After The Energists: Mike's And Tempe's NIS WeekChapter 12: I Can’t Drive 55 free porn video

NIS Day 4 – Mid-Afternoon, 11th Grade Biology Class, Medway High School
1:32pm, Thursday, November 1, 1979
“Ohhh! Lord! No!“ Sammy exclaimed after she turned into our eighth period biology class. “That’s, that’s a ... those are a couple of Gyno-chairs!”
“Da-Doctor Tatum! Wa-what are you doing, here?” Tempe asked as she stared wide eyed at the two gyno-chairs and the tall good-looking thirty-five-year-old man standing next to Mr. Campbell.
“Good afternoon, NIS folks,” Mr. Campbell, our biology teacher said with a smile on his face. “We’ll get into why I have Tempe’s OBGYN doctor here when the rest of the class arrives. Mike, as a NIS guest, I’ve a chair set up beside my desk for you. If someone isn’t here, today, you can sit at their station, okay.”
“Yes, Sir,” I replied and let go of Tempe’s hand to walk towards the seat in front of the large wooden desk.
“There should be a few seats open, Mr. Campbell as Andi, Debbie and Julie are out with girls’ basketball,” Shannon Pike said from her biology station. “Mike, you can sit with me ‘cause Deb is my usual station partner.”
“Gladly, Shan,” I replied and veered course from the front of the room to the 2nd station from the back, middle row. When I got to Shannon’s seat, I whispered, “I would have been a fool to turn down the opportunity to sit with one of my wonderful body washers.” She smiled and started to turn a shade or two redder at my reference to our shower cleaning session on Tuesday.
“Okay, folks! It is my pleasure to introduce Dr. Chance Tatum, an OBGYN physician and professor of Obstetrics at Western’s School of Medicine. He is here today to help us learn in more detail our sexual and reproductive anatomy and physiology. If one or two of our ladies agree, he will show all of us the inner workings of a lady’s reproductive anatomy, as well as a man’s ‘hidden’ sexual anatomy,” Mr. Campbell said as a way of introducing our guest, and the main focus of our lesson. Our biology teacher then waved his hand towards our guest MD.
“Good afternoon, Medway Cowboys and Cowgirls. As Mr. Campbell just said, I’m Dr. Tatum and I hope to show all of you the inner workings of both genders’ sexual or reproductive anatomy. As some of you may have just heard, I am Tempe’s new OBGYN doctor, and when I got a call from both her mother and your vice-principal to come and teach a lesson for you, I cleared my Thursday schedule to do this very important lesson for you.”
“Mike, I would really like it if you’d agree to be our male volunteer, today because I know you won’t be here for tomorrow’s lesson,” Mr. Campbell said from the front of the room.
I took a big lungful of air and slowly let some of it out before I asked, “What type of touches would this demonstration of my ‘inner workings’ entail, Mr. Campbell, Dr. Tatum?”
Our teacher turned to our guest, who then said, “Good question, Mike, is it.”
I nodded affirmatively and then listened to him describe that he would insert a small mini-camera in my rectum to point out where my prostate gland was located to show how it looked through the rectum’s wall tissue.
I cringed when he described the procedure, and from my future-past life memories. As a forty-year-old male, I wasn’t a super fan of my future doctor’s digital rectum prostate examinations. I then looked over at Jason and Mike Locksley, the other two naked guys in the room. Both of them had ashen looks on their faces because I doubted neither of them would have experienced this type of invasive procedure before. I definitely knew they didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Dr. Tatum’s probe as sixteen-years-olds.
“Do, ah ... you mind if I run to the rest room before I ... allow you do that to me?” I asked, basically telling our teacher and the good doctor I would be the male subject for this lesson. When I looked at Jase and Locks, they both mouthed a ‘Thank you‘ for taking on this Biology bullet.
As I got up to head to the restroom, I heard Dr. Tatum ask, “Tempe are you up for a free gyno-exam?”
I stopped in my tracks and saw that my partner had lost nearly all of her color as she pondered her doctor’s request. When she looked up at me, I read the near panic in her face and gave a subtle ‘negative’ head shake to her. I breathed a sigh of relief when my partner softly replied, “I don’t think I’m good with having everyone see me undergo that type of exam, Doctor Tatum, sorry.”
Before Mr. Campbell could ask Sammy about this, Dr. Tatum turned to Elizabeth and asked her, not knowing that she was a naked volunteer student, if she would like to have a complete and free exam.
