Social Undistancing free porn video

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"Dude this quarantine shit has got to end at some point. I feel like I'm going nuts sitting around in our apartment all the damn time." Oscar said angrily while sipping on his beer. "It's only been like seven months, Oscar. You've held out this long I think you can handle however long more we got left." Leo replied, sipping on his hard cider. "At least we have jobs that we can do from home and have anything we need delivered. Honestly, as an introvert, this is like a dream come true." "Whatever Leo. You know I need contact with other people and frankly, this dry spell I've been in has absolutely sucked." Oscar sneered. "I just wish I could get laid right now." "Wonderful, well I wish I had someone who actually enjoyed spending time with me, I guess," Leo said while rolling his eyes. As they both loudly spoke their "wishes", a young woman with long blonde hair had happened to be walking her corgi down the sidewalk next to their building. Underneath her homemade cloth mask, she smirked and nonchalantly waved her right hand. "Wish granted boys. Hope you have fun," she whispered as she walked on past. "Hey Leo, I'm gonna go in and grab another beer, want another of your hard cider things?" Oscar asked as he stood up from his lawn chair. "Yeah if you would. Thanks. I was actually about to go in and play some Animal Crossing for a bit." Leo replied as he also stood up from his chair. Both guys walked into their apartment, Leo closing the sliding screen door behind him as he was the last one in. Oscar walked by the cheap couch they both had gone halfsies on while Leo sat down on his side of it, picking up his pro controller. As Oscar stepped onto the linoleum floor of their little kitchen he could feel this weird, tingling sensation on the soles of his feet. He figured it was just the coldness of the fake tile and ignored it. In reality, his feet were shrinking and a light purple polish appeared on each of his toenails with each step. Now at the fridge, Oscar opened it and held onto the door as he bent over to reach in and grab the drinks. In this instance, two things happened at the same time: his hair began to quickly grow out and his butt was quickly expanding. As he reached his right arm into the fridge, he had to pause as his short black hair was getting into his face and blocking his view. He pulled his arm back and pushed his hair out of the way before reaching back in to grab the drinks. "I swear my hair hasn't grown that much in the last seven months. I managed to get a haircut before we had to stay home." he thought as he grabbed his beer and set it down on the counter next to him. When he went to grab Leo's bottle of hard cider he felt his gym shorts feel like they were riding up his ass quite a bit and stopped to pull them down a bit. Leo, who was still on the couch happened to look over at the exact moment Oscar's shorts were riding up and showing off a small bit of the bottom of his butt cheeks. Leo couldn't quite place it but he swore his roommate's ass looked a lot bigger, definitely more shapely than it was a few minutes ago. He quickly shook his head and looked away, disgusted with himself to be staring almost lustfully at another guys' butt like that. After setting his roommates' drink on the counter, Oscar closed the fridge and popped the tops of both bottles and threw the tops away. His hair had now reached his shoulders and magically pulled itself back into a ponytail held by a purple hair tie. He walked into the living room and handed Leo his drink before sitting down the couch next to him just as the pleasant sounds of the game started. Oscar took a sip of his beer and as his lips touched the smooth glass they plumped up slightly. "I just love the music of this game," Leo said while playing. "You say that every time you play dude," Oscar replied, his entire body shrinking and causing him to readjust on the couch. "I can't help it... Woah what the fuck?" Leo asked, having turned to look at his roommate. "Oscar... what the hell happened to you?" "Fuck you mean?" Oscar shot back, his voice starting to rise in octaves. "Dude... something's happening to you... like you're changing right before my eyes. You look almost like a chick." Oscar gave him a weird look and quickly got up from the couch to go to the bathroom they shared to take a look. As he hurried to the bathroom his hips widened with loud pops that echoed throughout the apartment. When he reached the bathroom he quickly flipped on the light and watched horrifyingly as his face began to change. The skin contorted and moved until his face began to look like he had been born a girl. His eyebrows had thinned as if he meticulously plucked them regularly, his nose shrunk just a tiny bit, and he now had bigger cheeks that gave him cute mouth dimples. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Oscar yelled from the bathroom. Leo almost spat out his drink as he quickly rushed to see what was up. Oscar had burst into tears as he grabbed and pulled at his face in a desperate attempt to return it to normal as Leo stood awkwardly in the doorway. "What the fuck happened to me? H-How is this possible? I look like a woman! Leo, p-please tell me this is some fucked up dream." Oscar cried, his voice now sounding like a woman's. His roommate struggled to find the words to say as he stared in disbelief at what he was seeing in front of him. "O-Oscar... what the fuck...?" Oscar groaned and gripped the edge of the sink as he began throwing up the contents of his stomach. Between his dry heaves, it felt like he was getting punched in the dick repeatedly which was causing his stomach to churn. In reality, his penis and testicles were being pulled inside his body as his organs made room for his forming uterus and vagina. She threw up again and managed to turn the sink on to help wash it down, Leo having disappeared from the doorway. He eventually did return with a cold, wet rag and set it down on the counter next to her. "L-Leo... i-it's gone... my dick and balls are gone... I can't feel anything between my legs..." Oscar said between heavy breaths. "Oliv-ar. Osc-ia. What the fuck. Oscar-ia!" Leo tried to say his roommate's name but found he couldn't. "Dude, what the fuck? I can barely say your name. My mouth feels weird when I try and say it." "How the fuck is that important? MY DICK AND BALLS ARE GONE!!!" Oscar yelled. "Who the fuck cares if you can't say my name? It's fucking Olivia you dumbass!" "Liv that's not your name! It's Olivia!" Leo insisted. "Fuck! That's not what I'm trying to say." Both knew that wasn't her name but with each mention of it, it began to further cement itself in their brains as the name Oscar began to slowly disappear. Olivia eventually rinsed her mouth out and wiped down her face with the cool rag, staring at her reflection in the mirror. "I-I just don't understand... Why the hell did I turn into a girl? How the fuck is this even possible?" Olivia asked, tearing up again. "I have no idea, Liv. I feel like I'm tripping hard on acid or something." Leo replied. For whatever reason, he suddenly felt compelled to comfort his roommate in a way he never considered. He brushed off the feeling and continued to stand in the doorway. "Well, at least this can't get any worse..." "For you maybe! I'm the one without their cock you asshole!" Olivia snapped back. "Just leave me alone you fucking prick." Leo made a face and shrugged his