Alan Ch. 20 free porn video

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Chapter 20: Resurrecting Jack (part 1)

As the spring semester’s end approached Alan was as busy as he had ever been. Between preparing end of term papers, studying for final exams, his regular meetings in midtown with Wilkins and the others, the birth of Megan’s baby (Marshall Philip Kelly (‘Phil’), 7 pounds even), and his daily readings of the complete files and notes of Jean-Pierre Massimo, left him little time for leisure.

To make matters worse, for some unknown reason he was losing his ability to get by with scant amounts of sleep. He still required less than the average person, but now he was sleeping everyday, sometime for more than four hours at a stretch. His other abilities were unaffected, and if anything, becoming sharper.

The documents that Neil Swindon-Smythe had recovered were a treasure trove of information about the history of Hyrcanus and a few of his fellow Seed Vessels, also extremely useful were Jack’s personal journals. Alan had learned a number of new tricks reading the diary. Now he could pass through doors, as if he was a ghost, and he could also turn invisible, not only to people, but to cameras and the like. He was always able to make others not see him by using his mind control powers, but this was more useful in this day and age, with surveillance cameras ever-present, though each of these trick took enormous mental effort, sometimes leaving him drained for hours after his training sessions.

In the back of his mind Alan was worried. He hadn’t ‘heard’ from Jack Massimo in months, since the night of the kidnap. If Jack was out there somewhere he still had no idea where, and the silence was troubling. On top of all that the dreams he was having were sort of freaking him out. He knew that they contained clues to where Jack was and how to restore him, but he couldn’t cipher the clues in a fashion that made any sense. The one thing he was sure of was that he needed to go to Europe to figure it all out, to retrace Jack’s last steps on earth. Once the semester ended he was headed off, and he was lucky to have Mr. Karick as a guide. Who better to help him go back over Jack’s last days than the man who had been assigned to watch him every minute of every day? As he thought this through he arched his back, stretching the muscles, hearing the vertebrae click back into alignment, and he sighed.

He was reading at his desk, the laptop open, its screen glowing in the darkness of the room as Soren slept soundly in his bed. He was reviewing the text of the Scroll of Hyrcanus, his namesake, for perhaps the hundredth time. He was tired, his eyelids heavy. He persevered for another thirty minutes and then snapped the laptop closed, unplugged it, replaced it in its steel box, and used his mind to seal the box shut.

Crawling into his unmade bed he collapsed even before he could undress and pull the covers over himself, but he did not sleep. A dull buzzing sensation fell over his restless body, and out of the corner of his eye he began to sense the unearthly glow emanating from Jean-Pierre Massimo’s ring. With his last ounce of strength he lifted the hand which bore this ring and held it right in front of his face, and the glow increased, nearly blinding him in rush of pure white light. The vision began. He saw it through Jack’s eyes, heard it through Jack’s ears, smelled it through Jack’s nose.

Florescent lights, white walls, and the smell of antiseptic assaulted his senses.

* * * 29 June 2002

He could feel them getting closer, more to the point, he couldn’t feel them, and that was more worrying than anything.

As he made his way through the highways and byways of his adopted hometown he could sense the voids in his power, the null points in his perceptive abilities. He had just left the offices of his financial managers in the City of London, his car just a few feet in front of him, idling at the curbside when he saw a man across the street watching him. It was nothing new, people had been watching him for the better part of a century. But this watcher was different. He had no mind to him. No mind that he could probe and read, and after reading minds, probing the innermost thoughts of nearly all the people he had encountered over these last decades, the reality of being in close proximity to an impenetrable consciousness unnerved him.

He could feel them getting closer. More to the point, he couldn’t feel them, and that was more worrying than anything.

* * *

A hospital.

The Cancer Ward.

A stench of death, of impending mortality, pervaded the whole of the corridor.

‘I’m very sorry, sir. Visiting hours have ended,’ the nurse said, trying to edge him to the bank of elevators. He was undeterred.

‘A terrible way to die,’ he said, evenly, his eyes a million miles away. Emile had died in a place like this, the twenty-year old memory still afresh in his brain.

