After The Energists: Mike's And Tempe's NIS WeekChapter 8: Super Freak free porn video

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NIS Day 3 – Halloween Afternoon - Medway High School

12: 57pm, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979

After Lynette gave Warren, and Mindy gave Paul a blowjob in our Latin class’s relief segment, Miss Auzins asked if anyone wanted to share their three paragraph story. This short story had to include the words: breasts, nipples, vagina, penis and testicles. She reminded our class that if anyone wanted her feedback before turning this in on Friday, they had to read it to the class.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cindy Lewicky raise her hand to read her story. Cindy, along with Lynette and Jennifer, probably had the best grasp of this ancient but beautiful foreign language.

“May I read my story here, or do I need to come to the front, Mademoiselle Auzins?” Cindy asked with hopes of being allowed to read it from her second to the front, window desk.

“Et in fronte cubiculum, amabo te,” Miss Auzins replied. (The front of the room, please.)

Cindy nodded to our Latin teacher and then walked up to the front. Cindy’s dirty blonde hair looked even blonder when her face started to blush as she held her three paragraph story in her slightly trembling hands. After I heard her story, I knew why she was blushing and trembling in front of us.

After this beautiful twelfth grader took a few deep breathes, she read in near perfect Latin:

“Nuda puella lecto jacebat. Ubera eius moles brunneis papillis et vidi cancellata cutis et invitans ad novis hominibus. Ea tardius aperuit pedes eius infectum est revelare naturale eius debent.” (The naked girl laid down on the bed. Her heaving breasts and brown nipples looked inviting to the strange man. She slowly opened her legs to reveal a wet vagina.)

Mademoiselle Auzins complimented Cindy on her that paragraph’s structure and on how well she pronounced all those words. Our teacher then led the class in a translation of Cindy’s first paragraph. That activity was definitely a struggle but was also fun and informative as we worked through this paragraph. We did the same thing for her second and third paragraphs.

“Decora alta nudabatur tunicam nigrae anhelat. Cum Puella nudum Subrisit non vidit magnam gibba in ubi. Hyacintho oculos suos, cum dilatasti Vidit suum curvam mentula magna cum bracis suis et extraxerunt pedes ejus, “ Cindy read as her face nearly matched the scarlet color or her Medway tee-shirt. (The tall handsome man stripped off his shirt and black pants. The naked girl smiled when she saw the large bump in his underwear. Her blue eyes widened when she saw his large curved penis when he pulled his shorts down his legs.)

“I’m gonna die reading this last part,” Cindy softly said as the paper shook in her hands.

“Rathje deesset, vis ad auxilium vobis mate genus?” Miss Auzins asked to our NIS twelfth grade girl.

“Ita ego auxiliatus sum eam,” Jennifer replied and got up from her desk. When Cindy handed Jennifer her paper, Jennifer took a moment to read the third Latin paragraph. Her eyes got real wide and then she chuckled to Cindy, “Now, I wish I didn’t agree to read this, Cind.”

“I’ll owe you one, Jenn!” Cindy laughed from her seat and put her chin down on her desk to watch as Jennifer struggled to read:

“Sicut puella confregerant ubera pubertatis eius, tuoque pene infesto ictu vidisent eum pilosum et trahere ad suum corpus. Hoc autem non esset faciem meam operuit cum sucus satis diu ante eam.“ (As the girl caressed his penis, she saw his hairy testicles pull up to his body. It did not take long before her pretty face was covered with his juices.)

“You didn’t write what I think Jenn just read, did you, Cind?” Lynette exclaimed with her hands over her mouth.

“I shoulda just turned my paper in on Friday!” Cindy cried as she put her hands over her face with her chin still on her wooden desk.

“Class, let’s work through this. Yes it is ... risqué, but I believe it meets the requirements for this assignment,” Miss Auzins said as her face was a shade or two redder than normal.

“Sicut puella confregerant,” Warren said as he started off this translation. “Puella ... girl, confregerant, in the text it is caress so maybe ‘As the girl caress ... caressed’, is that it?”

“Yes, it’s ‘As the girl caressed,’” Cindy replied as she looked back at Warren with her crimson cheeked face.

We spent the rest of our Latin class working and laughing through Cindy’s last paragraph. Part way through this process, I got into a small debate with Paul and Mindy over who had the reddest face, Cindy, Louise VandenLoo, or Miss Auzins. Paul and I thought our teacher won this blushing contest, while Mindy vehemently argued that Cindy barely beat out Louise for the reddest face.

After Latin class, Sammy and Tempe laughed when I related Cindy’s Latin story to them as we made our way to our lockers in the side hallway. At our lockers, I had to agree with Sammy and Tempe’s new topic of discussion as Sammy said, “I definitely think that little incident before math has given folks pause in asking for requests.”

