RuneswardChapter 50: Perspectives free porn video

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Issa walked diffidently to the small creek, holding the dark, wooden bucket carefully at her side so it wouldn’t bang into her leg. The sun was tall in the sky, roasting the earth below it and everything crawling or walking. The heat could even be smelled as what little breeze flowing over her served only to move the hot air from place to place. The dark smell of fungi and earth whispered upon that hot breeze, with the fragrance of roses and jasmine underlying the sickly-sweet odor. She reached up, grabbing the top of her blouse and pulling it forward and back, trying to get some air to the drops of sweat slowly sliding down her breasts.

The creek burbled ahead and when she reached it, she found a flat stone and sat a moment. She stretched out and then closed her eyes and lifted her face to the mid-day sun, reveling in its warmth. The day was hot and sweat coursed down her face, between her breasts and down her torso, but she still welcomed the heat of the sun on her face. It comforted her and she couldn’t help but give a slight sigh of contentment.

A light breeze drifted over her, bringing the scent of wood and honeysuckle undercut with a slight odor of grass and maybe just a touch of moist mold. The water added its own unique scent to the cacophony of smells, cut with lily-pads and water grass. The gentle brook gurgled around her, mostly drowning out the clanking sound of the knights or the murmuring movement of others in the camp some thirty yards away.

One familiar sound cut through the sound of rushing water, and she turned her head to watch as her brother and older sister laughed as they entered a dense thicket of oak and alder. The two were on horses, Teran leading and Yren in full armor looking stiff and uncomfortable on his placid, roan mount. It was unusual to see Yren feeling uncomfortable, but not to see him in Teran’s company.

Bena had mentioned their sister was pregnant with Yren’s child. She sighed a bit and let her hand cup her stomach. Bena hadn’t told her, but she knew the signs without her sister’s new-found sight. It was amusing watching the younger girl step around the topic. It was even more amusing to push her sister towards the discussion of children and watch her wriggle her way out of it.

She ran her fingers around her cloth-covered stomach. She thought she could feel the slightest of swells in her abdomen, though she knew it was far too early to notice any change. She sighed again as she let her hand fall away.

“Thinking of what might have been?” Elva asked, as she came closer to her middle daughter. Elva found Issa different than the thoughtful girl she’d once been. As she looked back, she saw over time what she’d failed to see as it happened. Issa had changed little by little as she grew, becoming more selfish and prouder. In their daily interactions, she’d missed the slight changes, but she could see it clearly now in hindsight.

“What?” Issa asked, startled. She relaxed when she saw her mother coming up on her. “What do you mean, ‘what might have been’?”

Elva glanced over where Teran and Yren had disappeared, then returned her gaze to her middle child. “Yren, of course.”

“Oh, no, mother,” Issa replied dismissively. “Teran can have my cast offs – until I’m ready to take him back, of course. If I ever even want that.”

“Why would I waste my time on Yren when I can have a real hero in my bed?” She stroked her stomach and smiled. “Or his child in my belly.”

“A real hero?” Elva asked, uncertainly.

“Why, Chugad, of course,” Issa explained. “While Yren was off running around like a headless chicken, trying to prepare the town, Chugad was very nearly giving his life to try to negotiate our safety. Yren may have the brawn, but he has nowhere near the brains nor the bravery of my Chugad.”

Elva closed her eyes lest Issa see her eyes roll. She knew her daughter saw what she wanted to see, believed what she wanted to believe. No words she could say would change Issa’s mind and anything she said would harm her relationship with her middle daughter. Better to say nothing and remain on good terms than say something and risk losing one of her daughters.

She knew better, of course. She doubted Chugad had actually tried to save the town. Based on what she knew of the man, though she admitted most of it was gossip, it was far more likely he had planned on saving his own skin, leaving the town to rot. However, Issa seemed to sincerely love the man so, for her daughter’s sake, she would leave her misgivings unvoiced.

Her daughter’s delusion concerning her brother was more difficult to accept, however. How had she lost such faith in Yren? Why would she be willing to believe so little of him? And what arrogance was it to believe Yren would come calling at her beckoning? Issa had somehow managed to convince herself she could take her brother back at any time. Elva knew differently. The girl had burned those bridges fairly thoroughly. Her only hope was the two could remain friends in the future.

“So Bena told you, then?” Elva remarked, the barest hint of disappointment crossing her features.

