Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsEpilogue
- 4 years ago
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The little 'fishing' boat, showing no lights, slipped quietly into the estuary. All my previous visits to England had been to London and points East, where the land is mostly flat. I was a little surprised, then, to see the rugged Devon coastline with its jagged rocks, emerging in huge, slanting slabs from the black water of the English Channel. The lights of Plymouth, to the west, were suddenly blotted out by the rocky bluffs at the mouth of the inlet.
As we rounded the bend in the river, I could see that the villages on either side of the Yealm river estuary were asleep, with few lights showing. The night was clear and cloudless. Even though the moon was not full, there was enough light for reasonable visibility. I could see, in the pale moonlight, the ends of the vosses (stone walkways across the estuary that are covered by several feet of water at high tide but exposed at low tide) beginning to show as the tide ebbed. The craft had a shallow draft, but the captain wasn't taking any chances.
He turned the little vessel in mid-channel, and with the muffled engines idling in reverse against the pull of the tide and the flow from the river, held her position long enough for a rowboat to pull alongside. A crate was lowered into the rowboat, and I clambered in after it.
Silently, the man in the boat pulled for shore as the delivery vessel drifted back toward the open water. I didn't know or care what was in the crate. My cargo was sewn into the lining of my jacket.
Neither of us spoke a word as I paid the smuggler, in US Dollars, for getting me safely to shore. A short climb up to Riverside Street, then a trudge up the hill, back toward the English Channel, through overhanging trees. I went through a latched gate, and suddenly, I was out in the open on a footpath, moving steadily upward as I neared the mouth of the estuary.
My life as a confidential courier is often a dull, uneventful series of flights to various parts of the world. Once in a while, though, I get a commission that challenges me, and puts all my skills to the test. This was one of the strangest ones I had ever taken. The request had come to my triple blind email box from someone who wished to remain anonymous: Pick up a package from a specific location in San Francisco, and deliver it to an undisclosed location in Europe. There would be people trying to prevent the delivery, so I was to watch my backtrail, and leave as little trace of my passage as possible. Time was not critical, as long as the package was delivered safely. I would be responsible for getting across the Atlantic without a tail, from there, my client would handle the travel arrangements. My guess was that he or she wanted to be able to check for followers, as well.
The price was set, the upfront money paid into my receiving account in the Bahamas, then split between four other accounts in various locations around the world.
It's strange what some people think of as security. The package contained a CD and some specific instructions about where to go for the first leg of my journey. Just for grins, I duped the CD, and mailed the copy to myself. If all went well with the delivery and final payment, that copy would be destroyed. If things went wrong, however, I wanted to have a little insurance.
It was my responsibility to get myself to a certain latitude and longitude in the North Atlantic by a certain time. After that, my employer would handle the travel arrangements.
Making my way across the US was simple: I drove. Well, okay, I drove one of several nondescript vehicles that I own under different names from San Francisco to Biloxi, Mississippi.
From there, I hired a man with a fast boat, with whom I had done business before, to get me across the Atlantic. We met up with the smuggler's boat at the designated coordinates.
GPS systems have revolutionized the art of smuggling. In the old days, ocean-going ships that needed to meet up somewhere had to pick a recognizable landmark that both knew, which put them in sight of land and potential spies. Nowadays, such rendezvous are held on the open ocean, and cargo is transferred far from shipping lanes or prying eyes.
Satellites? The paths and assignments of US spy satellites are available to anyone who's willing to pay the price, and these guys knew exactly when, where, and for how long they'd be out of view of the eyes in the sky.
I just had one little difficulty to overcome. It's one thing to step from the deck of one small vessel to another in the quiet of a sheltered harbor, and quite another to transfer between two wildly pitching boats in the open ocean. They dressed me in a wetsuit and transferred me the same way they did the cargo: A line was tossed from the receiving vessel and attached to the cargo (me, in this case), then the cargo was tossed overboard (okay, I stepped into the frigid water with my meager travel kit in a waterproof bag) and hauled aboard the vessel that was to make the final delivery. I didn't see any point in letting them know I could have made that swim on my own, without the rope, blindfolded.
I was bundled into a small cabin to change out of the wetsuit, and was surprised to find a small Chinese woman waiting for me. Instantly on the alert for trouble, I opened the velcro pocket of the bag to reach for the 9mm inside.
