CrosswindsChapter 4 free porn video

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Author’s note: Contains elements of incest.

Maddi breathed a sigh of relief as the blue minus symbol came into view. She tossed the pregnancy test in the bathroom wastebasket and folded her arms as she contemplated. From her seat on the toilet, she took her time rolling her brown tights over her tapered legs.

“This is crazy.” She whispered, rubbing her temples. “She’s so in my head right now.” Maddi couldn’t help but crack a smile as she staggered upright. Did she really think her sister and knocked her up without her knowing? “It’s crazy,” Maddi whispered again. “Right?”

The hinges groaned as the bathroom door creaked open. Maddi peaked her head through, and her eyes caught Savannah’s sun-drenched nudity as she rested motionless on the bed. Her soft curves rose and fell with the delicate rhythm of a relaxed breath. Maddi smiled. She knew Savannah was terrified. Still, whenever in the girl rested in the safety of Maddi’s room, she seemed at complete ease.

She found herself disappointed that Savannah still slept on her stomach. Maddi yearned to feast her eyes on her girlfriend’s burgeoning baby bump. She eased back onto the bed, tracing her delicate fingers across Savannah’s silky caramel skin. Maddi’s hand came to rest underneath Savannah. She pressed against the firmness of her girlfriend’s blossoming womb. Savannah’s body heat warmed Maddi’s palm— her pulse throbbed.

“Wow,” Maddi whispered as it finally hit her. She was going to be a parent. With that, her mind raced. She and Diana never discussed how they’d parent— or even cultivate their progeny. Were they going to let the girls raise their procreates? Take custody? Child support?

The electronic DING of the doorbell snapped Maddi’s pensive stare. Her eyes trained back to Savannah’s angelic face. Still sleeping, she sighed. Maddi straightened her blouse and made a hurried dash down the stairs to the door.

Maddi felt the impact before she closed the door. Mary’s embrace sent her spinning, and she took several steps back to buffer the impact.

“Ow...” Maddi winced under Mary’s constricting arms. “Oww! Mary!” She feared her brittle rib cage would give way.

“Sorry!” Mary cooed, shrinking back after a pained squeak eked from Maddi’s throat. She crossed her slim legs, covered with nude-colored stockings. “Are you okay?”

Maddi nodded, still doubled over. Between her calcium-starved bones and easy-bruising skin, it was difficult to tell what on her hurt. “So.” She eased a slow breath from her lungs. “What’s up, honey?”

“Well, um.” Mary sucked on her thin, rosy lip. “Just seeing if you wanted to see me before class.” She rubbed herself through her skirt. “May we go upstairs?”

Maddi’s heart stopped. No, no, no, she thought. This wouldn’t do at all. If Mary OR Savannah caught the other in the house, her plans to knock up the rest of her eating disorder support group would go up in flames. But Maddi couldn’t pull her eyes away from Mary’s beautiful, thin hips.

“Dang Mary, that sounds wonderful!” She smiled, hands moving to cover her bulge. “But we totally can’t right now. I was just about to head to campus early.” Maddi frowned for good measure.

“Oh, poo.” Mary’s voice deflated as her face reddened. She twirled the frayed ends of her fiery hair nervously as she recoiled in the mix of embarrassment and disappointment. “Sorry, I should have called.”

“Nonsense, Mary.” Maddi’s knees found strength again. She turned the tables and wrapped her arms around Mary’s waist and kissed her neck. Maddi squeezed even harder, grinding her cock against what little flesh Mary carried around her hips. A faint groan, pain mixed with pleasure escaped her lips.

Maddi’s hand snaked around and found Mary’s crotch. The girl’s wetness already soaked through her pantyhose—and that made Maddi’s cock ache all the more. The thought of once again sullying this sweet Christian girl filled her with wicked glee. “What about your purity vow?” Maddi whispered in her ear. She considered wrenching herself away, at last, fighting against the butterflies that battered her gut. Her cocked jumped with that familiar spasm. She had something hot and creamy for Mary—locked and loaded. “Oh, god. Mary, we gotta stop.”