shoulders. As he walked off to the living room he noticed that there were a bunch of picture frames up on the walls that weren't there when he followed Olivia to the bathroom. He walked up to the nearest one and saw what looked like himself dressed in a gray tuxedo and Olivia in a beautiful wedding dress and holding each other's hands as they faced one another. Underneath the photo were the words: Leo and Olivia Freeman - 6/08/19. "What the fuck...?" Leo mouthed as he reached out to the picture frame with his left hand to confirm if it was real or not. His fingers collided with the glass of the frame and left a rather large smudge. "Shit. Liv is gonna be pissed if she sees that smudge, especially after she just cleaned up the frames." He didn't pay much attention to what he had just said as he rushed into the kitchen in search of a microfiber cloth that he suddenly knew was in their junk drawer. Opening the drawer that was off to the left of the sink he saw a pink patterned cloth with the words LENSCRAFTERS on it under a few random objects. "What the hell is going on? Why did I know this was in here and why is it even here? Neither of us even wears glasses..." Leo thought as he reached for the cloth. "What the hell am I even doing[Doug Kope1]?" *** Olivia watched Leo walk away from the door as she went and sat down on the closed toilet seat and began to cry again. She felt extremely overwhelmed; both by everything that happened and the sudden burst of new emotions and body chemistry coursing through her. Her brain was almost at Chernobyl levels of meltdown as she held her head in her hands, shielding her face so no one could see her crying. After a few moments, she calmed down enough to at least raise her head up without the support of her hands and looked up across the room towards the bathtub. Along the edges were a mix of women's shampoo and conditioner bottles, at least three different kinds each. She wiped her eyes and tried to focus on the bottles and quickly realized that all she was seeing were blurry shapes. "What the fuck...?" she thought as she tried squinting to try and read the labels on the bottle. Olivia wiped her eyes again, figuring her vision was just a bit blurry due to her crying. When that didn't work she started to get worried. "What the fuck? Am I fucking blind now? What fucking else?!" she yelled, standing up from the toilet. Having suddenly stood up, her head suddenly started to spin as she reached for the counter to keep her balance. Her hand collided with two objects that fell into the sink with a loud clink as they hit the drain. When her head finally stopped spinning she walked to the front of the sink and noticed that her reflection also looked blurry in the bathroom mirror. She reached into the sink and pulled out a pair of big black-rimmed glasses and instinctively put them on. "Holy fuck I can see again. Woah! What the fuck? I'm wearing glasses?" Olivia asked as she made different faces in the mirror. "I look kinda cute with these though. Olivia continued to mess with her new glasses until the faint glint of the other object in the sink caught her eye. In the sink was a diamond ring that was just barely hanging on from falling down the drain. She quickly and carefully grabbed the ring, slipping it onto her left ring finger in one quick motion. "Wow... it's so beautiful..." Olivia said lovingly as she looked closely at the ring. "Wait, what the fuck? Get this thing off me!" She desperately tried to yank the ring off of her finger but it didn't budge, as if it was superglued to the skin. After a few more attempts she gave up and quickly walked out of the bathroom to her room where she knew a pair of pliers were at. As she hurried down the hall she didn't notice that various wall decorations that were hung up that weren't there before. Upon stepping into her room she saw that everything she owned was gone. Not only was all her stuff gone but it had all been replaced with baby furniture and the room looked like it was decorated as a nursery. She stepped further into the room and looked around at everything. "Wh-what's going on...? Where's all my stuff?" Olivia stammered. "This just keeps getting worse and worse... I mean what the fuck else is gonna happen?" She stopped in front of the crib and held onto the edge of it with both hands and gently rocked herself back and forth as she closed her eyes, whispering "This isn't real" to herself. As she rocked her chest began to swell and push outward, her nips getting bigger, and her areola's expanding to the size of a half-dollar. With each rocking motion, her chest continued to swell more and more. After a certain point, it wasn't just her chest that began swelling outward but her belly as well. Her chest eventually stopped growing once she had a pair of ample sized breasts and her belly had stopped when it looked like she was six months pregnant. The sudden new weights on her front caused her to open her eyes and look down. "Oh no. Oh hell no. No! No! No! Jesus fucking Christ no!" Olivia screamed. "This is not real. This is not real! No!" Olivia teared up as she suddenly felt a kick come from within her stomach. She rubbed the area as she still held onto the side of the crib. "Why did this happen...?" "I think I might have an answer to that, Olivia..." a voice responded from behind her. She felt a hand rest on top of hers as another gently held her side as the person behind her pressed themselves against her. Olivia saw the gold band around the finger of the hand on hers and almost instantly knew it belonged to Leo's. "Remember like a half hour ago when we made those dumb wishes? I think someone or something was listening..." Leo whispered into her ear as he pulled her close. As much as Olivia didn't want to, she found her body respond to his touch in a positive manner and let herself be pulled closer to him. There was something about the way he was holding her that made her feel more comfortable and she soon let go of the crib and leaned back into him. "B-but..." Olivia began to say. "H-how...? I-I can't be... shouldn't be... a pregnant woman." "I know, Liv. Trust me I know. There's probably a severed monkey paw with a curled finger somewhere in the world right now." he joked. "I never in a million years would have wished for this but... I love you Olivia." Leo gave her traveling hand a gentle squeeze as he confessed his love to her. The more he held her close the more the feelings of admiration and love for Olivia became true. "O-oh gosh... I-I love you t-too..." Olivia quickly replied, her cheeks turning a pink color. She felt embarrassed to suddenly confess her love to her former roommate but deep down she knew she meant every bit of it. "If your wish came true in this twisted way... do you think mine will come true too...? After a few moments of silence, Olivia turned around so she could finally see Leo who still hadn't responded. Her cheeks now a dark shade of red as she looked up at her husband. His face was just as flushed with redness as he tried to find the words. She couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, something she would have never noticed before, or at least admit to. "Y-you know... the doctor said it was okay for us to be i-intimate still..." Leo mumbled. "Wh-what...?!" Olivia gasped and pulled away a bit. "I-I said the doctor said we could still be intimate still..." Olivia nodded, the memory of a conversation she didn't know of until this moment played through her head. She had been worried about