Controlling Bobbi Ch 01 Bobbi
- 4 years ago
- 30
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This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story.
I am taking my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the original through at least the first 3 chapters to get a good basis for my follow-up. Of course, I recommend you read all chapters of the original, not just the first 3. I hope my lean on things does justice to the original.
I ran into Steph on the way to the elevator. She was the sexy young neighbor from downstairs that had also been hypnotized. She never paid me much attention. She was polite and friendly, but she was more into the bad boy types. For her, I was too dull to consider.
I was on my way get something from my bedroom and then head out for some fun at the local pub. Otherwise, I would have given her more attention and headed for her apartment. But, I did have time for a moment of fun.
We both entered the elevator and the doors closed. I said the phrase and she went under. I stopped the elevator and proceeded to set up all my hypnotic passwords and to remove everything she had been programmed to respond to. I also told her that she would have no problems being naked in front of me.
‘Stephanie, it is getting too warm in here. You need to remove your blouse and bra to cool down.’
Well…. I did have a few minutes for a peek and a touch. She stood in front of me with her tits looking so fantastic. I grabbed my phone and took a few pictures. I then reached out and felt those great tits. It was a good way to start the afternoon.
I restarted the elevator and soon the doors opened. We had reached her floor.
‘You can now walk to your apartment and go in. When you close the door behind you, you will wake up and realize you have taken your blouse and bra off. You will remember I was in the elevator with you, but you will not remember my taking any pictures. You will not remember my touching you. Your memory will be that I looked and smiled, but did nothing else. You will remember that it was your idea to take off your top and that you enjoyed flashing me. Do you understand?’
‘Yes,’ she replied.
‘Now go to your apartment’
She headed out the elevator door, bra and blouse in hand, and headed for her apartment. I watched as she walked away and the doors closed. She was now conditioned and ready to be manipulated. I needed to formulate a plan for having fun with her. She was only a couple of years older than I was. I could drag her out on the town and it would look like we were a dating couple. Not like being with my Aunts. Those meetings would have to be in private.
I got my money from my room and headed for the pub.
The next day was a Saturday. I was sitting out next to the pool and relaxing. Roger, one of the teens in the complex, was sitting next to me and chatting about the stuff teenage boys talk about. Then, Stephanie came out the door, lay out a towel and stretched out to work on her tan.
‘She has got to be the hottest gal in the neighborhood.’ Roger stated. ‘I’ve lusted after her ever since she moved in.’
‘Yes,’ I agreed. ‘She’s an eye full’
Roger leaned over a little closer and then confessed. ‘I actually saw her naked once when I was staring out the window towards her apartment.’
‘Nice,’ I replied. ‘I love the magical moments when chance presents you with things like that. How long did you get to see her that way?’
‘Only about five seconds. She was walking into the living room from her bedroom to get something and then she was gone. I wish I had a camera set up so I could have taken a picture.’
My mind started to race. Should I try to set things up so Roger got the thrill of his life? I know I would have gone crazy if I had gotten a chance to be with someone as hot as Stephanie when I was a teenager. When you are a teenage boy, naked females are about the only thing that goes on in your head. It is amazing that any teenage boy is able to graduate from high school. There is simply no time left over for concentrating on school studies.
After a few more minutes of conversation, I excused myself and went over to talk to her. I kneeled down next to her and put her under. I then told her that she was feeling naughty and needed to have some fun. I suggested that five minutes after I left the pool area she should go over to Roger and ask him to rub lotion on her. I also planted the suggestion that she should find a way to accidentally brush up against the hard on that he was sure to be sporting. Finally, she was to untie her top so he could easily rub all over her back. When all suggestions were made, I left and went back to where Roger was sitting.
‘What were you two talking about?’ he asked.
‘Just something she had asked me about my Mom,’ I lied.
‘I need to go upstairs and do a few things.’ I said as I gathered up all my stuff. ‘You go ahead and enjoy the view.’