"You will not need the gun, Mr. Winchell." The petite, black-haired beauty said calmly. "I am not here to keep you from delivering your package."
Maybe. And maybe I was going to sprout wings in the next few minutes and finish the trip by air. I got a grip on the weapon and flicked the safety off, but left it where it was.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked. Not very original, but to the point.
"I believe you know Mr. Stephen Hastings, do you not? You have done some work for him." She said.
Yeah, I had done some work for him. Nice guy, but those security people of his gave me the creeps. The stories people told about those four little Chinese women...
"Which one are you?" I asked, without answering her question. If she was who I thought she was, she already knew the answer.
She smiled, and it was truly a beautiful expression, enhanced, somehow, by the scar running down her right cheek. I had heard the stories of the epic struggle Steve Hastings and his bodyguards had survived to get his first product on the market, and before she replied, I knew the answer to my question.
"I am Jun. I see you know our reputation."
If the reputation I knew was even half true, that gun in my bag was not going to do me any good. I put it back on safety and slowly withdrew my hand from the bag, making sure she could see that it was empty.
"I thought you people always worked in pairs." I said.
Again she smiled. "I will be joining my sister shortly. For now, I need to talk to you without anyone else knowing."
For the first time, I realized that she, too, wore a wetsuit. A dive mask and fins lay on the tiny bunk.
"Does anyone else know you're aboard?" I asked.
"No." She said. "It's best left that way. What you're carrying was stolen from our employer, and we want to get it back, but not before we have discovered who commissioned the theft and eliminated the threat. I trust you will destroy your copy when this is all over."
Holy shit! This chick was amazing! Not only had she been able to track me down in the middle of the Atlantic, and get aboard this boat with no one the wiser, but she, or THEY, had somehow found out about my having copied the disc! I didn't find out until later that it was the disc, itself that told them I had copied it.
"Of course." I replied, trying not to look surprised. "My business depends on my reputation. I do not violate my clients' trust unless they violate mine."
"Good." was her reply. "We need you to work with us to track the person responsible for this theft. There will be... rewards, and your reputation will not suffer."
"How can you say that?" I answered. "Already the mission is compromised. If I don't deliver this package, word will spread, and I'll be out of business."
"You WILL deliver the package." She said. "We will not act until your client has received it."
"How do I know you're even who you say you are?" I asked. "I assumed, when I saw you and you mentioned Hastings, that you were one of his security people, but how can you prove it?"
"How much have you heard about us, Mr. Winchell?" she asked, reaching behind herself to pull down the zip on her wetsuit. "Have you heard of our physical, shall we say, anomalies?"
"I had heard rumors that you were women, but that you had, um, equipment for a man, too." I replied.
"That's one way to put it." she smiled. I couldn't get over the beauty of that smile. "Here is my identification from Gemini Security."
She handed me a laminated badge that identified her as 'Jun NLN' of Gemini Security. That was the security firm run by Hastings' bodyguards. I was busy staring at her small, perfectly shaped breasts and it took me a moment to focus on the badge.
"What's 'NLN'?" I asked.
"'No Last Name'" she replied.
"Oh." I said. "Okay, but that could be forged."
"Of course." she turned away from me and finished wriggling out of her wetsuit. My delighted eyes took in the luscious curves of her bare buttocks as she bent to push the suit downward.
She bent further forward and said, "Take a good look, Mr. Winchell."
Nothing loathe, I studied her rounded buttocks and the lovely, moist folds of her little pussy, lightly lined with straight, black hair.
"Nice." I said, "But I don't see..."
She turned as I spoke, and the thing I didn't see almost took off my kneecap in the tight confines of the cabin - a huge, raging erection!
"Oh." I mumbled. "And it's real?"
"Please," she said, "feel free to determine that for yourself."
Mesmerized, I slowly stretched out a trembling hand. The warmth of it struck me first, then the smooth, velvety texture. I could feel her pulse beating within it, like holding a bird in the palm of my hand.
Long after I should have been convinced, I still held that miraculous shaft, unconsciously stroking it softly.
"Perhaps..." she rasped in a hoarse whisper, taking my bag from me and dropping it on the bunk, "a closer inspection?"
