AbeyanceChapter 6
- 2 years ago
- 19
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As expected, the product announcement generated a LOT of interest. The auditorium floor was still buzzing as Mei and Wei hustled me out the side door. The locked case chained to my left wrist was, at my bodyguards' insistence, suspended by a strap under my left arm and the chain velcroed to my arm, allowing me freedom of movement, without having the chain flopping around uncontrolled. This left both hands free for whatever might come up. The girls were dressed in loosely fitting jumpsuits that looked chic, but gave them freedom of movement.
As we moved in lockstep out the door, I reflected on the events of the past two weeks. From the moment I hired them, I was never away from one or both of my bodyguards. Some of that time was simple sexual debauchery, most of it, though, was the most rigorous training imaginable. When we were in public, you would be hard pressed to tell who worked for whom, since I was just as likely to take orders from them as they from me. I had learned to obey their commands instantly. I was still no self defense expert, but the techniques they had taught me could delay or even disable an attacker.
I now carried a silenced Glock 9MM in a shoulder holster under my jacket (silenced to keep from impairing the sensitive hearing of my bodyguards!), and much to my surprise, I could hit what I shot at - not by aiming, but by pointing and shooting! More than that, though, while I still needed voice commands from the girls, I was starting to become part of my defense team. I was beginning to understand their thinking and the way they viewed our world. It was admittedly a view clouded by suspicion, but one designed to ferret out possible threats before they could harm me.
All three of us knew the planned exit route from the auditorium, and though we didn't really expect trouble this soon, we weren't taking any chances. The first of the possible ambush spots lay around the next corner, and Mei and I waited while Wei went to check it out. About thirty seconds after Wei slipped like a ghost around the corner, Mei indicated that it was okay to move.
At the far end of the alley, a man wearing a caterer's jacket lay crumpled in a heap, a still burning cigarette on the ground nearby. Poor guy had probably just slipped away for a smoke, but we had warned everyone to stay clear of our exit path, and he had paid the consequences for ignoring that warning. I could see his chest rising and falling as we passed, and figured he'd wake up in a couple of hours with a headache and a little bit more wisdom.
Wei waited for us at the next turn - the one leading to the garage where the limo was parked. She took over as my escort while Mei slipped in to check out the Garage. Even my untrained ears picked up the sound of a scuffle and a couple of muffled screams. I started to poke my head around the corner to check, but Wei jerked me back, giving me a disapproving look.
Suddenly, Wei motioned for me to follow, but instead of moving into the garage or continuing up the alley, she leaped high in the air and grasped the bottom rung of the fire escape from the building across the alley. Of course! The inobvious escape route! My heart was beating ninety miles an hour as Wei started me up the ladder first, watching the alley as I climbed. It didn't take me long to reach the first landing, but I had no sooner put my second foot on the grating, than Wei landed lightly beside me, pulling the ladder up after her and jamming it with something... A rolled-up program from the meeting!
We climbed three floors rapidly, with four to go, and Wei quickly jimmied the locked window beside the landing, letting us into the hallway on the fifth floor. We had passed at least one unlocked window on the way up and I briefly wondered why she had picked a locked one, then my training kicked in and I realized that the open one could have been an invitation to a trap.
We made fast, silent time to the other end of the hallway, and stepped out onto another fire escape. At each floor, we slipped as quickly as possible past the window opening. We reached the ground in another, narrower alleyway without incident, to find Mei waiting for us in the saddle of a motorcycle, the second cycle already idling next to it. Without being told I climbed on behind Mei as Wei mounted the other. Why Mei? To save time! She was already in the saddle and ready to go. To ride with Wei, I'd have to wait for her to mount.
Something smacked into a garbage can next to us, and a bullet-sized hole appeared in the crusty metal. Without hesitation, Mei leaned forward over the handlebars and gunned the engine. I held tightly to her waist, and tucked everything in as closely as I could as we raced toward the old board fence at the end of the alley. A quick glance at the rearview mirror showed Wei, on the other cycle, headed the opposite direction, hell bent for leather!
I didn't see any more in the rear view mirrors because we lost them and part of the wind screen as we went through the wooden slats. I felt the upper two-by-four crossbar graze my hair as we bounced over the bottom one! In seconds we were out on the street, weaving in and out of the traffic generated in part by the meeting attendees and in part by people leaving work.
