Ed BiggersChapter 8 free porn video

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Kelly returned to the Druid College once her responsibilities to the Fusion Foundation were over. Leroy left to move his lab closer to home. Ed was surprised to learn that Leroy had learned to fly and had purchased a private plane. The three-hour drive to his new lab was now just a little over an hour away by plane. Ling, working with Cathy and Mary, was still coming to grips with taking over the financial responsibilities for the house.

They were still short-staffed, but it would be a while before the employment firm could identify additional candidates. Marguerite had tried out the last candidate and selected Mona as her assistant. Mary was settling into her job with ease. Claire still had problems with the mixed marriage, but was coming to respect the wives and understand how it was that Leroy could love them.

Ed made the rounds of the house, making sure that everyone was happy. Satisfied that all was well, he stopped by the playroom where Claire was watching over Betsy. Seeing her father enter the room, she ran over to him and jumped into his arms. She asked, “Are you going?”

“Yes, I am,” answered Ed touching her nose.

She smiled and asked, “Can I come with you?”

“Your mother wants you here,” answered Ed.

“I know, but I want to ride a horse,” countered Betsy.

“Not yet,” replied Ed. He jiggled her in his arms and said, “You know that you are too small to sit in the saddle for hours at a time.”

Betsy made a face and said, “Sit? For hours? No way!”

“That’s what I mean,” replied Ed with a chuckle. He knew how to shut down her enthusiasm.

Shrugging, Betsy said, “I guess you’re going to go now.”

“Yes,” said Ed as he set her down on the floor. He added, “I’m going to miss you.”

“I know,” replied Betsy, “and I know that you love me, so you don’t have to say it.”

Ed chuckled and, after kissing her on the forehead, said, “I love you, Betsy.”

“I love you too, Daddy.”

Ed stood and left the room after Betsy ran back to continue the activities that she had been doing with Claire. He exited the house through the back door and looked around. Tied to a horse trailer parked by the door, his new horse waited for him already saddled. He smiled as he thought of the day ahead of him. John had purchased all of the property from the house to the mountains behind it and Ed wanted to spend the day getting a feel for the property. Untying the reins from the back of the horse trailer, Ed mounted and started to ride around the back yard. He wanted to get a feel for the horse and allow the horse to get a feel for the new owner.

While the horse and Ed got better acquainted, he noticed Dan at the fence waving at him. Wondering what the man wanted, he rode over to his neighbor and pulled back on the reigns. The horse was well trained, requiring the smallest of nudges to convey the desired command. Ed said, “Hello, neighbor. Nice day, today.”

“Sure is,” replied Dan eyingeyeing the horse. He didn’t ride horses, but he did ride a three-wheel ATV. He asked, “You going out into the desert for a ride?”

“Sure am. I’m going to ride to the back of our property and back again. It should take the whole day,” answered Ed.

“Would you mind some company?”

“I’d enjoy it,” replied Ed knowing that he would enjoy having a friend that liked to ride in the desert. He looked around and wondered if Dan thought he was going to hike while Ed rode the horse. Knowing from experience that wouldn’t work, he asked, “Do you have a horse?”

“No, I’ve got an ATV.”

Ed frowned, as he replied, “I’m not sure how this horse will react to the sound of an engine. She and I are still learning how to get along.”

Dan smiled understanding the concern. He replied, “It’s a fusion powered ATV. I don’t like the noise of an engine, either.”

That was a possibility that Ed had never considered. He wondered if Kelly would like to go riding with him if she was able to ride an ATV. “I’ll wait for you here.”

“Nah, go on ahead and I’ll catch up,” replied Dan with a smile. It was nice to have something to do on a Saturday. He added, “It will take me a couple of minutes to get packed up and ready to go.”

“Okay,” replied Ed realizing that the ATV could move as fast a horse over the terrain and had the advantage that it wouldn’t get tired. He watched as Dan walked to his house with a bounce in his step. Nodding his head in amusement, he turned the horse and headed towards the desert. He kept a nice even pace knowing that Dan would catch up with him.

