NIS Pieces of SamPrologue Thursday Friday
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The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. The sixth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). A computer error placed Gina in a course she hated but if Mike mentored her, would she like his course any better?
Naked In School Punishment Programme:
NIS PP 7 Mike & Gina
by obohobo
Please take note!
The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.
MF NC. Spanking
If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental. The ideas and thoughts that follow are pure fantasies. In real life, at the very least they would be unpleasant and probably illegal. Fantasies are like that; daydreams where we can contemplate and imagine the sensations without suffering or inflicting the pain, despair or humiliation.
? obohobo 2010
Tuesday September 29th 2026
I wrote this day’s page in retrospect, as, at the time, I didn’t know I’d have to keep a diary/report of the events that follow.
?We need to do something about Georgina Rowell, Paul, she’s totally out of place in Engineering. She doesn’t understand a thing about it, hates getting her hands dirty, and hardly does anything. Strapping her doesn’t do any good and I’ve done that too many times already and as she gets it frequently at home I hate to keep doing it, and her crying distracts the others. How she ever got placed in my department or in vocational school, goodness only knows. I’m blaming computer error,? John Furlough consulted the head of workshops.
?You’ve tried putting her with a mentor, I suppose?? Paul Harding questioned.
?None of the boys will accept it. Apparently she avoids them as far as possible and those that have found a way into her knickers, say she’s a piss poor fuck. Just lies still and lets them do all the work but again they think it’s her father’s fault in that he refuses to let her be used by young boys or be out of the house when not at school.?
Paul thought for a while. ?Mentoring would be the best option because that would help to keep our numbers up. We need as many as we can get until there’s a change of attitude back to students wanting hands-on work. If no one comes forward then we will have to expel her and she’ll be put in a local senior school or sent to the penitentiary school.?
?She’s not a criminal, in fact she’s well behaved apart from not having any interest in Engineering. Her Middle school reports suggested that she did well in craft work there but poorly in academic subjects, which is why I suspect the selection computer put her here. Why it suggested Engineering, is another matter. Some secretary’s finger keyed the wrong button, I suppose.?
?Come into the office and let me go through her info on the comms unit.?
I overheard the conversation and wondered whether or not to interrupt. I knew Gina Rowell from Junior and Middle schools and she lived close by in the flats to the east of me. I cannot say I knew her well, nobody did, because she always kept to herself but at least she didn’t take the piss out of me because I am smaller than the other boys of my age group. She’s only a little bigger than me anyway.
Tuesday afternoons are free time for vocational training students and most attend the sports sessions organised for the afternoon. I and two other students chose to continue with our projects in the workshop and I enjoyed the work. Knowing I didn’t have much time to make up my mind, I went through the options of my mentoring her. She wouldn’t be an easy girl to live with, that I knew and I wondered how mentoring would affect my own work, but I couldn’t let them send her to a school for an academic education. I walked to Mr. Harding’s office and tapped on the open door.
Perhaps I ought to say a little about myself. I’m Michael Keeley, fifteen years old, a Mr. Average in appearance except for my height being only 1.6 metres and I weigh about 60 kilograms, not a muscle man but I’m not skinny either. At Middle school my class work fell a little below average except for craft, particularly woodwork, where I excelled and when the chance came to transfer to a vocational school, I jumped at it and I’m really pleased the computer awarded me a place.
Morsham Vocational School, purpose built only five years ago when an enlightened minister for education decided to provide facilities for training students to take the place of the older skilled craftsmen who were retiring and leaving gaps in services in many different fields. The school has many specialised workshops and the one I work in is for high-class joinery and is equipped with twenty workbenches, eighteen of which are in use. An adjacent machine shop with two technicians is available for our use.
I opted for the restoration and reproduction of antique furniture course and I’m the only one doing that module but with most of the work on the comms units, I’m able to work at my own pace although I need Mr. Harding’s practical instruction from time to time. Other students are working on other forms of joinery.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons we go to a classroom for Maths, English and Science lessons but as these are biased towards our craft and careers, I try my best with them. Maths is costing projects and geometry for the laying out of shapes for design work, English is writing reports on the work and later we’ll be doing articles that we can sell to online magazines, and science is based on materials at the moment. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons we are free but I usually go in and work on my project, a Regency style cabinet with authentic inlays.
Monday October 4th 2026
I heard nothing more of my request to mentor Gina until this morning but I found out later that headmaster, Dr. Peter Salmon had been in touch with mother during the weekend. Of course, I dreamed about having her as my slave and wanked myself off each night imagining what I would do with her but knowing that in reality, I wouldn’t do anything as bizarre as my imagination. Although I’d looked for her, I’d only glimpsed Gina twice since Tuesday.
Dr. Salmon, recently promoted to the headship after the demotion of Mrs. Flagstaff under the new laws regime, insisted that all students attend a morning assembly in the auditorium and, knowing lateness resulted in a bare arse strapping, we all tried to get though the automatic check in system shut the gate. He used the time to give us notice of events, occasionally show a students work or award a trophy and three times since the new laws came in a month previously, had strapped two boys and one girl for behavioural problems and put them in the Naked in School Punishment Programme for a fortnight each time. With the type of courses offered and the fact that we competed for places at the school, there had never been an instance of mentoring although we’d heard of it happening at other schools and I’d seen naked, blue collared and cuffed students in town, often linked to their mentor.
That changed this morning.
?Will Georgina Rowell come up on the stage please?? When students were summoned on the stage it usually meant a strapping and I wondered if he intended to put her in the NIS PP programme. The poor girl looked bewildered and wept when ordered to undress. She shook so much that two members of staff had to help her. For the first time I saw her naked. She would not win any beauty competitions but I thought her attractive. I knew she had about 7 centimetres height advantage over me and now could see she’d small pert tits and a dark pubic bush that matched her head hair. Unlike other students brought on to the stage for punishment, she didn’t turn her back to the audience to undress and only when the teachers who assisted showed her back, first to the head and then to us, did we realise why. Fresh, red welts covered it from the shoulders to the top of her thighs and in some places, her skin looked ready to burst at any moment. Although I don’t know him and have only seen him from a distance, I suspected her father did it and Gina later confirmed this. He, like many other men, strapped his wife and daughter as soon as the clock chimed midnight on August 31st. The head looked shocked at the sight and I guessed it put him in a quandary. By law, he had to give any student needing mentoring, twenty-five strokes of the strap for being so lax in their work they needed a mentor. He soon recovered his composure. I wondered how the poor girl would take a strapping on top of the welts and bruises already there but his next command jerked me out of my reverie. ?Will Michael Keeley come on to the stage please??