having sex while pregnant but her doctor had dismissed her worries by telling them both it was practically natural to continue their sexual romps. "O-oh... ugh, where did this memory even come from?" Olivia asked. "I remember... we were just at my second trimester check up a few days ago. A-and the doc, Dr. Reznakov told us we could still fuck." "Y-yeah... now that you mention that I can see it vividly in my head too. What the fuck is happening to us, Liv?" Leo also asked as he started to get worried. Leo looked down at Olivia's face and took in her features: her bright green eyes, the kind of glasses he thought made any woman sexy, her cute nose, and the cutest little dimples when she smiled. He frowned a bit as he felt himself falling deeper in love with the woman in front of him. Every fiber of his being was telling him this was all wrong but then again, was it? He looked further down, his eyes glancing at her breasts that were only covered by the shirt she had worn that day. A new memory trickled in of seeing just what they looked like without anything covering them that made him squirm. Trying to regain his composure he quickly looked past her breasts to her round pregnant belly. Again, a new memory appeared, this one the day they found out Olivia was pregnant and how excited and terrified they were at the same time. Then came the memory of the night that led to their happy/terrifying moment... "Ergh, no not that..." Leo groaned as he shook his head from side to side. Much to his discomfort he could feel his member swelling as the memory continued playing in his head. "What's wrong, Leo?" Olivia asked in genuine concern. "Are you alright? Oooo. What was that?" Olivia could feel something hard begin to touch the bottom of her belly. She looked down to try and find the source but couldn't see much past it. "S-sorry... this memory keeps playing on a loop inside my head." Leo spoke as he tried to desperately avoid eye contact with her. "Memory of what...?" Olivia asked, partly out of curiosity but also partly regretting it. She could feel the hard object now pressed up against her belly as Leo tried to adjust himself discreetly. "Oh no. No. No. No. Is that his d-dick touching me...? That's disgusting..." Olivia thought. "B-But I guess I should be proud I can still make my hubby hard... even if I look like a beached whale..." It was now Olivia's turn to try and hide her embarrassment as she tried not to think about Leo's growing erection let alone how kind of hot it sounded in her head. She desperately tried to think of something else besides the thought of Leo's cock and how much she suddenly wanted it in her mouth. "Ugh... what the hell am I thinking? But he's been so great these last few months and he deserves a special 'treat'..." Olivia thought as her focus had begun to shift. "Liv. Can I be one hundred percent honest with you?" Leo asked. "Y-yes...?" Olivia replied, squirming a little by his touch. She was in the midst of trying to sneak her right hand into the hem of his shorts.. "Our wishes. I think they combined together into one big twisted affair. God. I can't stop this memory of us fucking. It's driving me insane." Leo blurted out. "I know it's not real but holy fuck does it feel like it." "Oh...? Mmmm. What are we doing in this fake memory...?" Olivia said while trying to stifle a moan. She didn't want to admit it just yet but she could start to feel a dampness in her briefs. "Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. What is wrong with me?! I wished to get laid but this isn't what I meant! I wanted to be fucked by Leo, wait no!" Oliva screamed in her head as she tried to fight her new urges. "Umm... stuff. Actually, do you mind if I try something?" Leo asked, trying to ignore his former roommates moan or that she was trying to egg him on. "Of course Leo. W-what is it that you wanted to try?" Olivia replied. Leo, who was still blushing like mad leaned down and planted a passionate kiss on Olivia's eager lips. He tried to pull away in embarrassment but Olivia had immediately kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck before he had a chance to run away. "You're not getting away from me that easily..." Olivia whispered as she pulled away a bit with a big smile. "Even though our wishes got 'monkey- pawed' as you called it... I-I feel this undying love for you and our baby growing inside me... also I'm just like super horny for you right now." "Y-Yeah...?" Leo replied, putting his hands on her sides as he tried not to smile back but was failing drastically. Olivia nodded and kissed him again, "Yeah and I also know you're just as horny for me..." She moved her left arm off of his neck and brought it down so she could use her hand to gently caress his erection through his shorts to prove her point. After giving it a few gentle rubs by the palm of her hand she let go and smiled devilishly at him. "Oh fuck... Umm.. Do you wanna take this to our bedroom?" Leo asked while trying his hardest not to moan from her touch. "Maybe I could tell you more about that memory that hasn't gone away." "Abso-fucking-lutely!" Olivia practically shouted in response. *** Leo had taken Olivia by the hand and led her out of the nursery to his bedroom that was across the hall. When they had stepped inside the room, neither had really noticed all that had changed. For starters was the bed, which had changed from a basic Full mattress to a nice, comfortable King memory foam with brand new sheets. Then there was the closet which had magically expanded into a small walk-in stuffed full with both of their clothes. "Am I really gonna go through with this...?" Olivia thought as she crawled up on the bed. "God damn what an ass... " Leo thought as he watched her. "Shit, are we really about to do this?" "Honey, umm... I know this is gonna be super awkward for both of us but could we..." Olivia began as she sat down in the middle of the bed. "C- Could we do it in a certain position...?" "U-uh... yeah whatever you want babe. It was your wish after all." Leo replied, crawling onto the bed next to her. "Sorry that came out wrong." Olivia lightly punched him in the arm, "Yeah it did you butthole. This is so dumb but do you remember that scene from the movie Knocked Up?" Leo raised his left eyebrow, "That Seth Rogen flick? You mind being a bit more specific...? They did have sex quite a bit in that film." "I want to do it doggy style... but like they did it in the movie... where we just cuddle close and I guess 'make love'." "Oh god... this is so embarrassing... Did I just reference a fucking Seth Rogen movie? What the fuck!? But god damn does doggy style sound hot as fuck especially with him." Olivia thought. Leo nodded and pulled her into his embrace, kissing her as he did so. She smiled as she let herself be pulled into his arms and happily kissed him back deepening the kiss. "Holy fuck are we really gonna do this?" Leo thought, shocked by Olivia's sudden eagerness as she continued to kiss him. "I mean... doggy style does sound pretty hot..." As they continued to kiss, they managed to pull each other apart to rip off their shirts. Olivia grabbed a hold of Leo's hands and immediately put them on her exposed breasts. "What do you think of these puppies?" she giggled in between kisses. "They're amazing." Leo said as he cupped them and gave them a big squeeze. "Oooooo~ You always had a thing for girls who were 'well-endowed'." Olivia gasped and moaned. Leo chuckled and went back to kissing her and continued