Peabody Inc
- 3 years ago
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Over Easter we joined the Scottish swimming team at their training centre. It did not take much time before we felt a bit overawed by the standard of the competition. Scottish swimming at this point in time was on quite a high. We had several swimmers who were British champions and some of them who had achieved bronze silver and gold at the most recent world championships. Listening to them talk, what amazed us most, was the hours that each of these champions was prepared to put in to reach the top of their sport. Beside them we felt like part timers.
At home we got up early two or three mornings a week to put in an hour and a bit of training and spent some time in the evening twice a week. Several of them were being sponsored and could almost devote their whole time to training. Others had been sponsored then for one reason or another lost it but they were still putting in a phenomenal amount of time around their school work or their jobs to achieve times that were either at or close to world record times
While there, I think the four of us from our school received tips that would improve our technique and help us shave fractions of a second of our times. The thing which impressed me most, however, was the dedication which would be needed to compete with the best of the best. I found myself asking again and again, did I really want to put in that level of effort and the commitment of that amount of time in the attempt to win one of three medals, whether they would be gold, silver or bronze. I enjoyed the level I was swimming at now, but was I willing to make the sacrifice of almost all my other interest for this kind of pursuit.
That was not to say I did not enjoy my time at the training camp, I did. I also admired the skill and dedication of the coaches and the spirit of friendly rivalry among those who were competing for places in the same events. It was also obvious that those who were selected to represent their country at this level had great camaraderie with their fellow team mates and encouraged and supported each other when they were competing against other nations. I had no doubt if I made the effort to reach their level, I would enjoy the competition and give my all in an effort to win. I would enjoy the fellowship and the team spirit. What I was not sure about was whether I wanted to try.
I did not mention this inner struggle I was having to Katy or to any of the rest of our friends from school. They could make up their own minds without me sowing any seeds of doubt about whether or not it was worth the effort. I did resolve that once the time at training camp was over I would have a serious discussion first with Katy and then with Joe and Isa about how I felt.
With my financial resources, I could well afford the funds; but I also wanted to do well with my educational opportunities and keep up my martial arts and other interests. I also had to think seriously about the kind of career I wanted in this new existence and bear in mind that it seemed to me that for most swimmers they peaked early but had shorter adult careers than many other sportsmen. There were exceptions and perhaps other careers would lesson in importance if funds and prizes for swimming started to reflect those available in other areas of athletic enterprise. As I thought about all this I knew I would struggle to find the desire and commitment to go down that road.
When we returned from the training camp Katy was quite excited by being there and mixing with the top athletes so I did not say anything till the following evening. As we at around the table at dinner that night Joe asked us what we felt we had got out of our time there. Katy was enthusiastic about her time at the camp and the fact that in her final swims she had cut almost a second off her time in both her events. When I did not say much, Joe turned his attention to me and asked for my reaction.
"I enjoyed it tremendously," I told him. "I loved the fellowship and the camaraderie and I also benefited from the skill of the coaches and I think I would really enjoy competing at the level of the top swimmers who were there."
Joe looked at me shrewdly.
"Why do I get the impression that there is something lurking behind that statement which says you have doubts or reservations about what you got out of it?" He asked.
I told them about the other side of the coin as I saw it. About the commitment of time, the dedication to a single goal and the sacrifice of almost all other interests that one needed to reach the top in any sport nowadays. It was almost vital to get sponsorship and become a full time athlete if you wanted to be consistently among the best as training took up so much of your time.
"While I could do this without sponsorship because of my financial assets," I told them in conclusion, "I am not sure I want to make the commitment of time and the sacrifice of my other interests that would be necessary. There is also another concern. I am not sure yet what path I want to follow as a career and if I make that kind of commitment to swimming now, how will that affect or limit the choices open to me."
Joe, Isa and Katy were now looking at me with surprise on their faces.
"My word," Joe exclaimed, "You have really been asking yourself some searching questions while you were away."
"I think that is probably what being invited to train with the national squad was meant to do." I responded. "The coaches are dedicated and committed to providing what is necessary for swimmers to improve. Equally, they want the same kind of dedication and commitment from those they are training. It is only fair then, that you should be prepared to make the kind of effort which would match theirs."
"I thought you were a lot quieter than usual when we were at the camp," Katy said. "You were thinking much more deeply about what was needed than the rest of us. That side of things never really crossed my mind. I was just excited and pleased to be there."
"You are not the only one who is surprised by Peter's reaction," Isa said. "But I can see that he is quite right to think along those lines. However, I get the feeling that as well as having thoughts about what is needed, he has serious reservations about making the kind of commitment that is necessary. Is that the case Peter?" she asked.
