Train free porn video

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Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon.

They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner.

"So when are we taking it to the next level?" Eric asked.

Kitka had smiled, and bit her lip, and said, "Take me out and buy me an expensive dinner, and I think you'll be a lucky man before the day is over." She fiddled with the top button of her shirt, casually unbuttoning it.

His eyes were alight with interest. "Is that a promise?" he asked.

She thought about it, and then said, "Yes. I want you thinking about it all dinner. I want you imagining it. It's the third of the month today. Take me somewhere *decadent* - *romance* me - and you'll have your cock inside me before it becomes the fourth."

She unbuttoned the second button of her shirt, and idly ran her fingers up and down the exposed skin - and then ended the call.

Eric lived up to his end of the bargain. He looked so good in a suit and tie that she wanted to submit to him right then and there. He took her to a restaurant that made her feel like they must have mistaken her for literal royalty just to let her in, and while he never let her see the cheque, she guessed that dinners plus drinks must have come to well over three hundred dollars. She blushed under the intensity of his attention and genuine attraction to her - *all* of her, although her risque black cocktail dress certainly pleased him - and by the time they left she was more than happy to deliver on her promise.

They decided to catch the train home. A taxi would have been easy; but she wanted the pleasure of strolling to the station with him, her arm held in his, his presence by her side.

When they reached the station, though, he turned to her, and said, "It's eleven thirty."

"Yes?" she said, not understanding.

"It'll take forty minutes to reach your house. Longer for mine."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, my lady," he said, "your promise was that I'd have my cock in you before it became the fourth."

She blushed bright red as she took his meaning.

He looked at her with a steady gaze, grinning ever so slightly.

Kitka knew she could say no. Eric would never *make* her do anything. Rather, he liked to make her *want* to do what he wanted. If she didn't want to go down this path, she need only ask. But she had a stubborn streak. She had made a promise; suggested a game; and she didn't want him to see her as a woman who didn't follow through.

"Yes," she said, holding his gaze. "I did say that."

He held out his hand. "Give me your panties," he said.

She blushed again, and looked around. There were other people on the platform, though none were looking at her specifically.

"The bathrooms..." she started, but he shook his head.

"You'll miss the train," he said.

She was confused. Didn't he want to fuck her, right now? Why did they need to catch the train?

And then she understood, and blushed even deeper.

Taking a deep breath - which pushed her tits forward in a way he clearly enjoyed - she reached under the hem of her cocktail dress, hooked the hem of her black lacy panties, and quickly wiggled them down her legs, hoping no one noticed. She lifted them up with one high-heeled foot, caught them in her hand, and placed them in Eric's palm, her face bright red.

"Good girl," he told her. Behind her she heard the hoot of an approaching train, and then the rush of air as it pulled to a stop behind her. She didn't look. Eric was still looking at her face, and she was damned if she'd blink first.

Finally, he widened his smile, and looked past her to the train. "Get on," he said.

The boarded the train. Late at night, it was mostly empty, but even so, Eric blessedly guided them to a seat in an empty car.

She went to sit, but Eric coughed. "On my lap," he said. "You're fulfilling your promise, right?"

She bit her lip, and waited for Eric to sit first. He adjusted his pants as he did. A moment later, she lowered herself down onto him - and squeaked.

He had his cock out, poking through his fly. It was rock hard, and as she sat on his lap, it slid smoothly into her naked, eager pussy. She felt it slide straight up her fucktunnel, filling her, until her groin landed on his lap with a satisfying "thud", and she was left, impaled balls-deep on his phallus.

She had to struggle not to moan at how good it felt. She hadn't realised how *wet* she had become since Eric had reminded her of her promise - but she was soaked. She must be leaving a wet patch on Eric's pants. She thought of all the times with a man that she'd had to fiddle to get his bits to line up with hers, and was thankful for her lubrication for making *this time* work perfectly on the first try.

"You still okay?" he asked her.

