NIS PP2 Mitzi free porn video

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NIS PP 2: Mitzi’s rehabilitation




After her terrible thrashing under the new laws and her subsequent ordeal at the hands of her mentor, Mitzi is given to a boy in the ‘Gifted Pupil Fast Track’ programme who enlists the help of a near human doll to aid her recovery. A sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws).



Naked In School Punishment Programme


2 Mitzi’s Rehabilitation


by obohobo





Please take note!


The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.


MF NC. Spanking


If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.


This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental. The ideas and thoughts that follow are pure fantasies. In real life, at the very least they would be unpleasant and probably illegal. Fantasies are like that; daydreams where we can contemplate and imagine the sensations without suffering or inflicting the pain, despair or humiliation.


? obohobo 2009





Hi, I’m Steven Jacobs, a 16 year-old boy attending Morsham High School, my second year there. However, I suppose I should say at the outset, I’m not an ordinary pupil. Because of my high IQ, I’m one of only two boys in the ?Gifted Pupil Fast Track? programme and although I attend classes with others of my age group, the work I do in many subjects is introductory university standard. With all class material now on the comms servers, I can access material that suits my ability and not be kept back by the lower standards of others in my age group and my ability to read text and absorb it immediately, negates the use of a teacher to explain and clarify things, although I have access to a professor via the comms system, and spend two weeks every term doing practical work at the university.


The downside of my being in the GPFT is that I am a loner. The other gifted boy, two years older than me, is interested in totally different fields of study and only with my parents can I converse on an intellectual level, that is, when they are home for long enough to have a conversation.


My main hobby is designing and making robotic creatures using nano-technology chips that hold many terabytes of memory. Through father I have a connection with a toy manufacturer and cooperate with him on the designs. They supply the toy shells and mechanisms that provide realistic servo-muscular movements to the limbs, and I supply the chip design to operate them in a life-like manner using the so-called, artificial intelligence technology. They are very expensive but much sort after and with the high profit margin, the manufacturer and I do well out of them.


With the new laws and regime that came into being at the beginning of September, I should have been able to find a girlfriend and have sex with her, but so far I haven’t been able to get close enough to one I could talk to. With these new laws came a rather barbaric punishment system, which Mr. Burken our old headmaster, abused and we were forced to watch while he thrashed pupils for seemingly trivial things. He introduced a mentor system whereby he placed a backward pupil with one in a higher grade on a 24/7 basis. In effect, the pupil became a slave. Possibly the idea had its good points, but the thrashing they had first was unduly severe and with revenge as a motive, his punishment and the torture the mentor inflicted, put Mitzi Colbourne in hospital and led to a high profile court case and the imprisonment of Mr. Burken and the mentor.


When Mitzi came out of hospital and began to recover, Mrs. Tomkins, our acting headmistress, asked me to become Mitzi’s mentor and to keep a diary of the events that occurred and the problems of tutoring her and any results I achieved. With great reluctance, I agreed.


For the full details of what happened prior to this diary, you are strongly advised to read Laura’s account, ?NIS PP: 1 New Laws?.



Wednesday 21st September 2026


?I’m sorry to pull you from your lesson Steven,? Mrs. Tomkins apologised, ?But I need an answer fairly quickly. It’s alright, you’re not in trouble.? What a relief! These days, if the headmistress sends for you, it often means a punishment of some sort. ?You know Mitzi Colbourne is at home from the hospital now?? I did and nodded. ?Well despite her treatment here, her father wishes her to continue with the mentor programme and asked me to select a suitable and this time, a genuine mentor, one who will help her recover and rehabilitate her life as much as tutor her in school subjects. Steven, I am asking if you will undertake that task??




?I know you’re rather shy and nervous around girls, even though they are now subservient to you. That’s one of the reasons for choosing you. I think you would benefit from being away from your scientific projects for a few hours a day and being in close contact with a girl. You should have a little life outside your lab at home. Have you had a girl since the new laws came in??


?No Miss. I couldn’t??


?Your mother and father have not encouraged you??


?No miss. I don’t often see them because of their work. Mother mentioned it but? with my projects? well I didn’t ever find the words to ask any girl.?


?Well you will get the chance if you take on mentoring Mitzi but for a while you won’t be able to be with her 24/7 because, although she is recovering much quicker than expected, she needs a lot of rest so you may only see her for an hour or two at a time in the evenings and perhaps longer at weekends. Mr. Freeman tells me, that being on the gifted pupil programme, you don’t need his instruction in maths so when she’s fit enough, we may be able to arrange for daytime lessons too, until she returns to school, if she does. Like the other mentors, you will have to give up a fair amount of your free time and in many ways, because of Mitzi’s traumatic experience and her temper, she will be far more difficult to tutor so if it doesn’t work out, we won’t hold you responsible. She’s undergoing therapy and you will be given Ms. Prescott, the therapist’s information, and she’ll let you contact her anytime you run into a problem. There is another problem the others do not have; her father says he will now keep a close eye on you and what you do with her. I don’t know how true that will be once he gets into his office and resumes his work schedule again. Now that the court case is over and the publicity is dying down he may well forget his supervision for long periods. I suspect it’s likely to be a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ unless something goes drastically wrong.?


My mind whirled at the unexpected request and I had no idea how to answer. Mitzi’ previous attitude to anyone not in her social group didn’t endear her to me and, after being the recipient of her scathing tongue a few times, I’d kept out of her way. I tried to put this to one side after seeing the way Michael treated her and I wanted to help if I could but, while I knew I had the knowledge to help with schoolwork, personal relationships were always difficult for me and I very much doubted she’d consent to being a pupil of mine. When I tried to analyse why I found difficulty being with most girls, I put it down to my brain being too full of mathematical, nano-technological and other problems to pay attention to a girl’s needs. I quickly became bored with inane conversation and my mind diverted to my scientific projects. Girls wanted my full attention 100% of the time. Perhaps too, my being left alone for long periods and coming from parents with extremely high IQ’s didn’t help. I also had the problem of being reluctant to be in charge of anyone or a group and more content to follow the lead of others, even in subjects where my knowledge was far ahead of theirs. ?Do I have to do it Miss??


?No, I can’t force you, but I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t believe you were the most suitable boy in your year or any year for that matter and, as I said, I think it will help you too.? I shook my head trying to get my mind around what could become a complete change in my life style and my routine. How much time will I really have to spend with her? How will it affect my hobby/work of designing the ‘brains’ for electronic toys? I’d already obtained a patent for one system widely used commercially and had another ready for trials. In my mathematical way I tried to evaluate the pros and cons but with Mitzi there were too many variable and unknown quantities. Before her thrashing, she’d been a snooty bitch, to put it kindly, and I doubted she’d changed much or, more likely, changed for the worse.


Mrs. Tomkins interrupted my thoughts. ?Go away, find a quiet spot and think about it, but please see me immediately after lunch with your answer, what ever you decide. You might like to talk with John and Michelle to get their views on how it affects them.?


For an hour I sat in the shade of an oak tree tossing the request back and forth in my mind. The jingle announcing the lunch break came and still I hadn’t made a firm decision and I hadn’t tried to speak with John and certainly not with Michelle. In the end, almost by default, I decided to take on the job. Not that I really wanted it, but if Mrs. Tomkins picked me because she thought I could do it, then perhaps I should try. Maybe I would enjoy having a girl in bed with me, a girl I could fuck like a wife or partner. I caught her on the way to lunch and, immediately I told her my decision, she commed Mr. Colbourne and, after a brief conversation, she turned to me. ?It’s only games this afternoon and I know that’s not your favourite lesson so I’m giving you a pass to go the Leckworth Building and see Mr. Colbourne. He will give you up-to-date details of Mitzi’s condition and what you will and will not be allowed to do.?



Nervously I passed through the fancy automatic glass doors of the huge office block and barely stuttered my name to the receptionist, ?Steven? Jacobs to see? Mr? Colbourne? please.?


?What name was it?? she queried, looking at me with some distaste. I’m sure she wanted to know why a scruffy schoolboy came in the building at that time of day asking for the CEO.


?Steve Jacobs Miss.?


?Do you have an appointment?? she queried.


?Not a specific one Miss, but he sent for me.? Further questions followed that showed her distrust for my story until an elderly lady approached who knew about me and sharply told the girl I was expected.