A closer inspection indeed! I dropped to my knees, staring that bobbing, weaving, rigid snake in its single eye. Of its own volition, my mouth opened, and my tongue flicked out to taste the clear droplet that oozed from the slit in the purple plum. I have been bisexual for years, but this was something so totally beyond my experience that I felt I was drowning in a fantasy!
Since Jun didn't object, I opened wider and allowed that slender rod to slip effortlessly down my throat. Small, strong hands gripped my hair and guided my head up and down that improbable staff! I could tell from the urgency of her hands and the way her pelvis arched to meet my face that she was enjoying my ministrations, but not a sound issued from her mouth. Even her breathing, though faster, remained quiet as she fucked my throat with long, quick thrusts!
In moments, her cock pulsed, and I withdrew far enough to capture the second round of her slimy discharge in my mouth, savoring its extraordinary sweetness before gulping it down to make room for more!
Still no sound emerged from her as blast after blast shot from her slender cannon, filling my mouth and forcing me to swallow rapidly! Seconds later, she withdrew and bent to kiss me tenderly.
"I think we will work well together, Darren." she smiled, "All you need to do is not react if you see me or my sister as you make your way to your destination."
"Uh, okay, but you should know, they're only giving me one leg of the trip at a time." I said, "I think they've got watchers to see if I'm being followed."
"We surmised that this would be the case." She smiled, lithely re-fastening her wetsuit. "Do not worry. We will be able to track you without following, just as we did this time."
Another kiss, then she was gone, taking the mask and fins with her. I waited tensely for the outcry that would signal her discovery by the crew, but none came.
Jun's super sensitive ears told her that no one was nearby as she slipped from the tiny cabin and silently lowered herself into the frigid water. Holding her breath, she dove beneath the waves before stopping to don the fins and mask. Turning face up, she blew air from her nose while lifting the bottom edge of the mask. When the mask was clear, she rose to the surface for one more deep breath of air, just as the engines of the smuggler's craft engaged. Sinking silently again, she stroked upward with her hands, pushing her body well below the waves before bending into a dive that would take her deeper. When the fins on her feet moved, this far below the surface, they made no visible disturbance.
Jun touched the button on her belt as she dove still deeper, and at a depth of about fifty feet, detectd the sled rising to meet her. She first felt the vibrations of its engines and then saw the dim glow of the instrument panel. Nearing the limits of the oxygen in her lungs, Jun quelled her body's instinct to dash for the surface and calmly felt with her gloved hands until she located the mouthpiece for the sled's air supply.
She used the air in her lungs to clear the water from the mouthpiece, then took in a cautious breath. A few droplets of salt water still gurgled in the tube, to be cleared out by her next forceful exhale.
No longer lacking for oxygen, the slender Asian fit her body into the passenger compartment of the sled, lying prone within it as she closed the transparent canopy, and turned due east. With the throttles open to max, the jets drove the teardrop shape through the water at more than thirty knots. The passenger compartment remained full of water, but the bullet nose and long, pointed, rear of the tiny craft minimized the drag and turbulence of the water, while the jets, whose pumps were enclosed within the sled's body, operated almost silently on electric power.
Exactly twenty eight minutes after starting, Jun cut the throttles and waited until she was dead in the water, then set the locator blip. The sled emitted a quick burst of sound, received an answering burst from the pick up vessel, and sent it back, receiving the sled's answering blip. Computers on the mother craft calculated direction and distance, and in less than a minute, the larger boat came to a stop directly over the sled. When the doors in her bottom opened, Jun deftly guided the sled through the portal.
"Have you forgotten our training, Sister?" Sun scolded as Jun emerged from the shower, drying her hair.
"Did you enjoy that, Sun?" she smiled, "I... improvised. If you had seen the look on his face, you would know why."
"Did you at least remember to plant the tracking devices?" Sun tried to ignore her sister's obvious enjoyment of the situation.
"Oh yes." Jun said, nonchalantly. "One in his bag, one in his hair, and one in his stomach."
"In his stomach?" Sun looked at her sister as if she were crazy.
Jun nodded smugly. "On a hunch, I inserted it into my penis just before I asked him if he wanted to inspect it more closely. When he swallowed my cum, he also swallowed the device."