When Mr. Campbell started to speak, Elizabeth put her hand up and said, “I’ll bite the bullet like Mike did to save my friends from experiencing this, Mr. Campbell.”
“Elizabeth, as a naked volunteer you don’t have to agree to do this before our official NIS students have been asked,” Mr. Campbell hurriedly said.
“You don’t have to do this for me, Lizzie,” Sammy said from her seat at a window station.
“I know I don’t but I believe you’d do something like this for me, Sammy,” Elizabeth replied.
“Did I ask the wrong student, Mr. Campbell?” Dr. Tatum said as he comprehended what was going on between those two naked girls and our biology teacher.
“I’m good with volunteering for this, Mr. Campbell, Sammy,” Elizabeth confidently said from her middle, second biology station.
“Have you had a full gynecological exam before, Miss...” Dr. Tatum asked.
Before I heard Elizabeth’s reply, I ducked out the door and ran to the boy’s restroom to take care of some private business.
“I’m Elizabeth, Elizabeth Morkings, and yes, I’ve had one full exam about ten months ago, after my sixteenth birthday.”
“That’s great. If I may say to all the girls in here ... if you haven’t had a full gynecological exam after your sixteenth birthday, you really should get with your mom or dad to get one scheduled. Also, if you are sexually active, you should have had an exam already or seriously think about getting one. An OBGYN doctor is a great resource to discuss any and all things about your developing body and all things related to sexual situations. For example, did all of you know that both girls and guys can contract a sexually transmitted disease through oral sex, or that a girl can get pregnant the first time they have sexual intercourse?”
The murmurings increased after Dr. Tatum’s first statement about STDs and oral sex. After taking a few moments to answer a few students’ questions, Dr. Tatum motioned for Elizabeth to come up to the front with him. When Lizzie stood up, she was topless and had on a pair of candy apple red, lace trimmed boy-shorts panties on. After she took a deep breath, she smiled at her boyfriend and said, “I guess all the guys here will see what only you and Cuda have seen.”
I reentered the room just as Elizabeth stepped out of her panties and handed them to Bradley.
“Whoa! Lizzie shaves just like Tempe!” SteveO exclaimed as the nipple pierced girl walked up to the front of the room, shook Dr. Tatum’s hand and then moved to sit in the gyno-chair closest to Mr. Campbell’s desk.
“You’re a brave young lady, Elizabeth,” Dr. Tatum said as he turned and opened up his medical exam kit on Mr. Campbell’s desk. He showed Elizabeth and the class each of his exam tools, and what they were designed to do. He also pulled out a one-inch diameter dildo, which had black lines around it at one inch intervals.
“I use this slender dildo to take depth of a woman’s vagina,” Dr. Tatum said as he held that banded sex-toy up for the class to see. He then added, “In the previous class, I had a young lady with one of the shallowest vaginas I have ever measured. From her vaginal entrance to her cervix, it was less than six inches, where the average lady’s vaginal depth is rarely less than seven, seven and a half inches.”
I softly chuckled to myself beside Shannon as I had real world experience with that young lady’s shallow depth vagina. I knew for a fact that Jennifer Rathje’s vagina was indeed extra shallow for a fully developed lady.
With a nod to Mr. Campbell, Dr. Tatum then said to Elizabeth, “Before we get going, let’s take a listen to your heart. My stethoscope has a microphone built into it to amplify the sound so your classmates can hear what I hear. Ready?”
Dr. Tatum explained the sounds of Lizzie’s heartbeat and said her heart had a great rhythm and sound. He then asked the class if we knew what a heart murmur was. When Shannon replied, “My dad had one that his doctor’s repaired, so I think it’s when our blood flows in the opposite direction because of a leaky or faulty valve.”
“You are basically correct, young lady,” Dr. Tatum replied. He then added, “A heart murmur can be no problem or a major problem, depending on the sound and the location of the faulty valve. I’m going to replay Elizabeth’s healthy tricuspid valve sounds, and then play a recording from a person with a tricuspid valve issue. I’ll point out the differences, which I think you will be able to hear.”
“Whoa, those sounds are amazing,” Sammy said right after the doctor played the defective sounds. “I can hear a real ‘whooshing’ sound after that solid thump of the heartbeat.”
“Good ear, young lady,” Dr. Tatum said and gave Sammy a small thumb’s up sign.
After taking two more questions, Dr. Tatum turned to my naked friend and said, “This is never a fun experience, Elizabeth, but your classmates will learn more today than in any other Sex-Ed class from what we’re now going to do. When the time comes, I’ll also ask if you’re comfortable with doing a few sexual response tests. Are you ready, Sweets?”