Without further incident, we reached the house, and for the first time, I drew the Glock and waited just outside the kitchen door as Mei checked the alarm system and the interior of the house. My heart was still hammering in my chest and my breathing was quick and shallow. Wei rode up, a slight tear in her Jumpsuit, but otherwise looking none the worse for wear. She stayed with me at the door until it was time to go in.
I once asked the girls if they were telepathic and they looked at me strangely, then one of them replied, "No, we don't read each other's minds, it's more like we share the same mind. What one of us sees, hears, or feels the other experiences also, but at a distance, and our minds process it together. This way, when a decision is made, we both know what to do without discussion. We also have twice the brainpower to apply to any problem. Unlike in the movies, though, if my sister gets hurt, I'll know it, but it won't disable me."
That thought occurred to me as Wei hurried me down the hallway to our bedroom, shedding clothes (but not weapons!) as she went. When she was naked, except for various harnesses, she started on me, and by the time we got to the room, all I wore was my shoulder holster, and was carrying the case, still cuffed to my wrist. (Don't ask me how she got the shirt off from underneath the holster! She unlocked the handcuff briefly to remove my shirt.).
Once inside the room, Wei began shedding weapons, placing them within easy reach of the bed, and I followed her example.
In a flash, Wei was all over me! I, still high on adrenaline from the chase, was not far behind! My cock was hard as a rock and I really wanted to shove it hard up one of her tight little holes, but Wei had other ideas!
"I'm sorry, Steve!" her whisper sounded sincerely apologetic, "I hope you can forgive me, but I REALLY HAVE to do this!"
She threw me face down on the bed, and tongued my ass for a few seconds, leaving it wet and slippery, then, with no further discussion, rammed her own rod home in one stroke! Thankfully, my two weeks of frequent love-making with these lovely ladies had somewhat prepared me for this savage rape, but I couldn't avoid the idea that that's essentially what it was, even if my ass wasn't hurting too bad from it! As quickly as that thought arose, though, it was dispelled by the realization that what was really going on was that Wei was collecting her pay! She was quick and brutal and in spite of myself, I got even more aroused, realizing that Mei was somewhere in the house going along for the ride in her sister's adrenaline and hormone driven lust!
That thought led me to another: If Mei was already as worked up from the day's excitement as her sister, what would that mental voyeurism do to HER lust?
I had little time to speculate on it because Wei was pounding me hard into the mattress, in a frenzy to release her passion inside me! The length of her cock slid so rapidly in and out that I barely had time to notice its absence before it was back! My adrenaline charged body soon forgot about the manner of her entry and began enjoying the fuck, wishing I could get some stimulation on my rigid cock besides the bedspread!
Wei was moving so fast now that I fully expected flames to break out at the point of entry from the friction of flesh against flesh! Before a full scale conflagration could erupt, however, my lovely bodyguard gave a soft, uncharacteristic cry, and jammed herself deep in my rectum, flooding me with her hot, sticky fluid!
In seconds, she was off, re-arming herself and putting on fresh clothes from the closet. As she passed me where I reclined on the bed, she softly stroked the side of my cheek.
"You did well today, Steve!" she said with a little smile, "It is a pleasure to guard someone who works so well with us!"
Then she was gone. The door had no sooner closed behind her, than it reopened long enough to admit Mei, already half undressed.
As she finished removing clothing and weapons, I asked teasingly, "Did you and your sister enjoy raping my ass?"
Instead of rising to the bait, she gave me a rare smile and said, "It was most satisfying! Now I want a different part of you!"
With that, she pounced on me where I lay on the bed, still hard, my balls bloated with the cum built up from Wei's ravishment of my ass. Pushing me down, she dropped herself hard on my raging cock. Taking my mouth with a savage kiss, Mei set about raping my cock as brutally as her sister had pillaged my ass! The primary difference for me was that with the direct stimulation, my cock was liking it a whole lot more!
This was pure, adrenaline driven fucking, with each of us having only one goal in mind! Swiftly, with no finesse, or technique, we pushed each other toward the chasm, and without pause, plunged off into space! My cock spewed it's pent-up juice deep into Mei's vibrating cunt as she went rigid and snapped her hips back and forth, almost severing my cock at the root! She gave a small moan into my mouth as her own juices blasted into the space between our bodies, went limp for a second, then she was gone.
Mere seconds later, Wei was back, worming her cock down my throat as she gobbled mine deep down her own throat. She wasn't quite as rough this time, but still there was no finesse or tenderness. She fucked my throat while headfucking my cock! As soon as I stuck a pussy-juice lubricated finger up her ass, Wei came - right down my throat! I never tasted a drop because she stayed fully embedded until her spasms stopped! Then, with my cock still unsatisfied, she was gone.