Shakily I stood and made my way along the row of seat to the aisle, half worried that I’d done something wrong and half guessing I’d be her mentor like I’d requested. He stood me alongside her but, to my relief, he didn’t order me to undress.
?Those of you on the engineering course will know Miss Rowell has made little progress, in fact after one month, she’s made no progress at all and her tutor suggested that she is totally unsuited to the work. He tried without success to find an engineering mentor for her but no one suitable came forward until Mr. Keeley, who studying a different subject, volunteered.? Gina looked at me with horror and I wondered if I’d done the right thing but I couldn’t back out. ?We’ve not had a mentored student in the Naked in School Punishment Programme but I’m sure you’ve heard about it and have seen students who are in the programme. To conform to the regulations, I’ll now fit the obligatory blue collar and cuffs on her and she must remain naked when the temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius and this applies whilst at school, at home or outside. However, due to the nature of the work she will be doing, she is allowed to wear protective clothing, which in the woodwork shops is a large white apron or a smock at the tutor’s discretion, the same as the other students. She is to be with her mentor twenty-four hours a day, every day until I decide her work is up to a standard where she can resume working alone. She must keep within forty metres of him all the time and he is allowed to punish her for failure to work, or for failure to service his sexual and other needs or any other disciplinary reason, and for this I will issue him with a standard strap.? He paused and took a strap from the table and presented it theatrically to me.
?As I’m sure you know, by law, any student whose work falls to such a standard that he or she requires the services of a mentor, is given twenty-five strokes of the strap but the rules do not state where they are to be applied.? Gina burst into a loud wail at this point and I moved closer to her and held her hand but she shook it off. I ignored it and thought she soon wouldn’t have the choice. ?As you all saw earlier, Miss Rowell had a severe strapping over the weekend, something which I wasn’t aware of until she undressed, and as I do not wish to open any cuts in her skin or delay her strapping until her back is healed, I will apply them to her front, something they do all the time in the whipping hall but I didn’t anticipate doing here. I’m sorry Miss Rowell but I think it best to get it over and done with.? Turning to the staff he ordered, ?Please fasten her to the frame facing outwards.?
As she turned I had a close-up view of the terrible welts on her back and wondered how long they’d take to heal and how much pain she’d be in after another twenty-five to her front. Fortunately Dr. Salmon wasn’t a sadist like that headmaster from the other Morsham school who ended up in jail, and although he applied the strokes smartly to Gina’s body and left red stripes from her thighs to her neck, he didn’t hit hard, certainly not as hard as he’d done for other punishments. Gina cried and screamed and I wondered how and when she’d ever be able to attempt to work again. Finally the thrashing finished and Dr. Salmon had Gina unfastened while he gave a warning to the students. ?Although Miss Rowell is naked, that doesn’t mean she’s available for any boy or girl to have fun with. She is with her mentor and under his control and will only be available to others if he says so and any infringement of that ruling is likely to get the perpetrator a session on this platform.? To me he quietly instructed, ?Take her to the showers Michael and then to the medical room where the nurse will treat her. Bring her to me at 10:30.?
One of the staff gave me her clothes and bag and, seeing she had difficulty in standing, I said, ?Put your arm around my shoulders and I’ll help you to the shower.? Still crying pitifully, she scowled at me but did as I suggested and I snaked an arm around her waist and slowly we made our way along the corridor to the washrooms. Students making their way to lessons, stared at us but I ignored them or tried to. Some expressed their sympathy with Gina, while others leered and made suggestive remarks as to how I should treat her.
With all the other students in their workrooms, we had the shower to ourselves. That pleased me because of my nervousness at having a girl, a naked girl, by my side and under my control. Kneeling with my face close to her cunt, I removed her shoes and undressed myself, glad that I didn’t have a full erection although feeling her naked body against me started my prick to rise. Carefully I washed her and nervously played gently with her tender tits, which brought further glares, and, although she still wept, it wasn’t the bitter wail of earlier. I tried to reassure her with, ?It can only get better now,? and ?The worst is over,? and similar phrases but with her mind in a complete state of shock, I doubt she heard or took them in. She certainly didn’t seem pleased with my attentions and refused to look me in the face or acknowledge me as her mentor. Even with my small amount of medical knowledge, I knew she’d further withdrawn into her shell from the shock of the humiliation and the thrashing. I wondered how long it would take for her to recover.
Unlike all the other students on my course, even though a month has passed since the changing of the laws to give males superiority over females, I’d retained my virginity, largely because of my shyness with girls. I’d not even fucked my mother even though we lived alone. I’d too much respect for her to do that even though, with compulsory contraception, incest is no longer a crime and father / daughter and mother / son relationships are commonplace. I suspected Gina had been in such a relationship and, as I washed her, I worried whether or not I could perform well enough but with the sex channels now on the comms units, I’d had plenty of instruction if no practical experience except by my own hand.
?Get her under the dryer now, Michael and then bring her to the medical room. You’re doing okay.? Nurse Carol stood in the doorway and I suspect she’d been watching us for a while. Gina had hardly spoken since her ordeal and I remembered her as being a very quiet girl in Middle school and I guessed that no longer able to thwart the attentions of men in the way she could a month ago, and the mornings events, had made it worse.
