve'," Kayla retorts. "And don't say 'where's the difference', you know for a fact that there IS a difference." "...Fine," I sigh, wiping off the last of my make-up and crashing down on my bunk, iPad in hand. Less than an hour later, the other three girls return to the bus, catching myself and Kayla by surprise. "What- what are you doing back so early?" I ask. "Chill out, we were just more tired than we thought," Lauren chuckles. "As we found out when Addie yawned and nearly swallowed the entire club!" Becca giggles, earning a playful shove from her BFF. "Steph... Why exactly have your eyes gone as wide as dinner plates? Like, is my dress tucked into my knickers or something?" "Steph is panicking," Kayla teases, "because this is probably the first time any of you have seen HER without HER make-up on!" "...And?" Adeola shrugs. "And no, Becca, your dress is covering your arse. Well, just about, anyway!" "I deserved that," Becca sighs. "And so what if you've got no make-up on? It's not like, if you take off your make-up, you magically transform back into 'Steve', is it?" "Well- no," I say. "I guess not..." "You're plenty girly enough without all that slap on your face!" Lauren laughs, sitting down next to me and giving me a quick hug. "Personally, I can't wait to get mine off too, give me my make-up bag, would you?" "Sure," Kayla says, handing Lauren the small leather pouch. "Oh my god, we should all have a no make-up group selfie!" "Hell yeah!" Adeola giggles, grabbing her make-up bag and sitting down in front of the dressing table, making Lauren sigh with frustration. "That's an awesome idea!" Becca laughs. "Like, 'Out of Heaven laid bare after their tour'!" "As long as our faces are the only things that we 'bare'!" Adeola says, making everyone laugh- even me, despite my no make-up-induced anxiety. Sure enough, twenty minutes later, the five of us have changed into our thick pyjamas (nights on the bus were NOT warm) and are taking it in turns to take photos of the group in our 'natural' state. Special attention is paid to my pink ankle socks (which were a birthday present from Kayla) and Becca and Adeola's tiger-themed onesies- both of which look so comfortable, especially in the cold Scottish night. Eventually, the time comes for us to get to bed- we're being driven home overnight in our tour bus rather than stay in a hotel and travel in the morning, with the exception of Lauren, who's travelling up to the Highlands to spend a couple of days with her family and as such changes back into her street clothes (but leaves her face make-up free) before jumping into a waiting taxi. When I wake up on Sunday morning, the first slivers of daylight are already poking through the bus's curtains, and I can already tell from the noise outside the bus that we are back home in London. "Ugh, man, this feels so much better to be home," Adeola says, before grimacing as she sees that I've woken up. "Ah, sorry Steph, I didn't mean anything by 'man'..." "It's okay," I shrug. "Besides, didn't you say last night that you don't consider me to be a man?" "Yeah, I know I did, but-" Adeola says, before I cut her off. "The fact that you're apologising when you don't need to is enough, really," I laugh. "Ooh," Becca coos as she slowly wakes from her slumber. "Has Miss Benedict put her foot in yet it again?" "Oh- shut up!" Adeola giggles, grabbing a pillow from her bunk and hurling it at Becca, who responds by hurling her own pillow back at Adeola. Within seconds, I've been dragged into the pillow fight, and after our antics wake Kayla, she eagerly joins in too, targeting me in particular with all of her swings. I forget all about my stresses and my anxieties as Becca and Adeola assault me with their pillows, eventually tearing one of them open and spraying feathers all over the bus. "My heavenly singers!" A familiar African voice booms from the bus door, immediately stopping the fight and putting a look of pure terror on Adeola's face. She, Becca, Kayla and myself stand up and dust ourselves off as much as possible, though Becca's pillow explosion has left my hair and my pyjamas covered in feathers. "He- hello Uncle Joshua," Adeola says in the guiltiest voice I have ever heard anyone use. The tall girl cringes as her uncle surveys the carnage with a look of pure fury on his face. "I- I can explain, um, we, um-" "Relax!" Joshua shouts, breaking down in a hearty fit of laughter. "Girls will be girls- I'm surprised the bus made it back from Scotland at all!" The four of us laugh along with our manager, though I can't help but notice Becca wrap an arm around Adeola's shoulders, almost as if the dark-skinned girl was about to pass out. "Most important of all," Joshua says in a calm voice, "is that all of you are back in one piece. And much, much richer! The tour was an absolute success. We sold lots of tickets, sold lots of merchandise, the newspapers gave you all great reviews and my phone has been ringing off the hook, wanting to know when I can send you back out on tour!" "Not for a while, I hope," I say, earning quizzical stares from my bandmates. "I- I mean, I'm exhausted..." "I don't doubt it!" Joshua chuckles. "That's why I'm giving you all- including Lauren- the next two weeks off. You've more than earned it! Go home, go for a weekend away with your gentlemen friends, do whatever you want- just make sure you're back at work on the 11th, as we have another album to record!" "And make sure you're all at Charlotte's on Wednesday," Becca orders. "As if I'd miss my BFF's 21st!" Adeola giggles, giving Becca a tight squeeze. "Just make sure you relax and have fun!" Joshua laughs. "And don't eat too many Easter eggs!" "No promises," Adeola retorts, earning a playful laugh from her uncle as he leaves the bus. "...Does he always wear a full suit at half past seven in the morning?" Kayla asks. "Or even half past six, as the clocks went forward yesterday..." "It's Easter Sunday, he's probably going to church," Adeola shrugs. "I, on the other hand, am going to follow his quote-unquote order and go home, relax, and have fun." "And I," Becca says with a smug grin, "am going to go to Riley's home and spend, oh, the next six hours having a LOT of 'fun'!" "Kayla," Adeola asks, "you heading back to Southampton today to see your folks?" "Probably later on," Kayla says. "Want to get unpacked first, have the chance to relax a bit..." "Same here," I say, briefly locking eyes with Kayla who subtly nods at my unspoken request. "Just, you know, 'relax'..." "When you say 'relax'," Adeola teases, "is that with or without covering your body in maple syrup?" "Oh- shut up," I sigh as I strip off my pyjamas and change into a cute pleated miniskirt, a tight black top, black tights and my favourite knee-high boots. "I don't even know if Kurt's free today." "He will be when he sees Steffieboots for the first time in two weeks!" Adeola laughs. "You have fun, Steph, and I mean 'fun' as well as, you know, 'fun'. See you Wednesday!" "Yeah, see you," I say, giving Adeola and Becca tight hugs each as they get off the bus. "God, I am actually going to miss this bus," Kayla laughs as she gazes longingly at her bunk. "...But I missed my flat more, hehe! Come on- I'm guessing you want to come home with me because Kurt isn't the only man you missed?" "You guess right," I sigh, following Kayla to a waiting taxi whilst our suitcases are loaded into a nearby van for delivery to our respective homes. As she steps through the front door of her flat (the same flat that used to be my home), Kayla lets out a long, satisfied sigh and plops down onto the sofa, stretching the tiredness out of her short legs. I grin before taking off my boots and sitting down next to Kayla, who simply stares at me with a quizzical look on her face. "Umm..." Kayla chuckles. "Wasn't 'Steve' supposed to be joining us today?" "Gimme a few minutes," I laugh, sighing happily as I rub my nylon- covered feet together. "...Or if you'd prefer to stay 'Steph' for the foreseeable future, that's also more than okay!" Kayla says with a smug grin. "Okay, okay, point taken," I sigh, standing up and heading into the bathroom, where I carefully remove every item of clothing I'm wearing and scrub my face free of make-up and remove the nail polish from my finger- and toenails, leaving them colour-free for the first time in two weeks. Once I'm completely 'natural', I reach into the carrier bag Kayla and I stashed in the bathroom before we left for our tour (having known in advance that Lauren wouldn't be coming back to London with us). Inside it is a pair of plain grey boxer shorts, a baggy striped sweater, a pair of thick black men's socks and one of my favourite pairs of jeans. With each item of 'Steve's clothes that I pull on, I feel the boy that I used to be come more and more to the surface, as though he was being freed from a prison, and once I'm fully dressed, I look in the mirror, and it's as though 'Stephanie' never existed. I feel free, truly free in a way I never did when I was away on tour... And yet the sight of 'Steve' in the bathroom mirror still feels somehow wrong. 'This can't last', the voice of 'Stephanie' says in my head. 'This isn't who you are. Not anymore. When are you going to accept that?' 'I have as much right to exist as you do,' 'Steve' replies. I take a deep breath, clearing my mind and silencing the internal conflict, before heading back into the living room where Kayla greets me with a sad smile. "Hello again, 'Steve'," Kayla sighs. "Feeling better?" "Yeah," I say in my masculine voice. "I really, really do." Kayla smiles and nods, though it's clear that she's as unconvinced as I am. We spend the rest of the morning gaming- Kayla having bought herself an Xbox AND a Nintendo after our many gaming sessions at my house- and after a quick lunch, I help Kayla with the tedious task of unpacking her suitcases, many of which contain various gifts and goodies we were given on the tour. "I swear," Kayla giggles as she massages her sore arms, "my wrist is going to take weeks to recover from all those autographs we signed!" "You'd have thought that selfies would've meant that no one wants autographs anymore," I laugh. "Fans can let their arms get tired, not ours..." "Meh, whatever," Kayla says. "The price of fame, heh!" I nod and open my mouth to speak, but am interrupted by the sound of Kayla's front doorbell ringing. "Umm... Did you order a pizza?" I ask. "No," Kayla says, scrunching up her nose with confusion as she heads toward the front door and peers through the spyhole. "Shit!" The tiny blonde girl whispers. "It's Kurt!" "Wh-what?" I ask. "How?" "I don't know, do I?" Kayla replies. "Did you tell him you were here?" "...I may have put on Facebook that I was chilling with you for a bit..." I mumble, making Kayla roll her eyes. "Well go and get changed," the tiny girl orders. "Quick!" I nod and head into the bathroom, stripping off 'Steve's clothes without a second thought and pulling 'Stephanie's clothes back on, before applying my usual level of make-up and repainting my nails a deep red colour. Kayla answers the door, having obviously decided that she couldn't stall any longer, and my panic levels begin to rise as I brush out my hair from its androgynous 'Steve' style to my trademark 'Stephanie' style. "Oh, hey Kurt," Kayla says. "Stephanie's just in the bathroom, she should be out soon." "That's okay," Kurt says, his gentle Canadian accent making my heart flutter. "Must be the effect I have on her, heh!" I take a deep breath and spritz myself with my favourite perfume before flushing the toilet and exiting the bathroom, involuntarily grinning the second my eyes meet