For several hours they took turns using me and being used by me. As I finally drifted off to sleep with a sore cock, asshole and throat, and the briefcase still chained to my wrist, I had the incongruous thought that I had just pulled my first train - with my bodyguards! I grinned and told myself, 'You're such a slut!' before dropping into oblivion.
I awoke the next morning to a soothing warmth on my sore, limp cock. My eyes opened to see Mei, fully clothed, bathing it with a warm washcloth. From a bowl beside her, she drew another and started cleaning the rest of me. When she had finished with my front, including my face, she bowed low and disappeared, to be almost instantly replaced by her sister, carrying her own bowl. With a look of concern on her face, Wei nudged me to roll over, and gently began washing my backside. When she had finished with everything else, she started on my raw, ravaged bunghole. The warmth of the washcloth felt good on the abraded skin of my rectum. When she was satisfied with its cleanliness, Wei fished a small jar from her pocket and scooped a generous dollop of some beige looking cream from inside, spreading it tenderly in and around my poor pooper. Almost immediately, the pain vanished! She then did the same to my sore, limp dick, bringing blessed relief in moments.
At breakfast both girls were apologetic, but I grinned and said, "As I feared, you two are quite expensive, but I think I can still afford you!"
They exchanged their secret little smile, and I suddenly realized what was so strange and yet so familiar about the way they did that. Did you ever discover something really neat and smile to yourself about it? I've seen beautiful women do this in the mirror when they've finished putting on their makeup, or when they're having a particularly good hair day. I've done it, without the mirror, when I've closed a really good deal, or acheived something really difficult. That's what that smile put me in mind of - they were smiling at themself (no that's not a typo!).
"I have to ask." I finally said, "Every once in a while, you two do that look-at-each-other-and-smile routine. What is that all about?"
They did it again before Mei replied, "It is difficult for me to explain how much it means to us to have an employer who... How shall I put it... ?"
"Exceeds our expectations!" wei continued for her. "There is harmony when our employer works so well with us, and loves us so well, and what is created is beautiful to us, whose lives are built upon protecting another."
"Each time you do something, or say something that reaffirms our decision to work with you," Mei picked up the thread, "we smile at each other in acknowledgement of that fact."
Flattered, in spite of myself, I mumbled, "Oh! Um, well, uh thanks! I guess."
This time they smiled at me.
I turned on the TV just in time to catch the morning newscast.
"Our top story at this hour," the news anchor intoned solemnly, "is the apparent kidnapping of entrepreneur Steve Hastings immediately following his announcement to several Government and private concerns of a new ultra security technology that would revolutionize the online world. Hastings' limousine was found abandoned in the parking garage next to the auditorium. The bodies of two men were found in the garage near the limousine, and a third body was discovered in an alley, half a block away..."
I turned to the girls and didn't need to ask for an explanation as I muted the sound on the TV.
"There were three in the garage." Mei said,"I dispatched two, but the third back-tracked me up the alley while I was occupied. That's when Wei took you up to the fire escape. He wasted some time trying to follow you up the ladder, and I was able to slip away after removing the first two. He must have heard me start the motorcycles we had earlier hidden for this eventuality."
"He's the one who took the shot at you." Wei continued, "Not a very professional job at all. They had only the one team with no back-up plan. I was able to have a short conversation with number three before I killed him. One of us will visit his employer today. I think you will be one bidder short when the sale is finished."
"Syria?" I asked, "Or the Colombians?"
"Pakistan." Wei answered, matter-of-factly.
"Really!" I was only a little shocked. Pakistan's US relations were shaky at best, and with this technology, they would be able to take what they wanted from their neighbors - including India.
"So, do I tell them I escaped?" I asked, "or let everyone think Pakistan has me?"
"After today, no one will believe Pakistan has you." Mei answered, "We cannot allow this threat to continue to exist, and if the others think you are out of the picture and no one else has the plans, they'll go after Bob."
"You should wait until after I visit the dead men's former employer, then notify the police that you are okay." Wei finished. "I will take care of that now, so the police don't have too much cause for anger."
She was gone only a short time, during which, Mei drilled me on shooting targets from a variety of positions. When she was satisfied that I had gotten the hang of 'feeling' the target instead of aiming at it, she started me working on shooting while in motion. I didn't have too much trouble with walking and shooting, and even running and shooting wasn't all that difficult. I couldn't seem to get the 'feel' of the target while rolling or tumbling, however.
