Control Freak free porn video

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I’m a control freak. There it is. I said it. I have an insatiable need to control everything around me. Even worse, I have a pathological need to control everyone around me -- especially those who matter most to me. Just ask them.

There was no one better to call me out on it than my best friend Stacie. Stacie and I met at the architectural firm we both starting working at three years ago, after graduating from college. I work in the structural division. She works with interior design. We became fast friends. Whenever I wasn’t with my boyfriend Brandon, I was usually hanging out with her. Women can’t be brothers from another mother, but Stacie was my sister from another mister. She is closer to me than family.

That’s why she was shocked when I called her just after 9:00 on that Friday evening. She didn’t expect to hear from me at all. She knew I had a dinner date with Brandon after work that was sure to last the rest of the weekend. It was our two-year dating anniversary. I was going to make it a weekend neither of us would ever forget. I bought new sexy short red dress with matching siren-red five-inch heels and lingerie. The dress was made of red leather that looked more like straps wrapped around my body, barely covering the most important places. The hem of the dress just covered my ass. I got my nails done to match. I was waxed, shaved and oiled. I had been sexting him all week, teasing him mercilessly. At the same time, I kept edging myself, making my pussy soaked and desperate to be fucked. Stacie knew all of that. The last thing she expected from me was a phone call, especially one so early Friday evening with me bawling.

“Oh Candace, what’s wrong?” she asked the moment she heard my voice over the phone.

Words struggled to escape through my sobs. “Can (huh huh) I (huh) come (huh huh) over?” I asked.

“Yes, of course,” Stacie answered, as I knew she would.

I approached the door to her condo and it opened. Stacie stood there wearing a light blue small tank top that hugged her large firm unconstrained tits beneath and small grey pajama shorts. Her long blond hair cascaded over her tan shoulders. She was barefoot and comfortable, already settling in for the night. I looked into her wide compassionate blue eyes and burst into tears again. Stacie grabbed my arm and pulled me in, closing the door behind us. She held me with a long hug. The lights in the condo were down low; the music was playing softly.

“Come sit down,” she said, moving me to the couch in her living room. Two martinis were already poured and waiting for us. “What’s the matter?”

“Brandon dumped me,” I said.

“No. What happened?” Stacie asked with a caring tone in her voice, but a look on her face like she already knew. “He’s not cheating on you, is he?”

“No. He’s too perfect for that,” I lamented.

“He does seem pretty perfect Candace.  What happened?”

“When we sat down for dinner I could tell something was wrong. When I asked him what was wrong, he said he felt so badly, but couldn’t do it anymore. He even had tears in his eyes.”

“Couldn’t do what?”

“He couldn’t keep putting up with me.”

“What about you?”

“Me being anal.”

“I thought guys liked that,” she toyed in a weak attempt at levity.

“That’s not what he meant, Stacie,” I corrected through my tears. “He said I get too bossy; too controlling.”

“Oh Candace. I’m so sorry.”

I tried to catch my breath.

“It’s not like that’s new, is it?” she asked daringly, as only a best friend can.

“Ouch, Stacie,” I said through my continuing tears.

Stacie didn’t rescue me from the sting of her question. She just waited for me to answer. I shrugged my shoulders with a wordless response.

“Did you see this coming?”

“Does it look like I saw this coming?” I asked, looking down at my dress that left little to the imagination.

“Do you think there’s some truth to it?” she asked. “At least for him?”

I took a sip of the martini. “There must be,” I confessed. “That’s just me though. You know how I am Stacie. I don’t mean to control everything, I just...”

“Try to control everything?”

“Yeah. And it fucks up all my relationships.”

“Is it over with him?” she asked.

“He said he didn’t want it to be. I begged him to give me another chance. I told him I’d work on it. I promised I’d be better. It was pathetic.” I took another sip of the drink.

“What did he say?”

“He said I’ve said that before. He thought it was just too hard for me not to be so controlling. He said it’s not right for him to try to change me, but that he needs something different.”


“He said he thought I would be happier if I didn’t feel the need to control everything too, but that would be up to me. He genuinely seemed as more concerned for my happiness than his own.”

“Sounds like him,” Stacie said. “Is he going to wait?”

“Fuck, I don’t know,” I answered as the hydrant of my tears started again. “He said he knew nothing would change if we stayed together. He’s pretty torn up. I doubt he’s going to jump into something new right away, but girls are going to start hitting on him as soon as they find out he’s single.”


“He said he knew it wasn’t all me. He realized he needed to work on some things too.”

“That’s hopeful.”

“I think he was just being his sweet self. He didn’t want me to feel like it was all on me – that I singlehandedly blew up our relationship because of my control issues.”

“He is pretty perfect,” she repeated.

“He’s the best thing that ever happened to me Stacie. I’ve got to figure this out. I’d do anything to get him back.”

“Would you?” she asked with genuine curiosity. “Anything?”

Stacie’s question caught me off-guard. I pondered a moment. “I have to,” I answered. “If not to get Brandon back, to at least stop fucking up every good relationship that comes my way.”

“If you’re serious, I can help you,” she said with a friendly firmness to her voice, “but you have to trust me.”

“With what?” I asked.

“With anything and everything I ask you to do.” She paused and corrected herself. “You have to trust me with anything and everything I tell you to do. It will require your full cooperation, no questions asked. No hesitation.”

I took another drink. “So, like what? What will you tell me to do?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “The important thing is that you give up complete control.”

