Measuring Up 3 free porn video

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The plan worked and both girls agreed to come around albeit that they did not know that the other one was going. Sarah-Jane arrived first and Liam took her to his father's study room and when Charlotte arrived Max sat her down in the kitchen. They both worked on their projects for a while and then as planned they managed to get both girls in to the same room where they were both as surprised as the other to see each other. "What are you doing here?" they asked of each other in unison. "Working on school projects" came an almost immediate response from both and they started giggling. The two boys also had a chuckle and when asked what was so funny Max confessed at how they had pretended that the girls were really with them in a similar situation when they had done some stuff together. "What kind of stuff?" enquired Charlotte. Both boys blushed and glanced at each other with neither of them wishing to admit what had happened before. "Cat got your tongue Max" asked Charlotte. "Well never mind because myself and SJ pretended you were with us the other day and the sort of stuff we did is also a bit embarrassing to be honest."

"What did you do SJ?" Liam blurted out for he knew that she would not be able to keep a secret for too long. "We did some sexual stuff and pretended you were there with us". The boys had not given away their secret and decided to play innocent for the moment as things were looking up.

"Wow" said Liam "as we are both here now why don't you get us to do the same thing for real?". The girls quietly spoke to each other and perhaps a shade reluctantly agreed that it might be fun but only after the boys admitted what they had done too. Max spoke up and declared that the boys always measured each others penises on their birthdays and that on the last occasion they had pretended that the two sisters had done it for them. Max used the word penis as it had been used in one of their human biology classes and he was not sure what other word the girls might use. Max had left out the mutual masturbation part as he thought it might put the girls off a bit and anyway their plan was going very nicely.

"Ok girls, let's see what "we" got up to before" and with that the girls stripped down to their bras and pants and sat at both ends of the settee and then patted the space next to them. Max was sat down next to Charlotte and Liam next to Sarah-Jane which was fine as it put both age groups together which was more suitable.

"The first thing we want you to do is to take a good look at our breasts so please take off our bras". The boys could hardly believe their luck and immediately started fumbling with the girls bra straps. Being total novices they were not very good at this task and the girls had to help both of them out and after undoing the clasps they both held their bras to their chests and then encouraged the boys to take hold of their bras which they did with great enthusiasm and revealed the lovely young breasts of both of the girls. Charlotte was a bit bigger than her younger sister and her nipples were noticeably larger but both had a good sized pair.

"Come on guys, have a good feel" exclaimed Sarah-Jane and the boys were quick to make a grab and get their first feel of a girl's breasts. "Whoa, steady on, be a bit more gentle boys, let us show you what to do" said Charlotte and both girls grabbed the boy's hands and showed them how to caress and hold their breasts and also how to touch their nipples. "If you want you can lick our nipples too" and without any further invitation both boys started to run their tongues over the girls now erect nipples. Talking about erections both boys were now as hard as iron and both their cocks were straining to be released but that would have to wait and the boys just hoped that in the fairly dim light that the girls would not yet notice the bulge in their pants. As the boys tongues swirled over the girls nipples they too were becoming very aroused and they both became both warm and wet between their legs and they now needed to be touched down below. "Hey guys have you ever touched a girl's pussy" whispered Charlotte and both boys stated that they had not even seen one let alone touch one. "Well, both myself and SJ haven't seen a boys stuff either so it looks like it will be a lucky day for all of us". With that both girls lifted their butts off the settee and took down their knickers. There was an instant smell of sex in the room and both boys got their first glimpse of a girls sexual area.

