Controlling Authority 01 free porn video

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Luke grinned and flexed his hand as he left the conference room, working out the residual ache. He was still feeling pretty damned good despite the early meeting schedule. Not about the meeting itself of course, that had been the usual boring financial tripe. No, he was still reveling in the memories of last night. Last night... His chest swelled with pride and his ego grew to bursting proportions. Fuck, it had been fantastic!

Thinking back he chuckled to himself, remembering scoffing at her idea when she’d first brought it up. She’d been so tentative, like she was embarrassed to suggest it. “I want to try something new,” she’d suggested. And after she explained her fantasy, he’d resisted.

Not as much as she resisted last night, he thought, opening and closing his hand and feeling the vestiges of the impact of his palm on her fleshy globes. He grinned as he walked the hallways back to his office, standing proud, stepping more lively than he had in years. It had been incredible! HE had been incredible!

She’d convinced him, over time, not letting the idea drop, eventually wearing him down until he’d agreed. Was that really only weeks ago? But she’d been so excited to do it, he’d had to concede. And he had granted her wish, fulfilled her fantasy. In spades!

He’d done the research she’d asked, although she’d made it sound awfully complicated. Maybe I’m just a quick study , he bragged to himself. He hadn’t read all the long boring stories she’d sent him links to, but he’d watched the videos. They’d been pretty hot, although he’d felt a little foolish, at first, imagining him doing those things to Lorraine. He straightened his back as he walked, squaring his shoulders, standing taller. He didn’t feel foolish now. He felt… Christ, he felt invincible!

It had been so good! He had been so good! Once he’d started he’d gotten so aroused he’d thought his cock would burst! He’d fallen into the role of Dom as though born to it, spanking her ass, feeling the sound of each slap as he turned her butt pink, then red, then glowing, until his hand had tingled with the repeated impact and his arm felt like it would fall off.

To her credit, Lorraine had been pretty good as well, play-acting her resistance to arouse him further, squirming and pretending to wriggle in her bonds. Her squeal muffled in the gag he’d stuffed in her mouth. But he knew his role, and he’d played it perfectly. He snorted a laugh in his reverie, imaging how loud she might have screamed if he hadn’t gagged her. God, she’d been good. But he’d been better.

He had Dommed his girlfriend like a pro, and she’d loved every second. He’d given her everything she’d dreamed of and more, he knew. He could tell he’d done it right, just the way she’d wanted. In his head, he relived the muffled cries and sobs, the panicked look in her eyes, the sound of his hand on her ass, over and over. And his cock, rigid as stone, pushing into her ass, and her wailing high-pitched squeal muffled inside her gag…

He’d been fantastic for her, and it had felt incredible!

Man, what a fucking high!

"Mr. Slater, your ten cancelled, but there are two men in your office," his assistant informed him, shattering his reverie.

He stopped abruptly at Bonnie's desk and looked quizzically at her, "MacPherson cancelled?"

"Yes sir,” she replied, “just a few minutes ago. It was... odd."

He looked at her, struck by her use of the term 'sir' and vaguely wondered if perhaps Bonnie had a submissive streak, too. From what he'd read, all women wanted it. He had a flash of her in thigh-high black stockings, kneeling with her arms bound behind her, desperate tears streaking her face as his cock choked her. His eyes caught the photo of her with her family on her desk and the vision vanished. He shook his head to clear the thought and asked her to repeat what he'd missed in his distraction.

"Yes, sir, the two men, they said you'd approved them taking the ten.” She carried on, “You were in the meeting, so I assumed that you must have organized it from your cell."

Puzzled, he stood and blinked away his confusion. No matter. "Okay, thanks Bonnie," he said, visualizing her bent over her desk and begging for his huge cock, saying ‘ Yes Sir’ . He wiggled his hips to adjust the beginnings of a semi, then took the few steps to the door, stopped and took a deep breath. Couple of opportunists, no doubt. Not a problem. He'd make short work of them, the mood he was in. Today, he thought, I am the fucking king! Ain't nobody going to rain on MY parade!

He stepped into his office with a confident flair and saw two men there. The first was tall and wiry and was sitting in his visitor’s chair. He’d turned it sideways to the front of his desk with one ankle over the other knee, perfectly polished shoe methodically bouncing as he rested one elbow on the desk edge. As if he fucking owns the place! The other was a big fella, all muscle, like a gorilla. He hunched by the bookcase, looking at the photos. They both wore suits, but not well.