“I don’t know,” I answered. “You want me to promise I’ll do anything you say, no matter what?”

“Yep. Don’t you trust me?”

“Of course, I trust you Stacie,” I shot back as if it was obvious. “I just…”

“Don’t really trust me,” she interrupted, finishing my sentence. “You don’t trust anyone Candace. That’s why you’re such a control freak.”

“I trust you,” I countered.

“Then say yes. No conditions; no questions; no limits; no hesitation.”

“That’s crazy,” I shot back.

“It might be crazy,” she said. “But from where I’m sitting, it’s crazier not to.”

Something deep in me knew she was right, but everything else in me fought against the idea of surrendering control.

“Let’s start small then,” Stacie pushed. “Agree to do whatever I say for the next hour.”

I pondered her offer. It seemed like a small step. What could happen in one hour? Yet I knew Stacie enough to know the better question was ‘what couldn’t happen in one hour?’ I looked up into her eyes. I saw her sincerity looking back at me.

“One hour of giving up control Candace,” she repeated. “One hour of letting someone else be in charge. Just try it.  Let go. Here’s the deal though. At the end of the hour, I’ll ask again if you want to continue. Your answer will either be yes or no. No negotiating. You’ll either continue to do anything I tell you or not. Deal?”

I could feel the tears slowing and my normal breaths starting to recover. My cheeks were damp. I felt deflated and defeated, at my own hand. My life was imploding. The weekend I planned to be the best ever was now the worst. I was sitting in my best friend’s living room, licking my wounds, drinking a martini. I was a wreck. At least she cared. I wasn’t alone. She was trying to help. Would I allow my control issues to selfishly sabotage that too? What more could I lose? The night certainly couldn’t get worse.

“Okay,” I said.

“Good,” she said. She looked up at the clock on the wall. 10:00. “Now take five deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.”

I looked at her strangely.

“Do it,” she said with a calm but stern tone.

I dutifully responded, each breath becoming deeper than the next. I felt my body begin to recover from the initial trauma of the last few hours.

“Good,” she said. “How was that?”

“Good,” I answered truthfully. “I think I see what you’re doing here.”

“So, you are trusting me?”

“Yes, I think,” I answered.

“Good. Now take those heels off.”

I took them off. Truthfully, if felt good. I kicked them to the side.

“Now get up and go make us each another Cosmo. Make them doubles.”


“Cosmos. Doubles,” she repeated.

“Okay,” I said. I felt a little self-conscious walking across the room toward her bar. I mixed the drinks, making them both doubles. They were a little more than doubles. I could sense the subtle difference between making the drinks because I chose to and making them because she told me to. I brought them back over to the couch and sat down.

“Did I say to sit down?”

“Um, no,” I said surprised. “I just assumed that…”

“Assuming is a function of control,” she interrupted. “If we are going to root it out of you, then it must be complete.”

“Wow, you’re serious,” I said.

“Very, for your own good. That’s what sisters do for each other, right?”

I felt strangely cared for by her taking charge.

“Yes,” I said, still uncertain.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I answered.

“Instead of sitting on the couch, I want you to sit here in front of me on the floor and rub my feet. I need a good foot massage.”

“What?” I asked. “Are you serious? Me give you a foot massage? I’m the one that got dumped tonight. Shouldn’t you be pampering me?”

“In a world where you’re in control, yes. But where has that gotten you? Sit.”

I slid off the couch and onto the floor. I tried to adjust my legs so my tiny thong wouldn’t show from under my short dress, but it was hopeless. I looked up at her realizing she had a straight view down my exposed cleavage.

She handed me a bottle of baby oil. “You can use this. Show me how good you are.”

I took the bottle of oil and picked up one of Stacie’s petite feet in my hands. I began to rub it as she laid back into the plush couch. Looking up at her I could see she didn’t have any panties on under her small cotton pajama shorts. I added some oil in my hand and continued to move slowly up and down her foot. I could feel the tension in her foot begin to melt to softness. Stacie moaned with pleasure.

“Mmmm, yes. Work that section down the middle,” she said.

My fingers began to press into the tenderness of the bottom of her foot, working the oil in.

“God that feels good,” she affirmed.

I couldn’t help thinking how different the night had become from what I imagined. I had carefully planned to tease Brandon mercilessly throughout dinner and then maybe hit a club for some dancing and drinks. I was going to pour on the seduction with each passing song, bringing him to a point of desperation. At just the right time, I would lure him to my apartment where the weekend would be filled with nonstop sex. I had it all planned out, with him defenseless to my constant seduction.

But instead, all of my plans had vaporized into thin air. I was sitting on the floor of my best friend’s condo, in my short sexy dress, massaging her feet. I had no idea what was going to happen for the rest of the hour, let alone the whole weekend. I was beginning to realize what a mirage control is.

“Perfect. Now the other foot please,” Stacie said.

Without saying anything, I released the first foot and took the second foot in my hands. There was something beautifully intimate about rubbing her feet. I could feel her whole body responding to my touch. My hands glided easily over the skin of her foot with the help of the oil. I looked up to see her long legs becoming relaxed as her knees fell open. It caused a gap in the large leg opening of her shorts, completely exposing her pussy to me. She was unaffected and comfortable.  Her eyes were closed. The corners of her mouth inched up toward a small smile from the pleasure of my touch.

