Controlling Rayne free porn video

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Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to shabby, he thought wryly. He turned and grabbed his watch, keys, briefcase, and headed out of his penthouse flat to the elevator. 

The upcoming meeting with the head of a multi-billion dollar corporation didn’t intimidate him at all, but he was intrigued by what he had learned about the female CEO. He had gathered some information about her, not all of it positive, and was curious after the few emails they had exchanged and a couple of brief phone conversations. She had a reputation as being quite the “dragon lady” to work for and he respected that already. It would take a lot of strength and perseverance to get to where she was, and he found that enticing as well. Her voice over the phone was all business and professional, however it also had a certain husky allure. 

He arrived at the 60 floor sky scraper headquarters where the meeting was being held, parked in the underground garage and headed up the elevator to the 59th floor. He exited into a gleaming marble and mahogany foyer with a central receiving desk. He almost whistled under his breath at the opulence of the place even though he was used to a certain amount of grandiosity. 

He walked confidently up to the receiving desk and smiled politely at the receptionist, “Zachary Bloodstone to see Miss Abernathy.” 

The receptionist looked up and gaped at him. He watched a slow steady blush come to her cheeks, and turned his smile up full wattage. The poor girl dropped the phone handset she was holding and knocked over her coffee cup, spilling the tepid liquid over the papers on her desk. 

“Oh jeez, oh damn,” she said rolling her chair back away from the pooling liquid. “Oh sir, I am so sorry!” She stammered blushing a deeper crimson. 

“No worries, I am sorry you spilled your coffee.” He looked at her pencil skirt to see if any had landed there. She reached under the desk and brought out a box of tissues, ineffectually mopping up the spill while grabbing the phone and punching in an extension.

“Mr. Bloodstone to see Miss Abernathy,” she said crisply and replaced the handset. “Please follow me sir,” she said avoiding looking at his gorgeous chiseled face and those dark ebony eyes rimmed with long black lashes. Oh god he smells and looks like heaven, she thought to herself and blushed some more. She led him to Miss Abernathy’s office, opening the enormous ornately carved mahogany doors, and stood aside with a slight curtsy as Zachary entered the office. What the hell? Did I just curtsy for fuck’s sake? She shook her head, turned on her heel and left the office closing the door behind her softly.

Zachary took in the incredible view overlooking downtown London. The Gherkin Building was impressive from outside looking like a jeweled Faberge egg but the view was even more impressive. Miss Abernathy was facing away from him looking out the window having some intense negotiation over the phone. 

“I have been quite clear Mr. Symons the price is what it is and your company can either purchase at said price or not. Please let me know what you decide sir and have a very pleasant day.” She clipped the last bit out like venom from a snake. He watched her as she removed the blue tooth gizmo from her ear while spinning around in her chair to face him.

Zachary was generally a very controlled, cool personality however, when Miss Abernathy rose from her chair and outstretched her hand across the desk for him to shake, he felt a twitch in his trousers. 

“I am Rayne Abernathy, Mr. Bloodstone, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” She hand one hand planted on the desk and was leaning forward across its width and the pose did wonders for Zachary’s view. Her blouse wasn’t low cut really, it was just that her bosom was ample and gravity swung it forward in a most provocative way. He reached his hand out to hers and grasped it firmly. When their skin touched he felt an electric jolt go up his arm. He thought he saw her eyes widen slightly as if she felt it too, but she recovered her composure very quickly.

“The pleasure is all mine, I assure you,” he said coolly not wanted to betray his sudden intense desire. He sat opposite her. “Would you care for a beverage of any sort?” she asked politely with an accent that sounded to him like maybe northern Wales. He glanced at her as she moved around the desk to a cabinet that looked like it was a custom design. She merely touched the top and it opened revealing a compact cool wine storage, a small refrigeration unit stocked with juices and soda, and a full mini bar on the side. impressive, he thought. 

“No thank you Miss Abernathy, I am fine.” he stated. Then watched as she bent low into the fridge and got a juice drink. Her rounded hips and ample backside were sheathed in a silky blood red shift skirt. He let his gaze travel down her calves and noted her stockings had a seam straight up the backs that ended in black platform stilettos with tiny bows at the top of the heel. She stood and turned toward him and he noticed that she was quite statuesque, taller than average and voluptuous. Her curves were in all the right places and he briefly thought about exploring each and every one. 

Rayne took him in like a long cool drink of water on a blistering hot day. Her face revealed nothing of course, she had trained herself rigidly over the years to always keep a neutral poker face no matter what the situation--and Mr. Bloodstone was definitely a situation to behold. His salt and pepper hair was fairly close cropped except a couple tiny curls near his ears. His high cheekbones and square jaw looked carved by one of the old masters, and his eyes, soulful and dark, very dark like onyx; were fringed with the longest blackest lashes she had seen that weren’t created by mascara. Oh holy fuck, she thought to herself and quickly looked down at the file on her desk. 

“Please call me Rayne,” she said taking a deep cleansing breath as she sat back behind her desk. It made her feel a little safer to be there with plenty of space between them, she had felt such a jolt when he shook her hand it had alarmed her. She crossed her legs demurely and opened the file in front of her.