to "massage" her swollen breasts, much to Olivia's delight. At some point both fell back into the pillows as their makeout session deepened further. Olivia reached down with her left hand and snaked it down through Leo's shorts and underwear to gently wrap it around the shaft of his massive erection. She then began to gently stroke it up and down, Leo's grunts and moans egging her to continue. "Oh my god he's so big... Fuck. Is he even gonna fit? Ugh. Why am I even thinking about this?" Olivia thought. "It's not like he's the one who got you pregnant you dummy. Of course he fits, in fact he's the perfect size for you." Their handy ministrations continued on for a few more minutes before Olivia suddenly stopped and pulled away a bit. "Leo, I-I'm ready... in fact I'm more than ready. I don't think I've ever been this horny before..." Olivia whispered under heavy breaths. "I know we're both anxious and nervous but do you mind if we 'act' like a married couple during our lovemaking?" "Y-Yeah... of course." he replied nervously. Olivia smiled slightly and gave him a quick peck on the lips before sitting up to take off her shorts and briefs. She required a little bit of help from Leo who was in the midst of taking off his own shorts and boxer briefs. Once they were both naked, Olivia pushed him down onto the bed by his chest and shimmied a bit so her head was in tandem with his pelvic region. She spoke no words as she gently wrapped her right hand around the base of his shaft, pushing down the tufts of pubic hair out of the way. There was a brief pause before she lowered her head down and took his cock into her mouth. "Oh fuck am I really doing this? I am doing this aren't I? Mmmm..." Olivia thought as she sucked his dick. "Holy shit, is she sucking my dick? O-Ooooh fuck... she's good..." Leo moaned in his head. "L-Liv... holy fuck... It feels so good..." he moaned as she began to play with the tip of his cock with her tongue. Olivia smirked a little while her head bobbed up and down. It was something an ex-girlfriend had done to her many times while they dated and now here she was doing it for her husband. She looked up at one point and saw how much he was squirming and gripping the sheets. "Holy hell he's really enjoying this... Mmmm... why is this turning me on even more?" Olivia moaned in her head. Eventually she stopped and crawled back up so her head was up next to his, giving him sweet tender kisses. "You don't know how badly I wanted to do that since we were in the nursery..." "Y-Yeah?" Leo replied with heavy breaths. "Yes, but then someone thought they needed to kiss me." Olivia giggled while kissing him again. "Now how about we fulfill my wish?" Leo nodded in agreement, he leaned over and grabbed a remote off the nearby nightstand and pressed the power button. An oscillating fan near the bed roared with life as it began to blow cool air across them. "I figured since it's gonna get hot underneath the covers." Leo explained as he set the remote down and leaned back over into her. "Well if these memories are anything to go off of... we do tend to use the fan a lot during our lovemaking sessions." Olivia smiled and rolled over to face away from him. "Now hows about we get started with our long overdue one?" "Y-Yeah... lets." Leo replied as he adjusted himself and helped Olivia get situated under the covers. They started to spoon a bit as Olivia helped guide Leo's cock towards her waiting love tunnel. When he felt the tip slip a little inside he began to gently thrust, mining a bit deeper. "Oh god... Mmm... Leo... This feels amazing..." Olivia moaned as she felt him continue to slide further inside her until he was all the way inside her. "Fuck... yeah it does. I love you Olivia..." Leo moaned as he began to gently thrust out and in. "I love you too Leo... Why did we ever wait this long...?" she gasped. Olivia took his one hand and held it against her belly while he used his other hand to gently play with her right breast. She couldn't believe how much she was loving the feeling of Leo thrusting in and out of her. He would gently squeeze her right nip with each thrust as he moaned in her ear. "Yeah, why did we?" Leo chuckled and nibbled on her ear lobe. "How are you feeling?" "Like the luckiest woman to ever exist right now..." she moaned. "Mmmmm... you never did tell me about that memory that wouldn't go away..." "Well... it was the night we conceived... " he began. "We got a little wine drunk watching The Office after a long work week and started making out on the couch. Then we couldn't keep our hands off each other... Thank god I was wearing a button up that evening cause you ripped it right open." "Mmmm... oh yeah...? What else?" "I helped you out of your shirt and you were wearing that cute lacy red bra I love so much. That of course didn't stay on very long. You had me pull the lever on my side of the couch so the foot rest came out and then you straddled my lap... Then I played with your boobs like this." Leo pinched and rolled her nipple between his thumb and index finger, moaning as Olivia began to rock herself in opposite rhythm to his thrusts, squeezing his hand on her belly with each movement. As Leo continued to tell her the memory, Olivia could see it vividly in her head and it turned her on even more. Both were too focused on their lovemaking session to really notice as memories of another life had slowly entered their heads, mingling with their current memories but neither taking over the other. "Oh Mmmm. Oh god Leo... keep going... I think I'm gonna cum soon." He moved his hand that was resting on her belly to her left butt cheek and gave it a tender squeeze. "After another round of making out we both took off our sweats. You weren't wearing any undies as usual... and you had quickly gotten mine off. Then without any hesitation you had straddled my cock and slowly slid down till I was fully inside you... kinda like now." "More... please baby... I'm so close..." "And then I grabbed your ass like this..." Leo squeezed and kneaded her ass. "Then you started moving those sexy hips of yours and slid up and down my cock... Damn... I'm getting close too babe." "Good... I want you to cum in me baby. I want all of it... Oh god... just like that... Oooooooo~" "Oh god. L-Liv I'm cumming... oh fuck. I'm cumming." Both were hit with a mind numbing orgasm as Leo held onto Olivia tightly, both having closed their eyes as their whole bodies shook. Olivia continued her rhythm, milking Leo's cock for everything it had. "Oh fuck. Liv... st-stop... fuck it's too much. Oh god..." Leo moaned. "Mmmm... but it feels so good... I love the feeling of you cumming inside me..." Olivia moaned but finally relented. "That was amazing Leo... You were amazing..." "So were you Olivia... Let's try and not wait this long again..." They cuddled close as they tried to catch their breaths while his cock softened enough to naturally slip out of her. Olivia eventually did turn over so she was facing Leo, pressing her belly against his. "Leo. I want you to know I'm really glad our wishes got monkey-pawed or whatever. I-I wouldn't have you or our baby if it weren't for it. I just wanted to let you know I really do love you and I can't wait to have our baby..." Olivia said sleepily, clearly tired in their post-marital bliss. "Olivia. Me too. I'm so happy I have you to spend the rest of this outbreak with. I love you and our baby too," Leo replied sleepily as well and gave her a few kisses before they turned in for the night.