Issa laughed. “Not at all. I may not be a priestess, but even I know the signs, mother. It’s fun to watch Bena walk around it, though.”

“She wanted to tell you, but she wasn’t certain how you’d react,” Elva explained.

Issa shrugged.

“What are Yren and Teran doing on horses?” The younger woman asked, changing the subject even as she dipped her bucket into the stream.

“Yren doesn’t know how to ride,” Elva explained. “Teran decided she could teach him. She’s been giving him lessons during the noon meals and after dinner.”

“I admit I’m surprised Honor Hawksley even allows us a mid-day break,” Issa huffed. “I’m even more surprised she allows the two to go off on their own.”

“They’ve promised not to go far and to take precautions,” Elva explained. “I think part of it, though, is that Honor Hawksley knows Yren needs to learn to ride if he is ever going to have any chance at becoming a knight.”

“Yren? A knight?” Issa chuckled dismissively. The entire idea was absurd. Yren was a passable smith and a decent enough sword, but he was nowhere near good enough to be a knight. “He certainly can delude himself, can’t he?”

Elva didn’t trust herself enough to answer, so she changed the subject. “How is Chugad doing?”

“The same,” Issa replied, her voice quavering slightly. “He is always in so much pain. Bena tries to help but she hasn’t been able to do much. She may be too young and too new at being a priestess. Chugad has heard of a Tyln priest at Klevel who is much more gifted.”

The young woman looked slightly troubled. “Chugad has made disparaging comments about Deia. I’ve not said anything to him – how can I, when he is in so much pain? – but he claims Tyln is the only true god. I’ve asked him where Bena’s power came from – power which healed him as well as he is right now! – but he says it is a trick by demons and chaos spawn to trick us away from Tyln. I’ve not credited his words ... but lately ... I’ve wondered. You don’t think Deia might not be what she claims to be, do you?”

“Issa!” Elva reproached her. “Deia is as much a goddess as Tyln is a god. Are you going to let your faith waver simply because his wounds are beyond your sister’s power?”

Issa looked down for a moment but then looked back at her mother defiantly. “I don’t care about all that. If Tyln succeeds where Deia has failed, I will gladly bend my knee to him.”

Princess Ataya stepped nimbly up the creaking, wooden steps, her head half turned towards her two maids. She was laughing at a ribald comment Mulet had made towards Dakin Oovert. He’d remained when they’d changed guards in Knottline. She wasn’t sure what had happened to the man – but he was far less boisterous than before. He deferred to her, of course, but his eyes were haunted, and he didn’t try to flatter her or get closer to her in any way.

His change had unnerved her a bit. She’d thought she’d understood him. He’d seemed to be simply another minor noble looking to cater favor or perhaps more. He seemed ambitious, something she could understand and prepare for. While Ataya was willing to admit she was fairly pretty, she knew what drew the attention of men to her. She wouldn’t have nearly as many admirers if she weren’t destined for the crown.

She glanced about for Yren but couldn’t find him. Could he have similar ambitions? He had never acted like she’d expected him to act. He’d never even tried to play on his ties as her champion. Well, except in his attempts to keep her in safety. Perhaps he was just trying to be subtle. Maybe he was playing the long game.

The more she thought about it, though, the less she believed it. Yren was just ... Yren. He was a commoner so maybe he didn’t even know how to act around her. He had never displayed an agenda or acted anything more than what he was. It was one of the reasons she liked him.

... and she DID like him, of course. It didn’t go further than that, though. It couldn’t go farther than that. She liked him, they were friends, and she’d named him her protector. She felt safe around him.

She glanced around for him again but simply couldn’t find him. It was starting to annoy her.

In an effort to distract herself, she turned her attention back to Dakin and Mulet. The two were flirting now, which miffed the princess a bit because she had been flirting with Dakin. Especially where Yren could see. Well, not flirting, exactly. She was more trying to get Yren to push back on the minor noble. She didn’t want to encourage Dakin – but it made her feel warm and cared for when Yren stood up for her. Even when he stood up to her.

And she needed to feel warm and cared for and safe right now. This whole trip had been a revelation to her. Secretly, to herself, she could admit she had enjoyed being a child with few responsibilities. She had wanted that to continue for at least a little while, allowing her to sample at being an adult without the responsibilities of being an adult. That was the whole reason behind her confrontation with Gillen in Cava.