?Help her on to the bed, Mike,? the nurse instructed, ?If you kneel, Gina, you will be able to keep your breasts off the bed while Mike rubs the ointment into your back. Those welts look the worst. Were they done at home?? Gina nodded slightly and we assumed she didn’t wish to talk about it. Under the nurse’s instruction, I rubbed the salve into her back and later into the welts covering her front. Fortunately, by then I’d dressed and my trousers covered my erection at least from Gina.
?I commed your mother earlier, Michael, and she is willing for Gina to live with you,? Dr. Salmon told us when we stood in his office. ?Finance and space to live and work shouldn’t be a problem and the government provides weekly payments to a mentor although they are not over generous and it may well be Gina’s father will have to provide support too. I understand that you also get payments from the oil company because of the accident on the oil rig that killed your father all those years ago, so your mother doesn’t need to work.?
?Oh, no! He’ll...? Gina broke off without completing the sentence.
?I propose to send you home to collect your belongings before lunch, Gina. Will your father be there??
She nodded.
?Will it be a problem??
?He’ll kill us.? Tears that had ceased after her shower started flowing again.
The headmaster commed security. ?A man will accompany you there and back and you may call at your home, Michael, to leave stuff there. I won’t warn your father, Georgina, so he won’t be prepared for you and won’t destroy your belongings. Michael, she’ll need outside clothes to go home in later when the temperature drops.? We discussed my care of her and what the regulations were. To Gina, it must appear that she is my slave and I can do almost anything to her provided she doesn’t need hospital treatment. Looking back on it, I think he did it to further impress Gina that she wouldn’t be allowed to get away with refusal to satisfy me or to do the work the school and I required. She sat alongside me looking downcast but didn’t say anything.
?Have you thought about what you’ll do with her at school?? the headmaster asked, ?She’ll obviously have to change courses to a wood related one.?
?Yes Sir. I thought she could do reproduction stuff the same as I am but of a smaller and simpler type. There are two unused benches in our workshop and I would ask Mr. Harding if he would move one next to mine. That could be done without too much interruption to others.?
The security man arrived and we were warned to be in class this afternoon but we were free until then.
?Dad’s not at work until tomorrow morning, so he may be half drunk,? Gina whispered a warning to me which I passed on to Henry, the security guard. He nodded, grinned and touched his stun gun. For a guard, he’s a pretty friendly guy and suggested it would be better to take a robotaxi than to have Gina walk all the way. I had more than enough credits and therefore agreed.
Phil Rowell, a big man with a huge gut that overhung his trousers, rose angrily from the couch when we entered and saw his naked daughter. He knew well enough the meaning of the blue cuffs and collar and immediately reacted by throwing a beer can at me but the softish plastic didn’t really hurt my arm although the contents splashed down my trousers. One short burst of the stun gun and he lay unconscious on the floor. Mary Rowell, hearing the noise, came into the room looking haggard, and I explained the situation emphasising that neither she nor her husband now had any control over Gina. At least she accepted it and helped us to pack. Gina had a surprising amount of clothing and other items, bought by her mother when the ladies had full control. We packed it into three large cases and bags and carried them into the lounge where Phil had started to recover. Henry warned him that any attempt to molest or harm Gina or me would lead to a prison sentence but I wondered if he heard or would take any notice.
Mother expressed her shock at the sight of Gina’s body but gave her a gentle hug and a kiss and welcomed her our home. To my surprise, Henry grinned, ?Don’t I get one of those for helping?? For a moment mother looked baffled but opened her arms and went to him and before she had time to think about it, Henry swept her off her feet and lifted her high enough to kiss him. Like me, mother is on the small side. He returned her to the floor laughing, and she too laughed. We dumped Gina’s bags and put a long coat in her backpack ready for the journey home.
?I’ll start to clear a space for your stuff Gina in Michael’s room, but you’ve more than I expected so some will have to go into store boxes. It’s about time we had a sort out of his stuff too because there’s things he hasn’t worn for years and with his growth spurt, they’re too small anyway and are only fit for the charity shops. If the bed’s too small we can swap rooms but that’s a major job with all stuff he has.? Mother acted like the true caring person she is.
With it being close to lunchtime, mother made us all sandwiches and when we sat at the table to eat, Henry openly flirted with her and suggested that she might wish to keep the big bed for herself and she seemed to relish the attention. ?I’ll look in this evening just in case there’s trouble from her dad,? he said as we left.
Mother smiled and said, ?I’ll look forward to it. If you come about six, you can share our dinner, that is if you haven’t a wife to cook for you.?
?No, she left and went to France when they announced the new laws were to come in, so I’ll be only too pleased to accept your offer.?
The continuing repartee shocked me, as mother hadn’t had a man for all the time she been alone. Perhaps my having Gina changed her and certainly Henry seemed a likeable person. Gina listened without commenting but at least she’d stopped crying.
The afternoon passed with Gina sitting sullenly beside me, not speaking except to answer a direct question and not looking in my direction. Ms. Faulkener went through the maths she’d done and found it largely the same basic stuff and I had. Not surprising since we’d only been in the school a month and had not begun to specialise. Fortunately she released us early but not before we’d been given homework. Afterwards I took her to the workshop and noticed Tom, the technician, had moved an empty bench next to mine and I introduced them and he asked what supplies she would need. ?Don’t know yet, Tom, I haven’t had time to sort out anything with her.?
Her attitude thawed a little over dinner and Henry’s ready smile helped to brighten the meal and his outrageous flirting with mother made her blush as well as laugh. Gina didn’t demur when I suggested she help mother clear away but the tension returned when I took her into the bedroom to put more cream on her welts. My old clothes and some toys from my early childhood were piled in a heap on the floor so Gina could start to put her stuff away but I noticed how it pained her to lift or stretch and helped where I could. Perhaps the thought of having her clothes in my wardrobe emphasised that she now belonged to me, depressed her further, but she still didn’t say more than a word or two.