“We talked with Greg and Patrice right after our Biology class, and they both said they had requests every time in the hallway ‘till that happened, but haven’t had a single one since!” Tempe added to Sammy’s statement.

“Thank goodness for small miracles ... but I wouldn’t hold my breath thinking tomorrow or Friday will be as quiet as this afternoon has been,” I said as we reached our lockers with only a few students truly staring at our painted bodies.

“Tempe, do you still have your open-cupped bra with you?” Sammy asked as she put her Health and Biology books on her locker’s shelf.

“Sure do! One day of wearing that school provided one nearly killed my butterfly boobs!” Tempe replied with a laugh.

“Yeah, they offered about as much support as Cuda is giving you in this NIS program!” Sammy chuckled and then quickly took off down the hallway to escape my playful wrath.

“Hey, now! I kinda resent being compared to a school bra,” I chuckled as I took about three quick steps after Sammy, before pulling up to wait on my laughing B-G partner.

When the three of us were in the side stairwell, Sammy said, “It’s gonna look pretty silly wearing an open cup bra over our painted boobs, isn’t it?”

“Mine is gray, remember, so if you wanna try it, it might blend in with your gray dress paint,” Tempe said.

“Will my black one go with your butterfly colors?”

“Black would look better than gray on Tempe’s body,” I said and then pointed towards her mid-section and added, “The body of her butterfly is mostly black and the wings are outlined in black, so...”

“Mike’s got a point ... beside the big one between his zippers,” Tempe chucked and ducked out from under my arm.

“Ha-ha! Very funny,” I half-heartedly replied, and barely caught Tempe’s bare butt with my fingertips as I attempted to swat her tush after her smart-aleck comment.

“If we can adjust the straps to get the right support, we should try swapping bras, Tempe,” Sammy said as she held the fire door open for us.

“See you shortly ... in your jock-strap, Mike,” Tempe said as she and Sammy veered off to the boys’ change door.

“Lookin’ forward to seeing you in your gray or black bras, Ladies!” I called back as the door to the girls’ room closed behind me.

When Mrs. Bumstead saw my nearly erect penis, she simply asked, “Relief, Mr. Nevins?”

“I can wait ‘till the shower, Mrs. B,” I just as matter of factly replied to her question.

Even though this was like the seventh or eighth time I had seen her nude body, I was still amazed at how damn beautiful my PE teacher was as she put her pink, demi-bra under her firm, large breasts. That skimpy piece of lingerie created a whole new definition of ‘Yowzaa’ in my mind as they gave just the right amount of lift to her lightly tanned, full ‘D-sized’ breasts.

When I chuckled at seeing her lift and adjust her boobs in her pink open-cup bra, Mrs. Bumstead glared at me and said, “I’ve seen you adjusting your package in your jock-strap ... so what’s the problem with me adjusting my breasts in my bra, Mike?”

“Just that a few crazy lyrics popped into my head when I saw you there, that’s all, Mrs. B,” I honestly replied.

I should have known better than to leave it at that as my ‘punk rocker’ and co-dance instructor asked, “And just what crazy song lyrics were they, Cuda?”

“Seeing all you good-looking girls, including you, Mrs. B in the buff, the lyrics in my head just seem to fit well with this change room situation,” I said with a touch of laughter in my voice.

“We have a minute or two before we need to be in the gym, so let’s hear some of these silly lyrics, Mike ... of the Time Bandettes,” Mrs. B requested.

“But that’s not part of the NIS program requirements,” I chuckled as I pulled up my jock-strap and adjusted my semi-erect cock inside it.

“You’re right, but I have a few ways I can make your last couple of days in the program a whole lot... less enjoyable... if you don’t sing it for us,” Mrs. Bumstead faux-threatened me, which earned a ton of hoots and hollers from the girls in the change room.

“I just love being blackmailed by a Super Freak ... teacher,” I smartly replied and then quickly started to sing and dance to Rick James’ hit song:

“She’s a very kinky teacher (girl),
The kind you don’t take home to mother.
She will never let your spirits down,
Once you get her off the street, ow girl!

She likes the boy (boys) in the band,
She says that I’m her all-time favorite.
When I make my move to her room
It’s the right time.
She’s never hard to please.
Oh, no!

That girl is pretty wild now (The girl’s a super freak)
The kind of girl you read about (In new-wave magazines)
That girl is pretty kinky (The girl’s a super freak)
I really love to taste her (Every time we meet)

She’s all right, she’s all right
That girl’s all right
With me, yeah
Hey, hey, hey-heeeey!

She’s a super freak, super freak!
She’s super-freaky, yow!