Roger smiled as I winked at him. He didn’t need to be told to enjoy the view. He would be here as long as she was.
I got upstairs to my room and looked out the window. Roger was still sitting there watching her and she had not yet moved. Then, she lifted her head and looked around. She then stood up and headed towards Roger. After a minute they both headed back to her towel and she handed him the sun tan lotion. What happened next surprised me. I told her to untie her top. She did that, but then took it completely off. She then lay on her stomach and Roger began spreading the lotion. I know he was totally shocked and had to be as hard as a rock.
I couldn’t tell if he was shaking, but I suspect he was. Her removing her top had to make his day. Hell, I was sporting some wood after seeing that happen. I guess my hypnotic suggestion left room for some loose interpretation. Lucky for Roger.
Then she rolled over, onto her back, and had him spread the lotion on her front. I watched as his hands worked their way all over her front, everywhere except those fantastic boobs. You know he wanted to have his hands all over them, but he had to be scared to death to actually reach out and touch them.
Finally, I could see her lips move as she said something to him. Then, his hands moved to her nipples and began to slowly rub circles all over her breasts. I sat in the window watching a teenage boy live out a dream of a life time. His hands filled with heaven and then, suddenly, her hand reached out and slid its way up under his loose swim trunks. Even from as far away as I was I could see him flinch. But, he didn’t stop rubbing and neither did Stephanie.
Soon, a group of kids came out the door to use the pool. Stephanie removed her hand and rolled over. Roger stood up and almost ran to the exit. Clearly he was on his way to his apartment to rub one out. He was going to have some fantastic dreams for the next few months. Hell, he’d probably dream about this day for the rest of his life, unless I could set him up with something even better to dream about.
I left the window and lay down for a nap. I was expecting a call from Stephanie when she finished with her sun tanning.
My phone rang and I answered. It was Stephanie. While planting the ideas about Roger rubbing lotion on her, I had also told her to call me when she was finished tanning and had returned to her apartment. I wanted to have a little fun of my own with her.
I asked her about her time with Roger. She said he was very nervous and that he had come almost instantly when she grabbed a hold of his cock.
‘Was it fun to do all that?’ I asked.
‘Yes. I have never felt that much
control of a male. I really liked that experience.’
‘Don’t get that from your bad boys, do you?’
‘No, I don’t. They are the ones in control. I like that too, but this was new and exciting.’
‘I’ll be down in a couple of minutes.’ I said and then hung up the phone.
She was waiting in the open door as I got to her apartment. She had put her bikini top back on before leaving the pool area. I was still in my swim trunks.
She was conditioned to give me pleasure from a session we had done earlier. There was no need to put her under to enjoy her. I stared at the sexy goddess in front of me.
‘Let’s go take a shower and wash off all this sweat and lotion,’ I suggested.
‘Sure,’ she replied.
I closed the apartment door and she led me by the hand to her bathroom.
She had a large oval tub and a shower curtain covered with pictures of fish. There was a window at one end of the bathroom and she had fitted it with colorful lacey curtains. They blocked the view, but did allow light in. Right now they were pulled closed.
She started the water as I stripped out of my clothes. I then helped her get out of hers. She had a great tan. Her skimpy swim suits didn’t cover very much. Her blond hair hung down to her shoulders. Her pubic hairs had been shaved.
We stepped into the tub and pulled the shower curtain closed. Flipping the switch started the shower and we both soaked our bodies. All during this time my hands were reaching out to grab various parts of her body and her hands were doing the same to mine.
When we were sufficiently wet we began to soap each other up. It was a fantastic experience to stand behind her, with soapy hands, rubbing all over her chest. I think I could have done that for hours. Soon, we were totally soaped and facing each other. I put my arms around her and began to give her a passionate kiss. I felt her tongue respond to my advances. She was a great kisser.