Apparently I wasn’t listed on the screen but the elderly lady, a supervisor I assumed, commed someone else and told the receptionist, ?Take him to Mr. Colbourne’s secretary and hope he doesn’t report your behaviour, otherwise you might find yourself bent over your desk and going home with a sore bottom. She apologised in the lift that took me to the top floor and, after only a short wait, a secretary ushered me into James Colbourne’s large and sumptuously appointed office. For a few moments I stood in awe of my surroundings until, Mr. Colbourne asked me to take a seat. I suppose a man in his position is used to putting people at their ease and he certainly did me, but from the firmness of his voice and his manner, I knew he was in command and I would do his bidding. I had no chance to back out now and my fate lay with his daughter.


?From the information Mrs. Tomkins gave me and from your school CV, you are thought to be a shy boy with little experience with girls and are unlikely to harm my daughter. You will be shocked when you see her, not just from her gaunt, white appearance and the bruises and scars that still cover her body, but from the way she stares into space for long periods without seeing. Don’t be surprised if she rejects you and becomes angry at least when you meet for the first few times but you will keep seeing her and at least try to get her interested in a few school subjects or, more particularly at first, in actually living. Unlike most women and girls, even after being in her company for a while, you must not fuck her unless she specifically allows it. The doctors have cited medical reasons for the ban and obviously no spankings until they give the go ahead. This doesn’t mean you will never be allowed to have her as a 24/7 student and never be able to punish her but it may be a week or two before you can get that close to her. Perhaps that will be an incentive for you to help her recover. The drugs are helping and physically there is a big improvement from even two days ago but you’ll have to take things slowly. Each day is different so there cannot be a plan but for the time being, you will tutor her privately and not be a full mentor. I’ll have a robotaxi waiting to take you to my home and will comm the maid to let her know you are coming and I’ll put two thousand credits in your account to cover expenses. Give your card details to my secretary. Try and visit her most evenings and at weekends. Any questions??


?I don’t know if I can do this Sir?I’m??


?Nonsense boy, if your headmistress thinks you are suitable, then you are. Lift your head up boy, stick your chest out and act like a man. Even after all she’s been through, my daughter is still a bitch and will try to manipulate you. Make sure you keep her under control but for the next week or two, I’ll let you decide how you go about it and when she should start actual schoolwork. Make sure you contact her therapist as well. No fucking though and no whipping her until the doctors give the okay.?


I probably should have asked many things but could not think of one and my interview with him abruptly ended. I’d hardly spoken during the interview but again I realised that I no longer had the opting-out option. He’d thrown me in the deep end and I had to swim or go under and be known as a failure.


The journey to the Colbourne’s residence in the suburbs didn’t take long and soon I stood on the steps leading up to the imposing doorway framed by two Ionic columns. From the brick exterior with its geometrically placed Georgian style windows, I estimated to have been built in the late 18th century and well restored. Houses that large are normally converted into flats for several families but no one mentioned others living there. ?Maybe he uses part of it for business purposes?? I questioned, ?Or did Mitzi and her family have the whole place to themselves?? I knew they were rich and influential but not just how rich or how much influence they exerted to keep the place for their sole use. Finally I plucked up enough courage to climb the steps and pull the ancient doorbell.


?Come in Sir, I’m Diane, I’m the maid here. May I take your coat?? A uniformed woman opened the door and ushered me into the hall. I’d only worn my rather creased school jacket but I gave it to her. Before me a sweeping curved staircase led to the first floor but more than the grandeur of the interior and its furnishings, I noticed the strange eerie quietness of a large empty house. My parents were able to afford a much smaller detached house but most families were content if they rented a flat with two or three bedrooms in a tower block.


?Sir, may I call you Steven?? I nodded to the maid, ?We thought it best not to tell Miss Mitzi of your coming in case she worked herself up into a tantrum before you even arrived. I’ll take you to her room in a moment but I’d better warn you to be prepared for a ghastly change in her appearance, and not just in the state of her body either. She’ll either be in a comatose state and staring blankly without moving or she’ll be upset and angry and nothing you’ll do or say will make any difference to her mood. After what happened, as might well be expected, she has a hatred of school and doesn’t want anything to do with it, so you’ll find it very difficult to get anywhere with her.? I hadn’t been given that information before but logically I should, and probably would, have suspected it if things hadn’t happened so fast and I’d had time to think. ?I believe they’ve told you the conditions put on us with regard to her health. They will make it even more difficult for you to uphold your male supremacy and be able to get her to do anything. Whether or not you’ll be able to do so remains to be seen but please, Sir, don’t hurt her any more, not physically or mentally, she’s been through too much already. We know further pain may be needed, otherwise she’ll go back to her former self and be a real bitch until she gets into serious trouble again.? My task seemed increasingly difficult each time I heard about my new charge. ?I’ll take you to her now and I’ve instructions to let you see her at anytime and to give you any help that you need. Good luck Steven.?


I felt I ought to have been dressed in fine robes when we ascended the stairway but we didn’t pause to look round. Diane knocked and without waiting for an answer, opened the door and announced as though I were an honoured guest, ?Mr. Steven Jacobs to see you Miss Mitzi.?


?So they send Mr. School Brains himself. I thought something was up when the school work showed on the comms but I erased it so you won’t need to show me anything.?


Although I’d been warned of her appearance, the shock of seeing her for real turned my stomach. I stared at her multi-coloured body overlain with welts and darker bruises, at her distorted facial features, her crooked nose and her swollen breasts and the scar across her stomach where the surgeons had operated. All were on view as she sat naked in a well-padded wheelchair. I finally managed to greet her. ?Hi?Mitzi.?


?Well you’ve seen me so go and spew up and fuck off. I don’t need your help and you’ve gawped at me for long enough. Get the fuck out of here.?


My first inclination was to do just that but I would have let Mrs. Tomkins down, and James Colbourne too I suppose, but for some reason I didn’t feel any obligation to him. Mrs. Tomkins asked me to help; Mr. Colbourne ordered it. ?You do need someone to help you?but whether I am the right one, we’ll only find out after I’ve been a few times.? I spoke quietly and hesitantly.


?If you think you’re going to be my mentor just to get your prick in my cunt, think again. You’ll have to wait a long time for that to happen. I suppose you only took on the task because you can’t get it into any other girl. I told you to piss-off so get the hell out of here.?


I winced at the venom in her words and while my motives weren’t like she said, they inwardly angered me but it is not in my nature to let my feelings show. I’ve been to several specialists who say I’m introverted which outwardly is indicated by my shyness. A side issue is my stubbornness. Mine revealed itself at that time.


Turning her wheelchair so I could sit in a comfortable chair facing her, I replied without too much stuttering for once, ?I’ve been fully informed of what I can and can’t do with you girl. Sex and corporal punishment are out for the time being, but only for the time being. You are still ONLY a girl.? My emphasis on ‘only’ reminded her of the status of women in this new era. ?I’ve been appointed your tutor and as such, I have control over you.?


?Like hell you have. Fuck off and go and wank yourself.?


My meeting with her wasn’t going well. ?You’re wrong you know Mitzi. You do need help, not just for schoolwork, that’s only a small part of it, but what really matters is that you need help to become a person again. I’ll attempt to do that, but my experience with girls is very limited and I’m bound to make mistakes, mistakes that you will no doubt mock and ridicule but at least I will try. Who else amongst all your friends has been to see you more than once? Think about it. Do you believe that I am likely to harm you? Would it not be better to have someone on your side rather than fighting each and every person you come into contact with? Someone who will give you a hug when you feel low or share your happiness when your spirits are high? I’m not talking about love or sex, but friendship in the true sense of the word. I will leave you now, not because you’ve ordered me to, you don’t have the authority to do that, but because it is time for you to consider letting a boy back into your life again. We’re not all like Mr. Burken or Michael French. I’ll see you tomorrow, probably after school, as I doubt they’ll let me miss another day and art isn’t a subject I excel in. Is there anything you’d like me to bring tomorrow??


?Yeah, a sharp knife so I can cut your throat.?


