Winds of Change
- 4 years ago
- 30
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The sun shone bright as I walked along the shore of Lake Superior. I loved the sound of the water rushing up on shore and the feel of the cold water and soft sand upon my bare feet. The water glistened like diamonds as I stared out at it. Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes, and the one I marvel at the most. It was forever pulling me to it, making me want to be near it. I could feel the power that it had over me, and all that marveled at its beauty. I was torn in coming back to this...
Straight SexJust so you know before you read . . . this is an ass-fetish story about high school cheerleaders, facesitting and facefarting ("winds"). There is no penetrating sex. There aren't many ass-worship fiends, but this is for those who enjoy those things as much as I do. ---------------------------------------------It was a simple plan but one that progressed to unimaginable events. How could watching a simple high school football game turn into something so insane, and a week later, into...
A Story in the Winds of Change Universe The tall, lanky man looked in disbelief at the King. “Sire, I’m simply a backwoods lawyer, and a new one at that. I’ve barely been more than a store owner and a local politician. I don’t understand why you’ve taken the railroad halfway across our country to come here and talk to me.” The King of America, Grant Maxwell, sat forward in his chair. “Call me Grant. You may be primarily self-educated, but you are not uneducated. You know the history of our...
The sun shone bright as I walked along the shore of Lake Superior. I loved the sound of the water rushing up on shore and the feel of the cold water and soft sand upon my bare feet. The water glistened like diamonds as I stared out at it. Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes, and the one I marvel at the most. It was forever pulling me to it, making me want to be near it. I could feel the power that it had over me, and all that marveled at its beauty. I was torn in coming back to...
The war had been long between the changelings and the Ventari, the origins of the war were from concern that the changelings were breeding out their species as they had done to the Clemon on their homeworld centuries earlier. The changelings were a genderless race that should never have been evolved or increased in numbers to the level they did. How they evolved is unknown, perhaps they were made as a genetic experiment but noone knows. They live for hundreds or thousands of years barring...
Mind ControlWith things back to normal, Grant returned to the cabin and lay on the bed. He sought that inner place of peace, but he didn’t fall back to sleep. Instead, his mind focused on those things he had expressed to Jerry, expanding his understanding and strengthening his underlying character. As the night continued Grant’s mind slowly shifted to other important issues that would become problems in the future. Much of women’s issues, he lumped in with slavery, as both groups were treated as...
The dock was in sight and Bea was already screaming for help. Sailors from some of the other ships, vendors from some of the open shops and general laborers all ran to find out what happened. When the bodies were seen, pandemonium broke out. Some were trying to wrap the bodies in blankets, while others were demanding a gathering of the militia to wipe out the bloody savages once and for all. The only thing they weren’t doing, was listening to Bea. That changed when Zeke came and tossed the...
Grant tried to move the meeting forward, but eventually everyone came to the opinion that the British had to be dealt with before anything else mattered. They also felt that getting to Charleston was the crucial first step in that task. In lieu of that, the decision concerning clothing was tabled, though Bea did purchase a lot of material and sewing notions. The house slaves were purchased from her brother and were getting set up to travel on the Amanda Dear. They were fearful, at first,...
Barbara Gains was standing next to her husband while he manned the helm; being towed still required concentration and a firm hand on the wheel. Hearing a soft scratching noise Barbara moved to the doorway and looked out at the moon over the water. Someone brushed by her as they went toward the main cabin, but the older woman didn’t seem to notice. She stepped to the rail and enjoyed the wind blowing through her graying dark brown hair. She was average height, and though she was a little...
“Su Lin calling Grant.” “Go, Su Lin.” “We’re on the way but you can meet us and take out the ships. We’ve got the Admiral, his orders and charts. McVey was there, but once he saw us he uttered two words and keeled over. When we reached him, he was already dead. We did gather all his notebooks as you suggested, but we didn’t worry about the bugs, locators or explosives. We figured getting this stuff back to the boat was priority.” “You were correct, and we can see you on radar. Keep your...
Grant led the group back into the main part of the house, only to be met by Beth. “The seamstresses need you to try on a few things, so they know how to proceed.” “Okay, I’ll have Sabrina come with me. Can you ask somebody to teach the Marion brothers about shooting a Glock? Unless we’ve some place where the sound won’t carry, I don’t want any actual rounds fired.” “What caliber?” “Let’s start with a nine, and then discuss it. Okay.” “No problem. What about Eric?” “Tell him I’ll be...