We cleared a space on my desk and set up her comms unit and did our maths homework. That didn’t take long and she finished before I did and when we submitted our results to Ms. Faulkener’s automatic marking programme, Gina had 100% whereas I only had 90%. I saw her grin a little at that but she didn’t make any comment. With that out of the way, I logged on to the Antique Repro Site that the school allowed me to access and tried to get Gina to choose something she would like to make, but she sat and looked at the items without making any suggestion. In my frustration, I said, ?I’ll give you ten minutes to find something otherwise I’ll make the decision.? Her eyes nearly dribbled tears and I could see her fear of me or what I expected her to do. She idly flipped through the design pages and only stopped on a few very simple, rather crude items of medieval work.
?I can’t make that!? she cried out when I chose an inlaid, casket-type jewellery box.
?Yes, you can, it’s only a matter of doing one stage at a time and you can practice the joints first. Mr. Harding and I will be there to guide you. It will take you some time to make but you’ll learn a lot and have something nice that you can treasure to the end of your life. Download the drawings and send them to the school workshop printer so they’ll be ready for the morning.?
We found mother snuggled up in Henry’s arms when we went through the lounge area to make a drink so it didn’t come as a surprise when they went into her bedroom. Under the new laws, Henry could have insisted that they’d been in a temporary relationship for more than an hour but mother seemed more than willing and almost dragged him to her room.
After showering and applying more cream to her welts we went to bed too. I had an erection but felt disinclined to forcibly fuck her at least until she’d healed a little more but I wasn’t going to stand for her turning her back on me in bed. ?Turn over Gina, face me and come close enough for our bodies to touch. I want to cuddle and feel my student and kiss her for a bit and then we have to talk. I’m not going to fuck you tonight; you’re too sore for that but a bit of body contact won’t hurt you.? We cuddled and kissed, or at least, I did, but eventually I felt a tentative response and decided to try and find out a little more about her.
To my surprise she asked, ?Why did you do it??
?I heard them talking and expelling you to a standard school or to the penitentiary.?
?And you wanted a slave girl even if it meant I had another thrashing??
?You’d have had a worse one for being expelled and probably more at another school. Yes, I rather liked the idea of having a girl as a slave but that wasn’t the main reason I did it. When I heard the reasons John Furlough gave for your not wanting to be in engineering, I thought you might enjoy a cleaner type of work.?
?I applied for dressmaking but something went wrong with the system and when I tried to change at the beginning of term, they said, ?All the places have been allocated, you’ll just have to make the best of it.?
A little after ten o’clock that night, the doorbell rang. I could hear sounds of love making from mother’s room and called out, ?I’ll get it.?
With the crime rate now at an all time low, we only left the door catch on and didn’t bother with security chains and spy holes so wearing only a loose robe, I opened the door. In the split second before a punch to my stomach took the breath from my body and another to the head laid me out, I saw Gina’s father, obviously in a very intoxicated state.
Paramedics attended to me when I woke up and groggily asked, ?What happened??
?You got knocked out lad and we’re taking you to the hospital for a check-up but you should be okay. You’ll have a lump on the head for a while.?
I looked around and saw mother and Gina close by and looking worried; Henry had a smile on his face and Phil Rowell lay on the floor. When I tried to stand, the room moved and I sat on the floor again and the medics told me to remain there a few minutes more and put an oxygen mask on. Shortly the police arrived but I didn’t see what happened because they took me to the ambulance and whisked me to the hospital. Mother and Gina came too but with everything still in a whirl, I couldn’t focus and lay on the bed. The doctors soon cleared that up and after a short time in a bed, they said I could go home but not to go to school tomorrow. They commed Mr. Harding so I wouldn’t get into trouble.
?What happened,? I asked again when Gina and I were in bed and Mother and Henry stood at the bedside.
?Gina’s dad came into the room and yelled, ?Gina to get her arse out here, you’re my cunt and you’re coming home with me. I’ll teach you not to run away.? He didn’t figure on my being here,? Henry grinned widely. ?He even thought he could take me on. ?You’re not so powerful without a stunner in your hand are you? I’ll soon have you laying on the floor alongside baby boy there.? Even if he hadn’t been drunk, it wouldn’t have been much of a fight. Two hand chops and he was out cold. The police will charge him and they may want TED’s machine statements from you.?
?Rest now Mike, and don’t do anything energetic with Gina. Sleep as late as you like,? mother added.
I drifted off to sleep with Gina snuggled face-to-face with me.
Tuesday October 5th 2026
Gina woke me when she went to the loo in the morning. The clock showed 8:33; I’m always up earlier than that even at weekends. ?Sorry,? Gina whispered when she climbed back into bed, ?I couldn’t hold it any longer. How are you feeling??
?Bit of a headache but okay, I better go an pee too.?
I snuggled down again afterwards and when Gina rubbed her body against mine, I quickly became hard. ?You can do it if you’re careful,? she whispered, ?But don’t shake your head too much and get giddy.? I settled for a blowjob, which, to my surprise, she gave willingly. ?Thank you,? she said afterwards, ?I’m sorry you’re hurt but since the new laws, my life has been hell at home. Now I’m sure they’ll put him away for a long while and that’s a relief. Mum will be pleased too.?
The police asked the three of us to give a TED interview at their office but they decided not to try and fit the lie detector over the lump and bruise on my head and took a verbal statement and recorded my injuries. I hadn’t seen much of what happened anyway. Henry had already given his statement.
Feeling better in the afternoon I went to school but didn’t feel like working. Gina didn’t either and, if anything, her body looked worse now the bruises were changing colour, but she moved a little easier and we walked to school in the afternoon sunshine. Mr. Harding studied the drawings of the chest I intended Gina would make and commented, ?They are attractive boxes with a fair amount of work involved and will take Gina a while to make but there’s no real difficult bits. Why don’t you make one too, Mike? You’re well on with your other project and if you do one with her, you won’t have to work on hers. Tell Tom to put some extra wood in for practicing the joints.? Gina still didn’t believe she could make it and quietly said so. ?See it as a challenge, Gina. Mike and I are sure you are capable of doing it so you’ll have to make the effort.? He didn’t use the threat of expulsion but we all knew the possibility remained.