He had been lecturing, in the States. He hadn’t even know she was ill. All of their phone conversations and letters, and she hadn’t even broached the subject. Brave was she as she faced the final journey, braver than he would have been in her place. Had he known the solution would have been child’s play.

His flight landed and he had made immediately for the hospital. The doctor, a model of Swiss efficiency, had laid the facts before him. ‘One week, Dr. Massimo, perhaps less. I am sorry, there is nothing we can do for her now. We will see that she is as comfortable as can be, and let nature take its course.’

It was too late for him to do anything about it. Damn it all to hell! If he had only been here in Geneva a month ago he would have been able to reverse its progression. But now–now it was even out of his hands.

‘Yes, sir, a terrible way to die,’ the nurse repeated, shaking him back to the present. ‘But, you’ll still have to leave. Visiting hours have ended.’

He reached out with a mind probe, relieved that his powers were not failing him in his old age, and took control of the woman beside him.

He scanned her brain for information. He was looking for a patient, one in a situation he could use to his advantage.

He closed the door to Mr. Dickinson’s room and sat on the bed next to the dying man, laying hands on him like a shaman, a faith healer of old. He concentrated, using all his will, all his strength.

From the private bathroom off to the side he heard the bathtub overflow and went in there to turn off the taps. Water helped. Water made it easier. He eased himself into the tub, fully clothed, and submerged beneath the surface of the water. Through the hazy, shimmering surface of the water he stared at the tiled ceiling for a few seconds, and then closed his eyes and concentrated. A few seconds later he broke the through the surface, his lungs taking in great draughts of air. Dripping wet he made his way back into the room. As he passed the mirror he was only slightly startled by his new appearance which was now identical to the dying man laying in the bed.

Dickinson opened his eyes and they almost popped out of his head at the sight of Massimo. He thought he was having an out of body experience, like when in the movies a person dies and a shadow of them emerges and walks around the room. His double (Massimo) walked up to him and covered Dickinson’s eyes, and he was asleep again. Massimo concentrated again, and in almost an instant Dickinson’s appearance was transformed to match that of Jean-Pierre Massimo. Water helped.

* * *

The suitcase was the last of his things left in the dorm room. All the rest of his stuff was packed in his dad’s car. He was leaving for London in three days, with a security team headed by Mr. Karick, and he figured it was better to pack his bag before he moved back home.

As he was taking a long last look around his room his mom popped in and came over right next to him. ‘So, sweetie, are you ready?’ she asked, reaching up and ruffling his hair.

‘Yeah, mom,
let’s go,’ Alan replied kissing her on the cheek.

‘It’s a shame you’re only going to be home a few days before you leave for your job in Europe,’ she sighed.

‘I’ll be back in a month or so, so there’ll still be two months that I’ll be home,’ he said back, putting his arm around her shoulder. With his free hand he grasped the handle of the suitcase and they went out together.

That evening his family and the Van Devanters, plus Brian Lacy (Pauline’s boyfriend) went out for dinner at an Italian place a few towns over from where they all lived. Pauline looked very happy with herself, both over her impending matriculation at Harvard (coupled with Brian headed for MIT), and generally with her lot in life. She would be spending the summer again working at the local day camp, this summer as the head of girl’s half, Kate was going to be working again with runaways, this year taking groups of them on Outward Bound expeditions sponsored by her family’s foundation.

After dinner Alan and Kate begged off further family activity and went for a drive. The made their way aimlessly around the town for awhile and then stopped for coffees. Kate found them seats while Alan was at the counter. There was a long line, so it took more than a few minutes for him to join her.

‘Miss me?’ he asked, a goofy smile across his face as he settled in next to her on the couch in the Starbucks.

‘A little.’

‘Really? I was joking.’

Her face took on a furtive look and she glanced away for a moment before replying. ‘I’m going to miss you. When I’m away. When you’re away.’ She turned her head again, not want to see him as she asked her next question. ‘Are you, you know, going to miss me? This summer?’

