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Part 1

In a land three hundred years in the future where fossil fuel has been exhausted and the Green Revolutionary Army has smashed every Nuclear installation leaving the population unable to maintain their great cities or even feed themselves, where satellites are a memory and planes and automobiles almost extinct, where no steel or aluminum is produced or rubber, where in the Northern Confederation teams of operatives work treadmills to provide power when the photocells lack sunlight and the population is managed to match dwindling resources, and in the Southern States the Slavery laws see the Slaves toiling for up to eighty years in the fields while the Free Citizens are ruthlessly culled  as young as twenty five if they do not earn sufficient credits to match the Quota...

Louisa's Tale part One.

I was working at my needlecraft when the messenger arrived.

"Miss VanGelder, Sheriff LaMont  he say can you come please miss." Henry the ancient negro messenger requested.

I asked "Why Henry, what is it concerning?" and he looked troubled.

"I don't rightly know miss but he said get right along straight away, and he wants you to come right along."

He looked tired, "Have some wine" I suggested.

"No, Miss, us Slaves ain't allowed no alcohol as you rightly know miss."

"It will me that gets into trouble Henry. have some."  He seemed reluctant but I poured him a glass and he drank it with relish.

"I hope you will remember me in the fall," I told him, " I'm due for C in July, I'll look down on you I hope," I paused "I guess there won't be much chance of me getting a plum spot on Gods right hand but I stayed chaste and pure so I guess I might stand a chance of getting in." I joked, but he looked sad C, cullment, death it was all the same thing.

I saw a tear in his eye.  "It ain't fair miss, you done such good, teaching us Slaves reading and writing, it's so tough they decided to scrub religious leader cullment credits."

"Its God's will Henry, we can't change it, what will be, will be."

"But why miss?"

"Quota's Henry, remember, when the 94th President reintroduced slavery?"

"No, I never heard of it."

"Well, when the great disaster came, and all the folks were dying, they set up cullment, so the useful folks lived and the useless died."

"Yes Miss?"

"Well, the idea was that doctors and scientists lived and the bankers and politicians and unemployed manual workers were culled, but Senator Obama suggested they bring back slavery, at least in the southern states, that way blacks consumed a tiny fraction of the energy of whites, and they could survive outside in the pollution so any Negroes or anyone not pure bred Caucasian who could not escape to Africa could become slaves with a hundred year cullment credits, as long as they got their owner to sign they was still useful."

"So whites had twenty five years and credits for breeding and attainment and quotas and  a lot depends on the Confederation, how many credits they allow," I continued, " you do know we send food, and energy north, because in the Confederation they don't have segregated slavery, white folk can be slaves but their cullment age is much lower than ours they have white slaves," Henry looked like he thought I was joking,  "Henry they even have white whores, yes white whores Henry, think of that,"  I saw a smile cross Henry's face before being quickly stifled.

I thought with disgust of Mina our Negro town whore who they kept at the Court House, who spent her days lewdly enticing men to debauchery and sin, sitting with her sex organ on show, sometimes spread with her fingers and her titty mounds, even face and hair splattered with the ejaculations of me who used her, she even showed her sex to me and hummed hymn tunes as I passed, what use could such a person be to me?  I could never understand why she chose her life of debauchery over a life of honest toil in the fields or as a house slave,

"I set out to be a slave teacher, Henry, then they said no more slave schools, then I wanted to be a doctor and the quota was down, so they said cull the doctors, let the sick die if they can't work, and if first aid won't fix em up, you remember Henry." He nodded. "Then I wanted to study religion." I had to stop the words choked me.

I wiped my eyes and continued. "So I wanted to be a Preacher, bring god to everyone, then they said the role could be done by anyone, the credits were withdrawn."

He looked at me.

"You speak real fine when you lead our prayers Miss."

"But I know in my heart any simple honest man like you, could do every bit as well, Henry, I am useless, and it is right I should be culled."

"Why'd you never breed Miss"

"I wanted to do something with my life teach, heal people, preach religion, and to preach religion I had to be a virgin, it seemed more important than bringing children into the world.

"I got ten or more." he said

"Yes but they face full lives, forty years,"

"Ha forty, I'm eighty three miss"

My legs buckled and I grabbed the chair.

"I never realised." I said,

"Tom Chambers he never married, I thought you and he would be together?"

"So did he, but my mom said I was not pretty enough to keep him and I wanted to do religion." I remembered Tom's attention, right from school, he was near a year older, September against July, and we were in the same year group our teacher Miss Rawlings.

How we cried when they closed the school and she had to be culled.

I remembered little Tom's kisses, and the play fights, then he grew a snake and our fights became real, he pawed me relentlessly seeking the swellings on my chest, and the softness  between my legs, and finally My father told his father to keep him away after he ripped at my clothes pawing at me as I tried desperately to keep my knees tightly together to save my maidenhood, and I had succeeded, sending him away bleeding.

I often prayed for reassurance that I had followed Gods will that night, but I was never sure.

"Yes, but Miss we best see the Sheriff." Henry intoned bringing me back to reality.

We walked together to the Court House, the Sheriff was checking some papers in his office,  when I knocked his open door and walked in.

Plans of my house and land holding were spread on his desk and a pile of blank chattel record forms stood on his chair .

"Hello Lou, come on in." he greeted me.

"What is it Sheriff." I asked. "Dividing up my worldly goods before I am dead?"