When Wei returned, all she said was, "Done."
I called the local authorities to let them know I was okay. The lieutenant who wound up fielding the call after several transfers was none too pleased that I had let his men stay on alert all night looking for me, until I reminded him that if they had been looking all that hard, they might have tried knocking on my door...
While that didn't make him happy, it shut him up, and when I said, "Look, Lieutenant, I'm new to the role of assassination target, so I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a little slack. I'm pretty lucky just to be alive, but I have no experience to tell me what to do after an unsuccessful attempt on my life. I'll try to do better next time, OK?"
Grudgingly, he replied, "Yeah, sorry Mr. Hastings, I guess it WOULD be a little tough on you. Just try to remember to let us know if there's a next time, okay?"
"Yeah, I'll do that." I replied, "Hey, do you have any idea who hired those guys?"
"Not at this time, Mr. Hastings." He put on his best dealing-with-the-public voice, "There are a number of leads we're working on. We'll let you know as soon as we've identified the responsible parties."
When I hung up, Wei said, "Okay, time for a little more training. Let's go to the workout room."
Mei checked the security system and switched the view from the cameras to the monitors in the gym.
"Okay," Wei said, shedding her clothes, "We'll do pushups first to warm you up!"
They had insisted on doing these workouts nude from the beginning. They gave two reasons: First, they wanted all of us to get accustomed to functioning nude, so that we wouldn't be hampered by self-consciousness if attacked at an awkward moment. Second, they were always horny as hell and delighted in inventing ingenious ways to teach me what I needed to know.
We woke up later and got ready to go out. A quick shower and shave for me, and then I went and got dressed. Marcy hit the shower, and did her shaving. She did her make up, and got dressed. She said "If you want a quick blow job, just ask." I shook my head and said "No, I want to save my energy." She smiled at me. We took a cab to a the club. From the outside it looked more like a warehouse. A knock, flash the card, and we were let in. Marcy just had on her skirt, a pair of heels and...
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This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story. I am taking my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the original...
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My name is Mark Maxwell, & I am in 11th grade. I don't have a girlfriend yet, but I'm looking for one. My science class has a lot of pretty girls, but I don't know if any will be interested in me. I know for a fact that I'm not that good with the ladies, but I am not complaining.Friday was just an ordinary day. I went to school, & went to my math class. I took out the things I needed for the class, & got to work. Everything was normal, except for this one erotically dressed girl...
Back home from the coast, it is soon September. Work for Tim and Abbie is fulfilling, as is the time they spend with their new circle of friends. It is a wonderful balance for them all. Since Ruth’s visit to Pathways, she and Phillip Clarke share a meal with Tim and Abbie about once a month.The two do find plenty of time to share pleasures. Tim is learning to enjoy wearing a cock ring that holds his shaft tightly during foreplay and slows down the final release during intercourse. Abbie...
TransThe Great Gordon was a magician. He had a nice little business doing parties, mainly children's birthday parties. Some of his magic tricks were really quite impressive, and were almost wasted on children's parties, but children's parties paid the bills. One of his best tricks was the magic box. He would perform an illusion that one of the children was changed for a period of time. For girls' parties, he would make one of the girls appear like a prince. For boys' parties, he would make...
The following is a work of fiction and contains pornography. If you are under 18, stop reading now. For those who continue reading, please realize that this is fiction and outside the realm of reality. In other words, if you take this stuff seriously, you need a psychiatric evaluation. Feedback and criticism is highly appreciated and you can email me through the link below. I was in shock. I was lying on the floor, next to a beautiful 18 year old girl. The girl was a high school student...
I loved this feeling. I loved waking up next to this woman. I loved opening my eyes and seeing her smiling face on the pillow next to me. My right arm felt numb where it was trapped under her body, but I didn't really care. I loved how she stroked my cheek before kissing me. I loved the softness of her lips against mine. I loved her scent filling my nostrils. This was the second night in a row I'd spent the night with Taryn. And despite the fact that I had not been rendered unconscious...
By Veronica It was a perfect day to lie around and watch movies. After a couple of boring tapes on the video cassette recorder, Sean and Maria decided to spice things up a bit and pull out their x-rated movies. They watched as attractive, large breasted women and long-cocked men kissed, fondled, pinched, probed, licked and screwed on screen. Sean said to Maria, “Wouldn’t it be a kick to make these kinds of movies for couples who wanted to film themselves?” Maria thought about it and...
