- 4 years ago
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In my role as Alex's biographer, I chose to write it in first-person in order to portray the conflicts and situations he faced. I've managed to convey Alex's shock and awe; well, his shock at events at least, and the awe of those surrounding him. But there are some specific limitation in first person narrative, and with this chapter, I found I'd written myself into a bit of a corner. So I'm switching to third-person in this chapter in order to better reflect the awe of his followers as the first perceived him and his energy—which is hard to convey from his perspective. Although it's awkward switching like this, this won't be the only time I do it, as there are a few other instances where I have to convey things that Alex simply was never fully aware of. Again, the events and discussions were gathered both from personal experience and from consultation with the others involved, so I'm sure I've done a good job of covering what happened. Much of this will be familiar to those who have grown up hearing of this particular aspect of him from those in our community. Many of you who haven't had access to those that were amongst his chosen few won't have heard it, and that's who this is directed towards.
"So I said, 'Look, it ain't who you know, it's who knows you that's important, '" Brooke said, delivering the punch line with a dead-on delivery, causing Clark to burst out laughing.
Clark almost always laughed at Brookes many ridiculous stories. They were silly, but they hit a nerve they both shared. In this case, they both considered Frank, the subject of the story, an idiot, so the fact he gets his comeuppance in it struck both as being richly deserved. In fact, Clark laughed so hard that Brooke grew nervous about his ability to maintain control of the ambulance as they drove through the crowded streets on the way back to their station house. But she repressed that response. She had always trusted Clark to get them where they needed to go and she really needn't have worried. Clark took his responsibilities seriously, and he'd never risk his truck, either of them, or one of their patients.
"Unit 4, unit 4," the radio blared, interrupting their momentary reprieve, "you've got an apparent heart attack on Baronne Street between Poyndras and Peridido Streets."
"Unit 4 responding," Brooke answered, since she was riding shotgun and had her hands free. "Are you sure you should be calling us? We're a hell of a ways from there. We're just returning from a call way out on the Westbank Expressway and it'll take us quite a while to get there."
"Understood," the dispatcher relayed before explaining the reason for the odd call. "The other ambulances are all occupied with a big pile up out on the Interstate. You'll have to cover this one for us. The police should be there when you arrive, so just look for the flashing blue. But try to step on it if you can, this one sounds bad and it's already been awhile."
"Jesus," Clark swore, nervously combing his short hair back with his fingers like he often did when stressed, "that'll take us another fifteen to twenty minutes to get there. I sure hope a couple of the cops on the scene know enough first aid to keep whoever's hurt alive until we can get there."
"I don't know," Brooke said doubtfully, biting her lip in her own tell-tale trait much like her partner's, "most of them know basic CPR, but that's about it. It might be enough, but it might not."
"Unit 4 acknowledging, Base Unit," Brooke radioed back, acknowledging the call. "Please be advised we're estimating a twenty minute response time."
"Understood Unit 4," the dispatcher responded wearily, already knowing the difficult situation he was putting one of his best units under. He knew that putting undue pressure on good people was an almost guaranteed way to burn them out, especially if you set them up where they'd feel guilty if the patient died through no fault of their own. But the pair had come through many times in the past, and he hoped they'd continue to do so. "Please do the best you can. If the local cops have any questions, I'll relay them through to you."
"Yeah, sure we will," Brooke mumbled as she replaced the microphone, swearing to herself as she did so.
"Wouldn't you know it," Clark said, straightening his black metal frame glasses while trying to control his anger. "They pull this knowing everyone's out of range. Why don't they just let the cops throw him in a car and drag the guy's sorry ass to the hospital? Waiting for us will likely kill him," he stated as he turned the siren on and pulled out into traffic, changing lanes as he added speed.
"It's because of that mess a couple of months ago," Brooke reminded him, the wind from the open window blowing her long light brunette hair aflutter around her face. "You remember, they tried that and killed a guy. Now they're all gun-shy, and won't approach anyone until they kill someone waiting for us. This may very well be that case. I hope not though, 'cause so far we've had a fairly good record."
"Yeah, well if we do, it's because of you, Brooke," Clark replied, glancing over at his 37-year-old partner, trying to ignore her signature nipples pressing against her shirt. Why she couldn't wear a bra like everyone else, he never knew. "You always seem to know when and where to go in order to get to trouble before it's reported. I don't know how you do it, but you just seem to have a knack. It's managed to save a lot of people and it's improved our record in the process."
"Hey, don't be telling any lies," she cautioned him self-consciously. "I just get lucky. Sometimes I just get a hunch and it pans out. There are times when my hunches are wrong as well."
"Well, I don't seem to remember many of those," he replied, staring at her to demonstrate that he didn't buy a word of it without having to explicitly say it, "but I remember plenty when they were dead on."
"Anyway, let me look up what might be in the way," she said, hoping to end that topic. Her ability to anticipate things was something that unnerved even her. She's never understood it, but she'd come to rely on it. "It's a pretty busy area at this time of day. It's a one way going north, but we'll just rely on the lights and turn in off of Poydras. I guess once we get close we'll figure out where to turn. They didn't even give us a specific address this time."