my boyfriend's. "Hey you," I giggle, wrapping my arms around Kurt's neck and giving him a slow kiss. "Hey, me!" Kurt replies, making me giggle even louder. "I really missed you the last couple of weeks..." "I missed you too," I say, my voice still barely coherent through giggling. "Don't mind me," Kayla laughs. "I'll just stand here like a third wheel..." "God, sorry, sorry," Kurt laughs. "Just a bit excited to see my favourite girl again!" "I can tell you're BOTH excited," Kayla giggles, watching me squirm as my underwear suddenly becomes VERY tight. "Want a cup of tea?" "Please," Kurt says as we head to the sofa, where we plop down together and stay for the rest of the evening with my body resting against his. By the time Kurt leaves just after 6:30pm, any and all thoughts of 'Steve' have been completely expunged from my brain- and I'm not the only one who realises that. "So..." Kayla teases. "Still want more 'Steve time' before going back to your parents' home?" "Nope," I reply. "Not a second. It's like... Every second I'm with Kurt is an HOUR I'm comfortable being 'Stephanie'..." "GOOD," Kayla laughs. "I know I've said this before loads of times, but the sooner you put 'Steve' behind you, the happier you'll be." "...You're right," I say, eliciting a small gasp from Kayla. "It IS time I stopped pretending." "R-really?" Kayla asks. "Really," I say. "And it's not just Kurt, it's the tour, too... I've spent twenty years fantasising about being a woman, and now I am, fantasising about being a man again... It's just ungrateful. It's not fair on Kurt, it's not fair on you and the band... And it's not fair on me. If I never be a boy for the rest of my life- well, I can live with that." "Oh my god!" Kayla squeaks, giving me a tight hug. "So are you going to get hormones from your counsellor? Are you going to get surgery?" "I need to talk it over with my counsellor first!" I chuckle. "She's said she needs to be convinced that I genuinely want to transition before she'll give me hormones so it might not happen immediately." "Well than I'll just have to go with you to convince her, won't I?" Kayla giggles. "This is gonna be so cool!" "Yeah," I laugh. "I'll finally be able to stop lying..." I have a smile on my face for the rest of the evening, which persists even as I return home and am ambushed by a tight bear hug the second I step through the front door. "Welcome home, superstar sister!" Danny yells, making me yelp in terror as he threatens to squeeze the life out of me. "Daniel!" Mum snaps. "Put your sister down!" "What?" Danny protests as he releases me. "I'm just excited to see Steph, that's all!" "So are we," dad chuckles, giving me a tight hug (though nowhere near as tight as Danny's). "We followed your tour on the internet," mum says with obvious pride in her voice. "You were so brilliant! All five of you were. The websites and newspapers were giving you all great reviews." "Yeah, Joshua was really happy with it," I say. "I reckon he's going to send us on another tour before the end of the year." "Cool," Danny chuckles. "I can expect an extra-special Christmas present from my extra-rich sister, then?" "Oh- shut up," I sigh. "And if you've eaten any of my Easter eggs..." "As if I'd dare," Danny laughs, leading me to the sofa where I find a small pile of the fancy confectionery. "It's not as many as you usually get," mum says. "Now that you're a superstar, you need to watch your waistline!" "Yeah, I guess," I laugh. My special diet is certainly a negative aspect of choosing to live full-time as a woman, but it's a very small price to pay to be happy and successful. "And it's not as many as you usually get as I took one as payment for putting away all your clothes," dad chuckles. "Like I didn't already have a full time job, heh... Stephanie, love, when I was up there putting away your clothes, I- I found a drawer full of boy's clothes, you know, 'Steve's clothes..." My eyes go wide and I'm gripped by a moment of panic as I realise that dad's found my stash. 24 hours ago, this would've meant a full-blown meltdown at the possibility of never being Steve again, but now that I've come to terms with that... "Huh, we must've missed a drawer when we were clearing out the room," I shrug. "A more important question is, why were you snooping through my drawers?" "Ooh," Danny coos, earning a playful slap on the back of his head from our father. "I told you she'd be unhappy," mum says. "Fine then, she can put her own stuff away in the future," dad snorts. "And can arrive at the same time as her luggage next time, too!" "Assuming she's still living here after the next tour," mum says. "With how rich you're getting, you must surely be thinking about getting your own place again, right?" "With this 'Kurt' guy we hear so much about but see so little of?" Danny teases, earning another slap on the head from me. "When ARE we going to meet this boyfriend of yours?" Mum asks. "Soon, I promise," I sigh. "Is there any reason we haven't met him already?" Dad asks. Yes, I think to myself. Because I was just stringing him along, pretending to be his girlfriend to keep up the 'illusion' of Stephanie, but now I genuinely have feelings for him... "You mean other than the fact that I've been on tour for a fortnight?" I reply after a brief pause, making everyone in the room laugh. "Touch?, touch?," dad laughs. "What time's dinner going to be ready?" Danny asks, clasping his hands behind his head as he sees our mother winding up to give him yet another slap on the back of the head. "20 minutes," mum says. "And thanks for volunteering to do the washing up, Danny!" "Is Tom coming?" Danny asks, and immediately I feel my entire body tensing up as I remember that most of my life is now perfectly adapted to 'Stephanie'... But there's still one very important part of it that isn't. "Not today," mum whispers. "He's said he might drop round tomorrow or Tuesday." "Okay," Danny says. "As long as he doesn't plan on dropping round on Wednesday, Steph and I are kinda busy that day!" "What do you mean, 'Steph and I'?" I ask. "Your friend's birthday party?" Danny replies. "I think Stephanie's asking about the 'and I' part, not the 'Steph' part," dad chuckles. "It's a beauty pageant, they need judges," Danny shrugs, making me groan. "It's a PRETEND beauty pageant, we all know in advance Becca's going to win," I retort. "Oh, let your brother have some fun," mum says, bringing a scowl to my face and a smug grin to Danny's. "I'd have thought you'd be pleased that Danny gets on well with your friends." "At what point during the two of us growing up together did you get the impression that we should spend MORE time hanging out?" I ask. "At the point you became brother and sister instead of brother and brother," dad says. "And besides," Danny asks. "What would you have preferred, me reacting like Tom did, or me reacting like I did?" "...Reacting like you did," I sigh. "...Jerk." "Exactly," Danny says, his grin wider and smugger than ever. "Also, Stuart likes having me around as it means that he's not the only guy who's under six feet tall." "And you- you know there's a reason that Stuart's shorter than average for a man, right?" I ask. "Same reason your boyfriend's also short, right?" Danny asks, making my jaw drop. "Some people are born the wrong gender. We get told we have to get over it, so I have got over it. Tom will too. It's just a matter of time. Now come on, I'm starving!" "Yeah," I laugh as I follow my family through to the kitchen for our rich Easter dinner. Danny is, of course, right- I'd much rather have two brothers irritating than me than one brother refusing to acknowledge my existence. However, whilst Danny has always been the light-hearted, frivolous jerk I know (and love), Tom has always been more serious, more rigid in his views and his opinions, possibly because of his time in the army. When we were growing up, though, this meant that Tom was more protective of me, looking out for me more than Danny did. Hell, most of the time Tom was looking out for me against Danny, even though they were closer to each other than they were to me. And yet, thanks to 'Stephanie', I feel further away from Tom than I have at any point during my life. As I climb into bed just after 11pm, I find that my desire to become Stephanie full-time- which was absolute just a few hours ago- is wavering, as I stare longingly at the drawer that used to contain the last traces of 'Steve'... My alarm goes off at 7:30am, and I have a mile-wide smile on my face as I switch it off and close my eyes, not making even the slightest effort to get out of my warm, cosy bed. Normally, Mondays mean ballet, but with it being a Bank Holiday, and Joshua giving the band two weeks off, I intend to use this time to relax as much as I possibly can. I ultimately slide out of bed just after 9:45am and take a long, cleansing shower before dressing for the day in a pair of black leggings, a very soft long-sleeved red top and a slouchy denim miniskirt. As I straighten my leggings, I can't help but feel that as cosy and as casual as my clothes are, a pair of baggy jeans and a loose sweatshirt would still be more comfortable... "Morning, superstar!" Mum says as I crash in my usual spot on the living room sofa. "Got anything planned for today?" "The usual," I say, grabbing my Xbox controller as mum rolls her eyes. "All this fame and fortune..." mum laughs. "Would have thought that- and the more obvious change- would've helped you mature a bit. Obviously not, heh." "I'm still the same old me," I say. "Like I've explained before, just because I like wearing skirts doesn't mean I don't like some of the stuff 'Steve' liked." "Yes, yes," mum sighs. "Are you seeing any of your friends today?" "We've just spent two weeks cooped up together on a bus," I chuckle. "Think we need our own space for a bit. Besides, we'll see each other on Wednesday. Today is going to be a day of pure, total relaxation." "And you wouldn't prefer to relax, say, at a spa, or getting your nails done?" Mum asks. "It's a bank holiday, nowhere's open," I retort. "You wouldn't prefer to hang out with Kurt?" Mum asks, making me pause my game and think briefly. "I don't think he even likes videogames," I say, smiling slyly as mum groans with frustration. "Well, it's your free time, I suppose," mum laughs. "I'm heading out to work in a bit, help yourself to breakfast and lunch, your father will be back just after 3. I think he said he'd be bringing Danny with him... And Tom might be dropping round too." I again pause my game as I try to digest this information, but I quickly resume playing- Tom's used to seeing me playing on my Xbox, if he sees this when he drops round, maybe it'll help him adapt more easily to 'Stephanie'. Sure enough, I spend all morning and most of the afternoon gaming, only pausing briefly to eat breakfast and lunch, and I'm still playing when the front door opens and my father walks through, accompanied by the younger of my two brothers. "Oh cool, Halo!" Danny chuckles, picking up another game controller. "This the newest one?" "Yep," I say. "Want to jump in for some co-op?" "Hi dad!" Dad says, making me roll my eyes. "Hi dad," I say as Danny joins me in my gaming session. "Good day at work?" "Same as usual," dad says. "Get the usual bank holiday callouts, you know the drill." "Is- is Tom with you?" I ask nervously. "He'll be round later," dad says. "After dinner." "Okay," I whisper. "Do- do you want to text one of your friends, see if they want to drop round?" Danny asks. "Don't want you being outnumbered 3-1 by guys, mum won't be home until after midnight..." "It'll be fine," I sigh. It's