Steven Universe: Serving A Higher Authority free porn video

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"...Pearl?" "Yes, my Diamond?" "How are the newest Gem batches coming along?" "" "Pearl." "...not good, my Diamond. We're doing our best with what we have, but by spreading our resources so thinly, the resulting Gems can barely hold their physical forms for more than a few seconds." "Hm. Irritating." "Yes, my Diamond." "Have the Peridots given any suggestions to fix this?" "Besides using more resources per Gem? I'm afraid not, unless we could somehow use something as a base for their body." "" "By the way, my Diamond, Blue Diamond has requested an audience with you regarding the planet Earth." "Urgh, this again? I have told her time and time again we have no use for that... wait..." "My Diamond?" "...Pearl, prepare the ship and tell Blue I will get back to her later. I want to test something." "At once, my Diamond!" * * * * * Lewis sighed as he walked down the street. Another Friday night alone. He'd done everything he could since coming to college to present himself as this cool, broody, loner-type. He thought for sure that kind of thing would make him a hit with the ladies. But instead all it did was drive them away. Didn't they like that kind of thing anymore? He grumbled under his breath and kicked a stone. "Maybe I should just go for something else, re-invent myself, you know?" he said to nobody in particular. "Maybe something more... I dunno, more like everyone else? After all, if being a loner drove them away, maybe fitting in with a group would be better... Light suddenly filled the street. Lewis froze, before he craned his neck upwards. He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the spotlight shining down on him, though he squinted and could just make out the shape behind it. "Is that... a han-" He never got to finish his thought before he was warped onto the ship. * * * * * "-d?" With a thud, Lewis landed rumpfirst on the shiny floor. His eyes darted around the room as he quickly stood up. The first thing he noticed? Yellow. And lots of it. The floors were yellow, the ceilings were yellow, the windows were yellow. Everything seemed to be made out polished yellow crystal, from the consoles surrounding the area to the throne before him. That led into the second thing he noticed. Namely the fifty-foot tall woman sat in said throne. Like her surroundings, she was yellow in colour. She was dressed in some kind of armoured overcoat, and stared down at him with her piercing, diamond-shaped eyes. On her chest was a yellow diamond-shaped gemstone which looked to be implanted into her flesh. Her entire being oozed power and authority, even as she rested her chin in her palm with a bored expression. "Ahem." Lewis's attention was pulled from the yellow giantess to the significantly smaller woman standing in front. She was more human-sized, being a good few inches shorter than him. Her body was rail thin with only the slightest hint of curves, that her tight leotard nevertheless showed off nicely. Her face was dominated by a pointed nose that jutted out of her face, and her hair (yellow, of course) was styled up into a single point. A white orb was embedded in her chest, in the exact same spot as the yellow colossus's diamond. She stood with her hands clasped behind her back and a smug grin on her face. "Welcome, human," the smaller woman said in a nasally tone, "to the illustrious Yellow Diamond's ship!" "What... what the hell's going on?" Lewis looked between the two yellow creatures and the surrounding ship. "You can't be... no way, d-don't tell me you guys are alie-" He was cut off by a bolt of yellow energy that struck the ground at his feet. He yelped and stumbled back, falling once again onto his rear. He looked up at the one on the throne, smoke trailing from her finger as she narrowed her eyes. "You will silent unless spoken to, human," she commanded. Lewis swallowed and immediately shut up, slowing standing once more. "...a-anyway..." The human-sized alien cleared her throat with a definite tenseness that Lewis noticed. Clearly she feared the giant woman too. It would probably be best not to make her mad. "As I was saying, welcome to the ship. You have been chosen by Yellow Diamond herself to take part in the new Gem Assimilation test project!" "The what?" Lewis's eyes went wide. Gems... wasn't that what those weirdo magical girls in Beach City were called? And what exactly did she mean by 'assimilation'? His thoughts were cut off as he felt something clamp around his ankles. He looked down, seeing yellow shackles on his legs that held him firmly in place. The smaller woman smiled and tapped her chest-orb, causing a yellow display to form in the air before her. She rapidly typed away as a series of multicoloured shapes formed on her screen. "Which Gem should we start with, my Diamond?" She looked over her shoulder. The yellow giant leaned over, peering over her aide's shoulder to inspect the screen while rubbing her chin with a finger. "Hm... a Lapis," she finally decided, returing to her seat. "We've been very low on those lately, and if this succeeds she'll make a nice gift for Blue." "At once, my Diamond!" Her assistant tapped one of the blue shapes and typed some more. Above, Lewis heard the sounds of machinery before a mechanical claw lowered down. Within its claw it held a simple gemstone. Blue, teardrop- shaped and small enough to fit in the palm of someone's hand. He could imagine something like dangling from a chain around some girl's neck. "Wh-what the hell is that?" he yelled, twisting his body to take a look at the stone. Quickly two more arms grabbed his wrists and forcibly them to stretch out, leaving him completely spread-eagled and immobilized from the neck down. Panic began to set in as he looked over his shoulder, seeing the arm gradually getting closer. "Get that thing away from me!" But neither of his captors reacted, instead the arm drew closer, closer... until finally, it pressed the gem into his back. It pushed through his jacket and shirt, and touched against his skin. Then the pain started. Lewis let out a cry of agony as bright blue energy started to swirl around and through his body. His clothes were burned away while his skin changed to a pale blue colour. He could feel his body beginning to change... no, that wasn't the right word. His body wasn't just being changed, it was being supplanted. He was becoming something else. He could feel his body shifting to fit some blueprint other than his own. He shrunk down to match the girl that stood before him, angles softening into curves and muscles slimming into something more slender. His short hair warped and grew, changing from brown to blue while the facial hair he'd been working to grow receded into his face and disappeared. His voice was rapidly raising in pitch, becoming shriller and more girlish until instead of a grown man, his screams sounded like those of a teenage girl. The transformation began to stabilise, the pain lessening before one final burst shot through him. At that moment, the gem on his back shined and summoned a flowing blue sundress, knee-length with a large dark blue diamond emblazoned across the front. The shackles finally released him and he fell to the ground, panting heavily. He slowly looked down at himself, and would have screamed if he hadn't pretty much already shot his voice to hell. Gone was the athletic college-aged man that had entered the ship. In his place was a slim girl with blue skin. His hands trembled as he gripped at the skirt he now wore, before reaching to feel the chin-length hair he now owned. He tugged a lock into view; blue, just like the rest of him. "Well, it seems she was an absolute success, my Diamond!" The assistant smiled up at her commander. "What did you DO to me!?" Lewis yelled. Or rather, shrieked thanks to his new voice. "There will be time for explanations later," the giant woman said dismissively as she clapped her hands. Immediately two bulky women in dark bodysuits appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Lewis by his arms. "When we get to Homeworld, you will be briefed and trained in your new lifestyle and abilities. For now, all you need to know is that you are Lapis Lazuli, Facet-6B2D, Cut-9FH. The Topazes will show to your accommodations where you can get accustomed to your new body." "Welcome to Gemhood, Lapis!" the assistant smiled and waved. "My name isn't Lapis Lazuli, you yellow bitch! I'm Lewis Lawrenz!" His cries fell on deaf ears as he was hoisted into the air by the Topaz guards. "I'm not a Gem you psychos! I'm human! Let me GO!" The yellow gems ignored their new blue counterpart as he was dragged away. Yellow Diamond chuckled and reclined into her chair. "Pearl?" "Yes, my Diamond?" "Contact Homeworld and have things prepared for our new Lapis. I feel we've just managed to solve the resource crisis." "At once, my Diamond!"

