She Had It All free porn video

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The war referenced in this story is fabricated in order to make the ages and time-lines work.

At thirty she had it all, didn’t she? Five years earlier her appearance on a television reality show had quickly brought her worldwide attention and fame. As cheesy as the experience had been, it had opened many doors for her. It hadn’t hurt that she was beautiful…sexy.

While she had always struggled with her weight, she was one of those lucky women with the height to carry a few extra pounds. She believed her butt was too big but her ass seemed to ignite male fantasies wherever she appeared or was photographed. Her tits certainly did. She couldn’t remember the last man who hadn’t stared at them. Her absurdly long legs, shining tresses and ‘come hither’ smile certainly didn’t hurt. She was a household name, both adored and despised, depending on the fan base.

A major pop culture weekly had included her in their list of the 100 most beautiful women in the world. Every grimy detail of her life, many exaggerated or patently false, covered the Internet. Her first album had quickly gone double platinum in spite of garnering scathing reviews as ‘unfocused’ or ‘a muddy mix of pop wannabe and unfulfilled promise.’ Looking back she had not been pleased with that first effort, it was over-produced and hardly memorable. Her crystal clear voice with its remarkable range and power was often drowned out by over-mixed instrumentals and backup singers. She had attempted to take control of the project—to make it more ‘current’—to appeal to those who had supported her. Her instincts had been inaccurate or at least inexperienced.

Instead of being perceived as a serious artist, she had become what she so despised—a pop star—or worse. The ‘worse’ was being compared to other marginally talented ‘pop tarts’ who seemed to dominate the current music scene. She knew that she was better than that—knew she ‘had the music in her’ and the ability to stun an audience with her vocal prowess and interpretation. She had done so on isolated occasions but had unfortunately gotten a reputation for being inconsistent and ‘not living up to her potential.’

Her second album had been pure pop—and had also gone multi-platinum. It had garnered even more scathing reviews in spite of producing two number one hits and a Grammy nomination. ‘Forgettable,’ said Rolling Stone, and that had been nicer than some others had been. Yet, her label had been ecstatic as the CDs leapt off the shelves and the download sites listed it in their top ten for almost six months.

The constant scrutiny had taken its toll. She certainly knew that her taste in men, as illustrated by several dreadful failed relationships in the previous five years, was abysmal. Prior to becoming famous her record in romance was equally awful. Men certainly wanted to date her—fuck her. She was drawn to men much older than she was. All had been reasonably attractive and moderately successful. All had controlled her…attempted to remake her…shape her to fit their needs. She had let them—encouraged them to do so—and then hated them for it.

‘Face it, Taylor. At thirty you are a complete basket case’ she thought. ‘You’re insecure, needy, clingy and neurotic. A string of therapists have had little if any impact on your mental state. You’ve gone through eating disorders, dabbled in wacko religions and almost ended up in rehab for alcohol abuse. You’ve been photographed in revealing poses while hanging out with the most notorious pop sluts. The more tawdry the event the more in demand you became—accompanied by a surge in sales of your two decidedly ‘forgettable’ albums.’

Her tours had been a mixed bag. They sold out quickly in spite of the fact that last minute cancellations blamed on laryngitis—but in fact the result of anxiety attacks—were an all too common occurrence. With the right audience and the right frame of mind, she could thrill and dazzle…leave them breathless. Too often she was just going through the motions, allowing the pyrotechnics, a solid band and strong backup singers to carry the load.

The best thing she had done over the previous five years was save most of her money. Taylor had grown up middle class and did not fall prey to the ‘spend it now’ disease that afflicted too many young stars who are enjoying real wealth and false security for the first time in their lives. She had a degree—even had a minor in business. She could quit, she could accept the fact that she would never be considered a serious artist. She could take her money and run. In fact, that was essentially what she had done, she had packed up a few things, gotten in her car and started to drive.

Her label desperately wanted to re-sign her, she had balked, unconvinced that they really cared about her art. She had left that one in limbo. She’d fired her management and furloughed her band. While she still had a contract with her agent and publicist for a few more weeks, she doubted that she would extend it. She had told no one where she was going, she hadn’t really known herself. She had made periodic calls to her mother, often simply leaving a message that she was okay but not giving her location.