When I told Diane I’d be back tomorrow, she looked a little surprised and commented, ?You either braver or more stupid than I thought.? She apologised for speaking in that way but I said, ?I’m certainly more stupid than brave,? and she again reiterated that she would help me in any way she could. I liked her sincerity even though I suspected that many times she’d been the recipient of Mitzi’s wrath.



Thursday 22nd September 2026


I didn’t sleep well last night and my mind wasn’t fully on my schoolwork either but I got through it without staying up too late. Word had already got around that I was tutoring Mitzi and several kids asked about it but I just said, ?She’s still ill,? and turned away. Laura Matthews invited me to join their little study group but I told her that we weren’t studying yet. John reinforced the invitation but again I declined and spent a long while fantasising about Mitzi and being in a relationship like theirs. Mrs. Tomkins wanted a more in depth report and questioned me at some length but in the end she advised, ?Keep playing it cool Steven, don’t give in although I suspect there will be times when you’ll be sorely tempted. She’s always been a girl who likes to control others and always to her advantage, and even without the revenge motive, she would have been a prime candidate for the mentor programme.?


I managed to get a half-hour talk with mother last evening, but she didn’t come up with anything useful except to say I could move into the large guestroom if I brought Mitzi home for more than a day or two.


Still not knowing how to play the situation even when Diane let me in the house and being forewarned Mitzi was not in a good mood, I knocked on her door and pushed it open. I walked into a trap. A barrage of missiles greeted me and several hit my body. Mainly they were small cosmetic items but a perfume bottle glanced off my head and made a small cut. Fortunately I was quicker off the mark than usual and slipped inside the room before she could pick up more. Turning her wheelchair and pushing it to closely face the wall, trapping her legs, I held it there and stifled her arm movements if not her voice.


Diane, hearing the noise, checked on us and seeing blood trickling down my face, came back with an aseptic towel and a small surgical dressing. Mitzi cursed and swore at being virtually imprisoned in the chair but pushed against the wall, she couldn’t further her attack. Ten minutes later when her verbal onslaught began to run out of steam, I formed a plan and asked Diane the whereabouts of the service lift.



?You can’t fucking take me outside, I’m ill in case you haven’t noticed. Everyone will stare at me. I’m naked and covered with bruises and I look like shit. You better take me back to my room or you’ll be in real big trouble Mr. Fucking Brains.? I continued to push the chair towards the back door.


?Yes, everyone will stare especially if you’re still screaming and swearing and drawing attention to yourself when we get to the shopping centre.?


The realisation of my intentions finally got through and with a horrified look exclaimed, ?No, you can’t? you mustn’t? take me back in? you hear me? Take me back in?? I didn’t, instead casually pushed the wheelchair along the pavement towards the shopping complex. For the first time, I was in control.


People stared as I expected and commented on the marks on her body, and many recognised her as ‘the girl who got beaten at school’. I did a short circuit of the shopping precinct and asked, ?Would you like to go home now or shall we look in some of the shops??


?Take me home you bastard.?


?That’s no way to talk to your mentor Mitzi. Another tour around the precinct I think.?


?No, please. Take me home please.?


I did but detoured into the civic gardens and found a quiet spot. ?We’ll stop here a bit and enjoy the sunshine. There’s hardly anyone about and it’s warm and the fresh air will do you good.? She glared but said nothing.


Her father commed me, apparently Diane informed him of my action. ?Where are you??


?Enjoying the sun in the Civic Gardens? I swept the comm on my wrist to show her and the gardens.


?Is she enjoying it??


?Not as much as I am but she’s okay and she’s not harmed in any way. Sun’s tinting her skin so we’ll head home shortly?


?Can you take her for her 10:30 check-up at the hospital tomorrow??


?I’ll have to check with the school first?



?Mrs. Colbourne wishes to see you both in the lounge,? Diane informed us on our return.


Janice introduced herself and commented that I should take Mitzi out more as the fresh air had put a little colour in her cheeks but the colour was as much semi-suppressed anger as sun burn. ?Send the bastard home mother, I don’t want or need him as a mentor.?


?I’ll do no such thing girl, and watch your language because it won’t be too long before he’ll be able to strap your arse again. In any case I may wish to see if he has the equipment to service you properly and if he’s here long enough, I might be forced to submit to it.?


?What, even after you’ve been whoring at your Thursday afternoon club??


?Ladies, ladies,? I interrupted quietly, ?Whether or not I have the necessary equipment will remain undisclosed until I need to use it.? Diane interrupted announcing, ?Dinner is ready in the dining room Sir. Please escort and bring the ladies in.? I noticed them glare at her for telling me, the only male present, to escort them to a meal in their own home, but it made me feel a little more important.


After arranging to call at 9:45 if I had permission to take Mitzi to the hospital, and her mother overruling her daughter’s protests, I left.



Friday 23rd September 2026


To my surprise, James answered the door this morning. ?Mitzi tried to order a robotaxi and go before you arrived, maybe you should start keeping her with you all the time even though you can’t fuck her or chastise her yet. She ought to be punished for trying to elude you and in normal circumstances I’d have taken a strap to her arse, but the doctors haven’t given the okay yet. I have commed the hospital to authorise your being her guardian and be present at her examination. Not that she has anything much to hide.?


I looked at the clock on the comm unit. ?If we walk to the hospital, we should still get there in time for her appointment. I’m sure she’ll know my walking her is my way of punishing her.?


The two of us, forcibly took her from her bed, strapped her in the wheelchair and brought her down to the kitchen. All the time she noisily protested until I said, ?Mitzi, I’m taking you along the pathway and that’s final. If you wish to continue making a scene, then we’ll come back the same way and call at the school.? I had to repeat the message before it sank in and she sank sullenly into the chair.


Along the way I had chance to think about James’s words about taking her in full time. I could have her at my home but at hers we would have more space and Diane would cook our meals but I would lose my workshop facilities, and she’d have the advantage of being on home ground and her father would keep a closer eye on me. My place seemed the better option.


She didn’t take kindly to my presence while the doctors examined her. ?She’s healing very well Sir but you will need to continue with the ointments and the pills for another week or so. The main bruising should quickly fade now but these welts will take longer. The internal photo-grammic pictures show the work we did inside her is healing well too, but she should not do any really strenuous exercises although she should do some. How far is she walking each day??


I’d no knowledge that walking was allowed and she’d been wheelchair bound all the time I’d been with her. ?Only to the bathroom and back as far as I know.?


Turning to Mitzi, the doctor looked sternly, ?Last week, I instructed you to walk increasing distances each day but it seems you are playing up your injuries and trying to fool people into believing you are a complete invalid. You are not. By now you should be able to walk several hundred metres without a problem but, because of your disobedience, I suspect the distance will be relatively short.? They put her on a mechanical walkway and she only did a very short distance before her legs quivered and she cried out. ?Sir,? the doctor turned to me, ?Make her walk 50 or more metres several times on the first day, and increase the distance each day until she doesn’t need the chair. By all means have it available if she genuinely gets tired or is in pain, but insist she actually gets on her feet and moves far more than she’s done.?


I pointed out that I’d only taken over in the past few days and hadn’t known.?


?She’s tried to cheat you as well so I’m going to lift the ban on her being punished but to keep it within reason, you are the only one to punish her and I strongly recommend that for the first week or so, it is hand spanking only. I’ll also lift the ban of you having sex with her and again, urge you use discretion in the number of times you do it and the forcefulness. Make an appointment for a week’s time.? Mitzi angered the doctor further by protesting and calling him another sadist. He gave a little smile and wrote on his comms machine and sent it to hers and mine, ?You can start school on Monday.?


Defeated, Mitzi burst into tears and tried to persuade him to change his mind but he replied as he left the room, ?You’ll have to trust Steven to use his judgement and try not to abuse him too much.?


Outside I found a quiet spot, gave Mitzi a tissue and commed the Colbourne’s and my family to let them know the situation and that I was taking her to my home that night. Mitzi burst into a further round of tears when the message appeared on her comms unit and I expected another bout of invective but before it came out I silenced her with a finger across her lips. ?Mitz, I read an expression once that might well be useful to you. ‘Engage brain before opening mouth’. So far today your outbursts have only worsened your situation. You’re intelligent enough to work out what might have happened if you’d been nice to me, to your father and to the doctor but you cannot undo what is done and you’ll have to make the best of things as they are now. As your mentor I will help you, provided I don’t suffer from your taunts and offensive language. You won’t find me a cruel mentor but I will use my power if and when necessary. You won’t be thrashed and beaten into submission but I will expect cooperation from you in return for the help and cooperation you get from me. It’s not a one-way thing. I’ve to give up a lot of things to help you get through these next few weeks and for you to improve your work to a much higher standard than now. I want to make it quite clear, you will never be abused but I may and probably will, need to correct your behaviour and that can involve physical punishment. Do you understand me so far??


