Broken Beaten and Enslaved
- 3 years ago
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A Fictional Account Of A Cross Dresser’s Fantasies
I am a cross dresser and a slave to my wife and her friends. Let me tell you how I got this way.
Since I was a little boy, I liked being tied up. I had always had a petite, almost feminine body. When I was 15 years old I started dressing in my mother’s lingerie and fucking myself with whatever I could fit inside my ass. I also gave my first blow job to one of my friends. This was my only sexual experience with a guy before my wife’s friends, but it got me hooked. I started to fantasize about being tied up, and raped by men while I was dress as a girl. Eventually, thanks to the internet, my fantasies started to include severe whippings and other forms of torture.
These fantasies remained just fantasies until one night; my wife started asking me about my deepest secrets. It took awhile, but I finally got the courage to tell my wife about my fantasies. She was shocked at first, but the more she thought about it, the more she decided she wanted to try it. We spent the entire next day with me tied up and her whipping me, paddling me, torturing my nipples and fucking me with a dildo. I loved it and so did she. From that day on, I became her slave. She became insatiable. Almost everyday she would tie me up and abuse me. The only thing she would never do was dress me up like a woman. Even though that part of my fantasies didn’t come true, and she wasn’t a man, I was in heaven.
One day she changed her mind about dressing me up. That’s where this story starts?.
Day 1
My wife woke me up one morning before work. This was not unusual as this is when she would give me my instructions for the day if I didn’t have to work. I knew this week was going to be tough because I was on vacation from my job. But her instructions today were unusual.
?Alright dear,? she told me, ?listen carefully.? She grabbed me with both hands by my nipples and pulled, causing me to give a short scream. ?Are you listening?? She gave my nipples a twist.
?YES MISTRESS!? I screamed.
?Good. This morning I want you to spend the entire morning shaving your body smooth from the neck down. I want you completely smooth when I get home. Oh, and I want you entirely naked all morning too. Understand??
?Yes mistress,? I told her, confused. ?but why?? I asked.? She had never wanted me to shave my body before.
?Just do what I tell you slave!? she shouted and twisted my nipples again causing me another scream.
I just nodded my head and she let me go.
?I’ll call you at noon when I go to lunch with further orders.? She told me, then turned and left
I lay there wondering what she had planned for me until the pain in my nipples subsided, then got up and did as instructed. I wasn’t used to shaving myself so it took me awhile to finish. When I was done, I inspected myself in the mirror to make sure I didn’t miss a single hair then went to watch TV until she called.
At noon exactly the phone rang.
I picked it up, knowing who it would be. ?Hello??
?Are you completely smooth?? my mistress asked me.
?Completely mistress.? I replied.
?And are you wearing any clothes??
?No mistress.? I told her. ?I’m entirely naked.?
?Good.? She said. ?Now I want you to go and look under the bed. There’s a black box there. I want you to get it out and open it.?
Once again I did as instructed. When I opened the box I was surprised at what I saw.
?What are these for mistress?? I asked.
?They’re your new clothes, slave.? She replied. ?First take out the garter belt and put it on.?
I reached into the box and pulled out a white garter belt with four short straps with clasps on the end. My hands were trembling as I slid it around my waist. I couldn’t believe it. One of my greatest fantasies was coming true. I was going to be her slave girl!
?Good.? She said when I told her I had it on. ?Next pull out the stockings and put them on. Make sure you strap them to the garter belt. It’s there to help them stay up.?
I pulled out a pair of white lace top stockings and slid them on, savoring their feel against the smooth skin of my legs, then clasp the straps of the garter belt to them. One in front and one in back on both sides.
?They’re on, mistress.? I told her.
?Now take out the shoes and put them on.? She said. ?I’m sure they’re you size.?
I brought out a pair of white pumps with a four inch heel and a strap that went around the ankle. Lovingly, I slid them on and buckled the strap. They fit perfectly.
?They’re beautiful mistress.? I told her. ?Thank you.?
?You’ll thank me tonight.? She replied. ?Now take out the chemise and put it on.?
I took the chemise out of the box and felt it between my fingers. It felt thin and smooth and my body ached to wear it. I almost moaned as I slid it over my head to hang from two thin straps from my shoulders.
?Now go to the mirror and tell me what you think.? She instructed.
We had a full length mirror in the bedroom and even though I was unsteady on my new shoes, I turned, staring at myself from every angle. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had never looked like this in my mother’s clothes. Thanks to my small frame, I actually looked like a flat chested woman from the neck down. I knew that it wouldn’t take much work to look like a woman from the neck up either. Just a little make up.
?T-thank you mistress.? I stammered. ?I love it.?
?Good.? She told me. ?There is also a dress in the box but I don’t want you to put it on yet. That’s for later. Look under the dress and tell me what you see.?
I lifted up the dress and took a quick look at it. It was a small black spaghetti strap dress. I set it to the side quickly. I knew that if I stared at it too long, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from trying it on. I reached into the box and brought out what had been underneath the dress; a large butt plug and a tube of lubricant.
