Winds In Change
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Sioux stepped out on the deck and advised Grant, Beth and Sabrina dinner was ready. When they went inside they found two folding tables set up as a serving line. There must have been three Crockpots set up, along with several platters and numerous serving dishes. There was a huge bowl of Spaghetti, a cast aluminum Dutch oven filled with a stew of some sort. Two of the Crockpots were filled with two variations of Shepherd’s pie, while the other contained some very hot chili. There was fresh baked bread, a green bean casserole and even chicken and dumplings. If anyone went away hungry, it was their own damned fault.
Al Rogers was asked to grace the food and once he finished the crowd descended on the table like locusts on a wheat field. What was extremely special, in Grant’s eyes, was the casual intermixing of people from both times and all colors. The people seemed comfortable getting to know one another and helping each other try new dishes. Grant also noticed that there were a number of downtimers whom he hadn’t met, but they seemed totally at ease with the rest of the group. Toward the end Grant remembered the prisoners and it was good that he did. There was barely enough food remaining to fix each of them a plate.
Shortly after the meal was finished Fran, Gabe and Isaac came into the house and located Grant.
Grant asked, “I think all the food has been put up or gone, but do you need us to fix you anything?”
“We’re fine,” answered Fran. “We’ve been out at the shooting range and three lovely uptimers brought food out to the men. The food and the company all helped remind the men why we must fight the King.”
“Female charm has a way of doing that,” replied Grant. “It doesn’t have to be sexual, or even physical, but just viewing and talking to a pretty woman helps make home closer and more important. We learned that important lesson almost a hundred years ago.”
“Well Julie, Kim and Marie sure didn’t make it seem like a job.”
“For them it wasn’t a job, but I’m somewhat surprised to see them reach out to you and your men like that after what they’ve been through.”
“If I can ask, what have they suffered?” asked Gabe.
“They had very abusive husbands, who used their hands to beat instead of caressing, who raped instead of loved, and who belittled instead of supporting.”
“And these husbands?”
“They’re still alive but locked away. I’m still deciding how best to handle the situation.”
“I’ve got forty-five men who could use some more target practice, if that would help,” quipped Fran.
“I’ll consider it. Now, what have you been doing while I was gone?”
“John, new Tom, Drew and I started discussing our needs and we decided we immediately needed what John called a strike force. I rounded up some men I trusted and we started working on them. Drew and Tom worked on teaching them about new weapons and John worked with us on small unit tactics. It’s not that different from Indian fighting, but when the two skills are combined with the new weapons, we’re a force to be reckoned with.”
“How much more training do they need?” asked Grant.
“Obviously I’d take as much as we can get, but John and Zeke said we could go now if we had to. We’re set up as four ten-man squads, including a sniper and a heavy weapons person. In addition, some of the uptimers with us have formed another squad with mortars, LAWS rockets and explosives.”
Grant replied, “Fran, you amaze me. When did you learn those terms?”
“Yesterday and today. I can’t use most of the weapons, but I do know what they are and how they’re used. I learned the general aspects and tactics, while your people taught mine how to use the new weapons. We’ll learn more as we go, but I think we can hit the Redcoats harder than they’ve ever been hit before.”
“We’ll have to. Have you gotten the details of their plans?”
“Yes, we got them late last night when the little boat made it home.”
“Excellent. Then, I think it’s time we hold a staff meeting and pull all this together.”
A short time later a meeting began in Grant’s office. Those in the room included Grant, of course, their historian Pat Allen, Francis Marion, Admiral and Barbara Gains, John and Sioux Ross, Thomas and Tom Lynch (Eric), Sophie, Beth and Sabrina. A map of the east coast of the United States was displayed on a large flat screen monitor hooked to Sioux’s laptop.
“Okay,” started Grant, “we’ll start with our known facts. According to the maps and orders stolen from the British courier the first wave was to hit the middle Colonies and split the Northern and Southern Colonies to keep them from being able to support each other. The ports were to be blockaded, forts destroyed and the people rounded up. The time table for this is supposed to begin in two days.”