"Probably because they figure the guy'll be dead by then," Clark snorted, smiling unhappily. Brooke had to concede he had a point.
Brooke Knowles had been an Ambulance EMT for a fair number of years. She had been riding with Clark Straus for the last five. He was a good partner. He sometimes cursed and could definitely say the wrong thing on many occasions, but he was reliable and knew what he was doing. She was always glad to have him around whenever trouble hit, and in a field like this, trouble hit with amazing regularity.
She held on as he took a corner at a high rate of speed. It seemed like blind luck that kept them from colliding with that cab, but she knew she could always rely on his excellent driving to pull them through something like that. He had steady hands, even when hers would get all sweaty when things got tough. Still, they were both tough old birds. The bosses kept threatening to put them both with the young kids, but so far they kept them together simply because their numbers were so good. True, they'd frequently put a newbie in to ride with them, but they'd allowed the two of them the freedom to ride together, which was a blessing in itself. Brooke knew that no one else would listen to her intuitions as Clark had eventually learned to. It had taken a long time before Brooke could even mention them to him.
Both Brooke and Clark were EMTs, Emergency Medical Technicians, and it was their job to handle emergency care in cases where they were usually the first responders. It had many drawbacks, the stress of never knowing enough—either of their patients' conditions or of the necessary medicine, not being the least of them—but it had its advantages as well. One was that it was very satisfying to be able to rescue dozens of people a day. Sure, many never made it and that was a bummer, but those that did more than made up for it. They served a purpose and were making a significant improvement in the lives of those they served. That plus a good paycheck made a difference. The extra bonuses they earned for their high survival rate certainly didn't hurt either.
Careening through traffic at a breakneck pace, Clark distracted them both by droning on about his troubles with his newest girlfriend. He never managed to keep one for very long, and Brooke could certainly understand why. The guy was a good friend and a trusted partner, but aside from that, he was a real pig. While he was berating the newest conquest's physical attributes, Brooke let her mind wander. Today was a beautiful sunny day and that always spelled trouble in a city like New Orleans. Although they had a lot of warm days here, it always brought out the crazy tourists or the local rowdies. Someone would, inevitably, try something crazy and all hell would break loose, thus the sudden increase in accidents this morning.
As they drew near the city's business district, Brooke got another feeling like she'd traditionally get—guiding her towards something significant. Only this seemed to be starting sooner than normal. It wasn't alerting her to something about to happen, like how it usually occurred, this seemed to be farther away, possibly where they were heading. She didn't usually get warnings this far away. She kept patient, not saying anything yet, but it seemed to be the case, the feeling gradually grew stronger the closer they got. She guessed it had something to do with the emergency they were heading towards, but these feelings had always been immediate in the past. Just short warnings based on an immediate need, like warning them not to turn at a particular time, or to expect trouble at a particular location. This new feeling was growing stronger the closer they got, but they were still quite far away.
Since it was so steady, she actually had time to analyze it. Something she'd never been able to do before. Usually it was just a brief flash and would be gone before she was even fully aware of it. She knew from experience to trust her instincts. That's about all she could call them because they were always so brief. Now she could feel it as if it were an old shirt, familiar and comfortable. It told her that what they were approaching was significant in a way she hadn't experienced before. Usually she'd get a brief glimmer of trouble, a momentary warning when something was about to go wrong, or a quick nudge to help her decide something on time, but this was constant, and increasingly powerful.
"You'd better give it a bit more speed," she warned her partner, glancing at him with a particularly worried expression. "I don't know what it is, but this one feels significant. Somehow this one is more important than the others."
Clark took her warning seriously, nodding to her acknowledgement. She had a knack for always knowing just what to do and when to do it. But he could also tell that this time she was a bit unnerved. There was just something odd this time. Since they both had such obvious tells, they'd given up playing poker together long ago, and she was biting her lip again, as well as drumming her fingers against her thigh. It seemed the stars were aligned on this one. First, the call way out in the boondocks, then the unexpected pileup out on the interstate, now this problem back in the heart of the city with no one there to respond in time. Something big was brewing and he didn't like it at all. This many unlikely events, all piling up on one another, portended something momentous, and momentous wasn't something you looked forward to serving as an EMT, since it usually involved multiple deaths.
Brooke had always been in tune with nature in such a way that she could frequently anticipate accidents or unexpected illnesses. It was part of what made her so successful in this occupation. She'd often guess at a diagnosis based on nothing more than a hunch and very often it would bear out. Sometimes something would happen at the scene of an accident and she'd be ready for it when it occurred. She'd learned to trust her instincts as a result. This time it wasn't just an inkling, it was a full on assault on her psyche.
She seemed to not only be able to sense its direction but also its distance. She thought she could tell Clark just how far away they were without looking at the onboard GPS unit, but she resisted the impulse. Instead she checked the display just to be sure. It was spot on. She now knew that what she was feeling was where they were headed, and was likely the source of the incident. However she didn't worry about how she could know such things, she was much more concerned with finding out what it was that was directing her.