Suddenly, Sun was laughing. "You ARE crazy sister, but what better place to put the device so it won't be discovered! I wondered what you were doing to yourself while you had your back to him!"
"Well, don't be too happy sister." Jun smiled. "In a day or two he'll pass that one, but it should get us closer to our goal."
"You're right, of course." Sun said. "Let me make a report, then you can suck me off to make up for letting him do you while you were on duty!"
In a daze, I stripped off my wetsuit and took a quick, water conserving shower. Vessels this size couldn't carry an evaporator, and fresh water was only what they could take with them.
Another day, and a few hours spent pretending to fish, and the smuggler's craft deposited me in Noss Mayo, Devon, England.
After rounding the headland on the footpath, I peered through the darkness downslope, toward the ocean. I had walked for maybe half an hour when I spotted it - a WWII vintage pillbox, situated about halfway down the rocky slope between me and the water.
It was slow going in the dark, even with the moonlight to light the way. Shadows were tricky and I had to take care not to step on any of the loose rocks on the slope. There was probably a path, but I couldn't make it out in the dark, so I took my time, placing each foot with care. I finally reached the rectangular concrete structure, and feeling around the base of it, on the left side, I located a loose rock. Underneath was the envelope.
I stuck it in my pocket, feeling something lumpy inside. I would have time to open it later, but first I wanted to get back on the path. It was highly unlikely that anyone would be on that path at a quarter past two in the morning, but just in case, I would attract less attention if I, too, were on the path.
Returning was a little easier, as I found the path leading up from the pillbox. Once there, I used a penlight inside the flap of my jacket to quickly scan the instructions and retrieve a set of car keys from the envelope.
Okay, back down the path to the village. My timing was perfect. By the time I reached the bottom, the tide had receded enough to expose both vosses, so I wouldn't have to hike around to the bridge.
I knew I had missed the access to the Noss Creek voss when I saw the Ship Inn looming in the dark to my left, and had to back track, but soon I was making my way across the little creek that split Noss Mayo, taking care with my footing on the slippery stones of the voss. At the other side, I stayed on the exposed, rocky bottom of the inlet and walked to the Yealm River voss. This one took me across the estuary to the village of Newton Ferrers, near the Blue Dolphin. A steep climb up the street, and a quick left turn at the closed co-op, and I was able to locate the little Renault in one of the marked parking spaces along the street. Right hand drive, naturally.
I noticed that the number tag didn't have the little blue sticker that would allow the car to be driven outside Great Britain, so I was either delivering to somewhere in the UK, or this was just another leg of the journey.
I carefully studied the map that accompanied the instructions in the envelope before starting out. Thank god there were no other vehicles on the road! The lanes I took to get to the A379 were barely wide enough for the little car I drove, and the hedges and stone walls on either side would prevent any evasive maneuvering. If I met another car, one of us would have to reverse to one of the microscopically wider spots that looked as if they would allow passing, as long as neither vehicle had an extra coat of paint!
Once on the A379, the signposts pointed the way clearly, and before long, I was on the four lane divided carriageway numbered A38, headed north and east. Just south of Exeter, A38 became the M5. With little traffic on the road, I was tempted to floor the accelerator, but this wasn't the Autobahn and I kept it below the nominal speed limit of 70 mph. I didn't need the police noticing me at this stage of the game, especially since I had entered the country illegally.
I continued North on the M5. At Bristol, I turned eastward onto the M4, and finally took the exit for Windsor and Maidenhead just as the sky began turning orange in the east. It would be a couple of hours before I could get the instructions for the next leg of the journey, so I parked in a long stay car park, using some of the coins I kept in my travel stash to pay for four hours parking. Stuffing the keys in the Renault's tailpipe, and leaving the parking slip on its dash, I headed into Windsor.
"Okay, he's headed for London, so we can at least start up the Thames." Jun said, watching the plot of the courier's progress on the map overlay. "That should get us close. I wish we could get a position check more often!"
I drove the Citroen southward while Talibah studied the images of her mother in California on the digital viewer/MP3 player I borrowed from Sun and Jun. I also had her put on the earphones and showed her how to play the audio of her mother's recorded message. There were tears in her eyes when she finished, and she turned to me saying, "Thank you!" "We made a promise," was my only reply. I still wasn't sure about her, one way or another. "My mother says that the woman who first came...