?Okay, slave,? my mistress said, ?lube that plug up real well and insert it in you. I want it to stay inside you for the rest of the day. You’re not to take it out at all.?
I didn’t even hesitate in my answer. ?Yes mistress.? Was all I said.
?Good girl.? She replied. I blushed at being called a girl and found myself getting even hornier than I already was. ?I want you to spend the rest of the day practicing walking in those heels. They’re 4? heels so be careful. I’ll call again before I get off work with more instructions.?
?Yes mistress.? I said again.
?Have a good day Leann.? She told me, then hung up.
I sat there just staring at myself in the mirror holding the plug and the lube. The name she had called me kept going through my head.
As it sank in, I knew that no matter what, from now on I would always be Leann deep down inside.
I went into the bathroom and lubed up the butt plug. It was black and easily 6? long with a ring on the bottom for pulling it back out. I inserted it gently, taking my time and enjoying every inch that slid into me. I gave a little moan as my sphincter closed around the base. I couldn’t believe how full I felt. As I hobbled into the living room where I would have more room to practice walking, I noticed that the plug would tickle my prostate just a little every time I took a step. Whenever I sat down to rest, the ring on the plug would cause it to put even more pressure on my prostate. This had the effect of completely turning me on but it wasn’t enough to give me an orgasm. It was a huge tease. I thought about going ahead and giving myself a release but I wasn’t allowed to touch myself so I just kept practicing. I was walking pretty well in my new shoes, by the time the phone rang again.
?Hello, Leann.? My mistress said when I answered the phone. ?How are you doing in those heels? Learned to walk okay in them yet??
?Yes mistress.? I told her. ?Thank you so much for getting them for me.?
?I didn’t get them for you.? She replied. ?I’m looking forward to seeing how sexy my little slave girl looks. How’s that plug treating you??
I explained to her about how the plug felt whenever I walked or sat down.
?Good.? She said. ?I didn’t expect that but it makes me happy to hear it. I’m going to have to get you a chastity belt just to make double sure that you don’t touch yourself when it’s in. Have you been touching yourself, Leann??
?No mistress.? I replied. ?It’s been hard to control myself though.?
?Well you just keep controlling yourself. You don’t want to make what I have planned tonight any harder on yourself.?
?What do you mean mistress?? I asked.
?You’ll see.? Was her reply. ?Now go into my room and look on the spare bed. There’s another box for you to open.?
I did as instructed and found my self looking at two pairs of leather cuffs.
?The small ones are for your ankles,? she told me, ?and the bigger ones are for your wrists. Put them on.?
?Now look at the ceiling.? She said when I had finished. ?Do you see the hook I’ve put there??
?I see it mistress.? I told her.
?Good. When I hang up I want you to get the step ladder out and stand on it. Hook your ankle cuffs together then attach your wrist cuffs to the hook. Allow yourself to hang by your wrists, then, kick the step ladder away so you can’t reach it. Have you got that??
?Yes mistress.? I said and repeated her instructions back to her.
?Good girl.? She said. ?There should also be a gag in the box. I want you to put that on too. I’ll be home very soon and we’ll get started. See you soon, Leann.? She hung up.
It was a large ball gag with a black leather strap that buckled behind the head. I put it on and realized that the gag was so large, that with it in, I couldn’t open my mouth any further. We had never used gags before because I had wanted to be able to tell her when the pain was too much. I brought out the step ladder and stood on it. It was awkward trying to bend over on it with my heels on, but I finally managed to hook the ankle cuffs together with the small clasps on each cuff. I reached up and attached the wrist cuffs to the hook in the ceiling and, letting my self hang free, I kicked the ladder away.
At first it didn’t seem so bad. None of the pain I had expected came. It was only a few minutes, though, when I started to regret kicking the ladder away. My wrists and shoulders started to ache from the unfamiliar weight of my body. We live in an older house with pretty low ceilings. I tried stretching my legs to see if I could touch the floor and maybe take some of the pressure off, but it was no good. No matter how hard I tried, my feet were still inches away from the floor. It was a half hour before I heard the door open and my mistress walk in, and by that time I was starting to moan from the pain.
?It sounds like my little slave is enjoying herself.? My mistress said as she walked in the room. I looked at her, pleading with my eyes to let me down. She just walked around me, inspecting me. Occasionally she would rub my ass or give my nipples a quick tweak through my lingerie. Suddenly, without another word, she turned and walked out of the room. She returned a few minutes later carrying a large black bag.
?I think it’s time we got started.? She said.
She reached into the bag and pulled out a short length of rope. She looped this between my ankles above where my cuffs were connected and tied it to another hook in the floor that I hadn’t noticed before. She pulled it tight before knotting it, causing my wrists and shoulders to hurt even more. I let out another moan of pain.