?I don’t want??


I cut her off again. ?I asked if you understood what I said so far. Did you?? She nodded. ?Good. Now, I’m going to push you to school and by the time we get there, it should be about time for lunch, then current affairs and home room tutorials.? Again she tried to protest. ?Engage brain before opening mouth. E.B.B.O.M.? A resigned shrug. ?Look at it this way. By going in at lunchtime we can fill in our friends and Mrs. Tomkins on what is happening. You aren’t officially at school until Monday so there won’t be any need for you to do any work but it may help you to get into the swing of things and we can sort out a programme for your education with Mr. Freeman during the last period. We’ll go to your house afterwards and pack a few things and perhaps have a meal there to save me cooking as I doubt anyone else will be at my home.?


As I wheeled her in the school gates, her body shook and it took several minutes to calm her sufficiently to enter the building. Mrs. Darrant the school secretary, looked as sour as ever when I reported to her and asked to see Mrs. Tomkins but she already had a visitor so we went to the cafeteria and were first in the queue when it opened. I selected a table in a corner but it wasn’t quiet for long. Most students avoided us but the other group of mentor/students in my form came over and Laura particularly wanted to know all the details of our arrangement. I didn’t say too much and tears flowed gently down Mitzi’s face when Laura gently hugged her. Mrs. Tomkins even came and dragged a chair to sit with us and welcomed Mitzi back and promised while she was in charge no one would ever be whipped like she was. Sadly though, interviews for a new headmaster would be at the beginning of October.


The rest of the afternoon went much as I’d predicted. Diane had a meal ready when we’d packed some of Mitzi’s extensive wardrobe in case the mornings were chilly, and some of the other things she might need. I asked Diane to sit with us at the meal and warned Mitzi with E.B.B.O.M. but she appeared too tired and too overcome by the turn of events to take issue with any of our comments. I made the bed up in the guest room and told her to lie down and rest. Three times I’d made her walk a short distance and I felt that she genuinely struggled to keep on her feet because of internal pains as a result of her surgery. While she slept I moved my stuff into the guest room, now my room and finished the small amount of homework I had from the classes I didn’t tutor myself. I went to bed early too instead of going into my workshop. Sleeping alongside a naked girl being a new experience for me, it took several hours before I finally dropped off to sleep. Mitzi woke several times and moved into a different position and groaned each time and I guessed her body still hurt far more than the doctors or I realised.



Saturday 24th September 2026


Morning found me staring into the Mitzi’s open eyes, my early morning erection pressed against her stomach. ?Morning, Mitz.? She didn’t reply but continued to stare at me until, when I’d made up my mind to give her a kiss, she rolled on to her back, cried out softly as a sore part of her body contacted the mattress, and looked at the ceiling. Tentatively I slid an arm around her shoulders and hugged. ?It will work out in the end Mitz, just give it a week or two and this will all seem like a bad dream.? She continued surveying the ceiling and didn’t reply. I wasn’t sure she even heard me.


The clock’s red figures showed 05:24, too early to get up on a Saturday but it took a while for me to get to sleep again only to be woken seemingly minutes later by Mitzi climbing awkwardly over me. ?I need to piss,? she informed me in a tone that dared me to refuse.


?So do I. We might as well get up and make tea and have breakfast, it’s 7:30.?


Unlike many families, nudity isn’t encouraged in our house. Occasionally I saw father or mother nude but we more or less kept our bodies hidden. With Mitzi around, I decided to follow her example and sat naked alongside her while we ate. Still in her uncommunicative mood, she ate the cereal I put in front of her and noticed her glancing at my prick. Knowing her interest caused it to rise but no reaction from her. ?Will your mother think I’ve got the equipment to service you properly?? I enquired and I know I blushed as I said it.


?S’ppose so. She’d want a bigger one.? A hint of a smile crossed her face but it soon returned to its sad uncaring look. Mother and father came down in dressing gowns as we loaded the dishes into the machine and I introduced them as Phyllis and Peter. Both showed their shock at Mitzi’s body and mother enquired how she felt. I half expected an outburst but she only dismissed the comment with a routine, ?Okay.?


In the shower, I carefully washed Mitzi and she did me but without much enthusiasm. At least there wasn’t any violence. ?The plan for the morning,? I announced while applying the salve to her welts and trying to keep up my ‘I’m in control’ image, ?For an hour or so I’d like to work on my project in the garage workshop. With any luck, the prototypes will pass the test and I can send one to the manufactures for evaluation. You can watch or read a book. We have real paper books or you can use your comms unit and display it on the workshop screen. Then if the weather’s okay, we’ll go for a short walk and perhaps a longer one down by the river this afternoon. Sometime this weekend we also need to go over Mr. Freeman’s suggestions for your schooling. I’m not certain that you’re fit enough yet to work a full day but we’ll see. Anything you’d like to do?? A lethargic, ?Not really,? and a shrug worried me a little. I wasn’t sure which was worse, her present zombie-like state or the violent abusive state of yesterday.


I soon found out. Immediately on entering the workshop and seeing my project and a shelf with a dozen baby girl dolls, she yelled, ?You bloody pervert, you’re into dolls, no doubt as a substitute for real little girls. You’re a pedo. Disgusting. I suppose that’s why you didn’t fuck me this morning, I’m too old for you.?


The onslaught took me by surprise and I’m sure she would have run if she’d be able and I hadn’t been between her and the door. ?E.B.B.O.M!? I shouted far louder then normal, ?Sit down Mitz and engage your brain. There’s more than one reason for my having the dolls and you’ve picked a wrong one. Sit down and calm down. I should spank you for that outburst but for now it is better that I should you see the folly of your words.? Ferreting under the bench for a few moments, I produced a box and from it took a terrier sized toy dog. ?You’ve seen these before??


She glared but answered, ?Sally had one last year. Pain in the arse. You’d be doing something and the stupid thing would start yapping and she’d have to feed it or take it for a walk, like a real dog. Quite a few girls had them when they were all the craze.?


?I designed the chip in them that made them more real than a mechanical dog. Yes, you had to virtually feed them and clean up after them and the later ones would run and fetch a special ball. I’ve designed an intelligence chip for the dolls that works in a similar way. It’s much more advanced though. You have to feed it, change nappies, nurse it and do all the things you have to do with a small child. I based the idea on a Japanese toy from the end of the last century called a Tamagotchi. Here, you try it out.?


I gave her a finished doll and for a few moments she looked and touched the very human-like skin and when I inserted the special start key, it startled her as it became ‘alive’ and wriggled in her arms and started to cry. ?It needs feeding, put it to your breast. It’s actually a bit old for that but some mothers continue breast feeding until the child is four or five and I thought girls will like the sensation of it.? The crying continued until she did although, of course, no milk came. For the next half-an-hour she quietly played with it and asked many questions on what it would do.


?You may have read fembot stories on the Internet, they are actually someway in the future but we believe these dolls are the first stage in making a true robot. They will do almost everything a real baby 2 to 3 years-old will do at the toddler stage, so it will speak a few words when I put the sound on but I deliberately limited the words so in that respect, it’s a backward baby. I can change the programme and alter her age so she speaks better but I thought I would leave that until later. The programme imitates a human baby’s needs. You feed and water it and it comes out the other end, so you change it. I haven’t worked out a way of adding the smell yet, you can hold its hand and let it walk or it will crawl on the floor. It will go to sleep when it wants to and not when you want so it’s as lifelike and as human as I and the mechanism makers can make it. The main difference with the doll is that you can switch it off and leave it. If you leave it on and don’t attend to its needs, it will die. Would you like to test it?? From the way she cuddled it to her breasts, it was more a case of ‘dare I take it away’.


?Can I keep Sophie?? Now she’d named it, I realised there’s be no chance of taking it back and anyway it would be a good chance to assess the doll, Mitzi’s ability to look after it, and it might give her some interest it life.