With a nod, Elizabeth pushed back into the chair and slowly raised her legs up onto the spread stirrups and padded calf muscle holders. Dr. Tatum nodded to Mr. Campbell, who then turned off the front row of overhead lights. Then, with the click of a button on a cord from his belt, a light shone from Dr. Tatum’s head piece and a video was immediately projected onto the white-screen at the blackboard.
“Now that is a gigantic view I sure didn’t expect to see,” Tempe said as Elizabeth’s wide open, shaved pussy was shown on the screen for us to see.
“Okay, the camera is working well. We had a few issues with it last class, so I’m going to turn it off for a moment and do a few tests without it on,” Dr. Tatum said. He then looked up at Elizabeth’s face from the rolling stool and calmly said, “Let’s take your temperature at three sites, okay?”
Dr. Tatum lubed up an anal and vaginal thermometer and handed an oral one for Liz to use in her mouth. After forty-five seconds, he asked Liz to read her oral temperature. We found that all three of those measurements were within ‘point-two’ of a degree. Dr. Tatum then said, “We’ll retake Elizabeth’s vaginal temperature if she agrees to being sexually stimulated, so would you please write down ninety-eight-point-six as her baseline temperature.”
Elizabeth’s medical gynecological exam was amazing to see on the screen above her location. Dr. Tatum pointed out all the external and internal anatomy terms with a small metal pointing rod. I loved that he had an angled mirror on a retractable rod, so Elizabeth could see what the inside of her vagina and cervix looked like. With a hardened swab for scraping tissue, the last part of Lizzie’s exam was the ‘pap-smear’ test.
“This is going to be a tad uncomfortable, Elizabeth, sorry,” Dr. Tatum said as he looked up in Elizabeth’s semi-distressed face.
When the doctor pulled the little wooden swab stick from her opened vagina, Elizabeth unintentionally said, “That was worse than having Brad’s dick bump into my cervix.”
“Lizzie!” Brad called out. Elizabeth then recognized what she said and immediately covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.
“You’re doing great, Liz,” Dr. Tatum said, which Sammy, Tempe and most of the girls all echoed to some extent to hopefully comfort our distressed friend.
“Now, Elizabeth ... if you’re agreeable, I’d like for you to masturbate. Then we’ll retake your vaginal temperature as well as watch how your vagina becomes lubricated as your excitement level increases.”
“I’ll take your place for this, Lizzie, if you need me to,” Sammy said as she started to stand up.
“Thanks for that offer, Sam, but I’ve gone through the worst part, so having a little fun with this...”
“You go then, Lizzie!” Sammy replied with a huge smile before she settled back down on her lab stool.
“Here’s a small, condom covered vibrator, Elizabeth. I’ll take a peek inside your vagina after thirty seconds or so to see how things have changed from your initial exam, okay?” Dr. Tatum said as he handed the spread opened girl a three-inch pocket rocket vibrator.
As Liz continued to tease her clitoris, Dr. Tatum used his metal pointer tool and said, “Can you see how her inner walls are getting slicker as her pleasure rises. The fluids first appear near her vaginal opening and the lubrication spreads along the depths of her vaginal walls. Notice too, that her internal muscles have started to softly contract as her vagina responds to her sexual stimulation.”
Then as he touched her vaginal walls with his pointer, Dr. Tatum excitedly said, “Ahhh! I see that you are at your most fertile time, Elizabeth. Can everyone see the semi-milky colored fluids coating her vaginal walls? Those fluids have high estrogen levels, which aid a man’s sperm in reaching her released egg cell. Let me move this speculum slightly, Elizabeth, so... there! Can everyone see that winking flap at the end of her vagina ... that’s her cervical opening? That, right there is another contraction type response, which acts as a ‘suction-pump’ drawing a man’s semen into her uterus and ultimately into her fallopian tubes.”
“That is so cool, Lizzie,” Shannon spontaneously exclaimed as we were enthralled with the video on the class’ white-screen.
When Dr. Tatum lightly patted Elizabeth’s right calf, he said, “I’m going to press that vaginal thermometer against your rear wall and hold it there for forty-ish seconds. Are you...”
“Ohhh! I’m close, close, close, so ah ... da-do what ya na-need, Doc,” Elizabeth stammered as her spread thighs stared to involuntarily shake.
“Look, folks,” Dr. Tatum said as he held the thermometer against Lizzie’s vagina. “Her vaginal walls are soaked and contracting in waves, now. Those waves start at her vaginal opening here and work towards her cervix. Can anyone tell me why they contract in this direction?”