“Okay Rayne, then please call me Zachary.” He reached for his briefcase to distract himself and opened it to retrieve the necessary files.

As he laid them out on the desk Rayne looked at his beautiful hands…what is it about a man with nice hands, she wondered idly while her own libido answered, it’s because you imagine those long tapered fingers inside you. YES, agreed. She cleared her throat and tried to focus on the task at hand. 

The two of them discussed the merger/acquisition all the while each were secretly having erotic fantasies about the other. He wanted to undo her severe chignon and wind his hand in her hair, pulling her head back so he could devour her beautiful mouth and bite her plump lips. She wanted to have him bend her over the desk and fuck her until she screamed for him to stop, but on the surface both were the consummate professionals.

“Well Sir, I believe that concludes our business for today” she said with huge regret. She never wanted him to leave her office, she wanted him to rip off all of her clothes and lick her entire body while she took his throbbing cock in her mouth. 

“It seems so, madam” he stated while his mind raced for an excuse to prolong the meeting. He wanted to tie her to that huge fucking desk and kill her with his hard cock. He could just picture her bound and helpless, without control, and force feeding her mouth with his dick as she moaned. She had called him Sir, which always turned his dominance on. 

She stood on slightly wobbly legs, holding onto her desk for a moment. “If you need any further information I will be here very late tonight, it wouldn’t be a problem.” She tried to keep the plea out of her voice but didn’t reckon she was a hundred percent successful. She desperately hoped he didn’t notice. What the hell was wrong with her? She never lost her control…EVER.

He stood and put his briefcase in front of himself to hide the growing bulge there. Had she just said what he thought she said? And her tone of voice, was he imagining it? He didn’t think so. “I will do that Miss Abernathy,” he said simply, letting her wonder. 

He extended his hand again and she took it in hers, the jolt was stronger this time for them both, and they lingered. The door to her office opened and the receptionist appeared to escort him out. When they let go of each other it seemed a very slow process. He looked her in the eye and smiled widely just for her. Then to her surprise he gave her a wicked little wink. She grinned like a fool, control out the window apparently. You bloody idiot! her control freak warned and her smile faded quickly.

He turned on his heel and strode out of the office. She watched his back with deep longing, the broad shoulders, the tapered waist, long legs, nice muscled rump. Dear god he smelled so fucking amazing as well, like a trip to the Northern California coast and wood smoke with just a hint of something like citrus, orange or lemon perhaps. And that fucking suit he was wearing…oh I want him bad. She sighed and felt defeated by the prospect of working the rest of the day. 

Zachary busied himself in other meetings, constantly distracted by thoughts of his brief encounter with Miss Abernathy. He kept imagining doing the most creative erotic things to her curvaceous body, he could not seem to stop thinking about her.

Rayne was entirely too distracted by thoughts of onyx eyes and being taken over her desk to get any sort of real work done. She finally decided to get out of the office for awhile and go get a cocktail at a pub nearby. She was just trying to decide where she wanted to go when her intercom interrupted her thoughts. “Uh Miss Abernathy? Er, Mr. Bloodstone is on line one?” The girl sounded absolutely flummoxed. Rayne stared at her phone in disbelief. She finally muttered, “Put him through please.” Her hand was gripping the phone way too tightly. 

His voice came across the line like a cool breeze, “Miss Abernathy, I am afraid I neglected to sign one of the contracts, and you will need that before you can submit them. I am leaving my last meeting in 15 minutes, I could drop them by your office?”

Rayne was secretly both excited and afraid. She felt like the wolf was coming to her door suddenly, there was something in his tone that was menacing. A little frightening even, though his words were of a mundane business nature. She hesitated then said, “Certainly you could have it sent via a messenger? There’s no need to go out of your way Sir.” She held her breath and waited. 

He took his time considering her words and her tone of voice. She sounded almost, what? Scared shitless, he thought finally and grinned evilly. “Oh I assure you madam it is no trouble at all. I will be there in 45 minutes.” With that he closed his cell phone and returned to the meeting to gather his paperwork and leave. He continued to have a salacious grin on his face the entire time.

Rayne stared at the phone incredulously, that fucker just hung up on me. The situation sort of amused and excited her. She clamped her thighs together as the thoughts of him being here flooded her mind. She undid the top button of her blouse and went into her private dressing room/lavatory that was attached to her office. It really was more like an upscale mini flat, with a shower, a small comfortable bed, a tub, a kitchenette and a walk-in closet. There were many nights she stayed so late at work she slept here, it was really convenient. 

She checked herself in the mirror, applied a little lip gloss, smoothed her hair, tucked her shirt, and smoothed her stockings. Lastly, she applied a little Clive Christian perfume, reputed to be the most expensive in the world. It was a Christmas gift from a very wealthy client, although Rayne could’ve have easily afforded the 215,000 bottle herself. She walked back to her office and poured herself a cognac, her nerves were a riot of confusion and anxiety--she needed this drink.

Zachary arrived at the Gherkin, went into his trunk and retrieved a few items that he placed in his briefcase, then headed up in the lift. He was planning on doing some not very nice things to Miss Abernathy and hoped she was alone in her office. He exited the lift and noticed that the receptionist wasn’t at her station. The huge doors to Rayne’s office were slightly ajar. A soft light emanated from around them.