All week I had planned with meticulous detail how I would pleasure Brandon, gladly putting the weight of the weekend’s success on my petite shoulders. I knew how to plan for the kind of romance many only dream of. The pleasure I planned for him would have been mutual. The massage I was giving Stacie was different, in more ways than the obvious. Stacie’s pleasure wasn’t planned by either of us. The spontaneity of it strangely added beauty and intimacy. I was simply doing what I was told, feeling for her foot’s response to my massage.

I glanced up her body and could see her continuing pleasure. She was relaxed. One arm lay across her chest, putting her petite hand over her ample breast. The other hand moved slowly up and down her bare abs, with her fingers moving in and out from under the waistband of her small shorts. She was unaffected by my presence.

I felt warmed seeing her so relaxed, allowing me to give her pleasure. I looked up at the clock and was surprised to see 35 minutes had already passed. Her foot felt pliable like soft putty in my hands.

Stacie opened her eyes and looked down at me with a smile. “Thank you, Candace,” she said with soft intimacy. “Now I want you to stand up for me.”

I released her foot and stood up. It felt a little awkward to be standing in front of her. She was still laying back into the sofa, relaxed and comfortable. She smiled back at me. “Take your dress off for me,” she said. “Do it slowly.”

“Take my dress off?” I asked, surprised.

“Take your dress off,” she repeated. “Slowly.”


“No buts,” she said softly, “except for the one I will see when you take your dress off. I still have 25 minutes, and you promised.”

I couldn’t argue. Without words, I began to peal the dress off. As thin as I am, my 34C bust was too large to be able to slide my tight tiny dress down my body. I pulled the dress up over my small round ass and then the rest of my body gradually, almost like a striptease.

“Slowly,” she repeated.

I couldn’t help but wonder why she was having me strip in front of her. With each inch of the dress moving up and off my body, my red “fuck me” thong was exposed. Finally, my dress was in my hands with my arms completely above me.

“Toss it to me,” she said.

I lowered my arms and tossed my dress to her, feeling even more exposed and vulnerable. I shyly had one arm over my tits and the other across my abs with my hand over my pussy.

“Hold your hair up with both hands and turn around for me,” she said. “Slowly.”

“Stacie,” I protested. “It just feels…”

“Awkward? Out of control?” she interrupted. Her index finger moved in a circle in front of her face. “I still have 20 minutes Candace. Now turn. Slowly.”

I conceded without words. I reached up to take my long brunette hair in my hands and held it on top of my head with my elbows out. I began to turn. I could feel her eyes taking in my nearly naked body.  My ample firm tits were fully exposed. My tiny red thong barely covered my pussy in front, and did nothing to conceal my ass.

“Very good, she said.

“You told me you’ve been waiting all week to get fucked tonight, right?”

“Yes,” I said, recounting the many conversations she and I had anticipating the weekend.

“You’ve been edging yourself multiple times a day, waiting to be fucked.”


“You made yourself desperate to cum, right?”

“Yes,” I said, feeling more awkward. It felt fine talking about it with her throughout the week in anticipation of the plans I made with Brandon. Talking about it now with her, standing naked, with only my slutty thong in the middle of her living room felt different.

“Show me.”

“Show you what?” I asked.

“Show me how you bring yourself to an edge, but don’t cum yet.”

“What??” I asked.

“You can use the baby oil if you want,” she added, ignoring my protest.

“Right here, in front of you?”

“Right here, right now, in front of me,” she said. “No holding back. I want you on the very edge of climax.”

As much as Stacie and I had talked about sex before, I had never touched myself in front of another girl, even in a slumber party or college sleepovers. Part of me knew there was nothing I needed more than a good climax. Stacie knew that too. But to edge myself in front of her was embarrassing.

Stacie could feel my discomfort. She pulled her tank top over her head and let it drop next to her on the couch. Her hands reached down and pulled her shorts down her long-tanned legs. She leaned forward and picked up the bottle of oil from the table before drizzling it across her own body. She looked beautiful. Her hands began to glide across her body.

“Do it,” she said, looking up into my eyes. “Let’s do this together. No cumming yet.”

“Yet?” I thought to myself. Does that mean she is going to have me cum in front of her? With her?

I leaned forward and picked up the baby oil from where she put it down. I poured a little in my right hand and set the bottle back down. I stood in front of her as my oil-filled hand moved down my abs toward my womanhood. I closed my eyes as my middle finger moved below my thong, across my clit and down the length of my soft folds. My other hand moved to cup my left tit, taking hold of my already-erect nipple between my fingers. I slowly began to touch myself, beginning by circling my button.

The attention I had given it all week had readied and tenderized it for this evening and weekend. It quickly responded and came to life. I opened my eyes to see my best friend laid back on her couch bringing herself toward arousal. Her nipples were dark and large, standing an inch tall. Her long arms pushed her tits together as her hands reached down between her legs. Both hands were massaging her own pussy perfectly. The fingers of one hand circled her clit quickly, while her middle and ring fingers of the other hand pushed fucked her hole.

“Oh fuck!” she yelled, as much out of her own arousal as to encourage me in my mission.

My body took no time at all to respond fully to my own knowing touch. My moans started soft, but gradually increased in volume as the giant climax approached. My pace of my breathing intensified. “Oh shit!” I yelled as the climax grew like a wave ready to crash over me.

“Stop,” Stacie ordered with a softness in her voice.

My hand kept moving, bringing the wave higher.

“Stop Candace,” she ordered with more firmness in her voice.

Nothing in me wanted to stop. This was my climax, damn it. I had waited for the last two weeks to cum. I deserved this! I looked at her pleadingly.