He thought about it for a moment. Despite their rocky start and past history he knew that he was developing feelings for her, had been, in fact, for quite some time. He knew Kate loved him, and it wasn’t due to any changes he had made to her. He knew form as far back as senior year, prom night to be exact, when she had sobbed and broken down and blurted out her growing feelings.

He was going away, perhaps for a month, perhaps longer, and he knew within himself that he was going to miss Kate, miss her company, in bed and out of it. The past year and a half or so had seen a startling transformation in her, and though some of it had been at his instigation, much of it had come from inside her. He unlocked her in a way, and by that freedom she was able to grasp at the things that made her unhappy, to grab them at the root and pull herself out of her destructive patterns, destructive patterns she subconsciously knew would have, if not gone checked by Alan, turned inward on herself to a higher degree. Alan understood perfectly the role he played in her transformation, but it did nothing to stanch the feelings they shared for each other.

‘Yes, Katie, I’ll miss you.’

She put her hands on him and leaned in and kissed him.

* * *

‘Where are we going?’

‘It’s a surprise,’ he said cryptically.

A few minutes later he stopped the car and parked.

‘What are we doing here? How are we getting in?’

He thought quickly and made up a story. ‘I still have the master key from when I was in charge of the newspaper.’ When the had reached the double steel doors he made her turn her back, ostensibly to keep a look out. He jingled his own keys a bit while he used his mind to unlock the doors.

‘This is really weird, being back in high school, and all,’ she commented as they moved through the dark and silent halls. He had her ‘keep lookout’ again as he forced open the door to the newspaper office, and within seconds of stopping at the previously locked door they were within.

She pressed up against him, on her tiptoes, trying to place her lips against his, but she found herself unexpectedly rebuffed. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked, a quizzical expression across her pretty face.

‘Can we talk first?’

‘Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good,’ she said quietly.

‘No, it’s nothing like that, I swear,’ he replied, guiding them to the ratty old couch which was pushed against the back wall of the room. They sat and turned towards each other. He took her hands in his.

‘This is where it all began,’ he said distractedly, his eyes roaming the room, frequently stopping at the desk where he first took her. Kate shivered at the memory of it and he squeezed her hands tighter. ‘I just wanted to say, to tell you,’ he began, losing his thread. There was silence for an uncomfortable interval. ‘I’m, uh, I’m sorry. For, uh, doing that to you. That day.’

She leaned into him, her head resting on his chest, her ear pressed against his shirt. She could hear his heartbeat throbbing. She blinked a few times, successfully stemming an impending flow of tears. ‘It’s OK,’ she mumbled loud enough for him to hear, ‘Really, it’s OK.’

‘No! It’s not OK. When I think back on what I did then I feel, well, bad about it.’

‘No. Stop. You’re trying to tell me something, and you’re using this whole mea culpa thing to avoid it,’ she told him as she sat up straight and looked him right in the eye. ‘Spill.’

‘Do you remember prom night? In your room, afterwards? What you told me?’

‘Y-yes,’ she stammered through trembling lips, her eyes moistening.

‘I-I-I think I feel the same way.’

‘You, you, you l-love me?’ she asked as the waterworks opened up. He nodded.

‘I think so.’

‘Good enough for me,’ she giggled through her tears, kissing him passionately.

‘But that doesn’t change the fact,’ he began, interrupting her kiss, ‘That I was wrong when we, uh, did it that first day.’

She put her hands on his cheeks, drawing his gaze to hers, she was expecting this scene for awhile, and had a speech ready. ‘I don’t care about that. You’ve never heard me complain.’ She paused, thinking back on that day. Her pussy began to ooze at the memory. ‘I didn’t like you. I never did–before that day, I mean. You were a nice enough guy, but I thought you were a wimp. I was with Chad then, and my naïve little self thought he was, to use the phrase, all that and a bag of chips. I was,’ she choked up a little here, ‘a very, very, very unhappy person, only I didn’t know it then. Looking back on that period in my life, before, uh, THAT day,’ she shuddered for a second before continuing, ‘I was a bitch, especially to you, and I hated myself. What you did to me that day, I mean, what WE did that day, well, there’s no other way to put it–you rocked my world. I mean, of course sexually. You know that, right? That was the best I had ever had, but like a factor of a thousand,’ she giggled. ‘But I was, uh, rocked, in like other ways too. Wimpy Alan Marshall (sorry), so powerful, so, so so–I don’t know what.