Rayne was staring out the window, enjoying the slight buzz from her second cognac having some very erotic fantasies when she felt his presence. She turned slowly in her chair and gazed at him appreciatively. She had the feeling that the look she was getting from him had nothing to do with some unsigned contract. She watched him as he strode toward her languidly like a panther on the prowl. “I seem to have misplaced that document,” He said giving her a slight smirk. 

“Well I could make another copy,” Rayne said rising slowly and seductively from her desk. “Won’t take a moment,” She noticed he had closed the door behind him, not that it mattered, there was never anyone in the office this late except for her of course. She made her way around the desk and headed to her printer by the door. She was within inches of him when he suddenly took hold of her by the shoulders and pulled her against him. Oh dear, she thought a little fuzzily, mmmm he smells awfully nice and looks even better this close. Her control freak butted in, just what in the fuck do you think you are doing?? She ignored the little bitch.

“You, madam, have a few things to learn about letting yourself go…” with that he reached up and undid her hair. Her hair was thick and luxurious just like her figure and it fell softly around her shoulders. “Now I want you to go over to the window and remove your skirt and your blouse,” He commanded her. Her eyes widened at this and she considered protesting, but the look in his eyes warned her not to argue or hesitate. She walked slowly to the window wondering what the fuck she was doing. She turned and reached up to the second button on her blouse.

“No, skirt first,” he ordered. And she reached down to the strings of her wrap around skirt, untying them slowly. She felt something inside her mind just give in and it was delightful and terrifying. The skirt fell softly to the floor and she waited. 

He looked at her with unmasked hunger as he watched the silky sheath fall. Her panties were practically nonexistent they were so sheer, and he could see a nicely trimmed bush through them. “Now your blouse.”

She reached up, slowly undoing one button and then another, relishing the hungry look on his face and feeling more out of control by the moment. It was an entirely new sensation for her. Her blouse followed her skirt to the floor. She had a sudden urge to cover herself and ignored it. The look from him was completely rewarding and encouraging. She had been self conscious about her figure for years, always feeling fat or lacking in some way, but had very recently begun to appreciate her curves. From the look she was getting from Zachary, it seemed he appreciated them as well.

He moved toward her suddenly making her start a little, five strides and he was in her face, wrapping his hand in her hair, pulling her head back and consuming her mouth. oh delicious, her thoughts were floating in desire…and a little cognac. His tongue was expertly swirling around hers, as if they had kissed a million times before, and her tongue responded in kind. His other hand slid down to her breast and freed it from her bra. He tweaked her already pert nipple almost painfully and she moaned. He smiled as he kissed her and let his mouth move down to her throat, then that very tight hard nipple. He licked it with his whole tongue, no silly little flicks, but really tongue stroked it. Then he sucked her breast into his mouth as far as he could, opening his mouth as wide as he could to accommodate as much as he could and she gasped at the sensation.

She ran her hands down the front of his shirt then twisted the material in her grasp and ripped it open. He stopped kissing her suddenly, “You will have to pay for that,” he said gruffly and pulled her forward before pushing her over the desk. Before she could even register what was happening he gave her two sharp, stinging swats on her backside. “You don’t do what you want here Rayne, you only do what I command you to do,” he said forcefully and gave her two more blows, harder this time. Her eyes watered from the sting. She couldn’t decide whether or not she was enjoying this.

He pulled her back up, lifting her as though she was a feather and plopped her on her desk, “Stay!” He said menacingly, “or you know what will happen.” With that he walked across the office and retrieved his briefcase. She watched him with apprehension as he pulled something out of the case and quickly snaked it behind his back.

“Are you going to do what I say, when I say it?”

She hesitated, “ok.” What the fuck?? Her control freak screamed.

“What?” He said low and growling.

“Um, yes?” She stammered.

“Yes, what?” he stared at her with a lethal black look.

“Yes, I will do what you say when you say it?” She was getting confused as to what he wanted, she had never played these types of games before. 

“You will end your sentences of acquiescence in the word Sir, Rayne. Am I clear?”

“Yes….um Sir,” her head was reeling with all manner of thoughts sexual and otherwise.

“Very good Rayne, you will make a fine student.” He gave her an indulgent smile as if he was addressing a young girl instead of the 35 year old CEO of a huge company.

Rayne watched him warily as he crossed the room toward her. He removed his tie while he walked, and undid his leather belt sliding it out of the loops in one slick movement. When he got to her he said, “Take off the rest of your clothes.”

She reached behind herself and undid her bra, her breasts swung with her movement, and she caught him staring. She slowly eased her panties off, then kicked off her heels and started to remove her stockings. 

“Stop!” He said suddenly. He reached over and stroked the skin above her stockings. Then he spread her legs, and looked hungrily at her most intimate places. 

She felt like she blushed from the roots of her hair to her navel. She had never had anyone look at her this intimately, it was so raw and primal and HOT. He slid his hand up and gently stroked her shaved pink labia. Then he gently pinched each lip between his thumb and fore finger and opened her. She gasped. He pulled on her lips a little harder, lowering his head down to her. She was really wet and hot now, watching this beautiful man, with his long elegant fingers just having his way with her. 