"No Lou, read this, it came from Salt Lake, I'm sorry." Sheriff LaMont said quietly.

He handed me a long roll of paper, several feet long, I had never dreamed anyone would waste so much paper on a Document.

"Your family tree," he told me, "Top left."

"What Antonia LaForge,?" I asked,

"No Winston Church - Hill."

"Oh yes, so what does it mean?"

"Lou I'm so sorry, but you're part Negro."

"No, it can't be." my legs wobbled and I pulled out a chair and sat down heavily.

"Sorry Lou, but that is it. your great grandmother's grandfather was a Negro."

"Why do you say that?"

"The name, no one calls a white boy Winston." he suggested.

I nodded, confused and shocked.

"So, what does it mean?"

"That you ain't white, of course."

"But, how was I to know, Granddaddy and Daddy they were part Negro too, they never said, how was I to know?"

"Lou, it's up to you to know, you know the law, do you accept that you're guilty?

"Oh, Lord. I guess I must be." I admitted.

"I suppose you know what this means?"

I nodded.

"I don't think you do," he suggested  "You had better read the regulations, I'll lock you in a cell while you read them through. It sounds like you intend to plead no contest so I have to lock you up in a slave cell. I'm sorry."

He held out his hand and led me to the ground floor, the cell door opened from the foyer but the cell was open to the street, all the side street side of the building was slave cells, the upper floors carried on pillars and the cells just bars to the sides and front so everyone could see right in, the corner one was adapted with an outside door for the town whore to live and work in. I saw Mina, our present whore plying her trade in her cell.

I remembered how Mina broke an ankle after our slave doctor was culled, I was one who of several people who tried to set it for her but she found work in the fields too painful, so she became town whore for a while, but she seemed content and showed no sign of wanting to return to work in the fields.

I stood in the cell and tried to read, I knew much of it by heart but I read.

1) A person of  other than pure Caucasian descent shall be designated as a Slave,

2) A slave (i) may not own property.

(ii) Must have a registered owner, who must ensure

a) The name and address of said owner must be detailed on a collar to be worn around the slaves neck at all times.

b) Nose and Nipple rings or other such suitable securing points must be provided.

c) A twenty pound weight attached to a leg Iron or other suitable provision for restraint and prevention of escape must be provided

3) A Slave

(i) Must obey all commands of the Lawful owner or his designated representative.

(ii)Must follow the state or town dress code.

(iii) Slaves must seek written permission to conjoin with anyone other than the Owner or his designated representative, This shall be attached to the aforesaid slaves collar and such permission shall cover all other persons.

(note)(iv) The Owner may of his own volition give such permission and this shall be attached to the ownership collar.  The owner may revoke any such permission at any time.

My heart sank, I had only a few weeks to cullment and I would spend them as a slave,

I skimmed through the details of the green sheet, "Impersonation"

A crime punishable by immediate forfeiture of possessions and if the Slave will not reveal it's ownership then resale at auction at a town meeting. The sum to be held in trust and paid to the lawful owner if ownership can be proved.

A reasonable number of lashes should be administered and the Slave branded if the Skin Colour is below number 12 on the approved list.

Branding shall be the letter R on the right breast and L on the left breast in letters not less than three inches high. If deemed necessary the word slave or whore as applicable shall be branded above the eyes and nose.

I saw Mina, "What you looking at?" she shouted as she walked towards me.

"Hello Mina" I said.

"You're the preacher who tried to teach us things."

"Yes," I said.

"So what you done,?"

"I got Negro blood" I said and a tear formed in my eye."

"Oh my, Oh my, the way you look at me when I am working, now perhaps you'll do my job, and I can work the fields, make friends all that shit."

My mouth must have flopped open.

"Yeah you get a big penis in there, Taylour Perkins his is biggest." she said happily, "Look trick is to keep yourself damp, fingers, but of cold cum, anything so they slips right on in and gets it done."

My tears were flowing freely.

"You got tit rings?" she asked.

I shook my head,

"I got tit and clit, old LaMont chains me up on this long chain or seals the weights to my rings, and Lady you don't hurry with them on, tear your insides out or tits off if you try."

I stared at her clit ring nestling among the stubble of her lower belly and the navel ring and labia rings, and nipple rings, "Get them flaps ringed" she said, "Makes em easy to pull apart, and let the big ones in." she demonstrated and I could see deep inside her, I felt strangely damp myself.

"He lets me wear this skirt, but thats all, I guess he'll keep you naked"  She added helpfully.

Naked, I looked down, My blouse buttoned from neck to waist, my jacket in blue green, my long skirt reaching to the ground, my pantaloons from waist to my boot tops over stockings and suspenders, corset, brassiere and panties, I could not face the world without these yet I was to be forced to strip naked and remain naked in public.

Sheriff LaMont brought me to the lavatory beside the Council Chamber tand asked me to clean the lavatory floor, I almost refused but when I saw it was sparkling clean I realised why, as a Negro I would not be allowed to use the whites only facility, I would have to use the hole in the yard that was provided for slaves, this way I could use the facilities and save some dignity. The reality of slavery was coming home to me as I pulled up my underwear  for the last time possibly, and I pondered my future as I walked back into the Council Chamber.

Sheriff LaMont sat me by the prisoner dock, "I ought to cuff you really but," he said with a wink" I forgot."