We slowly moved towards the water streaming from the shower head and began to rinse ourselves. The soap flowed down the drain as we each became squeaky clean. It was now easier to grab tightly to her nipples and play with them a little more roughly.
Then, without my asking, she sat on the edge of the tub and pulled my hips towards her. She grabbed my cock and began to artfully suck on it. I just stood there in amazement. Here was a girl who really loved to give head. And, she was really good at it. She went at it like I had never seen or heard of before.
In no time I was coming fast and furious. She never let go and she sucked down every drop that I had to give. Not once did her mouth let go. She drank it all and then licked me clean. I stood there shuddering from the pure energy of the moment. She looked up and smiled.
I stepped back into the stream of water and rinsed myself off. She stood and did the same.
‘My turn to do you,’ I said as I dried myself.
‘Good,’ she replied. ‘I need to be done.’
We finished drying ourselves and headed for her bed. I lightly tossed her on the sheets, climbed between her spread legs and began to work on her shaved mound. My hands reached up and worked on her tits as my tongue played with her clit. As I was working her over I thought to myself…. Damn, another Kodak moment being missed. I need to set up cameras.
Soon her arms were stretched towards the headboard area and her hands had hold of two round posts that were part of the headboard. Her body twitched and she gave out with a muffled screech. Her hips twisted from side to side as my mouth worked on her. Then, out of the tiny screeches came this almost guttural groan. Her body stiffened and then convulsed.
I pulled away and then moved up to cuddle her in my arms. Her body responded by wrapping arms and legs all around me. We lay there like that for minutes and her body would occasionally let go with a slight quiver. It was a fantastic feeling.
I don’t really know how much time passed by while we lay like that. But, soon we both began to stir. I gave her a good squeeze hug and said, ‘That was fantastic.’ She just sighed.
Soon we both got up and started to get dressed. I put on my swim trunks and she slipped into a night shirt.
‘I’ll pick you up tomorrow so we can go shopping,’ I said as I headed for the door.
‘Yes,’ She replied. ‘I’ll be ready.’
I was going to take her clothes shopping tomorrow to a store that had changing rooms with curtains. These rooms were also visible from the waiting area. I was hoping to have some visual fun.
‘Bye,’ I said as I closed her front door. It had been a nice afternoon.
Sunday morning came around and I lay in bed thinking of what I would do today. I had spent a quiet evening at home last night, after a fun late afternoon with Steph. I had contacted Roger and invited him to join me and Steph when we went to the mall to shop. Of course he was all in for it. Anywhere Steph was is a place Roger wanted to be. Oh the joys of being a horny teenager.
I cleaned up and dressed. I fixed a light breakfast and went over to pick up Steph. We then picked up Roger and headed for the mall. It was just a short walk up the street, so we didn’t bother to drive. Steph and I chatted as we walked. Roger spent the entire walk looking at Steph’s body. I assume he was remembering rubbing tanning lotion on her the day before.
We eventually reach the mall and headed for the store I wanted to visit. Roger and I casually browsed while Steph considered her selections. There were a few other people in the store. Not crowded or empty. Maybe 20 people, with most being females. There were, of course, the few bored husbands or boyfriends who had been dragged along for the shopping and were wishing they were anywhere else.
After a short while Steph had managed to find a small pile of clothes she wanted to try on. We all headed for the changing area to await the show. Actually, it was to be a double feature. There would be the show of her modeling the items she had picked to try on. But, since the changing rooms were right there in the waiting area and since the curtains sometimes didn’t close tightly, there was the secondary peep show for those who were sitting in the waiting area. Also, I had planted to suggestion that she should do her best to accidentally leave the curtain ajar so everyone could get the occasional glimpse of her. I suggested she be imaginative without being obvious.
There was a 5 article limit in the changing room. So, Steph picked her first five items and left the rest with Roger and me. She went in an available room and closed the curtain, but did leave a gap to peek through. Roger flinched and moved a little when he realized he could see past the ajar curtain. He leaned over to tell me.