not like I can call on anyone anyway- Kayla's down in Southampton, Lauren's still in Scotland, all my friends who ARE London based are busy with their families or boyfriends... The only person I could possibly call on is Kurt, and that only make the 'outnumbering' worse, even though I know he'd be on my side... "I'm going to order takeout," dad says. "You two okay splitting a pizza?" "A better question would be," Danny teases, "is Stephanie's manager okay with her eating any amount of pizza?" "You are SO dead," I say, refocusing my attention on the game and putting several bullets straight in the head of Danny's character. I do eat a small amount of pizza when it arrives as a treat to myself, but my main evening meal is, as always, the nutritious dish laid out in the band's dietician's food plan. After dinner, I relax on the sofa, but my relaxation is replaced by nerves thirty short minutes later when a loud knock comes from the front door. I tremble with nerves as dad answers the door, and returns to the living room with the older of my two brothers, who stares at me with a completely blank expression on his face. "Alright, mate?" Danny asks. "Hi Danny," Tom replies, sitting down in his usual chair opposite me and triggering an awkward pause. "...Hi Steph!" Danny says, making Tom roll his eyes. "Thomas..." Dad says in a stern voice. "Okay, 'hello Steph'," Tom sighs. "Hi Tom," I say in the feminine voice that has become my normal, natural voice, but which makes my brother cringe. "You been at work today?" Danny asks our brother. "Nah, just hanging out with Amanda," Tom replies. "She didn't feel like coming round?" Dad asks. "And be outnumbered by us guys?" Tom asks. "3-2's hardly outnumbered," Danny snorts. "No, but 4-1 is," Tom says, making Danny groan and me sigh. "Tom, Tom, Tom," Danny moans. "Face facts. 'Steve' no longer exists. You and I have a sister called 'Stephanie' or 'Steph'." "When did you become so- so-" Tom snorts. "So... What?" Danny asks. "So tolerant? So understanding? So accepting?" "So deluded," Tom says. "THOMAS!" Dad snaps. "What!?" Tom pleads. "Look at quote-unquote her, she doesn't even look like a woman!" "She's got long hair," Danny retorts. "She's wearing make-up, jewellery and a skirt. Looks womanly to me." "Tom," dad says in a firm but calm voice. "People change their gender all the time. Your sister- SISTER- made the decision that she wasn't able to live life as a man anymore. Not only is she living life as a woman, but she's living a successful one." "She's easily the highest earner of any of us," Danny says. "Probably more than all three of us put together. And she wouldn't be earning that money if she was still a man." "...Fine," Tom sighs. "I can see I'm the minority here." "If by 'minority' you mean 'person who can't see a bloody fact when it hits them in the face'..." Danny spits. "Daniel!" Dad snaps. "That's enough. Tom, I think you owe your sister an apology." "...I'm sorry... Steph," Tom says, though it's clear from the tone of his voice and from his body language that his apology is far from sincere. "Apology accepted," I say, before dad quickly changes the topic. Tom loosens up a little before leaving two hours later, though as he leaves, the way he looks at me- and makes a point of NOT hugging me, despite me holding my arms out- tells me that I still have a long way to go before he'll accept me as his sister. As I head to bed, I'm even less certain than I was last night that I want to become 'Stephanie' on a permanent basis- though I am reassured by the fact that no matter what happens, I'll always have the support of Danny and my parents. If only they didn't have to go against another member of the family in order to support me... I again take pleasure in switching off my alarm when it goes off at 7:30, though last night's confrontation prevents me from getting any more sleep, and I eventually get up just after 8:15 anyway, taking care not to disturb mum as I shower and dress in a plain striped top, opaque black tights and the same skirt I wore yesterday. I spend the next couple of hours catching up on my social media pages before mum gets up at 10am and heads downstairs for breakfast, giving me a quick hug as she heads into the kitchen. "So," mum asks. "How did it go last night, with Tom?" "Horrifically bad," I sigh, making mum groan. "I didn't raise that boy to be a bigot," mum spits. "Nor did I raise him to abandon his family just because he doesn't agree with their choices!" "I think he WILL come round eventually," I say. "It's just- I dunno. You, dad and Danny came round so easily, it's just frustrating that Tom, of all people..." "He WILL come round," mum says, giving me another hug. "I'll make sure he does. Now, what are you going to do today? And don't even think of touching your Xbox, it's not good for you to be cooped up inside all day!" "Nor is it good for me to spend all day being hounded by fans," I sigh, before withering under my mother's stare. "...I'll see if any of my friends are free." "Maybe you should talk to that Jamie girl," mum says. "You know, the one who's your sort-of mentor? She could give you tips on how to deal with reluctant family members?" "Maybe," I say, though inwardly I shiver- the last thing I need right now is to have Jamie scrutinising every single thing I do. However, she and I aren't the only transgendered members of our 'extended family', and I quickly open up Facebook and browse to the profile of another one of my friends, shooting them off a quick message. An hour later, I'm sat at a table with two other young women, both of whom have wide, genuine smiles on their faces. "Thanks for agreeing to come to lunch," I say to the young couple as they squeezes each other's hand. "Believe me, it's OUR pleasure, hehe!" Sarah giggles. "So..." Nikki teases. "How was the tour? It must have been SO awesome, having thousands of fans screaming your name everywhere you go!" "THAT part was great," I laugh. "I signed so many autographs..." "Ugh, SO jealous," Sarah laughs. "What was it you wanted to talk about, Steph?" Nikki asks. "Your message sounded like you wanted to discuss something important..." "It's- it's about the whole, you know, 'you and me' thing..." I say. "You've been transitioning for well over a year," Nikki laughs. "And you're also older than I am... There can't really be any advice I can give that you don't already know, right?" "You'd have thought," I sigh. Normally, I'd feel guilty discussing my non-existent transition with someone as committed to her transition as Nikki is, but despite my confrontation with Tom, I'm still determined to make Stephanie a permanent part of my life- and I still consider both Nikki and Sarah to be close friends. "It's my brother," I moan. "Not Danny, the one who sometimes comes to Saturday night and to our parties, but the other one, the older one, Tom... He's completely resistant to my change, still sees me as a boy." "Ugh," Nikki spits. "I'm sorry, Steph, I don't mean to be nasty, but- ugh! Can't stand closed-minded people." "So, do you- do you have any, you know, tips?" I ask. "The only real advice I can give is to talk it through," Nikki sighs. "You- you see my mum, don't you?" Sarah asks. "As your counsellor, I mean?" "Who, Beverly?" I reply. "Yeah, seeing her tomorrow, actually, after ballet." "It might be worth seeing if you can take your brother along to that meeting as well," Sarah says. "Worked for your parents, didn't it?" Nikki asks. As far as you know, I think to myself as I remember the lie I told regarding my 'reconciliation' with my parents. "Either way, you're not going to get anywhere just running away from the problem," Sarah says. "But at the same time, try to be gentle, okay?" "You're right," I say. "Both of you. I know he'll be at work tomorrow when I'm seeing your mum... He should be free tonight, though. I'll talk to him then, brother to sister." "Good luck," Nikki whispers with a wide, supportive smile. "Now come on, tell us about this tour! Your bus looked SO awesome!" "Your costumes, too!" Sarah giggles. "The fashion designer in me NEEDS to know what that fabric was that you wore in Birmingham!" I giggle as I try to answer the two teenagers' questions about the tour, before leaving the caf? an hour later feeling slightly more confident about my relationship with my brother. I head home to spend more time catching up with my fans on Facebook and Twitter (and, much to my mum's chagrin, playing on my Xbox), and after a quick dinner, I announce to my dad (who had just returned from work) that I'm heading out. "Steph..." Dad says as I grab my coat and head for the door. "Are- are you going to see Tom?" "...Yes," I sigh. "He needs time, Steph," dad says. "Give him some space, he will come round eventually, I promise! I'll make him if he doesn't!" "That's part of the problem," I say. "I barely got a word in edgeways, didn't get a chance to explain the situation yesterday... If I sit down with him one-on-one, I know I can reach him." "Well- okay," dad sighs. "But I'm calling him after you've gone, letting him know you're on your way round, okay?" "Not like I can stop you," I say. "I'll be back soon." "Take care, Steph," dad says as I head out of the door and into the waiting taxi. "And good luck!" I take several deep breaths to compose myself as the black cab weaves through the narrow streets of London, soon arriving at the modest flat that my oldest brother calls his own. After taking one final, calming breath, I knock on his door, and get the surprise of my life when the door is answered by a female face. "Um, hello?" The woman- who looks about 30, the same age as Tom- asks. "Can I help you?" "I'm here to see Tom, Tom Abbott," I say. "This- this is his flat, right?" "Tom!" The woman yells. "There's a young woman here to see you?" I grimace as the penny drops- this woman is clearly Tom's girlfriend, and I've inadvertently just got him in a LOT of trouble... "Who- you," Tom sighs as he sees me at his door. "Dad said you were on your way over. Well, come in, I guess. Ste- Stephanie, this is Amanda, Amanda, this is Stephanie... My sister." "I- I thought you said you had two brothers?" Amanda asks as she greets me with a light handshake. "I DID," Tom sighs. "'Stephanie' used to be 'Stephen', and-" "Oh my god, 'Stephanie Abbott'?" Amanda suddenly exclaims, and a grin creeps across my face- it's not hard to figure exactly where she's heard the name 'Stephanie Abbott' before, even if she is a lot older than most of our fans. "Yes, yes, that's me," I giggle. "Tom, you never said you were the brother of a celebrity!" Amanda giggles. "I'm sorry, but I have a fourteen year old niece, and she is a huge fan of you and your group!" "Cool!" I laugh. "If you let me know her name I'll happily send you a goodie bag of signed merchandise, if you want?" "Ah, that would put me in her good books forever if you could!" Amanda says. "What are you doing here, Steph?" Tom asks, clearly irritated by the girlish enthusiasm of our conversation. "I'm here to see you," I say bluntly. "To talk to you, as let's face it: last night didn't go well." "No it didn't," Tom concedes. "Come on, come into the kitchen, we'll talk." "I'll give you two some privacy," Amanda says, heading back to the living room whilst I sit down opposite Tom at his kitchen table. "So... Really, Steve?" Tom asks. "'Steph'," I say. "Stephanie is legally my name." "Just- what makes you want to be a woman?" Tom asks. "I get that it's not a snap decision, it's something you must have dealt with your whole life, but- you must be able to see it from my perspective, surely?" "In a way," I say. "But it's