It had failed miserably and now, in those dark moments when no one was looking, she knew she was responsible for the complete destruction of her royal knights. The entire platoon was gone, with only Gillen and Uud and Sylva still alive. How could she live with what she had done?

She had to live with it, though it crushed her every time she thought of it. She tried to follow Gillen, to do everything the woman asked, but she so frequently found she could not just follow anymore. Maybe there was just something wrong with her.

It was another reason she liked Yren. Although he constantly remembered she was a princess, he was one of the few treating her like a normal person. There were times, like now, when she relished being treated as normal.

She brought her attention back to Dakin. The guards were their caretakers. Two of them rotated onto the footboard of the carriage, one to protect each side. As days went by without a new attack, they’d taken to becoming more attendants than protectors. They fetched things for the women in the carriage and at least one of them accompanied any of them disembarking. If all of the women went, both of the guards would follow but if the party was split, with some staying and some going, one attendant went with the disembarking women while one stayed behind.

“You are so scandalous, Mulet,” Caprice declared with a hearty chuckle. The girl was following Ataya while Mulet lingered behind.

“It’s not scandalous if it’s true,” Mulet rejoined, turning and winking at the fiercely blushing guard. She paused, one foot on the lowest step and the other on the ground. She was facing Dakin with her legs suggestively wide, though the dress she wore hid everything but lean expanses of exposed legs. “Are you on overnight guard duty again tonight.”

“N-no,” Dakin stuttered. “We rotate the overnight duty. Today my watch will end at twenty-two hours.”

“Well, then,” Mulet purred, her eyebrow arching. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be needing a walk about then. I wonder if I can find a nice, strong guard to accompany me – so I don’t get lost or ambushed.”

“I-I think I can arrange to be there to protect you,” Dakin assured her. Ataya scowled briefly before carefully putting on a neutral face.

“If you can,” the maid replied, “we might just have to see if I can introduce your staff to all of my openings this time.”

Dakin gulped. His mouth opened a time or two, but no words came out. Finally, unable to speak, he just nodded.

Mulet smiled and mounted the steps, Caprice and Ataya laughing at her. With Ataya, at least, the laugh was a bit forced. It sounded like Mulet had already trapped the young guard. For a brief moment, Ataya thought back to everything she’d missed out on at the Harvest Festival in Cava. So many shadowy whispers about what went on during the Harvest Festival late at night...

“Have you really already been with him?” Ataya questioned as she caught her breath. They had made it safely into the carriage. Though the door was open as others came in, she had pitched her voice so only Mulet heard. She hoped.

“Who? Pretty boy?” Mulet asked rhetorically. “Several times.”

“I bet he’s hung like a mule,” Caprice gushed, her tongue licking her lips unconsciously.

Mulet shrugged. “Actually, he’s pretty average. He’s only good for a time, sometimes two. Plus, he won’t do the Feast. He says it’s too degrading or disgusting or something. I’ve thought about asking him how I must feel when I’m swallowing his sword but...”

She shrugged. “Men are usually such boys, I was afraid he’d cut off our rendezvous.”

“You should cut off more than your meetings if he’s too droll to reciprocate,” Ataya declared, her voice laughing freely. She only had rumors and stories about what went on during such ‘rendezvous’.

She had to admit, it felt so good to laugh again. She’d been focused so much on the tragedy which had befallen them, and the serious, precarious nature of their quick march towards Callisto, she had been quite depressed.

Trust Mulet to pull her from her melancholy, even if it was with Dakin Oovert. Three seasons older than Ataya, the maid had an earthy, irreverent sense of humor and a flirtatious, sexy nature which Ataya often found hilarious. She caught herself in mid-chuckle when her eyes grew accustomed to the darker interior of the coach they’d acquired in Knottline.

Caprice and Mulet glanced at each other and then back to the princess.

“We ... uh ... really can’t do that, Ataya,” Caprice started diplomatically.

“Why not?” Ataya asked hotly. “If the Feast isn’t good enough, then neither is the Sword.”

Mulet pursed her lips. The princess was over her majority now. It was probably time she was told the truth. “Because it’s part of our jobs.”

Ataya looked from one to the other in disbelief. “It’s what?”

“Part of our jobs,” Mulet explained. “A rather pleasant part, more times than not.”