‘Damn,’ he said. ‘The curtain isn’t totally closed. I can sort of see her in there.’
‘Just sit back and enjoy the view,’ I replied. ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.’
A couple of the other bored men who were waiting for the female partners had also noticed the gap in the curtain. One guy had actually gotten up, tried to look like he needed to do something, and then had sat back down in a different seat, giving himself a great view through the curtain opening.
Steph had hung up the clothes she had brought in and has now stripped down to her undies. Bra and panties were rather transparent, so they didn’t really hide anything. All the men began to squirm a little as they tried to adjust for the increase in size that was happening in their groin. I just smiled and enjoyed the moment.
Steph proceeded to try on the various items and pop out for our opinion. She’d walk over, turn around a few times and then ask what we thought.
Roger’s answer was usually, ‘Awesome’, or some variation of that.
Finally, she finished with the initial batch and handed them to the clerk. She asked for 5 more items. I sent Roger over with 5 b
athing suits. She opened the curtains, still in bra and panties, and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He came back with a grin from ear to ear.
The other men had seen that she had been handed bathing suits and were watching intently as she closed the curtain. To their joy there was still a good sized gap. Their eyes were fixed on this gap as Steph began to remove her bra and panties. Their jaws hit the floor as she turned around and gave them the full frontal view. Roger could be heard to groan as he got a view of that shaved mound.
‘I think I am in love,’ he whispered.
‘I know you are,’ I replied. ‘Nice way to spend a Sunday, isn’t it?’
He just nodded and continued to gaze.
By the time Steph finished with the 5 swim suit’s a couple of the men had been dragged away by their wife or girlfriend. Every one of them had departed slowly, glancing back as they left. But, they had been replaced by a couple more, who quickly realized there was a show to be had.
Actually, there were two shows. Another changing room had an ill fitted curtain and that gal was providing us with a show of her own. She was no Steph, but she was not bad. I spent a lot of time checking her show. I knew it was a special chance. I could see Steph anytime.
This gal was slow and deliberate in what she was doing. She did manage to get completely naked and I did manage to see everything. She only had a couple of items to try on and then she left. As she dropped the items with the clerk she noticed that I was the only one checking on her. She smiled and gave me a wink. I returned the smile and gave her the A-OK sign. Her smile increased as she walked by.
Anyway, getting back to Steph, she had finished with the swim suits and need 5 more items. She had leaned out, totally naked, and handed the suits to the clerk. All of the men groaned. I then sent Roger over with the final 3 items. Steph opened the curtain to take them from him. He froze where he stood, staring at her naked body. He wasn’t the only one who was struck dumb. Every man there was. And, one guy got dragged out of there when his wife saw what he was looking at.
Steph decided to use her imagination. Before putting her bra and panties on she sat down and started to play with herself. She made a good show of it and then got dressed.
She ended up buying one item. I paid for it. It was the least I could do. She winked at one of the guys who had been there for the entire performance. He got a great big grin. I didn’t notice if any of them had taken out a cell phone to take some pictures or video. More power to them if they did.
As we were getting ready to leave the store the gal from the other dressing room was coming back. She walked right up to me and slipped me her name and phone number.
‘Thanks for watching,’ she said. ‘Call me some time if you’d like a private show.’
‘You can count on it,’ I replied. ‘I loved every minute of it.’
She smiled, puckered up an air kiss for me and headed down to another store. I smiled to myself. I wouldn’t need any hypnosis for her. I’d call her when I got a chance. Soon.
We headed back for the apartments, Roger still tagging along a drooling. As we got to the front of the apartments, Steph leaned over to Roger and asked him if he could come over later and help her with something. Of course he instantly said he could. They greed on the time and Steph kissed him goodbye, on the lips. Roger floated off to his apartment.
‘Be patient with him,’ I said. ‘He is going to need some training and guidance’.