Six o'clock approached and the folks started filing in, the news had travelled fast and folks who never came to a town meeting ever in their lives came for this meeting. At ten past six when most everyone had found a seat, the Sheriff opened proceedings, Apologies, Minutes of the last meeting then Quotas, he outlined the position, Cullment, he read my statutory 30 days notice, fhen he read out my provisional inventory, everything I owned, listed for division when I died, the last of my line, no next of kin, so everything sold and taken by the lawmakers far away.

I wondered about my old oil paintings, from England five or six hundred years old, perhaps the paintings would go to the Confederation up in Niagra, where they had power to spare and wealth, they even had lights on poles to light up the streets, in Niagra City powered by the amazing three hundred year old turbine generator and dam. 

The agenda items dragged, the six Councilmen in no hurry, wandering off into pointless anecdotes, then the door creaked and a familiar face appeared, Tom.

"Councilman Chambers where have you been."

"Sorry, my slave went lame I had to carry." he paused, "It delayed me."

"Then sit down" the Sheriff ordered

"Right, Impersonation, I have it on impeccable authority that Miss Van Gelders great great Grand pappy was a Negro."

The shocked silence seem strangely theatrical. "Winston, he was called Winston. see it says so here."

He passed the long roll of paper around the table, the Councilmen all nodded, they muttered among themselves,  "All in favour" asked the Sheriff,  all their hands went up.  "That's settled then"

Sheriff LaMont stood up and started to intone loudly "By the power invested in my by the United States of the South I call upon all here present to declare any opposition to this Council decision that Louisa VanGelder is a Negro and a slave." he paused.

"Speak now or forever keep silent." He paused, half a minute passed, a minute, "Then Miss VanGelder, we find you are a Negro."

I burst into tears, someone shouted hooray, but he was quickly silenced.

"I therefore go on to the appeal, If there be anyone who should wish to appeal this judgement speak now."

I stood to protest but someone rabbit punched me and I fell back into the seat.

"Then that is finalised, so it merely falls to auction the slave."

"Not so fast John, there is the question of Impersonation," Councilman Oates reminded him.

"She is guilty of course."

"No she has to be asked John. hell she's still Impersonating a white right now, sit in a white seat not stood at the back, and in white clothes.

The Sheriff stood and spoke to me, "Do you admit Impersonation?"

"I never knew until today." I explained.

"But you seen the evidence?"



"It looks like I got Negro blood, so yes I admit it, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Then come up to the table, I guess we best rename you Lou, and your new masters name."

I nodded and I shakily made my way to the area between the Council men's tables, in their U shape.

"If you would undress please, Lou" the Sheriff asked.

"Hell tell her Strip, she's a slave now." ordered  Leeman Jones.

"Hell Martha, "John LaMont addressed his wife as she recorded the proceedings in the minute book, "Give the poor girl a hand would you."

Martha rose from her chair and came up to me, "It has to be done."

She took my bonnet from me, removing the hat pin to release it.

She helped to lift my jacket from my shoulders, then she undid my cuff buttons, and started to undo the buttons at the neck of my blouse.

"Hey Mrs MaGuire shouted, "That should be sold, I see you eyeing that jacket Martha LaMont."

"How much am I bid then Norma" asked the Sheriff.


"Martha,"  he asked.



"Let her have it, but I want that blouse." replied Norma Maguire.

Martha placed the Jacket on her own chair, then she began once again to unbutton my blouse, I sat still, staring at the floor, just raising my arms to allow her to slip the garment from me, leaving me sitting in my corset and brassiere.

"Ten," someone offered and Norma glanced at her husband and admitted defeat.

Martha undid my belt and had me stand so she could slip my long skirt off, my long pink bloomers must have looked ridiculous, but someone offered ten for the skirt, I hoped they would not mind that I had darned the back, then my bloomers, she undid the drawstring and slid them down, showing my stockings, Two bidders simultaneously bid "Two" and as Martha had me remove my boots so she could remove the bloomers they were bid up to five.

Martha untied the ribbons from my white silk stockings and slid the stockings down and off my feet before holding them aloft, the repairs to the feet were all too obvious, but the bidding was becoming bawdy, male voices, Ten, Fifteen, Twenty, How about we have one each? Go on then Ten each."

"Gentlemen please," Sheriff LaMont insisted, It is one lot, Mister Lomax, it's with you, any more..... No." Bang. He banged the table with his little wooden hammer."Sold." my suspender belt, with the hideously expensive elasticated sides and silk ribbons, was removed next, and quickly sold for Forty, then Martha undid my Brassiere, although what use it could be to anyone else I could not imagine, it took ages to adjust the leather straps just right and I had carefully sewn the straps into position, removing the adjusters as elastic seemed too extravagant so I had always used the strapped type.

The men were bidding, I barely noticed my nipples had hardened with the cool air, I knew this was my future I had to bear it, the item sold among much hilarity, then they were selling my boots, black leather worn but highly polished with slightly raise heels, they had been my mother's.

The tears came, selling mother's things was more than I could bear.

I sat looking at the floor, wearing only my tiny white silk knickers, just two triangles of silk joined by two pieces of red ribbon tied at the sides.

"What about the pants? said Maxwell Howe "I bid two, for em"

"Leave the poor girl some dignity," suggested Jackson Oates but her knew John LaMont had to accept the bid,

"Three, Four, Ten, Fifteen, Fifty the bidding rose, Tom Chambers briefly joining in but shook his head, at Fifty plus.