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Ragnarok Shorts Tales From the Spellbinder Universe

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...

3 years ago
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A Darker Universe

A Darker Universe by Mermaid Master, Delisha, Dina & slave bodica Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved This material may not be sold but may be freely reproduced and distributed without charge as long as it is done in its entiretyThis is a variation on the NUDEP stories by Nialos Leaning found at  This story takes things another step further.  It includes overt sexual activities between teens.  If this will be offensive, DO NOT READ IT.  It is a...

3 years ago
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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 1

Ugh. Managers are the same everywhere.Literally, everywhere, in the entire universe.When I was 16, I worked at a supermarket as an underpaid check-out girl. One day, the manager, Mr Schwimmer, came into the staff room (five minutes before my shift had even started!) and informed me that I should go clean up the men’s toilet. Skid marks in the bowl.No points for guessing whose skid marks those probably were in the first place.When I was 21, I worked as a temp for Mr Ellis at a local real estate...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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NormalitySelf insert universe

This is a normality-self insert story where a character of your own choosing either one made up by you or a character from your favorite movie, TV show, game, book, comic, or manga is placed in which ever fictional universe that you want and given the power of universal acceptance to do what ever he or she wants to do. First pick a universe you want this story to take place in, then make or pick your character for that universe the rest is your choice.

2 years ago
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Cinderellas Taxi A Taxi Ride Universe Tale

(Eric's note: I edited, added a little bit, and put a little extra in the ending, but this is 90% my friend's work. It is a very poignant tale.) Cinderella's Taxi (A Taxi Ride Universe Tale) By Eric and Friend The twin girls were almost ready for bed, but their bodies were still full of energy at 9pm. It wasn't easy for their sitter to get them ready for bed in the first place. Even after begging and bribery, the twins still wouldn't get in the bed and sleep like the angels four...

1 year ago
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Miss Universe Abducted

Now she tried to move her legs or arms. To her surprise she realized that not only could she barely move them, but she was completely naked and tied to a bed. Spread-eagled, she looked down and saw her ankles firmly bound with black tape to the foot of the bed. Her wrists were cuffed to the headboard, chafing her delicate skin. She looked around the bare concrete room with its cinder block walls and just a few dim bulbs overhead for lighting. A large full length mirror across from her seemed...