We got in the elevator and pushed the buttons for our floors. Roger was going to become a man tonight.
to be continued
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If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it didn't take long for a horny teenage boy...
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Thank you to all my faithful readers who have continued to ask for this next installment and have waited so long for it. I know it has been a long time coming and I hope that you find it worth the wait. If you haven’t read the previous chapters you should. This will make a lot more sense if you do. I enjoy corresponding with the readers so if you send me an e-mail I will reply. Although I appreciate constructive comments and suggestions both positive and negative, Nasty or abusive comments...
This story is based on the ‘Controlling Bobbi’ series written by the author ArtyGee. The original concept and the title ‘Controlling Bobbi’ are the exclusive property of the author ArtyGee and are used here with his expressed written permission. The author ArtyGee takes no responsibility for the content of this story. I am going to take my story down a different road. The two stories diverge at some point after either the second or third chapter of the original. I recommend you read the...
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You will really want to read the previous 3 chapters before you do this one. I appreciate all constructive criticism and comments, and it is often helpful to hear suggestions for direction. We seem to have found ourselves at the crossroads. Do they continue their adventure together as lovers, or does Ryan becomes a more controlling and manipulative Dom? Sorry it can’t be both. Or can it?????? Ryan As wonderful as her mouth had been, Bobbie’s pussy was amazing. I couldn’t believe that I was...
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HardcoreMy name is Joe, I am 50 years old and have a wife Sara the same age. A few months ago my life changed like you wouldn’t believe. Here goes. I am a builder, and I was in town one day looking to call into the Architects office to discuss the drawings for the extension I had won the contract to build. As I walked down the street, there was a small child playing excitedly on the pavement. I didn’t pay much attention to her, but I should have, because she was just about to change my life. As I...
Introduction: He finds her at the bar, takes her home, and then she sees…. The palpable music moved through the gyrating crowd, pulsating life and controlling the flailing movements loosely termed dancing. In the private booths, couples and groups were in various stages of passion, some only feeling a tightness in their bellies and others winded, hot and sweat drenched as they came down from the high of satisfaction. Professional dancers and drunken women swung about on poles, dollar bills...
In an office down town... Janie waited patiently for her appointment. She stared at a copy of Vogue magazine but she saw nothing. She felt a huge void filled with butterflies in her stomach and seriously considered abandoning her quest to find help. A phone rang, the receptionist answered it. She smiled at Janie, “Dr Richardson will see you now,” she said sweetly, “Through the door, second on the right.” Janie obeyed instantly, she placed the magazine back on the rack and opened the...
Ryan: I have had a real crush on Bobbi for the last year. Who wouldn’t. She is a really hot woman. Of course, she never gave the 18 year old geek next door a second look. As it turned out, my bedroom shared a wall with theirs, and many nights I could hear mumbling and groaning through the wall. Being a bit of a technophile, (I have been accepted to Engineering school next year,) it was no problem for me to whip up a special microphone and sound system with an enhanced sound mixer to allow me...
Though Nicola was aware she was sitting on the same couch as her father with a cigar case up her ass, it wasn’t until about half way into the movie that the full impact of what she’d done over the past couple of hours really hit her. There was no end to the inner conflict in her mind of how she’d humiliated herself before an almost complete stranger, and not only that but she’d enjoyed it tremendously and part of her even wished Alec would still be there when the movie was over. In fact, she...
Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...
BDSMIntroduction: I moved to a town that had a very interesting history. so i decided to invest in it. I guess a lot of people out there in this world would consider me a pervert. I cant explain why, but after a failed marriage, I found woman to be undesirable to me. I do not like men, but I had a tendency to fantasize about younger girls. I seemed to think of woman in general as sluts. I began to believe that all women would or could be made to become unfaithful. It seemed that out of every ten...