What do you do with twenty-two captured CIA agents after they've failed in an illegal assault on a US Corporation? After several hours of discussion with Steve Hastings, we decided to gift wrap them and return them to sender. We planted several hundred bugs on the agents and their clothing and equipment, flew them back East, packed them into a rented truck and, just before dawn, parked it at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue closest to the Capitol building, tied up with a huge bow. Then we...
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The cargo box of the van was crowded with Talibah laid out on a stretcher, two of the Gemini people working on her, and the three of us: Sun, Jun, and I seated on small bench along the side. To make matters worse, the driver was intent on getting as far from Salzburg as possible before anyone discovered the bodies in the fortress museum. Once we hit the Autobahn, things settled down some, and the driver moderated his speed to avoid attracting attention. Someone, apparently familiar with the...
Upon landing after our flight from Manila, our first order of business after leaving the airport was to shower and change clothes. Sun and Jun had reported by phone from the Philippines. The consensus among the ladies of Gemini was that China would write them off now and leave them alone. Had they killed Huang, the People's Republic might have been incensed enough to keep coming after them. Having destroyed his secret weapon, and demonstrated that they could get to him easily, however, Sun...
Jun and I, at my place, were basking in the afterglow of a vast, cataclysmic orgasm that, once again, propagated sympathetic orgasms to the other G-girls. Wei, who was on duty at Hastings' company, and Mei, who was on call at his house, chided us mildly for distracting them from their duties. Stephanie, for a change, seemed to have slept right through the whole thing. The more I thought about it, the stranger her mental absence from our coupling seemed. She really was an avid voyeur,...
The day following our return from Texas, with, thankfully, Stephanie safely back home, the six of us met in Hastings study. For the better part of an hour, he grilled us about what went on in that hangar in Texas. Our people had already done some preliminary assessment of the data we retrieved on paper and on the hard disks from the computers we raided, and a huge picture of global conspiracy was beginning to emerge, all of it centered around oil and war. It seems that the growing shortage...
As expected, the product announcement generated a LOT of interest. The auditorium floor was still buzzing as Mei and Wei hustled me out the side door. The locked case chained to my left wrist was, at my bodyguards' insistence, suspended by a strap under my left arm and the chain velcroed to my arm, allowing me freedom of movement, without having the chain flopping around uncontrolled. This left both hands free for whatever might come up. The girls were dressed in loosely fitting jumpsuits...
Fortunately for me, Sun/Jun and Mei/Wei enjoyed sex with their counterparts as much as with me! With each girl having three possible partners with whom they didn't share a mind, I didn't wind up as a fuck toy for four very horny ladies, as I had feared I might. I still got my share of attention, but it was kept to a tolerable (actually, a very enjoyable... !) level. For the week following Sun/Jun's joining our team, we were busy planning the trip to the convention center and my survival...
"Impossible!" the others in the room could not know that this exposition came from certain knowledge, because they did not know of her mental link to her father's bodyguards, and Stephanie Winchell took a deep breath. "I happen to know, for certain, that neither Mei nor Wei has been anywhere near Hong Kong for more than five years. You, however, must not take my word for it. Verify this through investigation and get that phase done quickly so you can get on with figuring out who really...
"Are you sure you want to go in person, Dad?" Stephanie's concern was evident, even over the phone connection. "Can't you just teleconference?" "I have to, Steph," Steve Hastings replied. "They've got to know I'm sincere, and the only way I can show that is by being there in the flesh. I'll take Mei and Wei and Sun and Jun with me, and Mei thinks we should bring her girlfriend, too. It's probably a good idea. She knew most of the players in Hsu's organization, so she should be...
Threading their way anonymously through the crowded sidewalks of Mong Kok, the three ducked between the stalls of the ladies market, then circled the block, checking their back trail before ducking into the MTR entrance. Sun and Jun bought Xue a ticket and shepherded the young girl into the queue that was forming in front of one of the glass doors for the Tsuen Wan line in the direction for Central. It was late afternoon and the train was packed, but no one looked twice at the three young...
Sun and Jun finished their reconnaisance while Mei, Wei, Darren and Liam scouted the narrow strip of cliff-top between the Guard barracks and the Ocean. As Sun and Jun returned to Xue at their starting point, the girl started to head back toward the Land Cruiser. Jun held her back. "We will go in tonight. Sun and I can disable or spoof most of the sensors. We will be in and out before the guards know we're here." At the same time, a mental discussion was taking place: Darren, you know...