Being such novices they were not sure what to do albeit that the twitch in their cocks let them know that this was all so good. The girls laughed with the boys and agreed to show them what to do and placed a couple of fingers between the now moist lips at the entrance to their vaginas. The boys watched intently and were then guided towards the glistening mounds and pushed a finger in to the warm and welcoming cave. This was just ecstasy for both them and the girls and the two boys looked at each other and gave a nod of approval. Whilst the boys pushed their fingers in and out of the rapidly moistening holes the girls both played with their now fully engorged clits. Silence was in the room albeit for some vaginal noises and a sort of purring from the girls. "Please touch me here" exclaimed SJ and she led Liam's fingers to her swollen love button. Max watched what was happening and did the same to Charlotte as both girls squirmed in their seats. This carried on for about 15 minutes and whilst the girls were not fully sated Charlotte decided that it was now the boy's turn. "Ok guys we hope you have enjoyed that but we don't want to be selfish so now it is your turn." This excited the boys and Max turned to Liam and suggested that they first went and washed their hands in the bathroom. When they got there Max asked if Liam was clean to which Liam stated he was going to wash his hands properly even though he wanted to keep the smell of the girl's sex for as long as he could. "Are you also clean down there?" Max retorted and pointed to his brother's crotch. Liam protested that he was but Max insisted that they both should have a quick wash to be on the safe side. Reluctantly Liam took down his trousers and briefs and Max did likewise. Much to Max's surprise was how much more his younger brother had grown since they last really got up close and personal. He was now sporting a much thicker cock and his balls seemed much bigger too. Whilst he was not yet as big as his elder brother he was certainly going to give both girls a decent eyeful and Max told Liam that perhaps he should go first with the girls so that they could better benefit from their undivided attention. Liam was happy with this and after both boys had unrolled their foreskins and made sure they were fully clean they put back on their underwear and trousers and returned to the lounge where there was an air of anticipation in the room. The boys quickly removed their shirts and sat back on the settee but this time with Liam sitting between the two girls. " Liam is going to go first and I will assist in showing you what to do" Max ordered with a certain amount of authority in his voice. "Well as long as you don't bottle it yourself then that is fine" replied Charlotte. "Don't worry about that as I can't wait to have two such lovely girls doing things to me" said Max "and I don't think Liam can wait much longer too!".

"Yeah, come on girls I don't know if I can wait much longer. Get the tape measure first as I know I have grown again since my last measurement. If you see next to the tape measure over there you will also see the last measurements we had. Charlotte got the tape measure and chart and showed it to her younger sister and they both gasped. "Are these for real?" "Of course they are" stated Max. "Wow, SJ" cried Charlotte "that means that Max is bigger than a small ruler" at which point Liam cried out that he was almost as big as a small ruler too nowadays.

At this point he took off his shirt and loosened the belt around his trousers. He then stood up and pointed out that the best way to measure him was for him to stand up. He did so and let his trousers fall to his knees and then instructed Sarah-Jane to come closer and he then took her hands and guided them over the now impressive bulge in his underpants. He did not yet have an erection but it felt good as the younger of the two girls felt the outline of his cock and then he got her to gently touch the outline of his now quite impressive balls. "Do you confirm that neither of you girls have seen a boys stuff before" enquired Max and both girls answered in the negative albeit that they had both seen younger boys on the beach but as could already be seen from Liam's crotch bulge they knew that it was not a fair reflection of what they were about to see.

Liam then slowly took off his underpants and the girls kneeled in front of him to get a good look. They saw the head of his penis just showing at the tip of his foreskin with an outline of a sort of mushroom type head below. As well as this hung two pinkish sacks which contained what seemed like two dangling golf balls and these two sacks had a light covering of hair to go with some darker hairs at the base of his penis. Liam assisted the girls in measuring his cock and Sarah-Jane held his still limp appendage which seemed like a sausage made of plasticine and Charlotte, under Max's instruction measured it out at 10.4 cm (4.1"). "Wow Liam, you really are all grown up now" Max pointed out "I wonder how big you will be with a stiffy". The girls were not quite sure what was meant by this and Max told them that if Liam got sexually aroused then his penis would get bigger and stiffer. "You mean it will be bigger than it is now?" enquired Sarah-Jane as she was already wondering how something this size was supposed to fit between a girls legs. "Well if you help him out I am sure we shall see" and at that point Liam sat back on the settee, put his hands behind his head and said "I am all yours girls".

At this point Max went and stood behind the settee so he could get an unobstructed view and be able to help the girls. Both girls were just looking at Liam's bits and pieces as they took in their first view of a young man in all his glory and thought about what to do next. What they did notice was his balls hanging between his legs and his penis slightly to one side hanging over them. They also noticed a certain swirling motion in his ball sacks and a certain strange musky aroma coming from the area.

Max told Charlotte to take hold of Liam's cock and hold it up nice and gently between her fingers and then for Sarah-Jane to gently touch his balls. The skin on Liam's cock was very soft and she was fascinated by the head of his cock with a purplish colour and a small slit in the top. As for Sarah-Jane she could feel the loose skin with what seemed like a couple of harder ball shaped forms.