"Gentlemen," he announced, closing the door, "I admire your ingenuity in getting past Bonnie," he said as he strode assuredly to his desk chair. He smiled broadly at each of them as they regarded him, and then sat down with an exaggerated flourish. "But I assure you that I am really very, very busy and don’t have time for interruptions."

He opened his day planner and flipped the pages to two weeks ahead, despite actually having plenty of free time the following week. "How about we make an appointment for you gentlemen, say, two weeks from Wednesday?" He picked up a pen and prepared to write, with a half-polite smile on his face.

The men stared at him impassively. ‘Wiry guy’ bobbed his foot. The big one turned a little, impassively looking over his shoulder, one of Luke’s framed photos still in his meaty paw.

"Put that down, eh?" he addressed the big one, then added, "Please?"

The big guy stood, silent and unmoving, until the quiet in the room almost bulged with tension and became a physical presence. Luke glanced from one to the other, motioning nervously with his pen, ready to write and wondering if maybe they were deaf, or foreign or something?

Finally, Wiry guy turned his head to Big Guy and nodded towards Luke, "He's busy," he said. The words sliced the silence like a scalpel with a sandpaper edge. Luke thought maybe he used to smoke, or that smokers wished their rasp sounded like this.

"Busy..." Big Guy echoed and then snorted out something that sounded like either derisive laughter or metal scraping concrete. He repeated the word without inflection, "Busy..." as though sounding out a new language. He turned his attention back to the photographs, his broad back facing Luke again.

"Mr. Slater," Wiry said, dropping his leg and uncoiling himself to lean forward, "I'm going to need to see your card." He held his hand out expectantly, palm up, waiting.

Luke shrugged nonchalantly and reached for his stack of business cards. He slipped one out of the plexiglass holder on his desk, and offered it to the thin man.

Wiry looked at him, down at the card and then back to him with an expression bordering on intolerance. He took the card and smiled, examined it, then turned to Big Guy. "A funny guy, Tommy," he clipped with indolent sarcasm. "We got us a funny guy."

"Funny guy," Tommy echoed and made that rumbling, scraping sound again. He was holding the autographed baseball which Luke had bought on the Internet. Wiry, still smiling, turned back to Luke. He placed the business card carefully, face up, on Luke's desk.

"Your Union Card, Mr. Slater. I want to see your Union Card," he repeated, his voice overly steady, slow and spaced out, as though he was talking to a child.

"Union card?" Luke screwed up his face, not understanding, his good mood suddenly shattered by the lanky stranger and his large-pawed sidekick, who was still manhandling his stuff. "Maybe you should tell me who you are, hmm?" He wasn't about to let these characters best him in his own office! "What company are you with? We don't have a union here and, if you're looking to organize the staff, well, you've got the wrong man, you should be talking to Pearson, in Personnel."

Wiry raised his eyebrows in exaggerated incredulity. "Pearson in Personnel?" He turned to his mountain. "Tommy, he wants us to talk to H R, to Human Resources,” he almost coughed out the words.

"Yoo-minn Ree-zor-sez," came the slow, rumbling mispronunciation, followed by the sinister, metallic grating.

Wiry turned back to face Luke and placed his forearms on the desk, rattling a cup of pens as he pushed them aside to make room. "Let me make myself clear, Mr. Slater. My name is Terrence. My associate,” he motioned with his head, “Little Tommy, and I are here from Local Twelve-Eleven because a complaint has been lodged.” He leaned forward, staring directly at Luke and smiled overly politely, “Now, can I please see your Union Card?"

Luke felt his face scrunch up in confusion as the last of his euphoria dissolved into mist. "Local twelve-eleven? What the fuck is that?" His eyes flicked between the two men. "Complaint? What the hell are you talking about?"

As Terrence slipped an arm from the desk and reached inside his jacket, Luke felt his stomach clench and his breath caught in his throat. He exhaled again when the man produced nothing more dangerous than a wallet. The wiry angular arm extended and the wallet flipped open, dangling a clear plastic sleeve showing an official I.D. Card. Luke saw the emblem, read the print as the raspy voice recited the credential.