"Fifty Five, Sixty if I can take em off of her," bid Spencer Lomax and Sheriff LaMont banged down the Hammer.

Martha carefully undid the ribbons and had me rise up so she could pull the garment clear, I sat again, now completely naked, staring at the ground but I saw with horror the front silken triangle was wet with my moisture, wet and transparent, thankfully the rear remained pristine and clean or my shame would have been complete.

Spencer came swaggering over and Martha handed me the panties, "He said sixty if he took em off of you." she explained.

"I meant pull em off." he said.

"But you said take," Sheriff LaMont reminded him to the crowds amusement.

"Right, now stand up Lou, turn around," said the Sheriff.

"Stand up dear, you don't want John to whip you, do you?"

I somehow managed to stand.

"One recovered slave, answers to the name Lou, what an I bid? will anyone start me at Two Hundred."

"Five Hundred," Tom Chambers shouted and Sheriff LaMont dropped his little hammer in surprise.

"Sorry," he said, picking the hammer up again, "now any advance."

"Point of order" Martha interjected.

"Shut up woman you can't have points of order," the Sheriff ordered but Leeman Jones had other ideas.

"John, the hammer went down, she is sold sir, point of order, she is sold." he asserted.

"I dropped the hammer," said LaMont.

"Yes sir when the hammer goes down it denotes a sale." reaffirmed Councilman Jones.

LaMont nodded, "In that case do you have the money Tom?"

"I have the statutory ten per cent deposit sir."

"In that case you can collect her when you bring the balance, which leaves the chastisement,

will you do it?"

He shook his head, "I don't want her beat up bad, would you do the honours Sheriff, I have a mind for her to do repairs and alterations to Ladies clothing, she done some mighty neat patching on them old things of her ma's what we just done sold.

"I wanted her for the whorehouse," moaned a voice from the back, and a great laugh went up. 

"Six and Six with a six inch belt," suggested the Sheriff, "any other ideas."

"Fifty" a voice from the back.

"Look, I'll have you up for contempt if you make any more cracks, Six and Six, agreed?"

"Aye" the murmur rose and then Sheriff Lamont was coming over, undoing his six inch wide belt.

Martha pulled out the chair, the whipping chair, she sat on it to do her records of the meeting but now she lifted her seat with the cushion and revealed the hole.

I stood and he guided me down, down till my hands were through the small hand holes and my head was through the main hole and  below the seat with my midriff painfully bent over the tall chair back, then the seat slid back trapping my neck and hands as the holes constricted, LaMont tapped the insides of my knees and I spread my legs slightly.

I realised my sexual organs and even my bottom must be plainly displayed I hoped I would not disgrace myself, and steeled myself for the blow.

Nothing had prepared me for that first blow, play fights with Tom were my last taste of violent contact, and that was years ago, but suddenly my back was on fire, torn open even from left shoulder to right buttock.

"Aaaaeeeeee" I screamed then the second blow from right shoulder to left buttock drove the breath from me completely, my tears flowed, as I struggled for breath.

"Uh," a fourth blow landed, then another and a sixth, then the pause.

John LaMont took off his jacket and had a drink, no more than six blows at a time were allowed to ensure the "Whipper" did not get tired and fail to deliver proper blows.

I had barely recovered when he started again, Whack, Whack, I was sure all the skin was flailed from my back "Eleven , Twelve" the crowd shouted and then "One for luck"

It came from directly behind, up between my legs, grazing both thighs and hitting me from lower belly to my bottom, the pain was unbearable, I screamed and realised had wet myself.

My shame was complete.

Martha released me, and she fixed my leather collar, sliding the needle with the thick thread easily through the predrilled holes, making a permanent job.  She did wrist cuffs as well, wide leather cuffs each with a shiny metal loop, sewn into place, she finally clipped my cuffs to my collar so my hands were almost over my ears.

"Tom, what rings do you want."  John LaMont asked as he watched Martha's handiwork with pride.  "Nose and Tits?"

"Tits and Clit, oh and Labia," he announced.

My Labia, like Mina's, to be ringed so I could hold it open, and Clit, I was nor even sure where my Clitoris was.

"Up on the table then, Lou." John LaMont muttered as he lifted me gently onto the table, "best lose the fuzz," he continued.

I saw someone had bought a ladle full of something hot and as John lay sacking on my belly so the Jacob Hunstanton, a slave, began to paint the hot stuff from the ladle onto the sacking.

It was wax, they covered all he area of my belly and between my legs and when the wax had solidified the two of them ripped the sacking from me. I thought my skin had come off, I passed out.

Someone was stroking my nipples when I came round, watching, waiting, and someone was playing with my sex, they were waiting, stalking my clit, I tried to stop myself being aroused, I tried so hard, and I know God in heaven knows there was not a single thing I could do but suddenly she was interested, aroused, sneaking from her hood, looking for something, my clitoris, the devils instrument, mother called her and I had tried so hard to suppress her with complete success, cold baths and early mornings serving to keep her demands in check, but seemingly my humiliation had inspired her.

The trap was set, unseen by me as I drowsed she grew to her full length, poking from her hood and then suddenly "Twang" the piercing machine had impaled her, I screamed,  my poor tortured scream echoed around the room, and once more I fainted swapping the pain of reality for the safety of the land of dreams.