He stopped at one point and examined a barrel cactus. There was a small burrow, created by a desert mouse, near the plant. The tell- tail signs of mouse tracks dotted the area around the hole. There were little pairs of footprints with a line running between them made by a tail. A few feet away, another set of tracks that were parallel lines across the desert floor showed the passage of another desert creature. The sand was still filling into the track. A snake had been by here, but it had not encountered the mouse. The last mouse tracks at the burrow led into it. Smiling, he turned the horse so that they would ride diagonal to the snake tracks. After all, the snake had passed by just a couple of minutes ago and he didn’t want to spook the horse.

He looked back towards the house and saw Dan on his ATV moving carefully across the terrain. It pleased him that the guy wasn’t charging over the plants and wildlife in a mad dash across the desert. At least he wouldn’t have to teach the guy to respect nature.

Looking up at the sky, he noticed a vulture circling as it rode a thermal. The wings were outstretched, unmoving, but each time it completed another circuit, it gained another hundred feet in altitude. The vulture moved away seeking another thermal to ride. It was amazing to watch the life created by the Goddess using the power of the God to fly.

The sound of sand crunching behind him announced the arrival of Dan. He stopped next to the horse causing a slight shudder of muscles in its forelegs, which signaled only a slight tension at the appearance of the ATV. Ed was pleased with the reaction of the horse. He reached down and rubbed the horse’s neck.

Dan noticed the interaction between Ed and the horse. Not really knowing that much about horses, he was impressed by it. He commented, “That’s a magnificent horse.”

Smiling at the exaggeration, Ed said, “It’s a good work horse at the end of its career. My buying it was basically its retirement.”

“Oh,” replied Dan.

Looking down at Dan, Ed said, “You look like a city boy to me. Why did you decide to move out here to the wilds of Arizona?”

Dan frowned at the characterization of being a city boy, but it was an accurate description. He answered, “My fear of women had gotten to the point where I couldn’t really relax in town. Women were everywhere. Here, I could get away from them by riding five minutes away from the house on this ATV.”

“Still have that problem?” asked Ed knowing that he had been over a couple of evenings to learn Tai Chi from Ling.

Dan looked at the horizon for a moment and then answered, “There are nerds, super-nerds, and pathological nerds. I’m the last kind and women have tortured me my whole life. I’ve been ridiculed, stood-up, harassed, and belittled in public and in private. On the other hand, I’m obsessed with sex. My body reacts to the female form and that just sets me up for more ridicule. So I guess I still have that problem, but I trust Ling and Claire not to ridicule me.”

Ed thought back to the old days before he met John. In those days, he would have torn Dan apart. He sighed and said, “We live our life according to two major rules. If it harms none, then do it. Protect the weak from the strong. They would never ridicule you. They will push you to be the best that you can be, but never negatively.”

“We aren’t making very good progress on our trip,” remarked Dan deciding that he needed time to think about what Ed had said. He heard the words, but didn’t understand the full implications.

Ed nudged the horse and it started forward at a leisurely pace. Dan started the ATV and rode beside Ed while he considered what the cowboy had said. They rode along silently for a while not talking. Ed felt it was reminiscent of the discussions with John where they would spend most of the time quietly pursuing their own thoughts.

After thirty minutes, Ed stopped his horse catching Dan by surprise. The man stopped and looked at Ed wondering what had provoked him to stop to find that Ed was looking at a hawk resting on a cactus. He examined the hawk and noticed the tension in its body as it stared at a location on the ground. After a few seconds, it flew down and, with a screech, captured a desert mouse. It then lifted off the ground taking the mouse with it.

“The cycle of life,” remarked Ed after the hawk had disappeared from view carrying its meal with it.

“The drama of life,” countered Dan.

“That too,” agreed Ed. It was easy from outside to watch life with an emotional detachment that enabled one to see the cycles of season and the food chain. For the individuals involved, it was a drama of life that counted, a drama marked by birth and death, pain and pleasure, and hope and despair.

Forgetting for a moment about the fact that Ed was a Druid, Dan said, “It makes you wonder about God. Does he help the hawk feed itself so that it can live or does he help the mouse so that it can live? How does a God can make such a choice?”