A little over 2,000 miles later she had taken a detour to a small city with a regional state university in a state which, while south of the Mason-Dixon line, had a decidedly Midwestern ambiance. She’d been attracted to the name of the town in question, she knew absolutely nothing about it. After driving around for several hours, she decided she wanted to stay for a while. Her car was now situated just off the roadway, it had stopped running. She’d opened the hood, more to indicate to passers by that she had car trouble than with any sense that she could fix the car.


Jake was tired, sweaty and smelly. He had just hauled the fifth and final load of horse manure to his small spread as part of a vegetable garden project which he had been thinking about for some months. He had stopped at a truck wash to clean up the small, ancient but mechanically sound dump truck before returning it to a friend. He almost didn’t stop, hell, whoever it was had probably already called the auto club. At the last second, he hit the brakes and pulled in behind the disabled import, to the consternation of the SUV following too closely behind him whose driver leaned on his horn in expression of his or her ire.

‘Jesus, that lady is all legs!’ he mused, for it had been the alluring rear view of her tightly clad form which had caused him to stop. Big girl…easily five-nine or ten…a deliciously full rump…not fat by any means but delightfully full figured. ‘Sturdy’ his father would have observed. He climbed down from the cab and ambled toward the legs.

‘Hi! I’m Jake. I’d shake your hand but then you’d smell as bad as I do and that wouldn’t be right. What seems to be the problem?’

‘Taylor. I’m Taylor. I’m not really sure. It just stopped and then I think I ran the battery down trying to get it going again.’ Taylor was her given middle name, she had adopted her first name professionally even though some record producer had said her middle name sounded more ‘interesting.’ Today she was just Taylor, not Katherine.

Taylor quickly perused her new acquaintance. He was tall, easily six-four, sporting at least a two day growth of facial hair, bib overalls over a worn tee shirt and well aged boots. His unkempt hair was decidedly blondish, his shoulders were broad and his arms well formed. His smile was not threatening, in any event it was broad daylight on a well traveled stretch of road. He was obviously a man who worked with his body rather than his mind. The truck was an antique but certainly well maintained. To her surprise she did not find the strong smell of horse manure offensive. She had learned to ride at an early age and knew that she was in the heart of horse country.

‘Taylor, do you know something about cars—any thoughts on what might be wrong?’< br>
‘Not really. I guess I thought if I looked at it long enough—the engine, I mean—it might start out of pity.’

Jake knew something about engines, he examined the engine, checking for a possible loose wire, connection or hose.

‘Taylor, is there the slightest chance that you ran out of gas?’

‘The gas gage can be a little erratic…I wasn’t really paying attention.’

‘Okay. I’ve got a can of gas in the truck, let’s try that but I’m going to have to drive down and turn around—you need a jump and the cables in the truck aren’t that long.’

Jake added two and a half gallons of gas to her tank, then climbed back up into the truck. It took almost a mile before he found a place to turn around. Returning he pulled it in front of her vehicle as close as he possibly could. As he was hooking up the cables a police cruiser pulled in behind the stalled auto and turned on its reds and blues. Jake instantly recognized the deputy sheriff as he approached, they’d shared more than a few beers and the occasionally humorous war story at the VFW hall.

‘Hey, Mike!’

‘Hey, Jake! I thought it was you. You got everything under control here?’

‘We’re about to find out, Mike. Do you mind doing the honors? I’m pretty sure Taylor here would never get the smell out of her car if I got behind the wheel.’

‘You got it!’

In a matter of seconds the engine came to life. Jake disconnected the cables and returned them to the dump truck. When he returned to the car, Mike had engaged Taylor in conversation. She looked at Jake, smiled and thrust some crumpled bills toward him to pay for the gas. He just shook his head. She didn’t push the point.

‘Judging from your plates you are a long way from home, miss. You’re not lost, are you?’

‘I don’t think so, officer—sheriff. Actually I saw the name of this town and was intrigued by it. I’m sort of on vacation…taking some time off…no real destination…just trying to get away from the hustle and bustle.’

‘You remind me of someone…just can’t place it. Well, welcome to our little piece of heaven! The winters can be a little frisky but early spring is very special. Are you planning to stay for a while?’

‘I think so…at least for a few days. Can you recommend a decent place for the night?’

‘The University Motel—about a mile back—is clean and decent. Let me give you my card. My wife is in real estate, if you decide to stay on she can help you find a place. There are lots of vacancies once the school year ends. Here. I’ll put her name and number on the back of my card.’

‘Thank you.’