She didn't trust herself to speak, but nodded emphatically "yes", and made a quiet, primal, slutty sound that she hoped was encouraging.

"Good girl," he said again. God, she loved it when he told her she was a good girl.

She expected him to start bouncing her on his lap, to fuck her, but he held still. She tried to do it herself, but he gripped her waist, holding her in place. She moaned with frustration. Being stuck there, feeling him inside her - feeling him *twitch* from time to time, flexing against her G-spot - was more maddeningly arousing than actually being fucked, it seemed.

He held her there for the entire distance to the next station. The train pulled up, the doors opened, and a few passengers got on. A cute twenty-something girl with coloured hair and a collar, listening to some unidentifiable tune on a pair of headphones, wandered over without really paying attention to their presence, and sat opposite them, not really looking at them.

Kitka had squeaked as the girl approached, and tried to get off Eric's lap, but he held her for a moment, and whispered in her ear, "You can get up, but *I* want you to stay." Then he had released her waist.

Kitka had considered for a moment, half raised, her face blushing - then sat back down on Eric's lap, still impaled on his cock. She looked downward, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

As the coloured-haired girl - "Collar", Kitka thought of her as - took her seat, Eric stared at the girl, getting her attention. Collar caught his stare, and looked at him curiously, lifting one headphone off her ear.

"It's okay to take another seat," Eric said. "There are plenty free. My girlfriend and I are having a moment. But it's also okay to stay, if you like what you see."

Collar looked the pair of them up and down, confused.

Then Eric spread his legs.

When Kitka had sat on Eric's lap, his knees had been together, so she had d****d her legs to either side of his.

When Eric spread his legs, it spread Kitka's too.

Collar's eyes widened as the front of Kitka's cocktail dress rode up her thighs and bunched around her waist. She had a clear view of Kitka's wet, shaved, lustful pussy, and Eric's cock buried deep inside it.

Eric looked at Collar steadily.

Collar blushed, then grinned, and leaned back in her seat, eyes fixed on Kitka's pussy.

*Then* Eric began to bounce her.

Kitka moaned in lust and humiliation. What was she doing? She was letting Eric fuck her on a public train, in front of a stranger, who could see everything. She was on display. She was acting like a slut.

"Give me permission to restrain you if you change your mind," whispered Eric in her ear.

She didn't need to think. They had discussed safewords, as part of their teasing flirtation. She knew the words that would make him release her, no matter what she told him now. She also knew that her stubborn streak would stop her using those words in all but the direst circumstances, even if she was humiliated, even if she was degraded, even if he ejaculated inside her in front of a crowd of her friends.

"Yes," she moaned. "Oh, yes."

They had both spoken quietly, but Collar had heard. Her smile deepened.

He kept fucking her, slowly, so slowly it was agonising. It was a slow build of lust, of need, deep in her cunt, but he wouldn't let her control the pace, wouldn't allow her to buck against him, instead keeping up a slow, rhythmic bounce, accentuated only by the occasional bump of the train on its rails.

He was still fucking her at the next stop, when more passengers got on. Collar recognised one of them - a tall, lanky goth boy. "James!" she called out. "Over here! You've got to see this!"

Kitka's eyes widened, and she tried to get up again - but now Eric pulled her arms behind her, as she had told him he could, restraining her in place, spitted on his hard, warm cock. She whimpered.

The goth boy - James - did a double take as he approached. "Holy shit, is this okay? Is he restraining her?" He looked at Kitka. "Are you okay?"

Kitka nodded, blushing, and Collar said, "She told him he could. She's a real slut."

"Can we - ", started James, but Eric pre-empted him.

"You can watch," he said. "It humiliates her when you watch, and she likes that. She knows how to make it stop if she needs to. Anyway, she's been cockteasing me for two months, the little slut" - there was affection in his voice - "so I think she deserves a little humiliation, don't you?"

"God, yes," said Collar. Kitka could tell from her face that Collar wasn't sure whether she was most envious of Kitka - impaled on a cock in public view - or of Eric, getting to dominate and fuck Kitka.