Everybody sing,
Super freak, super freak!“

With those lyrics and my dancing, I had Mrs. Bumstead blushing as the girls in the change room gathered about us, and clapped during that little performance. I loved how Heidi, Andi, Josie and a few other girls in the school’s choir joined in on the (parenthesized) lines. It never ceased to amaze me that the songs from my friends’ future were easily recognized and assimilated into their minds in this timeline.

“What is Nevins doing in there to cause such a ruckus? Are you lovely ladies gonna join us for some swing dancing or not?” Mr. St. Georges yelled from the shielded doorway between the change room and the gym.

“We’ll be right out, Paul,” Mrs. B replied and made a waving motion to get the girls moving towards the gym.

As we led our combined PE classes in the East Coast Swing, I couldn’t believe how damn hot Elizabeth, my co-teacher was in her black punk girl costume. The tiny gold weights on her nipple rings delightfully bounced with her breasts exposed in her black leather, open-cupped bra. Liz decided to remove her black skirt for this class and taught in just her leather boy-shorts panties. The kicker for me was her leather collar with multiple small spikes and one chrome hoop, which just screamed out, ‘Control me!‘

My ‘punker girl’ and I once more reviewed the basic East Coast Swing timing and footwork, the hand-holds and where the hand should be to allow for crisp, fast turns. We then showed the class how to do the female and male underarm pass-through moves.

We had a solid twenty minutes of practice to various songs. Both Elizabeth and I had an opportunity to dance with over half of our classmates. I was impressed at how well the girls followed my leads on the various turns and spins I had them perform. Only two of the girls I danced with would still be viewed as having ‘two-left-feet’.

The highlight of the class happened during the last five minutes when the students wanted to have a dance contest between Liz and Mr. St. Georges; and our Super Freak teacher, Mrs. Bumstead and me. I easily read Lizzie’s face, and we both already knew who was going to put on a better show. It is always a ton easier for a skilled leader to make his less skilled partner look good, than it is for non-skilled leader to make his skilled female partner look good.

“There’s not gonna be a bet on this one, Liz,” I whispered before we moved over to our respective teacher-dance partners.

Sammy volunteered to man the record player for us and asked, “From these songs in Mrs. B-Stead’s ESC pile, would you rather dance to Little Deuce Coupe, Runaround Sue or Crocodile Rock?”

Lizzie and I both grinned and called out, Runaround Sue! with Liz adding, “Most definitely!” to her initial statement.

As Sammy pulled that ‘45’ from its sleeve and got it cued up on the record player, I whispered to my dance partner, “We’ll do a sequence of a slow overhead, a free spin, and a combo overhead turn during the slow intro before the swing beats kick in, ‘kay?”

“You da lead, Tuxedo Mike,” Mrs. Bumstead replied as she took my proffered hand.

It appeared that Elizabeth had a similar plan as me as I watched Mr. St. Georges lead her through a few slow, graceful turns and spins as Dion slowly sang:

“Here’s my story, it’s sad but true
It’s about a girl that I once knew
She took my love then ran around
With every single guy in town.”

When the ECS beat kicked in, I led Mrs. B-Stead through a few basics and then progressively got more creative with how I led her and myself through a series of inside and outside overheads, free spins and underhand pass-through moves. Mrs. Bumstead was laughing and having a great time when I asked, “How daring do you feel?”

My naked PE teacher simply replied, “Lead, Tuxedo Mike,” as I did a double free spin to give her a short ‘rest’ before I tried a few things we hadn’t taught in our class.

After a two-handed basic step, I did a man’s ‘Belt-Loop Turn’ and held onto Mrs. B’s hands during our rock-step reset. I then pulled her into a ‘Sweetheart Position’ before we did two tight ‘Tuck Turns.’ I then did a double free spun, and picked up Mrs. Bumstead’s hands again to do a few more ‘Closed Partner’ turns with my Super Freak teacher.

I was watching my teacher’s face during that sequence of movements, and saw that her eyes were opened real wide during our Sweetheart and Tuck-turns as her upper and forearms were drawn across her demi-cupped supported breasts and bare nipples. When we finished that sequence with those ‘Closed partner turns’, she whispered, “Dang this is fun, Mike.”

“Ready to switch partners?” I softly asked as we moved through a few more inside overheard turns.

“Sure, I can dance with Paul.”

I then led us over to Mr. St. Georges and Elizabeth, and timed a free spin of Mrs. B with one of Elizabeth’s free spins. I knew my punk rocker chick picked up on that partner switch as she spun herself right into my arms. The two of us then jitter-bugged away from our teachers and kicked our moves into a higher gear as I sang along with Dion on:

“She likes to travel around, yeah
She’ll love you and she’ll put you down
Now people let me put you wise
Liz (She) goes out with other guys

Here’s the moral in the story from that guy who knows
I fell in love and my love still grows
Ask any fool that she ever knew, they’ll tell ya
A-keep away from-a Runaround Sue

Stay away from that girl
Don’t you know what she’ll do now
Keep away from that girl.”