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Social Distancing

 23 March 2020. Week 3 of CoVid-19 here and believe me, in a few days, the threat became real. People suddenly started having the shits; no toilet paper in the shops, shelves were stripped of essential groceries. For me, as shopping is a daily chore, I shopped smart considering others.When my wife told me, a lady was diagnosed in her office, naturally, I was alarmed, but decided to take it as it comes. On the Thursday, her company went full-tilt into ICE mode, testing Internet protocols for...

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social distancing

'oh come on why don't you come round and see me ?' kevin says to julie on the phone'you know we can't its not allowed social distancing means i can't see you you can't see me we have to stay away from each other''oh come on it could be our 1 form of excercise' kevin laughs'well to be honest 2 minutes really isn't much excercise ' julie laughs at kevin'oh fuck off' kevins getting annoyed'anyway how can we fuck if we have to say 2 meters apart , your cocks barely 2 inches ' julie says...

3 years ago
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Social Service Of Love 8211 Part 2

Hello all, I am back ek nayi story ke saath ek baar phir mera intro de du I am a healthy boy of age 24yrs. My name is prithvi kapoor me ek bade family ko belong karta hun aur haal filal Indore me rehta hun ..Maine kai tarah ki social services karte logo ko dekha tooh mene bhi decide kiya jis bhi lady ya girl ko life me pyar samaan ya respect nhi mila me uska hissedar banunga aur unhe o pyar or pleasure dunga. So ab story pe aata hun. March ke target pure hone ke baad april me itna load nhi...

1 year ago
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Social Work and a bad experience

When Theresa graduated and decided to go for one more year to do social work and be a probation officer, everyone was taken aback, especially since she was the only one who had a morbid fear of v******e and violent people.Theresa was your typical middle to upper class girl, petite, polite, cultured, well educated, and very beautiful, a trait from her model mum, tallish and pure blond, leggy and slim, and if you were to believe her, 'A Prized Virgin', sought after all through Uni, d**g free, non...

3 years ago
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Social Media Star Part 3

[All characters are age 18+] A lot has happened since my last update. My sister's Hollywood career continued to take off. She got small speaking roles on a few TV shows and booked several commercials. All the while, her Facebook and Instagram accounts garnered over a million followers each. She and my step-mom were ecstatic. Meanwhile, I became more and more involved with my own sponsor: FemBoy Inc. With each passing month, I received new products to use and review on my own social...

3 years ago
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Social Media Star Part 6

[All characters are age 18+] After the humiliating pegging incident, something inside me snapped. I had wanted to hate it, but deep down, I knew I had loved every second of it. After my sister and her friends left, I made a drastic decision -partially out of fear and partially out of embarrassment. With my ass still sore, I threw out all the FemBoy Inc. branded toys and clothes I could find. I tore up my modeling contract and went back to my old ways. Videogames and watching TV became...

4 years ago
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Social Workers Visit

Joe Bark was an investigator for Social Services. He had an inquiry from the St John school nurse about a possible case of abuse. One of the students, a Miss Pearl Watts seemed to be in duress walking with apparent pain, although she denied that anything was wrong or out of the ordinary. Many parents took their frustrations out on their children. Joe had investigated many families but usually the results were negative. The school system was a lot more wary of child abuse than ever before. Joe...

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Socially Challenged Ch 1

**This is going to be in several parts this is part one. If no one likes it I’ll scrap it and go back to my usual naughtier stuff. Sorry for any grammar and so on mistakes but that’s me. That’s what flows out of my fingers. Vote for me and also let me know if ya like it. I’ll get part 2 out to you.** * * * * * Brian a 22 year old collage student sat in his chair cruising through his e-mail on a Friday night. As usual he had no plans this night other then to spend time with his lovely Sarah....

1 year ago
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Social Distancing Journal Entry March

This whole Coronavirus thing sucks. Working mostly from home means I see my husband way too much. I mean, we’re having awesome married couple sex — but that’s like eating pizza every day. I love it but I need variety.As readers know, I’ve also been seeing Dan too often recently. We have our adventures and we text all the time. Yesterday, I even told my guy I was going into work in the morning — but that was a huge lie as the office is closed. But I wanted to see Dan. I drove straight to his...