"Come on, Clark, this is REALLY important," she told her partner, stressing just how unusually vital this information was in a no-nonsense tone of voice.
"Yeah, you and that damn woman's intuition thing you have going," Clark playfully groused, watching Brooke's mood grow steadily worse. "How come my dates never have enough intuition to know I don't like shopping and watching some damn play? You tell me that and maybe I'll trust these damn hunches of yours," he told her he applied yet more gas and continued weaving through traffic, cutting dangerously close to cars that couldn't get out of his way fast enough. Brooke was used to Clark's varying moods. His driving and his dedication were reliable but his moods were anything but. He'd praise you for making his career one moment, and then tell you the thing that achieved it was shit the next.
"Ambulance four, this is car 3020," announced the authoritative voice of a police officer over the radio.
"Unit four reporting," she answered back, anxious to hear anything she could about the accident they were approaching—not necessarily for professional reasons either. "What've you got for us?"
"I'm at the scene. We're attending the man down. He was out when we arrived but the woman who was with him reported he was still active and responsive before we arrived. We've begun CPR on him, but so far he's completely unresponsive."
"Understood, Officer, keep up the CPR, we're still a fair distance away. Hopefully you'll get a response soon and we'll be able to carry him to the Hospital for you."
"Affirmative," the voice responded, sounding distracted and worried. Brooke didn't recognize him offhand, but that wasn't surprising. There were lots of officers and she could hardly know all of them. Even more, many officers didn't have clearly recognizable voices over the staticky service radios.
As Clark careened around another curve, Brooke could feel more of what they were driving towards. They were still a couple miles from the site, but she felt she could tell Clark how far away it was to the very foot. However, now that they were getting closer and the feelings grew stronger, she began to realize these weren't the same sensations that had always warned her of danger in the past. No, she could feel a sense of power. There was something very strong there and that was what she was feeling. It's not likely the victim, but probably the cause of the emergency, she realized. When images of an alien invasion or a huge psychic attack flashed in her mind, she purposely fought them down and considered the more realistic options. Maybe the victim suffered a shock from what she was picking up, which produced the heart attack? No, again she could feel that wasn't likely. For some odd reason, she felt she could trust the source of these feelings. However, she no more understood why than she understand the feelings themselves.
Clark slowed down as he took the last couple of turns while Brooke held on, partly to keep from being thrown, but also just to steady herself from the onslaught of these sensations. She wasn't used to these feelings. Previously the warnings she got were just fleeting impulses, something that was very easy to rationalize, to tell yourself it was simply your intuition and nothing more. But this was clearly overpowering. There was something ahead which both terrified and fascinated her, and she had no clue what it might be or what it represented. However, as they rounded the last curve with a police officer out directing traffic, she swallowed and decided she couldn't let these feelings dissuade her. She had a job to do and possibly a life to save. Getting distracted by anything else would be detrimental to everyone. She'd deal with the emergency and then try to figure out what was guiding her later. Surely it wasn't associated with the accident if she wasn't getting any indication of what to do.
Flashing blue lights indicated the location of the victim and Clark drove as close as he could. They both knew they were very late by the large number of onlookers standing around. Brooke grabbed her kit and jumped out, rushing to the cluster of people surrounding a reclined form she was all too familiar with. One officer was kneeling over the figure working on him. She rushed to his side.
"We're here," she called, realizing the police would be anxious to be relieved. "We'll take over." The chances are there was little anyone could do since the victim had been unresponsive for so long.
"Thanks," the burly cop responded, a bit breathlessly from having labored over the prone figure for so long. "'Bout time you guys showed up. The guy's been down for some time now." The big cop shifted over, allowing Brooke to take over without much of a delay.
"Yeah, we had problems with logistics this morning," she informed him, not really knowing why she bothered. "We had a call way out in the burbs and all the other available trucks were at an accident scene," she said as she began pumping the man's chest, hoping to trigger the heart to start again, even though it was highly unlikely. However, even as she did so, her attention was drawn away from what she was doing, and she found herself glancing into the crowd staring at her from a relatively short distance away.
She knew she had little chance of saving someone who'd been down for so long. If there was any chance of saving him, there was only one possible alternative at this point. She zeroed in on a single figure she saw lurking behind the barricade, the people beside him saw her looking and quickly began whispering to each other and trying to look inconspicuous. The figure was a clean faced young man looking down, apparently trying to hide within himself. He briefly glanced up at her, but quickly looked away again before she could lock eyes with him as if afraid of being recognized, but she knew him for what he apparently was. There was no other sensible answer for the radiating power pouring out of him.