Henry took mother to a concert this evening so we had flat to ourselves. While we made a meal, we discussed the upcoming court session on Thursday. No one had said if we’d be required to attend but these days, with a TED’s machine confession, they frequently didn’t need witnesses. They accepted the word of the lie detector as being infallible.
Gina commed her mother and I put it on the big screen in the lounge. Mary looked far less haggard and stressed than when I saw her yesterday. I’m sure she hopes he’ll get a long sentence too although without his income, Gina worried that she might have financial problems.
When I led her into the bedroom for ‘an early night’, we both knew I intended to fuck her but Gina didn’t seem unduly worried and only asked me to try not to press too hard on her body. I started very tentatively but soon found a rhythm and to my delight, she reciprocated and actually climaxed before I came. ?That’s the nicest fuck I’ve ever had,? she remarked, ?all the others have forced themselves on me. Dad started it at midnight on that first day by using his strap on both of us and fucking us side by side, first thrusting into one and then the other. He did it several times each day and frequently used the strap for the pleasure of hearing us cry. After the first week he offered us to his friends and then a couple of the boys from Engineering took me to the field behind the sheds and fucked me there on two lunchtimes. I just let them do it and didn’t complain that I’d been forced. There wasn’t much point nowadays.? That explained the rumour that she was a useless fuck. I’d found out differently.
Thursday October 7th 2026
Considering her lack of woodwork experience, Gina made a presentable start and surprised herself when, at the second attempt, the joint she practiced, fitted nicely or at least I would give her 8.5/10 for it. We’ve also made a good start on building a relationship although I’ve thought it wise to keep in ‘boss mode’ for the time being and, at school, I have to ensure everyone knows I’m in charge of her. We usually fuck at least once a day and yesterday we did it twice and I’m beginning to enjoy having a ‘slave’. So far I haven’t tried any of the non standard techniques because she is still bruised and in pain when she tries to bend or twist her body but that will come later.
Mary Rowell commed us this evening and told us that the court hearing lasted fifteen minutes and her husband had been sentenced to four years hard labour. From the stories and discussions on the comms newscasts, if he survived, he’d be a broken man. At least we’d be free of him for a goodly while, if not forever.
Mother missed Henry coming over last night he had a meeting that ended late, ?And I need to recover from being milked dry for two days,? he jibed. He’s here tonight and I can hear mum milking him dry again.
Well, that’s my report to date. How things work out in the future remains to be seen but it seems likely that our little family group will stay together, even when or if Gina is released from my care.
NIS PP 2: Mitzi’s rehabilitation ? Synopsis ? After her terrible thrashing under the new laws and her subsequent ordeal at the hands of her mentor, Mitzi is given to a boy in the ‘Gifted Pupil Fast Track’ programme who enlists the help of a near human doll to aid her recovery. A sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme ? 2 Mitzi’s Rehabilitation ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story...
"Hey!" Jody smiled as I slid into the passenger seat of her little red sports car. "Hi!" I smiled back, unzipping my army coat because she had the heater turned up and it was warm in there. "Where's my skirt?" she frowned at the jeans I wore and I giggled and shrugged, and then she was leaning into me for a kiss and I mostly melted in her mouth. "I forgot it," I told her a breathless half-minute later. "But I got your thong." "I should make you go back and get it!" "No!...
Gina.Gina was a married neighbor that had a white mother and a Portuguese father. She was mid thirties, 5’6” and a toned 145 lbs. Brown curly hair, brown eyes and dark olive skin. Besides Gina’s white smile, her best features were her small waist, big round ass and hints of a large bust. Gina didn’t mind wearing tight jeans but always wore floppy loose tops to hide what was there. The way she tried to hide them made me even more interested in finding out what she had.Her husband was Dan. Dan...
Gina was a married neighbor that had a white mother and a Portuguese father. She was mid thirties, 5’6” and a toned 145 lbs. Brown curly hair, brown eyes and dark olive skin. Besides Gina’s white smile, her best features were her small waist, big round ass and hints of a large bust. Gina didn’t mind wearing tight jeans but always wore floppy loose tops to hide what was there. The way she tried to hide them made me even more interested in finding out what she had. Her husband was Dan. Dan...
Chapter 1 Gina's a very interesting woman -- she's about medium height, very pretty and has beautiful brunette hair and two attractive children. She has a great personality but the only thing that's sort of unusual about Gina is that she's rather small-breasted. I'd say that for a woman in her middle 30's, Gina's got a decent A-cup set of breasts but nothing more. On occasion, she'll wear something that makes her look slightly larger -- a padded bra or a tight-fitting top that...
Now Gina is 36yrs. 5'7" about 118lbs. married with two k**s a boy 10yrs. and a girl 17yrs. her and her husband Tom live a good safe life married 20yrs. both work good high paying jobs nice home the total package. There sex life is good not great but good. Friday at the start of the day Connie a girl at work comes in all happy and ask everyone to the bar after work she is getting married, Gina thinks I know Tom would not like me to go but why not I'll be home early it'll be fun, so she calls...
As you now may know I love to jerkoff and do it every day, sometimes twice even if I fuck my wife. She has gotten use to me playing with my cock all the time. I jerked off for her on our very first date when she was having her period.I use to hide it from her like in the shower, the bathroom, behind the garage, but she caught me a few times and just smiles and says have fun. Gradually she started to like for me to jerk off for her usually when she's fully clothed. She would tell me how hot...
Gina, the woman I once called a 'fat slut' lowers herself up and down on my erect cock. I stroke her thighs as she rides me. I am grimacing for as repulsive as her weight seems to me, her ample breasts are bounding and her nipples are bolt erect. When Gina rises a little up, her cunt muscles tighten. She is siphoning the spunk out of me and will take it for her own. My wife Jenny watches and kisses Lincoln luxuriantly. This is rather special, isn't it... Do you know what a 'bestie' is? Well may...
DominatrixIt was Friday morning and Gina and Ryan were chatting at the breakfast table prior to her day at work and his at school. With it being a Friday, the evening would lead to a weekend of incestuous sex but would also very likely involve physical punishment of some kind with Gina. On this occasion, her being on the receiving end almost a certainty.Gina, who had been born in Italy but moved to England with her family when in her early teens, had never told her son that she had received a caning at...