Elizabeth laughed as I sang that verse with her name slotted into the song. Her eyes sparkled as I led her through a series of ‘Pretzel Steps and Turns’ using a wide variety arm actions to spice up and beautify Elizabeth’s graceful motions. Our classmates really hollered when I moved Lizzie in a couple of underarm tunnel movements and immediately did a complicated ‘Four-Leave-Clover’ sequence of turns.

The two of us finished out our complicated section of this ECS dance on the ‘Ask any fool ... away from a-Runaround Sue‘ lines with some double-time, two handed overhead spins. Elizabeth’s long brown hair repeatedly wiped across my face due to the extra closeness I needed to drive her rapid spins.

As the song wound down with those final lines, I eased our pace and moved my beautiful partner through a few closed turns and completed our dance with two inside overhead turns and a hug.

When our classmates started to yell out Cuda and Mrs. B as the winners of this short little dance, Elizabeth and I just waved our hands at our teachers, who were bent over and surprisingly out of breath.

“Great dancing! Everybody!” I yelled out before Mr. St. Georges dismissed both classes to the two change rooms.

“Mike, Mike!” Mr. St. Georges called as I started to slowly walk to the girls’ room. “You really need to get as much of that body paint off as possible. I don’t think its real good for regulating your body temperature as you’re pretty winded now, which isn’t normal for you.”

“Yes, Sir. I was planning on getting’ rid of it because it gets itchy as I sweat,” I replied.

In the girls’ change room, the ladies were still buzzing over my dances with both Mrs. Bumstead and with Elizabeth. Lizzie and I were still breathing pretty hard as we stripped out of our miniscule clothing items.

While most girls were in the shower or waiting to get under a shower head, I whispered to Elizabeth, “You think Elaine would like to either help soap me down or possibly help with my relief?”

“With all the girls busting their humps to get out of here to get ready for Halloween, Mike, you might be stuck with a St. Pat’s trio of girls. I know Louise is hoping to help wash that paint from your body, and I’ll help with that, too.”

“Will you ask Elaine to help, please? I think she’s still a bit skittish of this nakedness, and you might be able to...” I asked my naked punk rock friend.

“Go and find a shower and I’ll see what I can do, Cuda.”

When I walked in amongst the naked girls, Heidi and Andi moved out from under the shower they were sharing, and Heidi said, “Here’s an open one, Cuda. Andi and me, we just finished shampooing our hair.”

“Thanks, Ladies,” I replied and then soaked a wash cloth under the hot water.

“Can I help you wash off that paint, Mike,” Louise VandenLoo meekly asked from the shower across from me.

“You know I could never turn down such a sweet offer from a beautiful naked girl, Louie!”

Louise, ‘Louie’ VandenLoo was a pretty blonde who was built more for comfort instead of speed, unlike our slender elementary school friend, Elizabeth. Louie wasn’t overweight, but if she wasn’t careful, I could see her put on an extra ten to twenty pounds in a heartbeat. I would guess that Louie’s measurements would fall in the 36C-28-37 range for this five-foot-two-inch cutie.

The two of us started to soap up my body-painted body. I smiled when I saw Elizabeth walk into the shower with Elaine Roonee a few steps behind her. Elaine was a BBG, who weighted in the one-ninety to two-hundred pound range, and maybe reached the five-foot-six mark on the door jam.

“Hey, Elaine, are you gonna help get this paint off my bod? Coach wants it gone before football practice,” I asked with my best smile.

“Can-ah, I ... do your back?” Elaine softly asked as she held the wash-cloth under the stream of hot water.

“You can get the paint and sweat off of me from any part of me that you’d like, RooRoo,” I replied with her elementary school nickname.

“I haven’t had anyone call me that in a couple of years, Mike,” Elaine smiled and pressed a dollop of liquid soap on her wash-cloth.

“You’re okay with it, aren’t you?” Elizabeth said as she knelt down in front of me to soap up my thighs.

“Oh, yeah, I miss hanging around with my St. Pat’s friends,” Elaine replied.

As the three girls from my elementary school scrubbed my torso to get the black, white and red paint off, I asked, “Why didn’t you take the level five classes, Elaine, Louie? You are both smart enough to handle them and go to university.”

“I never really wanted to go to university, Mike,” Elaine said as I felt her hands and wash cloth lower down on my butt and upper thighs. “I’ve gone out with my dad on some of his heat and air-conditioning jobs, and I really liked helping him. So-ah, I’m gonna go to Fanshawe and get my HVAC certification, and then work with my dad.”

“There ain’t a damn wrong with that, RooRoo!” Louie replied. I then felt the water-logged blonde tap the inside of my thigh to get me to spread my legs apart.