‘I was a girl on the cusp of womanhood, and I was making a bad transition, and you pulled me back from the brink. By, ah, dominating me like that, you made me a little girl for just a bit longer, and I was able to, to, I don’t know, self-reflect, something, something. I mean to say that by being your slave, your submissive I was finally able to focus on Kate the person, not Kate the popular, Kate the status seeker. You took away a small part, OK, a large part of my identity when you made me a slave to your lusts.

‘But looking back on me at that time I really didn’t have an identity to speak of. I had an identity as the hunky quarterback’s boyfriend. I had an identity as the girl who was invited to every cool party. I had an identity through the fancy labels in my clothes, the cool car I got when I turned seventeen, the big house my parents lived in. Those things were of me, but the weren’t me me. You know what I’m talking about?’

He nodded, waiting for her to continue, even someone who wasn’t a telepath could tell she wasn’t quite done. She began to gently rub his cheeks as she went on.

‘And you! You were alright. Not too cool, not too nerdy. A regular gu
y. You seemed happy about who you were, and in a way I was jealous of that. And I hated you for that. And then, and then, that day in this room. OH MY GOD!’

They both broke down in hysterical fits of laughter.

‘I mean, I know you weren’t, uh, that you didn’t do that for MY benefit! You DID get a nice, uh, ride,’ she said with a twinkle in her eye.

He chuckled

‘Where in the hell did that come from. Why did I follow you then?’ she sighed. ‘Oh well, the mysteries of the universe, I guess. But, and this is a big, humungous, gigantic, enormous, vast, BUT, I’m really really really really really really really really glad it happened. So quit yer grousing, and stop beating yourself up already, OK?’

She kissed him, hard.

‘OK,’ he said pulling back for a second, a wry grin creeping across his features.

‘Why are you smiling?’ she asked, turning a little red-faced.

‘I’m happy,’ he said, evenly.


‘Happy to know you. Happy to have you. Happy you have me. Pick one.’

She devoured him again, her tongue wildly exploring his mouth, her hands rapidly exploring his body, touching all of her favorite parts. She was hungry for him, and was impatient in her clothing. She pulled away from him and peeled off her shirt, and practically tore off her bra, then guided his hands to her quivering chest, sighing deeply as he began to touch her all over her exposed skin, as he was not content to confine himself to her generous breasts, but tickled her flanks and caressed the smooth skin of her stomach and back.

When she thought she could take no more she stopped his hands by grasping him at the wrists and pulled away so there was a foot of space between them on the sofa. Hurriedly she shimmied out of her pants as she watch him disrobe. The room was hot and humid, the air conditioning system in the building switched off until the morning, and she could see the fine sheen of sweat covering his well-built form. She was perspiring slightly herself as she jumped on top of him, her pantied-covered pussy rubbing hard into his exposed shaft.


‘Hmm?’ she answer languidly, concentrating on the feeling of his hardness sliding up and down her crotch, enjoying the feeling of it spreading the stickiness under the thin cotton fabric. ‘W-what?’

‘I hate to sound crude, but, why are you still wearing your panties?’

She giggled lazily. ‘You know why.’ A slight gasp escaped as the head of his dick rubbed right against her clit.

‘Am I missing something?’

‘Silly Alan, I left them on so you could take them off. I like it when you take them off. Take off my panties, you silly boy, now .’

Slowly he eased them down as far as he could in their position, and Kate wiggled them off the rest of the way. Now his erection rested skin to skin against her dripping gash, and she began to hump up against it, saturating the surface of his cockflesh with her plentiful girl juices. She put her palms down on her shoulders and hoisted herself up a bit, looking deeply into his eyes. He knew what she wanted and took hold of his slippery manhood, lining the tip of it against her gushing cleft. Slowly she sank down on him, devouring his manhood with her body. As she came to rest fully impaled she loosed a quiet moan and rested her head on his shoulder, content not to move. She could feel his hands on her back and flanks lightly rubbing her skin, and she shivered in arousal.