Grant pause for this to settle in everyone’s mind, and then continued, “Now, on the way here John observed several British warships and cargo vessels entering the Cape Fear River. This is earlier than scheduled, so we don’t know if that’s a change in their plans, or if someone has jumped the gun. There was also a reported sighting of a warship of some level off our coast, which is more than two weeks early.
Now, with the original plans, if they’re still valid, some of our biggest concerns are Jefferson, Madison, Thomas Payne, and Washington. Since the King has the names of the leaders of the future revolution these will be prime targets.”
Pat added, Thomas Payne is still in England at this time, so he’s out of the picture. Thomas Jefferson’s a law student at William and Mary in Williamsburg, while James Madison is a ten year old boy in Port Conway. As for George Washington, he should have just returned to his home near Alexandria from fighting in the French and Indian War.
“How can we best reach them?” asked Fran.
Pat answered, “Assuming everyone is where they’re supposed to be, Williamsburg is only a short distance from the James River. Port Conway is about forty miles up the Rappahannock River, and Washington’s home at Mount Vernon backs up to the Potomac River.”
Grant added, “Once we get these men and their families out we can concentrate on freeing the other colonists and destroying the British Fleet.”
“John, what are the key aspects to each boat?” asked Victor.
“The Stiletto is forty-seven feet in length, with a beam just short of twelve feet. She can function easily with a crew of four, but it can hold twenty-five additional people, as we learned on the trip from North Carolina. She can draw as little as twelve inches water, and is powered by four diesels driving four props; two of the props can also be driven by electric motors. Its top speed is slightly better than seventy knots. The Rapier, Cutlass and Saber are basically standard Navy models with a length of eighty-seven feet and a beam of fourteen feet. It can again function with a crew of four, but six would be better. In blue water it can be driven and fought with only one person until its gun or missiles require reloading. She only draws eighteen inches, and is powered by four larger diesels. The electric option is not yet available, but its top speed in seas of four feet or less is over eighty knots. Finally there’s the one we named Broadsword. With the exception of using the M type hull, it’s similar in design to the USS Freedom. It’s a little over three hundred and seventy five feet long, with a beam of close to sixty feet. It’s powered by six monster diesels, plus two jet turbines that operate like the pump on a personal water craft or Jet Ski. It has a nine foot draught and we know that it’ll travel at better than sixty knots. We don’t know how much faster, because we didn’t have the diesels going all out and we didn’t have the turbines on at all. It’s got a much higher profile, but part of that’s caused by the two forty foot and two twenty-five foot boats it carries. As for armament, let’s just say it’s significant. It requires a base crew of twenty four, but has the capacity to carry more than a hundred more, with equipment.”
An impressed Admiral remarked, “That would be an impressive boat, even in our time. I’m assuming it has a standard array of sensors, radar and sonar.”
“Not exactly, Sir. I suspect there are some things on that boat that the Navy has never even contemplated.”
Grant stared at the map as others in the room discussed several options. Finally, he asked, “John, do we have enough to crew all the ships?”
“I checked around this afternoon, and I can man all but Broadsword. Of course, Cutlass has already departed for Virginia. I can put Broadsword in the water, but fighting it would be rather difficult. Most of the armament has to be fired from different locations.”
“How are we situated for Hellfire Missiles?”
“Several hundred.”
“Then get with Gerry and Brad, see if they can tie them into the Harpoon system or a separate system like we’ve on Stiletto. Just because Broadsword has all that extra stuff we don’t have to have it to fight sailing craft. Fix something that’ll work for the enemy and situation we face, and we’ll worry about the other stuff later.”
John jumped to the door, and said, “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t be too hard on him,” cautioned Victor.
“I won’t. Actually, for him not to be Navy, I’m rather proud of what he’s done at this point.”
“Good,” replied Victor. “Now what do you have churning around in your mind?”