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Mei and Wei drove up in the Land Cruiser as lights began coming on in the Monastery. An old gentleman wearing saffron robes and rubbing the sleep from his eyes shuffled slowly across the compound followed by a gaggle of similarly dressed men as Darren knelt beside 'Althea Resnick' and began feeling through the leather on her leg for the break. "What's your real name, and who do you work for?" He asked as he gently probed around the fracture. "Sorry," She replied through gritted...
A quick stop at the Grand Hyatt for a change of clothes, and they were soon back on the expressway headed past the horse racing course at Happy Valley and over the hills toward the southern side of Hong Kong Island. On the way, Darren took a moment to communicate with his wife who was just waking up, half a world away. Hey, sweetie, he thought to her. How goes the world? I'm surviving, she replied, but I'll be glad when you're home. Shouldn't be too much longer, he answered. We're...
The city of Hong Kong was still mostly in shadow, but Kowloon shone brightly with the rising sun as the Land Cruiser, in caravan with the sleek black Mercedes, headed north, then west toward Lantau Island. The Mercedes, occupied by Sun and Jun, continued on into the airport as the Land Cruiser headed once again for the Po Lin monastery beneath the big Buddha. The drive was slightly less hectic this time, and the monks were courteous as they led their visitors to the small guest hut where...
"How was your meeting?" Mei asked, delivering the first line of their impromptu script as Darren walked into the office. "Mostly stuffed shirts and over-perfumed church ladies." Darren answered truthfully. "There was one young woman whose charity showed some promise, though. I decided to make a personal donation." "Oh?" This from Wei. "What was the name of the charity?" "The young lady's name was Althea Resnick." Darren replied. "The charity doesn't have a name, per se, but...
"This is unprecedented!" Master Sung muttered yet again, as he pored over still another ancient scroll. "In all of history, there is no record of anyone moving instantly through such great distances. There are vague references to warriors seeming to disappear from one place, only to reappear behind their enemy, but there is no evidence that this is any more than the mind-tricks you already know! Tell me again, exactly how this occurred!" "The five of us were at the Hastings estate in...
"Welcome home, Madame President!" Steve Hastings' smile was ear-to-ear as he embraced his daughter in the foyer of his home. "Madame Former President, if you please," Stephanie rejoined, hugging her father as tightly as he did her. "It's been a hell of a ride, Dad, but I'm glad I did it." "Frankly, baby," Hastings replied, holding her at arm's length so he could look into her eyes, "I'm glad you did too. How the hell you managed to get rid of such a crushing deficit in just...
He awoke. He could feel the stiffness in his limbs. And then the cold wind blew across him, bringing memory with the chill. The battle he had waged against the dark lord. His companions falling one by one. And finally…alone…surrounded by demons…he was taken. They did not finish him there, but dragged him back to their foul lair. In that darkness he lost all sense of time. There were only hours of pain, torture and taunts, followed by blessed loss of consciousness. Until he awoke in this...
I guess you could say that there had been months of foreplay. Stolen kisses, brief encounters with barely enough time to feel the heat of each other’s bodies, passing touches, knowing glances. Always wondering when we’d meet next, knowing it would be just long enough to feed our fantasies some more. Always teasing, tempting, and arousing. On this day, I see a glimpse of him as I enter the building. He sees me passing through the corridor. My pulse is racing at the thought that we might get to...
“C’mon, gimme your money, bitch!” She commanded, lowering her voice to a gruff octave she hoped Kelly wouldn’t recognize. She may not have recognized Heather, but Kelly recognized the knifed pointed dangerously at her and let out a small shriek. “N-no! I don’t-“ She stammered as she backpedaled, face frozen in terror. Heather charged at her quickly, and Kelly chose the smart option; turning and running. Just as Heather planned. She gave chase momentarily, simply to sell the illusion, before...
Stolen Kisses:I went to fetch my jacket, it was a great party, but time to go.When I turned, Natalia, the host's twenty-year-old niece, was there with the door closed behind her. Without a word, she moved toward me. I froze. As she got closer, I saw her inhale sharply, her eyes opened a little wider and she had a small smile on her lips.She came close and closer, and then she reached up and kissed me, leading with her tongue! She said, "Come by tomorrow, after lunch," she said with that...