“The Gods and Goddesses do it by dealing with quantities rather than individuals. Some hawks fail and others succeed, while some mice live and others are consumed. If they need to deal with individuals, they give gifts to a few that can intervene on their behalf,” replied Ed thinking about the activities of the Druids. When there was trouble, Druids stepped in and helped the individuals using gifts bestowed upon them.

“I forgot that you were a Druid. I hope I haven’t offended you,” Dan apologized, wondering if he had insulted Ed by talking about God. In his mind, God was the Christian God he had learned about in Sunday School. It never occurred to him that Ed might view it differently.

“No problem,” replied Ed surprised that Dan was worried about offending him. He added, “There are times when I forget that I’m a Druid. For a lot of my life, I wasn’t a very good person. Then one day, I met John Carter and he taught me how to be a better person. Sometime along the way, I became a Druid. All that did was allow me to help others in ways that were not possible before. I may have met my Gods and Goddesses, but deep inside, I’m still a person with all the faults, flaws, and irrationalities of every other person. I just try not to let them dominate how I behave.”

The comment struck Dan speechless. After that first day when he met Ed, he had researched all that he could about the man on the internet. It had taken him almost an entire day to read the official Fusion Foundation resume for Ed. The man was a giant among men.

He had been surprised to learn that Ed was the head of an entire branch of the Druid Organization. It was the most mysterious branch of the Druid Organization. The cowboy riding a horse beside him didn’t fit what he had thought a religious leader should be. He had expected Ed to act more like a Cardinal, than a regular guy. Dan said, “I guess I don’t understand how you can meet a God and not become something other than human.”

Tilting his head back, Ed laughed aloud as though he had heard the funniest joke of his life. After calming down, he noticed the hurt look on Dan’s face and apologized, “I’m sorry. I don’t understand how you can meet a God and become something other than human.”

Stung by the comment, Dan said, “I don’t understand.”

Ed kicked the horse and it started to move forward. Dan, taken by surprise, had to hurry to catch up. When Dan had caught up, Ed said, “Look around. What do you see?”

“The desert.”

“How does it make you feel?”

Dan looked around trying to really see the desert. Cactus grew in patches around him. A layer of long thorns with sharp tips provided a barrier between him and the meat of the plant. There wasn’t moisture on the ground or humidity in the air. Bare rock covered by thin soil lent a hostile feel to the land. If left alone out here, he’d die from hunger and starvation within a very short period of time. He answered, “Pretty small and vulnerable.”

“It tends to strip away some of that feeling that you’re a master of the universe, doesn’t it?” asked Ed as the horse stepped around a cactus.

“You can say that again,” answered Dan. It was a fact that he tended to feel small in the face of the expanse of the desert. He had to steer around a patch of cactus and envied the fact that Ed could let the horse pick a path through the plants.

“Wouldn’t you say that makes you feel more human?”

“Yes, I guess so,” replied Dan surprised at the characterization.

“You’re looking at a very small part of the Goddess. Imagine the impact of seeing all of her. You’d feel human and nothing else. All that Master of the Universe baloney gets stripped away, leaving behind a real human being - a human that likes to play, to love, to eat, and to make love.”

Dan didn’t comment on what Ed had said, but understood that he was seeing deeper into the soul of Ed than he had ever seen of another human being. It made him think about what it meant to be a human. It seemed that in years gone past, he had forgotten how to play and to love. He realized that he might never have known how to love. It was a fact that he had never known how to make love.

The men continued on their journey, not talking as they each pursued their own thoughts. It was a glorious day with perfect temperature. The sky was that amazing blue color that is only found in the southwest. Not a cloud marred the expanse of blue above them. The result was that shadows were sharp and well defined. The colors were intense and bright. This was the kind of day that recharged Ed’s soul and when he was the most at home in the desert.

Around noon, they were an hour from the edge of the property and Ed began to think of eating. He looked down at Dan and asked, “Are you getting hungry?”

The reminder of food made Dan realize that while he had packed water, he hadn’t brought any food. Embarrassed, Dan confessed, “I forgot to bring food.”

“No problem. I have an MRE. They’re not great, but they are good.”

The men stopped and ate lunch. Dan watched as Ed ate his sandwich, amazed at his total concentration on the food. Seeing the delight that Ed got from his food made him wonder if he actually knew how to eat. They didn’t talk much as they ate. Once done, they mounted up, Ed on his horse and Dan on his ATV.