Mary wheezed, clutched her flushed bare chest. “Mmhmm.” The poor girl seemed unable to talk. She stumbled toward the door and put her weight on it, drunk in ecstasy.

“Just let me grab my things.” Maddi backed away and up the stairs. “And it would be best if you waited here. I don’t think I could keep my hands off you if you were near my bed again.” She winked.

Mary blushed again. The flattered youth plopped down on the trundle bed leading to the living room. “I’ll wait here, then.” She cleared her throat, wearing a goofy, awkward smile. “This time.” Mary covered her face fast, embarrassed by her attempt at flirting.

Maddi raced up the stairs two at a time, bursting through to her bedroom in a few seconds. A brief wave of relief hit her; Savannah was still sleeping. She retrieved her bag and penned a quick note on her stationary. GOING TO DIANA’ S. FAMILY EMERGENCY. MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME AND TAKE CARE OF OUR BABY! LOVE, MADDI. She slipped out without making another sound.

Maddi tapped on the XM Radio dial of her sporty blue Civic as she pulled from the winding driveway. As her favorite pop-punk power chords blared through the speakers, she stole a glance at her passenger. Mary’s purple canvas book bag sat on the floor between her legs. Her knobby knees knocked together at the rhythm of the roaring engine. Mary’s nervous fingers lay templed in her lap. Her palms ground against her clit through her dress’s thick fabric.

“Having fun?” Maddi asked.

“Hmm?” Mary snapped from her glazed stare and looked at Maddi. “What do you mean?”

Maddi wetted her lips as she returned her eyes to the road. “You’re touching yourself.” She smiled. “You must be soaked by now.” Saliva pooled under Maddi’s tongue. “And you probably taste rather delicious too.”

“Delicious?” Mary cocked her head, blushing.

Maddi flicked her blinker and made a sharp right merge onto the highway. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. If this girl were anymore childish, she thought, fucking her would be illegal. “Your pussy, Mary,” Maddi said sharply. “Tasting what’s dripping between your legs would be exquisite.” She paused a moment before speaking. “Is that clear enough for you, dear?”

Mary blinked her pale emerald eyes and pouted. “You don’t think I can be bad?” She whined. “Pull over.”

Maddi tried to hide her smirk as eased the car onto the shoulder on the winding country road. Mary worked quickly, unbuckling her seatbelt and fumbling for her crotch. Maddi planted her head on her window, shutting her eyes fast as Mary’s inexperienced tongue worked over her throbbing head. She rolled her tightening lips up and down the shaft in an awkward jerk—not that Maddi was complaining. Mary’s velvety, tender warmth would make her explode. For someone that never gave head before, Maddi thought she was getting the job done.

With fateful zeal, Mary licked the baggy flesh bunched beneath Maddi’s cock head. Ribbons of spittle splattered and tumbled down the shaft. She took a deep breath, then ran her tongue straight down to Maddi’s balls. The scent was intoxicating and turned the choir girl into a drooling, panting mess.

Maddi wasn’t much better off. She rocked her hips forward, and Mary gagged on her pulsing cock. She pulled Mary’s flaming red hair back and marveled at the sight. Mary’s spit glistened on her flesh. She yanked on her fistful of hair and led Mary’s gasping wet mouth to cover her’s. They shared a sloppy kiss that pushed Maddi even closer to the edge. “Backseat.” Her voice dripped with desperation.

Mary obeyed. Her skirt flew up as she twisted herself back onto the seat. She fumbled with her panties until she yanked them halfway down her angular hips. The insides of her panties glistened with her excitement, also reflected with the ease Maddi enjoyed slipping her cock inside Mary’s pussy.

Mary’s cunt squirted with a gushing force that only a horny, oversexed 19-year-old could produce. Soon Maddi’s backseat became soaked as the pungent scent filled the air. Maddi buried her face in the nape of Mary’s neck, sucking and biting the supple skin. It bruised fast under her hungry mouth. Mary’s cries were mixed with the occasional throaty grunt, her flat chest heaving against Maddi’s thrusts.