"Local 1211, Master’s Craftsman Guild," he relayed, his expression suspicious, through narrowed eyes. "The Dom Union. Investigations and Infractions Division. As I said, we're here in response to a complaint." In one swift movement, he deftly flipped the wallet closed and slipped it back into his pocket. "Now," he said slowly, dragging the words out for effect, "May I see your Union Card, Mr. Slater?"

Luke's mind descended into a maelstrom of confused thought. Dom Union? Complaint? Who the fuck complained? Who the fuck knew ? Shit, did the neighbors hear? Was someone watching through the window? He thought back to the unsavory clerk at the shop where he'd bought the clamps and restraints. Anyway, who the fuck were these guys to stick their noses in his business? He felt his mouth opening and closing, like a fish out of water, his teeth clacked together as he snapped it shut. A fucking Dom Union? There's no such thing!

"Bullshit, Terry!" he spat with a bravery that he didn't really feel, but his incredulity blurted without his consent. "There's no such Union. You guys are jerking me around. This is a joke, right?" He glanced back and forth between them. Little Tommy had stopped admiring the photos and collectibles, and was leaning casually against the wall. Terrence regarded him coldly, through slitted eyes. They didn't react to his accusation. "Seriously, who put you guys up to this? Was it that guy in the store? I knew I shouldn't have used my credit card in a place like that!"

"It's Terrence, not Terry," he spat, with undisguised irritation. "Your card. Please."

"What are you talking about? I don't have a fucking card!" he wailed, almost shouting, exasperated. "Get the fuck out of my office you, you..." his face puckered with distaste. "Phonies! You... bad actors!"

Luke stood up from his seat and Little Tommy was suddenly alert, freeing himself from the wall and taking a step forward with an agility that belied his size. Without looking, Terrence gave a dismissive wave in his direction and Tommy stood down, but didn't quite relax. The lanky arm moved back in Luke's direction lowering his hand slowly, and Luke found himself dropping obediently back into his comfortable, leather desk chair.

"Let’s all just relax, shall we?" Terrence suggested. "I can assure you, Mr. Slater, that we are who we say we are." With the tension somewhat diffused, he eased his elbows back to recline on Luke’s desk. "Am I to understand then, that you are not a member of Local 1211?"

"There's no such thing," Luke replied without vehemence, then added more forcefully, "and, even if there was , so what? What business is it of yours?"

"Fucking amateur.” Terrence gave a shake of his head and rolled his eyes, glancing over at his cohort. “Same shit, every time."

"Amateur," came the echo, but this time there was no grating laugh.

Unfolding himself from his relaxed pose, the wiry fellow leaned forward, lifting himself from the seat to half stand, bent over and pressing his palms flat on the desk. There was an air of sudden intensity in his stance which had Luke shrinking back into his chair.

"I can assure you, Mr. Slater, that this is our only business and you have apparently fucked up, royally. As I said, we are here in response to a complaint, and--"

"Who the fuck complained?" Luke managed to interrupt.

Terry smiled with false congeniality. "That is confidential."

Luke harrumphed, but quietly to himself and turned his head. It was as about as much obstinate defiance as he could muster.

Terrance loomed over him and snorted disdainfully. "Understand this, Mr. Slater. You have been accused of a very serious violation. We take our skills seriously, we take our confidentiality seriously. We take our membership seriously." He leaned closer, lifting one eyebrow. "We are trained, skilled craftspeople , Mr. Slater. It is who we are. And we do not take kindly to unskilled 'hobbyists' stealing food from our children's mouths, so to speak," he sneered. "Not to mention the potential harm you might have inflicted."

Luke thought of objecting but when he saw when he saw the expression on the tall man’s face, mere inches from his own, he thought better of it. Terrance held his gaze for a few seconds more before standing upright. "However," he stated with some ceremony, "we are not an organization without soul and your situation , while bleak, is not completely without hope. We can help you, or rather, we can offer you help. Assistance. Training. Perhaps, with the right study and practice, you might even be offered membership.

"Membership," came the rolling echo, once again followed by that nerve-rattling laugh.

"If you could just verify your address," he said to Luke, sliding a paper across the desk, "two of our Business Agents will visit with you. This Saturday evening? Say, around seven?"

Luke looked up from the paper. "What?" he blinked, confused, "At my house ?"