They reached the edge of the property an hour after finishing lunch. Ed looked around and noticed a dark area that seemed odd to him. He stood up in the stirrups to try and get a better view of the area. Puzzled, he said, “Dan, there’s something odd over there. I’d like to investigate it.”

Same as Ed Biggers
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True Story a stranger encounter

Hey again, as a lot of you have shown an interest in my past sexual experiences i thought i would entertain you with yet another hehe. I like all story's to be completely true so some may not be as exciting as others but i will do my best for you lovely people.Now this particular incident happened back when i was 18 so 8 years ago and funnily enough also happened on a bus, just like how my encounter with mike started. Unfortunately for you lovely people this time it did not result in...

2 years ago
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Naked Swim Team Ch 01

A college student must be naked for swim practice. The bell rang. Everyone jumped out of their desks and bolted for the door, except for a few students, including me. The other three were girls. One of them, whose name was Elana, was talking to another one named Alexis. Elena was a sophomore, and Alexis was a junior. The third was a freshman girl named Alice. She was packing up her backpack. Elana was an attractive Iranian girl with long black hair that covered the top half of her back....

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The Mens Room

Just at the wrong time the door to the men's room swooshes open. Not now! I'm right there... Right there! I grit my teeth and freeze, keeping very still. The stall door two cubicles down squawks on its hinges and the metallic jangle of a belt buckle sounds loud in the silence. I can feel you tense beneath me, your manhood hugely swollen in my steaming sheath. As silently as I can, I pull my legs up so that they won't be visible beneath the partition. It's difficult to balance on your lap that...

Straight Sex
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SnatchedChapter 26

At last it was close enough to noon for a meal to be a good possibility. Denac and I mounted up, and of course Lanita wanted to ride. Nosey knew he needed to go too, and away we went. Showing that he was a very smart donkey, Nosey joined the others for the raft ride over the river instead of following us. He had to gallop to catch up after he was across, and he berated us with several hee haws while he was at it. This announced our return to camp. Nosey and Lanita didn't get much adult...

2 years ago
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The Passage of Time 2

It was a few weeks since the Bedroom Incident. We’d plenty since then but the following is another major one. It must have been around 7.30 in the evening & the climate was getting more humid by the day. Dad was still out and Mum had come back and was busy preparing the supper in the kitchen. She’d told little Nora to take a bath as soon as she’d come back from her play in the park. But she’d gone on dilly-dallying it till about now. I was in my room studying. I heard her singing a song and...

3 years ago
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Hitting the showers1

"its fucking cold out here." Ross replied. taking his hands out from Shaun's pockets. it was a mid January day and Ross and his best friend Shaun where running laps for there after school detention. It turns out that unscrewing a teachers coffee mug top was not the smartest prank to pull when there are witnesses everywhere. "how much longer of this do we have to do" Shaun asked. "i don't know but if we don't stop soon i'm going to get frost bite. speaking of frost bite how is...

2 years ago
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Max ScoresChapter 4

Breakfast the following morning was fun. Max came downstairs after waking to find his bed empty, and found his sisters making a big breakfast. Their chatter and giggling could be heard from the top of the stairs, and when he turned the corner into the kitchen, Maggie saw him. She came running, then threw herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around him, still gloriously naked. She kissed him with enough heat that he was seriously considering taking her back upstairs when his father came...

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mum in law 3

As I lay naked on the beach towel beside my gorgeous mum in law I kept reliving the glorious experience I had just had with her, how her mouth and tongue felt on my cock and the superb sight of her tit wanking me to an explosive orgasm, I could still feel her sticky pussy juices on my leg and as I watched her nakedness beside me my cock started stirring into life again.I looked into her eyes and saw her slowly close hers and saw a cheeky smile spread across her full red lips, She turned her...

4 years ago
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Slippery Maneuvers

“Do you trust me?” I ask as I tie a blindfold around your eyes. “Yes, of course I do,” you respond with a smile, not knowing what I want to do, but sure that it will be enjoyable. “Come with me.” I take you by the hand and guide you to something soft. As you climb on it, it feels like the bed. “Kneel down,” I tell you, “and put your elbows against your knees.” You do so. Then you feel something going around the back of your knees,...