“Oh my god. Oh my god.” Maddi cried, quickening her strokes. She wasn’t yet certain Mary was pregnant, and the thought of her oncoming blast doing the deed drove her wild. She grabbed two claw-full of Mary’s dime-sized ass and plowed away. “Oh my god, Mary...” She hissed. “Will you let me cum in you again?”

“Promise to marry me!” Mary cried, wrapping her twiggy legs around her lover. She dug her chewed nails into Maddi’s shoulder and screamed.

“I promise!” Maddi cried out. Her hips bucked as she made one final thrust. As her balls exploded inside Mary, Maddi made a loud grunting noise. She thrust deeper. “You’re mine.” She hissed, capping it with a grin. Her semen left her in thick, bubbling ropes. She remained buried inside Mary to ensure every drop had a chance of inflating her belly. As her rapid pulse faded, she withdrew her wilting shaft. “My god, you’ve drained me.”

“Wow.” Mary was mortified. Her hands covered her blushing face. “Maddi, we need to get married soon. We can’t keep messing up our purity like this. We’re breaking God’s heart.”

“I know, honey. I know.” Maddi cooed in the girl’s trembling ear. “Just trust me, okay? Everything’s under control.” She kissed her cheek.

“Everything’s under control.” She muttered to herself, leaning her full weight on the door. Maddi’s bony knuckles popped and snapped as she flexed her hands. A few minutes passed before the deadbolt clicked and signaled Maddi to be ready herself. Her head tilted up as the door opened— she didn’t expect her receiver to be so tall.

“Oh,” Maddi said, surprised. “Hey, Christy. Is Diana home?”

Christy Masters playfully tossed her greying blonde curls behind her shoulder then her eyes shifted in contemplation. “Nah, she went to school already.”

“I know,” Maddi sighed. She sucked her teeth before continuing. She found biting her lip a practical method of curbing the frustration conversations with Christy afforded her. “But it’s nearly four, Christy. She should be coming home now.”

“Oh, well, she’s not home.” Christy skipped her slender, 5’6” frame back inside. She waddled her hips with some discomfort. “I gotta go to the bathroom now.”

“Do you need help?” Maddi asked, fighting not to sound begrudging.

“No.” Christy snapped, disappearing into the half bath the massive open-spaced foyer.

Maddi wandered down the hall at a strolling pace. The walls were adorned with picture frames, and one portrait, in particular, caught Maddi’s eye. She remembered the day fondly. Their mother pulled them both from school when they were seniors in high school. Straight to the beach, they romped, and this was their cherished souvenir. Maddi and Diana held each other around her tiny waists as they posed for the camera. She couldn’t help but smile, for the pair wore vibrant pink and yellow bikini tops, but dull red board shorts below. A necessary evil: With all the yummy girls on the beach, Maddi labored through a hardon most of the day.

“I wish I was like you guys.” Christy sighed as she gawked over Maddi’s shoulder.

“Being futanari isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be.” Maddi sighed, eyes still roaming the pictures. “I’d be dreadfully lonely without Diana.”

Christy shook her head. She twirled her fingers around some of her curls that had started to gray as she snickered. “I have a secret, Maddi.” She looked off in the distance knowingly.

Maddi’s eyes shifted to her Christy’s stomach as her voice flattened. “Yes, I know already. Diana told me you two were playing ‘Doctor.’ Are you having a baby, Christy? Is that your secret?”

“HA!” Christy cackled. “That’s only PART ONE!”

“Okay.” Maddi grit her teeth. “Then what?”

“Diana plays ‘doctor’ with a lot of girls.” Christy’s face grew dim. “Sometimes, they’re even sleeping.”

“Yeah, well, Diana’s mean, Christy.” Maddi turned to pull her buzzing phone from her skirt pocket. “Hello? Savannah, love! How are you? Yes, of course, you can spend the night tomorrow. I’ll be home in a few hours, so I’ll call you again. Bye-bye, I love you too.” She ended the call and turned back to Christy. “I should get going. You don’t have to tell Diana I stopped by.”