‘I’ll stop traffic so you can turn around if you want to go back to the University Inn. Be careful now.’

Taylor executed her police assisted u-turn, leaving Mike and Jake chatting at the side of the road.

‘Jake, is this old Bill Rogers’ truck?’

‘Yep, I borrowed it for the day. I’ve always wanted to have a big-ass veggie garden but my soil leaves something to be desired.’

‘You could have hired someone to deliver all the horse manure you could possibly want. You’re not exactly on welfare.’

‘You know me, Mike, I love this kind of project and it just isn’t as much fun if you hire it out.’

‘Well, one more skill set to add to your resume. Let’s see what’s it up to now? War hero, college professor, restaurant and bar entrepreneur, song writer and guitar picker extraordinaire—and now shit hauler?’

‘It gives me something to fall back on if the other things fall through. As soon as I get all the manure tilled in it’s going to be fence painter—next week, I’m thinking. War hero—my ass! I was there just like you were…fortunate to come home in one piece. The restaurant is not yet profitable and last time I checked, a college professor at a small regional state university is not exactly landed gentry. As far as the song writing goes, sure I’ve had a few successes but I’m not exactly a household name. As far as the guitar picking goes, since I play for free at my own place…’

‘I’m not going to argue—except with the war hero part, flyboy. I came home in one piece because you hauled my busted up ass out of that fucking PZ and I’ll never forget it—or let you forget it. Cute girl!’

‘Young…very young.’

‘Oh, Christ, now you’re sounding like an old man!’

‘Hitting forty does that to you, Mike.’

‘Tell me about it. Speaking of old men, how’s your daughter doing?’

‘Jenny’s doing great! She’s helping out at the bar over the summer, she starts grad school in the fall at State. Having a twenty-two year old daughter really makes me feel old. She’s an amazing kid! I wish her mom could have been here to see her…as a young adult.’

‘Well, don’t hurt yourself painting fence. I better get back to work. Later!’

As Taylor settled into her room in the motel she thought back to her encounter with Jake. She had to laugh at herself. Here she was with several million dollars well secured in a reasonably conservative investment portfolio, whining about her lot in life and here was a man who evidently hauled shit for a living and seemed quite contented. From the reaction of the deputy sheriff, Jake was evidently not of the criminal element. There had definitely been more than a passing acquaintance, the two men knew each other…were friends…good friends. Taylor realized she had no real friends, certainly no one she really could trust. In that sense the man who hauled shit for a living had it all over her.

The next day she called the number on the back of the card that Mike, the deputy sheriff, had given her. It was the slow season. Mike’s wife, Vanessa, was available immediately to help her find more permanent lodging.

‘Rent or own, Taylor? I guess that does depend on how long you plan to stay.’

‘Own, I think, my father always told me that renting was foolish. Something outside of town? Maybe a few acres around it? Older rather than new? Something that would benefit from a little love and paint?’

‘The ticklish question now, Taylor. How’s your credit? Do you have financing? What’s your price range?’

‘My credit’s fine. No, I haven’t arranged any financing and as to price range, I really don’t know. I don’t need something that big—it’s just for me. I would like a few acres…some trees.’

‘Do you have a job?’

‘I am actually taking some time off from work—but I do have some investments…and some…royalties. I’m not really sure if a mortgage is what I…’

‘Well, Taylor, thanks to the electronic age, you and I can enter a little information on the computer and we’ll know what you can qualify for in a matter minutes—how’s that sound?’


The answer came back quicker than Vanessa had anticipated.

‘Oh, my. Well, it would seem that, at least as far as this market goes, you can pretty much buy whatever you want. I suppose you could even pay cash for it—but tax wise that would be foolish.’

‘Vanessa, do you and I have anything approaching a, ‘doctor-patient’ relationship?’

‘I don’t discuss my clients’ financial status with anyone—even my family.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Taylor, let’s get in the car and go explore. I’ve got a couple of places in mind. They’re former working farms—small, marginal and sadly now failed. The houses are solid, albeit in need of some modernization but certainly immediately livable. The bank owns ’em so that closing can be very quick—particularly with a cash or high down payment sale.’