"Can we -" started James again.

"Just watch," said Eric. "No cameras, no touching. Kitka's a little slut who might enjoy playing with you, but we didn't discuss it before, and she's thinking with her cunt now so she's in no position to make new decisions. You can write down your contact details if you want and she'll know how to call you if she likes you."

Collar scribbled some numbers on the back of a train ticket and tossed it to the seat beside Eric. Eric put it in his pocket, still fucking Kitka.

Kitka couldn't think straight. Eric was right - she was thinking with her cunt now. All she wanted was to cum, never mind that two strangers were watching her, never mind that she was in public. Whatever would make her cum was something she wanted. She wanted to kiss the cute, sexy girl with the coloured hair. She wanted goth-boy James to pinch her nipples, flick her clit, even punch her in the cunt if that was what it took for her to cum. God, the impact would feel so good...

It was just as well Eric wasn't letting her make any more decisions.

Eric started bouncing her a little harder, and she wanted to babble her gratitude to him. She wanted to turn and kiss him, but she couldn't, she could only look at Collar and at James and see reflected in their lustful grins what a complete whore she was being. She was so wet she thought her arousal must be puddling on the seat.

Then Eric reached into the front of her dress, and lifted her breasts out. She gasped. Her pussy was one thing, but it was only visible to people in the seat opposite. *Anyone* in the train car could see her tits. There wasn't anyone else *in* the car, of course, but...

Then Eric started pinching her nipples, and she didn't care anymore. She whined with need. She wanted him to pinch them harder.

He did. And then he started using them as handholds, to bounce her up and down on his dick.

The pain was exquisite. It ran through her whole body, starting with her tits as he jerked her upwards by them, then pulled her back down, and travelling through her belly and into her cunt and ending with a *thump* as her cunt slammed into his balls, and then back up to her exposed breasts for another round. Her mouth opened into a wide "O" of surprise and lust, and she couldn't seem to close it.

Then, just as the train was pulling up to the next station, she came. She couldn't help herself - she wailed, so loud that she must have been heard from the next carriage over, and her whole body shook.

That was all it took for Eric. She heard him groan softly, and a moment later she was aware of a warm wetness between her legs. A moment later, he stopped bouncing her. He had cum, ejaculating inside her.

As the chemicals of arousal burned out of her post-orgasm, the awareness of where she was and what she was doing came over her - and with it, the paralysing embarrassment and shame.

She almost wanted to cry, but then Eric whispered in her ear, "Good girl," and it was suddenly all all right.

"Shit, this is our station," said Collar suddenly. The two spectators sprang to their feet. "Um... thanks," said Collar. "Really."

"Thank *you*," said Eric.

James and Collar awkwardly retreated. Eric helped Kitka off his cock. She was surprised to see that she hadn't actually made that much of a mess of his pants - just a very mild dampness, and a few spots of his own cum, which he teasingly used the hem of her dress to mop up. She moved to sit next to him, her knees pressed together, trying to keep his cum inside her.

As the train started up again, Eric stroked her hair.

"It's midnight," he said. "You kept your promise. Did you have fun?"

She blushed. "Oh, yes."

"Any regrets?"

"Not a one," she said. And then she looked at him, and grinned, and held his gaze.

"Want to go out again Thursday night?" she asked.

"Absolutely," he said, smiling.

"Well," she said, "I don't imagine we can do an expensive dinner like that every night. But I'll make you a deal. How about you take me out somewhere I've never been before, but which has *excellent* food?"

"And if I do?" he asked.

"And if you do," she said, "I promise that you'll have me naked, on my knees, with your cock in my mouth before the clock strikes midnight..."

"I think I can do that," smiled Eric. "Don't look now, but there's a passenger who just got on, and I think he's going to sit opposite us. I know you're holding your legs together because you have cum dripping from your pussy like a slut, but *I* think this fellow deserves to see what a slut you are, don't you?"