After a few minutes of just being held Kate reared back and started to slowly bounce and twirl back and forth on his shaft, and he helped her out by holding her at her hips and leisurely lifted and dropped her down on his dick. Her moans became louder as she began to jerk her hips down, smashing her crotch into his, but neither of them said a word, they just stared into each other’s faces. Hard as it was to see in the dim light of the empty office Alan could still make out the passion painted across her delicate features. Kate let out a fast yelp, and hugged him tight as her wet channel spasmed around him, and he came with her. They held one another a while longer.

Same as Alan Ch. 20 Videos

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EvilAngel Maddy May Country Girl Loves Anal Fun

Under the sun, Maddy May teases in fishnets, heels and a latex bikini, showing tiny waist, awesome ass, and big boobs with huge, pierced nipples. The young beauty sports impressive tattoos, like the big lion on her hip. Pro stud Mick Blue interviews the first-year porn performer: A country girl from Arkansas, she’s loved anal sex ever since her first ‘assgasm.’ Mick’s POV camera captures Maddy’s eye contact as she gives a slobbering blowjob. They kiss during a...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Weekend Getaway With My Iss Reader

Hey, everyone! I’m back again with an experience that occurred just today :) Having been a regular and an avid Indian sex story reader, I tend to share my sex experiences with you guys. After my last sex story was published, I got a lot of emails asking you know what. But there was this one reader’s mail that particularly caught my attention. She just wrote saying how she enjoyed my sex story and got wet and ended up fingering herself to multiple orgasms. She didn’t ask for any sexual favors or...

4 years ago
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High school days 2

"Well, that was what we agreed to Mom. I would share a sexy adventure of me and my friends and you would return the favor."I tried hard to maintain my composure, to keep from acting surprised that Mom would volunteer re-stating our previous "agreement". She could have easily dismissed that weak arrangement since neither of us really made a point about the rules of our sexy story exchange. Mom looked at me intently, as if trying to see if I would break-down and release her from this flimsy...

4 years ago
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First Night Home

After a few minutes you lean in and start kissing the side of my neck. I turn my head and we kiss passionately. Our hands caress each others bodies as our tongues start to search each others mouths. You break away from me for a moment with a glazed look of lust in your eyes. You smile and ask, “Are you going to let me finish this time?” I give you a confused look and you laugh and reach over and start rubbing my cock through my pants. I suddenly remember the last time when we were in...

2 years ago
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My Anger

My Anger Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was a stupid bet and we all knew it, but I was the dumbest one of the bunch, since I took the bet. It was easy. All I had to do was find out the password for the Registrar at school. With that password we could get in, change grades, give ourselves perfect attendance and so on. But my buddies wanted to make it worthwhile for whoever took the bet. If, whoever got the password, got away with it, we would keep him in gas for six...

3 years ago
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Lupe Loving Learning To ShareChapter 3

When Jim got to work the next morning, a very contrite Lupe waited in his office. She looked like she'd had trouble sleeping the night before and seemed almost on the verge of hysterics. She started apologizing to Jim, her words coming out all rushed and garbled. Jim was able to silence her by raising up his hand in the universal sign language for stop. He took Lupe by her two hands and calmly got her to sit down on her usual chair. He sat down next to her and started to speak...

3 years ago
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Good Morning

Opening my eyes, I blinked in confusion. The ceiling was a dingy off-white, rough spackle that could have literally been anywhere. It didn't bother me that I didn't immediately know where I was. What bothered me is what was missing. Taking a deep breath, I blinked a few times and tried to focus on the cracks in the ceiling. For years I'd endured countless nights of insomnia and the exhausted burned out state-of-mind that accompanied it. I couldn't remember the last time I'd woken up and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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True story I cheated on two of my boyfriends tabby

i love to tease (and please) but sometimes teasing is so much fun. there's always more to be desired and so many what if's to fantastize about. plus if it ever comes to fruitition it's a bonus. i thought i'd compile a few teasing stories to... ahem, wet the whistle. this one goes back to when i was working for teleperformance. most of you will know a place like it, one of the most boring call centers but easiest jobs to get. if you're a girl, you'll also know just how easy it is to wrap a guy...