He bent down to her and kissed her just above her small patch of trimmed pubic hair then made his way further down on an agonizingly slow licking and kissing path. Just as he was nearly exactly where she wanted him to really start the licking, he stopped abruptly. Her eyes flew open from the half closed position his kisses had caused. He shoved her down on the desk and walked toward where her head had thumped down near the edge of the desk. He grabbed her under her arms and pulled her slightly so her head was off the edge and at his crotch. He undid his pants and shoved both his jockey shorts and trousers down roughly. 

He grabbed her jaw and opened her mouth forcefully. “Suck!” He growled and shoved his very large engorged penis into her mouth. She sputtered and gagged for a second adjusting to his length and girth. Then she did what he told her to do. She sucked him hard, feeling her wetness growing. She tried to reach for him but he grabbed her wrists and wrapped his belt around them rendering her absolutely helpless. She wriggled her tongue along his shaft as she sucked and she heard him gasp. He reached down and grabbed the hair at the nape of her neck and started thrusting himself into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. Her eyes watered and she gagged. She kept wiggling her tongue and sucking as best she could trying to take what he was giving her. 

He eased up and stroked the back of her head gently, then put his hands under her shoulders and slid her away laying her head gently back on the desk. He walked down to where her feet were at the other end and knelt down. He stroked her instep, still encased in her stocking, then nibbled each of her toes. He wrapped his hand around her ankle and she could feel him slipping something over her foot. Her foot was jerked down as he tightened the coil around her ankle. He repeated the procedure on her other ankle. She tried to lift her feet and couldn’t, this fucking maniac has just tied me to my bloody desk! She thought wildly. 

He looked down at her, her feet tied to opposite legs of her desk, her hands bound with his belt and let a slow evil grin slide across his lips. Oh the things I am going to do this exquisite creature, both now and in future…he thought wickedly. He reached down and grasped her hips in his hands, sliding her down the desk toward him so her knees were bent. Then he slid his hands up over the smooth skin of her soft curved belly and down to the inside of her creamy thighs. He pushed her knees apart and heard her inhale sharply as he let his hands stroke and caress her pubic mound and labia. He slid a finger between her soft pink lips and parted them slightly as she moaned under his touch. He gave her a slight smack with the back of his hand so both her inner and outer area got tapped. She groaned and writhed, he could see her wetness and gave her sex another spank slightly harder this time. 

She could not believe the sensations he was causing her to have. She felt her lower abdomen clench with his every touch. She felt deliciously naughty being tied and helpless on her desk and her body responded. She could never remember a time she felt this wet, hot and wanton. Don’t forget slutty, debased, and helpless, her control freak sneered at her. She decided to ignore the stupid twat. 

She felt him slide two of his fingers inside her and then he…oh dear god what is he doing?? The way he was stroking her inside was just indescribable, like a magic trick. Her head thrashed from side to side as she felt herself contract and spin into a mind blowing orgasm. 

“I think you needed that, love.” He said breathing raggedly, damn if she didn’t turn him on, he mused. He released her ankles, “Come here.”

She didn’t think she could move, she could barely breathe for fuck’s sake. She had never, ever cum like that in her life. Her legs were like jelly but she managed to sort of scoot off of her desk and he took her against him steadying her. 

He kissed the top of her head and inhaled deeply the scent of her hair, like cinnamon, he thought warmly. He lifted her chin and kissed her full lips loving the taste of her. “I want you to bend over your desk and spread your legs for me.”

She gazed into his eyes wanting the sweet kiss he just gave her to go on forever. She obeyed his request and laid her torso over the desk and spread her legs.

“Wider,” he rasped then SMACK on her right bum cheek. She spread her legs just a tiny bit wider hoping for punishment.

“Are you really that brave?” He asked her in a growl. Then SMACK even harder on her left bum cheek. Owwwee that one was a stinger, she mused as she spread her legs very far apart. “Good girl,” he said pleased with her progress.

He stroked her very pink ass and put his thumbs into her wet opening, stretching it wide then slid his cock in roughly right to the hilt. “AHHHH,” she moaned in pleasure and a little pain, damn he is huge! She groaned as he started to thrust into her deeply, hard and fast. He removed his thumbs and put one in his mouth, loving the taste of her juices. 

He planted his other palm on her back and pinned her to the desk ramming himself into her tight wet tunnel and rotating his hips to stroke her insides even more.

“OH MY GOOOOOOODDDDNESSSSS” she howled in pleasure, bucking her hips to match his strokes. “Be still!!” He ordered and SMACK on her bum. She stilled but strained against the belt around her wrists wanting to move so, so very much. She felt him slow down a bit and winced as she prepared for another smack. She felt his hands on each cheek, caressing them, kneading them in his expert hands. He sped up his stroke a little again and then she felt him touch her anus. WHOA!!!! She thought and panicked a little.

He felt her tense. “Do you trust me?”

She wasn’t sure she did right at this second. “Don’t hurt me, ok?” She pleaded hoping she was making the right choice.