“If you are ever... ‘pursued’ ... and the attention is not reciprocated, it is our job to waylay the pursuer,” Caprice continued the explanation, biting her lower lip. “Your mother was quite clear we were not to let anyone through, and we were to use whatever means were necessary. Sometimes we can get away with talking, sometimes we can nudge a knight against them. We can even stab them, if necessary. Usually, it is enough to seduce them, though.”

“Dakin pursued you in Hasp,” Mulet expounded. “Events got too crazy for us to divert him then, but we’ve blocked him since.”

Mulet’s face grew troubled. “He hasn’t really been pursuing you lately, though. It seems kind of strange, but I thought it would be better if I took steps.”

She broke into a smile. “The duty hasn’t been all that terrible, really.”

“Neither of you should be put into that position,” Ataya railed.

“It’s part of our job, Ataya,” Caprice smiled. “The knights are here to protect your person. We’re here to protect your virtue. If our own gets a little sullied in the transaction...”

She shrugged. “We really don’t mind. Mulet and I both really like sex – though she favors men while I favor women, we are both happy to bed either. Once in a while it is onerous, but not overly.”

Ataya turned in righteous anger and frustration and brought herself up short to see Empress’an Audette’s face just as stormy as she felt. “What’s the matter, Audette?”

“Your champion is what’s wrong,” Audette spat. Audette’s companion, Ilzu Fareen, winced from the side of the Empress’an. She gave a quick shake of her head as Audette launched into her tirade. “While you were gone, I thought I’d sit up front and get some fresh air. Do you know what that great lump said? Do you?”

“‘NO’,” the Empress’an screeched through clenched teeth. “He told me ‘No’! He claimed it wasn’t safe up front, that he would be heading to lunch shortly, and I should ‘remain in the rear, where your safety is assured’.” The last was said in a high-pitched sneer.

“When I told him I needed some air, he suggested I open one of the windows a crack,” she continued, her voice tight. “‘Not too wide, though,’ he said. ‘Keep it closed enough an arrow wouldn’t fit through’.”

“When I told him I WAS going to sit up front and there wasn’t anything he could do about it, do you know what he said?”

“Audette, I...,” Ataya started placatingly.

“He said I was wrong!” Audette nearly yelled. “He said I might think I was going to sit up front, but I was actually going to sit in the back, and he’d chain me to my seat if he had to!”

“Mmmm, I bet he could do it, too,” Mulet breathed in a suggestive voice. Her vamp act had gotten Ataya to laugh finally so she was sure it would have a similarly disarming effect on the Empress’an. She really didn’t mind the sexual liaisons; as Caprice had said, she really did enjoy the sex. Still, it was a role – a pleasant role – she played. With Yren, though... “Have you seen those big hands and huge feet? I think I’d let him chain me to anything he wanted, if you know what I mean.”

It seemed to have at least partially worked as Audette was brought up short.

“What?!?” she asked, her eyes blinking at the older woman.

“Big hands and big feet,” Mulet giggled. She knew her giggle could be disquieting – and could keep her out of trouble, as well. “You know what they say about big hands and big feet, don’t you?”

Audette shook her head, her rant effectively broken. “What ... what does this have anything to do with big hands and big feet.”

“Well, the tale is if a man has big hands and big feet, he also has a big...” Mulet started.

“Mulet!” Both Ataya and Caprice shouted, interrupting the older girl.

“What?” Mulet asked innocently, winking at Ataya. “It is what they say! And he would almost have to be big all over, don’t you think?”

“Why ... I...,” Audette started, flustered. A slight blush began coloring her cheeks. “I mean ... I’m the Empress’an ... and he ... he is just...”

“My champion,” Ataya said with a smile. She finally caught on to what Mulet was trying and decided to help her. She could return to her other conversation later. She could return to her internal melancholy any time. “Don’t think we’ve missed how you look at him. Why were you looking to sit up front with him anyway? If you wanted some air, why didn’t you come with us to the brook?”

Ataya was surprised to feel a bit of jealousy as she spoke to Audette. She’d seen the Empress-an’s looks at Yren but had pushed them out of her mind at the time. Yren wasn’t enamored of the empress-an so nothing would come of it. Of course, she would have to make sure nothing came of it. She didn’t think Audette was right for Yren.

“Perhaps you’re just looking in a mirror,” Ilzu retorted, coming to the aid of her flustered friend. She knew the princess was simply having some fun with Audette, but she didn’t want it going too far. “If you want to talk about someone making eyes at him.”