I woke as they impaled my nipples the gold bar brutally forced through and curled round to make a ring, ready for soldering, and then to my horror I found my Labia had been ringed, both sides, in Gold.

"No playing now, Mister Oates will solder your rings then you can rest in your cell." Sheriff LaMont ordered and I saw Mr Oates with his small blow lamp approaching. He used heat shields and heat sinks so the pain was almost bearable, but I was firmly ringed.

"Branding tomorrow." Tom whispered, "Don't worry." and then he attached a long leash and I was being led through the crowd, and own to the cell, the crowd parted for John and squeezed for me, hands grabbed and groped at me, my secret places, places no man had ever seen let alone touched were displayed and explored, I felt shame but also pride that so many wished to be intimate, I had not even kissed a man. if you discount childhood play kisses with Tom. yet fingers were pulling my labia and nipples and agonisingly irritating my clitoris, I felt I needed something to soothe my agony, and that something it seemed to me was a man, yet I needed to stay chaste until cullment, less than a month, could my resolve hold?  

Sheriff LaMont led me to the cell, again open to the street, just bars not weather protection, Bread broken into chunks and a trough of water waited for me, and just a dirt floor with a hole in one corner, and there I spent my first night as a slave.

I woke from my dream, I dreamed I had been sold into slavery, and within seconds I realised  it was no dream, I had indeed become a slave.

Miss Louisa VanGelder

Tom Chambers

Sheriff  John  Lamont

Martha LaMont

Confederation in Niagra,

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Introduction: Revenge is exacted on a man by two hot smokin babes with wet pussies! Jim stirred from the blackout that had over taken him and opened his eyes slowly. His head felt groggy and his eyes sore. He hadnt remembered having a hangover this bad in a long time. Hes waking up, he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. What the fuck? he said in a whisper. A bright light was...

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A family enslaved

You are 24 years old and have had a secret crush on your friend Rashiwho has never shown any interest in you. She has a boyfriend and has been involved in several relationships previously. However, she is still a virgin and only uses oral sex to pleasure her boyfriends. She lives in a separate city from her family. Rashi has a younger sister named Varsha. She recently had her birthday and is legally an adult now. She is planning to move to her sister's city next year for her undergrad...

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The bar filled quicker than I imagined it would. I try to slide between the tight pack of bodies on my way to the ladies room. Still, some drunken oaf bumps his arm straight into me and a splash of beer splatters my breast and soaks my bright red dress. I look up to reproach the man, but his red cheeks and toothy grin imply that he probably spilt the beer on me by accident as some kind of misguided conversation starter that only makes sense to drunk guys. Around the pool tables, and down the...

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A Teen Titan enslaved

This story takes place at an undefined point in the story line, but right before a large battle. I'm not really concerned if plot is taken from TV show or comic books. Whichever works. FYI: I broke up the introduction into 3 parts to make it easier to read. Every hero and every villain the Teen Titans had ever encountered were preparing to fight. This battle would ultimately sway the pendulum of good and evil far to one side or the other for many years. Which direction would depend on the next...

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Tina-Slave Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what...

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Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what it would be...

1 year ago
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Helen Is Enslaved

Helen was a beautiful 27-year old woman. She had red hair, long legs and large firm tits with huge nipples that sprung erect at the slightest provocation. Helen's daughter Alice was now almost 13. She would eventually have her mother's beauty. But for now she was awkward and coltish. She was not very self-assured and was regularly teased by the other kids. Alice had been born when Helen was 15 and already an orphan. When Alice's father refused to help support her Helen was left to support...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 57 Enslaved

Penny wasn't aware of exactly what happened after that. For a brief while, she drifted deep in trance, barely aware of anything happening around her. She knew that her asshole and her sex were no longer being invaded. She knew she was lying on her back. She heard more moans, but they were not hers. When she was brought out of trance by another "snap," she looked around to find herself lying on the table once again. She sat up and saw Alice sitting in a chair, no longer wearing the...

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Note: This story is completely fictional! As Joey walked home from college, he began to think about his girlfriend, and how she was the only girl in his life. He had only fucked her, and no one else. He was totally faithful to her. Or rather, he was totally faithful to her perfect breasts and her sweet pussy. He was looking forward to spending tonight with her. He walked towards the fountain he always passed. Oddly, no one was around, and because of his thoughts of his girlfriend, his cock was...

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ENSLAVEMENT PART ONE: THE PINK MILEAngie’s Story? ?I’m scared,? Tina whispered. ?Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad,? Angie replied, in an equally soft voice, ?I use to work here, for five years. There’s nothing to it.? Angie hoped there was enough confidence in her voice to help settle the petite brunette’s anxiety. In truth, however, she was probably just as scared as Tina. She kept telling herself that she should not be this scared; she HAD worked here for five years, after all, and knew...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 5 Petition for Enslavement

Unemployment took its toll. After approximately three months of not being able to make a mortgage payment or pay down any of my credit cards, unpleasant things began to happen. First, the finance company came and repossessed my car. I received notice from the bank that my home faced foreclosure if they did not receive at least two months payment by the end of the month. Charges had begun to appear on my credit card statement for merchandise I had never purchased! Since I was a little girl,...