IncestBOB`s side When I first met Gina I liked what I saw short bubbly blonde with big tits , we went to her local pub , and like all true gentlemen I treated to lunch , and what surprised me but pleased me as well was her willingness to drink a pint with me , I thought to myself , play it cool boy you`re going to do well with this one. I have over the years had many conquests it`s not just getting in her knickers its managing to change the woman`s preconceived notions, ( I`m a good...
It all started when I was in 8th grade. Girls were drawing my attention more and more every day it seemed. I was becoming distracted by them during class and pretty much everywhere I went.Then one day it hit me like a freight train. I was sitting at lunch with some friends when I glanced up at the counter. There was a blonde, with some shapely hips and long legs. She was shifting her weight from side to side in a very provocative way. Her blonde pony tail tossed back and forth with her...
Once upon a time I loved my wife and I thought she loved me. I thought we had a good marriage, but time changes all things and our relationship was no exception. I met Gina by accident - literally - when she ran into the back of my car while I was sitting at a stoplight. It wasn't her fault; she was rear ended and pushed into me. When we got out of our cars to check out the damage I paid more interest to her than I did the damage to my car. Visually speaking, she was my ideal woman. Tall at...
She tells me her much older husband died a year ago. The only man she has ever had. “I realise now I have missed out on a lot in life. A sex life and sexual pleasure especially, I am naive when I compare with my girlfriends. They tell me my past sex life could only be described as vanilla at best. I need a man to educate and show me what I have been missing.” She has me intrigued. I do love an articulate woman who can talk about her sex life and discuss it without any embarrassment. “How...
‘Damnit Walter!’ I shouted as my patience with my boss diminished. ‘There is a damn fine line between filing this claim legally and committing fraud!’ My boss bit down on his cigar harder, his eyes narrowing. He obviously didn’t like my attitude but that’s the way I’ve always been. Laid back and easy going until I’m pushed, and he had pushed me far enough today. ‘Well I can obviously tell that you’re either too incompetent or too lazy to perform the job I hired you for Tom.’ That was it....
Slave to Gina Nicky was a small time thief. Primarily his speciality was breaking and entering, and Gina’s house seemed the perfect candidate. He had staked it out for weeks, and it seemed like quite a good setup. Obviously the owner was quite wealthy and the house was huge, over 8000 square feet. No dogs around to cause problems, and, other than Gina (who Nicky thought was quite hot) noone else appeared to live there. From his hiding place in the woods out in the back of the mansion he...
Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 4 Hello Gina In an instant Mike went from his home in a Rancho Santa Fe gated community to a condominium in Del Mar. In an instant he went from being Mike to being Gina. Things were different on so many levels. But Mike, now Gina did not freak out. She looked at Thomas. Thomas smiled and simply said "Welcome to your new life Gina." All Gina could say was "Wow you really did it. I can't believe I am a woman. Everything on me feels so...
It was a difficult few years. My mother, who seemed to be addicted to everything: drugs, alcohol, and gambling, ran up all of her credit cards, cleaned out the checking and savings account, and then left my father with a huge debt. The bank foreclosed on our house and my father lost everything he had. He said it was time to move away and start a new life. He and I moved to a rural area in New England where my father started a new job in information technology (IT). I was sixteen and a...
First TimeGina goes to the mall for a new dress to wear for her husband's company bash Tom her hubby was being honored for his 25yrs of servers to the accounting company. He started as a mail boy and now was becoming a partner in the firm. Gina was so proud that she had to look just right to support him. As she looked around the new dress store she was seen by Penny who was Tom's biggest rival at work she thought she was the one in line when they picked Tom and was not at all happy to stand aside. ...
Jillian glanced at the clock, her last class of he day was about to end. She noticed her best friend Gina staring at the clock as well. Jill and Ginaa walked home together everyday since they live close by each other. Jillian had long fantasized about having sex with Gina but had never said anything about it, Gina was a bit of a slut and gave out blow jobs to anyone who asked. Today was a Friday and Gina had to go home before her and Jill could hang out, giving Jill some time to prepare. After...
Jillian glanced at the clock, her last class of he day was about toend. She noticed her best friend Gina staring at the clock as well. Jilland Ginaa walked home together everyday since they live close by eachother. Jillian had long fantasized about having sex with Gina but hadnever said anything about it, Gina was a bit of a slut and gave out blowjobs to anyone who asked. Today was a Friday and Gina had to go homebefore her and Jill could hang out, giving Jill some time to prepare.After Gina...
I had know Jay since I graduated from college. I met him when I started my first job. We were instant friends and hung out a lot. Our wives were friends until I got divorced. Jay and Gina, his wife, kind of helped me through it all. That was 10 years ago. Now Gina’s mom was sick and she was going there all the time, leaving Jay alone. I tried to go over as much as I could and every Sunday we would get together fans watch football. We had a fantasy league Jay ran, so it made sense to go...
It was a quiet night at work,so i thought i would give myself an early mark,so i called home to my girlfriend Gina,just to let her know that i'll be home in about 1 hour and if she wouldn't mind taking some chicken breast from the freezer to defrost for dinner,,"no worries babe,anything else??"my cutie asked,"no babe thats it ,so i'll see you sweetheart"i answered.So on the 45min drive home playing some tunes in the car thinking how i was cooking the chicken,oven,grill or BBQ and seeing it was...
BABY GINA by Throne "Honestly, George," his wife Maya said testily. "You make everything so difficult." He sat there on the couch, an average looking guy, with a nervous expression on his pale soft face. "But I don't understand why you would invite him to come here. Kurt bullied me in school and, well, you remember what happened at the class reunion." "I sure do," she said with a nasty grin. "He pushed you around, made you drink half a dozen cups of punch, and then wouldn't...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
I was busy working out at home when I heard a knock at the door. Covered with sweat and only wearing a pair of loose shorts and no underwear, I grabbed a towel and opened the door. My disheveled look must have taken my visitor by surprise as Gina just stood there. Gina is my neighbors’ high school aged daughter. I asked her if there was anything she needed and she composed herself and asked if she could talk to me inside. I opened the door further and invited her in. I apologized for my look...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
Straight SexNIS Punishment Programme: 5 Rob & Jill Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. Jill, a smart but arrogant rich girl, caught in an act of vandalism, is given to a lone intellectual student to mentor her behaviour. The fourth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 5 Rob...