By lunch time Taylor had found exactly what she was looking for. A former horse farm of just under a hundred acres with a sturdy and mechanically sound, if somewhat dated farm house which still held the preponderance of its former occupants’ furniture. While waiting to meet with the bank officer, she opened a checking account and ordered checks after depositing the bulk of the traveler’s checks she had with

A quick cell phone call accomplished a wire transfer to her newly established account. She had alerted her financial advisor earlier that morning so the transfer was executed immediately. By early afternoon Taylor was a new homeowner, having elected to take out a mortgage in view of the tax implications, in spite of the fact that she could have literally written a check for the farm.

Two days later she moved out of the motel and into her new digs. Vanessa had helped her procure the services of a yard service and a cleaning crew. She added a few items—updated appliances and a new bed—but essentially, everything else was ‘as is’ until she decided where to begin. She decided to repaint the main bedroom before having the floors refinished. While she realized that there were many things she would need to hire a contractor to take care of, she wanted to give the place her own feel and painting was certainly well within her competence level.

On a lark, Taylor decided one day that she wanted to get involved in something—help people. Some sort of charity work—volunteer somewhere. She drove into town, aimlessly searching for something or some place. She soon discovered a small homeless mission/soup kitchen. As she was looking for a place to park she saw him—Jake. He was walking into the mission, he was shaking his head and seemed slightly disoriented.

So that must be his poison of choice, she thought to herself. He’s a drunk, probably shaking off a binge. More than likely he had spent the money he had recently made hauling manure on booze and was now relegated to eating at a mission. She didn’t want to embarrass him. She drove on.

‘Jake! Thanks for coming in to fill in for me—what the hell happened to you?’

‘Fred, my truck is in for service and the only loaner they had is a damn sardine can. I smacked my head getting out. I’m fine—more embarrassed at my clumsiness than anything else. You get out of here. I can stick around until six—no need for you to come back.’

‘You’re a life saver, buddy. Two more weeks of this shit and then, hopefully, I’m done with chemo.’

‘You just get better, old friend—you hear?’

Seeing Jake in his state had shaken Taylor, her father had been an alcoholic. She herself had almost started down the same road right after high school. There but for the grace of God. She went home, intent on renewing her search the following day.

The next morning she was surprised to discover a small Veterans Hospital. As she walked up to the front door admiring the perfectly maintained rose garden, she was even more surprised when Jake popped up from behind a particularly sturdy specimen with Felcos in hand and a light dusting of blue powder which he explained was used to prevent black spot.

‘We meet again!’ he exclaimed.

‘These roses are beautiful, Jake…quite amazing.’

‘They take a lot of care this time of year. They go a little crazy when spring comes and need to be pruned back into line. We have over five hundred bushes here of all types and varieties. The Hybrid Teas need the most attention. What are you doing here?’

‘I’m looking for someplace to volunteer. I thought…’

‘There are never enough volunteers. This is a fairly small facility, essentially long-term care for aging vets who just don’t really have any place else to go. No families or certainly no families that care. Very few have diseases or injuries directly related to their war experience. Some have been crippled in accidents, others have incurable diseases…some are just getting old. A pretty face and a soft voice can mean a lot. Someone to listen to them…talk to them…read to them…laugh with them.’

‘Are you a veteran, Jake?’

‘That I am! U. S. Army. Served back in a war that everyone has tried to forget. Most of the folks here are from the ones before that. Ask for Mary Roberts—she’s the director here.’

He certainly seemed to have recovered from his drinking binge, Taylor thought to herself. He seemed clear-eyed and lucid. She thought of asking the director of the hospital about him but decided it wouldn’t be appropriate. Maybe after she had been involved at the hospital for a while. She ended up volunteering to come in three afternoons a week. In her ample spare time she decided to attack her first painting project—the main bedroom.

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Shelly Part 2 Halloween

After that first night, Rachel and I developed a bond that was closer than the loose friendships among the rest of the group. We began to meet at least once a week to study for Calculus together and would often have lunch after class or simply sit and talk. I learned that she was a Biology major. She took it upon herself to be my mentor, to help me avoid or at least get through all of the mistakes and missteps that everyone made in their first year. There were nights when we would just the two...

2 years ago
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Little Orphan Sallie

The big city was a lot different in the daylight than at night. Sallie Shadow liked it better at night because she could slide around everywhere and remain mostly hidden in the darkened corners away from the streetlamps at her own volition. Hardly anyone knew Sallie's last name was Shadow because she never used it unless she was caught in a situation that demanded she repeat her full name. Usually, that was in places like some silly soup kitchen or even a Police Station when she got scooped...