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A Routine Enslavement

A ‘Routine’ Enslavement by FalconThis is a fantasy and any similarity of names or places to actual persons or places is purely coincidental.  This story features scenes of non consensual sex. Persons who do not wish to read such scenes are advised to stop now.  The author does not condone in real life the activities depicted in this fantasy.PrologueThe year was 2136.  The United States would be unrecognizable to those who had lived there in the early twenty first century.  For one thing there...

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Sweet Suzies Enslavement

Sweet Suzie's EnslavementA Love-slave Story (fiction) by mgdspiritI had managed to befriend her when, after she'd walked into the first day of art class late, and every guys head in the class turned to look and stayed that way far too long. In her white miniskirt, and blonde streaked hair, she was stunning, and she sat directly across from me in the big art room. I soon found myself with a bird's eye view of what every other guy in the room wanted to see, and given her sexiness, found myself,...

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I was just released by my Mistress after 24 years of total enslavement

I was just released by my Mistress after 24 years of total enslavement I was just released by my Mistress after 24 years of total enslavement. It all began back in 1982. I was 28 years old living in NewMexico and was hot to be dominated. I had been having thoughts of submitting to a Dominant Female ever since I had reached puberty. I saw an ad in one of those newspapers that cater to Dominants and submissives. It said ?Lifestyle Dominant looking for live-in submissive slave? it went...

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Stevens Enslavement

Steven's Enslavement By Peppermint Gomez Chapter 1 Here I was, 21, fresh out of college with a useless degree and completely broke. I had taken the terrible advice to "follow my heart" in my studies, and ended up with a degree in History. If I'd been able to go to grad school the situation might be different, but my parents were gone, and I had used up all my inheritance just getting to where I was. I was behind two months on my rent, if I didn't find a job in a few days...

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Christines Enslavement

Hello every one. This is a little story that I wrote in honor of Wife # 24 in the Your Wife's Lovers section of Dark Wanderer. I hope that you, as well as they enjoy it. There are so many sexy wives in that section that I would love to write about. However, I shall be taking a vacation from writing these stories for a few months. I should be able to return in the fall. Till then. ****************************** Christine's Enslavement ...

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True Enslavement

It has been a while since I have written, but this time it is not of my own accord. Instead I write to you under duress. As instructed I am writing this story as proof of my acceptance of my fate. It is intended according to my captures for all of you who love the fantasy of submitting but do not believe in your heart that it can truly happen to you. It written as proof, that there are those who would enslave you, and also as a warning to be careful what you wish for. You may know of...

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Alicias Enslavement

Alicia's Enslavementby SirbootnockaChapter 1: The dealThe entire Jones family was at the dinner table today, to partake in this meager meal. The Parents, Carl and Aline, sat at opposite ends of the table. Alicia, the eldest at sixteen, sat at their father's right. Amelia, the quintessential middle child, sat at his left. She was going on fifteen. And Amy the youngest, sat beside Amelia, closer to her mother. Two of the girls had the same hair color as their father, ash blonde, except Alicia,...

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Cursed Enslavement

You know them stories there you get a mind control power to you get to use to enslave and rape people? This aren't one of those stories. Someone else has gained this power and is terrorising your school, Eastwood High School. Eastwood High is a fucked up school where almost everyone is insane and many will indulge int heir perverted fantasies.

Mind Control
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PyxChapter 8 Enslavement

We headed back up to our suite. Once there, Pyx cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen. I had Vonda help. When they were done cleaning, Vonda and Pyx walked to where I was sitting, in the recliner that was part of our entertainment center. They knelt at my feet. I waited a minute before I spoke. The two waited in silent anticipation. "Pyx, are you sure you want to be my slave?" Trembling, she nodded. "Yes, sir." "I sighed. "Very well. Both of you, go take off your clothes....

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Gwens enslavement

I awoke with a jolt as the car stopped. I heard the engine shut off and two doors open. I quickly adjusted myself with my back on the floor and my feet up. If these guys were gonna take me then I was gonna give them a few bruises. The trunk opened and I kicked as hard as I could, straight into thin air. They had moved to the side of the vehicle. My legs were grabbed and I was dragged out of the trunk. “Okay look I know what you guys want and I mean couldn’t you have asked for it first?...

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Aviannas Permanent Sex Enslavement

A woman named Avianna was walking home from work at Taco Bell. And her house is only a couple of blocks away. But she wanted to get home fast so that she can take a nice hot shower and wash off the fast food residue. Just thinking about that made her walk home faster and she made it to her house in record time. Now, her house isn't much but she worked for it and its very comfortable. She lets herself in and locks the door behind her. She goes straight to her room and grabs a red bra, black...

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Avianas Permanent Sex Enslavement

A woman named Aviana is walking home from work, she had to do a late shift and was really happy that she can finally go home. As she was walking, she was thinking about taking a nice hot shower and then just relax afterwards. Just thinking about a hot shower made her walk home faster. She made it to her house in record time. She hastily unlocked her front door, went in, locked it and went straight to her bedroom. She opened her dresser and grabbed her blue lingerie sleep wear and went...

1 year ago
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Dawns enslavement

Prologue: I opened my own law firm about a year ago. Two months ago I had more work than I could handle so I hired Dawn she was a law student and she seemed to be working out well. Dawn was young and beautiful! She has 34D tits, long platinum blond hair, she stands about 5 foot nothing and weighs about 120lbs with an ass to die for, and if that wasn’t enough she has sea green eyes and an air of purity about her. Dawn and I were working late one Saturday afternoon when a call came...