“I’m in level five classes, but I’m going to go to Fanshawe for an associates’ degree in nursing. I may go university for my BSN after a few years, but my mom said there’s no real difference in what a two-year degree nurse does and a four-year degree nurse,” Elizabeth said as she gently used her wash-cloth to get the paint from my scrotum.

“I’m doing that, too, other than I’m taking the level four instead of five courses,” Louie added. She looked up at me, and through her shower pelted eyes and said, “The body paint in your pubes may have looked good but it’s a bitch getting it out of your curly hairs, Mike.

With all three girls working about my privates and my butt, my once semi-erect cock was now bobbing with each rub, tug or swipe of their wash-cloths.

“Elaine, can you squeeze some soap in your hands and move around here?” Elizabeth asked and gave me a wink through the stream of water that splashed into her face.

“Where do you want this, Lizzie?”

“Move around here and smear that soap on Mike’s groin. The paint in his hair is a brutal tough to get off!” Elizabeth replied with a good reason, so as to not spook RooRoo about touching around my groin.

“I-I-ah ... here’s the soap,” Elaine hesitated and then rubbed the soap over and around my pubes. When the big girl’s hand stopped at the root of my hard cock, I reached and lightly moved her soapy hand up the length of my shaft.

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Chapter 8: Super Freak Videos

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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 3 I Will Play a Rhapsody

When I 'woke up' from my Energists induced slumber, I felt completely refreshed and energized (pardon the pun). Based on my last memory, I wasn't dressed for much of anything, so I 'looked' at myself and thankfully discovered I was dressed in my comfortable teaching attire. "We hope you are feeling well and ready for another round of teaching," I heard the Energists say as I became fully aware of my surroundings. When I accessed those surroundings, it reminded me that I really needed...

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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 2 The Dance

Time unknown and irrelevant – The Energists' Universe Upon our arrival back in the Energists alternate universe, I asked why it didn't feel like I was there watching Kaleigh and my family for almost three weeks. The Energists seemed befuddled by my question as I could now sense in them some distress. They shut me out of their communication loop for a moment as they worked on some type of problem without my knowledge. When they allowed me to rejoin their telepathic form of communicating,...

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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 6 Forever Young

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe "You said you had one current piece of evidence to show us that there is a creator, would you please share it with us," the Energists implored. "We have restricted our connection and examination of your memories and neural pathways, so we are somewhat confused about what this present evidence is, which you referred to earlier in this discussion." Because I was still allowed to access their thoughts, I sensed that some of the Energists...

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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 7 Back in Time

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe I spent a fair amount of time upon my return thinking about Kaleigh and my two children. To help keep me from wallowing in self-pity, the Energists had me evaluate them as they developed new training scenarios to practice their physical movements and decision-making tasks for their new upcoming adventure. They were making very few errors during these simulated experiences, and the 'accident rate' had plummeted to very low levels. All the...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 18 Best of Both Worlds

Lynette Robertson’s House, Komoka 8:16pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 I was once more utterly amazed when I saw Lynette strip down to a lovely bra and panty set. She was absolutely gorgeous as she stood upright beside her parents’ king sized bed after she slightly struggled to get her tight blue jeans off her long, lean legs. Her full, firm breasts were covered by a white, underwire bra, which had black flowers decorating the cup material. Along the top edge of her bra, black lace enticed...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 5 Staying Alive

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 1:09pm, Wednesday, February 14, 1979 “I would love to go to the Valentine’s Dance with you on Friday, Mike!” Lynette said a little too loudly again, which caused George to divert his attention from his Dungeons and Dragons‘ book to us. When George quickly determined what just happened, he surprised both of us by saying, “It’s about time you two decided to take that next step in your relationship. I’ve watched you around school for some time now, and you...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 6 Right Now

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario Thursday, February 15, 1979 My second day back in 1979 was a relatively normal day for any high schooler. First thing that morning, my brother and I got into it over who had first dibs on the bathroom. Trying to be nice, I gave in and let him use it first, seeing how I had taken a shower at school the night before and didn’t do much after that, except for some leisurely clothes shopping with my mom. Still, I didn’t take too kindly to Patt’s sorry ‘holier...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 48 Twilight Zone

Wheels’ Resort Cafeteria, Chatham, Ontario 4:49pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you alright, Viktoriya?” I asked the thirty-seven-old Ukrainian beauty as she sat in a dazed state in the cafeteria at Wheels’ Resort. We were still inside an Energist energy bubble because everyone around us was still distant, immobile and exactly in the same positions as before. “I fine, Michael, but...” she confusingly replied as she tried to make sense of what just happened, as well as why everyone here...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 49 She Blinded Me With Science