SeductionBook Three: Barbaric Passion Chapter Three: Stolen Virginity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Acolyte Sophia – The Village of Asheth, The Magery of Thosi Angela's cock entered my pussy. I gasped as the intense pleasure rushed through my body. The purity that connected me to my Goddess severed. But I didn't care. The cock felt so good as Angela rammed her hips forward. “That's it, slut,” snarled the masculine voice through Angela's mouth. When Angela talked, I heard her beautiful...
Hi, nice to meet you all. My name is...well, fuck, you don't really care, do you? You're here for one thing and one thing only: a story that can provide you with enough wank off material to get you to cream yourselves at least once. Well, i'll get to it, but I suggest taking your hands away from your dicks for a bit, ok? We've got a bit of a build up here, and i'm not writing it for my health. Trust me, it'll make things better for you. Ok, so we won't bother with names, but we...
This is a true story my new master ordered me to share; about how I was stolen from Master L by Master K and made totally his. Part One Master K found me almost as soon as he became a member of the site. His first message to me was an invitation to play Bondage and Discipline games with him, to which I responded as any well-trained and behaved sub would; he would have to ask my master. I gave him my master’s name, and basically forgot about it. He messaged Master L and asked if he could...
A Few Stolen Days Ch. 02: The Awakening It was the first time we had ever ‘slept’ together, but it was a relaxed snuggling. I woke sometime in the night to a throbbing in my arm, only to realize that she had gone to sleep on my arm and had cut off the circulation. I moved without waking her and turned over and drifted off again. I awoke the next morning with the sunlight glowing through the windows and with a very naked Brandi moving against me to seek every inch of contact that our bodies...
A Few Stolen Days CH. 01: The Hot Tub The afternoon’s drive had been glorious with a warm sun, blue skies and just the right temperature so that the loose knit shirts and short that Travis and Brandi changed into felt comfortable. The day had passed driving through the countryside, often choosing the smaller side roads through out of the way small towns. They had stopped and shopped, buying nothing but holding hands as they looked through dusty collections of things once prized but now in...
A Few Stolen Days Ch. 06: Sweet Dreams The morning sunlight poured in through the great glass panes that overlooked the deck. Travis was aware that Brandi’s hair was in his face and it may have been the tickling of hair that awoken him from what he would have described as a very vivid dream. He shifted slightly and realized that he was in intense need to relieve himself. He was erect, but he knew from experience that it was not an erection that although it was impressive, it was not terribly...
A Few Stolen Days Chapter 7: The Game Travis reached over and playfully swatted Brandi’s naked butt. It popped louder than he had intended and drew an immediate look from Brandi. He had intended to prompt her to get up and shower while he fixed them a light breakfast, but now he wondered if he had been too bold. He caught a quick glance at the pale redness where he had caught the full flesh of her butt cheek. His hand had hit her with more of the flat of his hand than he had intended. Before...
A Few Stolen Days Ch. 05: The Night Travis could have sat in the luxury of the fog of their great sex for an eternity, but as he wiped Brandi’s brow he thought of the champagne and the refreshment that would sure give her. He went in to get the bottle, even as Brandi, little more than an exhausted lump on the deck, could only watch after his action. He filled the glasses afresh and returned to hold it to her lips, since her hands were still trembling from the intense sexual exertion. As he...
A Few Stolen Days Chapter 4: The Deck The day of travel to the cabin had been glorious. The sky bright and sunny but the mountain temperatures moderate and the scenery was outstanding. And Travis mused to himself that the Great Smoky Mountains were pretty too. He hardly had time to look, his eyes had been fixed on Brandi through the day. The flowery dress she still wore was flattering to her and enhanced by the fact that she had gone braless through the day. It wasn’t a sun dress, but it was...
Introduction: After my escape Stolen Slave, Escape Part Three Master K had me and it was as I feared it would be. I was collared and kept as his pet, forced to await his orders and pleasure. When he left for work, he put me in my kennel, a heavy square cage that, once locked, cant be gotten out of from the inside. He gave me a word processor for the writing he commanded I do, but took my computer and allowed me no access to any outside communication. He told me he made changes to my profile,...