What was to happen now was a bit of a shock to the girls as without too much more attention Liam's ball sacks started to tighten up and his penis started to grow and harden up. After what seemed like just seconds Liam's cock was pointing straight at his own belly and the head was not only protruding from its protective covering but also had some fluid oozing through the slit at the top. "Rub that fluid over the top of his cock" Max offered as an instruction and the girls duly obliged. "Now get the tape measure and let's see how big my not so little brother has become in the last few months". They duly measured as per normal and agreed on 15.2 cm (6") a length that Max knew was at least as big as a good many grown ups. "It's huge" cried out Charlotte and Max agreed by replying "Not bad, not bad at all" accompanied by a slight grin. "Don't say that yours is even bigger" Sarah-Jane enquired with a wide eyed look. "Well that is for you to find out. As for now I think he needs some help to finish things off" Max pointed out.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Charlotte. "Tell them Liam". "Well, I could do with your help in making me cum now girls and I hope Max will show you how to make me shoot". The girls had heard about boys shooting stuff from a couple of other girls in school who claimed to know about such things, although whether they had actually seen such a thing was up for debate.

"If you lightly hold Liam's balls Charlotte and then Sarah-Jane if you make a fist around his cock just below that purple head and move up and down you will see his skin slide back and fore over the head." Max instructed. The girls duly obliged and Sarah-Jane in particular was fascinated at how soft the skin was and how hard his cock was inside the skin covering. She continued to pump away at a pace that suited Liam and he sat there in a state of pure enjoyment as his orgasm started to build. He had not had a wank for a couple of days and was now desperate to cum. "How much longer do we do this for?" asked Charlotte and she was advised by Liam that it would not be long now.

Meanwhile Max now also hard as hard an erection as he could remember and was wishing that Liam would hurry up so that he could take his turn with the girls. "Speed up a bit SJ" he encouraged and she did indeed pick up the pace a bit. For a change a small amount of precum oozed out and the girls asked if that was Liam's cum to which Max stated that it was not and was just to help his foreskin slide over his head a bit easier and was a lubrication that would make things easier if he was having sex. Max was still standing behind the settee and he gently ruffled his younger brothers hair "You nearly ready to cum bro?" he enquired "I am getting a bit too horny here!" The girls both looked up at Max and he realised that they could not see below his waist. As they went back to work on Liam he decided that he had to get his cock out from his clothing as the pressure needed some release.

"I think I am cumming" cried Liam and with that he started to thrust his hips in time to the fist pumping he was getting and then he grunted "Uuuuuugh" and a small amount of semen flew from his cock followed by a bigger string of cum and a couple more squirts and he was done. It was a much larger quantity than he had produced before and it dropped off Sarah-Jane's hand and on to his belly. Both girls were as much disgusted as they were fascinated and Liam had a big grin on his face. It was a big moment for the girls to see a boys sex come to a climax and they both had a warm feeling between their legs and they touched themselves feeling the warmth of their own sex. Max saw them and told Liam to go and clean matters up with some tissues and at the same time he repositioned his cock inside his clothing.

"Are you ready for me now girls?" he enquired. "Ready when you are" they responded in almost unison. Max's cock had now gone soft again but at his age getting another hard on would not be too difficult especially with the two lovely sisters to help him out.

He took his place where Liam had been sitting and he noticed an aroma which was new but exciting. The aroma was that of sex. Liam's sex mixed with the two girls aroused scent. He lay back and with a growing confidence the girls started to take down his trousers. They were suitably impressed with the bulge in his underpants and could not wait to see what a slightly older boys package looked like. Without wasting any time they literally tore off his pants and then glanced at each other as they revealed Max's semi erect cock. As far as they could tell his balls were just a bit bigger albeit definitely covered with more hair. As for his cock, well that seemed about half as thick again as Liam's and a bit longer. More precum had oozed out and his purple helmet was bigger and more defined behind its covering of skin. "Get the tape measure out before he gets a stiffy" squealed Liam and Max stood up so that he could measure his length. He was not sure if he had grown much although his recent erection felt bigger and stronger than before. Charlotte took charge of the measurement of his still soft cock and agreed on 11.9 c.m. (4.7"). They both now wondered how big it would be compared to Liam's when they got it hard. Max lay back and Liam went behind the settee as his brother had done in case they needed some coaching. The girls looked in wonder at Max's almost adult genitals. This time Sarah-Jane started to play with his now tightening balls while her older sister went to work on the now stiffening organ. Just like Liam it was not long before Max's cock was fully hard and pointing up towards his belly. The shiny liquid that had spilt out on to his bright purple head had seen his foreskin slide back behind the head revealing a threatening looking vision which seemed twice the size of what they had seen from Liam. Charlotte made a fist over his penis but unlike Liam's cock she could not get it all the way around. Max's cock also seemed a bit veinier but it basically felt the same as she had briefly felt Liam's cock which her sister had brought to a climax. "Please stand up so we can measure" and Max stood and the girls were in awe as it swayed back and forth. Charlotte again did the honors and both Sarah-Jane and Liam clapped as the result was announced at 18 c.m. (7.1").