“Oh god Stacie. I want to cum. I’m so close.”

“Stop,” she repeated. “It doesn’t matter what you want. Catch your breath.”

My whole body vibrated in desire.

“Take your panties off,” she said.

I looked at her in surprise. There was the consolation that she was already laying naked in front of me. Her body was oiled. She looked amazing.

I took the tiny threads of my thong’s waistband and pealed it down my legs, letting it fall to my ankles. I kicked it away.

“Mmmm. Beautiful.”

I blushed.

“Now edge again. Maybe I’ll let you cum this time.

My hands moved instinctively without delay. My soft folds welcomed the return of my fingers for more attention. My pussy was completely soaked with desire.

“Bring it right to the edge and hold it there for me.”

I watched as her own hands followed her orders.

My knees began to buckle as the orgasm quickly started to grow back, returning to where I left off. I pulled at my swollen nipple with the fingers of one hand, while the fingers of the other skillfully worked my pussy.

“Oh shit!” I yelled. My mind started to dizzy with pleasure, making me feel high. I was losing myself to the overwhelming growing pleasure. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”


“Oh please Stacie! Oh god, oh god,” I said. My fingers still worked my entire body toward climax. If only I can bring myself over the cliff, there would be no stopping it!

“Stop now, Candace,” she ordered, knowing me too well to let me get away with it.

I dutifully stopped. “Oh god, please Stacie. Don’t do this to me.”

“You are not in charge Candace. I am. If I let you cum, it will be my choice, not yours.”

I looked at the clock. “Only for the next six minutes,” I answered back obnoxiously.

“That’s true. Only for the next six minutes, but I hope for longer,” she added.

I looked at her sarcastically, as if we both knew I would never just hand her complete control, denying my own pleasure.

“Now, start again and bring yourself to the very edge for me, won’t you.”

“Oh god, Stacie. You’re killing me with this.”

“I am, aren’t I?” she answered devilishly. “Do it, darling.”

I didn’t need to be asked again. My body was desperate for emancipation. My fingers wasted no time, moving purposely to recover the euphoria again. Soon, I was back in that blissful place. My entire body was spellbound by my own touch. “Ah yes!” I said, as my knees buckled again. The climax grew from deep within me, more intensely than the first two times. “Oh god,” I cried.

“Mmmm. Hold it there darling. No cumming yet. Let it build.”

I closed my eyes, lost in the moment. Lost in the euphoria. I dreamed of Brandon touching me. The intensity continued to build. “Oh god, please Stacie. Now?”

“Almost,” she said softly, holding her own body on the edge of pleasure.

“Oh fuck!” I said, more desperate to cum than I could remember ever being.

Stacie glanced at the clock. The second hand rounded itself toward the top, passing the 12. It was one minute to 11 o’clock.

“Stop,” she said.

“God no! Please Stacie! Let me cum!” It felt strange begging someone else, another woman to let me touch myself.

“If you want to cum, stop now.”

I stopped. My ass bucked in response to my pussy’s desperation. “Oh god, please.” My body convulsed on the edge of climax, pleading to cum. I looked over and was surprised to see her continuing to touch herself. Her puffy nipples were hard like thimbles.

“Yes!” she screamed, as the orgasm washed over her. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

She looked up at the clock as the second hand passed the 12 again.

“Ah, damn,” she feigned. “Time’s up.”

“Fuck you,” I said. “That was mean.” I pushed my fingers down between the folds of my pussy again. “I’ve got to cum.”

“Not in my house. Not without my permission,” she answered.

“But the hour is up.”

“So, what’s your decision?”

“About what?”

“About agreeing to continue to do everything I tell you.”

My breathing was still struggling to recover.  My mind wanted to stay lost in the clouds. “Please let me cum,” I answered.

“So that’s a yes?”

Her question sharpened my mind from its fogginess. “I don’t know, I just want to cum like you did. It still feels crazy to give up complete control Stacie. Who would do that?”

“You just did and it wasn’t so bad,” she answered.

“Yeah, it was great until it ended. But that was just for an hour. I mean who would give complete control up to someone else for good?”

“Someone who wants Brandon back,” she answered calculatedly.  “Someone who doesn’t want to blow up every good thing that comes their way.”

My mind swirled with a tornado of resistance inside. Stacie read my face like a design page. There was no way I would just abdicate my own sovereignty, even to Stacie who just gave me the strange gift of the last hour.

Stacie could see my struggle to answer. “Good bye Brandon,” she said with a mock wave to the side. “You know someone as gorgeous, sweet and generous as him won’t last long out there. Girls are going to be lining up to show him the possibilities of what they’ll do to pleasure that cock of his you keep bragging about.”

“Fuck you,” I said, more upset at myself than her.

Stacie was unphased. “Either you’ll do anything to get him back or you won’t Candace. It’s as simple as that. Either you’ll give up control and have a chance, or not. You’re choice Candace. I’m just trying to help.”

“So, what will I have to do?”

“Absolutely everything I tell you, Candace. You have to learn to give up complete control.”

I just looked back at her without an answer. I felt helpless, mostly to myself and my own self-sabotage. I also still felt desperate to cum.

“If it helps to know, I promise we can start slow,” she offered. “But that’s all I’ll say. You must agree to do anything I tell you, period. No limits. Complete surrender.”

“For how long?”

“For as long as it takes,” she said. “That will be up to me, but will depend on you. It won’t work unless there is no time limit.”