“Ah, but the difference is I don’t deny it,” Ataya replied insouciantly, a slight blush climbing into her cheeks as well. She carried a wide grin on her face. “Yren is a large, handsome man who is incredibly gentle for all that he is strong as an ox. Of course, I look at him. It’s only human to look at him. I know enough to know I can look but touching is barred. I don’t look at him with hungry eyes, either, like Audette does. Besides, I just find it funny that your Empress’an chooses to deny it.”

Same as Runesward
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New Friends at the Beach Part II Jens perspective

This is continued from Part I of “New Friends at the Beach.” The reader will have a better perspective by reading Part I first. Hope you enjoy! The evening had turned out in unsuspected fashion. Brad, my handsome and sexy husband, and I had arrived at our beach home earlier in the day and had planned a nice evening at our favorite restaurant. I love spending alone time with my hubby. He is everything I have ever wanted and I love dressing sexy for him on evenings like this. I had bought a new...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Jasmine in Hotel Part 2 The Mans Perspective

From His perspective now..So this is picking up from just having had Cum down your throat, leaving you lying on the bed with your makeup all messed up, your ass gaping wide and exposed and your hands tied behind your back......I go and fix myself a drink... maybe a big glass of whiskey. i'm feeling satisfied and very macho, knowing that i've really given it to that slutty tgirl, in her sissy little latex dress and whore heels. I can't believe how cheap and easy she was, letting her garters and...

1 year ago
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A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective by Holly Hill Eric Jeffreys and his wife Dianne were awakened by the sound of the neighbor's lawn mower. They had slept far too soundly. By the amount of light that was streaming into the room, the hour was very late, even by L.A. standards. "My, you must have been tired," Dianne said, giving Eric a playful pinch. "I was. Your sister has been working me to death." "Chris is probably up by now. She hadn't mentioned the fact that you have been working...

3 years ago
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A New Perspective

A new perspective. By Madcow4321/Pinkman100 Tim came home from college annoyed that the administration wouldn't let him live there over winter break. He wasn't a big fan of his home life. It was simple enough when Tim was growing up however when his sister Cassie was born it started to go downhill. His family had always been supportive of Tim's activities, his after school baseball, and social clubs. They had always bought him the best toys and he had the run of the house. However...

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The Magic Anime Network A Different Perspective

Magic Anime Network: A Different Perspective Derrick dragged his weary body into his apartment. He put his mail on the kitchen table and started pulling out items from the fridge for a sandwich. He had no interest in doing his daily chores. Not after the rotten day he had just gone through at work. Instead he took his sandwich, plopped himself in front of his computer and started making the rounds of his favorite internet sites. Derrick was letting his thoughts go dark. He definitely...

1 year ago
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Another Perspective

Another Perspective By Lenal "Have you seen Brianna today?" Kendra asked as she took her seat at the lunch table. "Oh my god, right?" Michelle responded. "What?" asked Ashlynn between sips of her smoothie. "I don't have class with her until next hour." "That girl is a trainwreck today," Kendra said. "What else is new?" muttered Michelle. Natalie shot Michelle a look. "I think she must have, like, an ear infection or something. This morning she was stumbling all over...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 5 A Change of Perspective

Welcome Back for Season 5 of South of Bikini. We rejoin the Empress as she deals with several family challenges on the home front and manages to finalize a previous mission satisfactorily. South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 1 "A Change of Perspective" Terra Neuvo, 10:01AM, Climax, Neptunian 14th, 437 of the New Era "We're going to miss you and Aunt Cami around here, Aunt Alex," my great niece, Alexandra, said as she hugged me tightly. I felt that unmistakable tingle. It...

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A Young Womans Perspective

A Young Woman’s Perspective!By Wolf SpiritJill entered the library through the main entrance of the university library dressed in a black mini, tight white t-shirt and six- inch red spiked heels. Her outfit had the desired effect on the young men. She saw heads turn and mouths drop as she glided across the floor to her workstation. Jill bent over at the waist exposing her rounded ass for the young men who now clamored over their workstations to get a view up her skirt. One particularly handsome...