He remembered last night, recalling it as though it were already the distant past. The image of his Lorraine, tied down, ass in the air and practically glowing from his smacks. In his mind, strangers suddenly joined them, watching and taking notes. "No, no, that's not possible. No." He shook his head. "No way."

Terrance turned to Little Tommy and shrugged, raising his palms in a gesture of futility and rolled his eyes skyward. Luke looked at Tommy as the big man took a vacation photo from the shelf and drove his fist through it before returning the shattered frame to the bookshelf. Luke's mouth hung open, mid gasp, staring. Tommy’s expression never changed.

"Please, Mr. Slater," Terrance soothed, "let’s not make this difficult?" He bent to the desk and retrieved the paper. "So, Saturday at seven?"

"Yes," Luke’s eyes were downcast as he muttered with resignation. "Fine, I suppose."

Terrance gave him a smile that was more of a grimace and held his hand out to the side, palm up. Little Tommy lumbered forward to place a pair of envelopes in the waiting palm. Terrance gave them a cursory glance before handing them across the desk.

Luke took them, flipped them. They were sealed. One had his name printed neatly on the front. The other showed Lorraine’s.

"Good, then. Those are your instructions. Follow them carefully.” He stood then, next to his trained gorilla. He didn’t offer his hand. “It'll be for the best, you'll see."


"It was bizarre, Lorraine,” Luke babbled as he drove, speaking into his Bluetooth earpiece. "They scared the shit out of me, these two guys, barging into my office, after manipulating my calendar! How the hell did they work that?" He heard a noncommittal sound from her and blundered on, venting his spleen. "But they were serious, I swear. They’re sending people to the house on Saturday. Saturday! This week! They..." he stammered, "they said you have to be there! Christ, they even gave me a list of things to buy." His mind drifted as he recalled the envelopes and he paused, remembering how good it had been, how excited he’d been. How Lorraine had moaned and twisted as he’d tit-slapped her.

Then he was sounding his horn at a driver who was taking too long to pull into the line of traffic, causing a bottleneck. “You fucking idiot! Learn how to drive!”

"Where was I? Oh yeah, clothes, and, uh, other stuff." Another short pause as he caught his breath. "You'll be there, right?" He blew out a frustrated breath, never listening for her answer. "I don't know what's going to happen, but they're serious. I swear to fucking Christ, ‘Raine," he blathered, whipping himself into a frenzy. "I don't know what their deal is, what they want. Money, no doubt; fucking Union thugs. Shaking me down for membership fees or something!"

Images floated through his head, memories of Lorraine as he’d pulled the gag from her face, shoving his cock into her mouth to muffle her protests, hand wrapped tightly in her hair. Her blubbering, choking sounds making it feel so authentic. He’d really fucked her face hard, his inner animal tearing loose, slapping her tits hard, shoving his cock deep into her throat. His cock was hard now, just remembering. Fuck, he’d been incredible!

He never heard her exasperated sigh as he continued his tirade.

"Somebody fucking complained? What the fuck is that about? Who the fuck knows what we did? And besides, you know. I was fucking amazing! A Membership Card? They should give me a fucking medal, those assholes!” His cock, swollen to full mast, strained in his pants and one hand slipped from the steering wheel to massage it, the sensation recalling the night before. “Right, Rainey? You know how good I was, right?”

His hand squeezed his cock, making it feel just the way it had when he’d pushed it into her asshole. Fuck, she was so tight! And the way her ass was all red, and she had wriggled, trying to avoid him. But he’d done it just like he’d seen in the videos, with a hand on the back of her neck, holding her down. Just like she wanted it. The memory of her muffled squeal, her face buried in the pillow as his cock pushed into her ass, the muscles gripping his shaft, the heat from her reddened cheeks against his belly.

A horn sounded next to him and he jerked the wheel, releasing his cock to flash the finger over his back. He was breathing hard.

“And what fucking right do they have? I swear, I'm going back to that fucking store, I'm gonna take that piece of shit apart until he confesses, that fuck. I know it was him--"


"That cocksucker, I fucking knew I shouldn't have used my card there. I didn't trust that piece of shit as soon as I laid eyes on him."

"Luke." A little louder, but he talked through it.

"Fucking file a complaint? On me? That miserable little fuck! He doesn't know who he's dealing with here, that fuck. I'll fucking eat him for fucking breakfast."