my life, my decision. I don't need your understanding, Tom, I just need your support... And your love." "Well- okay, yes," Tom sighs. "You'll always have THAT. And I suppose I can always hit you up for a loan, heh." "Of course," I laugh. "Didn't realise just how much I'd be earning when I applied." "Hang on, hang on," Tom says, a look of confusion spreading across his face. "When, exactly, did you apply to be in the band?" "Umm, last February," I say. "Why, exactly?" "And you started work... The start of March last year?" Tom asks. "Yes..." I say. "So last year," Tom says. "Last May, my birthday... You were there dressed as a man." "Umm... I guess?" I ask. "I, uh, I hadn't come out to mum and dad yet-" "In fact," Tom continues, "mum and dad said you didn't move out until the middle of March. So how, exactly, did you manage to be a woman at work, but a man at home, hmm?" "Because- by-" I stammer, before lowering my head and sighing. "Because I hadn't started transitioning when I applied for the role in the band. In fact... I still haven't." "You WHAT!?" Tom yells. "It's my life, and I'll live it however I want," I say. "Oh, I get that," Tom says. "I'd just about come to terms with having a sister, but knowing that she- he- whatever, knowing that your whole life is built on a lie?" "Keep your voice down!" I hiss. "Yes, it was a lie at first, but it's genuine now! I am going to transition, I am going to be a woman full- time. This IS what I really want." "I'm sure you've convinced yourself of that, but you'll have to work harder to convince me," Tom snorts. "When did you decide this, anyway?" "...Sunday," I sigh, making Tom groan once again. "God, Steph- Steve- I don't care!" Tom snaps. "What, exactly, is the matter with you?" "I- I don't know," I whimper. "I'd been unemployed for so long, I loved dressing up as a woman, I loved singing, I was good at it, it all seemed so right, like it was meant to be..." "You've strung everyone along," Tom spits. "Myself included. I bet this 'boyfriend' of yours doesn't know the truth either, does he?" "...No," I sigh, blinking back tears. "Whatever you call yourself," Tom says, "whatever you are, or whatever you want to be, you need to take a good, long look at yourself. Because if this ever gets out, you are going to cause a LOT of chaos." "Please, please don't tell..." I plead. "No, of course I won't," Tom sighs. "Whatever you decide, I'll support you. I'll try, anyway- I'm going to hard a hard time, a really hard time believing you from now on." "I understand," I whisper. "Are you okay getting home?" Tom asks in a quiet voice. "I'll- I'll get a taxi," I say. "I'll get the stuff to Amanda for her niece later in the week." "Yet more people you're deceiving," Tom says. "Your fans... For their sake, I hope the truth NEVER comes out." "Me too," I whisper as I head out onto the street and wait for my Uber car to arrive and drop me back at home. Once I'm home, I head up to my bedroom and strip off my clothes, reaching into my 'Steve' drawer and having a moment of panic when I discover that it's empty, before remembering the events of two days ago. I lay down on my bed and slowly cry as the reality of Tom's word hit home. I AM a liar, I AM a fraud, my- or rather, 'Stephanie's whole life has been built on deception. My current feelings regarding transitioning can't change my actions over the past year. If my parents ever find out the truth, they'll be livid, if Joshua ever finds out the truth, he'll go ballistic, and if the fans... And yet, when I got home today, all I could think about was stripping away 'Stephanie' and spending time as 'Steve' to try to ease my anxieties. Tom's not alone- I'M going to have a hard time believing me from now on. Despite getting an early night, I barely get any sleep, and when my alarm wakes me at 7:30am I groan loudly, knowing that today is the only day all week when I won't be able to simply click it off and go back to sleep. After showering and applying my make-up, I reach into my top drawer and pull out a pair of soft, baby pink tights and a snug black tank leotard, stretching both garments over the foundation garments that are 'enhancing' my body before covering up with a long-sleeved grey top and a tight black miniskirt. Despite my anxieties, I have a smile on my face as I arrive at the vast dance studio just before 9am- the more I do ballet, the better I get at it, and the better I get at it, the more I enjoy it. It of course helps that being able to wear tights and a leotard in public (or at the very least, amongst peers) was a childhood dream of mine, though I'm questioning whether or not that dream was even genuine. "Hey, birthday girl!" I giggle as I greet Becca- whose leotard has had a large, sequinned '21' sewn onto the front- with a tight hug. "Thanks!" Becca squeaks excitedly. "Happy birthday!" The leotard-clad Lauren and Kayla giggle, also greeting Becca with tight hugs. "So..." Lauren asks. "Get anything nice today?" "A big, fat trust fund!" Becca laughs. "Even that isn't as huge as I'd thought it would be, not compared to our pay cheques, anyway!" "Get anything nice from Riley?" Kayla asks, prompting loud 'ooh's from all the girls- myself included. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Becca teases with a sly wink as we- and the other girls present- are ushered into the dance studio. As always, Becca and Adeola dance in the 'main class' with Krystie, whilst Lauren, Kayla and I receive specialist tuition from Zoe (who can work closer with us than usual as none of her friends are present this morning). At the end of the class, as has become a tradition, I watch with a smile on my face as Becca exchanges her leotard for a frilly pink tutu- the same one I myself wore two months ago- and dances a two-minute long routine in her pointe shoes as the assembled class applauds. After the class, I pull my skirt and top back on and get ready to head out, though I can't help but giggle at Becca's seeming reluctance to take off the ostentatious tutu, much like my reluctance on my own birthday. If it was my birthday today, however, and I was wearing the tutu now, I'm not so sure I'd be so eager to keep wearing it instead of, say, a comfortable pair of jeans... "Tell mum I said hi!" Sarah says as I pass her en route to my waiting taxi, which whisks me away to the office of Dr Beverly Phillips- Sarah's mother and my counsellor. "Hello Stephanie," Beverly says as I sit down in one of her plush chairs. "I read the reviews of your tour on the internet, it looks like everything went well!" "It did," I laugh. "And then I came home..." "Oh," Beverly says, sensing the uncertainty in my voice. "And then things didn't go quite as well, right?" "Right," I sigh. "I- I kinda had a falling out with Tom." "Your brother?" Beverly asks. "Yeah," I sigh. "I mean, Sunday morning, I get back, I change into 'Steve's clothes, but then Kurt- my boyfriend- calls, and suddenly, it's like I never need to be Steve again. I actually made a mental note at that exact point to come and ask you for hormones today." "And then what happened?" Beverly asks. "With your brother, I mean." "I- I told him the truth," I sigh. "He came around on Monday and barely acknowledged me, so I went to see him last night, he put two and two together, and... Gah. Bad things happened." "Go on," Beverly says softly. "He basically called me a liar, a fraud..." I say. "He said he wouldn't tell anyone about what I've done, but... I feel like I AM a fraud. Like my feelings, my desires..." "You're wondering whether or not you genuinely want to transition?" Beverly asks. "Whether or not what you felt on Sunday was real?" "Yes," I whisper. "Obviously, only you will be able to definitively answer that question," Beverly says, making me sigh yet again. "I doubt it's a coincidence that this desire suddenly came on after you spent time with Kurt." "Probably not," I concede. "And you'd just spent two weeks on the road, cut off from your life as 'Steve'," Beverly continues. "The first thing you do when you get home? You dress as 'Steve' again." "I genuinely, honestly want to be Stephanie full time," I say, though even I can tell I sound far from convincing. "I don't doubt that you yourself believe that," Beverly says. "Tom said the same thing, and with the same subtext," I sigh. "And I'll be honest... I'm not as sure today as I was on Sunday." "You can understand, then, why I won't prescribe you oestrogen today," Beverly says. "Though you HAVE shown that you can spend a prolonged period of time as 'Stephanie' without the need to return to being 'Steve'- from the tour- and that, as far as I'm concerned, is a step in the right direction." "So... I could be prescribed oestrogen at some point in the future?" I ask. "Not the immediate future," Beverly says. "Not until I'm certain that you're certain. But I'm definitely not ruling it out. You need to work through this thing with Tom first. And more importantly, you need to work through this thing with 'Steve'." "I know," I sigh. "I just- I just don't want to lie to everyone anymore." "Concentrate on not lying to yourself first," Beverly advises. "Everyone else can wait." I nod resignedly- Beverly is, of course, right, and as usual, I leave her office no closer to making a decision than I was before I entered her office. I am, however, re-energised by her promise of oestrogen (given the right circumstances, of course)- proof that my life doesn't always have to be the confused mess that it's been over the past year. After a quiet lunch at home by myself, I catch a taxi to Charlotte's house, which is, as always, the venue for tonight's party, and as always, when I arrive, I'm greeted with a hug from my 'mentor'. "Hey Steph!" Jamie giggles, before handing me an armful of garment bags. "Here's your 'costumes' for tonight... Hope you're as good a runway model as you re a singer, hehe!" "'Costumes' plural?" I ask. "Yep," Jamie says. "Evening gown round, swimsuit round and, of course, the talent round! I assume you've been practising your singing?" "I spend all bloody day practising my singing!" I say, making Jamie giggle. "For the swimsuit round, um, I assume it's, you know, 'padded'..." "Oh, Steph..." Jamie sighs. "Fourteen months on oestrogen and STILL no, you know, 'results'?" "There are some 'results'," I retort. "Just not a lot, though..." "Anytime you want the number of the surgeon who did my boobs, just ask," Jamie says with a warm smile, a smile that I can't help but feel contains an element of distrust. "...I'll think about it," I say as I take my costumes up to one of Charlotte's spare rooms, where Lauren and Kayla are already changing into their fancy evening gowns. "They've really put in the effort this time," Lauren says as she shows off the stitching on her elaborate, floor-length blue dress. "Three costumes each, and fancy bespoke ones too... I didn't get this much effort or expense at my birthday party!" "In fairness, it IS her 21st," I say as I change into my dress, a high- necked, sleeveless red gown that's very form-fitting and shows off what little curves I have- or rather, what little curves my foundation wear gives me. "And it's being paid for by her dad, who is a millionaire," Kayla says, doing a quick twirl in her ankle-length strapless pink dress. "Now come on, make-up time!" Lauren giggles as Kayla wraps a cape around her neck and sets about transforming the tomboyish Scottish girl into a truly glamorous beauty queen, before wrapping the cape around my neck and giving my hair and face the same treatment. My eyebrows are reshaped to be as feminine as possible, my normally arrow-straight hair is curled into