NIS Punishment Programme: 4 The suiciders Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. Two students decide they can no longer stand the punishment and the humiliation. The third sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 4 The Suiciders ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please...
NIS Punishment Programme: 3 St. Catherine’s ? Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. A second sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 3 St. Catherine’s ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly...
" ... hope they don't get some ugly girl to do it," Todd was saying and the other guys were grinning and nodded their heads. "Do what?" I asked. I didn't like Todd very much, or his friend Mike, but I wanted to sit with Josh like I always did during lunch and my best friend had saved me a seat. I noticed Penny right away too. She was sitting with her friends on the girls' side of the cafeteria and watching us, but Josh had his back to her, so that was cool. There wasn't any real...
I love having sex with older women. I find they're usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don't go gossiping to their friends after you've fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don't care myself, as long as they're over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...
MatureIt all began in August, a couple of weeks before school started. I was going to be a senior, and while I understood the importance of that fact, I was unimpressed. First, I was not going to go off to college. My grades were good, but certainly not stellar, which they would have had to be for me to get a scholarship. Failing that, my parents could not afford anything more than community college. I was also seriously considering the military as a way of making enough money to go. Second, I was...
Gina is 5ft 8ins tall, size 14, 36C with red hair. We met when I stopped at a country pub for a quick bite to eat. It turned out not to be quiet so quick. After talking for an hour I suggested we take a walk along the path. The sun was shining, Gina was wearing a soft flowing white dress, it was loose and her tits are wobbling as she moved. I was fascinated and started to desire her massively. By chance I was commando and my cock was aroused. We walked into the woods following the path. ...
The place was always crowded on a Friday night, and, following his usual scanning of curvy female dancers and picking out one or two who might succumb to his well worn chat-up line. He sat down at a table to give a deeper consideration to his selections. Harry Laine had no real belief that he was one of the world’s great lovers, but he was aware at the age of twenty-two that young women, and some not so young, found him attractive. He was also very aware of the advice both his parents had...
FemdomI was just 16 years old, still slim and quite flexible. I went through puberty early at 13 and as my hormones went into overdrive a lot of things started changing, My pubes grew in and my cock grew out, I would get a boner every time in the showers after GYM class surrounded by all the other guys in my class. My best friend at the time was also in a similar way. He live a block over from me and we would often camp out in my tent in the back yard. I kept a stash of girly magazines for us to look...
As in my other story. Rudy my longtime friend was caught cheating by his wife,Gina. He paid the price of haveing to watch me fuck his wife and fuck her ass. Couple months have gone by, I keep in touch with Rudy, seeing if he is still fucking around on Gina. He swears he isnt,but is makeing excuses why he isnt comeing home on weekends for awhile. Gina is very suspious, cant blame her. So we decide to take a road trip,she wants to know if he is lieing! 3 hours later Gina and I check in to a...
"Fuck thats amazing," Mike said, Kate looked up at Mike for a second and she had a huge smile on her face and started to work Mikes penis even harder. Kate had never woken Mike up sucking his penis before, ever since the poker party a few weeks ago she had been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and she had not cared who heard too. Her mom was only a few doors down the hall, Mike groaned again with pleasure as the slurping noises from Kate got louder. Kate took her mouth away from his...
Ginayou hate yourself. that's all you can think of. every day. every night. you hate what you are. you hate what you have become. it's been one year since you've been k**napped. one year locked in this house! in the middle of nowhere. one year since the last time you saw your office. your friends. your wife. your son! it's been one year since you were normal. if you only knew... you would never have opened the window of your car! that guy would never have sprayed you! you would still have your...
It was the beginning of a summer that would be hot in more ways than one. My mother had dropped me off to stay with my aunt Gina as mom was heading out of the state on business. Even though I was an adult she hated the thought of me being alone. Growing up in a single parent household you learn to be close and keep each other company. I loved my aunt Gina and was looking forward to the summer at the cabin in rural Minnesota. After I got settled in the guest room at aunt Gina's I decided to go...
IncestSliding my penis in and out of Gina’s vagina felt wonderful. Her fluids ran so freely that my penis sloshed—not enough friction to make me cum but plenty to keep me going. Gina was approaching her second climax and was augmenting my penis by rubbing her clitoris energetically with her finger. Her first climax had come from my tongue. In the bathroom I’d lifted her nude body onto the valet. I dropped to my knees and slowly spread her legs. Her vagina was beautiful. Her black pubic hair was...
Straight SexNIS Punishment Programme: New Laws Synopsis The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life.Naked In School Punishment Programme: 1 New Laws by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal...
SATURDAY 'Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.' Brandi woke up at the sound of her alarm. Sleepily, Brandi reached over and turned it off. Looking at the clock, Brandi wondered why she had set her alarm, as she normally didn't set an alarm on Saturday. Throwing off the covers, Brandi got out of bed. She left her room, heading toward the bathroom. After using the toilet, Brandi got into the shower. After her shower, still naked, Brandi headed back to her room, but decided to just go downstairs. She found her...
Monday morning I didn't want to look in my mom's bedroom. I didn't know if she was alone or not, but I was afraid of finding Mr. Evans in there, you know? I was kind of done being mad anyway and maybe I shouldn't have been mad in the first place, I wasn't sure. Just being with Angie had helped a lot and I'd spent most of Sunday afternoon and night at her place, but we hadn't made out or anything. We'd just made friends with each other. I did look though, opening the door slowly and...