“My first thought is sending Broadsword to the north and Saber to the south and let them start at the extreme ends, destroying every warship and troop carrier they find. While they’re rolling in the flanks we go into Virginia and rescue the three men and start freeing the colonists and destroying the Redcoats and any that are helping them. The one other thing I really would like to do is locate McVey and find out how he got here.”
Barbara asked, “Grant, I think one element is missing, communications. Fighting this as five independent commands isn’t going to work. How far can our radios reach to form a net?”
“I need to get Jerry in here to answer that.” answered Grant.
Grant used the intercom to page Jerry, asking him to join the meeting in Grant’s office.
While waiting for Jerry, Barbara asked, “Fran, how many additional men could you raise and train in, say two days?”
“No more than twenty I’d trust with these modern weapons.”
“What’s rumbling around in your sweet head?” Victor asked his wife.
“If we could, I’d like to see us put more small teams on the ground in Virginia. We not only need to free the captives, but we need to disrupt the British and keep them disorganized.”
Grant hit the intercom and called Brad.
“Brad,” came the response.
“It’s Grant. Remember those breech loaders Tom showed us. Have you looked into making some of them?”
“I’ve been playing around with an assembly line, using some of Thomas’ slaves. We’ve got twenty or so made, but we’re running out of material, especially something useful in making barrels.”
“How many have you completed and where do we stand on ammunition for them?” asked Grant.
“We’ve thirty, and that includes our two originals. As for the ammunition, it didn’t take long to get an assembly line going. We now have several thousand rounds prepared and we can make a couple hundred an hour with only five people. Melting and pouring the lead bullets is the most time concerning aspect of production.”
“Could you use musket barrels on the new rifles?”
“I think so, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I tried.”
“Then I’ll get you some muskets to experiment with. In the meantime, start figuring a way to make a hundred rifles an hour and a thousand rounds of ammunition an hour.”
“Grant, with the machinery we currently have I doubt I could even produce a hundred rifles a day, much less in an hour. Given more lead and someone that can handle the pour, I could probably make three to five hundred rounds an hour. That’s as long as we’ve the rice paper, lead and powder.”
“Fran,” asked Grant, “how many muskets could we get our hands on by tomorrow night?”
“Muskets or rifles?”
“There’s a difference?” asked Admiral Gains.
“Muskets aren’t rifled, as rifling slows down the reloading,” answered Fran. “That’s why the standard British practice is to march three lines deep across the battlefield; one to fire, one to reload and one to get ready to fire. The idea is to put enough lead in the air that hopefully you will hit something, as at sixty yards you couldn’t successfully aim at a horse and hit it.”
“It probably won’t make a difference,” Brad finally answered. I’ll have to re-bore the rifles anyway to make a standard barrel size. That’s key to making the ammunition in bulk. Most rifle barrels currently vary slightly, which is why each gun has its own bullet mold.”
“Brad, get with Larry Rice and Drew to see if you can figure some ways to streamline the process.”
“I hadn’t thought of using Larry. If nothing else, he can take over the pours.”
“Now Fran, back to my original question.”
“If we raided the armory in Charleston we might get as many as five hundred muskets, though we would definitely alert the British that something was going on. I also know where most of the confiscated weapons are located, so that would add another three to four hundred, and we might be able to locate another hundred or so from people who hid them from the Redcoats.”
Just so you know before you read . . . this is an ass-fetish story about high school cheerleaders, facesitting and facefarting ("winds"). There is no penetrating sex. There aren't many ass-worship fiends, but this is for those who enjoy those things as much as I do. ---------------------------------------------It was a simple plan but one that progressed to unimaginable events. How could watching a simple high school football game turn into something so insane, and a week later, into...
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Grant tried to move the meeting forward, but eventually everyone came to the opinion that the British had to be dealt with before anything else mattered. They also felt that getting to Charleston was the crucial first step in that task. In lieu of that, the decision concerning clothing was tabled, though Bea did purchase a lot of material and sewing notions. The house slaves were purchased from her brother and were getting set up to travel on the Amanda Dear. They were fearful, at first,...