Max sat back down and the girls went to work on him. Charlotte pumped up and down enjoying the ease with which his foreskin slid backwards and forwards over the glistening head. "Just to let you girls know that I won't take very long as I had a hard on for most of the time you were looking after Liam" cautioned Max.

In what seemed like no time at all he could feel his orgasm rising and with that his breathing also quickened. Both girls were now on his cock as they could fit both hands on his very engorged organ. "Here I go" he painted and then, whooooosh. One sticky rope, a second, a third and perhaps three or four more contractions of his cock as he unloaded what seemed like a never ending torrent of thick white sticky fluid. Even Liam was impressed and Max admitted he had been saving his spunk up for three days. He was sated and as his erection subsided his balls slackened again and he looked at his younger brother who was standing there with a cheeky grin and another impressive erection. "I think he is ready to go again" Max declared and whilst the girls would have been happy to help him out again they both declared that they needed to go home but they would love to do it again. They agreed to meet again in a couple of days time and they left the boys to clean up. After they had gone the boys hugged each other and agreed that it was a great time and they would be ready to play with the girls again when the time came.


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One day, the Marquis had me brought to his torture chamber, where, to my surprise and delight, I saw my Master and Mistress. They had come to collect me. The Marquis himself thought that my rebellious spirit had not been completely broken yet, but my Master was more than satisfied with my progress and had decided that I was ready to assume my role as his slave. My Mistress had brought some clothes for me to wear, including my dog collar. As I was getting dressed, the Marquis remarked,...

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Me And My Experiences With My Boy Friends 8211 Part I

Hi, My name is Sobhita staying in chennai doing job from past 2 years. My age is 23 years now and my stats are 34c boobs(sallu), 28 waist(nadumu) and 34 ass(gudda). i love to use bad words while i was on mood. This happened when i was 18 and it was my first year engineering. i went to another place from my home town to pursue my engineering and stayed in a hostel there and as it was my first year there is ragging going on in the college by the seniors. I went to college in the first day as i...

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revenge on my cheating wife

I have been married to Susan for nearly twenty years and have been together for nearly twenty five years, I have got too admit that we have always been very happy together, our sex life was ok even though Susan wouldn’t suck my cock.Over the past few years Susan has taken to drinking more and more alcohol when we go out either to a friends house or the local pub. I didn’t really approve of this but as it turned out her drinking has become quite useful.I recently discovered that Susan had been...

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Spirit QuestChapter 9

After tearfully hugging each of my wives and concubines, I hurriedly introduced them to the newest group, and then ran back aboard the Audoflede to go help the Marise. I noticed King Tassimut staring at the sunken fleet after hearing that the citizens of the city did most of the fighting. My troops had remained aboard, figuring that we would head out again once they heard what happened. Once we reloaded food, ammunition for the mortars, and another five hundred archers, we left the Saxon...

2 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty two

FRIDAY JULY-29 Two sweat soaked bodies lay on the table in the rehab room. They both had grins on their faces a mile wide, one of them accompanied by a girlish giggle, and for a very good reason. My sister and Vikki's father had made it to the end of the parallel bars and after a ten minute break to sit in their chairs — a grudging concession from Charlotte — they had both made three steps back. It was a record in the number of steps and discounting their ten minute break they had knocked a...

1 year ago
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Quenching my Thirst

I stood in the long line on the hottest day of July we’ve had on record. Little did I know it was soon going to become the hottest day of my life ever.  I couldn’t help but overhear the impatient sighing of the woman behind me. I had to take a quick peek at her out of the corner of my eye. It was a pleasant surprise to find a little brunette standing there, who seemed to have a huge rack on her chest but she held the items she had in her arms closely pressed against her.I then heard a soft,...