If you haven’t read the prior instalments please do so. This will make much more sense if you do. I appreciate reader comments and constructive criticism, but this is a work of fiction, so please just enjoy it as such without worrying about the technical feasibility. Bobbi: What a strange dream I had last night. God it was hot. Chad had always been a target of sexual fantasy for me, but this dream had been so vivid I could still feel him sucking on my nipples. I can’t believe what a slut I...
Introduction: Meeting the townsfolk The people all started to arrive by nine in the morning. As they came in to the house, I collected each of the questionnaires. I scanned most of them and was quite impressed with the variety of choices that were highlighted. My task may not be as difficult as I had first imagined. I had locked all of the rooms upstairs, which I did not want people to enter. There were five bathrooms available to my guests. All rooms had the CCTV cameras in place and working....
Introduction: I basically need to set the rules and contracts terms. I requested that contrary to the Mayors announcement, I would like to see the Owner of the Lazy Inn first. After this meeting, we would follow the auction list. Leah left and the girls came and sat with me. When Leah returned, I instructed her that Tina, Missy and she could leave. This is going to get boring and I didnt think that they should have to stay. Leah tried to convince me that they wouldnt mind staying, but I...
Eva had needed a few days to recover from her visit to her master's house. She had left with apprehension about being a submissive and this new world was a challenge both physically and psychologically. Why did he need to own every part of her body? She had given clear boundaries and yet he pushed her to accept violations she had never agreed to but she had found obedience and acceptance of her depleted authority to be the biggest sexual stimulation of the whole experience.When she got home she...
Masturbation(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...
FetishHe’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. But...
BDSMYou were coming back from your work, today your boss has kicked you out of the work you are really upset and don't what to do now. You are a little fat middle aged man still bachelor, a kind of guy whom girl would consider ugly. You were walking towards your home and suddenly you saw a shiny golden object at the corner of the street, you reached there and took it and found that it's a swinging watch, you turned it and saw that something was written on it's back you read it, "This is a...
Mind ControlAfter my sister Marie was found to be pregnant she came to my room one day. She and I were no longer hostile to each other, unlike the last few years, probably because she knew she needed all the support she could get. "JP, Mom said something weird when she found out I got knocked up," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. I was a real conversationalist in my teens, it seemed. She continued, "She said, 'Pregnant at 16, not again!' I figured she was referring to getting pregnant herself,...
I awoke with a start. For a moment my mind was blank and I could not remember why I woke. Then I recalled it. A vivid image of a strange lady with a friend of mine had flashed through my head. I don’t know why I had thought of it, but looking down I could tell at least something of me was happy about me. I groaned and rolled out of bed, little point in sleeping now, I was fully awake. I trotted over to the bathroom and leaned over the sink thinking. My reverie of thought had been broken when...
Intro This is one of the more recent pieces I tried to write. This was as far as I got, and im not really sure where im going with this one. Anyway, if I get time/inspiration ill attempt to write a second part to this. Enjoy? All characters are 18 or over. ————————————- Jake lent up against the glass wall partition against his classroom and looked around him. There wasn’t exactly much to see first thing on a Monday morning, just a few straggly students lent up like him, waiting for their...
(I’ve included both Parts I & II here, however the first is mostly background info. Part II is where the story gets interesting and can be read on its own.) ***Part I*** It was nearly 11 pm, and Gary had been working on the accounting program for almost sixteen hours straight now, stopping only to go to the toilet or run down to the 7/11 for more chips and coke. Such was his life, pretty average for a programmer, working for long stretches until they reach a mental block, then resting for a...
Luke grinned and flexed his hand as he left the conference room, working out the residual ache. He was still feeling pretty damned good despite the early meeting schedule. Not about the meeting itself of course, that had been the usual boring financial tripe. No, he was still reveling in the memories of last night. Last night... His chest swelled with pride and his ego grew to bursting proportions. Fuck, it had been fantastic! Thinking back he chuckled to himself, remembering scoffing at her...