------------------------------------- They still had my school ID card. Those East Side Prep high school girls had taken it a week before after abusing my face for well over an hour under the bleachers after our Westside High football team had ruined ESP’s perfect season. Olivia had said I would get my card the following Friday, which was today, but as I neared the Shake Shack, I didn’t see any high school girls. Stupid me! Duped again. Not only an awkward and skinny 14 year old,...
------------------------------------ It was a simple plan but one that progressed to unimaginable events. How could watching a simple high school football game turn into something so insane, and a week later, into something so life-changing? I was a freshman in high school. No, I wasn’t in the popular group. We were the poor of the poor and I was thin, not athletic, and my brown hair tussled too much out of control. I wasn’t yet shaving, didn’t know sports, generally clueless to...
Tina returned, followed by a woman who was vaguely familiar to Grant. He assumed she was Barbara. In a quick scan, Grant observed that the woman was a couple inches shorter than Tina and at least forty-five to Tina’s thirty. Their hair was similar in color, though Tina’s was the much shorter wash and wear look that had been adopted by a lot of Navy women. Barbara looked reasonably trim, but did not have the appearance of someone obsessive about their weight or physical condition. In summary,...
Gabe Marion, standing in the doorway, said, “I saw a gun fired in Charleston yesterday that can fire over eight hundred rounds a minute. Of course, to do that it would have to have a much larger storage area for the bullets, but it fired thirty rounds in about the time it takes me to blink.” “Welcome back.” “Thanks. We heard you had a spot of trouble?” “Yes, Sam decided that a shilling wasn’t enough, so he wanted all my money.” “You get him with the cane?” asked Isaac. “That’s what it...
“Rapier calling Victor’s Secret. Come in Grant.” “John?” Grant replied. “What’s going on?” “I’m in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop off some supplies for you.” “And what’s the Rapier?” “It’s Stiletto’s big brother. We also have Saber and Cutlass, along with the Big Daddy, Broadsword. They’re new gifts from Oscar.” “Any instructions or additional crew?” “Negative, so I guess we’ll have to train our own. They do have one great feature ... if push came to shove, on all but Broadsword,...
Sioux stepped out on the deck and advised Grant, Beth and Sabrina dinner was ready. When they went inside they found two folding tables set up as a serving line. There must have been three Crockpots set up, along with several platters and numerous serving dishes. There was a huge bowl of Spaghetti, a cast aluminum Dutch oven filled with a stew of some sort. Two of the Crockpots were filled with two variations of Shepherd’s pie, while the other contained some very hot chili. There was fresh...
“Grant, can you come to Broadsword?” Jerry asked over the intercom. “I’ll be right there.” “Can we come also?” asked Sabrina. “Sure.” The three moved quickly to the rear entrance of Broadsword’s bunker, and were surprised to see the amount of activity on and around the boat. Jerry was on the bridge when they approached the boat, and he urged them to come aboard, and said, “Skipper, I’m afraid I missed some things in my first appraisal of this boat.” “How is that?” Grant asked, “I was...
“Broadsword, this is Cutlass responding to your call. “Cutlass, this is Broadsword. What is your location and status?” “We’re offshore from what will be Virginia Beach. It looks like the entire area is in flames. I count eleven warships and fourteen troop carriers. From the flames I wouldn’t be surprised if everything between here and Richmond is burning.” Grant responded on the radio, “Cutlass, this is Grant. Take out all British ships. I say again, Take out all British ships. Then head...
Later that day Grant personally dug a grave at the top of the hill; a grave that would overlook the Potomac, but would never overlook the nation’s capital. A city would probably be built there someday, but it wouldn’t be called Washington and the District of Columbia would never be created. At dusk the sounds of a lone piper playing Amazing Grace came from the boat’s speakers. The haunting melody hung over the hills and dales, forests and swamps like the early morning fog over the salt marsh....