She tried again, "Luke, don't--"

"He won't know what fucking hit him, that piece of shit, I'll fucking own that place when I'm done, and the first thing I'll do is fire his ass--"

"Luke, stop!" her voice was suddenly sharp and loud.


"Luke, it..." There was a long pause and he looked at the in-dash screen, as though trying to see Lorraine through the electronics. The tires hummed on the highway.

"...It wasn't him."

"The fucking hell it wasn't! Who else could it have been? The neighbors? No way," he stated with authority. "It was that weasel. He knows what I bought. I swear, I'm gonna--"

"It wasn’t h im !" she shrieked. The intensity of her voice brought him right back to last night, how she’d protested and wailed.

Then, it had thrilled him.

Now the shout silenced him. He waited, but there was nothing more from her.

"What?" he asked.

There was another long pause. He thought he heard some uncomfortable shuffling.

"It wasn't him, Luke. The guy in the store. He didn’t file the complaint."

"How the hell can you be so sure?" he countered.

Then realization struck him. She knew something!

He blundered ahead, "Oh, fuck, you know who it was?" he asked excitedly. "Tell me it was that asshole Jenkins next door? That fuck, he always--"

She cut in, "It was me."

There was a much longer pause this time, as her words sank in. He felt his chest tighten and his ears turn red. The sound of the engine and tires seemed suddenly too loud, drowning out his ability to think. Another car horn blared, chasing him back into his lane and he forced his hands to maintain a grip on the steering wheel, as he struggled for control of the car and himself.

It had been so good. The spanking, the tit slapping. He felt the sensation in his hands again as flashes of his palm raining blows on her ass flickered through his mind. Her cries. Her tears. How she had loved it, resisted it, tried to escape. Her exhilarating, lusty wail as he’d shoved his cock up her ass. The feeling of power, of control, of… fuck, of domination .

He blinked. His cock had gone completely soft.

"You?" He asked, unbelieving. There was no answer. "Lorraine? You?"


This story developed from a conversation with my Mazza. And while I did most of the writing as the story developed, her involvement was critical to the outcome, pushing me to clarify the characters and action, and making the story (in my view) better than what I usually write. Thanks, Maz! You’re a dear!

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Controlling Nicola Ch 02

Though Nicola was aware she was sitting on the same couch as her father with a cigar case up her ass, it wasn’t until about half way into the movie that the full impact of what she’d done over the past couple of hours really hit her. There was no end to the inner conflict in her mind of how she’d humiliated herself before an almost complete stranger, and not only that but she’d enjoyed it tremendously and part of her even wished Alec would still be there when the movie was over. In fact, she...

3 years ago
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Fucking The Maid With Authority

Hello ISS readers. I’ve been following a lot of the ISS for about a couple’ weeks now. Noticing how wild the stories are, I decided that instead of hiding my stories from everyone, I’d share so it gives every guy a wood and makes every girl dripping wet. So without wasting any time, I shall go straight into the details I’m 20 as of today, 6’1″ tall with an athletic build and a 7″ pole which can drill anyone like a king. I live in Bhopal and I’m doing my engineering. I live here alone in a 2 BHK...

2 years ago
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Executive Authority

Nick Tarent stood in his office, a smile on his face. At the age of 27 he was already on top of the world. At 6'1" with dark hair and hazel eyes, he was a very attractive guy, and he knew it. He was senior vice president of a major corporation. He also had quite a bit of money sitting in a bank account. But none of these things were what made his life the paradise that he enjoyed these days. That he owed to something else entirely. Glancing at the clock on his desk, he saw the display shift...

2 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 37 Awful Authority

Six months later... Time: August 18, 8239 Up ahead along the bend of the tunnel wall, I saw a complex shimmer through my passive-RF goggle display. I estimated my pursuers at forty meters and closing. Shaitan! They cut me off again! From their RF emissions, I estimated two full teams, a double patrol of eight hunters. How did they know?! There were other pursuit teams behind me, much too close for a backtrack attempt. Was I finally cornered? I tried to be stoic about the possibility, but...

4 years ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 3 A Matter Of Authority

The next morning, Claude and Mark met at the bank to finalize the handover for The Willows. Mark kept silent and listened. He listened to what the others said and tried to learn at least a little. Harold thought Mark's silence a sign weakness, or feelings of immaturity and fear. Mark, on the other hand, realized there was much he did not know about his inheritance. "Where is Rachel Jones?" Mark asked. He looked around. Harold Osterman stalled for a moment as he searched for an acceptable...