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Social Worker Takes Advantage

You know it’s wrong. How do you stop it? Why should you stop it? Is there some primal need in you so desperate to explore the dark but oh so sweet side, taste the forbidden fruit, just once, only once, you promise yourself, knowing damn well you’ll break that promise……Summer. She begged you to take her away from her ‘useless as fuck family’ (her words), she followed you out of the house and got in the passenger seat of your van before you knew she was there. You were at breaking point with the...

2 years ago
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Social Networking Site Pe Friendship Ke Bad Bhabhi K Sath Sex Kiya

Hi dosto, kafi dino baad chudai story likh raha hu kyuki kaafi dino se kaam me busy tha aur ha is story se bhi ummid karta hu ki ye bhi apko pasand aaye aur aap sab ka pyaar muje mails aur comments through milta rahe bilkul pehle ki tarah hi mera email hai Aab jyada idhar udhar ki bate kare bina me story start karta hu mera nam to apko pata hi hai aur jinko nahi pata unko bata du I am hiren 27 from gujarat. Mere penis ka size 7″ aur round 3″ hai .Love to enjoy with aged ladies and bhabhis and...

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Social Media Gave Me Sex

The sex story goes like this. In the changed times, people are joining many bbm and whatsapp group and they try and flirt with women of the group just to try their luck. I also joined a bbm group where I found that there is this woman from mumbai who is 38 years. Let’s call her sapna. Sapna used to send smileys and winks on all the non veg jokes and wouldn’t miss even a single chance to respond to any of the guys who are flirting. I got this hint that she’s definitely a ‘always horny’ mode...

4 years ago
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Social Service Of Love 8211 Part 3

Hello girls and ladies I am back ek nayi story ke saath me prithvi age 24 iss story me kaise mene meri ek friend ko pyar karna sikhaya and pyar se jo khushi milti hai usse mehsus karaya. So lets start jaisa app jante me ek health boy hun with height 6 feet and meri friend riya age 24 height 5.5 little healthy figure 36-32-38.Meri friend thodi darpok kism ki ladki hai aur usse pyar aur sex ke baare me jo bhi baatein hoti hi mene hi samjhai hai ..Actually wo bhot kaam ladko se friendship rakhti...

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Social Networking Site To Bed

Hi friends, myself dinesh (name changed), a engineer by profession, from bhubaneswar, odisha. I am a fan and a regular reader of iss. I like incest and desi section stories a lot. Now I am gonna to narrate my story, which happened with me a year ago. It happens between me and one friend from facebook. Please give your feed-backs on my mail id after reading this incident. I am working in a engineering firm here in bhubaneswar, I am 28 now. At that time I was 27. My height is 5′ 7″, and m just...

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Social Security

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov I found mercy in the concert hall. The prospect of Bach's orchestral suites on original instruments convinced me to blow $30 that I couldn't really afford. I was still paying off hospital bills from falling down those iced-up steps three months before, and hobbling around on a gimpy leg just barely out of a cast made it a bit difficult to get out and around. Sitting one row in front, about four seats distant diagonally, was an interesting-looking...

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Social GolfChapter 2

After finishing his second cup of coffee this morning, Vic Jensen put the morning paper down. It had taken him longer than usual to finish reading the paper because his thoughts kept drifting back to the encounter he had with Jill two days ago. He still remembered hearing her saying the words that she wanted to get laid. It was somewhat of a shock to hear her say those exact words and it was a moment that you don't easily forget. Further shocking him was his discovery that she wasn't...

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Social GolfChapter 3

Putting his cup of coffee down, Vic Jensen thought things were going good for him. It has been one month since he asked Jill to marry him and plans for the wedding were going forward. Vic didn't want to make a big deal out of getting married and expressed his desire for it to be a small quiet affair to Jill. It wasn't going to be that way however, because Jill wanted it to be a much larger wedding. Vic gave into Jill's thoughts as to the size of the wedding, but he wasn't overly pleased...

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Social butterfly

Amy and Phil had been married for a year and they ran into a huge hurtle. Phil can't get Amy pregnant, its not that she isn't able to become pregnant its that Phil is not able. It had been three months talking to a doctor. Thats when they found out that Phil's sperm count was low. If that wasn't bad enough the doctor discovered amy had a tight cervix and ask when whas the last time she had an orgasm. To Phil's horror she had never had one with Phil. The doctor was blunt. Phil was to wear a...

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Socially Challenged Ch 2

Brian slowly halted the kiss letting Sarah slide down his arms and back agents his chest. For a few moments they both just stared at the TV. Sarah wasn’t sure what to say was she to aggressive. She still felt so nervous about being there but my god that cock. It was so hard and needed her so much she wanted to be all his firsts. Brian’s head was swimming… what does he say to a girl who just gave him his very first oral sex. The woman he loves just gave him the most pleasure he’s ever felt in...

4 years ago
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Socialite Wife

The limousine drove slowly up Times Square until it merged with Broadway then it pulled to the curb at 1535 which was the Marriott Marquis Hotel in downtown New York City. The front door opened and a handsome chauffeur got out and walked around to the curbside and opened the rear door and the gaggle of paparazzi, cameras flashing, moved closer to see who was inside. Inside the rear of the vehicle sat Mrs. J. Burdock Williamson, or CeCe, as she was known to all of her friends, who slowly slid...

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Sarah Carerra 209 The Band Played On

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 27, 2010) Chapter 9 - The Band Played On I was putting the last pin into my wig when my phone rang. Tracy had pulled over on the way back to the studio to allow me to put the wig back on without the painful experience I...