“And what do you call your territorial waters,” asked the senior military Captain. “Two hundred miles.” “Two hundred miles!” exclaimed the Captain. “How can you enforce such a rule?” “Barbara, would you ask Ensign Young to relay the radar display to the monitor in here?” “Yes, Sir.” “You have women in your forces?” “Yes, but Barbara and Sophie, the doctor, are here as advisers.” “The monitor came on and it showed the twenty ships close by. It also showed several more ships to the...
“Santee Base and all Blades, please acknowledge with location!” “Santee Base” answered John, “and I’m studying the composite display.” “Stiletto and I’m near Hilton Head, headed back toward Charleston.” “Rapier here. I’m just north of Ocracoke Island.” “Saber here, and I’m approaching Cutlass just northeast of Nantucket.” “Cutlass is on station, waiting for Saber.” “We just wanted to give everyone an update on the approaching ships. We suspect that they’re French or possibly Spanish...
Within fifteen minutes, Cutlass and Rapier reported in with similar results. Of course, Cutlass had it easier, as they were able to start the French devastation by destroying five ships with the C4 charges set the night before. By the time the enemy ships were even aware of their presence, they was already in a panic and seeing something move through the water at that speed was, in their view, demonic. Grant was waiting to hear from Tony Bacon when he heard Tony’s Texas drawl, say, “Saber to...
August 20, 2010 the Perseid meteor shower began its annual display in the night sky. Included in with the thousands of small meteors were hundreds of small probes which quickly covered the Earth sampling the air, water, population and Internet. No one on the planet was aware of their presence, nor heard the information transmitted back into space. A flagship of a fleet of several hundred ships hiding behind Jupiter received the transmission, and many hours were spent reading and interpreting...
Grant ran to John to learn what had caused such a reaction. At the same time, in the kitchen he heard some girl screaming about being blind and a loud crash as if someone had fallen. He would have to leave those issues to Sioux at the moment because John’s expletive demanded his immediate attention. Primarily because he was Grant’s second in command, but also because John did not curse, nor did he get excited easily. “What happened?” asked Grant. “According to the radar, there is no sign of...
Looking at the computer screen, Grant read the message that had popped up: The intelligent and calm interactions of your group has impressed us. Hopefully, this information will give your group a head start in your new world. 1. There are no parallel time-lines or universes, but the universe has a tendency to keep major things balanced or corrected. That is part of the reason you are here. Some negative changes have already occurred and this is a pivotal point for the future of the...
Both women looked at each other, and then at Grant. He swore they were like two wolves looking hungrily at a lamb ready for the slaughter. Desiring to remove himself from the predatory gazes, he returned to the horses and mounted. A moment later Beth was beside him, gathering some items from her saddlebag. “Grant,” Beth asked, “could you and the rest ride into the trees and look the other way. This will be hard enough for Sabrina without adding everyone’s stares.” Grant answered, “Sure,”...
Grant immediately apologized for his outburst, but the group expressed their understanding due to the new surprise that had been dropped on them. In the area in front of the barn were Larry and Missy’s camp, including their trucks, trailers, tent and even the fire ring. The travois that had been abandoned was now leaning against one of the trailers. In addition, there were two large trailers off to the side with the wheels chocked and the trailer supports down and sitting on a large four by...
“Why would a boat have the tail of a chicken?” asked a puzzled Sabrina, or is that just a word to meant to add description?” “That’s exactly what it is,” exclaimed Beth. “The wake of a boat going very fast through the water will often force some of the water five to ten feet into the air. Someone thought it looked like a rooster’s tail, and the name stuck. Good job of asking a good question.” Sabrina just beamed from Beth’s praise, and both Grant and Beth noticed her reaction. Grant looked...
“Grant! Grant! Are you alright?” cried Sabrina. Beth looked carefully at Grant, and said, “He’s in shock,” as she ran to get her medical kit. Beth met John and Sioux coming down the hall, and said, “Something has frightened Grant enough to send him into shock. Sioux, please comfort and help Sabrina, but don’t take her from that room. I’ll be right back.” When the couple entered the room they found a hysterical Sabrina and a catatonic Grant. Sioux immediately gathered Sabrina in her arms...