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl 8 Good Girls Naughty Task

Chapter Eight: Good Girl's Naughty Task By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to scream and shout and moan as loud as I could as Daddy rammed his huge cock into my eightteen-year-old cunt. He had me pinned against the shower wall, the spray crashing into his back, a steamy mist wafting over me as I humped and wiggled and enjoyed every second of his dick slamming into my barely legal depths. My daddy fucked me. I was his good girl. His sex slave. My choker lay on the bathroom counter....

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A Wild Birthday Month Ch 05

The Finale DISCLAIMER: The story you are about to read is purely fictional. Any possible similarities between the characters and events with people in real life are purely coincidental. ************** This story doesn’t begin on a Tuesday the way the others did. No walk to have lunch with my wealthy friend Robert. No moment of sharing a smile with his beautiful assistant Jacqueline. No, today is actually Friday. I took the day off and have been cleaning up my house and getting things ready...

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Meri Sexy Madhu Aunty

Hello friends, mera naam Priyesh Kumar hai. Main 22 saal ka hu aur Kolkata mein rehta hu. Ye meri pehli kahani hai jisko maine 2016 ke hisab se likha hai. Main apne uncle ke yaahan rah kar apna intermediate kar tha tha. Uss samay main 12th mein tha. Mere uncle railway mein TTE hain toh ek baar duty jaane par 3 din ke baad hi waapas aate hai. Uncle ki wife kya kantaap maal thi. Unke bade bade boobs. Unki gaand aisi ki dekhte hi buddhe ka bhi lund khada ho jaye. Unki gaand thodi baahar bhi thi,...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Zara Brooks Its Gargle Time

Zara Brooks is a breathtaking green eyed teen with a rocking body. Her tits and pussy are paramount, but if you’re a This Girl Sucks fan, you know we care about one thing and one thing only. THAT THROAT! It gives deep throat a whole new meaning.Zara works that dick with a purpose, her sole goal to get this guy to jizz her up. A normal suck does the trick for most, but this guy required the intense sensory trip of some gargles. Not only is the feeling amazing, but there’s just something about...

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College like summer 1

*******************Waiting was hard with the night growing later. I knew Corey was on his wayto stay with me for the Memorial Day weekend. Even though we talked everyday at least once, I missed seeing him more than I could believe. Kris onthe other hand was usually around and kept my nights occupied with hisantics. Just as I had feared, he grew bored at his house and would come tohang around, visit or stay the night to renew our nightly chats. Thebiggest problem when he stayed the weeknights...

2 years ago
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Bunk Beds Chapter 13

Bunk Beds - Chapter 13 Isis Eris CHARACTER LIST: Loren: 5'6, longish dark hair. Small A-cup naturally. Currently questioning gender identity. Cindy: 5'2. Asian. A-cup. Hair that goes halfway down her back dyed blue. Rebellious, but self-conscious. Karen: 5'10, athletic build. B-cup. Long blonde hair sometimes kept inponytail. Pragmatic. Jenna: 5'6. Perfect hourglass figure. DD cup breasts. Optimistic, detail- oriented, and logical. Beth: 5'4. Top-heavy, a few pounds...

3 years ago
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Doing Moms Job 2

I went back into the garage and began to work. It was very hard to concentrate with the fresh memory of my cock between my daughter’s lips. The memory kept my cock in check. It was neither hard nor soft. After a couple hours, I was done. When I went back into the house, Kimberly had dinner ready. She had the food on the table and she was putting the final touches on setting the table. She was wearing nothing but a silky white thong. The white material was illuminated against her tanned...

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Walking Talking Urinal

I've had a little bit of a thing for piss for a while, watching a guy holding his cock with a hot yellow stream shooting out of the tip slowly pulling back his foreskin so nothing is left behind gets me all kinds of horny !The smell, the taste, the warmth, the feeling of being completely and utterly owned and degraded by the person pissing on you is perfect to me. I have this fantasy with daddy, where i am his personal walking, talking urinal. Any time he needs to go, we find somewhere private...