The source of this power she felt had to be a person, she'd realized, and she was absolutely sure that it was coming from the young man trying to hide behind the row of people behind the police tape. Then an awful realization struck her and she felt as if her heart had just dropped out of her chest. This power was WAY too strong, much too personal, and yet no one else seemed to notice it beside her. She'd been around powerful and important people before and they never gave off waves of anything. She'd dealt with Senators, Congressmen, Mayors, and was even there when the leader of the free world had visited Orleans. None had seemed any more than just an average guy in a nice suit surrounded by lots of security. No, this single unobtrusive individual held a palpable energy that was anything but human. It had to be otherworldly, but she simply didn't believe in little green men. No, this would have to be some kind of spiritual energy. She felt herself easing back, forgetting her efforts to save the man as these realizations swept over her. She slowly pieced one piece after another together as she unraveled the mystery. She had to shake her head to refocus her energy, to begin again, but she managed to separate her thought processes from her mechanical actions, since she knew these motions so intimately. The only thing she could think of that could account for such an amazing spiritual power was an angel. Actually one specific angel, the angel of death! And if she was the only one able to detect his immense power, that surely meant that he was here for her—the only one who wouldn't be able to tell anyone else about it. He couldn't look at her because it wasn't yet her time, but she knew in her heart that it was only a matter of seconds until it was, since she'd felt drawn to this time, to this lone figure, ignoring everything else going on around here. That was clearly why he refused to look at her, she knew that as soon as their eyes met, that his power would wash over her, and then she'd be gone, done for, lost to the eternal blackness of death. He wasn't here for the man she was trying to save, but for her.
Despite this terrible realization, she wasn't afraid. She kept working, feeling her body taking over for her as her mind danced around these concepts. She was nervous, assuredly, but the character didn't seem to bear her any ill will. Whatever it planned didn't seem to be personal in any way. She quickly considered that. No, although the angel of death had always been pictured as a scary skeleton bearing a sickle, he was always there to take people away when it was their time. He had nothing invested in punishing them. When it was a person's time, it was simply their time. We all worked to pull people back, but when you couldn't—like the person she was working on—then they simply passed. In fact, she felt such a sense of comfort from the powerful figure, she thought of the words she so often heard from religious figures when faced with unexpected deaths. 'No one knows the will of God'. She'd always thought it a copout before, but maybe they had something. Maybe he was here to save her from something far worse than death. Maybe by remaining beyond her time she would face an even worse future.
What's more, she could feel that this angel of death was kind and generous, and bore her no ill-will. He was here to help guide her, to take her from this mortal coil to the next world, and she grasped that concept as if it was a lifeline. It certainly made no sense to fight such an awesome power, especially when it was clearly trying to help her through this difficult process.
Just then Clark came sliding in beside her, lugging the defibrillator. As he started it up, she had to focus on what she was doing or risk getting shocked. While she doubted she'd die from that, she certainly didn't want to be stricken unresponsive moments before her death. No, she wanted to know more about this powerful angel that had come for her.
She heard the call of "CLEAR!" and pulled back as a powerful shock jolted the unmoving body off the ground, but he remained impassive as she resumed her CPR.
"Increasing charge," Clark warned. Brooke wordlessly acknowledged the caution as she continued to think about the powerful being standing so near her. Now that she had time to consider it, she couldn't quite figure out what it was here for. If it wanted to take her, it could do so at any moment, and alerting her that it was there would only alert everyone else that something strange was going on. It seemed to just be standing there, waiting for something. It wasn't even acting like the rest of the onlookers, trying to get a look at the activity taking place under her hands. No, chances are it already knew the fate of the individual she was working on. Either it already knew his fate, or it was waiting for something else entirely.
The second call of "CLEAR!" surprised her, and she just managed to pull her hands free before the inert body jumped again. In either case, whether it was here for her or for something else, she felt no fear. It held no malice, it was simply doing what it had to do, whatever that was. It was then she decided she had better watch herself, as it may be watching what she was doing and passing judgment on her feeble attempts to save a life. Still...
"Clark, take over for me," she commanded.
"But I'm—" he started to protest before she cut him off.
"I know, but don't worry about that now, it's not having any effect. Just take over and keep up the CPR." He quickly moved in beside her and resumed the compressions as she moved her own hands aside.
"Keep up the CPR," she repeated, as she climbed to her feet and began walking away from the victim, her partner, the cops and her responsibility. "Don't stop," she called back distractedly, "I've got to go see about something."
"What the fuck?" Clark called out after her. "There's not much sense if he's already coded!"
"Just keep it up, I think I might be able to get some help," she called, hoping to reassure him. She was quickly moving toward the figure she'd seen lurking behind the barricade. When the people surrounding him saw her, they quickly began whispering with each other again, but they quickly pulled back. The clean faced young man still avoided looking at her, but it was obvious he was clearly aware of her. She could literally feel his embarrassment at being caught in the fact, but she refused to allow his concern to cloud her own judgment. Even if this was her very last act, even if he was here for her, she had to do this.
"What are you—?" asked the portly policeman manning the barricade as she approached it, looking like he was approaching his own heart attack with no holds barred.