Group Sex
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Perspectives Looking Out The moment she opened her eyes she knew something was very wrong. A singlebulb above her provided the only illumination in the room. Beyond the poolof light centered on her the room faded into an all concealing darkness. Dazzledby the glare of the spotlight shining overhead she couldn't even make out thewalls. Her arms were held behind her back. Something was wrapped around her handsand forearms, holding them tightly to her waist. From the touch of her fingersit felt...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 65 A New Perspective

July 22, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Tiger, I’m still a bit concerned about this girl, Sakurako.” Jessica, Kara, and I were taking turns showering on Friday morning. I nodded, “I understand, but as I said last night, in traditional, conservative societies, teenagers are adults, with adult responsibilities, not just to their family, but to society. And those responsibilities can be met because they are taught from an early age. Look at our family; we’re anything but traditional and...

2 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 11 A New Perspective

In my role as Alex's biographer, I chose to write it in first-person in order to portray the conflicts and situations he faced. I've managed to convey Alex's shock and awe; well, his shock at events at least, and the awe of those surrounding him. But there are some specific limitation in first person narrative, and with this chapter, I found I'd written myself into a bit of a corner. So I'm switching to third-person in this chapter in order to better reflect the awe of his followers as...

1 year ago
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Captains ChoiceChapter 4 Getting a New Perspective

The conversation with Ardele last night had rattled me. I lay in my bed thinking about what she had said. I was upset about the implication that she might be interested in some young guy, maybe even one of our crew. And then the bi-sexual thing. What's up with that? Was she just pulling my chain or did she really mean it. I still had my rule of no fraternization, but I had to admit Ardele was really testing my resolve. It took sometime before I finally fell asleep. I crawled out of bed and...

1 year ago
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Deamonology A different Perspective

Authors Note: There is a twist in this story. Say what what? How can it get any more twisty, with daemons and elves and whatnot. If you don't get the twist by the end of the first paragraph, how are you reading this story because you are obviously too slow to even operate a computer, yet alone live long enough to read this! It's really THAT obvious! So why this note? *** I just wanted to annoy you. Can't enjoy the entire story. There has to be one bit that strikes you as fucking annoying, just...

4 years ago
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A 101 Forced Perspective

by Alex Greene writing as ‘Fiat Knox’ Copyright © Alex Greene. All rights reserved. The sound of a chainsaw jolted Julia Markham out of her dream. She opened her eyes suddenly and gasped. For a moment she could not register where she was. Gradually, awareness came to her. She was in her bedroom, back in her house. It was the morning, with early sunlight filtering through the curtains. She was naked and hungry. And the chainsaw started again, outside. Cursing under her breath, Julia slowly...

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A Matter of Perspective

Perfect… just perfect! Liz ran up the steps to the second floor bathroom with a plunger in hand. What else can go wrong? At least the darn thing wasn’t actually overflowing, thank heavens for small favors. Liz had been planning today’s family reunion for the past year. She thought she’d planned everything so well that it would run like clockwork but Murphy’s Law had prevailed. ‘Why did I ever get the idea of a family reunion?’ she wondered aloud. It had started four years before when Liz had...

1 year ago
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Sharing is caring from her perspective

However, moments later, without so much as a sound and before I could open my eyes, hands gripped my head. A blindfold was roughly forced over my face. Then I was then hauled from the warm sleeping bag and tent which I had blissfully entered only a few hours previously. Any previous sensations were brutally replaced with adrenaline, panic and the sound of my heart beating rapidly in my ears. Blind and confused, I was dragged out of the tent, and on to my knees. Instantly, my breath was taken...

4 years ago
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Naughty Natalie Male Perspective

Her name was Natalie, she moved in next door about three months prior. Remembering that on it's own got me hard, I mean how could it not? the perky tits under her tight pink crop top just teasing all who look? Or how about the short..Oh how I loved the shorts, short tight denim daisies that gripped her ass in all the right spots, and when she pulled them up high enough her bare ass peeked out the bottom. But, the outfit she wore wasn't my favorite part of her moving in, it was the placement...

3 years ago
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The Breeders Life 5 A Mans Perspective

I'd have the whore naked if office etiquetted allowed which it sadly did not. My father had said he had expected me to treat her with more respect than I was, I laughed and said why would I treat a whore with respect. She carries your children you should be more respectful than you are. Not that I want the whore in that way or her children for that matter. They would go to an orphange if I had any say in the matter. Though I suspect my mother the bitch will have something to say about that....