“Are you going to see your girlfriend?” Christy playfully cocked her head and leered at Maddi. “What’s her name again?”

“Her name’s Savannah, and she’s not my girlfriend.” It’s just a game so that she’ll have my baby.

“Oh...” Christy drew back. “So, you’re mean like Diana?”

“Oh, no.” Maddi chuckled and threw her palm in Christy’s face. “No. No. FUCK NO. I’m nothing like her. Diana gets girls drunk. That’s completely different.”

“Not really,” Christy said. “You’re lying to that girl, and love is like being drunk.”

“Christy, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Maddi started to walk away.

“DON’T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT JUST BECAUSE I’M NOT AS SMART!” Christy screamed from the top of her lungs. Her rage rattled the dozens of wall frames as her cry echoed. She heaved for air as her eyes welled with tears. “I know the difference between right and wrong, and you’re both WRONG!”

Maddi motioned toward her with outstretched but cautious arms. “I’m sorry, Christy. I didn’t mean to upset you.” She cooed in a subdued tone. “Diana and I just want to change the world. The ends justify the means sometimes.”

Christy stifled herself and feigned distraction by staring at the pictures on the wall. Maddi watched this behavior for a few moments before turning for the door. Christy’s words still jabbed under her skin like a splinter. Was she just a subversive version of Diana? Maddi had conflicted feelings about that conclusion.

“Mary, Savannah...” Maddi whispered. “All the other girls carrying my seeds. Nobody forced them. Nobody forced any of them.” Her hands grazed the doorknob as it flung open. Diana came bustling through with her book bag, black leather purse, and two plastic grocery bags. “Diana?” She stopped dead in tracks.

“Maddi...” Diana sharpened her eyes. She spoke in a cautious monotone. “What’re you doing?”

“Waiting for you, of course.” Maddi pulled her hands behind her back. “I was just talking to Christy about her baby.”

Diana slammed the door as soon as she heard the word ‘baby.’ “I don’t think this is something we need to be talking about in the living room.”

“So, mom doesn’t know?” Maddi raised her brow.

“What did I just say, Maddi?” Diana interrupted. Her voice sounded irked but composed. “Christy,” She started for the stairs. “Please don’t talk about your baby or the game from now on. Okay, honey?” She didn’t wait for an answer. Diana shimmied up the stairs without a care, leaving the more distant sisters alone once again.

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When she walked in to the restaurant I knew I was in trouble. It was the end of three long days at the convention and I was tired. I had come down to the NASCAR Cafe for a sandwich, mainly because it was the only bar in the Sahara that didn't have video poker...I lose a lot of money playing video poker. Well there I am with my beer and sandwich, and I glance toward the entrance just as she's strutting toward a table.Convincing she was not, a crossdresser without question. But pretty, really...

1 year ago
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A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit By Juliette Lima Part 1: Thursday - When a fellow needs a friend Middle age is not for the weak, thought Jerry Lanford, as he waited for the urologist. Knowing you have a prostate when you are young is matter of studying anatomy. Knowing you have a prostate as a middle-aged man is a matter of fact. Jerry had all the old man attributes, gray hair for a look of distinction, and prostatitis for a look of concern. Only a young person would laugh at the situation, his...

2 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder Part 1 Body and Mind

ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 1 - BODY AND MIND This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. If you'd like some background on the characters in this story, please see their "biographies" at WikiPedia. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Tim Drake was in bed thinking about his plan; wondering if he could really carry it out. It was daybreak and the birds outside sang a...