"Never mind," she said, cutting him off dismissively with an idle wave of her hand, refusing to even look at him and take her eyes off of this lone solitary figure hiding amidst so many others. "I need help with the victim." The cop looked at her strangely, but gave way as she moved around him.
Approaching near enough to get a clear look at this angel of death's face, he reluctantly raised his head and finally looked her in the eyes. It hit Brooke like a sledge hammer to the face, one minute she was marching forward, the next she was reeling back, staggering, with her legs threatening to collapse under her.
"Hey, are you OK? What the hell did they do to you?" the nearby cop yelled, rushing to her assistance.
"Nothing," Brooke called out, idly waving the man away, still trying to figure out just what had happened to her. There had been a brilliant burst of light, as if the young figure had suddenly burst into a massive ball of flame so bright she had trouble seeing anything else. She struggled to figure out exactly what had transpired. "He didn't do a thing, at least nothing that didn't need to be done," she answered, intuitively knowing that whatever he'd done, it had been necessary. She could feel he wouldn't do anything that wasn't absolutely necessary. She tried to steady herself, veering as she tried to find her sense of balance again, the hand of the patrolman on her side not helping at all. As her eyes refocused, the bright glare still almost blinding her, she was shocked at what she saw all around her. Instead of the faces of people surrounding the supposed angel, she now saw the figure for what it was, a real, damn ANGEL, shimmering in a light which reflected all the power she'd been feeling emanating from him. She had to shield her eyes, his glow was so overpowering. She couldn't even make out the figures around him he was so bright.
As she tried to protect her eyes, moving them to the side and away from his mighty glare, she suddenly noticed that everyone else also had a lesser glow about them all as well, except instead of being overpowering she could see they were all clothed in a whole array of new colors she'd never seen before.
"What the... ?" she started to say before considering who she was speaking to and what their opinion on profanity might be, especially considering the role she had so recently assigned to the figure.
"It's OK," a young woman nearby assured her. "He strikes all of us that way."
"What, what is it I'm seeing?" Brooke asked hesitantly. The figure before her suddenly moved forward, stepping confidently around the barricade. Whatever he'd been waiting for, apparently now was the time he'd been waiting for. Brooke was almost afraid of what else he may have in store, but again, she couldn't afford the luxury of waiting for her future to be revealed to her. Whatever befell her, she had at least one last task she simply had to take care of.
"Hey, get the FUCK back behind the—" the cop behind her warned. Brooke held out her arm.
"No, I need him. He's the one I came here for," she informed him, her voice calm but her words unmistakably firm.
"Don't panic, it's nothing unearthly. What you're seeing is people's life force, essentially their souls," the bright figure explained as he moved up beside her and grasped her side to steady her. "The colors you're seeing are a reflection of their personalities; the varying colors around the edges are the various emotions that play on their personalities. It also shows their health," he continued explaining. "The dark patches are unhealthy organs, anything lacking light is probably dead."
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Everything in this world is seen and described differently from each person’s point of view. This story is told from the perspective of the two people that experienced the event.Our Perspectives: We had discussed the idea of swinging and swapping partners in the past. Neither of us really wanted to commit to such a radical idea though, whether it was our moral values of sticking to our wedding vows, our fear of something new and different, or just because we are both picky. If we were...
In his perspective : Continuing what I’ve stated previously, how I would like to write in different styles, different perspectives. I will write fantasy, memories, and delusion. The delusion I’m writing is a rather large story, that will take some time. Lightly, my hand cupping her face, my thumb traces her cheekbones. Kissing her, feeling her full lips on mine, her tongue darts every so often to taste my own, meeting in between our lips to caress each other. She tastes of strawberry lip balm,...
*** Note : As per in my profile section, this is the beginning of my real life adventures entries. These are possible, have happened, or happen often type of stories. They may be past experiences or fantasies. I want to write showing both partners’ perspectives, excitement, etc. ENJOY !*** Her Perspective. The music had a fast beat, Spanish with heavy drums, screeching guitars, and a very deep voice with a German accent. The song was about feasting on the fleshy parts of a woman, but he...
In his perspective : Continuing what I've stated previously, how I would like to write in different styles, different perspectives. I will write fantasy, memories, and delusion. The delusion I'm writing is a rather large story; that will take some time.Lightly, my hand cupping her face, my thumb traces her cheekbones. Kissing her, feeling her full lips on mine, her tongue darts every so often to taste my own, meeting in between our lips to caress each other. She tastes of strawberry lip balm,...
Oral Sex* Note : As per in my profile section, this is the beginning of my real life adventures entries. These are possible, have happened, or happen often type of stories. They may be past experiences or fantasies. I want to write showing both partners' perspectives, excitement, etc. ENJOY !*** Her Perspective. The music had a fast beat, Spanish with heavy drums, screeching guitars, and a very deep voice with a German accent. The song was about feasting on the fleshy parts of a woman, but he couldn’t...