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Theres Something in the Water Chapters 11 to 19

By Rawly Rawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit my site (you can find it by searching for my name in your search engine of choice). All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Late 1950s, somewhere in the Midwest … Chapter 11 Sally woke in the morning feeling quite guilty for listening to her mother give her eighteen-year-old brother a blowjob. What would...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 11 Dees Diary Her Best Friends Husband

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, MAY 7th (Continued) Suddenly, I was sitting between Martha and Mommy. I had to look up at them because I was very small, but that was perfectly normal. All three-year-olds are small. And this was when Martha was my nanny. Of course it was! And now I was leaning slightly against Mommy and playing pat-a-cake with Martha, and I was laughing and giggling, and thinking "They look so YOUNG!" but I didn't seem to have any control over my actions. And that made sense, too....

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Let the Chips Fall Where They MayChapter 5

Laurie Purcell led her chattel into their pod rather eagerly, determined to assert her rights with the pair that she had claimed. Samantha Anson, the traffic cop, particularly needed to learn that she was no longer an authority. Otherwise, the pecking order might be inverted. "So, Officer, are you ready to what I ask of you?" Laurie demanded of her slave. "Yes, Ms. Purcell," Sam answered, freshly reminded who was boss, though in some ways resentful of the situation. She really wished...

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NubileFilms Blue Angel Taste Of Love

Blue Angel is in the midst of preparing a delicious dinner for Kai Taylor when he interrupts her cooking session for some sweet loving. Not about to tell Kai no, Blue makes sure she’s turned off the stove and then leads her boyfriend into the living room. She peels off her shirt as she kneels between Kai’s legs, unveiling her incredible perky breasts that Kai just can’t resist the urge to suckle and lick. Working with practiced ease, Kai gets Blue out of her clothes and then...

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More lessons from Amy

It has been a week and a half since Amy and I had hooked up and to tell you the truth I was longing for her. I would see her just about every day but it was just a hi and how are you doing.Friday night came around and I was washing my classic dodge with Amy sitting on her front porch. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her looking my way as she waited for her ex to come by and pick up the kids. When he came and left she walked over and sat on my porch,”you look very pretty tonight”I...

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Slave Male Service In Bangalore For Mistress

Dear Readers, My name is Divakar (real name). I am a 28 year old male IT professional working in Bangalore. I am fair in complexion and around 5’10” tall and weigh 75 kgs. My cock is decent 6 inches long and not so thick. I am married too. Around 5 years back, I met with a major bike accident and was hospitalized for almost a month. That time I went to Kerala to take ayurvedic treatment and I was staying in a treatment center for almost 3 months. During that course of time, I too learned to...

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Dadaji8217s Wild Adventure 8211 Part 2 Incest Fivesome

Hello, I am Rachit and I am back with the second part of this much-awaited incest fivesome series. Thank you all for such an overwhelming response to my first part. I request you all to use some hot pics of the actresses I mentioned while reading the story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My other aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles...

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Something About Pinay Mary Chapter 4

After my picking up the place and allowing the ladies time to get to know each other in this new way I headed up stairs. There was Pinay Mary laying back on the bed and her Niece was sucking on those hard bent nipples. The clothespins were now on the nipples of the Niece as she was slowly kissing her way down her Aunt's tummy. Mary was almost sitting upright with her ass propped up with a pillow to display that smooth, juicy, slit. The Niece got down to her hips kissing and lightly licking all...

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First time with friend

My story is of me and my best c***dhood friend and if I ever get finished writing it spans 6 year.Intro and background:My friend Mike, names changed to protect all, is 4 years younger than me and has a brother a few years older than me. Mike's brother, Ben, was telling Mike about getting pussy and how fucking worked.Mike was only 3rd grade and I was in 6th grade.We lived in a rural area so Mike really didn't have anyone to share this new exicting information withduring the summer when he...

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The Dorm Visit

100% fiction! I am a 43-year old successful businesswoman and professional who has a wonderful and handsome son, my only child, attending the state University and my alma mater. A few years back I had caught his father screwing one of my friends after I had returned home early from a business trip. To make it worse, I had returned early so that we could celebrate our anniversary. Instead of celebrating my anniversary with my husband, I celebrated alone with a few bottles of wine in a hotel...

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Island DelightChapter 7 Girls Day Out

Monday Liz Cramer rolled out of bed at half-past seven and immediately headed to the bathroom. While she no longer suffered from morning sickness, she was peeing for two, and that wasn’t something she could get Bob to do for her. Besides, even if he could, he had already left to go fishing with Tully Winston. After a seeming eternity on the toilet, she flushed and then brushed her teeth, took her vitamins, and jumped into the shower. She was looking forward to a girls’ day out with Babs...

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leanne gets caught stealing part 2

leanne arrives at work half an hour early goes to mr whites office 'hi lea' smiles katy'hallo katy i'm here as mr white ordered half an hour early should i go in now ?'katy buzzes mr white 'mr white lea is here should i send her in ?''tell her to strip off 1st then send her in naked hands on head''you heard him strip'lea blushes bright red but strips in front of katy'hands on your head' katy says standing and walikng in front of lealea puts her hands on her head'spread your legs a little and...

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The Making of a Perfect Slut Daughter

Hey there! Welcome to my second chyoa story! This one starts as a remake of a story I think I read on Literotica many years ago, though sadly I can’t remember which it was. But the basic structure is a father uses drugs and brainwashing to turn his innocent daughter into a slut who thinks it’s perfectly normal to take cocks at any time, especially her father’s. The first part will be some light non-con to the start of the mind control, so if you’re not here for that and would rather just read...

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No Place Like Home

Asian Angel had recently heard a report that several women have been disappearing lately. What was strange about the report was that only Asian women had been the victim and several witnesses say they saw some women go into some old studio in an abandoned part of town. She knew she had to report the news to Lady freedom, but knew that Lady Freedom probably wouldn't send her on a mission that didn't have all the facts gathered. Luckily for her, Lady Freedom was not in town, for she had the...