1 year ago
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Wo Suhani Shaam Tarbia Ke Saath

Hello everyone mera name Abhishek hai. Main Patna ka rehne walan hun. Main 20 yrs ka hun aur mera lund 7inch ka hai. Main aaj aapko ek saachi ghatna batane jaraha hun jo mere saath hui hai. Maina yahan koi bhi galt name use nai kiya hai. To ab main seedha story pe aata hun. Meri ek friend hai jiska name Tarbia age 19 hai. Wo meri bachpan ki friend hai. Wo bht he sexy hai uske measurements hai 36-24-36. Wo training ke liye oddisa gai hui thi. Main wahan kuch kaam se gaya tha to usse milne chal...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 83

I woke up Tuesday morning thinking that something needed to be done. It was almost six, so I slid from the bed to unload and try to think of what I forgot. I put workout clothes on after brushing my teeth. The girls were waking up, because there was a parade going to use the toilet, then following me through the closet to also dress in workout clothes. We went downstairs and into the kitchen, ignoring the coffee pot on the bar in the saloon. I went to the bigger fridge to pull a fairly full...

2 years ago
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Favorite Fantasies 3

The scene is a one-room schoolhouse, somewhere out West.The teacher is about my age, thirty-five, or even older. But she isa virgin, a frustrated old maid. She has kept one of the pupilsafter school, a strong, six-foot-tall boy who isn’t too bright. Shegoes through a stern lecture with him about how he’s not beenpaying attention during class, etc. She asks him two or threetough questions, and when he can’t answer says she’s going tohave to punish him. She tells him to take down his pants;...

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sex with neighbourhood boy Rahul

I am Neha, 24, with a six month old son, married to Mohan a bank officer, staying in one of the one room flats in a busy housing area of a metropolis. My husband Mohan goes to office at 8 am and carries his b/f and lunch with him and comes back late tired and hungry.He has no time even to play with the c***d. When he will attend to my needs? But he gives me a lot of money for the household expenses and etc. I am quite beautiful, big big boobs, itchy cunt and big round buttocks.I am quite...

3 years ago
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 7 What Is A Fuck Pig

“We found it making its way home, trying to contact its old acquaintances, it was… difficult to capture.” Belle tried to speak, the large cock shaped gag bulging in her throat as tears flowed down her cheeks. As she did Mistress Smith Pushed the gad deeper into Bells throat, and she began to struggle against her. “Riley, come here.” The master called, his hand offering the space next to him. I slowly made my way to his side, blushing at the attention. I knelt down beside him and slowly his...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XI

Alistair’s hand was shaking as he looked at his watch. He held his wrist with his other hand bringing the trembling to a halt. It was just after 2:45pm. Jeff’s flat was a just a few minutes’ walk away from Starbucks. ‘Would they both be there together now?’ He wondered. His hands shook again. It had never been like this with Abdul so why was it different now? It was bound to be different though. He knew Jeff. He wasn’t just some guy that they had met on the internet. They had grown up...

1 year ago
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Road RashChapter 6

While I was flipping the covers back, she slipped out of the scrubs trousers. Panties. Nice, simple pastel blue. Hip-huggers. I was jealous of those panties because they were hugging those hips. She reached down and grabbed the edge of the covers I'd carefully left covering my lower half and gave them a flip. Snorted. "I like blue, too." MY underwear was dark blue. Cotton, of course, but the color was a simple choice. A sale somewhere. She bounced over me and slid her legs under the...

1 year ago
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Secret Discovery

Secret discovery By silent submissive Jess was shocked, she knew her husband was into bondage, they had played together often and even built up a small box of toys but she hadn?t known his secret. But then one day she found it, she had been using the home computer and discovered that her husband, George, had been reading stories on bondage websites about female domination and S&M. They had discussed before that although neither of them were really into role playing they both enjoyed bondage,...

2 years ago
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wondering why she had followed the instructions on the handwritten note, perhaps it was the perfumed scent that had made her tingle inside, or that she was so sure she recognised the handwriting, she shook her head briefly and carried on walking towards the huge blank-faced building and it's single solitary door.she put her hand to the handle and cautiously opens the door, pushing it and walks throughshe stops, her hand still on the door handle, leaving her arm trailing a little behind her ......