?This is so you don’t swing too much while I torture you.? She said, standing up and looking me in the eyes. ?I guess it’s time I explained what’s going on. You’ve been my slave for a long time now, but at the same time, you haven’t. You’ve had too much control over what I do to you. Telling me when you’d had enough so I’d stop. I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to hurt you more. To see tears run down your face and listen to you scream. From this day forward, you have no more control. I WILL do as I please and you can beg me to stop all you want. It won’t do you any good. That’s what the gag’s for.?
My eyes grew wide and I began to fight against my bonds. This was more than I had ever wanted. She laughed at me while she watched me struggle.
?Fight it all you want, Leann.? She said as she reached into the bag again. ?It won’t help you.? She brought out a long thin cane and bent it, testing it’s flexibility. ?This is going to be so much fun.?
At the sight of the cane I stopped trying to escape. My body went limp and my eyes followed it’s every movement in her hands. I was hypnotized with fear of what was coming. She moved around behind me and raised the cane above her head. I closed my eyes tight wishing this to be a bad dream and heard the swish as she brought the cane down hard.
Fire blossomed across my ass and my eyes shot open wide as I screamed long and loud even with the gag in my mouth.
?Thank goodness you have that gag in, Leann.? My mistress told me, laughing. ?I think the neighbors down the street would have heard that otherwise.?
She raised the cane again and brought it down even harder. This time she didn’t stop, but kept hitting me over and over. I don’t know how long she caned me; all I remember was the pain in my ass cheeks and the sound of my own muffled screams. When she finally stopped, my body was racked with sobs and there were tears running down my face. The pain I was experiencing faded slightly after a few minutes but didn’t go away entirely. My mistress walked back around to face me, slightly out of breath. When she saw my tears she smiled a wide evil smile. I had never seen her smile like that before. I tried to beg her through the gag to let me go, but all I could do was whimper.
She stared at my face for a long moment then suddenly put her hand down the front of her pants. I watched as she rubbed herself to an immense orgasm. Just as she was about to cum, she reached out with her other hand and grabbed my nipple again, twisting it as hard as she could. I screamed and so did she. I screamed from the pain, and she screamed from pleasure.
She stood there for a minute, panting and staring at me. When she had composed herself enough, she reached back into the bag and brought out a digital camera.
?These are going on the internet so that everyone can see what you are now.? She said as she snapped a few pictures. She walked around behind me again and I felt her lift up my chemise a little, exposing my ass, then she snapped a few more pictures.
?Absolutely beautiful.? She said. She rubbed my sore ass, causing me to whimper as the pain intensified again. ?You welt up so wonderfully. Well, shall we continue? We’re far from done.?
She went back to the bag and brought out a leather whip. This wasn’t the usual whip you buy at a bondage shop. This whip only had one purpose: causing pain. It was about two feet long and made of braided leather strips. It had a knot on the end with four or five thin leather strands hanging from it.
Without a word, she walked around behind me, raised the whip, and started in on me again. My screams started anew while she concentrated this time on my back and my legs. Once again I lost track of time but I know the whipping went on longer than when she caned my ass. It was as if she wouldn’t be happy until she had covered every inch of me with welts. Eventually, she must have decided that my ass wasn’t sore enough because she worked her way back to it and stayed there for a long time.
The pain was terrible. I didn’t know that anything could hurt like that. With every blow of the whip, my screams became longer and more frantic and I arched my body away from the blows as much as my bonds would let me. This just seemed to excite my mistress more and she started whipping me faster.
Finally my mistress stopped and I hung there panting for breath. This time the pain didn’t fade at all and I felt each stroke on my body as if it had just happened.
?Oh that was so much fun.? My mistress whispered into my ear. ?And we’ve still got so much to do.? I felt her hands gently begin to fondly my sore ass cheeks. ?But first, I need to check on this.?
I didn’t realize what she meant at first. I thought she was going to begin whipping me again until she looped her finger through the ring of my butt plug, pulled it partially out, and then rammed it home again, causing me to squeal. She did that three or four more times. For just a moment all thoughts of the pain my body was in were forgotten and I moaned from the feeling.
?We can’t have that right now,? she told me, ?can we Leann? Only if you’re a good girl and make me happy.? She went back to the bag. ?Right now, it’s time to work on your front.?
She pulled out two pairs of clamps. These weren’t ordinary nipple clamps. They were shaped like pliers, but had a screw on one end for making them tighter. I recognized the vice grips right away and immediately knew where they were going. She raised the front of my chemise up until my nipples were exposed and slowly brought the first pair of vice grips toward my right nipple.
I tried to twist away, but it was no use. Before I realized what was happening, I was screaming again as the clamp bit down on my nipple and was tightened as much as possible by my mistress. Once my mistress was satisfied that the clamp wouldn’t come off, she simply let go, letting gravity pull the clamp down and sending fire through my chest, then attached the other clamp to my left nipple.