?Of course, but I’d better programme in more of the options and get you to bond with it.? Lifting the doll’s dress and opening a flap of ‘skin’ on her stomach with a special key inserted into her belly-button, I spent five minutes pressing the tiny screen buttons that controlled all the doll’s sensors. ?Give her a ten second kiss on the lips and you’ll be bonded to her and she’ll probably call you Mummy. With all my handling of her, I guess I’ll be Daddy. You’ll have to be careful how you act around her because her sensors will pick up on your mood and react to it. An outburst like earlier will start her crying and screaming and it will take some time to calm her. Just like a real child.? By then Sophie again snuggled into Mitzi’s arms but it wasn’t long before she wanted to get up and move around. Mitzi couldn’t believe it when the doll acted like a real person and did indeed call her Mummy.


Mother stood in the kitchen making lunch when we walked in. ?No work today Mum??


?I decided to do a bit less now. With the new laws, I’m never going to get any higher in the team so it’s not worth putting in all the extra time and effort. I’ll have to go in tomorrow though to start an experiment ready for Monday. Looks like you’ve got a tester for your toys. I’m glad because I thought I’d get lumbered with that task and I’m past wanting to look after another baby. It’s a good job it’s not a newly born Mitzi, otherwise you’d be kept awake half the night feeding her.? Mitzi didn’t answer but looked at mother curiously. ?If you ask Steve to look in the loft, there should be the crib and the stroller I used when he was that size. They’re a bit old fashioned but I kept them just in case I had another child but that’s not going to happen now.?


Sophie passed for real when we took her to the shops to get fresh bedding for the crib, and disposable nappies and other items a toddler would need. Mitzi also decided she wanted different dresses for ‘her baby’ so we bought those too. That Sophie had a mother so young when the regulations for the last five years meant enforced contraception for under 21’s except in special circumstances, puzzled many but they didn’t ask and we didn’t offer any explanation. I acted the proud father and I gradually felt Mitzi becoming a little closer to me especially when Sophie called her Mummy and me Daddy.


Dad amused us when he played with her just like she was his grandchild and he proudly praised my effort in creating her. I, though, wondered if I would ever create a real child with my sperm and if it would be with Mitzi.



Sunday 25th September 2026


The closeness Mitzi and I felt on the shopping trip continued in bed. We’d put Sophie down earlier and she slept in the crib in our room, and Mitzi checked her before we went to bed. ?Thank you for Sophie,? she whispered and cuddled me as tightly as she dared. My prick soon arose and she felt it against her stomach, ?Please be gentle Steve, I’m still tender down there.? I could have forced the issue but I wanted to rehabilitate her rather than have a crude sex slave. She’d had enough of that with Mike. Actually she took it well and before long we fucked normally and she even sucked me afterwards. We did it again in the morning but Sophie woke and disturbed us. When Mitzi swore at the interruption, Sophie started bawling and we had to change her nappy and feed her before she calmed down. Perhaps I made the doll too much like real life.


I tried to interest Mitzi in a little schoolwork for an hour after breakfast, but with the distraction of Sophie, we didn’t get very far. I managed to get some idea what maths she could do and realised just how far behind the others in the A stream she was. Our session was cut short when she commed her mother and didn’t get a reply, so she tried her father. He invited us to lunch. Knowing a little of him, I wasn’t expecting it to be a pleasant family meal, but it proved far worse that either of us anticipated.


Diane, looking very worried, showed us into the house but cheered up when she saw our baby and looked questioningly at us but didn’t dare ask. ?The master’s in the lounge,? she indicated quietly. Despite the pain of carrying the doll, Mitzi bounced in, eager to show the baby to her father but we both stopped short on entering the room. James’s face showed his anger as he snarled, ?Who the hell let you have that brat?? Mitzi hugged Sophie closely and our eyes wandered across the room to a corner where Janice stood naked and facing the wall, and then to the table on which lay a long cane. We’d planned to keep the pretence of Sophie being real so I didn’t disillusion him and he didn’t wait for an answer to his question but steam rollered on, ?Janice, get your arse over here.? Turning to us he went on, ?I thought it better to wait until you came so as to witness her shame and punishment.? Janice came and stood shakily in front of us, her head bowed but not attempting to hide her body. I noticed her tits had begun to sag a little, and her shaven pubic mound but otherwise her body was well-preserved possibly because of the beauticians attentions.


?What time did you get in last night, or rather this morning, Janice??


?I don’t remember Sir, you said it was 3:32.?


?And what did you do when you arrived??


?You said I was sick on the stairs but I can’t remember and please, my head hurts.?


?More than your head will hurt in a few minutes. Who had to clear up your mess?? James seemed intent on humiliating his wife.


?Diane I suppose.?


?Yes, she did and I’ll call her in to witness your whipping. How many men fucked you last night??


?I don’t know, I had too much wine and then some spirits. Several. They elected me as slave for the evening and I had to do everything the men wanted. You’ve never worried about my having other men before like I’ve not bothered about you fucking your secretaries and I know you took Diane to your bed afterwards.?


?It wasn’t the fucking but the state you got yourself into and the disturbance you caused when you came in, both to me and others on your way home. I had to deal with the complaints from our neighbours along the road and the embarrassment of having to apologise for you. Now that arse of yours is going to feel a little disturbance. Bend over the table.?


Janice pleaded with him not to hurt her and then begged him not to use the cane but he ignored her and rang for Diane. ?Hold her down,? he ordered the maid, and when her arse was displayed to his satisfaction, he went on, ?You enjoyed being a sex slave last night, well this is it other side of being a slave.? Sophie whimpered and James glared at his daughter. Noticing Mitzi beginning to shake, I guessed her mind relived the thrashing she received on stage. I hugged her and wondered if we dared to leave, but I knew James had the authority to make us stay.


Swish CRACK! Janice let out a scream as the cane bit into her bottom. Sophie yelled too, and even louder when the second stroke landed and Janice yelled again. ?Shut the brat up!? James shouted at his daughter. I’d brought the key and could have switched the doll off but thought it better for Mitzi to try and cope with her as other, similar, situations would arise. She didn’t even ask for me to turn her off but cuddled her closely and fed a nipple to the doll’s mouth.


Merciless in his anger, James continued to crack stroke after stroke across his wife’s buttocks until, her cries became hoarse and her arse a latticework of welts. Diane cried too. I didn’t count the strokes but I estimated it was about 30 before James relented and tossed the cane on the table. I cuddled Mitzi and Sophie in a futile effort to comfort them while Janice’s punishment continued.


Only a few weeks ago, James would have been imprisoned for cruelty and rape, but under the new laws, he had the right to thrash his wife and he could fuck her at any time with impunity. I watched and tried to shield Mitzi from the sight of her father forcibly fucking his wife’s raw arse. He came very quickly and asked Diane to prepare lunch as though nothing unusual had happened.


?I think we’d better leave Sir,? I suggested.


?No, I invited you to lunch with us and you will lunch with us.?


?No, Sir, we will not.? I surprised myself for being so forceful. ?I am in charge of Mitzi’s rehabilitation and the cruelty we’ve just witnessed has set her treatment back almost to the time she went on the stage for Mr. Burken’s torment.? I guided my charges from the building and fortunately he made no attempt to stop us leaving.



Monday 26th September 2026


Understandably Mitzi felt very nervous about returning to school this morning. She assumed she’d be at home for a while and probably be sent to another school in the district but with me as a mentor, that option no longer existed.


Yesterday I commed her therapist and, luckily for a Sunday, she answered and gave me advice on how to deal with the after effects of watching the thrashing of her mother, taking Sophie to school, and various other issues concerning her welfare. For most of the evening, Mitzi cuddled Sophie hardly aware of her surroundings. We did fuck although she showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm.


Mr. Freeman questioned me about the child when I pushed Mitzi into our form room. ?It’s an important part of her rehab,? I answered, ?The therapist believes that if she has to care for someone, she might start to care more for others and herself.? The child, only a few spotted she was a doll, caused a lot of attention from the girls but Mitzi clasped her toy protectively to her and didn’t allow others to touch it.