4 years ago
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Crusher 2

I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...

1 year ago
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I met Sheetal at the local Costco. I was there with my wife Rupali. She loved buying stuff in bulk. I guess I should be thankful to have a wife who is so frugal with my money but the idea of buying diapers by the caseload hardly fills me with the same kind of excitement as it does her. I love Rupali; ours was a love marriage though with the consent of both our parents. We both grew up in India and met in college here in the US. That's where we fell in love and decided to get married. We held...

4 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 12 The Magic Of Fallon

The next morning came so quick I had to ask myself did I even go to sleep. As I showered last night I just freshened up, got dressed even I had to admit these girls dressed me well. When the girls came down I told them we would be doing dinner at my parent’s house. I called mom to ask her, if tonight was spaghetti night? She said, “Yes it is if I was going to be there.” I asked her “If we needed to bring anything?” “No just a big appetite,” was her response. I let her know it would be just...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 182 Meanwhile What Had Been Happening in Corvallis

Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 6, 2005 Vanessa's story interrelates too much with Mom's and the PIs, so I'll merge their stories to make them more comprehensible. Vanessa's fun and games started when Prof called her early Tuesday evening, after he'd started talking to Patrick. Patrick had mentioned that Binion's would send investigators to Corvallis. Prof had excused himself, called Vanessa, warned her that there could well be investigators in Corvallis already, and to keep Mark...

2 years ago
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Shelia pays off bet

Shelia pays off betChapter 1Shelia’s Bar and Fetish shop was the hub of the BDSM community in South Florida.  Also many folks came from other parts of Florida, as she had a reputation for the finest B&D  fetish wear and equipment in the state.  Shelia Bobbs was 35 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10? and about 140lb.  She was very popular and her close friends also knew she had a dungeon up in her loft for their enjoyment.  It was a Monday night in April, when Racheal entered the bar with...

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Sheetal ki chut ki aag mere peshab se bhuji

Hi all. This is my real life story. It’s very hot. So loosen your underwear’s & let the CHUTS become wet & LUNDS become erect & tight. Start rubbing your pussies all you sexy girls & put your fingers inside & start moving …. No start fucking your wet & hot pussies. Right If now you are set, I will tell my real life story for your sexual pleasures & fantasies. It so happened that once during my exams a very good friend of mine whose name is Sheetal, had requested to study with me turn by turn...

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Meri Patakha Senior Pallavi

Hi friend this is Sam from Bangalore. I am a sports person use to play cricket for my college so have an athletic body and my height is 6 ft with a fair complexion. I have read many stories at ISS and I m a big fan of this site and always thought of when I can also post my story here. So the day has finally arrived. I am here with my story. Lets not take more of your time and let me come to the story….. From here I vl continue my story in hindi. To friends ye story meri aur Pallavi ki hai jo...

2 years ago
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Delivery Boy Laddoo With Sallu

Readers I am Salman Khan from Pakistan….my parents and school and neighborhood all call me Sallu…I am 28 years old strong sporty built and good handsome looks. A strange thing about me is…. I always love fucking Gaand for young Boys only…. I just fuck young age guys with cute and sexy looking boys only….and that’s all…. I have relatively big Laura it is almost 11 inches long and thick pointed dick head around 5 ½ inches round. It gets very hard and swells to full width when I am turned on…. my...

Gay Male
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Gwen And Thad Visit Aunt Abigail

A social whirl enveloped Gwen after her coming out party. Several times a week she was invited to visit one neighbor or another. She sometimes accompanied her parents, and other times she and her brother went together. Still other times she went alone. Always, though, she returned home with her slit well lubricated and her sexual fires quieted for a few hours. Gwen and Thad were popular socially, for between them they could satisfy the most lascivious and rampant desires of men or women....

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Sheryl and her perfect life

I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was the...

4 years ago
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Sheryls Experience at the Edgewater

Sheryl's Experience at the Edge I first met Sheryl several years ago when I was trolling theAOL chat groups as, Spanksalot. Ever since my divorce I had beentalking advantage of my business travel schedule to meet withcouples as a third. Lately, I had been introduced to some mildbondage and Dom/sub games with an older couple I had been partyingwith. I found that I liked to spank and sometimes Dom a wife whilethe husband watched. And I found many other couples who liked toplay this...