"Now?" she asked, raising the wine glasses clutched in her hand. "Or later?”"Later.""Sure? They're real glass." She shook her hand so the glasses chinked together. "I was expecting plastic. I thought all hotel room glasses were plastic.""Evidently not. You've picked a classy hotel.""Have I?" She gazed around the room. "It's not bad, is it?""Not bad at all.""So…" Pouting, she elevated the glasses again.“No. Later." He slumped back in his chair and crossed his legs. “Have patience, my dear.""I...
CheatingShe'd picked me up from the airport, as she drove us we to my friends home she said,"he said I should tell you." "What," I asked? "That I'm wearing no knickers." My throat tightened, heart thumped and mouth dried as I let it sink in, just across from me, barely hidden above a skirt hem was what I was sure was a moist vulva made for eating. What was the reason she was saying this, did they know of my growing lust for her, was it a tease or an invitation? To this day it disappoints me that I...
It made a huge bang , i woke up 3 masked guys in my living room stealing my tv and stuffI was no match for even the first guy ,closing my bedroom door reaching for my phone , i was too slow he slam my door open punch me once falling face down my phone flew accross the room''get everything in the van''he said closing my doorduck tape use on my mouth my body thrown on my bedstruggling the masked guy black guy getting more duck tape''dont fight white boy , you are mine tonight''''im gonna steall...
Thank you, sluttytwenties for your inspiration on this and other stories! Kara knew she was hooked. She spent several hours a day on Lush, and yet she couldn't seem to get enough. The stories, chats, forum postings; all contributed to a wonderful fantasy world where she felt validated. People she met through the site were all great, and everyone was awash in sexual freedom and the pursuit of great masturbation material. Kara certainly was! Kara had a number of favorite stories, and Lush...
Straight SexMy married life is going thru lot of stress recently. I am 35 yrs old, fair, educated & middle-class working woman married to an Accountant 9 yrs ago. Lately, I have been feeling that my husband was spending less time at home due to secret rendezvouses. Like all middle-class women, I was feeling trapped between my values & inner desire. I was feeling lonely & ignored, but my middle-class values were preventing me to stray out of my marriage & start an affair, which could break my family. And...
Stolen Life By Heather St. Claire It was a pleasant mid-September day when their paths crossed for the first time, the wealthy young man and the beautiful young woman who would soon steal his body and his life. His name was Timothy Fairchild III, and the only surprising thing about that Thursday in early September was that he took notice of her at all. On the surface, the two had little in common. Yes, both were seventeen-year-old juniors at the same suburban high school. They...
Michael waited till he heard the car pull out of the drive. He jumped out of bed and peered out of the second story window to his cousin Sarah and he mother (Aunt Julie) drive off down the road. He smiled to himself and a warm tingle of anticipation settled upon him. Michael left his room, where he had been staying for the last 4 days while his parents were overseas on holiday. Michael was twelve while his cousin Sarah was eleven. Michael was an only child so he enjoyed...
I guess you could say that there had been months of foreplay. Stolen kisses, brief encounters with barely enough time to feel the heat of each other’s bodies, passing touches, knowing glances. Always wondering when we’d meet next, knowing it would be just long enough to feed our fantasies some more. Always teasing, tempting, and arousing. On this day, I see a glimpse of him as I enter the building. He sees me passing through the corridor. My pulse is racing at the thought that we might get to...
Quickie SexXander Mallory was feeling happy. The sale of the stolen Faster than Light (FTL) drive equipment had gone smoothly. Xander had used the portal to steal the FTL equipment without being detected and then sold the technology to the other big corporate combines trying to take over numerous galaxies. He was looking forward to relaxing safely out of the way while the combines fought each other for control of vast planets and resources. He laughed to himself knowing the sale would make it difficult...
Love StoriesTimeline: Starts about 80 years before beginning of "Luvirini's Journey" Norek has in it's main cathedral an artifact known as "The Stone of Peace" that causes peaceful and friendly thoughts to dominate in a large area around it. It will not really stop someone from doing violence, theft or similar actions, but it dampens the feelings of anger, jealousy and hate, making such much less likely. The stone has caused Norek to be one of the most peaceful cities anywhere with very little...