I’d commed Mrs. Tomkins earlier and briefly explained the situation and she appeared to understand and I hoped there wouldn’t be anyone on stage for a thrashing that morning. There wasn’t and the headmistress, in a good mood, after the usual preliminaries, went on, ?Today we welcome back Mitzi Colbourne after her spell in hospital. She still not recovered and the marks on her body are of less concern than the internal reconstruction she underwent, therefore?? she turned to the staff, ?if she falls asleep in a lesson, let her rest. She has a new mentor, Steven Jacobs, whose task at the moment is one of rehabilitation rather than education but I’m sure you will bear that in mind too.? Turning back to the school she continued, ?As many of you will have noticed, he has already given her a child, Sophie, who will be with them during their lessons. I won’t spoil their fun and yours by telling you the details but please accept that as being normal and please leave the child alone. Mitzi is extremely protective of her baby and after her experiences, it may be a while before she allows any other person to touch her.? I doubt if had much effect, because for once in our lives we became the most popular students in the school.


Mr. Freeman asked if I’d been able to assess Mitzi’s grade in maths. ?She wouldn’t be in the top grade at junior school and well down the C stream here. I think we should start with some very basic stuff until she can grasp that. We need a comms maths book for juniors.? We started her but her interest lagged after a short while and she played with Sophie and made her giggle, spoiling the concentration of the others. I intercepted a look from our teacher and decided on a change. ?Let me have Sophie for a few moments, Mitz.?


?Why, what are you going to do??


?Just a few adjustments to make it better for you. It won’t take very long.? Very reluctantly she handed the girl to me. All eyes were on me when I lifted the dress, inserted a key into the belly-button and fiddled with the panel controls. Looking at the class for a moment, I’m sure there were some who, until then, didn’t realise Sophie was a doll. What I did caused a general hubbub but Mr. Freeman allowed it and he too watched closely.


Locking the panel, lowering the dress and keying the start button caused Sophie to open her eyes and on seeing me cried out, ?Daddy!? her voice much clearer than before. The class giggled and I blushed.


?What did you do to her?? Tearfully Mitzi took charge of the girl again.


?I aged her by nine months so she will talk better and I made her ‘brain’ a gifted one, like mine, but at the moment, it is fairly empty. In most ways she’ll still be a baby, and will need you to teach her but she’ll pick up things quicker than you so you will teach each other.? I touched Sophie to get her attention, ?Sophie, will you help Mitzi with her maths please? She’ll go through it with you first.?


?Yes, Daddy.? Another spate of giggles but with only fifteen minutes of the lesson left, Mr. Freeman ordered us back to work. Maybe the special bond between them made all the difference because, after a spate of whispering, Mitzi actually did a couple of sums.



Friday 29th September 2026


For the first few days of the week, Mitzi did well in controlling herself and doing her schoolwork. Once or twice a quiet word from me prevented an outburst when something didn’t go right, but I could feel the tension growing every time a girl went near Sophie. Tiredness played a part too because keeping a living doll took time and energy and combined with my making her walk a little each day, she became irritable and I only hoped her outburst would be when we were in the privacy of my home. Unfortunately it wasn’t and I had to publicly punish her.


Yesterday lunchtime Laura and Gareth and their mentors brought their trays to our table and we chatted amicably. Sophie wandered around and went to Laura with her arms up. Naturally Laura picked her up and Sophie nuzzled her breast. Mitzi shouted, ?Leave my daughter alone, she’s mine. Give her back!? The brakes were locked on her wheelchair so she tried to stand but I restrained her. Everyone in the hall now looked in our direction and I knew a simple reprimand wouldn’t satisfy the male teachers nearby.


?Sit still Mitz, that has just earned you a spanking.? Sophie looked at me. I explained that her mother had been naughty and I was going to spank her, ?Will you stay with Laura please and look at her and not what I have to do?? I turned to Laura, ?Sorry, I know you didn’t want this and probably don’t want to see any more punishments but if I don’t do it, one of the staff will say that she disturbed their lunch and will punish her far harder than I will. Please hold and comfort Sophie.?


?You can’t give her away, she’s mine.? Tears flooded down Mitzi’s face.


?I’m not giving her away, Mitz. She’s yours and always will be, but she needs the freedom to meet other people. When you were a baby, did you not ask to be cuddled by friends and relations as well as your mother? And yet you always went back to her? I’m sorry dear, but you know what I have to do and what will happen if you refuse and I have to ask John to help. You know also how Sophie will react if you scream too loudly.?


?Please, please let me have her back.? Mitzi seemed more concerned with getting Sophie back from Laura than her forthcoming spanking.


?Of course, I’ll give her back. I’m not a baby snatcher,? Laura answered hotly, ?But first Steve has to deal with you.?


I moved my chair into a clear space. Mitzi started pleading but I tried to be firm and eventually she laid herself across my lap. John came round and gently held her shoulders and when I looked up Michelle and Gareth were shielding Laura and Sophie from me. Reluctantly I started spanking and although I didn’t hit hard, I soon reddened her arse and she cried out in pain. ?Do you think I can get away with that John??


?Try it.?


One of the staff came over, ?Give her the same again boy, she deserves it.?


?No Sir, I’m under doctors orders as to what I can do and have instructions from her therapist so what I’m allowed to do at this stage of her treatment is limited. We don’t wish to damage the work the surgeons have done. I have other ways of punishing her but not here.? I know Mitzi heard this but she continued to cry loudly until I gently sat her back in her wheelchair. That caused further agony but her concern for Sophie still uppermost in her mind. ?Laura would you mind bringing Sophie, I think it’s warm enough to sit outside without clothing.? She looked at me and I winked but once we were outside and she let Sophie down, the girl ran to her mother who joyfully picked her up.


I went through the whole episode with her later and pointed out, how eagerly Sophie returned to her even though she’d been cuddled and had suckled Laura.


Mrs. Tomkins asked if Mitzi could now wear the blue collar and cuffs again that signified she was in the naked in School Punishment Programme and when I asked the doctors this morning, they agreed she could. Mitzi of course, wasn’t so keen. They were pleased with the improvement in her health and the fact she now had an interest in life. They didn’t lift the ban on the use of the strap but that may come after our next appointment in a fortnight’s time.


We spent part of this evening at John’s house with the four of them. Peggy, John’s mother, took a delight in Sophie and for some reason Mitzi didn’t object, probably because she was so much older. When Shorty, her tall husband, came in, he tossed Sophie to the ceiling and caught her a few times until she giggled and laughed and then ran back to Mitzi. I’m hoping this may reinforce my message that the girl, even though she is only a doll with a computer brain, should be allowed a little freedom from her mother.



Saturday 30th September 2026


Janice commed us this morning and invited us to lunch. ?Your father won’t be home so there’ll only be us and Deidre Greaves from the Thursday afternoon club, and Diane of course,? she said. Neither Mitzi or I wanted to go but there were some things she wanted to pick up so we reluctantly agreed. With the cloudy weather and the chilly breeze, Mitzi wore a long, coat. We also bought one for Sophie although she didn’t need it for warmth. My mind filed the need for heat sensing particles in the dolls skins as a future development.


I took an instant dislike to Deidre and immediately recognised her as being a whore like Janice but, as usual, Sophie took the limelight. ?How are you mother?? Mitzi enquired after we’d done the introductions and they’d kissed Sophie and lifted her dress ‘to see the mechanism’ they said but I knew they really wanted to see if the anatomical details were correct.


Janice turned and lifted the light dress that she wore. ?Still very tender.? The stripes looked very raw still in spite of the creams she’d used.


?Yes, lovely and tender, and James keeps it that way by fucking her arse good and hard. You ought to have seen how he did it this morning. I had to hold her down while he rammed it in.? Deidre grinned as she told us. ?I comforted her afterwards with kisses and my tongue.? Sophie looked at the stripes with puzzlement and a little fear. ?Would you like to kiss them too Sophie? Does Mummy let you kiss her there? Does she cuddle you and kiss you there too? Does Daddy fuck the little girl he created??


For once I became angry enough to assert my male status. ?Mrs. Greaves, even under the new government and their new laws, having sex with a child that young is still illegal. Not only that, it is disgusting and totally wrong. We are not perverted like you seem to be and treat Sophie with all the love, care and attention of a normal child.?


?She’s only a doll??