a very cute wavy style and tied into an elaborate updo, my eyelids are coloured with a dark copper eye shadow and my lips receive several different shades of blood-red lipstick. After Kayla announces that she's done, I stare in the mirror at my reflection, and while in the past I've been astonished at the transformation, today I feel... Almost nothing. Sure, I'm impressed by the tiny girl's work, but the usual feeling of amazement that the beautiful woman staring at me is in fact me... Simply isn't there. Instead, I just feel excited- both about the party, and about showing off my new look to all my friends. "Six months at beauty college was worth it after all!" Kayla giggles as she fixes her own hair and make-up. "I'd say so!" I laugh as I swish my long dress around my bare legs. "Do we know who's on the judging panel for today?" Lauren asks. "I know my brother is," I sigh, making the other two girls giggle. "Danny?" Kayla asks. "Poor you... I'm pretty sure Joshua will be, as will Stuart. It's not like it's a 'real' beauty pageant anyway, it's obvious Becca's going to win." "Which is fair enough," I say. "It IS her birthday, after all." "Yeah, I suppose," Kayla shrugs. "Come on, we've got to get downstairs, got to take our places backstage, hehe!" I giggle as I follow my bandmates down to the vast 'main room' of Charlotte's house, where a runway has been set up alongside a Strictly Come Dancing-style desk with four chairs behind it. "Why am I nervous?" I giggle as I head behind the curtain at the back of the runway, where almost a dozen other girls- all dressed in elaborate evening gowns- have gathered. "Just a few days ago we were doing this in front of, like, thousands of people!" "Yeah, rub that in, why don't you?" A short, dark-haired girl I recognise as one of Nikki's friends says. "Sorry," I giggle. "But this IS my first beauty pageant... Never really considered myself much of a 'beauty', heh." "You're as girly and gorgeous as anyone else back here," Nikki says to murmurs of agreement. "No matter what anyone says, whether they're fans, friends or family." "Absolutely!" Becca says as she steps between the curtains and is swamped by hugs from all present. "Don't think for one second it means you have a chance of actually winning, though!" "Yes, yes," Adeola laughs. "Now come on everyone, brightest, whitest smiles!" I force my mouth into an obviously fake smile, just like all the other girls, and wait for our cue. Within a few minutes, a loud, pulsing dance remix of 'No More Lies' starts playing, and I follow the other girls out onto the runway, striking a feminine pose with a hand on one hip and the other resting limply on the shoulder of the girl in front of me. As my eyes meet those of Danny (who's taken his seat at the judges' desk), my fake grin suddenly becomes very genuine, and only grows wider as he gives me a thumbs up and a wide, toothy grin of his own. I momentarily giggle at the absurdity of the situation- not much more than a year ago, I'd be sat next to Danny, admiring all the beautiful women on the stage... And my giggle suddenly fades, my smile once again becoming fake as I remember that it wouldn't just be Danny I'd be sat alongside, it'd be Tom as well... And if he saw me now, I dread to think what his reaction would be. "Ladies and gentlemen," Joshua booms from his seat next to Danny's, "welcome to the first-ever All-Angel Heavenly Talent Beauty Pageant! Before you are twenty of the most beautiful women in the country, all of whom are competing for your votes tonight! So without further ado, please, bring on the girls!" I once again adopt my fake grin as 'Here Come the Girls' by the Sugababes starts playing and we beginning parading around the stage once again, before retreating backstage. For the next hour, we take it in turns to strut our stuff alone on the stage, first in our evening gowns and then in our swimsuits (which in my case is a tight, bright red one-piece swimsuit with matching platform stilettos). Becca, of course, snaps photos of everything and everyone, especially of the band in our dresses and our swimsuits. Finally, the time comes for the talent round. Obviously, I- and the rest of the band- opt to sing bits of our solo songs from our debut album, though some of the efforts of the other girls impress me more, particularly the rhythmic gymnastics display from the nearly four months pregnant Mary, and Krystie's & Zoe's ballet demonstrations. After I've finished singing my song, I stick around the stage to give my final 'contribution' to the night- my answer to the Q & A round. I feel my insides start to sink as my brother stands up with a wide, devilish grin on his face and a card in his hand. "Seriously? YOU'RE asking me the question?" I ask, making the room laugh as Danny rolls his eyes. "Just for that, I'm giving you a hard question," Danny retorts, making everyone laugh again. "And your questions is... What is the best thing about being a girl?" You utter bastard, I think to myself as I keep my forced smile attached to my face. As the crowd stares at me expectantly, though, I realise that Danny is asking a very good question- one I'm not sure I know the answer to. "The best thing about being a girl..." I say, "Is having so many awesome friends!" I giggle as the crowd cheers, clearly pleased with my answer. As I disappear backstage, however, my smile instantly evaporates. "What an arseholish question!" Jamie spits. "I'm sorry about that, Steph. We only got Danny in because the judge we had lined up pulled out at the last minute." "It's okay," I sigh. "Had twenty years of being teased by him... And to tell the truth, I'd rather he teased me than denied my existence, just because I'm, well, dressed like this..." "Too right," Jamie giggles. "And you know something, Steph? I agree with your answer to that question 100%!" I also giggle as I give Jamie a quick hug- her constant suspicion of me over the last months has been a source of stress, so hopefully if- no, WHEN- I start transitioning for real, I'll be able to put that behind us and truly become friends. Half an hour later, after the final performance in the talent round, the twenty of us who took part in the pageant once again return to the stage, posing as before with fake smiles plastered all over our faces. "Your votes have been tallied!" Joshua announces. "And we have a winner and two runners-up!" Runners-up? I think to myself. I never heard anything about voting for a runner-up... "Second runner-up," Joshua booms. "Is... Hannah Dexter!" Hannah squeaks excitedly as she bounces up and down, before standing beside Joshua. "First runner-up," Joshua says, "Is... Charlotte Hutchinson!" I grin as Charlotte goes through the same motions as Hannah before standing on the other side of Joshua. A part of me feels jealous of the two girls for being voted as runners-up by the crowd, but deep down inside, I knew I had no real chance of finishing anywhere near them in an actual vote. "And the winner," Joshua booms in his most jovial voice, "and Miss Heavenly Talent 2016, is..." Don't keep us in suspense, I sarcastically think to myself. "...Rebecca Milton!" "Oh my god!" Becca squeaks, giving everyone on the stage a hug each before running to the front and being crowned with a frivolous, bejewelled tiara and a wide golden sash which reads 'Miss Heavenly Talent' and '21 today'. I giggle as Riley (Becca's boyfriend) rushes onto the stage to give the birthday girl a large bouquet of flowers and a long, loving kiss, before leaving Becca to be photographed by everyone present as the rest of us slip backstage to change into slightly less ostentatious party dresses. I've just about finished changing, when I'm surprised by a gentle punch on the back of my arm, and the baby pink polish on the fist's fingernails give away the fact that it belongs to Kayla. "Hey!" I say with mock hurt, "what the hell was that for?" "For being sexy," Kayla says with a smug grin. "And girly, and gorgeous..." "Think you're going to have to punch everyone in this room," I say, making Kayla and Lauren- who's just joined us backstage- giggle. "True," Kayla concedes. "But it'll be you first! Or rather, you seventh!" "What do you mean, 'me seventh'?" I ask. "Well, eighth, really," Lauren says. "The final standings. Your brother showed us how many points everyone got- and if you don't count Becca, you got the highest of all of us!" "Wh- what?" I ask, my jaw dropping. "Seriously!?" "Seriously, Miss 'Beauty Queen'!" Kayla giggles. "You were actually ahead of two of the proper Angels as well." "The order- after Becca- was Charlotte," Lauren says, scrunching up her nose as though she's trying hard to remember, "then Hannah, Jamie, Krystie, Dannii- that really tall skinny girl- then Sarah, then you." "That's mad!" I giggle. "I'm not a beauty queen, hell, I'm not even really a beauty..." "Aww, don't say that!" Kayla says, giving me a long, tight hug. "And not just because it's my make-up job you're putting down, hehe!" "Hey girls," Jamie teases as she approaches the three of us. "I take it you've told Miss Abbott the good news?" "You mean 'number eight'?" Lauren asks. "Honestly, I demand a recount," I say, making the girls laugh out loud. "Why?" Jamie asks. "Want to bump Sarah off of seventh?" I laugh and roll my eyes as Jamie gives me a gentle hug. "Seriously, Steph, I know you're embarrassed- even though you shouldn't be, given the tour you just did! I know it's kinda embarrassing, but just look at this as proof." "'Proof'?" I ask. "Of what, exactly?" "Proof that you have loads of friends who utterly adore every bit of you," Lauren says. "And any time you're having problems with anything," Kayla says, "singing, dancing... Or family... We'll always be here for you, right?" "Hell yeah!" Jamie laughs. "ANY time." I giggle happily as I follow the three women back to the main room, where we stay until just after 1am. After getting a lift home with Danny, I head straight to bed (putting away my latest party costumes first, of course), where Kayla's words resonate in my ears. I've tried so hard to reconcile with Tom on my own terms, it never occurred to me that I could call on backup anytime I wanted. Lauren, Kayla and Jamie helped me when I came out to my parents, and they're a large part of why my coming out was such a success. Perhaps if I tried again with Tom, but with them on my side, I can make him see that Stephanie is who I want to be. ...And yet, as I wake up at 10am the following morning, all I want to do is pull on a pair of jeans and lounge around on my sofa all day. In the past, whenever I've had this urge, I've acted on it, and not just when I wanted to be 'Steve', but back when I was 'Steve' and wanted to be 'Stephanie'. Today, however, things are different. Today, I have a goal, a goal that was given to me yesterday by Beverly- the ability to transition, to take oestrogen and truly become Stephanie, the person I was always destined to be. 'You know you can't resist,' I hear 'Steve' whisper in my ear. 'Sooner or later, you'll break. Sooner or later, you'll pull on those jeans and put 'Stephanie' aside, even if it is just for a few hours.' "No," I whisper aloud. "There's nothing 'Steve' can do that 'Stephanie' can't." 'How about eating what you want?' 'Steve' retorts. 'Lazing around all day, not caring about your appearance, playing videogames until your thumbs blister...' "My food plan only contains delicious food," I whisper. "I'm still in bed at 10:30am. I can go without make-up- my friends AND my fans don't blink twice if I post a no make-up selfie, Saturday night proved that. And Kayla's now a bigger gamer than I am!"