Robertson’s House, Komoka, Ontario 6:55pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you ladies up for a little zing with your steaks?” I asked Lynette and her mother, Ms. Dillon, as I looked at the spice rack in the Robertson’s kitchen pantry. I was finally over the surprise and shock of hearing Mrs. Robertson’s story of how she convinced my mother to let me stay overnight here after our day in Chatham at the WOSSA Gymnastics’ meet. “Isn’t this teriyaki marinade good enough for you, Cuda?” Lynette...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 10 Life in the Fast Lane

Medway High School 2:57pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 First off, I agreed to start a new band with my next door neighbors, which wasn’t too crazy as I always had a dream of playing in a rock band. After I agreed to play in Paul and Cathy’s band, I was given a beautiful Gibson Custom guitar by Samantha Labatt, an heiress to the Canadian brewery giants. I just happened play that guitar like a pro the first time I strapped it on, in order to shut-up a snarky music teacher. All those musical...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 50 See You Again

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 11:59pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 My future appeared and my beautiful twenty-three-year-old fiancée, who looked to be six or seven months pregnant was beckoning me. I stood seemingly paralyzed as Kaleigh Plyer opened her arms up towards me on the video screens and softly said “C’mon Mike. It’s finally time for me to see you again.” Immediately, the five Energists clapped their hands together, and a powerful ‘time-stop’ bubble was generated within the...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 34 Two Steps Behind

Labatt Guest House 7:44pm, Monday, February 26, 1979 “Good Lord,” Mr. Labatt said after he turned off the VHS camera at the conclusion of our four song audition recording. “You guys seem to be improving by leaps and bounds. Your performance on Old Time Rock ‘N Roll and that new song...” “It is called, All Summer Long, Daddy,” Samantha said after seeing her dad struggle to remember its specific name. “Yes, thanks, Samantha. Those songs were a tad less polished than your renditions of Ain’t...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 12 Alone

Medway High School 12:43pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 As Samantha walked through the music room doors, she turned slightly back towards me and Lynette and said, “It’s called, Alone.” I just raised my eyebrows at the name of the song as I recalled a popular song from the late 1980s with that title. I wondered if it was an original Samantha song or some incredible offshoot of the song I remembered. (Note: Please understand I’m not as creative in song writing as Don Lockwood was in his...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 60 Last Song

Labatt’s Limo to Glencoe High School 5:35pm, Friday, April 6, 1979 “What do you mean ... this can’t be the one and only time you’re gonna play with us?” Lynette exclaimed after Jennifer told all seven of us that this would be the last time she thought she’d be able to play with our band. “I, I just think that with my new gymnastics schedule and more importantly, listening to how E and Brick have sounded with you ... that I’m just...” “You’re still gonna do the odd ‘guest sax’ song or two...

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NIS Rachael and Brandi at the Mall

SATURDAY 'Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.' Brandi woke up at the sound of her alarm. Sleepily, Brandi reached over and turned it off. Looking at the clock, Brandi wondered why she had set her alarm, as she normally didn't set an alarm on Saturday. Throwing off the covers, Brandi got out of bed. She left her room, heading toward the bathroom. After using the toilet, Brandi got into the shower. After her shower, still naked, Brandi headed back to her room, but decided to just go downstairs. She found her...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 24 A Wild and Crazy Guy Girl

Cathy’s Bedroom, Bryanston 1:45pm, Monday, February 19, 1979 “He did what to you?” Cathy excitedly asked as she brought her hand up over her mouth when she realized how loudly she asked Lynette a follow-up question. Lynette flopped back on Cathy’s queen sized bed, rested on her side and propped her head on her bent elbow and hand after Cathy’s inquiry. She loved seeing Cathy’s gleeful mannerisms after she gave her a Reader’s Digest version of what happened with Mike last night. “Well, uh,...

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NIS PP 7 Mike Gina

Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. The sixth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). A computer error placed Gina in a course she hated but if Mike mentored her, would she like his course any better? ? ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? NIS PP 7 Mike & Gina ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 17 Candle in the Wind

Parking Lot at UWO’s Football Stadium, London, Ontario 6:14pm, Saturday, February 17, 1979 The drive from Western’s campus to Coach Jacket’s house was relatively quiet but tension filled. We listened to FM96 on the car’s stereo. When we heard Dire Straits’ Sultans of Swing, Lynette commented, “I think that would be a good song for our band to play. Everyone seems to like it, and you’d kill Mark Knopfler’s guitar part.” “It is a pretty cool tune,” I replied as I turned towards her as she...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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NIS PP 3 St Catherines

NIS Punishment Programme: 3 St. Catherine’s ? Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. A second sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 3 St. Catherine’s ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly...