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Young Tourists Enslavement

Introduction: Suggestions welcome! Ireally hope to make future storis in this series better for the readers! He had six girls all to himself. It was unbelievable to him how easy it was to trick them. Then again, thats why he targeted them, because tourists were easy to catch. He was absolutely bubbling with excitement. And these girls were all crazy sexy. He had acted friendly and helpful during the whole time he tricked them. The important stuff he found out so far was that there was a sexy...

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Warcraft A Night Elfs Enslavement

Ealya Frostmoon was a young night elf mage, who excelled in the field of frost magic. She had recently left her birthplace of Teldrassil. She was venturing through the Barrens, killing local wildlife for other locals, what some would call "questing". She spotted a few horde, she was just starting out on her own and it looked like they were too. She decided that they could be left to their own devices as long as they left her alone. On a few of the tougher foes, some of the Horde had even helped...

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Cairas Enslavement

       Caira was a pretty, normal girl; she worked hard, played hard and loved hard. That is why a large smile lit her face as she listened to the voice mail. The deep voice resonated pleasure through her lithe frame. ?I’ll be there at 7:30? he said forcefully, ?make sure to have my Toy ready.? Immediately her slit grew moist and warm, his voice and the use of her nickname turning her on. She glanced up at the clock, already 3pm that was going to cut it fine indeed. He would usually give her a...

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Sandys First Weekend Enslavement

Sandra was 25 years old, a striking strawberry blonde with long hair and rather ample boobs. This Sunday evening, she was early in a very unusual 5-hour drive home. She was naked except for a rather large butt plug in her ass and a large electronic vibrator in her pussy. These were held in place by a locked chastity belt to which she did not have a key. Her cell phone was propped up in a holder in front of her and was answerable through her car’s audio system by voice command. Her back, legs,...

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My Enslavement

It all started just after my fourteenth birthday I was quite slim and small for my age but quite fit. My widowed mother doted on me and she really ensured that I had the best of everything. I think she secretly wished that I had been born a girl, and at the time I remember her looking in girls clothes shops and saying 'Wouldn't that look lovely on you, and sighing to herself." But I was no sissy and although I was small for my age. I soon discovered that nature had endowed me with a cock...

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© Copyright 1997 - 2003, bookgirl, All rights reserved. Lana and Jack arrived shortly after 7.30am. My heart was racing faster than it ever had; my mouth so dry my tongue kept sticking to the roof of it. Lana said nothing at first. She just stood there smirking at me, eying me up and down. A bearded giant of a man dressed from head to toe in black stood behind Lana. I couldn't see his eyes; they were hidden behind dark glasses, but I could feel his gaze roaming over me. I had no idea...

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The MeatChapter 5 The Enslavement

It wasn't long that I was instructed to take Suk to another party and drop her off with instructions to pick her up the next morning after eight AM. She wore a simple white, unlined cotton dress that we received in the mail, and heels with no underwear. Her hair was tied into a pony tail and she wore no make-up. I dropped her off as instructed and watched as the doorman removed her dress at the front door while still open and led her naked into the large house before closing the door. I...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 30 Hangover Ne Looti Raat Ki Yaade

Narrated by Akash Hi, pichle baar aap logone padha ki kaise Bhawna aur Shobha bhabhi ke sath sham ki daaru masti ki. Sath hi Bhawna ki living mein ek dafa chodha bhi. Agle subah utha to aisa lag raha tha mano kisi ne sar pe 100 kg ka bhaar laad diya ho. Aisa sar dard, ki mano sar abhi phatne wala ho. Neend se bahar to aa gaya tha lekin aankhe khulne ka naam hi nahi le rahi thi. Tab yaad aaya ki kal raat kya kiya. Shobha aur Bhawna ke sath drinks ki. Fir fashion show ke chakkar mein Shobha...

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Slipping Around

There is an old country song called “Slipping Around” which is what I was doing a lot of when I was young and in the early years of marriage.I had married my high school sweetheart less than a year out of school. I was eighteen and much too young and immature for such a big step. But there I was, tied down, while all my buddies were running free and having a great time. Ties got worse when fourteen months after getting married, I became a father. There I was, less than twenty years old,...

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Hypno Slavers The Dr Emily Group

  The following story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only.? The names used are purely fictitious.    UNITED INTERNATIONAL HYPNOTIC SEX THERAPISTS is the? brainchild of Dr.Emily La Chote MD and is owned and? operated by her, and some of the wealthiest women in the world.  The famous medical organization treats male and female? patients for sexual disfunction, both psychological and? physical, but also acts as a covert center to?? hypnotically train? unsuspecting patients...

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His and Her Jobs Part 9

Chapter 62 I awoke in my pink bliss to my alarm buzzing repeatedly for me to hit it, ok it was really trying to wake me, but its destruction sounded like a good idea. I restrained myself and lightly tapped it to silence. I awoke again to its buzzing, realizing I had drifted right back to sleep. Damn it. I hit it again and purposely sat up, throwing back my covers and swinging my feet over the side of the bed. I gently rubbed my eyes so as not to stab my eye out with one of my...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 13 Royal Command

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Faerie “Fuck my daughter.” The command that the faerie queen gave me shocked me. I expected to be ordered to eat her pussy, to make her cum. I was here to pleasure her, to show her my prowess in bed. Did she not think I was worthy to fuck her? That I wasn’t good enough to bend her over and fuck her hard from behind? The urge to stand up, throw her over her dressing table, and plow her hard seize me. I ached to show her how...