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Freshers Mein Phada Senior Ka Seal

Hey iss folks, this is Raunak from Hyderabad writing my first story on iss which is also the first sexual experience of my life.. Telling about me i am an 18year old teenager good physique (gym freak) and the basic reason of me maintaining a good physique and building my body was to have great sex and hardcore sex always fancies me. I’ve been reading iss since my 10 th standard and I am just a crazy fan of dis website.. Coming to the story.. This took place just a couple of days ago.. It was...

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Sheela Ki Maa

Hi friends, shivam here, Banglore me rehne vali kisi bui aurat ko meri zarrorat mehsoos hogi to muje bass ek baar msg kare on Aapne meri last desi hot sex story padhi aur bohat sare response bhi diye, isliye mai apni kahani ka agla instalment leke aapke samne aaya hu,aap sab to mere aur sheela ke najayaz rishte ke bare me jante hai, hum dono ne kai mahino taktak apna ye khel jari rakha, kabhi sheela ke ghar me, kabhi mere ghar me, kabhi kitchen me, car me, terrace pe, koi bhi aisi jagah nahi...

2 years ago
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Sheri the Tourist Gets Used

Sometimes you never know when things work out. There I was in a bar in Sydney on a Monday after a committee meeting debriefing about the day’s events. We had had a few drinks, when I heard a woman with an American accent at the bar order a drink. She was sitting by herself. I guessed she was in her sixties, but certainly well dressed and well-presented overall. I could see that she had a delightfully ample chest. Her gaze seemed to be inviting, so I did the appropriate thing and said hello...

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The Possession of Mallory

The Possession of Mallory By X-Girl Chapter One The flat landscape of Indiana with its long distant fields and cold Saharan sunsets hides a hidden treasure. And an urban, east coast man sought to mine it from the front porch of his home and pressed between his hands was a thick envelope... "Sign right here," said the courier. "Okay," said the man. "Thank you," said the courier and he stepped away tipping his hat and said, "Good day." Mallory, had now released his offer...

5 years ago
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Shela ka biaah aik army major arun sey howa aur unkey han aik ladrka aour aik ladrki paida howi. Ladrka badr tha aour ladrki chotti. In bachoon key baad arun ki sey ki chahat kam honey lagi. Shela ney subhi kuch ker dekha mager aik wakat aisa aagia ki arun maheno shel ko na chodta. Ahista ahista uska dhian baher ki aourton ki terf honey laga aour wo yeh sub kuch chupa ker nien kerta tha bulkey shel ko na serf pata tha ki uska pati kiya kerta hey bulke arun baher ki aourton ko ab gher laney laga...

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Shelia The Shark

They called her Shelia the Shark, oh not to her face of course, but it was certainly whispered behind her back and she hated it! She had been tagged with the moniker because as one of the five prosecuting DA's in the city she alone ate up defense attorneys and didn't bother to spit out their bones! She was especially ruthless when it came to prosecuting murder cases, and of special interest to her were those involving innocent women. Tuesday, Current Year Shelia Ross sat at her desk and...

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Sheena Jungle Queen Ch 02

I woke the next morning to Sheena’s sweet kisses. Once my eyes were open the golden jungle goddess smiled at me and kissed her way down my body. My arms and legs were stiff and numb from having been immobilized all night but I could not have cared less. I certainly didn’t feel any discomfort as Sheena slid her sweet lips all over my shaft with the same amazing intensity of the night before. To my utter delight Sheena mounted me again. I watched her lovely tits bounce evocatively as she slid her...

3 years ago
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Sheryl and the Straitjacket Incident

Chapter One "Hey, pass me that flow coefficients sheet, will you?" "No prob. The laminate flow one, right?" I slide the piece of paper over to the right, and Sheryl cranes her neck down just a tad to get a better look. A few strands of hair fall out over her left ear; with fluttering heart, unsure of what her reaction will be, I restore the wayward strands back to their regal perch. She turns her head towards me. I'm delighted to see that she's smiling. "Thanks, man." I'm a...

5 years ago
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HALLE (Part 1) Hi, my name is Terrie and want to tell you about meeting the most wonderful girl, Halle. First of all, a little about me. I'm a bi-sexual girl, and have been since my early teens. I'm currently attending college and working on my Masters in psychology. I enjoy going to the various gay/lesbian clubs for the obvious reasons. And, it was at one of these clubs that I met Halle. I had just arrived in town to work on my Masters at City College, and had been told by some...

