Steven Maggie and the Cane
- 2 years ago
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THE DAYS THAT FOLLOWED proved just as strange. For now, Steven traveled eastward on the road and encountered other travelers on a regular basis. But it seemed that the more people he saw, the fewer saw him. Occasionally a traveler would greet him as they passed. Sometimes as he caught up with a slower traveler, they would walk together some few steps, but Steven now was feeling a more urgent need to press forward and soon, even those he spoke to were quickly forgotten. After his first night...
Episode 2: The ColleagueSeries: Steven R. McQueen Slash SeriesRating: NC17Summary: Something incredible happens to me when I mistake my hot male colleague to be alone in at the police department.Hmmm... my hot colleague Steven R. McQueen.I couldn't stop thinking about him.He was so hot, a body to die for. Of course I had seen him nude in the showers, I had been the same. But we had never hooked up. I was not that close with him. Was he into guys or girls?Men or women?I had no idea.However, I...
PERHAPS HE SHOULD have paid the tinker for his story with one of his own right away and set off at a more brisk pace to put steps behind him, Steven thought; but the tinker was such good company and Steven had so many questions that it was difficult to part. Steven spent the entire walk the next day asking for more details. While others he had met confessed to have heard of a dragon, the tinker was the first who actually knew a story about one and may have even seen the impossible pot at some...
CAMP WAS COLD AND EMPTY when Steven awoke in the morning. There was no sign of the tinker, his cart, or his donkey. The market flags were gone and what people Steven saw were distant even when he was near them. He ate sparingly of the food he had been given for travel at the manor the evening before, shouldered his pack, and started up the long road ahead. Steven soon settled into his long one hundred steps per minute stride and was amazed that his time with the tinker had allowed him to...
A SMALL MOUNTAIN OF A MAN towered over Steven as he shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears. His hat shook wildly back and forth with each movement and Steven put both hands on it to steady his head. In one ham-fisted hand, the tinker held a cast iron frying pan. “Well?” demanded the tinker. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Steven pointed a shaky finger at the tinker’s cart and donkey now coming into focus. “I thought it was a dragon,” he said feebly. For a moment the man...
STEVEN CONTINUED on his journey in the morning with a light heart, a ridiculous hat, and sore feet that were slowing his normal walking pace. He changed socks in the morning, washed out his first pair, and hung them from his pack to dry. He discovered that he had blisters from the previous day and they made walking painful. He had traveled only 11,256 steps that day when the blisters got the better of him and he was forced to make camp to tend to his feet. He used a pinch of the wise woman’s...
GUARDS ROUSED STEVEN with a boot in his ribs. He lay in dirty straw and the guards were shouting at him to get up and be gone. The innkeeper of the Inn of the Lost Soul was standing behind the guards querulously complaining of the vagrant tramp in his stable. “His master rode off early this morning complaining that the worthless page could fend for himself,” said the innkeeper. “He still owes a gold coin for lodging last night.” “Where is your purse, fellow,” barked one of the guards. He...
BY THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN, Steven was up with his bedroll packed and his staff in his hand. Jasper arose sleepily and slowly. “Do we have to leave already?” he said plaintively. “It’s hardly morning.” “You don’t have to leave, my friend,” said Steven, “but I want to be on the road and searching for the dragon.” “Can you wait while I get ready?” Jasper asked. Reluctantly, Steven agreed, but couldn’t help pacing back and forth in impatience. 103,320. 103,321. Steven had added three hundred...
Episode 1: The WoodsmanSeries: Steven R. McQueen Slash SeriesSummary: I find myself at the mercy of a very attractive man chopping wood... and get wood of my own.It was a beautiful day out so I decided to take a walk out in the woods. I always loved coming there and just be by myself, 'share', or keep my secrets to myself. I'm not special, certainly don't possess any magical skills or anything. The only real secret would have to be my sexuality. I love men.Something about those attractive...
I had been away at college for about a month, and was home visiting my Mom for the weekend. I was still the same old Steven, a virgin, a girlfriend who we didn't do much but kiss and hug. Kate was a beautiful girl of Korean descent, a lovely, slender, petite athletic body, a gymnast's body. She had a pretty, round face with bell shaped, "Dick Van Dyke' -era Mary Tyler Moore hair. Come to think of it, she was physically and Asian version of my Mom. She like me, was also inexperienced and...