He rotated his hips and ground himself deeper into her and leaning over her back he whispered, “I only hurt the ones I love.”

With that he stood up again and shoved himself deep into her again and slowly softly let his thumb ease into her tight ass. “OOOOOOOOOHHH YESSSS!” she cried surprised at how good it felt to have herself so filled up. “Oh please don’t stop Sir!” she moaned. He did not stop, he continued his naughty fuckery until he felt her tighten in both holes as she howled through another orgasm. He felt himself build toward his own release then too excited by her to hold back anymore. He growled and moaned and thrust and spasmed into the most incredible orgasm of his life. He dropped onto her back and eased his thumb and semi erect cock out of her slowly. 

He smiled against her skin and nibbled along her spine. He was breathing heavily trying to recover. She was heaving greatly as well. She was smiling, her face pressed against the now warm wood of her desk and thought idly, how the hell am I ever going to get anything done here again, pray tell? For once her control freak stayed mute. He stood up and pulled her to his chest. He unwound the belt from her wrists and rubbed at the pink skin. “You are definitely a very fine pupil and quick to learn. I think I would like to continue your lessons at a later date.” He nuzzled her hair with his face. 

She surprised herself by saying, “I aim to be your teacher’s pet.” She turned and smiled up at him loving the softer sated look in his dark eyes. He kissed her forehead. “When would you like your next lesson Miss?” He smiled down into her beautiful hazel eyes and kissed her nose.

“Do I get to choose the time and the lesson, Sir?” She grinned impishly.

“Well let’s not get too carried away, remember who’s the teacher and who’s the pet my dear. You may choose only when, not the lesson.” He looked at her mock sternly like a professor remanding a student. 

“Well then I choose after a shower and a meal.” Wow I am just full of surprises aren’t I, she chided inwardly.

“I think that would suit me just fine my pet.” With that he smacked her bum and pushed her toward the open door of her bathroom.

The End J

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Controlling Wife Ch 2

-Rory  “How was this really happening?” I reeled as she just stared me down with a menacing look. Allie had never talked to me this way. It’s exactly what I had asked for, but now it terrified me. “So, if we are going to use this for now, how long am I leaving this on for?” “Why do you sound so pessimistic all of a sudden? Fear of reality setting in some?” She said. “No, not that, I was just wondering. So, what all does the ‘real way’ entail exactly?” With everything happening right now those...

3 years ago
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Controlling Sarah

Controlling SarahNotes from the authors:New blog for this story: http://ControllingSarah.Blogspot.ComSarah and Suki had the generalities of this story about two years before it was written.  I read some erotic fiction somewhere of a secretary hypnotizing her boss into being more successful and promiscuous.  The objective of the secretary controlling her boss was an influence on the Nancy character I invented for this.  There was a ?Nancy? villain in the original Suki Adult Romance series that...

1 year ago
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First Part: The Duke of Tyntigayll was dead to begin with. Well -- actually -- to begin with, the world was created, Adam sinned and his descendants likewise. The Duke was born, and I, and Igrayne. I became High King, and Igrayne wed the Duke. The Duke was inimical but came to visit me to patch things over. He and his lovely Duchess decided that I had asked them to court to court her. This was true, but not proven, and their departure was abrupt enough to pass for casus belli. The Duchess...

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Controlling The Urges

CONTROLLING THE URGES By Charles E. Campbell Control. Looking back, I guess that's what it's always been about. Really about. Control.It's control over me. My control over it. When it would start. Keeping it incheck. What it would require of me to appease it. How long the urge would last.Keeping it as a long held private secret. Mine only. To know and fear, andyet, embrace. All of these things, and more, it has been for the better part of forty-fiveof my fifty-two years. But now, it is...

2 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 05

You will really want to read the previous 3 chapters before you do this one. I appreciate all constructive criticism and comments, and it is often helpful to hear suggestions for direction. We seem to have found ourselves at the crossroads. Do they continue their adventure together as lovers, or does Ryan becomes a more controlling and manipulative Dom? Sorry it can’t be both. Or can it?????? Ryan As wonderful as her mouth had been, Bobbie’s pussy was amazing. I couldn’t believe that I was...

4 years ago
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Controlling a reluctant submissive a 2 part story part 2

Bag two was larger than the first bag. Eva tentatively opened it whilst she remained in the washroom cubicle. She wasn't going to risk opening it in public. Who knew what master had packed inside!Once again there was a set of typed instructions, along with a plastic laundry bag like the ones provided in hotels for dirty washing.Submissive,Strip. Place your clothes in the laundry bag. I want you naked.Master.Obediently, Eva found herself removing her tailored business skirt, her shear blouse,...

1 year ago
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Controlling Sara

My name is Joe, I am 50 years old and have a wife Sara the same age. A few months ago my life changed like you wouldn’t believe. Here goes. I am a builder, and I was in town one day looking to call into the Architects office to discuss the drawings for the extension I had won the contract to build. As I walked down the street, there was a small child playing excitedly on the pavement. I didn’t pay much attention to her, but I should have, because she was just about to change my life. As I...