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Claire Kent Alias SuperSister The Return of Superboy

When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 25 Land of Confusion Before the Energists

2:15pm, Sunday, February 2, 2003 When the phone on the nightstand beside Kaleigh's bed rang, I sluggishly pushed up away from Kaleigh and looked at the caller ID screen. Seeing 'Steven Plyer' on the small screen, I reached over my still slumbering beauty and softly said, "Hello ... Hey Tammy, yes, we were still sleeping ... We got up once around 11:15, 11:20 and talked about, uh, lord love us, I can't recall what we talked about now, jeezes! ... Yes ma'am, then we both dozed back off...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 23 Fat Bottomed Girls

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:16am, Friday, November 30, 1979 “Are you gonna kill me, if I kinda pass on doing anything ... later on today?” I whispered to Tracy Norton and Elaine Roonee after waiting on them after Mr. Ballows ended our first period music class a little earlier than normal. The Little-man made use of both Roo-Roo and Tracy’s naked bodies, along with naked trumpeter, Darren Partridge in his lecture on changes in sexual connotations and views in music. I was very...

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NIS Pieces of SamPrologue Thursday Friday

"Hi! I'm Bangs Garcia from MTV and today I'm gonna get totally Naked in School! Come on!" "I hate her," Valerie whispered and I just shrugged. I hardly ever watched MTV anyway. The girl looked like a little Mexican, except she really came from the Philippines or something. Bangs seemed like a funny name, but she looked gorgeous too, which probably explained why she was on MTV in the first place. She had brown skin and thick, wavy black hair that she wore loose around a perfectly made...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 33 Old Time Rock N Roll All Summer Long

Mrs. Pierce’s Classroom, Medway High School 1:15pm, Monday, February 26, 1979 “So, why was Hercules required to perform ten or twelve labors?” Mrs. Pierce asked her tenth grade English after a lively introduction to Appolodorus: The Labors of Heracles. “The Goddess Hera, his step-mother, was jealous of Zeus’ off-spring which included Hercules,” Elizabeth replied. “Zeus was her brother, AND his wife which wasn’t usual at that time.” “Those statements are both correct, Elizabeth, but it...

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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeChapter 3 Hysteria

Robertson’s Jacuzzi 11:44pm, Friday, October 5, 1979 I enjoyed watching the girls kiss and splash beside me, and used that time to ‘off my boxers’ and toss them to the wooden porch floor. As the three intertwined girls settled down slightly on the lounger, I slowly pushed my naked butt up and out of the water and sat on the corner edge of the Jacuzzi to cool off a little. “You can’t cool-down, Cuda! Your beautiful cock has just gotten up!” Sammy laughed as she spotted me and my skyward...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 38 American Woman

Shannon’s House, Arva, Ontario 4:26pm, Monday, December 24, 1979 “How was practice, guys?” Eda asked as Andrew, Wayne, Jon, Andy and I walked in the foyer of Shannon’s large farm house. “Oh! My! God! You wouldn’t believe the dunks these two guys were throwing down before we actually practiced,” Andy bellowed as he did a three-sixty spin jump with a two-handed pretend throw-down. “Yeah, Andrew did a nifty, between his legs to a reverse, two-handed jam, which was beyond incredible!” Wayne...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 32 Kiss You All Over

The Labatt’s Limousine, Approaching Bryanston 6:48pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 Samantha was cuddling up against my best friend, Paul. I was enjoying some peace and tranquility with my arm around Cathy’s shoulders as she was nuzzled up to my chest. We all were relaxing in the limousine after our incredible meal at the London Armouries’ Hotel Restaurant. As the limo passed through Ballymote, several miles south of Bryanston, I felt Cathy’s head turn up towards mine and she softly...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 37 Stronger Beer

Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 14 Crazy Train

Medway High School Gymnasium 8:36pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “ALL ABOARD!!Ah-Hahahahahahahaha!“ I cried out into my wireless microphone as I heard Mr. Feelt say, “So without fur... “ Soon after, Paul, Cathy, and Sam jumped in with their instruments on the intro notes to Ozzy’s appropriately titled, Crazy Train. Lynette was able to create those wonderful sound effects at the beginning of the song to really capture the full effect of this awesome intro. The thick burgundy curtains were...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 21 Rock Rock Till You Drop

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 26 Aint That a Shame

Medway High School, Arva 2:40pm, Thursday, February 22, 1979 “Okay, class,” Mr. St. Georges called out after the warning buzzer sounded at the end of our last class of the day. “Seeing how we lost a day this week, the final papers and/or presentations on your Aussie topic will be due next Wednesday. If you are just doing a presentation in class, you’ll need to provide me with an outline of your presentation so I can take notes on it. If you are doing a detailed paper only, that will...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 22 Love Will Keep Us Alive