Same as Stephanie, part 9 Videos

2 years ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part4

Stephanie opened her eyes slowly. She had a disoriented look on her face. When she saw Kelly's wet face it all came back to her. A weak smile crossed her lips. "Your face is all sticky," she whispered. "I know," Kelly answered and licked her lips. This time, Stephanie pulled Kelly's lips to hers for a very wet kiss. When she pulled back, she stared into Kelly's eyes with a look of concern on her face. Kelly knew what she was thinking. "You don't have to do that to me," she...

4 years ago
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Stephanie Learns A Valuable Lesson In Responsibility

On a sunny Friday in May, Jill walked into her house after a long work week. She put her things down and sat down with the mail, looking forward to a relaxing weekend. When she got to the letter from Stephanie’s school she paused before opening it. It was progress report time and she was expecting this piece of mail. Stephanie’s grades had already taken a tumble on her first report card of the year with more C’s than B’s and no A’s. Taking a deep breath she tore open the envelope and when she...

3 years ago
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stephanie and dad

WWE's signature event, WrestleMania, had been an enormous success just a few months earlier. But no matter how much money was rolling in, it never felt like enough. More than one wrestler on his roster had stopped earning their keep, and it was time for Vince to look over his list of talent and cut the dead weight. Why continue paying them when he could put that money in his own pocket? Once he decided who was getting let go, Vince would take them aside before that evening's show to tell...

4 years ago
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Stephanie Twist0

CHAPTER 1 ________________________ "THIS SIDE OF NORMAL" Growing up, Stephanie Twist always thought it was funny how very appropriate her last name was. One of her very first memories was a neighbor boy twice her age convincing her to give her very first blowjob. He pretty much taught her everything there was to know about sex before she was even seven years old. He moved away about a year and a half later, but even though he had tried more than once, she remained a...

3 years ago
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Stephanie or From Virgin to Cocksucking Slut

“Oh my god, this is really happening,” Stephanie thought. Suddenly, there it was. The first erect penis the youngster had ever seen, right in front of her face. It was kind of scary. But something had recently been awakened in the blonde teenager. Stephanie couldn’t identify it, but she felt it deep in her loins—a need as strong as hunger or thirst. She knew in that moment that she was not a little girl any longer. From this new perspective, that big hard cock looked absolutely...

2 years ago
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Stephanie becomes the life of the party Pt 2

Stephanie wastes no time getting back to the fun staring at Luis, and she grabs Jaime’s hard cock and swallows it whole. She moans out as the tip touches the back of her throat. Jaime doesn’t have the biggest dick of the group but his thick eight inches will definitely make her cum. Stephanie backs off his dick giving herself a second to breathe before quickly inhaling it again bobbing up and down sucking hard as she strokes his balls.By this time all the guys are getting back into the mood,...

Wife Lovers
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Stephanie Kelly Part2

"We can meet at Peter's Pub. It's not far from my place on Rosewood Lane." "Okay, I'm sure I can make it," Stephanie said, deciding to call a babysitter if her mother wasn't available. The following Friday, Stephanie drove to the pub to meet Kelly. When she entered, she looked around in the dark restaurant and saw Kelly sitting in a back booth waving her hand. Then with a bright smile, she made her way to the booth and slid in across from Kelly. "No problem finding the place...

4 years ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part3

Kelly reached down and took one large breast in her hand. With gentle fingers, she began to knead it. She brought her lips to Stephanie's. They moaned as their lips pressed together. Their tongue began to duel for possession of each other's mouth. All resistance was now gone from Stephanie's body. Suddenly, the incredible stimulation of the younger woman's mouth, hand, and her own fingers, were too much for her. She felt Kelly's tongue push deep into her mouth as her hand squeezed...

3 years ago
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Stephanie and Gary

It was a partly cloudy October day outside with the temperature around 90 degrees. The birds were chirping and the sound of a lawn mower could be heard outside.Stephanie sat at her computer just surfing the net reading some erotic stories and listening to some tunes. She was feeling really horny because she hadn't had any sex with her lover Gary in over three weeks. She was beginning to wonder if they were going to hook up again before she started going crazy with horniness. She found herself...

4 years ago
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StephanieThrough the Looking Glass

                                                   Stephanie....Through the Looking Glass  Stehpanie had just turned 13.  She knew what other girls thought, or at least she thought she did.  'Good girls don't do it'.  Oral sex.  Sucking a man's dick; his cock.  Taking a boy's erection and putting it in your mouth.  You weren't supposed to do something like that.  It was filthy and disgusting.  That was certainly her attitude now that she was in junior high school, where, like all the other...

3 years ago
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Stephanies Inquisition of Susan

Stephanie?s Inquisition of Susan (f/f, nc, hum, loving w, ????) Chapter 1 ? Susan?s typical life In a small town in a typical suburb, Susan was busily getting her family ready.? She was just finishing sizzling up the bacon for the morning breakfast as her two children, Joseph and Michelle, were just sitting down for their food.? Her husband, Brian, ran by her grabbed some bacon and ran out the door.? ?Late as usual? she thought to herself.? ?Not even enough time to kiss me goodbye.??...

3 years ago
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Stephaniersquos Secret Blowjobs

Stephanie was a new engineer, was on her first business trip, and her blowjobs were amazing!Ten years ago, I was working for a small high-tech company in San Francisco. We did business all over the state, but couldn’t afford to fly on business trips, so we had to use a rental car and drive.Stephanie was a newly-hired engineer and was excited about being allowed to go on her first business trip. And I was excited that she was coming along, too, because she was so hot! I just wished that the...

4 years ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part5

Stephanie licked her lips as she looked at them. "I have a surprise for you, too, " she said quietly to Kelly. "Ohhhhh, I like the sound of that," Kelly purred. "What is it?" Stephanie felt her cheeks grow warm when she thought about showing her surprise to Kelly. She couldn't quite believe she had done this. "Um, well, I went to one of those adult stores and bought something. I brought it home and washed it, and it's in this towel, " she said with a touch of embarrassment,...