2 years ago
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Controlling Desires

Introduction: He finds her at the bar, takes her home, and then she sees…. The palpable music moved through the gyrating crowd, pulsating life and controlling the flailing movements loosely termed dancing. In the private booths, couples and groups were in various stages of passion, some only feeling a tightness in their bellies and others winded, hot and sweat drenched as they came down from the high of satisfaction. Professional dancers and drunken women swung about on poles, dollar bills...

3 years ago
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Controlling or Coercive Behaviour Part 1

In an office down town... Janie waited patiently for her appointment. She stared at a copy of Vogue magazine but she saw nothing. She felt a huge void filled with butterflies in her stomach and seriously considered abandoning her quest to find help. A phone rang, the receptionist answered it. She smiled at Janie, “Dr Richardson will see you now,” she said sweetly, “Through the door, second on the right.” Janie obeyed instantly, she placed the magazine back on the rack and opened the...

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Controlling Bobbi Ch 02 Ryan

Ryan: I have had a real crush on Bobbi for the last year. Who wouldn’t. She is a really hot woman. Of course, she never gave the 18 year old geek next door a second look. As it turned out, my bedroom shared a wall with theirs, and many nights I could hear mumbling and groaning through the wall. Being a bit of a technophile, (I have been accepted to Engineering school next year,) it was no problem for me to whip up a special microphone and sound system with an enhanced sound mixer to allow me...

4 years ago
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Controlling Nicola Ch 02

Though Nicola was aware she was sitting on the same couch as her father with a cigar case up her ass, it wasn’t until about half way into the movie that the full impact of what she’d done over the past couple of hours really hit her. There was no end to the inner conflict in her mind of how she’d humiliated herself before an almost complete stranger, and not only that but she’d enjoyed it tremendously and part of her even wished Alec would still be there when the movie was over. In fact, she...

2 years ago
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controlling the town

Introduction: I moved to a town that had a very interesting history. so i decided to invest in it. I guess a lot of people out there in this world would consider me a pervert. I cant explain why, but after a failed marriage, I found woman to be undesirable to me. I do not like men, but I had a tendency to fantasize about younger girls. I seemed to think of woman in general as sluts. I began to believe that all women would or could be made to become unfaithful. It seemed that out of every ten...

1 year ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 04

If you haven’t read the prior instalments please do so. This will make much more sense if you do. I appreciate reader comments and constructive criticism, but this is a work of fiction, so please just enjoy it as such without worrying about the technical feasibility. Bobbi: What a strange dream I had last night. God it was hot. Chad had always been a target of sexual fantasy for me, but this dream had been so vivid I could still feel him sucking on my nipples. I can’t believe what a slut I...

2 years ago
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Controlling the town 3

Introduction: Meeting the townsfolk The people all started to arrive by nine in the morning. As they came in to the house, I collected each of the questionnaires. I scanned most of them and was quite impressed with the variety of choices that were highlighted. My task may not be as difficult as I had first imagined. I had locked all of the rooms upstairs, which I did not want people to enter. There were five bathrooms available to my guests. All rooms had the CCTV cameras in place and working....

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controlling the town2

Introduction: I basically need to set the rules and contracts terms. I requested that contrary to the Mayors announcement, I would like to see the Owner of the Lazy Inn first. After this meeting, we would follow the auction list. Leah left and the girls came and sat with me. When Leah returned, I instructed her that Tina, Missy and she could leave. This is going to get boring and I didnt think that they should have to stay. Leah tried to convince me that they wouldnt mind staying, but I...

2 years ago
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Controlling a Reluctant Submissive A 2 Part Story

Eva had needed a few days to recover from her visit to her master's house. She had left with apprehension about being a submissive and this new world was a challenge both physically and psychologically. Why did he need to own every part of her body? She had given clear boundaries and yet he pushed her to accept violations she had never agreed to but she had found obedience and acceptance of her depleted authority to be the biggest sexual stimulation of the whole experience.When she got home she...

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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...

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Controlling Authority 02

He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. But...

3 years ago
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Controlling Celeb

You were coming back from your work, today your boss has kicked you out of the work you are really upset and don't what to do now. You are a little fat middle aged man still bachelor, a kind of guy whom girl would consider ugly. You were walking towards your home and suddenly you saw a shiny golden object at the corner of the street, you reached there and took it and found that it's a swinging watch, you turned it and saw that something was written on it's back you read it, "This is a...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Controlling SisterChapter 2

After my sister Marie was found to be pregnant she came to my room one day. She and I were no longer hostile to each other, unlike the last few years, probably because she knew she needed all the support she could get. "JP, Mom said something weird when she found out I got knocked up," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. I was a real conversationalist in my teens, it seemed. She continued, "She said, 'Pregnant at 16, not again!' I figured she was referring to getting pregnant herself,...

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Controlling Thoughts Ch 1

I awoke with a start. For a moment my mind was blank and I could not remember why I woke. Then I recalled it. A vivid image of a strange lady with a friend of mine had flashed through my head. I don’t know why I had thought of it, but looking down I could tell at least something of me was happy about me. I groaned and rolled out of bed, little point in sleeping now, I was fully awake. I trotted over to the bathroom and leaned over the sink thinking. My reverie of thought had been broken when...