4 years ago
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Red Nixxy Volume 1

During a long night of terrible thunder storming I decide to go climb into bed with mommy and Daddy. I want to lay next to my Daddy because I'm a Daddy's girl. My Daddy calms me down by whispering sweet things in my ear. Telling me how pretty and young I look and how my soft body makes him excited. He tells me how he dreams about spending the day with his baby girl and doing all of the thing she loves to do. I rub my ass on my Daddy's cock and tease him a little while mommy sleeps next to him....

3 years ago
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Summer job pt2

Nothing happened for the first day or two afterwards. I kept hoping I could get one of them alone somewhere, but my dad was always keeping a very close eye on me. But, on the third day, Carlos caught me on the way to the bathroom, pushing me in quickly before my dad saw him. We kissed for just a moment or two as he took me to a stall. Then, he turned me around, pulling up my skirt and told me to bend over. I obediently did as I was told, and he pushed his cock into me hard, taking me with fast...

2 years ago
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The Little Brother Alternative Part 1

Sophia moaned underneath him, her pussy grinding against his hard cock. Bryce Callahan wanted more though, always more. His finger traced a line from the cleft of her crotch around her hips and came to rest against the rosebud of her asshole. He pushed, applying pressure to the tight entrance while his body never ceased its rhythmic movements into and out of her twenty-one-year-old body. Sophia’s eyes widened, and she made a groan of dismay. Bryce ignored that protest and continued to move his...

3 years ago
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My love My Nisha

I loved my Nishana very much. I always wanted to be wit her. It was during my school days that I got a chance to be alone with her. At that time we were in my high school when she proposed to me. I accepted her proposal and we were in love. We frequently got time to be alone. We kissed each other and hugged each other. We did it in quick fashion as we got not more than ten minutes to be alone with each other. After school she went home by school bus. At the end of my ninth grade we...

First Time
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THE BARISTA AND THE EMPRESS: I first encountered her, when I stopped at a new coffee stand on one of the few corners of Big City that didn’t have one. I remember when most of these corners were empty lots or gas stations. And then the coffee craze hit Western Washington, and these stands multiplied like flea infestations. But, eventually we got used to them, and after all they were very handy, if expensive. This one was of a series of franchised stands from California. And in order to...

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Shower for a shagging

Something happened the other day that reminded me of a past escapade in my life.A few years ago I was around 35 part of my job was working for a company that would buy old run down buildings close to town centres to operate as branch offices. Their business wasn't top class and done on the cheap but we were making money so didn't care. One property came up on the coast which was pretty remote and I met with the boss to agree what we would be doing. They already had a small office in the town...

2 years ago
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Beyond the Sea Ch 01

1 : Nihil inimicius quam sibi ipse There is blood in the room, but they can’t find it. They know it’s there. Blood always comes through. It can wait. For hours, days, since, there’s been washing and rubbings, sprayings and windows opened, but a small colony of maggots has still managed to thrive on a chunk of forgotten lung tissue caught under a chair leg. The flies will not disgust them when discovered in a few days. They will never find the bronchiole, and one day it will be swept up by a...

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A week in May Part One

She was against the left wall, like the other women, there were about 500 people at the party. It was for her boss and his prize for getting their company to mix with another. She wore her reddish brown hair in a very loose bun. Her skin was a light creamy tan, and she wore a 13th century style pale peach dress that hugged her chest tightly. She had on a black mask to hide her face, but her eyes were a silvery orange, seducing the men who stared at her.Her body was perfect, She had all the...

Straight Sex
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Get ready for a Raw Attack! I’m talking sexy, slutty girls getting raw-dogged by big dicks in 4K hardcore movies. That arguably describes any modern paysite, but this joint I’m reviewing today promises “totally raw, unadulterated real sex!” They’re so insistent that I’m starting to question whether I know what’s real anymore when it comes to porn, so naturally, I have to know what makes their smut more raw or more pure than the is a premium reality porn site from the...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 15 Jacks Pajamas

As Jack became aware of his swelling penis he also became cognizant of the fact that everyone else in the room was looking at him and not just Susan. They were looking at him because he still had his pajamas on. At this moment the young Nudism Official, called Gloria, came up to Jack with the last open and unsealed bag and said, “Well, come on, Mr Jack Flynn. The Nudism Lifestyle awaits you!” For some reason Jack had completely forgotten that he was not naked. He had been in his pajamas all...