I stood there naked in front of her, still buzzing from the wave of anticipated pleasure ready to crash over me. The thought of complete submission went against everything in me. My eyes darted away and then back to her. Our eyes locked. She looked back at me with a soft compassion in her eyes, but a firm uncompromising sternness on her face. I stammered to give an answer, but didn’t know what to say. My heart wanted to say yes, but my mind and will were in fierce opposition.

“Shit Candace, you’re hopeless,” she said as she sat up from the couch frustrated.

I suddenly felt the slap of my small leather dress hit the bottom of my legs, and land on my bare feet. “I’m glad I could be here for you tonight. I always will be. But you can go home now.  There’s nothing more I can do for you.”

Stacie’s words stung. For the second time in one evening, I was being dumped. Any tenderness from her earlier compassion was gone. “Shit Stacie, I’m sorry. I just…”

“Would rather live in your own little world you can control. I get it. That world just keeps shrinking and lonelier by the hour, but at least you’re in control, right?”

I started to cry again.

“I’ll see you Monday at work,” she said unaffected. “I have a relaxing weekend planned Candace. I don’t need this drama, especially if you're not willing to do anything about it.” Her tone was sincere but firm and confident.

“I’m sorry Stacie.”

“No you’re not,” Stacie answered, “at least not enough to do anything about it. That’s your choice. Its also your problem.  I can’t make you change. You have to want it. You keep saying you’ll do anything, but you’re just lying to yourself – and to me.”

“I do want it,” I answered. “I just…”

“Don’t,” she interrupted, putting her hand up. She stood and put on her tank top and shorts. She started to walk toward her front door. “Have a good weekend. I’ll see you Monday.” She reached toward the door knob.

My tears flowed. “Wait, don’t open it. I’m naked.”

“Have a good weekend,” she repeated. She opened the door, exposing me to the outside world.

“Oh god,” I said. The thought of going home by myself was overwhelming. I didn’t want to be alone, but for the second time in the same night, those who mattered most to me didn’t want me around. “Do I have to go? Can I stay here a little longer?”

“No. I’m glad I could be here for you Candace, but you clearly have things under control and don’t need me. To be honest, I don’t need your control issues and drama either.”

“But I do need you.”

“Yeah, you do, but you’re only willing to on your terms. Look where that’s got you.” She opened the door more, further exposing me to anyone who might walk by.

“Can you close that?” I asked.


“Okay,” I said. “I’ll do it.”

“Do what?”

“Give up control.”

“It’s not just giving up control, you must give me complete control.”

“Okay, okay. I give you complete control,” I answered hesitantly. “Can you just close the door?”

“Nope. This is my house. You’re not in charge here. I doubt you will really give me complete control. I don’t think you will.”

“I will. I promise Stacie,” trying my best to sound convincing for her, and for me.

“Complete control?”

“Yes,” I said, feeling my stomach turn as the word came out.

“Say it,” she answered. “I give you complete control.”

“I give you complete control.”

“No limits. No hesitation.”

“No limits. No hesitation.”

“For as long as I say.”

“For as long as you say.”

Stacie closed the door and locked it.

“You’re serious?”

“I promise Stacie. I’m serious. I need to do whatever it takes to stop fucking my life up, especially with those who matter most to me.”

Stacie read my face for sincerity. She knew it wouldn’t be easy for me.

“Okay,” she said with a smile. “There is hope for you yet.”

I smiled back nervously.

“Finish your drink and make us two more Cosmos. Doubles.”

I finished what was left in my glass, walked over to the bar and dutifully made the drinks. There was an awkward suspense between us, especially with me being completely naked.

“Pick up your dress and panties from my floor.” Stacie walked across the room, opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of long scissors. She returned and handed them to me. “Cut them up,” she said nonchalantly.

“What? My dress and panties? They’re brand new. They were expensive.”

“Who did you buy them for? For what occasion?”

“For Brandon. For tonight.”

“Neither exists anymore.”

Her words stung, but were true.

“It’s time to set you free from yourself. Do it.”

“What will I wear?”

“That’s for me to decide.”

“Oh god,” I said, struggling with cutting up the perfect dress I found to seduce Brandon.

“I knew you couldn’t do it. Anytime it might cost you something, you fuck it up.”

“Okay, okay,” I said, turning the scissors to the leather. With just a few cuts, there was nothing but small leather strips piled on the floor. With one cut, the thong was nothing but a useless string of lace.

“Very good,” Stacie said. “There really might be hope for you. Now, unlock your phone and give it to me.”


Stacie looked at me frustrated, without responding.

“Okay.” I took my phone out of my purse, used my thumbprint to unlock it and handed it to her. I watched silently as she made a few clicks. My stomach ached, not knowing what she was doing.

“Very good,” she said. “Lay down on your back on the couch,” she ordered. “Spread your legs and bring yourself to another edge. Do not cum yet.”

“Oh god Stacie.”

“Do it,” she insisted. “Tell me when you are close. Do not cum.”

I laid down on the couch and spread my legs.

“Wider,” she said.

I raised one foot up to the top of the back of the couch and lowered the other foot to the floor, spreading them as far as I could. I slowly moved my petite hands down my body to the folds of my wet tender pussy. I closed my eyes and started to stroke myself tenderly. It felt strange having her stand at the end of the couch watching me. I felt like an exhibitionist. She watched closely as I slowly brought myself to another edge. My breathing became short and rapid. My body tingled.