Straight SexI am Raunit 23 years old from delhi. I am in Businessman and this is my first story in this site. I am reading this sex stories site from last 2 years but today I will like to share my own experience as it was New Year party that was held in delhi. I was dancing with my friends Chalo aapka jyada time na lete hue kahani pe aata baat 31st night ki hai hun saare friends ek club me gaye the new year celebrate karne Vaha Bahut bheed thi aur there was many beautiful Aunties and girls. Me jab...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
I work at a bar, so one night you decide to come in and see me. You don't tell me you're coming in though seeing as how we have never met at this point. You come in with a friend and sit at a table close enough to the bar so you can watch me work. Throughout the shift you start texting me, it starts off innocent enough, but quickly turns erotic. I of course am responding back the same. You see me as I read the messages and now you can start to see the outline of my cock in my jeans as I...
A Young Woman’s Perspective! By Wolf Spirit Jill entered the library through the main entrance of the university library dressed in a black mini, tight white t-shirt and six- inch red spiked heels. Her outfit had the desired effect on the young men. She saw heads turn and mouths drop as she glided across the floor to her workstation. Jill bent over at the waist exposing her rounded ass for the young men who now clamored over their workstations to get a view up her skirt. One particularly...
Everything you are about to read is based on true life events. Treat the feelings you find here with curiosity and respect. The woman could be your mom, your sister, your kid, your hair stylist. You never know what someone is going through; but it sure is fun to find out.It all started with a feeling. Or lack thereof. I was like every average mom and wiife: regular job, bills, chores. Except I am in no way normal. I had been married to my emotionally-abusive and distant husband for almost...
CheatingIntroduction:After spending the week in Palo Alto with my stepson and his fiancé, I arrived back in New York City, deeply conflicted and confused. The wheels of United flight 1254 touched down at La Guardia airport shortly before six o'clock in the evening. I had been traveling for over eight hours, and in addition to being conflicted and confused, I was exhausted. I took the nearly forty minute taxi ride to my Manhattan flat deep in thought. So much had happened. It would take some time to...
LesbianNote: This is the 'Summerfling' story written from a different perspective. Hi, I'm Susan, and I just want to get this out up front: I'm not writing this as any form of excuse. I'm happy with how this all played out. I'm writing this more as an explanation from my side about the how and the why, etcetera. I'm a forty-two year old married woman... but it's not much of a marriage anymore, as we've been separated for the past two years. Believe me when I tell you, that separation felt like Susan's...
Straight SexFrom His perspective now..So this is picking up from just having had Cum down your throat, leaving you lying on the bed with your makeup all messed up, your ass gaping wide and exposed and your hands tied behind your back......I go and fix myself a drink... maybe a big glass of whiskey. i'm feeling satisfied and very macho, knowing that i've really given it to that slutty tgirl, in her sissy little latex dress and whore heels. I can't believe how cheap and easy she was, letting her garters and...
A Different Perspective by Holly Hill Eric Jeffreys and his wife Dianne were awakened by the sound of the neighbor's lawn mower. They had slept far too soundly. By the amount of light that was streaming into the room, the hour was very late, even by L.A. standards. "My, you must have been tired," Dianne said, giving Eric a playful pinch. "I was. Your sister has been working me to death." "Chris is probably up by now. She hadn't mentioned the fact that you have been working...
Magic Anime Network: A Different Perspective Derrick dragged his weary body into his apartment. He put his mail on the kitchen table and started pulling out items from the fridge for a sandwich. He had no interest in doing his daily chores. Not after the rotten day he had just gone through at work. Instead he took his sandwich, plopped himself in front of his computer and started making the rounds of his favorite internet sites. Derrick was letting his thoughts go dark. He definitely...
Another Perspective By Lenal "Have you seen Brianna today?" Kendra asked as she took her seat at the lunch table. "Oh my god, right?" Michelle responded. "What?" asked Ashlynn between sips of her smoothie. "I don't have class with her until next hour." "That girl is a trainwreck today," Kendra said. "What else is new?" muttered Michelle. Natalie shot Michelle a look. "I think she must have, like, an ear infection or something. This morning she was stumbling all over...
Welcome Back for Season 5 of South of Bikini. We rejoin the Empress as she deals with several family challenges on the home front and manages to finalize a previous mission satisfactorily. South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 1 "A Change of Perspective" Terra Neuvo, 10:01AM, Climax, Neptunian 14th, 437 of the New Era "We're going to miss you and Aunt Cami around here, Aunt Alex," my great niece, Alexandra, said as she hugged me tightly. I felt that unmistakable tingle. It...
A Young Woman’s Perspective!By Wolf SpiritJill entered the library through the main entrance of the university library dressed in a black mini, tight white t-shirt and six- inch red spiked heels. Her outfit had the desired effect on the young men. She saw heads turn and mouths drop as she glided across the floor to her workstation. Jill bent over at the waist exposing her rounded ass for the young men who now clamored over their workstations to get a view up her skirt. One particularly handsome...