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I was just 13 when my father died. That left my stupid little sister and me for mom to take of. We were devastated over his death for a long time. Living in the mid-west, the winters can be bad. Mom did her best to run dad’s small farm. One winter day I was 18 & on a Friday after school it started snowing. By dusk it was really getting deep. By night it was above knee deep. Mom & I feed, watered the livestock cleaned corrals. Grandpa came by with his plow and moved driveway and barn...

1 year ago
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Nina Was Her NameChapter 3

I dropped back a little more to try to protect Joey, who was driving the next wagon in the line. The Indians would probably shoot Joey on principle, but my wagon was the one they really wanted. I got Joey’s attention and yelled, “DROP DOWN IN THE BOX UNTIL THE INDIANS ARE GONE!” He waved at me and disappeared. Joey was not the smartest man you ever met, but he was not stupid! I waited a little longer until the Indians got a bit closer. They were waving their guns in the air and shouting war...

4 years ago
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Rugby players have the hottest sex

Rugby players have the hottest sex. That’s what I learned when I got to college and picked up the sport. I’m used to being the only fag on the team, so I’ve grown immune to the attractiveness of other players (though, my general type/scene is athlete/jock). Sometimes, my club will host a scrimmage against the grad schools or the older guys and afterwards, in the great tradition of rugby, we head to the bar and get stupid drunk and sing to our heart’s delight. It was just another drink-up after...

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Caught and the Consequences

‘What the hell do you think you are’   I just lay there not knowing what to say and I am sure going very red under my make up.   ………..   I will go back many years and start at an earlier age.   For as long as I can remember I have cross dressed, always in private, without my partners or girlfriends knowing, totally in the closet, and when dressed I often practised self bondage, used dildos on myself, especially before wanking.   ...

1 year ago
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Payment Due

Payment Due WARNING! This storyis of an adult nature, all the usual stuff applies, not intended for thoseunder 18. yada yada yada… "Alright, on the bed with you." She said. I lazily lay out on the bed, looking over at her and grinning. She was inthe mood to play and I was ready to enjoy every second of it. She tapped mythigh with the crop and said, "Spread'em boy." "I'm getting there," I protested just trying topush her. This resulted in a sharp snap of the crop against my inner thigh. I...

2 years ago
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Humiliating Ways to Make Your Slave Masturbate

1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand and licking the hand clean is the simplest method, but squirting into a shot glass, drink, or cup of coffee can also be fun.2. When the slave has not come for a...

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New Year Starts Off With a Bang

As New Year’s Eve is approaching, I tell my wife Kendra, “Baby, I made fun plans to start the new year off with a bang.” She starts to get excited knowing I always give great surprises and tries to get me to tell her what the plans are, or at least give her a few hints. I smile knowing she has no idea what I have planned, but do tell her, “Well, I need you to at least help prepare for it. I will tell you this much, you need to pack a suitcase for a three day weekend, but you need to pack two,...

4 years ago
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Seduced by a Story

This story is based on a series of Emails I had with a reader of my story, Pregnant Pause. Unfortunately I lost contact with her. Sheri this is for you. Hi. I'm Sheri everyone calls me Sher. I am a 28 year old new mom. Recently I was feeling a little horny so I went on line and read a few stories. One story I read really got to me. It was about a woman who was attracted to her best friend and drank her milk while they made love. I loved the story, and it really hit home. Recently I had a...

4 years ago
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Long forgotten Love

Angelo was born in the phillipines at a young age he knew he was supposed to be a girl. His mother worked as a whore to the sailors who made port. Hence he was a product of his mother’s career choice. He never knew his father, not even his name. Angelo was his mother’s only c***d since she got her tubes tied after having him. Years later she was still a whore. Angelo pretty much raised himself. His mother walked around their house completely naked, American and Canadian soldiers would walk In...

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