Mike’s House, Bryanston 1:07pm, Sunday, February 20, 1979 Around 1pm, after having a couple of oranges as a snack, I asked Lynette if she wanted to go for a walk in our new frozen wonderland. It wasn’t real cold outside, probably 25 to 28 degrees Fahrenheit, so our basic winter coats, toques and gloves worked fine, especially since we’d be moving around outside. There was a sheet of ice at least three-quarters of an inch thick over everything, which was beautiful to see but made traveling...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 45 Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Wheels Resort Dining Area 2:38pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 It wasn’t hard to believe that all of us students, coaches and parents were completely mesmerized by Viktoriya Kharlamov’s stories about growing up in the Ukraine. Not a single person mentioned heading off to play tennis or mini-golf as we originally planned. Instead, we commandeered a small corner of the Resort’s cafeteria and were regaled by the amazing tales we heard. Toxic and her mother had moved to a small town, Ivankiv about...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 16 Head Games

Loading Bay, Prince Andrew Elementary, North of Bryanston 11:44pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “You’re sure you’re alright?” Lynette repeated. I stared at her while I contemplated the unbelievable ramifications of my grand epiphany. I gave my head one final shake with the hope of driving that atomic bomb-like revelation from my mind, but I had no such luck. “Talk to me, please!” she said with some urgency. Before I replied to the pensive, shivering beauty beside me, I made doubly sure to...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 7 If I Cant Have You

Medway High School 8:35am, Thursday, February 15, 1979 “And to end the morning announcements,” Mr. Williamson said, “The following teachers are out sick today, and their classes will not be held: Mr. Pierce, Ms. Glover and Mrs. Bumstead. We would greatly appreciate it, if anyone who comes down with flu-like symptoms, be it either students or faculty, please stay home and help limit the spread of this nasty flu-virus. That is all. Have a great Thursday.” “No math class for us,” Lynette said...

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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 2 Sucking Juicy Boobs

Anisha and her sister Manisha, both of them stood there like ‘Dreamgirls’ in the lingerie they were wearing. Ravishing, sexy, hot and fucking desirable. I could never imagine or ask for a better birthday gift. Anisha asked me who looks better. I said both of you are really sexy and beautiful.  Anisha asked me to check if someone was around. Fortunately, no one was around. Anisha stepped out and pulled me in the trial room and locked it. She made me sit on the stool and sat on my lap kissing my...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsAfterword The Glencoe Concert and Chapter Title Songs from Book 3

I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...

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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeAfterword The Aoeline Hall Concert and Chapter Songs from Book 4

I’ve put together web-links for The Aoeline Hall concert, and all the chapter title songs that I’ve included in this 4th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-links for the chapter songs that I have already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for The Aoeline Hall concert. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I will include them. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Running with the Devil, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,...

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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 1 Birthday Gift

Great satisfying things happen unexpectedly. This was one such instance where we both desired more from each other. She was an amazing lusty, hot bomb. Ready for any adventure, taking every experience with her to a new height. Vinay here from Chennai. After spending unforgettable times with Anisha during Christmas Eve we started meeting frequently. We used to meet at malls or some restaurants to spend quality time with each other. Moving beyond sexual encounters towards more trust and mutual...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 22 I Can Only Imagine and Homesick Before the Energists

Mid-Afternoon, Wednesday, January 29, 2003 At the end of a three hour writing session on the 'Methods' section of my latest research article, my head was starting to feel like it was inside Stewart Copeland's drum-kit. This type of professional writing was both a fun but at times, tedious task. From past experiences getting papers accepted for publication, I've learned that reviewers can be very picky and/or anal about how things were written or presented in a professional journal. I had...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 30 Lovin Every Minute of It Before the Energists

I smiled at my disheveled and discombobulated blind beauty. While she was as strong and confident as Wonder Woman a few minutes ago, she now resembled a delicate, fragile flower. However, with what I had planned for her now, I knew she would soon return to the powerful and passion-filled lady, whom I just asked to be my fiancé this morning. "Would you like to have the opportunity to atone for your falsehood?" With her voice still barely above a whisper, she replied, "Yes." "Ok then,"...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 28 The Magical Mystery Tour Before the Energists

Kaleigh pulled to a stop beside Mike's car at 5:30pm, and grabbed her purse and looked at the mysterious envelope on the front passenger seat. She turned it over a few times in her hands again, and then remembered she was to read its contents in the parking area. Tearing it open, she pulled out the small note and a soft, black eye mask. She flipped the mask around in her hands and saw that is had an elastic strap to keep it securely in place. After laying it down over her purse, Kaleigh...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 31 For Crying Out Loud Before the Energists

Early Morning, Friday, February 14, 2003 Our main alarm clock went off at our usual, but ungodly time 4:50am. I still could have used another hour or two's sleep but since Kaleigh needed to get up early for her work, I've played the dutiful, loving boyfriend-fiancé by resetting my sleeping habits to hers. Most mornings, she has been a true 'up and at um' type person, who after a couple of minutes stretching would jump out of bed and get to the bathroom. Kaleigh regularly would be in the...

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