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Controlling The Bitch Ch 01

Intro This is one of the more recent pieces I tried to write. This was as far as I got, and im not really sure where im going with this one. Anyway, if I get time/inspiration ill attempt to write a second part to this. Enjoy? All characters are 18 or over. ————————————- Jake lent up against the glass wall partition against his classroom and looked around him. There wasn’t exactly much to see first thing on a Monday morning, just a few straggly students lent up like him, waiting for their...

4 years ago
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Controlling Nicola Ch 01

(I’ve included both Parts I & II here, however the first is mostly background info. Part II is where the story gets interesting and can be read on its own.) ***Part I*** It was nearly 11 pm, and Gary had been working on the accounting program for almost sixteen hours straight now, stopping only to go to the toilet or run down to the 7/11 for more chips and coke. Such was his life, pretty average for a programmer, working for long stretches until they reach a mental block, then resting for a...

3 years ago
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Controlling Authority 01

Luke grinned and flexed his hand as he left the conference room, working out the residual ache. He was still feeling pretty damned good despite the early meeting schedule. Not about the meeting itself of course, that had been the usual boring financial tripe. No, he was still reveling in the memories of last night. Last night... His chest swelled with pride and his ego grew to bursting proportions. Fuck, it had been fantastic! Thinking back he chuckled to himself, remembering scoffing at her...

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Controlling Sara Ch 02

Please read part one first. As usual I invite and welcome all comments, that will enable me to improve as an author. ***** After all the sex acts I had made my wife perform, I took it easy for awhile. I stopped her screwing anyone but me, and went back to normal. When I took stock of what I had done with Sara, I came to the conclusion that I must be some form of sexual inadequate. I seemed to hide away and take great delight in other peoples adventures, rather than my own. Having said that,...

2 years ago
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Controlling Mia

Mia I would like to take you to my cabin in the woods this weekend. You will be a young girl (21). I have a new restraint system that I will be using along with a collection of vibrators/dildos and flogger/crop. Expect to get very wet. Dr J I received this note from Dr J this morning. These past two weeks I have been reading two short meditations that he provided. He told me that I should read them twice a day, one in the morning, before I got out of bed, and the other, before I fell...

2 years ago
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Controlling Desires

The only one not having fun, it seemed, was sitting idly in a back corner, near the bar. She was alone and sober, yet again, while her friends fucked with reckless abandon. Always the self-designated driver to these events, she never managed to let loose and relax, always too afraid of possible retribution. All that responsibility meant was that she never had any real fun. She was on her third glass of orange juice - "Alcohol free, thanks." - and was refolding her cheap paper napkin for...

4 years ago
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Controlling My Mind

Walking home from work again. My boyfriend said he would pick me up but after that last fight I'm not surprised. He was so angry. It scared me to think that I once thought of him as kind and gentle. He was my knight in shining armour and now he was dark and distant. It was a hot summer night and my small black skirt kept riding up my butt. I hated waiting tables. I was treated below everyone at Girls & Wings. The staff was rude and vulgar and my boss tried to make it look like I was stealing...

Mind Control
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Controlling And Fucking A Milf MotherInLaw

Hello, everyone, it was nice to hear from all of my fans. Thank you all for your valuable feedback. Sorry for the delay in writing the next story. My new readers, “Hello, I am Ankur. I have a perfect athletic body with a 10-inch cock.” For my New Readers, These are the assets (or figure) of my HOT MILFs. Jasmine my Wife has a figure of 34D-24-36. Alura, my Mother in Law has a figure of 34G-29-38. Louise, my wife’s Aunt has a figure of 40F-29-40. After fucking hot milf Louise and my wife...

1 year ago
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Controlling My Urges Paid Off Part 1

Hello. I am Rishi The Boss and I am going to narrate my experience with my mother. I really hope that you all will love it and send me your feedback that Your feedback will make me write the Part 2 of it. It’s just the beginning. The real picture is in Part 2 but to reach to Part 2, you need to make me believe that you love my writing. Don’t expect some bullshit fantasy in it. It will be normal and natural. I am not going make it look like a Superhero story where everything is done with no...

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Controlling Subconscious Mind Of A MILF For Sex

Hi, I am Karthik, and I am 26 years old from Hyderabad. I forgot the username and password of my old ISS account where I had written 7-8 experiences of mine with different women, so I created a new account. Also, I posted the second part of my first sex story, however, it is not yet posted here on ISS so apologies for that too. So, how did I fuck this new bitch just by thought alone? I learned about the law of attraction a year ago and have been applying it to different aspects of my life ever...

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Controlling Bobbi Ch 03

If you haven’t read the previous two stories in this series, This will make more sense if you do. Thanks to those who took the time to make constructive comments and suggestions. Hopefully you will find this post a more suitable length. Bobbi: Fresh out of the shower, I was sitting in my robe eating my breakfast on Saturday morning, when it dawned on me that the feelings and experiences I had the night before, were exactly the kind of things that I felt when Joe had hypnotized me. Now it all...