IncestHEAVY WITH THE FEAST the trader had ordered spread before them, Steven had difficulty focusing on what was being said. There had been considerably more ale served than Steven was used to. Ibin once again convinced Steven that in order to establish their position in the inn, they should arrive as a gentleman and his page. Since Ibin knew more about the conduct of civil affairs than Steven, he would be the gentleman, and Steven would be his page and confidante. As the gentleman’s page, it was...
For the last several months Mary had been locking her door at night. She hated doing it, since it showed a lack of trust of her son, Steven. But he was in puberty now. She saw the way he looked at her, at how he tried to peek up her skirt or down her blouse. How he just happened to be lurking outside the bathroom when she came out of the shower. His hormones were raging, and it didn’t much matter to him that Mary was his mom. At bedtime, he now gave her lingering hugs. A year ago he hated hugs....
AS THE SUN ROSE over the eastern horizon, the donkey began to bray a complaint of hunger and Steven awoke to find Madame Selah Welinska wrapped in his arms beside the dying embers of last night’s fire. She stretched luxuriously, turned her face toward him, and smiled, then snuggled back down into his arms. He gently extracted himself from her embrace and went to tend the braying donkey. When he reached the animal, he discovered that it was tethered just out of reach of a tasty batch of...
I was surprised to get a call from work one afternoon from Steven. It had only been four or five days since that hotel incident. It had taken a few days to recover. He asked how I was and if he could call me at home. I gave him my number. Steven called me late that night. He went on and on how great a time he had with me and wanted to know if I liked it too. I was honest and said the money helped with the pain. Steven listened to me as I went over the things I liked and disliked about the...
DIRECTIONS WERE easy to come by, but difficult to follow. Each person Jasper took Steven to see had an idea of where the road south to the dragon lay. “Well, now,” said one grizzled old farmer, pointing, “you want to follow the main road out thet way. You don’t want to follow any of the other roads because they don’t lead anywhere. Thet one, for example, just goes out to Maggar’s place and it don’t go no farther. Thet one over thar, it just go to ... well, I don’t rightly know. En’t nobody...
VERY LATE THE NEXT MORNING, Xandros the donkey gave up standing between the staves of the cart waiting to be harnessed and wandered off to graze on the tufts of weed that grew near the quiet campsite. Soft moans issued from beneath the draped canopy tent but they did not seem to indicate pain. It was not, in fact, until the next day that they moved their campsite. Over the next several days, they moved the campsite less frequently and shorter distances. As the traveling trio progressed...
IN THE EARLY LIGHT of the morning, Steven George rose from the arms of his lover and faced the mountain. The wind had sprung up in the night and tugged at his hat. He took it from his head. A sheepskin, duck feathers, a snakeskin, a chicken bone, and two talismans. It was ridiculous. What could he have been thinking to make such fantastical stories about this hat? Something else had changed as well. Steven George no longer wished to slay a dragon. Still, the path lay directly before him, up...
LEANING AGAINST A TREE at the top of a rise, Steven surveyed the land before him looking for a suitable place to camp. The knights had stopped to rest the horses in the middle of the afternoon, but Steven kept running ahead to prepare their evening camp. Below him a small river crossed the road and it appeared to be a frequent campsite for travelers along this way. It would certainly be appropriate for the knights. Steven looked back the way he had come and saw the knights in the distance...
UNDER THE SPELL of Ibin Arriaga, Steven was soon running all manner of errands throughout the great house. After the fire was built and drink was served, there was food to prepare and a tub of water to bring for Ibin to soak his ankle in. Steven gathered a pillow from the master’s bedroom for Ibin’s back and a silver chalice from the cabinet in the eating room for Ibin to drink from. Steven marveled at the size of the house. It seemed most of his village could have lived in its many...
Episode 3: The BurglarSeries: Steven R. McQueen Slash SeriesRating: NC17Summary: Something incredible happens to me when someone sneaks into my bedroom late at night.It's so very late at night and no matter what I try, I can't get back to sleep.I have a deep dark secret that if my parents would ever find out, they would want nothing to do with me any longer. I'm gay. I have tons of mens magazines but not those of FHM or Maxim. Magazines like Torso or Inches or even Freshman.My dick changes into...