I hung there screaming and shaking my body, trying to get the clamps off, but the swinging of the clamps only increased my pain so I force myself to go still. That didn’t really help either. The pain was enormous either way. I finally quit screaming, but couldn’t stop whimpering from the pain, even though I tried to be quiet.
Apparently my mistress didn’t like hearing my screams stop because she reached out, grabbed both clamps, pulled, and twisted, causing my screams to start again. She tortured my nipples for a long time. She would pull one, then the other, then both and I could tell by the look on her eyes as tears poured down my face, that she was loving every second of it.
Finally, she let the clamps go but didn’t take them off. She cranked down on the tightening screw, turning them a few more times then picked up the step ladder. She unbound my ankles and had me stand on the step ladder and unshackle my wrist from the ceiling hook. I was shaking and weak, and as I stepped down from the ladder, my legs gave out and I fell, sprawling to the floor. I hoped she would be satisfied now and stop the torment she was putting my body through but I was wrong.
Laughing, she shackled my hands behind my back and got a longer piece of rope from the bag. She tied the rope to my wrist cuffs then had me stand up. She quickly looped the other end of the rope through the ceiling hook, before I could fall again, and then pulled it until I was bent over with my arms painfully pulled out behind me. Then she tied the loose end of the rope to my cuffs. Now I didn’t dare fall again for fear of what would happen if I did and my shoulders were twisted farther than they were supposed to go. She then reattached my ankle cuffs so that my ankles were bound together and tied them to the hook in the floor so that I could barely move at all.
When I was bound to her satisfaction, she picked up the bag again and moved around where I couldn’t see her. I could hear her moving around behind me, doing something, and when she walked back to where I could see her, she was completely naked except for a large strap on. It was 8? long, thick, and red. My eyes widened at the sight. I had never had anything that large in me before. Even the plug inside me right now had been a new record. I didn’t know what this would be like.
?Now here’s something I’ve been looking forward to giving you for a long time.? My mistress told me. She began to lubricate it slowly and lovingly, as if it was her lover. ?I’ve always wanted to rape you, really rape you, but it’s hard to rape the willing. Somehow I don’t think you’re willing anymore, are you??
I didn’t answer at first. My mind was reeling at the revelations I’d received about my wife since she got home. Angrily she bent down and began pulling on the clamps hanging from my nipples again. She pumped them almost as if she were milking a cow as my screams began again.
?So,? she said after a few minutes, ?are you a willing slave??
I frantically shook my head no.
?Good.? Was her reply.
She walked around behind me and pulled the plug in my ass all the way out, then shoved it back in me hard and kept the pressure on it as if she were trying to force it in me completely. I squealed and tried to pull away to relieve the pressure, but the way I was tied kept me securely in place.
?If this is what this plug can do to you? my mistress said as she pulled it out, ?then I can’t wait to see what this strap on does.?
Without another word, she plunge the strap on inside me. She wasn’t gentle or slow with it, instead choosing to force it in me all at once. Thankfully, the plug that had been inside me all day had prepared my hole for this so that I wasn’t as tight as I could have been.
I squealed from the sheer size of the strap on as she started to pump it in and out of me with vigor. Before long my squeals turned into moans as I became overcome with lust. Steadily she pumped it in and out of me, never slowing down, thrusting it in me like an animal. She went on for what seemed like forever until finally, even though it felt so good, I wanted her to stop just to give me a rest.
She didn’t stop, though. She just kept pumping away in me, as hard as possible. I began to try and beg her to stop through the gag in my mouth, but that just made something inside her snap and she raised her hand. She began slapping my ass with ever thrust of her hips, spanking me as hard as she could. The introduction of pain to my already swollen ass trickled through the haze of pure pleasure that was filling me and I became aware that with every slap and thrust she gave me sent the clamps on my nipples swinging wildly and causing even more fire to flash through my body.
The mixture of pain and pleasure began getting to me. I wanted it all to stop. I wanted the clamps off my nipples; I wanted time for the welts that covered my ass, back and legs to disappear. More than anything else, though, I wanted the raping I was receiving to stop. I had never thought that pleasure could become a form of torture but that’s what it was. The strap on in my ass didn’t actually hurt. Quite the opposite. It felt so good that my mind and my body needed time to process it all and my mistress wasn’t about to give me any mercy at all.
It wasn’t long after this realization that I started to feel the build up of an orgasm in my groin. The pain my body was having inflicted upon it kept the build up coming slower than I would have imagined so that I though my orgasm would never come, while the pumping of the strap on inside me kept promising that I would have release. It drove me absolutely wild and I found my self trying to thrust my ass backwards to meet the driving force of her hips.
Finally, when I didn’t think I could take it any longer and I would pass out, my orgasm came in wave after magnificent wave, making me cum harder than I ever had before.
My body went totally limp and my mistress stopped and took a step back to make sure I was still conscious. When she noticed the puddle of cum on the floor between my legs she just smirked and slid the strap on back inside me. She began pumping my ass again and before long I felt the build up in my groin once more. It took much longer for my orgasm to climax but eventually I came again. This time my mistress was ready for it.