Group SexAuthors Note: There is a twist in this story. Say what what? How can it get any more twisty, with daemons and elves and whatnot. If you don't get the twist by the end of the first paragraph, how are you reading this story because you are obviously too slow to even operate a computer, yet alone live long enough to read this! It's really THAT obvious! So why this note? *** I just wanted to annoy you. Can't enjoy the entire story. There has to be one bit that strikes you as fucking annoying, just...
EroticIntroduction: She was the perfect girl but had this one problem, nightmares, nightmares that were so real to her that she felt everything in real life that happened to her in her dreams. Unknown Presence – The Vessel. Leeann Hamilton had always been a normal twenty something girl with the IQ of a genius and looks that could stop people dead in their tracks. She was a dead heat in a Zeppelin race. Her gorgeous ivory skin glowed in the sunlight with a delicate scattering of freckles, untamable...
Damn, what a day. A phone call wakes me up at 4 AM, an hour earlier than I should be waking up. It's my mom, bitching about her back and how she needs more Vicodin. Hearing my mom in pain is horrifying, but so is the idea of her becoming a dope fiend. Images of crackheads roaming outside my door flash into my mind. I was in med school and needed a cheap place to stay, and addicts abound wherevery "affordable" housing is available. "Affordable" is a relative term and took a new meaning for me at...
Leeann Hamilton had always been a normal twenty something girl with the IQ of a genius and looks that could stop people dead in their tracks. She was a dead heat in a Zeppelin race. Her gorgeous ivory skin glowed in the sunlight with a delicate scattering of freckles; untamable flaming red curls that flowed down her back like a babbling brook and a body with the perfect ratio between chest-waist-hips, the type of curves that both men and woman would kill for. She was the perfect girl....
I was thirty five and looked maybe sixteen when I left Mage Seth. He had been my master since I entered puberty at ten. Now I was a master and a mage and going out into the federation. Mages were not popular so I did not use my mage name when I left. I did use a little magic to change a few things when I decided to join fleet as an officer. The training was physically demanding but not as bad as mage training. I went through basic and the basic officer course before going to a company as a...
She wasn't your usual run-of-the-mill street waif, there was something subtly different about her. Firstly, he realised, it was the fact she was wearing a skirt, rather than the ubiquitous jeans. He could see that although her clothes were dirty, they had originally been of good quality, not the cheap stuff from Asda or Tesco, but middle of the range; Marks and Spencers perhaps. Her blouse had once been white, her ragged blue jacket, and the quality of her other clothes, pointed to another...
Changing Perspectives Since as far back as I can remember I had always been fascinated by the way girls dressed and acted. This fascination was so strong to the point that I idled them and wanted to be one. The only problem was my mom and the rest of society didn't quite accept it. My mom had divorced my dad not long after I was born because of his alcoholic problems and he now lived in another state and rarely visited. When I was around three years old I would sneak into...
St. Nicholas Day; Two Perspectives©By odlumHe knew it was going to be a better day as he glanced up from the pillow. Her form was outlined in the gray light of the bedroom window. As she approached the bed, her breasts swung rhythmically with each step. Her raw sexuality stirred him. She smiled and crawled onto the bed and nestled into his arms. He savoured her heat and remembered how he felt just twelve short hours ago. But that was before he met Maggie and discovered the joys of St. Nicholas...
Hey friends hello to everyone …My name is Nikhil Singh and I lives in saket, Delhi. I am 22 year old ..And 5foot 11 inches tall.. And penis size is approx 7.5 inches Ab aapka jyada tym waste na karte hue story par aata hun baat aaj se lagbhag 6 mahine pehle ki h m apni b.Tech ke exams dekar free hua tha aur 2 months pehle hi mera breakup ho gya tha. Isiliye sara din ghar par hi rehta tha. Syam ko cigrete pine k liye hi baahar nikalta tha aur uske bad ghar par aakar tv ya apne laptop pe laga...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
I've come back to Rockport for the fifth time in the same amount of years. Mind you, the first time was to start studying in Boston and nowadays I come back because I enjoy the area and make decent money while visiting family. My name is Arne. I'm your average Danish college student, and this was pretty much the wildest adventure I have ever had (so far)! I ended up staying for the summer in the first year, because my uncle got me a job helping a company maintain lawns in and around the town to...
Straight SexPerspectives Looking Out The moment she opened her eyes she knew something was very wrong. A singlebulb above her provided the only illumination in the room. Beyond the poolof light centered on her the room faded into an all concealing darkness. Dazzledby the glare of the spotlight shining overhead she couldn't even make out thewalls. Her arms were held behind her back. Something was wrapped around her handsand forearms, holding them tightly to her waist. From the touch of her fingersit felt...
Becky felt her heart pounding against her chest. Her arms and legs pulled and struggled against the restraints but she could not wrestle free. She felt abandoned here in Ryan’s playroom. It was only a few hours ago that she was staring at the package from the adult novelty store dreaming of sexy, kinky encounters and now she was tied and at her master’s mercy, a master that she did not even know until she stepped into his den of bondage, pain and delight. She strained to hear the voices on the...