2 years ago
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Controlling Rayne

Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...

3 years ago
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controlling the town

Introduction: I moved to a town that had a very interesting history. so i decided to invest in it. I guess a lot of people out there in this world would consider me a pervert. I cant explain why, but after a failed marriage, I found woman to be undesirable to me. I do not like men, but I had a tendency to fantasize about younger girls. I seemed to think of woman in general as sluts. I began to believe that all women would or could be made to become unfaithful. It seemed that out of every ten...

2 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 04

If you haven’t read the prior instalments please do so. This will make much more sense if you do. I appreciate reader comments and constructive criticism, but this is a work of fiction, so please just enjoy it as such without worrying about the technical feasibility. Bobbi: What a strange dream I had last night. God it was hot. Chad had always been a target of sexual fantasy for me, but this dream had been so vivid I could still feel him sucking on my nipples. I can’t believe what a slut I...

3 years ago
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Controlling the town 3

Introduction: Meeting the townsfolk The people all started to arrive by nine in the morning. As they came in to the house, I collected each of the questionnaires. I scanned most of them and was quite impressed with the variety of choices that were highlighted. My task may not be as difficult as I had first imagined. I had locked all of the rooms upstairs, which I did not want people to enter. There were five bathrooms available to my guests. All rooms had the CCTV cameras in place and working....

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controlling the town2

Introduction: I basically need to set the rules and contracts terms. I requested that contrary to the Mayors announcement, I would like to see the Owner of the Lazy Inn first. After this meeting, we would follow the auction list. Leah left and the girls came and sat with me. When Leah returned, I instructed her that Tina, Missy and she could leave. This is going to get boring and I didnt think that they should have to stay. Leah tried to convince me that they wouldnt mind staying, but I...

2 years ago
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Controlling a Reluctant Submissive A 2 Part Story

Eva had needed a few days to recover from her visit to her master's house. She had left with apprehension about being a submissive and this new world was a challenge both physically and psychologically. Why did he need to own every part of her body? She had given clear boundaries and yet he pushed her to accept violations she had never agreed to but she had found obedience and acceptance of her depleted authority to be the biggest sexual stimulation of the whole experience.When she got home she...

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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...

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Controlling Authority 02

He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. But...

4 years ago
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Controlling Celeb

You were coming back from your work, today your boss has kicked you out of the work you are really upset and don't what to do now. You are a little fat middle aged man still bachelor, a kind of guy whom girl would consider ugly. You were walking towards your home and suddenly you saw a shiny golden object at the corner of the street, you reached there and took it and found that it's a swinging watch, you turned it and saw that something was written on it's back you read it, "This is a...

Mind Control
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Controlling SisterChapter 2

After my sister Marie was found to be pregnant she came to my room one day. She and I were no longer hostile to each other, unlike the last few years, probably because she knew she needed all the support she could get. "JP, Mom said something weird when she found out I got knocked up," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. I was a real conversationalist in my teens, it seemed. She continued, "She said, 'Pregnant at 16, not again!' I figured she was referring to getting pregnant herself,...

3 years ago
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Controlling Thoughts Ch 1

I awoke with a start. For a moment my mind was blank and I could not remember why I woke. Then I recalled it. A vivid image of a strange lady with a friend of mine had flashed through my head. I don’t know why I had thought of it, but looking down I could tell at least something of me was happy about me. I groaned and rolled out of bed, little point in sleeping now, I was fully awake. I trotted over to the bathroom and leaned over the sink thinking. My reverie of thought had been broken when...

3 years ago
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Controlling The Bitch Ch 01

Intro This is one of the more recent pieces I tried to write. This was as far as I got, and im not really sure where im going with this one. Anyway, if I get time/inspiration ill attempt to write a second part to this. Enjoy? All characters are 18 or over. ————————————- Jake lent up against the glass wall partition against his classroom and looked around him. There wasn’t exactly much to see first thing on a Monday morning, just a few straggly students lent up like him, waiting for their...