2 years ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part1

In college, Kelly had done a lot of sexual experimentation. She loved sex and decided early on that she didn't need to seal her marital vows as a virgin. She had had a number of relationships with men which she mostly enjoyed. She was once briefly engaged, but it hadn't worked out when divergent career goals interfered. Beyond that, she had a brief but intense relationship with a female classmate. The memory of the sensual exhilaration of a woman's touch excited her to this very day. She...

4 years ago
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Stephanie Just When Things Turned Around Pt 5

About an hour after she officially closed, there was a knock at the office door. She could barely contain her excitement as she opened the door for D, his wife, and their dog. "Hello, I'm Stephanie, I run the kennels and facilitate the breedings," she said, offering her hand. "I'm Janice," replied D's wife. "D says you run a very professional operation here. So, why the after hours meeting?" She asked, somewhat skeptically. As Stephanie led the bitch out to the kennel, she...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 1

"Steve?" My mum calls me from downstairs. "We're heading out now. Don't forget you've got that job interview later on today!" "I won't forget," I shout back from under my bed covers. "Well you'll need to hurry up and get dressed for it!" Mum yells back before heading out of the front door. "You don't know how right you are," I mumble as I get out of bed and stare at the dishevelled youth in my mirror. Staring back at me is a skinny nineteen year old boy with long, scruffy brown...

1 year ago
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Stephanie my cum slut 05

Before going to sleep the night before, I forgot to untie the two sluts and as a result both woke up at 7.30 am with severe cramping in their arms and wrists. Seeing any form of apology as a sign of weakness, I shrugged my shoulders and informed them that it must have been the way they had turned during the night. I now released them and ordered Stephanie to go make me a cup of tea and a couple of toast. Reluctantly she climbed out of bed and I could tell she hated the idea of leaving Serena...

4 years ago
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Stephanie Just When Things Turned Around Pt 4

She walked to one of the pens where one of her more aggressive canine lovers was housed and grabbed him by the collar and led him into a pen with another dog. Once inside, she got on her hands and knees, presenting them a bitch ready to be fucked. The dog who resided in the pen walked up behind her and started licking her well fucked pussy. Stephanie moaned with lust as the broad tongue drug across her swollen lips. After a couple minutes of licking her abused cunt, the large mastiff...

2 years ago
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Stephanie And Me

Stephanie and I had gone to dinner as it was Wednesday night and that was our “subs night out” day. Stephanie is Lisa’s sub and I (Ellen) am Monica’s sub. We had our usual great time, Steph is a really sweet girl and we get along VERY well. We are part time lovers but we both prefer a nice stiff cock plunging in and out of us. A couple of weeks ago, Lisa brought Steph over to my house to watch as I was tightly bound and fucked by Jason, Brad and Mistress. As it turned out she got so...

2 years ago
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The first time I saw Stephanie she really got my attention and the subsequent times I laid eyes on Stephanie she got even more of my attention. She was what you call a "well stacked young lady". I didn't know at the time what size breasts Stephanie was sporting on her chest, but she was one of the better endowed young women in her early 20s that I'd ever seen. Little did I know then that Stephanie was an E-cup and yet, to be very honest, even though her tits looked very nice and very sexy,...

3 years ago
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Stephanie Gets the Grade

"Mr. Roberts?" I didn't even have to look up from my paperwork. I knew that voice all too well. Good thing she couldn’t see my pants. "Ms. Robinson," he said in an only-slightly annoyed tone -- not even bothering to lift my eyes from my work. "To what do I owe the honor?" "I came by to check my grade, but they weren't posted." Although I certainly was in no mood for delays, I knew he had to look up. In my office was Stephanie Robinson. In my 17 years of teaching, she was, hands...

2 years ago
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Stephanie and Willard Browne

The Hamilton High late December homecoming game and dance, and the related after event parties, was always the big event of the upcoming 1new year, every year, kind of a pre-prom I guess one might say. I was taking Stephanie Ward, my girlfriend of the past year. We were both seniors and were even talking about getting engaged and hitched after high school. The plan was for us to get engaged, me join the army and learn a trade, and for her to go to nursing school. And, upon my return, we'd...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 3

"I should get going," I sigh as I watch the clock tick over to 9pm. "Flatmates get kinda paranoid about leaving the front door unlocked this late..." "Well, that makes me feel all the better about you travelling on the tube this late," mum sighs as I grab my backpack and head to the front door. "Are you SURE you don't want to stay over tonight, Steve?" I sigh again as I catch a glance of my make-up free, unshaven face in the hallway mirror. "Nah... Need to be up early tomorrow," I...

4 years ago
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She sat at her desk in the real estate office, going over some papers froma recent sale. Everything looked good to her and once again, she got the peoplea loan and sold the house. She made a good commission from it and that justadded to her fortune. Stephanie was a very sexy, beautiful Asian girl of 25 years old. She hadbeen to college and earned her degree, then went on to real estate school toget her license to sell. She was very well off, since she sold a lot of propertiesand was well liked...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 10

"You know, you look familiar," the cashier says to me as she rings up my items. "Did you used to be on TV?" "Umm... You must have me mistaken for someone else," I reply in my soft, androgynous voice. "Huh," the cashier says. "I could've sworn I've seen your face somewhere before." "...Just got one of those faces, I guess!" I giggle as I bag my purchases and head out of the store, sighing as I examine the items in my bad- foundation, mascara, two colours of eye shadow and a tube...

2 years ago
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Stephanie my slut slave

Stephanie my slut slave 01. Stephanie was 21 years old and an experienced submissive, she came to me through a mutual contact and wanted to spend time as my slave. I was told that her main passion was for being used and abused, in fact she admitted the worse she was used the better she loved it. She was 5? 5? tall weight 130 lbs and had large breasts for her frame size with prominent nipples; her hazel Brown hair was shoulder length. The day she came to my house she was wearing a short...

1 year ago
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Stephanie my cum slut 03

It was about three months later, when I received a call from John at the tattoo studio, A woman had been in, seen the tattoo picture of Stephanie and was deciding whether to have it done to herself, but had strangely asked if it was possible to see the tattoo in the flesh. John had initially said I doubt the couple would be willing for that to happen but to keep the client happy, he promised he would phone and ask. “Is the woman there in the studio now” I asked. “Yes, she seems impatient to see...

2 years ago
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Stephanie Pugh Gets Drugged

It was odd then, that she never seemed to keep hold of her man. Well, initially at least, but her village was relatively small and people talk. Seemed that, as great a fuck she would be, and she DID love sex, it was all pretty vanilla. Stephanie would fuck anywhere, but anal was completely out of the question and, when it came to a blow job, which she was reportedly excellent at, she would neither spit, nor swallow, and coming in her face was forbidden, as was coming anywhere on her person....

4 years ago
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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 6

As with all sub missive females, there comes a time when they out grow the abilities of a particular master and often move up to more stricter masters or one with different likes and dislikes, this way they continue to expand their limits. So it was with Stephanie, She and I both agreed we had exhausted all the things she needed to learn to be a complete slut slave, however I told her she would not be moving far as I had arranged for Robbie to take on her training as he liked things I did...

4 years ago
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Stephanies Ordeal

Stephanie had it all planned out, she was going to get drunk tonight with her boyfriend and his friends, and then later that night she would fuck her boyfriends brains out. She got all prettied up, did her hair, shaved her legs, and got ready to go. She arrived at her boyfriends place that night and proceeded to get drunk, by the end of the night however, everyone else was drunk, but she only had a buzz going on. With everyone else drunk, soon the jokes and sexual humour began to arise. One of...

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Stephanie part 6

"Hi mum," I whisper hoarsely. "Hi dad. I- I'm Stephanie..." My legs shake harder and I almost collapse to the floor as, with a stoic expression on his face, dad slowly rises from his seat and walks toward me... "...It's nice to meet you, Stephanie," dad says, embracing me in a fatherly hug. "Umm," I say, shocked by the sudden turn of events. "Hello, daughter," mum says, standing up and joining in the hug. "Mum?" I ask in a small voice, confused by the unexpected outcome of...

1 year ago
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Stephanie my cum slut

Stephanie my slut slave 01. Stephanie was 21 years old and an experienced submissive, she came to me through a mutual contact and wanted to spend time as my slave. I was told that her main passion was for being used and abused, in fact she admitted the worse she was used the better she loved it. She was 5’ 5” tall weight 130 lbs and had red top no bra on her 36 A breasts and as it turned out no knickers above the self supporting red fish net stockings. I took her in doors and had her carry her...

4 years ago
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Stephanie part 11

"Is there any point in having a birthday party if the actual birthday girl herself isn't going to be here?" Becca moans as she paces back and forth, nearly deafening everyone with the rustling of her petticoats underneath her knee-length pink dress. "Oh, just give her time," Adeola says. "She'll get here eventually. It's not her fault her family lives an hour and a half away and she's their only child." "And besides," I say quietly as I fidget in my pink stockings and extra-high...

2 years ago
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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 5

Before going to sleep the night before, I forgot to untie the two sluts and as a result both woke up at 7.30 am with severe cramping in their arms and wrists. Seeing any form of apology as a sign of weakness, I shrugged my shoulders and informed them that it must have been the way they had turned during the night. I now released them and ordered Stephanie to go make me a cup of tea and a couple of toast. Reluctantly she climbed out of bed and I could tell she hated the idea of leaving Serena...

1 year ago
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Stephanie and Me

Stephanie and I had gone to dinner as it was Wednesday night and that was our “subs night out” day. Stephanie is Lisa’s sub and I (Ellen) am Monica’s sub. We had our usual great time, Steph is a really sweet girl and we get along VERY well. We are part time lovers but we both prefer a nice stiff cock plunging in and out of us. A couple of weeks ago, Lisa brought Steph over to my house to watch as I was tightly bound and fucked by Jason, Brad and Mistress. As it turned out she got so turned on...