“Stop,” she demanded.

My body bucked on her couch, dangerously close to soaking it with my cum.

“Use the fingers of one hand to spread your pussy wide. Flip me off with the other.”


“Just do it.”

I did as I was told. Stacie held my phone up and took a few pictures of my naked body stretched out on her couch, with my pussy opened wide and my middle finger defiantly up.

“Perfect,” she said. “Thank you.” After a few more clicks on my phone, she walked over to a small safe on her desk. She opened the safe, put my phone in it and closed the door. The sound of the click verified it was locked.  “Now we can begin.”

“What was that for?” I asked.

“I changed the password on your work email. It’s okay, your phone will remember it. I put your entire contact list into a file and sent it to me. I then used your phone to take your picture showing off your pussy, tits and you flipping off the world. There will never be any question about whose phone the pictures originated from. Everyone on your contact list will get an email from you to show off your pics if you ever decide to take control back before I say you can.”

My jaw dropped in disbelief. “You wouldn’t do that,” I said shocked.

“You know me better than that Candace.”

I did know her better than that.

“I won’t hesitate to send them. I would far rather have you willingly submit like you promised. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a little extra motivation.”

“But it would destroy me,” I said. “My family. My friends. Oh my god, I would get fired.”

“That’s true, especially with the pics coming from your work email. But think about the upside. Look how much more motivated you are to cooperate with me and work through your control issues,” she said with a devilish smile.


“You have nothing to worry about, unless you decide to get all anal on me, at least in ways I am not requiring.”

“Oh god Stacie.”

“Miss Stacie,” she interrupted with a tone of insistence. From now on, if you want to ask a question or say anything, you must start with “Miss Stacie.”

“Are you serious?”

Stacie looked back at the safe on her desk. “Is there a problem?”

“Okay, okay,” I said. “Miss Stacie.” I felt like I was suddenly in a new world, almost like an out-of-body experience. I felt helpless not being in control. I sensed Stacie was doing this for my own good, but everything in me wanted to resist. I started the evening being a control freak, having every detail planned for a life-changing night. Now, I had just given up complete control of everything, and had no idea what might happen next.

“Very good,” she said. “Stand up.”

I stood up from the couch, completely naked in front of her. My tits reached out firmly, accented by my puffy nipples pointing at her. My pussy was soaked from the torment of my edges, still desperate to cum. In a strange way, I felt cared for, but also never more vulnerable.

“No one expects you anywhere this weekend. The only one who did, decided he didn’t want you around.”

Stacie’s words stung, but were true.

“So now you you will spend the weekend here, doing everything I say. I will make no requests, only commands. You surrendered complete control. There will be no limits of what I may require from you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” feeling my head spin at her words.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Miss Stacie.”

“Very good. Now kneel in front of me to show your complete submission.”

I paused in disbelief and looked into her eyes. She met my wide puppy dog glance with a stern firm glare. I dutifully knelt in front of her. I could see her nipples pushing out beneath her thin tank top as if aroused.

“Something important must happen here for this to work. Your complete submission has to be something you want. This must be your choice, your desire and your commitment. If it is what you want, ask me if I will do whatever it takes to free you from fucking your life up any more.”

I looked up at her in more disbelief.

“Beg me,” she insisted.

“Please, Miss Stacie. Would you do whatever it takes to free me from my control issues?”

“That depends,” Stacie answered. “What will you do and commit, if I say yes?”

“I will do anything, Miss Stacie” I answered, repeating my commitment.  However this time it felt different. I was asking her to take my control away, and to use her control over me.

“Without limits?” she asked.

“Without any limits, Miss Stacie.”

“Okay, Candance. Since that’s what you want. Our arrangement will only end when I am convinced I have freed you from your control issues. To do that, you must exceed my every expectation. Anything less will be met with punishment and longer submission. Is that what you want?”

“Yes, Miss Stacie,” I answered. I could feel something already changing in me.

She smiled deviously as she looked down at me. “Very good. Your training begins right now.”

My mind spun as I looked up at her from my position on my knees in front of her. Down deep, I knew that I was still a control freak. I had an insatiable need to control everything around me. Even worse, I had a pathological need to control everyone around me -- especially those who matter most to me. But now, maybe for the first time in my life, I had absolutely no control over what would happen next.

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Hentai Freak! That’s this website’s slogan – if you visit this site then do not hold back at all and fap away. This website, known as ‘’, contains one of the world’s most organized collections of pornographic Japanese anime the world has ever seen. For those of you who have been living in a dark brooding cave aka your room for the past 10 years, Hentai is Japanese animation but with a XXX twist to it. Now you probably know what Hentai is if you do happen to live in a room that...

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1 year ago
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Hot Chatline freak

I recently found myself not being able to sleep because I was so damned horny! I am a night owl by nature so when I can't sleep I am usually horny at 2am. Anyway I called a local phone chat line for laughs, remove boredom and perhaps talk a hot chic off and got to bed, best case scenario....or so I thought!After 15 minutes of my "free trial" had already elapsed I received a message from a very sexy woman with a very sexy voice. Her reply to my ad was " Damn, you have such a sexy voice, just...

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PussyEating Freaks

My former college roommate says I’m a freak. I tell him to fuck off, then we both laugh. He’s married and I’m divorced, so I can be with different women (whenever I manage to find one who’ll have me which isn’t too very often I’ll admit). When we talk on the phone he always wants to hear the details if I’ve been with a woman. I tell him he’s a freak because he just wants to beat off while I tell him about something he’s not free to do. He tells me to fuck off then we both laugh. He says I have...