?But she’s very human too and I’m sure would be treated as such in a court. If I report you, you can expect a session in the Whipping Hall at the very least and then you’ll have welts to compare with Janice’s. You’ll be forced to tell the truth and so will I and I doubt the judge will take kindly to your perverted ways and no doubt other perversions would come out during your trial. The only reason for my not comming the authorities is that Mitzi and I would have to witness your punishment. I think we’d better go.?


?You’re even more disgusting than my mother,? Mitzi added clutching a bewildered Sophie to her, ?I’ll just collect a few things and we’ll be off.? Tears showed in Sophie’s eyes but only a few flowed down her cheek. I made a mental note to adjust the setting. On my mind returning to the present, we headed up stairs to Mitzi’s old room and she and Sophie spent some time looking through her things. Mitzi added a drop of scent to Sophie’s wrist but she couldn’t smell it. Another problem I would have to tackle in the future.


Diane greeted us when we came downstairs. ?Please stay for lunch. The two ladies left in a hurry and I’ve prepared enough food for everyone.? We stayed and I insisted Diane ate with us. She too was enamoured with Sophie and looked a bit sad when she admitted that she wanted a baby but wasn’t in a relationship that would terminate the contraceptive programme. ?I can’t afford to leave here and rarely meet a suitable man so there’s little chance of getting out of this rut. Mr. Colbourne demands my services when he doesn’t have anyone else and sometimes it’s enjoyable but, at other times, I’m just a hole to satisfy him until the effect of the blue pills wear off.? We talked for a while, mainly about Mitzi’s health and commented on her not being in a wheelchair. Sophie climbed on her lap while we talked and I saw a fleeting frown on Mitzi’s face but she didn’t otherwise react and smiled when Sophie came back to her a little later.


We walked in the civic gardens on the way back and, as another test, I suggested Sophie be allowed to play in the children’s play area with other children. Both Mitzi and Sophie were hesitant at first until a boy about Sophie’s size boldly came to her and asked if she would ride the seesaw with him. That would be a test of the stability of the mechanism especially when the boy became boisterous and made the seesaw hit the ground hard. Sophie giggled and did the same at her end. They played for half-an-hour and we spoke with the boy’s mother who never cottoned on that her son was playing with a doll.



Saturday 29th October 2026


A month has passed since the last entry and it’s time for the final update.


Mitzi and Sophie are still living with me and we are getting on quite well with each other. I’ve only spanked her twice during that time and both times, I did it in the privacy of our bedroom. Mitzi is still a little way from full fitness but no longer needs the wheelchair and now the doctors have lifted the ban on using the strap, she had four strokes for poor work from Mr. Brabbant. I’d warned her but she ignored it, but hasn’t since. That punishment in front of the class, had a greater effect than the actual pain of the four strokes because it brought back the memories and fear created by the thrashing she’d had on the first day of term. Actually, Mr. Brabbant, seeing her shaking with the fear, went a little easier on her and didn’t give her the six her work warranted.


Sophie still ‘helps’ her but I had to modify her programme a little so that she didn’t do the work and only showed Mitzi how to do it. Having Sophie programmed that way, eases my teaching load and allows me to do my own work, although I always try to check her work at the end of a session.


Mrs. Tomkins is still headmistress but only until the end of term when a new headmaster, a Mr. Sutcliffe, will take over. I’ve not seen him yet.


We’ve been round to John and Laura’s home a few times. Mitzi likes going there but I’m not so keen as it often disrupts my thoughts and takes me away from working on the next model of doll. I know it’s not feasible with the materials available at the moment, but my thoughts keep turning to making a doll that grows physically. Mental growth is perfectly possible and Sophie now has a brain far beyond her 3.5 years, in fact she helped Michelle with her homework on one occasion. The six of us, more often than not, sit at the same table for lunch and Sophie will go to Laura and Michelle as though they are her aunties but Mitzi is still chary of some other girls handling her.


In the bedroom we’ve become a little more adventurous and when Mitzi had her last period, I tried anal sex for the first time and I quite enjoyed it. It didn’t hurt her as much as I thought it would, probably because the number of times Michael and his friends had done it that way. Michelle and John swapped partners one evening when we were there and asked if we wanted to but we both declined. I had visions of our homework meetings becoming another Thursday afternoon club. I doubted that would happen, as John and Laura seem in a very stable partnership that goes far beyond mentoring.


Last weekend James Colbourne asked (or ordered) me to visit him and I did so with some trepidation but determined not to allow him unrestricted access to his daughter or Sophie. As it turned out, he was perfectly polite, like when I first met him. He’d had a favourable interim report from the school on Mitzi’s work and that pleased him and he checked his daughter’s body for signs of recent injuries and to see if any signs of her previous punishment remained. I introduced Sophie to her Granddad and she spoke politely to him but he didn’t play with her like my father or Shorty does.


That about sums up my report. How things will plan out in the future when Mitzi is free from my charge or I go to university, remains a matter of conjecture. At the moment it is likely that we will remain together, providing I can support her. If the Sophie doll works out, that shouldn’t be a problem.







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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 1 Birthday Gift

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Anisha 8211 Pub To Terrace 8211 Part 1

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Tanisha 8211 Part 2

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Anisha 8211 Pub To Terrace 8211 Part 2

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Tanisha The Bomb Slut

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Janis Wants To Be Watched

I finally looked up to survey the room. After struggling to hold the door open while pushing my laundry basket inside, I instantly felt my face blush as I recognized the woman who was folding her lingerie quietly in the otherwise empty room. It wasn’t the fact that her sexiest lingerie was strewn across the table between us that caused my mouth to lose the ability to utter a simple greeting; it was the fact that two nights before I had caught her touching herself while wearing the very skimpy...

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Manisha Bhabhi Ne Diya Pura Maja 8211 Part II

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Anish8217s Hot Encounter Poorva 8211 The Lonely Hungry Wife

Hello horny gentlemen and kinky ladies! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Anish, 28 years single man from Mumbai. An athletic built man. I am a regular reader of ISS and have submitted my previous experiences too. I would love it if you read them and let me know your feedback. All my submissions start with my name. Embrace yourself to feel the joy of my new steamy encounter. Set your dicks and pussies ready for an orgasmic journey. I request your pardon if you feel that the story is long. But...

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Manish Gets Into Clothed Female Nude Male Medical Situation

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Denise Femboy

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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

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Manisha Ki Chudai

Hello dear iss readers have been an avid reader of iss quite sometime and enjoy reading all those fantasies so called true story. Well I have too my true sex experience which I m sharing with u. I am vikas. That very time my age is 20 years old and I am living in JAIPUR.I m 5.7’talk fair good looking guy. Here I am going to tell about my first sex experience with my neighbor. Her name is manisha. She is very beautiful. She is 20 year old .she is studying with me in the same college because we...

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Manisha Koirala A Nice Experience

I am Raju aged 19. I am staying with my uncle in a posh apartment in Chennai. I am studying for Hotel Management course and was doing my training at one of the five star hotels in Chennai. I used to go to a Gymnasium.I was very good at swimming also and definitely I am a handsome young boy with well-built body and my cock was really 8.5" long and is really fat. It was rigid like an iron rod when it is in erected position. I know that to boy aged 18 that size was very rare. Here I am narrating...

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Anish8217s Monsoon Rendezvous Devanshi The Gynac Part2

Hi! I am Anish. 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Do read my previous submissions too. start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me. It’s worth reading. This part is a...

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Anish8217s Monsoon Rendezvous Devanshi The Gynac

Hi! I am Anish, 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. This is my real experience. Do read too. All my stories start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me, it’s worth...

3 years ago
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Nisha the Little One

Dear readers, this is a story about my experiences with Nisha, my little one. My name is Saheb Sahebji. I am young, 6 feet tall, slim with a strong well-built physique. I am a commercial artist by profession. When my story "Ramu and Cassie" appeared on the web I received several e- mails asking me to tell them the circumstances in which Nisha (Cassie"s best friend) lost her cherry. "Aapke annurodh per main yeh katha sunata hoon (At your request, I narrate this story)." A few words about...