2 years ago
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When their father died, Mike and Michelle's Grandparents moved in with them and their mother. They were the paternal grandparents. Their mother Georgia, was devastated and the John and Martha decided to help her. John was 62 years old and Martha was 59. Mike was in his bedroom looking at the newest edition of Nude Girl magazine, and had just began to stroke his hard cock. Martha unexpectedly entered and saw him with his 8 inch cock in his hand. Mike quickly covered himself and was very...

3 years ago
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Ek Pariwar Mumbai Ki Chawl Main

ek 15 by 12 ki chawl main sab ek hi chat ke niche rahate the. kitchn bhi usi main tha and kitchen ki taraf ek khidki thi. din main who log darwaja khula hi rakhte aur raat main kidki khuli rakhte the. Kahate hai ki environment ka asar logo ke prakruti par padta hai. is family ke logo ke sath bhi aisa hi kuch tha. Family waise izzat dar thi par Kamathipura area main rahate the. waise unke gali main sab acche log hi rahate the. Beta, amita ko bhaga kar laya tha. Ghar walo ke paas koi chara...

3 years ago
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Club Church Chapter 3

I barely felt him remove the probe as my ass was now getting numb. Also, I was beginning to feel funny. It was a good funny. I felt a little dizzy but very horny with all my senses concentrated in my cock, balls and my ass. I wanted sex and I wanted it right away. My new friend Pierre, with his monster cock now rock hard lead me down a dark corridor to a dark room. I was immediately grabbed from all directions much like I had been when I first arrived.Soon I was lifted off the ground and I felt...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 10 The Art of Cunnilingus

Next morning I had to go get gas in a couple of cars before leaving for classes. I dreaded going over to the farmers market to possibly have to confront Siza. But I had no choice. I didn’t want to drive a ways to get gas somewhere else and spend my own money. I drove over and hoped somebody else was manning the pump. But after I stopped I just stayed in the car for moments to see if nobody came and I’d try to pump the gas myself if I could. But no. There she came from the across the way. So...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Bella Rose Kathy Jane Watch What Your Mommy Does

Bella has been trying to teach her stepdaughter how to interact with boys better. Shes just too damn shy! Bella and Katy were going to relax by their pool, but mommy noticed her daughters attention preoccupied with the pool boy. Bella insists she should go talk to him, but shes too scared. This bad mamma takes the lead and makes the first move. She allows the pool boy to put sun tanning lotion on her, then eventually starts sucking his cock! Mommy motions for Kathy to come over and assist her...

2 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 2 Through the Looking Glass

When I got there Eric let me in, handed me a drink, and led me to a home office setup. Once we got comfortable, he started in. “I’ve talked to a couple of the people you served with in Afghanistan. One of the officers, when he heard that your wife had died, said that you actually had been in combat, but refused to admit it because you didn’t want your wife to know. He gave me some other names and I’ve gotten emails from a couple of them. You should have gotten a Purple Heart and at least a...

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Public Bathroom Sex With Stranger

My name is Swathi aged 23 and am from ONGOLE in ANDHRA PRADESH. I finished my engineering and I was doing a masters course in a reputed college.Well coming to my body I have nice big boobs of 34 size and a waist of 30 and a big ass of 35. All this happened when I was travelling from ONGOLE to another place in a bus. Usually the journey takes 8 hours to travel so I was in ONGOLE on a holiday as my college was declared holidays for 4 days… after four days I reserved a ticket for night and got...

4 years ago
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Amazon Wife

"You summoned me daughter?" Karl said. Leanafel was his youngest and the only daughter remaining in their home. She was in bed with Jadea again. The two had become quite close and were seen together more and more over the previous months. Karl assumed it was only fitting. Leanafel was of an age. Soon she'd have to decide if she wished to stay in the hidden lands of Themyscira or venture out into the rest of the world. "Yes father," Leanafel said. "Send a few of my step fathers...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Mature Aunty Cum Friend

Hello, everyone, this is Ritik here (name changed), aged 28 years old and a practicing psychiatrist living somewhere in Mumbai. This sex story dates back to 2010 when I was studying. This was the incident that tells how I lost my virginity. The central character of this sex story revolves around a 40-year-old woman named Seema(name changed). Seema was 40 years old back then, fair and slim, and was a CA by profession. She had given up her professional life to concentrate more on the household...