Ding-Ding ... Ding-Ding Our doorbell was ringing and that was weird. Nobody ever rang our doorbell. Nobody ever came over, except Josh maybe, but it was barely three-thirty. He'd still be at school, or walking home maybe and he wouldn't ring it anyway. Angie might ring the doorbell, but she went to college until like four or something. "It's that woman from the news," I decided and we'd kind of forgotten about her. "What was that about anyway?" Mom wondered and she was getting off...
Everything started a few months ago, if I was stressed at work I would quickly silently get an orgasm out when nobody was in the bathroom. Now it's a normal office setting so I make sure nobody else is in there,( try and predict nobody will go in) and started as a way to calm down in the evenings when I worked late. Anyhow, when I would feel really slutty sometimes I would do it on lunch in my car or in the bathroom but over months I found myself looking forward and doing it routinely. This all...
GINA A story by Tomatin My name is Gina. I'm 26 years old now. They say it helps to tell your story.They say it's necessary to clear out your mind. Well, I definitively need toput my life back together. So here's my story… Not more then five years ago, life looked wonderful. I studied sociologyat the university. For the first time our country had a democratic electedgovernment that tried to make things better for everybody. My friends and Ibelieved in this government. We went to political...
He had found it difficult to make friends as he was at his new high school but eventually made a few friends, Kate and Sophie. For some reason all the male pupils were not interested in being friends with Mike. Mike had a crush on Kate but, he never knew if she actually liked him that way, then one New Years Eve party when they were both 20 would change their lives forever when they finally got together. Kate was Mikes first girlfriend but Kate had had a few boyfriends before and was...
Mike had met Peggy when they were both in their junior year at the University. They met because Mike was an also-ran on the football team and Peggy was a cheerleader, definitely not an also-ran! Since Mike didn't play much, he often got to chat with Peggy on the sidelines. He had an immense crush on her from the outset. Mike was not a typical jock. He wasn't overly big, certainly not for a football player, but had a good build and was rather good looking, but pretty shy and didn't have much of...
On Monday Kim Owens, Dawn Young, Monica Wallace, Debby lee and Vivian Stone will be moving in here. Christy again went in each of the bedrooms looking at each room for any sigh of imperfection that she could correct. As she went back to the kitchen to check the oven for roast that was in there for George when he got home. She heard the doorbell and put on her robe before opening the door. Seeing nobody there she walked out side and felt a hand coming over her mouth. Christy struggled to...
“Everything ok,” Mike said to Kate. “Not really, the Estate Agent has just said the house has fallen through, the sellers have decided they don’t want to sell anymore," Kate said. “What, really?” Mike said, “Do they not know we sold our house and had to move in with your mom?” “I did tell them but they don’t seem to care,” Kate said. Both Mike and Kate were both shocked, they had not expected this to happen and were looking forward to their new life in a their new house. “We will have...
Mike and Sam Part 1 -Now and forever- Mike sat at the dressing table he was looking closely at his freshly shaven face, and Sam was laying on the bed just watching. Mike was already dressed in a padded panty girdle, waist cincher, panty hose, and a pretty bra with breast forms, all this gave him a nice feminine figure. He had the padding added to the panty girdle, and it gave him a nice rounded rear with feminine looking hips. Sam smiled knowing what they were going to do...
The knock on the door made my heart jump. It was 9:30pm; I knew that my life was changing forever. I opened the door with the biggest grin on my face. “Hello sweetie” I exclaimed. Brandy gave me a kiss on the check and stepped into the apartment. She was beautiful. Her hazel danced with excitement. Her caramel skin glistened in low light of the apartment. I thought she might be a little too glamorous for our affair tonight. Her red lip stick made her full lips juicer than normal. I noticed...
Mike and Sam Part 2 - Back home - His parents met him at the airport, and knowing how bad airline food was, they took him out to dinner. While there, he filled them in on everything, well almost everything, that had happened in Japan. And, that he and Masumi were planning on sharing an apartment this school year. They told him what they and the Matsushita's had discussed about them, and they agreed that there was something very special between the two of them. And, they stood...
Mike Trains a SlutbyColdfinger©Mike smiled to himself as he gazed at the bare ass of his Aunt Beth, u*********sly stroking his hard cock straining against the material of his running shorts. Beth was bent over the big oak desk in his grandfather's office, waiting for ten strokes from the switch that lay on the desk next to her. As he stroked at his cock, Mike reflected on the events that had led to this situation.Mike, now a strapping nineteen year old, had been orphaned fours years earlier...
If we hadn't both been a little drunk, the whole thing might not have happened. We were, though; tipsy anyway, relaxing at the neighborhood bar after working out at the gym. Mike was my neighbor, best buddy, drinking partner, and the black answer to every woman's dream. At least that's what the women thought; hell, that's what I thought. I'm not gay, or puny, or bad-looking, but I thought he was gorgeous. Worse, he was easy-going and modest, which pretty much assured him of a steady stream...
Carla and Mike Carl and Mike had been high school friends. Both were average students, Carl better in the classroom, Mike a natural jock. Carl chose college, Mike the military. After being separated a decade they were meeting again. Carl had been an introvert, often the subject of rumor of being gay. Yet never in school had it ever been proved. Mike didn't question and had been a “girl slayer”, but they had a mutual interest in the “Old West” since Carl's great grandfather had been an actual...
Dinner with Sam and Sandy turned out to be a bust for Mike and Lena. They had hoped the young couple would come back to their chalet for some after-dinner fun. Instead, they said their goodbyes and went their own way. Mike and Lena spent some time in the bar but never found any suitable playmates for the night. They finally gave up and went back to their chalet.A little later, they were curled up on the bed, Lena in a shorty baby doll nightgown and Mike in his boxer briefs. They had been...
AnalIt was a hot summer’s eve when Sasha received a call from her c***dhood friend Tammy. Sasha covered in sweat raced to her cell that was sitting on her coffee table. Out of breath from running, she answered the recognized ringtone. “Hey girl …What’s up?” “Well girl you know I don’t usually ask for favors but I really need a big one this time.” “Girl just spit it out! What is it?” Tammy finally replied.” Well you know my daughter Cameron just graduated and ….well she just was accepted to UNC. I...