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Controlling Sister 3 Controlling Daughter

by Krosis of the Collective --- If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it...

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Max is a Freak

Max was 22 years old, unemployed , & smoking a joint while sitting on the living room sofa . Beside him as a smooth jazzy porn like song played ,his mom Carol(52) was 5ft 8 135 pounds with 38dd juggs danced a sexy dance in her 5 inch spiked heels while in her yellow bikini. His stepmom Joyce who dispised him only a month ago was now sucking on his 9inch penis. As Max got high from the pot Carol swung her hips gently to the music . Max had hypnotized her 6 weeks ago. He was a man in...

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Fitness Freak

It's torture helping you with squats and having to see your beautiful ass bending over repeatedly under my watchful eye. That inner thigh machine you love so much, ok I admit I'm not supposed to be looking then but it's just so damn tempting. Every time you catch me you smile but I know this can't go pass a professional relationship. It's a two way street though, I see you looking at my dick when I spot you on the bench press. Too bad we are both too busy to find time outside the gym....

4 years ago
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Experiences of A Bisexual Arrogant Freak

I'll be the first to admit that I am total gutter trash and my cock's pleasure is my priority in life. I don't give a fuck if anyone thinks I'm wrong for it, because I live my life with sexual intentions. Sure, I am a responsible guy. I support myself and function in everyday society, but I do so, so that I can continue doing the nasty things I like to do. For instance, when I was 16 and in high school, my buddy Steve spent weekends over sometimes and he told me more than once he...

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My little control freak

As my arms were stretched above my head, I could hear, but not see there were more than a couple of voices in the bedroom I was in. I thought back to the moment I was still sitting behind my computer upstairs. Try as I might, I couldn’t concentrate on the article I was writing. In it, I was exploring the human reaction to insecurity, and it’s opportunity for growth: ‘In your greatest fear lies your greatest reward’. At this point though my greatest distraction was downstairs. My wife, let’s...

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I live in a co op in the bronx and their is these college girls that have and aparment on the first floor. This moring one of the girls who i will name lala was having a little trouble with her labtop i was walking in the the building when she asked ‘ do you know how to lock a wifi? I told her i would be happy to help! so we sat in the lobby of our building and i fix the labtop she ask what floor do you live on i said foue but let me tell you about this hard body 24 year old black girl 5’tall...

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Allia FutaFreak

Allia felt a strange feeling luring her into the forest outside of the city walls. She felt more and more comfortable, warm, and safe as she approached her destination. Before too long, she came upon a large wooden house in the middle of nowhere. Thirsty, hungry and very tired, Allia had no other choice than to knock on the strange house’s door. “There’s a good chance it’s abandoned”, she rationalized She waited for a while and just before giving up, a young man opened to door. She immediately...

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She Becomes a Cum Freak

***My wife Wendy was a virgin when we married and wouldn't even let give her oral sex much less giving me any. But man did she change over the years. (MMF, wife, oral, cheat, fetish, preg, glory)***I got to know my wife Wendy back in high school when she become friends with my sister. At first I thought she was just a dumb k**. But when she was in 10th grade, she changed like more night. She went from this skinny not so good looking girl to a young lady with a good start on having all the right...

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She is a Foot Freak

When a woman is in her prime, guys can feel that – she exudes a sexual scent, her feet are perfect and almost palpable aura of sensuality that cannot be duplicated. That’s why her hot roommate was always checking her feet out: she was a beautiful petite MILF in the early forties, someone who has enough confidence to left a room full of men breathless; she knew how sexy and attractive she is, and always ran around their apartment half-naked, in the bathrobe or skinny outfits, showing her...

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How I became a Sado Maso Freak

(originally writed in french, google translated/sorry for broken sentencies ;) Before I Discovere the art of BDSM lifestyle, i was married ten years with a religious man i never loved (but he was wealthy ;)) without imagination in sexuality and was deeply emotionally disable.I was feeling myself a kind of submissive since my birth, but I quit my very vanilla, boring and prude way of life when i meet a Great BDSM Master from Ukrainia few year ago.I fall crazy in love with Him !This passion...

3 years ago
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The Craigslist Freak

This story happened about a 3 months before my last story, its the summer of 2010, Im miserable, lonesome, and feeling down about just about everything. That means its time to hunt some strange on craigslist. An add appears in women for men, its title reads something like "seeking man who likes anal play." I like anal play, though I had never done it with anyone else, so why not give her a shot? I send her a message with a pic of me using some of my toys, I fully expect her to: 1. be ugly,...

1 year ago
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THIS IS THE SECOND HALF OF SILK PANTIES....................As we pull into my driveway she is hanging out the window of my truck letting the warm breeze hit her hard nipples. All the while her sweet ass is up in the air and that beautiful camel toe ready to be eaten. No sooner did I put the truck in park I was laying on my back under her flickering my tongue across her clit. WOW was she juice and smelled so sweet.She got real quite as I licked her camel toe up and down, side to side. I could...

3 years ago
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Helping a new friend find her inner freak

As a purveyor of fine porn, xHamster has kept me well lubricated. I routinely change the oil 4 or 5 times a day. The beauty of having a smartphone is that you can truly take it with you.I routinely scan the personals for real people that are somewhat local. I never thought I'd be able to find a friend that would meet in real life. Most are cammers, spammers, or just to shy/not interested (which is perfectly fine). I have found a few to chat with who are totally sweetly kinky. I must have subtly...