3 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 32 A World Apart

She sat cross-legged, her back hunched down, huddled into the shadows of one of the rocky outcroppings. The sky was overcast – it seemed to always be overcast – which made the shadows darker and her hiding place more complete. Air moved around her, but she couldn’t call it a breeze. What little wind there was around her moaned rather than whistled. As usual, it was just hot air moving through stifling air. In it, she could smell the acrid odor of dust and dirt. The slight cavern was high up...

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The Camping Trip

This is a true story about a camping trip I was on last summer. A big group of us went from school. All of us were college students, out for a good time. Naturally it was mostly guys. But there were 5 of us women along. Me and a friend Julie were sharing a tent. The other three ladies had boyfriends. We had a great time that first day. It was hot, sunny out. We did a lot of swimming, drinking. With it being mostly guys, got flirted with a lot. Not that I am a super model. But I’m 19, 5’3”...

Straight Sex
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Aunty G Ko Pata Ke Choda

Hi to all ISS readers, my name is Siddarth my age is 18 my height is 5’6 and little handsome coming to the heroin her name is Sweety(name changed) she is having large boobs and smart looking face her age is 36 ye story 3 months back Delhi mey hui hai Coming to the story mai hyderabad mey rehta hu ek din mai kuch kam se bahar gaya hua tha mujhe ek unknw num se phone aaya mai uthaya toh wo koi ladki ki awaaz thi par wo sweety thi usne pehle bola mujhe pehchano aur mazak mey baate karne lagi fir...

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Stories I like Great Grandmother Comes Alive

Great Grandmother Comes Alive My great grandmother, Edith has been in a care home for some years. She is 93 and, put bluntly, is not all there — it’s not Alzheimer’s but a form of dementia which means her mind wanders and she behaves irrationally much of the time – although she sometimes recognises the staff in the home, she less often knows her f****y but can cope with the majority of routine activities in the place. I’m now 18 and until recently had only visited her when f***ed to. It’s not...

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Laptop Sikhane Ke Bahane Sali Ko Choda

Hi friends, ye story mere reader ki true story hai jo main applogo to aaj batane jaa raha hu. Mere reader ka naam Rahul hai and uski sali ka naam me share nahi kar sakta, kyunki woh personal hai. Uski sali bahut hot hai woh maine uski latest pic me dekha tha. Sach bolu to mera bhi man kar raha tha ki uski sali ke sath sex karu. Ab story pe attey hai. Rahul ki sali ki height 5.6, age- 37 aur hot bomb- 36,30,36 hai. Ek dum maal hai. Woh ek housewife hai and uski ek beti hai. Uska husband...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 17 Vicious Circle

I was getting a bit sick of the disorientation following one of my 'transitions', overall, but this was definitely the worst. I opened my eyes and let out an involuntary shriek. Not only was I completely clueless as to where I was, but as I watched in dismay, the headless corpse of what I assumed was once a person fell towards me, almost in slow motion, and landed right on me. Blood flowed freely from the stump that was once a neck, and I quickly closed my mouth, turning my head to avoid an...

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Remote Control Lover

When the green light turned on, I felt a mix of emotions. I was eager, nervous, excited, and worried all at the same time. But mostly, I was just plain horny. With butterflies in my stomach, and my erection throbbing in my hand, I picked up the sex toy. Its green light winked at me, and I slipped my cock inside. The toy was a simple black plastic cylinder, shaped like a large flashlight. One end of the cylinder was made of soft, flesh-colored silicone, molded into the form of a pair of pussy...

4 years ago
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Meeting a Sexy CD on Hamster X

Meeting a Sexy CD on HamsterI had got up early got a cup of coffee turned on the computer. Feeling horny logged into hamster x. Started playing with my foreskin finger the inside. I had received a message. From Jillian, I opened the message she had wished me a good morning. I replied Good morning sexy!I open her profile and looked at some pic’s. I seen she was not far from were I lived. She asked me what I was doing. Told her I was finger my foreskin rubbing precum on my head looking at her hot...

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A Box Lunch

I guess the premise of finding love over a box lunch is pretty far-fetched, especially if you consider our difference in ages. Certainly, the thought of a love between a sixty year old man and a nineteen year old woman, would be difficult to believe, but considering it all developed from a shared box lunch has to stagger the imagination. Of course, as all love must do, our affair ended tragically, but in spite of it all, we had our moments, Kieko and I had our moments.It began over lunch, or...

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