"Yes it is," I told her. "I am not at all sure that I want to go down that road. I like the level of competition we have reached, because it does not exclude the other things I do, like my martial arts training, or my other ways I have of keeping physically fit. Above all I can fit it in around my educational aspirations. I am not sure I could do as well in this field as I want to if I make that kind of commitment to swimming."
"You have obviously been giving this some serious thought," Isa said. "Have you made you your mind what you are going to do?"
"No I Haven't," I told her, "Because until now I have not discussed it with the most important person in my life and that is Katy. I will talk things over with her and find out how she feels before finally deciding what to do."
"Peter, I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do because of me." Katy said firmly.
"I won't," told her, "It would be possible for you to commit yourself to swimming if you wanted to, and I could support you in that without necessarily making the same level of commitment. But I think we should both look at the options and the implications of our decisions together so that we are clear about where we are going."
I could see from the expression on Katy's face that she had not take this the way I intended and she was obviously scared that if she made a different decision from me then she would be endangering our long term relationship. I tried to reassure her that this was not the case.
"Katy, we can both have different interests in certain areas of our lives and I want you to know that you can do so without endangering how we feel about each other," I said, "All I am saying here is that it is important that we discuss it with each other."
She nodded her head uncertainly but I could see that she was thinking about what I had said,
When we got back to our rooms she immediately brought up the subject of our swimming commitments.
"Are you thinking of opting out of the swim team?" She asked.
"No I am not," I told her, "I am just questioning how deep my commitment to swimming should be and how much of my time I want to give to it."
"You seemed very pleased about being picked to go to the national training squad," she said, "but now you have changed your mind."
"I haven't changed my mind," I told her, "I have just been made aware of the level of commitment needed to stay at the top. It is almost two years till The Commonwealth Games and another two years to the Olympics, and that makes four years of really hard dedicated effort and I am thinking about how that will affect our lives and our education."
"I had not thought of that until you brought it up" she said, "It is only because you have said this that I can see how much time and effort it is going to take."
"I enjoy the level of commitment we give now because it leaves me time to do other things I am interested in," I said, "I am not sure that I want to do much more or that I want to give it greater priority."
"What are your priorities?" she wanted to know
"My first priority is you." I told her. "I love you and I want to do all I can to nurture and deepen that relationship. Now if we both commit ourselves to swimming that should not affect our relationship it may even deepen it because we will spend so much time together in training.
But even if one of us gives greater commitment to swimming than the other, as John and Alice have shown, that doesn't mean our relationship will be adversely affected. Indeed we will still share a level of commitment because until the end of our high school years we will still be sharing some of that training time together."
My second Priority is to get good set of Highers so that I can go to the University of my choice. No doubt I could do that and still swim at the top level but I would not be able to pursue much else.
My third priority is to try and decide what kind of career path I want to follow. And again that involves discussion with you because it may well be affected by the road you want to go down. What about you, Katy, have you any thoughts on these things?" I finished by asking her.
"My first priority would be the same as yours," she told me with a smile. "I love you too. I also want to do well in my education, and until we were invited to join the training squad was quite content with what I was doing and enjoyed it very much. I really hadn't thought a lot about the ramifications of pursuing and international career and now that I can see what is involved I will have to think about that. My career is something else I have not thought to deeply about, but my thoughts are centring on medicine or veterinary medicine and both these are quite long courses of study. But you have not said that you have anything in particular in your sights."
I had been giving my own career options some thought. I was rich enough to be able to do things I really wanted to do. Based on my previous experience I was thinking once again of becoming a soldier this time around too. I liked the life and I felt this would equip me for many jobs when I left the forces. This would be especially true if I progressed to the higher officer ranks. I thought that now would be as good a time as any to fly that kite before my beloved.
"One of the things I am really considering," I said, "is doing an honours degree and then applying for a commission in the armed forces. How would you feel about that?"
"If that is what you want to do, I have no objections," she said, "Though I think it may mean quite lengthy periods of separation at times."
"In the present climate with all that is going on in Afghanistan, that may well be true," I told her, "but six or seven years down the line all that could have changed, especially if Scotland became an independent nation."
"I had not thought of that either," she said. "Do you think that is likely?"
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I never know how to start, this is especially difficult since its something I wanted for do long. Like every day I was working. I drive trucks so I'm not home often. I tend to finish my day as quickly as possible and park. I had a bit of a problem, I loved porn. I had a great wife at home, and my obsession didn't affect our love life. But I'd been into a lot of different styles as of late. My main focus was body swap porn. It fascinates me, the dream of feeling like a woman even for just a day....
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Back in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master's degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn't put too much emphasis on fidelity. I'd sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I'd joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....