My girlfriend Geena is 23 and I just turned 27 and we recently started going to a local nude beach, mostly to people watch but for a little bit of exhibitionism too. It started off innocently enough; Geena found out that it excited her to show off her body to men, so she started going braless while we shopped in our local mall which morphed into letting men see her when she tried on clothes in department and specialty stores. Then going out to a nude beach seemed like the next logical step. At...
He told them to to within reason anything they wanted with me that I was pretty much willing. I was ordered first to get on my knees and alternate between sucking each of their cocks until they were hard. They both had large cocks, much larger than my hubby has and I was somewhat amazedat this. It was later I would find out he actually ran an ad looking for well endowed men! As I obeyed he encouraged me to look at the camera. I mouthed one time, I love you, I winked I smiled and he really...
My sister, Jen, has a good friend named Brenda and every now and then I get to see Brenda and her husband, Steve, who live very close to me in my neighborhood. Both Brenda and Steve are good folks and casual family acquaintances. Since we live in the same community, we often run into each other at community events. Steve is a very likable guy, and is the type of fellow that will give a hug to anyone and everyone. The first time I met him and his wife, they both seemed to take a liking to my...
CheatingI can smell her but I can’t see her, which is strange since the room is only fifteen by thirty feet. I know she is watching me. I can feel her eyes watching every move I make, flickering from the pen I am holding to any movement from my body. If I do anything that she hasn’t told me to do, it is over. It might be anyway, I might be dead when I have finished writing, I don’t know and at this point, I am not sure I care. All I know is that the last twenty-four hours have made me a believer in...
SupernaturalI was stationed in the southwest about 40 years ago. My girlfriend, Dianne, (not her real name) lived about 2 hours away and so on the weekends I would go see her. I usually left about 9:00 pm because I had to be at work at midnight. This particular night was one that I still remember. I had picked up my girlfriend and went for a burger. When we got back to her house, I parked the car and as always we started making out and feeling each other. We would usually end up fucking in the front seat...
Tiffany smiled down at us and said “the meal will be ready in about ten minutes. You probably should shower, you both smell like you had a really good time.” Beth looked at Tiffany and asked “would you like to join us in the shower?” Tiffany replied “I would love to.” We slowly and carefully washed each and every square inch of each other’s body we dried each other the same way. Since we didn’t have clothes, we went to our meal naked. As we entered the dining room, I noticed that...
Thursday, August 18, 2005 I decided to go barefoot voluntarily. There was no point in further tempting Erin, and I needed my gym shoes. When we got off the bus, Mrs. Levasseur was waiting for us. "Nick, Jon, could you please come with me? We're having a little meeting of the Program participants." We followed her to her office, where the other participants were already waiting. Mrs. Levasseur sat down and began the meeting. "Alright, as you all know, students in The Program are...
Hey Guys! This is my next series which I am starting. I really loved the way you guys responded to my previous stories. I hope you will keep loving my upcoming stories in the same way. Madhu Rai, an ordinary housewife who loves her husband a lot but her husband is not able to meet her needs. This is her first sex story with someone other than her husband. I hope you like it. As a normal day starts, Madhu and her husband Vijay were getting ready for their everyday work. Vijay got ready for his...
Chapter Cast: Cynthia, Female, 33 - Wife of Ray - 5’7, 140lbs, tanned beige skin, long blonde hair Ray, Male, 35 - Husband of Cynthia - 5’10, 175lbs, freckled tanned beige skin, short chestnut-brown hair Lanying, Female, 20 - Neighbor of Cynthia and Ray, college student - 5’2, 110lbs, almond-cream skin, black hair cut straight at neck “I... ,” Lanying hesitated, “uh ... I want to discuss ... the offer...” Those words were the hardest in her life to voice. She felt nervous sitting on the...
I let Leo and Tiger deal with the zoologist that was waiting while we unloaded. I set the mini leopard eggs in the living area before putting the pelts in the storage area to clean later. Mom pulled all the girls away and into the bathing room when we finished. After they were done it was our turn to get clean. When we got out mom and dad took everyone to Kimber, the closest colony town. I stayed behind to start looking at the sat maps for our next site. I had just picked one below the great...
It was the first of September, 2001, and I was changing the fuel cell on my car. I had come to the point where I had finally had to refill the damn things. I did it, though. Everything I needed to recharge the thing was available in this time, except one vital ingredient. This ingredient had been provided in a large enough quantity by my older self, to last until it became available in the near future (according to the elder 'me', and the computer). I now had two fully charged fuel cells,...