4 years ago
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Controlling Nicola Ch 01

(I’ve included both Parts I & II here, however the first is mostly background info. Part II is where the story gets interesting and can be read on its own.) ***Part I*** It was nearly 11 pm, and Gary had been working on the accounting program for almost sixteen hours straight now, stopping only to go to the toilet or run down to the 7/11 for more chips and coke. Such was his life, pretty average for a programmer, working for long stretches until they reach a mental block, then resting for a...

3 years ago
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Controlling Sara Ch 02

Please read part one first. As usual I invite and welcome all comments, that will enable me to improve as an author. ***** After all the sex acts I had made my wife perform, I took it easy for awhile. I stopped her screwing anyone but me, and went back to normal. When I took stock of what I had done with Sara, I came to the conclusion that I must be some form of sexual inadequate. I seemed to hide away and take great delight in other peoples adventures, rather than my own. Having said that,...

3 years ago
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Controlling Mia

Mia I would like to take you to my cabin in the woods this weekend. You will be a young girl (21). I have a new restraint system that I will be using along with a collection of vibrators/dildos and flogger/crop. Expect to get very wet. Dr J I received this note from Dr J this morning. These past two weeks I have been reading two short meditations that he provided. He told me that I should read them twice a day, one in the morning, before I got out of bed, and the other, before I fell...

2 years ago
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Controlling Desires

The only one not having fun, it seemed, was sitting idly in a back corner, near the bar. She was alone and sober, yet again, while her friends fucked with reckless abandon. Always the self-designated driver to these events, she never managed to let loose and relax, always too afraid of possible retribution. All that responsibility meant was that she never had any real fun. She was on her third glass of orange juice - "Alcohol free, thanks." - and was refolding her cheap paper napkin for...

5 years ago
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Controlling My Mind

Walking home from work again. My boyfriend said he would pick me up but after that last fight I'm not surprised. He was so angry. It scared me to think that I once thought of him as kind and gentle. He was my knight in shining armour and now he was dark and distant. It was a hot summer night and my small black skirt kept riding up my butt. I hated waiting tables. I was treated below everyone at Girls & Wings. The staff was rude and vulgar and my boss tried to make it look like I was stealing...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Controlling And Fucking A Milf MotherInLaw

Hello, everyone, it was nice to hear from all of my fans. Thank you all for your valuable feedback. Sorry for the delay in writing the next story. My new readers, “Hello, I am Ankur. I have a perfect athletic body with a 10-inch cock.” For my New Readers, These are the assets (or figure) of my HOT MILFs. Jasmine my Wife has a figure of 34D-24-36. Alura, my Mother in Law has a figure of 34G-29-38. Louise, my wife’s Aunt has a figure of 40F-29-40. After fucking hot milf Louise and my wife...

2 years ago
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Controlling My Urges Paid Off Part 1

Hello. I am Rishi The Boss and I am going to narrate my experience with my mother. I really hope that you all will love it and send me your feedback that Your feedback will make me write the Part 2 of it. It’s just the beginning. The real picture is in Part 2 but to reach to Part 2, you need to make me believe that you love my writing. Don’t expect some bullshit fantasy in it. It will be normal and natural. I am not going make it look like a Superhero story where everything is done with no...

2 years ago
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Controlling Subconscious Mind Of A MILF For Sex

Hi, I am Karthik, and I am 26 years old from Hyderabad. I forgot the username and password of my old ISS account where I had written 7-8 experiences of mine with different women, so I created a new account. Also, I posted the second part of my first sex story, however, it is not yet posted here on ISS so apologies for that too. So, how did I fuck this new bitch just by thought alone? I learned about the law of attraction a year ago and have been applying it to different aspects of my life ever...

3 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 03

If you haven’t read the previous two stories in this series, This will make more sense if you do. Thanks to those who took the time to make constructive comments and suggestions. Hopefully you will find this post a more suitable length. Bobbi: Fresh out of the shower, I was sitting in my robe eating my breakfast on Saturday morning, when it dawned on me that the feelings and experiences I had the night before, were exactly the kind of things that I felt when Joe had hypnotized me. Now it all...

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Controlling Bobbi Ch 01 Bobbi

My name is Bobbi. Men seem to find my 5′ frame topped with long red hair quite attractive and I get my fair share of looks and propositions from men, none of which I am interested in pursuing. I was a bit wild during my high school and college years, but my husband Joe is quite conservative and at 28, I am satisfied to share a quiet conservative life with him. Joe and I live in a large apartment complex while we save for a down payment on our first house. We pretty much keep to ourselves and...