3 years ago
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Girl friend ki friend Rinki ko choda

Hey hi to all holekar and daandiyas finally this is my first part of my autobiography towards the hotter indian sex stories website coming back to doston this is wadds main aur main delhi mein rehta houn main ek slim and seedha sadha ladka houn aur meri pennis 7inches ki hai meri height 5″7 hain ka houn ab aapko aur zyaada na bore karte huey main apni story par aata houn baath aaj se ek saal pahele ki hai jab mere ghar walon ko mere affair ke baare me pata chaa aur meri gf aur uske ghar...

3 years ago
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Memoirs continued

We continued the rounds of the workhouse and at one point found Miss Harrington sitting on a chair pretending to be dusting. When I challenged her, she sort to suggest that elderly ladies like her should be treated with respect and not be forced to do menial work. She even tried to suggest that I was already exceeding my role and would petition the vicar for my removal. Seeing the vicar played little part in my appointment, I almost laughed at her but just said, "We will see, Miss Harrington,...

2 years ago
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Coven Encounter

Coven encounter "I should have known before I even tried that the coven had thought of everything," I thought to myself. I had stopped on my way home and bought makeup remover, nail polish remover, a pair of hair clippers, and a set of male clothes, but they all proved useless. The makeup and nail polish survived my attempts to remove them without so much as a spot, and while I was actually able to cut my hair, it regrew in seconds. The clothes were much the same. I could...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Little One Ch 05

Daddy sat at the large desk in his study. He read business reports every night before going to bed. His dress shop had done very well, even though he and Little One were their best customer, today. SalesLady had been very kind and helpful to Little One. Daddy made a note on his report to be very generous to her. Daddy closed the folder and put it in the drawer. In the drawer was an empty silver frame. No pictures, thought Daddy. I must have photographs made of Little One. Maybe not photographs,...

1 year ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 28 Tying Up

Friday Afternoon and Evening The search warrants were served after the schools closed for the weekend. A team of police thoroughly searched the auto shop and the coaches' offices and locker rooms at Memorial High School and found nothing. But a second team searched the Bushman house and found plenty. There was a computer set up in the living room, where officers found e-mails between Coach Bushman and Coach O'Chism which expressed his objections to the 'corporal punishment' being used...

1 year ago
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My path from Bisexual middle To being a complete

I've always been what you could call gay. I've lost my virginity to a guy. Most of my sexually partners have been guys. Most of my relationships have been with guys. There's been a few women here and there over the years, but easily 90% have been male. And of those guys most of the time I've been a bottom. Not a bottom in the sissy girly way (I really am happy I was born a boy) More I'm just more comfortable and able to be the bottom. Of course, there's been...

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SMOMS IngridChapter 8

Now that Mother had officially called me, I expected her to hang up, and I never would speak with her again. “I don’t want to lose you, Mother.” I pleaded. My well exercised tear ducts ratcheted up to full gear. “I’m suppose to talk it out with you.” She huffed. “Talk.” “It’s all my fault.” “I doubt that. You and Andrew don’t have that dynamic.” Mother knew because my son’s dynamic took after hers. “Yes, he was complicit.” I backpedaled. “But I never should have involved...

2 years ago
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Me And My Kiran Maami

By : Sahil141 Hi, it’s me Sahil and its the first time I’m writing my hundred cent percent real story on this site its a very long story hope you will like it so lets start with the story. I am Sahil from Punjab Amritsar and my maami lives in up so we meet only occasionally she is an average looking lady with a fair complexion and a very nice figure when mama got married maami ji always used to love me a lot. I was a very small kid then she used to love me a lot always trying to hug me kiss me...