2 years ago
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The Day Before the Day

“I can see her lyin’ back in her satin dress In a room where you do what you don’t confess. Sundown, you better take care if I find you been creepin’ round my back stairs. Sundown, you better take care if I find you been creepin’ round my back stairs. -Gordon Lightfoot, “Sundown” The strobes turned off, leaving the stage lit by the spinning disco ball in the center of the room. The stage lights came up as the DJ walked out to center stage, mic in hand; slipping a little on some of the...

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Assman replys on Analsex Queries

Dear friends, here’s Ass man again. I wrote “Ass man” under couple coz don’t know where else it suits. If there was an Anal section, I would. Though the article reading hit rate was fairly poor, but I am delighted to see all your ques. Seems I cud ring sum bell and interest on this issue. Too many question came, i felt rather than posting my own incidents, i should reply to clarify some concern n confusion on Anal sex u have, both for men n women. I am no sexologist, but seeing your question, i...

2 years ago
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Working with Cuz Part 1

It was another boring day hanging out at my Grandmothers. I had offered to construct her small pool her. Thought I would do the honourable thing. The only bright side was my cousin Emma decided to help. Emma was blonde, had a decent curvy body, her breasts perky and a nice round butt. Her family was very open about their sexuality and she had always flaunted her assets. Secretly I had always lusted after Emma, I knew it was wrong but it didn’t stop me and spent a lot of my teenage years...

2 years ago
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A little freaky 2

M/FI had just got home from work, taking off my work slacks and company shirt I walk upstairs to my bedroom to lay down. Kate is in the shower. After some time I hear the shower turn off and Kate enters the room in a towel. We exchange the small time banter every couple does after coming home. She has a playful tone in her voice. She is plotting something.During our banter I had sat up, she was going about the room, doing her hair and some skin care stuff. I got up to go downstairs for some...

2 years ago
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SweetSinner Elsa Jean Student Bodies

Alyssa (Elsa Jean) has been toying with her professor all semester. She gets off on corrupting such an innocent, older man. During one of their night classes, Leo (Mark Wood) asks her to stay after class. She wore and tiny skirt to class and was flashing him the entire period to distract him. He warns her that she can’t keep teasing him like that. Her solution is to give him exactly what he wants, but can’t ask for. She pins him against the desk and starts kissing him. Although docile at first,...

3 years ago
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Exposing and stroking for my sexy neighbour

When we moved in one of the first things that I noticed was that our neighbour liked to smoke out of one of her roof windows which over looked our sitting room. Sometimes I would be sitting on the sofa watching TV or browsing the internet, well lets be honest, looking at porn!!!!, I would see her swing the window up and light up. Once or twice I had thought she might have caught me stroking my cock as I looked at porn. I do this sometimes when my wife is at work,, well don't most men!!!. Of...

4 years ago
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Aunt Lisa Chapter 2

It was sometime around 10:00 p.m. when Lisa woke me, gently shaking my shoulder as she lay beside me still naked.“You hungry sleepy head?” she asked in a soft and gentle voice.“Mmmm…” I murmured and moved down slightly sliding my face from her shoulder onto her right breast taking the nipple straight into my mouth. She smiled and let me suck for a few moments.“You like that, don’t you?”“Mmm…”“Come on – we need some real food, you can have more of these whenever you like from now on.”She pushed...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER ONE Denise Chapman found a seat at the rear of the bus, in the very back row. She was thankful that the bus wouldn't be crowded. Only about thirty kids would be making the trip to the state fair, and this huge old bus had room for twice that many. Most of the kids were already crowded together in the seats in the front and the middle of the bus. With luck, she'd have the back of the bus all to herself and the trip down to the state fair would be pleasant instead of an ordeal....

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Working as an amateur prostitute

Last night there was a big striptease event in Antwerp, organised to raise funds for charity. This event is a yearly tradition and usually visited by around 600/800 men. The official part is some life striptease acts, A miss wet t shirt and thereafter abt 45 girls are released in the crowed for table dance and lapdance.My friend has attended this already for many years and alwyas told me the horny stories of men eating pussy, sucking nipples and tits, fingering or getting a discreet blow...