Straight SexMy name is Valerie. I'm 38 years old and married with two almost grown c***dren, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. My husband, Hal, treats me very well and understands my problems and needs. No one man is capable of satisfying my need for sex and I wouldn't want someone I love to see me humiliated and degraded. Hal's only stipulations are that I not get pregnant to anyone but him, I always insist on my men wearing condoms and that I'm always available to him for sex. The first condition...
AUTHORS NOTE: The following story is based upon one of my least favorite types of TG based stories and role playing, the body swap. The only RP where you secretly get forced to act in a way you don't want your character to act if you don't want to play out living someone else's life (other types do it overtly so you can avoid them, body swapping does it secretly). It contains forced behavior, an attempted rape, and violence. This story is meant to mock the body swap concept, the...
The first part of this story, written by Caleb Jones, can be found elsewhere on this site, and it should be read first to get the most out of this story. We have done our best to supply you with all you need to follow the story if you choose not to read the first story. So please enjoy? BodySwitched - Book 2 New Bodies, New Lives! By Caleb Jones, and Eric (Based on a story and characters created by Caleb Jones and Brad Miller) Chapter 1: No One Suspects a Thing! A group...
This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Bodywear by Pretzelgirl "Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes." -- Henry David Thoreau * * * "Hi Bodywear!" Inanimate objects do not talk, strictly speaking. But this is Big Brenda's Boutique, a place so welcoming, so accepting, and so open to the unconventional that if you take the time to just shut up, you really...
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I could feel myself tiring, my muscles aching, my back straining, and the damn woman beneath me was still sobbing and writhing, her legs clamped about me, pulling me deeper, belly fluttering and saliva drooling from her slack mouth as she moved her wide pelvis and big rump up and down. "Enough?" I asked after another series of deep thrusts that shook the high bed. "Enough?" Her big breasts were flopping about and her breathing was very ragged. Her legs fell away and she nodded, looking up...
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The Opportunistic Detective Brenda was awakened five minutes later, and she quickly sat up, wiping her cum-covered face with her panties and making sure her short dress was covering her bare ass. Officer Bennett, dressed in his civilian clothes, was smiling down at the disheveled girl. "You awake, Brenda?" "Oh," she answered breathlessly, pretending she was relieved to see him. "Officer Bennett, thank God it's you! I was just attacked and... and... raped!" The officer's smile was...
Once again I found myself on the open water in a small, non-descript fishing boat. Having sealed the deal with Sun and Jun, we set out in the boat that was to take my former employer's man back across the English channel. The freight agent we left locked up in a storage facility with food and water for a couple of weeks. We would see that he was released when this was over. Blondie was tied up in the hold of the fishing boat. A mile or so down the River Orwell we had paused beside a sleek,...
I drove the Citroen southward while Talibah studied the images of her mother in California on the digital viewer/MP3 player I borrowed from Sun and Jun. I also had her put on the earphones and showed her how to play the audio of her mother's recorded message. There were tears in her eyes when she finished, and she turned to me saying, "Thank you!" "We made a promise," was my only reply. I still wasn't sure about her, one way or another. "My mother says that the woman who first came...
What do you do with twenty-two captured CIA agents after they've failed in an illegal assault on a US Corporation? After several hours of discussion with Steve Hastings, we decided to gift wrap them and return them to sender. We planted several hundred bugs on the agents and their clothing and equipment, flew them back East, packed them into a rented truck and, just before dawn, parked it at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue closest to the Capitol building, tied up with a huge bow. Then we...
Threading their way anonymously through the crowded sidewalks of Mong Kok, the three ducked between the stalls of the ladies market, then circled the block, checking their back trail before ducking into the MTR entrance. Sun and Jun bought Xue a ticket and shepherded the young girl into the queue that was forming in front of one of the glass doors for the Tsuen Wan line in the direction for Central. It was late afternoon and the train was packed, but no one looked twice at the three young...
Sun and Jun finished their reconnaisance while Mei, Wei, Darren and Liam scouted the narrow strip of cliff-top between the Guard barracks and the Ocean. As Sun and Jun returned to Xue at their starting point, the girl started to head back toward the Land Cruiser. Jun held her back. "We will go in tonight. Sun and I can disable or spoof most of the sensors. We will be in and out before the guards know we're here." At the same time, a mental discussion was taking place: Darren, you know...
To Liam, being part of the President's detail was the pinnacle of his career. It was also much more difficult than he had thought it would be. Working with other agents, knowing where to be, what to watch out for - all of those were, by now, routine activities, and he was even better at them now that he had the abilities that came with being linked to the others. The difficulty was that President Winchell, under the severe business suits she wore in public, was a very desirable woman, even...