2 years ago
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Wendys Drive Thru Freak

One late night after smoking a joint of some good 420 & had the munchies i took a trip to the Wendy's not to far from my house .I placed my order & pulled around to the pick up window & see this cute girl working that i see alot when i go there,but most of the time when i went ,my girlfriend (at the time) was in the car, so i would normally just get my food & keep it movin .This time i was by myself ..So when i pull up i say hello & asks her "What's her name ?" .....She...

3 years ago
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Stacey the freak

So I get a text from Stacey reading " have my bitches ready" be over in an hour. I call Ema and Amy, and pour myself a drink. The girls get to my house before Stacey, and we hop in the hot tub and wait. Stacey finally shows up and tells us to be patient, she has to get ready. We pour another round and wait. The girls are already naked and Stacey walks out only wearing a double cock strap on. The top cock was a good 10 inches, the bottom one about 7-8 inches. I get out of the tub and start...

3 years ago
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He is a Freak

I actually met Mike and Pam one Saturday at the adult book store where I was buying a few toys. I wore my shortest mini skirt with a skimpy thong and a tight low cut t-shirt with no bra. Quite a few men watched me shop as I have D tits and my nipples were hard and showing thru the shirt. It was fun to get all the stares. But Mike came up to me with Pam behind him and asked if I was interested in being with his wife. I looked her over. She was cute and a small girl with C cup tits. She was...

3 years ago
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my lil freak

I live in a co op in the bronx and their is these college girls that have and aparment on the first floor. This moring one of the girls who i will name lala was having a little trouble with her labtop i was walking in the the building when she asked " do you know how to lock a wifi? I told her i would be happy to help! so we sat in the lobby of our building and i fix the labtop she ask what floor do you live on i said foue but let me tell you about this hard body 24 year old black girl 5'tall...

3 years ago
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Survival of a High School Freak

This true story is dedicated to those brave men and women who fought long and hard and at great personal sacrifice for a cause. The dream of a tolerant society seemed far fetched, impossible to obtain in their own life times, but a torch that was carried on by a few equally persistent generations that has seen leaps and bounds in changing non-conformist attitudes, and a safer environment for today's gay youth. A long way to forge still, but a down hill trek. Maybe I'm a dreamer in believing...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e7 Josie Bolton 26 tattoo freak

ADD MORE PLAY WITH THE TONGUE PIERCING Series 9, Episode 7: Josie Bolton (26), from Peterhead We fade in on a desolate, baron coastline ... Wind and rain whips over rocks and tufts of grass, above a deserted beach ... Rain spatters against the camera lens and wind whistles over our microphones. There is no-one for as far as the eye can see. We pan away from the beach and look inland at a small carpark, picnic tables, and public toilet block. It’s hard to imagine who would drive out here...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e19 Cameron Chambers 40 wheelchair freak

Series 9, Episode 19: Cameron Chambers (40), from Swindon An establishing shot of a large mechanical workshop, half a dozen mechanics in blue overalls working on a couple of commercial trucks... And then our host steps into frame ... This week it’s former webcam girl, Kimberly, whose good looks and great figure, are always a welcome sight – especially when, as today, she’s wearing her short-shorts and really showing her legs off. The mechanics in the background certainly approve of her –...

2 years ago
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Controlling SisterChapter 3

If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it didn't take long for a horny teenage boy...

1 year ago
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Flight Attendant Freaks

Sara was a flight attendant and she lived with an other flight attendant named Allie and 2 other girls. They were all mid 20s recent college grads sharing a big party house. Sara was a pretty brunette with big natural tits and a nice fat ass. Her body was built for sex. Sara and I had only hung out a few times before we began fucking. The sex was amazing and it only got better and crazier as the weeks became months. We would fuck like rabbits and the whole house would hear Sara's moans of...

3 years ago
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one day you find a strange device laying around on the street. you pick it up to see what it is and you get a shock and faint. once you wake up you have a terrible headache that you just wish would go away. and as soon as you think that thaught, it does. confused about what happened you look around and you realize that you should have drove here instead of walking so that you could get home easier. as soon as the thaught enters your mind your car is next to you. you wander what the heck is...

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Controlling DawnBy Dawn1958Email [email protected] email me your suggestions and comments. This story was written for a young woman who had dreams, but no way of expressing them. I hope she likes my version of her story.Chapter 1Brenda had been reading erotic stories for a few years. During a recent tour of her favorite story website, she stumbled across a writer who instantly hit a nerve. Dawn1958 posted stories about normal, everyday women who were blackmailed or humiliated...

2 years ago
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Controlling Wife

- RoryMy wife (Allie) and I (Rory) have been together for a little over three years now, she is quite aware that I’m the kinky, weird one out of the two of us. We are both in our late twenties with fairly successful careers thus far. Soon after we started dating, through casual talk, she informed me that in every relationship, she was the controlling one.Why she didn’t feel it necessary to be like that with me, I may never understand. For the first couple of years, she satisfied my fetishes on...

2 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 06

Thank you to all my faithful readers who have continued to ask for this next installment and have waited so long for it. I know it has been a long time coming and I hope that you find it worth the wait. If you haven’t read the previous chapters you should. This will make a lot more sense if you do. I enjoy corresponding with the readers so if you send me an e-mail I will reply. Although I appreciate constructive comments and suggestions both positive and negative, Nasty or abusive comments...

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