For the rest of the morning, Grant made notes, looked at charts, and helped resolved various issues as they arose. One of those was an idea by the ‘Coasty’ Cal Peterson and Brad Tyson. “Grant, you have a minute?” asked Brad. “Sure Chief, what’s on your mind?” “We may have come up with a way to extend the range of the Stiletto.” “Now, you definitely have my attention. Tell me about it?” “We’ve some really heavy duty inflatable bladders that we were using to test some of the radar...
Grant got the downtimers situated in his office, with Isaac joining them just as everyone else was settled. “I knew this meeting was coming, but I saw some expressions on some of your faces a few minutes ago that I believe need to be addressed. To expand your understanding of our uptime culture I feel that a quick overview of the past two hundred plus years is very important to our future. As an introduction, I want to begin with the words of one of the greatest leaders England has ever...
“Sioux says it’s time to eat,” announced Beth. “Okay, we’re coming,” Grant answered as he crawled across to the bed and pulled himself upright. “Jane and Janice want to fix a plate and eat in here.” Sabrina replied, “They’re welcome to join the rest of us, but if that’s what they want, I have no problem with it. In fact, Marcel, Lea and Meme may also want to eat with them.” “Who are Lea and Meme, and why would Marcel want to eat apart from us?” “They’re our two runaways, and I think...
At the end of the hour, Sioux knocked on Grant’s bedroom door and announced that the hour had ended. The group got up from the bed, and Grant gave each one of his family a hug and kiss good-bye. After a few tears and words of assurance, Grant went into the main room to find John. He wasn’t there, but he was in the security room. Grant observed John’s intense staring at the radar scope, and asked, “What’s going on?” “We’ve got a visitor. He showed up on radar about eight minutes ago. Without...
Cheating can be defined as an accident, unintentional or maybe intentional act. It depends on person to person and maybe situations are different for everyone. We can’t say until we go through the same condition and become the game changer. I was the one lady in his life and the only mistress. The guy I was married to was my high school boyfriend and the love that evolved over time can never be compared to anything. But maybe it’s time which leads you on a different path. We needed some space...
CheatingTHE CHANGELING BY JANICE Part 1: My name is Glen; I was twelve year sold when I ran away from home and changed my life forever. My Mother and Father were both drunks and very abusive to my sister, Connie, and me. Connie is three years older then me. I had always tried to be a good boy for them but no matter what I did, I never did anything right, they were never satisfied. They wanted me to do better. It was...
The changeling Hoping to get some ideas for my software business I had been to a EU sponsored conference at Bled in Slovenia. I had picked up a lot of good ideas and was looking forward to getting home to work on them, so once back in my hotel I logged on to check my flight with Adria Airlines. I was annoyed to find that my flight had been delayed by a whole day, but decided to make the best of it by exploring the Triglav mountain area, so using the hire car, I set off through several...
When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...
In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...
FantasyJack and Dianne had lived a comfortable life in Melbourne..... the capital city of Victoria, Australia. Jack, the senior accountant of a major corporation had worked 30 years. Dianne, a housewife who loved entertaining. But, after 30 years of work, Jack and Dianne wanted to enjoy their remaining days in comfort and peace. Fresh air beckoned.....a country lifestyle. Jack and Dianne packed up, and bought a lovely house in Toolern Vale, Victoria. The air was clean, the horses were...
I was single, bored and masturbating way to often. I was young, innocent, and i was in my last year of high school. I had done everything with a previous girlfriend, from kissing to sex and I was straight of course, but had a pure obsession with older men. I spent a lot of my time, stripping, rubbing my hard cock, fingering myself at the sight of and older man fucking a younger boy. I went on websites, playing with them over webcam and still do to this day. But I was still a virgin, wanting...
Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...
Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...
Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE CHANGEOVER By Wyrdey There are many scholarly theories about the Changeover - why it happened, how it happened. They talk about 'social forces' or 'chemical pollutants' or 'historical inevitability'. None of them are even remotely true. The lunatic fringe have their theories as well - They prefer 'the wrath of god' or 'alien intervention'. They're closer, but still...
Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti He pressed the blinking red button on the cube. A luminous three-dimensional display popped up in mid-air. There were blocks of text in easy-to-read glowing green letters, and what looked like a side panel of multi-colored push-buttons. This had to be some kind of fancy hologram. Mark XXIV GenderChanger® Choose an Option: [1] PARTIAL CHANGE (genitalia only, secondary sex characteristics unaffected) [2] COMPLETE CHANGE (down to the...