She looked at him, a rebellious, bratty look.

"Because you *like* doing what I say, don't you?" he continued. And she knew that she did.

The man - an older gentleman in a suit, sat opposite them, and Kitka stared at him until he returned her gaze, and then she slowly, deliberately spread her legs.

"Good girl," said Eric, quietly, and Kitka knew that she would do anything to hear him say that again, and again, and again...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 531

This one is compliments of Gary Not a joke or giggle but some interesting comments: Interesting& Amazing Facts - Geography Alaska More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska. Amazon * The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world’s oxygen supply. * The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea, off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. * The volume of water in the...

4 years ago
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He had sex with my friend as I masturbated

Many many years have passed, and looking back there have been some regrets, some thrills, and some controversies.I read today about the rise in teenage pregnancies, and smile warmly at my own encounter with the deadly white stuff, men impregnate into young foolish flesh, titillated and thrilled, making us feel like love is in the air, and very adult.In truth I felt ashamed, not be my deeds but by my perceived innocence, I stood silently and listened as he was vilified, while all the time it was...

3 years ago
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I Want A Raise

I have been struggling to pay the bills for the past few months. I work a stupid secretary job that my friend got me. The pay is barely enough to get me by. I really need a raise in my payment if I want to keep this beautiful condo I have. My first home that I bought by myself.I arranged for a meeting with my boss, Miss Kool, at a local cafe by our work. I dressed in my semi-formal work wear with a tight blouse opening buttons to expose a peak of cleavage. My long legs showing from the knees...

3 years ago
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How I Seduced My Cousin Rati For Years And Fucked Hard

Hi Guys, I am Kamam (name changed for privacy)from Hyderabad working in MNC. This is my 1st story @ iss. I’m a huge fan of ISS from 2003. I would like to share story happened with my cousin sister. This is true story that happened between my cousin and me.Any Girls, Aunties who want to participate in sex actively or if not satisfied in sex can contact me on email : Myself 6 feet , Average body(72 kgs) and my cock size is more than 6 inches. My Sexy godess (Rati name changed)my sister(daughter...

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 27

“Well hello, Josey. I’m glad you could stop by. I hope you’re not in any hurry. We have some snacks and some high powered cocktail mixers on hand,” Denorah told me as she placed her armload of grocery bags on the bed. “I was hoping I’d get to stay long enough to be friends with all of you, at least. I told my granny that I may be spending the night with a friend, just in case I stayed late.” “Josey, we had a great meeting yesterday and this morning with the county planning commission. Your...

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Abby TwoChapter 36

When the air failed at home and the installer couldn’t get parts for a month ... we moved to the skate palace. Our home HVAC unit was manufactured 27 years ago in the United States, and it was cheaper to wait than install a new unit. A magnitude cheaper. The unit on the roof of the skate palace was just ten years old but had less tha 100 hours run time. Mr. Make A. Bucksqueek wouldn’t spend the ready to replace the heatpump. Mrs. Morris heard it through the bridge club that we were hiding...

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Sam has slip showing Stories

Sam is my SO. We have been married many years.Sam 1The first time I recall meeting her was when a group of friends met for a chat and coffee. As there were more people than chairs I ended up sitting on the floor and she was sitting on a table. She was wearing an above the knee black dress with a white decorative band. On a couple of times she pushed herself off the table to get something and then jumped back on. Each time she did this I could see her white plain slip.Unfortunately after that...

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Azalea Ch 03

I apologise for some of the errors in the previous submission – sometimes it hard to edit when you know what’s coming next. I was hoping to get out at least a chapter a week but you know, Murphy’s Law. (It’s also going a little slow for my liking.) All characters are entirely fictional and any likeness or similarities to any persons are purely coincidental. Thanks for dropping by. — Azalea counted fifteen paces each side of the cell. Three sides were walled by metal bars. She quietly tugged...