Barbara Gains was standing next to her husband while he manned the helm; being towed still required concentration and a firm hand on the wheel. Hearing a soft scratching noise Barbara moved to the doorway and looked out at the moon over the water. Someone brushed by her as they went toward the main cabin, but the older woman didn’t seem to notice. She stepped to the rail and enjoyed the wind blowing through her graying dark brown hair. She was average height, and though she was a little...
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Grant led the group back into the main part of the house, only to be met by Beth. “The seamstresses need you to try on a few things, so they know how to proceed.” “Okay, I’ll have Sabrina come with me. Can you ask somebody to teach the Marion brothers about shooting a Glock? Unless we’ve some place where the sound won’t carry, I don’t want any actual rounds fired.” “What caliber?” “Let’s start with a nine, and then discuss it. Okay.” “No problem. What about Eric?” “Tell him I’ll be...
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The sun shone bright as I walked along the shore of Lake Superior. I loved the sound of the water rushing up on shore and the feel of the cold water and soft sand upon my bare feet. The water glistened like diamonds as I stared out at it. Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes, and the one I marvel at the most. It was forever pulling me to it, making me want to be near it. I could feel the power that it had over me, and all that marveled at its beauty. I was torn in coming back to...
Tina returned, followed by a woman who was vaguely familiar to Grant. He assumed she was Barbara. In a quick scan, Grant observed that the woman was a couple inches shorter than Tina and at least forty-five to Tina’s thirty. Their hair was similar in color, though Tina’s was the much shorter wash and wear look that had been adopted by a lot of Navy women. Barbara looked reasonably trim, but did not have the appearance of someone obsessive about their weight or physical condition. In summary,...
Gabe Marion, standing in the doorway, said, “I saw a gun fired in Charleston yesterday that can fire over eight hundred rounds a minute. Of course, to do that it would have to have a much larger storage area for the bullets, but it fired thirty rounds in about the time it takes me to blink.” “Welcome back.” “Thanks. We heard you had a spot of trouble?” “Yes, Sam decided that a shilling wasn’t enough, so he wanted all my money.” “You get him with the cane?” asked Isaac. “That’s what it...
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“Grant, can you come to Broadsword?” Jerry asked over the intercom. “I’ll be right there.” “Can we come also?” asked Sabrina. “Sure.” The three moved quickly to the rear entrance of Broadsword’s bunker, and were surprised to see the amount of activity on and around the boat. Jerry was on the bridge when they approached the boat, and he urged them to come aboard, and said, “Skipper, I’m afraid I missed some things in my first appraisal of this boat.” “How is that?” Grant asked, “I was...
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For the rest of the morning, Grant made notes, looked at charts, and helped resolved various issues as they arose. One of those was an idea by the ‘Coasty’ Cal Peterson and Brad Tyson. “Grant, you have a minute?” asked Brad. “Sure Chief, what’s on your mind?” “We may have come up with a way to extend the range of the Stiletto.” “Now, you definitely have my attention. Tell me about it?” “We’ve some really heavy duty inflatable bladders that we were using to test some of the radar...
Grant got the downtimers situated in his office, with Isaac joining them just as everyone else was settled. “I knew this meeting was coming, but I saw some expressions on some of your faces a few minutes ago that I believe need to be addressed. To expand your understanding of our uptime culture I feel that a quick overview of the past two hundred plus years is very important to our future. As an introduction, I want to begin with the words of one of the greatest leaders England has ever...
“Sioux says it’s time to eat,” announced Beth. “Okay, we’re coming,” Grant answered as he crawled across to the bed and pulled himself upright. “Jane and Janice want to fix a plate and eat in here.” Sabrina replied, “They’re welcome to join the rest of us, but if that’s what they want, I have no problem with it. In fact, Marcel, Lea and Meme may also want to eat with them.” “Who are Lea and Meme, and why would Marcel want to eat apart from us?” “They’re our two runaways, and I think...