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5004, Year Isegrim stood at the bar in the Xchange cafe, watching through the large windows into the large warehouse, as his men unloaded the last crates of Flicker fish and Fangsnapper meat. The door opened and along with a flurry of snow flakes and a gush of cold wind Leif Elhir stomped in, cleaning his heavy boots over the snow grate. He looked around to see who was there and then he noticed Isegrim. “I see the winds also dragged in the steward of the Ragnarsson riches, running errands...
Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played, it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...
Diana struggled to contain the sick feeling in her chest as she approached the smoldering house. She scanned the perimeter. Dark old trees twisted in the horizon, the closest neighbors were a kilometer away. Their blackened windows suggested that no concerned citizens would intervene.She covered her face during the approach. Black smoke gushed from underneath the door, and the intense warmth singed what little hair protected Diana’s shins. . She swallowed the last bit of self preservation stuck...
IncestDiana struggled to contain the sick feeling in her chest as she approached the smoldering house. She scanned the perimeter. Dark old trees twisted in the horizon, the closest neighbors were a kilometer away. Their blackened windows suggested that no concerned citizens would intervene.She covered her face during the approach. Black smoke gushed from underneath the door, and the intense warmth singed what little hair protected Diana’s shins. . She swallowed the last bit of self preservation stuck...
IncestTwo months later.Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down.“Eight o’clock.”...
IncestTwo months later.Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down.“Eight o’clock.”...
IncestMaddi stifled a pleasured groan with each bite of prime rib she ate. The tender ribbons of meat melted under tongue and did much to help her ignore Diana grinning across the table. Her sister’s volatile treachery terrified her, but every time the feeling seemed overwhelming, Maddi stuffed another protein in her mouth.“Diana, Madison. I can’t believe this.” Dr. Dory Drake smiled from her seat next to Rochelle. She was a brown-haired woman in her 60s with square vintage glasses and a pressed,...
IncestMaddi dropped her phone on the bathroom floor and returned her head to the toilet and retched. Memories of the past night swirled in her head like water down the flushing bowl. Then clear, watery vomit filled the bowl again. Maddi wished her camera wasn’t so good—she could see the muscles in her scrawny throat work as she swallowed her sister’s cum. She vomited again.And she hadn’t even addressed Diana’s threat. What started as a means to protect herself from her sister, now terrified her more...
IncestMaddi breathed a sigh of relief as the blue minus symbol came into view. She tossed the pregnancy test in the bathroom wastebasket and folded her arms as she contemplated. From her seat on the toilet she took her time rolling her brown tights over her tapered legs.“This is crazy,” she whispered, rubbing her temples. “She’s so in my head right now.” Maddi couldn’t help but crack a smile as she staggered upright. Did she really think her sister had knocked her up without her knowing? “It’s...
IncestMaddi eased her bedroom door open and slipped inside. The muscles in her back crunched and popped as she tried to stretch her worn shoulders. She made a yawning sigh— the kind meant to push the stress from her tired lungs. Her hand fumbled against the smooth painted wall before she found the light switch. Then her hand was quick to cover her face to shield the flash of light. When her eyes adjusted, they focused on Savannah’s tawny bare foot, poking out from the layers of blankets. Maddi...
IncestDiana Masters kept her deep sapphire eyes locked on the red-yellow streak of fuji apple she tossed high in the air. The soaring thing kissed the bright orange leaves of the tall maple tree in the University’s atrium. It made a loud slapping noise as it came back to her cupped hand. Her other hand clutched a brown paper bag that bounced with a brisk rhythm off her shapely hip. The crimson mid-length dress she wore swooshed to the side as she stopped. Diana scanned the scene as she resumed her...
IncestMadison “Maddi” Masters curled her toes, about to pass the point of no return. The young futanari swiped the rogue strands of raven hair from her sweaty brow and thrust on. Her clammy palms clutched her lover’s boney shoulders as she pressed deeper. The girl beneath her squirmed in the thick layers of silkish blankets that topped Maddi’s queen-sized bed. The girl’s commingled throaty moans accompanied the gentle squeaking of bedsprings. These sounds were faint, as neither girl weighed more than...