"Oh my God!" Stephanie cried, as, with a whuff of displaced air, her husband appeared in the room beside her. "It worked!" I'll be damned! Darren agreed, So it did! Back at their private training facility in Virginia, Master Sung, having watched Darren disappear, hopped up and down, squeaking, "Did it work? Did it work? Is he there?" "Yes Master," Jun could barely suppress a laugh at such antics from the usually super-cool Master Sung. "It did, indeed, work." "Hah! I knew...
Stella wiped the sweat from her face with the towel offered by Mei, then sniffed and made a face. "Damn!" she exclaimed. "I need a shower! How long was I in that thing, anyway." "About three hours," Mei replied. "So, I take it you like our little simulator?" Stella's face brightened as she replied "Oh, that was fun! I'm not quite sure what all that was about, but I had a ball doing it! I mean, it's not quite like real life because there are certain limitations and restrictions...
As Jamie and Tyler followed their naked moms into the house, they took another opportunity to ogle their distinctly different but equally perfect derrieres as they swayed in front of them. They both did their own comparing and contrasting, noticing how Charlotte’s ass was full and succulent, with cheeks that bounced as her rounded hips moved to and fro, while Julie’s behind was tighter and firmer, looking like, as Charlotte had said, ‘A Beach Volleyball Player’s ass,’ as the high rounded cheeks...
IncestWriter’s note: You may have seen this published on another website. It is a sequel to a story by my favorite writer. She was fully aware of my intent to compose it before I began, and she has read and approved this effort. Her original story was about a middle-aged, upper-class couple, Jonathan and Amelia Russell, who moonlighted as cat burglars in their neighborhood. Under investigation by police and a U.S. State Department agent, they fled the country to Switzerland. In this sequel, the duo...
The Motivated Student Brenda Winter worked as a teacher's aide three days a week at the parochial school that was adjacent to, and affiliated with, the church she and Jonathan attended. She arrived that day (as she did every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 11:30, just as the students were breaking for lunch. This gave Brenda an opportunity to grade papers before their studies resumed. Brenda sat alone in the dim, quiet, mahogany-trimmed classroom and waited for her favorite student's...
The Sadistic Minister Brenda stood on the sidewalk outside, basking in the warm sunlight. She was hungry, and, remembering she had an apple and a granola bar in her purse, sat down on a bench in front of the school to eat her lunch. She still had more than two hours to kill before meeting Charles in the park, and she thought about doing some recreational shopping, but dismissed the idea when she realized she would have to carry her purchases with her for the rest of the afternoon. Brenda...
Our man just has no time to rest up and recharge. If you haven't already read the previous chapters, I suggest that you do. This chapter has a lot of variety: MM, FF, MMFF, MF and more. If this offends you, why are you here. If you're too young, get out of here before I tell your mother. One more thing: This story imagines a world without protection from dreaded cooties. But this ain't it. Wrap that rascal! Comments, messages, ratings; All are welcome!The next morning, I couldn't sleep past...
Group SexI shouldn't bitch. I really have nothing to bitch about. I'm just feeling a little exhausted, and rightly so. I'm burning my candle from both ends and so my dick is sore and my ass is killing me. Like my Dad always said...nah, screw my old man, he didn't know anything.I couldn't resist Elaine. The goat horns sprung from my head. I couldn't help it. Call it hormones. Anyway, she was a hot girl with a super-lush body that wouldn't quit. I was glad that with only a small percentage of stamina left...
Mature"Hi guys. What's up?""We were up at the marina checking on the boat and we were in the neighborhood so we thought we would drop by. Obviously, we came too late for the party. Looks like you were dipping the wick, you look worse for wear.""Yeah, I was just fuckin' my best fuck-buddy and it was fuckin' fantastic.""Who? Who?""My lips are sealed. It's very discreet, you know. She has a husband.""Come on, tell me," Casey pressed. "Do I know her?""Mum's the word, Case. I ain't sayin'.""Oh bummer. Can...
MatureI wrote this for a friend. It involves straight sex. No condoms were harmed during the creation of this story but you should wear one because hey, you never know. End of PSA. Roll tape. Enjoy."I feel weird. Talking to you about this is very uncomfortable for me. I've never discussed this, not so openly, not even with a shrink or a therapist.""What could be so heavy? What could be so bad? Did you kill somebody?""No, I'm serious. I never told anyone because I was too ashamed, you know. It was my...
Straight SexThe cargo box of the van was crowded with Talibah laid out on a stretcher, two of the Gemini people working on her, and the three of us: Sun, Jun, and I seated on small bench along the side. To make matters worse, the driver was intent on getting as far from Salzburg as possible before anyone discovered the bodies in the fortress museum. Once we hit the Autobahn, things settled down some, and the driver moderated his speed to avoid attracting attention. Someone, apparently familiar with the...