At the end of the hour, Sioux knocked on Grant’s bedroom door and announced that the hour had ended. The group got up from the bed, and Grant gave each one of his family a hug and kiss good-bye. After a few tears and words of assurance, Grant went into the main room to find John. He wasn’t there, but he was in the security room. Grant observed John’s intense staring at the radar scope, and asked, “What’s going on?” “We’ve got a visitor. He showed up on radar about eight minutes ago. Without...
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IncestTwo months later.Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down.“Eight o’clock.”...
IncestTwo months later.Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down.“Eight o’clock.”...
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IncestMaddi breathed a sigh of relief as the blue minus symbol came into view. She tossed the pregnancy test in the bathroom wastebasket and folded her arms as she contemplated. From her seat on the toilet she took her time rolling her brown tights over her tapered legs.“This is crazy,” she whispered, rubbing her temples. “She’s so in my head right now.” Maddi couldn’t help but crack a smile as she staggered upright. Did she really think her sister had knocked her up without her knowing? “It’s...
IncestMaddi eased her bedroom door open and slipped inside. The muscles in her back crunched and popped as she tried to stretch her worn shoulders. She made a yawning sigh— the kind meant to push the stress from her tired lungs. Her hand fumbled against the smooth painted wall before she found the light switch. Then her hand was quick to cover her face to shield the flash of light. When her eyes adjusted, they focused on Savannah’s tawny bare foot, poking out from the layers of blankets. Maddi...
IncestDiana Masters kept her deep sapphire eyes locked on the red-yellow streak of fuji apple she tossed high in the air. The soaring thing kissed the bright orange leaves of the tall maple tree in the University’s atrium. It made a loud slapping noise as it came back to her cupped hand. Her other hand clutched a brown paper bag that bounced with a brisk rhythm off her shapely hip. The crimson mid-length dress she wore swooshed to the side as she stopped. Diana scanned the scene as she resumed her...
IncestMadison “Maddi” Masters curled her toes, about to pass the point of no return. The young futanari swiped the rogue strands of raven hair from her sweaty brow and thrust on. Her clammy palms clutched her lover’s boney shoulders as she pressed deeper. The girl beneath her squirmed in the thick layers of silkish blankets that topped Maddi’s queen-sized bed. The girl’s commingled throaty moans accompanied the gentle squeaking of bedsprings. These sounds were faint, as neither girl weighed more than...
IncestHey Hi naughty readers, Wishing you very Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & Prosperous new year ahead. I am Jason great fan of ISS from past 3 years. I had read many stories from this side and I was so enjoyed. So readers I am back to sharing again my 2nd real encounter with you. I hope you will enjoying this encounter. By the way thanks a lot to ISS. Coz after joined on this side I makes many cool and naughty friends and I hope after this story I will making more friends. Thanks my friends for...
Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played; it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...
Straight SexMaddi flicked off her sandals and buried her pale toes within the sun-drenched soil as she made herself comfortable on the campus lawn. For the first time since her arrival, the picturesque, tropical surroundings of Moringa Island bustled with activity. New students and familiar faces alike greeted each other in the fronts of dorms. Some took up blankets and picnicked in small groups on the green or nearby benched. Others found relaxation inside watching television on the first-floor activity...
It took Diana a moment to pull all the excess hair from her face as she sat up in bed. She said nothing but glared at Ellen through pale green eyes. “You’re going back to the general population tomorrow.” Ellen continued. “I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any reason to keep you here any longer.” She added and smile and wink. But Diana just sat there, her bitter stare with folded arms strengthed her resolve. Still, Ellen attempted to penetrate the girl’s defenses. “Maybe I can give you...
Diana Masters quickly figured out one constant about prison: It turned her favorite hobbies into the day’s worst moments. She used her fork to move around the putrid viscosity the administration dared to call mashed potatoes, swearing she just saw a drowning bug. Having a baby turned Diana into a ravenous eater who’s stomach always growled. She sat alone at the cafeteria table, raucous behavior swirling on either side. It’s for that reason she didn’t hear Jackie’s first question. “I said,...