“Nnnnggggg...” I was a fish on a line, the trache tube hooked deep into me. Now it was being drawn out, slowly. Yael squeezed my hand tight as the nurse pulled another few inches free. And then it was completely withdrawn. I wanted gasp with relief and vomit at the same time, but all I could manage was shallow, fast pants. My chest felt like it was bound in a cage of iron that squeezed every breath down to tiny, desperate sips of air. Laying my head back on the cool of the pillow in relief,...
It was a few weeks since the Bedroom Incident. We’d plenty since then but the following is another major one. It must have been around 7.30 in the evening & the climate was getting more humid by the day. Dad was still out and Mum had come back and was busy preparing the supper in the kitchen. She’d told little Nora to take a bath as soon as she’d come back from her play in the park. But she’d gone on dilly-dallying it till about now. I was in my room studying. I heard her singing a song and...
Bruce Goddard was very impressed with the British police. They’d flown him in from Gran Canaria and put him up in the Savoy Hotel, all so that he could make a statement about the rescue of Will Wainwright. He’d been to London before but never stayed anywhere as luxurious as this. It was an experience he was determined to savour. When the barman offered to put the price of his beer on his room bill, he thought that maybe that was taking the piss. However, once he was told the price, his...
Slave to a Vampiress Part XVI - Tulip reminisces about her third date with her beloved Mistress. Tulip's feminization and servitude training continues. Tulip learns that concierge medicine equals female hormones equals breasts; a fairly simple mathematical formula. "My feelings exactly." We kissed for a few more moments in the lobby, and then traveled back up to the penthouse. "Home sweet home," said mistress. I put away our coats. Mistress started undressing me. Soon I am...
When I was about 17, I had a class with a girl whom was my best friend and I've always had a crush on. Her name was Ally. She was a little big with a nice, curvy body and round belly. She was about 5'5 and always wore cloths that showed off her boobs. She had very big boobs which I always dreamed of touching. She had the cutest giggle and a turned up nose (which I loved the most). I was so shy, but one day I finally asked her out. "Of course! I'd love to!" she replied. She hugged me and I...
When I was a senior in highs school I used to work for them , doing odd jobs around the house, move the lawn clean out the attic etc, one day it was hot and he and I was working in the attic and he told me dam it is out isn't it , I said yes sir it is, well take off some of these clothes and it will feel better, so we got down to our shorts and I looked at the bulge in his and man I wanted to see it and he looked at me and told me we are both man now take off all of it and I did, I was hard and...
BisexualIntroduction: With a disturbing return to the fair after hours Carla somehow makes it back to the hotel, where their return is noticed Jacksons Estate Bruce and Carla arrived at the gates of Jacksons property. A guard met them to let them in and greet them. He shut the gate behind them and handed them glasses of Champagne. On private gated property drinking and driving was perfectly legal. Just take it slow, he said. There is no rush once you are here. They toasted to more adventure and...
I had wanted to be a lifeguard for as long as I could remember. I had been swimming since I was a young c***d and always enjoyed it, was pretty good too winning many competition events in the junior categories. However my desire to get into this line of work increased significantly when puberty happened and I started to notice the girls I was swimming with, in particular the wonderful changes that were happening to their chests. I quickly discovered I was a tit man and ended up spending most of...
When Treats become Tricks By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "This office has no life anymore!" Peggy lamented as she sat down in the conference room. "It's getting so hard to come to work. Everyone is so stressed out here." "Hopefully this party will bring a little fun back," said Heather, joining her. "I mean everyone in some form of costume, with a few drinks in them, should hopefully loosen people up." "I know, but that will only be if Mr. Watson doesn't show or...
The next morning I awoke to the blissful smell of bacon and eggs. Mom and dad also had their coffee, After breakfast clouds rolled in. That's unexpected dad was disappointed he had planed to fish today. O well looks like where shopping, Mom said with excite. The day turned tedious when mom found a string of Amish shops. The storms rolled in and it rained torrents. Slowly Amish shop after shop the day passed we stopped and garbed fast food for dinner on why back to the campsite. The parking was...
Long ago the town had been in danger of dying off. For a reason no one had ever been able to figure out many of the women in the town had a great deal of trouble conceiving children, and many of those that were conceived had been born sickly an weak, often falling before a childhood ailment before reaching adulthood. Weak sperm had been blamed for the problem. For a time they had despaired, many had moved away or simply given up on having children. Then an unnamed resident had come up with an...