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Nisha Ka Double Penetration 8211 Part 2

Dear Readers, Thanks for the tremendous response to the previous part. Your enthusiastic response keeps me going to share more experiences on this forum. For those who want to read the previous part it is on the link above: Now continuing with the story: I woke up in the morning around 7 a.m Nisha was still in deep sleep. I loved watching her naked body while she is asleep and I spent 15 minutes doing so after which I moved out of the room and called Ravi. Ravi was very excited hearing about...

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Nisha having a nice session with her Papa8230

Hi Doston, this is another story I would like to tell you. A lovely lustful adventure of dad and daughter… Rajesh is a 48 years old guy, working as a manager for one of the reputed banks. His family consisted of his wife Savitri (45) and two beautiful daughters Nisha (23) who's married now and Esha(21) who's marriage is fixed. Although Rajesh was 48, he looked 35 as he exercised regularly. His wife Savitri didnt let him down either, she maintained herself very well joining Rajesh in his...

2 years ago
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Feminisation 101

Feminisation 101 Having been a reader of Fictionmania for many years I have finally been driven to the need to write about the feminisation process, be it voluntary or forced. I am tired of the five or six line feminisations, so beloved of many authors. These are of the form: "I (she) covered my body with cream and a few minutes later in the shower all my body hair disappeared down the drain I put on filmy nylon panties and then a bra or being laced into a very tight corset...

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Denises Summer of Slavery

Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...

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Nisha Aunty8217s Bad Boy 8211 Part I

Hi readers, this is Satish from Hyderabad. This actually started 2 years ago when I was in my junior college 2nd year in Hyderabad. My parents stay in Dubai, but they want to settle finally in India, so they wanted my education to go on in India itself. I use to stay in a hostel nearby our college. I wanted to change the hostel and I was searching for a small flat or room. One day I saw an ad in a classified page, that a house is available for rent in a very nearer area to my college. It was a...

1 year ago
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Nisha the nymph maid

It was a hot summer day. I had taken leave from office for some personal work. When I returned home it was around 2.30 pm. The summer sky was like an invisible dragon breathing out fire from its nostrils. The road was almost empty. Our apartment was also looking lifeless. I was relieved after reaching the inside of the building and started my way up thru the cool semi-dark stairs. My apartment was in the 2nd floor. When I was approaching the landing of the first floor, suddenly I heard the...

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Nisha Ka Double Penetration

Hi Friends, I am back to narrate another adventure with Nisha the sexy and beautiful housewife from Bangalore. This is a new story and does not relate to the past but still if you want to read the earlier story you can search on Indian sex stories site with title “Cuckold Hubby Ravi, Sexy Wife Nisha”. The story is in 5 parts and I have got a tremendous response to those stories. I would like to thank all the readers who took the effort to mail me for sharing my real life experience. I am now...

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Nisha Matlab Raat

Nisha mere chhote bhai Rupam ki wife hai. Nisha kafi sundar mahila hai. Uska badan ooparwale ne kafi tasalli se tarash kar banaya hai. Mai Shivam uska jeth hoon. Meri shaadi ko dus saal ho chuke hain. Nisha shuru se hi mujhe kafi achchhi lagti thi. Mujhse wo kafi khuli hui thi. Rupam ek UK based company me service karta tha. Haan batana to bhul hi gaya Nisha ka maika Nagpur me hai aur hum Jalandhar based hain. Aj se koi paancj saal pahle ki bat hai. Hua yun ki shadi k ek saal baad hi Nisha...

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Nisha8217s Gift To Her Boyfriend

It’s me Rajiv again. First of all, I would like to thank this website for creating a new phase in my life. It has helped me meet many amazing people, win new friends and changed the way I think about relationships. After writing several stories, I am trying to come up with a sex story from a women’s perspective. This sex story is purely based on imagination and I only wish that it comes true one day. This sex story is about Nisha. After going through a couple of my stories Nisha dropped a note...

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Cornish Cliffs

They left his car and hiked up a steep, five kilometer trail to a vista overlooking the Celtic Sea. She struggled to keep up with him, as he took long easy strides. She stumbled, and he turned around. “You okay? Do we need to slow down?” “Why don’t you ever sweat, Alan Trywick?” she asked. “I’m sweating like a pig, and you’re carrying on like it’s a stroll in the park.” She wiped her brow and took a rest. The bright sun shone in a crystal clear sky on an unseasonably warm, mid-June day on the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Nisha8217s Tryst With Destiny

Hello friends, am back with another story which of my friend Nisha. Well I am a beginner right now so would appreciate your feedback and inputs to improve. You can email me at Well Nisha is a high society woman, married to a rich business tycoon and lives in Delhi. She got gorgeous figure and do what every rich woman do to be fit and slim. She’s 29 years old, 5’10 height, 36C boobs size, and always wear a tight fit dress to show her well maintained figure over the dress. Rajeev (her husband)...

3 years ago
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Nisha Aunty Ki Mast Chudai Part 8211 2

Hi friends..,thanks for your response to last story. Meri last story m mene aap ko bataya ki kese mene meri aunty ki mast chudai ki.Jis ne meri story nahi padi wo is link se pahle use padh le.. Story padhane k bad kisi bahi bahabhi,aunty or girls ko sex karna ho wo free ho k contact kare Ab story pe aata hu..Jesa ki mene aap ko bataya ki mene nisha aunty ki chudai mere room pe ki…Fir jab bahi hme mauka milta ham mast wild...

4 years ago
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Nisha Aur Sumtira Ki Sex Kahani

Sumitra aur Nisha Khan Mera naam Sumitra hai. Mujhe log Sumi kah kar bulate hain. Meri umar 38 saal, rang gora aur aur body ek dam slim. Main Surat ki rahne wali hoon. Mere pati bahut hi amir businessman the. 2 saal pahle hi unka ek exident mein swargwas ho gaya tha. Maine 32-33 saal ki umar tak unse chudwa kar khoob maza leti thi. Uske baad mujhe na jane kya hua ki wo mujhe chodne ke baad jab 30-35 min mein jhadne wale hote tab kahin ja kar mujhe thoda thoda josh aana shuru hota tha aur main...

3 years ago
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Nisha Ka Nasha Part 2

Hello dosto mera naam rahul hai (name changed) aur main iss ka bht bda fan hu . Mujhe incest aur rishton mein sex krna bht pasand hai. Meri umar 23 ki hai aur we’ll settle hu. Aap sab ne meri pehli story “nisha ka nasha “ ko khub pyaar diya . Is story mein apko btane ja raha hu kaise meri pyari sexy nisha massi mere ahosh mein aayi aur kaise maine unki choot ka ras chakha . Mera lund 5.5 inch ka hai aur 1.5 inch mota hai . Jo log naye hai unhe meri jaan nisha k bare mein bta du uski umar 29...

4 years ago
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Nisha bhabhi kay mummay

Mein 35 ka hun. Ider body fit rahe, uder ladki khush rahe yeh tamanna shuru se hi raha hei. Aankhey band hon ya khuli, kareeb 18 saal ki umar se aur aaj bhi mein mummon ke size aur vazan measure karne men masroof hun. “Sambhog se poorav rati-krida anivarya hei. Rati-krida na ho to manush aur pashu ke sambhog men antar hi kaya hei.” Rishte men meri badi saali ki badi beti Bangalore men hi rahati hei. Uska naam , umar abh 24 saal , married,mother of 2/m kids, hubby a businessman. Mein aksar uske...

2 years ago
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Nisha aunty ki mari chut aur gand

Hi I’m Arjun 25yrs fit male in bombay, I have come to mumbai from UK I lived in the UK for 6yrs, all this began when I came to mumbai to study and spend time in India. I will use hindi from now since its one long that all readers can understand. May jab bobmay tha tab ek room rent pay rakhatha, it was in a society aur samne ek family rehti thi (husband and wife) tab say maine Nisha say batein karna shuru kiya, (thats her name, she’s 36yrs with excellent fig and fair skin) Nisha ko dekhke hi...

2 years ago
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Manisha Gangbanged 8211 Hubby Made Me Slut Again

Let’s start where we left. Please read the other parts before you go forward. Next day morning , as I woke up I found me naked and saurabh was asleep with his morning boner. It is very common for guys to get a morning boner and I just laughed at the way he was sleeping. After coming back from the washroom , I took a look around the room which was completely messy . My bra and panties were here and there , cushions were on the ground and all. I re-arranged everything and went to wake up saurabh....

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