“To help keep or force a guy’s semen deeper into her vagina and cervical opening,” Shannon confidently called out from beside me.
“Very good. The contractions are used to flush or move semen deeper. If a lady is fertile, her cervical pump sucks fluids into her uterus, just like Elizabeth’s would be doing if she had unprotected intercourse over the next few days. Now, during a non-fertile period, a lady’s vaginal fluids would be...”
“They’d be thicker and more acidic, and act as a ‘plug’ at her cervical opening,” Tempe called out with a smile.
“Exactly, Tempe,” Dr. Tatum replied. He then asked, “Did you folks do a lesson on vaginal-cervical fluids this week?”
“We sure did, Doc!” a few of us proudly answered.
“Super stuff. Even though these are tough lessons for the participating students, you kids have picked up a ton of great information from these NIS lessons. Speaking of information, let’s check our orgasming girl’s vaginal temperature.”
Dr. Tatum held the thermometer in the light and his camera showed that the temperature was ninety-nine-point-seven.
“Lizzie’s vagina is a good degree warmer, now!” Brad called out as he compared his girlfriend’s two temperatures.
“And that’s why it feels real warm up there during sex,” Dr. Tatum chuckled. He then added, “Additionally, that increased temperature helps increase the mobility of a guy’s semen and sperm cells, but it is not so hot that it will damage those wiggling little swimmers.”
When Elizabeth pulled the pocket-rocket from her clitoris, Dr. Tatum stood up from between her legs and helped her lift them from the padded stirrups. After a few moments, Lizzie slide off the gyno-chair and received a warm round of ‘Atta-girls’ from all of us for being a super trooper with this NIS biology lesson.
I took a quick peek at my watch and saw we had about twelve minutes left in our eighth period class. Dr. Tatum saw me checking the time and he asked, “If we have nine or more minutes, we’re well ahead of the game. Come on up, Mr...”
“Mike,” I replied as I slipped off my bar-stool type seat.
Dr. Tatum did a quick listen of my heartbeat and said, “That is one surprisingly slow and strong heart rate. I’m guessing you’re in good health and physical shape.”
“Cuda is a wrecking ball, fitness machine, Doc!” Brad called out.
“Great stuff, Mike. Okay, here’s what I need you to do. Sit in this other chair and put your legs in the stirrups. Then, if you’re comfortable, I would love for you to get an erection. Then, when I examine your prostate gland with this small camera probe, one of two things will happen ... but I’m not going to tell you about those two responses. You and your classmates will just have to wait and see. Is that good?”
I simply nodded and moved to park my bare ass on the exam chair. Because Tempe was sitting on a front row stool, I smiled at her and non-verbally asked her to spread her legs and rub her pussy as a form of visual stimulation for me. My NIS partner nodded her understanding and slowly offered me a beautiful view of her fingers teasing her shaved pussy and clit.
In a minute, my flaccid penis was nearly steel strong. I then moved my legs up into the stirrups as Doctor Tatum lubricated a small speculum, and his mini-camera wand.
“As a sixteen-year-old, I’m guessing you haven’t had a digital exam of your prostate before, correct?” Dr. Tatum asked as he wheeled his stool between my legs.
I chuckled and thought about telling him the truth that I’ve had one every year for the past ten-years, but then figured that wouldn’t be kosher and simply said, “No, Sir.”
“I’m sorry about this but as with Elizabeth, it will be good for your classmates to see how it is done and how your prostate gland impacts your sexual response.” He then squeezed a small dollop of lubricant at my anus and worked it around with his latex-covered fingertip. “Take a deep breath ... and let it out as I...”
“Ohhh, shit!” I softly cussed as the good doctor’s index finger pushed its way into my butt.
“Keep stroking your penis, Mike. Keep that erection if you can,” Dr. Tatum softly said.
“I’m not gonna like that part of a yearly exam when that time comes for me!” Mike Locksley stated as he watched the doctor’s finger slide into my rectum on the large screen.
“As I expected, your prostate gland feels good, Mike.” The doctor then withdrew his finger and smiled at me and said, “This is gonna be a tad uncomfortable but it really is needed for this probe camera to work well.”
The doctor then showed me his lubed mini-speculum and probe camera. “Same thing, Mike; take a deep breath and then blow it out for me. I’m sorry ‘bout this but...”
“Gaawwddd!” I hissed out as the doctor pushed that plastic medical device about two inches into my rectum.