3 years ago
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My sister and Me recent

Not too long ago my parents decided we hadn't spent enough time at home and planned on having a family dinner back home. I live about 2 hours away from home and my sister lives about half of that. So we all get the arrangements to head home and the next day I head out in the afternoon. I had gotten drunk the night before so I got up late but that is neither here nor there. I'm heading home and I get the urge to give Stephanie a ring and see if she may want to fool around before we get...

2 years ago
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LORNA AND GRACE – PART 5Alice Whitby was the city’s librarian and archivist. She mainly took care of the small lending library which was attached to City Hall. She had an assistant but she did most of the work. When needed she did some filing in the archives of the city which were in the same building. On Sunday, she was the church organist. Although Alice was very busy, she was not well-known in the small city where everybody knew everybody else. She was in her late 40s and was probably born...

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Karen and the Sauna

True StoryThis happened many years ago, names have been changed. Let's just say things were different in the 70s. I know the '909' didn't exist in the 70s. Just trying to make it more relevant to today.I headed down the freeway to see my girlfriend. I had not seen her in a couple of weeks since we lived about 30 miles apart. How I got so lucky to have a girl like her was way beyond my comprehension. She lived at the beach, Huntington Beach, Surf City, USA. I was a 909er. I lived inland,...

3 years ago
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There she goes jogging past my house again! Her name is Amber Lynn and shes my neighbor's k** very young and very beautiful! I see her every morning as I go out to get my morning paper off the lawn she comes bouncing by all radiant exuding the kind of healthy glow of the young! When she was little I used to call her Ann Boleyn after Henry the 8th's wife the one who lost her head and she would get so mad saying I'm not Ann Boleyn I'm Amber Lynn then I would say yeah that what I said Ann...

2 years ago
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Fixing It

SluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: *devilish grin* I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: *lol* not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with him. ...

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Safe sex with in family

I am living in Coimbatore for last 36 years. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man and I have practically realized it whenever I loved a lady in bed. This happens when women don’t get fucked the way they want to be by their husbands. I like ladies with good looks, figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer services to the lady I am sexually playing with. I have always wished to meet a lady...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 9

"Oh, Jesus!" Ric gasped, shoving Vicky's rump up away from his face for a moment. "Lemme breathe for a sec, okay, babe?" Vicky simply hummed an answer into Cherrill's open mouth as the two girls continued their long, erotic French kiss. Vicky's torso continued to move up and down ever so slightly, her rhythm matching her Sapphic lover's movements as Cherrill happily humped up and down on Ric's long, hard cock. "Squeeze harder," Cherrill whispered, her turn to breathe into...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 71

Dear Willow and family, We have (according to the AI) Katy's last heading. So as soon as possible several drones will be dispatched along that track. They will fly essentially parallel to it but above, below and to each side of where her ship should have been headed. Of course we won't give up hope until the wreckage is found, or the ship is found damaged so badly that she couldn't have survived. Your reminder to me of the fragility of communication equipment has sent me to research in...

2 years ago
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Strict and Dirty Mom 4

She was exhausted from the action we had but looked extremely satisfied. I was as well. But we had gone quite deep in our relationship. I never expected my such a strict mom to have such a kinky side of hers. Not a single body part of her was left which I hadn’t seen and felt. She got to see my manhood and looked quite pleased. But my dream was taking her in her ass and I knew she wouldn’t let me so easily do that. I knew she wanted more, so much more than we had, even if it meant screwing our...

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Harry Plays Truth or Dare Part 2

ROUND 3 “To start off this round the book says that whoever is reading the book must go first. So I guess I’ll go first. I choose dare. The book says that I must choose someone to rim and or finger for 5 minutes. If you choose someone who has not gone for this round then this will count as there turn too. If I refuse to do this dare then I must complete the last two tasks. I definitely choose the first one and I choose……. Harry. ‘Why is it always me?’ Harry wondered but out loud he said,...