2 years ago
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Controlling Authority 01

Luke grinned and flexed his hand as he left the conference room, working out the residual ache. He was still feeling pretty damned good despite the early meeting schedule. Not about the meeting itself of course, that had been the usual boring financial tripe. No, he was still reveling in the memories of last night. Last night… His chest swelled with pride and his ego grew to bursting proportions. Fuck, it had been fantastic! Thinking back he chuckled to himself, remembering scoffing at her...

3 years ago
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Controlling Authority 02

He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. ...

2 years ago
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Controlling Rayne

Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...

3 years ago
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Controlling Sissy Janice Part 1

I had thought that my wife was unaware of my crossdressing. Not only was I wrong but, as it turns out, I was the one unaware - -of the man she was having sex with at work. This is the story of how the truth came out and what happened afterward. My wife Lilly works at a very high-powered law firm as an office manager. Though she's not an attorney she works long hours. I've been a 9-5 office worker, managing accounts receivables for an insurance company. In the period between when I...

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Controlling Sissy Janice Part 2

Lilly instructed me to go upstairs and strip, and to remove my wig. "I have to get some bags out of my car. I want you naked and in the shower when I come back." I did as I was told. I was in a bit of a fog. I was now going beyond what I'd ever contemplated. Even if I'd worked up the courage to tell Lilly the truth, the most I'd have hoped for was the occasional chance to dress at home in front of her. But now I was looking at a future as a permanent sissy, and, worse, a cuckold. I...

4 years ago
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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

4 years ago
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A Published Author

A Published Author By Katharine Sexkitten I grabbed whatever was in my mail slot, on my way through the lobby of the only apartment building in town that I could actually afford. It was a dump. And the truth of the matter was that some months I couldn't afford it at all, and my parents would send me a cheque for a few hundred dollars. My retired parents. Whatever they could spare. I was hoping like mad that there was an envelope in the pile from them. There wasn't. Instead,...

3 years ago
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The Demons Within11 Exposing Oneself to the Authorities

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Phil called, hurrying to the door. He was suspicious about someone pounding on his door, since the hotel specialized in guarding their resident’s privacy. Yet it wasn’t unknown for individuals to slip past the front desk. The odds it might be a reporter were offset by the chance someone was seeking assistance. Opening the door, he was confronted by two familiar faces. “Officers Smithers and Andrews? This is quite a surprise. What did I do this time?” The same...

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The Author

It was dark, rainy and cold here in New York City. I hated it. I had been living in Honolulu for the last 8 years and gotten used to the beautiful weather there. I also objected to the fact that I was sitting in the back seat of a dirty taxi making my way from Kennedy Airport to a hotel in midtown. But what the hell it was only for two weeks and then I could return to paradise. I could put up with almost anything for two weeks. I was ordered by my publisher to attend the awards ceremony and...

2 years ago
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An Old Reader And A Desperate Author

Anjali was a 34 year old housewife whose life was as boring as the old black and white movies. She had a small family of three with her hubby and a daughter living in a posh apartment in a city. Her husband used to leave for work early in the morning and come back in the evening all too tired and she did her best to de stress him but that didn’t help and he could never sustain erection for longer than a minute in bed and cited office issues for stress and lack of performance. Her daughter used...

3 years ago
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A Story Writing Contest For All Our ISS Authors

Dear ISS Authors, We are happy to announce an exciting Story-writing contest on Indian Sex Stories. We are looking for the best sex story written based on the popular Hindi sitcom, ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma.’ You can find some samples of such stories The winner will be rewarded with a one-month premium subscription of Savita bhabhi comics worth $24.95! Please go through these details of the contest:- *The story must be written in Desi Hindi (Hinglish) only. *The story should have about...

4 years ago
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The Author

It was dark, rainy and cold here in New York City. I hated it. I had been living in Honolulu for the last 8 years and gotten used to the beautiful weather there. I also objected to the fact that I was sitting in the back seat of a dirty taxi making my way from Kennedy Airport to a hotel in midtown. But what the hell it was only for two weeks and then I could return to paradise. I could put up with almost anything for two weeks. I was ordered by my publisher to attend the awards ceremony and...

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