IN THE MORNING, Steven helped load the raft with melons, and then asked how he could get across. The melon farmer showed him how to build a raft like his own. When it was finished, it was obvious that the raft was much too big for Steven’s meager belongings, so the melon farmer suggested that they load Steven’s raft with melons as well. When they were finished, two rafts were loaded with melons and ready to cross the river with Steven’s belongings wedged into a tiny corner of one raft. The...
EARLY THE NEXT MORNING, the little woodcutter and his tall wife were seated at the table waiting when Steven woke up. He was served a hot mash for breakfast and ate heartily. When he had finished, his dish sat empty at his place. It was obvious that the couple had no intentions of moving from the table until Steven had told his story. “Don’t we need to work this morning?” Steven asked. “I’ll happily help you chop wood.” “Oh no,” said Upik. “There is no reason to chop wood today.” “We have...
WHILE RIDING IN THE MERCHANT’S WAGON, Steven thought of a story he should tell in the evening. But his thoughts were constantly interrupted by another town coming into view or by the merchant’s desire for talkative company. “We had another brother once,” said the merchant. “In fact, it was not until we lost him that my brother and I realized how important we all were to each other. He was a bit simple, mind you, but a good lad and I fear he took the brunt of both my brother’s and my...
You were in your castle the day you learned the enemy had been defeated. Well, technically, you didn't learn it then. You'd known it would happen for several days beforehand. You'd had agents in the army that dealt the final blow, and your embedded spies had been sure to let you know long before the official announcement. As one of the princes of the realm, it paid to be informed, especially since the throne was now quite empty. The final battle in the war had brought victory, but it was not...
FantasyThe Picture: Enslaved Chapter 1: Jasonand Trina “Andwhat’s that?” Jason asked to the tour guide, pointing directlyat a somewhat square construction, with an obelisk in front of it. “That’sthe temple of Luxor” replied the Egyptian man, with a smile. “Andthat’s also our next stop.” Jasonand Trina stared at the monument in awe. It was indeed a huge constructionand besides the Keops pyramid, it was the best sight they’ve had sincetheir arrival to Egypt. Jasonand Trina married a year ago, but...
~~~~She’s cheating, I say to myself.It’s the second act of our couples dance, and Miriam is cheating. For days she has edged me, ordering me not to cum or she will crop me, and for days I have kept myself from cumming.This is agony for me. I love cumming, and have done so almost daily since I was sixteen and living with my mother.And when I started exotic dancing, then lap dancing, then sex work, I’d cum at least once a day, and sometimes several times a day, except when I had my period, and...
TrueAUTHOR’S NOTE – For best effect, read parts 1-14 before this part. The main characters, Sethy and Shinny, are based upon the real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the true women. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author. Sethy – Part 15 – EnslavedSETHYI was really proud of my team. We had made great progress on the project today. I had...
As I stepped into the department store, I had to resist thenatural urge to turn left and head for the electronics section.Instead, I turned right, penetrating deep into the mysteriousworld of women's apparel. Feeling conspicuous, I tried to look asif I belonged, relieved that there were no crowds so early in theday. This was the third time I had attempted this, and I wasdetermined not to chicken out again. I knew what I wanted, but not where to find it - and I wasfar too nervous to ask for...
ENSLAVED by katelyn michelle "Get on your knees, sissy," the man commanded, and naturally I obeyed. He was, after all, my superior. Once I was down on the floor, I found his large cock in my face. He didn't need to tell me what to do next. I wet my lips and slid his cock into my mouth. It stretched my jaw muscles, but the discomfort was worth it. I would be well rewarded if he enjoyed himself. It hadn't always been this way. Just two years ago I was a...
Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That first nightEmily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding... had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand to rub her eyes. That's when she realized she wasn't in her room, and suddenly she was wide awake.She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed painfully against the...
CROSS DRESSER ENSLAVED A Fictional Account Of A Cross Dresser’s FantasiesPROLOGUEI am a cross dresser and a slave to my wife and her friends. Let me tell you how I got this way. Since I was a little boy, I liked being tied up. I had always had a petite, almost feminine body. When I was 15 years old I started dressing in my mother’s lingerie and fucking myself with whatever I could fit inside my ass. I also gave my first blow job to one of my friends. This was my only sexual experience with a...