“Keep breathing, Mike,” the doctor calmly said as I felt the plastic pieces spread slightly. “The worst part is done ... keep breathing. You’re doing great. Keep looking at Tempe or that redhead, and keep rubbing your penis, Mike.”
The doctor turned on the probe camera and a few of my classmates cried, “Oh! Wow!” when its image popped up on the screen. He then slowly inserted it into my spread anal opening and maneuvered it to where he needed to view.
“See that dark red knot against the wall of Mike’s rectum, there? That is where Mike’ prostate gland is located. You doing okay, Mike?” Doctor Tatum said and then asked as I still struggled with this unpleasant sensation.
“I’ll live ... for a few more minutes, Doc,” I chuckled in an unsteady voice.
“How close to an orgasm are you, Mike?” Dr. Tatum softly asked as he saw my hand rubbing my erection.
I looked at Tempe’s now fast moving fingers, smiled at her and then replied, “Surprisingly, pretty ca-close.”
The doctor then tilted his head back down to focus on his task and said to me and the students, “What I’m going to do next will likely cause one of two sudden responses within Mike. Ready?”
Before I could reply, Doctor Tatum pressed the probe against my prostate glade and rotated the tip against it. My erect cock instantly went to a semi-flaccid state from that unpleasant stimulation. I also cried out in anguish, which caused the doctor to immediately pull the probe from my prostate and rectum.
“And that is the unfortunate response that happens in about twenty percent of gentlemen,” Dr. Tatum said as he quickly released the speculum arms and carefully pulled it from my butt.
“What happened to Mike’s erection?” Tammi Gower innocently asked. A few more students also echoed that question in some fashion.
“In most men, that direct stimulation of the prostate would have resulted in an immediate, super strong orgasm and ejaculation response. However, Mike obviously fell into the twenty-ish percent group, who experience an equally strong negative sexual response. Thus, his erection fell almost as fast as his ejaculation would have happened. I’m real sorry about causing that discomfort, Mike.”
The doctor then reached over to the desk and grabbed a few tissues and handed them to me to clean the lubricant from around my butt. Once I lowered my legs from the stirrups, I chuckled when Elizabeth said, “Bet you weren’t expecting to feel like we do when we have a gyno exam, huh?”
“I definitely don’t envy you ladies during your gyno exams,” I honestly replied.
My classmates gave me a similar round of ‘atta-boy’ responses when I moved back to my seat beside Shannon. Mr. Campbell thanked Dr. Tatum for coming to our class today to conduct those medical procedures on Elizabeth and me.
When the class was over, Dr. Tatum asked that Elizabeth and I hang back for a minute. He then had Elizabeth provide him with her name, her mother’s name, her birth date, and telephone number so he could let them know the results of her pap-test. Dr. Tatum then handed both of us a UWO Medical School credit type card. He said, “If either of you students require any medical attention for the remainder of this school year, come to University Hospital and show them this card. Any and all of your medical procedures will be covered by my medical office. You two, were super and that is the least us adults can do for you.”
“Whoa! Thanks, Dr. Tatum, but you don’t have to do this for me...”
“Or me!” Elizabeth added to my statement.
“You both earned this, today. Also, unless you have some type of accident or sport’s mishap, I highly doubt either of you will be using that medical card. You both appear to be as healthy as finely trained race horses,” Dr. Tatum said with a smile on his face.
“Did Jennifer and Paul do these things?” I asked as I turned the medical card in my hands.
“They did,” Mr. Campbell replied with a smile, “and they also initially refused Dr. Tatum’s offer. However, I told them, like I’m telling you ... accept that gift with a smile, and please don’t tell Greg or Patrice about what happened in here if you see them in the hallway. Now, be gone!”
“Okay. Thanks. Thanks, Dr. Tatum,” Elizabeth said, which I quickly echoed. The two of us raced to catch up with Brad, Sammy, Tempe and a few others who were walking slowly towards the main or side hallway.
“I think you had it worse than me, Cuda,” Lizzie softly said as she took my hand in hers.
“That was ... seriously not fun, Lizzie. I couldn’t believe how ... almost sick I felt when he pressed that probe against my prostate gland,” I replied with a negative head shake. To change the mood of our discussion, I then chuckled, “I guess I now know a quick way to get rid of an unwanted erection!”
“You just aren’t right, Cuda,” Elizabeth laughed and gave me a hip-check with her red boy-shorts panties.
“What’d we miss?” Brad asked as he heard us laughing.