3 years ago
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First Date Pegged

My last boyfriend broke up with me because I was "too aggressive." Our society expects women to be passive during sex. I have never wanted to be a woman who just lies there, passive and moaning, spread-legged like a frog on a dinner plate. I love to be on top. I always straddled him and put my hands on his forearms so I could pin him down, and then I pounded my pussy into his crotch. When he got close, I'd slow down and go up and down in long, teasing strokes to finish him off. I loved to watch...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Kayla Paige Nurse Kayla Paige8217s Kinky Checkup

Naughty Nurse Kayla Paige likes to show up at her patients’ houses unannounced dressed in a skimpy uniform with fishnet stockings for surprise XXX housecalls. Lucky Fate isn’t called lucky for nothing, as today the blonde MILF shows up at the stud’s door and gives him a kinky checkup that he’ll never forget. Watch as he titty sucks and eats pussy in such a frenzy that when they’re fucking, the hot and horny Penthouse vixen is squirting, and doggystyle banging has...

1 year ago
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Stormy Night

Nicki was driving down a country road, late at night. A massive storm raged around her. Lightning split the sky and thunder shook the car. The storm came up suddenly. She spies a light up ahead, peeking out between the lightning flashes. The rain gets harder and harder, and Zahren had to slow down more and more as she couldn't see. As she got closer to the light, she can make out it's an old wooden building, in a poor state of repair. Some of the windows are missing, but the roof looks...

4 years ago
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TutorChapter 3 Christmas Party

We spent the week in the familiar pattern. We went to another movie on Saturday, a romance movie. I couldn't find a place that suited our needs so we stayed in the restaurant until it closed. I walked Stephanie back to her residence and we ended the night with our usual platonic kiss. The following week was the exam week and the tutoring center was closed. I spent most of the time in the library studying with Stephanie. Both Stephanie and I were going back home for the winter recess....

2 years ago
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30 March 2007Chapter 3

Wendy laughed, cupping Dan’s face in her hands, giving him a long, long passionate kiss, then nibbling on his right ear. “I love you so much! I’m going to give you a blow job before we leave here tonight,” she sensually whispered. He smelled the odour of her recent drink. “You sure you want to? You know the reputation company parties have,” he smiled. “Oh yeah, baby! Right now, I don’t care who sees me suck you off,” she grinned. “Come on Dan, let’s dance,” she said, standing and taking his...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Izzy Bell Black Cock Party

Innocent teen Izzy Bell was bored at home until a tall dark stud came knocking on her door. It turns out he was some hollywood mogul looking for a party, but this didn’t seem to be the right address. Before he could leave Izzy insisted that this was the right place and invited him upstairs. They proceeded to indulge in some drinks and some party favors, then Izzy wanted to indulge in some of this guys thick black cock. She sucked it like she never sucked in her life, leaving his black...

4 years ago
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A night to remember

Feeling down about the break up with my girl, I decided to go out to the local dance club and have a little fun. For the past two years I had stayed at home and focused all my attentions on her. She had become way to needy and controling. She was always calling me and asking where I was and who I was with. Now was time for me. The club was packed and there were lots of hot women there. I found a spot at the bar and watched the people on the dance floor. The bar had changed a lot since...

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Husband And Wife8217s Rough Roleplay Sex 8211 Part 1

This is a fantasy story. All the characters mentioned here are just the puppets of the writer’s mind. This is a series of different stories. The main hero in the story is Rahul (naam to suna hoga) and the heroine is Pooja (because creativity sucks, matlab isse common naam aur kya ho sakta hai)? Rahul and Pooja are married, they are in their mid-twenties. Rahul is working in the IT sector in one of the reputed companies and works as a computer engineer in Pune. Rahul is not a guy with a great...

3 years ago
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Kathy And Surprises part two

After Kathy and I had lived together for a whole school year we decided we would live together again the next year of community college. We had become an item. No one knew her secret except me and her family. Kathy had a cock. That's because she started as a guy and was in transition to becoming a woman. I loved sucking it while she sucked mine. But the semester was ending and she was going home for the summer. So was I. We decided to make our last night of the semester special. We had spent...