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Would you like to try it Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

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Wondering Eyes

Wondering Eyes By Lyndee Mason "...then this customer kept bugging me about how there was a loose thread on the shirt and that she wanted a discount on it. But we know she made the loose thread herself just to get a discount on it. I get customers trying to scam us all the time." explained Amy. "Uh-huh." Tim responded half listening. "They come in and try to find tears or find a way to mess up the clothes so they can get some kinda of discount." Amy...

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Rachael part 7

Life was good right now. Rachael, the girl who I had met at the supermarket when her car had a flat tyre, and I were beginning a relationship which was enhanced by the fact that her sister Joanne and their mother Fiona were sexually involved in it.It had been just over two weeks since our four way sex orgy that had spilled from Saturday evening through until Sunday afternoon and there was the promise that it would be repeated … often!Joanne had joined us in our sexual fun on more than one...

3 years ago
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A Loner Mentalist Pt 04

Over_Red has found some free time this month and he’s edited this installment of the series. Yay! I’ve already sent him part five and he’ll edit it as soon as he’s done writing chapter ten of Dream Drive, so that’ll be up soon, too. Enjoy! ******* Jack Watts drove to the spot where he picked up Mia after school each day. He was too nervous to sit behind the wheel, so he got out. He paced the sidewalk as he looked off into the distance, hoping she’d come soon. He honestly didn’t know if...

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Science Class

Around the end of the year, he assigned a poster project over the reproductive system. I was not all that good in science so I needed a little help, but was afraid to ask him. On the Friday before the last week of school, he invited me in his classroom after the bell rang, which was around 3:30 and he said to come back around 5 o’clock and so I went home and got all of my science project materials to work on with him. When I went down there everyone had left and the janitors had locked up....

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 19

Ryan sat at her desk, willing the time to pass. It was Friday and she was itching to get out of the office. She’d been distracted all day, thinking about the gig the following night. Plus, she wanted to see Brody. She hadn’t seen him since Sunday and smiled at the memory. They had eventually worked off enough stress that she had slept until after ten in the morning. Brody had been gone when she’d awakened, but he’d left a note and a ticket for that afternoon’s game, telling her to come and...

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TalentChapter the Sixth The lady Lays

I dreamed again. I dreamed because it was night time and I was in bed. But I understood that I was not sleeping. The velvet blackness and the crystal streams of light were once more stretching into infinity from around me. I felt as if I was back at home. No, that wasn't right, it was not my home but it was a place that felt like it. I felt at ease, this was a place of safety. I knew a deep peace. I was naked and I lay down in the darkness watching the streams course around me. Great...

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Friday Night Ben Janes First Time Together

Jane was a curvy young woman of twenty-four when Ben moved in. She’d been paying her own bills for six years, moving out of the house as soon as she graduated high school and working as a barista to get through the MRI technician program at a technical college cross-state. On graduation she was able to find steady entry-level work. She had a boyfriend, Park, who she had been dating for about five months, and the two-bedroom apartment she shared with one female roommate was in a good...

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Jay Faith and Friends chapter 2 part 2

Faith woke up Saturday morning and remembered where she was and smiled thinking about the fun she had the night before. She looked around to see if anyone else was awake yet but didn't think so. She was snuggled in the side of Jay flat on her back, her head was on his chest and Liz was on the other side of her with her arm laying across Faith's chest. Dana was on the other side of Jay and she had her arm across Jay also. Apparently her looking around aroused Liz from her sleep and she...

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June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...

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PterisChapter 2 Recruiting A Hero

Daniel started. “All my life I have been a nerd. While in college, I was a charter member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. I fenced in high school, and when the SCA was founded, I expanded into all sorts of medieval weaponry. I became super nerd.” “When I was a little older than you are now, I was recruited,” he paused for effect, “by a smooth talking guy who said that my knowledge could be put to rewarding uses. I could never have known how rewarding! And now, I’m going to recruit...

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Doggy Styles 11 The Dog Trainer

Summary – Claire successfully trains another dog and teaches Duke a new trick. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire had an incident at the park and then spent some time with her new friends Brenda and Stephanie at the kennels. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real...

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Kimbers way

On graduation day the halls of John Polk High were completely deserted. Off in the distance towards the gym there were excited screams and raucous laughter, but in the quiet English hall, Kimber’s heels echoed loudly. She had just graduated and wanted to go to the only room she would miss in this entire building. It was the room of her twelfth grade English teacher, Mrs. Ray. She was tall, thin, blonde, and at forty-seven, she was still amazing to look at. She had wanted Mrs. Ray since the...

2 years ago
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Die Webcam8

„Hallo, Mama! Ich bin wieder da und habe Meike mitgebracht!" Tobias wusste auch noch nichts über die Gründe von Meikes Verspätung.„Hey, was war denn los, Süße!" begrüßte Sandra das Mädchen.„Große Scheiße. Wegen meinem Stiefbruder."„Was ist denn mit Kai?"„Der Arsch hat sich voll in die Scheiße geritten. Mit so einen blöden Schnepfe da unten."„Erzähl in Ruhe und von Anfang an.", forderte Sandra.„Der hat wieder mal den großen Aufreißer gespielt und am Strand jedes Mädchen angebaggert. Natürlich...

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Blackfeather21 Courting

OF COURSE, we did get breaks, but not at the same time. I came down for an absolutely luscious week in the arms of Aubrey. My sweet, sweet girlfriend. I thought about how my attitude had changed about that. Yes, she was also my brother’s girlfriend, but now I thought of her as my girlfriend. It was fine that she was his, too, but my relationship with her wasn’t defined by that. While I was down on my ‘vacation’, Phile and Caitlin pounded on my door. I opened it and they held out their laptop...

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Playing with Olivia and Amanda

I had been chatting with olivia for awhile and she loved telling me about her best friend amanda and how she really want to fuck her, they had kissed now and again when they had been drinking but nothing more.Having seen pictures of amanda I was willing to help to see if olivia could have her way so we decided to all meet up at my place the following weekend and see if we could have some fun together.Olivia told me that amanda was all set and she told me about all the naughty things we had been...

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