“I was just telling Lizzie about my new unwanted erection elimination trick,” I chortled.
“You just aren’t right, Cuda!” Sammy laughed.
“I just said the exact same thing to him, Sammy!” Lizzie laughed and then joined with the naked redhead in punching me on my shoulders.
“I’m gonna blow my NIS whistle if you don’t stop hitting me,” I faux cried.
“So how many girls do you think will show up to dance, besides me, Sammy and you, Lizzie?” Tempe asked as Brad veered down the main second floor hallway to his locker.
“I heard Heidi and Shannon will be there but after that...”
“A bunch of girls told me they were gonna sign out and head home early,” Sammy added.
“Well, if it’s just you five or six girls, we might ask Mr. St. Georges if we can play basketball or maybe floor hockey. It won’t be good dancing with twenty-six guys and only six girls,” I added as we neared our lockers.
“I wouldn’t mind playing some floor hockey,” Tempe said which kind of surprised me with the eagerness in her reply.
As luck would have it, we only had six girls show up. It didn’t take a lot of convincing to have Mr. St. Georges let us have two games of seven-on-seven floor hockey. Our PE teacher and coach half way flaunted with the NIS rules by allowing Tempe and Sammy to wear a pair of running shorts today, as the action level was well above our dance classes. Half way through our class, the teams were redone and both girls actually got to wear the mesh pennies, so they were as completely clothed in a NIS activity as possible.
I was a little surprised at how competitive and how well Tempe was playing floor hockey. During a break in the action, she said, “I played on an area all-star hockey team from ten to fourteen. My folks couldn’t afford the expense of both hockey and gymnastics, so ... I kinda know how to play this game.”
With Andy Lunby wearing the floor hockey goalie pads, I absolutely loved it when Tempe moved in from the right wing and ripped a top shelf wrist shot past Andy’s glove-hand side. All the guys, plus Sammy, Shannon and Liz, in our class had a ‘friendly word’ for Andy’s goaltending skills as Tempe’s teammates celebrated my NIS partner’s wicked snipe.
The most fun I had in our game happened when Tempe tried to stickhandle around me at a decent pace, and I ducked down to give her a classic hip check. My partner playfully jumped over my angled body and then basically tackled me as she rolled over my hips and waist. I was afraid I might have hurt her when we landed but her damnable tickling of my bare ribs let me know all was fine with my hockey check and hockey chick.
Unfortunately for her, I decided to take my revenge for her tickling by putting her in a head-lock and giving a knuckle nuggy to the top of her head. That set her off squealing, which caused both teams to playfully come and pile-on our giggling bodies. With twelve teens laughing in our dog-pile, Tempe’s chin was cut by an errant fingernail.
When Mr. St. Georges saw Tempe’s bleeding chin, he basically ended our ninth and last period of the day about five minutes earlier than usual to attend to my NIS partner’s minor booboo. When I was sure Tempe wasn’t seriously cut, she smiled at me and in her best John Cleese’s Black Knight voice said, “It’s just a flesh wound,” and acted like both of her arms had been chopped off.
“You kids are just incredible,” Mr. St. Georges chuckled as he put a little Neosporin on a tiny Band-Aid, and then put it on Tempe’s chin.
After Tempe ducked into the guys’ change room, my teacher and coach asked, “Are you going to stay out of trouble in the girls’ room without a teacher in there?”
I laughed at my teacher’s question and then chuckled, “I’ll stay out of trouble but I can’t speak for Lizzie, Heidi, Shannon and Tammi.”
“And that’s what I’m worried about. Try not to be too late to practice,” Mr. St. Georges said before he ducked into the guys’ room to check on Sammy, Tempe and the eleventh grade guys.
In our shower, all four girls had a wash cloth and were playfully washing the sweat and grime from my and their bodies. The sight of four uniquely shaped bodies, along with the sensations from their hands had my cock angled high and hard in no time. I marveled as I looked at these girl’s shapes. Heidi was pure sex on a stick with her firm, full ‘D’ boobs and womanly shaped hips. Shannon was Playmate material through and through with her skyward pointing ‘Bs’ and wet honey blonde bush. Elizabeth was simply her own girl with her pierced nipples and freshly shaved pussy. Even though Tammi was super tiny, I absolutely loved her ‘bee-sting’ boobs, with their pretty puffy nipples.
“Can, ah, can Shan and I try to give you a blow job, Mike?” Tammi innocently asked with Shannon kneeling in front of my hard cock and Tammi rubbing my chest with her soapy hands.

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