Just as my juices were about to spew forth, my mistress stopped and kneeled down beside me. I moaned in disappointment as I felt my orgasm begin to recede without being finished but my mistress took my cock in her hand and began to stroke it, building my orgasm up once more. She watched me for any sign that I was about to cum, and just as I was on the point of climaxing, would suddenly stop. When she was sure the feeling had faded again, she would start stroking me some more. She did this over and over. She would bring me to the point of orgasm only to stop and let it fade.
I couldn’t believe what I was feeling. This might have been the greatest torture of all. Finally, she didn’t stop but let my orgasm come, sending waves through my body that made me shiver and I let out a primal scream of lust as I came even harder than before.
My mistress caught my juices in her hand and held it up in front of my eyes.
?You’re going to drink this, Leann.? She told me. ?I’m going to take your gag out, but if you make one small sound, or refuse to drink any of this, I’m going to put it back in and we are going to start over with the cane. Do you want me to start torturing you again??
I shook my head no and she unstrapped the gag and took it out of my mouth. My jaw ached from being held open for so long, but before I could enjoy the moment, my mistress took her cum filled hand and held it up to my lips.
I hesitated as the smell of it filled my nostrils but I didn’t want to be tortured anymore. Slowly I lapped my own cum from her hand like a dog from his water bowl and filled my mouth with it. It tasted strange and salty and as I rolled it around on my tongue, I saw the look on my mistress’s face. It was one of pure ecstasy, and I felt something inside me changed. From that moment on, I knew that I would live to see that look on my mistress’s face. I would do anything for her even if it meant taking the same sort of abuse I had received that day. After all, I had always dreamed of being really raped and tortured while dressed as a woman. Now my dream was coming true.
I was Leann, my wife’s slave.
My mistress smiled as I swallowed the cum in my mouth. She took the clamps off my nipples; bringing a pain that I didn’t expect and causing me too scream one more time. She didn’t untie me, but loosened the rope connecting my wrists to the ceiling hook enough so that I could lay down on my stomach. She then put the gag back in my mouth, and the plug back in my ass.
?That was very good, Leann.? My mistress told me as she walked to the door. ?I’ve taken the day off tomorrow so we’ll continue then.?
With that she turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind her, and left me with mixed feelings of euphoria and fear of what was coming.
To Be Continued?
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I have cross dressed for almost fifty years. It started in the UK when I was eighteen, I had often read the various catalogs for mail order purchases and used to look at the women's lingerie pages where the ladies were wearing garter belts, girdles, panties, stockings etc., and I used to get hard and play with myself and jack off to the pictures.I was always fascinated at my older sister who used to wear stockings, garter belt, etc. and it excited me. One day when nobody was home, I went to my...
CrossdressingLet me start off by saying that i have been secretly cross dressing for about 8 years now i also go to the local bookstore for an ocasional blow job ( i give and recieve ).I have been wanting to suck and be fucked for quite some time now and it is about to happen. It started when the wife brought home some fine under garments i just had to feel for my self. I was hooked and started a small collection of clothes . I dress up when the wife is away at meetings. Well as i said i was working at home...
BisexualSo, after I blew the guy downstairs and told him to come and knock on my door and pay me to blow him again anytime, I went up and took a long hot shower and put on a nighty and went to sleep. I slept surprisingly well considering I had just spent a long night out selling my ass. I thought about how much it scared me and aroused me as I drifted off to sleep. The next day I called Jesse and talked about what happened. We talked about how turned on I was by the whole thing she told me I was nuts....
A Crossdresser' s Surprise - by: by Deborah Pinto I guess I should have seen it coming. My wife, Virginia, and I were drifting apart sexually, and I should have suspected that she was having an affair. Afterall, we had not made love in over a year except for one night she had come home a little drunk from her office Christmas party and had virtually raped me in the middle of the night. I remember her laughing and saying, "Tim, what's wrong with you tonight? You feel so tiny inside...
I know it's a little dated, but read it anyway. Crossdresser's Placement Agency By Ricky With apologies to those of you who weren't around to listen to radio in the sixties, I'll start this with a famous quote. In the immortal words of the Chicken Man: "They're everywhere, they're everywhere." Crossdressers, that is. In the last week everywhere I look I see a crossdresser, right out there in public. First there was the color coordinated Dennis Rodman with green hair and...
Crossdresser's Paradise By RogerGirl Charles had just returned from his summer trip with Stan and Desiree. It was a rare time of year since both his parents were home at their main mansion. Charles was feeling nervous, but felt he had to finally tell his parents about Charlene, his feminine side, and that he was bisexual. He walked into the kitchen where his parents were eating lunch. His father, Simon, came from a long line of wealthy businessmen and had expanded his family's...