AnalHi to all. This is Karthik aged 32, married, from Chennai. Please ignore any grammatical mistakes. I will tell you the real incident which happened to me last year with an unknown passenger from Chennai. Her name is Kavita, aged between 25 to 30, single. Height will be 5.6 and stats, 34 30 36. She was staying at Porur and working in a company in Chennai. I am working as a driver in one of the famous travels in Chennai. I love to drive the car late at night. Chennai city is more peaceful at...
Welcome all ISS readers. I Ronit Rai from Delhi welcomes you to the world of Fun, sex, lust and the stories of my real life. I am ensuring you that you all gonna enjoy this sex story. I am expecting reply of girls and ladies from Delhi who want to enjoy making love in ultimate way that they never had. If you want to connect with me mail me at () Kuch logo ko sex ka adiction hota h and mjhe b h isliye mai hamesa ladkiyo ki talash me rehta hu. Mjhe ek din meri isi ID pe Hangout aaya. and ye...
You can call me hunter mail id aur mai ahmedabad ka rehne wala hun agar koi lady gal ya aunty ko mei company chaiye ho to can mail me too to yeh incident tabka hai jab mai ek raat sg highway Ahmadabad par ek raat aise hi tehel raha tha to maine dekha waha kafi cars ake mere age slow hojati and koi mirror se jhank k chala jati.To mai wahi khada hogya and achanak se ek black sedan car mere age ake khadi hogyi. By the way I forgot to tell I look.Handsome as I height of 6ft fair skin and muscular...
Unknown Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 by Couture We lay curled up to one another in the hotel bed, Sandra and I. I looked forward to the day we'd no longer have to make do with hotel beds and the occasional foray to my apartment. Yes, one day soon, she would leave her bastard of a husband and move in with me. God, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was mussed up, as she lay on the pillow. Her face had the tranquil look that only comes during sleep. She...
Hi Friends, I want to share my latest exprience with u happened in train with an unknown AUNTY. Mai sabse pahle apne app ko introduced kr du … Dosto meri age 20 hai aur mai Ahmedabad ka rahne wala hu and Mumbai ke ek college se Engg. kar raha hu. Meri height 6.0 hai meti body ek athletic person type hai .. Mera lund 7 inch itna lamba hai jo ki kisi bhi lady ko aasani se stisfy kar sakta hai. Abb mai apni story pai ata hu.. Dosta bat ajj se 4 din pahlr ki hai 9th november ki mai mumbai se apne...
Pranaam, hi hot ladkiyon, sexy bhabhiyon or mere doston. Mera naam ekluvya hai main Mumbai kaa rehaneywaalaa hun mujhe bye chance God ne bohot Luck ke saath bhejja hai kyunki schul or college k friends group k har ladkee ko mainey chodaa hai lekin main aaj ek aisee story share kar raha hun jiss k liya mujhe bahut struggle kar naa padaa that is an angle of my village a perfect Pamela Anderson looking and woman. First, I will describe myself I’m 5.8 inches long with normal body and with huge...
Dear iss readers, i am a housewife leaving with my husband and my three years old daughter in a city of kerala. I am very new to this site but enjoyed many of the stories together with my husband. I am an average looking keralian housewife having brownish skin with large breasts and big round ass. My hubby is a tall man of dark complexion with a great appetite for sex. Recently we read two consecutive postings by one bengali housewife about how her husband allowed a milkman to have sex with her...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerWe all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...
==================I know from a female perspective how the first raw insertion of a mans hard thick cock feels between the swollen drenched wet lips of my pussy. At the same time I'm curious... how does it feel to you guys out there, when you feel the throbbing head of your cock enter her aching opening for the first time?Any and all replies are appreciated.I refer to each and every time you enter a woman, not just a virgin. I am seeking to comprehend if men anticipate it as much as we do. I...
We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...
4 years later........ This case has been the toughest on all of us. No leads, no witnesses it just seems like they vanished into thin air! The police chief took a deep breath and continued, "As always there have been false leads, maybe to throw us off their trail or maybe it's just people looking for the reward money. We may never know in fact we may never......" A knock penetrated the room. The chief yells at his secretary for letting people into the building when it was supposed to be...
After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...
Waitressing was my job that I had had since I turn sixteen. My first job and only job. Now at the age of twenty-one I was still waitressing. College had never been an interest for me no matter what anyone told me. I didn't have many friends to tell me anyway. Just one. We were still friends til this day. Triss. I had been a shy and reclusive young girl and Triss had been quite the oposite. She has a boyfriend, and she's living with him right now. I have my one room, one bathroom,...
by Alex Greene writing as ‘Fiat Knox’ Copyright © Alex Greene. All rights reserved. The sound of a chainsaw jolted Julia Markham out of her dream. She opened her eyes suddenly and gasped. For a moment she could not register where she was. Gradually, awareness came to her. She was in her bedroom, back in her house. It was the morning, with early sunlight filtering through the curtains. She was naked and hungry. And the chainsaw started again, outside. Cursing under her breath, Julia slowly...