1 year ago
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Stephanie the Highway Whore

In Quebec, they call them ‘highway whores’ or ‘sluts d’autoroute’, and you can find them at virtually all the rest stops along any major freeway, especially between Quebec City and Montreal. But who are they? How do you see one? And what do they do? First of all, you need to know that, scattered along the length of all major freeways in the province, about every 20 kilometers (16 miles) apart, there are special exits you can take that quickly bring you to a little rest station. The rest...

Group Sex
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Stephanie my cum slut 04

As the two sluts showered and I suspect played with each others bodies, I prepared my little surprise for them both. I had designed and built a shock machine, a machine to give a small electric shock with out any amps being present. After all it’s not the voltage that kills you in an electric shock but just one quarter of a mille-amp. The wooden case style box contained a step down transformer from 240 volts AC to 110 volts DC, a sliding resistor to vary the strength of the shock and two banks...

2 years ago
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Stephanie As Raped As Can Be

I was 18 and graduating that year. I'm Asian and 5'9. My cock was only about 5 inches. Although I did martial arts so I was well build and athletic, my ex GF told everyone that my cock was small, so I was kind of a loser and no chick wanted to date me. Stephanie started dating one of the biggest douche bags of the school. His name was Ben, and he was one of the receivers for the football team. He was 6'2 and buff as hell. Scary to be honest. One day during lunch he walked past me...

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Stephanies New Year

Stephanie?s New Year Stephanie?s New Year Story Codes:? m/f, bd, ds, humil, inc, reluc, spank, teen, slow Part 1?????????????????? Stephanie Learns to be Touched Synopsis:? Sequel to ?Conversations with Anna? by Katie Dale.? The original story was an instant message conversation and was recorded on It involves a 14-year-old girl is gradually introduced into a submissive lifestyle by older brother.? Story is multi-part and rather long.? It is not a ?slam, bam, thank you...

3 years ago
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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 3

It was about three months later, when I received a call from John at the tattoo studio, A woman had been in, seen the tattoo picture of Stephanie and was deciding whether to have it done to herself, but had strangely asked if it was possible to see the tattoo in the flesh. John had initially said I doubt the couple would be willing for that to happen but to keep the client happy, he promised he would phone and ask. "Is the woman there in the studio now" I asked. "Yes, she seems impatient...

1 year ago
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Stephanie my cum slut Part 2

Stephanie my slut slave : Part 2. Two days later, Stephanie was again slip shod in her approach to her master and he decided that this time she was going to be really humiliated. So he arranged to meet her in the centre of town and lead her through a succession of back streets till they reached a pet shop. The took his little cum slut inside the shop and he whispered that she should go select a leather dog collar and leash from near the counter. She should unbutton the top five buttons of her...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Me

This happened when I was visiting Stephanie in New York. Stephanie is my mom's younger sister, she was 36 year old and I was 18 at that time. I came to New York for my college studies and I was to stay with my aunt. Stephanie never got married, she was a designer and was so busy running her boutique that she never had time for getting married. She had a pretty face with a body to match. I got there on Friday and was greeted at her door as she was getting to leave for her work. She told me the...

4 years ago
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"Stephanie! What on earth do you think you are doing?!" I hear behind me. I jump, dropping my magazine to the floor. "Mr Dawson! What... What are you doing here? At this time?""What does that matter, Stephanie? What matters is what I have just witnessed you doing! You know that... Material is not allowed in my school! You're a whore, Stephanie!""Mr Dawson-""I'll be writing to your parents about this, Stephanie. Do you think your father will be proud to hear that you've been looking at naked...

3 years ago
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STEPHANIE by Michelle X. Hello. My name is Melissa. I have an unusual hobby. I turn men into women. Yes, you read that correctly. I turn men into women. And I don't mean helping men get dressed up as a woman for a costume party or something like that. I take unsuspecting men and actually turn them into complete females. By the time I'm done with a guy, I'll will have placed him in such a position that he lives his entire life as a woman and can do nothing about it. In...

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Stephanie part 22

"No peeking!" Kayla admonishes me as I enter her bedroom. "What, I'm not allowed to see my girlfriend naked?" I tease, smiling as Kayla giggles and tosses a ball of scrunched-up wrapping paper at me. "I'M not naked," Kayla retorts. "D'aww," I pout, earning another giggle. "Your presents, on the other hand, are!" Kayla yells as she jumps off her bed and closes the door- though not before giving me a gentle kiss. I giggle as I leave my girlfriend be and return to the living...

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Stephanie part 8

"You don't lie to me," I sing in my low, sultry voice. "You don't lie to me," Lauren repeats in her own rich singing voice. "You don't lie to me," Kayla sings with a devilish look in her eyes. "You don't lie to me..." Adeola sings as we all so a single turn before we all throw our arms in the air. "No more lies!" The five of us sing in unison, earning a thunderous rounds of applause from our producer Stuart and our choreographer Krystie. "BRILLIANT," Krystie giggles....

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Stephanie part 13

"So, tell us about your new app!" Colin- the show's host- asks the four of us as we sit on the studio's sofa in our expensive clothes. "Well," Becca replies, "it's basically a 'hub' for all things Out of Heaven-related! On it you can find links to all our videos, our personal blogs and Instagram pages." "There are also features that are exclusive to the app," Kayla explains. "Special behind-the-scenes footage from our tours and our recording sessions, exclusive competitions you can...

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“Come on, Steph, we’ve got to get going,” her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room. “Just a minute,” she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves. At 5’3” and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure. She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen. Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes beautifully....

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Stephanie seduces her handsome father

THE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH"Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed."Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him.No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt my nipples stiffen and arch toward him. Lifting the soft sheet away from his golden...

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Stephanie finds a lover on a long space mission

The Longest NightStory Synopsis: On a long space trip, I find the perfect loverStephanie was bored. The one thing she hated about space flight was the fact that you couldn’t go faster then light. Sure, you could go 99.9 per cent but it was a speed limit you had to hold to. With the distance to some of the Common Worlds, it could take a very long time, to go from world to world.The Star Duster was a wonderful ship. All anyone would want, to keep themselves entertained. Some of the passengers...

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Stephanie part 2

"Come on, Steve!" My mum yells, waking me from a fitful sleep. "You don't want to be late on your first day at your new job, do you?" "I'm awake!" I yell downstairs, sighing as I hear the front door slam shut, signifying that I'm alone in the house. I drag myself out of bed and pad to the bathroom, showering and shaving fully, removing any and all facial hair before shaving my arms, legs and chest clean of any stray body hair. I return to my bedroom and apply a full layer of make- up...

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Stephanie part 12

"Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?" Becca, Adeola, Kayla and I sing into our microphones, trying our hardest not to grin as we're almost drowned out by several thousand screaming fans. "Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth... They say in heaven, love comes first, we'll make heaven a place on Earth, ooh, heaven is a place on Earth!" For the next three minutes, I let the wave of euphoria generated by the screaming fans wash over me as we finish our concert- and our entire tour- with...

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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 4

As the two sluts showered and I suspect played with each other's bodies, I prepared my little surprise for them both. I had designed and built a shock machine, a machine to give a small electric shock without any amps being present. After all it's not the voltage that kills you in an electric shock but just one quarter of a mille-amp. The wooden case style box contained a step down transformer from 240 volts AC to 110 volts DC, a sliding resistor to vary the strength of the shock and two...

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Stephanies First Spanking

I don't know why I lied about the stupid vase. It was an accident, a simple slip of my hand as I was dusting the shelf, an unfortunate vibration that caused the ancient ornament to topple over and fall to the floor, shattering into a million pieces. It wasn't even that pretty. I'm sure that Miss Ford wouldn't have batted an eyelid if I'd only come clean about it and told her what happened in the first place.But I didn't. I lied. I looked her in the eye and told her that I didn't know anything...

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Stephanie part 5

"Come on, stop fading away," dad chastises me as I rest my head on the back of the sofa. "We haven't seen you in weeks, don't want to watch you sleep all through your visit!" "Sorry," I mumble, blinking to try to keep my eyes open. "Honestly, Steve," mum says, handing me a much-appreciated cup of tea. "Why don't you just take a week off and come back here, put your feet up, play on your Xbox and recharge your batteries? You don't know how many people I see everyday who works...

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Stephanie Just When Things Turned Around Pt 33

Two and a half months ago when I took the job at the kennel, I never knew it would lead to where I'm at today. Bob had hired me as his kennel manager, and it had some amazing perks, like the apartment that I stayed in rent free at the kennel. Then one night after too much wine, I went into a kennel with one of the dogs and was raped. But, to my dismay, I found that I wanted to cum, and was fucking him back as hard as he plowed me. The next day, I found a collar with a pendant that...

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Stephanie McMahonrsquos hot ESPY awards encounter

It’s the red carpet at the 2019 ESPY awards and Stephanie McMahon is wearing this low cut red dress and she’s being interviewed and she’d drank a lot of coffee and water in the morning on the way there so she’s absolutely busting to piss and is practically busting at the seams she’s trying not to wiggle fidget squirm and dance around too much but she’s extremely desperate to pee and she’s really really really really gotta go pee but the women’s bathroom is flooded so she’s gotta hold it in for...

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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 2

Two days later, Stephanie was again slip shod in her approach to her master and he decided that this time she was going to be really humiliated. So he arranged to meet her in the centre of town and lead her through a succession of back streets till they reached a pet shop. They took his little cum slut inside the shop and he whispered that she should go select a leather dog collar and leash from near the counter. She should unbutton the top five buttons of her blouse. When she had selected...

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