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Controlling Bobbi Ch 01 Bobbi

My name is Bobbi. Men seem to find my 5′ frame topped with long red hair quite attractive and I get my fair share of looks and propositions from men, none of which I am interested in pursuing. I was a bit wild during my high school and college years, but my husband Joe is quite conservative and at 28, I am satisfied to share a quiet conservative life with him. Joe and I live in a large apartment complex while we save for a down payment on our first house. We pretty much keep to ourselves and...

1 year ago
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Controlling Authority 01

Luke grinned and flexed his hand as he left the conference room, working out the residual ache. He was still feeling pretty damned good despite the early meeting schedule. Not about the meeting itself of course, that had been the usual boring financial tripe. No, he was still reveling in the memories of last night. Last night… His chest swelled with pride and his ego grew to bursting proportions. Fuck, it had been fantastic! Thinking back he chuckled to himself, remembering scoffing at her...

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Controlling Authority 02

He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. ...

2 years ago
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Controlling Sissy Janice Part 1

I had thought that my wife was unaware of my crossdressing. Not only was I wrong but, as it turns out, I was the one unaware - -of the man she was having sex with at work. This is the story of how the truth came out and what happened afterward. My wife Lilly works at a very high-powered law firm as an office manager. Though she's not an attorney she works long hours. I've been a 9-5 office worker, managing accounts receivables for an insurance company. In the period between when I...

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Controlling Sissy Janice Part 2

Lilly instructed me to go upstairs and strip, and to remove my wig. "I have to get some bags out of my car. I want you naked and in the shower when I come back." I did as I was told. I was in a bit of a fog. I was now going beyond what I'd ever contemplated. Even if I'd worked up the courage to tell Lilly the truth, the most I'd have hoped for was the occasional chance to dress at home in front of her. But now I was looking at a future as a permanent sissy, and, worse, a cuckold. I...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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Control Freak

I’m a control freak. There it is. I said it. I have an insatiable need to control everything around me. Even worse, I have a pathological need to control everyone around me -- especially those who matter most to me. Just ask them.There was no one better to call me out on it than my best friend Stacie. Stacie and I met at the architectural firm we both starting working at three years ago, after graduating from college. I work in the structural division. She works with interior design. We became...

2 years ago
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Control App

Congratulations due to some Cosmic Being you’ve awoken with the Control App installed on your phone. Don’t ask why and don’t ask how just know that a measly code won’t stop a cosmic entity from simply opening your phone to grant you control over another human being or several if you play your cards right. Granted there are rules of course that cannot be ignored no matter how hard you tried because guess what that’s how the universe works. You may have the power of the Gods in your hands but...

Mind Control
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ControlPart 3 Life and Death on the Web Site

Geoffrey isn't an innocent. He has been known to use internet porn. Stories, pictures, videos. He belonged to a couple of subscription sites for awhile. He was blown away when he first saw a bestiality video, and again when bukkake first came out. He's looked at bdsm. He wonders how many women out there are happy to suck dogs or drink bowls of semen or have breast torture. He'd always thought the models were in it just for the money, and that either the money was awfully good or they were...

4 years ago
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Control Through Fear

Control Through FearBy  Sonya  EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s Note:This is the third story to my Lovecraftian horror-sex Anthology-Trilogy.  The first was Witness  To Horror and the second was Hotel Trap.  This story is more or less adapted from two of HP Lovecraft’s stories,  namely  The Rats In The Walls and  the Lurking Fear.  The latter had been adapted many times as a horror films,  in movies like The Breeders  (starring the famous actor Rutger Hauer)  and ...

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Control of your brain

I will tell you a story.The story about how I ended up in absolute control over any person I desired, and how I used them for my pleasure.But before we start on the actual story, let me tell you a bit about my family.First of all my name is Jacob, and I am 18 years old.My mother and father got sexually interested in each other at young ages.My mother got pregnant at 16 years old, and gave birth to my sister Mary a couple of months after turning 17.At 18 years old she gave birth to me.After a...

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Control By Sandra Silk This is all so crazy, that I guess I should just put down what happened and let you decide what I should do. To begin with, my name is Carl and I'm 15. Just 15 three weeks ago - and what a three weeks it has been. I live with Donna, my stepmother in a small town outside of New York City. She and my dad have only been married two years and he travels most of the time. So it's usually just Donna and I at home. And that can make it hard. See, I can't take my eyes...

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Control Freak Part one

I will start with a little back story   However this series of accounts will focus mainly upon my power hungry days. I don't care much for my youth or the days before I got my power. Everything changed for me the day I hit my head while working at a disgrace of a restaurant. You know the type of the fast variety.  Before I get too far ahead of myself, I had been working at this shit hole for minimum wage for the last 6 months. I had bills piling up and money going out before it came in. I...

2 years ago
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Controlled by a Maids Uniform

She looked up at the fancy farmhouse in front of her. It had been in ruins for as long as she remembered as a kid she often came here to throw chestnuts through the windows, or to make a fire on the back patio. Recently a developer had bought the place and changed it into a hotel. New windows, new paint. A new door. A new fountain. This place didn’t much resemble the ruins from her childhood anymore. Amber walked up the steps and opened the big wooden door. There was a hallway with a lush...

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