2 years ago
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Gangbang Women In Heat A Cameramans Perspective

I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of casual sex with two women from yesterday’s movie. I relished having no family to account to on a daily basis since my divorce. My parents were deceased and my younger half brother Greg didn’t approve of my occupation. Greg was an uptight professional on Wall Street and thought that what I did was sleazy. I, on the other hand, thought I had the best...

2 years ago
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Train adventure the male perspective

We are on a train at the end of a long job it’s dark and we are sitting across from each other. There is a table between us. You have a skirt on we have been exchanging pleasantries when I start to rub my foot against your legs. You open them and I start to get braver rubbing your thighs with my foot. Surprisingly you suddenly get up and head for the toilets…   A few minutes later you return to the seat with a certain look on your face. You sit back down I look around and see that the only...

4 years ago
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A Matter of Perspective

"You're sure this device will work?" John asked. He fidgeted his wrist as Billy tightened a watch-like machine on him. "Yeah, you should have been there, I was having a conversation with her, but it was like we were talking past each other." "But, where did you find this watch and the rest of these junk?" Looking at his watch, John could see it looked like a dead smartwatch except for a bright red button. Billy laughed as he shook his head. "This isn't junk, we're sitting on a fucking gold mine...

Mind Control
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The White Bull The Cucks Perspective

Your relationship had never been what one might call ‘fiery’. It probably couldn’t even really be called exciting, now you think about it, which you do while you walk home from the train station. But God knows you’re dependable and you’re sure she likes that about you. You had prospects and you’ve pretty much achieved them in the ten years you’ve been married, you think with a smile. The father in law really approves of that!She was very pretty and people said she was vivacious but you’ve never...

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Victims Perspective

I'm opting to put this under Mind Control because it encompasses so many fetishes on CHYOA, and at its heart, mind control is the inspiration for this idea. This story is not expressly limited to Mind Control, but it is the focus. What follows are stories told from the point-of-view of the victim. Expect inner monologues, bizarre justifications for actions and perhaps even a little comedy. They are organized by fetish and gender; writers are instructed to note introduction of a primary fetish...

Mind Control
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A Womans Perspective

A spreading infection that turns people into insatiable lactating sluts? Sounds unlikely, but that's exactly what this story is about, while most stories in this universe focus on the men, we will focus on the women. There are different types of women that have been infected, here's a list for your benefit: Normal Infected: These are transformed women or men that didn't use a "cure," these women are insatiable sluts as usual, and will do anything for sex, their breasts are massive and always...

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first time getting dick flashedfemale perspective

This is a true story circa 2012. One morning im walking back from my exes sisters house who was my bff at the time and we hung out all the time drinking wine and such. She stayed about 5 blocks from me so i was walking home to shower n change clothes and return. I was walking home in just a white tee and grey short shorts. I got to the end of her block and this blue nissan that drives around the neighborhood was pulling to a stop by me. The driver had his window down and offered me a ride I was...

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Alone In The Dark His Perspective

NOTE: This is a companion piece to 'Alone in the dark', which I recommend reading first.*You're alone in the dark until I enter.I open the door as little as possible, so there's not enough light to see you, and I close it quickly.I stand there silently, giving my eyes time to adjust until I can see the discreet glowing stickers placed on the frame you are strapped to. There are just enough of them that I can orient myself and find you, but you have no idea they are there.My feet bare, I softly...

4 years ago
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Married Sissies a Doms Perspective

I absolutely love all the submissive married guys you can find on popular gay hookup apps/websites these days and I have been seeking them out for years. I’m not sure if it is just my city but there seems to be an endless supply that all fit the same mold. They are all 30-50 years old, sometimes a little chubby, and have a poor quality ass/body shot as their profile picture. They’ll refuse to share a face pic (discreet) but inevitably when they show up they are wanting to be used like a...

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Facing Facts A Cuckolds Perspective

[A cuckold husband talks about his experience as a cuckold, and other related issues pertaining to his experiences. Inspired by my good friends A, and her husband T.]Q. Doesn't it ever bother you, even a little, that Mara's carrying another guys baby, instead of yours?A. No, it doesn't. I've been asked that question a lot. It seems difficult for a lot of people to understand that.Q. Is it true that you and your wife are planning on her having another baby, and by another guy?A. Yes, that's...