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Sex LOVE and Rock Roll

The great Lions come from behind Win brought back the wonderful memories of another season of the Tiger’s and Lion’s in Detroit. In a time of “Make Love, Not War” the girls were letting their hair grow long, their skirts go short, their desire go HOT and nary a bra was to be seen at any concert or club. “One night only” the 20 second spot declared as Jim entered the radio station. “Appearing TONIGHT at the famous Rooster Tail, for One night and one...

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I glanced over to the passenger in my car, marveling at her beauty, and my good fortune. She looked back with a soft smile that sent a tingle straight through my spine. God, how I wanted her. It was only a few hours ago that I had met her at the bar, her long blond hair shining even in the dim light of the smoky room. The thin, light blue dress she wore clung to her form, the loose skirt wrapping itself around her legs with every step she took. Her feet were displayed in silver heels, the hem...

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Black mans sissy boy

Black man's sissy boyI started jerking off to ejaculation when I was around 18. Once I started doing it, it was all I thought about, 24/7 it seemed like. I collected fuck mags and porno tapes wherever I could find them, to use as visual aids. Just looking at those sexy nude women being loved up by their hot men made my dick so fuckin' HARD! Because of that I was able to convince myself that I was normal, of course, in retrospect it is obvious that I was identifying with the women.One day when...

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A Toys Touch pt2

The year-and-a-half after Maddy’s first encounter with her sister’s toys was filled with more of the same. She would often find herself home alone, would become frisky for one reason or another, and would eventually make her way back into her sister’s room for some pleasurable private time. This all changed when she turned 18. The time is 12:03am, December 3: Maddy’s birthday. *ring ring*…..*ring ring*…..*ring ring* Maddy’s eyes slowly open as she gains consciousness. *ring ring* She...

2 years ago
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XXXIV

Chapter 98 Roxx wasn't tired at all, if anything she was jacked up on what seemed like a much finer drug than any she had ever used. She could feel a connection with everyone. If only Lust had thought of this, using sex is just so sixteenth century. Drugs were certainly the future. Roxx had come to think of it as tanning; soaking up invisible energy to make oneself darker. Sounds perfect to me. "Oh, look," she said, recognizing the tune. "They're playing my...

3 years ago
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My Lovers Surprise

I could hardly contain my excitement after reading this email from my lover. He has been out of town working for so long. Over 7 weeks. I was ready to see my lover, feel his hands on my body, taste his kiss, find the release I craved in his embrace. I was nervous because I knew that whatever my lover had planned for my surprise, that he would not be in that hotel room tonight. How exciting. Who could it be? What did he have planned? Would he be watching me on the webcam? We have talked about...

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Megan and Kyle v2 part 2

Saturday mornings, Megan comes over between 9 and 10 to work on projects getting the house back into shape and generally getting stuff done, but this was also a way for us to bond. We would then just hang around the house in the afternoon and then take some time naked playtime. Sundays are Megan’s day off to spend time with her family. As the semester began to get near the end of the term, I started to notice that Megan was really tired. “How is school going?” I ask at dinner one night. “I...

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Rhonda the Gangs new Whore

Rhonda was walking to the bus station from her Husbands house in Fresno, they had just seperated a couple of weeks ago, she had recently picked up an addiction to oxycontin, she had been having hellish cramps from having part of her uterus removed, she most likely would never be able to conceive c***dren, even though her Husband was there for her and doing his best to help her through this, she knew deep inside that he changed, she was never going to live up to the fertility expected from a...

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Favorite Fantasy 2

My sex life began at an average age with my cousin, who was a year younger than I. My father left Mother when I was a young c***d, so I did not have any idea as to the feelings of having a father around. Mother has worked since she was deserted, having been hired by her former boss because she was very well educated in his particular field, patent attorney. During that time, after school, I would stop off at my aunt’s home until Mother finished work. My cousin was very tal-ented with a baton...

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Her Name Was Kelly

Her name was Kelly, a very attractive classmate of mine, but she was the girlfriend of my best mate, Robbie. That didn't stop me looking of course, I had watched her blossom from a scrawny young thing into a beautiful woman. We would often talk and laugh together between classes and we would sometimes meet latter when she and Robbie went out. I was seeing a girl called Debbie and we would often double date, but my eyes were only for Kelly. Robbie knew how I felt of course and would sometimes...

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What Time Is It

Every part of him hurt, and until he felt his body and checked his hands to see the scratches on them he hadn't even remebered that he had been in an accident of some kind. There was only one thing that he was sure of and that was the badge on his chest saying that he was a Deputy Sherrif. "Now where the hell is my car?" He thought to himself. Not seeing the car anywhere he found a bit of shade to sit in, after all he was in the desert and what he needed was shade and water till help came...

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In the Stacks

Anne was almost 22 years old and still a virgin. It wasn't that she was unattractive physically. She wasn't supermodel material for sure, but she was average looking. She had shiny brown hair that brushed her shoulders. She wore black framed glasses on face that looked both intelligent and childish at the same time. Her body was curvy - not exactly fat, but slightly chubby - full and soft in all the right places, like a nude from a classical painting. No, Anne's problem was not her looks, it...


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