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Dhaamal When Sexy Punjabi GF Simran Visits Room In Delhi

Hello all, my name is Rohit. I am 29 years old, 5 foot 6 inches tall, muscular guy having 6” (no exaggeration) tool to satisfy any women and I am currently in Delhi. I am a regular reader of stories on ISS but I never got time to write my own but now due to this COVID-19 induced lockdown, I am finally able to write my own experiences. Amidst many sexual encounters that I had in many cities of India, this one is the most memorable one. It all started in the year 2013 when I left my job and...

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How Would You Like Me

 First timer, she thought, watching him fumble with his belt buckle. Everything about him was tense: furrowed brow, clenched jaw, averted eyes. She sat back on her haunches, hands resting lightly on her thighs. This one was going to need coaxing.“Can I help?” she asked.“No, I’m…” He flinched as someone rattled the door handle. A nervous smile flickered across his face. Smiling back, she pushed strands of wet hair away from her face. “Ignore the outside world. This bathroom is yours. So am...

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Sweet Revenge

SWEET REVENGEAs the rays of the mid-day sun beat down upon the crowded golden sands of the South American holiday resort, a small group of three female British tourists were taking advantage of the conditions, after splashing about for sometime at the waters edge, they were now sitting together, under the shade of a large parasol, drinking, and relaxing at a beach-side bar.Tomorrow they would be catching their flight home to the UK, two of their party, Amelia; an 18 year old brunette with hazel...

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Morning Love

Every day has been like a dream for the past two years. A happy dream where everybody wakes up refreshed and ready for the next day. Today was like any other, waking up to Reveille after another restful night, Mark and Alycia stirred in the morning light that poured through the bedroom window. Today was Saturday and neither of them had anywhere to be at any particular time. Rolling over towards Mark, Alycia propped herself on her elbows and she leaned in and gently kissed his lips. He sleepily...

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First time for wife

Firstly we are a normal couple mid 20s, Jane very pretty with small pert breasts . I have had a fantasy for a long time about watching jane with another guy but didn't know how to bring it up. I was worried she would think that i was wanting an excuse to have another woman or that she was not enough for me or that i was just wierd. so one night when we where talking about sex and fantasies she said that she had one about being with two guys so i told her about mine. she was a little shocked and...

Cheating Wifes
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Jessicas Story Part 9

Jessica's Story - Part 9 Just after Halloween was Bonfire Night. The local council had arranged a huge firework display in the park, complete with bonfire. Entry was free and the only charges came for the food and drink on offer, which included hotdogs, burgers and toffee apples. The event was advertised in the local newspaper and a good crowd had shown up. The weather was good, though understandably cold. The girls had all showed up with their parents. Edward was being looked after...

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Returning Back to The Family

Ezra watched through the windows of the sleek black car as it made its way up to his childhood home. He watched the tall, thick trees rolled pass on either side. He watched the rain dance across the glass as the sky continued to spit more down at the earth. Perched atop a small hill overlooking the rather wholesome and simple town below, was his old home. A grand, opulent and grossly excessive thing. A product of the nineteen-hundreds and built to mimic that of the regal homes of Europe. The...

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This is what I did

This happened quite some time ago when I was married. There came a point where our relationship was cooling off especially in the bedroom. We were making the best of it but, I could tell that this was not looking good. I had been giving it some thought cause I really didn't want this to come to an end cause we had a bunch of fun and things were basically not that bad after all. Anyway, one day we were out getting something for dinner and hanging out in the bar area when we saw a beautiful woman...

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The Night I pickedup My drunk Daddy

I confess, I do read erotica and get wet, meaning, I am turned-on by filth, as far back as when I was thirteen, and yes I was wetting back then, so when I ask you readers, 'What turns you on', you might tell me, at the end of my feminine confession.First I think you need a woman, not just any woman, but a young woman, preferably a girl still waiting to experience her first penetration, front or back.Secondly, losing your virginity, as I did mine, has to be a family affair, a stolen moment in...

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