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36 year old Emily Parker sat in her father's bedroom. Her 5'4 220 pound framewas stuffed into a Girl Scout costume 2 sizes too small. She had purchasedthe silly outfit from a novelty shop in a fit of excitement about seeing herfather again, hoping he would like it. 58 year old Michael Parker was a semi-retired general contractor. He had beensurprised by his estranged daughter's first visit in almost 20 years severalweeks ago. 100 pounds overweight, single, and having severe depression...

4 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 8

Black Wolf led his men to the last reported location of the Army troops. As expected, by then, the patrol had moved on, but they were easy to follow. The trail was so plain that the Apaches speculated that the patrol actually wanted them to find the Army as soon as possible. One of the older warriors said that he was sure that the soldiers just didn't know any better; it wasn't the White man's way to conceal his movements. The scout appeared to be leading the patrol into the foothills in...

2 years ago
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Beginning a Relationship

This is a prelude to ‘Nursing a relationship’. That was my first story released here on Literotica, written to get something out there fast. Even though it was surprisingly well received (especially with the grammatical errors it contained) I felt that something was missing and this is an attempt to rectify (some of) that. I have tried to keep the same style but I’m not sure that I have managed, after all my writing have (hopefully) evolved since then. There is no descriptive sex so if that...

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Ammu8217s Family Sex Story

The time was 1 pm in the afternoon. Ammu’s father closed the shop and came home for lunch. He directly went to the bedroom for changing his clothes. Ammu took a glass of water and went to the bedroom to give it to him. As soon as she opened the door, she was shocked. Ammu’s father was standing only with a banyan and his 7″ penis was hanging! Ammu had not seen such a big penis till now, and she was confused about what to do. Her father shouted, “Will you give me water or not?” Ammu gave him the...

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A teenage ldquoBetrdquo

I think it started out as a joke, at least on my part. My friend Tim and I were playing a game of tennis. Neither one of us were very good or serious about the game, but we were both competitive. Tim suggested a “Bet.” The loser would have to suck the winners cock. We laughed and I said, “Yeah right.” Have joking, I then said, Ok. Time joked that he would lose on purpose now. We both laughed, but there was now a tension in the air. The match went on for about an hour, both of us playing hard...

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Grandfathers Cock Later That Night

I closed my door behind me and strode purposefully down the hallway, intent upon bursting in on Mom and Gramps and jumping on to the bed with them. There was no way, no fucking way, that I was ready to let Mom elbow me out of the way so that she could steal all the delicious bodily fluids that her father's monstrous cock had been about to pour into my cunt. I mean, what kind of mother would deny her only daughter that immense pleasure. Yet even as I worked my way to the room where Gramps...

3 years ago
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DP by 2 Black men I asked them to do me

We pulled over and parked our 4X4, while my husband got out and went to the check-point with our passports. We were in Nigeria, on the outskirts of the city, and the heat was unbearable, as I sweated profusely, suddenly my lack of underwear made me very uncomfortable.Men were walking past the car and staring in, and my mind wondered what it was that was flashing through their minds as they eyed me up and down, their looks more menacing and leering, even the guard with his rifle, besides me,...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 24 The Surgeons Wife

A heavy snowstorm swept over the central mountains on November 15, putting an end to travel, foraging, military drills, and just about anything else that involved extended activity outside. The Defenders congregated in the bathhouse and the kitchen, the only two buildings that were adequately heated. Isauria and Danka spent much of their free time sitting on their bed, wrapped in blankets while Isauria practiced writing or doing arithmetic problems. There were not many books in the...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Suggestions Questions and a Part Answer

Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...

4 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 16 Macromastia

The picture that inspired this story can be found here: https://imgur.com/L1D36AM “Breast hypertrophy presents at puberty or thereafter. It is a condition of abnormal enlargement of the breast tissue in excess of the normal proportion. Gland hypertrophy, excessive fatty tissue or a combination of both may cause this condition. Macromastia can be unilateral or bilateral.” Julie didn’t have big boobs. Julie had enormous boobs. Already a C-cup at 13, Julie’s mom took her to the doctor where...

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