4 years ago
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Mother in Law Takes More

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story. This is 3rd part of the series so requesting you to read the previous parts to enjoy this story. 1 Mother in Law Cannot Resist2 Mother in Law Submits AgainThe next morning I was woken by the familiar sounds of Fiona getting ready for work. Alan had already gone at around 4am and I looked at the clock and it was just gone 7am. I pulled the cover back and lay naked and began to stroke my cock...

2 years ago
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Never Again Ch 01

10 years ago… ‘No, no way, so not happening. There’s no way you can win this. You may be faster, but I’m smarter and sneakier.’ Scott had both of Gia’s wrists encircled with his long fingers, but she twisted her arms outwards, forcing him to release her. She headed up the hill as fast as her bare feet would allow. For a moment, he didn’t chase her but instead watched her run, absentmindedly admiring her long legs and ass. ——————- Scott and Gia had known each other since the very first day...

3 years ago
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Turning Tables

Okay, I have to warn you Okay, I have to warn you. This story is really different from my other stories. I think you will be surprised at the bitch in this one. Like the Janeway story I wrote it for my own amusement. I apologize to X for taking liberties with Brenda Wade, Lydia Willis and Dragon Queen. ???????????????? ??????????? ????????????     TURNING THE TABLES. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????? By ???????????????????????????????????????????????...

4 years ago
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As we walked towards each other I was checking her out and those eyes did catch me doing so. I complimented her on how she looked as we passed and she said she would be looking better later, if I were out. I had no plans to, but that was a come on if I had ever heard one! I quickly asked where she would be and was told one of the local dance clubs that catered to a mixed crowd of people. I hurried to do my after work chores of shopping and making myself something to eat, cleaned myself...

3 years ago
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The night that was

Introduction: No sex, just love, anger, pain, and remorse There is no sex in this story. It is the realistic account of the end of a marriage. It does contain love, anger, pain, and remorse. The night that was View of the crumbling of a marriage. The pavement was wet and cold from the light mid-west October rain. Vibrant colors reflected up from the street as if it were a liquid mirror. He was on his hands and knees crawling around at my feet, splashing around in his own blood. I swore I...

2 years ago
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A Reasonable Deal Pt 7

Chapter 1 Danielle was glad to be home from her friend's house. There were not that many even semi-attractive members of the lesbian community in town, and this particular one, a Korean-American musician, enjoyed watching, for god knows what reason, reality TV. Reality TV mixed with marijuana and alcohol, all of which the high school teacher had both tried and grown bored with. Sex, history and art were the only things that really interested her anymore. Danielle had made a few...

4 years ago
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Aunt Stella And The Young Man 1

Seventeen year old Adam was coming down the stairs, when his thirty-seven year old busty, slutty Aunt Stella entered in the house with her luggage. She was here to attend the wedding of Adam’s elder sister Maria. Everyone welcomed Stella with a smile, but Adam’s mother was not that happy. She always considered Stella a whore because she never married but dated so many guys, having so many relationships. Stella also never missed a chance to prove what a big slut she was. She was always flirting...

4 years ago
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Party Time

My wife came into the room ready for the evening, lace top, no bra black leather mini, black stockings garter belt and 5" heels. She started getting the room ready, pillows on the floor, booze and cards.The guests arrived five guys ready for a poker party. My wife started to seat the guys and bring the drinks. Everytime she bent over her nice ass was on display. As the booze started to work she bent over more and more. Her nipples stayed hard and poked the lacy top out. After an hour she...

4 years ago
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Bite Me

“He’s an asshole and we both know this,” Stella said with a disapproving look. I sniffled, taking another tissue from her. “If you came here for a lecture, I really cannot deal with it tonight,” I warned. I looked down at my short pj’s and thin tank top smeared with tears and chocolate ice cream from earlier. I almost laughed at my cliché way of dealing with this break up. “Okay, I’m sorry. I talked to your Mom, she’s okay with me staying the night. Are you?” she asked. She was in her pj’s too,...

Oral Sex

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