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Sheela teacher tho naa sex experience

Hai naa peru ramky! Nennu ikhada meeku chepe visayam real ga jarigindhi.adhi naa 10th class chdive rojulu,maa teacher peru sheela ,thanu chala andamuga untundhi, valla native place challa duramuga untundhi,sheela okkare oka room tesukuni job chesthundhi.maa class lo 4 members thana dagara tution chepinchukunevam. Sheela ki monthly some tution fees kuda ichevallam.roju 4:30pm nundi 6:30 varaku chepedhi.e incidedent oka roju jarigindhi,aa roju enduko naa friends evarru tution ki raledhu,neenu...

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Sheena Jungle Queen

Our project was meant to preserve the African jungle, The irony of tearing down a stand of old growth forest to set up the satellite data links we would need and the structures to house our operation was lost on none of us. We justified it by the fact that once our buildings and antennas were up we would be able to monitor wildlife over a broad area, spot poachers in record time, and preserve the habitats of large numbers of species both threatened and endangered. We had support from several...

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Sheri and Jeanette Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jeanette followed her cousin downstairs. She had to make an effort not to cross her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, knowing that they were going to ask Ethan to fuck them. "Where is he?" she said. "I don’t see him yet." Jeanette nudged Sheri and pointed. "Look, there he is," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. "Check out his pants. He’s already got a woody. Let’s ask him. That woody will fix that funny feeling inside you."...

2 years ago
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Shepard and Veetor

~Hey, am silling working on my other story right now , but I have been thinking about wirteing this for some time now. Am thinking of putting this under Non-Erotic, seeing as this is much more about love, than sex. If you don’t know the story line to the game mass effect I wouldn’t even try to read this, but your welcome to. Just know this is about Female shepard and Veetor (the quarian she saved in mass effect2. P.s. mass effect is a game played in the furture and quarians are just another...

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Sheetal and Nisha Love Part 1

hi sweethearts this is raghav from hyd reply comment at … iam a big fan of iss since the website has been establised iss has shared many moment of lonelyness turning it to hot. about me iam a simple guy with lot of simplycity and knowledge abt market statergy and fund management.with 30 yrs around 65kg weight,5.10″height,weatish skin and people do say tht i have a very masquline voice while my body shaped like a college going student. this is about a shetal of 23yrs wheatish tone around5.6″...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sheri and Jeanette ran to Sheri’s room, giggling. They shut the door and bounced on the bed. Jeanette’s excitement overflowed and she couldn’t stop giggling. Sheri touched her hand. “Guess who I went out with.” “Who?” “Richie Jeeter.” “Oh my God. You really went out with Richie Jeeter?” Sheri nodded, grinning. “On our first date, we went to the school dance. When we were dancing, he was feeling me up. Then, after, he drove me up to the lookout. I was...

4 years ago
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Shelia and Thomas

Chapter 1 — Shelia and Thomas Meet It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the ‘all men are dogs’ theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness. Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing,...

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Sheena by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh "I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out." "Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?" "I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the...

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by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh"I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out.""Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?""I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the professors is a serial killer, or something...

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Sheena8217s Defloweration

This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...

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Fun With Mallory

It started innocently enough. I was a newly hired professor as was Mallory. I was to teach Native American studies and Mallory was to teach English. A few weeks into the semester, someone in the department suggested an evening department meeting and potluck. Mallory quickly volunteered her house and we all agreed. When the evening arrived, we had a quick business meeting and then had our dinner. In addition to the food, it seemed that everybody brought a bottle of wine. Food was served and the...

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Sheena Ryder 200 420000

I love this new globalized world we're living in, where more and more people are pumping out mixed babies. It's already become clear that these mixed folks are generally sexier than their purebred counterparts. That's why all the pure breeds get mad about it. Competition is getting tough, and the mutts are winning.That's why when I heard that a new half-Puerto Rican and half-Greek bitch was entering the industry, I was all eyes and ears. That sound's like a blend I need in my life right away....

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Sherrys Test Ch 20

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort...

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Hot And Horny Mallika

Dear friends, this is a real story about hot love making with mallika who is known for her escapades with 3 men (apart from a husband)…….Well in short her affairs started when her age was 23 and went to a peak with 2 men parallel for 4 years and cut of from one person for few years and with another she wanted to elope and get re married and finally adjusted and stayed back with husband and however the relationship with other two men going strong still …….The initial hot and love making sessions...

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