My roommate and I were both bi and part-time cross-dressers. We were also familiar with consensual B & D and had already worked out several code words, then went a step further and wrote scenes for each other, so that when we're in the mood, we could call up the scene rather than try to explain it or coach someone through it. Sometimes we did a scene to please each other sometimes we asked for a scene because we were in a specific mood. So it was that I got an e-mail at work, which...
CrossdressingMark was a shy guy who had always found it difficult chatting up girls. There was always some reason. He didn’t like their hair, or their body, or their look, or their personality, or his family would not approve. His upbringing was very conservative, old fashioned and his stoically minded, overbearing, controlling parents, forced their ideology on him. This had left its mark on him and he was a nervous, timid person. Any idea of an alternative life style was just not something he could do or...
First TimeThe Confessions of a Sex-Crazy Cross Dresser Book I: The incredible first few weeksChapter 1: Panties Thief and the Late Night Swim My name is Sandy. My name is Tony. I know it sounds confusing, but when you are a cross dresser life is always confusing. Just the terminology alone to describe you…crossdresser or cross dresser? Transvestite, tranny, she-male and many other names used to describe people like me can make you confused. I prefer to be called a cross dresser and yes you can call me...
CrossdressingHi, my name is Sam and I am a 26-year-old, slim physic cross dresser. I am a fashion designer and have a thing for female clothing. Not only I love designing female clothes but I also enjoy dressing as a girl. Coming to my story, this incident took place some years back when I was around 20 years old and had cross dresser romance session with my real Aunt. With fair and curvy physic, I can look more girly than a girl with my cross dressed attire. On one weekend, I went to my aunt’s place...
Cross DresserWed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating. I do get offers. I’m 38 but look younger. I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist. With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks. I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill. I am a high school English...
The Confessions of a Sex-Crazy Cross Dresser Book I: The incredible first few weeks Chapter 1: Panties Thief and the Late Night Swim My name is Sandy. My name is Tony. I know it sounds confusing, but when you are a cross dresser life is always confusing. Just the terminology alone to describe you…crossdresser or cross dresser? Transvestite, tranny, she-male and many other names used to describe people like me can make you confused. I prefer to be called a cross dresser and yes you can call me...
I had found the door to your place unlocked. Your instructions were to make myself at home, and so I decided to look around. When I approached the bedroom I heard some kind of noise and peeking inside I found you; Sitting on and tied to the dresser with a blindfold covering your eyes. Your breathing was heavy and irregular. I approached you, slowly, without noise. I wondered if you could tell someone was in the room with you. When I was next to you I gently reached out and touched your leg. You...
ReluctanceHi Everyone, I hope you like these chapters, please let me know if you want the next two. Chapter 7: Triangle of Fun I slept great that night with a full stomach of drink, food and Peter’s cum. I woke up on Friday and thought this is going to be a hell of a weekend. I played around with my cameras and had finally figured out how to use the self timer on the 35mm and how to use all the options on my movie camera. They were both relatively new as I bought them in Phoenix, just before moving...
Only 1 chapter left after this installment....I hope you are still enjoying Sandy's adventures Chapter 19: Last Day in Vegas The next morning Tanya left for her house after exchanging numbers with us and promising to visit Peggy in Phoenix next month. The hotel had arranged a car to take Peggy to the airport for her 9:00 flight. I was sad to see them go, but at the same time, I knew I had work to do and I wanted to have some time to myself. I had to go to two accounts and I finished by noon....
CrossdressingHi Everyone, I hope you like these chapters, please let me know if you want the next two. Chapter 7: Triangle of Fun I slept great that night with a full stomach of drink, food and Peter’s cum. I woke up on Friday and thought this is going to be a hell of a weekend. I played around with my cameras and had finally figured out how to use the self timer on the 35mm and how to use all the options on my movie camera. They were both relatively new as I bought them in Phoenix, just before moving back...
CrossdressingHello reader! I’m NaughtGuy 21 years from Mumbai and any Girls, Bhabhi, Aunty, Mom, Milf, BBW wants to have some good time for free, email me at This is my real sex story. This is my first sex story, and my best sexual experience, Crossdressers name is Pinky. Escort’s name is Reema (Names Changed) One day, I happened to watch porn in which a guy has fun with crossdressers and a female, it was a group fun which made me really horny, So I decided to jerk off but it didn’t satisfy me, then I...
I am a Anis a crossdresser and I had got a female persona Sonal and I use to crossdress in secrecy at my home. One day my friend Rajesh caught me while crossdressing buthe like my female persona.That day we make love as lovers. Then whenever we get chance I use to dress up as a girl for Rajesh and he use to make love to me. I had almost become his wife but mean while Rajesh got bad habit of drinking and betting gambling etc.He use to spend lot of money on gambling sometime he even take money...