1 year ago
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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 4

So the Dryth appear to be Time Lords, or maybe they raided Gallifrey and took the TARDIS with them. In any case, far as I can tell, their ship is much bigger on the inside than it has any right to be.Or maybe I’m just running in circles.Yep, I’m running. Yes, naked, with stuff dripping down my legs. Yes, I’m holding on to my boobs. No, it’s not a pretty sight. No, it doesn’t make a ton of sense in my head, but my body saw Bane’s glare and went RUN! RUN! RUN! … so here we are. Running.“You threw...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 4

So the Dryth appear to be Time Lords, or maybe they raided Gallifrey and took the TARDIS with them. In any case, far as I can tell, their ship is much bigger on the inside than it has any right to be.Or maybe I’m just running in circles.Yep, I’m running. Yes, naked, with stuff dripping down my legs. Yes, I’m holding on to my boobs. No, it’s not a pretty sight. No, it doesn’t make a ton of sense in my head, but my body saw Bane’s glare and went RUN! RUN! RUN! … so here we are. Running.“You threw...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Fairy Tail Universe

In the Fairy Tail Universe, the world is full of magic, and mages. These mages grouped themselves into what they call guilds, which take on jobs from the local populace and other mages. Many guilds are evil, love massive destruction, or are just straight up assholes. It is in this universe you may start your adventure; will you bring someone from this universe to yours?, Will you live the life of one of its characters?, or will you become something completely different! (Most if not all...

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Dragon Ball Z Universe Tournament Saga Onwards

{{{AUTHORS NOTE: THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY TO BE CONSIDERED DISCONTINUED, AS THE CHARACTER IS NOW IMPLEMENTED AS A SECONDARY PROTAGONIST AND MAIN CHARACTER IN DRAGON BALL: THE SON OF KARKOREAN! PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW FOR STORY:}}} THE LINK:!:!!:!!: Craiger was the Grandson of Cruegiuse, and a Pure-blooded Saiyan who was considered Royalty by all the Gods of Destruction, but since Cruegiuse sacrificed himself to Wound Goku Black and died...

1 year ago
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Mirror Mirror Universe TV Shows

You all heard of the Mirror Universe in Star Trek but other shows have there own dark side. They all have their own twisted counter part. A place that is a corruption of what the other part holds dear Buffy Mirror Universe- this is the one where the Slayer is evil. Apparently when they made the first slayer they made a mistake. The people who created the slayer couldn’t control the slayer dark side. The slayer now hunts vampires and humans a like. It goal is to be queen of the underworld. The...

1 year ago
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Rule of the Gender Role Reversal Universe

So I'm starting a new universe which anyone is welcome to add to. Below is a list of rules for this new universe. The stories can be done in first person or third person but my first set of stories will be in first. This universe is very much like our own except for one major difference, the gender roles are reversed. What that means is that while our bodies remain the same, everything that is attributed towards male and female has been reversed. In our world what is associated...

4 years ago
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Sex Guide to the UniverseChapter 4

A planet was below. The ship Orgasma, the only spaceship in the universe that ran on the energy of orgasms, hung up high in space around the planet like small tits pushed up by a wonderbra. "This is not the planet Pussina," said Forny strongly. "Yes, it is," said Zip equally insistent. "No, it's not," said Forny. Forny casually rubbed her tits. Her body still retained a pale red hue from her orgasms before the hyper jump. "Yes, it is," said Zip. Michael and Pleasure sat away...

3 years ago
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Star Trek Enterprise Universes Collide Welcome to

There are many realities, more diverse then just good and evil; there are different shades of each, all influencing the behavior of every person in that universe.‘How far out are we Travis?’ asked Captain Jonathan Archer, staring intently at the view screen from his Captain’s chair. The Enterprise was investigating a strange tear in space and time, forming near the border between Vulcan and the Andorian space. Because both Andoria and Vulcan could not trust one another, Commander Shran had...

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Amulet of the Universe

Three days ago you were given an amulet. It seemed pretty standard as far as finding random amulets go. Gold chain, red jewel in the center, standard stuff right? In fact you probably would have pawned it off by now if it weren’t for that weird message that came with it… The moment you put the amulet on there was a voice inside your head. It called itself Cosma and claimed to be the orchestrator of the universe. She rambled on about how you were the lucky one to find this amulet, yada, yada,...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Career Chapter 6 Parallel Universe 1

AN UNEXPECTED CAREER Parallel Universes' I hope my readers are aware that each and every one of us exists in an infinite number of parallel universes'. Every time we take a decision the universe splits, with a parallel one coming into being that follows a path commensurate with what would have happened had we taken the opposite decision to the one we did. Thus when I rang Gervase and told him what I had decided to do with my life, alternative realities sprang into existence where...

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Alternate universe

A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse". Uni Please Use the Variables (will be put up soon)

1 year ago
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Sex Guide to the UniverseChapter 5

The spaceship Orgasma exited hyperspace. On the ship's viewscreen the glittering planet coY-oh-teSS grew larger. Even from this great distance, Michael Slunk could distinctly see the planet in the dark of space. As the ship neared, it looked to Michael as to be all the excesses of the Las Vegas strip magnified by a thousand times. A gigantic sign glowed in bright letters, powered by fusion and injected with a pink gas to give it color. The sign was in orbit around coY-oh-teSS or perhaps...

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