Kandye buckled her seatbelt as the plane was about to descend ????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????ENSLAVED Kandye buckled her seatbelt as the plane was about to descend. Butterflies?a whole colony of them were swimming around in her stomach. She couldn?t believe it was about to happen. Everything was coming together. She was finally going to be in the presence of Master. She had served him for months online?but now, she was about to meet him. She would be able to...
It’s been a while since I last had the time to sit here and write about my affairs with Steven and Matthew. A lot has happened since then. I continued my flirtation with Steve around the office, and continued falling for him as we began dating. As for Matthew, I fell into that pit only once again, it was a night when I was feeling particularly vulnerable about things at work and my future with the company, and I needed to be held and pampered for a while—I know, talk about inviting the wrong...
It was a dark and stormy night... Ok OK, so it wasn't really. I just wanted to get your attention. Actually it had been a beautiful day made more so after I received the purple invitation to a party. It had been a rough day at work despite the warm sunny weather. I'd been working hard on a huge merger. We're talking about millions of dollars. That type of money can get to a guy, even if it isn't his. Hmmm probably more so since it isn't his. Anyway... it went well with only the few minute...
Wed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating. I do get offers. I’m 38 but look younger. I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist. With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks. I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill. I am a high school English...
This true story was related to me, during one of our sex days away by Angie B, my Fuckbuddy. It is the story of her sexual awakening......Walking home from sc***l one afternoon Angie took her usual route across Stevens Park, between Pedmore and Lye in the U.K. West Midlands. It would have been in the early 80's, and as a young girl her body was developing well with breasts any woman would have been proud of and any guy would have desired; but apart from her own furtive fingers, alone in her bed...
Steven's Enslavement By Peppermint Gomez Chapter 1 Here I was, 21, fresh out of college with a useless degree and completely broke. I had taken the terrible advice to "follow my heart" in my studies, and ended up with a degree in History. If I'd been able to go to grad school the situation might be different, but my parents were gone, and I had used up all my inheritance just getting to where I was. I was behind two months on my rent, if I didn't find a job in a few days...
After much thought, he decided what two things he would be in charge of; the priest and the honeymoon. Emily seemed incredibly eager to accept, thinking herself the victor in their arrangement. Little did she know, she just sold her body, mind, and soul to her husband. To understand better, you must know that the beautiful Emily is a devout Catholic believer. She takes her wedding vows to her god very seriously. Now imagine her surprise when she’s standing across from her future husband,...
“He’s waking up,” he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. “What the fuck?” he said in a whisper. A bright light was switched on as a slim, dark haired woman with shoulder length dark hair. She was naked and he stared dumbly at her exquisite 38C tits with pinks nipples before looking up into her face. “Hello Jim,” she said. Jim blinked his eyes taking in the woman who...
Introduction: Revenge is exacted on a man by two hot smokin babes with wet pussies! Jim stirred from the blackout that had over taken him and opened his eyes slowly. His head felt groggy and his eyes sore. He hadnt remembered having a hangover this bad in a long time. Hes waking up, he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. What the fuck? he said in a whisper. A bright light was...
You are 24 years old and have had a secret crush on your friend Rashiwho has never shown any interest in you. She has a boyfriend and has been involved in several relationships previously. However, she is still a virgin and only uses oral sex to pleasure her boyfriends. She lives in a separate city from her family. Rashi has a younger sister named Varsha. She recently had her birthday and is legally an adult now. She is planning to move to her sister's city next year for her undergrad...
IncestThe bar filled quicker than I imagined it would. I try to slide between the tight pack of bodies on my way to the ladies room. Still, some drunken oaf bumps his arm straight into me and a splash of beer splatters my breast and soaks my bright red dress. I look up to reproach the man, but his red cheeks and toothy grin imply that he probably spilt the beer on me by accident as some kind of misguided conversation starter that only makes sense to drunk guys. Around the pool tables, and down the...
BDSMThis story takes place at an undefined point in the story line, but right before a large battle. I'm not really concerned if plot is taken from TV show or comic books. Whichever works. FYI: I broke up the introduction into 3 parts to make it easier to read. Every hero and every villain the Teen Titans had ever encountered were preparing to fight. This battle would ultimately sway the pendulum of good and evil far to one side or the other for many years. Which direction would depend on the next...
Tina-Slave Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what...
Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what it would be...
Part 1 In a land three hundred years in the future where fossil fuel has been exhausted and the Green Revolutionary Army has smashed every Nuclear installation leaving the population unable to maintain their great cities or even feed themselves, where satellites are a memory and planes and automobiles almost extinct, where no steel or aluminum is produced or rubber, where in the Northern Confederation teams of operatives work treadmills to provide power when the photocells lack sunlight and...
Helen was a beautiful 27-year old woman. She had red hair, long legs and large firm tits with huge nipples that sprung erect at the slightest provocation. Helen's daughter Alice was now almost 13. She would eventually have her mother's beauty. But for now she was awkward and coltish. She was not very self-assured and was regularly teased by the other kids. Alice had been born when Helen was 15 and already an orphan. When Alice's father refused to help support her Helen was left to support...
Penny wasn't aware of exactly what happened after that. For a brief while, she drifted deep in trance, barely aware of anything happening around her. She knew that her asshole and her sex were no longer being invaded. She knew she was lying on her back. She heard more moans, but they were not hers. When she was brought out of trance by another "snap," she looked around to find herself lying on the table once again. She sat up and saw Alice sitting in a chair, no longer wearing the...
Note: This story is completely fictional! As Joey walked home from college, he began to think about his girlfriend, and how she was the only girl in his life. He had only fucked her, and no one else. He was totally faithful to her. Or rather, he was totally faithful to her perfect breasts and her sweet pussy. He was looking forward to spending tonight with her. He walked towards the fountain he always passed. Oddly, no one was around, and because of his thoughts of his girlfriend, his cock was...
Gay(I hope you enjoyed this erotic and happy story if you liked it please leave a like and comment down below if you didn't like it hit that dislike button I respect your opinion thank you for reading)
"...Pearl?" "Yes, my Diamond?" "How are the newest Gem batches coming along?" "" "Pearl." "...not good, my Diamond. We're doing our best with what we have, but by spreading our resources so thinly, the resulting Gems can barely hold their physical forms for more than a few seconds." "Hm. Irritating." "Yes, my Diamond." "Have the Peridots given any suggestions to fix this?" "Besides using more resources per Gem? I'm afraid not, unless we could somehow use...
You just go off the city bus all the way from Los Angeles to Beach City, it was a smaller place than you were used to. But you didn't mind, you actually liked it since you hated the loud city noise back in LA. Here, everything was mostly quiet with the occasional baddie to fight, at least that's what you heard from an online blog you found on the internet. Wow, this place is amazing. No wonder everyone has been so excited to come here, the fresh air and greener surroundings are all newer than...
TranssexualPart 1 For Zoe, J115 and Corinne It started in my early teens. Boys that age like to compare during camping trips, in locker rooms or during minutes in backyard sheds away from adults. It's not homosexuality, per se, although I think guys are less homophobic at that age. You can't imagine most "straight" men in their late teens or later comparing cock sizes or jerking off together. But at 11, or 12 or 13, they do, and I did. It was then that I realized that I had a pretty big one. Nine...
Description: Steven and Faith have been friends since they were in high school together. Steven is now twenty- three and in a commit relationship with Jimmy. But when Jimmy breaks up with Steven for another man. Steven is outrageous and seeks comfort in Faith. A night that was supposed to be comfort turns into a something else. Now Steven is trying to figure out what all of this means. He has always been gay but now he think he might feel something for his best friend Faith. * Episode One:...
hey sb here…. this is the last episode in Steven`s lies…. I finally finished it. And going on to my other work and taking a break. Hope you enjoy sb Episode five: The Date Faith sat at home. It was past midnight, morning was on the horizon. Faith had decide to go on a date with Kevin. He was cute and he was straight. Kevin was co-worker and asked Faith out on a date last week. She said no because she always believe deep down that Steven would come around. Faith sat up and ready to text Kevin...
For some reason the characters of steven universe get in sexual situations anything goes (all the characters are aged to 18) You want a stroy wahrw connie is useing her mom as a bdsm slut go for it or how about a stroy whare a nieve steven is being toght about sex by the gems who diced to give a deminstartion or what if your in to harem steven ends up the only male on home world surounded by sexy horny alian gems. How about aoem fun with paradot the clules smart short stack. Or lapis useomg her...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...
Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...