BDSMIt was a Friday afternoon on an autumn day in the early 1980s. Bobby was home from school awaiting his mother's arrival, which typically occurred in the late afternoon after dropping off his older sister at dance class. During the interval, he normally played outside with his friends, hung out at a friend's house, read a book, watched television, played Ms. Pacman, Centipede or pinball at the local arcade, or any number of activities typical of an early middle school student of that...
Now, a year later, they were still together, but things had taken a turn for the worst financially when Jennifer lost her job because of cut backs. They couldn’t afford the apartment that they were living in downtown, so they needed a roommate. His younger brother Bobby was looking for a place to stay and Tobey decided what the hell, he should help a brother out, right? Tobey was a bit nervous about his brother moving in with them because over the years his brother had always been...
Hey Bobby! ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Fact from Fiction: When I was still slightly confused over this fetish I have I chanced a couple of sessions with a therapist. My attempt then was to rid myself of such things. Meanwhile I was still doing what I did and obviously liking it. Of course I'd heard of dominates and those few professionals that babied but never dared visit one. After all, I was trying to rid myself of such things. Until of course I did dare and did visit one....
Over the next few days, Bobby and his mother settled into a routine. Every morning she would wake him for his shower, and he would feign sleep for as long as he could so he could view her magnificent hanging breasts as they swayed in her neglige. Bobby came to realise that her nightwear must have been bought for her by his dad as all her outfits were silky and featured low necklines that showed off as much of her breasts as possible. Today's outfit was red and lacy and hung particularly low at...
The title of this story isn't really accurate as I wasn't fucking Uncle Bobby see Uncle Bobby was fucking me! He wasn't really my uncle he was just my mother's boyfriend but he lived with us so it was kind of like he was my Dad I really like him a lot he gave me lots of attention and took me places and gave me money for doing chores for him he really was a good guy! He had a boat and it was a nice one too he kept it docked at the Marina and one weekend he asked me if I wanted to go fishing...
Boston with its many old neighborhoods is as varied as its people. In the older seedier parts of town many people live and carry on in a world much different from the clinically clean and proper suburbs. On some streets there are rows and rows of the monotonous dark brick two, three, five or six story apartment buildings many exactly like the one next to it and just like the ones across the street. Other streets, while somewhat rundown, have a funky array of different buildings each one a...
In the year 2003, I was then 41, as usual I have to find another maid servant, because my wife is a service holder and without housemaid it was impossible to carry out her duty. Suddenly my previous housemaid left my house for seeing her ailing mother and didn’t come back. After a lot of hard work at last I could manage a girl about 12-13 years (Dhaka dwellers better know, how precious the maid servant here). Her name was Bobita but we called her by Bobby. She was a cheer girl with smiling face...
In the bed, the tell-tale noise roused Beth from her slumber. She held her breath, nerves attuned with tingling energy. A prolonged moment passed. Slowly the door eased partially open, accompanied by the brush of wood against the carpet. She strained her ears, senses on edge as she attempted to pierce the hallway gloom. The hint of a shadowy figure wavered just beyond the door. Her heart pounding with adrenaline, Beth continued to feign sleep, not wanting to spook her stalking secret...
Nellie’s bracelets rattled as she wrapped her fingers around Bobby’s cock and began jerking him off. His pants were around his ankles. His legs were between hers—him standing up, her sitting on the sofa. She ran her red fingernails across the skin of his butt cheeks. She pinched them and fondled them. And then she wound her hand back and hit him with a loud spank.“Aw, fuck,” he groaned.“You wanna peek at me in the bedroom, you little creep?” the older woman said.“No, no, no,” said the...
MILFJUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...
Please read part one first. As usual I invite and welcome all comments, that will enable me to improve as an author. ***** After all the sex acts I had made my wife perform, I took it easy for awhile. I stopped her screwing anyone but me, and went back to normal. When I took stock of what I had done with Sara, I came to the conclusion that I must be some form of sexual inadequate. I seemed to hide away and take great delight in other peoples adventures, rather than my own. Having said that,...