It is 8:35 on a warm summer morning. I hear the front door close and already the excitement is building. I hear the car start and then pull out of the drive way. I run to the front of the house and watch my mother pull up the hill and off to work. My sister left for work 5 minutes ago and Dad is gone until 2PM.I turn and walk up the green carpeted stairs. With each step I feel my heart pounding harder and harder. As I reach the top of the stairs I take one last look out the window to make...
Chapter 15: Dangerous Duo I woke up the following morning to an empty bed. I went to the bathroom and when I came out there was a knock on the door. I looked out and saw Peggy with a bag and two cups in her hands. Upon opening the door, Peggy came inside and placed the drinks and bag on the table and gave me a kiss. “I thought you might want some breakfast,” she said. She had on a pair of white shorts, a light blue tank top and her sneakers. “I brought coffee and donuts.” This girl might be a...
CrossdressingChapter 3: New York with Linda I didn’t really get a lot of time to think about what I had just done with Carlos. I fell asleep shortly after he left due to all the drinks I put away during the night. I actually fell asleep on my couch, still full dressed except for my jacket and shoes. When I woke up, I had a headache and was starving; I never even had a piece of the pizza Carlos brought. It was 2:00 in the morning and I was scared to look in the mirror.I took a shower to clean off the make up...
CrossdressingThis is the second part of my previous story. I will write about how I had rough Cross dresser Sex with him. Please continue to read the story, I know it’s a bit long story but I wanted to put in all details of my Gay experience. Ok, let’s move on to the story. We reached his place by a Cab. As we entered, he locked the door and grabbed me by surprise and pulled me closer. He planted his lips on mine, and I gave in too as we kissed deeply. He parted lips and walked me to his...
GayAfter much thought, he decided what two things he would be in charge of; the priest and the honeymoon. Emily seemed incredibly eager to accept, thinking herself the victor in their arrangement. Little did she know, she just sold her body, mind, and soul to her husband. To understand better, you must know that the beautiful Emily is a devout Catholic believer. She takes her wedding vows to her god very seriously. Now imagine her surprise when she’s standing across from her future husband,...
“He’s waking up,” he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. “What the fuck?” he said in a whisper. A bright light was switched on as a slim, dark haired woman with shoulder length dark hair. She was naked and he stared dumbly at her exquisite 38C tits with pinks nipples before looking up into her face. “Hello Jim,” she said. Jim blinked his eyes taking in the woman who...
Introduction: Revenge is exacted on a man by two hot smokin babes with wet pussies! Jim stirred from the blackout that had over taken him and opened his eyes slowly. His head felt groggy and his eyes sore. He hadnt remembered having a hangover this bad in a long time. Hes waking up, he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. What the fuck? he said in a whisper. A bright light was...
You are 24 years old and have had a secret crush on your friend Rashiwho has never shown any interest in you. She has a boyfriend and has been involved in several relationships previously. However, she is still a virgin and only uses oral sex to pleasure her boyfriends. She lives in a separate city from her family. Rashi has a younger sister named Varsha. She recently had her birthday and is legally an adult now. She is planning to move to her sister's city next year for her undergrad...
IncestThe bar filled quicker than I imagined it would. I try to slide between the tight pack of bodies on my way to the ladies room. Still, some drunken oaf bumps his arm straight into me and a splash of beer splatters my breast and soaks my bright red dress. I look up to reproach the man, but his red cheeks and toothy grin imply that he probably spilt the beer on me by accident as some kind of misguided conversation starter that only makes sense to drunk guys. Around the pool tables, and down the...
BDSMThis story takes place at an undefined point in the story line, but right before a large battle. I'm not really concerned if plot is taken from TV show or comic books. Whichever works. FYI: I broke up the introduction into 3 parts to make it easier to read. Every hero and every villain the Teen Titans had ever encountered were preparing to fight. This battle would ultimately sway the pendulum of good and evil far to one side or the other for many years. Which direction would depend on the next...
Tina-Slave Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what...
Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what it would be...
Part 1 In a land three hundred years in the future where fossil fuel has been exhausted and the Green Revolutionary Army has smashed every Nuclear installation leaving the population unable to maintain their great cities or even feed themselves, where satellites are a memory and planes and automobiles almost extinct, where no steel or aluminum is produced or rubber, where in the Northern Confederation teams of operatives work treadmills to provide power when the photocells lack sunlight and...
Helen was a beautiful 27-year old woman. She had red hair, long legs and large firm tits with huge nipples that sprung erect at the slightest provocation. Helen's daughter Alice was now almost 13. She would eventually have her mother's beauty. But for now she was awkward and coltish. She was not very self-assured and was regularly teased by the other kids. Alice had been born when Helen was 15 and already an orphan. When Alice's father refused to help support her Helen was left to support...
Penny wasn't aware of exactly what happened after that. For a brief while, she drifted deep in trance, barely aware of anything happening around her. She knew that her asshole and her sex were no longer being invaded. She knew she was lying on her back. She heard more moans, but they were not hers. When she was brought out of trance by another "snap," she looked around to find herself lying on the table once again. She sat up and saw Alice sitting in a chair, no longer wearing the...