10 YEARS AGO - Diana pressed her hopeful face against the window as she watched the driveway. She grew unsure of how long she sat in the same position in her room, curled in a ball on the window seat. “MOM!” Out of frustration, she bellowed. “I thought you said Jenny was coming over!” When she didn’t receive a response, Diana hopped off the seat and dashed through the door, ripping down the stairs, two-at-a-time before jumping down the last four. “MOM!” She screamed...
“Maddi,” The soothing voice repeated. “Maddi, dear. Are you with us?” “Ugh.” Maddi groaned. Her heavy eyelids took a while to open; Then another minute to sit up and grasp a shred of consciousness. Her classmates surrounded her, each wearing their own look of concern. The four girls parted to make way for Diana with an icepack. “Here we go, dear,” Diana cooed, pressing the coldness against her sister’s forehead. “You gave us a scare,” As the sobering reality rushed back, Maddi knocked...
5 YEARS AGO Maddi’s hand trembled as her knuckle banged against her mother’s front door. She couldn’t explain her nervousness and felt sick with an overwhelming urge to run back to her car. The nipping winter wind flipped Maddi’s skirt over her hips. It allowed the bitter cold a chance to pierce the thin layer of pantyhose--she shivered as she adjusted herself. “Maddi?” The door creaked open, and Rochelle peered down at her slight daughter. “Hey, what’s up?” “Um,” Maddi turned away. She...
***Author’s Note: Series contains graphic imagery of incest*** Her baby was crying again. Maddi groaned as her eyes opened. She was at a loss for how many times she had woken up this ungodly hour. All she knew is she was dead tired and was looking to pass this one-off. “Eden,” Maddi mumbled as she blindly swiped at the lifeless figure in bed aside her. “Eden, go check on your sister.” “No,” Eden growled without moving a muscle. “Eden,” Maddi repeated bolder. “Please go cradle your baby...
***Author’s Note: Series contains graphic imagery of incest*** “Community of Sisterhood. Shared customs,” Dr. Bykov’s commanding voice boomed in the tiny classroom. The room’s six students, scattered in their assigned couples, sat in attentive silence. “All demographics have shared cultural experiences. One of our most significant-is futanari puberty.” A comingled groan of discomfort floated around the room. It remained unclear whether the girls objected to the confounded memories of their...
Author’s Note: Contains elements of incest. Have fun if that’s your thing. Diana Masters trained her deep emerald eyes locked on the reddish-yellow streak of fuji apple she tossed high in the air. The soaring ball kissed the bright orange leaves of the tall maple tree in the college atrium. It made a loud, slapping noise as it came back to her cupped hand. Her other hand clutched a brown paper bag that bounced with a brisk rhythm off her shapely hip. The crimson mid-length dress she wore...
Author’s note: This futanari story contains elements of incest, impregnation. Have fun. Maddi eased her bedroom door open and slipped inside. The muscles in her back crunched and popped as she tried to stretch her worn shoulders. She made yawning sigh— the kind meant to push the stress from her tired lungs. Her hand fumbled against the smooth, painted wall before she found the light switch. Then her hand was quick to cover her face to shield the flash of light. When her eyes adjusted, they...
Author’s note: Contains elements of incest. Maddi breathed a sigh of relief as the blue minus symbol came into view. She tossed the pregnancy test in the bathroom wastebasket and folded her arms as she contemplated. From her seat on the toilet, she took her time rolling her brown tights over her tapered legs. “This is crazy.” She whispered, rubbing her temples. “She’s so in my head right now.” Maddi couldn’t help but crack a smile as she staggered upright. Did she really think her sister...
Maddi dropped her phone on the bathroom floor and returned her head to the toilet and retched. Memories of the past night swirled in her head like water down the flushing bowl. Then bright, watery vomit filled the bowl again. Maddi wished her camera wasn’t so good—she could see the muscles in her scrawny throat work as she swallowed her sister’s cum. She vomited again. And she hadn’t even addressed Diana’s threat. What started as a means to protect herself from her sister, now terrified her...