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A Cuckolds Perspective

[Once again, this is for A & T, who's real-life adventure in Africa has inspired this narrative. Names and other details regarding who they are have been changed and altered to protect their true identities. Once again, thank you A & T! As before, I will use the structure of an 'interview' to explore the cuckold lifestyle.]Q. I'd like to thank you for agreeing to set down and talk with me about what can only be regarded as a very personal and intimate subject.A. I want to try and...

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A matter of perspective

It was a hot summer day as Jack accompanied his mother on the country outing her office had arranged. After a ride of forty-five minutes into the hills west of the city, they had reached a park built around an old ranch. Any number of activities could be done, all of them boring to a young man like Jack back from his first year of grad school, but his mother had insisted he come. Finding the thought of yet another day reading more tedious than he could bear, he agreed readily enough, and the...

Straight Sex
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A New Perspective

Damn, what a day. A phone call wakes me up at 4 AM, an hour earlier than I should be waking up. It's my mom, bitching about her back and how she needs more Vicodin. Hearing my mom in pain is horrifying, but so is the idea of her becoming a dope fiend. Images of crackheads roaming outside my door flash into my mind. I was in med school and needed a cheap place to stay, and addicts abound wherevery "affordable" housing is available. "Affordable" is a relative term and took a new meaning for me at...

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The Lonely Salesman Ch 2 ndash Conniersquos perspective

Philly was still sound asleep as I came out of the most restful and contented night of sleep I’d had in a very long time. I was still snuggled tightly against his body with my head resting on his chest. I didn’t move a muscle not wanting to wake him before he was ready. As I lay there his warm body felt so good touching mine. His arm that had held me tightly to him as we fell asleep last night now rested on the satin bed sheets just behind me. I looked up at his face. He looked so peaceful...

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A slutwife story from the female perspective

Wife story with female POV (If you know who wrote it..pleeease let me know).Wife, mother, career woman, suburban homemaker -- that's all me. Nothing out of the ordinary in my life -- or so I thought. Happily married to Phil for nine years, and the mother of charming, brilliant, adorable, 6-year-old Bobby, I was comfortable with my role and responsibilities. I guess that's why finding Phil's "secret" was such a shock to my system. Let me tell you about it: It was a beautiful Spring Friday and...

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A meeting from my perspective

He was my friend, a man I had worked with for several years and then continued to see afterwardsfor drinks nights and at parties and the like. A good looking guy with a way with women I was always jealous of.Over time I began to notice a difference in the way we three - him, my Wife and myself got on socially.It was always the 3 of us making arrangements to meet others. He'd call to see if we were going outsome place and if so he said he'd meet us there. At parties for example, we three would...

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Wife met her BBC friend alone her perspective

I met my M-man at the door with a kiss. We talked very little. He doesn’t waste anytime when he first gets there. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me down on top of him. We both love to kiss a lot! He plays soft like I do and uses his hands to touch me all over. We kissed while he ran his hands under my blouse and inside my pants. I wore a low-rise pair of black pants with a lowcut blouse with matching bra and lowrise briefs. I told him I was wearing more this time so he...

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Sexual Submissions A Switches Perspective

So this week was rather intriguing for me.In what I thought was going to be me and my gf (dominatrix) breaking up since we were drifting and becoming rather hostile towards each other. Turned itself into a rather interesting Fetish night after a rave.Being a switch and calling this back to back may ask you why the fuck did I entitle it so?Well, the night before since we were technically broken up fully for a few days I had already submitted a nice slave :) (for those who do not know I am a...

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Sukanya And Me From My Perspective

It all started on the fateful evening 20 years ago. I was minding my own business and walking down the road at 7:30pm. I was a very quite, thin teenager of 16 years, just finished my 10th and looking forward to college. I was about 5’7” weighing around 58 kgs, brown eyes, black hair and a thin just sprouting mustache. I had never shaved my face before, so there was a thin beard also. I was always a very clean kid and made sure that I was always presentable. I did not have any friends as such,...

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When I Lost My Virginity Male Perspective

When I was in my senior year of high school I was doing great. My grades were good, I was good looking, had friends, a steady girlfriend, and was good at most sports I tried. My girlfriend and I didn't have to start classes until about noon so I would usually head over to her house around ten in the morning and we would relax for a while befor we had to leave. One morning I got there and she answered the door, gave me a kiss and invited me in. I just looked at her for a minute. She was...

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