Note: This story is completely fictional! As Joey walked home from college, he began to think about his girlfriend, and how she was the only girl in his life. He had only fucked her, and no one else. He was totally faithful to her. Or rather, he was totally faithful to her perfect breasts and her sweet pussy. He was looking forward to spending tonight with her. He walked towards the fountain he always passed. Oddly, no one was around, and because of his thoughts of his girlfriend, his cock was...
GayYou may think of me as Fiona, and I am a cross-dresser.A story by Erica inspired me to pen my saga of cross-dressing. I am also a recovering alcoholic, with a few days over 19 years without a drink as I write this, and I suppose the two tales are intertwined to some extent. Not that I am a saint by any means, a lot of people with a lot less time have a better sobriety than I. But I learned that alcohol is a poison to me, so I avoid it. I just do irrational things when I add alcohol to my...
Here are the next two chapters of Sandy’s adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...
MY FIRST TIME OUT AS A CROSS DRESSER A true storyIt was 14 years ago and I had been married to a beautiful petite woman she had long Cole black shiny hair with green eyes.. We had been married about a year and one night I came out playing around in a pair of her sexy blue panties and a sexy blue Teddy and started rubbing on her and having fun it made her so hot we both had the best sex we ever had in our lives.. The next Friday when I got home there was a bag on the table she told me to open...
I had a thought the other day, my hockey equipment has a number of striking similarities to lingerie!To set the stage, I am a cross dresser. Like most of us, I love everything about ladies undergarments. I like seeing lingerie in stores, on models, on women, on men and of course on me! I love the feel when I am dressed up. I love the taboo of wearing them. I love the thrill of being "underdressed", that is wearing lots of lingerie under your manly clothes, when I go to work. I especially...
Here are the next two chapters of Sandy's adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...
CrossdressingI decided I'd walk over to her place. It wasn't far and it was a nice day. Once dressed I picked up the bag and headed out the door. I arrived just before 8. She answered the door in her dressing gown. "darling" she said and we kissed each other on both cheeks as I entered. I stood in the hall. The flat had high ceilings. We went to the kitchen. We discussed proceedings over tea and toast. Showers were a must. I had a lot of shaving to do. That would take some time. There was one...
Darren closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands for the umpteenth time that day. How could he have been so stupid? He’d always been the careful one out of every crowd he’d been involved with. Coming from a dirt poor background, he knew the smallest thing would mar his reputation and he would be screwed for the rest of his life. His whole life, he had been a straight A student. Before graduating high school a month ago, his scholarship at Princeton had already been confirmed. One night...
Gay MaleTo “Hardcore” Hardaway’s way of thinking, the three snot-nosed young farts standing just inside the door to his cluttered work shed didn’t look good for much, most of all a Klan job.At first, they’d tried to act cocky, like this wasn’t no big deal. But none of ‘em said a word after seeing the cross he’d put together that afternoon. Now he was back out here trying to teach these whelps a thing or two while the half-finished can of beer he’d left inside went flat.Why in hell did Jack Tidwell, who...
HumorCrossover Janet L. Stickney [email protected] There was never any doubt that I was going to be a girl someday. I mean, from early on I would wear pale lipstick and eyeliner with my hair usually braided. Then came the Crossover week and I was able to dress like a girl from the skin out, complete with hips and boobs. My father was a drunk that never cared what I did, and my mom was long gone so how I dressed was never an issue. I work at a small shop that makes and repairs video...
As soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie’s bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren’t for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria’s Secret. ...
Growing up, like many children I went through phases. I would climb trees and play football, then as I reached my mid-teens I continued these phases but also became a lot more sexually aware, thanks to the porn magazines and porn films usually belonging to my mates dads or older brothers.Now I am in my late teens and at college.One day my Dad made a pot of tea and breakfast.“Did you sleep well, son?” he asked as I entered the kitchen.“Not bad thanks, Dad, how about you?” I replied.“Pretty good...
CrossdressingAs soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie's bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren't for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria's Secret. ...
Cross-training Belladonna "Are you ready, pet?" "Yes, mistress," George Bloom responded as Celene knocked upon the iron door. George heard the loud clink of the old fashion knocker upon the door as he pulled at the hem of his short skirt. He anxiously waited for the door to open, hopeful that he would not be noticed by those passing by on the street below the staircase leading to the porch he was standing upon. George had never been to a Dom-sub party like the one that his...
Sadly this wonderful story is just a fantasy, but who wants to make something similar a reality!?!The evening had taken a while to arrange, but had finally arrived. All 5 guests turned up within 15 minutes of each other and as they did, I fixed them a quick drink and showed them into the living room to get to know each other. Alan was a suited businessman in his mid thirties. Dave and Brian were dressed casually in jeans and Tshirts and both in their mid forties. Jeff and Keith were my age,...